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表示范围的Over和Up to分别是什么意思?例:Over 3 Up to 6。求指教,谢

over 3 up to 6在3到6

信用证翻译!!!在线等!!我分不清这个UP TO 和 ABOVE的区别!!


Love is __way of life, but not___aim of it.

the是定冠词,用于特指.a是泛指。题中爱是生活的一种方式,是所有人的一种方式,是泛指,所以用a. 而the aim of 是短语:。。。。的目标

【get 用法】get over/get in/get on/get by….「get」英文片语大集合!

「get」主要有获得、得到之意,在日常生活当中也常用来与其他介系词做搭配,形成片语动词(phrasal verbs)。 Learn British English Free的讲师Chris提出了含有「get」的7个片语动词,除了死背单字的含意之外,也别忘了熟悉每个单字的用法,才能真正活用在对话上喔! 1. Get on / along with someone 和某人相处融洽 e.g. We"re good friends, we get on / along very well. 我们是好朋友。我们相处起来非常融洽。 2. Get by 撑过 e.g. Times are tough, but we get by. 时间很紧迫,但我们撑过去了。 3. Get fired / sacked & Get promoted 被解雇;升迁 e.g. If you perform badly at work you might get fired / sacked; however, if you do really well, you could get promoted. 如果你在工作时表现不佳,你可能会被解雇;但若你表现得好,你就能够得到升职。 4. Get on / off a boat / plane / train / bus 上、下船 / 飞机 / 火车 / 公车 5. Get in / out of a car / taxi 上、下车 / 计程车 6. Get over 克服、恢复正常 E.g. He was devastated when they broke up, but he"s (got) over her now. 他们分手时他非常痛苦,但他现在已经复原了。 7. Get in touch 和某人联系 E.g. If you want to know more, get in touch using this phone number… 如果你想了解更多,可以打这支电话联系。 ge over, ge over 中文, ge over 意思, ge over 用法, ge over 翻译, get, Get along, get along 中文, get along 意思, get along 用法, get along 翻译, get by, get by 中文, get by 意思, get by 用法, get by 翻译, get fired, get fired 中文, get fired 意思, get fired 用法, get fired 翻译, get in, get in touch, get in touch 中文, get in touch 意思, get in touch 用法, get in touch 翻译, get in 中文, get in 意思, get in 用法, get in 翻译, get off, get off 中文, get off 意思, get off 用法, get off 翻译, get on, get on 中文, get on 意思, get on 用法, get on 翻译, Get out, get out 中文, get out 意思, get out 用法, get out 翻译, get over, get promoted, get sacked, get 中文, get 例句, get 意思, get 片语, get 用法, get 相关片语, get 翻译, get 英文例句, get 英文片语

如何用生物密码子编码表白“I LOVE U”

AUU CUUUAAGUUGAA U (O和U没有对应的氨基酸,用终止密码子代替O,U直接用尿嘧啶)

love is a way of life,but not the aim of st

选B,爱是生活的一种方式,但不是生活的目的. 前面在可数名词way之前用不定冠词a,是一种泛指.后面用定冠词the,说明特指前面提到的life的aim,而不是别的aim.


不会是“Salvatore Ferragamo ”吧....因为那个手写体太潦草了,所以你就没看清?.....= =


Salvatore Ferragamo?菲拉格慕?

I Love Nature 我爱大自然.英语作文 80词左右.

I Love Nature All the wonderful things in the world are worthy of my love,and I love nature. The four seasons in nature to the human.And warm winds of spring,hot summer,autumn is an invigorating autumn climate,snow of winter,is a daydream. Nature is like a knowledgeable teacher.She let the pine told people difficulties do not shrink back the truth; she leaves tell people unknown to the public work,; she called grass tell people to survive.In the magical humans under the guidance of teachers,continue to exercise their own,to enrich themselves. Nature makes people under the tree shade,let the children play on the lawn,let people pick to eat of the fruit of the tree,let people drink the water in the river ......Human in her warm embrace growth,also be most willing to give myself to her. Because of all this,I love nature,love it"s magic,the good and the beautiful.

pipo m8 怎么进入recovery

方法一:(1)、将手机彻底关机。(2)、手机关机情况下先按下电源键,然后马上同时按下音量下键+音量上键不要松手,过一会就会进入recovery了注:音量下键菜单滚动用,按“音量上键”执行菜单对应的操作。(开机键确认时,需要稍微按住保持一下,不要马上松开)【Recovery模式下5个选项分别解释如下】:Reboot system now--------重启手机。apply update from external storage-------外部存储升级。apply update from ADB---------从ADB升级。Wipe data/factory reset---------擦除数据区,相当于恢复出厂设置。Wipe cache partition------------擦除cache区。(3)、在recovery模式下使用音量键选择,电源键确认。可以进行恢复出厂设置等操作,【通过Recovery 模式完整恢复出厂方法】1. 进入到Recovery模式后,通过“音量-”键选中“wipe data/factory reset”,按“电源键”键确认(进入下一个界面)。2. 通过“音量-”键选中“Yes – delete all user data”,通过“电源键”键确认执行清除DATA分区数据操作。3. 进入到Recovery模式后,通过“音量-”键选中“Wipe cache partition”,按“电源键”键确认执行清除CACHE分区数据操作。4.完成后选择Reboot system now按“电源键”键确即可重启手机。方法2.1、在电脑上下载刷机精灵2、将你的手机通过数据线连接电脑,打开usb调试模式,然后打开刷机精灵。3、驱动安装完成了,就会连接到手机。4、手机连接上了,在驱动精灵里找实用工具5、实用工具里找到进入recovery,点击即可

极品飞车6里的歌《the people that we love》的歌词谁能帮我找一下呀!!!!谢谢!!

The People That We Love LyricsArtist: Bush Album: Golden State Speed killsComing down the mountainSpeed killsComing down the streetSpeed killsWith the presence of mind andSpeed killsIf you know what I meanGot to feelWoke up inside againGot to feelLess broke more fixedGot to feelWhen I got outside myselfGot to feelWhen I touched your lipsThe things we doTo the people that we loveThe way we breakIf there"s something we can"t takeDestroy the worldThat we took so long to makecontinued below...

we will we will loveyou是什么歌

we will we will loveyou是《We Will Rock You》.《We Will Rock You》是Queen(皇后乐队)演唱的歌曲歌.

求 sj love 的韩语歌词


关于what is love的英文300字论文

some people argue that love doesn"t exist because you can"t see it. however, i think that this statement is absurd. for instance, the air is there, but you can"t see it. love is something personal, and there"s no right or wrong way to describe it. love can lead people to do selfish things, or the other way around that it can transform a helpless person into an independent individual who can contribute to the society.

求EXO《what is love》的音译 不是中文的音译,要像QQ音乐上那种音译 急求!!!


what is love?这是题目,写一篇大概2分钟的演讲稿。大家帮帮忙啊!很急着用!!拜托各位了 3Q

What is love? Different people have different opinions about love. Some people want to be together with a person who truely treat them ,concern them,share sadness and happiness until end of their life.Maybe half of the person is ugly ,so fat or something. Even the half is ill so much ,the person never give up and say:leave me! They went through thick and thin together. They are fortunate ,because they are happy in their bottom heart of the true feeling Love that is belong themselves. Whether others can understand isn`t important .Some people want to marry rich man(businessman or high governor) especially girls who can enjoy a rich life and unnecessary to earn money hardly. One of my friend said to me: she must do marry a rich man .she said she work one or two years maybe can`t earn more money than she would be married a rich man one or two months.She said even rich husband can find lovers outside.Who let him rich! But she can feed dog and cat instead . She can buy beautiful cloths and ornaments ,decorations and so on as well as giving her parents from his money. Even at last divorced she wouldn`t be poor. If a person said love another person . It must have it`s own reason. Like seeing flower in fog ,some is true ,some is false.The important thing is they Love each other truly.Maybe the love style can`t be accepted by others, for example:the half always do business has seldom time accompany another half! What is Love :Love is promise,Love is stake! Just one thing can test the Love : that is Time! Old time in future! Remember : anything isn`t perfect,although every happy family is same,unfortunate one has it`s own different reason!希望采纳

what is love 与 what love is what一词成分分析一下、、

1 what is love中的what是主语 2 what love is 中的love是主语,what是定语,修饰love.

美文阅读 什么是爱What is Love

  喜欢是乍见之欢,  爱是久处不厌。  喜欢是运筹帷幄,  爱是束手就擒。  喜欢是圈养,  爱是放养。  喜欢是向你伸出手,  爱是紧紧握住你的手。  喜欢是在嘴上讲,你是我的,  爱是在心里说,我是你的。  喜欢是“想靠近”,  爱是“离不开”。  喜欢后面经常跟着两个字是“把玩”,  爱后面经常跟着两个字是“珍藏”。  喜欢是想占有,  爱是愿付出。  喜欢一朵花就把她折下来,  爱一朵花就为她浇水。  喜欢是解你的衣扣,  爱是解你的风情。  喜欢是得到的欢喜,  爱是给予的安心。  当你想到她时,  喜欢是挂在嘴边的笑,  爱是心脏停的那一秒  喜欢是我该怎么接近他;  爱是我怎么才能配得上他。  喜欢是坏了就换新的;  而爱是坏了就修,修不好就忍忍吧。  喜欢是看见了就高兴,  看不见就心烦;爱是什么呢?  爱是心甘情愿让对方成为自己的负担。

《剩女也疯狂》片尾曲 what is love 的歌词

  剩女也疯狂/后备计划 电影片尾曲是jennifer lopez -what is love  歌词如下  Nananananana........  people told me i should write a love song  girl you sound so angry  you could do some variation  but i"m lonely nagative relations  i"ve been hurt so many times  i don"t have the passion  but i wish for so long for someone to come and show me  live by example  cause i"ve been waiting  i"ve tried every age so tired of the game  i wanna be somebody"s girl  would you show me the way  what if i never find and i"ll left behind(should i keep hoping for love)  what if i"m still the same status doesn"t change(gotta keep hoping for love)  what is love*3 ~~ somebody show me  what is love*3 ~~ cause if you told me  what is love*3 ~~ i wouldn"t be lonely  what is love please show me what is love  i"ve had blind dates hooked up with some real fleets  i"ve gone up with church boys musicians are the worse  i"ve tried so hard cause i"m just so die-hard  try my best to play the part  wish you could see inside  but i"ve wished for so long for someone to come and show me  live by example  cause i"ve been waiting  i"ve tried every age so tired of the game  i wanna be somebody"s girl  would you show me the way  what if i never find and i"ll left behind(should i keep hoping for love)  what if i"m still the same that doesn"t change(gotta keep hoping for love)  what is love*3 ~~ somebody show me  what is love*3 ~~ cause if you told me  what is love*3 ~~ i wouldn"t be lonely  what is love please show me what is love  Nanananana..........  i"ve been alone for the past three years on valentine"s day  ]christmas is no exception  but these are not the presents  be back in four same action i just need this to happen  on the similar screams(if you would show me)  what if i never find and i"ll left behind(should i keep hoping for love)  what if i"m still the same status doesn"t change(gotta keep hoping for love)  what is love*3 somebody show me  what is love*3 cause if you told me  what is love*3 i wouldn"t be lonely  what is love please show me what is love  Nanananana..........

求都暻秀的《tell me what is love》音译歌词和中文歌词

中文歌词:就这样忘却不爱我的你 随心所欲地活着你却仍在脑海中挥散不去到底 为何你总要将我推开越是那样越是靠近的我 是太自私了吗全是这种想法 无法逃离这种东西真的是爱情吗还没做好分离的准备 Wait a minute等待明明如此漫长 Has no limit不停呼唤从不回应的你 却只有回音返回虽然厌恶失去了你也照样活下去的自己 但是祈祷 总有一天Tell me what is loveTell me what is love音译:那日撒浪嘎叽安嫩no日里间切 哈狗西彭都萌你狗哈狗撒拉都卖力搜给no 踹对鸡窝叽叽嘎啊now破爹切米龙捏嘎妈恨那一给教给妈米油那一龙森嘎gu 萌桶慢切苏moon贴一敢给囧卖撒拉你念满的er嘎Wait a minuteHas no limit贴打弄满魔掐狗菠儿萝嘎 忒呀里曼狗拉哇 wo~破都里狗都 撒浪嘎你 yeah~弄(萌?)马拉波浪Tell me what is loveTell me what is love自己一点一点听出来的。都暻秀死忠饭一枚。谢谢亲故的提问和对我们嘟嘟的支持。希望回答能让亲故满意=w=。D.O.-tell me what is love

lea michele的歌what is love的中文歌词

What is love 何谓爱情 Done chasing,why are U chasing? 不再追赶,你为什么追逐? Something else, I can"t take it anymore. 为生活所累,我再也无法忍受。 Done lying for the truth to come out of your mouth,when the answers scream aloud. 当答案被叫嚣着公布,我厌倦了说谎,只因真相从你的口中揭示 U play the role l play the lead 纷繁世事,角色变换 We strike a pose l was too blind to see 世人笑颜假面,我视而不见 This ain"t what to see 真相往往掩藏于光鲜的表面 WHAT IS LOVE? 何谓爱情 When you don"t know who you are lying next to,to U anymore 当你再也不知道什么人躺在你的身旁WHAT IS LOVE? 何谓爱情? You don"t know what love is , till you love somebody bad enough 直到你爱上他人,被狠狠中伤,方能明白 WHAT IS LOVE 何谓爱情 Love to you 给你的爱。 It"s madness , like an earthquake 愚蠢的行径,犹如大地的颤抖 They chase your soul 它们拖累你的灵魂 Then you left with all destruction, you are frozen and you don"t change 然后你于废墟之上,一去不返,万物冰封,你将永不改变 Who"s gonna save us now? 而今谁又能拯救我们? Cause I can"t stay this way for long 我再不能长久地,一成不变。 WHAT IS LOVE TO U 什么是我给你的爱。记得采纳啊

what is love歌词

what is love主语是


EXO-M what is love歌词我要What Is Love的歌词要备注是谁唱的

Girl, I cant explain what I feel.Chen:Oh baby my baby, baby, baby, baby.. yeah.Luhan:漫长的一天 仿佛就像短暂一秒的感觉每天都像是为你写下的情节Chen:这一幕浪漫爱情片 下一幕动作片男主角我扮演你心中唯一英雄(你如此完美)突然我期待 陪你走向的未来Luhan:别把爱藏起来 抓住幸福 只要你能坦白oh babyChenLuhan:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motionLuhan:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱ChenLuhan:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害 分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱ChenLuhan:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱Chen:当我牵你手 全世界羡慕不已当你吻我 才懂这感觉不会更改Luhan:他们说得天长地久 也许已不在但你可信赖 我是不顾一切去爱你的人 你将会慢慢明白Chen:I don"t know why 这感觉无可取代爱是突如其来的意外 你让我变成最佳男人只要在你身边 生命变得光彩ChenLuhan:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motionLuhan:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱ChenLuhan:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害 分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱ChenLuhan:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱Luhan:今夜我想起你拉开窗帘 对着星空许下一个心愿像童话故事里幸福结局 happily ever afterChen:从今以后 为你付出 为你心疼 为你等待 我绝不离开只想给你我一生的爱ChenLuhan:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motionLuhan:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱ChenLuhan:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害 分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱ChenLuhan:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱ChenLuhan:当我牵你手 全世界羡慕不已当你吻我 才懂这感觉不会更改Luhan:My babe, baby babe, baby. baby-我无法不想你 是否这样就是爱ChenLuhan:只想让你笑得像个纯真小孩只想给你安慰像个朋友般的依赖Chen:My babe, baby babe, baby. baby-告诉我 到底 what is love

can not sotp love 歌词中文谐音


What is Love的歌曲歌词

CHORUS:  What is love  Baby don"t hurt me  Don"t hurt me  no more  Baby don"t hurt me  Don"t hurt me  no more  What is love  Yeah  Oh I don"t know  why you"re not fair  I give you my love  but you don"t care  So what is right  and what is wrong  gimme a sign  (chorus x2)  uoh oh...  Oh I don"t know  what can I do  what else can I say  it"s up to you  I know we"re one  just me and you  I can"t go on  (chorus x2)  uoh oh..  What is love  What is love  What is love  Baby don"t hurt me  Don"t hurt me  no more  Don"t hurt me  Don"t hurt me  I want no other  No other love  This is your life  our time  When we are together  I need you forever  Is it love  (chorus x2)  uoh oh..  (chorus x2)  Baby don"t hurt me  Don"t hurt me  no more  Baby don"t hurt me  Don"t hurt me  no more  Baby don"t hurt me  Don"t hurt me  no more  Baby don"t hurt me  Don"t hurt me  no more  what is love?!...

What Is Love 歌词

歌曲名:What Is Love歌手:Black Box专辑:Positive VibrationWhat is LoveOh Yeah~What is Love Tell me What is LoveWhat is Love Tell me What is Love弊犯霸 盔沁带 芭聪朝 亮酒秦 吭促绊 富阑 窍瘤聪 娟辨 佃霸 等 鉴埃 唱档 隔扼郴 妇捞 绢恫 扒瘤冻府绰 扒 恐老鳖促矫 富秦烈唱甫 荤尔茄窜 弊 富何-靛反霸郴霸 加昏咯拎 力惯What is Love臭捞 朝酒坷弗 蠢肠 措眉 构辨贰Think About!!酒公繁 郴祸档 绝捞朝 瘤难毫 吭促聪 富档 救 蹬曼阑吧 曼栏鄂 富具愧老捞聪 唱档 捞 鉴埃鳖瘤酒公 富档 给沁绢促矫 富秦烈唱甫 荤尔茄窜 弊 富何-靛反霸郴霸 加昏咯拎 力惯What is Love臭捞 朝酒坷弗 蠢肠 措眉 构辨贰Think About!!What is Love Tell me What is LoveWhat is Love Tell me What is Love隔耳绢 唱 开矫 呈俊霸狐廉 乐促绰 吧 (呈绰 葛甫吧)抄 舅搁辑档 匙 绊归 扁促赴 芭具~促矫 富秦烈 (促矫 富秦烈)何-靛反霸 Oh~~What is Love Tell me What is Love蠢哺毫 呈肺 啊垫 蛮 郴 付澜阑促矫 富秦烈 唱甫 荤尔茄窜 弊 富何-靛反霸 郴霸 加昏咯 拎 力惯What is Love臭捞 朝酒坷弗 蠢肠蠢哺毫 呈肺 啊垫 蛮 郴 付澜阑促矫 富秦烈 (Baby Let me know)何靛反霸If you need my love yeah~What is Love? Tell me What is Love?呈甫 荤尔秦Think about What is Love?http://music.baidu.com/song/10258456

求一篇“what is love ”的英语作文 大一的哈~ ` . .


What Is Love? 歌词

歌曲名:What Is Love?歌手:Never Shout Never专辑:What Is Love? (Bonus Track Version)Never Shout Never - What Is Love?..In a stitch like this you""ve gotta thinkAnd I don""t think you think about the way he thinksAnd I know you live life for yourselfBut it all comes down to the way you help.And I know your life is such a hellYou wake up early and you work untilYou have your drinks at 5 o""clockThe hours blend and your thoughts allHaunt.Your hopes, your dreams, your everythingWell, momma I hope, I dream, that you won""tLeave.And I have a question!.What is love?What is love?Oh, oh oh oh-oh-ohIs it giving up?""Cause that""s not how you raised me,Yeah..In a stitch like this you gotta thinkAnd I don""t think you think about the wayShe thinksAnd I know you work hard everydayBut it all comes down to the way you""rePaid.And I know you""re oh so sorry dadI truly believe that you""re a better manThan to share one kiss and then give awayAll the love you come home everyday.To your hopes, your dreams, your everythingWell daddy, I hope, I dream that she won""tLeave.And I have a question!.What is love?What is love?Oh, oh oh oh-oh-ohIs it giving up?""Cause that""s not how you raised me.And what is love?What is love?Oh, oh oh oh-oh-ohSee, I don""t know anymore;.I used to look up to that love..http://music.baidu.com/song/20449259

What Is Love 歌词

歌曲名:What Is Love歌手:童欣专辑:想疯而已What Is Love - 童欣那一天 你突然走远在昨天 你忽然出现我对你 一直没改变我想你 从没少一点守着你的爱 我觉得我傻捧着你的吻 就多一些牵挂我以为放得下 原来都是骗自己的话谁能够告诉我 What is love我想的 并不是永远能不能 再靠近我一点不要问 不近乎远要怎样 你才会为我改变守着你的爱 我觉得我傻捧着你的吻 就多一些牵挂我以为放得下 那都是骗自己的话 谁能告诉我我想的 并不是永远能不能 再靠近我一点不要问 不近乎远要怎样 你才会为我改变守着你的爱 我觉得我傻捧着你的吻 就多一些牵挂我以为放得下 原来都是骗自己的话我想你就告诉我 What is loveWhat is loveWhat is lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1289583

What Is Love? 歌词

歌曲:What Is Love歌手:howard jones年代:1996by:蓝色天际Metal(Q:406259622)I love you whether or not you love meI love you even if you think that I don"t.Sometimes I find you doubt my love for you but I don"t mind.Why should I mind? Why should I mind?What is love anyway?Does anybody love anybody anyway?What is love anyway?Does anybody love anybody anyway?Can anybody love anyone so much that they will never fearNever worrynever be sad?The answer is they cannot love this muchnobody can.This is why I don"t mind you doubting.And maybe love is letting people be just what they want to beThe door always must be left unlocked.To love when circumstance may lead someone away from youAnd not to spend the time just doubting.What is love anyway? Does anybody love anybody anyway?http://music.baidu.com/song/8133784

What Is Love 歌词

歌曲名:What Is Love歌手:EXILE专辑:EXILE ENTERTAINMENT BESTEXILE - What Is Love作词:michico作曲:T.Kura/michicoI"ve got a question嘘がつけて裏切れる関系をどうやって信じればいいそれでも一绪にいるのはお互い自分の为だけDon"t call it love no mo"エゴと言う名の勘违いを気付かない振りも罪深いHave you ever thought about it?さんざん责めてだんだん冷めてねじれた心で见てしまう姿本当は今でもきれいな筈なのにOh no it"s way too muchI can"t figure it out蒸発していくbeautiful things限りが有る事とも知らずにやり过ごしてきたけどOh whatWhat is L-O-V-EI really wanna know壊したり舍てたり何がしたいのかそれでも求めているWhat is L-O-V-ESomebody help me understand爱の意味答えられない确かにあるのにI"ve got a question君が気に入る様な生き方をどうやって演じればいい尽くしているって言うけど実际自分の为だろうDon"t call it love no mo"理想と言う名のエフェクター真実を误魔化しているCan"t you see what I see?さんざん责めてだんだん冷めてねじれた心で见てしまう姿I"m sorryOh no it"s way too muchI can"t figure it out蒸発していくbeautiful things取り戻せない时を振り返り问いかけ続けるOh whatWhat is L-O-V-EI really wanna know壊したり舍てたり何がしたいのかそれでも求めているWhat is L-O-V-ESomebody help me understand爱の意味答えられない确かにあるのにWhat is L-O-V-EI really wanna know壊したり舍てたり何がしたいのかそれでも求めているWhat is L-O-V-ESomebody help me understand爱の意味答えられない确かにあるのにWhat is love?What is love?Tell meWhat is love?What is love?Oh what is love?Can you tell me?おわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/54028483

What is Love的中文歌词

Luhan:Girl, I can"t explain what I feel.Chen:Oh baby ,my baby baby baby baby... yeah~Luhan:漫长的一天 仿佛就像短暂一秒的感觉 每天都像是为你写下的情节Chen:这一幕浪漫爱情片下一幕动作片男主角 我扮演你心中唯一英雄(L:你如此完美)突然我期待 陪你走向的未来Luhan:别把爱藏起来 抓住幸福 只要你能坦白 oh baby ye~Chen&Luhan:Ilost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围整个世界 get in slow motionLuhan:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱Chen&Luhan:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害 分担悲哀 学习关怀 吵过 哭过 还能拥抱Luhan:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱Chen:当我牵你手 全世界羡慕不已 当你吻我 才懂这感觉不会更改Luhan:他们说得天长地久 也许已不在 wo~但你可信赖 我是不顾一切去爱你的人 你将会慢慢明白 wo~Chen:I don"t know why 这感觉无可取代 爱是突如其来的意外 你让我变成最佳男人 只要在你身边生命变得光彩Chen&Luhan:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motionLuhan:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱Chen&Luhan:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱Chen:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱Luhan:今夜我想起你拉开窗帘 对着星空许下一个心愿 像童话故事里幸福结局 happily ever afterChen:从今以后 为你付出 为你心疼 为你等待我绝不离开 只想给你我一生的爱Chen&Luhan:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motionLuhan:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱Chen&Luhan:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱Chen&Luhan:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱Chen:当我牵你手 全世界羡慕不已 当你吻我 才懂这感觉不会更改Luhan:My babe, baby babe, baby. baby yeah~ 我无法不想你 是否这样就是爱Chen:只想让你笑得像个纯真小孩 只想给你安慰像个朋友般的依赖Chen:My babe, baby babe, baby. baby yeah~ 告诉我 到底 what is love

What Is Love 歌词

What Is Love作词:金南玲作曲:金南玲演唱:金南玲穿什么衣服 穿什么鞋好呢?过几分种后 开始跟你约会你开很苦的车 飘着头发下车然后看了我一眼 oh 挥手i"m you"r beautful girli"m you"r beautful girl我慢慢地进入到了你的世界 这样的我你会爱到 什么时候what is love baby only you what is lovewhat is love baby only you what is lovewhat is love baby only you what is lovewhat is love yeah yeah what is love跟你去看海 跟你一起逛街为什么时间过得这么的快不想跟你分开 能不能让时间暂停一下 让我一直看你i"m you"r beautful girli"m you"r beautful girl我慢慢地进入到了 你的世界这样的我你会爱到 什么时候what is love baby only you what is lovewhat is love baby only you what is lovewhat is love baby only you what is lovewhat is love yeah yeah what is love风渐渐的吹着好像听爱情音乐想甜蜜故事里的女孩 nono什么话都不需要就这样一直让我看着你让我快点爱上你走进了一步 lover today单纯的爱什么都没有想象无语中我们背对背看着星星的tonight lover daywhat is lovewhat is lovewhat is lovewhat is love baby only you what is lovewhat is love baby only you what is lovewhat is love baby only you what is lovewhat is love yeah yeah what is lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/13911376


What Is Love演唱:EXO-MGirlI can"t explain what I feelOh babymy baby,baby, baby, baby yeah漫长的一天仿佛就像短暂一秒的感觉每天都像是为你写下的情节下一幕浪漫爱情片 下一幕动作片男主角我扮演你心中唯一英雄(你如此完美)突然我期待陪你走向的未来别把爱藏起来抓住幸福只要你能坦白oh baby I lost my mind当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motion请你告诉我如果这样就是爱爱无所不在会让我忘记伤害分担悲哀学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱请你告诉我如果这样就是爱当我牵你手全世界羡慕不已当你吻我才懂这感觉不会更改他们说得天长地久也许已不在但你可信赖我是不顾一切去爱你的人你将会慢慢明白 I don"t know why 这感觉无可取代爱是突如其来的意外你让我变成最佳男人只要在你身边生命变得光彩I lost my mind当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motion请你告诉我如果这样就是爱爱无所不在会让我忘记伤害分担悲哀学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱请你告诉我如果这样就是爱今夜我想起你拉开窗帘 对着星空许下一个心愿像童话故事里幸福结局 happily ever after从今以后为你付出为你心疼 为你等待我绝不离开只想给你我一生的爱I lost my mind当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motion请你告诉我如果这样就是爱爱无所不在会让我忘记伤害分担悲哀学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱请你告诉我如果这样就是爱当我牵你手全世界羡慕不已当你吻我才懂这感觉不会更改My babe, baby babe, baby baby我无法不想你 是否这样就是爱只想让你笑得像个纯真小孩只想给你安慰像个朋友般的依赖My babe, baby babe, baby baby告诉我 到底 what is lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/13910666

what is love歌词

  Is it a truth?  它是真相?  Or is it a fear?  或者它是恐惧?  Is it a rose for my valentine?  它是属于情人的玫瑰花?  What is love?  什么是爱情?  Is it only words?  它只是那些  I"m trying to find?  我正在试图寻找的文字?  Or is it the way,  或者是那些  that we"re feeling now?  我们现在所沉溺的感觉?  What is love?  什么是爱情?  If love is truth, then let it break my heart.  如果爱请是真相,就让它打碎我心房。  If love is fear, lead me to the dark.  如果爱情是恐惧,引我到黑暗。  If love is a game, i"m playing all my cards.  如果爱情是游戏,我将压上我所有。  What is love?  什么是爱情?  What is love?  什么是爱情?  A pain or a cure?  是伤痛 还是解药?  A science of faith?  是关于信任的科学?  A reason to fall to your knees and die?  是为你倾倒为你而活的的理由?  What is love?  什么是爱情?  If love is truth, then let it break my heart.  如果爱情是真相,就让它打碎我心房。  If love is fear, lead me to the dark.  如果爱情是恐惧,引我到黑暗。  If love is a game, i"m playing all my cards.  如果爱情是游戏,我将压上我所有。  What is love?  什么是爱情?  Only you can save me now.  此刻只有你才能解救我。  Only you can heal me now.  此刻只有你才能治愈我。  Only you can show me now,  此刻只有你能告诉我,  what is love.  什么是爱情。  Or is it a truth?  或是真相?  Or is it a fear?  或是恐惧?  Is it a rose for my valentine?  还是属于情人的玫瑰花?  What is love?  什么是爱情?  What is love?  什么是爱情?

exo的what is love中文歌词


What Is Love 歌词

歌曲名:What Is Love歌手:Rookie Of The Year专辑:Sweet Attentionwhat is loverookie of the yearsweet attentionCrazyMaybeIf it bugs meSomedayAnd I never want to be the one to fall, to make you fall awayyou keep on pressure me, pressure me and bring me downbut I don"t know when to stopWhat is love, What is loveShe"s not searching for rainbowsWhat is loveI go where ever the wind blowsWhat is loveSomeone I can talk to every nightSomeone I can talk to every nightThe cityPartyA TaxiI"m leavingAnd I never want to be the one to fall, to make you fall awayyou keep on pressure me, pressure me and bring me downbut I don"t know when to stopWhat is love, What is loveShe"s not searching for rainbowsWhat is loveI go where ever the wind blowsWhat is loveSomeone I can talk to every nightSomeone I can talk to every nightDo you feel in love?Would you feel in love if the pressure makes us?Do you feel in love?Would you feel in love if the pressure makes us?Because it"s you, you, youYou fit me perfectlyIt"s always me me meCast into the seaIf we can see this throughIn perfect symmetryIt was loveWhat is love, What is loveShe"s not searching for rainbowsWhat is loveI go where ever the wind blowsWhat is loveSomeone I can talk to every nightSomeone I can talk to every nightWhat is love, What is loveShe"s not searching for rainbowsWhat is loveI go where ever the wind blowsWhat is loveSomeone I can talk to every nightSomeone I can talk to every nightSomeone I can talk to every nightSomeone I can talk to every nightWhat is love......上杉达制作http://music.baidu.com/song/38442936

What Is Love 歌词

歌曲名:What Is Love歌手:haddaway专辑:BillBoard Top 100 Of 1993What is loveBaby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno moreBaby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno moreWhat is loveYeahOh I don"t knowwhy you"re not fairI give you my lovebut you don"t careSo what is rightand what is wronggimme a signWhat is loveBaby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno moreWhat is loveBaby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno moreuoh oh...uoh oh...Oh I don"t knowwhat can I dowhat else can I sayit"s up to youI know we"re onejust me and youI can"t go onWhat is love ?...Baby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno moreWhat is loveBaby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno moreuoh oh..uoh oh...What is loveWhat is loveWhat is loveBaby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno moreDon"t hurt meDon"t hurt meI want no otherNo other loveThis is your lifeour timeWhen we are togetherI need you foreverIs it loveWhat is loveBaby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno moreWhat is loveBaby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno moreuoh oh..uoh oh...What is loveBaby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno moreWhat is love ?...Baby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno moreBaby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno moreBaby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno morewhat is love?http://music.baidu.com/song/16069848

求twice的新专辑what is love里的所有歌曲百度云,谢谢!


What Is Love 中文歌词

What Is Love演唱:EXO-MGirlI can"t explain what I feelOh babymy baby,baby, baby, baby yeah漫长的一天仿佛就像短暂一秒的感觉每天都像是为你写下的情节下一幕浪漫爱情片 下一幕动作片男主角我扮演你心中唯一英雄(你如此完美)突然我期待陪你走向的未来别把爱藏起来抓住幸福只要你能坦白oh baby I lost my mind当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motion请你告诉我如果这样就是爱爱无所不在会让我忘记伤害分担悲哀学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱请你告诉我如果这样就是爱当我牵你手全世界羡慕不已当你吻我才懂这感觉不会更改他们说得天长地久也许已不在但你可信赖我是不顾一切去爱你的人你将会慢慢明白 I don"t know why 这感觉无可取代爱是突如其来的意外你让我变成最佳男人只要在你身边生命变得光彩I lost my mind当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motion请你告诉我如果这样就是爱爱无所不在会让我忘记伤害分担悲哀学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱请你告诉我如果这样就是爱今夜我想起你拉开窗帘 对着星空许下一个心愿像童话故事里幸福结局 happily ever after从今以后为你付出为你心疼 为你等待我绝不离开只想给你我一生的爱I lost my mind当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motion请你告诉我如果这样就是爱爱无所不在会让我忘记伤害分担悲哀学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱请你告诉我如果这样就是爱当我牵你手全世界羡慕不已当你吻我才懂这感觉不会更改My babe, baby babe, baby baby我无法不想你 是否这样就是爱只想让你笑得像个纯真小孩只想给你安慰像个朋友般的依赖My babe, baby babe, baby baby告诉我 到底 what is love

爱是什么?What is Love

歌曲《What Is Love》?

求EXO中文版《what is love》歌词

C 代表 chen, L 代表 鹿晗。Girl, I can"t explain what I feel.C:Oh baby my baby, baby, baby, baby.. yeah.L:漫长的一天 仿佛就像短暂一秒的感觉每天都像是为你写下的情节C:这一幕浪漫爱情片 下一幕动作片男主角我扮演你心中唯一英雄(你如此完美)突然我期待 陪你走向的未来L:别把爱藏起来 抓住幸福 只要你能坦白oh babyC&L:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motionL:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱C&L:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害 分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱C&L:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱C:当我牵你手 全世界羡慕不已当你吻我 才懂这感觉不会更改L:他们说得天长地久 也许已不在但你可信赖 我是不顾一切去爱你的人 你将会慢慢明白C:I don"t know why 这感觉无可取代爱是突如其来的意外 你让我变成最佳男人只要在你身边 生命变得光彩C&L:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motionL:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱C&L:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害 分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱C&L:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱L:今夜我想起你拉开窗帘 对着星空许下一个心愿像童话故事里幸福结局 happily ever afterC:从今以后 为你付出 为你心疼 为你等待 我绝不离开只想给你我一生的爱C&L:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motionL:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱C&L:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害 分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱C&L:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱C&L:当我牵你手 全世界羡慕不已当你吻我 才懂这感觉不会更改L:My babe, baby babe, baby. baby-我无法不想你 是否这样就是爱C&L:只想让你笑得像个纯真小孩只想给你安慰像个朋友般的依赖C:My babe, baby babe, baby. baby-告诉我 到底 what is love

What Is Love? 歌词

歌曲名:What Is Love?歌手:Peter Andre专辑:The Long Road BackWhat is loveBaby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno moreBaby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno moreWhat is loveYeahOh I don"t knowwhy you"re not fairI give you my lovebut you don"t careSo what is rightand what is wronggimme a signWhat is loveBaby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno moreWhat is loveBaby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno moreuoh oh...uoh oh...Oh I don"t knowwhat can I dowhat else can I sayit"s up to youI know we"re onejust me and youI can"t go onWhat is love ?...Baby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno moreWhat is loveBaby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno moreuoh oh..uoh oh...What is loveWhat is loveWhat is loveBaby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno moreDon"t hurt meDon"t hurt meI want no otherNo other loveThis is your lifeour timeWhen we are togetherI need you foreverIs it loveWhat is loveBaby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno moreWhat is loveBaby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno moreuoh oh..uoh oh...What is loveBaby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno moreWhat is love ?...Baby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno moreBaby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno moreBaby don"t hurt meDon"t hurt meno morewhat is love?http://music.baidu.com/song/822877

What Is Love? 歌词

歌曲名:What Is Love?歌手:Vivian Green专辑:A Love StoryWhat is True LOVE What is Pure LOVEWhat is Real LOVE LOVE LOVE breakin" downWhat is True LOVE What is Pure LOVEWhat is Real LOVE LOVE LOVE fallin" downあなたという存在が <你的存在>迷いを确信に変える <将迷茫变作了确信>身体中の细胞は <全身的细胞>确かな爱で作られると <打造成确实的爱>I just call you I just miss you何処で谁かと何をしていても <无论身在何处和谁一起在做什么>I just feel you I just hold youあなたを傍に感じている <都会感受到你就在身旁>その胸の奥を切り裂き <请划开你的胸膛>ありのままのあなたを见せてよ <让我看见最真实的你>そこに爱があるなら <倘若说那里有爱>薫りも音も感触 も <哪怕失去了气味失去了声音和触觉>光 も呗さえ失くしても <哪怕失去了光明甚至失去了歌>最後まで残るものがMy LOVE <直到最后剩下的是My LOVE>波のような情报 が < 有如波涛涌来的资讯>答えを复雑にさせて <让答案变得如此困难>梦のような体温が <像是梦一般的体温>本当のこと惑わせるよ <让真实变得不再真实>その甘い声で奏でる <那甜美的声音奏出的>すべての言叶がもし嘘でも <每一句话语即使都是谎言>それが爱と云うなら <假如说那就是爱>骗されたフリしてあげる <我愿意假装被骗>无邪気な私 を演じるよ <扮演天真无邪的我>思うより単纯 じゃないMy LOVE <没有想象的那么单纯的My LOVE>「What is LOVE」作词∶森月キャス作曲∶Tatta Works歌∶後藤真希その胸の奥を切り裂き <请划开你的胸膛>ありのままのあなたを见せてよ <让我看见最真实的你>そこに爱があるなら <倘若说那里有爱>薫りも音も感触 も <哪怕失去了气味失去了声音和触觉>光 も呗さえ失くしても <哪怕失去了光明甚至失去了歌>最後まで残るものがMy LOVE <直到最后剩下的是My LOVE>What is True LOVE What is Pure LOVEWhat is Real LOVE LOVE LOVE breakin" downWhat is True LOVE What is Pure LOVEWhat is Real LOVE LOVE LOVE fallin" down【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/8973711

(What Is) LOVE? 歌词

歌曲名:(What Is) LOVE?歌手:Jennifer Lopez专辑:LOVE?Jennifer Lopez - (What Is) LOVEPeople told me,I should write a love song"Girl you sound so angry,You could use some variation"But I"m lonelyNegative relationsI"ve been hurt so many timesI don"t have the patienceBut I"ve wished for so longFor someone to come and show meLead by example"Cause I"ve been waitingI"ve tried every ageI"m so tired of the gameI wanna be somebody"s girlWould you show me the way?What if I never find and I"m left behind?Should I keep hoping for love?What if I"m still the same?Status doesn"t change?Gotta keep hoping for loveWhat is love?What is love? Please show me.I"ve had blind datesHooked up with some real flakesI"ve gone out with church boysMusicians are the worstI"ve tried so hard"Cause I"m just so die hardTried my best to play the partWish you could see insideI"ve been aloneFor the past three yearsOn Valentine"s DayChristmas is no exceptionBirthday"s with naughty presentsBeen back and forth, same actionI just need this to happenI"ll be singing love"s praisesIf you would show mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/13981049

一首英文小诗的翻译《What is love?》


What is love的中文版歌词分配EXO

【C是chen,L是鹿晗】-What Is Love-Girl, I can"t explain what I feel.C:Oh baby my baby, baby, baby, baby.. yeah.L:漫长的一天 仿佛就像短暂一秒的感觉每天都像是为你写下的情节C:这一幕浪漫爱情片 下一幕动作片男主角我扮演你心中唯一英雄(你如此完美)突然我期待 陪你走向的未来L:别把爱藏起来 抓住幸福 只要你能坦白oh babyC&L:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motionL:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱C&L:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害 分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱C&L:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱C:当我牵你手 全世界羡慕不已当你吻我 才懂这感觉不会更改L:他们说得天长地久 也许已不在但你可信赖 我是不顾一切去爱你的人 你将会慢慢明白C:I don"t know why 这感觉无可取代爱是突如其来的意外 你让我变成最佳男人只要在你身边 生命变得光彩C&L:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motionL:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱C&L:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害 分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱C&L:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱L:今夜我想起你拉开窗帘 对着星空许下一个心愿像童话故事里幸福结局 happily ever afterC:从今以后 为你付出 为你心疼 为你等待 我绝不离开只想给你我一生的爱C&L:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motionL:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱C&L:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害 分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱C&L:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱C&L:当我牵你手 全世界羡慕不已当你吻我 才懂这感觉不会更改L:My babe, baby babe, baby. baby-我无法不想你 是否这样就是爱C&L:只想让你笑得像个纯真小孩只想给你安慰像个朋友般的依赖C:My babe, baby babe, baby. baby-告诉我 到底 what is love

What is love?

Love means that I know the person I love. I"m aware of the many sides of the other person — not just the beautiful side but also the limitations, inconsistencies and faults. I have an awareness of the other"s feelings and thoughts, and I experience something of the core of that person. I can penetrate social masks and roles and see the other person on a deeper level.Love means that I care about the welfare of the person I love. To the extent that it is genuine, my caring is not possessive, nor does it hold the other person back. On the contrary, my caring frees both of us. If I care about you, I"m concerned about your growth, and I hope you will become all that you can become. Consequently, I don"t put up obstacles to what you do that enhances you as a person, even though it may result in my discomfort at times. Love means having respect for the dignity of the person I love. If I love you, I can see you as a separate person, with your own values and thoughts and feelings, and I do not insist that you surrender your identity to match an image of what I expect you to be for me. I can allow and encourage you to stand alone and to be who you are, and I avoid treating you as an object or using you primarily to satisfy my own needs.

What is love是什么意思?

what is love1.爱是什么2.什么是爱3.什么是爱情4.真爱的定义是什么WHAT IS LOVE1.什么是爱2.爱情是什么

EXO-M what is love歌词我要What Is Love的歌词要备注是谁唱的

EXO-M What is loveGirl, I can"t explain what I feel.CHEN:Oh baby my baby, baby, baby, baby.. yeah.鹿晗:漫长的一天 仿佛就像短暂一秒的感觉每天都像是为你写下的情节CHEN:这一幕浪漫爱情片 下一幕动作片男主角我扮演你心中唯一英雄(你如此完美)突然我期待 陪你走向的未来鹿晗:别把爱藏起来 抓住幸福 只要你能坦白oh babyCHEN和鹿晗:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motion鹿晗:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱CHEN和鹿晗:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害 分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱CHEN和鹿晗:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱CHEN:当我牵你手 全世界羡慕不已当你吻我 才懂这感觉不会更改鹿晗:他们说得天长地久 也许已不在 Oh~但你可信赖 我是不顾一切去爱你的人 你将会慢慢明白CHEN:I don"t know why 这感觉无可取代爱是突如其来的意外 你让我变成最佳男人只要在你身边 生命变得光彩CHEN和鹿晗:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motion鹿晗:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱CHEN和鹿晗:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害 分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱CHEN和鹿晗:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱鹿晗:今夜我想起你拉开窗帘 对着星空许下一个心愿像童话故事里幸福结局 happily ever afterCHEN:从今以后 为你付出 为你心疼 为你等待 我绝不离开只想给你我一生的爱CHEN和鹿晗:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motion鹿晗:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱CHEN和鹿晗:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害 分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱CHEN和鹿晗:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱CHEN和鹿晗:当我牵你手 全世界羡慕不已当你吻我 才懂这感觉不会更改鹿晗:My babe, baby babe, baby. baby-我无法不想你 是否这样就是爱CHEN和鹿晗:只想让你笑得像个纯真小孩只想给你安慰像个朋友般的依赖CHEN:My babe, baby babe, baby. baby-告诉我 到底 what is love

exom的歌what is love的歌词

What Is Love歌词:Girl, I can"t explain what I feel. L:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱C&L:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害 分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱C&L:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱C:当我牵你手 全世界羡慕不已当你吻我 才懂这感觉不会更改L:他们说得天长地久 也许已不在但你可信赖 我是不顾一切去爱你的人 你将会慢慢明白C:I don"t know why 这感觉无可取代爱是突如其来的意外 你让我变成最佳男人只要在你身边 生命变得光彩C&L:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motionL:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱C&L:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害 分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱C&L:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱L:今夜我想起你拉开窗帘 对着星空许下一个心愿像童话故事里幸福结局 happily ever afterC:从今以后 为你付出 为你心疼 为你等待 我绝不离开只想给你我一生的爱C&L:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motionL:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱C&L:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害 分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱C&L:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱C&L:当我牵你手 全世界羡慕不已当你吻我 才懂这感觉不会更改L:My babe, baby babe, baby. baby-我无法不想你 是否这样就是爱C&L:只想让你笑得像个纯真小孩只想给你安慰像个朋友般的依赖C:My babe, baby babe, baby. baby-告诉我 到底 what is loveC:Oh baby my baby, baby, baby, baby.. yeah.L:漫长的一天 仿佛就像短暂一秒的感觉每天都像是为你写下的情节C:这一幕浪漫爱情片 下一幕动作片男主角我扮演你心中唯一英雄(你如此完美)突然我期待 陪你走向的未来L:别把爱藏起来 抓住幸福 只要你能坦白oh babyC&L:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow ..

what is love英文作文 初2程度

Love can be good,Love can be bad,Love is mostly,But sometimes sad.Love can be dreams,Love can be greats;Love can meam a person.Love is what you make it.So try to make it beautiful.

exo what is love歌词

EXO-M what is love歌词

  歌曲:What is love  中文名称:什么是爱  所属专辑:《MAMA》迷你一辑  发行时间:2012-01-30  歌曲原唱:EXO  填词:Teddy Riley  谱曲:刘荣镇  编曲:刘荣镇  中文歌词:  Chen:Girl, I can"t explain what I feel.  Chen:Oh baby ,my baby baby baby baby... yeah~  Luhan:漫长的一天 仿佛就像短暂一秒的感觉 每天都像是为你写下的情节  Chen:这一幕浪漫爱情片下一幕动作片男主角 我扮演你心中唯一英雄(L:你如此完美)突然我期待 陪你走向的未来  Luhan:别把爱藏起来 抓住幸福 只要你能坦白 oh baby ye~  Chen&Luhan:Ilost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围整个世界 get in slow motion  Luhan:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱  Chen&Luhan:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害 分担悲哀 学习关怀 吵过 哭过 还能拥抱  Luhan:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱  Chen:当我牵你手 全世界羡慕不已 当你吻我 才懂这感觉不会更改  Luhan:他们说得天长地久 也许已不在 wo~但你可信赖 我是不顾一切去爱你的人 你将会慢慢明白 wo~  Chen:I don"t know why 这感觉无可取代 爱是突如其来的意外 你让我变成最佳男人 只要在你身边生命变得光彩  Chen&Luhan:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motion  Luhan:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱  Chen&Luhan:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱  Chen:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱  Luhan:今夜我想起你拉开窗帘 对着星空许下一个心愿 像童话故事里幸福结局 happily ever after  Chen:从今以后 为你付出 为你心疼 为你等待我绝不离开 只想给你我一生的爱  Chen&Luhan:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motion  Luhan:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱  Chen&Luhan:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱  Chen&Luhan:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱  Chen:当我牵你手 全世界羡慕不已 当你吻我 才懂这感觉不会更改  Luhan:My babe, baby babe, baby. baby yeah~ 我无法不想你 是否这样就是爱  Chen:只想让你笑得像个纯真小孩 只想给你安慰像个朋友般的依赖  Chen:My babe, baby babe, baby. baby yeah~ 告诉我 到底 what is love  韩文歌词:  Girl, I can"t explain what I feel.  ooh-yeah. my baby, baby, baby, baby. Yeah.  ud558ub8e8uac00 ub9c8uce58 1ubd84ucc98ub7fc ub290uaef4uc9c0uac8c ub9ccub4e4uc9c0.  ub108ub9cc uc788uc73cuba74 uc601ud654 uc18duc758 uc8fcuc778uacf5.  ub110 uad6cud558ub7ec ub2ecub824uac00ub294 uc561uc158 uc52c uc774ub77cub3c4 ucc0duc744 uac83ucc98ub7fc,ub09c ub9c8uce58 uc601uc6c5uc774 ub41c uac83ucc98ub7fc.ub10c ub0b4uac8c uc644ubcbd uc0c1uc0c1ud574 ubd24uc5b4.  ud568uaed8ub77cuba74 uc5b4ub5a8uae4c?ub09c ub108ub9cc uad1cucc2eub2e4uace0 ub9d0ud574uc8fcuba74 ubaa8ub450 uc644ubcbdud574.  oh baby.I lost my mind.  ub108ub97c ucc98uc74c ub9ccub0acuc744 ub54c,ub108 ud558ub098 ube7cuace0 ubaa8ub4e0 uac83uc740 get in slow motionub0b4uac8c ub9d0ud574uc918.  uc774uac8c uc0acub791uc774ub77cuba74.ub9e4uc77c uadf8ub300uc640 uc218ub9ceuc740 uac10uc815ub4e4uc744 ub098ub220uc8fcuace0 ubc30uc6ccuac00uba70uc2f8uc6b0uace0, uc6b8uace0, uc548uc544uc8fcuace0.ub0b4uac8c ub9d0ud574uc918.  uc774uac8c uc0acub791uc774ub77cuba74uc138uc0c1ub0a8uc790ub4e4 ubaa8ub450 ub0a0 ubd80ub7ecuc6ccud574ub108ub97c uac00uc9c4 ub0b4uac00 uc9c8ud22cub098 uc8fduaca0ub098ubd10.ud574uac00 uac00uace0 ub2ecuc774 uac00ub3c4 uc808ub300 uc548 ubcc0ud574.  uc6cc~ub09c ubcf4uae30ubcf4ub2e4 uc6b0uc9c1ud558uac8c ubbffuc744 ub0a8uc790ub77cub294 uac78, ub10c uc54cuac8c ub420 ud14cub2c8uae4c.  uc6cc~I don"t know why uc808ub300uc801uc778 uc774 uac10uc815.ub0b4uac00 uc0dduac01uc870ucc28 ud588uc744uae4c? ub124 uacc1uc5d0 uc788uc744 ub54c ub09c uc810uc810ub300ub2e8ud55c ub0a8uc790uac00 ub418uace0, ube5bub098ub294 uac78.  * I lost my mind. ub108ub97c ucc98uc74c ub9ccub0acuc744 ub54c,ub108 ud558ub098 ube7cuace0 ubaa8ub4e0 uac83uc740 get in slow motionub0b4uac8c ub9d0ud574uc918.  uc774uac8c uc0acub791uc774ub77cuba74.ub9e4uc77c uadf8ub300uc640 uc218ub9ceuc740 uac10uc815ub4e4uc744 ub098ub220uc8fcuace0 ubc30uc6ccuac00uba70uc2f8uc6b0uace0, uc6b8uace0, uc548uc544uc8fcuace0.ub0b4uac8c ub9d0ud574uc918.  uc774uac8c uc0acub791uc774ub77cuba74uac04uc808ud788 ubc14ub77cuace0 ubc14ub780ub2e4uba74 uc774ub904uc9c8uae4c?  ub3d9ud654 uc598uae30ucc98ub7fcuc601uc6d0ud55c ub458ub9ccuc758 ud574ud53cuc5d4ub529, happily ever after  .ub098ub9ccuc740 ub110 ubbffuc5b4uc8fcuace0, uc9c0ucf1cuc8fcuace0 ub2ecub798uc904uac8c.ub124 ud3b8uc774 ub420uac8c.  ub124 uacc1uc5d0uc11c uc808ub300 uc548 ub5a0ub098.I lost my mind. ub108ub97c ucc98uc74c ub9ccub0acuc744 ub54c,ub108 ud558ub098 ube7cuace0 ubaa8ub4e0 uac83uc740 get in slow motionub0b4uac8c ub9d0ud574uc918.  uc774uac8c uc0acub791uc774ub77cuba74.ub9e4uc77c uadf8ub300uc640 uc218ub9ceuc740 uac10uc815ub4e4uc744 ub098ub220uc8fcuace0 ubc30uc6ccuac00uba70uc2f8uc6b0uace0, uc6b8uace0, uc548uc544uc8fcuace0.  ub0b4uac8c ub9d0ud574uc918. uc774uac8c uc0acub791uc774ub77cuba74uc138uc0c1ub0a8uc790ub4e4 ubaa8ub450 ub0a0 ubd80ub7ecuc6ccud574ub108ub97c uac00uc9c4 ub0b4uac00 uc9c8ud22cub098 uc8fduaca0ub098ubd10.  My babe, baby babe, baby. baby-ub110 uc54cuc544ubcf4ub294 uac83, uc774uac8c uc0acub791uc778uac78uae4c?  uc544uc774ucc98ub7fc ub110 uc790uc8fc uc6c3uac8c ub9ccub4e4uace0uce5cuad6cucc98ub7fc ub110 uac00uc7a5 ud3b8ud558uac8c ub9ccub4e4uac70uc57c.My babe, baby babe, baby. baby-  ub9d0ud574uc918 ub0b4uac8c what is love-

what is love歌词

Is it a truth? 它是真相? Or is it a fear? 或者它是恐惧? Is it a rose for my valentine? 它是属于情人的玫瑰花? What is love? 什么是爱情?Is it only words? 它只是那些I"m trying to find? 我正在试图寻找的文字? Or is it the way,或者是那些that we"re feeling now? 我们现在所沉溺的感觉? What is love? 什么是爱情?If love is truth, then let it break my heart. 如果爱请是真相,就让它打碎我心房。 If love is fear, lead me to the dark. 如果爱情是恐惧,引我到黑暗。 If love is a game, i"m playing all my cards. 如果爱情是游戏,我将压上我所有。 What is love? 什么是爱情?What is love? 什么是爱情? A pain or a cure? 是伤痛 还是解药? A science of faith? 是关于信任的科学? A reason to fall to your knees and die? 是为你倾倒为你而活的的理由? What is love? 什么是爱情?If love is truth, then let it break my heart. 如果爱情是真相,就让它打碎我心房。 If love is fear, lead me to the dark. 如果爱情是恐惧,引我到黑暗。 If love is a game, i"m playing all my cards. 如果爱情是游戏,我将压上我所有。 What is love? 什么是爱情?Only you can save me now. 此刻只有你才能解救我。 Only you can heal me now. 此刻只有你才能治愈我。 Only you can show me now, 此刻只有你能告诉我, what is love. 什么是爱情。Or is it a truth? 或是真相? Or is it a fear? 或是恐惧? Is it a rose for my valentine? 还是属于情人的玫瑰花? What is love? 什么是爱情?What is love? 什么是爱情?

what is love是什么意思

what is love是什么意思 什么是爱

What Is Love(中文版) Exo-M歌词

my baby

求EXO-M的《What is love》歌词。

Girl, I can"t explain what I feel.Oh baby my baby, baby, baby, baby.. yeah.漫长的一天 仿佛就像短暂一秒的感觉每天都像是为你写下的情节这一幕浪漫爱情片 下一幕动作片男主角我扮演你心中唯一英雄(你如此完美)突然我期待 陪你走向的未来别把爱藏起来 抓住幸福 只要你能坦白oh babyI lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motion请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害 分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱当我牵你手 全世界羡慕不已当你吻我 才懂这感觉不会更改他们说得天长地久 也许已不在但你可信赖 我是不顾一切去爱你的人 你将会慢慢明白I don"t know why 这感觉无可取代爱是突如其来的意外 你让我变成最佳男人只要在你身边 生命变得光彩今夜我想起你拉开窗帘 对着星空许下一个心愿像童话故事里幸福结局 happily ever after从今以后 为你付出 为你心疼 为你等待 我绝不离开只想给你我一生的爱当我牵你手 全世界羡慕不已当你吻我 才懂这感觉不会更改My babe, baby babe, baby. baby-我无法不想你 是否这样就是爱只想让你笑得像个纯真小孩只想给你安慰像个朋友般的依赖My babe, baby babe, baby. baby-告诉我 到底 what is love

What Is Love(中文版) 歌词

What Is Love演唱:EXO-MGirlI can"t explain what I feelOh babymy baby,baby, baby, baby yeah漫长的一天仿佛就像短暂一秒的感觉每天都像是为你写下的情节下一幕浪漫爱情片 下一幕动作片男主角我扮演你心中唯一英雄(你如此完美)突然我期待陪你走向的未来别把爱藏起来抓住幸福只要你能坦白oh baby I lost my mind当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motion请你告诉我如果这样就是爱爱无所不在会让我忘记伤害分担悲哀学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱请你告诉我如果这样就是爱当我牵你手全世界羡慕不已当你吻我才懂这感觉不会更改他们说得天长地久也许已不在但你可信赖我是不顾一切去爱你的人你将会慢慢明白 I don"t know why 这感觉无可取代爱是突如其来的意外你让我变成最佳男人只要在你身边生命变得光彩I lost my mind当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motion请你告诉我如果这样就是爱爱无所不在会让我忘记伤害分担悲哀学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱请你告诉我如果这样就是爱今夜我想起你拉开窗帘 对着星空许下一个心愿像童话故事里幸福结局 happily ever after从今以后为你付出为你心疼 为你等待我绝不离开只想给你我一生的爱I lost my mind当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motion请你告诉我如果这样就是爱爱无所不在会让我忘记伤害分担悲哀学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱请你告诉我如果这样就是爱当我牵你手全世界羡慕不已当你吻我才懂这感觉不会更改My babe, baby babe, baby baby我无法不想你 是否这样就是爱只想让你笑得像个纯真小孩只想给你安慰像个朋友般的依赖My babe, baby babe, baby baby告诉我 到底 what is lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/13715466

what is love是什么意思


what is love的歌词是什么啊?英韩文对照的我要!

是这个么?exile - what is love作词:michico作曲:t.kura michicoi"ve got a question嘘がつけて褃切れる関俿をどうやって信じればいいそれでも一绪にいるのはお互い自分の为だけdon"t call it love no mo"エゴと言う名の勘违いを気付かない振りも罪深いhave you ever thought about it?さんざん责めてだんだん冷めてねじれた心で见てしまう姿本当は今でもきれいな筿なのにoh no it"s way too muchi can"t figure it out蒸発していくbeautiful things限りが有る事とも知らずにやり过ごしてきたけどoh whatwhat is l-o-v-ei really wanna know壊したり舍てたり何がしたいのかそれでも求めているwhat is l-o-v-esomebody help me understand爱の意味答えられない确かにあるのにi"ve got a question君が気に入る様な生き方をどうやって演じればいい尽くしているって言うけど実隽自分の为だろうdon"t call it love no mo"理想と言う名のエフェクター真実を误魔化しているcan"t you see what i see?さんざん责めてだんだん冷めてねじれた心で见てしまう姿i"m sorryoh no it"s way too muchi can"t figure it out蒸発していくbeautiful things取り戻せない时を振り返り问いかけ綼けるoh whatwhat is l-o-v-ei really wanna know壊したり舍てたり何がしたいのかそれでも求めているwhat is l-o-v-esomebody help me understand爱の意味答えられない确かにあるのにwhat is l-o-v-ei really wanna know壊したり舍てたり何がしたいのかそれでも求めているwhat is l-o-v-esomebody help me understand爱の意味答えられない确かにあるのにwhat is love?what is love?tell mewhat is love?what is love?oh what is love?can you tell me?おわりlrc歌词下载来自:中文歌词库 http: www.cnlyric.com (支持歌词内容查询)LRC歌词来自: http://www.cnlyric.com//LrcDown/2007-12-13/729380.lrc

求EXO-K What Is Love歌词分配~


what is love EXO里 最经典的一句歌词

告诉我 到底 what is love是这句么???

日本what is love 歌词

SKELT 8 BAMBINO - What"s Love Feat.Soulja吉泽明步、朝美穗香、Rio出演MV的那个吗?

女友问我 What is love ? 那我应该怎样用英语回答。

you. are. my. all. world

爱是什么?What is Love

爱 (情感) 一般认为:爱,是指人类主动给予的或自觉期待的满足感和幸福感。是指人主动或自觉地以自己或某种方式,珍重、呵护或满足他人无法独立实现的某种人性需求。包括思想意识、精神体验、行为状态、物质需求等。爱的基础是尊重。爱的本质是无条件地给予,而非索取和得到。所以,爱是一种发自于内心的情感,是人对人或人对某个事物的深挚感情。这种感情所持续的过程也就是爱的过程。通常多见于人与人或人与事物之间。爱是认同、喜欢的高度升华,不同层次的爱对应着不同层次的感受或结果。“爱”在汉语中是一个多义的字。它包含了爱情、母爱、父爱、友情、亲情、博爱以及人对所有事物的根本情感。爱在艺术、哲学、美学等科学文化领域,是一个普遍的主题,也是一个永久的主题。

中文【What is love】??是什么意思??嘎嘎~~~!!


What is love? 什么意思?


what is love是什么意思


爱是什么?What is Love

love is magic

what is love????

《Love the Way You Lie》演唱:埃米纳姆、蕾哈娜词曲:埃米纳姆、斯盖拉·格蕾、Alex Da KidJust gonna stand there and watch me burn就站在那里看我燃烧殆尽But that"s alright because I like the way it hurts但是没关系,因为我爱这种伤害的方式Just gonna stand there and hear me cry就站在那里听着我哭泣But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie没有关系,因为我爱你说谎的样子I can"t tell you what it really is我无法说出这到底是什么I can only tell you what it feels like我只能告诉你这是什么样的感觉And right now it"s a steal knife in my wind pipe而现在 如果一把钢刃插在我的气管里I can"t breathe but I still fight while I can fight我无法呼吸 但我仍在挣扎 趁着我还有余力As long as the wrong feels right it"s like I"m in flight就像被驾到高空而没有知觉High off the law, drunk from my hate,摆脱她的爱 我借酒浇愁It"s like I"m huffing paint and I love it the more I suffer, I suffocate就像我染上了毒瘾 沉得越久 伤得越深And right before I"m about to drown, she resuscitates me而就在我快要沉溺时 她将我救赎She f**king hates me and I love it.她如此厌恶我 而我他妈还犯贱就喜欢那样Wait! Where you going? I"m leaving you等等!你去哪! 我要离开你No you ain"t. Come back we"re running right back.不,你不能离开。回来!我们可以从头再来Here we go again又来了,每次都是这句话It"s so insane cus when its going good its going great.这太他妈疯狂 因为当一切就要变得好起来I"m superman with the wind at his back我成了巅峰的超人 所向披靡Shes Louis Lane but when its bad its awful, I feel so ashamed I snap她就是超人的傻X女友 她毁了一切 我感到耻辱 我甩了她一巴掌Whos that dude? I don"t even know his name那男的是谁?我甚至不知道他的名字。I laid hands on him, I"ll never stoop so low again我打了她 我再也不会如此卑躬屈膝 尊严沦丧I guess I don"t know my own strength我都不知道我下手有多狠Just gonna stand there and watch me burn就站在那里看着我燃烧殆尽But that"s alright because I like the way it hurts但是没关系,因为我爱这种伤害的方式Just gonna stand there and hear me cry就站在那里听着我哭泣But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie没有关系,因为我爱你说谎的样子You ever love somebody so much you can barely breathe你是否曾那样深爱一个人 爱得无法呼吸When you"re with "em你就这样遇到她You meet and neither one of you even know what hit "em你们都来不及阻止自己Got that warm fuzzy feeling拥有了那样温暖又令人沉迷的感觉Yeah, them those chills you used to get "em是的 就是那样的感觉 你曾经拥有过的美好Now you"re getting fucking sick of looking at him现在你连回想起它们都觉得恶心You swore you"d never hit him; never do nothing to hurt him你曾发誓 你永远都不会伤害她 永远不会做任何让她难受的事Now you"re in each other"s face spewing venom in your words when you spit them但现在你们看见对方都感到恶心,连说句话都喷射着毒液You push pull each other"s hair, scratch claw hit him你们扯着对方的头发 扭打成团 互相殴打 摔东西 彼此折磨Throw him down pin himSo lost in the moments when you"re in them你们在那一刻中迷失自我It"s a race that"s the culprit controls your boatI这是一场由罪恶掌控所有的战局So they say you"re best to go your separate ways所以人们说着 你们最好还是分开 老死不相往来Guess if they don"t know you cus today that was yesterday是的他们不了解你们 因为今朝就是昨日的重演Yesterday is over it"s a different day昨日已经终结 这是另一个今天Sound like broken records playing over but you promised her听起来就像损坏了的播放机 重复一次又一次Next time you show restraint你向她许诺 下一次你要控制住自己You don"t get another chance你再没有机会了Life is no Nintendo game生活不是可以无限重来的游戏But you ?? the game但你又一次食言Now you get to watch her leave out the window现在你只能从窗口看着她离开I guess that"s why they call it window pain也许这就是人们之所以称之为痛苦Just gonna stand there and watch me burnJ就站在那里看着我燃烧殆尽But that"s alright because I like the way it hurts没有关系因为我爱这种伤害的方式Just gonna stand there and hear me cry没有关系就站在那里听着我哭泣But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie没有关系因为我爱你说谎的样子Now I know he said things hit things that we didn"t mean现在我明白了人们说的口是心非 身不由己And we fall back into the same patterns same routine而我们又玩起了老花样 开始了同样的路线But your temper"s just as bad as mine is但我们都是那样的坏脾气You"re the same as me你和我很像But when it comes to love you"re just as blinded当爱情来临时 都会变得盲目无措Baby, please come back宝贝 求你回来我身边It wasn"t you, baby it was me宝贝那都是我的错 那与你无关Maybe our relationship wasn"t as crazy as it seemed也许我们之间的关系还没有看起来的那么离谱Maybe that"s what happens when a tornado meets a volcano也许那就是火山爆发遇上龙卷风时的样子All I know is I love you too much to walk away though所知道的就是我爱你爱得无法自拔Come inside, pick up your bags off the sidewalk回来吧 带着一切回来我身边Don"t you hear sincerity in my voice when I talk难道你没有听见我说话时声音里的真诚I told you this is my fault说了这都是我的错Look me in the eye ball看着我的眼睛Next time I"m pissed, I lay my fist at the drywall下一次我愤怒的时候 我只会把拳头对准墙壁Next time. There won"t be no next time下一次?不会再有下一次了I apologize even though I know its liesI我道歉 即使我知道那是个谎言I"m tired of the games I just want her back我已经厌倦了这场游戏 我只是想要她回来I know I"m a liar我知道我是个骗子If she ever tries to fucking leave again如果她还他妈想再次离开我Im"a tie her to the bed and set this house on fire我会把她绑在床上 然后烧了这座房子Just gonna stand there and watch me burn就站在那里看着我燃烧殆尽But that"s alright because I like the way it hurts但是没关系,因为我爱这种伤害的方式Just gonna stand there and hear me cry就站在那里听着我哭泣But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie没有关系,因为我爱你说谎的样子I love the way you lie我爱你说谎的样子扩展资料:《Love the Way You Lie》拿下全球逾二十个国家的音乐排行版冠军,于2010年7月31日登上美国公告牌百强单曲榜首位并连续拿下7周冠军。2011年,该歌曲获得由第37届人民选择奖授予的“最受欢迎歌曲”和“最受欢迎MV”两个奖项 。2013年,该歌曲凭借逾一千一百万份的数码音乐销量,获得美国唱片业协会“钻石单曲”奖。

what is love 韩文版 歌词分担


怎样用英文回答:"What is love ?

Love is a kind of state in which you always take someone into consideration and even your emotion is closely related to him.

what is love???????

Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, the romance, and you find out you still care for that person.

exo-m What is love的歌词 (注明每个人的部分)

Girl, I can"t explain what I feel.CHEN:Oh baby my baby, baby, baby, baby.. yeah.鹿晗:漫长的一天 仿佛就像短暂一秒的感觉每天都像是为你写下的情节CHEN:这一幕浪漫爱情片 下一幕动作片男主角我扮演你心中唯一英雄(你如此完美)突然我期待 陪你走向的未来鹿晗:别把爱藏起来 抓住幸福 只要你能坦白oh babyCHEN和鹿晗:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motion鹿晗:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱CHEN和鹿晗:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害 分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱CHEN和鹿晗:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱CHEN:当我牵你手 全世界羡慕不已当你吻我 才懂这感觉不会更改鹿晗:他们说得天长地久 也许已不在但你可信赖 我是不顾一切去爱你的人 你将会慢慢明白CHEN:I don"t know why 这感觉无可取代爱是突如其来的意外 你让我变成最佳男人只要在你身边 生命变得光彩CHEN和鹿晗:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motion鹿晗:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱CHEN和鹿晗:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害 分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱CHEN和鹿晗:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱鹿晗:今夜我想起你拉开窗帘 对着星空许下一个心愿像童话故事里幸福结局 happily ever afterCHEN:从今以后 为你付出 为你心疼 为你等待 我绝不离开只想给你我一生的爱CHEN和鹿晗:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motion鹿晗:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱CHEN和鹿晗:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害 分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱CHEN和鹿晗:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱CHEN和鹿晗:当我牵你手 全世界羡慕不已当你吻我 才懂这感觉不会更改鹿晗:My babe, baby babe, baby. baby-我无法不想你 是否这样就是爱CHEN和鹿晗:只想让你笑得像个纯真小孩只想给你安慰像个朋友般的依赖CHEN:My babe, baby babe, baby. baby-告诉我 到底 what is love

What is love?


what is love?

爱是愉快, 是难过, 是陶醉,是情绪,是勇敢,是信赖,是诚意,是体贴,是相思,是怀念,是甜蜜,是醇酒,是甘泉,是沉醉,是幸福,是牺牲,是高尚,是奉献,是责任。什么是爱?爱就是当你想到这个人,你会祈愿他幸福快乐平安,你会想永远陪伴他,当你不得不离去,你希望留下什么给他。爱是在寂寞的夜里,思念如潮水般涌来,手里捧着书却怎么也看不进去,心里惦记着他此时有没有吃晚饭,是不是和自己一样想着自己。爱是,周末利用半天时间亲手做出几道好菜满足的看她(他)吃下去;是在寒冷的冬天不断为她(他)的咖啡杯里续上热水;爱是看到花,想跟他或她一起欣赏,爱是走过山崖水畔,你会带点遗憾地想:如果两个人同游共赏该是何等赏心乐意之事!

EXO what is love 歌词

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