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consume 英[ku0259nu02c8sju:m] 美[ku0259nu02c8su:m] vt. 消耗,消费; 耗尽,毁灭; 吃光,喝光; 烧毁; [例句]Many people experienced a drop in their cholesterol levels when they consumed oat bran.很多人食用燕麦麸后胆固醇水平下降了。[其他] 第三人称单数:consumes 现在分词:consuming 过去式:consumed过去分词:consumed


consume 英[ku0259nu02c8sjuu02d0m] 美[ku0259nu02c8suu02d0m] vt. 消费; 吃; 消耗,耗费(燃料、能量、时间等); 喝; 饮; 使充满(强烈的感情); 烧毁; [例句]Nearly all the cultural objects we consume arrive wrapped in inherited opinion ; our preferences are always, to some extent, someone else"s.我们消费的几乎所有文化物品都是以继承的观点来包装的;在某种程度上,我们的偏好总是来自他人。[其他] 第三人称单数:consumes 现在分词:consuming 过去式:consumed过去分词:consumed




evil强调邪恶的意思monster强调的是怪物devil是很邪恶的那种,类似于上帝的反义词,邪恶之王等deamon是小魔鬼.小坏蛋,有时用于昵称.little demon(小淘气)

a series of reasons和 a couple of reasons

a series of一系列的,至少三个以上,一般用于抽象的对象。a couple of一对,一双,一般用于具体的东西,如袜子,鞋,杯子等。reason 是抽象的,应该用前者。

如何评价2016年上映的游戏王剧场版 THE DARK SIDE OF DIMENSIONS



《游戏王:THE DARK SIDE OF DIMENSIONS》是为了纪念《游戏王》原作诞生20周年而制作的新剧场版动画。本片由《游戏王》的原作者高桥和希亲自担任编剧、角色设计和制作总指挥,讲述的是暗游戏回到冥界以后的原著续集故事。上映时间是2016年4月23日。


剧场版里各角色使用的卡片角色主卡组怪兽魔法卡陷阱卡额外卡组武藤游戏  通常怪兽:黑魔术师效果怪兽:黑魔术少女浆果魔术少女柠檬魔术少女苹果魔术少女巧克力魔术少女奇异果魔术少女金齿轮银齿轮岩石番兵马卡龙棉花糖洁净栗子球精灵圣剑士暗黑骑士盖亚王破灭龙甘多拉X守护神官马哈德 通常魔法:黑魔术的帷幕魔导契约之扉 通常陷阱:命运之发掘最终禁制咒永续陷阱:次元斯芬克斯次元海市蜃楼次元反射镜机动要塞 铁堡垒魔术师的守护光之护封灵剑 未知  海马濑人  通常怪兽:青眼白龙×3效果怪兽:青眼亚白龙血腥魔兽人帝王强袭翼龙瘟疫龙深渊眼白龙欧贝里斯克的巨神兵仪式怪兽:青眼混沌极龙 速攻魔法:龙之斗志仪式魔法:混沌形态 通常陷阱:融爆反击之门水晶化身 融合怪兽:真青眼究极龙 蓝神  效果怪兽:方界胤 毗贾姆×3方界兽 暗黑之甘尼克斯方界兽 利刃之迦楼迪亚方界超兽 破坏之乾闼尔方界帝 疾风之加伊罗方界帝 神火之德拉耆尼方界超帝 死雷之印陀罗暗黑方界神 深红之挪婆×3 通常魔法:方界波动永续魔法:方界业 通常陷阱:方界轮回方界合神永续陷阱:方界曼荼罗 融合怪兽:暗黑方界邪神 深红之挪婆·三神一体 以上参考资料


draw vt.(drew [dru:]; drawn [drC:n])拉, 拖, 拉[拖]长, 拉成(丝等); 向某一方向拉抽(出); 拔(出); (用抽签等方法)决定; 取出...内脏汲[领, 提]取; 获得; 引出; 引起; 招惹; 招来; 吸(入); 吸引; 逗引...说话描写; 草拟, 制订, 拟(稿); 描(图), 绘制, 画(线), 勾(轮廓)开给(汇票等); 开立(票据等); 支领, 提取(钱)(船)吃(水)泡(茶)把...打成平局[常用被动语态]扭歪(脸等)根据一定的形式写出【医】抽(血), 放(血); (用药)拔(脓)【机】退火draw a cart 拉车draw a curtain across a window 把窗帘拉上draw a bow 张弓draw a thing along 拖着东西draw a string tight 把弦线拉紧draw the metal into a longwire 把金属拉成长丝draw a sword 拔出刀draw a nail [tooth] 拔钉[牙]draw a cork from a bottle 拔出瓶塞draw lots 抽签draw a chicken 取出鸡的内脏draw beer from a barrel 从酒桶中把啤酒吸出来drawstrength from the masses 从人民群众中吸取力量draw a lesson 吸取教训draw a good salary 领取优厚的薪金 draw 20dollars from the bank 从银行提取20美元drawinformation from sb. 从某人处得到消息drawa conclusion 引出结论drawone"s attention 引起某人注意drawtrouble 惹事drawruin upon oneself 自取灭亡drawair into the lungs 将空气吸入肺里draw applause 博得喝彩draw sb. into conversation 把某人引进谈论中来draw a character in a novel 在小说里描绘一个人物draw a deed 草拟契约draw a picture 画图draw a straight line 划一条直线draw a comparison [parrallel, distinction] betweenA and B 比较[对比, 区别]甲乙draw a cheque on a bank for 100yuan 向银行开一张一百元的支票The street accident drew a big crowd. 马路上的事故吸引了一大群人。The ship draws 28 feet of water . 那艘船吃水28英尺。Some people draw their tea too long. 有些人泡茶时间太长。The game was drawn. 比赛打成了平局。His face was drawn with pai 习惯用语a sure draw 肯定可以搜出狐狸的地方; 可引起议论之处be quick on the draw 拔枪迅速[迟缓] [美俚]反应敏捷[迟钝]be slow on the draw 拔枪迅速[迟缓] [美俚]反应敏捷[迟钝]beat to the draw 先拔枪[剑]; 先下手end in a draw 以和局结束play off a draw 【体】(平局后)再赛以决胜负play off a draw tie 【体】(平局后)再赛以决胜负draw ahead 向前移动 超过(of) (风)向前吹draw and quarter (古时刑罚)四马分肢 (绞死后)取出内脏, 肢解尸体draw aside 把...拉开; 拉到 一边draw away 拉开, 引开, 离开 (比赛中)跑到前面与别人拉开距离 撤离, 退缩draw back 收回(已付关税等) 往回跑; 退却; 缩回 拉开(帘幕等) 撤回, 取消(建议, 计划, 诺言等)draw bit 勒着马不使快跑, 使马停止前进 放慢速度, 停止draw bridle 勒着马不使快跑, 使马停止前进 放慢速度, 停止draw rein 勒着马不使快跑, 使马停止前进 放慢速度, 停止drawdown扯下, 放下 招来, 引起 领取, 赚draw forth 引起, 博得(赞美等)draw from [draw out of] 使...说出(真相等)draw in收(网等); 收回(借款等) 引诱; 使加入 (天)黑了; (日)渐短 紧缩开支 (车船等)驶进, 开到 (汽车)靠边行驶, 开进(某处)暂停draw into (车船等)驶进, 开到draw it fine (区别得)十分精 确draw it mild [口](说话或做事)要有分寸, 不要夸张(通常用作祈使语)draw it strong 夸张, 小题大做draw near 走近; 临近draw off 排出, 放掉(水等) 脱去(手套等) 消除(痛等) 转移(别人注意力等) 撤退(军队等)draw on 穿上, 戴上(靴子, 手套等) 吸收, 利用; 凭, 靠 动用; 向...支取 逗引(某人)开口说话 招来, 招致 接近, 靠近draw oneself up 挺直身体 控制自己draw out 拉长, 拖长, 扩展 掏出, 取出 提取(存款) 榨出, 抽出, 提炼出 召集; 使排好队; 派出 草拟, 拟出 逗引...说话; 诱使吐露真情 (白昼)长起来 (火车)开出(车站); (船)驶离(停泊处); (汽车)驶出 在前面拉开距离draw round 围在...周围draw around 围在...周围draw to 吸引到...方面来, 使 接近draw to toward 吸引到...方面来, 使 接近draw together 把...连接在一起 使团结起来, (使)一致 召集, 集合draw up 写出; 草拟, 制订 (车、马等)停住; 使(车、马等)停住 曳上, 拉起(鱼网等) 逼近(to), 追上(with) 【军】整(队) 把...拉过来 吸收; 消散, 驱散

onsite support是什么意思



distinctions生词本去背诵英 [du026as"tu026au014bku0283nz] 美 [du026as"tu026au014bku0283nz]n.区别( distinction的名词复数 ); 荣誉; 特质; 卓越网 络优等成绩;阶级的区分;需要区分;分野1. The child"ll start out by making relatively few distinctions in the language. 孩子开始时不太能辨别语言中的差别。



VC DLL inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.警告的问题

dllexport 修改为 dllimport

这些话是什么意思?Portions Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Global IP Sound Inc. All rights reserved.




My fair lady,le monsieur cherche un bon


e.stage companions

外汇期货,期权,远期合约 (foreign currency futures,options,forward contracts)三者的区别,高手教教

期货是由远期合约发展而来的远期合约 是指在未来某一时间 交易现货而期货则把 远期合约只做成标准化合约 因为有固定标准 方便大家交易而期货又分为 商品期货和金融期货利率期货则是 金融期货中的一种


futures 期货options 选择, 选择权Generally speaking, futures contract, not the commodity, is sold and bought in the futures market. 一般来说,在期货市场上买进卖出的是期货契约,而不是商品。Silver: quiet. Value fluctuate lower in line with other precious metals on both bullion and futures market. 银:清淡。由于受最近交易低潮的影响,银和其他贵重金属一样,期货和现货市场的数量下降。"The government has two options, to reduce spending or to increase taxes." "政府只有两种选择,不是削减开支便是增加税收。"Make a list of the various options. 列出可供选择的项目。Language courses are wrongly thought to be soft options. 人们误以为选修语言课程较轻松。

网络互动营销中,传统广告营销里所谓的「consumer insight」(消费者洞察)是否还同样重要?

无论是网络互动营销,还是传统广告营销,消费者洞察(consumer insight)都十分重要。消费者角色就是指消费者在消费过程中的各种角色。角色是指与某一特殊位置有关联的行为模式,代表着一套有关行为的社会标准。一个人的角色反映了他在社会系统中的地位,以及相应的权利和义务、权力和责任。消费者角色,其主要种类是倡导者决策者影响者购买者使用者。消费者角色是指消费者在消费过程中的各种角色。传统的广告营销在传统的广告营销里,消费者洞察(consumer insight)起着至关重要的作用。只有广告能够足够吸引眼球,人们才会有所关注,并展开购买。因此产品公司对广告有着极高的要求。既要有创意,有色彩,还要让人能过目不忘,产生购买欲望。以此来达到广告营销的目的。吸引广大的消费者,争相购买。网络互动营销网络互动营销是指在网络上进行的,能与人们产生互动的营销。这当然也离不开消费者洞察(consumer insight)了。只有吸引到消费者的目光,消费者才会参与网络互动营销不是么?所以,对于销售者来说把握消费者的偏好十分重要。在营销战略中,消费者的感受永远是排在第一位的。无论是网络互动营销,还是传统的广告营销,消费者洞察都十分重要。

求欧冠主题曲Uefa Champions League(纯音乐!!)


永远的欧冠主题曲不是Champions League

是,这首歌叫《Champions League》,是欧冠的主题曲,由英国作家布里顿受欧足联委托,于1992年所作,取名就叫《冠军联赛》。它模仿了著名颂歌《Zodok the priest》的风格,后者是一首被选为历代英国国王加冕时所唱的歌曲。因此每当听到它时,都会有一种走入足球圣殿的感觉。该歌曲的魅力在于,它将这项欧洲俱乐部顶级赛事的伟大历史用英、法、德三种语言完美的演绎了出来。

Elvis Costello & The Attractions的《Party Girl》 歌词

歌名:Party Girl演唱:明骏女孩词:胡德 曲:Dae Hyun Kin太阳懒懒的照着感觉像蚂蚁上了锅还有几天 才是周末迷迷糊糊的上课低头发现袜子穿错没人注意 阿弥陀佛黑板上写的符号像精灵在又唱又跳仿佛叫我 快来报道穿上最炫的衣服头发也变得超级酷闭上眼睛 马上开路YA YA 爸爸工作可以放下一秒YA YA 妈妈生活并不烦燥阿公阿婆的皱纹可以减少现在 跟着我的口令来做 LOOK AT MEBA BA BABY跳一跳 笑一笑 OMDON"T STOP BABY开心的人不会变老BA BA BABY放松你的心情来吧难得的快乐派对BA BA BABY跳一跳 笑一笑 BABYDON"T STOP BABY笑容灿烂吧 YA YI YABA BA BABY爱让世界变得美妙跟着我跳动的节奏谁躲在角落发傻你说你心里的他今天忽然爱情变卦发来Email 说分手吧没有他的玫瑰花不必哭得稀里哗啦你的眼光 实在太差你不是他的夏娃他不过是只大青蛙自由万岁 哈里路亚我们还正在发芽阳光充足才能开花所以现在 跟我来吧YA YA 来吧别脸红别害羞YA YA 来吧快快拉住我的手灯光闪烁欢呼在你的四周这是你的舞台尽情去秀 SO COME ONhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7383792

Sep.11 delivered both a shock and a surprise-the attack, and our response to it-and we can argue for


英语题目 Bill Gates is one of the_______persons in the world. (succeed)

1.答案:most successful 2.修饰名词persons,当然用形容词successful. 而根据句意“最成功的人士之一”,应该进一步使用形容词的最高级:(the) most successful 3.固定结构:one of the + 形容词最高级 + 名词复数 “最...之一”

for two consecutive multiples of 4

是这样的: 对于两个连续的4的倍数,大的数字比小的数字的2倍小至少16.求这两个数的最小值. 设小的数字为x,则大的数字为x+4 列不等式:2x-(x+4)≥16 所以得x≥20 所以这两个数字最小值为20,24

翻译,So, clearly, there are marked differences between regions.


"AllowedRegions": "CN","KR", "AllowedLocales": "zhCN" }我改了 可是打开游戏还是国服的

首先在我的文档/AppDataRoamingBattle.netBattle.net.config用记事本打开。里面会出现一段脚本代码,前面几行会出现"LoginSettings":  {  "AllowedRegions": "CN",  "AllowedLocales": "zhCN"把它修改成"LoginSettings":  {  "AllowedRegions": "CN;US;EU;KR",  "AllowedLocales": "deDE;enGB;enUS;esMX;esES;frFR;itIT;plPL;ptBR;ruRU;koKR;zhCN;zhTW"这样就可以使用国服战网,亚服,美服,欧服了。不过网吧是会自动覆盖修改记录的,你修改好之后可以查看一下是否修改成功。

regions test 在美国高中重要么?


UPDATE 语句与 FOREIGN KEY 约束"FK_LateCkeck_Regions"冲突。这个问题怎么解决???


请问CIS regions 指的是哪个地区?

the Commonwealth of the Independent States regions独联体地区


没见过这个银行,天津的外企银行主要是香港的、新加坡华侨银行和韩国的银行,还有德国商业银行,美国的只有花旗银行CITI Bank在津汇写字楼,针对大额存款的金卡扽,美国唯一一个进驻天津的银行。




preserve、reserve和conserve作为保存时的区别:1、Preserve不光是指保存,其更侧重于保留,并强调保留下来“收藏”,使东西完好无损。侧重“为了不至于灭绝、损坏”而进行的保护。例句:The ruins of the castle are an ancient monument, which the government pays money to preserve. 这座城堡废墟是古代遗迹,政府花钱予以保护。2、Reserve比较常见,是指为“留作后用”的保留、预订,可指保留座位、权利、意见等等。例句:I"ll reserve a table for five 我要预订一张5人的桌子。3、Conserve侧重“为了减少浪费”而进行的保护,而且强调对有价值的东西非常珍惜,并合理的使用 。例句:The republic"s factories have closed for the weekend to conserve energy. 为了节约能源,该共和国的工厂周末不开工。preserve英 [pru026au02c8zu025c:v] 美 [pru026au02c8zu025c:rv] vt. 保护;保持,保存;腌制食物;防腐处理vi. 保鲜;保持原状;做蜜饯;禁猎n. 蜜饯;防护用品;禁猎地;独占的事物(或范围)reserve英 [ru026au02c8zu025c:v] 美 [ru026au02c8zu025c:rv] n. 储备;保留;保护区;替补队员vt. 储备;保留;预约vi. 预订adj. 保留的;预备的conserve英 [ku0259nu02c8su025c:v] 美 [ku0259nu02c8su025c:rv] vt. 保护,保藏,保存;[化,物]使守恒;将…做成蜜饯n. 果酱,蜜饯

Share Capital and Reserves consists of是什么意思

Share Capital = 股份资本(股本)reserves[英][ru026a"zu025c:vz][美][ru026a"zu025c:vz]n.储量; 谨慎( reserve的名词复数 ); 保护区; 替补队; 替补队员; v.保留[储备]某物( reserve的第三人称单数 ); 预订或保留(座位、住处等); 推迟; 具有或保持(某种权利)会记里也就是说"备用的金额","储存下来的金额"等等意思consists of = 包括整句话:股本和储备金额包括了...

电脑开机时出现fatal! inconsistent data read from(0×80)


Holiday Inn 在美国属于什么档次的宾馆? 与Four seasons比怎么样?



1.comfort可以做“舒适”的意思讲,consolation不能.2.comfort既可以做动词,又可以作名词,作动词时,是“安慰,慰问”的意思.consolation只有“安慰,慰问”的意思,但不能做动词使用,仅仅是名词.It"s a consolation to know that they are safe.(仅仅是名词) 知道他们平平安安,使人感到安慰.It"s a comfort to be with you.(作名词用) 与你在一起使人得到安慰.They tried to comfort her,but what could they say?(作动词用)他们想要安慰她,但能说什么呢?

no answer to my questions




请根据你对以下两幅图的理解,以“Actions Speak Louder than Words”为题,用英语写一篇作文。我的作业


Actions Speak Louder than Words看图写短文

Actions Speak Louder than WordsPeople celebrate Earth Day differently. In Picture 1, a man is trying to put up a banner on a lonely tree surrounded by stumps, but in vain, while Picture 2 shows a couple happily planting trees.The message conveyed here is clear: “Actions speak louder than words.” Our earth is suffering severe damage. Should we just pay lip service or take practical measures to protect it? The answer is definitely the latter. Immediate actions should be taken, like stopping cutting down trees, to better the environment.Actions are important in other fields, too. Instead of shouting empty slogans, it is more meaningful to donate books and sports goods to children in need. We should strictly and voluntarily follow traffic rules, stopping at the red light rather than complaining about traffic jams. Only when we match our words with actions can we make a difference in whatever we hope to accomplish.本文是一篇看图作文,给出题目、图画和内容要求,要求写一篇观点类的议论文,主要内容是要人们少说空话多做实事,行动比口号更实际,内容贴近学生生活,学生有话可写,而且学生对这类文体的作文比较熟悉,所以篇章结构对他们来说并不是问题。【写作要点】1.图画描述:第一幅图里有一颗树,周围都是树桩,一个人想在这颗树上挂上标语,但没法挂;第二幅图里一对夫妇正在植树。2.对文中两种做法的理我们的地球遭到破坏,我们应该行动起来保护地球,而不是在那儿空喊口号。3.两幅图的启示:多做实事少说空话,并举例说明。【亮点】本例文中心突出,要点齐全,结构清晰,用了许多高级词汇、句型结构和衔接手段,他们的运用既清楚地描述了要点,又做到了表达的多样性,使行文流畅。高级词汇:celebrate,in vain,convey,suffering severe damage,pay lip service,take practical measures,definitely,accomplish,strictly and voluntarily,make a difference,shouting empty slogans.句型结构:1. In Picture 1, a man is trying to put up a banner on a lonely tree surrounded by stumps, but in vain, while Picture 2 shows a couple happily planting trees.(状语从句)2. The message conveyed here is clear: “Actions speak louder than words.”(过去分词作定语)3. Should we just pay lip service or take practical measures to protect it?(一般疑问句)4. Immediate actions should be taken, like stopping cutting down trees, to better the environment.(被动语态)5. Instead of shouting empty slogans, it is more meaningful to donate books and sports goods to children in need.(It is adj. to do ---.)6. We should strictly and voluntarily follow traffic rules, stopping at the red light rather than complaining about traffic jams. (现在分词做伴随状语)7. Only when we match our words with actions can we make a difference in whatever we hope to accomplish.(倒装句)

She was not impudent, but a very sedated person, she is a constant giver. If I were ever given t


give me three reasons you will come back to china


Questions for the Interview帮忙翻译下

As we know, USA has an advanced and perfect education system and it is the largest world business center, it is a country where I can greatly refresh my mind and reshape my personality beyond my academic pursuit.众所周知,美国有着先进、完美的教育体系,而且,它是世界上最大的商业贸易中心。那是一个能让我在课本之外不断完善思想,个性的国家。 Thus, I eventually come to a decision to seek more advanced education in the USA, to further broaden my horizons and expand professional knowledge./ to experience the a brand-new culture and get a new way of learning.因此,我最终决定来美国追求更好的教育,来更深入地开阔视野、丰富个人知识。/来体验一种新的文化、实践一种新的学习之路。Will you come back to China?你还会回中国吗?How can you prove to me that you"ll come back after your graduation?你会如何向我证明毕业后你会回国?Yes, after graduation I will go back to china.是的,毕业后我会回到中国First, since I am the only child in my family, my parents don"t want me to live far from them.首先,由于我是独生子女,我的父母不希望我与他们生活得很远。Second, nowadays China is developing very fast and more and more opportunities can be found there. With my American education background plus my own ability, I believe I can find a pretty salary job in China.其次,如今的中国发展迅速,这里有越来越多的机遇。我相信有了我的能力和在美国学习的背景,我能在中国找到一个适合的工作。Do you have a plan after graduation?毕业后你是否有计划?After I graduate from undergraduate study, I will apply for the postgraduate program and continue to study in the USA.毕业后,我会申请,继续在美国的学习。After graduation I will come back to work in China. There, I will put what I have learned in American into practice.毕业后,我会回中国工作。我会把我在美国学到的用于实践。After graduation,I will come back to work in China. Since I"ll study 。。。 for my undergraduate study in American, I"d like to make my career in 。。。毕业后,我会回中国工作。由于我会在美国学习……,我希望我能在……3.Do you have the TOFEL or IELTS scores?你有通过TOFEL或者IELTS吗I took part in。。。 in。。。 and I got a score of 。。。我参加了……,通过了……4.Why does school give you scholarship?为什么学校给你奖学金I applied for 。。。 and the school wrote to tell me that I was among the very brightest and most talented high school seniors this year.我申请了……学校通知我说我是今年学校最优秀,最有天赋的人之一5.Where did you graduate from?你是哪里毕业的Have you graduated?你毕业了吗From what school did you graduate?你从哪里毕业 I graduated from … in … of this year.我今年在……毕业了6.How do you feel about your academic performances of middle school study?你觉得你中学的学习怎么样So why do you want to go to America instead of China.所以,你为什么要去美国,而不是留在中国 As for my academic performance, I am in top of 10% of my class, also in top of 10% of my grade. I got A grade in physics and math competition held by Wuhan Education Community.关于我的学业,我是我班,我校前10%的学生,我在物理和数学上得到A(I am a active school activity participant, for example,. I am one of the reporter of School Newspaper.)我积极参与学校活动,比如,我是校报的报道员之一As we know, USA has an advanced and perfect education system and it is the largest world business centers, it is a country where I can greatly refresh my mind and reshape my personality beyond my academic pursuit. Thus, I eventually come to a decision to seek more advanced education in the USA, to further broaden my horizons and expand professional knowledge./ to experience the a brand-new culture and get a new way of learning(第一段)7.What major do you anticipate on joining after arriving in America?Which major will you choose in the American college?到美国后,你不想参加什么?大学里你会选择什么专业?What are you going to study in America? 你在美国学什么?I will study …s in…. I have great interests in this major. What"s more, after graduation I will come back to China. Here I think I can find a better job, e.g. Bank of China. 我会学……我对这个专业有很大的兴趣。并且,毕业后我将回中国。我想我会在这里找到一份更好的工作,比如,中国银行。

P.O.D.的《Visions》 歌词

歌曲名:Visions歌手:P.O.D.专辑:brownProve to me, what I seeWhat I hear, my GodProve to me, what I seeWhat I hear, my GodTake my pride, capture my fleshTake my flesh, capture my prideTake my pride, capture my fleshTake my flesh, capture my prideWith the righteous wisdomSpiritual insightCheck the knowledgeAnd it shall come to passAfterwordThat I will pour out my spirit on all fleshAnd your sons and your daughters shall prophesiedYour old men shall dream dreamsAnd your young men shall see visionsJesus Christ is what I see<Visions>Jesus Christ is what I see<Visions>Jesus Christ is what I see<Visions>Jesus Christ is what I see<Visions>Prove to me, who I seeWho I hear, my GodProve to me, who I seeWho I hear, my Godhttp://music.baidu.com/song/26587658

apparent conspicuous有何区别?

apparent ----1. 显然的, 明白的, 清晰可见的 2. 表面上的, 貌似(真实)的conspicuous----- 显眼的, 明显的

Paramore的《Monster》 歌词

歌曲名:Monster歌手:Paramore专辑:Transformers: Dark Of The Moon (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)You were my conscience,So solid, now you"re like waterAnd we started drowning,Not like we"d sink any fartherBut I let my heart go,it"s somewhere down the bottom.But I"ll get a new one,Come back for the hope that you"ve stolen.I"ll stop the whole world,I"ll stop the whole worldFrom turning into a monster and eating us aliveDon"t you ever wonder how we survive?Well now that you"re gone, the world is oursAhh ah ah ahh ah ahI"m only human,I"ve got a skeleton in mebut I"m not the villain,despite what you"re always preaching.Call me a traitor,I"m just collecting your victimsAnd they"re getting strongerAnd I hear them calling (calling, Calling)I"ll stop the whole world,I"ll stop the whole worldFrom turning into a monster and eating us aliveDon"t you ever wonder how we survive?Well now that you"re gone, the world is oursWell you thought of straight desolutionsBut I liked the tensionAnd not always knowing the answersYou"re gonna lose itYou"re gonna lose itI"ll stop the whole world,I"ll stop the whole worldFrom turning into a monster and eating us aliveDon"t you ever wonder how we survive?Well now that you"re gone, the world...I"ll stop the whole world,I"ll stop the whole worldFrom turning into a monster eating us aliveDon"t you ever wonder how we survive?Now that you"re gone, the world is ourshttp://music.baidu.com/song/58563959


该理论认:凡能够接受外电、离或原团称路易斯酸(Lewis acid)即电接受体简称受体;凡能够给电、离或原团称路易斯碱(Lewis base)即电给予体简称给体或者说:路易斯酸(Lewis acid)指能作电接受体(Electron pair acceptor)原离或原团;路易斯碱(Lewis base)则指能作电给予体(Electron pair donor)原离或原团;酸碱反应电接受体与电给予体间形配位共价键反应 1、 配位化合物金属阳离例[Fe(H2O)6]3+[Cu(NH3)4]2+Fe3+离Cu2+离2、些离原尽管满足8电结构仍扩其配位层接纳更电 SiF4 路易斯酸结合2F–电形 [SiF6]2–3、另些离原满足8电结构通价层电重排接纳更电再CO2能接受OH–离O 原孤电4、某些闭合壳层通其反键轨道容纳外电碘丙酮溶液呈现特棕色I2反键轨道接纳丙酮氧原孤电形配合物(CH3)2COI2.再四氰基乙烯(TCNE)π*轨道能接受孤电见Lewis酸:⒈离、金属离:钠离、烷基离、硝基离⒉受电(缺电化合物):三氟化硼、三氯化铝、三氧化硫、二氯卡宾机化Lewis酸亲电试剂 1、 阴离2、具孤电性 NH3,H2O,CO2,CH3OH;3、含碳-碳双键CH2=CH2.Lewis碱显包括所Bronsted碱Lewis酸与Bronsted酸致HCl,HNO3Bronsted酸Lewis酸酸碱加合物见Lewis碱:⒈负离:卤离、氢氧根离、烷氧基离、烯烃、芳香化合物⒉带孤电化合物:氨、氰、胺、醇、醚、硫醇、二氧化碳机化Lewis碱亲核试剂注意:⒈Lewis酸碱电理论酸、碱酸碱络合物没盐概念;⒉酸碱电理论种物质究竟属于碱属于酸酸碱配合物应该具体反应确定反应起酸作用酸起碱作用碱能脱离具体反应辨认物质酸碱性同种物质同反应环境既做酸做碱⒊离般起酸作用负离般起碱作用;AlCl3,SnCl2,FeCl3,BF3,SnCl4,BCl3,SbCl5等都见Lewis酸;⒋理论足处于酸碱特征明显


路易斯酸: AlCL3 路易斯碱、CH3OCH3、HCO3-、h2oCO 不布朗酸:h2so4、 h3o+、ch3nh3+ 、HCO3-布朗碱:HCO3-、h2o


bronsted酸和lewis酸的区别:它与布朗斯特劳里酸不同的是,路易斯酸并不一定需要有质子(H+)的转移,对路易斯酸理论来说,所有亲电试剂都可以叫做路易斯酸(包括H+)。Lewis碱显然包括所有Bronsted碱,但Lewis酸与Bronsted酸不一致,如HCl是Bronsted酸,但不是Lewis酸,而是酸碱加合物。该理论认为:凡是能够接受外来电子对的分子、离子或原子团称为路易斯酸(Lewis acid),即电子对接受体,简称受体。凡是能够给出电子对的分子、离子或原子团称为路易斯碱(Lewis base),即电子对给予体,简称给体。或者说:路易斯酸(Lewis acid)是指能作为电子对接受体(Electron pair acceptor)的原子,分子,离子或原子团。路易斯碱(Lewis base)则指能作为电子对给予体(Electron pair donor)的原子,分子,离子或原子团。酸碱反应是电子对接受体与电子对给予体之间形成配位共价键的反应。



控制面板找不到Regional and Language Options

这个貌似不复杂,你用的英文的什么系统?XP还是VSTIA?QQ连接不到你系统的字库,咱们的QQ不是基于unicode编写的,当然会这样胡乱显示了。你先这样试试一下载安装你那个系统的简体中文语言包”二然后,首先打开“control panel”,然后选择“regional and language options”,接着选择“administrative”,把“non unicode language”选项设为“chinese prc”。先试试,不行再说。

英语作文What are the roles and functions of internet in modern organizations?

1 历年考研作文题目解析及范文推荐一、1991年考研作文题目解析及范文推荐1.1. 题目:Direction:A.Title: WHERE TO LIVE---IN THE CITY OR THE COUNTRY? B.Time limit: 40 minutes C.Word limit: 120-150 words (not including the given opening sentence) D.Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening sentence. E.Your composition must be written clearly in the ANSWER SHEET. Outline: 1.Conveniences of the city 2.Attractions of the country 3.Disadvantages of both 4.My preference 1.2. 解析命题形式:提纲式作文;选题:社会热点类;体裁:议论文;字数要求:120-150字(不包括已给出的首句)。1.3. 范文推荐Where to Live — In the City or the Country? 范文一:Many people appreciate the conveniences ofthe city. The city offers a wide choice of jobs for adults and schools for children. It also provides plenty of facilities for culture, entertainment and recreation---restaurants, department, stores, cinemas, and so on. Besides, transportation is usually well developed in the city, with a variety of modes of travel, including buses, trains and subways. In the country, on the other hand, one can enjoy the advantages of fresh air and food, and a more relaxed life style. Housing is usually spacious and inexpensive in the country. And, as for recreation, what could be more relaxing than a stroll down a country lane amid beautiful scenery? However there are advantages to living ineither the city or the country. City air tends to be polluted, and the streets are always crowded and noisy. In the country, on the other hand, the lack of stimulating activities can make a person feel bored and isolate

翻译,不要给用翻译软件的翻译,那样语句会不通(2) The supermarket practices a responsibility system


constructive dismissal是雇员受到惩罚还是雇主

constructive dismissal,是雇主通过提议的方式解雇雇员,类似于“劝退”。如果作为一种处罚的话,是雇员受罚。



binding constraint是什么意思

binding constraint[英][u02c8bau026andu026au014b ku0259nu02c8streint][美][u02c8bau026andu026au014b ku0259nu02c8strent]紧固约束; 束缚约束; 双语例句1Specifically, for the Jianghan plain lake, the shortage and eutrophication has become the binding constraint of the water resource sustainable utilization.江汉平原湖泊水资源的紧缺与水体的富营养化成为制约湖泊资源可持续利用的重大瓶颈。

binding constraint是什么意思

binding constraint英[u02c8bau026andu026au014b ku0259nu02c8streint]美[u02c8bau026andu026au014b ku0259nu02c8strent]紧固约束紧约束; 硬约束; 制约因素1With the development of the broadband wireless communication technology, the limited frequency resource has become the binding constraint of the future development.当前宽带无线通信技术日新月异,有限的频谱资源成为制约其发展的瓶颈。

binding constraint是什么意思

binding constraint [英]u02c8bau026andu026au014b ku0259nu02c8streint [美]u02c8bau026andu026au014b ku0259nu02c8strent 紧固约束 [例句]How far that constraint is binding depends on how far highly leveraged borrowers are willing to borrow , particularly when the collateral against which they borrow has lost value.受抑制的程度取决于高负债借款人的借贷愿意,特别是在他们的贷款抵押品失去价值的时候。

the championship took place during the daysvof the cold war,什么意思



紧接上一篇,相比Admob中介,ironSource中介相对低调很多。但是,IS中介的功能还是相对比较强大的,推荐中级运营人员。 优势:新手入门款,操作难度大于Google,但小于Max和Mobpub 无明显偏袒自家广告源,解决Admob中介的最大问题 功能相对较为完整,A/B Test、分国家等细分维度运营、Bidding均可支持 支持主流广告源,省去开发者成本 劣势: 由于其本身只支持Rewarded video、Interstitial、Banner几种广告形式,不适合工具产品使用,由于工具一般都会有部分native广告 无法支持ironSource中介合作广告源以外的广告源,后续可延伸性较差 只支持线上应用 那么关于这个中介,我更推荐什么样的开发者使用?(我认为符合以下1条就可以考虑使用) 有基础瀑布流配置经验的运营使用——>需要有一定瀑布流运营及能力 产品基本跑通前期模型——>有一定精力投入竞价优化中 游戏+线上应用登录账号,选择对应模块:Monetize u27a3 Mediation u27a3 SDK Networks Setup 选择合适的广告平台添加,每个广告平台如何添加的方法不一样,注意阅读ironSource 中介指南,了解如何查找每个广告平台所需的特定数据。通过将切换开关设置为“Active”,如下图:完成广告源的增加以后,选择Monetize u27a3 Management u27a3 Mediation,来到竞价策略界面。刚才设置的合作广告网络的ID就会在此处显示。IS瀑布流有三层:Tier1, Tier2,Tier3。 这里通常使用的只有Tier2,大家认为的瀑布流,即按照eCPM进行排序。 Tier1为最高优先级的交易,即直客等;T3为空白流量的填充,即自有广告等。这两个使用的相对较少。 Rate:这边和Admob中介一样,是广告平台的价格。记得一定要设置价格,为了便于排序。它有三种排序方式: Manual——人工排序,按照你当前放置的位置排序 Sort by CPM——按照你这边设置的价格排序(我一般选择这个,即和其它中介类似) Optimized——它根据你跑出来的价格排序(一般不勾选,新APP等系统跑出价格需要至少7天)所有Bidding层的广告源会在此出现,Bidding层采取实时出价的方式,不需要设置价格及顺序。但注意:如我之前文章所提到的,如果某个广告源在Bidding层已经设置,则无需在瀑布流中配置。Group level:IS提供了分组,如果国家较多,可把国家列为T1T2T3T4,在Group中勾选相应国家,则可以设置该国家的竞价策略。Country level:如果针对某一个国家设置竞价策略,则可以直接通过下面国家选择进行调整(我用的较少,除非有特别国家要单独设置)除了常见的Impressions,eCPM,Revenue以外,IS还有一个SOV参数,代表该广告ID收入占比。官方建议弃用流量较低(低于收入 SOV 的 2%)的瀑布实例,这也可能影响到出价者和瀑布的展示次数分配。这本质上和合并展示量低于1000的广告ID其实原理相同。 此外,这些数字并非非常准确,由于拉取三方广告平台可能产生数据报表维度不一、时差等问题,仅供参考。具体还是以对应三方广告平台数据为准。


您好,tension 这个英语单词:1)作(拉紧)或是(绷紧)的状态时,是不可数名词,比如精神紧张,肌肉紧绷等都是表状态,是不可数;2)作(关系)或是(局势)的紧张时,是可数名词,指的是一种特定的紧张,而来自于不同的关系紧张或是局势紧张时,通常作复数使用,表示(多方面)的紧张;比如美国去年和今年发生的种族之间的紧张关系就是 racial tensions,指的是不同民族之间错中复杂的紧张关系。



be consisted of与be made up of有什么区别

通用的,但楼主要注意,consist of 是主动的,不用于被动句

be conscious of是什么意思,意识到.翻译

中文:知道、意识.英语中of的相关用法如下:1. 表示所有关系,用以构成名词的所有格,如the gate of the school(校门),the secret of success(成功的秘密),等。注意以下正误表达:正:He is a friend of my father. 他是我父亲的一位朋友。正:He is a friend of my father"s. 他是我父亲的一位朋友。正:He is a friend of mine. 他是我的一位朋友。误:He is a friend of me.以下表达是错误的:误:What"s the name of you?(改为…your name)误:Do you know the father of him?(改为…his father)误:I will show the books of me.(改为…my books)但是以下表达却是对的(of表示动宾关系):正:I hate the sight of him. 我讨厌看到他。正:His criticism of her is serious. 他对她的批评是严肃 的。2. 与 age, shape, size, colour, height, design, weight 等名词连用,可用作表语或定语;其中的介词 of 有时可省略。如:The two boys are (of) the same height. 这两个男孩一样高。Here is a piece of wood (of) the right size. 这有一块木头,其大小刚好适合。When I was (of) your age, I lived in the country. 我像你这个年纪的时候,我住在乡下。3. 与某些名词(如help, value, interest, importance等)连用,相当于形容词,可用作定语或表语。如:It"s not of much value. 这没有多大价值。This subject is of great interest to me. 这门学科对我来说是很有趣的。The dictionary is of much help to the students. 这本字典对学生帮助很大。4. 与 hear, talk, know, speak 等动词连用,表示一种间接性,大意为“涉及到”。如:I"ve never heard of anyone doing a thing like that. 我从未听说有人做过那种事。Mary is talking of looking for another job. 玛丽说起要另找一份工作。I don"t know the writer, but I know of him. 我不认识这个作家,但我听说过他。People spoke of their fear as the flood waters rose. 人们说起看到洪水上涨时的恐惧。

be made up of 与 consist of 的用法有什么区别?

be made up of =consist of 由……组成 consist of 由...组成的.相当于be made up of .后面是加组成的成分. 例如:This necklace consists of gold and diamond. 注意,consist 本身是一个不及物动词,不能采用被动语态. be made of/from...都是表示由.制成的. 但是be made of 是可以看得出原料的.例如 The desk is made of wood. 而be made from.是不可以看出原料的.例如 Paper is made from wood.

million of 和millions of 的用法

millions of 数百万的 eg. millions of people 数百万人million of 是错的

i consider you smart为什么只有一个动作承

语法问题。i consider you smart虽然只有一个动作承受者,也就是宾语你,但是仅仅是说认为你,可能觉得话没有说完,可是宾语你后面的聪明,也不像第三种情况那样是另一个动作的承受者,这里无论是去掉you 还是smart,语意都不完整,像consider这样的动词,要有一个补充承受者才能使语意变得完整,而这个补充的信息,我们在语法上称为补足语或补语,更明确的可以说是宾语补足语,这样需要补语的动词,我们称之为复杂及物动词。

convictions 是什么意思


what are the relationships between solar energy and potovoltaic

What"s the Difference Between Solar Energy and Solar Power? by Scott Sklar Published: 2007年10月23日 Scott, I"m confused about the use of the terms solar energy and solar power. Is solar energy both a type of energy and a type of technology? Is solar power both a type of power and a type of technology? It seems like the terms get mixed up and used interchangeably, like kWh and kW do even though these units describe two different things. What are the general differences between solar energy and solar power? Thank you. -- Lee K. Lee, this is a question I get often, and believe it is worth addressing. Solar "power" usually means converting the sun"s rays (photons) to electricity. The solar technologies could be photovoltaics, or the various concentrating thermal technologies: solar troughs, solar dish/engines, and solar power towers. Solar "energy" is a more generic term, meaning any technology that converts the sun"s energy into a form of energy—so that includes the aforementioned solar power technologies, but also solar thermal for water heating, space heating and cooling, and industrial process heat. Solar energy includes solar daylighting and even passive solar that uses building orientation, design and materials to heat and cool buildings. Now in the early 1980"s, I was Political Director of the Solar Lobby, formed by the big nine national environmental groups, that embraced all solar technologies—which we viewed as wind, hydropower, and biomass, along with the long list of traditional solar conversion technologies. The thesis, which is correct, is that the sun contributes to growing plants, wind regimes, and evaporation and rain (hydropower), so that all the renewables are part of the solar family. Now, of course, most would argue that geothermal, and tidal and wave (effected by the gravitational force of the moon) are not solar, but we included these technologies as well. While I have this platform on solar terminology, I am routinely annoyed by media stories about solar cells (which they assume describes photovoltaics). Photovoltaics technology has changed over the decades from groups of silicon cells wired together under glass to make a photovoltaic module (panel), to various thin film materials deposed on glass, metal and plastics, and including the newer nanotechnology photovoltaics incorporating light sensitive dyes. While solar exerts could nitpick that these are indeed other types of embedded solar cells, I would venture, the term is outmoded. The word "photovoltaics" for the direct conversion of sunlight to electricity is sufficient.The information and views expressed in this article are those of the author and not necessarily those of RenewableEnergyWorld.com or the companies that advertise on its Web site and other publications.


你好!renovations 网络 翻新; 革新; [例句]Examples of common renovations include bathrooms and kitchens, but may also include floors and roofs.常见的例子包括装修浴室和厨房,但也可能包括地板和屋顶。

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求华兹华斯《不朽颂》(ode: intimations of immortality)的中文版全文!

永生颂(咏童年往事中永生的信息)威廉·华兹华斯waits译孩童是成人之父;我愿那对自然的敬爱能贯穿我的一生。1曾几何时,草地、溪流还有果树,这大地,以及每一样平常景象,在我眼里似乎都披着天光,这荣耀,梦的开始。只是现在已非从前;——我环视四野,白天黑夜,再也见不到昔日之所见。2彩虹去了又来,玫瑰依然可爱,欢快的月亮环视四周,天宇寥廓无蔽,星夜的汪洋散发着动人美丽;初生的太阳辉煌灿烂;但无论在哪里,我已明瞭有一种荣耀已永离了人间。3如今,鸟雀们的欢唱依旧羊羔们蹦跳依旧像叮咚不停的手鼓,唯独我,萌生一缕哀思:旋即的言说可以阻挡它的郁积,于是我再次尝试坚强:瀑布自悬崖吹起他们的号角;我的哀思焉能再错失这季节的流光。我听见回声在群山间流荡,来自沉睡原野的风朝我呼啸,大地一派欢欣;地和海在沉醉中放浪了形骸,怀着五月之心,每一头牲畜都置身节庆:——你,欢乐之子,在我身边呼喊吧,让我听你的喊声,你这幸福的牧羊少年。4你们有福的造物,我听见你们彼此的呼唤;我看到在你们的庆典上诸天也一同欢笑;我的心融进你们的欢宴,我的头顶自有它的花冠。你们的幸福满盈,我有——我有全然的体验。哦不幸的日子!倘若我愁苦而大地正忙于装点,这甜美的五月晨间,孩子们正在摘选鲜花;在四面八方,在宽阔辽远的一千个山谷中;阳光温暖,婴儿欢腾在母亲的臂弯:——我听见,我听见,我笑着听见!——但是,众树中却有一树,还有我曾打量过的孤独旷野,他们一起诉说着,某些事物的殄灭:三色堇在脚边重复同样的流言:那如幻的光辉逃到哪里去了?那荣耀和梦境,现在哪里去了?5我们的出生,只是沉睡和遗忘:共我们升起的灵,生命的大星,本已坠往另一个地方,又自远处莅临;不是完全的失忆,又非绝对的白纸,曳着荣耀之云,我们是从上帝那边来的孩子:天堂迤逦在我们的幼年!而那监牢的阴影会慢慢把少年人围拢,但他看到那光,和它的源泉,他见了就兴意冲冲;青年人渐离了东方,他必得漫游,尚能将自然颂扬。他的旅途依然为瑰丽的想象所陪伴。最终,这灵光黯淡于成年人的视野,并在寻常的日光中消灭。6大地满载着属于她的愉悦;也自有其天性里诸多的渴望,甚至某种母性的柔肠,以及并非无谓的目标,这家常的保姆尽其所能要令她哺育的孩子——和她同住的人,忘却那诞生他的华美宫阙,以及他熟知的荣耀。7瞧这个孩子,置身于初生的狂喜,可爱的六岁幼童!看,他躺在亲手做出的物件中,烦躁于母亲迸放的吻,又为父亲的目光所凝视!看,在他脚边,一些小小的图样,人生憧憬的斑斓碎片,他新学的技艺赋予其形状; 婚礼抑或庆典,葬礼抑或悼念; 一一涌入他的心灵,一一化作他的歌唱: 此后他将让舌头屈从于有关事务、爱情乃至斗争的谈论然而无需太久,这些又将被抛却,伴随新的骄傲与欢悦这小小的演员默记起另一段台词;他的“谐剧舞台”上轮流充斥着生活马车载乘的所有角色,直至衰朽的岁月; 仿佛其一生的天命 不过是无尽的模仿。8你,外在的形体并不能相称你灵魂的浩瀚;你最好的哲人,仍固守着遗产,你盲人中的慧眼,不听不语,却洞彻为不朽心灵所追求的永恒之渊,——伟大的先知!有福的观者!你掌握的真理,我们曾毕生探寻,却仍迷失在黑暗中,那墓穴的黑暗;你的永生,犹如主之于奴,凌驾于你的形体之上,白日一般,一种不可弃掷的存在;你这孩童,在你生命的高处散播天生自由的光辉热力,为何要付出这般热切的痛楚,来惹岁月负上不可挣脱的桎梏,这样与自己的幸福茫昧地抗争?很快,你的灵将吸入尘世的重,有分量的习俗也会压迫你的心胸,沉似冰霜,深如生命。9多好啊!我们的余烬尚残存一丝活力,大自然还能唤醒那些太容易消失的记忆!我一想起我们的过去,就会生起无尽的感激:这不是为那些最值得赐福之物;欢乐和自由,童年单纯的教义,无论欢闹还是静默,他的心里总扑腾着希望的翅羽。我不是为了这些才唱出感谢和赞美的歌;而是为那些对感官和外在世界所作的倔强究诘,为那些来自我们身上的跌落,和湮灭;为一个生灵茫然的惧怕他正游荡在这不真实的凡尘,为强烈的本能,面对它我们的人性颤栗如丑事败露的罪人:是为那些最初的情意,那些模糊的往事,如何称谓暂且不管,那是我们一生的光源,是我们眼中最明亮的灯;支撑我们,疼爱我们,并有能力使我们的喧嚣流年如同永恒寂静中的瞬间:真理苏醒了就不会毁灭:任凭倦怠抑或暴烈,也不论长幼,所有与欢乐为敌的,都无法完全将之消灭或摧垮!因此在平静无风的季节里,尽管我们远在内陆之上,我们的灵仍看得见不朽的海洋,它把我们送到了这里,我们在瞬间依旧能重返那里,去看那海岸上雁子的奔跑,去听那奔腾不息的浩浩浪涛。10然后唱吧,你们这些鸟儿,唱,唱一曲欢乐的歌! 催促年轻的羊羔跳蹦 像踏着鼓声的叮咚!我们在心里加入你们的阵营,你们尖叫你们嬉戏,五月的欢愉如今已渗入你们的心里!尽管那曾经的灿烂光辉已永远从我眼中消退,尽管没有什么能够重现鲜花和青草中的荣耀流年;我们并不为此悲伤,而是继续探寻某种活力,在残存的往昔中;在那原初的、一旦萌生就不会泯灭的同情心中;在那些源于人类苦难的精神慰籍中;在窥破死生的信念中,在那些孕育哲思的岁月中。11哦,泉水,草地,山川,果园,我们之间的爱恋永不会断!我心深处感受到你们的伟力;我只是舍弃了某一种乐事却活在你们更为内在的支配下。我爱那沿路奔流的小溪,甚过当初我如它们一般轻快的时节;每一个新生的日子依旧有 纯洁可爱的曙光;那聚集在落日周围的云彩在一双审视过人类必死性的眼睛里正散发着庄重严肃的色泽;又一段赛程结束,又一场新的胜利。感谢我们赖以生存的人类心灵,感谢它的温柔、欢乐与忧惧对于我,最卑微的野花也能唤起那泪水不及的最深处的思绪。要 杨德豫版本的加qq 873184323 欢迎到 百度华兹华斯吧逛逛

jeonse造句 jeonseの例文 "jeonse"是什麼意思

Jeonse tenants are taking a short position in the housing market in some sense. Jeonse involves the tenant giving the landlord a large sum of " key money " when a lease is signed. However, there is a certain level of risks of which the tenants shall be aware for leasing an apartment by Jeonse . When the apartment price goes down the amount of Jeonse deposit goes down proportionally, although this may not always be the case. Depending on the area, " jeonse " prices can range as much as 80 % of the home"s sale price. The expensive Gangnam area"s " jeonse " is about 30 % of the sales price because those properties are so expensive. As Jeonse tenants are not obpgated to pay any monthly rent, it may lead them to bepeve that Jeonse is a great deal in all aspects. As Jeonse tenants are not obpgated to pay any monthly rent, it may lead them to bepeve that Jeonse is a great deal in all aspects. It is a mon practice that Jeonse tenants have the deposit ready by taking a loan from a bank due to the sheer amount of the deposit. Since the " jeonse " price reflects the actual demand of people who reside in the area, the gap beeen rental deposits for " jeonse " and the apartment sales price means there might be an economic bubble in the apartment price. It"s difficult to see jeonse in a sentence. 用 jeonse 造句挺难的 Since the " jeonse " price reflects the actual demand of people who reside in the area, the gap beeen rental deposits for " jeonse " and the apartment sales price means there might be an economic bubble in the apartment price. This unique way of renting a house is called " jeonse "; a renter makes a lump-sum deposit on a rental space instead of paying monthly rent, at anywhere from 50 to 100 % of the market value, and gets back the whole deposit when the rent contract ends.

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tons[英][tu028cnz][美][tu028cnz]adv.<非正>非常; n.吨( ton的名词复数 ); 大量; 许多; (尤指)每小时 100 英里的速度; tonsn.ton的复数形式; 吨; 大量; 许多; [例句]So they picked up tons of trash instead.于是他们只好拾起了数吨垃圾。


considerately英 [ku0259n"sidu0259ritli]美 [ku0259n"sidu0259ritli]adv. 体谅地[网络短语]considerately 体贴地,体谅地Considerately Interested 体贴感兴趣
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