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第七季 具体忘了= =

Daniel Gilbert的《Bones》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Bones歌手:Daniel Gilbert专辑:New African Sports, Soul Café Club No 1In Fear And Faith - BonesHer bones are buried in the backyard along with my integrityI tested your honor you questioned my faithNow look where you are you"re right where you"ll stayIts time for you to know that I"m loathingYou"ll never see me againI can see your eyes have been wandering slowlyDo you have any last words?Oh no I can see you"ve been lying through your teethWho"s breathing now?I hope your ready to leave this place cause you are going either wayWe"ve fallen far too distantAll you were good for was everythingbut I guess that wasn"t enough to keep you aliveI"m horrified by my potentialI am so capable of terrible thingsI really hate goodbyesThere"s no way that I could just let it slideI did this to youAnd all this time I never knew regret is for youFor youOh no I can see that you have been lying through your teethI hope you are ready to leave this place cause you are going either wayWe"ve fallen far too distant.I"m ready to forgetI"m ready to forget youhttp://music.b***.com/song/2594847

求one direction从左到右的成员名字和简介。

从左至右:Liam Payne (莉莉) 1993年8月29日Louis Tomlinson (丝丝) 1991年12月24日Harry Styles (哈卷) 1994年2月1日Niall Horan (奶儿) 1993年9月13日Zayn Malik (渣渣) 1993年1月12日

识骨寻踪 bones的父母是什么身份?







Paloalto的《Bones》 歌词

歌曲名:Bones歌手:Paloalto专辑:Heroes And VillainsIn Fear And Faith - BonesHer bones are buried in the backyard along with my integrityI tested your honor you questioned my faithNow look where you are you"re right where you"ll stayIts time for you to know that I"m loathingYou"ll never see me againI can see your eyes have been wandering slowlyDo you have any last words?Oh no I can see you"ve been lying through your teethWho"s breathing now?I hope your ready to leave this place cause you are going either wayWe"ve fallen far too distantAll you were good for was everythingbut I guess that wasn"t enough to keep you aliveI"m horrified by my potentialI am so capable of terrible thingsI really hate goodbyesThere"s no way that I could just let it slideI did this to youAnd all this time I never knew regret is for youFor youOh no I can see that you have been lying through your teethI hope you are ready to leave this place cause you are going either wayWe"ve fallen far too distant.I"m ready to forgetI"m ready to forget you

Ms Mr的《Bones》 歌词

歌曲名:Bones歌手:Ms Mr专辑:Secondhand RaptureMS MR - BonesDig up her bones, but leave her soul aloneBoy with a broken soulheart with a gaping holeDark twisted fantasy turned to realityKissing death and losing my breathMidnight hoursCobble street passagesForgotten savages, Forgotten savagesDig up her bones, but leave her soul aloneLet her find a way to a better placeBroken dreams and silent screamsEmpty churches with soulless cursesWe found a way to escape the dayDig up her bones, but leave her soul aloneLost in the pages of self made cagesLife slips away and the ghost come to playThese are hard timesThese are hard timesFor dreamersAnd love-lost believersDig up her bones, but leave her soul aloneLet her find a way to a better placeBroken dreams and silent screamsEmpty churches with soulless cursesWe found a way to escape the dayCandy bar creep showMy highs hit a new lowMarinate in miseryLike a girl of only seventeenMan made madness,and the romance of sadnessBeautiful dance, that happened by chancehappened by chance x2;Dig up her bones, but leave her soul aloneLet her x4;find her way back homeBroken dreams and silent screamsEmpty churches with soulless cursesWe found x3;a way, to escape the day


《bones》演唱:Imagine DragonsGimme, gimme, gimme some time to thinkI"m in the bathroom looking at meFace in the mirror is all I needWait until the reaper takes my lifeNever gonna get me out aliveI will live a thousand million livesMy patience is waningIs this entertaining?My patience is waningIs this entertaining?I got this feeling, yeah, you knowWhere I"m losing all control"Cause there"s magic in my bonesI got this feeling in my soulGo ahead and throw your stones"Cause there"s magic in my bonesPlaying with a stick of dynamiteThere was never grey in black and whiteThere was never wrong till there was rightFeeling like a boulder hurdlingSeeing all the vultures circlingBurning in the flames I"m working inTurning in a bed that"s darkeningMy patience is waningIs this entertaining?My patience is waningIs this entertaining?I got this feeling, yeah, you knowWhere I"m losing all control"Cause there"s magic in my bonesI got this feeling in my soulGo ahead and throw your stones"Cause there"s magic in my bones"Cause there"s magic in my bonesLook in the mirror of my mindTurning the pages of my lifeWalking the path so many paced a million timesDrown out the voices in the airLeaving the ones that never caredPicking the pieces up and building to the skyMy patience is waningIs this entertaining?My patience is waningIs this entertaining?I got this feeling, yeah, you knowWhere I"m losing all control"Cause there"s magic in my bonesI got this feeling in my soulGo ahead and throw your stones"Cause there"s magic in my bonesThere goes my mindDon"t mindThere goes my mindThere goes my mindDon"t mindThere goes my mind"Cause there"s magic in my bones





【Bones(识骨寻踪)】0150:Profile A Shrink(Hogins/Sweets)

LANCE SWEETS平躺在自己的办公椅上,右手扶着自己的左肩膀。 即使已经过去18年,那些丑陋的疤痕还是会发出阵阵幻痛折磨着自己。这样的幻痛会不受他控制地给大脑不断传递信息,然后让他情不自禁地想起自己的那些过去。 那是LANCE SWEETS作为人降生到世界以来最初的记忆——昏暗的灯光、酒精和香烟刺鼻的气息,以及皮带抽打在身上带来的剧痛。 他知道,收养儿童一般只有两种命运——要么上天堂,要么下地狱……运气好的可以被一对慈祥、温和却一直得不到孩子的好心夫妇收养,运气差的——要知道,收养儿童可以得到国家每月补贴500美金的赡养费,而且还附赠一个不会还手、不会报警、任凭摆弄的玩物,何乐而不为呢? 他人生的前6年就是在地狱里挣扎着爬过来的。日复一日、年复一年、恐惧渐渐演变为愤怒,最后直接转化为盲目……就在他最应该学习人类的情感、体会人类的真善美的时候,他却只看到了残忍和冷酷。 他想起BRENNAN和BOOTH来请他去GORDEN GORDEN家吃晚餐的时候,骨头博士泪眼婆娑地讲着她在收养家庭因为打碎一个盘子而被关在车库一个星期的故事。和他第一次见到她时就猜到的一样,BRENNAN只是用冷淡来掩饰自己的感情——和他正好相反,他是用夸张的感情来掩饰自己的冷漠。 他6岁的时候终于碰上了一对善良的老夫妇,可是这一切都来得太晚,他感情上的缺失已经无法弥补。 社会不能容纳一个没有感情的怪物。他在选择科系的时候选择了心理学,这让他学到怎样才能更好地伪装自己;还有这张BABY FACE,蜷曲的卷发、大眼睛、笑起来还有酒窝——好像永远也长不大的小男孩。这正是他所需要的,让与他接触的人都放松警惕,不会注意到他与众不同的一面。 就好像热带动物一样,用各种保护色把自己伪装起来。 SWEETS感到左肩上的疼痛已经远超幻痛的感觉,他这才注意到不知不觉间他的手指深深攥紧了肩膀。 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ “SWEETS!” 他的门“砰”的一声被撞开了,那个小个子的卷发男人也没有征求他的同意,大大咧咧地就一屁股坐在他的沙发上。似乎嫌这样子还不够粗鲁,他又把两腿往沙发上一搁,干脆枕着胳膊在沙发上呼哧呼哧地平躺下来。 “HODGINS博士,”SWEETS重新调整好坐姿,迅速回复到平时那个SHRINK的状态,“虽然我不能麻烦你们每次来找我时先预约,不过至少请你们进来前先敲敲门。” “SWEETS!ANGELA和WENDELL在一起了你知不知道?我心里真是烦透了!” SWEETS像平时那样拿起笔和笔记本,坐到HODGINS对面的沙发上,“我知道,我能理解。” “不!其实我也不是嫉妒或是怎么着……但是我就是烦透了!” “我明白。” “我、我只是希望ANGELA能幸福,你知道吗?其实我早就已经放下我俩过去的事儿了,但是ANGELA是个好女人……” SWEETS放下笔,眼睛直视着HODGINS的,“你只是想要她找到一个好男人。” “对。”HODGINS点点头。 “你就是个好男人。”SWEETS坐到他身旁,对他微微一笑。 SWEETS的笑总是很能感染人。他的眼睑微微下垂,嘴角则稍稍向上一挑,带出脸颊浅浅的酒窝——就是一个完美的微笑。温和、动人、沁人心脾,带着极度的治愈作用,还有不容置疑的专业。HODGINS也不由得回以一笑。 但是他很快又坐回到他的对面,仿佛刚刚他们还是无话不谈的朋友,现在就又恢复到SHRINK和病人的关系一样。 这就是JEFFERSONIAN实验室专用SHRINK,HODGINS心想。平时他总是摆出一副任何人都能接近的无害姿态和表情,讲些无关痛痒的笑话,然后你刚以为要和他建立某种亲密关系时,他会当机立断地和你保持距离。 他还记得SWEETS刚刚成为JEFFERSONIAN常客的那会儿,ZACK刚被关进精神病院,斜眼小组对这个新成员都嗤之以鼻——尤其是他自己,他那时简直要恨死这个无处不在的BABY FACE了。可是渐渐的,他们却又开始依赖他,开始求助于他。CAM、ANGELA、BOOTH、他自己、甚至是对心理学最不屑一顾的BONES,都接受过他的帮助。他们甚至都已经养成一碰到烦心事儿就要不请自来的习惯了。 然而他们中间从来也没有人关注过他的心情。HODGINS拼命地绞尽脑汁,也很难发掘出SWEETS发自内心的笑的记忆——他的笑总是专业性的,SHRINK的,能让病人感到安心的那种,简直就像就着心理学书籍里拷贝下来的一样。也许他总是做出些让人啼笑皆非的事——比如说在防护服里不小心打个喷嚏、比如说曾经穿着西短和凉拖就走进JEFFERSONIAN(HODGINS一直想不通保安为什么没有把他拦下来)、比如说当着众人的面和DAISY接吻——上帝啊那可是DAISY!凡此种种在刚开始时都只是让HODGINS感到滑稽可笑,但是和SWEETS接触得越多,他越来越感到SHRINK并不是真的像表现出来的那样幼稚,他只是在努力扮演一个类似宫廷小丑的角色,用浓厚的油彩来掩盖自己真实的表情。 实际上,他和SWEETS接触得也不能算多。或许他们会一起吃饭、一起聊天、一起看电影、一起破案,但是SHRINK却很有技巧地一直回避着和自己相关的话题。有时候他们会嘲笑他的BABY FACE和单纯性格,但是他总是会说“嘿,我可不是你想象中的那个样子!”,这个话题就无法持续下去了——简直就好像某种警告:我很危险,不要接近我。 就好像某种被困在自己筑起的笼子里的困兽,一边极度渴望其他人的关怀,一边又只能孤独地舔舐自己的伤口。HODGINS不能想象,到底是怎样的经历才造就了现在他眼前的这个人。 HODGINS想,也许在PROFILE或者是做心理咨询时,他才会表现出自己真实的一面——一台会走路的、精密的、完美的侦讯机器和测谎仪。他的PROFILE几乎是百发百中的,从未发生过任何差错;他可以从人群中挑出那个有问题的,连问讯也不用;他的心理咨询总是一针见血,轻易就能揭露他们心里所想却不愿意承认的一面;他总是在该笑的时候笑该沮丧的时候沮丧该说话的时候说话,时机总是把握得恰到好处——他看过他审讯时的样子,不管面对的是怎样的嫌疑犯或是证人,他的眼睛都是漆黑的一片,根本无法从中窥得半丝感情。 他能真真切切地感受到SHRINK感情失去控制的时刻,只有一次。 *~*~*~*~*~*~ “SWEETS?” “嗯?”SHRINK看起来好像正忙于记笔记,他没有抬起头看HODGINS。 “以前有人PROFILE你吗?” “HODGINS博士,”SWEETS抬起头来,脸上是他一贯的小男孩式认真表情,“你这是在质疑我的专业水平吗?我是一个经过专业培训的心理分析师,我比其他任何人都能看清我自己。” “不、我并不是质疑你的专业水平。我……我只是觉得,也许……我、我只是说如果,如果我对你进行一次PROFILE的话,也许我俩之间的治疗能进展得更顺利些……你说呢?” SHRINK稍稍迟疑了一下,“或许是个好主意……你知道,增加我们彼此之间的了解。” “CORRECT。”HODGINS清了清嗓子,“首先你是个有耐心的人——你知道,ZACK刚被抓进去,ANGELA和我的婚约刚解除,我当时真的糟糕透了,就连JEFFERSONIAN里的其他人看到我都要绕路走。但是你这个时候却给予了我帮助。虽然我那个时候总要把你当苍蝇一样赶来赶去的。对于这个,我得向你道歉。” “没关系。然后?”SWEETS斜倚在沙发上,一条腿搭在另一条腿上,右手伸出食指支撑着脸颊——HODGINS知道,这是SHRINK最爱的姿势。 “你刚开始的时候把JEFFERSONIAN当成自己的试验场。嘿,我能理解,JEFFERSONIAN简直就是一群FREAKS & GEEKS,任何一个心理分析师找到这儿都得像掉进米缸里的老鼠一样——别误会,只是打个比方。” “嗯哼。”SHRINK明显无心为这段“指控”费心思辩解。 “你难道就从来也没觉得自己从12岁开始心理年龄就从来也没成长过吗?我是说,虽然你有三个博士学位,为什么却还是像个心理发育没健全的小男孩一样?虽然你一直假装自己和我们一样是成年人,但是实际上你却比我们单纯幼稚得多——就好像你拍下Excalibur那会儿,你的表现完全就像个得到新玩具的小孩子。” SWEETS抬起眼睛——和HODGINS记忆中的一样,只要一说出这样的话,SHRINK的眼睛就会立刻变得深不可测。 “HODGINS博士,”SWEETS将两手交叉着放在膝盖上,“我不得不提醒你,我的内心绝不像你想象中的那么单纯。” HODGINS没放过这个信号。 “我知道。” “你……什么?” “我说,我知道。”他满意地看到SHRINK的眼神里掺杂了一丝慌乱。 “抱歉,HODGINS博士,”SWEETS匆匆站起身,去把办公室门打开,“我想今天我们已经浪费太多时间了。” HODGINS也站起来,他面对着SWEETS,把双手抱在胸前,摆出一副拳击手要打一场拳王争霸赛的架势,“我不走。” SHRINK把脸侧到一边,咬紧了嘴唇。“那你想怎么样?挟持我作人质,要他们送5000万美金和一辆车来?” “不,明显不是。”HODGINS低下头,嘴角扯出一个笑容,“因为5000万对我而言实在是太不够看了。我只是想让你知道,我,我们大家都在关心你,想要更了解你。” “我知道。” “不你根本就不知道!所以今天我对你说这句话时你才会有这种反应!你知道除了案件相关的事、PROFILE和诊察之外的其他时间你跟我们说的最多的那句话是什么吗?‘嘿,不要随便揣测我!"、‘嘿,我可不是你想的那样!"‘嘿,我必须得提醒你我的内心可是很阴暗的!"……那你到底是什么样的人?你曾经想让我们知道吗?” “那是因为在我身上曾经发生过一些事,”SHRINK的表情变得越来越凝重,“我希望你们永远都不会知道。” “SWEETS,我不知道你身上曾经发生过什么。”HODGINS走到办公桌前,“可是你错了。不是我们不了解你,而是你自己不了解你自己。” 他把SWEETS放在办公桌上的所有书籍、材料和纸张统统拨拉到地上。SHRINK微微张着嘴,用像看恐怖分子一样的目光看着HODGINS。 “舒服多了。”HODGINS只感到全身的血液都奔腾着冲向脑袋,“有些感情,光是用白纸黑字是无法形容的。这些纸、这些书、这些报告……它们统统加起来都做不到。但是你却可以,而且我们都看到了。去年BOOTH生脑瘤被紧急送进医院去的时候,你的情绪失控了。那是我唯一一次切切实实地感觉到你的感情。” SWEETS刚要说话,HODGINS伸出一只手来制止了他。 “不,请让我说完。有些感情是装不出来的,我们都看出来那时你有多么心急如焚,而我们其他人虽然也很担心,却不及你的一半。这不是审讯,而是BOOTH,是BOOTH他那个时侯很可能没命,可能就这么玩儿完了。你觉得你那个时候还能像审讯时、像平时对待我们一样完美地控制自己的感情么?‘我不再是一个冷静的心理学家了"这是你自己说的!这种感情我敢打赌,这些书里统统不会教你‘嘿,BOOTH要死了,这种时候我该做出什么表情?",NEVER!上帝啊!那一刻我都希望和BOOTH对调一下了!要是能得到你这样的关心,让我得脑瘤我都觉得值得!” 房间里顿时陷入了寂静。 老天爷啊我都说了些什么!? HODGINS感到一阵天旋地转,急速上升的血液明显起了作用,他用一只手撑着办公桌,一只手把本来就已经够蓬松的卷发弄得更乱。 “不,”看到SHRINK又要开口,HODGINS急忙说道,“那、那个……刚刚那个话我能解释……其实、其实就是……哦老天呀我也不知道自己为什么要说这句话……” “HODGINS,”SWEETS从门口走向办公桌,走到HODGINS的背后,把一只手搭在他的肩膀上,“我只是想说,我这间小办公室再也无法承受你的愤怒LEVEL2了……” HODGINS直起身,看到SWEETS的整个办公室成了刚打了一场伟大战役的战场。 “抱歉。”他垂下蓝眼睛,“太过了。” *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ 这天剩下的时间SWEETS只好推掉了所有的预约,和HODGINS一起整理办公室。 “HODGINS,”SHRINK一边把一摞书整齐地放在办公桌原来的位置上一边说,“不知道为什么,我觉得好像有些感谢你。” “真的?我把你的办公室搞砸了,你还想感谢我?” SWEETS把一叠文件重新放进文件夹,“你说出了我一直想……一直希望能有人对我说的话。” “我想,有一天,我会说的,我会告诉你们,我是个什么样的人,我曾经经历过什么样的事。但是要给我点时间。毕竟,”SHRINK说道,“这不是件容易的事。” “你知道吗?虽然你总是口无遮拦还总是说错话,但是你是我见过的最好的SHRINK。” “那还真是巧了,虽然你脾气易激动还弄坏了我的办公室,但是你也是我见过的最好的病人。” HODGINS回过身来看着SWEETS。他褐色的眼睛里满是笑意。窗外的阳光适时地洒在他身上,在褐色的卷发和红嘴唇上镀上了一层淡淡的金色。SHRINK的手臂搭在窗台上,剪裁得体的西装完美地勾勒出他身体的曲线——一切美好得就像一幅风景画。 “嘿,我有个好主意。昨天我买了TRANSFORMERS2的蓝光碟,”HODGINS清楚地记得去年电影上映的时候SWEETS因为要赶FBI的结案报告一直没能去看成,SHRINK为此很是懊恼了一阵,“今天晚上你来我家——你知道,做两个大男人在一起时该做的事。一盘蓝光碟、一打啤酒、披萨和炸鸡——给身体增加几磅卡路里。” “COOL。” ——FIN——

Daniel Gilbert的《Bones》 歌词

歌曲名:Bones歌手:Daniel Gilbert专辑:BonesCome with me.We took a back road.We"re gonna look at the stars.We took a backroad in my car.Down to the ocean,it"s only water and sandAnd in the ocean we"ll hold hands.But I don"t really like you, apologetically dressed in the best, but on a heartbeat glide.Without an answer, the thunder speaks for the sky, and on the cold, wet dirt I cry.And on the cold, wet dirt I cry.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.A cinematic vision ensuedlike the holiest dream.It"s someone"s calling?An angel whispers my name,but the message relayed is the same:"Wait till tomorrow,you"ll be fine."But it"s gone to the dogs in my mind.I always hear themwhen the dead of nightcomes calling to save me from this fight.But they can never wrong this right.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.Don"t you wanna swim with me? Don"t you wanna feel my skinon your skin?It"s only natural.Never had a lover,never had soul.Never had a good time,never got gold.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.Don"t you wanna swim with me? Don"t you wanna feel my skinon your skin?It"s only natural.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.Come and take a swim with me. Don"t you wanna feel my skinon your skin?It"s only natural

Radiohead的《Bones》 歌词

歌曲名:Bones歌手:Radiohead专辑:The BendsBonesRadioheadI don"t want to be crippled and crackedShoulders, wrists, knees and backGround to dust and ashCrawling on all foursWhen you"ve got to feel it in your bonesWhen you"ve got to feel it in your bonesNow I can"t climb the stairsPieces missing everywhereProzac painkillersWhen you"ve got to feel it in your bonesWhen you"ve got to feel it in your bonesAnd I used to fly like Peter PanAll the children flew when I touched their handsWhen you"ve got to feel it in your bonesWhen you"ve got to feel it in your bones

Gob的《Bones》 歌词

歌曲名:Bones歌手:Gob专辑:Foot In Mouth DiseaseCome with me.We took a back road.We"re gonna look at the stars.We took a backroad in my car.Down to the ocean,it"s only water and sandAnd in the ocean we"ll hold hands.But I don"t really like you, apologetically dressed in the best, but on a heartbeat glide.Without an answer, the thunder speaks for the sky, and on the cold, wet dirt I cry.And on the cold, wet dirt I cry.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.A cinematic vision ensuedlike the holiest dream.It"s someone"s calling?An angel whispers my name,but the message relayed is the same:"Wait till tomorrow,you"ll be fine."But it"s gone to the dogs in my mind.I always hear themwhen the dead of nightcomes calling to save me from this fight.But they can never wrong this right.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.Don"t you wanna swim with me? Don"t you wanna feel my skinon your skin?It"s only natural.Never had a lover,never had soul.Never had a good time,never got gold.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.Don"t you wanna swim with me? Don"t you wanna feel my skinon your skin?It"s only natural.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.Come and take a swim with me. Don"t you wanna feel my skinon your skin?It"s only natural

The Killers的《Bones》 歌词

歌曲名:Bones歌手:The Killers专辑:BonesCome with me.We took a back road.We"re gonna look at the stars.We took a backroad in my car.Down to the ocean,it"s only water and sandAnd in the ocean we"ll hold hands.But I don"t really like you, apologetically dressed in the best, but on a heartbeat glide.Without an answer, the thunder speaks for the sky, and on the cold, wet dirt I cry.And on the cold, wet dirt I cry.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.A cinematic vision ensuedlike the holiest dream.It"s someone"s calling?An angel whispers my name,but the message relayed is the same:"Wait till tomorrow,you"ll be fine."But it"s gone to the dogs in my mind.I always hear themwhen the dead of nightcomes calling to save me from this fight.But they can never wrong this right.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.Don"t you wanna swim with me? Don"t you wanna feel my skinon your skin?It"s only natural.Never had a lover,never had soul.Never had a good time,never got gold.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.Don"t you wanna swim with me? Don"t you wanna feel my skinon your skin?It"s only natural.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.Come and take a swim with me. Don"t you wanna feel my skinon your skin?It"s only natural

iPhone里有一款游戏是做陶艺的,在应用助手for android里找不到。 求帮助。

既然你的手机是iphone,你怎么到for addroid里找呢?那是安卓的啊!!

Ed Sheeran 的one歌词翻译



由以色列本·古里安大学和魏茨曼科学研究学院组成的科学团队,近日展示了一种神奇的窃听技术,只需要一个灯泡、一台笔记本电脑和价值不到 1000 美元的设备就能实现窃听。这种技术被称之为“lamphone”侧通道攻击,主要利用光电传感器来分析灯泡对声音的频率响应。"lamphone"测量的是声波撞击灯泡时产生的微小的光波动,并使其产生轻微的振动。电光传感器能够通过四个阶段将音频信号与光信号隔离开来。 与分析声波对附近物体影响的类似攻击不同,这个版本是被动地、从外部的,而且最关键的是能实时开展。为了证明攻击的有效性,团队目标地点是一幢写字楼三楼的办公室。幕墙可以减少办公室发出的光线,覆盖了整个建筑。目标办公室包含一个悬挂的E27 LED灯泡(12瓦)。 窃听者位于一座人行天桥上,定位在距离目标办公室25米的空中距离。本部分描述的实验是使用三个不同透镜直径(10,20,35 cm)的望远镜进行的。 团队一次在一个望远镜上安装了一个光电传感器(Thorlabs PDA100A2,这是一种放大的可切换增益光传感器,由用于将光转换为电压的光电二极管组成)。电压是通过16位ADC NI-9223卡从光电传感器获得的,并在我们编写的LabVIEW脚本中进行处理。在窃听者所在的位置听不到实验期间在办公室里播放的声音。 利用这项技术能够高质量的捕捉并转换成为音频,甚至能够被音乐识别应用Shazam识别。同时,这段语音也被谷歌的文本到语音 API 成功转录。本-古里安大学的安全研究员 Ben Nassi、Boris Zadov 和 Yaron Pirutin 共同开发了这项技术,他表示,他们希望提高人们对这种攻击载体的认识,让监控双方都知道有什么可能。

one trillion dollars究竟是多少美元? 在美式英语中,trillion是多少?

一万亿美元 例句; Goldman Sachs advised on more than four hundred mergers value at over one trillion dollars. 金漫萨克斯银行促成了四百多宗合并交易,价值高于一万亿美元.

I have children to support, money to be earned, and a home to be maintained.


跪求Mockingbird Real One Remix 的中文歌词。

Yeah I know sometimes things might not always make sense to you right now 我知道有些事情对现在的你而言并不总是有意义 But hey, what daddy always tell you? 但是``嘿~~老爸总是告诉你什么? Straighten up little soldier 振作起来,小斗士 Stiffen up that upper lip 咬紧你的嘴唇 What chu crying about? 你哭什么呢? You got me.. 你还有我 [ Verse 1 ] Hailie, I know you miss your mom Halie 我知道你想念你的妈妈, And I know you miss your dad when I"m gone 想念你的爸爸 But I"m trying to give you the life that I never had 但是我在尽力给你一种我从未有过的生活 I can see you"re sad 我真能看见你的悲伤 Even when you smile 甚至在你强装着微笑 Even when you laugh 摆出一副笑脸的时候 I can see it in your eyes 我真能从你眼眸 Deep inside, you wanna cry 最深处察觉你想哭的冲动 Cuz you"re scared 因为你惊恐万分 I ain"t there? 是我没在那儿的原因? Daddy"s with you in your prayers 我其实就在你虔诚的祈祷声中 No more crying 所以请别再哭泣 Wipe them tears 拭干泪水罢 Daddy"s here 爸爸就在那儿 No more nightmares 不会再有梦魇了 We gonna pull together through it 我们携手度过暗夜 We gon" do it 我们能够做到的 Laini, uncle"s crazy ain"t he? Laney 叔叔疯了,是吗? Yeah but he loves you girl and you better know it 是的,可是他是爱你的,你应该知道 We"re all we got in this world 在这世界上,我们拥有的只有我们自己的灵魂 When it spins When it swirls When it whirls When it twirls 当它旋转,当它环绕 当它周转,当它萦绕 Two little beautiful girls 两个可爱美丽的小女孩 Looking puzzled, in a daze 看上去很困惑,很迷茫 I know it"s confusing you 我知道它扰乱了你们的心智 Daddy"s always on the move 爸爸总徘徊在流浪的猛局?nbsp; Mama"s always on the news 妈妈总出现在时髦的新闻上 I try to keep you sheltered from it 我尝试着把你荫庇在我的保护中 But somehow it seems, the harder that I try to do that 可是不知道为什么,我越是竭尽全力 the more it backfires on me 越是事与愿违 All the things, growing up 那些苦痛使他成长起来 As daddy that he had to see 爸爸亲身经历的 Daddy don"t want you to see 爸爸不愿你再承受 But you see just as much as me (to see?) 但是你亲历的却和我一样坎坷 That we did not plan it to be this way 我们并不想为你设计如此前途的 You"re mother and me 我和你妈妈都不想 But things have got so bad between us 但是事情却无情的在我们之间导演得这么糟糕 I don"t see us ever being Together ever again 我再也寻不回曾经共享天伦的美妙时光了 Like we used to be when was teenagers 就象我和她曾经的豆蔻年华 But then of course everything always happens for a reason 但是所有的错误的发生全只在一个原因 I guess it was never meant to be 我想,这个错误从未打算被修正 But it"s just something We have no control over 有些东西是我们自己无法去操控的 And that"s what destiny is 这便是命运的定义 But no more worries 还是别难过了 Rest your head and go to sleep 放松你的神经去好好睡一觉罢 Maybe one day we"ll wake up 也许某天当我们苏醒时 And this will all just be a dream 会发现这些都仅仅只是梦而已[ Chorus ] Now hush little baby, don"t you cry 好罢,小女孩,安静下来罢。你还在流泪? Everything"s gonna be alright 未来的一切总会好转的 Stiffen that upperlip up little lady, i told ya 紧紧咬住你的唇,小女士,我告诉过你了 Daddy"s here to hold ya through the night 爸爸就在身边,用双手圈住你,熬过这寂寥长夜 I know mommy"s not here right now and we don"t know why 我知道妈妈现在已经莫名其妙的远走高飞 We feel how we feel inside 我们能触摸自己的心房 It may seem a little crazy, pretty baby 有一点歇斯底里,亲爱的宝贝 But i promise momma"s gon" be alright 但我向你许诺,妈妈现在还好好的呢 Heh, it"s funny 真搞笑 I remember back one year when daddy had no money 我至今仍能清楚的记得有一年爸爸身无分文,不名一钱 Mommy wrapped the Christmas presents up and stuck "em under the tree 妈妈把圣诞礼物包裹好,小心翼翼地挂在圣诞树上 and said some of "em weren"t from me, cause daddy couldn"t buy "em 并且说,有些是你爸爸为你准备的,就因为爸爸买不起他们啊 I"ll never forget that Christmas I sat up the whole night cryin 我无助的呆坐着,圣诞节一整晚的泪水就这样淌在我的记忆中 Cause daddy felt like a bum, see daddy had a job 爸爸成了个乞丐,梦呓着一份好的工作 But his job was to keep the food on the table for you and mom 可是他的工作仅仅只能为你和你妈妈带来餐桌上单薄的吃的东西而已,糊口而已 And at the time, every house that we lived in 那时侯甚至我们住的每一间房 Either kept gettin broken into and robbed or shot up on the block 还都被盗贼破门而入,席卷一空 And your mom, was savin money for you in a jar 他们把你妈妈为你储钱的罐子丢弃在大街上 Tryin to start a piggy bank for you so you could go to college 那是一个为了你能够上大学的小猪存钱罐 Almost had a thousand dollars, "til someone broke in and stole it 他们夺去它的时候里面已经有几千美元了,全都不翼而飞 And I know it hurt so bad it broke your momma"s heart 我知道这样的事简直要把你妈妈的心击碎了啊 And it seemed like everything was just startin to fall apart 似乎一切都征兆着要毁灭的开始 Mom and dad was arguin a lot so momma moved back 妈妈和爸爸大吵了一架,接着妈妈就独自搬回原来的家去了 on the Chalmers in the flat, one bedroom apartment 就是Chalmers大街上一座只有一间卧室的逼仄的公寓 And dad moved back to the other side of 8 Mile on Novara 爸爸也搬去了Novara的8 mile街的另一边 And that"s when daddy went to California with his CD 那时候爸爸也带着录制了他说唱的CD去了加利福尼亚 and met Dr. Dre, and flew you and momma out to see me 遇见了Dr.Dre ,你和你妈妈乘航班来探望我 But daddy had to work, you and momma had to leave me 可是爸爸需要工作,你和你妈妈等不及,只好离去 Then you started seein daddy on the TV 从此你就只能从电视上看见你的爸爸 And momma didn"t like it, and you and Laney were too young to understand it 妈妈却讨厌这些东西,你和Laney当时还小,并不能懂得发生的一切 Papa was a rollin stone, momma developed a habit 爸爸是一颗永远向前滚动,决不停滞的顽石;妈妈养成了一些习惯 And it all happened too fast for either one of us to grab it 那一切都发生得太快,我们之间的任何一个人都无能为力去攫取它 I"m just sorry you were there and had to witness it first hand 我真的很抱歉你没能在那第一时间目睹这些 Cause all I ever wanted to do was just make you proud 我曾经极力想达成的,就是想让你感觉骄傲 Now I"m sittin in this empty house, just reminiscin 如今我坐在空房子里,与孤独为伍,能做的唯有沉溺于回忆 Lookin at your baby pictures, it just trips me out 欣赏着你年幼时的照相,我就象吸食了毒品一样产生斑斓的幻觉 To see how much you both have grown, it"s almost like you"re sisters now 看着你们一天天成长,现在情同姐妹了 Wow, guess you pretty much are, and daddy"s still here WOW```想像着你们的纯真美丽,爸爸其实就在身旁 Laney I"m talkin to you too, daddy"s still here Laney我也告诉你,爸爸就在身旁 I like the sound of that, yeah, it"s got a ring to it don"t it? 我喜欢这天籁之声,是的。就象叩开天堂之门的金铃铛,不是吗? Shh, momma"s only gone for the moment 呵呵``妈妈只不过是暂时走开了一会儿 [ Chorus ] Now hush little baby, don"t you cry 好罢,小女孩,安静下来罢。你还在流泪? Everything"s gonna be alright 未来的一切总会好转的 Stiffen that upperlip up little lady, i told ya 紧紧咬住你的唇,小女士,我告诉过你了 Daddy"s here to hold ya through the night 爸爸就在身边,用双手圈住你,熬过这寂寥长夜 I know mommy"s not here right now and we don"t know why 我知道妈妈现在已经莫名其妙的远走高飞 We feel how we feel inside 我们能触摸自己的心房 It may seem a little crazy, pretty baby 有一点歇斯底里,亲爱的宝贝 But i promise momma"s gon" be alright 但我向你许诺,妈妈现在还好好的呢 And if you ask me too 如果你们想要一份礼物 Daddy"s gonna buy you a mockingbird 我会送给你们一只仿声鸟 I"mma give you the world 也会把全世界都送给你们 I"mma buy a diamond ring for you 还要买只钻戒给你们 I"mma sing for you 还要还要为你纵情歌唱啊! I"ll do anything for you to see you smile 为你做任何事情,只需你以微笑回报 And if that mockingbird don"t sing and that ring don"t shine 如果那仿声鸟不鸣叫,钻戒不闪耀 I"mma break that birdies neck 我就要扭断那些鸟的脖子 I"d go back to the jewler who sold it to ya 我就要去找那些珠宝商们的茬 And make him eat every carat don"t fuck with dad (haha) 让他们一克拉一克拉给我吃下去,不敢再他妈的蒙骗你爸爸```哈哈! 希望能帮到你

想找一首歌。歌词里面有god bless us everyone(好像是这样一句。记不大清楚了)

来晚了,现在才看到这个问题林肯公园(LP/Linkin Park)的The Catalyst机动战士高达 EXTREME VS的OP

英语one individual怎么翻译?

one individual翻译之后,他的意思就是:同一个体

英语 invest money in / venture money in .. 后面接的内容 是什么成分?

对于动词+宾语的invest money来说,in...是状语,不算物理意义上的地点状语,但性质和地点状语一样,表示钱投入的方向、去处。对介词in来说,...是介词in的宾语,...只能是名词性成分。PS:纠结于这种主干以外的内容成分定性对学习效率和语感并没有帮助。我中学一直是班上前三的英语,到后来做翻译,学习中我只记invest money in...是invest用法就成了,根本不去纠结in...是什么成分性质。因为它的定性对理解整句、记住invest的用法、快速的英语思维能力没有影响。

wish为什么后面不能加 would have done

建议不要这样去理解. 虚拟语气是指没做到或不能做到的一种假设.I wish后面如果用虚拟语气,通常以过去时来表示现在的意愿,而且知道是不可能的,如:I wish I were you. 以would或could+现在完成时或者过去完成时来表示过去没做到的事,如:I wish you could have helped me (事实上你并没有帮助我),I wish I had told you that.(事实上我并没有告诉过你) would do并不是虚拟语气,而是意愿的表达方式:I would do the job. (我来干这事吧) would have done不能理解为“虚拟将来”,而是“想做而没做”(有“马后炮”的意思),如:I would have helped you if I had not left early. (如果我没早走,我会帮助你的)

The river _ to the sea.It is _ one in the country. 选哪个???

The river runs to the sea. It is the longest one in the country.

Sexy Zone的《Bad Boys》 歌词

歌曲名:Bad Boys歌手:Sexy ZoneBAD BOYSSexy Zone作曲:DAICHI, kinboomドラマ「BAD BOYS J」主题歌BAD BOYS ダイヤのようにかたいこの绊は决して砕けない 何度叩き割っても昔谁かが言っていた 信じれる仲间のために罪だって分け合えよ BAD BOYS ホンモノならばつまらない眼差しが 误解させることで伪りじゃ生きれないと 気づかせてくれたHey, BAD BOYS どこまでも行こうかBAD BOYS 震えちゃいないさおまえが居れば怖いものなんてない胜ち残ろうぜ 命燃やせBAD BOYS ハードなこの道选び続けるのならBAD BOYS 辉いてる俺たちの绊は深い暗闇へ 光放ち続ける手遅れになる前ならば 谁だって救い出せるとこの胸に誓うのさ BAD BOYS ホンモノならば分かち合う感情が 存在する意味で否定なんかさせないよ 共に行くと决めたHey, BAD BOYS 同じ瞬间にBAD BOYS 心が鸣いたおまえ无しでは今日も越えられない舍ててしまえ やわなプライドBAD BOYS もう振り返らない大声で空に掲げろ最後に笑うために魂をぶつけろ 强い想いでもっといつの时も受け止めようかWow それがそう 仲间ってもんさHey, BAD BOYS 突き进め运命をBAD BOYS 思うがままにおまえが居ればもっと强くなるHey, BAD BOYS どこまでも行こうかBAD BOYS 震えちゃいないさおまえが居れば怖いものなんてない胜ち残ろうぜ 命燃やせBAD BOYS ハードなこの道共に生き抜くために

raisin scones怎么读

Raisin Scones读音:瑞菲菲斯公四Raisin Scones网络葡萄干司康饼; 提子松饼; 提子士乾; 提子乾

iphone 查看wi-fi密码

 越狱查看  首先,iphone必须是越狱的。越狱软件推荐大家使用pp越狱助手。越狱完成后手机桌面上会出现一个名叫“Cydia”的软件。打开此软件搜索“wifipasswords”。然后点击右上角的安装,然后再确认。之后就安装成功了。这时候桌面上就看到wifipasswords的软件图标了。打开它就会看到所有已连接过的wifi密码了。我们还能够根据自己看到的信息将密码告知另外的想要使用这个WiFi的朋友或者家人。  查看Mac上连接的WiFi网络的密码  开机运行Mac之后,我们找到并打开“钥匙串访问”功能,选中左侧“登陆”、“密码”,找到要查看密码的wifi,点右键,选中“显示简介”,或者双击,直接选择查看这个WiFi网络的相关详情,在弹出的对话框选择“显示密码”,系统会让你输入电脑帐号的密码,然后密码就显示出来了。在Windows 电脑当中,我们也可以使用类似的方法来查看WiFi密码。比如你直接点击WiFi网络,然后选择属性,在密码一栏选择显示字符,这样WiFi密码就会被显示出来了

A beautiful world Hello: everyone!Now I want to talk about a beatiful world! When I was young,I alwa

美丽的世界 大家好,我想说说一个美丽的世界。 当我小时侯,总是梦到我住在一个美丽的王国,花儿树木围绕着城市。我们可以听到鸟儿鸣唱、看到孩子舞蹈,街上一尘不染,空气也非常新鲜!她是多么美好的地方啊!但是那仅仅是我的一个梦,我多么的希望能美梦成真啊。所以我想我们必须做些什来保护我们生存的环境。 每个人都应该为保护环境作出自己的贡献。 保护好我们赖以生存的环境很重要。不论你住在哪里,你都可以在你周围做些利索能及的事。 你是否曾在地上丢过垃圾?你是否曾在墙壁上乱涂乱画?你是否曾在公共场所与人口角?你是否曾攀折花木?如果你回答“没有”,哪就说明你已经保护了我们的环境。 保护环境,人人有责。你可以扪心自问:我是否曾捡起过垃圾并放入垃圾桶?我是否曾为了资源再利用而收集过瓶子和废纸?我是否在我们附近或其他地方植过树栽过花?如果你的回答是肯定的,那就说明你已经有效地改善了我们的环境。 现在我想大声的喊出我的心声:“让我们尽全力使我们的世界更美好!”

Turn To Stone 歌词

歌曲名:Turn To Stone歌手:Electric Light Orchestra专辑:The Essential Electric Light OrchestraArtist: IsgaardAlbum: Golden KeyKiss her lipsAnd she will turn to storeSo far away from homeForever all aloneTake good careShe"s out there on her ownDon"t ever try to reach herCause she will turn to store(chorus:)Turn to storeAaaaaaahAncient timesUnknown crimesWashed away by tearsA spiser"s kissEyes that missUnsheltered from her fears(chorus:)AaaaaaahKiss her lipsAnd she will turn to storeSo far away from homeForever all aloneTake good careShe"s out there on her ownDon"t ever try to reach herCause she will turn to storeBarren landsEmpty handsFrozen held up highSiren"s voiceThere"s no choiceNo-one tells her why(chorus:)AaaaaaahKiss her lipsAnd she will turn to storeSo far away from homeForever all aloneTake good careShe"s out there on her ownDon"t ever try to reach herCause she will turn to storeMusic(chorus:)Turn to store(chorus:)AaaaaaahKiss her lipsAnd she will turn to storeSo far away from homeForever all aloneTake good careShe"s out there on her ownDon"t ever try to reach herCause she will turn to store



all one is lifetime 是什么意思

all one is lifetime意思是:所有人的一生all one"s lifetime 终身

sam smith i am not the only one的歌词

I"m Not The Only One - Sam SmithYou and me we made a vowFor better or for worseI can"t believe you let me downBut the proof is in the way it hurtsFor months on end I"ve had my doubtsDenying every tearI wish this would be over nowBut I know that I still need you hereYou say I"m crazyCause you don"t think I know what you"ve doneBut when you call me babyI know I"m not the only oneYou"ve been so unavailableNow sadly I know whyYour heart is unobtainableEven though lord knows you kept mineYou say I"m crazyCause you don"t think I know what you"ve doneBut when you call me babyI know I"m not the only oneI have loved you for many yearsMaybe I am just not enoughYou"ve made me realise my deepest fearBy lying and tearing us upYou say I"m crazyCause you don"t think I know what you"ve doneBut when you call me babyI know I"m not the only oneYou say I"m crazyCause you don"t think I know what you"ve doneBut when you call me babyI know I"m not the only oneI"m always not the only oneI"m always not the only oneAnd I know And I know And I know And I knowAnd I know And I knowI know I"m not the only one







one certainly hopes to gain a little (wise) ------as one grows older .



一般tone 音色调节要开完,overdrive 失真度调节,是用于摇滚乐,重金属开的比较大,你可以把失真开大,音量给小一点,看你个人喜欢什么力度的,我个人喜欢失真开大,这样很有感觉,

is there any paper money in the bag.为什么是is there


The old man promised her son the money.什么句型

主谓宾句型,old man意思是老人,是主语。promised意思是:给人以……,是谓语,her意思是:他,是宾语。重点词汇:promised英['pru0252mu026ast]释义:vt.允诺,许诺;预示;给人以……的指望或希望;<古>许配(promise的过去式和过去分词)vi.许诺;有指望,有前途(promise的过去式和过去分词)短语:Promised Land应许之地;心灵勇气。词语使用变化:promisev.(动词)1、promise作“允诺”“答应”解时,是指作出口头或书面的许诺,答应别人自己去做某事,但仅指主观意愿,并不一定能实现或有实现的基础。2、promise用作及物动词,其后可接名词、代词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语,也可接由名词、动词不定式、that从句充当直接宾语的双宾语,其间接宾语可以转换为介词to的宾语。

does the plane land at the old airport?No,it does not.It land at the new one

It lands at the new 改 lands

贾斯汀比伯baby,one time,neveer say never英文歌词及中文翻译

Babyohh wooaahohh wooaahohh wooaahyou know you love me,i know you care你知道你爱我,我知道你会在意you shout whenever, and i"ll be there无论何时只要你呼唤,我就会出现在那里you want my love, you want my heart你想要我的爱,你想要得到我的心and we will never ever ever be apart而我们也将永远不分离are we an item? girl quit playing我们是一个项目吗?(我也不懂啥意思)女孩退出 放弃游戏we re just friends, what are you saying我们只是朋友,你在说什么?said theres another one looks right in my eyes说那里有另一个在我眼中看起来是对的(指遇见新欢)my first love broke my heart for the first time,我的初恋就这样第一次伤了我的心and i was like而我就像baby, baby, baby nooomy baby, baby, baby noomy baby, baby, baby noooi thought youd always be mine mine我认为你几乎已经是我的了baby, baby, baby nooomy baby, baby, baby noomy baby, baby, baby noooi thought youd always be mine, oh ohfor you, i would have done whatever为你我无论如何都会完成{应该是这样}another chance for we, we"ll get together如果再给我们另一个机会我们就会在一起and wanna play it cool, or i"ll loosin" you并且想要弄的酷一点不然我就会失去你i"ll buy you anything, i"ll buy you any ring我会给你买任何东西我会给你买任何戒指and i"m in pieces , baby fix me而我变成碎片的时候宝贝修理我吧{比较好玩}and you"ll shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream你会一直摇我直到我从这个美梦中醒来im going down, down, dooown我的情绪愈来愈失落and just can"t believe my first love won"t be around只因为我不相信我的初恋不在周围baby, baby, baby nooobaby, baby, baby nooomy baby, baby, baby noomy baby, baby, baby noooi thought youd always be minebaby, baby, baby nooobaby, baby, baby nooomy baby, baby, baby noomy baby, baby, baby noooi thought youd always be minewhen i was 13 i had my first love当我13岁时我拥有了初恋here was nobody to compare my baby没有任何人可以和我的宝贝相比and nobody came between us or could ever come above并且没有任何人介入我们之中或在我们之上{就是家长在上管理的意思}she had me goin crazy她让我疯狂oh i was starstruck.oh 我就像追星族she woke me up daily dont need no starbucks她每天都使我醒来不得不需要星巴克咖啡来让我清醒{个人理解}she made my heart pound她使我心跳加速 猛烈跳动asking for a beat when i see her in the street当我在街上遇到她时心脏一阵跳动and in the school on the playground还有在学校和操场的时候but i really wanna see her on the weekends但我真的很想在周末看见她she knows she got me dazy她知道她使我疯狂cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking因为她是如此的引人吃惊而我正在心碎but i just keep on sayin但我还是想继续说baby, baby, baby nooomy baby, baby, baby noomy baby, baby, baby noooi thought youd always be minebaby, baby, baby nooomy baby, baby, baby noo One TimeJustin BieberMe plus you /I"m a tell you one time/ 我和你,我要告诉您Me plus you /I"m a tell you one time/我和你,我要告诉您Me plus you /I"m a tell you one time/我和你,我要告诉您One Time我要告诉您One Time我要告诉您When I met you girl my heart went knock knock 当我看到您时,我的心就砰砰直跳Now them butterflies in my stomach wont stop stop 直到现在我仍紧张不已And even though it"s a struggle love is all we got尽管为了这份爱我们要去努力So we gonna keep keep climbin till the mountain top我们要努力直到最后的胜利Your world is my world你的世界就是我的世界And my fight is your fight我的战斗就是您的战斗My breath is your breath我的呼吸就是您的呼吸And your heart 还有我的心跳I got my 我也得到了我想要的Your my One love你就是我的爱My one heart我的心跳My one life for sure我的生命Let me tell you one time 让我告诉您一次girl I love girl I love you我爱您I"m a tell you one time 我再说一次girl I love girl I love you我爱您And I"m a be your one guy我就是您的男人You"ll be my #1 girl 您是我的唯一always makin time for you 您是我的全部I"m"a tell you one time 我要告诉您girl I love girl I love you我爱您I"m"a tell you one time 我要告诉您girl I love girl I love you我爱您You look so deep您看起来如此深不可测You know that it humbles me这让我深受打击Your by my side and troubles them don"t trouble me您站在我身边,让我困惑不已Many have called but the chosen is you很多人约我,但我的选择是您Whatever you want shawty I"ll give it to you无论您想要什么,美女,我都会给您Your world is my world你的世界就是我的世界And my fight is your fight我的战斗就是你的战斗My breath is your breath我的呼吸就是你的呼吸And your heart /I got my/我的心跳就是你的心跳 我也得到我想要的Your my One love你就是我的爱My one heart我的心跳My one life for sure我的生命Let me tell you one time /girl I love girl I love you/I"m a tell you one time /girl I love girl I love you/And I"m a be your one guyYou"ll be my #1 girl always makin time for youI"m"a tell you one time /girl I love girl I love you/I"m"a tell you one time /girl I love girl I love you/Shawty right there美女,就在那边She"s got everything I need and I"m a tell her one time她有我要的一切 我要告诉她One Time 我要告诉她One Time 我要告诉她Give you everything you need down to my last dime给你我的一切, 直至穷光She makes me happy 她(虽然)让我开心I know where I"ll be但我知道会发生什么Right by your side cuz she is the one现在在你身边 她只是一个女孩And girlYou"re my One love你才是我的真爱My one heart我的心肝My one life for sure我的生命Let me tell you one time 让我告诉你girl I love girl I love you我爱你I"m a tell you one time 让我告诉你/girl I love girl I love you我爱你And I"m a be your one guy我要成为你的男人You"ll be my #1 girl 你是我的全部always makin time for you我的一切I"m a me tell you one time 我告诉你one time我告诉你I"m a tell you one time one timeMe plus you I"m a tell you one timeMe plus you I"m a tell you one timeMe plus you I"m a tell you one timeOne TimeOne Time Never Say Never 永不言败 See I never thought that I could walk through fire 我以前从没想过我可以穿过熊熊烈火 I never thought that I could take the burn 我以前从没想过我也可以像火一样燃烧起来 I never had the strength to take it higher 我以前从没想过我可以更强大 Until I reached the point of no return 直到我被逼到了绝境 And there"s just no turning back 我知道我已无法回头 When your hearts under attack 当你的心受到攻击时 Gonna give everything I have 我会付出我的所有 It"s my destiny 这是我的命运 I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败!(我会战斗) I will fight till forever! (make it right) 我会一直战斗!(战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 I never thought I could feel this power 我以前从来没有想过我可以这么强大 I never thought that I could feel this free 我以前从来没有想过我可以自由 I"m strong enough to climb the highest tower 我已经很强大可以继续向上攀登 And I"m fast enough to run across the sea 我可以快跑穿过海洋 And there"s just no turning back 我知道我已无法回头 When your hearts under attack 当你的心受到攻击时 Gonna give everything I have 我会付出我的所有 It"s my destiny 这是我的命运 Here we go! 我们现在就出发! Guess who 猜猜是谁 JSmith and Jb! 是JSmith和Jb! I gotcha lil bro 两个铁兄弟 I can handle him 我可以搞定他 Hold up aight 别松懈 好么 I can handle him 我可以搞定他 Now he"s bigger than me 现在他比我厉害 Taller than me 比我高 And he"s older than me 他比我大 And stronger than me 比我强壮 And his arms a little bit longer than me 他的手臂比我长一些 But he ain"t on a JB song with me! 但是他没有像我一样和JB一起唱这首歌! I be trying a chill 我控制自己冷静下来 They be trying to side with the thrill 他们却充满了激情 No pun intended was raised by the power of Will 我没有别的意思 我只是有意志力 Like Luke with the force when push comes to shove 就像在逆境中 Luke勇往直前 Like Kobe with the 4th ice water with blood 就像科比在比赛的第4节一样冷血(根据视频里的动作好像应该是这样的) I gotta be the best and yes 我要当最好的 并且我可以 We"re the flyest 我们可以飞翔 Like David and Goliath 就像David和Goliath一样 I conquered the giant 我可以征服巨人 So now I got the world in my hand 现在世界就在我手上 I was born from two stars 我从两颗耀眼的星星中走出来 So the moon"s where I land 月亮是我的降落的地方 I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败!(我会战斗)

求一首歌,一个女的唱的,歌词有we ever ever ever are gone

we are never getting back together

one or more orders are paid

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The Verve的《One Day》 歌词

歌曲名:One Day歌手:The Verve专辑:Urban HymnsOne day maybe we will dance againUnder fiery skiesOne day maybe you will love againLove that never diesOne day maybe you will see the landTouch skin with sandYou"ve been swimming in the lonely seaWith no companyOh, don"t you want to find?Can"t you hear this beauty in life?The roads, the highs, breaking up your lifeCan"t you hear this beauty in life?One day maybe you will cry againJust like a childYou"ve gotta tie yourself to the mast my friendAnd the storm will endOh, don"t you want to find?Can"t you hear this beauty in life?The times, the highs, breaking up your mindCan"t you hear this beauty in life?Oh, you"re too afraid to touchToo afraid you"ll like it too muchThe roads, the times, breaking up your mindCan"t you hear this beauty in life?One day maybe I will dance againOne day maybe I will love againOne day maybe we will dance againYou know you"ve gottaTie yourself to the mast my friendAnd the storm will endOne day maybe you will love againYou"ve gotta tie yourself to the mast my friendAnd the storm will end

批处理 在组里边network configuration operators 添加Everyone用户

直接在cmd中输入如下命令就行了:net localgroup "Network Configuration Operators" everyone /add不过要注意,如果是win7以上的系统,cmd窗口一定要右键“以管理员身份运行”的方式启动,否则会遇到权限问题,无法成功执行命令。

甜甜屋的英文是honey room还是用sweet house

sweet house 因为honey常指的是“小甜心”、“亲爱的”多含甜美,可爱的意思;而sweet多指:”香甜的“、”甜的“

甜甜屋的英文是honey room还是用sweet house

sweet house 因为honey常指的是“小甜心”、“亲爱的”多含甜美,可爱的意思;而sweet多指:”香甜的“、”甜的“

谁能帮我把迈克尔·杰克逊这首You Are Not Alone的歌词翻译成中文

又一天过去了,我依然孤独一人怎么会是这样,你不是跟我在这里,你永远不说再见有人告诉我,为什么你要离去,让我的世界如此寒冷每天我坐下来问自己爱情怎会远离在我耳边低语,说,那你并不孤单,因为我与你在这里虽然你离我很远,我在这里留下你并不孤单,我与你在这里,我们虽然相距遥远,你永远在我的心脏,你并不孤单独自为什么,哦,有一天晚上,我想我听到了你哭泣问我to.e抱在怀里,我能听到你的祈祷,我会承担你的负担,但首先我需要你的手,所以永远可以开始每天我坐下来问自己爱怎么会溜走,然后在我耳边低语,说那你并不孤单,因为我与你在这里虽然你离我很远,我在这里留下来对你并不孤单我在这里跟大家虽然我们相距遥远,你永远在我心中,你并不孤单哦... 轻喊三个字,我会é飞奔。“飞... 女孩,你知道我会在那里,你并不孤单,我与你在这里,虽然你离我很远,我这里留下你并不孤单,我与你同在这里虽然我们相距很远,我会在那里你总是在我的心,你并不孤单(你并不孤单)我与你同在这里(我与你在这里),虽然你远(虽然你离我很远)我在这里住宿(你与我同你)并不孤单(你总是)在我的心......因为我与你的心在这里......虽然我们相距甚远心.....你“重新在我的心里总是因为你并不孤单并不孤单你并不孤单,你并不孤单...... 你并不孤单,你并不孤单...... 并不孤单,并不孤独你刚刚到达我的女孩,在早晨在晚上与我并不孤单,你并不孤单,并不孤独哦,一起,一起... 本站歌词来自互联网

One piece . Naruto . Bleach . Fairy tail 四部漫画哪个更好看?


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歌词里有“one the house,one the why,最后一句是“be my love"男唱的英文歌叫什么?

My Love《我的爱》西城男孩An empty street, an empty house, a hole inside my heart I"m all alone and the rooms are getting smaller I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where they are The days we had, the songs we sang together, oh yeahAnd oh my love, I"m holding on forever Reaching for a love that seems so far So I say a little prayer and hope my dreams will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love Overseas from coast to coast to find the place I love the most Where the fields are green to see you once again, my love I try to read, I go to work, I"m laughing with my friends But I can"t stop to keep myself from thinking. Oh no.I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where they are The days we had, the songs we sang together And oh my love, I"m holding on forever Reaching for a love that seem so far So I say a little prayer and hope my dreams will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love Overseas from coast to coast to find the place I love the most Where the fields are green to see you once again, my loveTo hold you in my arms; to promise you my love To tell you from the heart: You"re all I"m thinking of So I say a little prayer and hope my dreams will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love Overseas from coast to coast to find the place I love the most Where the fields are green to see you once again, my loveSee you little prayer. My sweet dreams will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love Overseas from coast to coast to find the place I love the most Where the fields are green to see you once again, my love



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JACK JONES: 欧洲服饰品牌。 JACK&JONES(杰克琼斯)是丹麦Bestseller集团旗下的主要品牌之一。 JACKJONES品牌诞生于1972年,以其简洁纯粹的风格吸引全球追球时尚男性的目光,代表了欧洲时尚潮流的男装品牌。目前杰克.琼斯在全球18个国家和地区均设有形象店。 特色 Jack Jones是针对年龄在18岁到30岁之间的喜欢穿着随意、流行和时尚的男士们设计的。Jack Jones的设计迎合了国际大都市男士的生活品位,他们喜欢一种独特、轮廓鲜明而朴实的风格,同时采用高品质、时兴和新颖的面料制作的服装。 历史 Bestseller于1990年推出Jack Jones品牌,1991年第一家Jack Jones店在挪威特隆赫姆开业。从那以后,Jack Jones在欧洲和中东已经开设了341家直营店和1720家代理店。你可以在澳大利亚、丹麦、芬兰、比利时、德国、英国、冰岛、爱尔兰、科威特、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、荷兰、挪威、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、阿拉伯联合酋长国、北爱尔兰和中国见到Jack Jones专卖店。bestseller于1999年将Jack & Jones品牌引入中国,目前已在中国北京、上海等大、中城市开设200于家专卖店。 品牌自1972年问世以来,以其简洁纯粹的风格吸引了全球追求时尚男性的目光,代表了欧洲时尚潮流的男装品牌。目前在全球18个国家和地区均设有形象店。 JACK JONES服装是设计给机敏,明智,受过良好教育,热忠社会活动的三十岁左右的男性。他们是对现代服装有着自己独特的感受,同时关注国际时装市场趋势的现代人。 JACK JONES服装是设计给了解当代中国,关注世界动向,勇于接受挑战并视之为动力的现代男性。他们是各个专业领域的精英并且热衷于追求国际化,都市化的精英形象。他们视杰克.琼斯品牌服装为对存在已久的传统及保守的形象的积极转变。他们或受雇于外国企业,或繁忙于国际间的商务往来。他们是拥有购买杰克.琼斯品牌服装实力的群体。 JACK JONES(杰克琼斯)以其国际化的品牌理念与北欧简洁纯粹的设计风格完美结合。吸引了全世界追求时尚的男性目光。是一个汇集了欧洲时尚元素,领导世界潮流的时尚男装品牌。 JACK JONES(杰克琼斯)品牌设计注重国际化理念,追求都市情节。其遍布巴黎,伦敦,米兰,哥本哈根的设计师努力的汲取着欧洲每一季的流行元素并汇入捷克琼斯品牌设计之中,作品所强调的是男人对现代服装的独特感受。体现出国际大都市先锋男性高质量的生活品位。 JACK JONES(杰克琼斯)已经成为欧洲最优秀的牛仔时装品牌之一。致力于向最广泛的顾客群提供质量最优的牛仔时装。今天,你可以在任何一条欧洲城市的街道找寻到JACK JONES牛仔的踪迹。杰克˙琼斯代表的是最流行的款式和最具竞争力的价格! jACK jONES已成为休闲服饰的领导者,深受年轻朋友的喜爱! 如何鉴别 JACK JONES的真伪: 1、正品的JACK JONES除了有布标以外都会有2个及2个以上的纸标,一个是它的LOGO标,另外一个是价签和产品说明,少数还有3个或4个标。 2、产品说明的那个纸标上的价格部分和防伪条码不是印在纸上的,而是一个单面贴,可以揭下来,单面贴的下面是一层塑料膜,我们见过所有的仿品JACK JONES的防伪条码都是印在纸标上的,这是一个小细节,很多人都不会注意,但是却很重要,因为专柜每卖出一件衣服,都需要留存一个防伪条码,方便做进销存记帐,为了撕下时方便,所以JACK JONES的标都是可撕下的单面贴。如果不是,那么肯定是仿品。 3、一般情况,有扣子的衣服都会有一个小袋子连在布标上,袋子里装的是备用的扣子,纯毛的衣服会有让客户验证的丝线,也装在袋子里面,不过少数情况第二种可能不会有。 4、正品的、JACK JONES一般一个款式最多不超过3个颜色,如果您看到3种颜色以上的甚至6、7种颜色服装,一定是仿品。 5、JACK JONES是没有均码的,也就是英文的FreeSize,它都分码数,从XS到XL都有,除了配件,如果有均码的衣服,那么不用怀疑它是仿品。 6、不要相信什么原单,外贸原单JACK JONES在世界各国基本都有OEM加工厂,既不出口也不进口,谈不上什么原单。所谓原单(ODM)虽然只差一个字母,不过后者就是100%的仿品。 7、验证正品,最好的办法就是拿到专柜去查验! 参考:百度百科






短文改错 One day, Mr. Li was reading his b

One day, Mr. Li was reading his book in the【teacher"s--teachers"】office while a football broke through the window and hit him on【加上the】 back of his head. Mr. Li was 【great--greatly】 shocked and felt angry. He took the ball and went 【去掉to】 downstairs to see who on earth threw the ball. He met a little boy at the doorway 【but--and】 the boy said it was 【him--he】 who had thrown the ball. The boy 【express--expressed】 his deep sorrow to Mr. Li, promising that he 【will--would】 take enough care afterwards. Mr. Li praised the boy for his 【honest--honesty】. The boy thanked him【 of--for】 his kindness and said good-bye to him, running away with the ball.

one two three and hihihi

一、二、三,嗨 嗨 嗨 dj舞曲sky - smile - DragonflyLike a warm summer day Like a warm day in May Babe, you make me feel so hot Like a small butterfly Like a bird in the sky Feels like a star that I"m not You tell me things that I never knew (ay-ow) So what am I supposed to do? (ay-ow) Running around like a little kid (ay-ay-ow) One Two Three and I"m here here here Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I Like a small paradise Like a scent of a spice Yes I guess I understood Like a flower so sweet Like a lover of me Boy you make me feel so good You tell me things that I never knew (ay-ow) So what am I supposed to do? (ay-ow) Running around like a little kid (ay-ay-ow) One Two Three and I"m here here here Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I

一首童声DJ 非常快 有点中国风 歌词带one two three and hihihi 据说很像Koonichi Wa 求歌名

dj舞曲sky - smile - DragonflyLike a warm summer day Like a warm day in May Babe, you make me feel so hot Like a small butterfly Like a bird in the sky Feels like a star that I"m not You tell me things that I never knew (ay-ow) So what am I supposed to do? (ay-ow) Running around like a little kid (ay-ay-ow) One Two Three and I"m here here here Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I Like a small paradise Like a scent of a spice Yes I guess I understood Like a flower so sweet Like a lover of me Boy you make me feel so good You tell me things that I never knew (ay-ow) So what am I supposed to do? (ay-ow) Running around like a little kid (ay-ay-ow) One Two Three and I"m here here here Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I



芭比之钻石城堡中的Two Voices, One Song (Movie Version) 英文版歌词

It"s so rare to find a friend like youSomehow when you"re around, the sky is always blueThe way we talk, the things you sayThe way you make it all okAnd how you know, all of my jokes, but you laugh anyway!If I could wish for one thing, I"d take the smile that you bring, Wherever you go in this world I"ll come along!Together we dream the same dream.Forever I"m here for you, you"re here for me.Oh ooh oh.Two voices, one song.And anywhere you are,you know I"ll be around.And when you call my name,I"ll listen for the sound!Two Voices, One Song [Movie Version]If I could wish for one thing, I"d take the smile that you bring.Wherever you go in this world, I"ll come along!Together we dream the same dream. Forever I"m here you, you"re here for me.Oh ooh oh.Two voices, one song.Oh ooh oh.Two voices, one song!

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no one cares是什么意思

这句话的意思是:没有人关心1But when the market is going up, no one cares about the doomsayers.但当市场上涨时,没人把那些灾难预言家的话当回事。2The first is anonymity we feel no one cares that we are there.第一个原因是默默无闻性我们感到没有人在乎我们是否在那儿。3Yes, no one cares clown"s real face, needless to say his heart.是的,没有人会关心小丑的真面目,更何况他的心。4I know you"re not in, which means no one cares what you know.我知道你不跟,所以没人关心你知道什么。5Howard: No one cares, Ma! So, what"s up?没人要见你,老妈!怎么了?。

The Lonely Island的《Normal Guy》 歌词

歌名 : 「Normal」演唱 : Baha MenNormal (tell me what you think is)Normal (is there more than one way to be)Normal (If I do what you say am I)NormalWell I"m just a normal guy in a normal worldI live a normal life. I got a normal girlI drive to normal places in my normal carI even wish upon the normal starsBut people say it isn"t normalif I want to pierce my noseOr if I let a blind man design my clothesOr if I pick the petals leave the thorns upon my roseOr if I just want to paint my toesPeople say it"s notNormal (tell me what you think is)Normal (is there more than one way to be)Normal (I really think I"m okay and that"s)NormalMy momma say"s it isn"t normal if I wanna sleep all dayIf I don"t get a normal job, I"ll throw my life awayShe says I should go to school to get my B.A.But me, I want to be a DJMy friends say it isn"t normal if I don"t want to touch that stuffBut I don"t need to follow no one, I"m already cool enoughYou say I gotta be name brand, but I"m gonna call your bluffAnd if you don"t like it that"s tough.People say it"s notNormal (tell me what you think is)Normal (is there more than one way to be)Normal (I really think I"m okay and that"s)NormalOnce upon a time there was a man who had a wifea couple kids, a cat, a dog. He thought he had a perfect lifeThat"s not for mecause I wanna beI wanna be a painterand I want to be an actora sculptor or a clownmaybe I wanna drive a tractorWhy can"t you see, that"s normal to meTo me, that"s normalSo what-if I don"t like the food you eatSo what-if you don"t like to dance to my beatSo what-if you"re expensive and you think I"m cheapSo what-does that make me incomplete?So what-if I don"t want to pull my hairSo what-Judging me, that"s really unfairSo what-I only listen to the man up thereAnd I bet you he thinks I"m normalI am my own man, so I do what I willEvery individual one has his own skillWe all set goals that we want to fulfillWhether a butcher, a baker, a computer makerIt"s your life so do what you wanna doYou got one life to live, you don"t have twoTo yourself to yourself, you gotta be trueAnd that"s gonna make you normalDon"t wanna be abnormalNormal (tell me what you think is)Normal (is there more than one way to be)Normal (I really think I"m okay and that"s)NormalDon"t want to do what you say,I want to do what I doAnd that"s normalDon"t have to do what you say, that"s normalDon"t have to do what you sayI want to do what I do, Everybody"s normalI"m normalthat"s normalthat"s normal

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价格粘性:指价格不能随着总需求的变动而迅速变化。money is neutral:货币是中立的stabalization by monatery policy and fiscal policy:稳健的财政政策和货币政策财政政策:指根据稳定经济的需要,通过财政支出与税收政策来调节总需求。货币政策:指中央银行为实现既定的经济目标(稳定物价,促进经济增长,实现充分就业和平衡国际收支)运用各种工具调节货币供给和利率,进而影响宏观经济的方针和措施的总合。
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