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iPhone 4(GSM) 16GB 白色序列号:79118WGYDZZ设备名称:iPhone 4容 量:16GB颜 色:白色类 型:iPhone3,1代 号:n90ap型 号:MC604/MC536激活状态:已激活电话支持:已过期硬件保修:已过期生产日期:2011年05月07日 - 2011年05月13日生产工厂:中国(深圳)


想要iphone闹钟响铃,可以进行以下设置:1、打开手机的时钟。2、进入下方的“闹钟”界面。3、点击右上角的“+”号。4、选择好闹钟的时间后,点击“铃声”。5、勾选一种电话铃声即可。 iphone只显示闹钟界面但不响 1、打开手机的时钟。 2、进入下方的“闹钟”界面。 3、点击右上角的“+”号。 4、选择好闹钟的时间后,点击“铃声”。 5、勾选一种电话铃声即可。 操作环境 品牌型号:iPhone12 系统版本:ios15.1






1、对于熟悉iPhone手机的用户,相信大家都知道这样一个事实:iPhone手机关机后闹钟是不会响的,所以你事先在设定好了闹钟后,切记不要关机。2、有些用户可能设置好了闹钟,但是在睡觉前忘记了打开闹钟,导致闹钟在第二天早上并没有响,从而给自己的生活工作造成了不必要的麻烦。3、还有一点需要大家的注意的是在设定好了iPhone闹钟后,一定要确保iPhone手机电量充足,以防到闹钟该响的时候由于电量不足自动关机了,这样的话iPhone闹钟就不能响了。如果上面这些都没有问题,那可能是出现了一些bug……相信很多朋友都是在iPhone升级到iOS 10系统之后发现自己的手机闹钟不响的。iOS 10系统相对与之前的系统做了很多的改变,比如新增了全新的就寝功能,而有用户反映iOS 10闹钟为黑色且不响,那该怎么办呢?1、你可以重启手机,看看闹钟是否能正常工作2、如果不行,你可以打开“闹钟”。点击应用程序顶部的“编辑”按钮,然后删除所有的闹钟。再重新打开“闹钟”APP,添加你需要的闹钟。3、如果这不行,你需要更无情一点。转到设置>通用>还原,然后点击“还原所有设置”。这将把所有设置重置为默认值。这意味着你配置的所有内容都将恢复到以前,这是令人讨厌的,但至少这意味着你现在可以重新设置闹钟,他们将会再次工作。4、如果嫌麻烦的小伙伴,可以用其他闹钟APP设置闹钟,对iOS10只会震动由他去了。5、如果这些都不行,我只能遗憾的告诉你,你或许需要买一个闹钟了。






iPhone6闹钟设置技巧与方法介绍 现在小编和大家分享一个iPhone闹钟铃声设置教程,详细介绍iPhone6/6 Plus如何设置闹钟铃声的具体方法步骤,新手用户可以参考本教程进行操作。日常生活中很多朋友少不了闹钟,为了上班、或者上课、又或者约会不迟到,设定一个闹钟很关键,而iPhone是自带闹钟功能的,如果不想听到系统自带的闹钟铃声,我们就需要进行个性化设置,下面请看详细教程。【iPhone6闹钟设置技巧与方法介绍】1、打开手机,进入主界面,找到“时钟”图标。2、进入“闹钟”界面,点击左上角“编辑”可以对现有的闹钟进行删除、更改设置,而点击右上角的“+”图标可以添加闹钟提醒。我们这里已经设置了几个闹钟提醒,就以点选“编辑”为例。3、接下来点击你要修改的闹钟。4、进入编辑闹钟界面,在这里可以对“重复”、“标签”、“铃声”、“稍后提醒”等选项进行设置。想要设置iPhone闹钟铃声,请点击“铃声”。5、接着进入铃声设置界面,在这里选择自带铃声、或者你之前同步导入手机里的铃声/歌曲即可。6、另外,我们再来看看其他编辑闹钟界面的其他几个选项:——闹钟重复:点击“重复”选项,可以选择星期一到星期日。——闹钟标签:在闹钟里,我们可以设置多个闹钟,可以给不同的闹钟取名。点击“标签”选项,可以更改命名。——稍后提醒:开启“稍后提醒”选项以后,闹钟第一次响完以后,会隔十分钟再响。这个功能可以让我们小小地赖下床。
























  iphone手机关机后闹钟是不会响的,所以你事先在设定好了闹钟后,切记不要关机。下面是我收集整理的iphone闹钟不响怎么办,欢迎阅读!   iphone手机介绍   iPhone是苹果公司研发的智能时尚手机,它搭载苹果公司研发的iOS操作系统。第一代iPhone于2007年1月9日由苹果公司前首席执行官史蒂夫·乔布斯发布,并在同年6月29日正式发售。第七代的iPhone 5S和iPhone 5C于2013年9月10日发布,同年9月20日正式发售。第八代的iPhone 6和iPhone6 Plus也于2014年9月10日发布,中国大陆地区销售时间定为10月17日。   iphone闹钟不响   1、对于熟悉iphone手机的用户,相信大家都知道这样一个事实:iphone手机关机后闹钟是不会响的,所以你事先在设定好了闹钟后,切记不要关机。   2、有些用户可能设置好了闹钟,但是在睡觉前忘记了打开闹钟,导致闹钟在第二天早上并没有响,从而给自己的生活工作造成了不必要的麻烦。   3、还有一点需要大家的注意的是在设定好了iphone闹钟后,一定要确保iphone手机电量充足,以防到闹钟该响的时候由于电量不足自动关机了,这样的话iphone闹钟就不能响了。   4、在iphone手机的桌面上,我们找到“设置”这个图标,然后用手指触摸点击打开它,找到打开设置窗口中的第一个选项“飞行模式”,找到飞行模式后,点击其后面的开启按钮。   5、开启了飞行模式后,其实质上和关机了差不多,没有网络没有辐射还省电,对身体有利于健康,晚上睡觉的`时候可以这样设置,更重要的是,这样我们设置的闹钟就不会不响了。   iphone闹钟使用方法   1、打开“时钟”,进入的默认界面便是“闹钟”的界面,在此界面进行闹钟的设置与管理。点击右上角的“+”,在闹钟设置的界面上,下滑动调节时间,然后点击右上角的“存储”即可完成闹钟的设置。   2、这个设置只是设置了时间,但是并没有设定是否要打开闹钟。当你需要闹钟的时候你需要回到这个界面把时间后的滑块滑动呈现“打开”状态。   3、在闹钟页点击左上角“编辑”点击你要设定的时间的标签,在闹钟设定页里点击“重复”,点击你要选择的星期,然后点击“返回”即可。   4、还可以对闹钟铃声进行修改,在闹钟设定页上点击铃声,在这个界面选择铃声类型,然后选择“返回”就将铃声设定好了。




“iPhone出现闹钟不响”的原因如下:1、手机没电或者关机对于熟悉iphone手机的用户,都知道这样一个事实即iphone手机关机后闹钟是不会响的,所以事先在设定好了闹钟后,切记不要关机。2、忘记打开闹钟有些用户设置好了闹钟,但是在睡觉前忘记了打开闹钟,导致闹钟在第二天早上并没有响,从而给自己的生活工作造成了不必要的麻烦。3、iPhone手机的硬件出现了问题硬件问题多体现为手机功能不正常,即由于硬件损坏的原因,导致闹钟不响,这个时候往往需要求助维修解决了。4、iPhone手机的软件出现了问题软件问题多体现为,系统版本过低等相关方面,致使闹钟不响。不过通常来讲,这种可能性并不高。这个时候往往只要升级系统就可以解决闹钟不响的问题了。iPhone维修一、北京1、Apple Care-北京朝阳区苹果手机维修点地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路39号建外SOHO东区写字楼A座1705。热线:400-017-1055时间:上午09:00 - 晚上19:30 (节假日无休)2、Apple Care-北京海淀区苹果手机维修点地址:北京市海淀区中关村大街27号中关村大厦615室。热线:400-017-1055时间:上午09:00 - 晚上19:30 (节假日无休)二、天津1、Apple客户维修-和平区大悦城店门店地址:天津市和平区南京路189号津汇广场写字楼1号楼25层2506室(和平大悦城)。服务热线:400-626-7080营业时间:9:00-20:002、Apple客户维修-滨海区泰达店门店地址:天津市滨海新区第二大街MSD泰达生活馆一楼115B室苹果维修服务中心(从商场北门进)。服务热线:400-626-7080营业时间:9:00-20:00












abstract class Shape{}class Point extends Shape{}以下同...


Tujamo&Sorana的One On One(Damien N-Drix Remix)版本One On One歌词Waiting for your knock on the door等待着你的敲门声You"ll be on your way, on your way to my place, boy你一定正在路上,去往我住处的路上,我的男孩Never get enough, I don"t know how永远都满足不了,我也不知道为什么会这样All I need, all I need is your touch我想要的,我需要只是你的触摸When the new moon falling tonight当今晚的新月坠落From the sky, you won"t stop calling于天空中时侯,你并没有停止呻吟And my name is your anthem我的名字就是你最美的诗篇Baby you make me p-purr like a panther宝贝,你让我呻吟声宛如一只非洲猎豹One on one你和我I"m a-looking for a big fun我正在寻找着无尽的乐趣All I, all I want is to get down此刻我想要的只是躺在床上One on one你我之间I"m a-looking for a big fun我追寻着某种巨大的乐趣With nobody, but your body没有旁人,只有你的身体Like you wander out in the dark如黑夜中漫步I will steal your heart like a bandit我将如强盗般偷走你的心You ain"t gotta get away你不打算离开You ain"t gotta get away你不打算离开When the new moon falling tonight当今晚的新月坠落From the sky, you won"t stop calling于天空中时侯,你并没有停止呻吟And my name is your anthem我的名字就是你最美的诗篇Baby you make me p-purr like a panther宝贝,你让我呻吟地宛如一只美洲豹


gone有死去的意思gone 英[gu0252n] 美[gu0254:n] adj. 过去的; 用完了; 死去的; 无望的,无可挽救的; v. go的过去分词;

N Sync《gone》歌词翻译

gone歌手:n"sync 专辑:celebrity there"s a thousand words that i could say我可以说出一千个理由to make you come home (yeah)要你回到我的身边seems so long ago you walked away 你已经离开了太久and left me alone只剩下我独自一人and i remember what you said to me我还记得你当时说的话you were acting so strange我还记得你奇怪的表现and maybe i was too blind to see也许是我被蒙蔽了双眼that you needed a change看不到你需要的改变was it something i said, to make you turn away是不是我说的话,让你下了离开的决心to make you walk out and leave me cold让你这么决绝地离开,只剩下我在寒风中(ohh ohh ohh ohh ohh)哦。。。。。。if i could just find a way 多希望我能找到一个方法to make it so that you were right here能让你现在还在我身边right now此时此刻chorus:(合)i"ve been sittin here我就呆坐在这里can"t get you off mind心里面只想着你i try my best to be a man and be strong我努力要坚强一些i drove myself insane却把自己变得疯狂wishing i could touch your face (touch your face)多希望我现在能触碰你的脸庞but the truth remains you"re gone但现实不断提醒我你早已离去(you"re) gone你早已离去(baby you"re) gone你早已离去(girl you"re gone. baby girl you"re)女孩,你早已离去。gone(you"re) gone(you"re)now i don"t wanna make excuses baby我不想找寻借口won"t change the fact that your gone (no, no)你已离去的事实无法改变but if there"s something that i could do但是,如果我还能做些什么won"t you please let me know请你告诉我the time is passing so slowly now时间过得很慢guess, that"s my life without you猜的到,这就是没有你的生活(guess, that"s my life without you)and maybe i could change my every day也许我不用每天过得这么辛苦but baby i don"t want to但是我不愿意去改变i"ll just hang around and find some things to do我会让自己忙碌起来to take my mind off missing you (take my mind off missing you)不让自己有空想你and i know in my heart you can"t say that you don"t love me too内心深处我还坚信,你依然爱我please say you do请告诉我你还爱我yeah...chorus:i"ve been sittin here (sitin" here)我就呆坐在这儿can"t get you off mind (get you off my mind)心里想的全是你i try my best to be a man and be strong我努力做到坚强一些(my best to be a man and be strong)努力做到坚强一些i drove myself insane我把自己逼得疯狂wishing i could touch your face真希望我还能碰触你的脸庞(wishing i could touch your face)多希望我能触碰你的脸庞but the truth remains但事实却不断提醒我(truth remains you"re)你早已离去gone(you re) gone(you re) gone(you re gone)(you re) gone(you re) gonewhat will i do我该怎么做if i can"t be with you如果我不能和你在一起tell me where will i turn to告诉我我该怎么办baby, who will i be告诉我我会变成怎样now that we are apart现在我们分隔两地am i still in your heart你心里也依然想着我baby why don"t you see宝贝你为什么视而不见that i need you here with me你知道我是多么需要你ohh...

gone 是延续动词吗




N Sync的《Gone》 歌词

歌曲名:Gone歌手:N Sync专辑:Greatest Hitsto XiaoJuanThere"s a thousand words that I could sayTo make you come home (yeah)Seems so long ago you walked awayAnd left me aloneAnd I remember what you said to meYou were acting so strangeAnd maybe I was too blind to seeThat you needed a changeWas it something I said, to make you turn awayTo make you walk out and leave me cold(Ohh Ohh Ohh Ohh Ohh)If I could just find a wayTo make it so that you were right hereright nowChorus:I"ve been sittin hereCan"t get you off mindI try my best to be a man and be strongI drove myself insaneWishing I could touch your face (touch your face)But the truth remains you"re gone(you"re) Gone(baby you"re) Gone(girl you"re gone. Baby girl you"re)Gone(you"re) Gone(you"re)Now I don"t wanna make excuses babyWon"t change the fact that your gone (no, no)But if there"s something that I could doWon"t you please let me knowThe time is passing so slowly nowGuess, that"s my life without you(Guess, that"s my life without you)And maybe I could change my every dayBut baby I don"t want toI"ll just hang around and find some things to doTo take my mind off missing you (take my mind off missing you)And I know in my heart you can"t say that you don"t love me tooPlease say you doYeah...Chorus:I"ve been sittin here (sitin" here)Can"t get you off mind (get you off my mind)I try my best to be a man and be strong(my best to be a man and be strong)I drove myself insaneWishing I could touch your face(Wishing I could touch your face)But the truth remains(truth remains you"re)gone(you re) Gone(you re) Gone(you re gone)(you re) Gone(you re) GoneWhat will I doIf I can"t be with youTell me where will I turn toBaby, who will I beNow that we are apartAm I still in your heartBaby why don"t you seeThat I need you here with meOhh...I"ve been sittin here (sitin" here)Can"t get you off mind (Can"t get you off mind)I try my best to be a man and be strong(my best to be a man)I drove myself insaneWishing I could touch your face(Oh could you baby)But the truth remains(the truth remains you"re gone)I"ve been sittin here (sitin" here)Can"t get you off mind (Can"t get you off mind)I try my best to be a man and be strong(my best to be a man)I drove myself insane (ohh)Wishing I could touch your face (ohh)But the truth remains(Ohh ohh baby the truth is you"re)gone(you"re) Gone(you"re) Gone(you"re gone)(baby girl you"re) Gone(you"re) GoneBut the truth remains you"reGone

Jesse Mccartney的《gone》 歌词

歌曲名:gone歌手:Jesse Mccartney专辑:Right Where You Want MeLRC Produced By Prince WilliamAlbum:Right Where You Want MeJesse Mccartney-GoneGo see what it"s like to bewith another guyGo try, baby find yourselfanother lifeYou say you don"t need meSo baby, just leave me"cause all of this pushin", pullin"It ain"t rightBut before you goand blow off everything we hadRemember there are somethingsyou can never take backChorus:You"re gonna miss me when I"m goneYou"re gonna feel what it feels like to belonely, aloneAnd When you see thatI"m happy on my ownThat"s when your jealousy will growBaby, then you"ll knowthat you never should"ve walked awayYou made a big mistakeI"ll be gone, gone, gone, gone ...What"s gonna happenwhen you hear I"m out with someone elseAnd you know that she has got me nowWill you be sorry?By then I won"t be sorry"Cause i see what you put methrough come back aroundSo before you goand blow off everything we hadYou better stop and realize thatyou"ll never get me backChorus:You"re gonna miss me when I"m goneYou"re gonna feelwhat it feels like to be lonely, aloneAnd When you seethat I"m happy on my ownThat"s when your jealousy will growBaby, then you"ll knowthat you never should"ve walked awayYou made a big mistakeI"ll be gone, gone, gone, goneSome doors openwhile other ones are closingSo if you think I"ll sit here waitingYou better think again,you better think againChorus:You"re gonna miss me when I"m goneYou"re gonna feelwhat it feels like to be lonely, aloneAnd When you seethat I"m happy on my ownThat"s when your jealousy will growBaby, then you"ll knowthat you never should"ve walked awayYou made a big mistakeI"ll be gone, gone, gone, gone ...






went 作为go的过去式只作动词用,中文意思是:去、 进行、进展;而gone除了作为go的过去分词作动词用,还可以作形容词用,中文意思:过去的、用完了、死去的、无望的、无可挽救的。 例句: 1、I went back to work on Monday 2、Hes already been gone four hours! 扩展资料   went是go的"过去式,用于描述已经发生的事情的时做谓语动词;而gone是go的过去分词,不能单独做谓语动词,用于完成时。   例句:   1、I went for a curry last night.   中文翻译:昨晚我去吃了咖喱菜。   2、He had gone when I arrived.   中文翻译:当我到达时,他业已走了。







gone歌词 gone歌曲简介

1、《Gone》歌词如下: I feel a distance growing inside of me Growing inside my heart Growing so much its keeping us apart I feel resistance Pulling you from my love Holding you from my touch Like nothing I do will ever be enough Answer the question Youre living lies You lie to me And I aint gonna take no more Ive learned a lesson So many nights Now I can see Youre not the one for me no no You no longer speak the same stuff you used to say No you no longer love the same way You no longer love the same way You dont talk the talk you did when you wanted me No you no longer love the same way You no longer love the same way Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone I feel your body Slipping away from me Further and out of reach Gravity makes it hard for me to see You keep me guessing Standing on solid ground When it crumbles Im falling down Spinning because youre messin me around Answer the question Youre living lies You lie to me Youre not the one for me no no You no longer speak the same stuff you used to say No you no longer love the same way You no longer love the same way You dont talk the talk you did when you wanted me No you no longer love the same way You no longer love the same way So Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone No you no longer love the same way No you no you no you no Same way You dont talk the talk you did when you wanted me So Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone You no longer speak the same stuff you used to say No you no longer love the same way You no longer love the same way You dont talk the talk you did when you wanted me No you no longer love the same way You no longer love the same way You no longer speak the same stuff you used to say No you no longer love the same way You no longer love the same way You dont talk the talk you did when you wanted me No you no longer love the same way You no longer love the same way So Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone 2、《Gone》是易烊千玺演唱的歌曲,Dimitri Tikovoi、Dave Gibson填词作曲,收录于易烊千玺2019年12月20日发行的专辑《温差感》中。


gone 英[ɡu0252n] 美[ɡu0254n, ɡɑn] adj. 过去的;用完了;死去的;无望的,无可挽救的 v. go的过去分词 [例句]Do you think they "ve gone?你觉得他们走了吗?left 英[left] 美[lu025bft] adj. 左边的,左侧的;左派的 n. 左,左面;[军]左翼;左派,激进分子 adv. 向左;在左边 [例句]He left apple in 1985.他于1985年离开了苹果。has left &has gone都表示已离开(现在完成时),has left 表示离开的动作,he has left the room ,他已经离开这个房间了.has gone 表示离开的状态,he has gone to the school,他已经去学校了(在去学校的路上.了)


歌曲名:Gone歌手:GEORGE BENSON专辑:George Benson In Concert--Carnegie Hallto XiaoJuanThere"s a thousand words that I could sayTo make you come home (yeah)Seems so long ago you walked awayAnd left me aloneAnd I remember what you said to meYou were acting so strangeAnd maybe I was too blind to seeThat you needed a changeWas it something I said, to make you turn awayTo make you walk out and leave me cold(Ohh Ohh Ohh Ohh Ohh)If I could just find a wayTo make it so that you were right hereright nowChorus:I"ve been sittin hereCan"t get you off mindI try my best to be a man and be strongI drove myself insaneWishing I could touch your face (touch your face)But the truth remains you"re gone(you"re) Gone(baby you"re) Gone(girl you"re gone. Baby girl you"re)Gone(you"re) Gone(you"re)Now I don"t wanna make excuses babyWon"t change the fact that your gone (no, no)But if there"s something that I could doWon"t you please let me knowThe time is passing so slowly nowGuess, that"s my life without you(Guess, that"s my life without you)And maybe I could change my every dayBut baby I don"t want toI"ll just hang around and find some things to doTo take my mind off missing you (take my mind off missing you)And I know in my heart you can"t say that you don"t love me tooPlease say you doYeah...Chorus:I"ve been sittin here (sitin" here)Can"t get you off mind (get you off my mind)I try my best to be a man and be strong(my best to be a man and be strong)I drove myself insaneWishing I could touch your face(Wishing I could touch your face)But the truth remains(truth remains you"re)gone(you re) Gone(you re) Gone(you re gone)(you re) Gone(you re) GoneWhat will I doIf I can"t be with youTell me where will I turn toBaby, who will I beNow that we are apartAm I still in your heartBaby why don"t you seeThat I need you here with meOhh...I"ve been sittin here (sitin" here)Can"t get you off mind (Can"t get you off mind)I try my best to be a man and be strong(my best to be a man)I drove myself insaneWishing I could touch your face(Oh could you baby)But the truth remains(the truth remains you"re gone)I"ve been sittin here (sitin" here)Can"t get you off mind (Can"t get you off mind)I try my best to be a man and be strong(my best to be a man)I drove myself insane (ohh)Wishing I could touch your face (ohh)But the truth remains(Ohh ohh baby the truth is you"re)gone(you"re) Gone(you"re) Gone(you"re gone)(baby girl you"re) Gone(you"re) GoneBut the truth remains you"reGone


基本释义gone [ɡu0254n]adj. 离去的;死去的;用光的v. 去(go的过去分词)

gone怎么读音 gone的意思

1、gone的读音:英[ɡu0252n],美[ɡu0254u02d0n]。 2、adj.用完了;用光了;走了;离开了;不在;不复存在;一去不复返; 3、prep.晚于;已过; 4、v.去;走;(尤指与某人)去(某处或出席某项活动); 移动,旅行,行走(指方式或距离); 5、go的过去分词。 6、[例句]Weve gone through all those envelopes I bought last week.我们用完了我上周买的所有的信封。


1、过去分词对象不同。gone是动词go的过去分词。been 可以是动词 be 和 go 的过去分词。 2、含义不同。gone表示过去的; 用完了; 死去的。been表示在,存在; 不受干扰; 去过了。 扩展资料 一、过去分词对象不同。 1、gone是动词go的过去分词。如He has gone home. 他已回家去了。 2、been 可以是动词 be 和 go 的过去分词。He has been ill for a month. 他已病了一个月。 二、含义不同。 1、gone表示过去的; 用完了; 死去的"。 The opportunity had gone. His mind scrabbled for alternatives. 机会已经失去。他苦苦思索别的方案。 2、been表示在,存在; 不受干扰; 去过了。 2. It had once been the home of a wealthy nobleman. 这里曾是一个有钱贵族的宅邸。

gone怎么读 英语gone怎么读

1、gone英[ɡu0252n]美[ɡu0254u02d0n],adj.用完了; 用光了; 走了; 离开了; 不在; 不复存在; 一去不复返; 怀孕…时间了;prep.晚于; 已过;v.去; 走; (尤指与某人)去(某处或出席某项活动); 移动,旅行,行走(指方式或距离)。 2、[例句]Weve gone through all those envelopes I bought last week.我们用完了我上周买的所有的信封。




gone 英式发音[gu0252n];美式发音[gu0254:n]gone 是 go 的过去分词。


歌曲:《Gone》作词:朴彩英作曲:24,Brian Lee演唱:朴彩英歌词:我以为你记得,但似乎你忘了,当你已经迷路的时候我很难责怪你哦是的我厌倦了一直等待哦是的是的,我看到你改了号码所以你没接到我的电话,我现在把我的一切都给了你你不想被牵扯进来哦是的是的,我真的要面对它哦是的是的我只想成为那个,但对你来说我们已经结束了告诉我你为什么要打我跑,现在只有我一个人哭得很丑你伤了我的心只是为了好玩,带走了我的爱,让我麻木现在是早上8点,恨在早晨都是因为你,另一个悲伤而真实的故事我能感觉到疼痛,你能吗,你必须是那个让我失望的人把我涂成蓝色,我不想看到你和新朋友在一起我要诅咒她和你,你已经死了,再也不回头了我的爱也消失了,我所有的爱都消失了我所有的爱都消失了,我所有的爱都消失了我所有的爱都消失了,现在你死了,走了我所有的爱都消失了,仇恨也在增长,一个人站着,我在寻找什么但我什么也感觉不到,我收拾行李走了这感觉不像在家,对于彩虹来说太黑暗了我觉得很习惯,没有你我怎么生活我拒绝是的,我只想成为那个但对你来说我们已经结束了,告诉我你为什么要打我跑现在只有我一个人哭得很丑,你伤了我的心只是为了好玩带走了我的爱,让我麻木,现在是早上8点恨在早晨,都是因为你另一个悲伤而真实的故事,我能感觉到疼痛,你能吗你必须是那个让我失望的人,把我涂成蓝色我不想看到你和新朋友在一起,我要诅咒她和你你已经死了,再也不回头了,我的爱也消失了我所有的爱都消失了,我所有的爱都消失了我所有的爱都消失了,我所有的爱都消失了现在你死了,走了扩展资料:《Gone》是韩国女子演唱组合BLACKPINK成员朴彩英(Rosé)演唱的一首英文歌曲,收录于其2021年3月12日发行的音乐专辑《R》中。2021年3月12日,发行首张个人单曲专辑《-R-》,正式SOLO出道,专辑收录了主打歌《On The Ground》和《Gone》。


gone [ɡu0254n]adj. 离去的;死去的;用光的v. 去(go的过去分词)


gone 英[ɡu0252n] 美[ɡu0254n, ɡɑn] adj. 过去的;用完了;死去的;无望的,无可挽救的 v. go的过去分词 [例句]But while the ideology has gone , the mechanism for sustaining political power remains.但是虽然已摆脱过去的意识形态,延续政治权力的机制仍然存在。

definition of done是什么意思



1、作为形容词adj,意思是:过去的;用完了;死去的;无望的,无可挽救的例:The spring is gone.春天已经过去了。2、作为动词v,即go的过去分词,用于过去时;例:I went home yesterday我昨天回家了3、作为介词prep,意思是晚于,超过(某一时间)例:It was just gone 7 o"clock this evening when I finished.今晚我做完的时候刚过7点。希望可以帮到你!



gone 的汉语意思



gone意思:离去的;死去的;用光的、去。网络释义1 Gone: 跑了!;消逝;离开;离去跑了!英语常用单词口语短句Gone! 跑了!2 消逝 Highlands 高地情歌 ...Highlands 高地情歌Gone 消逝Amazing grace 奇异恩典 ...3 离开道奇乐团 同名专辑(引进版)Breakdown 崩溃Gone 离开 There And Back Again 潇洒闯一回 离去浪行者:狂放宣言(CD) 离去 Gone4 -all gone: 丢失;消逝;希望等的"消逝", 物品等的"丢失"。;希望等的"消逝",物品等的"丢失"。丢失英语专业八级听力常用短语汇总【词典级】 ... all for it 完全同意 all gone 消逝;丢失 all in 疲倦 ...英语中的习语 ...a stone"s throw 一箭之遥 all gone 希望等的"消逝", 物品等的"丢失"。 all for it 对别人的看法或意见"完全同意","完全赞成"5. all gone 希望等的"消逝",物品等的"丢失"。 all for it 对别人的看法或意见"完全同意","完全赞成"6 Gone Going: 逝去;黑眼豆豆


gone 英[ɡu0252n] 美[ɡu0254n, ɡɑn] adj. 过去的;用完了;死去的;无望的,无可挽救的 v. go的过去分词 [例句]But while the ideology has gone , the mechanism for sustaining political power remains.但是虽然已摆脱过去的意识形态,延续政治权力的机制仍然存在。

Kanye West的《Gone》 歌词

歌曲名:Gone歌手:Kanye West专辑:Late Orchestrationti:Gonear:Kanye West__Feat. Consequence _ CamRon)al:Late RegistrationBut it"s too late, it"s too lateYou sweat her, and I ain"t talkin "bout a CoogiYou a big L, and I ain"t talkin "bout Cool JSee me at the airport, at least 20 LouisTreat me like the Prince and this my sweet brother NumpsayBROTHER NUMPSAY! Groupies sound too choosyTake "em to the show and talk all through the moviesSays she want diamonds, I took her to Ruby TuesdaysIf we up in Friday"s, I still have it my wayToo late, we, gone - we strivin homeGone - we ride on chromeIt"s too lateY"all don"t want no prob from meWhat you rappers could get is a job from meMaybe you could be my intern, and in turnI"ll show you how I cook up summer, in the win-turrAaron love the raw dog, when will he learnCaught somethin on the Usher tour he had to "Let it Burn"Plus he already got three chil"runArguin over babysitters like, "Bitch - it"s yo" turn!"Damn "Ye, it"d be stupid to ditch youEven your superficial raps is super officialR-R-R-Roc pastel with Gucci onWith TV"s in the ride, throw a movie onSaid he couldn"t rap now he at the top with doobie longCause the dookie"s on any song that they threw me on, goneWe strivin home, goneI ride on chrome...We strivin home, goneKilla, I ride on chromeKnock knock, who"s there? Killa Cam, Killa who?Killa Cam, hustler, grinder, gorilla trueOh my chinchilla blue, blue you ever dealt with a dealerWell here"s the deal ma we goin to the {?}No concealin, no ceiling I don"t need a roofAct up, get out, I don"t need you poofPoof, be gone, damn tough luck dagDag, niggaz still doin puff puff passPull the truck up fast and I tell "emHey, back in a touched up Jag, shitY"all niggaz want Killa Cam, cerebellumAn old man just gon" tell "em (too late, he, gone)Then I see how y"all gonna react when I"m (gone)My last girl want me back then I"m onFine stay, you got the grind heyCame back, read what the sign say (too late, he, gone)Yes I know you wanna see my demiseYeah you church boy actin like a thief in disguiseAin"t leavin my side, see the greed in my eyesAsk Abby y"all hustle for a week to the Chi, shitAnd that ain"t leavin alive, please believe meGave Weezy a piece of the pie, andYou can ask George or ReginaThe whole Westside I explore with the Beemer nowWe strivin home, I ride on chromeListen homeboy move onThat"s your best bet, why"s that?CauseUhh, uhh, yo, yoI been pourin out some liquor for the fact that my pal"s goneAnd tryin to help his momma with the fact that her child goneAnd since we used to bubble like a tub full of CalgonGuess it"s only right that I should help her from now onBut since they got a foul on, what coulda gone wrongNow they askin Cons, how long has this gone onAnd maybe all this money mighta gone to my headCause they got me thinkin money mighta gone to the fedsSo I ain"t goin to the dread, but he"ll go on up to bedAnd when I came the next mornin he was gone with my breadAnd with that bein said, I had gone on my instinctsAnd gone to the spots where they go to get mixed drinksBut lookin back now shoulda gone to the cribAnd rented "Gone With the Wind," cause I"da gone about 10But I had gone with my friend, and we had gone to the barAnd heard a nigga talkin shit so I had gone to the carAnd now the judge is tellin me that I had gone too farAnd now we gone for 20 years, doin time behind barsAnd since I gone to a cell for some cruddy crimesI guess I gone to the well one too many times, cause I"m goneUh-uh-uhUh-uh-uh uh uh onnn, uh uh-uh onnnUh-uh onnn, uh uh-uh I"mmmmAh-head of my time, sometimes years outSo the powers that be won"t let me get my ideas outAnd that make me wanna get my advance outAnd move to Oklahoma and just live at my Aunt"s houseYeah, I romance the thought of leavin it all behindKanye step away from the lime--light, like, when I was on the grindIn the "One, Nine, Nine, Nine"Before, model chicks was bendin over orDealerships asked me Benz or Rover, manIf I could just get one beat on HovaWe could get up off this cheap-ass sofaWhat the summer of the Chi got to offer an 18-year-oldSell drugs or get a job, you gotta play gyroMy dawg worked at Taco Bell, hooked us up plural-fiedA week later the manager count the churrosSometimes I can"t believe it when I look up in the mirrowHow we out in Europe, spendin EurosThey claim you never know what you got "til it"s GONEI know I got it, I don"t know what y"all onI"ma open up a store for aspiring MC"sWon"t sell "em no dream, but the inspiration is freeBut if they ever flip sides like AnakinYou"ll sell everything includin the mannequinThey got a new bitch now you Jennifer AnistonHold on I"ll handle it, don"t start panickin, stay calmShorty"s at the door cause they need moreInspiration for they life, they souls, and they songsThey said sorry Mr. West is gone!


歌名:Gone谱曲:Matt Wong填词:林宝歌曲原唱:薛凯琪歌词:欲望没终点,一秒展翅,穿梭星空,呼吸轻吻射线,逐步蕴酿,动人突变,霓裳全焚着,发肤也受染,眉在跳裙在舞,如盛况全目睹,谁被我撩动过,留下了炽烫味道,像预告,火里花将破土,Don"t tell me you don"t know,What you"re missing out上演华丽地上演,灵魂做我引子,人腾越沸点方可以,闪炫目地去闪,燃亮了曲线,才隆重去牵起声线,I"m so Gone,I"m so Gone,I"m so Gone,I"m so Gone,I"m so Gone,I"m so Gone,I"m so Gone,I"m so Gone,I"m so Gone,I"m so Gone,I"m so Gone,I"m so Gone,Let me be the one to tell you就让星光,给我加冕,闪烁之间,轨迹经已越线,踏入灿烂,动人位置,为何沉默,去僵化视线,眉在跳裙在舞,如盛况全目睹,谁被我撩动过,留下了炽烫味道,像预告,火里花将破土,Don"t tell me you don"t know,What you"re missing out上演华丽地上演,灵魂做我引子,人腾越沸点方可以,闪炫目地去闪,燃亮了曲线,才隆重去牵起声线,I"m so Gone,I"m so GoneI"m so Gone,I"m so Gone,I"m so Gone,I"m so Gone,I"m so Gone,I"m so Gone,I"m so Gone,I"m so Gone,I"m so Gone,I"m so Gone,Let me be the one to tell you,Don"t tell me you don"t know,What you"re missing out,上演华丽地上演,灵魂做我引子,人腾越沸点方可以,闪炫目地去闪,燃亮了曲线,沉迷在烫手的体贴,滴着汗冒着火,烧不光的须索,滴着汗冒着火,抽不干要释放,让热汗亦着火,火中花醒觉,扩展资料薛凯琪再度出击所发行的一首歌曲,以《Gone》再续情缘,发行收录于同名专辑《Gone》中。《Gone》的其他版本:1、这首Gone是发行于2010年12月,由环球唱片发行公司发行,是一首现代嘻哈作品。2、Gone 是Nsync(超级男孩)演唱的一首流行歌曲,收录于2001年的专辑《Celebrity》中。




gone演唱:朴彩英填词:布赖恩·李·劳伦·泰迪填词:桃红我以为你还记得,但似乎你忘了,当你已经迷路的时候,我很难责怪你哦,是的我厌倦了总是等待哦耶耶耶,我看到你改变了你的号码这就是为什么你没有接到我的电话,我现在给了你我所有的你不想参与哦,是的,是的,我真的要面对它哦耶耶耶我只想成为那个人,但对你,我们已经做了告诉我你为什么要打我,现在我独自一人哭泣丑陋你为了好玩而伤了我的心,带走了我的爱,只是让我麻木现在是早上8点,早上的仇恨都是因为你,另一个悲伤和真实的故事我能感觉到你的痛苦,你必须让我失望给我涂蓝色,讨厌看到你和一个新的人在一起我会诅咒她和你,不是没有回头看,现在你已经死了,走了我的爱也消失了,我所有的爱都消失了我所有的爱都消失了,我所有的爱都消失了我所有的爱都消失了,现在你已经死了我所有的爱都消失了,仇恨也增加了,独自站着,我在寻找一些东西但我什么也感觉不到,我收拾行李走了这感觉不像家,太多的黑暗,彩虹我觉得很习惯,没有你我该怎么生活我拒绝是的,我只想成为那个人但对你,我们已经做了,告诉我你为什么要打我现在我独自一人哭泣丑陋,你为了好玩而伤了我的心带走了我的爱,只是让我麻木,现在是早上8点早上的仇恨,都是因为你另一个悲伤和真实的故事,我能感觉到你的痛苦你必须让我失望,给我涂蓝色讨厌看到你和一个新的人在一起,我会诅咒她和你不是没有回头看,现在你已经死了,走了,我的爱也消失了我所有的爱都消失了,我所有的爱都消失了我所有的爱都消失了,我所有的爱都消失了现在你已经死了扩展资料:2021年3月14日,朴彩英正式参与《人气歌谣》的打歌舞台,开始了solo的首秀舞台。在人气歌谣的舞台上,朴彩英带来了《gone》和《on the ground》两个舞台。BLACKPINK ROS 的SOLO出道专辑在全球最大的音源流媒体平台Spotify榜单上取得了令人瞩目的成绩。主打曲《On The Ground》在Spotify全球TOP50榜单中排名第8,副主打《GONE》排名第11位。主打曲《On The Ground》在一天内Spotify播放了约326万次,副主打《GONE》也达到了294万次,达成了韩国SOLO艺人正式发售音乐后最高的记录。参考资料来源:百度百科-gone




gone什么意思:跑了1、We"ve gone through all those envelopes I bought last week. 我们用完了我上周买的所有的信封。2、All our saving gone, we started looking for jobs. 积蓄全部用完了,我们就开始找工作。3、The money will go towards a new school building. 这笔资金将用于修建新校舍。4、I never have the time to go out in the week. 我从星期一到星期五从来没有时间外出参加社交活动。5、I don"t want to go against your will. 我不想违背您的意愿。6、I think we should go back to first principles. 我认为我们应该回到基本原则上。




gone英 [ɡu0252n] 美 [ɡu0254n, ɡɑn] adj. 过去的;用完了;死去的;无望的,无可挽救的 v. go的过去分词 跑了; 远去; 走了; 逝去 形容词 adj.1.过去的, 离去的 Two days later he was gone.两天后他就不在了。2.爱着的, 迷恋的3.怀孕…时间了4. 用完了;用光了1.过去的, 已往的; 死了的


gone1(go的过去分词)gone2形容词 a. 1.过去的The spring is gone. 春天已经过去了。 2.遗失了的;无可挽回的It is a gone case. 那是一件无可挽回的事。 3.深重的;入迷的4.【口】怀孕的[F]She is six months gone. 她怀孕六个月了。 5.已死的[F]His grandfather is gone now. 他的祖父去世了。 网络释义gone1.找不到的,丢了的托福雅思极速英语:英文“哇塞”怎么说 - ...8、gone adj. 找不到的,丢了的;2.跑了313个英语极短句,好好记吧.- 悠长假期...39 gone! 跑了!Gone1.跑了看电影经常遇到的简单口语Gone! —— 跑了!


Gone是Nsync(超级男孩)演唱的一首流行歌曲。歌曲歌词:There"s a thousand words that I could say有千言万语我可以说To make you come home (yeah)为了让你回来Seems so long ago you walked away哦,似乎不久之前,你离开And left me alone让我孤单And I remember what you said to me我记得你对我说:You were acting so strange你的表现很特别And maybe I was too blind to see也许我视而不见That you needed a change你需要改变Was it something I said, to make you turn away是不是我说:让你离开To make you walk out and leave me cold让你离开,并冷落了我(Ohh Ohh Ohh Ohh Ohh)噢噢噢噢噢If I could just find a way如果我可以找到一个方法To make it so that you were right here为了使它这样,你在这里扩展资料Nsync(超级男孩)是一个美国流行男子演唱团体,来自佛罗里达州奥兰多。其成员包括:Lance(蓝斯)、J.C.(杰西)、Joey(乔伊)、Chris(克里斯)、Justin(贾斯汀)。发行过数张专辑,最为人所知的是《No Strings Attached》和《Celebrity》这两张专辑。后街男孩在美国的最大竞争对手,JIVE三大巨头之一。成员之中以贾斯汀人气最高,继超级男孩解散以后发行过三张专辑,粉丝依然遍布全球。而另一成员杰西发行个人首张专辑《Schizophrenic》后,渐渐销声匿迹,后来又和后街男孩成员AJ一起创作《Treat Me Right》一曲,两大曾经辉煌一时的男孩团体碰撞出新的火花。

was gone与gone都能表示被动但有什么区别

It was gone, wasn"t it? 都过去了,不是吗? With a puff, a clang, and a clatter of rails it was gone. 这些船桅杆耸立,船头碰擦着竖有黑色木杆的河岸。火车喷发出一股浓烟,切嚓切嚓,铁轨发出一声撞击声,那小河就被抛在后面了。




gone可以用作形容词或动词,例如the coffee is all gone咖啡全喝光了。 扩展资料 gone可以用作形容词或动词,形容词的意思是用完了,不复存在,例如the coffee is all gone咖啡全喝光了。用作动词的意思是走,旅行等,例如he was gone before I arrived他在我来之前就走了。

gone 和went的用法.要详细的!要举例哦

went是过去式,表示过去发生的行为,而gone是过去分词,表示过去已经完成的行为,一般和完成时连用。(英语和中文确实是有许多理念上的差别,归根结底是中西文化的差别,一定要用西方人的观点去接受英语)举一个最经典的例子:1:He has went to US.他去了美国。(表示他在过去的一个时间点上去了美国,现在还没回)2:He has gong to US.他过去去过美国。(言外之意就是说,他过去已经完成了去美国的这个动作,也就是说他现在已经回来了,这句话可以翻译为:他有去过美国的经历)祝你学习愉快!

go went gone区别

go went gone 是动词go的三种变化形式,即: 原形,过去式,过去分词。go 原形,可在一般现在时中作谓语。可前面加to 构成动词不定式。如: I want to go there.went 过去式,作谓语,在一般过去时中用。如: He went to school yestetday.gone 过去分词,可和have /has 构成现在完成时,和had 构成过去完成时。可以作系动词的表语。如: The money is gone.



gone歌词 gone歌曲简介

1、《Gone》歌词如下: I feel a distance growing inside of me Growing inside my heart Growing so much its keeping us apart I feel resistance Pulling you from my love Holding you from my touch Like nothing I do will ever be enough Answer the question Youre living lies You lie to me And I aint gonna take no more Ive learned a lesson So many nights Now I can see Youre not the one for me no no You no longer speak the same stuff you used to say No you no longer love the same way You no longer love the same way You dont talk the talk you did when you wanted me No you no longer love the same way You no longer love the same way Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone I feel your body Slipping away from me Further and out of reach Gravity makes it hard for me to see You keep me guessing Standing on solid ground When it crumbles Im falling down Spinning because youre messin me around Answer the question Youre living lies You lie to me Youre not the one for me no no You no longer speak the same stuff you used to say No you no longer love the same way You no longer love the same way You dont talk the talk you did when you wanted me No you no longer love the same way You no longer love the same way So Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone No you no longer love the same way No you no you no you no Same way You dont talk the talk you did when you wanted me So Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone You no longer speak the same stuff you used to say No you no longer love the same way You no longer love the same way You dont talk the talk you did when you wanted me No you no longer love the same way You no longer love the same way You no longer speak the same stuff you used to say No you no longer love the same way You no longer love the same way You dont talk the talk you did when you wanted me No you no longer love the same way You no longer love the same way So Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone 2、《Gone》是易烊千玺演唱的歌曲,Dimitri Tikovoi、Dave Gibson填词作曲,收录于易烊千玺2019年12月20日发行的专辑《温差感》中。


gone在这里不是“去”的意思,而是解释为“没有希望的;必然失败的”,例如a gone case(无法挽救的事),a gone guy(无可救药的人)。A gone coon本来是指被猎人追到树上走投无路的浣熊,现在则常常用来指深陷绝境的人或无法挽救的东西。 例如: He was once fabulously rich, but because of his overconfidence in his own judgement his business went bust and he is now a gone coon. 他一度有钱得令人难以置信,可是,由于他太过相信自己的眼光,他经营的企业破产了,现在他的处境困难得很。

银行帐单中cred, debt, none, norm是什么意思

信用 额度 ,无债务


gone的意思是:过去的,遗失的,死的,入迷的,怀孕的。英 [ɡu0252n]    美 [ɡu0254u02d0n]    动词go的过去分词例句:Hardly had I gone out of the hotel when I met my friend.翻译:我刚走出饭店就遇见了我的朋友。短语:gone on 与......恋爱近义词departed 英 [du026a"pɑu02d0tu026ad]    美 [du026a"pɑu02d0rtu026ad]    adj. 过去的,已往的,死了的动词depart的过去式和过去分词例句:He cherished the memory of his departed youth.翻译:他缅怀他那一去不复返的青春年华。短语:the departed 死者


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