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iphone丢失 用 find my phone如何定位那个手机?是不是需要ID?


我的手机剩下2%英语是说my phone is on 2% 还是 my phone is at 2


我急求MY PHONE6202-CH型号的对讲机复位方法????

常用对讲机的复位方法 1.C120对讲机:按住F键,打开电源,液晶屏显示145。 2.C112/412对讲机:按住F键,安装电池,液晶屏显示145/433。 3.TH25/45A对讲机:按住M键,打开电源,液晶屏显示145/430。 4.FTH-2005/7005对讲机:将机内SW开关拨到右边,短路其旁边的二短路点,液晶屏显示200.00。 5.TH205A/405A对讲机:按住M键打开电源。 6.TK340对讲机:按住MoIN键和M键,打开电源。 7.DJ160/460对讲机:按住F键打开电源。 8.C150/450对讲机:按住F键,打开电源,屏幕显示145/433。 9.TH27A/47A对讲机:按住ENTER键,按POWER键开机。 10.HX260V/U对讲机:将机内F、L两点短路开机。 11.IC—2 SAT/4SAT对讲机:同时按住F键、A键,开机。 12.C520对讲机:在开机状态下,用尖物触一下机身右侧的复位孔。 13.C151对讲机:按住F键打开电源。 14.N888V/U对讲机:按住F键打开电源。 15.TH28A/48A对讲机:频率显示状态下关机,按住F键开机,VCO频率复位;按住M键开机,存储器复位。 16.TH22AT/42AT对讲机:按住F键开机。 17.TK208/308对讲机:在频率设定模式下关机,按住CSET键,打开电源。 18.TK278/378对讲机:同时按住LAMP键、DIAL键,开机2秒钟后显示SEL,同时按PTT键和Lo键,屏幕无显著变化。 19.C160/460、C168/468对讲机:在开机状态下,按住F键,按0、3、0、1四个键。 试试吧,没找到你这个型号的,用别的型号试试


是的,Dancing With My Phone是失恋的歌。这首歌曲主要围绕着失恋为主题,反映出追求虚无的感受和失去爱情的痛苦。


想写好作文,在我看来,无非有以下几点:1.严谨的布局:正所谓万事开头难,不过只要开了个好头,这篇作文就会很好写了。凤头:是文章的首段,是阅卷老师首先入眼的地方,一定要做好整篇文章的中心把握,要做到下文与首段上下连贯,紧密结合,要通过开头使下文有可写之处,开头要达到让阅卷老师耳目一新的效果。例如,巧用排比,比喻,拟人等修辞手法,并且通过这些修辞手法,而统领全文主旨。猪肚:在一篇上好的文章中,分段都会恰到好处,而当文章中只有一大段或两三段时,这篇文章即使文采再出众,也不会有太高的分数,因为阅卷老师在中考判卷时,每三分钟就要判出一份作文,工作量相当大,如果不善于分段,阅卷老师可能失去耐心,从而看不完,就会草草的给出分数。所以,在我看来,一篇文章至少要分 6-8个段,但不是一行或几行一段,而是要看起来像豆腐块,一块块整齐的排列在一起,使文章紧中有松,松弛有度。要看上去整篇文章是一个整体,而不是零散的。2014中考作文写作技巧及方法豹尾:在文章的最后处,应当让主题更突出鲜明,升华主题思想,使豹尾抽起来!或让人感到峰回路转,柳暗花明或更进一步的特殊效果。在文章末尾,应当再次点题,紧扣中心思想,让贯穿始终的中心思想继续延伸,引人深思。特别是要在结尾处,与开头形成呼应,对比,递进等等,来引发阅读老师的共鸣!2.细腻的文笔:不管是记叙,议论还是散文;不管是写人写事还是写景。都要用细腻的文笔呈现出来,使文章中点更突出,让阅卷老师在看试卷的过程中,有深思,放慢阅读速度和重复阅读的情况出现,让阅卷老师身临其境,从而使文章更具灵性。3.贯穿始终的思想感情:在一篇布局格式上很得当,错落有致的文章上,还必须要有一条贯穿始终的思想路线,这条线就像鱼的脊椎一样重要,这条线一定要清晰,明确,千万不可含混不清。把握好这几点,一篇好的中考作文已经大致成型,不过要想在中考中脱颖而出,这仅仅是开始。

my|phone 是什么牌子的手机?


创维My Phone4怎么样???能描述一下吗???目前的市场价格是多少啊???

你好,创维创维My Phone4手机型号为T806,市场价格为339元,3.2英寸240*320像素分辨率触摸屏,130万CMOS摄像头,支持JAVA2.0,64和弦铃声,最大支持8G扩展,电话簿500个,短信100条,只具备基本电话功能,外观还行。



什么是Microsoft My phone?


高中英语小问题My phone

agree with above two answers

my phone is not working中为什么working不可以是work?

work 要不然是动词词性 要不是名词词性我的电话不好用了 不工作了 肯定使用的是动词词性了呗那么句子中有be 动词 肯定是be +doing的语法点

用my phone怎么写篇作文

With the development of society, the mobile phone has played an important role in our life. Nowadays, it"s common for us to see that one person uses a cellphone. And our life almost can"t go on without cellphones. Why dose almost everyone have a cellphone? I think the reasons are as follows. First, we can get touch with others by cellphone, which can make us more accessable. Besides, we can use cellphones to surf the internet to look at news or to look up some information, which can broaden our herizons. Last but not the least, we can use cellphones as a notebook or an watch. But every coin has two sides. There also exist some disadvantages in using cellphones. For instance, some students like to use cellphones to play games, to read net-novels and to surf the internet, and they even do these in the class or at the deep-night, which is very harmful to their study and health. From my point of view, we should use mobile phones properly. The cellphone is a every good tool for us to get touch with our family and friends, so we should take advantage of it. However, we are also supposed to control ourselves to use it and we can"t rely on it everyday随着社会的发展,移动电话已经在我们的生活中扮演着重要的角色。如今,我们看到,一人使用手机是很常见的。与我们的生活几乎没有手机去。为什么几乎每个人都有手机吗?我认为原因如下。首先,我们可以用手机与他人联系,它可以使我们更可以。此外,我们可以使用手机上网看新闻或者看了一些信息,可以使我们的herizons。最后但并非最不重要的,我们可以使用手机作为一个笔记本电脑或看。但是每枚硬币都有两面。在使用手机也存在一些弊端。例如,一些学生喜欢用手机玩游戏,阅读网络小说,上网冲浪,甚至做这些类中或在深夜,这对他们的学习和健康非常有害的。从我的角度来看,我们应该正确的使用手机。手机是个好工具,我们和我们的家人和朋友联系,所以我们应该好好利用它。然而,我们也应该控制自己使用它,我们不能靠它每天



where are my phones?中文什么意思


call my phone什么意思

用手机打电话是一件再普通不过的事情了,之前大白的文章有介绍过,打电话不能说成“call my phone/cell”,这个表达弄错了主体,意思其实是“打电话给手机”


my 意思是我的。phone 意思是手机,合起来就是我的手机。

my phone是什么意思


Quincy Jones的《Fever》 歌词

歌曲名:Fever歌手:Quincy Jones专辑:Quincy"S Got A Brand New BagYou give me feverIn the morningYou give me feverIn the eveningFever when you hold me tightNever knew how much I loved youNever knew how much I caredWhen you put your arms around meI get a feeling that"s so hard to bearYou give me fever[00:00.39You give me feverWhen you kiss meFever when you hold me tightYou give me feverFeverIn the morningFever all through the nightThe sun lights up the daytimeThe moon lights up the night[00:01.05I light up when you call my nameAnd I know you"re gonna treat me rightYou give me feverYou give me feverWhen you kiss meFever when you hold me tightYou give me feverFeverIn the morningFever all through the nightEverybodyEverybodyGives you feverThat is something we all knowSomething we all knowFever isn"tSuch a new thingFever started long time agoYou give me feverNever knew how much I loved youNever knew how much I caredWhen you put your arms around meI get a fever that"s too hard to bearYou give me feverWhen you kiss meFever when you hold me tightYou give me feverOh I"m on fireFever all through the nightAll through the nightYou give me feverI"m burning upFever all through the nightYou give me fever to my bonesYou give me feverFeverAh when you kiss meYou give me feverI"ve got a feeling that"s so hard to bearFever all through the nightYou give me feverFeverFeverYou give me fever

Is the river( )though the town very long? A.flows B.that flows C.which flow D.the one that flows

这是一个主从复合句。主句为:Is the river very long? 其中that flows through the town为定于从句修饰the river. 此句可翻译为:穿过城镇的这条河流非常长吗?要想选D,可把此题改为: Is the river the one that flows through the town?可理解为:这条河就是那条穿过城镇的河吗?这道题主要考查的是定语从句。

one more sleep中文歌词

  下雪时在我们身边 我的宝宝回家过圣诞 我一直整夜我的卧室里 他说,他会跟我真正的很快 所以我等待 我等待 但我已经尽我可以采取 “因为我有睡觉的5个夜晚在我自己 4天以上,直到你回家 你和槲寄生3多梦 2以上原因,我爱你 我有5个晚上,直到你在我身边 的孤独4天以上 3更多的愿望我几乎不能呼吸 如果我可以把它平安夜那么它的 一个多睡觉 (一个多睡觉,直到它的圣诞节) 一个多睡觉 (无法相信我是多么想念我们) 一个多睡觉 (一觉,直到它的圣诞节) 一个多睡觉 现在,我不认为我能记得 冷和孤单十二月 我发现自己在唱歌的窗口 想知道你什么时候回家 所以我尽量 我尽量 但有什么我可以做通过这次 我有睡觉的5个夜晚在我自己 4天以上,直到你回家 你和槲寄生3多梦 2以上原因,我爱你 我有5个晚上,直到你在我身边 的孤独4天以上 3更多的愿望我几乎不能呼吸 如果我可以把它平安夜那么它的 一个多睡觉 (一个多睡觉,直到它的圣诞节) 一个多睡觉 (无法相信我是多么想念我们) 一个多睡觉 (一觉,直到它的圣诞节) 一个多睡觉 直到我们左右摇摆圣诞树 直到我得到你坐在我旁边 我们得到了很多追赶工作要做的 我只是不能把这种想念你 在我自己的5个夜晚 4天以上 3多梦 槲寄生 我简直不敢相信我曾经让你走 睡在我自己的5个夜晚 4天以上,直到你回家 3更多的愿望我几乎不能呼吸 如果我可以把它平安夜那么它是一个多睡觉 这将是一个更多 它会多一个(一个多睡觉) 它会多一个(一个多睡觉) 一个多睡觉

求歌曲in my bones-Ron Pope的歌词和中文翻译


一首英文歌,男的唱的,其中一句歌词是i dont care what you done where are you no

i dont care what you done where are you no 释义:我不在乎你做了什么你不歌名:as long as you love meAthough loneliness has always been a friend of mine. 孤独一直是我的朋友  I"m leaving my life in your hands. 自从你离开我的生活  People say I"m crazy and I am blind. 朋友说我疯了太盲目  Risking it all in a glance. 激情总是短暂的  How you got me blind is still a mystery.你为何能使我如此盲目仍是个谜  I can"t get you out of my head. 我就是无法忘了你  Don"t care what is written in your history.我不在乎你过去的种种  As long as you"re here with me. 只要你陪在我身边  I don"t care who you are. 我不在乎你是怎样个人  Where you"re from.你从哪里来  What you did.你做过什么  As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好  Who you are.你是怎样个人  Where you"re from.你从哪里来  Don"t care what you did.我不在乎你做过什么  As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好  Every little thing that you"ve said and done.所有你说过的话和做过的事  Feels like it"s deep within me.都深深的烙印在我心里  Doesn"t really matter if you"re on the run.我甚至于不在乎你是否就要逃开  It seems like we"re meant to be.我以为我们是一对的  I don"t care who you are.我不在乎你是怎样个人  Where you "re from.你从那里来  What you did.你做过什么  As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好  Who you are.你是怎样个人  Where you "re from.你从那里来  Don"t care what you did.我不在乎你做过什么  As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好  As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好  As long as youlove me.只要你爱我就好  I"ve tried to hide it so that no one knows.我试着把感情隐藏起来不让任何人知道  But I guess it shows.但我无法不流露真情  When you look in to my eyes.当你凝视着我时  What you did and where you"re coming from.你做过什么从哪里来  I don"t care As long as you love me,baby!我不在乎,只要你爱我就好,宝贝!  I don"t care who you are.我不在乎你是怎样个人  Where you"re from.你从那里来  What you did.你做过什么  As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好  Who you are.你是怎样个人  Where you"re from.你从那里来  Don"t care what you did.我不在乎你做过什么  As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好  Who you are.你是怎样个人  Where you"re from.你从那里来  What you did.我不在乎你做过什么  As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好  Who you are.你是怎样个人  Where you"re from.你从那里来  As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好  Who you are.你是怎样个人  As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好  What you did.你做过什么  I don"t care.我不在乎  As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好


KONE一共出过两张专辑第一张<We r K ONE>1.We r K ONE 2.孙子爱情兵法 3.南十字星 4.朋友的立场 5.急救讯号 6.Angel 7.心跳任务 8.踢馆 9.出师表 10.古老的证明 11.Hey Now 第二张<勇敢去爱> 1.勇敢去爱 2.冠军 3.顶尖高手 4.公主陛下 5.最爱是你 6.绕圈圈 7.失恋宠物救援行动 8.Seasons In The Sun 9.最美的一刻 10.First Love

求baby face的歌The Loneliness的歌词??要翻译成中文的

这个吧。baby face-The LonelinessI"m sittin herethinkin" bouthow I"m gonnado withoutyou aroundin my lifeand how am I...gon get byain"t got no daysjust lonely nightsyou want the truthwell girl I"m not alrightfeel out of placeand out of timeI think I"m gonna lose my mind (so tell me how you feel)I"m lonely (are you for real)so lonely (do you still think of me)I think of you (baby stilldo you dream of me at night)its like I dream you all the time(so long....oh let me tell you how it feels)its like everyday I die(wish I was dreaming but its real)when I open up my eyes(oh let me tell you how it feels

安七炫的面具和babyface的the loneliness挺像的.


求baby face《the loneliness》的歌词


以If I have much money 为题写60词的作文 要有翻译

if I have a lot of money, I will organize a gardening club and a stamp collecting club! Why? Because gardening and collecting stamps are my hobbies. Gardening is an enjoyable hobby. Many people like flowers, some people can grow some in their garden. They have fun working in their gardens. Then they can enjoy the flesh flowers vegetables and fruit that they have grown. They will join the club to learn how to grow flowers better. Many people like to collect things. Collecting stamps is very fun. You can learn a lot about different countries of the world. In my stamp collecting club, you can see or get lots of beautiful stamps. If I have a lot of money, I must organize clubs! My clubs will help people garden well and collect more nice stamps. It will make me very happy. I will be proud when I help people. 第二篇: If I have a lot of money, I will do many things. First, I will deposit (存储) the money in a bank. Then I will get some out. I will buy a big, beautiful apartment. And I will buy a super computer and put it in my room. I will build a indoor basketball court (室内篮球场). I will play basketball on it with my friends. It would be great! I will travel to different countries of the world and learn something about them. I love to travel. That"s my biggest goal. 第三篇: If I have a lot of money, I will do many things. I will help the people who are poor. If they have money, they will have nice life. They can buy many things for them. Their sons or daughters can go to school. So they will be happy. So do I. I will help orphans (孤儿). I think orphans are very poor. They have lost their fathers and mothers. So they are alone. If I have a lot of money, I will set up an orphanage (孤儿院). So the orphans can live in it happily. f course, I will buy something for me. I will buy some books to read. So I can learn a lot of knowlege. Books can open my eyes and make me be a useful person. If I have a lot of money, I think I will be very happy. 第四篇: If I have a lot of money, I will do many things that I like. I can go shopping. I will buy a lot of things. I can buy a lot of beautiful clothes and every beautiful thing. I will use them well. I won"t lose them. I also send many presents to my parents on their birthdays. I will buy a beautiful car for my daddy on Father"s Day. I will also buy nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine roses for my mummy on Mother"s Day. But my biggest goal is to help the people who are poor or sick and who need help. I will give them some money. Then they will have nice life. They must be very happy. So I will be happy, too. If I have a lot of money, I will be very happy every day! 第五篇: If I have a lot of money, I will do many things that I love. First, I will spend (花费) some of the money on my studies. I want to go to foreign schools. I will work hard . I hope to be a doctor or a licentiate (硕士). Then I want to travel around the world.Because different places have different customs (风俗习惯). That would be great! And then I will buy a big, new apartment for my parents. I hope that they can live happily. I love them. I wish them happy every day. But the most important thing is to help other people. I will help the people who are sick or poor. I will give them some money. Then the sick people can see doctors, and the orphans (孤儿) can go to school. They will be very happy. I will be happy, too. I hope so!

The orphanage is just one of her ___ causes.


Boyzone的《Better》 歌词

歌曲名:Better歌手:Boyzone专辑:Back Again...No Matter WhatBoyzone - BetterKevin dedicates this song to a beautiful girl Crystal.Our love has changedIt"s not the sameAnd the only way to say itis say"s betterI can"t concealThis way I feelFor all the times we spend togetherForever just gets betterSeem what I"m try to say isYou make things betterAnd no matter what the day isWith you here it"s betterI"ll stand by youIf you stand by meI think it"s time that I reveal itCause I believe itIt"s betterSeem what I"m try to say isYou make things betterAnd no matter what the day isIf you"re here it"s betterOoh I"m alright charm to youI fall in love with everything you doOooh..Seem what I"m try to say isYou make things betterAnd no matter what the day isWith you here it"s betterOur love has changedIt"s not the sameAnd the only way to say itis say"s better

Boyzone的《Better》 歌词

歌曲名:Better歌手:Boyzone专辑:Back Again... No Matter What - The Greatest HitsBoyzone - BetterKevin dedicates this song to a beautiful girl Crystal.Our love has changedIt"s not the sameAnd the only way to say itis say"s betterI can"t concealThis way I feelFor all the times we spend togetherForever just gets betterSeem what I"m try to say isYou make things betterAnd no matter what the day isWith you here it"s betterI"ll stand by youIf you stand by meI think it"s time that I reveal itCause I believe itIt"s betterSeem what I"m try to say isYou make things betterAnd no matter what the day isIf you"re here it"s betterOoh I"m alright charm to youI fall in love with everything you doOooh..Seem what I"m try to say isYou make things betterAnd no matter what the day isWith you here it"s betterOur love has changedIt"s not the sameAnd the only way to say itis say"s better

They cheated the old man of his house and money.

cheat sb of sth是固定搭配,其意思: 骗取某人某物He cheated me (out) of my money.他骗了我的钱。

regret doing sth 和 regret having done的区别

regret to do sth 后悔要做某事regret doing sth 后悔做过某事或后悔正在做某事区别:regret to do sth 是还没有做或者准备要做而感到后悔.而regret having done sth是已经做过了或正在做某事而感到后悔 两者的时态不同,一个是将来时,后一个是进行时或完成进行时

Lewis-I Could Be The One的汉语翻译

以下是你需要的歌词翻译:) I could be your sea of sand 我可以做你沙滩的大海 I could be your warmth of desire 我可以做你渴望的温暖 I could be your prayer of hope 我可以做你希望的祈祷 I could be your gift to everyday 我可以做你每天的礼物 I could be your tide of heaven 我可以做你天堂的潮汐 I could be a hint of what"s to e 我可以做你未来的线索 I could be ordinary 我可以是平凡的 I could be the one 我可以是那个人 I could be your blue eyed angel 我可以做你蓝眼睛的天使 I could be the storm before the calm 我可以做平静前的暴风雨 I could be your secret pleasure 我可以做你的秘密乐趣 I could be your well wishing well 我可以做你的美好的愿望 I could be your breath of life 我可以做你的生气 I could be your European dream 我可以做你的欧洲梦 I could be ordinary 我可以是平凡的 I could be the one 我可以是那个人 Now I would lie here in the darkness 现在我将活在黑暗中 Now I would lie here for all time 现在我将永远在这 Now I would lie here watching over you 现在我将在这一直凝视你 Comfort you 安慰你 Sing to you 唱歌给你 I could be your worry partner 我可以成为你烦恼的伴侣 I could be your socialite 我可以做你的社会名流 I could be your green eyed monster 我可以做你绿眼的怪物 I could be your force of light 我可以做你灯的支柱 I could be your temple garden 我可以做你的寺庙花园 I could be your tender hearted child 我可以做你有颗温柔心的孩子 I could be ordinary 我可以是平凡的 I could be the one 我可以是那个人 Now I would lie here in the darkness 现在我将活在黑暗中 Now I would lie here for all time 现在我将永远在这 Now I would lie here watching over you 现在我将在这一直凝视你 Comfort you 安慰你 Sing to you 唱歌给你 Will I ever change the journey 我将永远改变旅程吗 Will the hushed tones disappear 安静的气氛将消失了吗 Oh little Rita 哦,我的小丽塔 Let me hold you 让我拥有你 Oh little Rita 哦,我的小丽塔 Let me love you 让我爱你 I could be your leafy island 我可以做你叶状的岛屿 I could be your thunder in the clouds 我可以做你云中的雷 I could be your dark enclosure 我可以做你黑暗的围栏 I could be your romantic soul 我可以做你传奇的心灵 I could be your *** all beginning我可以做你小小的开端 I could be your suit in universe 我可以做你宇宙中的一套衣服 I could be ordinary 我可以是平凡的 I could be the one 我可以是那个人 I could be ordinary 我可以是平凡的 I could be the one 我可以是那个人 I could be ordinary 我可以是平凡的 I could be the one 我可以是那个人



Kids who have no idea what being polite means will pay the price sooner or later.为什么要用being?

what引导的是have no idea 的宾语短语,不能换成are因为后面接的不是句子

_____ an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret it sooner or later.

答案B试题分析:考查分词做状语的用法。Base sth on sth把…放在…的基础之上。句子主语You与动词base构成主动关系,故使用现在分词的形式。句意:以情绪而不是原因决定,你迟早会为此后悔的。故B正确。考点:考查分词做状语点评:分词做状语的时候,如果动词与名词构成主动关系,就使用现在分词的形式;如果二者构成被动关系就使用过去分词的形式。

We have our homework___. least B. at most C.sooner or later D. more or less 选哪个?为什么?

d 意思是;我们或多或少有些家庭作业

一些人认为政府迟早会将克隆人类的研究纳入规范。(to regulate: sooner or later)

【答案】:Some people believe the government will regulate the research of human cloning sooner or later.[翻译指导] “克隆人类的研究”可译为出the research for human cloning或the research for cloning human beings.

but sooner or later是什么意思

应该是 迟早 的意思吧

Sooner or Later 歌词

歌曲名:Sooner or Later歌手:Madonna专辑:I

Sooner Or Later 歌词

歌曲名:Sooner Or Later歌手:Madonna专辑:The Story So Far...Sooner or later you"re gonna be mine,Sooner or later you"re gonna be fine.Baby, it"s time that you face it,I always get my man.Sooner or later you"re gonna decide,Sooner or later there"s nowhere to hide.Baby, it"s time, so why waste it in chatter?Let"s settle the matter.Baby, you"re mine on a platter,I always get my man.But if you insist, babe, the challenge delights me.The more you resist, babe, the more it excites me.And no one I"ve kissed, babe, ever fights me again.If you"re on my list, it"s just a question of when.When I get a yen, then baby, Amen.I"m counting to ten, and then ...I"m gonna love you like nothing you"ve known,I"m gonna love you, and you all alone.Sooner is better than later but lover,I"ll hover, I"ll plan.This time I"m not only getting, I"m holding my man.

Sooner Or Later 歌词

歌曲名:Sooner Or Later歌手:The Alan Parsons Project专辑:Arista Heritage Series: Alan Parsons ProjectMichelle Branch - Sooner Or LaterLipstick, pretty face and maybe you"ll noticeSomething different "bout me, different "bout meYeah you talk talk all you want, you pour your heart outBut you never do see, you never do see meHey, can"t wait around forever for youSooner or later you"re gonna come aroundAnd you"ll be sorry when you figure outThat I was always everything that you neededSooner or later you"re gonna wish you had meYeah, you"re gonna wish you had meWell she don"t do nothing for youBut mess you up, yeah she messes you upI"m your shoulder I"m the quick drive overTrying to fix your stuff, well I give upOoh, you never see me standing right in front of youSooner or later you"re gonna come aroundAnd you"ll be sorry when you figure outThat I was always everything that you neededSooner or later you"re gonna wish you had meOh you"re gonna wish me back so bad, so badOh but it"s a little too late for thatLipstick, pretty face, and maybe you"ll noticeSomething different about me, different about meSooner or later you"re gonna come aroundAnd you"ll be sorry when you figure outThat I was always everything that you neededSooner or later, ohSooner or later you"re gonna come aroundAnd you"ll be sorry when you figure outThat I was always everything that you neededSooner or later you"re gonna wish you had me, ohSooner or later you"re gonna wish you had me, ohSooner or later you"re gonna wish you had me, ohSooner or later you"re gonna wish you had meSooner or later oh you"re gonna wish you had me

Sooner Or Later 歌词

Sooner Or Later歌手:Alan Parsons ProjectOh what a price we payFor the things we sayAnd the closer I get to youThe further you move awayAll the lies we tellIn the games we playAnd the longer I think it overThe harder it is to staySooner or later I"ll be freeTo leave the past behindSooner or later you"re gonna beThe last thing on my mindLittle by little I"m finding outThe truth behind your eyesMaybe if I don"t showI thought you might like to knowYou"re gonna be the last thing on my mindYou didn"t want to knowI could have told you soBut the moment I think it"s overThe further there is to goJust a little wordSuch an easy wayBut the longer I think about itThe harder it is to saySooner or later I"ll be freeTo leave the past behindSooner or later you"re gonna beThe last thing on my mindLittle by little I"m finding outThe truth behind your eyesMaybe if I don"t showI thought you might like to knowYou"re gonna be the last thing on my mindSooner or later I"ll be freeTo leave the past behindSooner or later you"re gonna beThe last thing on my mindLittle by little I"m finding outThe truth behind your eyesMaybe if I don"t showI thought you might like to knowYou"re gonna be the last thing on my mind

Sooner Or Later 歌词

歌曲名:Sooner Or Later歌手:The Alan Parsons Project专辑:Vulture CultureMat Kearney - Sooner or LaterQQ : 349777127We"re all standing with our backs against the wall,Sooner or laterWaiting on a phone that never calls, at allHeartbreak comes rollin" in like a storm,Sooner or laterTrying to swim but you"re sinking like a stone, aloneAnd I can feel fire in the nightWaiting hereBaby it"s like we"reWalking on a wire thru the fearTake my handWe"ll get thereSooner or laterI swear we"re gonna make it, we"re gonna make it,Sooner or laterI swear we"re gonna make it, we"re gonna make itMilk and honey till we get our fillI"ll keep chasing it, I always willSooner or laterI swear we"ll make it thereSooner than laterSooner or laterSooner than laterSooner or laterWe"re all waiting on a dream that"s hard to own,Sooner or laterTrying to feel the high without the low, you knowAnd I can feel fire in the nightLying hereBaby it"s like we"reWalking on a wire thru the fearTake my handWe"ll get thereSooner or laterI swear we"re gonna make it, we"re gonna make it,Sooner or laterI swear we"re gonna make it, we"re gonna make itMilk and honey till we get our fillI"ll keep chasing it, I always willSooner or laterI swear we"ll make it thereSooner than laterSooner or laterThe fear insideThe hills we"ve climbedThe tears this side of heavenAll these dreams inside of meI swear we"re gonna get thereSooner or laterWe"re gonna make itSooner or laterI know, I swear we"re gonna make it, we"re gonna make it,Sooner or laterI swear we"re gonna make it, we"re gonna make itMilk and honey till we get our fillI"ll keep chasing it, I always willSooner or laterI swear we"ll make it thereSooner or laterThe fear insideThe hills we"ve climbedThe tears this side of heavenAll these dreams inside of meI swear we"re gonna get thereSooner or laterThe fear insideThe hills we"ve climbedThe tears this side of heavenAll these dreams inside of meI swear we"re gonna get thereSooner or later

谁知道sooner or later mat kearney这首歌的中文歌词?


"Do you think ____ they will bring back the death penalty sooner or later?" [A] if [B] whether [C]

if 和whether都行。1. 互换的场合引导宾语从句表示“是否”时, 两者常可互换。如:He asked if [whether] we wanted a drink. 他问我们是否想喝一杯。He didn"t tell me if [whether] hewould come. 他没有告诉我他是否会来。注:若是引导条件状语从句,则只能用 if (意为“如果”)。2. 通常用 if 的场合当引导一个否定的宾语从句时,通常用 if 而不用 whether。如:I don"t care if it doesn"t rain. 我不在乎天是否下雨。注:在个别词语 (如 wonder, not sure 等)后的从句否定式有时也可能用 whether 来引导。如:I wonder if [whether] he isn"t mistaken. 我想知道他是否错了。3. 通常用 whether 的场合(1) 引导主语从句且放在句首时。如:Whether he will come is still a question. 他是否会来还是个问题。注:若在句首使用形式主语 it,而将主语从句放在句末,则有时也可用 if 来引导。如:It was not known whether [if] he would come. 不知他是否会来。(2) 引导表语从句时。如:The question is whether we should go on with thework. 问题是我们是否应该继续进行这项工作。注:引导表语从句偶尔也用 if (很不正式),但远不如用 whether 常见。(3) 引导宾语从句且放在句首时。如:Whether he is single I don"t know. 他是否单身,我不知道。(4) 引导让步状语从句时。如:Whether he agrees or not, I shall do that. 不管他同意与否,我都要那样做。(5) 与 or 连用分别引导两个从句时。如:I don"t know whether he iswrong or she is wrong. 我不知道是他错了,还是她错了。注:or 若不是引导两个从句,而是连接两个词或短语,则也可用 if (但不如用 whether 常见)。如:He didn"t know if [whether] weshould write or phone. 他不知道我们是写信好还是打电话好。(6) 用于不定式之前时。如:I"m not sure whether to stay or leave. 我不知是留还是去。I didn"t know whether to laughor to cry. 我真是哭笑不得。(7) 用于介词之后时。如:It depends on whether the letter arrives in time. 这取决于信是否来得及时。I worry about whether I hurt her feelings. 我担心是否伤了她的感情。(8) 直接与 or not 连用时。如:I will write to you whether or not I can come. 我能不能来,我将写信告诉你。注:若不是直接与 or not 用在一起,则有时也可用 if。如:I don"t know whether [if] hewill win or not. 我不知他是否能赢。(9) 在某些动词后(如 discuss 等) 通常只用 whether。如:We discussed whether we should hold a meeting. 我们讨论了是否要开一个会。

he will come to understand your efforts sooner or later. it is just a matter of time

慢慢的, 终究会明白

sooner or later意思相同的是

early or late

Whatever I have will be yours sooner or later


sooner or later 常用于哪个时态?


earlier or later 能不能表示sooner or later的意思

不能,earlier or later是中文式英语,表达不准确。

是soon or later 还是sooner or later

是sooner or later 意思:或迟或早,迟早会发生的

跪求sooner or later的歌词

Breaking Benjamin - Sooner Or Later专辑:We"re Not Alone HereBreaking Benjamin - Sooner Or ★ VAN制作I want a normal lifeJust like a newborn childI am a lover haterI am an instigatorYou are an oversightDon"t try to compromiseI learn to love to hate itI am not integratedJust call my nameyou"ll be okayYour scream is burning through my veinsSooner or laterYou"re gonna hate itGo ahead and throw your life awayDriving me underLeaving me out thereGo ahead and throw your life awayYou"re like an infantileI knew it all the whileYou sit and try to play meJust like you see on TVI am an oversightJust like a parasiteWhy am I so patheticI know you won"t forget itJust call my nameYou"ll be okayYour scream is burning through my veinsSooner or laterYou"re gonna hate itGo ahead and throw my life awayDriving me underLeaving me out thereGo ahead and throw my life awaySooner or laterYou"re gonna hate itGo ahead and throw our life awayDriving me underLeaving me out thereGo ahead and throw our life awayThrow our life awayThrow our life ★ VAN制作END

_____ an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret it sooner or later....

B 试题分析:考查分词做状语的用法。Base sth on sth把…放在…的基础之上。句子主语You与动词base构成主动关系,故使用现在分词的形式。句意:以情绪而不是原因决定,你迟早会为此后悔的。故B正确。点评:分词做状语的时候,如果动词与名词构成主动关系,就使用现在分词的形式;如果二者构成被动关系就使用过去分词的形式。

求Adriana Evans的《Sooner Or Later》的歌词!!!

歌词: Sooner or Later - Mat KearneyWe"re all standing with our backs against the wallSooner or laterWaiting on a phone that never calls, at allHeartbreak comes, rollin" in like a stormSooner or laterTrying to swim but you"re sinking like a stone, aloneAnd I can feel fire in the night waiting hereBaby it"s like we"re walking on a wire through the fearTake my hand, we"ll get thereSooner or later, I swear we"re gonna make it, we"re gonna make it,Sooner or later, I swear we"re gonna make it, we"re gonna make itMilk and honey "til we get our fillI"ll keep chasing it, I always willSooner or later, I swearWe"ll make it thereSooner than laterWe"re all waiting on a dream that"s hard to own, sooner or laterTrying to feel the high without the low, you knowYou can feel fire in the night lying hereBaby it"s like we"re walking on awire through the fearTake my hand, we"ll get thereThe fear inside, the hills we"ve climbedThe tears this side ofheaven, all these dreams inside of meI swear we"re gonna get there


常用于一般将来时。 例句: The old building will be pulled down sooner or later. 这座旧建筑迟早会被拆除的。 扩展资料   般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。常常和表示将来的时间状语连用。如:tomorrow(明天), next week(下周 );in the future(将来)等。 一般将来时由助动词shall(第一人称),will(第二、三人称) 动词原形构成。

sooner or later什么意思


sooner or later用法

sooner or later的意思是:迟早,早晚。sooner or later的英音是/"suu02d0nu0259(r) u0254u02d0(r) u02c8leu026atu0259(r)/,美音是/"sunu0259r u0254u02d0r u02c8leu026atu0259r/。含有sooner or later的双语例句1、Keep applying and by the law of averages you"ll get a job sooner or later.继续申请吧,根据平均律你迟早会找到工作的。2、Sooner or later, life will put the relationship to the test.总有一天,生活会考验这种关系是否牢固。3、Sooner or later he may tire of constantly putting himself last.迟早他会厌倦总是把自己排在最后。4、He would do well to remember that, sooner or later, everyone"s luck runs out.他可别忘了任何人的运气早晚都会用完的。

sooner or later是什么意思


我男朋友有iphone.ipad2.mac book现在又想我给他买个mini…大家觉得有必要么


regional, district, district, zone有什么区别吗?

这些词通常是用来描述不同层级的行政或地理区域。区别如下:1. Regional(区域)是指一定范围内的地区,可以包括多个县、市或州。2. District(区)通常指城市或市政府分区下的行政辖区。3. County(县)是指州、省级政府下的行政辖区,通常由多个镇、区组成。4. Zone(区域)可以指任何一种划分出来的区域,例如商业区、工业区、住宅区等等。

thresholding the 6th component 什么意思?



感兴趣聊一下啊 莫奈:一生只为一个女人画肖像 1840年2月14日,对于法兰西民族是一个值得骄傲的日子。因为在这一天,法兰西诞生了两个伟大的艺术家,一个是雕塑天才罗丹,另一个就是印象主义大师莫奈。莫奈是公认的印象主义画派的代表人物,他的画作颠覆了西方绘画传统,把被影像和线条框着的世界,变成了流光和色采荡漾的世界,散发出炫目的光彩,流动的幻觉以及充沛的活力。 这不但是一种视觉革命,也是绘画艺术由传统向现代的嬗变。莫奈年轻时说,我要像鸟儿唱歌那样作画。我们看他画中跳动的光和色彩,就象听到小鸟欢快地鸣唱。但是,作为绘画的一种创新,印象派一开始并不被人们所接受,而视为糊墙的花纸。因此,作为艺术探索者,莫奈走过的道路是曲折而艰辛的。而让他能够度过蹉跎岁月,最后达到艺术巅峰的,是一个叫卡米尔的妙龄少女,也是他一生中唯一画过肖像的女人。 他们在巴黎塞纳河边相识,少女卡米尔纯洁可爱,有如下凡人间的精灵,浑身散发着让莫奈着魔的光彩,她注定要成为莫奈画中歌唱的小鸟。于是,他们很快坠入爱河,卡米尔从生活中走进莫奈的画中,又从画中走进他的内心世界。很快,莫奈激情挥洒,创作出了以卡米尔为模特的著名画作《绿衣女子》,带给他最初的自信、声誉和幸运。 一切都似乎都很完美,才子佳人,画里画外,浪漫无比。然而,等待他们的,却是漫长而艰难的岁月的开始。因为莫奈的家人不接受这位模特儿,身为商人的父亲甚至逼迫他们分手,并中断了他的经济来源。由此,他们要自己种土豆,来养活自己,并举债度日。但是,莫奈和卡米尔的爱情,却并没有因此而夭折,反而,苦难更磨砺了他们的感情。 曾经很自恋的莫奈,一生很少为别人画肖像。但他爱上卡米尔后,却常常以她为模特儿画肖像,或把她当做点景人物。莫奈早期的作品,几乎全部是以卡米尔为原型。有《绿衣女子》《花园中的女人们》《撑阳伞的女子》《穿和服的女子》等,记录的都是卡米尔在阳光下的青春影像。这些画作,自然也成为他们纯洁美好爱情的见证。 在《绿衣女子》之后,莫奈又创作了《花园中的女人们》,这是一幅风格迥异的作品,表现阳光穿过树叶,洒落在花丛和女人们衣裙上的变化。令人惊奇的是,画中四个女子,均由卡米尔一人,以不同的发型、衣裙和姿势充当模特。这样一幅饱含心血的画作,寄托着他们对生活和艺术的厚望,却被沙龙彻底否定,这就意味着他们的希望,将面临破灭。 有人认为,如果莫奈按照《绿衣女子》的写实风格,循规蹈矩地绘画,也许很快就会功成名就、告别贫穷,但是,莫奈一心想开创出属于自己的世界。大自然神奇的光彩,深深地吸引着他,勾摄住了他的灵魂。在面临生活和艺术的抉择上,莫奈毅然选择了艺术,他宁愿忠于自然,而不做金钱和世俗的奴隶。 当他们的孩子降生时,竟无处栖身,只好寄人篱下,孩子也只好让人代管。就连颜料用光了,也没钱买,他不得不停止作画;他们交不起房租,差点被驱赶到大街上;他的作品被贬得一文不值,生活断了来源,饥寒交迫,挣扎在温饱线上。生活的艰难,艺术上追求无望,让莫奈一度产生轻生的念头。是卡米尔象一团冬日暖阳,将莫奈紧紧包围和托扶起来,让他免遭致命的伤害。 就在这样艰难的情况下,卡米尔与莫奈正式结婚,他们在上帝面前宣誓终身相爱、不离不弃。但是,他们生活的窘态,并没有因为感情的恩爱而改观。接着,卡米尔生下第二个孩子,生活变得更加困难。莫奈在给作家左拉的信中说,家中无法生火,妻子又在病中,昨天我跑了一天,也未借到钱。卡米尔本来身体羸弱,在经历了风雨岁月的摧残之后,健康每况愈下,只能缠绵病床。 也许在卡米尔的心里,能够作为莫奈的模特,便是她一生的心愿。而莫奈也确实用他的画笔,让卡米尔的生命得以永生。莫奈用十年时间画了《红围巾,莫奈夫人画像》,献给他的爱人。他十分珍爱这幅作品,一直将它收藏在身边。画中,带着红围巾的卡米尔,从门外匆匆经过,带着疲倦与怜爱的眼神,瞥进这个所谓的家门内。也许此时莫奈也刚好抬起头,彼此的目光交汇在一起。于是,他被这匆匆一瞥所深深牵引,把刹那变成了永恒。 卡米尔陪伴莫奈度过最艰难的日子,却未能分享到他的成功和名望。身患癌症的卡米尔,在操劳和贫困中,过早地离世,年仅32岁。在爱妻弥留之际,莫奈忍着巨大的悲伤,为她画了《临终的卡米尔》。他后来回忆说,在卡米尔的病床前,我十分本能地对那已无表情的年轻面孔仔细端详,寻找死神带来的色彩,观察颜色的分布和层次的变化。于是,萌生出一个念头,要为这即将离开我的爱人画最后一幅肖像。 莫奈作为举世闻名的画家,一生中却只为一个女人画过肖像画,那就是卡米尔。相对于那些频繁换模特的画家,莫奈显得很独特。在莫奈心中,卡米尔不但是个模特,而且也是他的终生爱人,是他心中永恒的美神。卡米尔是无法替代的,因为没有卡米尔,就没有莫奈的成功,也许这位天才早就夭折了。而莫奈作为回报,除了他诚挚不变的爱情,就是让卡米尔的生命得以永恒,在他永恒的艺术中。 当卡米尔死时,莫奈尚未不惑之年,但直到年过花甲,才又与赞助商的前妻艾丽丝结婚。虽然莫奈和艾丽丝生活的时间,比卡米尔还长,但莫奈从没有为她画过肖像画。在莫奈的后期作品中,也曾出现过艾丽丝和女儿们的身影,但在这些作品中,人物的脸部十分模糊,似乎给人感觉,那飘动的仍然是卡米尔的身影。 莫奈晚年时,画了很多睡莲的组画,充满着和谐、庄严而宁静,流露出一种缥缈虚幻的意境;而其中的睡莲,更是凄艳绝伦、盖世无双,就象梦中的睡美人一样。有人说,那就是他的终生爱人卡米尔的化身,寄托了对卡米尔深深的思念。其实,卡米尔就是他画中会唱歌的小鸟,卡米尔就是他画中的阳光、睡莲,跳动的光影,流动的色彩。


I. Product of Marketing 一、营销产品   Telephone Banking   电话银行 II. Client"s Background Information 二、客户背景   1.Name: Zhang Zheng   2.Sex: Male   3.Age: About forty years old   4.Occupation: Professional shareholder   5.Education: High middle school   6.He does his banking frequently.   1、姓名:张政   2、性别:男   3、年龄:40岁左右   4、职业:专业股民   5、文化程度:高中文化   6、他经常办理个人金融业务。 III.Main Points of Marketing   三、营销要领   Good evening, everybody!I am Xu Hua, a customer relationship manager of BOC Hua Yang Sub-Branch. Today, I am going to make an introduction of our product——telephone banking to a Mr Zhang according to his needs and requirements.   各位同仁,晚上好!我叫许华,来自中国银行华扬支行。目前的岗位是客户经理。今天,我将根据我接待的一位张先生的具体情况,向他营销我行的电话银行产品。 IV. Content of Speech   四、演讲内容   Hello, Mr Zhang! I am Xu Hua, a customer manager here. Nice to meet you and hope to have my pleasure to help you. You just told me that you are a professional shareholder and also a quality customer of our bank. So you have to come to our office frequently yourself for your business. Now with our telephone-banking system, you can handle all kinds of your businesses, as well as thoughtful securities service without stepping out of doors.   张先生,您好!我叫许华,是这里的客户经理。很高兴认识您,并希望有机会为您服务。在刚才与您的交谈中,我了解到你是一位很专业的炒股爱好者,也是我行的一位优质客户,与银行有很频繁的业务往来,而且经常是亲自到我行办理各项业务。针对你的情况,请允许我向你推荐使用我行的“电话银行”系列产品,使用“电话银行”服务能为您节省更多的时间,它让你可以足不出户,就能办理各项金融服务,当然也包括完善的证券服务。   BOC"s telephone-banking system achieves the perfect combination of modern telecommunication technology and bank"s financial services. Dial the same telephone number at 95566, the client can enjoy BOC"s various financial services anytime and at any places beyond the bank counter in its traditional service style.   电话银行是中国银行运用电话和计算机联网向客户提供的一种现代化的新型金融服务方式。我行的电话银行统一使用“95566”电话,它突破了柜面传统的服务方式,随时随地都可以享受我行各种各样的金融服务。   With multi-functions of our telephone banking, the client can conveniently inquire about the balance of their accounts; make fund transfers between the registered accounts at your own will, and pay various service fees without trip to bank. The system also has other functions of financing such as personal fund and forex trading for you to choose at your needs. Our telephone banking packages has been designed to make life easier for you; with it, your business can become more efficient, more quick and reduce costs.   我行电话银行能为您提供的服务内容非常广泛,查询功能让您及时、准确的掌握自己的存款情况;转账功能可以让你更自主、更合理的调配您银行存款;“缴费通”业务可以免除你为缴纳各种公共事业费用而受的奔波之苦,让你“足不出户,轻松缴费”;有了电话银行,业务更富成效、办事更加快捷,并帮您降低成本。   It also provides you, superior shareholder, such securities services as “Bank Securities Transfer” and “Bank Securities Link”. You may invest securities anywhere and deposit and withdraw funds at any time. Your deposit in bank as securities funds will bring you benefit of deposit, investment and financing.   我行电话银行还为您这样的资深股民提供了银证转账业务、“银券通”业务等证券服务。让你投资证券不受地域限制,存取资金不受时间限制,您的银行存款可以直接作为证券资金,保证您存款、投资、理财三得利。   By the way, it is easy for you to apply for the telephone banking service with a current account of our bank or a Great Wall Credit card, which is linked to the current passbook.   申请电话银行服务的手续很方便,只要您拥有我行的活期储蓄账户或者长城信用卡,填写申请表就能申请开通电话银行服务。   What do you think about it, sir? I fully recommend you to try it and it will make life easier for you. It is my pleasure to give you efficient, fast and convenient services.   这位先生,您对我行“电话银行”服务是否感兴趣?我向您竭力推荐,您不妨试一下,它会令您的生活更轻松。我很高兴随时为您提供高效、快捷、方便的服务。


  Monet作为印象派艺术的摸索者,是波折而艰辛的,与他一起渡过艰难岁月,最后一起到达艺术巅峰的是一个一直陪伴在他身边的女人---卡密儿,也是他一生中只为她画肖像的唯一女人。  卡密儿( Camille Doncieux)是画家Monet的最初的模特儿、红颜知己,以及后来的夫人,一生唯一的爱人。  他们在巴黎塞纳河边相识,卡密儿被 Monet画中美丽的花朵所着魔,她注定要输给Monet画中的鲜花,他们很快就坠入了爱河。也很快创作出了以卡密儿为模特的第一幅著名肖像作品《绿衣女子》,带给了Monet很大的名誉与荣耀。从此卡密儿从Monet的画中走进他的生活,画里画外,佳人才子,浪漫非常……  Monet用他的画笔佐证了自己真诚的爱情,让自己深爱着的女人那美丽娇容,留影万年……  卡密儿陪同Monet渡过了他成功前那段最为艰苦的岁月,也分享到了他成功后胜利的喜悦……  Monet是誉满全球的油画艺术大家,但他一生中却只为一个女人画过肖像画,为一个女人挚守了一生,那画中美丽幸福的女人就是他的妻子——卡密儿。  在艺术家Monet的心中,卡密儿不但是他画中的模特、知心的知己、亲密的恋人、贤惠的妻子,也是他一生的灵魂伴侣、一生的亲密爱人,是他心中永远最美丽的女神……  也许你认为这只是一个平凡的故事,可是从这个故事中我缺看到了爱情的真谛,  爱情就是一生只为一个女人画肖像,爱情不是爱的有多热烈,多疯狂,而在于一生只做他的唯一,不管贫穷富贵,他的心里只有你一个人,平淡而幸福的过此一生  爱情在于艰难岁月中,送她一套monet艺术精妆,她脸上甜蜜幸福的笑容。  爱情在于人生低谷时,她的不离不弃。  莫奈与卡密儿的故事就是我对爱情的信仰。


这个事件过去很久了,感觉将近2年多的时间了吧,我们都知道当时LFY夺得了TI7的季军,战队实力毋庸置疑,但是机缘巧合吧,让RNG和Ehome以及LFY有了个三者开撕的机会。 eh :兄弟你放心,我们有的是钱,你先来,来了一切好商量。 rng :违约金多少你说一下我们帮你付了,你还想组谁我们看看能不能买来,你是队内唯一核心一切你说了算 。要说的再细点,就是 那时lfy 里莫奈特和阿福都想走,太后的圣旨是阿福卖给rng,莫奈特租给eh继续当一闪备胎。八王得到太后圣旨,就找莫奈特一顿画饼,说我队都组好了,就差你一个c,而且打感情牌,用自己中国队长的身份强行画饼。然后扭头又找别人说,莫奈特都来了,你来躺着进ti就好了。莫奈特一开始是答应了八王的,但是这时候rng突然插进来了,告诉莫奈特我可以买断你,条件是你拖住eh和lgd,让他们把阿福先卖给我。同时卖两个人给一家队是不符合太后刀圈平衡圣旨的,太后不同意rng同时买两个人,只同意单卖一个。 莫奈特思前想后,觉得跳出lgd系最重要,就答应了rng。rng来了一手先买阿福再违约金买断里莫奈特,太后吃了哑巴亏大怒,于是次日八王微博发出讨贼缴文,痛斥莫奈特不讲情义,莫奈特立刻微博还击,痛斥八王太后联手卡人。当时舆论普遍偏向八王,一是rng出身撸界,血统不纯,二是八王一直强调情义二字,义正言辞。最后rng和ehome私下和解不了了之。一年之后,莫奈特率队杀进ti9八强,八王痛失直邀,舆论从此两级反转,人人皆称莫奈特不拘小节识大局,八王太后联手卡人,其罪可诛,归根结底刀圈还是看成绩说话的。 补充一下,ti9打完后因为乌龙院的事最后居然爆出来rng曾找过霸气二哥,对比下eh的画饼,rng显然是行动派,当然最后是没成。 喜欢的朋友们,麻烦点下关注,谢谢! 莫奈特绝对强的一批,国内现在能和他比一比的感觉也就拒绝者吧,想看到他和EMO组队!很高兴回答你这个问题! 莫奈特之所以从老肥羊战队转去rng战队,主要有两个方面:第一,老干爹俱乐部自身原因,老干爹俱乐部一队人员配置都是顶级的,莫奈特如果一直待在一队,基本上都是给ame当替补,永无出头之日。而自己所在的老肥羊战队自从ti7之后,状态每况愈下,莫奈此时唯有走出老干爹,才有出路。 第二,rng给出的报酬相对老干爹要好很多,并且会围绕莫奈特为绝对核心,组建一只队伍。


(Oscar-Claude Monet,1840年11月14日-1926年12月5日),简称克洛德·莫奈或莫内,台译奥斯卡-克劳德·莫内,大陆传统译莫奈。法国印象派主要画家,印象派运动领袖人物。 莫内是法国最重要的画家之一,印象派的理论和实践大部份都有他的推广。莫内擅长光与影的实验与表现技法。他最重要的风格是改变了阴影和轮廓线的画法,在莫内的画作中看不到非常明确的阴影,也看不到突显或平涂式的轮廓线。除此之外,莫内对于色彩的运用相当细腻,他用许多相同主题的画作来实验色彩与光完美的表达。




Monet(莫奈) 美国饰品知名品牌,来自美国人文荟萃的纽约大都会,主导近年欧美时尚潮流。 成立于1929年的Monet拥有良好的技艺传承与完美精致的设计,70多年来,Monet以美式的简洁风格与强烈个性化的设计,成功地带动流行饰品的潮流。运用高科技的工艺技术流露出优质的现代艺术风格。其中它的金色装饰物尤为突出,采用很好的抛光工艺和技术,很耐用,不容易掉色,品质上乘。如果你购买了Monet的饰物就等于购买了保证。 在上海(伊势丹,久光,连卡佛,太平洋)和北京(百盛,太平洋,金源,华威)均设有专柜,售价均在300元--3000元.该品牌不定期会出现在各大著名时装杂志,如:elle,瑞丽,时尚,how.


monet读法如下:英【u02c8mu0252neu026a】。双语例句:1、Monet"s Mornings on the Seine series,with their hushed and delicate mood。莫奈基调静谧雅致的《塞纳河的早晨》系列画作。2、Monet is one of my favorite artists。莫奈是我最喜欢的艺术家之一。3、Among his cohorts were the now famous artists Degas,Monet and Cezanne。与他趣味相投的朋友包括现在声名卓著的艺术家德迦、莫奈和塞尚。4、Remember Mone,who could not get anyone to buy his pictures for a hundred francs。你还记得莫奈吗?当时他的一张画一百法郎都没人要。5、Degas " friend Monet painted a dandish male absinthe drinker just over a decade before。十年前,德加的朋友莫奈画过一个饮苦艾酒的纨绔子弟。


monet的读音是英[u02c8mu0252neu026a]。一、中文翻译:指人名莫尼特(法国印象派画家);地名指加拿大莫内。二、相关短语:1、monet mazur:莫内u30fb玛佐。2、monet mobile network:移动网。3、musee marmottan monet:莫奈美术馆。4、monet multiwavelength optical network:多波长光网络。5、claude monet:克劳德u30fb莫奈;克劳德u30fb莫内;克洛德u30fb莫内;克洛德莫;莫内。三、双语例句:1、Monet"s Mornings on the Seine series,with their hushed and delicate mood.莫奈基调静谧雅致的《塞纳河的早晨》系列画作。2、Monet is one of my favorite artists.莫奈是我最喜欢的艺术家之一。3、Among his cohorts were the now famous artists Degas,Monet and Cezanne.与他趣味相投的朋友包括现在声名卓著的艺术家德迦、莫奈和塞尚。4、Excuse ne.I am busy at the monet.I"ll take you later.对不起我正忙着哩,有时间再和你聊。


monet读英 [u02c8mu0252neu026a] 美 [mou028au02c8neu026a]。莫内;印象派画家莫奈;莫娜;印象派;莫纳例句1The main attraction at Giverny is Monet"s garden.吉维尼主要的景点是莫奈花园。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》2Is that a Monet?那是莫奈的画吗?《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》3The hottest show in town was the Monet Exhibition at the Art Institute全城最轰动的展览是在美术学院举办的莫奈画展。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》4I always admire monet"s early painting.我一向敬慕莫奈的早期绘画。百度翻译例句库5The station master was also impressed and gave Monet permission to paint on the train platform.站长也很感动,允许莫奈在火车站台上画画。中考真题- 2018 南京 任务型阅读

in the past of years 用have done or had

had 已经明确说了是过去式了

我译经典老歌——You Are Not Alone(你并不孤单)

原唱:Michael Jackson词曲:R.Kelly,Michael Jackson 译文:真念一思 (由于版权所限,本篇音频为The X Factor UK 版) 最温馨,最感人的季节里,美国音乐人R.Kelly把You Are Not Alone(你并不孤单)用他很真挚的感情谱写好,并且填词,想送给他的母亲,后来几经碾转之下,被迈克尔发现,于是,最感人清新的独白在这首歌曲里迸发出来,朗朗上口,证明了世界上的真情所在,每一个人只要有感情,有爱心,即使在最孤独的时候,都不会孤单,因为那种思念和祝福总会伴随左右.....歌曲简介: 《You Are Not Alone》是有流行之王迈克尔杰克逊演唱的歌曲。歌曲由R. Kelly谱写,由R. Kelly和迈克尔·杰克逊制作,作为第二支单曲收录在迈克尔·杰克逊的录音室专辑《HIStory》中,于1995年8月15日由史诗唱片发行。 1999年9月2日,《You Are Not Alone》空降美国公告牌百强单曲榜,成为公告牌史上第一首空降冠军单曲。 该首歌在全球逾十个国家的音乐榜上都夺得了冠军。 1996年2月28日,迈克尔·杰克逊因该首歌被第38届格莱美奖最佳流行表演提名。 创作背景 《You Are Not Alone》是一首关于爱情和分隔的R&B歌谣,这首R&B情歌起初是R. Kelly所作。R.Kelly在失去了他生活中亲近的人后写了这首歌,反映他个人生活中的困难时期。他后来把样带给迈克尔杰克逊,迈克尔非常喜欢这首歌,并决定与R.Kelly一起制作它。迈克尔·杰克逊对这首歌的兴趣也与当时他个人生活中最近发生的事有关。 对于能与偶像一起工作,Kelly极其激动兴奋。在给迈克尔的那盘带中,Kelly模仿杰克逊·杰克逊的唱腔来唱《You Are Not Alone》。他说:"我想象我就是他。我成为了他。我想让他也有这种感觉。"迈克尔·杰克逊听后觉得这个解释很有趣。 歌曲鉴赏 该首歌的钢琴谱以C大调为主,四分拍。 最感人清新的独白在这首歌曲里迸发出来,朗朗上口,证明了世界上的真情所在,每一个人只要有感情,有爱心,即使在最孤独的时候,都不会孤单,因为那种思念和祝福总会伴随左右。 这首歌很诱人,是迈克尔精心制作的一首流行歌曲。听《You Are Not Alone》,一个人可以设想迈克尔在他最失望痛苦的时期用了多少次告诉自己,他是否相信爱。 歌曲MV MV的女主角是迈克尔·杰克逊的第一任妻子,猫王的女儿丽莎·玛丽·普雷斯利(Lisa Marie Presley)。 MV由Wayne Isham导演。它以一群狗仔队拍摄杰克逊的照片的场景开始。接着情节集中于两个场景:半裸的迈克尔·杰克逊与他当时的妻子在一庙宇中亲热,迈克尔·杰克逊在一空剧院中演唱这首歌。迈克尔·杰克逊也单独出现在其他场景中,比如沙漠和山顶。而在 HIStory on Film, Volume II 的扩展版中,开头增加了迈克尔·杰克逊以他妻子的守护天使形象(特效加上了白色羽翼)出现的场景。 MV的主题是诠释了真爱的永恒以及珍贵,不同于其他口水歌,这部作品没有眼花缭乱的背景,没有落入俗套的唱词,没有过多身体的裸露,而是用他清澈、空灵的嗓音,表达了一个永恒而又深刻的主题:真爱,必定会永远存在。再多的隔膜和阻碍,也不能使这份爱减退半分,它就像影子,紧紧跟随着爱人的脚步。 更多精彩内容,尽在专题: 我译经典老歌 不断更新中,敬请关注赐教!

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如何评价Kobo Aura ONE

一直没买Kindle有几点原因,6英寸太小了,PDF支持垃圾,不支持epub,结果却买了个iPad Air2-64GB只拿来装个多看阅读app看书,现在想实在是太浪费了Kobo Aura One貌似上面几点都基本满足我的要求,另外还有防水,类似iOS的Night Shift灯光调节,支持很多文件格式,包括两种漫画格式。(任何ZIP格式的漫画压缩包只要改后缀名为cbz)11中自带字体+50种字体大小选择(是不是太多了点),另外支持数据线外部字体导入行距和边距随意调节,可以调节的很小(这点Kindle不支持吗?WTF)机身厚度6.9毫米,比iPhone 6S更薄,重230克,重量稍微超过iPhone 6S Plus推送可以使用ifttt+pocket,pdf漫画神器、貌似可以刷三个系统(因为还没上市待确定):原生、koreader和coolreader关机后屏幕没有类似Kindle的广告(据说需要付费才可以取消)而是之前看的书的封面。(说到付费去广告因为看的国外评测,经评论区指出,国行版Kindle可以设置里面直接关掉无需另外付费,美亚广告版和非广告帮有价格区别)目前缺点:1. 官方书店的书没有Amazon多,但是可以有很多第三方书店借阅和下载(这点貌似对国内用处不大),不过支持USB传输下载的书,所以这个缺点基本可以忽略,我基本都是网上下载书籍看2. 同步不支持第三方书籍,只支持从kobo官方购买的同步,这点对于多个平台的用户有点蛋疼(可以高亮和标注,阅读进度,以及查词典应该是是英文解释,查询另外还有google和wiki)3. 系统不支持中文,不过可以导入中文字体所以书中文内容没问题,但是据说书架里面的书籍中文名可能会乱码,这点我非常不爽,很难想象现在这个年代还会出现这个问题(经评论区Kobo用户@天使也掉毛指出,可以通过干掉日文字体解决这个问题,也就是删除日文字体,然后建一个同名的空字体文件,导入中文字体后,书名和书中内容显示没有任何问题,在此感谢,现在遗憾的是缺少中文输入法)4. 续航不及Kindle,只有1个月,不过也不差5. 没有类似Kindle Oasis的硬件翻页按键6. 购买不是很方便(有较好购买途径或在国外愿意代购的网友请私信或评论)

如何评价Kobo Aura ONE?

屏幕:初上手感觉屏幕非常大,相当于一本普通paperback书的大小。PPI很高, 文字非常非常清晰背光:特别均匀,甚至感觉不到背光存在。自动调光功能很灵敏,可能过于灵敏了,轻微光照变化就会触发。晚上会自动调成暖光,黑暗中很舒服。软件:同步用calibre很方便。浏览器堪堪能用。英文,法语字典不错,不能自己添加新词典。阅读:EPUB等格式支持很好。读Pocket同步的文章也很流畅。PDF:目前原生系统读PDF非常蛋疼,不能切边导致字往往很小,缩放以后翻页会翻到下一页而不是滚动到下半部分,也不能书中取词。只能坐等KOreader更新支持。电池:还在使用中,待观察。

那首歌的歌词里有 one two three four five days

patrick nuo -five days


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