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mobile就是指可移动的 标准说法应该是mobile phone(移动电话) 但是一般就用mobile 简写了 telephone是固定电话


楼主拼错了 是trombone 长号附带百度百科:Trombone,音色高傲,辉煌,庄严壮丽而饱满,声音嘹亮而富有威力,弱奏时又温柔委婉。其音色鲜明统一,在乐队中很少能被同化,甚至可以与整个乐队抗 衡。能演奏半音音阶和独特的滑音。常演奏雄壮乐曲的中低音声部。军乐队中是用来演奏威武的中低音旋律的主要乐器。管弦乐队中很少用于独奏


trombone是伸缩喇叭Trombone是长号这个乐器,音色高傲,辉煌,庄严壮丽而饱满。其音色鲜明统一,在乐队中很少能被同化,甚至可以与整个乐队抗 衡。能演奏半音音阶和独特的滑音。常演奏雄壮乐曲的中低音声部。军乐队中是用来演奏威武的中低音旋律的主要乐器。管弦乐队中很少用于独奏。

traffic trombone是什么意思?



长号又名伸缩号,旧名伸缩喇叭,属铜管乐器的一种,是今日管弦乐团乐器中最早以今貌出现乐器。长号由15世纪的大型喇叭加上弯形滑管演变而来。 伸缩喇叭有三分之二的长度是圆筒形,然后向旁扩张成喇叭形,发出雄浑醇厚的声音。伸缩管的功能,主要是为了产生和音系列之外的音符,这种乐器最大的特色是将伸缩管不断的移动,可产生滑奏。伸缩喇叭不是移调乐器,和小喇叭一样,有时也用到同样的弱音器。   到16世纪,长号虽然在欧洲各地很常见,但是几乎只用于宗教音乐,藉它圆润的音色来加强合唱音量。可惜的是正因为长号与宗教音乐有这种密切关系,所以妨碍了它在世俗音乐上的发展。  在铜管乐器中,长号是用途最广的乐器之一。由于它音色变化范围大,正如过去在教堂中经常使用一样,现今在军乐队和舞厅乐队中也很常见。   自从贝多芬在《第5号交响曲》中运用长号之后,它已成为管弦乐团中的主要乐器,一般而言,有二支高音长号及一支低音长号。它明亮 *** 的音色,既有加强音量与深沈的效果,在必要时也可作穿越其他乐器之用。 大多数的管弦乐团都是使用次中音伸缩喇叭。低音伸缩喇叭可以吹出较低的声音,许多伸缩喇叭手的乐器还有附件,就是一个特长的管子,以吹奏最低音,而不愿用双重号。      20世纪的前卫派作曲家荀白克(Arnold Schoenberg)最先运用长号独特的滑奏效果。自此之后,长号在各种音乐中均极其吃香,不论爵士乐、流行乐或古典音乐,不论军乐队、舞厅乐队或歌舞剧,甚至喜剧效果中,都少不了它。 长号的发声原理   长号是由圆筒形铜管制成的,一端为吹嘴(见上图),另一端为钟形的喇叭口。除了吹嘴之外,它是由两部分吻合而成,一部分铜管紧贴另一部分滑动。低音长号手则常用附加部分以吹奏更低沈的音调。弯形滑管的作用就如其他铜管乐器的活塞,可以改变空气柱的长短,从而改变音高。长号有七个「自然」音位,可吹奏二个八度的「泛音」。长号手吹出一个自然音后,保持滑管不动,只须经由吹嘴改变管内的气压即可吹出泛音。 2007-02-20 16:54:03 补充: 基本上一定冇可能令嘴唇变厚 但会令嘴唇有痳感.所以不能吹太久. 会的,亲身经验XD 1.长号是在铜管家族中唯一可演奏滑音glissando 2. 长号出现在莫扎特的宗教音乐时是代表主的声音 长号是由圆筒形铜管制成的 一端为吹嘴 另一端为钟形的喇叭口 除了吹嘴之外 它是由两部分吻合而成 一部分铜管紧贴另一部分滑动 低音长号手则常用附加部分以吹奏更低沈的音调 弯形滑管的作用就如其他铜管乐器的活塞 可以改变空气柱的长短 从而改变音高 长号有七个「自然」音位 可吹奏二个八度的「泛音」 长号手吹出一个自然音后 保持滑管不动 只须经由吹嘴改变管内的气压即可吹出泛音


[trɑmu02c8bou028an]n.长号,伸缩喇叭;变形复数:trombones英英释义trombone[ tru0254m"bu0259un, "tru0254mb- ]n.a brass instrument consisting of a long tube whose length can be varied by a U-shaped slide双语例句用作名词(n.)There are some wonderful trumpet and trombone solos in the piece.这支乐曲中有一些美妙的小号和长号的独奏。The trombone is an essential musical instrument for a symphony orchestra.拉管是交响乐队不可缺少的乐器之一。权威例句TromboneTromboneTromboneLow cost trombone line beamformerCompact dual bell section trombone caseA study of lip vibrations in a tromboneTrombone player"s lung: a probable new cause of hypersensitivity pneumonitis.Methods of mitigation of trombone routing in an IMS/MMD network

求the lonely island的motherlover的英文歌词(有追加奖励)

Oh dang!What is it dawg?I forgot it"s Mother"s Day.Didn"t get a gift for her?Other plans got in the way,She"ll be so disappointed,Damn, I forgot it too!This could"ve been avoided,What the hell are we gonna do?My mom"s been so alone, ever since my daddy left (cold),No one to hold her tight, life has put her to the test,I know just what you mean, my mom"s been so sad and grey (word),My dad can"t satisfy her in the bedroom ever since he passed away.Hold up!You thinkin" what I"m thinkin"?I"m thinkin, I"m thinkin too.Slow up!What time is it dawg?It"s time for a switcharoo.We both love our moms, women with grown women needs,I say we break "em off, show "em how much they really mean."Cause I"m a motherlover,You"re a motherloverWe should f*ck each others mothers,F*ck each others moms!I"ll push in that lady, where you came out as a baby,Ain"t no doubt that sh*t is crazy,F*cking each others moms!"Cause every Mother"s Day needs a Mother"s Night,If doing it is wrong, I don"t wanna be right,I"m calling on you, "cause I can"t do it myself,To me you"re like a brother,So be my motherlover.I"m layin" in the cut waiting for your mom,clutchin" on this lube and roses,I got my digital camera,Imma make your momma do a million poses,They will be so surprised,We are so cool and thoughtful,Can"t wait to pork your mom,Imma be the syrup she can be my waffle.Show love, my momma loves bubble bath with chamomile,Straight up, give it to my mom d-d-d-d-d-d-doggy style,This a perfect plan for a perfect Mother"s Day,They"ll have to rename this one,All up under the covers day."Cause I"m a motherlover,You"re a motherlover,We should f*ck each others mothers,F*ck each others moms!I"ll push in that lady, where you came out as a baby,Ain"t no doubt that sh*t is crazy,F*cking each others moms!Break it down.It would be my honor,To be your new step-father,It would be my honor,To be your new step-father.And while you"re in my mother,make me another brother,And while I"m in your mother,I"ll never use a rubber,Oh!"Cause every Mother"s Day needs a Mother"s Night,If doing it is wrong I don"t wanna be right,I"m calling on you "cause I can"t do it myself,To me you"re like a brother,So be my motherlover,They blessed us both with the gift of life,She brought you in this world,So Imma sex her right,This is the second best idea that we"ve ever had,The choice can be no other,Be my motherlover.Happy Mothers Day!



用one of the most successful造句

one of the most successful…… 一个最成功的…… 例句 Expert system is one of the most successful computer systems so far. 专家系统是迄今为止最成功的计算机系统之一. One of the most successful methods of achieving this depends on the use of fluidisation. 达到这一目的最成功的方法之一就是采用流化技术. Despite this,the knights have become one of the most successful branches of the church of telatium,and the branch with the least problems with corruption. 无论这些,骑士团变成了泰拉提厄姆教团中最为成功的教派,并且是有最少腐化问题的教派. Venture capital is one of the most successful financial innovations in this century. 风险投资是本世纪以来全球金融领域最成功的创新成就之一. He is one of the most successful newspaper writers in the city. 他是本市最成功的报刊作者之一.

用one of the most successful造句

one of the most successful…… 一个最成功的…… 例句 Expert system is one of the most successful computer systems so far. 专家系统是迄今为止最成功的计算机系统之一. One of the most successful methods of achieving this depends on the use of fluidisation. 达到这一目的最成功的方法之一就是采用流化技术. Despite this,the knights have become one of the most successful branches of the church of telatium,and the branch with the least problems with corruption. 无论这些,骑士团变成了泰拉提厄姆教团中最为成功的教派,并且是有最少腐化问题的教派. Venture capital is one of the most successful financial innovations in this century. 风险投资是本世纪以来全球金融领域最成功的创新成就之一. He is one of the most successful newspaper writers in the city. 他是本市最成功的报刊作者之一.

odd one是什么意思

odd one的意思是奇数。odd的意思是奇怪的;怪异的;反常的;(某方面)怪异的;让转弱的对手从打球进一个洞的击球次数中减去一次击球;奇数的;古怪的;奇特的。odd one的意思是奇数。奇数指不能被2整除的整数,日常生活中,人们通常把正奇数叫做单数,它跟偶数是相对的。奇数可以分为正奇数和负奇数。两个连续整数中必有一个奇数和一个偶数。著名数学家毕达哥拉斯发现有趣奇数现象:将奇数连续相加,每次的得数正好是平方数。这体现在奇数和平方数之间有着密切的重要联系。奇数与素数是两个不同的概念,奇数可能是素数,也可能不是素数。例如3是奇数,是素数;9是奇数,但不是素数。例句:1、On the face of it, Bouygues SA"s decision to share the risk with the brothers was an odd one.(表面上看,布伊格股份有限公司决定和布伊格兄弟们共同承担风险好像有些奇怪。)2、She was the odd one out, just as she had been at school and university: a square peg in a round hole.(她比较怪僻,象在中学和大学里一样,不适应周围的环境。)3、His formal clothes made him the odd one out in the club.(他那正式的服装在俱乐部里很不着调。)4、Which word does not go with the word in capital letters? odd one out.(哪一个词和上面的大写字母的词不搭配,把它划出来)5、"She was an odd one, " Stephanie said.(“她是个奇怪的人。”丝苔妮说。)6、"It"s so health conscious that if you don"t participate you feel like the odd one out, " he says.(他说,“这里的人们是如此注重健康,如果你不入乡随俗就会显得很奇怪。”)

USD503.01 英文大写是要怎么写呢? 是U.S.Dollars Five hundred three and one cents only?


Credit is the capital of a younger son, and one lives charmingly upon it.这句话怎么理解?


i want to visit beijing one day

答案:capital. 根据所给信息及音标提示结合语境推测句意是"我想有一天去参观北京--我们中国的首都.",根据句意结合前面的the判断考查名词"首都"且用单数形式,所以答案是:capital

Mr. Brown worked in a factory of a small town. He had been there for twenty years before one da...

小题1:B小题2:C小题3:A小题4:C 试题分析:文章讲述了Mr. Brown去伦敦办事帮家人买雨伞的故事。小题1:B 推理题。根据文章第一句Mr. Brown worked in a factory of a small town.他在一家工厂上班说明他是一名工人,故B正确。小题2:C 上下文串联。根据he drew an umbrella on his hand. To his regret, he lost it at the station.说明C正确。小题3:A 推理题。根据第二段2,3,4行The woman"s umbrella was so nice that he carefully looked at it and said to himself not to forget to buy a few umbrellas like it.说明他非常喜欢这把雨伞,一直想买这样的雨伞,而忘记了这是别人的。故A正确。小题4:C 推理题。根据文章最后一句Looking at the four umbrellas, the old woman was satisfied with herself. “It seems that I had a better result than the other four women.” She thought.说明题认为有另外4个人的雨伞被他拿走,而她却没有,所以为自己感到幸运。故C正确。点评:故事类短文要注意细节的理解。把握文章的故事发展的过程,注意时间,地点,人物。

your password must have at least one lower case character.是什么意思

your password must have at least one lower case character您的密码必须至少有一个小写字符双语对照例句:1.Your password must contain at least one capital letter. 你的密码至少要有个大写字母。 2.Email address must have at least one character on each side of the. 电子邮件地址中“@”的两边必须至少包含一个字符。

Ror your next vacation , why not consider visiting Paris ?Paris is the capital of France and is one


Your password must be 8-16 characters long , and includeat least onenumber and capital letter


one的用法和the的区别 第31为什么用one不用the

the通常是特指某物 乐器、一些旅游景点也要加the 句子的意思是: 这个城市只需要建一座体育馆来容纳冰雪运动场 如果用了the 就会使体育馆变成特指 都还没建成又何来特指呢

Beijing ,the capital of China, is one of  ...

A 试题分析:根据one of后面往往跟最高级,表示“最…之一”,故本题应用the biggest。本句的意思是“北京,中国的首都,是世界上最大的城市之一。”所以本题选A。点评:本题实际上考查的是一个固定句型:one of +形容词的最高级+名词复数,表示“最…中的一个”。应该注意其中固定用法。

your password must have at least one capital lett


that small town was ___the capital of the country,用one 的适当形,填the first好像不通顺啊,用once?



have at least one capital letter至少有一个大写字母.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮



capital one bank 中文名叫什么?


english capital one cup是什么意思

english capital one cup英格兰超联赛杯;英格兰超联赛杯

美国Capital one的银行对账单是一个月寄一次吗



CAPITAL ONE BANK是美国一家规模较大,遍布全美的银行,借贷是该银行的主项...由于美国经济依然处于低谷时期,各家银行的借贷率也不断在下降,15年房贷在2.85%左右,30年房贷在3.75%左右,目前是对教育,房屋,购车,装修房屋等等借贷的大好时期...该银行的这家分行刚刚开业不久,服务环境一流,还推出一些最新的优惠给新老客户.对符合申请该银行信用卡的客户,免费18个月0%利息支付...值得称赞!!!

国内(工商银行)汇款到美国的银行(capital one),大概要多久?


请问建行给美国capital one银行转账都需要什么?swift码是多少?

给国外收款人汇款,需知道对方的开户银行名称、银行SWIFT CODE、收款人的户名与账号美国capital one银行有两个可用的SWIFT CODE:银行名称:CAPITAL ONE, N.A.SWIFT CODE:NFBKUS33所在城市:NEW YORK,NY银行名称:CAPITAL ONE, N.A.SWIFT CODE:HIBKUS44所在城市:NEW ORLEANS,LA请你跟你的收款人核实一下,以便汇路曲折而多产生费用。







capital one bank 中文名叫什么?

capital one是“第一资本”的意思,captial one 也是美国一家银行,你自己看吧,税表挺重要,你还是找个懂行的问问。









有首外国歌,男生唱的,发音如下:John,could john each co one the kay,

歌手:John Kay专辑:GoldDrift AwayArtist: The KinksDrift away, just drift awaySometimes I wish I could just drift awayAlbum: PhobiaThey say there"s gonna be a river of bloodIt"s apocalypse nowSo we"re waiting for the floodThe ice is gonna melt, the water gonna riseAnd we"ll all go to hellSo they"re keeping us advisedWhile the dollar falls downThe yen gonna climbIt"s a moral declineAnd I"m losing my mindI think I"ll just drift awayTo that island of my dreamsLive in total fantasyClose my eyes and drift awayBack in the real worldThere"s tension everywhereAnd the smell of fearKeeps hanging around and polluting the airThe man on the news is going over the topNow he"ll say anything so his show don"t flopWall Street"s down, so whatAnd according to astute market analysisThe world"s gonna stopthey shout the story to the nationPass on the panic to the populationThis is the end of civilizationIt"s all over nowMeanwhile, I just drift awayTo my island in the sunImaginary paradise, perfectionSometimes I wish I could just drift awayDrift away (drift away)Drift away (drift away)Drift away (drift away)Now all the politicians are running out of hopeThey"ve burned all their bridgesNow they just can"t copeAnd who do we blame now we"re all going broke?It"s that man over thereWho"s hanging from a ropeNewsmen winding up the nationA little bad news helps circulationPass on the panic to the populationIt"s all over, it"s all overIt"s all over nowTimes like this, I just drift awayTo my tropical fantasyLiving on coconuts growing on the treesSometimes I wish I could just drift awayDrift away, drift away, drift awayIt"s apocalypse now, drift awayRivers of blood, drift awayAnd the man on the news is going over the topSometimes I just drift awayTo my island in the sunImaginary paradise, perfectionSometimes I wish I could just drift awayDrift away (drift away)Drift away (drift away)Drift away (drift away)



求《gone the rainbow》的吉他谱



One (English Version) / V6 feat. Shoo (S.E.S.)Never knowing what the future just might hold through the seasons of our life, we"re just hoping for what"s rightWhen we"re standing side by side I feel the warmth of our love Our days will now be sunny from now onDay by Day Every day a brand new chance We can feel i"s only just begunWe can be together If only we believeSo nothing"s gonna stop us now together we can touch the sunWe can be the one if we can just hold tightHolding hands we face the world We"re tearing nothing anymoreKnowing you"re beside me Will always make us strong todayIn the deepest night so many tears will fall from the silence of the heart, will come a lonely sighBut we can"t forget the dawn will always break tomorrow If we just can hold on now and wait Life goes onEvery day a brand new chance We can feel it"s only just begunWe can be forever If only we believe And like an eagle up aboveWe"re soaring high and feeling proud We can be the one if we can just believeWipe your tears and don"t look back Just smile again and feel the loveKnowing you"re beside me Will always make us strong today (today)Should we know why we are born to this earth (yes I need to know)Seek the truth, we find the love everydayCome to me now, come and show me what is right todayIf we can find it then we can pass it on For everybodySo nothing"s gonna stop us now together we can touch the sunWe can be the one if we can just hold tightHolding hands we face the world We"re fearing nothing anymoreKnowing you"re beside me Will always make us strong todaySo nothing"s gonna stop us now together we can touch the sunWe can be the one if we can just hold tightHolding hands we face the world We"re tearing nothing anymoreKnowing you"re beside me Will always make us strong todayOne (Japanese Version) / V6 feat. Shoo (S.E.S.)日文..韩文发音..韩文译日文见つめてる瞳の先に(미츠메테루 히토미노 사키니)바라보고 있는 눈동자의 앞에果てなく续く 不确かな未来(하네타쿠 츠즈쿠 후타시카나 미라이)끝없이 계속되는 불확실한 미래すり拔けてゆく 季节の中でいま(스리누케테 유쿠 키세츠노 나카데 이마)지나가는 계절 속에서 지금答えを探しているよ(코타에오 사가시테-루요)정답을 찾고 있어요Day by dayこの手の中に 感じてる温もり(코노 테노 나카니 칸지테루 누쿠모리)이 손 안에서 느끼고 있는 따스함을We can be together 确かめたなら(We can be together 타시카메타나라)We can be together 확인했다면…ここから始まる 新しいスト-リ-(코코카라 하지마루 하타라시- 스토-리-)이제부터 시작되는 새로운 스토리We can be the one 步いてゆこう(We can be the one 아루이테 유코-)We can be the one 함께 걸어 가요!どんな未来も 强く抱きしめるよ(돈나 미라이모 츠요쿠 다키시메루요)어떤 미래라도 강하게 껴안아요!もう迷わない 爱だけを信じて(모- 마요와나이 아이다케오 신지테)더이상 망설이지 않아요, 사랑만을 믿어요悲しみの彼方にひとり(카나시미노 카나타니 히토리)슬픔의 저 편에서 홀로うつむいたまま 泣いた事もある(우츠무이타 마마 나이타 코토모 아루)고개를 숙인채 울었던 적이 있어요谁かのために流した泪なら(다레카노 타메니 나가시타 나미다나라)누군가를 위해서 흘렸던 눈물이라면消えはしないよずっと(키에와 시나이요 즛토)지워지지는 않을거예요 계속…Life goes onどんな时にも 忘れないで欲しい(돈나 토키니모 와스레나이데 호시-)언제나 잊지 않으면 좋겠어요We can be forever そばにいること(We can be forever 소바니 이루코토)We can be forever 곁에 있다는 걸…どこまでも续く あの大空のように(도코마데모 츠즈쿠 아노 오-조라노요-니)끝없이 계속되는 이 드넓은 하늘처럼We can be the one 生きてゆけたら(We can be the one 이키테 유케타라)We can be the one 살아갈 수 있다면…泪を拭いて もう振り返らない(나미다오 후이테 모- 후리카에라나이)눈물을 닦고 더이상 뒤돌아보지 않아요その心に 爱が微笑むなら(소노 코코로니 아이가 호호에무나라)그 마음에 사랑이 미소짓는다면…この世に生まれた意味を知りたくて(코노 요니 우마레타 이미오 시리타쿠테)이 세상에 태어난 의미를 알고 싶어서痛みや矛盾の中で 谁もが 幸せの形を(이야미야 무쥰노 나카데 다레모가 시아와세노 카타치오)고통과 모순 속에서 누구나가 행복의 모습을祈るように见つめている そう 愿っている(이노루요-니 미츠메테-루 소- 네갓테-루)빌듯 바라보고 있어요, 그래요 바라고 있어요ここから始まる 新しいスト-リ-(코코카라 하지마루 하타라시- 스토-리-)이제부터 시작되는 새로운 스토리We can be the one 步いてゆこう(We can be the one 아루이테 유코-)We can be the one 함께 걸어 가요!どんな未来も 强く抱きしめるよ(돈나 미라이모 츠요쿠 다키시메루요)어떤 미래라도 강하게 껴안아요!もう迷わない 爱だけを信じて(모- 마요와나이 아이다케오 신지테)더이상 망설이지 않아요, 사랑만을 믿어요We can be the one原来有韩文..但不ft.shooOne (Korean Version) - V6난 그려왔어오직 한 사람만을 위해 살아갈 나의 모습 기도해 왔어아름다운 그대 눈동자에 비친행복한 모습은 바로 나인걸요Day by day부족한 나이지만 하나만은 지킬게요We can be together 항상 이 자리에서우리 함께 같은 곳만을 바라 볼 수 있다면We can be the one 우리 믿기로 해요어떠한 미래라도 우린 두렵지 않을거야오늘에 약속한 사랑이라는 이름으로알 수가 없는 닫혀진 슬픔에홀로 고개숙인 채 눈물 흘렸던 그때햇살처럼 다가와 내 아픈 기억 모두 사라지게 해준 그대Life goes on잊지는 말아줘요 언제나 기억해줘요We can be forever 우리 함께라는걸끝없이 펼쳐져 있는 드넓은 저 하늘처럼We can be the one 살아갈 수 있다면이젠 울지 말아요돌아보지도 말아요서로를 느끼는 그 미소 하나만으로우리만의 의미를 찾아가요소중함으로 세상 모든 아픔과 모순에도하나만을 위해 기도하기로 해그리고 그대를 바라보고 있어 그대 느낀다면우리 함께 같은 곳만을 바라 볼 수 있다면We can be the one 우리 믿기로 해요어떠한 미래라도 우린 두렵지 않을거야오늘에 약속한 사랑이라는 이름으로

谁有Nothing gone change my love for you 的英文歌词?


Made of Stone 歌词

歌曲名:Made of Stone歌手:Evanescence专辑:EvanescenceSpeak your mind,Like I careI can see your lips movingI just learn not to hearDon"t waste your timeIt"s never enough for you babyDon"t want to play your gameNever enoughNo matter what you sayI"m all out of love for you, babyNow that I"ve tried everythingI"ll numb the pain until I am made of stoneTake your timeI"m not scaredMake me everything you need me to beSo the judgment seems fairDon"t waste your timeIt"s never enough for you babyDon"t wanna play your gameNever enoughNo matter what you sayI"m all out of love for you,babyNow that I have tried everythingI"ll numb the pain until I am made ofTear up my heartFor the way that it feelsI will still remember where you have forgotten meIt"s never enough for you babyDon"t wanna play your gameNever enoughNo matter what you sayI"m all out of love for you,babyNow that I"ve tried everythingI"ll numb the pain until I"m made of stoneIt"s never enoughIt"s never enoughIt"s never enoughI"ll numb the pain until I am made of stoneI"ll numb the pain until I am made of stone

well done法语就是bien fait了?


Dota2Noone是谁 NaVi战队二号位Noone介绍

Dota2是一款风靡全球的moba游戏,Noone是NaVi战队的二号位,真名Володимир Мu0456ненко。近期数据场均击杀6.1,场均KDA4.9,场均参战率76.1%,常用英雄帕克、火猫、蓝猫。 NaVi战队Noone介绍如下: 一、基础信息 NaVi战队的二号位,真名Володимир Мu0456ненко。 二、近期数据 场均击杀6.1,场均KDA4.9,场均参战率76.1%。 三、常用英雄 帕克、火猫、蓝猫。 四、个人数据 五、历史比赛

求大神翻译英语是Greate a Green Zone 里面的


what am i to you是Norah Jones唱的这首歌的吉他谱


求what am i to you (norah jones)钢琴曲谱

What am I to you 我是你的谁Tell me darling true 亲爱的请告诉我真话To me you are the sea 你是我的大海Fast as you can be 跟你一样的快And deep the shade of blue 和深刻的蓝色倒影When you"re feeling low 当你感到失落的时候To whom else do you go 你会到谁的地方去See I cry if you hurt 如果你伤害我,我会哭I"d give you my last shirt 我给你我唯一的衬衫Because I love you so 因为我非常爱你And if my sky should fall 如果天会塌下来Would you even call 你有给我电话吗Opened up my heart 打开我的心扉I never want to part 我从来都不想分开I"m giving you the ball 我要给你一个舞会When I look in your eyes 当我看着你的眼睛I can feel the butterflies 我可以感觉到蝴蝶I love you when you"re blue 当你失落的时候我会爱着你Tell me darlin true 请告诉我真相What am I to you 我是你的谁Yah well if my sky should fall 是的,如果我的天空塌下来Would you even call 你会给我电话吗Opened up my heart I never wanna part I"m givin you the ball I look in your eyes I can feel the butterflies Could you find a love in me 你可以爱我吗Could you carve me in a tree 你可以把我刻在树上吗Don"t fill my heart with lies 不要让我的心充满谎言I will you love when you"re blue Tell me darlin true What am I to you What am I to you What am I to you抱歉,找不到谱子,只有歌词。你要伴奏吗?

推荐几个欧美爵士女歌手,像Norah Jones一样的?

介绍几个挺有名的:Valerie Joyce 曾获得Berklee奖学金的歌手有着Cassandra Wilson般沙哑感性的歌声、Laura Fygi般的抒情叙事演唱功力,更受过正统的古典与爵士音乐训练,能写能编能演奏。日美混血。 Nina Simon(妮娜西蒙) 她是上一个世纪成就最非凡的爵士女歌手之一,一位能够完美地运用音乐去讲述故事的歌者――妮娜西蒙(Nina Simon)。她以极大的歌唱天赋,为这个世界创造了包含灵魂释放,精神力量,激情以及爱的音乐篇章。 还有Diana Krall,也超棒的^_^

求norah jones的until the end 的中文歌词

You"ve got a famous last name But you"re not to blame Baby I see you for who you are A one time apple queen, And a one time tramp, And an old time movie star. You"re a shell picker, Of the pickiest kind, But you always find the ones to keep. And in or out of bed, You keep you"re head wide open, "cause ya don"t only dream when you"re asleep. Like a child ... you remember, But I forget ... all my dreams. I used to think, That someday I"d relax a little, And be more like you. Then I realized, How silly that thought was, Needed to stand in my own shoes. And from over here, I can see you cry, Don"t even try ... to pretend. "cause he"s hurt you, So many times, Baby don"t go back again. Like a child, you forget, But I remember everything..and every sting. And through all the games, We"ll both stay the same, As we"ve always been, Through the fat and thin, Until the end, Until the end.

norah jones 的THINKING ABOUT YOU 的歌词

Thinking About You 歌手:Norah Jones 专辑:Not Too Late Yesterday I saw the sun shinin",And the leaves were fallin" down softly,My cold hands needed a warm, warm touch,And I was thinkin" about you.Here I am lookin" for signs of leaving,You hold my hand, but do you really need me?I guess it"s time for me to let you go,And I"ve been thinkin" about you,I"ve been thinkin" about you.When you sail across the ocean waters,And you reach the other side safely,Could you smile a little smile for me?"cause I"ll be thinkin" about you,I"ll be thinkin" about you,I"ll be thinkin" about you,I"ll be thinkin" about you.

ZONE de LAFETIE是什么红酒?什么价位?

记住拉菲的法文是LAFITE,其他的拼法都是“李鬼”。市面上见到许多近似的品牌如: 拉菲世家(LA FITE FAMILY), 拉菲帝国(LAFAYETTE EMPIRE), 拉菲领域(ZONE DE LAFETIE), 拉菲王子(PRINCE DE LAFLTE), 古堡拉菲庄园(CHATEAU PUY BENEY LAFITTE)等等,这些拼法不同的肯定不是拉菲出品,至于有些诸如拉菲皇后(LAFITE QUEEN), 拉菲佳品(LAFITE GOODITEM), 拉菲神话(LAFITE MYTH)等虽然LAFITE拼法一样,但和拉菲集团没有任何关系,消费者一定要认清楚。

Norah Jones的《The Story》 歌词

歌曲名:The Story歌手:Norah Jones专辑:我的蓝莓夜电影原声带The StoryNorah JonesI don"t know how to begin"Cause the story has been told beforeI will sing along I supposeI guess it"s just how it goesAnd now those spring in the airI don"t go down anywayI guess it"s just how it goesThe story have all been told beforeIf you don"t tryThe light won"t hit your eyesAnd the moon won"t rise and fall in sightIf you don"t tryThe light won"t hit your eyesAnd the moon won"t rise and fall in sightI don"t know how it"ll endThough the records playI guess it"s just how it goesThe story have all been told beforeI guess it"s just how it goesThe story have all been told beforeI guess it"s just how it goes

翻译 Those Sweet Words Norah Jones 中文歌词

Those Sweet Words 那些甜蜜的话What did you say你说过些什么?I know I saw you saying it我见你说着那些话,My ears won"t stop ringing我的耳朵不会轰鸣,Long enough to hear时间很充足,Those sweet words我听到了,那些甜蜜的话。What did you say你说过些什么?And now the day 现在是白天,The hour hand has spun时针转了又转Before the night is done天黑之前,I just have to hear我只是想听听,Those sweet words那些甜蜜的话,Spoken like a melody就像美妙的旋律;All your love你的爱,Is a lost balloon是一只迷失的气球Rising up through the afternoon在午后缓慢上升,"Til it could fit on the head of a pin最后落在了针尖上Come on in请进,Did you have a hard time sleeping你睡得不好吗?"Cause a heavy moon was keeping you awake沉重的月亮悬在头上,让你失眠。And all I know is I"m just glad to see you again不管怎样,我很高兴又见到你。See my love我的爱,Like a lost balloon像一个迷失的气球Rising up through the afternoon在午后缓慢上升,And then you appear你又出现了。What did you say你说过些什么?I know I saw you saying it我见你说着那些话。My ears won"t stop ringing我的耳朵不会轰鸣,Long enough to hear时间很充足,Those sweet words我听到了,那些甜蜜的话,And your simple melody就是你简单而美妙的曲子I just have to hear Your sweet words我只是想听你说些甜蜜的话,Spoken like a melody就像美妙的旋律I just wanna hear我要听,Those sweet words那些甜蜜的话。

Norah Jones的《The Story》 歌词

歌曲名:The Story歌手:Norah Jones专辑:我的蓝莓夜电影原声带The StoryNorah JonesI don"t know how to begin"Cause the story has been told beforeI will sing along I supposeI guess it"s just how it goesAnd now those spring in the airI don"t go down anywayI guess it"s just how it goesThe story have all been told beforeIf you don"t tryThe light won"t hit your eyesAnd the moon won"t rise and fall in sightIf you don"t tryThe light won"t hit your eyesAnd the moon won"t rise and fall in sightI don"t know how it"ll endThough the records playI guess it"s just how it goesThe story have all been told beforeI guess it"s just how it goesThe story have all been told beforeI guess it"s just how it goes

Norah Jones的《Toes》 歌词

歌曲名:Toes歌手:Norah Jones专辑:Don T Fence MeThe current is strong from what I"ve heardIt"ll wisk you down the streamBut there never seems to have timeSo my toes just touched the waterMy toes just touched the waterDaydreamed on the bank againI was swimming with the fishAnd I thought this time that it may be trueBut my toes just touched the waterMy toes just touched the waterMy toes just touched the waterWalked a mile just to find the edgeSome place low enough to step right inNow I"m here and I can"t begin to moveWalked a mile just to find the edgeSome place low enough to step right inNow I"m here and I can"t begin to moveThe spoiled sun up over thereIt always has to have its wayAnd I know that the river"s there to shelter meMy toes just touched the waterMy toes just touched the water

Norah Jones的《Stuck 》 歌词

歌曲名:Stuck 歌手:Norah Jones专辑:iTunes Festival: London 2012Norah Jones - Stuckhey shall we wadethrough the room for the streetand finally to mehe asked me what I"m drinkingmy friend johnny tugging on my sleeveasked if I wanna leaveand what I"m really thinking iswhy can"t it be easy, easywhy don"t you leave me,leave me, leave me beI can"t see you swayingI can"t hear what you"re sayingI"m sitting here stuckand plastered to my seatI think of a reason to leavewhen you finally start speakingI"ll take a a long strollwalked down washington streethalf asleep on my feethalf aware if I"m dreamingI"ll go home alonea sinking stonea switched-off telephoneI"ll go on brieflya frozen breezea fallen down factoryI still see you swayingbut I can"t hear what you"re sayingI just lost the plotgot a little copbeen a little knockedI just hit a wallhad a little fallI felt a swinging wrecking balland why should that bewhy don"t you tell mewhy don"t you tell meI"m sure you"ll tell mewhy don"t you tell meI guess you"d tell metell me

Norah Jones的《Stuck》 歌词

歌曲名:Stuck歌手:Norah Jones专辑:The FallNorah Jones - Stuckhey shall we wadethrough the room for the streetand finally to mehe asked me what I"m drinkingmy friend johnny tugging on my sleeveasked if I wanna leaveand what I"m really thinking iswhy can"t it be easy, easywhy don"t you leave me,leave me, leave me beI can"t see you swayingI can"t hear what you"re sayingI"m sitting here stuckand plastered to my seatI think of a reason to leavewhen you finally start speakingI"ll take a a long strollwalked down washington streethalf asleep on my feethalf aware if I"m dreamingI"ll go home alonea sinking stonea switched-off telephoneI"ll go on brieflya frozen breezea fallen down factoryI still see you swayingbut I can"t hear what you"re sayingI just lost the plotgot a little copbeen a little knockedI just hit a wallhad a little fallI felt a swinging wrecking balland why should that bewhy don"t you tell mewhy don"t you tell meI"m sure you"ll tell mewhy don"t you tell meI guess you"d tell metell me

Norah Jones的《Sunrise》 歌词

歌曲名:Sunrise歌手:Norah Jones专辑:LentekriebelsNorah Jones - SunriseSunrise sunriseLooks like morning in your eyesBut the clocks had nine fifteen for hoursSunrise sunriseCouldn"t tempt us if it triedCause the afternoon"s already come and goneAnd I saidhooohooo hooohooo hooohoooDo youSurprise surpriseCouldn"t find it in your eyesBut I"m sure it"s written all over my faceSurprise surpriseNever something I could hideWhen I see we"ve made through another dayThen I sayhooohoo hooohooo hooohoooDo youNow the nightthrow its cover downmmm on me againOoo and if I"m rightIt"s the only way to bring me backHooohooo hooohooo hooohoooDo youHooohooo hooohooo hooohoooDo you

有谁可以帮我翻译下Norah Jones的what am i to you


Day Is Done (Feat. Norah Jones) 歌词

Day Is Done (Mon Enfant)- Nana MouskouriTell me why you are crying, my sonAre you frightened like most everyoneIs it the thunder in the distance you hearWill it help if I stay very near, I am hereAnd if you take my hand, my son,All will be well when the day is doneAnd if you take my hand, my sonAll will be well when the day is doneDay is done, when the day is doneDay is done, when the day is doneDay is done, when the day is doneDay is doneDo you ask why I"m sighing, my sonYou must inherit what mankind has doneIn this world full of sorrow and woeIf you ask me why this is so, I really don"t knowAnd if you take my hand, my son,All will be well when the day is doneAnd if you take my hand, my sonAll will be well when the day is doneDay is done, when the day is doneDay is done, when the day is doneDay is done, when the day is doneDay is doneTell me why are you smiling, my sonIs there a secret you can tell everyoneDo you know more than men that are wiseCan you see what we all must disguise,through your loving eyesAnd if you take my hand, my son,All will be well when the day is doneAnd if you take my hand, my sonAll will be well when the day is doneDay is done, when the day is doneDay is done, when the day is doneDay is done, when the day is doneDay is doneAnd if you take my hand, my son,All will be well when the day is doneAnd if you take my hand, my sonAll will be well when the day is doneAnd if you take my hand, my son,All will be well when the day is doneAnd if you take my hand, my sonAll will be well when the day is done

有没有像norah jones一样的风格的歌手告诉我一下~~~?

jack johnsondiana kralldamien ricekeren annlene marlinnat king colefrentelady&birdjason marzlily allenadeleamy winehousemy little airport虽然没你说的那么多咯但是都是自己听过的好听才推荐你要喜欢诺拉琼斯的话他们的歌应该也会喜欢祝你天天好心情咯

推荐几位像Adele这样粗噪的欧美女歌手 (Norah jones, Amy Winehou


我喜欢的歌手貌似都是统一风格的,想the weepies ,norah jones ,jack johnson damien rice,他们是什么曲风

the weepies 独立民谣(indie folk)norah jones爵士jack johnson 民谣damien 独立民谣 也有人说是后摇和你很有同感啊 这四人我都听过 当然最爱的是damien啊 如果你投缘 不妨听听camera obscura,sophie zelmani,keren ann,club 8,isbells,mazzy star,kings of convenience,tamas wells这些人在电驴上都很好搜的 如果你真的喜欢其中的大多数 那真是碰上知音了 答复我一声 我加你好友~

norah jones 的THINKING ABOUT YOU 的歌词中文意思

THINKING ABOUT YOU 是 想到你昨天我看见太阳shinin"、叶片大起大落的细语下来,我的手冷,需要温暖, 触摸温暖,我是金山屯的约你. 我这里lookin"离开的迹象,你认为我的手,但你真的需要我吗? 我猜小的时候,我让你走,我被金山屯"你, 我被金山屯"约你. 当你跨越海洋水域航行、你平安到达彼岸, 请问你对我微笑微笑? 『事业我会被金山屯"你,我会被金山屯"你,我会被金山屯"你, 我会被金山屯"约你.

请英语达人帮帮忙哈……翻译一下Norah Jones的歌曲Lonestar,谢啦……!

孤星-Lonestar 你是哪里人 今晚出去吗? 这种感觉我正在试着去战斗 天黑了,我认为 我付出什么都可以 为你发光地向我冲来 你是多远我只是不知道 距离我愿意去 我捡起一块石头,我抛到空中 希望有一些类型的标志 你是哪里人今晚出去吗? 这种感觉我正在试着去战斗 天黑了,我认为自己会不惜任何代价 为你发光地向我冲来 为你发光地向我冲来

Norah Jones Good Morning 歌词翻译 能把感情翻译出来最好,谢谢。


我要norah jones的love me tender的中文歌词

Love me tender, love me sweet Never let me go You have made my life complete And I love you so Love me tender, love me true All my dreams fulfill For, my darling I love you And I always will. Love me tender, love me dear Tell me you are mine I"ll be yours through all the years "Till the end of time Love me tender, love me true All my dreams fulfill For, my darling I love you And I always will Love me tender, love me true All my dreams fulfill For, my darling I love you And I always will Always will 温柔地爱我,甜甜蜜蜜,不要让我离开你。你丰富了我的生命,我是如此爱你。温柔地爱我,情真意切,我所有的梦想都已实现,亲爱的,我爱你,直至永远。温柔的爱我,天长地久,让我进入你的心扉,你是我心所属,我们将永不分离。

Norah Jones的《Miriam》 歌词

歌曲名:Miriam歌手:Norah Jones专辑:Lucca Summer FestivalMiriamNorah JonesMiriamThat"s such a pretty nameI"m gonna say it whenI"ll make you cryMiriamYou know you done me wrongI"m gonna smile whenYou say goodbyeNow I"m not the jealous typeNever been the killing kindBut you know I know what you didSo don"t put up a fightMiriamWhen you were having funIn my big pretty houseDid you think twice?MiriamWas it a game to you?Was it a game to him?Don"t tell me liesI know he said it"s not your faultBut I don"t believe that"s trueI"ve punished him for being too weakNow I"ve saved the best for youAnd I"m trying not to hurt you‘Cause you might not be that badBut it takes a lot to make me go this madOh MiriamThat"s such a pretty nameAnd I"ll keep saying itUntil you dieMiriamYou know you done me wrongI"m gonna smile whenYou say goodbyeYou know you done me wrongI"m gonna smile whenI take your lifeMmm, mmm, mmm

《miriam 》歌手是norah jones。求歌词的中文翻译。

仪,这是我要说它时,我会让你哭泣仪你知道你做了我错了,我会微笑,当你说再见,现在我没有嫉妒的类型从来没有杀害样,但你这样一个漂亮的名字我知道我知道你这样做不把打架仪当你有漂亮的房子在我大的乐趣,你三思而后行吗? 仪是它给你的游戏吗? 是它给他的比赛吗? 不要告诉我,在于我知道他说这是不是你的错,但我不相信这是真的,我惩罚他太弱,现在我已经保存最适合你的,我试图不伤害你“因为你可能不坏,但它让我去狂哦仪,这是这样一个漂亮的名字,我一直说,直到你死仪你知道你做了我错了,我会微笑,当你说了很多再见,你知道你做了我错了,我会微笑,当我取你性命嗯,嗯,嗯

Norah Jones的Covers专辑~ 谢谢!

全集种子 请查收 可以单选你要的专辑下载 2012年那张就是了 记得采纳 谢谢

诺拉琼斯Norah Jones 有什么好听歌曲?

  <Don"tknowwhy>  iwaited"tilisawthesun  idon"tknowwhyididn"tcome  ileftyoubythehouseoffun  idon"tknowwhyididn"tcome  idon"tknowwhyididn"tcome  whenisawthebreakofday  iwishedthaticouldflyaway  insteadofkneelinginthesand  catchingteardropsinmyhand  myheartisdrenchedinwine  butyou"llbeonmymind  forever  outacrosstheendlesssea  iwoulddieinecstasy  buti"llbeabagofbones  drivingdowntheroadalong  myheartisdrenchedinwine  butyou"llbeonmymind  forever  somethinghastomakeyourun  idon"tknowwhyididn"tcome  ifeelasemptyasadrum  idon"tknowwhyididn"tcome  idon"tknowwhyididn"tcome  idon"tknowwhyididn"tcome  <ComeAwaywith  Comeawaywithmeinthenight  Comeawaywithme  AndIwillwriteyouasong  Comeawaywithmeonabus  Comeawayswherestheycan"ttemptus  Withtheirlies  Iwanttowalkwithyou  Onacloudyday  Infieldsswherestheyellowgrassgrowsknee-high  Sowon"tyoutrytocome  Comeawaywithmeandwe"llkiss  Onamountaintop  Comeawaywithme  AndI"llneverstoplovingyou  AndIwanttowakeupwiththerain  Fallingonatinroof  WhileI"msafethereinyourarms  SoallIaskisforyou  Tocomeawaywithmeinthenight  Comeawaywithme

求Norah Jones - Not Too Late的歌词 中文翻译谢谢

Tell me how you"ve been,Tell me what you"ve seen,Tell me that you"d like to see me too."cause my heart is full of no blood,My cup is full of no love,Couldn"t take another sip even if I wanted.But it"s not too late,It"s not too late for love.My lungs are out of air,Yours are holding smoke,And it"s been like that for so long.I"ve seen people try to change,And I know it isn"t easy,But nothin" worth the time ever is.And it"s not too late,It"s not too late for love,For love,For love,For love.

norah jones的音乐属于什么类型的jazz啊?

求歌手 Norah Jones 简介


norah jones 和amy witehouse风格相似吗

相似,因为都是唱爵士的。1、诺拉·琼斯(Norah Jones)是美国近年来涌现出的一名在商业和评论界都获得了非常巨大成功的爵士演唱女歌手,轻柔但是又爆发力十足的声线,融合了爵士,民谣,流行,乡村等多种风格的独特音乐特点为她赢得了“爵士精灵”的雅号。2、艾米·怀恩豪斯(Amy Jade Winehouse,1983年9月14日-2011年7月23日),出生于英国伦敦,英国爵士乐女歌手、词曲作者 。

wayward one什么意思?

意思是:任性的重点词汇:wayward英['weu026awu0259d]释义:adj.任性的;倔强的;刚愎的例句:用作形容词(adj.)His wayward youth continued into middle age.他任性的青年时代一直延续到中年。近义词:perverse英[pu0259'vu025c:s]释义:adj.倔强的,不通情理的,一意孤行的;有悖常理的,违反常情的,不合人意的;(裁决)不合法的,不正当的[比较级more perverse;最高级:most perverse]短语:perverse trend邪气;邪灵

Wayward One 歌词

歌曲名:Wayward One歌手:Alter Bridge专辑:BlackbirdWayward One - Alter BridgeAnd they cryAnd they callas the wayward walk alone.City lights urban sprawl,in a place no one can know.Shown no grace.Shown no love.These mean streets are meant for none.Take them back to the start.Let the purest of heartknow their word is still spoken.As they fight to exist,we neglect and resist.Let the circle be broken.Broken homes,broken lives,They repeat themselves in time.It's passed ondown the line,'till we heal the wounds inside.It's not too lateTo make things right.Dress the wounds with love's pure light.Take them back to the start.Let the purest of heartknow their word is still spoken.As they fight to exist,we neglect and resist.Let the circle be broken.They're still waiting.They still cry.They want to know they'll be alright.All I'm sayingCan we tryto bring the wayward onesback home tonight?To bring the wayward onesback home tonight?Take them back to the start.Let the purest of heartknow their word is still spoken.As they fight to exist,we neglect and resist.Let the circle be broken.”END“

section zone belt的用法有什么区别?

section多指功能性的或者比较字面的分块,不能独立成整体,多指整体的一个部分,一个章节,一个零件. zone则是区域可以是人为或者自然划定的,与belt的区别在于,belt多指带状的,比如林区a belt of trees带状树林an encircling route环行路. belt还有个特别的用法就是指某地区某个特点特别突出的地带,eg.poverty belt贫穷地带
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