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  “Nomakase”这个词是源自日本的,意思是“让厨师来决定菜单”。在中文中,这个词的发音需要注意。其中,“no”发音为“诺”,“ma”发音为“马”,“ka”发音为“卡”,“se”发音为“瑟”。  对于不熟悉日语发音的人来说,“Nomakase”的发音可能会有些困难。但是,只要您练习几次,就能掌握正确的发音。如果您需要更多帮助或指导,请在网上搜索相关的发音指南或使用语音翻译工具来帮助您。  此外,了解“Nomakase”这个词的含义也很重要。在餐厅中,如果您选择了“Nomakase”菜单,这意味着您将由厨师来决定您的菜单。这种用餐方式比较受欢迎,因为它可以让您品尝到厨师最新和最好的菜肴,而不必亲自选择菜单。  总之,“Nomakase”是一个有趣和有用的词语,它不仅能够帮助您掌握日语发音,还能够让您了解到新的用餐方式。希望这篇文章能够对您有所帮助,谢谢阅读!




两个本质是一样的,只是发音有店不一样。都是是指日料中,无菜单,由主厨根据当令食材,决定当日的菜品及价格的就餐形式。 日料中,无菜单,由主厨根据当令食材,决定当日的菜品及价格,这种就餐形式,被称之为Omakase料理。




交给你了 拜托你了 就靠你了




第一次吃omakase有什么注意:有以下方面(1.常见的禁忌包括不能在身上喷过多的香水,它会干扰江户式寿司的精致口味、吸烟、在厨师上班时和他或她聊天,或者让寿司在你的盘子上坐得太久。2.欣赏寿司,你应该从基础开始。寿司只是一个总括性的类别,包括几个变体。全世界最熟悉的寿司可能就是用米饭和海藻卷起来。3.而把鱼片放在米饭的这种寿司吃起来更加新鲜,虽然寿司已经走遍了世界各地,但它并不总是那么容易获得。随着时间的推移,便利店和连锁餐厅可以买到更实惠的寿司。这些餐厅经常通过使用来自海外的廉价进口海鲜来压低寿司的价格4.而在寿司大学中,专注于江户式寿司,因为它是首都本土的寿司,而且对日本人来说似乎很复杂。 江户式寿司被认为起源于19世纪,通常以女式寿司为中心,有大约80种海鲜配料。5.好的寿司取决于几个因素-新鲜度不一定就是唯一。除了时间之外,还有什么会影响寿司的质量?鱼的种类和厚度,厨师的技术,季节和伴随的配料。季节性是寿司的另一个重要组成部分。在日本,厨师会密切关注季节,甚至会跟踪72个亚季节,以增加精确性。)

omakase怎么读 omakase怎么拼读

1、omakase来自日语,读作おまかせ。Omakase(おまかせ)在日语中是“拜托”的意思。 2、日料中,无菜单,由主厨根据当令食材,决定当日的菜品及价格,这种就餐形式,被称之为Omakase料理。一顿Omakase料理,通常包含前菜、刺身、烤物、炸物、寿司、汤类、主食和甜品,全由主厨一手操办。 3、OMAKASE属于日料中的高级段位,厨师会根据当天最优质的食材现场制作、即兴发挥,因此价格一般比较高,而且对店铺名声和厨师功力要求也很高。



omakase 发音是怎么样的?



omakase和怀石有什么区别:菜式不同、选材不同、价格不同。1、菜式不同。omakase是无菜单的高级日料,食材和菜式都由日本厨师来决定,以厨师的创意为主。怀石料理也属于高级日料,但菜式都是固定的,并且多以清淡素食为主。2、选材不同。omakase大多是根据当季食物来决定菜式,怀石料理对选材没有硬性规定。3、价格不同。omakase价格是不固定的,怀石料理是日本高端菜品,皆为实价。怀石料理(Kaiseki),绝对是日本最高级的Fine Dining!它是由中华料理衍生出来的一个独特的支派,大受禅宗文化所影响,用餐比一般江户料理更讲求节奏、礼俗和故事性。很多人会将怀石料理(Kaiseki)等同厨师发办(Omakase),但实际上在许多方面都存在差异。怀石料理是源自禅宗文化,烹调的程序越少越好,调味清淡,摆设精致,强调四季变换的菜式。但原来矜贵背後的传说,却是相当简朴。怀石料理相传是在日本很久以前的一座寺庙,由於冬天粮食短缺,和尚们为了抵御饥寒交迫,於是把石头烤暖并抱在怀中取暖而得名。怀石料理当初是寺庙裏果腹的简朴轻食点心,并不是这样奢华,但之後慢慢演变成宫廷贵族的美食。








1.omakase是无菜单高级料理,由厨师为你决定食材和菜式。 2.怀石料理是日本常见的高档菜色。 3.omakase菜式来自厨师的创意,怀石料理则清淡素食。 4.Omakase食材高级,怀石料理食材摆放精致。 5.另外omakase的日本厨师都是获得过厨艺认证的。








omakase是无菜单高级料理,由厨师为你决定食材和菜式。怀石料理是日本常见的高档菜色。omakase菜式来自厨师的创意,怀石料理则清淡素食。Omakase食材高级,怀石料理食材摆放精致。另外omakase的日本厨师都是获得过厨艺认证的。 omakase和怀石料理区别 omakase主厨会根据客人喜好要求,量身定做料理。 怀石料理在日本茶道中表示为主人请客人品尝的饭菜,如今发展为常见的高档菜色。 怀石料理对餐具和食物的摆放要求很高,食物的份量较少。




Omakase(おまかせ)在日语中是“拜托”的意思。日料中,无菜单,由主厨根据当令食材,决定当日的菜品及价格,这种就餐形式,被称之为Omakase料理。 一顿Omakase料理,通常包含前菜、刺身、烤物、炸物、寿司、汤类、主食和甜品,全由主厨一手操办。对于有选择综合症的人来说,这样的就餐形式更显贴心。 更多关于日料omakase什么意思,进入:查看更多内容


意思是:主厨发办(日本料理的一种料理方式)Omakase(厨师发办)是日本料理中最令宾客惊喜最互动最free-will最无束缚的进餐享受,宾客只需要决定一件事便是当晚用餐之价格预算。短语:omakase menu 拜托料理Seasonal Omakase 季节会席料理Omakase(おまかせ)在日语中是“拜托”的意思。日料中,无菜单,由主厨根据当令食材,决定当日的菜品及价格,这种就餐形式,被称之为Omakase料理。一顿Omakase料理,通常包含前菜、刺身、烤物、炸物、寿司、汤类、主食和甜品,全由主厨一手操办。对于有选择综合症的人来说,这样的就餐形式更显贴心。


omakase来自日语,读作おまかせ,指怀石料理。怀石料理是原为在日本茶道中,主人请客人品尝的饭菜。但现已不限于茶道,成为日本常见的高档菜色。“怀石”指的是以圣人被褐怀玉的意思。其形式为“一汁三菜”(也有一汁二菜)。怀石料理极端讲求精致,无论餐具还是食物的摆放都要求很高(但食物的份量却很少)而被一些人视为艺术品,高档怀石料理也耗费不菲。主要盛装食物的器具有陶器、瓷器、漆器等。知名的怀石料理店有京都三条的辻留、大阪高丽桥的吉兆、滋贺县东近江市的招福楼。相关信息:怀石料理却从提供听禅茶点开始,发挥日本料理取材为先的特长,更是把贴近自然却同时享受人间美食的本领发挥到了淋漓尽致。生食的食物自然要鲜,取材时间和保存,取材部位和方法都会非常的下功 夫;而生食本身也成为对新鲜考量的严格标准。祖先说美食,也是越人的“鲜”字代表最高境界;很有道理。熟食自然也占了很大的比重。烹饪的工具中,各种石材的选用最有意思,也有部分的铁板,但是铁板类的一般会垫以植物的叶子,避免和铁板的直接接触。




日语发音:おまかせ,Omakase(おまかせ)在日语中是“拜托”的意思。Omakase是由主厨根据当令食材,决定当日的菜品及价格,这种就餐形式,它属于日料中的高级段位,没有菜单,厨师会根据当天最优质的食材,根据自己对日料的理解现场制作、即兴发挥,因此价格一般比较高,而且对店铺名声和厨师功力要求也很高。在料理界,有一部分技艺高超的主厨会受到食客最高的信任,即在不需要菜单的情况下,完全由主厨决定食材、菜品、(上菜)节奏以及呈现形式等;这样的料理形式也贴切地被称为 “Omakase” 或者 “主厨定制料理”。Omakase没有菜单,由厨师安排上菜,分为500和1000两档,食客可以选择享用哪种,上菜的步骤环节是相同的,就是内容有些不同。一顿Omakase料理,通常包含前菜、刺身、烤物、炸物、寿司、汤类、主食和甜品,全由主厨一手操办。




omakase来自日语,读作おまかせ。 Omakase(おまかせ)在日语中是“拜托”的意思。日料中,无菜单,由主厨根据当令食材,决定当日的菜品及价格,这种就餐形式,被称之为Omakase料理。



The motorist had to ___to avoid knocking the old woman down in the middle of the road.ue003

A从下文的“免得撞着老人。。。” 这个目的来看,应该是“转向”【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

wunder woman什么电影




no woman no cry 中文歌词

分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: bob marley 的NO WOMAN NO CRY的中文歌词 No woman no cry, no woman no cry No woman no cry, no woman no cry Seh, seh, said I remember when we used to sitIn a government yard in Trenchtown Obba, obba, observing the hypocrites As the would mingle with the good people we meet Good friends we have, oh, good friends we"ve lost Along the way In this great future, You can"t fet your past So dry your tears, I seh No woman no cry, no woman no cry Little darling, don"t shed no tears, no woman no cry Seh, seh, said I remember when we use to sit In the government yard in Trenchtown And then Geie would make the fire lights As it was, log would burnin" through the nights Then we would cook cornmeal porridge Of which I"ll share with you My feet is my only carriage So I"ve got to push on thru Oh, while I"m gone Everything "s gonna be alright, everything "s gonna be alright Everything "s gonna be alright, everything "s gonna be alright Everything "s gonna be alright, everything "s gonna be alright Everything "s gonna be alright, everything "s gonna be alright No woman no cry, no, no woman no cry Oh, my little sister Don"t shed no tears No woman no cry I remember when we use to sit In the government yard in Trenchtown And then Geie would make the fire lights As it was, log would burnin" through the nights Then we would cook cornmeal porridge Of which I"ll share with you My feet is my only carriage So I"ve got to push on thru Oh, while I"m gone No woman no cry, no, no woman no cry Oh, my little darlin" Don"t shed no tears No woman no cry Little darlin", don"t shed no tears No woman no cry Little sister, don"t shed no tears No woman no cry 解析: 没有女人不哭声, 没有女人不哭声 没有女人不哭声, 没有女人不哭声 Seh, seh, 说当我们过去一直坐着的时候 , 我记得 在 Trenchtown 中的一 *** 码中 Obba , obba, 观察伪君子 当做那会和我们遇见的好人们混合 我们有的好朋友,表示惊讶, 好朋友我们有遗失 沿着方法 在很棒的未来中, 你不能忘记你的过去 如此弄 *** 的泪滴, 我 seh 没有女人不哭声, 没有女人不哭声 小亲爱的,不 没有使泪滴流出, 没有女人不哭声 Seh, seh, 说当我们使用坐着的时候 , 我记得 在 Trenchtown 中的 *** 码中 然后 Gee 的昵称会制造火光 如同它是, 圆木会 burnin" 整个夜晚 然后我们会烹调玉蜀黍粉粥 我将和你分享 我的脚是我的唯一马车 因此我必须急忙前进经过 哦, 而我走了 每件事物 " s 去好, 每件事物 " s 去好 每件事物 " s 去好, 每件事物 " s 去好 每件事物 " s 去好, 每件事物 " s 去好 每件事物 " s 去好, 每件事物 " s 去好 没有女人不哭声, 没有, 没有女人不哭声 哦, 我的小姊妹 不没有使泪滴流出 没有女人不哭声 当我们使用坐着的时候 , 我记得 在 Trenchtown 中的 *** 码中 然后 Gee 的昵称会制造火光 如同它是, 圆木会 burnin" 整个夜晚 然后我们会烹调玉蜀黍粉粥 我将和你分享 我的脚是我的唯一马车 因此我必须急忙前进经过 哦, 而我走了 没有女人不哭声, 没有, 没有女人不哭声 哦,我的小 darlin" 不没有使泪滴流出 没有女人不哭声 小 darlin", 不没有使泪滴流出 没有女人不哭声 小姊妹, 不 没有使泪滴流出 没有女人不哭声

Without A Woman 歌词

歌曲名:Without A Woman歌手:Trey Songz专辑:chapter vTrey Songz – Without A WomanSplendidyangQ:199651031Picture this coming home from a long day"s work,no food is leftPicture this steady trying to show the world of your worth, and nobody caresPicture this no kissing ,ain"t no touching ,there"s no huggingAnd in the evening no good lovingAin"t no pretty picture you can paintAin"t no way this life would be the sameI"m telling you a boy can"t be a man without a womanAnd you can try as hard as you can ,but we ain"t nothing without a womanLiving in a world so cold, so coldThe fire burns through my soul, without a womanWhat if you had no hands to rub upon your shouldersAnd in the morning she"s not there to fix your rogersYou"re sick as a dog right nowKids running all around that houseNo one to help you outPicture this you pen these bills all "bout yourselfNo one to tell you watch you healthBut keep it girl, you might as wellPicture this "cause your world don"t spin without herAnd hers won"t spin without youAin"t no pretty picture you can paintAin"t no way this life would be the sameI"m telling you a boy can"t be a man without a womanAnd you can try as hard as you can ,but we ain"t nothing without a womanLiving in a world so cold, so coldThe fire burns through my soul, without a womanSay hello to pain,goodbye to loveHello to rain the sun will never shine againThere"ll be no wednesday all nightsNo make-ups after fightsGirl I"ll make it rightI"m lonely with my pillowYour car"s not in the drive wayClothes ain"t in the closetGirl I"m broken heartedCome and find me "cause I"m lost without my womanAnd I know that a man can"t be a man without a womanYou can try hard as you canBut you won"t be nothing without a womanLiving in a world so cold, so coldThe fire burns through my soul, without a womanSee that life ain"t lifeAnd living ain"t livingWithout my womanHurting insideWithout my woman no,no,no

谁侑my chemical romance的i don’t love u的歌词

[00:15.96]Where"d you go?[00:31.30]So never think I"d make you try to stay,[00:37.24]And maybe when we get there,[00:40.85]I"ll think enough,[00:43.79]To find another way,[00:48.43][00:48.70]When after all this time,[00:52.43]Is you still around,[00:54.58]You"re still the god falling nothing I have found,[01:00.52]So take your glass again,[01:03.52]And get out,[01:06.29]While you can,[01:09.73][01:11.16]Where"d you go?[01:17.92]And would you even turn to say,[01:23.86]I don"t love you,[01:26.45]Like I did yesterday,[01:33.86][01:34.29]Sometimes I cry so hard for pleading,[01:39.98]So sick and tired all the mean less meaning,[01:45.75]But baby when they knock you down and out,[01:50.83]It"s where you"ll wanna stay,[01:55.13][01:56.12]And after all the blood that you still have,[02:01.92]Another time I was chancing it all around,[02:07.98]So fix your eyes and get up,[02:10.92]Baby, get up,[02:13.78]While you can,[02:17.07][02:17.30]Where"d you go?[02:25.18]And would you even turn to say,[02:30.55]I don"t love you,[02:34.45]Like I did yesterday,[02:40.92][02:41.41]Where"d you go?[03:10.22]Would you have the guts to say,[03:16.49]I don"t love you,[03:19.21]Like I loved you,[03:22.06]Yesterday,[03:26.96]I couldn"t love you,[03:30.11]Like I loved you,[03:33.55]Yesterday,[03:36.58]I don"t love you,[03:42.18]Like I loved you yesterday[03:48.80]

authentication domain是什么意思

authentication domain验证域;认证域;认证领域例句1.Unlike server-level authentication, domain authentication involves a more secure domain-level password exchange.与服务器级别验证不同,域验证涉及更安全的域级别密码交换。2.That"s right, user corresponds to the standard domain authentication system.就是这样,user对应于标准域身份验证系统。3.SSL enables us to use PUTAUT(CTX) when those trusted systems are in a compatible authentication domain.当这些受信的系统位于兼容的身份验证域中时,SSL允许我们使用PUTAUT(CTX)。4.An authentication domain provides a context within which an ID can be verified.身份验证域提供了一个上下文,可以在其中对ID进行验证。5.At times, printers in the domain can require domain authentication before you"re able to use them, as they might be a shared resource.有时候,域中的打印机可能是共享的资源,需要先进行域身份验证,然后才能使用它们。




设置里面。1、首先打开手机设置,点击(相机)。 2、其次点击(格式)选项。 3、然后点击(ProRAW分辨率)。 4、最后勾选(48MP)即可。






《卵(ta ma go)》演唱:ChyN&Christina&Yvonne&Shirly作词:KY.Margaret作曲:Yvonne&Rikku&ChyN&KY.Margaret编曲:MOK制音室后期混缩:邓平怎样的慰藉也无法替人逃离不安封锁的废墟どれ程慰めても逃れない不安な廃墟Dorehodo nagusametemo nogare nai fuan na haikyo拥抱吧,连同这痛苦的潮水この疼く汐とともに 抱き缔めよKono uzuku shiyo to tomo ni dakishime yo即使被困顿,也别在沉默中消亡立塞がっていようと 沈黙の消えるは止めようTachifusagatte yiyouto chinmoku no kieru ha yame you倘若疲惫了,便驻足喘息吧もし疲れてしまったら 立ち止まって叹こうMoshi tsukarete shi ma tta ra tachidomatte nagekou倘若忧郁着,便纵声地恸哭吧もし愁えてしまったら 声を上げて泣こうMoshi uruete shi ma tta ra koe wo agete nakou若是恐惧了,便环住双臂颤抖吧もし怖れていたのなら 両手で包んで震えよMoshi osoreteita no na ra ryoute de tsutsunde furue yo若是孤寂着,便拥紧自己呐喊吧もし寂しかったのなら 自分を抱いて叫ぼうMoshi samishi ka tta no na ra jibun wo daite sakebou生命总是充满痛苦,痛觉如同枯萎的枝桠苦痛に満ちた命 朽ちた枝のような痛覚Kutsuu ni michi ta yinochi kuchita eda no you na tsuukaku倘若绝望而彷徨,请歌唱这沉郁的痛觉吧もし绝望に彷徨ってったら この沈む痛みを歌おうMoshi zetsubou ni samayotte tta ra kono shizumu yitami wo wutaou即使痛苦是深入生命的泥沙,也终会绽作珍珠吧たとえ苦しみが 命に积る脓になっていようと いずれ真珠になろうTatoe kurushimi ga yinochi ni tsumoru umi ni na tte iyou to yizure shinjyu ni narou倘若疲惫了,便驻足喘息吧もし疲れてしまったら 立ち止まって叹こうMoshi tsukarete shi ma tta ra tachidomatte nagekou倘若忧郁着,便纵声地恸哭吧もし愁えてしまったら 声を上げて泣こうMoshi uruete shi ma tta ra koe wo agete nakou若是恐惧了,便环住双臂颤抖吧もし怖れていたのなら 両手で包んで震えよMoshi osoreteita no na ra ryoute de tsutsunde furue yo若是孤寂着,便拥紧自己呐喊吧もし寂しかったのなら 自分を抱いて叫ぼうMoshi samishi ka tta no na ra jibun wo daite sakebou-the end-

One Woman Man 歌词

歌曲名:One Woman Man歌手:UB40专辑:Who You Fighting ForRandy Rogers Band - One WomanI don"t need empty love words coming from somebodyThat"ll never love me like you doI don"t need to feel a warm touch from somebody else causeNo other touch could be this trueThey can"t reach me cause I"m tied toOne woman, you, for meI know that you"re all I"ll ever needForever beside you, spending my life loving one womanWell everything about you inside and out is perfectOver the edge I always fallEvery time I see you the way I feel reminds meThe world I knew seems so smallCause now with you I have it allOne woman, you, for meI know that you"re all I"ll ever needForever beside you, spending my life loving one womanWell back when I was selfishI thought I needed moreBut that road led me nowhereAnd I closed that doorAnd now I love forOne woman, you, for meI know that you"re all I"ll ever needForever beside you, spending my life lovingOne woman, you for meI know that you"re all I needForever beside you, spending my life lovingOne woman, loving one woman

Thomas Newcomen是谁

Thomas Savery (1650-1715)Thomas Savery was an English military engineer and inventor who in 1698, patented the first crude steam engine, based on Denis Papin"s Digester or pressure cooker of 1679.Thomas Savery had been working on solving the problem of pumping water out of coal mines, his machine consisted of a closed vessel filled with water into which steam under pressure was introduced. This forced the water upwards and out of the mine shaft. Then a cold water sprinkler was used to condense the steam. This created a vacuum which sucked more water out of the mine shaft through a bottom valve.Thomas Newcomen (1663-1729)Illustration of Thomas Newcomen"s Engine circa 1712Thomas Newcomen was an English blacksmith, who invented the atmospheric steam engine, an improvement over Thomas Slavery"s previous design.The Newcomen steam engine used the force of atmospheric pressure to do the work. Thomas Newcomen"s engine pumped steam into a cylinder. The steam was then condensed by cold water which created a vacuum on the inside of the cylinder. The resulting atmospheric pressure operated a piston, creating downward strokes. In Newcomen"s engine the intensity of pressure was not limited by the pressure of the steam, unlike what Thomas Savery had patented in 1698.In 1712, Thomas Newcomen together with John Calley built their first engine on top of a water filled mine shaft and used it to pump water out of the mine. The Newcomen engine was the predecessor to the Watt engine and it was one of the most interesting pieces of technology developed during the 1700"s.Thomas Savery later worked with Thomas Newcomen on the atmospheric steam engine. Among Savery"s other inventions was an odometer for ships, a device that measured distance traveled.James Watt was a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer, born in Greenock, who was renowned for his improvements of the steam engine. In 1765, James Watt while working for the University of Glasgow was assigned the task of repairing a Newcomen engine, which was deemed inefficient but the best steam engine of its time. That started the inventor to work on several improvements to Newcomen"s design.Most notable was Watt"s 1769 patent for a separate condenser connected to a cylinder by a valve. Unlike Newcomen"s engine, Watt"s design had a condenser that could be cool while the cylinder was hot. Watt"s engine soon became the dominant design for all modern steam engines and helped bring about the Industrial Revolution.A unit of power called the Watt was named after James Watt. the Watt symbol is W, and it is equal to 1/746 of a horsepower, or one Volt times one Amp.全部都在这里了。最后是瓦特的那部分改进。如果需要前面的也有,那就非常长了。蒸汽机从发明到瓦特那里正是开始使用,中间差不多200年。不过我们现在讨论的蒸汽机基本可以认为是瓦特发明的,虽然他只是改进,但是确实划时代的改进。

Natural Woman 歌词

歌曲名:Natural Woman歌手:Clodagh Rodgers专辑:You Are My Music... Best Of(You Make Me Feel Like A)Natural WomanCeline DionFalling into youIzumiI will always love LiangliangLookin" out on the mornin" rainI used to feel uninspiredAnd when I knew I had to face another dayOh it made me feel so tiredBefore the day I met youLife was so unkindBut your love was the key to my peace of mindCause you make me feelYou make me feelYou make me feelLike a natural womanWhen my soul was in the lost and foundYou came along to claim itAnd didn"t know just what was wrong with meOh till your kiss helped me name itNow I"m no longer doubtfulOf what I"m livin" forCause if I make you happyI don"t need to do moreCause you make me feelYou make me feelYou make me feelLike a natural womanOh baby what you"ve done to meYou make me feel so good insideGood insideAnd I, I just wanna be close to youBecause you make me feel so aliveOh what you"ve done to meClose to you because you make me feel so aliveYou make me feelYou make me feelYou make me feelLike a natural womanWomanYou make me feelYou make me feelYou make me feelLike a natural womanYou make me feelOh baby what you do to meCan make me feel so good insideI just wanna be, I just wanna beOh what you"ve doneNatural woman

Natural Woman 歌词

歌曲名:Natural Woman歌手:Doky Brothers专辑:Doky Brothers(You Make Me Feel Like A)Natural WomanCeline DionFalling into youIzumiI will always love LiangliangLookin" out on the mornin" rainI used to feel uninspiredAnd when I knew I had to face another dayOh it made me feel so tiredBefore the day I met youLife was so unkindBut your love was the key to my peace of mindCause you make me feelYou make me feelYou make me feelLike a natural womanWhen my soul was in the lost and foundYou came along to claim itAnd didn"t know just what was wrong with meOh till your kiss helped me name itNow I"m no longer doubtfulOf what I"m livin" forCause if I make you happyI don"t need to do moreCause you make me feelYou make me feelYou make me feelLike a natural womanOh baby what you"ve done to meYou make me feel so good insideGood insideAnd I, I just wanna be close to youBecause you make me feel so aliveOh what you"ve done to meClose to you because you make me feel so aliveYou make me feelYou make me feelYou make me feelLike a natural womanWomanYou make me feelYou make me feelYou make me feelLike a natural womanYou make me feelOh baby what you do to meCan make me feel so good insideI just wanna be, I just wanna beOh what you"ve doneNatural woman

Natural Woman 歌词

歌曲名:Natural Woman歌手:Mary J. Blige专辑:My Life(You Make Me Feel Like A)Natural WomanCeline DionFalling into youIzumiI will always love LiangliangLookin" out on the mornin" rainI used to feel uninspiredAnd when I knew I had to face another dayOh it made me feel so tiredBefore the day I met youLife was so unkindBut your love was the key to my peace of mindCause you make me feelYou make me feelYou make me feelLike a natural womanWhen my soul was in the lost and foundYou came along to claim itAnd didn"t know just what was wrong with meOh till your kiss helped me name itNow I"m no longer doubtfulOf what I"m livin" forCause if I make you happyI don"t need to do moreCause you make me feelYou make me feelYou make me feelLike a natural womanOh baby what you"ve done to meYou make me feel so good insideGood insideAnd I, I just wanna be close to youBecause you make me feel so aliveOh what you"ve done to meClose to you because you make me feel so aliveYou make me feelYou make me feelYou make me feelLike a natural womanWomanYou make me feelYou make me feelYou make me feelLike a natural womanYou make me feelOh baby what you do to meCan make me feel so good insideI just wanna be, I just wanna beOh what you"ve doneNatural woman

Omar chajam 是什么意思

Omar chajam是个人名。参考英语试题:Omar Chajam is a wise old man who lives in a small town. One day when he was walking down the street, he met a man who was always jealous (嫉妒的) of him. The man came up and began saying something bad to Chajam,“You are a drinker! You are a thief! You are an idiot!”Chajam didn"t care. He just smiled and walked on.Another man dressed very well saw this. He didn"t understand and asked Chajam,“How can you bear such offences (冒犯)? Don"t you feel hurt?”Chajam smiled again and said,“Come with me. I"ll show you something.”The man followed Chajam to a dusty (落满灰尘的) room. Chajam lighted the candles and began searching through a pile of old clothes. Then he found a completely worthless robe (长袍). He threw it to the man and said,“Try it, it will suit you.”The man took the robe and looked at it. It was so old that it even had some holes in it.“What are these dirty rags (破布) for?”asked the man angrily.“I am well dressed. You must be crazy!”He threw the robe back.“You see,”Chajam said,“you didn"t want to try on the rags. Similarly, I did not want to try those dirty words that man threw at me. To get angry by offences means to try on rags someone throw us. Now you see?”【小题1】How did Chajam behave when someone said dirty words to him?A.He showed his anger to the man. B.He said something bad of the man. C.He felt hurt but pretended to be calm. D.He kept smiling and didn"t care about it. 【小题2】 A well-dressed man was _____ when he saw what had happened to Chajam.A.excited B.surprised C.sacred D.moved 【小题3】What did Chajam ask the well-dressed man to do in the dusty room?A.To light on some candles. B.To find some old clothes. C.To try on a poor robe. D.To clean some dirty rags. 【小题4】What is the main message of the story?A.Never speak ill of other people. B.Never judge a person by his or her appearance. C.It is important to keep a cool head in the face of difficulties. D.Smiling is the best way to push back others" bad behavior.







arsenium rumadai Bad romance 什么意思

歌词翻译不能很直接的给你,只能告诉你说,很多人的翻译都是不对的,因为他们的原歌词就不对,很多人都是根据自己听到的来猜原歌词的,这个应该是最正确的,不相信的话可以按照歌曲对照歌词看一看谁的更准确。我敢保证。如果我发现这个歌词有错误一定第一之间通知楼主。喔对了中间有一段法语,就更不会翻译了。法语大概的意思就似乎,我要你的坏,我要你的爱,跟高潮部分差不多的意思。Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah!Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah!rah rah-oo-la-la!Want your bad romanceRah-rah-ah-ah-ah!Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah!GaGa-oo-la-la!Want your bad romanceI want your uglyI want your diseaseI want your everythingAs long as it"s freeI want your loveLove-love-loveI want your loveI want you drama The touch of your hand I want your leather studded kiss in the sandAnd I want your loveLove-love-loveI want your loveLove-love-loveI want your loveYou know that I want youAnd you know that I need youI want you badYour bad romanceI want your loveAnd I want your revengeYou and me could write a bad romanceI want your loveAll your love is revengeYou and me could write a bad romanceOh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romanceOh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romanceRah-rah-ah-ah-ah!Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah!GaGa-oo-la-la!Want your bad romanceRah-rah-ah-ah-ah!Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah!GaGa-oo-la-la!Want your bad romanceI want your horror I want your design ‘Cuz you"re a criminal As long as you"re mine I want your loveLove-love-loveI want your loveI want your psychoYour vertical stickWant you in my rear windowYour baby is sickI want your loveLove-love-loveI want your loveLove-love-loveI want your loveYou know that I want you("Cuz I"m a free bitch baby)And you know that I need youI want your badYour bad romanceI want your loveAnd I want your revengeYou and me could write a bad romanceI want your loveAll your love is revengeYou and me could write a bad romanceOh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romanceOh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romanceRah-rah-ah-ah-ah!Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah!GaGa-oo-la-la!Want your bad romanceRah-rah-ah-ah-ah!Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah!GaGa-oo-la-la!Want your bad romanceWalk walk fashion baby work it Move that bitch c-razy Walk walk fashion baby work it Move that bitch c-razy Walk walk passion baby work it I"m a free bitch baby I want your loveAnd I want your revengeI want your loveI don"t wanna be friends法语部分开始了。Je veux ton amour Et je veux ta revenge Je veux ton amour 法语部分结束。I don"t wanna be friendsI don"t wanna be friends(Caught in a bad romance)I don"t wanna be friendsWant your bad romance(Caught in a bad romance)want your bad romanceI want your loveAnd I want your revengeYou and me could write a bad romanceI want your loveAll your love is revengeYou and me could write a bad romanceOh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Want your bad romance (Caught in a bad romance)Want your bad romanceOh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Want yout bad romance(Caught in a bad romance)Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah!Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah!GaGa-oo-la-la!Want your bad romance 另外这个歌曲的my一开始还有一段儿‘Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romanceOh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romance"正常版歌曲里面好是没有的。关于这个mv的意义如下:理解第一种:首先这个是带有宗教色彩的 有点吸血鬼复活的感觉 (吸血鬼是从流泪造型的头饰 蝙蝠有感) 开始在都在棺材里 等待复活 复活后各种痛苦 抽搐等表情 后面就像GAGA自己描述那样 接受了洗礼 然后卖给黑手党 GAGA说 然而事情没那么简单 加上BD这个名字 我是认为最后爱上了黑手党 然后吸血鬼和人是被禁止产生爱情的 最后黑手党被火烧相当于爱情产生火花毁灭了自己 流泪造型再次出现 最后GAGA一个人躺在爱人的尸体旁边理解第二种:GaGa在裏面刚开始的身份不明,我觉得…(开始猜了,别骂我哦) 素颜很美的是可能真我的样子,可能被绑架了拿去改造(像Doll house) 所以有一开始从「棺材」出来目蒙面的样子.像「孵化」的人似的. 然后去「沐浴净身」时圆圆眼睛像小孩一样纯真.最后不情愿地被强灌迷汤了. 然后盛装送去供男人们观赏,只挣扎一会就因「药」失去自我了.尽显媚态,(回想浴室裸背画面可能曾质疑自我),最后坐上中间那男人大腿,众男按键下标,竞投GaGa. 水晶薕子那一幕更有被观赏意味(中世纪,欧美曾出现大量地下奴隶竞投) 然后观赏完毕,GaGa又被囚禁起来.在浴室和独处时还是在思考? 最后,打扮好去接受「得标者」的「宠幸」. 脱下熊袍子时,那男人一下子愣了(注意,不是惊艳,而是恐惧)先有一个镜头闪回她独处时,她做了一个枪弊的手势,回到脱袍子画面,我觉得那男的见到GaGa胸前火枪了… 后来和一群红衣Dancer(由白衣转红衣),且GaGa露脸,GaGa成为Boss!和一开始GaGa像女皇般坐在众人中间一样. 结局的炭黑床上的GaGa应该代表这全首MⅤ都是变Boss前的回忆

求歌曲名称bad romance 歌手lady gaga


The policeman gave the thief a blow in ___________ stomach 选择一项: a. that b. / c. the d. his


This is a tomato and a potao.(把该句变为否定句): There _

there aren"t tomatoes and potaoes

this a tomatoes改为否定句

There are not tomatoes and potato.

naobuta dayihaizao! taomatao dakai aiyixtairu !ganbalai ! 这个日语发音的翻译是什么 谢谢

菜绪 盖、大廃材お!田尾又郎、高い 爱している。顽张って!女名, 废物!男名,我很爱你!加油!这是我猜的,不晓得是你没听清,还是打错了,总之有问题。

偷偷爱着你 花样少年少女 花君2007 花ざかりの君たちへ 720p 小栗旬 堀北真希 生田斗真 栗子 maki toma

偷偷爱着你就是花样少年少女的日版个人感觉比台湾的好看Toma演中津秀一 Maki演芦屋瑞稀 栗子是佐野泉三角恋哈三角恋这片里帅男很多 其实你仔细看 那些不是主角的男生都长得很帅的

Massive Attack的《Karmacoma》 歌词

歌曲名:Karmacoma歌手:Massive Attack专辑:ProtectionMassive Attack - Karmacoma(vowles, del naja, marshall, thaws, norfolk, locke)You sure you want to be with meI"ve nothing to giveWon"t lie and say this lovin"s bestWell leave us in emotional paceTake a walk, taste the restNo, take a restI see you digging a hole in your neighborhoodYou"re crazy but you"re lazyI need to live and I need toYour troubles must be seen to see throughMoney like it"s paper with faces i rememberI drink on a daily basisThough it subtle cools my temperIt never cools my temperWalking through the suburbs though not exactly loversYou"re a couple, "specially when your body"s doubledDuplicate, then you wait for the next kuwaitKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaYou sure you want to be with me i"ve nothing to giveTake a walk take a rest taste the restYou sure you want to be with me i"ve nothing to giveTake a walk take a rest taste the restTake a walk take a rest a taste of restDon"t want to be on top of your listMonopoly and properly kissedWe overcome in sixty secondsWith the strength we have to togetherBut for now, emotional ties they stay severedWhen there"s trust there"ll be treatsAnd when we funk we"ll hear beatsKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaDeflowering my baby, aiyee my baby meI must be crazy, see i"m swazyDigging a hole in your neighborhoodYou"re crazy but you"re lazy, must be lazyDon"t wanna on top of your listMonopoly and properly kissedDeflowering my baby, aiyee my baby meMy babyDeflowering my baby, aiyee my baby meI must be crazy, you must be lazyKarmacoma, what?, jamaica aromaKarmacoma, what?, jamaica aromaKarmacoma, what?, jamaica aromaKarmacoma, what?, jamaica aroma

automation engineering是什么意思

automation engineering自动化工程

求John Lennon 歌曲 woman 中英文歌词~!

WomanJohn LennonWoman I can hardly expressMy mixed emotions at my thoughtlessnessAfter all I"m forever in your debtAnd woman I will try to expressMy inner feelings and thankfulnessFor showing me the meaning of successOoh, well, wellDoo, doo, doo, doo, dooOoh, well, wellDoo, doo, doo, doo, dooWoman I know you understandThe little child inside of the manPlease remember my life is in your handsAnd woman hold me close to your heartHowever distant don"t keep us apartAfter all it is written in the starsOoh, well, wellDoo, doo, doo, doo, dooOoh, well, wellDoo, doo, doo, doo, dooWoman please let me explainI never meant to cause you sorrow or painSo let me tell you again and again and againI love you, yeah, yeahNow and foreverI love you, yeah, yeahNow and foreverI love you, yeah, yeahNow and forever女子 women 我很难可以表达的女子 因为轻率我的思绪变得混乱 但是你救我的"命" 女子我会尝试表达 我内心的感受和感谢 用于显示我所指的成功 Ooh, well, well Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo Ooh, well, well Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo 女子我知道您了解 在内心深处是小孩的男人 请记住我的生活是在你手中 女子放我可接近你的心 但是遥远不能使我们分开 毕竟那是命中注定的 女子请让我解释 我决不会让你悲伤难过 所以我一遍又一遍的告诉你 I love you, yeah, yeah Now and forever 现在永远 I love you, yeah, yeah 现在永远

A woman fell ___ the boat ___ the water.A. off; into B. at; belowC. down; un


Just Like A Woman的歌词翻译

Just Like A Woman Lyrics:Bob Dylan Music:Bob Dylan Nobody feels any pain Tonight as I stand inside the rain Ev"rybody knows That Baby"s got new clothes But lately I see her ribbons and her bows Have fallen from her curls. She takes just like a woman, yes, she does She makes love just like a woman, yes, she does And she aches just like a woman But she breaks just like a little girl. Queen Mary, she"s my friend Yes, I believe I"ll go see her again Nobody has to guess That Baby can"t be blessed Till she sees finally that she"s like all the rest With her fog, her amphetamine and her pearls. She takes just like a woman, yes, she does She makes love just like a woman, yes, she does And she aches just like a woman But she breaks just like a little girl. It was raining from the first And I was dying there of thirst So I came in here And your long-time curse hurts But what"s worse Is this pain in here I can"t stay in here Ain"t it clear that? I just can"t fit Yes, I believe it"s time for us to quit When we meet again Introduced as friends Please don"t let on that you knew me when I was hungry and it was your world. Ah, you fake just like a woman, yes, you do You make love just like a woman, yes, you do Then you ache just like a woman But you break just like a little girl.

求的Body heat,Bareback street boy,Bare reunion.或其他Thomas DYK的片子。

= =

未哭过长夜的人,不足以语人生。Thomas Carlyle 的英文原话是什么?

Not cry all night long, not language life

Thomas stewart的介绍【全英文】

Thomas Stewart was an illegitimate son of King Robert II of Scotland. In 1380, Avignon Pope Clement VII provided Thomas with the Archdeaconry of the Bishopric of St. Andrews, as well as the canonry (and prebend) of Stobo in the Bishopric of Glasgow. In 1389, the king petitioned and obtained for Thomas from the Pope the right to hold the deanery of the Bishopric of Dunkeld along with his other offices, and in 1393, the Pope provided a canonry in the Bishopric of Brechin. In this period, Archdeacon Thomas obtained a Bachelor of Canon Law at the University of Paris.On 1 July 1401, following the death of Walter Trail, Bishop of St. Andrews, Thomas was elected to fill the see"s vacancy. However, because of the problems experienced by Avignon Pope Benedict XIII, who was being besieged by the King of France, Thomas had problems obtaining Papal confirmation. In this context, Thomas" election fell victim to the political struggles of the time. Thomas was supported by his nephew, David Stewart, Duke of Rothesay, who actively campaigned in the region of St. Andrews during the year 1401. However, this aligned him against his half-brother, Robert Stewart, 1st Duke of Albany. In order to obtain control of Dumbarton Castle, the Duke of Albany offered its keeper, Walter de Danyelston, the semi-vacant see of St. Andrews. After a meeting between Albany and the Bishop elect at Abernethy in the summer of 1402, Thomas renounced his rights as Bishop and allowed a new "election" to take place.ada






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LZ在PRODRG网站上生成了一个甲酸分子的itp和gro文件。LZ之前用genbox生成了一个水盒子,现在想把这个甲酸分子加到水盒子的壁面上,不知应如何加?并且如果我在仿真中想固定这些甲酸分子在壁面上应该如何处理呢?我把第一步水盒子生成后得到的gro中加入甲酸分子的gro 然后报错说无法识别集团DRG 和对应的原子。请问应该怎么设置呢?已经得到的甲酸分子的itp又该怎么用呢?抱歉我金币太少了,我有金币后会再报偿给大家,问题比较菜。。。希望大神帮助一下小弱我。我是初入这行,还望师兄们指点,万分感谢!PRODRG COORDS41DRGOAA 1 0.053 0.289 0.0041DRGCAC 2 0.100 0.173 0.0051DRGOAB 3 0.034 0.067 0.0031DRGHAC 4 0.209 0.164 0.0080.37200 0.37200 0.37200这是甲酸分子的gro文件; Name nrexclDRG 3; nr typeresnr residatomcgnr charge mass1 OM 1DRG OAA 1 -0.23715.9994 2 C 1DRG CAC 1 0.47313.0190 3 OM 1DRG OAB 1 -0.23615.9994 ; aiajfu c0, c1, ...2 1 2 0.12513400000.0 0.12513400000.0 ; CACOAA 2 3 2 0.12513400000.0 0.12513400000.0 ; CACOAB ; aiajfu c0, c1, ...; aiajakfu c0, c1, ...1 2 3 2 126.0 770.0 126.0 770.0 ; OAACACOAB ; aiajakalfu c0, c1, m, ...这是PRODRG上复制下来的itp文件MD of 1 NA+941NA NA 1 0.500 0.500 0.5002SOL OW 2 0.135 0.703 0.7172SOL HW1 3 0.192 0.781 0.6922SOL HW2 4 0.075 0.729 0.7933SOL OW 5 0.685 0.012 0.6653SOL HW1 6 0.754-0.004 0.7353SOL HW2 7 0.612 0.069 0.7034SOL OW 8 0.606 0.964 0.1234SOL HW1 9 0.613 1.048 0.0694SOL HW2 10 0.652 0.977 0.2115SOL OW 11 0.598 0.729 0.2705SOL HW1 12 0.622 0.798 0.2025SOL HW2 13 0.520 0.762 0.3246SOL OW 14 0.991 0.410 0.2426SOL HW1 15 0.914 0.444 0.2966SOL HW2 16 0.957 0.359 0.1637SOL OW 17 0.041 0.701 0.4297SOL HW1 18 0.067 0.697 0.5257SOL HW2 19-0.044 0.650 0.4158SOL OW 20 0.550 0.196 0.8858SOL HW1 21 0.545 0.191 0.9858SOL HW2 22 0.552 0.292 0.8569SOL OW 23 0.922 0.503 0.8999SOL HW1 24 0.897 0.494 0.8039SOL HW2 25 0.970 0.421 0.93010SOL OW 26 0.539 0.064 0.51210SOL HW1 27 0.458 0.065 0.57010SOL HW2 28 0.542 0.147 0.45711SOL OW 29 0.561 0.222 0.14711SOL HW1 30 0.599 0.138 0.18411SOL HW2 31 0.473 0.241 0.19112SOL OW 32 0.705 0.050 0.36812SOL HW1 33 0.691 0.057 0.46712SOL HW2 34 0.789-0.001 0.35013SOL OW 35 0.566 0.537 0.86513SOL HW1 36 0.578 0.603 0.79113SOL HW2 37 0.612 0.571 0.94814SOL OW 38 0.209 0.525 0.27514SOL HW1 39 0.222 0.441 0.32914SOL HW2 40 0.180 0.599 0.33515SOL OW 41 0.732 0.634 0.06415SOL HW1 42 0.791 0.608-0.01215SOL HW2 43 0.704 0.730 0.05316SOL OW 44 0.307 0.063 0.61816SOL HW1 45 0.296 0.157 0.65116SOL HW2 46 0.302 0.000 0.69517SOL OW 47 0.023 0.766 0.96617SOL HW1 48 0.038 0.787 1.06217SOL HW2 49-0.007 0.671 0.95718SOL OW 50 0.319 0.810 0.94918SOL HW1 51 0.412 0.846 0.95418SOL HW2 52 0.313 0.725 1.00119SOL OW 53 0.339 0.509 0.00619SOL HW1 54 0.287 0.426-0.01119SOL HW2 55 0.416 0.514-0.05820SOL OW 56 0.815 0.572 0.32520SOL HW1 57 0.822 0.483 0.27920SOL HW2 58 0.721 0.606 0.31721SOL OW 59 0.473 0.500 0.19121SOL HW1 60 0.534 0.580 0.19521SOL HW2 61 0.378 0.531 0.19822SOL OW 62 0.302 0.855 0.30922SOL HW1 63 0.216 0.824 0.35122SOL HW2 64 0.298 0.841 0.21023SOL OW 65 0.083 0.258 0.02223SOL HW1 66 0.078 0.257 0.12223SOL HW2 67 0.000 0.217-0.01624SOL OW 68 0.903 0.086 0.13324SOL HW1 69 0.954 0.087 0.04724SOL HW2 70 0.959 0.044 0.20425SOL OW 71 0.263 0.326 0.72025SOL HW1 72 0.184 0.377 0.68625SOL HW2 73 0.254 0.311 0.81826SOL OW 74 0.916 0.910 0.29126SOL HW1 75 0.979 0.948 0.22326SOL HW2 76 0.956 0.827 0.33027SOL OW 77 0.072 0.166 0.31827SOL HW1 78 0.055 0.249 0.26427SOL HW2 79 0.162 0.129 0.29628SOL OW 80 0.225 0.325 0.44928SOL HW1 81 0.290 0.251 0.43828SOL HW2 82 0.245 0.375 0.53329SOL OW 83 0.594 0.745 0.65229SOL HW1 84 0.644 0.830 0.63329SOL HW2 85 0.506 0.747 0.60430SOL OW 86 0.859 0.956 0.86130SOL HW1 87 0.913 0.887 0.90930SOL HW2 88 0.827 1.025 0.92731SOL OW 89 0.083 0.984 0.08731SOL HW1 90 0.060 1.037 0.00531SOL HW2 91 0.164 0.928 0.06832SOL OW 92 0.079 0.240 0.65332SOL HW1 93 0.078 0.193 0.74132SOL HW2 94 0.161 0.212 0.6021.00000 1.00000 1.00000这是1nm^3的水盒子 中心有一个Na+离子1.这样直接加到水盒子不是很合适,有可能会发生原子重合或者成键乱掉问题,你还是先在盒子里放甲酸,再充上水。2.甲酸的itp文件直接include到top文件里去3.周期性盒子大小别太小了,1nm不够,要大于两个cut-off的距离,防止和自己的镜像作用。我把甲酸写进生成水盒子前的gro文件里,但是genbox的时候总是说无法读入甲酸那部分的原子。似乎还是没有识别PRODRG上生成的甲酸分子集团。。。我在top文件里include了甲酸的itp 目前的gro是MD of 1 NA+131NA NA 1 0.500 0.500 0.5002DRG OAA 2 0.053 0.289 0.0042DRG CAC 3 0.100 0.173 0.0052DRG OAB 4 0.034 0.067 0.0032DRG HAC 5 0.209 0.164 0.0083DRG OAA 6 0.553 0.789 0.0043DRG CAC 7 0.600 0.673 0.0053DRG OAB 8 0.534 0.567 0.0033DRG HAC 9 0.709 0.664 0.0084DRG OAA 10 0.303 0.539 0.9964DRG CAC 11 0.350 0.423 0.9954DRG OAB 12 0.284 0.317 0.9974DRG HAC 13 0.459 0.414 0.9921.00000 1.00000 1.00000


构建碳纳米管的方式有较多,我这里使用VMD软件中Nanotube Builder插件构建,较为简单方便。主要思路是利用VMD内置碳纳米管生成器生成gro文件格式的碳纳米管,再使用gromacs命令生成碳纳米管的拓扑文件,具体操作方式为 我们可以看到构建碳纳米管的几个重要参数: 点击generate nanotube 之后返回VMD main 窗口,双击生成的新条目,可以看到构建的碳纳米管。 右键生成的新条目,选择save coordinate选项,选择将保存为gro文件。命名为cnt664.gro 具体含义可参见李老师博客。具体做法是: 完成力场修正后,我们使用如下命令将gro文件转换为top文件 gmx_mpi x2top -f cnt664.gro -o -ff select -nopbc -name cnt664 在按照上述引用方法将安装路径中的力场复制到执行目录并修改后,gromacs程序会让你选择使用当前目录下的力场文件亦或是安装路径下的,选择当前目录下的即可。此时,便生成了cnt664.top拓扑文件。可以像 李继存老师 一样使用真空模拟或者加水模拟。 也可以将top文件变为itp文件,以便适用于更复杂的体系如在苯酚,NaCl溶液中放置碳纳米管。 具体操作方式是删除top文件中system 和 molecules 字段,之后更改后缀名为.itp即可。

Timomatic的《Set It Off》 歌词

歌曲名:Set It Off歌手:Timomatic专辑:TimomaticShuvel - Set It Off制作人-百鬼夜行(王鲁狄)Turn it up frontI"m turning headsSpeaking to the corrupt youthprime time for the bloodshedThe impeccable minds embedded with the hazePacking funeral beds going out in a blaze with no gloryTo make the headline storynationwide on the air homocideWithout thinking remorse a meek consequenceWas a bullet for self now the queries beginSet it offFor the youth gone rat - a - tatfeel the aftermathDid you get a good look with each life you tookNo life for saleone more tragic taleSet it offFor the youth gone rat - a - tatfeel the aftermathSo Did you get a good look with each life you tookNo life for saleone more tragic taleAnd what remains ofthis simple worldThey push the time to be scared no moreI"m watching war on the streetsBut what the fuck is the causeWe"re slowly slipping from the place in which we started fromJust a life jeopardizedthrough the use of a gunAnd through the eyes lies thoughts and dreamsReality kicks in soonso make a wish in betweenYou cause yourself to confide in the bullshitTime is up the main eventSet it off *2Can"t understand the ways "cuz in my dayswe knuckled "em upNowadays it"s bang-bang shoot "em upYou get dealt with in no time that"s real shitNow hear the word take a tip from the one not the frame of mindLike ColumbineI be rhyme with no reason at any timeTo those beware here to take a standThe final shell just droppedFrom the gun in my handThe stage is now setWas that lifeFor saleSo did you get a good look at this life (come on)Set it off*1


是可数名词,复数形式是tomatoes。意为“番茄,西红柿”。例句:Yes.One chicken soup and one tomato soup.是的。一个鸡蛋汤和一个番茄汤。 短语: tomato salad西红柿沙拉;蕃茄片;番茄沙拉;番茄色拉 Tomato sandwich蕃茄三味夹;西红柿三文治;番茄三文治 扩展资料   1、There"snothing like fresh basil to put a zing into a tomato sauce.   在番茄沙司中无论加入什么都不如加一点儿新鲜的紫苏更能提味。   2、Norman cut open his pie and squirted tomato sauce into it.   诺尔曼切开自己的派,往里面挤了点番茄酱。   3、Scatter the tomato over, then dress the salad.   把西红柿散放在上面,然后给色拉加调味汁。




tomato的复数形式是tomatoes。因为是以辅音+o结尾的单数名词,所以复数加es。tomato语法:tomato的基本意思是“番茄,西红柿”,用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。tomato可用于其他名词前作定语。短语:tomato juice 番茄汁cherry tomato 樱桃番茄tomato soup 番茄汤tomato plant 番茄,西红柿近义词:tamarillo释义:n.番茄(主要产于新西兰)例句:The nose is tamarillo, cassis, fresh tobacco, fruit tea and cinnamon.这个味道是番茄、黑醋栗、鲜烟草叶、水果、茶和肉桂的味道。



请问一下,potato 和 tomato他们都是开音节,但他们的重读音节在哪儿呢?

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