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英语高手请指教!fragrance 怎么区分aroma 最好都给我造几个句子

fragrance n. The state or quality of having a pleasant odor. 香气有悦人的味道的状态或性质 A sweet or pleasant odor; a scent. 芳香甜甜的或悦人的味道;香味 fragrance aroma bouquet perfume redolence scentThe central meaning shared by these nouns is 揳 pleasant or sweet odor? the fragrance of lilacs; 紫丁香的芳香; the aroma of sizzling bacon; 嘶嘶作响的熏猪肉的香味; the bouquet of a fine Burgundy wine; 优质勃艮第葡萄酒的香味; the perfume of roses; 玫瑰的芳香; the redolence of freshly brewed coffee; 新煮的咖啡的浓郁香味; the scent of newly mown hay. 刚割下的干草之香气. aroma n. A quality that can be perceived by the olfactory sense: 气味一种可被嗅觉感受到的特性: the aroma of garlic and onions. 大蒜和洋葱的气味 See:smell A pleasant characteristic odor,as of a plant,spice,or food: 芳香一种有令人舒适特性的气味,如植物,香料或食物: the aroma of roses. 玫瑰的芳香 See:fragrance A distinctive,intangible quality; an aura: 气氛一种特殊的,触摸不到的特性;氛围: the aroma of success. 胜利的气氛


网上零售价是45元左右一盒 AROMA是越南烟 走私烟,中越边民习惯把它叫做“双马” 3元左右一包的雪茄型香烟,性价比超高,分分钟可以标10元高价出售。


aroman.芳香, 香气, 香味In spring the fields give off an earthy aroma.春天的原野散发着泥土的芳香。fragrancen.芬芳, 香气The intoxicating fragrance of lilies百合花的沁人芳香

aroma 电饭煲是那国家牌子

美国,~~~特别适合做2-8杯量的米饭 (相当于1-4杯的米量)。上层有蒸屉,下层可以做米饭!饭菜一起做,省时省力!操作界面简洁,有专门的白米、玄米选择按钮。长达15小时的延后煮饭定时功能,让您提前预设好煮饭的时间,让您在劳累了一天之后,回到家里万“食”俱备!


QQ幸运字符中有一个叫做Aroma的字符,有不少小伙伴应该都获得了。那么这个Aroma是什么意思呢?下面我就为大家带来了QQ幸运字符Aroma图片及含义介绍,感兴趣的小伙伴们可以来一起看看哦! QQ幸运字符Aroma是什么意思? Aroma中文意思: 芳香、香味。 Aroma字符官方解释: 意味香气,你永远是我甜甜的小仙女。 QQ幸运字符Aroma字符一般都是与女生朋友之间可以获得的,是一种含有特殊寓意的字符,不知道大家都有没有获得呢?

什么是芳香心理学 (Aroma

aroma英 [?"r??m?]美 [?"rom?]n. 芳香n. (Aroma)人名;(瑞典、土)阿罗马peeling 英["pi:l??] 美["pi:l??] n. 剥皮,剥下的皮; v. 剥落; 脱落; ( peel的现在分词 ) 削[剥]去(水果或蔬菜的皮); 覆盖层脱落,剥落; gel英 [d?el]美 [d??l]n. [物化] 凝胶,胶体vi. 胶化n. (Gel)人名;(德、捷)格尔




aroma香味,指一种强烈的,弥漫的香味,如好的点着的烟叶,咖啡或美味食品的香味.The aroma of fresh coffee permeated the air 新鲜咖啡的香味弥漫在空气中scent清(幽)香,此词指一种淡淡的幽香,天然的或人造的,弥散于或可以弥散于空气中There is a pleasing scent given off by a sachet hung in the middle of the room 有一缕宜人的清香从悬挂房间中央的香袋散发出来There is a scent of osmanthus in the air 空气中有一股桂花的幽香perfume香味;芳香,指香味,尤指由花精中所散发的香味.Magnolias have a wonderful perfume 木兰花有一种奇异的芳香A breeze blew,laden with the perfume of fresh fields 微风吹拂,满是春天田野的芳香fragrance芳香,指比scent更为甜美,清新,更为弥漫的香味.Do you remember the lingering fragrance of lilacs after a rain?你可记得那雨后丁香花缭绕的芳香?I like the fragrance of her hair 我喜欢她头发的香气This soap is made in several fragrances 这种肥皂是以几种香味制成的



Aroma是什么意思 或者是什么东西呢

Aroma【气味】 Aroma是指调理完成后,咖啡所散发出来的气息与香味。Bouquet是比较不常用的字,专指研磨咖啡粉的味道。Aroma通常具有特异性,并且是综合性。用来形容气味(Aroma)的词包括:焦糖味、碳烤味、巧克力味、果香味、草味、麦芽味、浓郁、丰富、香辛等。








意思是:芳香英[u0259'ru0259u028amu0259]释义:n.芳香n.(Aroma)人名;(瑞典、土)阿罗马[复数:aromas]短语:fragrant aroma 香气馥郁;芳香宜人扩展资料:近义词:perfume英['pu025c:fju:m]释义:n.香水;香味vt.洒香水于…;使…带香味vi.散发香气[过去式:perfumed;过去分词:perfumed;现在分词:perfuming 复数:perfumes;第三人称单数:perfumes]短语:perfume spray 香水喷子;香水喷壶;喷鼻水喷雾器;喷鼻水喷子

diplomatic courier是什么意思?


DHL COURIER与DHL Global(nomal air) 有什么区别?

记得DHL COURIER是易速箱,DHL Global(nomal air) 就是普通的快递。易速箱是提供标准尺寸的箱子给你,不计你装的货物的重量,统一收费,但是每种尺寸的箱子对货物重量有上限要求,不能超过上限。DHL Global(nomal air) 就是按照你发货的重量来收费。你的客户应该是指的国外客户吧,如果是国外客户的账号,只有你的客户有权限在他们国家dhl查询发件信息。



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errmsg config invalid url domain怎么解决

1.检查一下您的子菜单设置外链是否过长2.在“自定义菜单”中添加菜单的时候,点击菜单触发的信息不要选择“无触发 3自定义菜单一级允许3个,二级允许5个。

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man and woman(Chage&Aska) 中文歌词

版本1:Man and Woman ---------------------------译者:zyb---------------------------天空与大地 炭黑与雪白 梦想与现实与之相对 男人和女人右侧和左边 谎言和真实 黑夜和白天渐爱渐近 男人和女人晨雾过后,窗户上残留的露珠轻轻触动,流了下来它如同时而在思考一样又像是和某人有着约定一样时动时停独自寻找着 两人的形状被看不到的东西束缚涌出的泪水 温柔寂寞与你相遇的瞬间 时间停止了流逝反复抉择着 何时开始 为了自己守护着你 我来守护远处的风 吹动着浮云云散开又聚集 在天空中描绘着像要把街道颜色也洗去的倾盆大雨如未知某人 向着天空 呼唤彩虹存在的消失了 没有的出现了接着见到了梦想涌出的泪水 温柔寂寞期待邂逅的心中 在诉说着什么吧反复抉择着 何时开始 为了自己守护着你 我来守护天晴与下雨 过去与未来 获得与付出 表面与自然和平和苦痛 自由与束缚思考着 体会着反复抉择着 何时开始 为了两人守护着爱 用爱守护天空与大地 炭黑与雪白 梦想与现实与之相对 男人和女人右侧和左边 谎言和真实 黑夜和白天渐爱渐近 男人和女人版本2:Man and Woman ---------------------------译者:kaoru---------------------------倾身想彼此贴近 Man and Woman Right and Left Lie and Truth�Light and Day 向爱接近 Man and Woman 晨雾过后遗留在窗上的露珠 因小小的颤动而顺窗而下 有时像是想了到什么而止住 像是和谁有了会合的约定而等待着 寻找另一个 形成双的身影 看不见的东西相系着 因为温柔,因为寂寞,眼泪夺眶而出 终能和你相遇的现今,时光并没有背叛 抉择总不断来去 总有一天会为我而生 为了我自己,守护着你,由我来守护 那乘着风飘在远空的云朵们 即使分开了又马上结合在一起 彩绘着天空 那让街景颜色尽褪的倾盆雨势 不知名的路人往天空望去 呼唤后雨后的彩红 在有形里消失 于无形中而生 梦想能看见未来 因为温柔,因为寂寞,眼泪夺眶而出 如果真能相遇,等待已久的心有许多欲倾吐之话语吧 抉择总不断来去 总有一天会为我而生 为了我自己,守护着你,由我来守护 Shine and Rain Past and Future Gain and Vain Surface and Nature Peace and Pain Free and Capture 如同大家所想,所拥有的 抉择总不断反复来去 总有一天会为我而生 为了我们彼此,守护着爱,用爱来守护 Sky and Land Black and White Dream and Real 倾身想彼此贴近 Man and Woman Right and Left Lie and Truth Night and Day 向爱接近 Man and Woman


CSGO更新了斯德哥尔摩Major通行证,那么本次的通行证都有哪些内容呢?下面给大家详细讲解一下CSGOmajor通行证2021价格及全内容,一起来看吧。CSGOmajor通行证2021斯德哥尔摩 2021 CSGO锦标赛斯德哥尔摩2021观众通行证和斯德哥尔摩2021观众通行证+3纪念包代币现已开放购买,50%收益将捐给参赛队伍。激活观众通行证,你将获得:可升级的斯德哥尔摩赛事硬币参加队伍预测活动期间无限制的喷漆功能Steam.TV聊天表情可获得PGL斯德哥尔摩纪念包可购买战队胶囊和布章建议买带3个纪念代币的版本。这三个硬币在后面是可以兑换任意场次对局的纪念品武器的,且后期升值价格很高普通78港币,带纪念代币版本139港币19年柏林major当时的售卖价格70元通行证和上届69元一样(汇率上涨),通过Major期间完成任务升级纪念币后才能兑换纪念包。126元通行证则是额外赠送3枚金币可以兑换3个纪念包,此外和70元通行证一样现在的价格对比买不带代币的普通版本也行。按照上届经验来说,在整个major期间,结束每一轮竞猜,达成相应条件会额外赠送代币,总共也是三枚,这个代币获得后建议第一时间先不要兑换掉,等决赛打完,再挑选自己喜欢的两只队伍的场次进行兑换。。以前的纪念品都是看比赛随机掉落major箱子,自从柏林major可以兑换后,纪念品武器价格也有很大程度缩水。当然也是看人品,掉落的是热门选手,比如simple,device的。价格蹭蹭上涨。2021年10月26日-11月7日斯德哥尔摩Major赛程:目前赛程安排如下:Major竞争赛:10月26日-29日瑞士轮赛制,8支竞争组战队与8支挑战组战队争夺8个晋级挑战赛名额Major挑战赛:10月30日-11月2日瑞士轮赛制,8支晋级战队与8支传奇组战队争夺8个晋级传奇赛名额Major传奇赛:11月4日-11月7日BO3单淘,8支晋级战队争夺Major冠军图池:沙2米垃圾小镇核子游乐园大厦远古遗迹竞争组(IEM秋季RMR积分赛确定)Copenhagen FlamesFaZe ClanGODSENTVirtus.proEntropiqSharks EsportsTYLOORenegades挑战组(IEM秋季RMR积分赛)AstralisENCEBIGMovistar RidersHeroicmousesportspaiN GamingTeam Spirit传奇组Ninjas in PyjamasTeam VitalityG2 EsportsFURIA EsportsTeam LiquidEvil GeniusesNatus VincereGambit Esports纪念代币可以兑换该场次的纪念品武器到时候在这个界面会有兑换按钮。竞猜是逐步开启的,一轮比赛打完后才能开启下一次竞猜,所以我们目前只能竞猜挑战组的赛事。选一只3-0,一只0-3,以及剩下7支能晋级的队伍。这个基本很好猜,随便抄作业都行(真正的难点在8强后,猜半决赛和决赛)21斯德哥尔摩1伦敦19卡托19柏林今年贴纸的质量说实话,真的很高,金贴是带浮雕设计的,底纹是龙鳞。很帅。


CSGOmajor2021即将开启,那么本次斯德哥尔摩Major的赛程如何呢?相信大家还不太清楚,下面给大家带来的是CSGOmajor2021赛程一览。CSGOmajor2021赛程一览2021年10月26日-11月7日斯德哥尔摩Major赛程:目前赛程安排如下:Major竞争赛:10月26日-29日瑞士轮赛制,8支竞争组战队与8支挑战组战队争夺8个晋级挑战赛名额Major挑战赛:10月30日-11月2日瑞士轮赛制,8支晋级战队与8支传奇组战队争夺8个晋级传奇赛名额Major传奇赛:11月4日-11月7日BO3单淘,8支晋级战队争夺Major冠军图池:沙2米垃圾小镇核子游乐园大厦远古遗迹竞争组(IEM秋季RMR积分赛确定)Copenhagen FlamesFaZe ClanGODSENTVirtus.proEntropiqSharks EsportsTYLOORenegades挑战组(IEM秋季RMR积分赛)AstralisENCEBIGMovistar RidersHeroicmousesportspaiN GamingTeam Spirit传奇组Ninjas in PyjamasTeam VitalityG2 EsportsFURIA EsportsTeam LiquidEvil GeniusesNatus VincereGambit Esports

i would like some bananas and tomatoes

I"d like some ( ) and ( ).A.broccoli,tomatoes 这道题选择A 理由:porridge和 broccoli都是不可数名词 vegetable和tomato是可数名词复数分别是,vegetables和tomatoes 有什么不明白可以继续问,随时在线等.



a woman was waiting for the bus.she looks angry

1.The jewelry that was very expensive was guarded by apoliceman..2.I bought a brochure which waswritten by a famous artist.3.A woman who looks angry is waiting for thebus..4.I saw a student who is reading a newspaper on the corner.5.A woman who is a guard is standing near the exit..


Esther 艾丝特,h不发音,["estu0259]Esther woman是指艾丝特女装。Esther是2004年成立的一家澳洲女装公司,主要通过网上销售,面向全球。


Its like Eminem and Dr. DreIf I loved you more I might be gayAnd when I"m feeling downYou know just what to sayYou my homie, Yeah you know meAnd if you ever need a wingmanI"d let any girl blow me offCus you"re more important than the restI confess, I"m a messIf I"m not hanging with my BFFYou know its true, you my male boo,Now sing the chorus with me if you"re feeling the same way too.ChorusBromance, nothing really gay about itNot, that there"s anything wrong with being gayBromance, SHouldn"t be ashamed or hide itI love you in the most heterosexual way.Verse 2Hold meTo a promise that I”ll be the kind of the friend that in the endWill always keep you companyBecause when the world gets toughAnd times get hardI will always love you, I"ll be your bodyguardCus you"re my bestie, and if you test meI"ll prove it time and time again, I got your back until the endA brotha from anotha motha never knew how much I loved yaTill i started singing this song… huh?ChorusBromance, nothing really gay about itNot, that there"s anything wrong with being gayBromance, SHouldn"t be ashamed or hide itI love you in the most heterosexual way.BridgeNow that I told you how I feelHope you feel the same way tooBUT if you dont, this song was just a jokeBUT if you do, I LOVE YOUChorusBromance, nothing really gay about itNot, that there"s anything wrong with being gayBromance, SHouldn"t be ashamed or hide itI love you in the most heterosexual way.



谁有《花美男bromance》的百度云?或在哪儿能看,《花美男bromance 》就是防弹少年团




基友之歌 bromance 英文歌词

Its like Eminem and Dr. DreIf I loved you more I might be gayAnd when I"m feeling downYou know just what to sayYou my homie, Yeah you know meAnd if you ever need a wingmanI"d let any girl blow me offCus you"re more important than the restI confess, I"m a messIf I"m not hanging with my BFFYou know its true, you my male boo,Now sing the chorus with me if you"re feeling the same way too.ChorusBromance, nothing really gay about itNot, that there"s anything wrong with being gayBromance, SHouldn"t be ashamed or hide itI love you in the most heterosexual way.Verse 2Hold meTo a promise that I”ll be the kind of the friend that in the endWill always keep you companyBecause when the world gets toughAnd times get hardI will always love you, I"ll be your bodyguardCus you"re my bestie, and if you test meI"ll prove it time and time again, I got your back until the endA brotha from anotha motha never knew how much I loved yaTill i started singing this song… huh?ChorusBromance, nothing really gay about itNot, that there"s anything wrong with being gayBromance, SHouldn"t be ashamed or hide itI love you in the most heterosexual way.BridgeNow that I told you how I feelHope you feel the same way tooBUT if you dont, this song was just a jokeBUT if you do, I LOVE YOUChorusBromance, nothing really gay about itNot, that there"s anything wrong with being gayBromance, SHouldn"t be ashamed or hide itI love you in the most heterosexual way.






Bromance的意思是指两个或以上关系特别好但不涉及同性恋的男人间的一种亲密关系,可以延伸为哥俩好的意思,中文类似意思的词语是“哥俩好”,结构是:bro/brother(兄弟)+romance(浪漫)。Bromance这个词,恰恰指两个男性之间与性无关的亲密关系,也是“求同”类密友的一种形式。可在古希腊的历史里,哲学家们提到的最崇高的爱往往指同性恋之间的爱慕,而Bromance的前提则是两个男人都无性方面的需求。男漫这个词是20世纪90年代由滑板杂志《大哥》(Big Brother)的编辑Dave Carnie发明的,最初用来形容那些整天泡在一起切磋滑板技巧的小伙子们。后来“男漫”衍伸为,特指两个非同性恋男子之间复杂的亲密关系。





Bob、John、Thomas、Dean、Paul、Jack、Brooke 每个都中文翻译一下,谢谢。

国语 粤语(香港)鲍勃 Bob 伯 Robert的简称约翰 John 尊托马斯 Thomas 汤马士 简称Tom迪伊 Dean 典保罗 Paul 保罗杰克 Jack 积布鲁克 Brooke 布陆



Astal romance歌词

astral romance (注意是astral!你打错了吧?)歌手:nightwish 专辑:angels fall first A nocturnal concertoCandlelight whispers me where to goHymn of gathering stars as my guideAs I wander on this path of the nightEmbroidery of the starsUndress my feelings for this earthSend me your salva to heal my scarsAnd let this nakedness me my birthMacrocosm poured its powers on meAnd the hopes of this world I now must leaveThe nightwish I sent you centuries agoHas been heard by thoseWho dwelled in a woeThe distance of our bridal bedAwait for me to be deadDust of the galaxies take my handLead me to my beloved"s landDeparted by the guillotine of deathI received a letter from the depthThe dream of my lover it carried insideCaressed by the sharpest knifeI asked you to be my wifeRays of the setting sunWere my tears wept upon promises undoneCome to meMake me believeto you and your love againAbove the universeBeneath the Great EyeI shall desire you forevermore

谁给翻译个《Astral Romance》中文歌词

A nocturnal concerto 一曲夜曲奏响Candlelight whispers me where to go 烛光如细语般引领我的方向Hymn of gathering stars as my guide 那繁星相聚的对方是我的路标As I wander on this path of the night 我漫步在这夜下的小径Embroidery of the stars繁星点点 Undress my feelings for this earth让我对这世界的触感如此真切 (这里是传道之人被带向断头台的所见所感)Send me your salva to heal my scars 请送出你的祝福,治愈我的伤痛And let this nakedness me my birth 让我回归初降于世的本真Macrocosm poured its powers on me 请宇宙赐予我力量And the hopes of this world I now must leave 我必须断绝苟存于世的希望The nightwish I sent you centuries ago 几个世纪前赠与你的夜之颂歌Has been heard by those Who dwelled in a woe 那些沉沦在痛苦中的人民已经听到(这里是传道人与妻子道别,意思是自己的使命已经完成,可以离开了)The distance of our bridal bed 婚床近在咫尺Await for me to be dead 等待我的即是死亡Dust of the galaxies take my hand 星云的尘埃执起我的手Lead me to my beloved"s land 带往我挚爱的你的掌心(依然是与妻子的诀别)Departed by the guillotine of death断头台上的诀别之后 I received a letter from the depth 我收到深渊地狱的来信The dream of my lover it carried inside 记载着我挚爱的你的梦想Caressed by the sharpest knife 最锋利的刀穿透身体时 I asked you to be my wife 我请求你成为我的妻子Rays of the setting sun 夕阳的余辉Were my tears wept upon promises undone 如我为未曾兑现的誓言而流下的泪水Come to me 靠近我 Make me believe 让我再次相信 to you and your love again我依然爱着你Above the universe 凌于宇宙之上Beneath the Great Eye 众神的注视之下I shall desire you forevermore 我对你的渴念永不熄灭(以上是传道人死后依然深爱着妻子,深情的告白)童鞋,我帮您看了一下,自己翻译出来了,大概是一个传道之人为了解救世人牺牲了自己,永别了挚爱的妻子,在断头台上结束了自己的生命,在冥世满怀着对妻子的思念与愧疚唱出了这首满怀悲伤、眷恋,而又坦荡豪迈的歌曲。翻译很辛苦。。。如果您觉得还可以,请尽快采纳,谢谢

Oenomaus 除了演过斯巴达克斯外还演过什么剧?

作品年表编辑《勇闯夺命岛》(1996)《末世圣童》Bless the Child (2000)《无面人》Bruiser(2000)《The Perfect Son》(2000)《蓝色谋杀案》Blue Murder(2001)《Harvard Man》(2001)《星际公敌》Jason X(2001)《星际旅行:进取号》Enterprise(2001)《刺客》Triggermen(2002)《归零》Cypher(2002)《宣告有罪》Conviction(2002)《太阳之泪》Tears of the Sun(2003)《大漠雄风》Hidalgo(2004)《斯巴达300勇士》300(2006)《终结者外传》Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles(2007)《无敌浩克》The Incredible Hulk(2008)《阿凡达》Avatar(2009)《斯巴达克斯:血与沙》 Spartacus: Blood and Sand(2010)《斯巴达克斯:竞技场之神》Spartacus: Gods of the Arena(2011)《斯巴达克斯:复仇》Spartacus: Vengeance(2012)《真爱如血第五季》True Blood Season 5(2012)《斯巴达克斯:亡者之役》Spartacus:War of the Damned(2013)详见百度百科

求《bad romance》 吉他谱?

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Cromated不认识,应该是Chromated吧Surface Treatment: Chromated 字面意思:表面处理:铬酸盐工业上一般指:表面镀铬



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大家好。先给大家解释一下croma是什么牌子,跑车crmrro是什么牌子。很多人还不知道。现在让我们来看看!应该是卡玛洛。这是雪佛兰科迈罗。很多车友也把这款车叫做雪佛兰大黄蜂。很多人是通过一部电影知道雪佛兰跑车《变形金刚》的。在这部电影中,一个机器人是一只大黄蜂,而大黄蜂是一只变形的雪佛兰科迈罗,所以很多朋友都称Camaro为大黄蜂。国内能看到的科迈罗多为2.0升涡轮增压发动机车型。这款2.0升涡轮增压发动机最大功率202kw,最大扭矩400 Nm,最大功率转速5,500 rpm,最大扭矩转速3000到4,000 rpm。这款发动机采用缸内直喷技术,铝合金缸盖和缸体。与这款发动机匹配的是8速手自一体变速箱。这款车是一款前置发动机后轮驱动的跑车。前悬架采用双球麦弗逊独立悬架,后悬架采用多连杆式独立悬架。这款车的价格在国内还是比较便宜的,这让很多喜欢跑车的年轻人有机会用很少的钱买一辆跑车。雪佛兰科迈罗是一辆肌肉车。美国有三款肌肉车,分别是福特野马、道奇挑战者和雪佛兰科迈罗。在国内,很多朋友喜欢美系肌肉车,也有很多朋友买肌肉车。百万购车补贴



谁知道笨女人准确的英语翻译是哪一个 1silly women 2dumb woman 3s


为什么句子中"It is a story about a young woman living in Austria."中"live"为什么加ing


you are a woman歌词的中文

L.A. Woman歌词Well, I just got into town about an hour agoTook a look around, see which way the wind blowWith a little girl in a Hollywood bungalow (change)are the lucky like a little lady in The City of Lights (change)Or just another lost angel...City of NightCity of Night, City of Night, City of Night, woo, c"monL.A. Woman, L.A. WomanL.A. Woman Sunday afternoonL.A. Woman Sunday afternoonL.A. Woman Sunday afternoonDrive thru your suburbsInto your blues, into your blues, yeahInto your blue-blue BluesInto your blues, ohh, yeahI see your hair is burnin"Hills are filled with fireIf they say I never loved youYou know they are a liarDrivin" down your freewaysMidnite alleys roamCops in cars, the topless barsNever saw a woman...So alone, so aloneSo alone, so aloneMotel Money Murder MadnessLet"s change the mood from glad to sadnessMr. Mojo Risin", Mr. Mojo Risin"Mr. Mojo Risin", Mr. Mojo Risin"Got to keep on risin"Mr. Mojo Risin", Mr. Mojo Risin"Mojo Risin", gotta Mojo Risin"Mr. Mojo Risin", gotta keep on risin"Risin", risin"Gone risin", risin"I"m gone risin", risin"I gotta risin", risin"Well, risin", risin"I gotta, wooo, yeah, risin"Woah, ohh yeahWell, I just got into town about an hour agoTook a look around, see which way the wind blowWith a little girl in a Hollywood bungalow (change)Oh you were like a little lady in The City of Lights (change)Or just another lost angel...City of NightCity of Night, City of Night, City of Night, woah, c"monL.A. Woman, L.A. WomanL.A. Woman, your my womanLittle L.A. Woman, Little L.A. WomanL.A. L.A. Woman WomanL.A. Woman c"mon





【教你如何成为一个伪勃艮第高手】Vosne Romanee 知识小汇总

看似普通和宁静的小村庄出产着世界上最好的Pinot Noir (或红酒?),并将Burgundy红酒提升到了殿堂级地位。Vosne-Romanee的魅力是独一无二的,它糅合了其他几个区的红酒的优点,将优雅,潜力,层次感,复杂度融于一身,最好的诠释了高级红酒的定义。1er Cru:年产15000箱,本区有9个1er Cru,个个是名头响亮,身价不菲,而且品质确实是卓尔不凡,其中的几个完全具备了Grand Cru的实力,至少能超越像Echezeaux 和 Clos Vougeot 这种稍低等级的Grand Cru。在那些名庄手中,这些 1er Cru都是非常诱人,能够喝到已是一大快事。在1er Cru 中,犹以这几个为最佳:Les Beaumonts,Les Brulees,Les Malconsorts , Clos de Reas。至于因为酒神Henri Jayer而一飞冲天的Cros Parantoux实在是名气太大,不在此赘述了。-Les Malconsorts:我心中最好的本区内的 1er Cru,完全的Grand Cru水准,各方面的特质犹如Mini Richebourg,品质能同Grand Echezeaux看齐,但产量较小,只有少数几个Domaine有出产,能买到就不要错过。个人强烈推荐!最佳的几个Domaine有:Sylvain Cathiard, Lamarche, Dujac, Clos Frantin-Clos de Reas:独占田,为 Michel Gros 所有。 Michel Gros是老一辈Burgundy大师Jean Gros的儿子, Jean Gros最得意的作品就是Richebourg 和 Clos de Reas,在他退休后,这2块田分给了2个子女, 儿子Michel 获得了 Clos de Reas (当然还有Clos de Vougeot),女儿获得了Richebourg,这个女儿嫁给了Pommard的 Francis家族,现在成立了 A&F Gros,只可惜水准还是有待提高,旗下的Richebourg并不能达到她父亲 Jean Gros的高度。说回 Clos de Reas,Michel跟随父亲酿酒多年,深得真传,水准颇高,而可喜在Clos de Reas定价不高,相当值得一买!Grand Cru:本区有8个Grand Cru,Burgundy最出名的几个都在内了,RC,La Tache, Richebourg自不用多说,La Romanee, RSV, Grand Echezeaux都是卓然出众,即使是 Echezeaux 和 La Grand Rue 也在名庄手中大放异彩。-Romanee-Conti: 年产650箱,世界上最受人追捧的红酒,酒中之皇的地位应该是没有争议的,风格自成一体,独一无二,具体已经不用我赘述。-La Tache: DRC的另一块独占田,香气口感,回味,结构感和复杂性都备受尊崇,有些酒评家和收藏家在饮过RC和 LaTache之后,更偏好LaTache, 90年,99年的La Tache都是一代传奇,需陈年15-20年以上。年产2000箱左右。-Richebourg: 极其雄浑健美,颜色深,口感绵密浓缩,香气犹如爆发一般。需要更长时间陈年,据一个喝过1978 Henri Jayer Richebourg(梦幻般的酒)的收藏家朋友讲,即使30年过去了,该酒仍像个小伙子一般年轻,这在波尔多酒中也许不足为奇,但在Burgundy红酒中确实是令人称道,强大的陈年潜力实在骇人。年产2500箱。最佳的几个Domaine有:DRC, Leroy, Anne Gros, Meo Camuzet, AF Gros,Gros Frere Soeur, Clos Frantin, Jean Grivot,Thibault Liger Belair-Romanee st Vivant:本区的异类,风格轻盈柔美,但平衡性绝佳,和Musigny风格非常类似,都是酒中皇后的人选。虽然无上面3个Grand Cru的陈年潜力,但在顶级名庄手中,仍然能够轻易陈年至20年以上。年产2500箱。值得一提的是Leroy的RSV,一般认为RSV的水准,价格和Richebourg相比稍逊一筹,但Leroy的是例外,她的RSV是招牌作品,更胜同门的Richebourg。最佳的有几个Domaine有:DRC,Leroy,Sylvain Cathiard,Dujac, Louis Latour, Moillard, Follin-Arbelet, Robert Arnoux,JJ Confuron, Lucien Le Moine-La Romanee:独占田,为Comte Liger Belair独有,仅有0.84公顷,是Burgundy最小的Grand Cru,也是法国最小的AOC产区。面积小,年产量更是小的可怜的350箱,加之这块田在Romanee Conti的上方,沾了邻居的光,因此价格异常昂贵,很多酒评家批评它OverPrice,但在2000年之后,酒质确实是有了很大提高,可以名正言顺的步入顶级酒行列,也算对得起它那高价了。直到2005年,Liger Belair都把一半酒授权给Bourchard 装瓶分销,但2006开始,少庄主已经中止该授权,因此从2006年开始,已经看不到帖Bouchard标签的 La Romanee 在市场上发售。-La Grand Rue: 由 1er Cru 升级而来,独占田,为 Lamarche独有。La Grand Rue为细长条型, 夹在 RC 和 La Tache 这2个邻居之间,多少也沾了他们的光,但质量和价格还是和邻居们不可同日而语。好在Lamarche也深知这个道理,一直以来默默提升质量,最近几年的酒质已经获得酒评家的一致好评,著名的Burgundy 专家 Clive Cotes, Stephen Brook对它的2005,2006都是大加赞赏,而价格却没有飙升,仍然保持在相对合理的区间内,所以La Grand Rue 确实是囊中羞涩,却又想一探 Vosne Romanee Grand Cru风采的人的好选择(比如我!)个人强烈推荐!-Grand Echezeaux: 是Vosne Romanee内有“性价比”的GrandCru,颜色,香气,口感,回味都相当不错,担得起Grand Cru之名,只有在复杂性和结构感上不及上面的几个大哥们。Grand Echezeaux品质稳定,基本上属于物有所值,买它不大会有失望的感觉,而且拥有此Grand Cru的Domaine也并不多,都有不错的质量。年产 3000箱。 个人推荐!最佳的几个Domaine有:DRC, Joseph Drouhin, Lamarche, Clos Frantin, Rene Engel(现为CH.Latour 老板旗下产业,改名为Eugnie)Mongeard-Mugneret-Echezeaux: 比较大哥 Grand Echezeaux,Echezeaux显得薄,松散。


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Exotic Goods and Foreign Luxuries: The Ancient Roman Marketplace

论坛一词是拉丁语,表示“公共开放空间”. 在古罗马,论坛通常位于城市的中心,并且经常被一些其他建筑包围,例如寺庙、大教堂(在这方面,是公共法庭建筑)和商店. 因此,论坛被认为是罗马城市宗教、公民和经济生活的中心. 然而,论坛的主要职能是为城市人民提供市场,有人指出,理论上,罗马参议院议员及其家属被禁止从事任何形式的贸易. 另一方面,马术骑士团成员被允许从事商业活动,尽管他们的阶级价值观强调追求军事和休闲活动. 然而,在罗马世界的市场上,摊位和商店通常由平民或自由民占据和管理,而大部分的艰苦工作是由大量奴隶完成的. 这些商人被称为商人. 除了集市,商人们在路边出售他们的货物,在战役期间也出现在罗马军营附近,向罗马士兵出售食物和衣服,并向他们购买战利品. 这是庞贝城的一幅壁画,描绘了罗马集市的日常活动. 准备好的食物,如面包、鹰嘴豆和糕点,在这些市场上会很常见. 例如,在罗马,甚至有一个专门的市场叫做“丘比特论坛”(Forum Cuppedenis)(位于圣器通道和泥盆之间),那里出售各种美味佳肴. 罗马的其他专门市场包括博厄姆论坛、圣殿论坛和比萨宫论坛. 第一个是牛市,最初从Velabrum的边界延伸到Tiber. 第二个是蔬菜市场,就在Carmentalis门的外面. 第三个是鱼市,和蜈蚣论坛一样,也位于Sacra Via和Argiletum之间,意大利波佐利塞拉皮斯神供奉的古罗马市场和神庙(公共领域),除了这些日常用品外,古罗马的市场上也出售异国商品. 罗马人以修路闻名,据说修路是为了连接军事哨所,而不是为了运输贸易货物. 还有人指出,正是公元前2世纪罗马海上贸易路线的兴起,促进了不同罗马地区之间的商品运输. 虽然这些海上贸易航线最初位于地中海,但由于罗马人民口味的变化,它们后来也会向外扩展到印度洋. 随着罗马帝国的兴起,罗马社会的富裕阶层开始对外国奢侈品产生兴趣,这是由海上运输的外国商品和著名的丝绸之路来实现的,这些外国商品包括丝绸、香料、象牙和珠宝. 罗马的贸易伙伴之一是印度,在该国南部发现了一些有罗马遗骸的遗址. 例如,在金奈坦巴拉姆附近一个名为纳杜维拉帕图的遗址发现了罗马陶器遗骸,人们猜测,罗马商人前往内陆,甚至可能在那里有临时定居点. 这些商人会把他们的商品带回罗马,在那里出售,商人在罗马市场(公共领域),其中一个地方出售这样的奢侈品是一个复杂的建筑,在20世纪初被称为“图拉真市场”. 这座建筑群建于公元107年至公元110年的图拉真统治时期. 这个建筑群坐落在俯瞰论坛的小山上,呈半圆形,共有六层. 据说这个市场有150多块地,其中许多被认为是商店,尽管有些被用作的办公室. 这些商店被认为出售来自帝国各地的产品,包括异国情调的香料、葡萄酒和石油. 另外,据说有一层叫做比贝拉蒂卡大道,有酒馆. 一些人认为图拉真市场是世界上最古老的购物中心,图拉真市场,意大利罗马(公共领域),特色图片:罗马鱼市场. 奥克塔维乌斯拱门(公共领域),作者是一名大学学生,获得考古学学士学位. 我的兴趣从对考古/文本/图片数据集的“传统”到“激进”解释. 我相信,来自两个极端的倡导者的智力投入将有助于.阅读Mor.


Grenade — Bruno Mars   Easy come, Easy go   召之即来 挥之即去   That"s just how you live, oh   这就是你的生活方式    Take, take, take it all,   拿,拿,拿走我的全部   but you never give   但你从不会付出   Should"ve known you was trouble from the first kiss   从第一个吻开始 我就知道你是一个麻烦    had your eyes wide open, Why were they open?   因为亲吻时你睁着眼睛 为何你的眼睛会睁开   Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash   给你我的所有 但你却把它扔进垃圾桶    You tossed it in the trash, you did   没错 你把它全部扔进垃圾桶   To give me all your love is all I ever asked   我只求你能够给我所有的爱    Cause what you don"t understand is   因为你总是不明白    I"d catch a grenade for ya.   我会为你接住点燃的手雷    Throw my hand on the blade for ya,   我会用手臂为你挡下刀刃    I"d jump in front of a train for ya.   我会用身体为你阻挡火车    You know I"d do anything for ya.   你知道我会为你做任何事    I would go through all this pain,   我会为你忍受所有苦痛    Take a bullet straight through my brain.   哪怕是让子弹穿过我的头颅    Yes, I would die for you ya baby,   没错 宝贝我可以为你而死    But you won"t do the same.   但你却不会这样做   No, No, No, No   不,不,不,不    Black, black, black and blue,beat me till I"m numb   倍受打击 遍体鳞伤 我已经变得麻木   Tell the devil I said "hey" when you get back to where you"re from.   我对恶魔说:你何时才能回到你来的地方    mad women bad women, That"s just what you are,   疯女人 坏女人 你就是这样的女人    Yeah,You"ll smile in my face than rip the brakes out my car.   对 你会对着我微笑 然后摧毁刹车让我跌至深崖    Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash,   给了你我的所有,但你却把它扔进垃圾桶    You tossed it in the trash, yes, you did.   没错 你把它全部扔进垃圾桶    To give me all your fucking love is all I ever asked   我只要求你能够给我所有的爱    But what you don"t understand is...   因为你总是不明白    I"d catch a grenade for ya.   我会为你接住点燃的手雷    Throw my hand on the blade for ya,   我会用手臂为你挡下刀刃    I‘d jump in front of a train for ya.   我会用身体为你阻挡火车    You know I"d do anything for ya.   你知道我会为你做任何事    Oh, Oh   哦 噢   I would go through all this pain,   我会为你忍受所有苦痛    Take a bullet straight through my brain.   哪怕是让子弹穿过我的头颅    Yes, I would die for you baby,   没错 宝贝我可以为你而死    But you won"t do the same.   但你却不愿为我付出    If my body was on fire   若我身上开始着火    Oh you"d would watch me burn down in flames.   噢 你会看着我烧成灰烬   You said you loved me, you"re a liar   你说你爱我,你在撒谎    Cause you never, ever, ever did, baby   因为你从来 从来 从来就没爱过我 宝贝    But darling I"ll still catch a grenade for ya.   但亲爱的我仍会为你接住点燃的手雷    Throw my hand on the blade for ya,   我会用手臂为你挡下刀刃   I"d jump in front of a train for ya.   我会用身体为你阻挡火车   You know I"d do anything for ya.   你知道我会为你做任何   Oh, Oh, I would go through all this pain,   我会为你忍受所有苦痛    Take a bullet straight through my brain.   哪怕是让子弹穿过我的头颅    Yes, I would die for you baby,   没错 宝贝我可以为你而死   But you won"t do the same.   但你却不会这样做   You wouldn"t do the same.   你却不会像我一样    Oh, you never do the same.   噢,你从未如我一样    No, No, No, No...   不,不,不,不... 还有 以后别把Grenade 拼错了 歌名都拼错- -

The doctor told him that his stomach trouble had been cured _____good and all

医生告诉他,他的牙痛已经完全被治好了。治愈……,这里用cure of

curse of the catwoman是什么意思


abap workbench and customazing tr有什么区别



woman的读音是:英["w?m?n]。woman的读音是:英["w?m?n]。woman的意思是n.妇女;女人;adj.女人的。woman形容词:womanless;名词复数:women。一、详尽释义点此查看woman的详细内容n.(名词)妇女,妇人,成年女子妻子女性,女人,女子情妇,女相好女仆女朋友(打杂)女工女子气质,女人味娘儿们来自…的女子女人的感情独立自主adj.(形容词)妇女的,女性的,女人的,女子的妇道人家的,长舌的软弱v.(动词)对(女人)打招呼为...配备女操作人员使成女人腔二、英英释义Noun:an adult female person (as opposed to a man);"the woman kept house while the man hunted"a female person who plays a significant role (wife or mistress or girlfriend) in the life of a particular man;"he was faithful to his woman"a human female employed to do housework;"the char will clean the carpet""I have a woman who comes in four hours a day while I write"women as a class;"it"s an insult to American womanhood""woman is the glory of creation""the fair sex gathered on the veranda"三、词典解释1.成年女子;妇女Awoman is an adult female human being.woman的反义词e.g. ...a young Lithuanianwoman named Dayva.名叫戴娃的立陶宛年轻女子e.g. and women over 75 years old.75岁以上的男女2.(泛指)女性,女子You can refer to women in general aswoman .e.g. ...the oppression ofwoman.对妇女的压迫3.爱好…的女人;喜欢做…的女子If you say that a woman is, for example, a gamblingwoman or an outdoorswoman, you mean that she likes gambling or outdoor activities.e.g. She is an avid outdoorswoman...她酷爱户外运动。e.g. I"m too old to have a dog now. I"m a catwoman.我太老了,养不了狗。我喜欢养猫。4.来自…的女人;在…上大学的女子If you say that a woman is, for example, a Londonwoman or an Oxfordwoman, you mean that she comes from London or Oxford, or went to university there.e.g. ...a 38-year-old Londonwoman...38岁的伦敦女子e.g. The headmistress was an Oxfordwoman.女校长毕业于牛津大学。5.妻子;情人;女友Some people refer to a man"s wife, lover, or girlfriend as hiswoman .woman的翻译e.g. I know mywoman will never leave me.我知道我的女人永远不会离开我。6.(公司或组织的)女代表,女代理人You can refer to a female representative of a company or organization as that company or organization"swoman .e.g. Yet another successful Labourwoman took her seat...又有一位成功的工党女代表就任议员。e.g. That"s Judith Croft, the CNDwoman.那个就是朱迪丝·克罗夫特, 核裁军运动女代表。7.(命令性的或生气、不耐烦时的称呼)婆娘,娘儿们People sometimes address a woman aswoman when they are ordering her to do something or when they are angry or impatient with her. This use could cause offence.e.g. Do you realize,woman, the scandal and publicity that will be involved?臭婆娘,你知不知道这会恶名远扬?8. see also: career woman9.独立自主;做独立女性If you say that a womanis herown woman, you approve of the fact that she makes her plans and decisions herself, and does not depend on other people.e.g. She knew she had made the right decision. She was her ownwoman again.她知道她作了一个正确的决定。她又独立自主了。10. woman of the world -> see world四、例句She is a career woman rather than a housewife.她是职业妇女而不是家庭主妇。The chief conductor turned out to be a young woman.列车长原来是一位青年妇女。She seems a pleasant woman.她似乎是一个友善的女人。Her mother is a woman with great refinement.她母亲是一个非常文雅的女人。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)When a girl grows up she becomes a woman.女孩长大以后便成为一名妇女。Many men still don"t like working under a woman, and would rather have a male director.许多男人仍不愿在女人手下工作,而愿意让男性当自己的上司。The old woman was dressed more than simply.这位老妇人穿得岂止是朴素简直近乎破烂。She spoke in a shrill voice.That"s why she was written off as a somewhat hysterical woman.她说话尖声尖气,因而被当做是有些歇斯底里的女人而被排除在外。Ask the women to come in, but not the girls or the men.让妇女进来,但不要让女孩和男人进来。I was tightly wedged between two fat women.我被紧紧地挤在两个胖女人中间。In this country the men plant the corn and the women later weed it.在这个国家里,男人种植谷物,然后妇女为谷物除杂草。Indian women vote their minds, not their husbands.印度妇女投票表达自己而不是他们丈夫的意见。He"s got a daily woman who comes in and cleans his room.他雇用了一个每天来打扫房间的女佣人。A woman comes in twice a week to clean.女仆每周来清扫两次。Woman,like man,must strive for political freedom.女人和男人一样,必须争取政治自由。Woman is an unpredictable creature.女人的行为是无法预料的。There is little of the woman in her.她几乎没有女人气质。There is something of the woman in his character.他的性格中有女人气。There are a lot of women doctors in the hospital.这所医院有许多女医生。六、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~admit a woman to招收妇女进…,允许妇女进入…choose a woman挑选一名妇女deliver a woman (of a baby)替产妇接生elect a woman选举一名妇女exploit woman剥削妇女help a woman帮助一位妇女kiss a woman吻一位妇女look down upon woman瞧不起妇女love a woman爱一个女人marry a woman同一女人结婚,娶一女人为妻oppress woman压迫妇女play the woman撒娇respect woman尊重妇女treat a woman对待妇女understand woman理解妇女,明白女人的心情形容词+~agreeable woman惬意的女人,令人感到愉快的女人attractive woman富有魅力的女人average woman相貌一般的女人beautiful woman美丽的女子childless woman无子女的女人,不生育的女人dark-haired woman黑发女人domestic woman只关心家务事的女人,家庭主妇energetic woman精力充沛的女人fat woman胖女人fashionable woman时髦的女人good-hearted woman好心肠的女人good-looking woman漂亮的女人grown woman成年妇女handsome woman端庄秀丽的女子hard-hearted woman无情女子,硬心肠的女人healthy woman身体健康的女人ideal woman理想的女人kind woman善良的女人large woman特别肥胖的女人,大块头的女人light woman轻快伶俐的女人manly woman有男子气的女人married woman已婚的女子,结过婚的女人middle-aged woman中年妇女new woman新女性nice woman可爱的女子old woman老太婆,老太太,老妇人passionate woman易动感情的女人,多情的女人plain woman相貌平常的女人poor woman可怜的女人pretty woman漂亮的女人professional woman从事专门职业的妇女quick-footed woman腿脚麻利的女人short woman矮个子女人short-sighted woman目光短浅的女人simple woman纯朴的妇女single woman单身女子slender woman身材苗条的女人smart woman精明的女人strong woman强壮的女人tall woman高个儿的女人thin woman瘦女人ugly woman丑陋的女人unmarried woman未婚女子wise woman明智的女人working woman有职业的女性young woman年轻女子名词+~anchor woman新闻节目女主持人business woman女商人career woman职业妇女cleaning woman女清洁工newspaper woman女新闻记者society woman上流社会妇女~+名词woman doctors女医生们woman driver女司机woman friend女友woman workers女工们~+介词woman of action女活动家woman of child-bearing age育龄妇女woman of letters女作家,女学者woman of the world深谙世故的女人woman of the year年度新闻女人woman with a kind heart心地善良的妇女七、词语用法n.(名词)woman用作可数名词时,意思是“成年女子”,泛指一切成熟的女性,而不管婚否。woman也可用作“女人,女性”的总称, woman还可指“女人的气质和属性”,是抽象名词,不可数。woman还可作“女仆,女佣人”解,作此解时,是可数名词。woman可用于其他名词前作定语,表示“女性的…”,如果被修饰的名词是单数,就用其单数形式,如果被修饰的名词是复数时,通常用其复数形式。woman的相关近义词ladywoman的相关临近词womb、wolf、womanly、woman-、womanize、womanist、womanise、womanism、womanish、woman Du、womanity、womanaut点此查看更多关于woman的详细信息

求Mrs Bux,ThomasPrime,CL 的 《old skool 》的歌词

old skool yoits another beautiful day out there my peopletime to get up, thats rightI keep it old skoollets do thisI remember when life was just about riding bikes.Hanging with my boys through the night understreetlights.Simple times. Simple needs. Summertime breeze.Football in the street, getting high, climbing trees.New york New york to LA I see I you cant frown on whereyou from so I dont try.C L, yeah, thinkin blue, I keep it moving.Animal guitars man we still keep it grooving.We come a long way son I wish I could stay back itspacked its a wrap, it was le sayYou know how I do keep it freesh, Old Skool, with atwisted chill vibes to keep it cool.Back on the scene, some eyes turn green, I smile its beena while man I take it to your team.sit back and relax "cuz this is the last ride keep yourarms and legs inside, at all times.Old skool thats my vibe from 86 to about 95always tell the truth my momma say dont liewith an honest days work get a piece of the pieOld skool thats my vibe from 86 to about 95always tell the truth my momma say dont liewith an honest days work get a piece of the pie

Skin deep-Natasha Thomas[娜塔莎 托马斯]中文歌词翻译

You"re telling me that I"m your queen 你告诉我,在你心中,我是女王That nothing matches me.没有什么东西能配得上我You"re making me feel like a dream 你让我犹如置身梦中The way you flatter me你对我的奉承Are you just another fake 只是假装Or something special?还是我对你是特别的?(Yeah, yeah, yeah) (Yeah, yeah, yeah)You"re telling me that I"m too cool 你说我很有自己的风格You say I"m beautiful你说我很漂亮I gotta tell you I"m no fool 我只想说我不是笨蛋I"m kinda cynical我有些愤世嫉俗Boy have you got what it takes你见识过什么叫做Something special 特别的吗?(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Don"t think this beauty"s Skin Deep不要以为站在你面前的这位美女这么肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些了解Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式You sit me on the top of your world 你说我太高贵让你必须仰望Can"t take your eyes of me无法移开你的视线You say that I"m your candy girl 你说我是你的甜心Well that"s oh so sweet真是很好听的甜言蜜语Boy have you got what it takes你见识过什么叫做Something special 特别的吗?(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Don"t think this beauty"s Skin Deep不要以为站在你面前的这位美女这么肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些了解Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式Down, down, take it to the bone深入一些Get to the beauty within了解美女的内心世界Down, down take it to the bone深入一些Got to discover me发现我的可爱之处Down, down take it to the bone深入一些Open your mind and come in全心全意Down, down, take it to the bone深入一些Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式Don"t think this beauty"s Skin Deep不要以为站在你面前的这位美女这么肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式Don"t think this beauty"s Skin Deep不要以为站在你面前的这位美女这么肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式好多重复的,害我打字好累,自己翻译的,希望你可以满意:)

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azu的 《hello》 《Ring~M&M~》《Summer Time!!!》《Woman》《Missing you...》 中文歌词

Summer Time!!!AZU作词:AZU, Maiko Morita作曲:Carlos K., nana hatoriyou make me wannaoh oh oh oh oh oh ohLet it summer time 裸足のまま by your sideoh oh oh oh oh oh ohI ve been waiting for このbeautiful sunshinefalling falling so deep光るlong beachに I m so into you神様once againWill dreams come true?and feeling so boredfrom when you found me that dayこのままじゃいけないからnow it s all so differentand everything s shiny 梦のようにI feel like I can do anything with youbecause you take mehigher!!! than I ve ever been beforewill this last for 4ever?can I believe in you more?oh oh oh oh oh oh ohLet it summer time 裸足のまま by your sideoh oh oh oh oh oh ohI ve been waiting for このbeautiful sunshinefalling falling so deep光るlong beachに I m so into you神様once againWill dreams come true?now under the sea流れるsoundおだやかな时の中気づいて Do you hear my heart beatfly high!!! この手つないでthis moment is special见つめて you re the oneoh oh oh oh oh oh ohLet the water splash 泳いでlike a mermaidoh oh oh oh oh oh ohI m in love with blue もうcannot hold backfalling falling so deep见せて ドルフィンリング and the dazzling world光集めて Jump in!!! to ocean短いひとときを 駆け抜けたい空がオレンジに染まる前につかまえて忘れられないくらい この胸焦がしてよOh it s so Summer Time!!!you make me wannaoh oh oh oh oh oh ohLet it summer time 裸足のまま by your sideoh oh oh oh oh oh ohI ve been waiting for このbeautiful sunshinefalling falling so deep光るlong beachに I m so into you神様once againWill dreams come true?falling falling so deep光るlong beachに I m so into you神様once againWill dreams come true?「Ring ~M&M~」作词∶AZU作曲∶浅田将明歌∶AZUあなたが笑う时も あなたが辛い时もanataga warau toki mo anataga tsurai toki moあなたと二人Everlastinganatato futari Everlasting歩き出すの未来へaruki dasu no mirai he小さな出来事で 笑い合えるのもchiisa na dekigoto de warai ae runomoくだらないことで ケンカした事とかもkudaranaikotode kenka shita koto tokamoわがままを言って 困らせた事もwagamamawo itsutte komara seta koto moあなたと重ねた My precious storyanatato kasane ta My precious storyAh huh 恋がいつか爱に変わってAh huh koi gaitsuka ai ni kawa tteSo sweet 结ばれたの运命の人So sweet musuba retano unmei no hitoあなたが笑う时も あなたが辛い时もanataga warau toki mo anataga tsurai toki moあなたの全てがMy pleasureanatano subete ga My pleasure歩き出すの未来へaruki dasu no mirai heあなたが迷う时も あなたが寂しい时もanataga mayou toki mo anataga sabishi i toki moあなたと二人Everlastinganatato futari Everlasting永远に Just my love with youeien ni Just my love with youどんな场面も 受け止めていつもdonna bamen mo uke tome teitsumo小さな私を 守っていてくれたchiisa na watashi wo mamotte itekuretaそんなあなたが いてくれたからこそsonnaanataga itekuretakarakoso何も饰らずいれたみたいnanimo kazara zuiretamitaiAh huh 何年でも あなたのそばでAh huh nannen demo anatanosobadeSo sweet 寄りそうから 手と手つないでSo sweet yori soukara te to te tsunaide私が誓うKissも 私が触れる爱もwatashi ga chikau Kiss mo watashi ga fureru ai mo私の全てをJust for youwatashi no subete wo Just for you伝えてくよ You are the onetsutae tekuyo You are the one二人で描く梦も 二人で过ごす明日もfutari de egaku yume mo futari de sugo su ashita mo二人の时间がMy treasurefutari no jikan ga My treasure爱してゆくよ Foreveraishi teyukuyo ForeverCan you wear my ring?Can you wear my ring?Can you stay with me?Can you stay with me?I swear to the ringI swear to the ringI"ll give you all my loveあなたの全てがMy pleasureanatano subete ga My pleasure歩き出すの未来へaruki dasu no mirai heあなたが迷う时も あなたが寂しい时もanataga mayou toki mo anataga sabishi i toki moあなたと二人Everlastinganatato futari Everlasting永远に Just my love with youeien ni Just my love with you歌曲名:Woman歌手:AZU专辑:WomanWomanAZU作词:AZU作曲:浅田将明ずっとあなたの1番近くで 爱していくのいつでも私らしく辉いて変わるわパーフェクト Woman目覚めれば隣に あなたがいてくれるのそっと頬を抚でて 触れてふたつkissをして迷いながら进む道に 怯えた肩を抱いてあなたがそう私の事优しく変えてくれたからずっとあなたの1番近くで 爱していくのいつでも私らしく辉いて変わるわパーフェクト Woman梦のラストシーンは 隣にあなたがいて白いベールの中 光る涙こぼれてく重ねてきた时间はまだ 少なく感じるけど爱されてる喜びはもうたくさん感じてるよbabyずっとあなたの1番近くで 爱していくのいつでも私らしく辉いて変わるわパーフェクト Womanもっとあなたの1番近くで 爱していくのいつでも私らしく辉いて生まれ変わるわ Woman强がりで泣き虫な 私でも あなたならすべて见せて迷わず素直になれるはずだから…だから…私らしく辉いて 生まれ変わるわずっとあなたの1番近くで 爱していくのいつでも私らしく辉いて変わるわパーフェクト Womanany day, my baby, always by your side.the only promise i have…is just loving you.every day, every night, you"re the only one.I will shine forever...I"m in love with you歌曲名:Missing you...歌手:AZU专辑:Love letterMissing you...作词:AZU作曲:浅田将明编曲:浅田将明歌:AZU穏やかな空に愿いかけるように问いかけた声はもう远くて『远くて...』答えてよ 今でも baby?逢いたくてたまんない。触れたくて寂しくてbaby I miss you梦の中で见る君は微笑んで何度も私の名を呼んで忘れたくないくらい君のmemories辉いて消えないよ、ねぇ...爱してるの今でも。ever since you went awaythings haven"t been the samemiss you I"m going crazy君のその声が闻こえない夜は息が诘まるほど苦しくて『苦しくて...』愿いが叶うなら babyあの顷に戻りたいもう2度と帰れないbaby i miss you梦の中で见る君は爱しくて何度も私を抱きしめて忘れられないくらい君のmemoriesぬくもりが消えないの、ねぇ…逢いたいの今でも。just call my name…i need you baby…寂しすぎるよ 一人残して私だけ置いていかないでよ忘れたくないくらい君のmemoriesぬくもりが消えないの、ねぇ…梦の中で见る君は微笑んで何度も私の名を呼んで忘れたくないくらい君のmemories辉いて消えないよ、ねぇ...爱してるの今でも。ever since you went awaythings haven"t been the samemiss you I"m going crazyMissing you...ever since you went awaythings haven"t been the samemiss you I"m going crazy~END~Hello-AZUThis never-ending routineI feel like I"m stuck foreverNo matter how hard I tryI can"t seem to get away...Now it"s the winter seasonAnother year has passed so quicklyI"m searching for an answersomewhereBut I guess it"s all insideSo tonightGo and find the lightThere"s a gift inside of everyoneCome on and trust yourselfReach for a good lifeHello hello hello helloI see the snowflakes dancing in the airHello hello hello helloI keep on dreaming towards the skyI"m ready so let"s goPlaying in the snowLet me hear yourHello hello hello helloSinging into the winter skyI hear the bells and laughterAnd everyone seems so joyfulWe"re walking in a wonderlandTo share the love that I have foundSo let"s smileYou and I can flyThe stars above are shiningI"ll let them light the wayMake it a good dayHello hello hello helloI see the snowflakes dancing in theairHello hello hello helloI keep on dreaming towards the skyI"m ready so let"s goPlaying in the snowLet me hear yourHello hello hello helloSinging into the winter skyHello hello hello helloHello hello hello helloI keep on dreaming towards the skyHello hello hello helloI see the snowflakes dancing in the airHello hello hello helloI keep on dreaming towards the skyI"m ready so let"s goPlaying in the snowLet me hear yourHello hello hello hello...Singing into the winter sky

古巴民歌“鸽子”(la paloma)的意大利文歌词

La Paloma 歌词A te, nella luce calda del sole d"or, verrà la paloma bianca del nostro amor. E tu, ripetendo lieta la mia canzon, un di la vedrai posare sul tuo balcon. Quella paloma svetta nel cielo azzurro con tante cose scritte con un sussurro. Credi a quel suo messaggio come al mio cuore, è la colomba bianca del nostro amore. A te, nella luce calda del sole d"or, verrà la paloma bianca del nostro amor. E tu, ripetendo lieta la mia canzon, un di la vedrai posare sul tuo balcon. Se potessi anche tu spiegar l"ali in un volo e tornare al mio cuor triste e solo per non lasciarlo più! Dammi il tuo amor! Dammi il tuo amor!
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