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法律英语基础句子:Offense 犯罪

Offense 犯罪 ,1.A crime is a behavior within the definition of the provisions of the criminal law and should be subject to criminal penalty.,犯罪是刑法规定范畴的应承担刑事责任的行为。,2.A crime is the behavior that is harmful to the society and should be punished with criminal penalty.,犯罪是具有社会危害性的行为,应当受到刑法处罚。,3.A sin takes in everything done, said and willed against right reason.,罪包含所有违背正确理性的行为、言词和意志。,4.A witness"s credibility noticeably diminishes as the enormity of the crime or the unlikeliness of its circumstances increase.,罪行越严重,情节越难以置信,证据的尺度应越严格。,act does not make a person guilty of a crime unless the mind is also guilty.,没有主观过错的行为不会令行为人有罪。,intoxicated person who mits a crime shall bear criminal responsibility.,醉酒者犯罪应负刑事责任。,selling alcohol to minors, the shop is deliberately flouting the law.,向未成年人出售烈酒,是商店故意犯罪。,inal responsibility is to be borne for negligent crimes only when the law so provides.,过失犯罪,法律有明文规定时才负刑事责任。,inals responsibility shall be borne for intentional crimes.,故意犯罪,应当负刑事责任。,inal are sick; they should be patients, not prisoners.,罪犯都是病态的,他们应该是病人,而不是囚犯。,yone is held to be innocent until he is proved guilty.,凡不能被证明有罪的,都是无罪。,lity of pardon is an incentive to crime。,轻易赦免罪过,实际是鼓励犯罪。,ng the killer what he deserves.,给杀人者应得之惩罚。,the sin but not the sinner.,可恨的是罪行,而非罪人。,carried out a felonious act.,他犯了重罪。,confessed to the crime during his interrogation.,在询问中,他供认了犯罪。,denied being in the house at the time of the murder.,他否认谋杀发生时他在住宅内。,pleads not guilty to murder but guilty to manslaughter.,他承认误杀,不承认谋杀。,tried to establish his innocence.,他试图确定自己无罪。,turned over a new leaf.,他洗心革面,重新做人。,was accused of murder.,他被指控犯有谋杀罪。,was arrested for disorderly conduct in the street.,他因在街上妨害治安而被捕。,was arrested on suspicion of being an accessory to the crime.,他因涉嫌同谋犯罪而被捕。,was brought to court and charged with rape.,他被带到法庭并被指控犯有 *** 罪。,was charged with trafficing in drugs.,他被指控非法贩卖毒品。,was cleared of all charges.,他被洗脱所有指控的罪名。,was found guilty by the court-martial and sentenced to imprisonment.,军事法庭判他有罪并判他坐牢。,was found guilty of gross dereliction of duty.,他被判严重玩忽职守。,was indicted for murder.,他被指控犯有谋杀罪。,was prosecuted for embezzlement.,他被指控犯罪侵犯信托财产。,was sent to prison for six months for embezzlement.,他因侵占财产被监禁6个月。,32. Mercy to the criminal may be cruelty to the people.,对犯罪的仁慈是对人民的残忍。,tition of a libel is an offence.,重复诽谤是一种犯罪行为。,al intercourse with a girl under sixteen is an offence.,与16岁以下的女孩 *** 是一种犯罪行为。,was sent to prison for blackmail.,她因犯有敲诈罪被送进监狱。,crime was premeditated.,犯罪是预谋好的。,pany was guilty of evading the VAT regulations.,该公司犯有逃避增值税规定罪。,suspects were placed in detention.,嫌疑犯被拘留。,suspect was apprehended at the scene of the crime.,嫌疑犯在犯罪现场被捕。,theft es into the category of petty crime.,盗窃属于轻罪。

no offense,but by the time,we are in the job ma


i mean no offense

口语用法,美式口语里边有很多不合语法的地方,比如no more nothing

no offense,but by the time,we are in the job ma


no offense taken 什么意思

no offense taken没有冒犯了


1. 【写一篇题目为NoPains,NoGains的作文】 "No pains,no gains"is a proverb that means we cannot gain or achieve anything without care,trouble or hard work.It goes without saying that a student will have to study hard and stick to his books if he wants to bee a learned scholar . If a man wants to succed in bussiness,he will have to work hard,rise early and work long hours."No pains,no gains"is certainly true of bussiness. It is true,too,of character building.A fine noble character is,as a rule,not born,but the result of effort and struggle. One has to take pains to form good habits,to abandon bad ones and to resist temptation and to grow virtuous."No pains,no gains"is a motto that han been encouraging many men of will to attain their goals.Stick to it and you are bound to succeed.。 2. 看图作文:《不要乱扔果皮》 [看图作文:《不要乱扔果皮》]看图作文:《不要乱扔果皮》正文: 看图作文:《不要乱扔果皮》看图作文:《不要乱扔果皮》辽宁省阜新市 东苑小学 三年二班 张畅一个阳光明媚的下午,小力写完作业,心里非常高兴,他顺手拿了一个香蕉边吃边向外跑,想找小朋友们玩“老鹰捉小鸡”的游戏,看图作文:《不要乱扔果皮》,小学三年级作文《看图作文:《不要乱扔果皮》》。走到楼梯口时,香蕉也吃完了,他就把香蕉皮扔在了地上。正在这时,小兰端着水迎面走来和小力擦肩而过。小力只听“哎哟”一声,紧接着,一盆凉水从天而降,浇在了小力的身上,浇得小力象只“落汤鸡”。小力生气级了,他急忙回头一看,原来是小兰摔倒在地。小兰急忙站起来,走了过去。小力对她说:“你是怎么搞的,为什么把水浇了我一身?”小兰忙对小力说:“对不起,我不是故意的,不知是谁把香蕉皮扔在了地上,我走到那里,正好踩上,就滑倒了,所以水浇了你一身。”小力低头一看,原来那块香蕉皮正是自己刚才扔的。于是,他连忙对小兰说:“不,这是我的错,香蕉皮是我扔的。”小力边说边弯下腰,把香蕉皮捡起来,扔进了垃圾箱。小力心想:“我以后再也不能乱扔果皮了。”指导教师:尹老师投稿:2005-2-5 14:48:13 3. 看图写英语作文:care for the elderly 礼到心不到 Care the earth "No water, no creatures" It"s ture that the human being will run the end if there is no water in the world. So we should take care of the earth. Man can live for about 7days without any food, but 3 days without water. But I know that environmental pollution in our country is being more and more serious. In the country, we can see women washing clothes in the river. Litter is floating on the river. Waste water produced by a chemical factory is being discharged into the river. We do not see any fish in the river. The river is not so clear as before. Water quality is very bad. I am worried about it because water is important to all living things. Man can not live without water. At last I would like to say, "To care the earth is to protect life." 关爱地球 “没有水,没有生物”这是真实的,人如果没有水的世界运行结束.所以我们应该爱护地球.人没有食物可以活约7天,但3天没有水.但我知道,在我国环境污染越来越严重.在这个国家,我们可以看到妇女在河边洗衣服.垃圾漂浮在河面上.化工厂产生的废水被排入河流.我们没有看到河里有鱼.这条河不太清楚之前.水质很差.我担心是因为水对于所有生物都非常重要.没有水人类将无法生存.最后我想说,“保护地球就是保护生命.” 4. 看图写英语作文 I usually wake up at the 6:45 .But today,when I get up .It is the 8:15.I was very worried,So , I get up and put on with my close fastly,then went to school I told myself no time to have breakfast any more . But when I wear schoolbag and ride to school ,at the school gate ,Isaw the gate was closed,and on the gate ,there are some words,It says that please remember do not get in today is Sunday,I fainted。 5. 看图写话不要陌生人的东西 [该怎么办(看图写话)]该怎么办(看图写话)正文:该怎么办(看图写话)浙江省温州市 蒲鞋市小学 一(5)班 林书帆 王爷爷孤身一人住在小明家隔壁,小明每天早上帮王爷爷取牛奶,王爷爷很开心,该怎么办(看图写话),小学一年级作文《该怎么办(看图写话)》.有一天,王爷爷对小明说:“小明,谢谢你帮我取牛奶,以后我每天给你一毛钱.”小明急忙摇摇手说:“我不要,我不要.”王爷爷假装生气地说:“你不收下,就不让你取了.”小明愁眉苦脸地说:“我该怎么办呢?”如果我是小明,我会先收下来,等王爷爷生日的时候,买礼物送给他,那就不是还给他了吗?投稿:2005-11-15 17:23:12。 6. 看图写一篇120词的英语作文,图片为:一个儿子对父亲大吼 It is widely accepted that to work independently has the obvious advantage that it can prove one"s ability. However, I believe that teamwork is more important in the modern society and teamwork sprit has bee a required quality by more and more panies. In the first place, we are situated in a plicated society and we often encounter tough problems that are beyond our ability. It is especially at this moment that teamwork proves to be exceedingly important. With the help of the team, these problems can be solved easily and quickly, which could improve work efficiency. In the second place, teamwork provides a chance to cooperate with workmate, it will make a friendly and enjoyable work environment, which is an important factor influencing employees" belief in the pany as a good workplace. Finally, teamwork contributes to the prosperity of the panies. With all workmates" knowledge bined, the panies possess high work efficiency and an ability to deal with whatever problems. As a result, the panies can make more profits and develop more quickly. In sum, teamwork is very important, no one could live individually, they must rely on others in some way. Hence, work together could make life easier. 7. 一篇英语作文 看图写话 图弄不出来 跪求 My name is Liping,it" s six o"clock.The weather is raining.Now , My father are playing puter now .My mother is a teacher.She is cooking now.And my father is a docter.He is using the puter now.Last is my sister Kite.She is singing now! This is my family!I love my family!。 8. 看图写作文课文麦哨 呜卟,呜卟,呜……” 田野里,什么声响和着孩子的鼻音,在浓绿的麦叶上掠过?一声呼,一声应,忽高忽低,那么欢快,那么柔美。 湖畔,到处是割草的孩子。白竹布衬衫小凉帽,绣花兜肚彩头巾。那一张张红扑扑的脸蛋,蒙上了一层晶莹的细汗,犹如一朵朵沾满露珠的月季花。 前几天,田野里还是鹅黄嫩绿,芽苞初放。转眼间,到处都是浓阴。金黄的油菜花谢了,结出了密密的嫩荚;黑白相间的蚕豆花谢了,长出了小指头似的豆荚;雪白的萝卜花谢了,结出了一蓬蓬的种子。麦田换上了耀眼的浅黄色新装。每根麦秆都擎起了丰满的穗儿,那齐刷刷的麦,犹如乐谱上的线条,一个麦穗儿,就是一个跳动的音符。 湖 边 的草又肥又嫩,只消用手拉拉,竹篮很快就装满了。男孩子跑到铺满青草的土坡上面,翻跟头,竖蜻蜒,还有摔跤比赛。草地柔软而有弹性,比城里体育馆的垫子还要强,这简直是一个天然的运动场! 玩累了,喊渴了,不知是谁一声招呼,大家采集起“茅茅针”来。那是一种和茅草差不多的野草,顶部的茅穗儿还裹在绿色的叶片里,显得鼓鼓的。剥开叶片,将茅穗儿连同茎轻轻抽出,把茎放进嘴里嚼嚼,吮吮,一股甘甜清凉的滋味很快从舌尖直沁肺腑! “呜卟,呜卟,呜……” 是谁又吹响了那欢快、柔美的麦哨?一忽儿,四处都响了起来,你呼我应,此起彼落。那欢快的哨声在撩起麦浪的东南风里,传得很远、很远……

no offence 和no offense的区别?

offense 进攻; (球队的),前锋;进攻方法; 攻势offence 犯罪,违反; 冒犯,触怒; 攻击

no offense是什么意思?


PS2超级机器人大战OGS offense 和defense有什么用?


no offense是什么意思


take offense是什么意思

take offense[英][teik u0259u02c8fens][美][tek u0259u02c8fu025bns]生气,见怪,动怒。感到自己受到了侮辱; 介意; 例句:1.If your friend can"t help you network, don"t take offense. " 如果朋友没能帮忙,也不要介意。2.If you"re feeling more light-hearted, you won"t be as quick to take offense. 如果你觉得轻松自在,你就不会迅速进入防守状态。

while securities fraud has long been an offense

句子不全,nder是under吗?还是其他单词while securities fraud has long been an offense under the other securities而证券欺诈行为早已在其他证券公司被认定为犯罪


offence和offense之间的区别是什么?使用方法没有区别,前者是英式英语,后者是美式。类似例子还有:英语拼法 美语拼法防御 defence defense 执照 licence license