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Error #2044: 未处理的 IOErrorEvent:。 text=Error #2032: 流错误。

首先,你要是开发者的话,那说明你传的数据可能为空或者其它原因导致,但是通过你的描述,你应该是用户,建议你卸载掉现在的flash player for ie,重新下载一版不是debug版本的,因为这个debug版本一般是给开发者调试用的。纯手写,可以的话记得给分啊


本文从听力的环节入手与大家分享新托福听力的“三斑”(即:新托福听力的形式、内容和出题原则),目的只在“抛个砖,引个玉”,势未能引领大家观“全豹” 仍期望借过“抛砖泛起的水花,望穿其神秘的面纱”。在波退水平之际,你会发现:新托福听力--道是有变却无变……   一、形式上   共六篇,平均每篇600字左右,5分钟读完。前两篇:对话(conversations); 后四篇:课堂演讲(lectures)   这是新托福中变化的一点。不过这种形式上的变化无论是在89年或在95年都有过类似的发生。所以这种屡见不鲜的变革对于我们来说是无足轻重的。因为无论是单句变对话,还是对话加段子,事实上我们都能很快地适应并取得令ETS发指的成绩。   那么,这次的形式上取消了小对话,加长了长段子,增大了信息量,但无论怎样,势必会:来之、安之、定之……   二、内容上   1.对话内容(共三种):   (1) instructors" office hours   对话人物为教授与学生。对话地点在教授办公室。对话内容可为学术讨论或有关询问课程等问题。例如:要求教授延期交作业(此为非学术讨论);要求教授解释讲座内容(此为学术讨论)   (2) service encounters   对话人物为学生与工作人员。对话地点在校园某办公室。对话内容为非学术的询问。例如:询问房租;怎样注册、怎样选课等   (3) student interactions   对话人物为学生甲乙。对话地点为教室以外相遇。对话内容可为学术讨论(一门专业课程内容、准备演讲);非学术讨论(借笔记、实习感受)   通过查对以上新对话部分的内容,不难发现三种对话的内容都是旧托福PartB 部分的频繁测试点,无论是选课、注册、找房、借笔记、交作业等等这些都可以归结到以上三种新托福对话内容上。只是这里更系统的做了一些分类。一句话:万变不离其宗。   2.演讲内容:   演讲皆摘录于真实的课堂演示。有的是教授独白;有的是教授演讲中夹杂学生提问、教授提问。这种演讲的内容同旧托福段子PartC 的内容都是一样的。天文,地理,生物,历史等等也都是旧托福惯用的测试内容。一句话:黔驴只待技穷。   综上,既然在内容上对话部分和演讲部分都与旧托福如出一辙,那么我们现在备考的最有效的材料,还是来源于旧托福的段子。而需要我们格外注意的只是平时训练一些技能(主要为拓展听记的存储空间)去适应它的形式上的不同而已。   三、出题原则上   [原则一] basic comprehension(50%以上的题目)   此类题型要求考生理解全文主要观点(understand important main ideas)和支撑观点的具体细节(supporting details)。   细分为两种:   (1)A main idea(gist) question requires the listener to understand critical vocabulary 、phrases or facts from several points in a text and to interpret them or synthesize them to identify the key points of the text 问文章谈论的主题(gist question)。这就需要考生有基本的概括主题以及从上下文提示中概括的能力。   (2) Detail questions require the listener to understand and remember explicit details or facts that are important as an explanation or an example of the main idea 问文章细节(detail question)。需要考生理解并存储文中围绕主题而陈述的重要事实   问法举例:   基本问法举例(以ETS官方给出的两套样题为准):   (1)what problem does the man have?(此为细节理解)   (2)what are the students mainly discussing?(此为主题理解)   (3)what is the main topic of the talk?(此为主题理解)   样题问法举例(以ETS官方给出的两套样题为准)   (一)问主题(gist question)   What is the lecture mainly about?   What is the talk mainly about?   What is the main topic of the lecture?   What is the main purpose of the lecture?   What is the professor mainly discussing?   (二) 基本理解后问细节(detail question)   1、According 类   (1)According to the professor, where might there be a conflict in an organizational structure based on both projects and function?   (2)According to the conversation, why are transposons sometimes called “jumping genes”?   (3)According to the conversation ,what are two ways in which bacteria cells get resistance genes?   (4)According to the professor, what information should the student include in her statement of purpose?   (5)Based on information in the lecture, indicate whether the statements below about human emotion reflect beliefs held by Plato.   (6)According to the professor, what are two problems associated with removing water from an underground system?   2、Why 类   (1) Why does the student go to see the professor?   (2) Why does the professor talk about Plato"s description of society?   (3) Why does the professor explain Bode"s Law to the class?   (4) Why does the man go to see his professor?   (5) According to the professor, why did one scientist grow a rye plant in water?   [原则二]Pragmatic understanding (25%左右的题目)   此类题型主要考察考生对语言交流的实际掌握能力。听出讲话者讲某句话的目的(purpose);听出讲话者所呈现的态度(stance)   细分为两种:   (1)Purpose understanding tests understanding of the intended function of an utterance, that is, the speaker"s purpose. Examples of functions include such speech acts as apologizing, describing, and suggesting.   问目的(purpose)是从不同角度去测试考生对语言功能的实际把握能力。需要考生能直接概括出讲话人的目的,并确定讲话人的感情基调是如何强调的。   (2)Stance understanding tests understanding of a speaker"s attitude. There are Two kinds of stance questions: attitudinal stance and epistemic stance. Attitudinal stance (attitude) questions generally probe the student"s understanding of speaker affect, for example, like, dislike, anxiety, and amusement. Epistemic stance questions probe the student"s recognition of the degree of doubt or certainty that the speaker expresses, whether his statements are intended as fact or opinion.   问态度(stance)要求考生根据讲话者所言确定讲话者的态度或立场。这是在basic understanding 的基础上对字里行间的一种理解能力的考察。   真题举例:   Examples of ways that students can demonstrate understanding of the function of an utterance   (一)问目的(Purpose)--Directly identify the function of the utterance, i.e, the speaker"s purpose   以下材料摘录于部分对话,对话双方针对房租问题展开讨论。   (Excerpt from a conversation between a male student and a female housing office secretary. They are discussing his dorm fees.)   (narrator) listen again to a part of the conversation. Then answer the question.   (Secretary) But let me ask you this, are you um in a single room or a double room?   (Student) I"m in a double   (Secretary) You"re rooming with someone?   (Student) Oh, I should"ve been??nobody was assigned though, but yeah it"s open, it"s available.   (Secretary) OK, because they"re charging you for a double, I mean for a single. They"re charging for the whole room. Um   (narrator) Why does the secretary say this: They"re charging you for a double, I mean for a single. They"re charging you for the whole room.   (A) To apologize for her mistake   (B) To explain why the problem happened   (C) To warn the man about future payments   (D) To suggest that the man find a roommate   Examples of ways that students can demonstrate understanding of the speaker"s stance   (二)问态度(stance)--Identify a paraphrase of a speaker"s utterance that expresses or implies the speaker"s stance   以下材料摘录于教授与学员的对话   (Excerpt from a conversation between a female professor and a male student. They have been discussing what material will be included on an upcoming test)   (Narrator) Listen again to a part of the conversation. Then you will be asked to select the statement that is closest in meaning to what the man says.   (Professor) You"ll do fine on this if you"ve read and ??underlined and thought about the important issues. But I want you to be sure that you understand from the beginning, um…what if means to ask you to do this. Cause this is where you could go wrong if you interpret this too simplistically…um…“identify” means what?   (Student) You mean, like, who said what, right?   (Professor) Yes…and the title of this story, its author…   (Student) [worried, sounding somewhat indignant] So we"ve got to know all that stuff?for all the stories?   (Narrator) Select the sentence that best expresses how the student probably feels.   (A) “I"m worried about remembering so much information.”   (B) “I appreciate your taking the time to explain this to me.”   (C) “I"m relieved to be learning about what will be on the rest.”   (D) “I don"t understand what you mean.”   问法举例:   基本问法举例(以ETS官方给出的两套样题为准):   (1)Listen again to part of the lecture, then answer the question   (2)Why does the woman say this:……   样题问法举例(以ETS官方给出的两套样题为准):   (1)Why does the professor tell a story about his friend who went medical school?   (2)Why does the man talk to the woman about the “Poetry Kitchen”?   (3)What is the woman"s attitude toward participating in the poetry club?   (4)What is the professor"s opinion of the motor theory of thinking?   [原则三]Connecting information(25%左右的题目)   此类题型考察考生对上下文以及文章脉络、前后语言信息关联的掌握的能力。这种考察就要求考生更具备一定的听力实力,比如整合文中信息、根据前文下结论更会考到做推导的能力。总体上考察考生概括和推论的能力。   再细分为两种:   (1)Organization questions   (2)Content questions   (1) Organization questions: question about the organizational aspects of the text may require students to identify the structure of the text. These questions ask students to identify the organization or rhetorical structure of the text or a portion of the text.   基本问法举例:   (问) How does the professor organize the information that she presents to the class?   (答)In the order in which the events occurred.   (问) How does the professor clarify the points he makes about Mexico?   (答) By comparing Mexico to a neighboring country   (2) Content questions: Some content questions require students to demonstrate understanding of the substantive relationships between or among ideas in a text. Tasks of this type typically require students to identify relationships that either are explicitly presented in a stimulus or are clearly inferable. The task might ask students to respond to or organize information in a different manner from the way the information was presented to them in the stimulus. Some content questions require students to link content (i. e Explicit and/or implicit information) in order to perform an action. Task of this type will in some instances presuppose recognition of a particular relationship, but they will always require students to perform some action on information. These action include predicting outcomes, drawing conclusions or logical inferences, drawing accurate generalizations, extrapolating inferring a cause and effect relationship, specifying a sequence of events, and so on.   (注) 文章关联信息类原则不考察学生对对话主题的概括。只是考察根据上下句去概括,去推理的能力。   真题举例:   (Student) There"re a couple of people that"re interviewing me and one of the guys really liked me. He and I just hit it off perfectly and then the?girl?the woman who I"d probably be working for, she didn"t much care for me for some reason. Hmm, so I was wondering……   (professor)You want……   (Student) …about a recommendation…   (professor)It"s not too late?   (Student) They said, “Drop it off this week.”   (professor)This week. Ok.   (student) Yeah. The thing is…it"s pretty competitive so any help I can get(professor)I"m glad to do what I can, no problem   (student) Great.   (Narrator) What does the student want the professor to do?   (A) Talk to his supervisor   (B) Help him prepare for another interview   (C) Write a letter of recommendation   (D) Offer him a jobhttp://ks.examda.com   基本问法举例(以ETS官方给出的两套样题为准):   (1) What is the likely outcome of doing procedure 1 before procedure 2?   (2) What can be inferred about X?   (3) What does the professor imply about X?   样题问法举例(以ETS官方给出的两套样题为准):   (1)What will the students do in the summer?   (2)Why does the professor mention the Golden Gate Bridge?   (3)How does the professor introduce Bode"s Law?   (4)The professor describes a magic trick to the class, what does the magic trick demonstrate?   (5)The professor mentions houseplants that receive too much water, why does mention them?   (6)Indicate whether each sentence below describes functional organization or project organization   综合以上新托福的形式、内容以及出题原则,正是我们所看到的ETS的科学性之所在。ETS任意的一项测试或一次改动,都是遵从着科学规律的。而我们都知道科学的产生发展都是建立在为人类服务的基础之上的。科学的变是为了迎合人类的变;科学的进步是为了适应人类的进步。注重科学的美国人,无论是在其国内本科升学考试恒定尺的SAT考试05年的变化上;抑或即将推出的衡定非英语母语国家人英语水平的TOEFL变脸上;更或早在03年美国研究生入学测试的GRE加试作文上,都是因为固有的考试不再能科学的分析人的必备能力后才“改易的旗帜”。   那么,无论是何种考试,无论是何等变化,我们只需牢记一点:考试的本质是科学。抓住考试本质上的科学性方可拥有解决它的“破竹之势”。它的形式是科学的,它的内容是科学的,它的出题途路是科学的,无论从哪里着手,你是否已经蓄“势”待发?

证书确实是2048,但为什么还出现certificates does not conform to algorithm cons






英雄连2(Company of Heroes 2)的DLC和全部指挥官外加地图编辑器破解版跪求啊啊啊


company of heroes franchise edition是什么游戏


company of heroes 2为什么对硬件要求比一代提升这么大






kelly的《what doesn’t kill you》歌词谁有啊

kelly Clarkson-what doesn"t kill you[ti:]What Doesn"t Kill You[ar:]Kelly Clarkson[00:00.29]歌名:What Doesn"t Kill You[00:00.75]歌手:Kelly Clarkson[00:06.35]You know the bed feels warmer[00:09.52]Sleeping here alone[00:14.53]You know I dream in colour[00:17.80]And do the things I want[00:19.86][00:22.77]You think you got the best of me[00:24.82]Think you had the last laugh[00:26.96]Bet you think that everything good is gone[00:30.75]Think you left me broken down[00:33.11]Think that I"d come running back[00:35.14]Baby you don"t know me, cause you"re devil[00:37.89][00:39.42]What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger[00:41.92]Stand a little taller[00:44.03]Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone[00:47.59]What doesn"t kill you makes a fire[00:50.19]Put that thing on ligher[00:52.35]Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"r gone[00:55.84][00:56.32]What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger[01:01.13]Just me, myself and I[01:04.05]What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger[01:06.67]Stand a little taller[01:08.77]Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone[01:12.24][01:14.50]You heard that I was starting over with someone new[01:20.91]But told you I was moving on over you[01:29.30][01:30.47]You didn"t think that I"d come back[01:32.67]I"d come back swinging[01:34.78]You try to break me what you say[01:37.61][01:37.93]What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger[01:40.14]Stand a little taller[01:42.17]Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone[01:45.70]What doesn"t kill you makes a fire[01:48.27]Put that thing on lighter[01:50.43]Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"r gone[01:53.85][01:54.20]What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger[01:59.25]Just me, myself and I[02:02.18]What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger[02:04.69]Stand a little taller[02:06.82]Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone[02:10.20][02:12.65]Thanks to you I got a new thing started[02:16.32]Thanks to you I"m not a broken hearted[02:20.34]Thanks to you I"m finally thinking bout me[02:23.98]You know in the end the day to left was just my beginning[02:31.99]In the end...[02:33.98][02:35.37]What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger[02:38.02]Stand a little taller[02:40.12]Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone[02:43.53]What doesn"t kill you makes a fire[02:46.29]Put that thing on lighter[02:48.48]Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"r gone[02:51.88][02:52.23]What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger[02:57.22]Just me, myself and I[03:00.09]What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger[03:02.65]Stand a little taller[03:04.77]Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone[03:08.56][03:08.92]What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger[03:13.81]Just me, myself and I[03:16.86]What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger[03:19.46]Stand a little taller[03:21.61]Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone[03:26.67]I"m alone


トエト作词:トラボルタP作曲:トラボルタP编曲:トラボルタP呗:巡音ルカあなたの事が好きです。 ウソです。anatano koto ga suki desu . uso desu .だけどほんとは んんんんん~dakedohontoha nnnnn ~あなたの事が嫌いです。 ウソです。anatano koto ga kirai desu . uso desu .だってほんとは んんんんん~dattehontoha nnnnn ~素直になれない 勇気が足りなくてsunao ninarenai yuuki ga tari nakuteウソついてばっか 猫かぶりuso tsuitebakka neko kaburiいつの间にか 私の中にいるitsuno mani ka watashi no nakani iruえっと、えっとね エットエトetto , ettone ettoeto大事な事伝えるのが苦手な トエトdaiji na koto tsutae runoga nigate na toetoおとなしくて 耻ずかしがり屋さんな トエトotonashikute hazukashi gari ya sanna toeto隠れているのkakure teirunoほんとの気持ちを伝えたいけどhontono kimochi wo tsutae taikedoもじもじトエトがそれを拒むmojimoji toeto gasorewo kobamuここぞと言う时 いざと言う时kokozoto iu toki izato iu tokiえっとえっと、あのえっと、アノエットエトettoetto , anoetto , anoettoeto颜真っ赤 トエトkao makka toetoえっとえっとせとらettoettosetoraゴメンネとナミダ流しgomenne to namida nagashi私のせいでと トエトwatashi noseideto toetoそんな事无いよ 泣かないでトエトsonna kotonashi iyo naka naide toetoそんなあなたが大好きよsonnaanataga daisuki yoほんとの気持ちを伝えたいけどhontono kimochi wo tsutae taikedoもじもじトエトがそれを拒むmojimoji toeto gasorewo kobamuここぞと言う时 いざと言う时kokozoto iu toki izato iu tokiえっとえっと、あのえっと、アノエットエトettoetto , anoetto , anoettoetoほんとにほんとに伝えたい时hontonihontoni tsutae tai tokiもじもじトエトも勇気を出すmojimoji toeto mo yuuki wo dasuここぞと言う时 いざと言う时kokozoto iu toki izato iu tokiえっとえっと、あのえっと、顽张るトエトettoetto , anoetto , ganbaru toeto私の中の 顽张るトエトwatashi no nakano ganbaru toeto



Weal and woe,wane and wax 翻译一下这个

nosuchbucketmessage: the specified bucket does n

无该bucket ,指定bucket 不存在,bucket 名称:19

how much does it cost to send a card to your friend on computer?应该怎样回答

直接回答多少钱,比如说Ten yuan。



思科2811 PPPOE拨号后能获取IP,但无法ping通外网


cisco 1921 pppoe问题 在线等

后来解决了没 我也遇到这个问题了

cisco 做两个PPPOE拨号,有一个能通过他上网,但是外部不能访问它的公网IP,已在ISP绑定静态IP



!interface GigabitEthernet0/0 no ip address duplex auto speed auto pppoe enable group global pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1! interface Dialer1 ip address negotiated ip access-group sec-icmp in ip mtu 1492 ip nat outside ip virtual-reassembly in encapsulation ppp dialer pool 1 ppp pap sent-username 用户名 password 0 密码 service-policy input pri-replay!到此为止PPPOE配置完了,思科IOS从14.几就没有PPPOE了一般情况下还需要配置缺省路由和NAT,应该会吧。


还出演了 阿凡达









请大神帮忙,我的airport extreme根本无法连接上网一直黄灯,用DHCP和PPPOE都试


家里办的500M宽带 用的airport extreme大的。猫连上路由器设置pppoe可以上网


career planning does not guarantee that all prob




yesterday last night tomorroe哪一个是完成时态?


Does Claire want a new one for her birthday?


Mr.Duncan does not know __ the lawn mower after they had finished using it.


名词解释(英语作答):Father of english poetry

Father of English poetry 基本翻译 英国诗歌之父(指乔叟 Chaucer) Geoffrey Chaucer, author, poet, philosopher, bureaucrat (courtier), and diplomat. Chaucer is best known as the author of The Canterbury Tales. He is sometimes credited with being the first author to demonstrate the artistic legitimacy of the vernacular English language, rather than French or Latin. Chaucer was born around 1343 in London. His father and grandfather were both London wine merchants (vintners); historical evidence indicates that Chaucer"s family was well-to do—upper middle-class if not in the elite. Chaucer"s father had connections which enabled his son to become a page to Elizabeth de Burgh, the Countess of Ulster from 1357 onward; later Geoffrey served in the royal court of Edward III as a valet to Lionel of Antwerp. In 1359 Chaucer travelled with the English army under Edward III to France during the Hundred Years" War. In 1360, he was captured during the siege of Reims, becoming a prisoner of war. Edward paid a ransom of 16 pounds, and Chaucer was released. Chaucer traveled from England to France, Spain, Flanders, and Italy (Genoa and Florence), where he came into contact with medieval continental poetry.

Echoes 封面里的人物分别出自 Pink Floyd 的哪些专辑封面


地下城与勇士(DNF)的全称是dungeon fighter还does not finish

does not finish 是对的额!~

shoe store, bookstore为什么一个分开一下,一个连在一起


shoe store, bookstore为什么一个分开一下,一个连在一起



句子如下,Mrs li does not like Danny′s song.

Not a day goes by but I think of dear old Larry . 这句英语的成分怎么划分?

Not - Adverb a day - Noun phrase goes by - Verb phrase but - Conjunction I - Pronoun think of - Verb phrase dear old Larry - Noun phrase.Overall, this is a simple sentence with one independent clause.

Joe Satriani的《Echo》 歌词

歌曲名:Echo歌手:Joe Satriani专辑:Time MachineEcho-menudo【译特】Oh man, feels like I"m losing controlForgot what it"s like to rule my worldShe got me and she got me goodI don"t even wanna hang around my boysI used to say I"m not that kinda guyI don"t do love, don"t waste my timeBut lately all that"s on my mindIs when I"m back with herWith her, with herAnd everywhere I hear her wordsEvery corner I seem to turnI can"t hide from this loveOh oh, oh oh, keep taunting me wherever I goOh oh, oh oh, filling up my heart and I can feel itOh oh, oh oh, going round and round like an echoEcho, echo, echo, echo, echoSomehow, I keep lying to myselfI say I can manage just right alongMatter fact I am so damn scaredCause I think about were I belongI never had this kind of feeling beforeI think I"m falling in loveCause lately all that"s on my mindIs when I"m back with herWith her, with herAnd everywhere I hear her wordsEvery corner I seem to turnI can"t hide from this loveOh oh, oh oh, keep taunting me wherever I goOh oh, oh oh, filling up my heart and I can feel itOh oh, oh oh, going round and round like an echoEcho, echo, echo, echo, echoRound and round, everywhere, in my head, in the airEchooo, echoooRound and round, everywhere, in my head, in the airEchooo, echooo(Menudo, echoo)Can"t hide from this loveOh oh, oh oh, keep taunting me wherever I goOh oh, oh oh, filling up my heart and I can feel itOh oh, oh oh, going round and round like an echoEcho, echo, echo, echo, echoI can"t hide from this loveOh oh, oh oh, keep taunting me wherever I goOh oh, oh oh, filling up my heart and I can feel itOh oh, oh oh, going round and round like an echoEcho, echo, echo, echo, echohttp://music.baidu.com/song/8843960

Billy Joel 什么意思






aoeiuv是韵母的前六个,共24个。完整:a o e i u v ai ei ui ao ou iu ie ve er an en in un vn ang eng ing ong。韵母是一个中国汉语音韵学术语,汉语字音中声母、字调以外的部分。旧称为韵。韵母由韵头(介音)、韵腹(主要元音)、韵尾三部分组成;按韵母结构可分为单韵母、复韵母、鼻韵母。后面接着是:b、p、m、f、d、t、n、l、g、k、h、j、q、x、z、c、s、zh、ch、sh、r、y、w。单韵母:a[阿]、o[哦]、e[鹅]、i[衣]、u[乌]、ü[迂]。复韵母:ai[哀]、ei[A]、ui[威]、ao[奥]、ou[欧]、iu[悠]、ie[耶]、üe[约]、er[儿]。前鼻韵母:an[安]、en[恩]、in[因]、un[温]、ün[晕]。后鼻韵母:ang[昂]、eng[鞥]、ing[英]、ong[轰的韵母]。整体认读音节:zhi[吱]、chi[吃]、shi[狮]、ri、zi、ci、si、yi [衣]、wu[乌]、yu[迂]、yin[因]、yun[晕]、ye[夜]、yue[月]、yuan[圆]、ying。


标调歌   四个声调四顶帽,六个单韵母抢着要,   谁的口大给谁标,i、u并列往后跑。   好朋友,排排坐,   你挨着我来我挨着你。   a 在前边,i在后,挨在一起ai ai ai,   好朋友啊不分离。   有a在,把帽戴,   a不在,o e戴,   要是i u在一起,谁在后面给谁戴。   有a 找 a,没 a找o e ,i u 并排标后边。   a o e i u ü六兄弟,老大在家找老大 。   老大不在找老二,老二不在找老三,i u并列标在后。   a o e i u ü,   有 a 在把花戴, a 字不在顺次排,   i u 并列在一起,谁在后面给谁戴。   四、拼音休息操   1、点点头,伸伸腰,   我们来做拼音休息操。   动动手,动动脚,   我们来背声母表 b p m f ......   扭扭脖子,扭扭腰,   我们来背韵母表a o e .....   站要直,坐要正,   我们来背整体音节认读表zhi chi ....   专心听,勤动脑,学好拼音基础牢。   2、小鼓敲ddd;马蹄响dadada;   汽车开dididi;敲门声dududu。   小门小门n、n、n,小棍小棍l、l、l。   今天学习了n和l,小伙伴们真快乐。   3、你拍一,我拍一,张大小嘴aaa,   你拍二我拍二小嘴隆圆ooo,   你拍三,我拍三,小嘴一咧eee。   五、整体认读音节   yi 、wu、yu   小ü很骄傲,两眼住上瞧,   大y帮助它,摘掉骄傲帽。   (帮助记忆整体认读音节yu)   小i的妈妈是大y,小i大y挨一起组成整体认读音节yi yi yi。   小u的爸爸是大w,小u大w挨一起组成整体认读音节wu wuwu。   小ü无父母,大y来帮助组成整体认读音节yu yu yu。   小ü有礼貌,见了大y就脱帽   小i有礼貌,标调就摘帽。   小i出门找大Y,小u出门找大W,   小ü孤儿没父母,出门就去找大Y,擦掉眼泪Yu、Yu、Yu。   大y带小i,一对好兄弟,我们把它也念i.   大y陪小ü,小ü笑嘻嘻,眼泪擦掉了,还是念做ü。   六、其它   声母歌:大南瓜(ua)等儿歌   老奶奶,收南瓜,南瓜甜,南瓜大,拿不动,抱不下。   走来一个小娃娃,拉着小车笑哈哈,帮助奶奶送南瓜。   下雪了(le)   下雪了,下雪了,

有a不放过 没a找oe,iu并列标在后什么意思



aoeiu儿歌顺口溜如下:嘴巴张大 a a a,嘴巴圆圆 o o o,嘴巴扁扁 e e e,牙齿对齐 i i i,嘴巴突出 u u u,嘴吹口哨 ü ü ü。医生检查 a a a,公鸡打鸣 o o o,白鹅游水 e e e,衣服挂墙 i i i,乌鸦做窝 u u u,鱼儿吐泡 ü ü ü。单韵母,最可爱,声调帽子头上戴。没a依次向后找,i、u并列帽戴后,i上标调点去掉。单个韵母不用说,轻声从来不标调。a o e i u ü 圆脸小姑娘,小辫右边扎aaa;一只大公鸡,清早喔喔啼ooo;一只大白鹅,游在水中央eee。圆脸蛋羊角辫,张大嘴巴aaa;大公鸡,哦哦叫,嘴巴圆圆oo;大白鹅,水里游,尾巴尖尖ee;大山见我乐开花,我见大山笑哈哈。小鱼小兔来唱歌,平时经常练嘴巴;aoeiuü请练练,从小到大不后退。老大开火车,轰隆隆隆开走了。小小嘴巴张大的,a a a;嘴巴圆圆的,o o o;嘴巴扁扁的,e e e;牙齿对齐的,i i i;嘴巴突出的,u u u;嘴吹口哨的,ü ü ü。有个小孩叫小杜,杜牧背上写文章。做个小孩叫小杜,只愿低头写文章。a是大哥坐摇篮,o是姐姐梳小辫,e是白鹅游在水,i是蝴蝶飞飞飞,u是鱼儿水中游,ü是小鱼吐泡泡。

Noel Gourdin的《The River》 歌词

歌曲名:The River歌手:Noel Gourdin专辑:After My TimeManchester Orchestra - The RiverI will fight the spiritWith a sword in my sideShe found a way outCrack my ribWait to dieI think I know you best when I sleepI think I know everythingMe and my brothersWe have tongues sharp as knivesI found a way outMake a noise, close your eyesI think I talk to you best when I singI sing about almost everythingOh god I need itSo let me see againTake me to the riverAnd let me see againOh my godLet me see againOh my godLet me see againLet me see againGrace taught her daughterDaily onGod how I feel itFed her pride to your feetI"m gonna leave you the first chance I get ...Oh god I need itI was wrong againTake me to the riverAnd make me clean againOh my godMake me clean againAnd oh my godLet me see againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7401981

ask foe more是什么意思


it does not add up to when 什么意思


Not A Day Goes By 歌词

歌曲名:Not A Day Goes By歌手:Lonestar专辑:The Greatest HitsTitle:not a day goes byArtist:Lonestarwitten by little_JulyGot a picture of you, I carry in my heartClose my eyes to see it when the world gets darkGot a memory of you, I carry in my soulI wrap it close around me when the nights get coldAnd if you asked me how I"m doin", I"d say: "Just fine."But the truth is, baby, if you could read my mind,Not a day goes by, that I don"t think of youAfter all this time you"re still with me, it"s trueSomehow you remain locked so deep inside,Baby, baby, oh baby, not a day goes byI still wait for the "phone in the middle of the nightThinkin" you might call me if your dreams don"t turn out rightAnd it still amazes me that I lie here in the darkWishin" you were next to me; put your head against my heartAnd if you asked me how I"m doin", I"d say: "Just fine."But the truth is, baby, if you could read my mindNot a day goes by, that I don"t think of youAfter all this time you"re still with me, it"s trueSomehow you remain locked so deep insideBaby, baby, oh baby, not a day goes byMinutes turn to hours, and the hours to daysSeems it"s been forever that I"ve felt this wayNot a day goes by, that I don"t think of youAfter all this time you"re still with me, it"s trueOh, somehow you remain locked so deep inside, (Deeep inside.)Baby, baby, oh baby, not a day goes bythat I don"t think of youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/31392772

mogao grottoes怎么读

英文原文:mogao grottoes英式音标:mogao [u02c8ɡru0252tu0259u028a] 美式音标:mogao [u02c8ɡrɑu02d0tou028a]

Beta (Coefficient) 是什么意思嘛?

  Beta (Coefficient) 贝塔系数 评估一种证券系统性风险的工具,用以量度一种证券或一个投资证券组合相对总体市场的波动性 贝塔系数利用回归的方法计算。贝塔系数1即证券的价格与市场一同变动。贝塔系数高于1即证券价格比总体市场更波动。贝塔系数低于1即证券价格的波动性比市场为低 ===========================================柳浪闻莺各位芝麻竭诚为您解答您的采纳是我们坚持百度的动力

correlation coefficient怎么用excel计算


谁能解释一下Bunsen coefficient的基本概念~多谢


什么是回归系数Regression coefficient

在回归方程中表示自变量x 对因变量y 影响大小的参数。回归系数越大表示x 对y 影响越大,正回归系数表示y 随x 增大而增大,负回归系数表示y 随x增大而减小。回归方程式^Y=bX+a中之斜率b,称为回归系数,表X每变动一单位,平均而言,Y将变动b单位。回归系数的理解1、相关系数与回归系数:A 回归系数大于零则相关系数大于零B 回归系数小于零则相关系数小于零(它们的取值符号相同)2、回归系数:由回归方程求导数得到,所以,回归系数>0,回归方程曲线单调递增;回归系数<0,回归方程曲线单调递减;回归系数=0,回归方程求最值(最大值、最小值)。

tire-road friction coefficient是什么意思

tire-road friction coefficient轮胎路面摩擦系数

Los Angeles (LA) coefficient什么意思


coefficient of skew是什么意思


Beta (Coefficient)是什么意思呢?

beta coefficient贝塔系数  β系数也称为贝塔系数(Beta coefficient),是一种风险指数,用来衡量个别股票或股票基金相对于整个股市的价格波动情况。β系数是一种评估证券系统性风险的工具,用以度量一种证券或一个投资证券组合相对总体市场的波动性,在股票、基金等投资术语中常见。


coefficient [英]ˌkəʊɪˈfɪʃnt [美]ˌkoʊɪˈfɪʃnt n. 系数;(测定某种质量或变化过程的)率;程度;协同因素

coefficient matrix是什么意思

  coefficient matrix  英 [u02ccku0259u028au0259u02c8fu026au0283u0259nt u02c8meu026atru026aks]  美 [u02cckou0259u02c8fu026au0283u0259nt u02c8metru026aks]  [释义]系数矩阵;  [网络]系数阵; 系数短阵;  [例句]If the tridiagonal linear linear equations "coefficient matrix is diagonally dominant, the process will not break down.  当三对角线性方程组的系数矩阵满足对角占优时,该算法在运行过程中不会中断。

emissivity coefficient是什么意思

emissivity coefficient辐射系数

十万火急!!求指导,在回归分析中,截距系数(intercept coefficient)代表什么含义啊??

截距系数代表含义:回归截距a表示直线在y轴上的截距,代表直线的起点,回归系数b表示直线的斜率,他的实际意义是说明x每变化一个单位时,影响y平均变动的数量,即x每增加1单位,y变化b个单位。回归分析按照涉及的变量的多少,分为一元回归和多元回归分析;按照因变量的多少,可分为简单回归分析和多重回归分析;按照自变量和因变量之间的关系类型,可分为线性回归分析和非线性回归分析。扩展资料:回归技术用于预测,这些技术主要有三个度量(自变量的个数,因变量的类型以及回归线的形状),它是最为人熟知的建模技术之一,线性回归通常是人们在学习预测模型时首选的技术之一,在这种技术中,因变量是连续的,自变量可以是连续的也可以是离散的,回归线的性质是线性的。线性回归使用最佳的拟合直线(也就是回归线)在因变量(Y)和一个或多个自变量(X)之间建立一种关系。多元线性回归可表示为Y=a+b1*X +b2*X2+ e,其中a表示截距,b表示直线的斜率,e是误差项。多元线性回归可以根据给定的预测变量(s)来预测目标变量的值。


coefficient [u02ccku0259ui"fiu0283u0259nt] n.系数

什么是回归系数Regression coefficient

回归系数regression coefficient在回归方程中表示自变量x 对因变量y 影响大小的参数。回归系数越大表示x 对y 影响越大,正回归系数表示y 随x 增大而增大,负回归系数表示y 随x增大而减小。回归方程式^Y=bX+a中之斜率b,称为回归系数,表X每变动一单位,平均而言,Y将变动b单位。


coef 是coefficient的缩写,是“系数”。系数(coefficient),是指代数式的单项式中的数字因数。单项式中所有字母的指数的和叫做它的次数。通常系数不为0,应为有理数。简介这里“系数”这个词的用法与它的原本用法不太相同,但仍可以借用。假设所要反映的社会关系为3x=y,x代表基本情况(人口、资源等事实),不同的国家有不同的情况,3则代表那个数系——表示关系的数字。这么一乘我们就可以得出,它所要勾画的相应国家的实际情况了,即得数y。当然,这样做是否能真实地反映实际社会关系倒不一定。数学总结。

coefficient 是可数名词吗

beta coefficient贝塔系数  β系数也称为贝塔系数(Beta coefficient),是一种风险指数,用来衡量个别股票或股票基金相对于整个股市的价格波动情况。β系数是一种评估证券系统性风险的工具,用以度量一种证券或一个投资证券组合相对总体市场的波动性,在股票、基金等投资术语中常见。




coefficient统计中代表变异系数。变异系数,又称“离散系数”(英文:coefficientofvariation),是概率分布离散程度的一个归一化量度,其定义为标准差与平均值之比。变异系数(coefficientofvariation)只在平均值不为零时有定义,而且一般适用于平均值大于零的情况。变异系数也被称为标准离差率或单位风险。变异系数只对由比率标量计算出来的数值有意义。举例来说,对于一个气温的分布,使用开尔文或摄氏度来计算的话并不会改变标准差的值,但是温度的平均值会改变,因此使用不同的温标的话得出的变异系数是不同的。也就是说,使用区间标量得到的变异系数是没有意义的。举例。已知某良种猪场长白成年母猪平均体重为190kg,标准差为10.5kg,而大约克成年母猪平均体重为196kg,标准差为8.5kg,试问两个品种的成年母猪,哪一个体重变异程度大。此例观测值虽然都是体重,单位相同,但它们的平均数不相同,只能用变异系数来比较其变异程度的大小。由于,长白成年母猪体重的变异系数:C.V = 10.5 / 190 * 100% = 5.53%。大约克成年母猪体重的变异系数:C.V = 8.5 / 196 * 100% = 4.34%。所以,长白成年母猪体重的变异程度大于大约克成年母猪。注意,变异系数的大小,同时受平均数和标准差两个统计量的影响,因而在利用变异系数表示资料的变异程度时,最好将平均数和标准差也列出。


coefficients系数双语对照词典结果:coefficients[英][ku0259u028au026a"fu026au0283u0259nts][美][kou028au026a"fu026au0283u0259nts]n.系数( coefficient的名词复数 ); (测定某种质量或变化过程的)率; 程度; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Their machines would have lower coefficients of efficiency. 该国的机制效率系数也更低。


coefficient[英][u02ccku0259u028au026au02c8fu026au0283nt][美][u02cckou028au026au02c8fu026au0283nt]n.系数; (测定某种质量或变化过程的)率; 程度; 协同因素; adj.共同作用的; 合作的; 复数:coefficients例句:1.The gini coefficient is a measure of income distribution. 基尼系数是一个反映收入分配差异程度的指标。

Coefficients 的翻译是:什么意思

Coefficients是coefficient的复数形式coefficient 英[u02ccku0259u028au026au02c8fu026au0283nt] 美[u02cckou028au026au02c8fu026au0283nt] n. 系数; (测定某种质量或变化过程的) 率; 程度; 协同因素; adj. 共同作用的; 合作的; [例句]A coefficient of one means the markets move perfectly in step.系数为1表示各个市场的步调完全一致。


coefficient[英][u02ccku0259u028au026au02c8fu026au0283nt][美][u02cckou028au026au02c8fu026au0283nt]n.系数; (测定某种质量或变化过程的)率; 程度; 协同因素; adj.共同作用的; 合作的; 复数:coefficients例句:1.The gini coefficient is a measure of income distribution. 基尼系数是一个反映收入分配差异程度的指标。

Tom,do come to my birthday party tonight.为什么用do而不是does

这里是祈使句(请注意 Tom后有逗号)祈使句是动词原形开头

Theshoes don`t fit me ,would you please show me another pair 还是another one

another pair可以,只是太罗嗦,another就可以了,简练,明了. 但不能用another one,因为another本身就有一个的意思,因此这两者不能连用.

舒客saky proE1P升级款怎么充电呀?这款牙刷有蓝牙吗?


Nero Burning Rom 7 官方简体中文版和NERO OEM我用哪个软件好



方法1:检查手机是否安装第三方软件,若没安装则不提供点击接口。 方法2:始终提供点击接口,点击时进行检查并提示用户没安装第三方软件。 然而第二种种情况极有可能审核被拒。 Guideline 2.5.2 - Performance - Software Requirements Your app, extension, or linked framework appears to contain code designed explicitly with the capability to change your app"s behavior or functionality after App Review approval, which is not in compliance with App Store Review Guideline 2.5.2 and section 3.3.2 of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement. This code, combined with a remote resource, can facilitate significant changes to your app"s behavior compared to when it was initially reviewed for the App Store. While you may not be using this functionality currently, it has the potential to load private frameworks, private methods, and enable future feature changes. This includes any code which passes arbitrary parameters to dynamic methods such as dlopen(), dlsym(), respondsToSelector:, performSelector:, method_exchangeImplementations(), and running remote scripts in order to change app behavior and/or call SPI, based on the contents of the downloaded script. Even if the remote resource is not intentionally malicious, it could easily be hijacked via a Man In The Middle (MiTM) attack, which can pose a serious security vulnerability to users of your app. The next submission of this app may require a longer review time. Next Steps Submitting apps designed to mislead or harm customers or evade the review process may result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account. Review the Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program to learn more about our policies regarding termination. If you believe your app is compliant with the App Store Review Guidelines, you may submit an appeal. Alternatively, you may provide additional details about your app by replying directly to this message. Guideline 4.2.3 - Design - Minimum Functionality Additionally, we were required to install the WeChat app before we could log in via WeChat. Users should be able to log in with WeChat and access their accounts without having to install any additional apps. Please see attached a screenshot for details. Next Steps If you would like to offer authentication through WeChat, please use a mechanism that allows users to log in with WeChat from within your app without first having to install an additional app. We recommend implementing the Safari View Controller API to display web content within your app. The Safari View Controller allows the display of a URL and inspection of the certificate from an embedded browser in an app so that customers can verify the webpage URL and SSL certificate to confirm they are entering their sign in credentials into a legitimate page. 此图为苹果反馈截图的一部分,问题直指登录造成的
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