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普利司通 moe 轮胎 什么意思


普利司通 moe 轮胎 什么意思

MOE是MO EXTENDED的缩写,其中MO表示奔驰原配(Mercedes Original)MO Extended低压续航轮胎,不仅具有MO轮胎的高端品质,更可以在气压突降的情况下,依靠其坚硬的胎壁支撑车辆使其继续以80km/h的车速行驶长达80公里路程,确保爱车顺利抵达安全区域。普利司通的MOE就是由普利司通生产,给奔驰车原配的MOE轮胎,搭载了低压续航能力,算是轮胎中相当高端的产品了希望对你有帮助~


是在哪里看到这个单词的?有可能是日文里的“萌え”的读音,形容对一些极端喜欢的东西的感觉,就像是「好可爱啊!!」的那种吧 说萌就差不多了[moe](ad.v.)出自日本语;当你看到一件让你感到可爱到不行的人、事、物时,皆可用此字形容之。 "萌"原本的意思是"萌芽", "萌生" 的意思, 有一种有春天的意识.... 但是, 我在这裹想讲的 萌 当然不是这个意思. 大概有 燃 (日文和 萌 同音, 意思是"燃烧", "燃起")的意味.有对某些东西有执著的感觉. 但如果说和 燃 一样又有点不是. 相对於 燃?的广义, 萌 所能形容的东西相对少得多. 总括来说, 是一个动词, 有"狂热", "喜欢", "欣赏"的意思. 但用起上来又有一点不同. 萌 用法是XX+ 萌?, XX可以是人名(角色名), 职业等等. 除此之外, 还有 萌?萌 . 人名+ 萌?萌 即是很喜欢那个人(物). 非常喜欢的心情. 这种喜欢的心情, 就如草木发芽般, 打从心底而来... 萌 这个动词有一种只用在异性(女性...)的倾向. 男性的话...我想不能用「萌?」吧. 不单止是特定的女性人(物). 职业也可以用。 “萌”即是“可爱”[日语KAWAYI]的意思。 它是被日语发音为“萌”的词音译过来的。 表示某人或事因为十分可爱而非常喜欢




MOE 是LVL脚手架的弹性模量的简称.通常说的MOE是日文里的“萌え”的读音,形容loli的可爱。常用缩写:MOE:Measure of Effectiveness 有效性量度, 效率测量, 效能测量MOE:minister of education 教育部1. “We"re reborn,” Moe explained. “As a couple of two-pounders.“我们再生啦,”莫伊解释说,“我们俩都有两磅重吧。”2. We hope to present a plan to the MOE by the end of September. 我们希望于九月底能将计画书呈报教育部。3. The new treatment would kill the bacteria before it had a chance to moe. 这种新的治疗方法将在细菌有机会移动之前杀死细菌。








日文 "萌え""的罗马音表示 在日本动漫中,此字代表刚刚从脑海里一闪而过的不夹带其余杂质美好的感情喜爱,欣赏,使人感到愉快等。有被电到的感觉,代表喜欢,激动人心,激发荷尔蒙,可爱等等的含义。


Moe莫伊、摩尔、莫毅、莫奕。Moe给外国人的第一眼印象主要为:典雅、常见、强硬、返璞、简单、轻松、粗糙。MAURICE或MORRIS的缩写形式,或有时以类似声音开头的其他名称。该名看起来很冷酷,听起来也很与众不同。moe在国外,认为是具有高效率、真诚热情的性格。moe摩尔。也是米基的名字。全名:米基摩尔,英文名字:Miji Moe。是一名波多黎各国籍的篮球运动员,身高 2米08,体重 156kg。1981年5月7日出生于波多黎各。毕业于美国亚特兰大大学,2001年参加NBA选秀大会,第二轮第三十二顺位被萨卡拉门托国王队选中。Moe常见英文名音译是莫伊。Moe是一个男孩的英文名字,意思是“交付”,Moe这个名字第一印象主要为:阳光、执着,典雅、常见、强硬、返璞、简单、轻松、粗糙。Moe 的例句:Moe was having fun banging the drums and singing off-key.莫伊自得其乐地一边打鼓,一边跑调地唱着。Moe, a six-legged Styrofoam sheep was busy roaming and trimming the grounds at the city"s conservatory several miles away.比如,六条腿的泡沫塑料山羊莫伊(Moe)正忙着在几英里以外的温室里漫步和剪草。


Moe,Moe是日文里的“萌え”的读音,形容萝莉的可爱。此外, 全部大写的MOE作为缩略语可以代表多种事物。Moe也是动画片《辛普森一家》中的人物,荷马的朋友,独身,经营一个小酒吧,自己当服务生。荷马经常到他这里来喝酒。萌的起源:一般咸认为,‘萌え"一字是由‘燃え"所变化而来,来源是出自日文的IME输入法。‘萌"本意是指读者在看到美少女角色时,产生一种热血沸腾的精神状态。热血类作品经常使用‘燃烧"来形容这状态,用罗马拼音输入的话,就是‘Mo E(も え)"。利用日文输入法的话,输入Mo E只会显示‘燃え"和‘萌え"。为了区分因为美少女而热血的状态,和传统的热血的分别,就借用同音的‘萌え"来形容,并成为ACGN界的一种网路黑语。

英文歌中有歌词有boom,ciap,the sound my heart the beat goes on and on and on

歌手 Charli xcx歌名 boom clap歌词Boom! Boom! Boom! Clap!You"re picture perfect blueSunbathing on the moonStars shining as your bones illuminateFirst kiss just like a drugUnder your influenceYou take me over you"re the magic in my veinsThis must be loveBoom! Clap!The sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom! Clap!You make me feel goodCome on to me, come on to me nowBoom! Clap!The sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom! Clap!You make me feel goodCome on to me, come on to me nowNo silver or no goldCould dress me up so goodYou"re the glitter in the darkness of my worldJust tell me what to doI"ll fall right into youGoing under cast a spell just say the wordI feel your loveBoom! Clap!The sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom! Clap!You make me feel goodCome on to me, come on to me nowBoom! Clap!The sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom! Clap!You make me feel goodCome on to me, come on to me nowYou are the light and I will followYou let me lose my shadowYou are the sun, the glowing haloAnd you keep burning me up with all your love, uhBoom! Clap!The sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom! Clap!You make me feel goodCome on to me, come on to me nowBoom! Clap!The sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom! Clap!You make me feel goodCome on to me, come on to me nowBoom! Clap!The sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom! Clap!You make me feel goodCome on to me, come on to me nowBoom! Clap!The sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom! Clap!You make me feel goodCome on to me, come on to me now

Norah Jones的《Toes》 歌词

歌曲名:Toes歌手:Norah Jones专辑:Don T Fence MeThe current is strong from what I"ve heardIt"ll wisk you down the streamBut there never seems to have timeSo my toes just touched the waterMy toes just touched the waterDaydreamed on the bank againI was swimming with the fishAnd I thought this time that it may be trueBut my toes just touched the waterMy toes just touched the waterMy toes just touched the waterWalked a mile just to find the edgeSome place low enough to step right inNow I"m here and I can"t begin to moveWalked a mile just to find the edgeSome place low enough to step right inNow I"m here and I can"t begin to moveThe spoiled sun up over thereIt always has to have its wayAnd I know that the river"s there to shelter meMy toes just touched the waterMy toes just touched the waterhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1198372



把ode to my socks 这首poem翻译成中文

我的袜子颂歌 作者聂鲁达 丸森给我带来了一对袜子她编织自己她牧羊人的手,两只袜子为软为兔子。不过,我觉得成二案件针织与线程暮色和山羊皮。暴力袜子,我的脚二鱼片羊毛,两个长的鲨鱼海蓝色,射击穿过一个金线,两个巨大的乌鸦,两门大炮:我的脚被表彰以这种方式通过这些天堂袜子。他们如此英俊第一次我的脚在我看来不可接受就像两个老朽消防员,消防员不值得编织的火,这些发光袜子。然而我拒绝激烈的诱惑拯救他们的地方为学童保持萤火虫,作为学问的人收集神圣的文本,我拒绝疯狂冲动他们把成金笼而每天给他们鸟食件粉红色和甜瓜。像探险家在丛林中谁手在非常罕见绿色鹿对随地吐痰吃它与悔恨,俺伸出我的脚和拉动宏伟袜然后我的鞋子。道德我的颂歌是:美丽的两倍美景什么是好的,是加倍良好的当它是一个问题的两个袜子羊毛制成在冬季

Ode To Billie Joe (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Ode To Billie Joe (Live)歌手:The Buddy Rich Big Band专辑:Mercy, MercyIt was the third of June, another sleepy, dusty Delta dayI was out choppin" cotton and my brother was balin" hayAnd at dinner time we stopped and walked back to the house to eatAnd Mama hollered out the back door "y"all remember to wipe your feet"And then she said "I got some news this mornin" from Choctaw Ridge""Today Billy Joe MacAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge"And Papa said to Mama as he passed around the blackeyed peas"Well, Billy Joe never had a lick of sense, pass the biscuits, please""There"s five more acres in the lower forty I"ve got to plow"And Mama said it was shame about Billy Joe, anyhowSeems like nothin" ever comes to no good up on Choctaw RidgeAnd now Billy Joe MacAllister"s jumped off the Tallahatchie BridgeAnd Brother said he recollected when he and Tom and Billie JoePut a frog down my back at the Carroll County picture showAnd wasn"t I talkin" to him after church last Sunday night?"I"ll have another piece of apple pie, you know it don"t seem right""I saw him at the sawmill yesterday on Choctaw Ridge""And now you tell me Billie Joe"s jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge"And Mama said to me "Child, what"s happened to your appetite?""I"ve been cookin" all morning and you haven"t touched a single bite""That nice young preacher, Brother Taylor, dropped by today""Said he"d be pleased to have dinner on Sunday, oh, by the way""He said he saw a girl that looked a lot like you up on Choctaw Ridge""And she and Billy Joe was throwing somethin" off the Tallahatchie Bridge"A year has come "n" gone since we heard the news "bout Billy JoeAnd Brother married Becky Thompson, they bought a store in TupeloThere was a virus going "round, Papa caught it and he died last SpringAnd now Mama doesn"t seem to wanna do much of anythingAnd me, I spend a lot of time pickin" flowers up on Choctaw RidgeAnd drop them into the muddy water off the Tallahatchie Bridgehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2769332

Ode To Billie Joe 歌词

歌曲名:Ode To Billie Joe歌手:Sort Sol专辑:Everything That Rises Must ConvergeIt was the third of June, another sleepy, dusty Delta dayI was out choppin" cotton and my brother was balin" hayAnd at dinner time we stopped and walked back to the house to eatAnd Mama hollered out the back door "y"all remember to wipe your feet"And then she said "I got some news this mornin" from Choctaw Ridge""Today Billy Joe MacAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge"And Papa said to Mama as he passed around the blackeyed peas"Well, Billy Joe never had a lick of sense, pass the biscuits, please""There"s five more acres in the lower forty I"ve got to plow"And Mama said it was shame about Billy Joe, anyhowSeems like nothin" ever comes to no good up on Choctaw RidgeAnd now Billy Joe MacAllister"s jumped off the Tallahatchie BridgeAnd Brother said he recollected when he and Tom and Billie JoePut a frog down my back at the Carroll County picture showAnd wasn"t I talkin" to him after church last Sunday night?"I"ll have another piece of apple pie, you know it don"t seem right""I saw him at the sawmill yesterday on Choctaw Ridge""And now you tell me Billie Joe"s jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge"And Mama said to me "Child, what"s happened to your appetite?""I"ve been cookin" all morning and you haven"t touched a single bite""That nice young preacher, Brother Taylor, dropped by today""Said he"d be pleased to have dinner on Sunday, oh, by the way""He said he saw a girl that looked a lot like you up on Choctaw Ridge""And she and Billy Joe was throwing somethin" off the Tallahatchie Bridge"A year has come "n" gone since we heard the news "bout Billy JoeAnd Brother married Becky Thompson, they bought a store in TupeloThere was a virus going "round, Papa caught it and he died last SpringAnd now Mama doesn"t seem to wanna do much of anythingAnd me, I spend a lot of time pickin" flowers up on Choctaw RidgeAnd drop them into the muddy water off the Tallahatchie Bridgehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2608859


boat英 [bəʊt] 美 [boʊt] n.小船,小艇;轮船vi.乘船,划船vt.用船运输;用船装运The boat instantly tilted, filled and sank. 船立即倾斜,进了水,然后沉没了

以What does love mean to you?为题 写一篇300字的英语作文

What is love?Love has been experienced as a life of living poetry.Love has been experienced as being the very notes of song.Love has been experienced as choosing to give new life to another.So,what do you do with the love granted to you each day?And have you ever spoken out your love?How many times do we deny its expression because we fear or shy?If so,now I will tell you “speak out your love !”Our parents who give us life are the most important people in our lives and they are the greatest peaple in the world.To give a good education,they need to pay study fees for us so they get up esrly and go to bed late to make more money.In fact,they are very tired,however,they never complain because they love us and they believe that it"s worth doing it.In breif,parents" love never changes.Ask your heart,do you love them?Of course,the answer is “yes”.But have you ever spoken “love ”to your parents?I think the most answer is “no”.If you no,do it right now!I believe it will make your parents pleased.Actually,the most time who stay with us are our teachers.To take lessons for us,they even leave their kids home alone.In the Wenchuan Earthquake,when earthquake came,they never thought about themselves but thought their students first and they even contribeted their lives.Our teachers are the same great.Although we love them,have you ever speak out your love?If you no,please speak out your love!Frienda are important for us.When we are in trouble,friends are the first to help us and when we need help,friends are also the first to head towards us.Friendship is like water in the desert.Friendship is like fire in the winter.Did you speak love to your friends.If not,do it!Don"t fear,don"t shy.Speak out your love!

Tokyo Joe的《It Hurts》 歌词

歌曲名:It Hurts歌手:Tokyo Joe专辑:Live, Loud & Clearti:it hurtsar:WetWetWetal:10by:chrispdxTake your timeTake it easyKeep my little promiseIn your mindMaking outMake it easyFor all the broken piecesOf my heartA love like this I wasnt looking forIve never known a girl like you beforeLonely nightsSoft soap storyPlaying in the bedroomOf your mindActing upI tried to make it happenJust another extraIn your lifeA love like this I wasnt looking forIve never known a girl like you beforeYeahIt hurts to say its overIts sad to say its goneIt doesnt really matterWhos right or wrongWhen all is said and doneA love like this I wasnt looking forIve never known a girl like you before, wellIt hurts to say its overIts sad to say its goneIt doesnt really matterWhos right or wrongWhen all is said and doneMaking eyesMake it easyFor all the broken piecesOf my heartTrying hardI nearly made it happenPlaying out the bedroom of your lifeIt hurts to say its overIts sad to say its goneIt doesnt really matterWhos right or wrongWhen all is said and doneIt hurts to say its overIts sad to say its goneIt doesnt really matterWhos right or wrongWhen all is said and doneIt hurts, yes it does, to say its overIt is overIts sad, its so sad, to say its gone, gone, goneIt hurts, oh it hurts, to say its overYes it hurtsIts sad to say its gone, gone, goneIt hurts, yes it hurts, to say its overBaby its overIts sad, so sad, to say its gone, gone, gonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/15106253

the autopsy of jane doe 好看吗

and bisecting the large circle of grass in the center.

美国法院判决中 and does 1 through 100,inclusive 什么含义

"Does", "John Doe" or "Jane Doe" are placeholder name used in legal actions for people whose true identity is unknown or must be withheld for legal reasons. "Does 1-100" being used in a particular case probably means that there are up to 100 additional parties (fictitious defendants) to the legal action that are not yet known.

有哪位高人知道 Jamn Doe的歌,是never shout never 唱的,知道歌词的给20分

Jane Doe lyricsJane Doe.I don"t think I know you,but I know for sure.That you are beautiful.So baby let me knowyour name.Damn what"s her name?Cause I"m overly attractedand terribly convinced that she could be my princessand I could be her princeand I felt that way. sinceSince I saw Jane Doe.Jane Doe.I don"t think I know you,but I know for sure.That I could get to know ya.If you let me knowyour nameDamn what"s her name?Cause I"m overly attractedand terribly convinced that she could be my princessand I could be her princeand I felt that way. sinceSince I saw Jane Doe.She"s everything i want and more.she"s everything i want for sure.she"s everything that i wantand to adorewell baby I am overly attractedand terribly convinced that she could be my loverbut i think i lost my chance.you had me at first glanceohh my Jane Doe.

有哪位高人知道 Jamn Doe的歌,是never shout never 唱的,知道歌词的给20分,谢谢

Jane Doe lyricsJane Doe.I don"t think I know you,but I know for sure.That you are beautiful.So baby let me knowyour name.Damn what"s her name?Cause I"m overly attractedand terribly convinced that she could be my princessand I could be her princeand I felt that way. sinceSince I saw Jane Doe.Jane Doe.I don"t think I know you,but I know for sure.That I could get to know ya.If you let me knowyour nameDamn what"s her name?Cause I"m overly attractedand terribly convinced that she could be my princessand I could be her princeand I felt that way. sinceSince I saw Jane Doe.She"s everything i want and more.she"s everything i want for sure.she"s everything that i wantand to adorewell baby I am overly attractedand terribly convinced that she could be my loverbut i think i lost my chance.you had me at first glanceohh my Jane Doe.

求高桥南Jane Doe罗马拼音歌词

君は谁なんだ? kimi wa dare nanda?答えてくれkotaete kure目の前にいるのはme no mae ni iru no waJane Doeいつも优しい瞳を揺らしitsumo yasashii hitomi wo yurashi微笑み仆を见たhohoemi boku wo mitaそして情热的に求め合ったsoshite jounetsuteki ni motomeattaあの日の爱は 幻だったのかano hi no ai wa maboroshi datta no kawow wow wow夜を遮るyoru wo saegiruガラスの窓にGARASU no mado niもう一人の君が映ったmou hitori no kimi ga utsutta他の谁かをhoka no dareka wo思っているのならomotte iru no nara腕からすり抜けてude kara surinukete帰ればいいさkaereba ii sa目を开けたままで キスするのか? me wo aketa mama de KISU suru no ka?なぜ仆の知らない君がいるnaze boku no shiranai kimi ga iru目を开けたままで 何见てるの? me wo aketa mama de nani miteru no?抱かれながら次の梦ひとつdakarenagara tsugi no yume hitotsu爱しき Jane Doe itoshiki Jane Doe肩に残っていたのは痛みkata ni nokotte ita no wa itami食い込んだ 爪の迹kuikonda tsume no ato仆が运命の人と信じきったboku ga unmei no hito to shinjikitta未来の爱は 伪りだったのかmirai no ai wa itsuwari datta no kawow wow wow腕の力をude no chikara woそっと缓めてsotto yurumeteさりげなく部屋を出てゆけsarigenaku heya wo dete yuke君の心がkimi no kokoro gaここにはなくたってkoko ni wa nakutatteここでやりかけたキスはkoko de yarikaketa KISU wa片付けようkatadzukeyou目を闭じないのは なぜなのだろうme wo tojinai no wa naze na no darou倾けた首が爱おしいkatamuketa kubi ga itooshii目を闭じないのは 上の空かme wo tojinai no wa uwa no sora ka気付きながら骗されようかkidzukinagara damasareyou ka気まぐれな Jane Doe kimagure na Jane Doe谁もが隠してるdare mo ga kakushiteru本当の颜をhontou no kao wo今なら见せていたima nara misete itaその素颜でさえsono sugao de sae思い出せないomoidasenai全て失ったsubete ushinatta君は谁なんだ? kimi wa dare nanda?答えてくれkotaete kure目の前にいるのはme no mae ni iru no waJane Doe目を开けたままで キスするのか? me wo aketa mama de KISU suru no ka?なぜ仆の知らない君がいるnaze boku no shiranai kimi ga iru目を开けたままで 何见てるの? me wo aketa mama de nani miteru no?抱かれながら次の梦ひとつdakarenagara tsugi no yume hitotsu爱しき Jane Doe itoshiki Jane Doe

Never Shout Never的《Jane Doe》 歌词

歌曲名:Jane Doe歌手:Never Shout Never专辑:What Is Love? (Bonus Track Version)Jane Doe.I don""t even know you,But I know fo"" sho"".That you are beautifulSo baby let me knowYour name..Damn what""s her name?Cause I""m overly attractedAnd terribly convincedthat she could be my princessAnd I could be her prince.And I felt that way, sinceSince I saw Jane Doe..Jane Doe.I don""t even know you,But I know fo"" sho"".That I could get to know ya.If you let me knowYour name..Damn what""s her name?Cause I""m overly attractedAnd terribly convincedthat she could be my princessAnd I could be her prince..And I felt that way, sinceSince I saw Jane Doe..She""s everything I want and more.She""s everything I want for sure.She""s everything that I want to adore.Well baby I am overly attractedAnd terribly convinced that you could be my loverBut I think I lost my chance.You had me at first glanceOh my Jane Doe..http://music.baidu.com/song/20448096

高桥みなみ的《Jane Doe》 歌词

歌曲名:Jane Doe歌手:高桥みなみ专辑:Jane Doeみはだれなんだ答えてくれ目の前にいるのは Jane DoeJane Doe作词:秋元康歌:高桥みなみいつもやさしい瞳を揺らし微笑み 仆をみたそして情热的に求め合ったあの日の爱は幻だったのか wow wow wow夜を遮る ガラスの窓にもう一人のきみが映った他のだれかを 想っているのなら腕からすぎ脱げて帰ればいいさ目を开けたままで キスするのかなぜぼくの知らないきみがいる目を开けたままで何みてるの抱かれながら次の梦ひとつ爱しき Jane Doe肩に残っていたのは痛み食い込んだ 砂の迹仆が运命の人と信じきった未来の爱は 伪りだったのか wow wow wow腕の力をそっと缓めてさりげなく部屋を出てゆけ君の心が ここにはなくたって酷てやりくけたキスはかたつけよ目を闭じないのはなぜなろうだろう过去脱げ仆が爱しい目を闭じないのは不安のそのか伤つきなから骗されよか决まぐれら Jane Doe谁もが隠してる本当の颜を今なら见せでいたその姿お手さえ思い出せない全て 失うなったきみはだれなんだ 答えてくれ目の前にいるのはJane Doe目を开けたままでキスするのかなぜぼくの知らないきみがいる目を开けたままで何みてるの抱かれながら次の梦ひとつ爱しきJane Doe~END~http://music.baidu.com/song/56248714

Jane Doe [Live At The Hard Rock Cafe] 歌词

歌曲名:Jane Doe [Live At The Hard Rock Cafe]歌手:Mr. Big专辑:Live At The Hard RockJane土屋アンナstrip me?Jane作词:Rie Eto作曲:JOEY CARBONE/LISA LIN-HSIA HUANG君はいつも 梦を语るYou seem so far away when you do君を守る 腕の中でYou talk about a different placeYou don"t have to belongYou don"t have to be proudyou"ve got everything that you need君はどこへ行くの?Don"t go so fast.Jane, don"t you rushAnd listen to me nowJane, take a breathLet me sayI want you girlThe way you areI really mean itSo be yourselfNo matter what the others sayI"m always on your sideI love you girlFor what you areI really mean itDon"t change yourselfNo matter what the others sayI"ll never let you down「生きることは 甘くはない」You always try to show your strength淋しい夜 仆のそばでBaby I can watch you cryYou don"t have to pretendYou don"t have to smile君の手のぬくもりがbaby, baby, I want to make you happy.Jane, don"t you rushAnd listen to me nowJane, take a breathLet me sayI want you girlThe way you areI really mean itSo be yourselfNo matter what the others sayI"m always on your sideI love you girlFor what you areI really mean itDon"t change yourselfNo matter what the others sayI"ll never let you downJane, そのままのJane, 君で居てJane, 何一つJane, 変わらずにI want you girlThe way you areI really mean itSo be yourselfNo matter what the others sayI"m always on your sideI love you girlFor what you areI really mean itDon"t change yourselfNo matter what the others sayI"ll never let you downI want you girlThe way you areI really mean itSo be yourselfNo matter what the others sayI"m always on your sidehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7681863

Jane Doe [Live At Budokan, 1997] 歌词

歌曲名:Jane Doe [Live At Budokan, 1997]歌手:Mr. Big专辑:Live At BudokanJane土屋アンナstrip me?Jane作词:Rie Eto作曲:JOEY CARBONE/LISA LIN-HSIA HUANG君はいつも 梦を语るYou seem so far away when you do君を守る 腕の中でYou talk about a different placeYou don"t have to belongYou don"t have to be proudyou"ve got everything that you need君はどこへ行くの?Don"t go so fast.Jane, don"t you rushAnd listen to me nowJane, take a breathLet me sayI want you girlThe way you areI really mean itSo be yourselfNo matter what the others sayI"m always on your sideI love you girlFor what you areI really mean itDon"t change yourselfNo matter what the others sayI"ll never let you down「生きることは 甘くはない」You always try to show your strength淋しい夜 仆のそばでBaby I can watch you cryYou don"t have to pretendYou don"t have to smile君の手のぬくもりがbaby, baby, I want to make you happy.Jane, don"t you rushAnd listen to me nowJane, take a breathLet me sayI want you girlThe way you areI really mean itSo be yourselfNo matter what the others sayI"m always on your sideI love you girlFor what you areI really mean itDon"t change yourselfNo matter what the others sayI"ll never let you downJane, そのままのJane, 君で居てJane, 何一つJane, 変わらずにI want you girlThe way you areI really mean itSo be yourselfNo matter what the others sayI"m always on your sideI love you girlFor what you areI really mean itDon"t change yourselfNo matter what the others sayI"ll never let you downI want you girlThe way you areI really mean itSo be yourselfNo matter what the others sayI"m always on your sidehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7888205

求jane doe 歌词


Mr. Big的《Jane Doe》 歌词


Alicia Keys的《Jane Doe》 歌词

歌曲名:Jane Doe歌手:Alicia Keys专辑:Songs In A Minorkandi-hey yo aliciaalicia-whatz up kandikandi-man there jane doe"s be killin"meyhink"they slick wit italica-for realkandi-drop the beatlet"s talk about the situationbout how you came with informationit negative in every which wayjust dissin"my man and our relationyou say he"s cheatin"want me to leave himi changed my mind i think i "ll keep himlistenin to you will leave me lonelythats not what i"m tryin"to because i"ll be crazyto let my man goand let some other jane doecome and try to steal himoh!no oh!nojust crazy to let my man goand let some other jane doecome and try to steal himoh!no oh!noyou see i caugt you tryin"to check my man outhow bout you explain what that"s all aboutyou think ya slicklike i would"t knowbut i got somethingt for you doemess around end up in a choke-holdgurl i think its time for youto go away from my man and methats the way its gonna because i"ll be crazyto let my man goand let some other jane doecome and try to steal himoh!no oh!nojust crazy to let my man goand let some other jane doecome and try to steal himoh!no oh!noi love my manhe loves me morehe may not be the perfect manbut i don"t plan to let him gojane doejane doejane doejane doejane doejane doejane doejane doejane doe jane doecause i"ll be crazyto let my man goand let some other jane doecome and try to steal himoh!no oh!nojust crazy to let my man goand let some other jane doecome and try to steal himoh!no oh!nocause i"ll be crazyto let my man goand let some other jane doecome and try to steal himoh!no oh!nojust crazy to let my man goand let some other jane doecome and try to steal himoh!no oh!nojane doejane doejane doejane doejane doe then repeatjane doe then repeatjane doe then repeatjane doe then repeatjane doe then repeatcause i"ll be crazyto let my man goand let some other jane doecome and try to steal himoh!no oh!nojust crazy to let my man goand let some other jane doecome and try to steal himoh!no oh!nocause i"ll be crazyto let my man goand let some other jane doecome and try to steal himoh!no oh!no……http://music.baidu.com/song/8015119

jane doe是不是女生名啊?

1、不是。【Jane Doe】一词用来表示不明身份的女性,单指女性。2、单词起源:英国爱德华三世统治时期,在当时《驱逐法案》的讨论中,虚构了两个人名。一个是【John Doe】代表土地所有者,另一个是【Richard Ro】代表租地的人。这样可以更方便的说明两者之间的法律关系。到后来,【John Doe】和【Richard Ro】被用于诉讼程序中不知姓名的当事人的称呼,就和我们说的“李某”、“张某”差不多。在凶杀案现场,死者身份尚未确认的情况下也称作【John Doe】,女性则称为【Jane Doe】。3、单词使用范围:【John Doe】在美国和加拿大使用较多。并不是所有国都通用的。扩展资料Jane Doe最初的起源在英国。有人说,此词出自十四世纪的爱德华三世时期,也有人说出现在十七世纪。不管什么时代,故事是一样的——一个地主,把自己的土地租给一无所有的穷人耕种。孰料,这家伙不动声色忘恩负义,把地主的整个产业夺了过来,还要将地主一家从本属于自己的土地上赶出去。地主愤怒地将这恩将仇报的家伙,告上了法庭。当时的法律,跟现在差点有点大。它不是直接去调查,而是先要进行推演。法庭在推演中虚构了一个出租方,名为John Doe,而租户则为Richard Roe。不知到后来官司的结果是什么,但是John doe却没有消失。这个词代表着无名氏以及那些不能透露姓名的人。后来又发展出Jane doe以代表女性,因为John和Jane都是英国最常用的名字。其实,John Doe和Jane Doe就相当于中国话里的张三、李四、王五、赵六。不过,这两个发源于英国的词,英国已基本不用了,美国和加拿大用得最多。参考资料来源:百度百科-jane doe

Jane doe是不是单指女性?

1、不是。【Jane Doe】一词用来表示不明身份的女性,单指女性。2、单词起源:英国爱德华三世统治时期,在当时《驱逐法案》的讨论中,虚构了两个人名。一个是【John Doe】代表土地所有者,另一个是【Richard Ro】代表租地的人。这样可以更方便的说明两者之间的法律关系。到后来,【John Doe】和【Richard Ro】被用于诉讼程序中不知姓名的当事人的称呼,就和我们说的“李某”、“张某”差不多。在凶杀案现场,死者身份尚未确认的情况下也称作【John Doe】,女性则称为【Jane Doe】。3、单词使用范围:【John Doe】在美国和加拿大使用较多。并不是所有国都通用的。扩展资料Jane Doe最初的起源在英国。有人说,此词出自十四世纪的爱德华三世时期,也有人说出现在十七世纪。不管什么时代,故事是一样的——一个地主,把自己的土地租给一无所有的穷人耕种。孰料,这家伙不动声色忘恩负义,把地主的整个产业夺了过来,还要将地主一家从本属于自己的土地上赶出去。地主愤怒地将这恩将仇报的家伙,告上了法庭。当时的法律,跟现在差点有点大。它不是直接去调查,而是先要进行推演。法庭在推演中虚构了一个出租方,名为John Doe,而租户则为Richard Roe。不知到后来官司的结果是什么,但是John doe却没有消失。这个词代表着无名氏以及那些不能透露姓名的人。后来又发展出Jane doe以代表女性,因为John和Jane都是英国最常用的名字。其实,John Doe和Jane Doe就相当于中国话里的张三、李四、王五、赵六。不过,这两个发源于英国的词,英国已基本不用了,美国和加拿大用得最多。参考资料来源:百度百科-jane doe

john doe什么意思?

1、【Jane Doe】一词用来表示不明身份的女性,单指女性。2、单词起源:英国爱德华三世统治时期,在当时《驱逐法案》的讨论中,虚构了两个人名。一个是【John Doe】代表土地所有者,另一个是【Richard Ro】代表租地的人。这样可以更方便的说明两者之间的法律关系。到后来,【John Doe】和【Richard Ro】被用于诉讼程序中不知姓名的当事人的称呼,就和我们说的“李某”、“张某”差不多。在凶杀案现场,死者身份尚未确认的情况下也称作【John Doe】,女性则称为【Jane Doe】。3、单词使用范围:【John Doe】在美国和加拿大使用较多。并不是所有国都通用的。扩展资料不同“不明身份的人”的表达方式1、不明身份的男性:John Doe2、多名不明身份者:John Does3、John doe的变体表达:Jone Roe、Richard Roe4、Jane doe的变体表达:Jane Roe5、不明身份的婴儿:Baby Doe、Johnny Doe参考资料:百度百科-John Doe



“ john doe”是什么意思?

1、【Jane Doe】一词用来表示不明身份的女性,单指女性。2、单词起源:英国爱德华三世统治时期,在当时《驱逐法案》的讨论中,虚构了两个人名。一个是【John Doe】代表土地所有者,另一个是【Richard Ro】代表租地的人。这样可以更方便的说明两者之间的法律关系。到后来,【John Doe】和【Richard Ro】被用于诉讼程序中不知姓名的当事人的称呼,就和我们说的“李某”、“张某”差不多。在凶杀案现场,死者身份尚未确认的情况下也称作【John Doe】,女性则称为【Jane Doe】。3、单词使用范围:【John Doe】在美国和加拿大使用较多。并不是所有国都通用的。扩展资料不同“不明身份的人”的表达方式1、不明身份的男性:John Doe2、多名不明身份者:John Does3、John doe的变体表达:Jone Roe、Richard Roe4、Jane doe的变体表达:Jane Roe5、不明身份的婴儿:Baby Doe、Johnny Doe参考资料:百度百科-John Doe

CSI中常出现的Jane Doe和John Doe的Doe是什么意思?

意思:雌鹿。单独看“Doe”这个单词,是“雌鹿”的意思,和“Jane”“John”结合后就不能直译。”Jane Doe“在英文中意为普通女子,无名女士,某女,“John Doe“指某个身份不明的人,也就是“某约翰”,和中国人习惯用的“张三、李四”差不多。扩展资料John Doe来自英国爱德华三世统治时期,在当时《驱逐法案》的讨论中,虚构了两个人名,一个是John Doe,代表土地所有者;另一个是Richard Roe,是租地的人,他将租来的土地据为己有,而把John Doe赶走了。   可见,John Doe最初就是个虚构的人物。后来,John Doe和Richard Roe被广泛用于诉讼程序中对不知姓名当事人的假设的称呼,John Doe通常指收回不动产诉讼中假设的原告,Richard Roe指被告。因此,John Doe现在常用来指“诉讼程序中不知真实姓名的当事人”,也常指代“某人或普通人”,在凶杀案现场,死者身份尚未确认的情况下也可以称作John Doe。参考资料百度百科--jane doe百度百科--John Doe

jane doe是名字吗?

1、不是。【Jane Doe】一词用来表示不明身份的女性,单指女性。2、单词起源:英国爱德华三世统治时期,在当时《驱逐法案》的讨论中,虚构了两个人名。一个是【John Doe】代表土地所有者,另一个是【Richard Ro】代表租地的人。这样可以更方便的说明两者之间的法律关系。到后来,【John Doe】和【Richard Ro】被用于诉讼程序中不知姓名的当事人的称呼,就和我们说的“李某”、“张某”差不多。在凶杀案现场,死者身份尚未确认的情况下也称作【John Doe】,女性则称为【Jane Doe】。3、单词使用范围:【John Doe】在美国和加拿大使用较多。并不是所有国都通用的。扩展资料Jane Doe最初的起源在英国。有人说,此词出自十四世纪的爱德华三世时期,也有人说出现在十七世纪。不管什么时代,故事是一样的——一个地主,把自己的土地租给一无所有的穷人耕种。孰料,这家伙不动声色忘恩负义,把地主的整个产业夺了过来,还要将地主一家从本属于自己的土地上赶出去。地主愤怒地将这恩将仇报的家伙,告上了法庭。当时的法律,跟现在差点有点大。它不是直接去调查,而是先要进行推演。法庭在推演中虚构了一个出租方,名为John Doe,而租户则为Richard Roe。不知到后来官司的结果是什么,但是John doe却没有消失。这个词代表着无名氏以及那些不能透露姓名的人。后来又发展出Jane doe以代表女性,因为John和Jane都是英国最常用的名字。其实,John Doe和Jane Doe就相当于中国话里的张三、李四、王五、赵六。不过,这两个发源于英国的词,英国已基本不用了,美国和加拿大用得最多。参考资料来源:百度百科-jane doe

jane doe什么意思

Jane Doe解释:无名女士,某女(不知姓名或在法庭等上隐匿真名的女当事人) used to refer to a woman whose name is not known or is kept secret, especially in a court of law普通女子 an average woman因此Jane Doe意为无名女士,某个不知名的女人,并不一定单指无名女尸;而对应的男性则使用John Doe这个名字。扩展资料:Jane Doe最初的起源在英国。有人说,此词出自十四世纪的爱德华三世时期,也有人说出现在十七世纪。不管什么时代,故事是一样的——一个地主,把自己的土地租给一无所有的穷人耕种。孰料,这家伙不动声色忘恩负义,把地主的整个产业夺了过来,还要将地主一家从本属于自己的土地上赶出去。地主愤怒地将这恩将仇报的家伙,告上了法庭。当时的法律,跟现在差点有点大。它不是直接去调查,而是先要进行推演。法庭在推演中虚构了一个出租方,名为John Doe,而租户则为Richard Roe。不知到后来官司的结果是什么,但是John doe却没有消失。这个词代表着无名氏以及那些不能透露姓名的人。后来又发展出Jane doe以代表女性,因为John和Jane都是英国最常用的名字。其实,John Doe和Jane Doe就相当于中国话里的张三、李四、王五、赵六。不过,这两个发源于英国的词,英国已基本不用了,美国和加拿大用得最多。Jane Doe的双语例句:If you need to look for Jane Doe in Los Angeles, you can make a trip to you library and look for her in the LA phone book.如果你需要在洛杉矶寻找珍.多伊,你能制做一个属于你的旅行图书馆并且在洛杉矶电话簿寻找到她。If John asserts the identity of Jane Doe, the queue manager accepts it without question, even over an SSL-enabled channel.如果约翰断言珍.多伊的身份,队列管理器将毫无疑问地接受,甚至在启用SSL的通道上也是如此。Or jane doe or whatever it is that you call her, and she"s married.那个无名氏随便你叫她什么,而且她有老公。The scenario involves an end user, in this case Jane Doe, interacting with an MDM client application, a call center for example.这个场景中有一个终端用户珍.多伊,她与一个MDM客户机应用程序中心进行交互,比如一个呼叫。What do we have on Jane Doe?我们了解珍.多伊的什么?l"m checking missing persons nationwide. Run her prints, have an artist do a sketch.我在查全国失踪的人做她的指印,并让画家素描她。参考资料:百度百科-jane doe

Jane Doe是什么意思?


jane doe是不是指不知身份的女性?

1、不是。【Jane Doe】一词用来表示不明身份的女性,单指女性。2、单词起源:英国爱德华三世统治时期,在当时《驱逐法案》的讨论中,虚构了两个人名。一个是【John Doe】代表土地所有者,另一个是【Richard Ro】代表租地的人。这样可以更方便的说明两者之间的法律关系。到后来,【John Doe】和【Richard Ro】被用于诉讼程序中不知姓名的当事人的称呼,就和我们说的“李某”、“张某”差不多。在凶杀案现场,死者身份尚未确认的情况下也称作【John Doe】,女性则称为【Jane Doe】。3、单词使用范围:【John Doe】在美国和加拿大使用较多。并不是所有国都通用的。扩展资料Jane Doe最初的起源在英国。有人说,此词出自十四世纪的爱德华三世时期,也有人说出现在十七世纪。不管什么时代,故事是一样的——一个地主,把自己的土地租给一无所有的穷人耕种。孰料,这家伙不动声色忘恩负义,把地主的整个产业夺了过来,还要将地主一家从本属于自己的土地上赶出去。地主愤怒地将这恩将仇报的家伙,告上了法庭。当时的法律,跟现在差点有点大。它不是直接去调查,而是先要进行推演。法庭在推演中虚构了一个出租方,名为John Doe,而租户则为Richard Roe。不知到后来官司的结果是什么,但是John doe却没有消失。这个词代表着无名氏以及那些不能透露姓名的人。后来又发展出Jane doe以代表女性,因为John和Jane都是英国最常用的名字。其实,John Doe和Jane Doe就相当于中国话里的张三、李四、王五、赵六。不过,这两个发源于英国的词,英国已基本不用了,美国和加拿大用得最多。参考资料来源:百度百科-jane doe

jane doe是什么意思?

1、【Jane Doe】一词用来表示不明身份的女性,单指女性。2、单词起源:英国爱德华三世统治时期,在当时《驱逐法案》的讨论中,虚构了两个人名。一个是【John Doe】代表土地所有者,另一个是【Richard Ro】代表租地的人。这样可以更方便的说明两者之间的法律关系。到后来,【John Doe】和【Richard Ro】被用于诉讼程序中不知姓名的当事人的称呼,就和我们说的“李某”、“张某”差不多。在凶杀案现场,死者身份尚未确认的情况下也称作【John Doe】,女性则称为【Jane Doe】。3、单词使用范围:【John Doe】在美国和加拿大使用较多。并不是所有国都通用的。扩展资料不同“不明身份的人”的表达方式1、不明身份的男性:John Doe2、多名不明身份者:John Does3、John doe的变体表达:Jone Roe、Richard Roe4、Jane doe的变体表达:Jane Roe5、不明身份的婴儿:Baby Doe、Johnny Doe参考资料:百度百科-John Doe


doe是什么 意思:doe实验设计在质量控制的整个过程中扮演了非常重要的角色,它是我们产品质量提高,工艺流程改善的重要保证。实验设计已广泛运用了从航天业到一般生产制造业的产品质量改善、工艺流程优化甚至已运用到医学界。籍此课程,您将通过对产品质量,工艺引数的量化分析,寻找关键因素,控制与其相关的因素。根据实际需求,学习判别与选择不同的实验设计种类,设计你的实验步骤,发现如何控制各种影响因素,以少的投入,换取大的收益,从而使产品质量得以提升,工艺流程优化. Doe课程的受益: 决定分析、确认过程输入与输出间的相关性 通过改善绩效中设定流程引数,确认实验的有效性 理解设计的解析度和含义,分清混淆DOE的因素 应用专业的实验设计软体来分析结果,并应用到管理中 DOE Contract Number是什么 DOE Contract Number是什么 美国能源部合同编号 DOE、SPC、MINITAB是什么 DOE Design of Experiment 实验设计 SPC Statistical Process Control 统计过程控制 Minitab是一套统计分析软体,里面有DOE和SPC功能模组 CSI中常出现的Jane Doe和John Doe的Doe是什么意思? John Doe来自英国爱德华三世统治时期,在当时《驱逐法案》的讨论中,虚构了两个人名,一个是John Doe,代表土地所有者;另一个是Richard Roe,是租地的人,他将租来的土地据为己有,而把John Doe赶走了。 可见,John Doe最初就是个虚构的人物。后来,John Doe和Richard Roe被广泛用于诉讼程式中对不知姓名当事人的假设的称呼,John Doe通常指收回不动产诉讼中假设的原告,Richard Roe指被告。因此,John Doe现在常用来指“诉讼程式中不知真实姓名的当事人”,也常指代“某人或普通人”,在凶杀案现场,死者身份尚未确认的情况下也可以称作John Doe。有趣的是,Doe和Roe都是一种鹿,doe是母鹿,roe是欧洲的一种鹿 虽然产生在英国,John Doe在美国和加拿大使用较多。多用来指代不知名的男性。如果是不知名的女性,则多用Jane Doe来指代。如果是小孩子、婴儿的话,还有Baby Doe DOE^sY是什么牌子 DOE∧SY中文名叫多易随,是波导公司生产的手机品牌。供参考。 DOE是什么质量工具? DOE是6SIGMA管理中的质量工具,6SIGMA管理是世界许多著名大企业追求的一个目标,通过质量管理的综合提升,使企业的管理水平达到一个很高的层次,如一个企业达到6SIGMA水平,产品不合格率只有百万分之3.4,这是民航、核电等重要企业及所有想成为世界级大企业永续追求的目标。国内一般的企业只2或3SIGMA水平左右。 6SIGMA管理主要强调的对一个企业来讲,最重要的是二件事:提高质量、降低成本,而要达到这个目标,就要找到管理中的各个关键点,用80%的精力,去解决20%的排在前列的重要的问题。 而DOE指的是DOE实验,如果一时找到某个专案的关键因子(因子有几个,不能确定哪个是关键),可通过做实验,收集资料,然后找出其中的关键因子,进行解决。DOE实验收集到资料后,有专门的软体minitable可进行计算,展示出图表及函式,可找到关键因了。 ⒈=Designated Operational Entity (指定经营实体),CDM(清洁发展机制)中的第三方独立稽核机构 2.=Department of the Environment (英国)环境事务部 3.=Department of Energy (美国)能源部 4.=Design Of Experiments 实验设计 5.=Diffraction Optical Element 衍射光学元件 实验设计已广泛运用了从航天业到一般生产制造业的产品质量改善、工艺流程优化甚至已运用到医学界。通过对产品质量,工艺引数的量化分析,寻找关键因素,控制与其相关的因素。根据实际需求,判别与选择不同的实验设计种类,设计你的实验步骤,发现如何控制各种影响因素,以最少的投入,换取最大的收益,从而使产品质量得以提升,工艺流程最优化。 通常,在CDM专案中,DOE的职能就是要对CDM(清洁发展机制)专案进行定性的“审定(Validation)”和定量的“核查(Verification/ Certification)”。 实际上,DOE在CDM专案运作过程中非常关键,它直接决定了一个CDM专案能否成功注册、产生的温室气体减排量能否获得签发及签发多少。 所谓DOE(DESignated Operational Entity,指定经营实体),是EB批准的独立的第三方审定/核查机构,负责对CDM专案审定或核查等职能。审定就是对申请的专案进行定性评估,判断这个专案符合不符合CDM的要求;所谓核查就是对申请的专案进行定量评估,判断这个专案产生了多少温室气体减排量。 doe是什么意思 六西格玛 DOE 试验设计 雌鹿 或Design of Experiments的缩写 实验设计法 DOE是什么意思 DOE 英[u02ccdi: u0259u028a u02c8i:]美[ou028a] 质量控制的整个过程中扮演了非常重要的角色,它是我们产品质量提高,工艺流程改善的重要保证。 Department of Energy <美>能源部 美国能源部; 实验设计; 能源部 1 This resulted in the CDM registry administrator being instructed to issue fewer CERs than originally requested by the DOE. 这导致理事会指示登记册管理人发放比DOE原来所要求者少的CER。

CSI中常出现的Jane Doe和John Doe的Doe是什么意思?

jane doe 无名女尸 john doe 无名男尸

Jane Doe什么意思?


Jane Doe为什么用来作为不知身份的无名女尸的代号?

Jane Doe在英文中意为普通女子,无名女士,某女,后在引伸用法中,死者在身份尚未确认的情况下,西国国家也将无名女尸用Jane Doe来称呼。内容介绍:John Doe曾出现于14世纪英王爱德华三世统治时期,而它更广为人知则是在18世纪,在威廉·布莱克斯通用John Doe来代称案件中虚构的原告,被告则用Richard Roe来代表。有趣的是,doe和roe都是一种鹿,doe指的是母鹿,roe则是来自欧洲或亚洲的一种鹿。在凶案现场,死者在身份尚未确认的情况下也会被称作Jane Doe和John Doe。1976年9月12日,一名女性被发现陈尸于马里兰州巴尔的摩伍德劳恩(Woodlawn),这个案件被称为Woodlawn Jane Doe。经过各种调查,警方知道她可能是自中南美洲的移民,却仍然无法确认她的身份。此外,美国还有几桩未能确认死者身份的悬案,案件通常以陈尸处加上“无名氏”命名,如:St. Louis Jane Doe、Arroyo Grande Jane Doe等。扩展资料Jane Doe她不是特定的一个人,而是“无名氏”。Jane Doe是女性无名氏,与其相对的John Doe则是男性无名氏。在法庭上,Jane Doe和John Doe常用来指称“诉讼程序中不知真实姓名的当事人”,也常指代“某人或普通人”,类似于Joe Public、John Q. Public(老百姓)的用法;身份不明的婴儿则可称作Baby Doe。Jane Doe也是一些西方影视作品常出现的片名,如:《我是无名女》(I am Jane Doe)、《无名女尸》(The Autopsy of Jane Doe)等。 2016年向德国《南德日报》爆料,揭露了各国政客、权贵刻意隐藏的海外资产的“巴拿马文件”的爆料者也自称“Jane Doe”。

翻译how many seats does the house of representatives have






硬币一面写confoederatio helvetica,中间有个女人头像,下面写这1952,反面一圈花,中间写个10.


一个钱币上有confoederatio helvetica的字母正面是个女人头像,背面一个花环,中间是个10


一个钱币上有confoederatio helvetica的字母


mr.li goes to wori

1. drives;to work

The old woman lives_________, but she doesn’t feel__________. A.alone, alone B.lonely, lone

D 试题分析:句意:这个老夫人单独生活,但是她不感到寂寞。alone只是陈述一个客观事实,意思是“独自一人”、“没有同伴或助手”,只用作表语。有时放在名词或代词后,表示“仅仅”、“只有”,可作形容词。 另外,alone 可用作副词,表示“独自地”、“单独地”; lonely 则有浓厚的感情色调,指因缺少朋友、同情、友谊时所发生的一种悲伤的和忧郁的感情,意思是“孤独”、“寂寞”,作形容词。根据句意,故选D


语中的谓语有哪些有简单动词、助动词、情态动词、动词短语等。这样的词有很多,比如 :make、buy、might to do、like、look、be use to、want、love、run、is、am、are、move、catch、feel……谓语一般都在主语的位置后面,根据谓语的复杂程度谓语可以分为:简单谓语、复合谓语。简单谓语是指由一个动词或动词词组构成的谓语,一般谓语都是通过动词的各种是来表现的。 比如:I like dog. 我喜欢狗。行为动词like作简单谓语。I made my mother"s birthday cake last night. 昨晚我做好了我妈妈的生日蛋糕,行为动词made作简单谓语。 复合谓语可分为两种情况:1.情态动词/助动词+不带to的动词不定式构成的重复谓语,情态动词主要有can,may,must,should等等。比如: You should go to bed at 22.00. 你应该在十点去睡觉。should go to 作复合谓语。You should spend more time to your study.你应该花费更多的时间在学习上。Should spend to作复合谓语。

the earth goes round the sun其中go round是什么意思?

go round意思就是围绕,这句话是说地球绕着太阳转。

harry potter and the order of the phoenix film review 急求

更新1: 可以跟以下程序写~ 也可以不跟~ 直接写你们的意见~ 但必定要写英文~thx~ Story Line: What is the basic plot? Is the plot believeable? Does it hold your interest? Do the events flow in a logical sequence? 更新2: Acting: Who are the actors in the film? Are they well-cast? Is the acting natural and believable? Musical Scores and Specail Effects: Are the special effacts appropriate and believable? Does the background music add to the movie? 更新3: Overall: Do you likethis film? Would you remend this film?Why or why not? How do you rate this film? 更新4: Genre: what type of movie is it? 更新5: Director: who is the Director? does he or she keep the pace of the film interesting? what teiques does he or she use to make the film unique? 更新6: Cinematography: is the photography natural and believable? do you feel like you are actually there? 更新7: Intended Audience: who would like this movie? is it appropriate for all ages? I am a Harry Potter lover since the Potter series are shown. Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix is about Harry&#39;s fifth year in Hogwarts which is his school where he studies magic. The movie starts with Harry performing a charm in front of a muggle refered to a person who does not know magic. He is then charged by the Ministry of Magic and nearly got expelled from Hogwarts. For this year the subject Defence against the Dark Arts is taught by a new face Professor Umbridge. Umbridge is a teacher sent by the Minister of Magic. She has much power to rule the school especially when Dumbledore is not around. She does not allow students to perform any charms in the school. Harry protests thus receives harsh punishment from Umbridge. Suggested by Hermine Harry bees the Defence against the Dark Arts teacher for the Dumbledore&#39;s Army a group of Hogwart&#39;s students who support and are close to Harry. Harry&#39;s lesson must be kept secret so when Cho the girl Harry likes betrays the group they are risked of being kicked out from the school. Luckly Dumbledore shows up and saves the Army. Due to Harry&#39;s dream of Lord Voldemort hurting Sirius Black Harry and his friends attempt to save Sirius by taking the prophecy which Voldemort longs for. In the fight beeen the Order of Phoenix and the Death eaters the prophecy is distroyed by accident and Harry&#39;s dearest godfather is killed by a Death eater. According to the prophecy either Harry or Voldemort will survive in the end. Harry Potter and the Order of Pheonix is one of my favourite Potter stories. In this story Harry has grown up. He bees stronger and is able to face dealth. Although the dealth of his godfather is really a painful memory he learns to move on with his life. I remember that Harry has said before that Sirius is his only family so I am very sad that Sirius actually is killed in this story. Poor Harry is alone again but he is braver to fight the Dark Lord than ever. I always love the stories of Potter but this one is not as good as I expected. I have read the book of Harry Potter and the Orderof Pheonix. I find that the movie is short of details. Much of the parts like the young Sirius and his gangs are not shown in the movie. I am quite disappointed actually as I have waited so long for this film to be casted and the film is not fantastic as expected. Other than this I think the movie is not bad. I very much like the special effects and the actors. The new actors like Imelda Staunton who plays Professor Umbridge are given a lot of screen time and they are great. Not to mention the old faces they are as beautiful as always. The scenes are great and vivid. With the background music I stay focus all the time. The story is moving at a great pace. I guess have I not read the book the movie will be excellent. That is why I will remand to all ages but underaged with parents&#39; guide. 参考: the big Potter fan =me^^(tell me how the passage is liked by your teacher hope it is not too long)

NBA2K12我下了球鞋补丁 都是鞋 是pshoe数字.iff文件 还下了个Roster.ROS文件 请问都放在哪

iff文件放在游戏文件夹里就行Roster.ROS这是名单文件,放在C:UsersAdministratorAppDataRoaming2K SportsNBA 2K12Saves

What does the fox say

Ylvis - What Does the Fox Say?Dog goes woofCat goes meowBird goes tweetand mouse goes squeekCow goes mooFrog goes croakand the elephant goes tootDucks say quackand fish go bluband the seal goes ow ow owBut theres one soundThat no one knowsWhat does the fox say?Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!What the fox say?Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow!Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow!Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow!What the fox say?Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho!Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho!Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho!What the fox say?Joff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff!Tchoff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff!Joff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff!What the fox say?Big blue eyesPointy noseChasing miceand digging holesTiny pawsUp the hillSuddenly youre standing stillYour fur is redSo beautifulLike an angel in disguiseBut if you meeta friendly horseWill you communicate bymo-o-o-o-orse?mo-o-o-o-orse?mo-o-o-o-orse?How will you speak to thatho-o-o-o-orse?ho-o-o-o-orse?ho-o-o-o-orse?What does the fox say?Jacha-chacha-chacha-chow!Chacha-chacha-chacha-chow!Chacha-chacha-chacha-chow!What the fox say?Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow!Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow!Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow!What the fox say?A-hee-ahee ha-hee!A-hee-ahee ha-hee!A-hee-ahee ha-hee!What the fox say?A-oo-oo-oo-ooo!Woo-oo-oo-ooo!What does the fox say?The secret of the foxAncient mysterySomewhere deep in the woodsI know youre hidingWhat is your sound?Will we ever know?Will always be a mysteryWhat do you say?Youre my guardian angelHiding in the woodsWhat is your sound?(Fox Sings)Wa-wa-way-do Wub-wid-bid-dum-way-do Wa-wa-way-doWill we ever know?(Fox Sings)Bay-budabud-dum-bamI want to(Fox sings)Mama-dum-day-doI want toI want to know!(Fox sings)Abay-ba-da bum-bum bay-do

what does the fox. say这是什么歌?

歌名叫the fox

what does the fox say 为什么不能用do而要用does?


当我随口唱了一句 "what does the fox say"时。我机智的同学弱弱的回了我一句"


what does the Fox say 翻译1:狐狸说了什么 2:狐狸怎么叫


What does the fox say 这首歌名很多人都翻译成狐狸是怎么叫的 但怎么的话不应该是How does the fox say


What does the fox say


what does the fox say 啥意思


This pair of shoes is very nice, please try __on ,Tony. 填it 还是them


the shoes look nice

B 分 析: 句意:——这双鞋看起来漂亮。我能试穿一下吗?——当然可以。代替the shoes用代词them。当them作为动词+副词的短语的宾语时,位于动词和副词之间。故选B。 考点: 考查代词的用法。

yes.these shoes are nice.can i try them on是什么意思


the shoes are nice.can i try

B 分 析: 句意:这些鞋子们很好看。我能试穿一下吗?因为前面是shoes,故用them代替,又因为them是人称代词的宾格,故放中间,根据句意,故选B。 考点: 考查动词短语。

the shoes are very tight对very tight 提问

How do the shoes feel?

noel gallagher和paul weller是亲兄弟吗

不是诺尔·加拉格,1967年5月29日出生于英国曼彻斯特,歌手、前绿洲乐队词曲作者,第二主唱,主音吉他。1988年,诺埃尔-加拉格作为巡回乐队管理员与吉他技术人员加入了当地乐队Inspiral Carpets的巡演,其后以作曲人的身份为Oasis写歌,领导着Oasis的前进方向。2011年,发行了个人专辑《Noel Gallagher"s High Flying Birds》,凭借该专辑获得2012年度全英音乐奖最佳男艺人提名。2015年,发行专辑《Chasing Yesterday》并于发行的第一周在英国流行音乐排行榜获得第一名 。Paul Weller谁是英国摇滚乐坛除David Bowie之外最著名的变色龙?答案是Paul Weller,他不但乐风变化无常,连政治信仰也不断改变…… 他的传奇人生大致可以分为三个阶段:The Jam、Style Council、个人发展3个阶段。从1976年组建The Jam乐队、1982年组建Style Council乐队到1990年以个人名义独立发展,再到今年的他个人第五张录音室专辑《Heliocentric》(日心),其间经历了朋克、Motown式灵歌、Acid-Jazz、House、R&B、Funky、民谣、电子、布鲁斯摇滚等多次乐风的变化,简直让人眼花缭乱。脱变

What does the myth mean?


In the time__takes to drink a cup of coffee,customers can get a pair of special-made shoes in th...


一首日语歌,歌词结尾是 time goes by so fast sweet memory 的是什么歌

是这个吗?和你的歌词不太一样,不过最后一句一样。呜呼、素晴らしき日々よ 歌手:さとのあかり作词:角田崇徳 作曲:角田崇徳ねえもしも明日人生が终わるとしたのなら君は谁を思い出すの?谁に会いたいの?どこで过ごすの?365xあと何年?出会いから卒业までの时间(とき)お母さんとの朝食友达と笑いあう时代梦追いかける日々人は谁でも惯れてゆくものだから失うまでは 気づけないんだ幸せがここにあると大切なものは何だ?それを问いかけるんだおかえりとありがとうそれだけでいい怒られ起きる朝も隣で眠る夜もありふれた日々それが幸せってやつさふと残された时间を数えてみたら全ての瞬间(とき)爱おしくなるさ朝露が光る笹の叶夕暮れムクドリ鸣いている来月の休みは少しふるさとへ帰ろうかまだ若すぎるからと优しく笑われて私にだって 何が大事かわかってきたつもりなの叶わぬこともあるさ涙の夜もあるさ人生は雨の日も晴れの日もあるきらきら星の夜とさらさら流れる川と変わらない景色が 优しさくれたねたった一度素晴らしい物语だね今をただ大事に生きよう大切なものは何だ?それを问いかけるんだおかえりとありがとうそれだけでいい怒られ起きる朝も隣で眠る夜もありふれた日々 それが幸せだろう叶わぬこともあるさ涙の夜もあるさ人生は雨の日も晴れの日もあるきらきら星の夜とさらさら流れる川と変わらない景色が 优しさくれたねたった一度素晴らしい物语だね今をただ大事に生きようStay here tonight time goes by so fastLifetimeStay here tonight time goes by so fast Sweet memory

nonsense poetry 歌词

歌曲名:nonsense poetry歌手:The Pancakes专辑:Flying in the blue sky on a flying panhere it comes the sunhere it comes the number onestruggling through the rainsmuggled in a non-stop trainif you comecome by runit"ll bring us much more funplaying punseating bunsdoing what we haven"t donewrite me however you wantread me whenever you liketake me wherever you gotell me whatever you knowlook at what you cannot seelisten to what you can"t heartouch what you"re unable to feelsniff what you"re unable to smellnow the drugs don"t workand the memories only hurtsit where as i pleasewriting nonsense poetrieswhat if i"ve eaten your popcornwould it turn you onwhat if i tell you sunday is gonewould you blow the hornhttp://music.baidu.com/song/23777034

Blue Suede Shoes 歌词

歌曲名:Blue Suede Shoes歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:HitstoryI don"t care if I spent my doughTonight I"m gonna be one happy soul.Gonna rock it up,(Yeah) Gonna shake (ball) it up,We"re gonna roll it up.Oh, at the ball tonight.Ah Ho!Rattle and roll,I said, shake, rattle and roll,You never done nothingTo save your doggone soul.Well, get out of that kitchenAnd (rattle) shake those pots and pans,Well, get out of that kitchenAnd (rattle) shake those pots and pans,I said to my soul.You"re the devil in a frying pan.Well, I said, shake, rattle and roll,I said, shake, rattle and roll,I said, shake, rattle and roll,I said, shake, rattle and roll,Well, you never done nothingTo save your doggone soul.You can knock me down, step on my face,Slander my name all over the place,Do the things that you wanna do,But ah-hah, honey, lay off of them shoes.But don"t you step on my blue suede shoes,Well, you can do anything but lay off of themBlue suede shoes.Ah, go!You can burn my house, steal my car,Drink my liquor from an old fruit jar.Do anything that you want to do,But ah-hah, honey, lay off of them shoes.And don"t you step on my blue suede shoes, please!Well, you can do anything but lay off of themBlue suede shoes.Ah, go blue cat! (ah, hit it, George!)Well, its, blue, blue, blue suede shoes, yeah,Blue, blue, blue suede shoes, babe,Blue, blue, blue suede shoes, yeah,Brown, brown, brown suede boots, yeah,You can do anything but lay off of themBlue suede shoes.http://music.baidu.com/song/7397722


Chant--有节奏的歌或是呼叫.通常句子较短.可以押韵,也可不韵.特点是重复说.好象中文的"欢迎,欢迎,热烈欢迎!"英文"Listen to the windows, rattling, rattling. We are the windows, rattle, rattle, rattle, rattle."rhyme---一个单词的尾音和另一个单词的尾音是一样的.注意是音,不是拼写.cat--fatdog--frogsocks--foxpoem----由一句句有韵或是无韵短句组成的文字.通常是抒发一种感情.Roses are redViolets are blueSugar is sweetAnd so are you

闹钟上的mooE SET UP OOWN TRLRING各是什么意思

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