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以where does your time go?为题向高中学生征文

Where Does Your Time Go?You get caught up in the business of theday-to-day. You say you don"t have enough time.你每天都忙忙碌碌的。你总说时间不够用。Yet, the question isn"t where you arespending your time…But rather, where should you be spending your time?但问题并不在于时间都花哪里去了。你更应该关心的是时间应该花在哪?Often, we think we don"t have a choiceabout our time. Yet, we always have a choice. Where should you be spending yourtime?我们总觉得时间对每个人都是公平的,我们无法选择。但实际上我们可以选。应该在哪花更多的时间?Here are 10 Things You Should beChoosing to Spend More Time on…下面你应该花更多时间的10件事1. Your Family你的家庭Our family is the reason that we do somany things in life. Work, jobs, and more. Yet ironically,we then neglect the very people that we are working so hard to provide for. Ifyou don"t spend time with your family, you will lose the chance to spend timewith them at all. Many people learn this the hard way.我们做的一切、工作,等等这些都是为了一个我们的家庭。然而具有讽刺意味的是,我们经常忽视了这些人,而他们正是我们努力工作的目的。如果不花点时间在家人身上,你会彻底失去和他们一起相处的机会。很多人都有过这样的痛苦教训。2. Taking Care of Yourself照顾好自己I know many people whose professionallives are very extremely successful, but behind the scenes their personal livesare a disaster. This is a house of cards waiting to fall down. And iteventually does. Take care of your personal business first.我知道很多人的职业生涯极其成功,但光鲜背后他们的个人生活却十分糟糕。他们就像一个摇摇欲坠的纸房子,最终真的就轰然倒塌。先照顾好自己吧。3. Exercising锻炼身体Maintaining your physical health is oneof the most important things you can do. Your body allows you to do everythingelse, keep it in the best shape you can. (And yes, you do have time toworkout.)保持身体健康是最重要的事情之一。只有身体好,你才能做其他的事情。(而且,你必须得要有锻炼身体的时间。)4. Thinking思考When was the last time you just sat andthought? (Very difficult if you have kids…) Quiet thinking time can be magical.It clears our heads and lets us realize what is important to us. Spend sometime just thinking. About your goals… where you are… and where you want to go.你上次坐着思考是什么时候?(有了孩子之后更难了...)短暂思考时间会带给你神奇的感受。它会让我们的大脑思路更清晰,让我们意识到什么才是重要的。花点时间想一想,你的目标、你在哪里、你想去哪里。5. Writing写作I am a big believer that everyone shouldwrite. Most people don"t after they leave school. Yet, writing is an invaluableway of clarifying your thinking, expanding your imagination, and stretchingyour mind. Many people want to write a book… do it. Even if your story is justto keep a journal, practice getting your thoughts out of your head.我强烈认为每个人都应该写作。很多人毕业之后根本就不再写东西了。但是写作是能理清思绪的好办法。很多人想写书,那就去写。即使你的故事只能写个日记,但请练习用文字表达自己的思绪吧。6. Playing玩When was the last time you played?Played a game. Played for fun. Played just to enjoy time with those that matterto you. (See #1.) Playing renews your energy and boosts all areas of your life.你上次玩是什么时候?玩个游戏吧,开心的玩。和那些对你重要的人玩(比方说跟你的家人)。玩能够恢复精力,提高生活的方方面面。7. Planning做计划Everyone needs a plan. Otherwise, youwill be wandering through life aimlessly. Taking time to plan, saves time. Itreduces stress. And it makes you more efficient.每个人都需要计划。否则你的人生会很没有追求。花点时间做个计划来节省时间。可以减轻压力,使你更加有效率。8. Organizing整理东西You create your own problems and lifefriction when you are disorganized What do you need to clean up? Your car? Thegarage? Your desk? Organization leads to action. And no, piles are notorganization.当你不整理时,麻烦和烦恼也来了。你需要清洁什么?车子、车库还是桌子?整理是需要行动的,把东西都堆起来可不叫整理哦。9. Giving to Others帮助别人You may say, “I don"t have time formyself, how I am supposed to give it to others?” Yet, one of the biggestsecrets in life is that you get what you give. Make sure you give and helpthose around you.你也许会说:“我自己都没时间了,怎么可能还去帮助别人?” 生活最大的一个秘密在于你得到的都是你付出的。一定要给予,帮助你身边的人。10. Preparing做好准备Planning is good, but taking action toprepare is the next step. Preparation is all about action. Don"t just know whatis ahead of you, but prepare to do it. Read the materials in advance. Do thehomework. Be ready.

以“where does your time go”为题写一篇120词的英语作文

Where Does Time Go?You get caught up in the business of theday-to-day. You say you don"t have enough time.你每天都忙忙碌碌的。你总说时间不够用。Yet, the question isn"t where you arespending your time…But rather, where should you be spending your time?但问题并不在于时间都花哪里去了。你更应该关心的是时间应该花在哪?Often, we think we don"t have a choiceabout our time. Yet, we always have a choice. Where should you be spending yourtime?我们总觉得时间对每个人都是公平的,我们无法选择。但实际上我们可以选。应该在哪花更多的时间?Here are 10 Things You Should beChoosing to Spend More Time on…下面你应该花更多时间的10件事1. Your Family你的家庭Our family is the reason that we do somany things in life. Work, jobs, and more. Yet ironically,we then neglect the very people that we are working so hard to provide for. Ifyou don"t spend time with your family, you will lose the chance to spend timewith them at all. Many people learn this the hard way.我们做的一切、工作,等等这些都是为了一个我们的家庭。然而具有讽刺意味的是,我们经常忽视了这些人,而他们正是我们努力工作的目的。如果不花点时间在家人身上,你会彻底失去和他们一起相处的机会。很多人都有过这样的痛苦教训。2. Taking Care of Yourself照顾好自己I know many people whose professionallives are very extremely successful, but behind the scenes their personal livesare a disaster. This is a house of cards waiting to fall down. And iteventually does. Take care of your personal business first.我知道很多人的职业生涯极其成功,但光鲜背后他们的个人生活却十分糟糕。他们就像一个摇摇欲坠的纸房子,最终真的就轰然倒塌。先照顾好自己吧。3. Exercising锻炼身体Maintaining your physical health is oneof the most important things you can do. Your body allows you to do everythingelse, keep it in the best shape you can. (And yes, you do have time toworkout.)保持身体健康是最重要的事情之一。只有身体好,你才能做其他的事情。(而且,你必须得要有锻炼身体的时间。)4. Thinking思考When was the last time you just sat andthought? (Very difficult if you have kids…) Quiet thinking time can be magical.It clears our heads and lets us realize what is important to us. Spend sometime just thinking. About your goals… where you are… and where you want to go.你上次坐着思考是什么时候?(有了孩子之后更难了...)短暂思考时间会带给你神奇的感受。它会让我们的大脑思路更清晰,让我们意识到什么才是重要的。花点时间想一想,你的目标、你在哪里、你想去哪里。5. Writing写作I am a big believer that everyone shouldwrite. Most people don"t after they leave school. Yet, writing is an invaluableway of clarifying your thinking, expanding your imagination, and stretchingyour mind. Many people want to write a book… do it. Even if your story is justto keep a journal, practice getting your thoughts out of your head.我强烈认为每个人都应该写作。很多人毕业之后根本就不再写东西了。但是写作是能理清思绪的好办法。很多人想写书,那就去写。即使你的故事只能写个日记,但请练习用文字表达自己的思绪吧。6. Playing玩When was the last time you played?Played a game. Played for fun. Played just to enjoy time with those that matterto you. (See #1.) Playing renews your energy and boosts all areas of your life.你上次玩是什么时候?玩个游戏吧,开心的玩。和那些对你重要的人玩(比方说跟你的家人)。玩能够恢复精力,提高生活的方方面面。7. Planning做计划Everyone needs a plan. Otherwise, youwill be wandering through life aimlessly. Taking time to plan, saves time. Itreduces stress. And it makes you more efficient.每个人都需要计划。否则你的人生会很没有追求。花点时间做个计划来节省时间。可以减轻压力,使你更加有效率。8. Organizing整理东西You create your own problems and lifefriction when you are disorganized What do you need to clean up? Your car? Thegarage? Your desk? Organization leads to action. And no, piles are notorganization.当你不整理时,麻烦和烦恼也来了。你需要清洁什么?车子、车库还是桌子?整理是需要行动的,把东西都堆起来可不叫整理哦。9. Giving to Others帮助别人You may say, “I don"t have time formyself, how I am supposed to give it to others?” Yet, one of the biggestsecrets in life is that you get what you give. Make sure you give and helpthose around you.你也许会说:“我自己都没时间了,怎么可能还去帮助别人?” 生活最大的一个秘密在于你得到的都是你付出的。一定要给予,帮助你身边的人。10. Preparing做好准备Planning is good, but taking action toprepare is the next step. Preparation is all about action. Don"t just know whatis ahead of you, but prepare to do it. Read the materials in advance. Do thehomework. Be ready.

time goes quickly还是went

Time went by slowly.时光慢慢流逝. 对现实的虚拟,实际时间消逝的速度是一样的,不变的.所以用过去时态. Time goes by quickly on vacation.假期的时光飞快 主语time是第三人称单数(它),所以谓语动词用单数形式goes.


SOE(Sequence Of Event)   事件顺序记录系统    SOE事件顺序记录,记录故障发生的时间和事件的类型,比如某开关XX时XX分XX秒XX毫秒发生什么类型的故障. 可以这样理解,SOE记录了全部的时间和事件的顺序,它不是单纯对于某个保护装置而言的.严格来说,SOE是厂站自动化的范畴.

there is a saying goes是什么意思

there is a saying goes 有一句话

Here is a message to every man and woman _____ A who voe B who votes 选那个,为啥?


If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.求翻译


求Lady gaga《let them hoes fight》歌词

想他的时候风忽然就停了好像老天想聆听我心里动作Let"s fall in love他却不晓得我每一分钟都等著他这样承诺Let"s fall in love在匆忙人世中我从来没怀疑过这样一个选择(music)他微笑诉说心中想些什么我多么希望他能够 其中提到我Let"s fall in love他还不晓得在他眼中我的脸是多么失落Let"s fall in love再拥挤的寂寞中哪一天他会开口说Let"s fall in loveLet"s fall in love他却不晓得我每一分钟都等著他这样承诺Let"s fall in love在匆忙人世中我从来没怀疑过这样一个选择Let"s fall in love他还不晓得在他眼中我的脸是多么失落Let"s fall in love再拥挤的寂寞中哪一天他会开口说Let"s fall in love哪一天他会开口 说Let"s fall in love

英语句意理解:They resent whoever tries to help?

语法一直是很多同学的英语入门难点,想要提高英语成绩,必须打好语法根基!今天小编整理了四级最全语法知识点总结,带你轻松掌握语法难点!话不多说,快来收干货!1.主动形式2.被动形式v CET-4 常考的三种时态:过去完成时;将来完成时;(现在/过去)完成进行时。v 时间状语从句当中的时态:1.不定式:一)不定式的常考形式:1) 一般形式:He decided to work harder in order to catch up with the others.被动形式: He preferred to be assigned some heavier work to do.语法功能: 表示与谓语动词同步发生2) 完成形式:He pretended not to have seen me.被动形式:The book is said to have been translated into many languages.语法功能:表示发生在谓语动词之前二)不定式常考的考点:1)不定式做定语----将要发生2)不定式做状语----目的3)不定式充当名词功能---To see is to believe.三)不定式的省略感官动词 see, watch, observe, notice, look at, hear, listen to, smell, taste, feel+ do  表示动作的完整性,真实性;+ doing 表示动作的连续性,进行性I saw him work in the garden yesterday.昨天我看见他在花园里干活了。(强调"我看见了"这个事实)I saw him working in the garden yesterday.昨天我见他正在花园里干活。(强调"我见他正干活"这个动作)v 感官动词后面接形容词而不是副词:The cake tastes good; It feels comfortable.使役动词 have bid make let 等词后不定式要省略但同1)一样被动以后要还原toI ‘d like to have John do it.I have my package weighed.Paul doesn"t have to be made to learn.help help sb do help sb to do help do help to do四)有些动词后只跟不定式如:want,wish,hope,manage,promise,refuse,pretend,plan, offer,decide,agree,expect allow sb to do, cause sb to do , permit sb to do, enable sb to doforce sb to do. be more likely to do love to do warn sb to do be able to dobe ambitious to do. begin to do . start to do五) 有的时候to后面要接-ing形式accustom (oneself) to; be accustomed to; face up to; in addition to; look forward to; object to; be reduced to; resign oneself to; be resigned to; resort to; sink to; be used to; be alternative to; be close/closeness to; be dedication/dedicated to; be opposition/opposed to; be similarity/similar to.2. 动名词:具有动作性特征的名词1)是名词 seeing is believing2)具有动词性特征可以带宾语 starving troops is necessary.一)动名词的形式:一般形式:I don"t like you smoking.完成形式:I regret not having taken your advice.被动形式:This question is far from being settled.二) 动名词常考的点1)动名词做主语谓语动词为单数2)在动名词和不定式中,做为介词的宾语是动名词3)动名词的否定直接在其前加否定词,通过代词的宾格或所有格形式给出逻辑主语.I would appreciate_______ back this afternoon.A.you to call B.you call C.you calling D.you"re calling(Key:C your calling 也对)I regret not having taken your advice.4)有些词后只能接动名词admit; appreciate; avoid; celebrate; consider; contemplate; defer; delay; deny; detest; discontinue; dislike; dispute; enjoy; it entails; escape; excuse; explain; fancy; feel like; finish; forgive; can"t help; hinder; imagine; it involves; keep; it means; mention; mind; miss; it necessitates; pardon; postpone; practice; prevent; recall; report; resent; resist; risk; suggest; understand...另外还有一些接-ing形式的常用说法:it"s no good; it"s no/little/hardly any/ use; it"s not/hardly/scarcely use; it"s worthwhile; spend money/time; there"s no; there"s no point in; there"s nothing worse than; what"s the use/point...5)有些词后加不定式和动名词均可remember, forget, try, stop, go on, cease, mean后面用不定式和-ing形式,意义截然不容。I remembered to post the letters. (指未来/过去未来的动作)I remembered posting/having posting the letters (我记得这个动作)forgot与remember的用法类似。I regret to inform you that… 我很遗憾地通知你…I regretted having left the firm after twenty years. 为了"二十年前的离开"而遗憾。try to 努力 You really must try to overcome your shyness.try –ing 试验 Try practicing five hours a day.I mean to go, but my father would not allow me to. [打算、想]我想去,但我父亲不让我去。To raise wage means increasing purchasing power. [意味着]赠加工资意味着增加购买力。prefer的用法:我宁愿在这里等。I prefer to wait here. (所以啊,你不介意的话,我就等下去。)I prefer waiting here.(我正在这里等,我就喜欢这么做。)I prefer swimming to cycling. (这个句子里面就不能用不定式了。)3 分词:现在分词主动进行,过去分词被动状态现在分词的形式:1)一般式: Do you see the man talking to the dean(主任)? (与谓语动词同步发生)2)完成形式:Not having made adequate preparations, they failed. (发生谓语动词之前)3)完成被动形式:Having been adapted, the script seems perfect.( 发生谓语动词之前且表示被动)过去分词1) 过去分词表示被动:Fight no battle unprepared.2)过去分词的进行形式:You"ll find the topic being discussed everywhere. (强调正在被做)这三种非谓语动词,都可以构成复合结构,非谓语动词所修饰的成分是这些非谓语动词的逻辑主语。他们之间的一致关系——主动还是被动,往往就是考点。独立主格结构中,要注意的是分词与他前面的逻辑主语之间的主动被动的关系。情态动词所表达的可能性程度:must/can"t à should/shouldn"t à might/may (not)另外两个"类情态词的形式:"need/needn"t; have to/don"t have tov 最自然的虚拟状态:由should/would+原型时态(不含时间只含状态)本质上是过去将来时:即,时间固定在过去将来,状态不同:一般、进行、完成、完成进行。这时"虚拟语气"的产生往往是因为我们要表达"本来应该……"(而现在却还没有……)(本来可以……,本来能……)I should go! (… but I"m still here!) (一般)I should be working now! (进行)I should have practiced more (than I did)! (完成)我应该多多练习!(言下之意,现在我练习得不多。)I shouldn"t dream away my time too much! (完成的否定)(actually I did dream away my time too much!)It shouldn"t have been leaking for such a long time! (完成进行)I may/might/could have finished! (完成)一些常见的句型中,就会出现这种虚拟语气,而处于从句之中,should 常常被省略掉o suggest, advise, propose, recommend, plan;o demand, order, direct, arrange, command, decide;o require, request;o think, expect, believe, insist, suspect.由于他们的含义中包含"建议,假设,应该"这类的含义,所以,由他们引起的从句中,就会包含有should+原型时态构成的虚拟语气。这些动词(以及他们的名次形式,分词形式)引起的从句还有其他的变形:主语从句,表语从句,同位语从句It"s suggested that…My suggestion is that…The only suggestion that...The only suggestion I can give you now is that…一些形容词引起的表语从句中,也会有同样的情况由lest, for fear that, in case 引起的从句中多使用shouldv 表达与事实相反1. 与现在相反:使用[过去时]:I wish I were not here! (一般现在à一般过去)Suppose we were not here.He loved me as if I were his own son. (一般现在à一般过去)Hope I weren"t always losing things! (现在进行à过去进行)If only/If I hadn"t been there! (现在完成à过去完成)What if I hadn"t been waiting right here! (现在完成进行à过去完成进行)常考句型:It"s (high) time (that)…; would rather (that)…这两个从句,只能表达对现在的看法,所以,从句中只有一般过去时。2. 与过去相反:过去完成时;How nice it is if I had past the test!How nice it is if I had slept a little more this morning!3. 与将来相反?将来的事情没有发生,所以只能推测。If it rains tomorrow, we"ll have to stay one day more.不过,由于可以用be to表示将来;所以,虚拟语气中经常出现were to;也是CET-4的常考语法点。v 虚拟条件句o if 部分,做一个与事实相反的假设(所以只有一般过去和过去完成);o 主句部分,这是表示基于这个假设的推测,一般使用情态动词would,少数情况下使用could/might/may。o 注意:两个部分之间,是有逻辑关系,而在两部分的谓语动词时态上,没有必然的联系。v 注意,虚拟条件句中的if可以省略,造成were/had提前,产生倒装。v 隐含的非真实条件What would you do with 50 thousand dollar?How could I be happy without you?除了条件状语从句之外,原因状语从句也会出现虚拟语气。o 由in order that, so that引起的从句,肯定的时候可以使用may/might; can/could; 否定的时候,多用shouldn"t;o whoever, whatever, no matter what引起的从句中,多用may+好啦,以上就是四级语法干货!不会语法的同学一定要收藏反复观看理解哈!


是每股盈余(Earnings Per Share)的缩写,指普通股每股税后利润。 EPS(每股盈余)=盈余/流通在外股数。EPS为公司获利能力的最后结果。股票的股价净值比(Price-to-Book Ratio,P/B或PBR)又名市账率,指每股市价除以每股净资产,通常作为股票孰贱孰贵的指标之一。来源:股票分析会

牧野由衣的time goes by 的日语歌词,就是翼年代记里的,最好也有英语版的歌词急需,拜托各位帮帮忙!

ユメノツバサ牧野由依翼·年代记插曲こんなにも远くへ二人は来てしまってあの顷の幼い君の微笑みにもう帰れないね君が笑う世界が好きで侧にいたい、それだけ忘れかけた痛みを胸にtime goes by时の流れは二人を変えて行くけれど失くしたものも梦见るものもその手を取って思い出すよいつも君の侧で悲しいことさえ覚えておきたいから君の地図に私の为のぺージを残しておいてね未来から吹き付ける风を君はあの日信じた明日はもっと高く舞い上がれ...time goes by时が过ぎてもきっと変わらぬものがあるの届かないから、见つけたいから梦の翼を探しに行く侧にいてね、ずっと...time goes by时の流れは二人を変えて行くけれど失くしたものも梦见るものもその手を取って思い出すよtime goes by(time goes by)啦……(时が过ぎても)啦……(きっと変わらぬものがあるの)啦……(届かないから、见つけたいから)啦……(梦の翼を探しに行く)侧にいてね、ずっと...ユメノツバサ翼年代记插曲 牧野由依(这个是你所说的牧野由依版)tsubasa作词·作曲·编曲:尾浦由记歌·演奏:FictionJunction KAORIfar in the light" I can see itin every scene of the nighta tiny feather of loveI gotta godestiny never finds the way for me" my loveeven in the night I see yours face" in the dark.so I never lose my way to youI never close my heartthe light is always theretime goes by. we can never stay the samenow we"ve come so far from love memorythough your smile has gome. we will never be apartin our hearts we are one" for love melodythe future arrives with your lovewilling to go to the placewhere you never need to cryI"ll take you therewilling to find an answerin all the winding road we have come throughin the heat of summer" cold of winter.I"m hereso you never lose your way to menever close your heartyour light is always heretime goes by" we can never stay the samein the shades of hops" in love memorythough your smile has gone" we will never be apart in our hearts we can hear the love melodythe future still shines. close to youtime goes by. we can never stay the samenow we"ve come so far from love memorythough your smile has gome. we will never be apartin our hearts we are one" for love melodytime goes by" we can never stay the samein the shades of hops" in love memorythough your smile has gone" we will never be apart in our hearts we can hear the love melodythe future still shines. close to you(这个就是英文版的了。)你可以去QQ音乐搜索。

Everything goes well是什么意思


Fat Joe的My Lifestyle歌词

歌曲名称:My Lifestyle搜索次数: 276 歌手: Fat Joe专辑:Jealous Ones Still Envy作词:作曲: 歌词: {*background*}(Ya"ll wanna live my lifestyleNever seen a brick, never seen a crackhouseWanna a war with the Don have your techs outBring it on, and I"ma show you gangsta){*lapses over*}Yeah...ughh...right back at you motherfuckers....ughh...yeah..[Verse 1]Yo, Yo, I stand alone in this cold world, could you believe that?I"ve seen some good men get blown over G-packs In the Bronx where it"s known to hear the heat clapAnd live niggaz get it on with the D-techs, SHIT, my life"s legendaryIf I wrote down all in a book it would be very scaryWhat you know 16 be missin" BenzesRope chain down to my dick, the beef looks tremendousMe and my niggaz flip holes in bitchesBack then, when I wouldn"t even pose for bitchesA-YO, you can ask dapadan who was the manBack in 88, every other week tricked 30 grandEven my bitches wore Gucci and LouieMy peeps already in the crowd looking for groupies to screw meExit the club, about to cruise up the block nowwith the taj, stay frontin" with top downSee me in that new thing with my fianceeAss so fat, making you say "Muchos GRANDE"Don"t blame me, blame them, the white folkfor giving me ten mil, for possessin" the tight flowWHOA[Chorus: repeat 2X] Ya"ll wanna live my lifestyleNever seen a brick, never seen a crackhouseWanna a war with the Don have your techs outBring it on, and I"m show you gangsta[Verse 2] {*lapse over chorus*}Yeah, yeah, uh, yo, blow half your head off, leave you with brain damageHe got his shit rocked cause he didn"t pay homageIt"s the Don of this rap shit, go on with that wack shitHeard you walked the dorm in a thong on your last bidJoey Crack is, the most officialToke the pistol for those who appose the issueI hope I convinced you to back up, really you acted up, believe meI could EASILY GET YOUR ASS TOUCHEDAnd that sucks, ain"t nobody could fuck with thisBullet shook could make you take a bucket of pissFor runnin" your lipsGot the fifth stuck in your ribs, don"t make me...splash your lungs right in front of your kidsI"m a basketcase, don"t ever give this bastard spaceor I"ma have your ass erasedI"m from the Bronx amongst corrupt cops, we mothered this rap shitBut still don"t get enough propsAll I hear is "Gangsta" you ain"t build like that Don"t make me have to pull a tool and really tilt your capI"m from crills to crackYou"ve been dealin" with rapYou ain"t never run the streets, now I"m revealing your actWhat the fuck[Chorus: repeat 2X]Ya"ll wanna live my lifestyleNever seen a brick, never seen a crackhouseWanna a war with the Don have your techs outBring it on, and I"m show you gangsta

帮忙翻译Fat Joe的My Lifestyle歌词


_______ Nick _______ a good time at the party last night? A Does, have B Did, has C Did, have

老是问 你倒是选正确答案啊,不答了。。


◆错误分析:Windows在启动过程中无法访问系统分区或启动卷. 一般发生在更换主板后第一次启动时, 主要是因为新主板和旧主板的IDE控制器使用了不同芯片组造成的. 有时也可能是病毒或硬盘损伤所引起的. ◇解决方案:一般只要用安装光盘启动电脑, 然后执行修复安装即可解决问题. 对于病毒则可使用DOS版的杀毒软件进行查杀(主战有kv2005DOS版下载). 如果是硬盘本身存在问题, 请将其安装到其他电脑中, 然后使用"chkdsk /r"来检查并修复磁盘错误. 电脑蓝屏故障的检修方法 当电脑发生蓝屏故障时,按照如下的检修方法进行检修。 (1) 首先了解发生蓝屏前电脑的情况及所做的操作。如果电脑在CPU或内存等超频后,出现蓝屏,则蓝屏故障与超频有关,只要将频率恢复正常即可。 (2) 如果电脑在光驱读盘时被非正常打开导致蓝屏,则蓝屏故障是由于被误操作引起的,此故障一般将光盘重新放入光驱,再关上光驱托盘即可。 (3) 如果电脑在带电插拔某设备时发生蓝屏,则蓝屏故障与带电插拔设备有关,一般重新启动电脑即可恢复。 (4) 如果电脑在使用某一个应用程序软件时发生蓝屏,则蓝屏故障可能是由此程序软件引起的,一般将程序软件卸载,再重新安装即可排除故障;如果不行,则可能是程序软件本身有错误,不能使用。 (5) 如果电脑在进入系统后就出现蓝屏,引起蓝屏故障的原因可能较多,需要逐步进行排除。先用杀毒软件查杀病毒,排除病毒造成的蓝屏故障,如果故障排除,则是病毒造成的蓝屏故障。 (6) 如果故依旧,重新启动电脑,然后再用“安全模式”启动电脑,启动后退出系统再重新启动到正常模式,如果排除则是系统错误造成的蓝屏故障。 (7) 如果故障没有排除,接着使用备份的注册表将Windows注册表恢复到正常的状态,如果故障排除,则是Windows注册表损坏引起的蓝屏故障。 如果电脑在使用某一个应用程序软件时发生蓝屏(包括游戏软件),则蓝屏故障可能是由此程序软件引起的,一般将程序软件卸载,再重新安装即可排除故障;如果不行,则可能是程序软件本身有错误,不能使用。 蓝屏请按下面方法进行检修。 1、程序软件与系统不兼容。 2、到设备管理器,查看各种驱动有没有发生冲突的地方,有没有黄色的!如果有可能是设备驱动程序与系统不兼容引起的;接着将声卡、显卡、网卡等设备的驱动程序删除,然后再逐一安装驱动程序,每安装一个设备就重启一次电脑,来检查是哪个设备的驱动程序引起的故障,查出来后,下载故障设备的新版驱动程序,然后安装即可。接着清洁电脑中的灰尘,清洁内存、显卡等设备金手指,重新安装内存等设备。 3、如果电脑在带电插拔某设备时发生蓝屏,则蓝屏故障与带电插拔设备有关,一般重新启动电脑即可恢复,如果经常发生说明这个设备与系统不兼容更换硬件或安装USB驱动试试,如果故障依旧,不要进行热插拔,再开机前提前插上试试。 内存故障诊断:当怀疑内存问题引起的故障时,可以按照下面的步骤进行诊断排除。 1、首先将BIOS恢复到出厂默认设置,然后开机测试。 2、如果故障依旧,接着将内存卸下,然后清洁内存及主板上的灰尘,清洁后看故障是否排除。 3、如果故障依旧,接着用橡皮擦拭内存的金手指,擦拭后,安装好开机测试。 4、如果故障依旧,接着将内存安装到另一插槽中,然后开机测试。如果故障消失,重新检查原内存插槽的弹簧片是否变形。如果有,调整好即可。 5、如果更换内存插槽后,故障依旧,接着用替换法检测内存。当用一条好的内存安装到主板,故障消失。则可能是原内存的故障;如果故障依旧,则是主板内存插槽问题。同时将故障内存安装到另一块好的主板上测试,如果可以正常使用,则内存与主板不兼容;如果在另一块主板上出现相同的故障,则是内存质量差或损坏。 6、显卡驱动程序故障: 显卡驱动程序故障通常会造成系统不稳定死机、花屏、文字图像显卡不完全等故障现象。显卡驱动程序故障主要包括显卡驱动程序丢失、显卡驱动程序与系统不兼容、显卡驱动程序损坏、无法安装显卡驱动程序等。对于显卡驱动程序故障一般首先进入“设备管理器”查看是否有显卡的驱动程序,如果没有,重新安装即可。如果有,但显卡驱动程序上有“!”,说明显卡驱动程序没有安装好、驱动程序版本不对、驱动程序与系统不兼容等。一般删除显卡驱动程序重新安装,如果安装后还有“!”,可以下载新版的驱动程序安装。如果无法安装显卡驱动程序,一般是驱动程序有问题或注册表有问题。 如果是系统故障或木马引起的蓝屏故障,请查杀木马修复系统。 建议你下载恶意软件和木马强杀工具windows清理助手查杀恶意软件和木马: 下载网址: http://www.arswp.com/下载安装后,首先升级到最新版本,然后退出正常模式并重启按F8进入到安全模式。打开软件,点击“系统扫描”,对扫描结果全选,然后点击“执行清理”按钮,如果软件提示你是否“备份”,选择“是”(备份是为了防止发生清理错误,如果清理后系统没有发生异常,就删除备份),按提示进行操作即可。 1、开机按F8不动到高级选项出现在松手,选“最近一次的正确配置”回车修复。 2、如果故障依旧,请你用系统自带的系统还原,还原到你没有出现这次故障的时候修复(如果正常模式恢复失败,请开机按F8进入到安全模式中使用系统还原)。 3、如果故障依旧,使用系统盘修复,打开命令提示符输入SFC /SCANNOW 回车(SFC和/之间有一个空格),插入原装系统盘修复系统,系统会自动对比修复的。 4、如果故障依旧,在BIOS中设置光驱为第一启动设备插入系统安装盘按R键选择“修复安装”即可。 5、如果故障依旧,建议重装操作系统。

《The Cornflower,and Other Poems》txt下载在线阅读,求百度云资源

《The Cornflower, and Other Poems》(Blewett, Jean)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1DVT34d8yC7p-QhURcuYACg 提取码: xvkq书名:The Cornflower, and Other Poems作者:Blewett, Jean出版年份:2010-1页数:76

Montego Joe的《No Tears》 歌词

歌曲名:No Tears歌手:Montego Joe专辑:Iarriba! Con Montego Joe清春 - note作词:清春作曲:清春记忆をたどり君を探したそれほど深いセピアじゃなかった人からみたら不器用だったね最後じゃなくてもっと前だよ笑ってくれた颜しか浮かばない嬉しかった言叶、例えば…初めて解る曲があったからこれからは歌、ずっと闻いてるよ疲れただろう、一绪に帰ろうって歌い终えた仆はあの日のままだった限られた日々は生まれて生きた事の素晴らしさ幸运にも今日、君と気付いた淡い灰色の空から、始まった一幕が下りる…悲しい事だけれど名前を忘れ、时を忘れ过ぎ去った日々を缀ったノートを仆は読んでたよさあ灰色の空から抜け出して Ah握り返した手は弱くてまた来るからねと离して bye bye人より早い终わりだったけどもっと时间が欲しい、それだけかな…少しは谛めがついてきたよって仆は止めたかった、でも変わらなかった限られた日々は出逢って生きた事の素晴らしさ幸运にも今日、君と歩いた淡い灰色の空から、こぼれ落ちた涙、终わるそして书いた文字は途中で途绝えていたよ、後は仆が…过ぎ去った日々を缀ったノートを仆は読んでたよさあ灰色の空から逃げ出して Ah触れた手のひらは冷たくて次来る时まで侍ってて bye byeおわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8286369

你知道EXO、EOX、OXE、OEX、XEO、OXO 这些是什么意思吗?

亲故 我只知道exo是一个组合 有十二个男的 顺便问一句你也是行星饭么

你知道EXO、EOX、OXE、OEX、XEO、OXO 这些是什么意思吗?

亲故 我只知道exo是一个组合 有十二个男的 顺便问一句你也是行星饭么

Spiderman is one of the most famous comic heroes of all time .有关短文

Spiderman is one of the most famous comic (book) heroes of all time

歌曲:where does my heart beat now

楼主好,不知道你要这翻译做什么用?我听Celine的歌有十几年的时间了,这首老歌也是我上初高中时唱得最欢的,当时对歌词并没有什么深刻的理解,随着年龄的增长,再听这首歌的感受也越来越深了。不过现在印象最深的还是很多年前发行的那张多伦多演唱会中,Celine深情演唱这首歌的场景...好了,先翻译一下你要求的这一段:where do silent hearts go?沉寂的心该何去何从(这一句其实是上一小节的末句)where does my heart beat now我的心跳在何方where is the sound那跳动的声音又在哪里That only echoes through the night那些是夜晚陪伴我的全部where does my heart beat now我的心跳在何方i can"t live withoutwithout feeling it inside感觉不到心跳的我又怎么能生存where do all the lonely hearts go孤单的心都去了哪里整首歌的翻译如下:(是我根据另一位大虾提供的答案修改的,加上了一些我所理解的Celine对这首歌情感的演绎)So much to believe inWe were lost in time如此多的信仰使我们在时间中迷惘Everything I neededI feel in your eyes我所需要的一切都能在你的眼神中觉察Always tought of keepingYour heart next to mine曾经一直坚信,能让你的心永远与我心相伴But now that seems so far away但现如今,这一信仰却显得那么渺茫Don"t know how love could leave Without a trace如此迷惑,该怎样才可以让爱没有伤痛的消逝Where do silent hearts go?沉寂的心又该何去何从where does my heart beat now我的心跳在何方where is the sound那跳动的声音又在哪里That only echoes through the night那些是夜晚陪伴我的全部where does my heart beat now我的心跳在何方I can"t live withoutWithout feeling it inside感觉不到心跳的我又怎么能生存Where do all the lonely hearts go孤单的心都去了哪里Candle in the water就像水里的蜡烛Drifting helplessly无助的摇摆Hiding from the thunder从斥责中躲起来Come and rescue me请来救赎我吧Driven by hunger在渴望的驱使下Of the endless dream在无休止的梦中I"m searching for the hand that I can hold我不断找寻我可以牵住的手I"m reaching for the arms that let me know找寻那我所熟悉的臂弯Where do silent hearts go?可那沉寂的心又去了哪里呢Where does my heart beat now我的心跳在何方Where is the sound那跳动的声音又在哪That only echoes through the night那些是夜晚陪伴我的全部Where does my heart beat now我的心跳到底在哪里I can"t live withoutWithout feeling it inside没有它我又该怎么活Where do all the lonely hearts go孤单的心都去了哪里Where do all the lonely hearts go孤单的心都去哪里了Then one touch overcomes the silence就在那个时刻一个感动战胜了沉默Love still survives爱还在救赎Two hearts needing one another两颗心彼此需要Give me wings to fly赋予我翅膀去飞翔Where does my heart beat now我的心跳在何方Where is the sound那声音又在哪里That only echoes through the night整个夜里它们是陪我的所有Where does my heart beat now我的心跳到底在哪I can"t live withoutWithout feeling it inside没有它我又该如何生存I"ve got someone to give my heart to我已经遇见了他,能将我心托付I Feel it getting stronger and strongerAnd stronger而且我的感觉越来越强烈And I feel inside我能深深感觉到Hearts are made to lastTill the end of time感情终于被肯定,直到天荒地老

my shoes are bigger than his改为一般疑问句?

一般疑问句Are your shoes bigger than his?

谁推荐些Joe Satriani (老乔)经典好听的曲子


When do you go bake hoemon Tuesday的回答?

I go home at five past six

verse 和poem,verse 和stanza分别有什么区别?


verse 和poem,verse 和stanza分别有什么区别?







You Are My Sunshine 这段悦耳的音乐来自美国乡村音乐家 Jimmie Davis 的经典作品 《You Are My Sunshine》. Davis 在1940年2月4日录制了这首歌. 在发行后的一个月内在美国的销量超过了100万. 在英国发行后, 当时的国王乔治六世说这首歌是他的最爱. 作为一首经典的歌曲, 许多人都曾经翻唱过这首歌. 其中包括 Mitch Miller, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, Tina Turner 等等.当然还有曼联的球迷... 《You Are My Sunshine》 的歌词: The other night dear as I lay sleeping I dreamed I held you in my arms When I awoke dear I was mistaken And I hung my head and cried You are my sunshine my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray You"ll never know dear how much I love you Please don"t take my sunshine away I"ll always love you and made you happy If you will only say the same But if you leave me to love another You"ll regret it all some day You are my sunshine my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray You"ll never know dear how much I love you Please don"t take my sunshine away You told me once dear you really loved me And no one else could come between But now you"ve left me and love another You have shattered all my dreams You are my sunshine my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray You"ll never know dear how much I love you Please don"t take my sunshine away简单的歌词当中让人有一种感动!



Average Joe 歌词

歌曲名:Average Joe歌手:Ron Sexsmith专辑:Other SongsAverage JoeHey girl, whats up?You know i pulled your bluffAnd i had enoughOf all the fun and gamesYou got me going insaneStop trying to mess with my brainSo are you down or not?Can i hit your spot?I know you want this too BriLSo why you frontin?boo?So lets just make this clearYou know you want this hereShe"s playing hard to getlike her Av doesnt stankSee i just wanna talk to yougirl i wanna know your name(and i say) hey girl why cant you just love me, (aha, aha)I know im just your Average joe, (aha, aha)But if you take some time to get to know me, (aha, aha)So whats your name? hi my name is joe (aha, aha)nanananana..We re hot, y-notSo show me, what you gotStop wasting my timeI gotta make you minecuz you"re one of a kindOh god, give me a signStop playin?hard to getI wanna make you sweatUntill you"re socking wetI day you wont forgetSo just forget the restWhen you can hAve the bestShe"s playing hard to getlike her Av doesnt stank(aha, whats up? why you playing these stupid games?See i just wanna talk to yougirl i wanna know your name(hey girl, stop playing, listen up too what im sayin?(and i say) hey girl why cant you just love me, (aha, aha)I know im just your Average joe, (aha, aha)But if you take some time to get to know me, (aha, aha)So whats your name? hi my name is joe (aha, aha)nanananana..(oh baby dont you stop!Thats when her panties droppedShe had me kinda shockedHer whole world i rockedIt was kinda hard to tellbut now she"s under my spellI see it in her eyes, that she is satisfiedAnd now she doesnt hide, what she"s feeling insideNo reason to fight it girl, you know you like it girlAnd i say?(and i say) hey girl why cant you just love me, (aha, aha)I know im just your Average joe, (aha, aha)But if you take some time to get to know me, (aha, aha)So whats your name? hi my name is joe (aha, aha)nanananana..http://music.baidu.com/song/8199321

Rednex的Cotton Eye Joe 歌词 以及翻译

歌曲欣赏:英文歌词:If it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you goWhere did you come from Cotton-Eye JoeIf it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you goWhere did you come from Cotton-Eye JoeIf it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you goWhere did you come from Cotton-Eye JoeIf it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you goWhere did you come from Cotton-Eye JoeIf it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you goWhere did you come from Cotton-Eye JoeIf it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you goWhere did you come from Cotton-Eye Joehey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,heyhey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,heyHe brought disaster wherever he wentThe hearts of the s was to hell broken sentThey all ran away so nobody would knowand left only men cause of Cotton-Eye JoeIf it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you gowhere did u come from Cotton-eye joeIf it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you goWhere did you come from Cotton-Eye JoeHe brought disaster wherever he wentThe hearts of the girls was to hell broken sentThey all ran away so nobody would knowand left only men cause of Cotton-Eye Joehey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,heyhey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,heyIf it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you goWhere did you come from Cotton-Eye JoeIf it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you goWhere did you come from Cotton-Eye Joehey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,heyhey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,heyhey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,heyhey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,heyIf it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you goWhere did you come from Cotton-Eye JoeIf it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you goWhere did you come from Cotton-Eye JoeIf it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you goWhere did you come from Cotton-Eye Joe

有一首英文歌,歌词好像是周游世界,没到一个地点就会有 #哪里哪里 goes nanana# 跪求

I Won"t Give Up-Jason MrazWhen I look into your eyesIt"s like watching the night skyOr a beautiful sunriseThere"s so much they holdAnd just like them old starsI see that you"ve come so farTo be right where you areHow old is your soul?I won"t give up on usEven if the skies get roughI"m giving you all my loveI"m still looking upAnd when you"re needing your spaceTo do some navigatingI"ll be here patiently waitingTo see what you find"Cause even the stars they burnSome even fall to the earthWe"ve got a lot to learnGod knows we"re worth itNo, I won"t give upI don"t wanna be someone who walks away so easilyI"m here to stay and make the difference that I can makeOur differences they do a lot to teach us how to useThe tools and gifts we got yeah, we got a lot at stakeAnd in the end, you"re still my friend at least we did intendFor us to work we didn"t break, we didn"t burnWe had to learn how to bend without the world caving inI had to learn what I"ve got, and what I"m notAnd who I amI won"t give up on usEven if the skies get roughI"m giving you all my loveI"m still looking upStill looking up.I won"t give up on us uff08no I"m not giving upuff09God knows I"m tough enough uff08I am tough, I am loveduff09We"ve got a lot to learn uff08we"re alive, we are loveduff09God knows we"re worth it uff08and we"re worth ituff09I won"t give up on usEven if the skies get roughI"m giving you all my loveI"m still looking up

. The shop does not have any brown sugar in _ at the moment, but it expects to have some tomorrow.

用C. in stock=库存; 有货.The shop does not have any brown sugar in stock at the moment, but it expects to have some tomoorrow.该店目前没有(库存)任何红糖,但预计明天会有些货。有用请采纳

what is needed in oeder to study abroad?


什么是EIT InnoEnergy Master School?

欧洲创新与技术学院可持续能源研究所EIT InnoEnergy是欧洲最大的理工学术联盟 – 欧洲创新与技术研究院European Institute of Innovation & Technology(EIT) 旗下的创新能源分院。 EIT是欧盟为推动产学研结合解决社会挑战于2008年在第七框架计划下设立的专门组织,由大学、科研院所和企业合作伙伴组成的特定领域的知识与创新共同体(KIC)作为运作核心。在欧洲创新与技术研究院的架构下,InnoEnergy致力于能源创新。总部位于荷兰埃因霍芬,而在比利时、法国、德国、西班牙、葡萄牙、波兰和瑞典的乌普萨拉和斯德哥尔摩等皆设有办事处。InnoEnergy 下的硕士学院是由欧洲14所大学,3所商学院,6所研究机构组成的学术联盟,共同创新能源硕士项目。

This machines GPU does not support Shader Model 3,which is required to run this game 这怎么回事啊


【CS起源】正版STEAM显示"this steam account does not own this game"

对 !说得对!!

谁能给我发一下DOTA这类型的游戏里边各个英文缩写是什么意思吗?比如说GANK,JOE 什么的 ,可以追加分

gank是几个人合谋去偷袭对方一人或几人。solo就是双方各一人对线。FB,游戏开始第一次击杀。carry 就是大哥,C位,可以物理系可以法系。DPS就是每秒输出,或者代表输出最高的人。BD偷塔。farm,打钱。push推线进塔乃至推塔或兵营。ro roshan。333,对面人多团不过,提醒队友撤退。stun眩晕技能,slow 减速技能。TP,回城卷。KS抢人头。MMM,秘法CD好了,缺魔的一起加。+++,给队友或队友给你加血加buff技能。buff对使用单位加成的技能或者神符,光环等等,debuff反之。T,请求队友TP救己方,或者TP某点gank或者push。aoe 范围伤害。blink,技能或者道具,闪烁一段距离。暂时只想到这么多



Bill go back to your seat please中为什么是go不是goes?

这是个课室对话,原文Bill attention to me , You go to your seat please. 比尔,听我话,请你回你的座位口语省略 Bill, go back to your seat please. 明白了吗?


Peter goes back to his seat.改为祈使句是Peter, go back to your seat.

完形填空 a bag of potatoes答案


Country Joe McDonald的《Fantasy》 歌词

歌曲名:Fantasy歌手:Country Joe McDonald专辑:Vanguard VisionariesLet me show you boy, hah, are you ready?Fantasy (oh) it could be (oh) couldn"t weI was just thinkin" … about youWildest thing, (you have) ever dreamed (boy)So what will it be?Just lookin" at you shorty lights a flame inside (inside),I"m wonderin if you can come and help put out the fire (fire),That you create in me, baby, tell me what you likeCause I can be your all boy, I can be your love toyIf you ain"t busy baby, I"m all yours tonight (tonight),Let imagination take us for a further than the mindTravellin" in a dream (dream) we can bring something to life,That no ones ever seen yet, can I….Show you what its like beyond your fantasy,It could be (so) good if we....Might just get it hotter than theWildest thang, (you have) ever dreamed boyLet me show you what its like beyond your fantasy,It could be (so) good if we....Might just get it hotter than theWildest thang, (you have) ever dreamed boyCuz think of all the tasty things that we can try (try),The karma you can have will be more than Money can buy(ho ho ho ho)We aint even gotta keep it quiet, boy all my walls are sound proof,I can scream your name through,My entire house, we will not disturb,None of these old neighbors, you"ll get all that you deserve,boy I got it somewhere if you can conjure up the nerve,to come see what if feels like, can I …Show you what its like beyond your fantasy (oh),It could be (so) good if we....Might just get it hotter than theWildest thang, (you have) ever dreamed boyLet me show you what its like beyond your fantasy,It could be (so) good if we....Might just get it hotter than theWildest thang, (you have) ever dreamed boyTouch it, touch it, feel it, Roll around in it, if you like,Taste it, taste it, and Embrace it again a second time,Don"t you waste it, you"ll regret it, Cause I can satisfy,any fantasy that you can come with, can I ….Show you what its like beyond your fantasy (oh),It could be (so) good if we....Might just get it hotter than theWildest thang, (you have) ever dreamed boyLet me show you what its like beyond your fantasy,It could be (so) good if we....Might just get it hotter than theWildest thang, (you have) ever dreamed boyLet me show you what its like beyond your fantasy,It could be (so) good if we....Might just get it hotter than theWildest thang, (you have) ever dreamed boy<End>歌曲:Fantasy (Feat. Money)歌手:Timbalandhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2707703

如何评价 Raymond Loewy 在工业设计史上的地位

引用:hansay,半吊子工业设计师本来对大师不敢轻率评论,承蒙邀请,就斗胆谈谈自己的浅薄之见。 1. 首先,雷蒙德罗维是美国第一代自由设计师最富盛名的,也是美国工业设计师中最杰出的代表之一。在很多欧洲工业设计大师由于战乱移民美国。罗维也在这一时期移民美国,从而可以说直到包豪斯芝加哥学院建立这段期间,罗维见证并参与了美国工业设计从启蒙到蓬勃发展的过程并做出的卓越贡献。2.最多产的工业设计师之一,从大家熟悉的可口可乐标志,壳牌标志到汽车拖拉机甚至火车轮船,从平面设计到招贴设计再到产品设计,罗维的设计几乎囊括了我们日常生活的方方面面。而且罗维在很多设计领域都取得了很大成功。3.在商业上取得最大成功的设计师之一,罗维的设计依托于美国生产业制造业发展的黄金期,取得了巨大的商业成功,也使得工业设计对美国社会获得了前所未有的影响。4.流线型风格的代表人物之一,设计的多数产品都带有明显的流线型风格。为流线型风格在世界范围内的发展起到关键作用。(有些人说罗维是流线型风格开创者,是不妥的)5.补充一些,对于一些人将罗维说成是“美国工业设计之父”,个人认为不是很恰当,美国工业设计一词最早出现于1919年,由一个叫西奈尔的设计师提出。而在此后一段时间,也出现了一批职业工业设计师,代表人物有通用公司设计师厄尔,以及提革等。而罗维的第一个工业设计出现在1929年设计的速印机。所以,个人认为,称罗维是“美国工业设计之父”并不是很恰当。 因学识尚浅,如有错误的地方,欢迎指正,有异议也欢迎讨论。共同进步。当然也有人认为他是个商人,谈不上大师什么的,这就看个人了。

How to appreciate English poems?

read them on and on and on every day.

english poem谁有关于黄河的英语演讲稿阿,谢谢

As in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and along the Indus River, Chinese civilization began within a major river valley. Modern China itself is a huge geographical expanse. Around 4000 BC, this huge area contained an almost infinite number of ethnic groups and languages. The course of Chinese history, however, is in part dominated by a single ethnic group and language. This history, in which a vast area populated by diverse ethnic groups became, over time, a more or less single culture, began in the Yellow River Valley.The Yellow River is the northernmost of the major Chinese rivers. Directly to the south is the Yangtze River; south of the Yangtze is the West River; south of the West River is the Red River, much of which passes through modern-day Vietnam. Sometime around 4000 BC, when the area was much more temperate and forested, populations around the southern bend of the Yellow River began to practice agriculture. They sowed millet, but some time later, the Chinese began cultivating rice to the south, near the Huai River. These were a Neolithic, tribal people who used stone tools. We know also that they domesticated animals very early on, but they still continued as a hunter society as well. Remains of game animals are almost as common as domestic animals in these villages. We know almost nothing about them, for they left no records, and the life-blood of a people does not flow in the archaeological refuse they leave behind. We believe that tribal warfare was common and that they may have had some form of ancestor worship, but these are mere guesses. The Three Cultural Heroes In the Chinese version of history, however, history begins with three semi-mystical and legendary individuals who taught the Chinese the arts of civilization around 2800-2600 BC: Fu Hsi, the inventor of writing, hunting, trapping, and fishing; Shen Nung, the inventor of agriculture and mercantilism, and the Yellow Emperor (around 2700 BC), who invented government and Taoist philosophy (compare this history with the Hebrew version of the founding of civilization and its arts in Genesis, Chapter 3). While Western historians dismiss these Three Cultural Heroes as legend, they were regarded as historical fact for most of Chinese history. The Sage Kings The Chinese believed that the Three Cultural Heroes were followed by the Three Sage Kings, Yao (around 2350 BC), Shun (around 2250 BC), and Yu (rule began in 2205 BC). These Sage Kings ruled with perfect wisdom, clarity, and virtue. In the Chinese model of history, human events follow discernible cycles in which times of great virtue and wisdom are followed by times of decadence and decline. Still, Chinese historians believed the Sage Kings" rule to be the most virtuous period in Chinese history. The Hsia Dynasty, 2205-1766 BC According to the Chinese historians, the last of the sage kings, Yu, founded a dynasty of kings, the Hsia. The Hsia began with virtue and wisdom, and ended with the rule of Chieh, who was decadent and cruel. In 1766 BC, after four hundred years of rule, the Hsia dynasty was overthrown by T"ang, who began a new dynasty, the Shang.There is, however, absolutely no evidence, archaeological or otherwise, that supports this account of the early civilization in China; this lack of evidence has led historians to relegate the entire account, from the Cultural Heroes to the Hsia dynasty, to the realm of mythology. Two things, however, should be kept in mind. In the strictest sense, history is not about facts, it is about cultural memory , which means that what a culture believes its history to be is as important, or even more important, than the "facts" in terms of the lived experience of that culture. Second, the Shang dynasty that the Chinese claimed followed the Hsia, was also believed to be mythological until archaeological evidence appeared in the 1920"s. We may yet find a Chinese civilization equivalent to the Shang in even earlier strata of Chinese time.

A English poem about peace

Guns, bombs, mines and tortures   Form its massive sound   But, within its power, within its might   And within its fearful threats   Peace is not to be found   If we kill people, with whom will we live?   The enemy is not a person; it lies within each of us   Perhaps, just perhaps, it takes only one more person   To shake the temple bell of compassion   To light a candle of love, and to hold up their hand   In courageous refusal   to the enemies lurking within each of us   To finally break the grip of violence over our world   Then, truly then, peace will be found.   枪支、炸弹、地雷与酷刑   惊天动地   但,在其力量中,在其威力中   在其骇人的威胁中   我们无法觅得和平   如果我们杀人,我们身边还将有谁?   我们的敌人不是某个人,它就在我们各自心中   或许,只是或许,只需再多一个人   去敲响怜悯的寺钟   去点燃友爱的蜡烛,去举起他们的双手   勇敢地制服   潜伏在我们各自心中的敌人   去最终消弭暴力对你我共有的世界的控制   那时,真的要到那时,我们方能找到和平

How can I write a good English poem?

Being a poet Writing poetry involves not just scribbling in a notebook but also undertaking a way of life one in which you value being creative and sensitive. To write good poetry work to do the following: Discover as much as you can about the poetic craft. Read lots of poetry. Meet other poets. Bee part of a poetic munity. Get a mentor who will guide you. Attend readings and workshops. Take writing classes. Bee as sensitive as you can both to life and to language. Figure out your personal sense of what is beautiful — both in life and in poetry. Think divergently (that is keep your mind open and nimble and be willing to think in different ways and new directions). You never know when where or how inspiration will e to you but you can prepare the way for it. Make time for yourself to write. After all if you don"t write you"re not a writer. Be disciplined. Rewrite your poetry again and again. Don"t settle for using clichés or other people"s language. The idea is to find out what kind of poetry only you can write.dummies/WileyCDA/DummiesArticle/id-1747 I agree totally with the above. This is a good site for a genuine poet not for those who would like to make up an assignments just in time. I would like to add the most important thing to my mind FEELINGS AND THE URGE TO WRITE. Feelings is what poems are about. Poets are people who have the urge to express their feelings in writing. Poems are always about feelings whereas articles and essays can be very descriptive and *** ytical. If you don"t feel anything or lack the urge you can"t write. 灵感一到,想写才写到,唔系谂极都唔掂。 Fet the rhymes and other technical things. Don"t rhyme for rhyming"s sake. Don"t be restricted by the so called techniques. Feel free to express yourself. From my personal experience you need to be exposed to enough poetry old and new before trying your hand. The first few poems are always difficult to write and you often fear what other people think. Be prepared to feel embarrassed when they read your poems. Be prepared for some harsh critici *** but after a while when you have written quite a no. of poems and have learned the gist everything will turn out fine. Finally post your poems on forums or here at Yahoo Knowledge and ask for opinions. Good luck. 参考: 除了网上资料,其余 100 % 自己打 What"s pink?A rose"s pink By Roma"s fountain"s steep brink. What"s red?A poppy"s red In Chinese opium poppy"s bed. What"s blue?The BF face"s blue Where coolings float thro". What"s white?Her face"s white Killing in the night. What"s yellow?Chings are faced-yellow Poor and unwanted fellow ! What"s orange"Why an orange; Strawberry apple orange; Or another orange Just an orange ! Writing English poems is not really hard. First of all of course you need to know a lot of English words and good grammar. Knowing a lot of words will help you choose the correct word when writing a poem. Some poem have patterns and rhythm but some don"t. Here"s an example of a poem I"ve learned from creative writing class: Ana ate apple. Bug bothers bear. Cece caught cat. Don don"t dig. e... This one is called "alphabet poem". Each word in the line has to start with the same letter and the letters have to go with the same order as the alphabet. For example the first letter of the alphabet is "A" so the words of the first line has to start with "A". Here"s a poem that has a rhythm: I stared at the sky Thinking about why Why is he cool And why his face"s blue. But when the teacher passed by I found out that an hour had gone by. Those poems have rhythm like these: 1) da da da da da 2) da da da da - da 3) da - da da da - da 4) da da da da - da - da 5) da da da - da - da e.... Last you really need to have creativity to write poems. You can write anything that you want but it would be best if you write something you know really well (for example: your hobby). 参考: Creative Writing Class

English poem(Bed In Summer)问题

In winter I get up at night And dress by yellow candle-light. In summer quite the other way I have to go to bed by day. I have to go to bed and see The birds still hopping on the tree Or hear the grown-up people"s feet Still going past me in the street . And does it seem hard to you When all the sky is clear and blue And I should like so much to play To have to go to bed by day? Rhyme meters in colours. 其他poem的写法可能我功力唔够看唔得出 不过首诗的故事则很清楚。 试意译出来给你看看,假如正式翻译则会照原著用词。 夏之床 In winter I get up at night 冬季,我在天未光便起床 And dress by yellow candle-light. 在暗黄的烛光中穿衣 In summer quite the other way 夏季,却是另一番景象 I have to go to bed by day. 我在天还大白便要去睡了 I have to go to bed and see 我在床上还看见 The birds still hopping on the tree 鸟儿在树上跳来跳去 Or hear the grown-up people"s feet 又或听见大人们的脚步声 Still going past me in the street. 在外面的街上经过 And does it seem hard to you 在这样天朗气清, When all the sky is clear and blue 我又多么想玩耍的时候, And I should like so much to play 要在天还大白便上床睡觉, To have to go to bed by day? 对你来说是否如我般感到难受? 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: englishstudy.info 祝您好运!


"诗人"在英文中通常使用单词"poet"来表达,其词性为名词,表示一位创作诗歌的人。"poet"的发音为/u02c8pu0259u028au026at/,音标为[u02c8pou028au026at]。需要注意的是,"poet"中的重音在第一音节上,即"po"音节上。"poet"这个词源于古希腊词汇"ποιητu03aeu03c2",意为"创造者"或"创作者"。这个词汇后来演变成了拉丁语"poeta",并被引入英文中。作为一种职业或身份,诗人在文学和艺术界中拥有重要地位。他们用精美的语言和独特的视角,表达出自己的情感和思想,创作出许多著名的诗歌作品。以下是一些使用"poet"的例句,帮助更好地理解其用法和发音:William Shakespeare is considered one of the greatest poets in English literature.威廉·莎士比亚被认为是英国文学史上最伟大的诗人之一。Emily Dickinson was a prolific American poet who wrote over 1,800 poems in her lifetime.艾米莉·狄金森是美国一位多产的诗人,她一生写了1800多首诗歌。The poet recited his latest poem at the literary festival.诗人在文学节上朗诵了他最新的一首诗。Many poets draw inspiration from nature and the beauty of the world around them.许多诗人从自然和周围世界的美中汲取灵感。

主题为peace的English poem 要原创!

We gather here 我们相聚在此,to find,to witness 我们寻找,我们见证,that peace is OUR desire. 和平是我们共同的心愿。No war any longer, 战争消弭,and no fight anywhere. 争斗停止。 What we find is happy smile 我们看见了彼此的笑颜。from each other. No homelessness, 不再有人无家可归,and no cry. 也不再听见有人哭泣。We can see no blood, 我们不再看见有人流血,no massacre,even no disaster. 不再看见屠戮,甚至不再有灾难。Please hold tonight 今夜,with each hand together, 你我手拉手,to keep our 彼此相拥,only hope and eager. 守护我们唯一的渴望,唯一的心愿When the dawn break a few hours later, 当破晓来临,when the lights come to us nearby, 当光明来到我们身边,and after 紧接着,comes the peace forever. 便是永远的和平。绝对原创,放心采纳!!

English poem

A Forever Friend"A friend walk in when the rest of the world walks out." "别人都走开的时候,朋友仍与你在一起。” Sometimes in life, 有时候在生活中, You find a special friend; 你会找到一个特别的朋友; Someone who changes your life just by being part of it. 他只是你生活中的一部分内容,却能改变你整个的生活。 Someone who makes you laugh until you can"t stop; 他会把你逗得开怀大笑; Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. 他会让你相信人间有真情。 Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. 他会让你确信,真的有一扇不加锁的门,在等待着你去开启。 This is Forever Friendship. 这就是永远的友谊。 when you"re down, 当你失意, And the world seems dark and empty, 当世界变得黯淡与空虚, Your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. 你真正的朋友会让你振作起来,原本黯淡、空虚的世界顿时变得明亮和充实。 Your forever friend gets you through the hard times,the sad times,and the confused times. 你真正的朋友会与你一同度过困难、伤心和烦恼的时刻。 If you turn and walk away, 你转身走开时, Your forever friend follows, 真正的朋友会紧紧相随, If you lose you way, 你迷失方向时, Your forever friend guides you and cheers you on. 真正的朋友会引导你,鼓励你。 Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. 真正的朋友会握着你的手,告诉你一切都会好起来的。 And if you find such a friend, 如果你找到了这样的朋友, You feel happy and complete, 你会快乐,觉得人生完整, Because you need not worry, 因为你无需再忧虑。 Your have a forever friend for life, 你拥有了一个真正的朋友, And forever has no end. 永永远远,永无止境。

Bryan Ferry的《Tokyo Joe》 歌词

歌曲名:Tokyo Joe歌手:Bryan Ferry专辑:Bryan Ferry - The Ultimate CollectionI can"t stop now X 3TOKYO(LRC翻译:Laina 460420587)マバタキせず 空、睨んだ / 呆呆地 注视天空今、もし瞳を闭じれば / 此刻 若闭上眼睛认めたくはないモノが / 不想认同的事物零れ落ちるから / 如泪水洒落谦り、爱想笑い… / 虚伪、谄笑いつか仆らが嫌ってたオトナに / 总有一天我们会成长为なってく …梦、引き换え / 曾被我们讨厌的大人 …梦想、被替换“流されること”に惯れそうだよ / 好像习惯了“随波逐流”渋滞と喧騒を抜け、仆は走りだしてた / 穿过了塞车与喧嚣 我迈步向前此処、TOKYO / 此处 TOKYO梦追って きたことを Never regret / 为追寻梦想而来 Never regret眠らない 街で孤独 误魔化して I keep on dreaming / 在不眠的街道 我消遣着孤独もろ象徴 憧れと挫折とが交差する场所 / 各种象征 憧憬与挫折交错的地点负けないよ、自分に / 我不会 输给自己……此処、TOKYOに / …输给这里、TOKYO马鹿にされることを怖れ / 害怕被人当作傻瓜强がりも着饰った / 以“逞强”装饰自己ショーウインドウ映る仆…どこか不安気で / 橱窗中映照的自己…好像有点惶恐亲、讹り、海、地平线… / 父母、乡音、大海、地平线…疎ましかったすべてが恋しいけど / 好怀念曾经讨厌过的一切帰らない…帰れない / 不回去…也回不去了友达も知り合いも増えた / 结识了朋友、相知すれ违う日々の中、安心をくれるよ / 擦肩而过的每天 给了我安稳此処、TOKYO / 此处是 TOKYO梦追って きたことを Neve regret / 为追寻梦想而来 Never regret出逢うべき人に逢って、自分を知って I keep on dreaming / 与注定相遇的人邂逅、不断了解自己 I keep on dreamingもろ象徴 楽しさと寂しさが交差する场所 / 各种象征 欢乐与寂寞交汇的地方负けないよ、自分に / 我不会 输给自己I can"t stop now……此処、TOKYOに / …输给这里、TOKYOI can"t stop nowYou will find the way…梦一つ、今日谛めたよ / 一个梦想、在今天放弃了でも、まだだ 此処からも星だって见えるんだ / 但、我不会止步 因为从这里连星星也看得到此処、TOKYO / 此处是 TOKYO梦追って きたことを Neve regret / 为追寻梦想而来 Never regret入り组んだ路线図にも もう迷わない I keep on dreaming / 哪怕是错综复杂的路线图 我也不会再迷茫 I keep on dreamingもろ象徴 憧れと挫折とが交差する场所 / 各种象征 憧憬与挫折交错的地点负けないよ、自分に / 我不会 输给自己……此処、TOKYOに / …输给这里、TOKYOhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8951983

Does Mike like English or Music 怎么回答

Does Mike like English or Music回答方法如下:MIke like Music。这句话的意思是Mike喜欢英语还是音乐,回答Mike喜欢音乐,即MIke like Music。这个属于英语中的选择疑问句,主要是4中问句:英语疑问句的种类有4种,1、一般疑问句,例如:Do you like black? Yes,I do。2、特殊疑问句,例如:What fruit do you like?I like apples。3、选择疑问句,例如Which one do you like,the banana or the orange?I like the orange。4、反意疑问句,例如:It"a cat, isn"t it?No, it isn"t。


Does Mike like autumn?肯定回答Yes, he does.否定回答No, he doesn"t.


这句话时态是一般现在时态,does +主语+动词原形like…?是一般现在时态的一般疑问句结构。



迈克看起来什么样?英语What does Mike look like?还是What is Mi


what does Mike like?与what does Mike like?的区别?


What does Mike (like)?

jerk"s question



Chloe Agnew的《Stigma》 歌词

歌曲名:Stigma歌手:Chloe Agnew专辑:Celtic Woman Presents: Walking In The Air『stigma』作词:橘 尭叶作曲:橘 尭叶编曲:橘 尭叶歌:妖精帝国撰ばれし者が见える星に 翻弄されてく何时からか无くしたくないと愿う者を 贵方と知りし时始まる何故に争い 何故に戦う?己が命より大切な贵方无くしたくない たった一つ私を形作る覚悟になる炎の舞缠いて 天に翳す剣は贵方思う强さ 故に揺るぎ无きモノ身体刻むスティグマ 我を繋ぐ宿命に一つ确かな事 示せ想い信じて贵方を护りたい掲げたそれぞれの理想へと 进は戦栗の幻廊几重に别れし此の调べを 纺ぐは黒き闇の支配何処へ往くのか 今は见えない仅かな光を 抱きしめて祈り捧げ贵方と 生きる未来信じて胸の奥の刃を取る炎の舞缠いて 叫べ护りし神よ我に応え给え 今こそ力示せ身体刻む痛みも 心刻む痛みも何时か终わりの日へ 辿り着ける时まで强さに代えて往く炎の舞缠いて 天に翳す剣は贵方思う强さ 故に揺るぎ无きモノ身体刻むスティグマ 我を繋ぐ宿命に一つ确かな事 示せ想い信じて炎の舞缠いて 叫べ护りし神よ我に応え给え 今こそ力示せ身体刻む痛みも 心刻む痛みも何时か终わりの日へ 辿り着ける时まで强さに代えて往く贵方を护りたい终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3474358




How to eat heathilyHow to keep healthy? Hello,everybody! Do you know how to keep healthy? Well, let me show you something important. First, you`d better eat well so you can get a good body. Second, you must eat breakfast and provide the energy to your body. In addition, you`d better eat more fruit, vegetables and eat less junk food.Third, wash you hands before you have meals. Go to bed early and get up early, don`t stay up late because it`s bad for your body.Fourth, exercise every day and it can help you keep healthy.So that`s all. What do you think


Is she going to eat an apple pie?

What goes into my apple pie besides apples?为什么用goes而不是go?


Joe Jackson的《Discipline》 歌词

歌曲名:Discipline歌手:Joe Jackson专辑:Blaze Of GloryNine Inch Nails - DisciplineAm IAm I still tough enough?Feels like i"m wearing down, down, down, down, downIs my visciousnessLosing ground, ground, ground, ground ground?Am I taking too muchDid I cross a line, line, line?I need my role in thisVery clearly definedI need your disciplineI need your helpI need your disciplineYou know once I start I cannot help myselfAnd now it"s starting upFeels like i"m losing touchNothing matters to meNothing matters as muchI see you left a markUp and down my skinI don"t know where I endAnd where you beginI need your disciplineI need your helpI need your disciplineYou know once I start I cannot help myselfI. Can. Not. Stop. Myself.Once I start I cannot stop myselfAnd you.Once I start I cannot stop myselfAnd you know.Once I start I cannot stop myselfAnd you.Once I start I cannot stop myselfAnd you know.Once I start I cannot stop myselfI need your discipline(And you)I need your help(Once I start I cannot stop myself)I need your discipline(And you know)Because once I start I cannot stop myselfI need your discipline(And you)I need your help(Once I start I cannot stop myself)I need your discipline(And you know)Because once I start I cannot stop myselfhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8249709

Joe Public的《This Time》 歌词

歌曲名:This Time歌手:Joe Public专辑:Live And LearnThis Time - Billy GilmanMDA Telethon 2008 LiveBilly Gilman中文论坛Could this be where love beginsI"m searching for the answer from deep withinAnd I"m closer than I"ve ever beenI"ve always heard to yourself be trueI"ll take a chance and sayIf you only knewThat I"m only me when I"m with youThen I looked up and realized thatLove was right before my eyesCause you have been there all my lifeBut I was slow to recognizeAnd I won"t let this love pass us byThis timeWe used to play by the Oak Creek bankThen I rose into where the crickets singI never knew she was my everythingBut now I feel her lying next to meThinking ‘bout how it started so innocentlyBut I guess that it was meant to beCause you have been there all my lifeBut I was slow to recognizeAnd I won"t let this love pass us byOh, you have been there all my lifeBut I was slow to recognizeAnd I won"t let this love pass us byYou have been there all my lifeBut I was slow to recognizeAnd I won"t let this love pass us byThis timeThis timeThis timeBilly Gilman中文论坛http://music.baidu.com/song/8342764

What does the large star represent in the national flag?

What does the large star represent in the national flag? A.Communism B.Working class C.Soldier D.Army 正确答案:A


GDN表示的是接地,是LED控制器用于接地的串口。DAT表示数据,是LED控制器用于数据传递的串口。CLK表示的是时钟信号,用于时钟信号的控制。STB即Strobe,一般是选通信号,用于控制是否选通的串口。OE即Output Enable,一般是输出使能信号。扩展资料:LED控制器主要特点:1、采用RF 2.4GHZ无线传输技术,该频段在国际上免许可证、免专利费使用。2、内核升级为双核驱动,带来快达10倍的处理速度,能处理复杂的多层次无线数据传输。3、领先的RF无线同步控制技术,控制器之间无需同步信号线,同步性能稳定可靠。4、实现无限个接受控制器同步灯光变化,解决控制器之间无法拉线但需要同步控制的场所问题。5、遥控器采用电容式全彩色环触控方式,LED色彩选择更人性化,理论上能产生十亿种颜色。6、操作遥控器或任一台控制器都可以命令所有控制器无线同步工作,唯雷特产品具备这项功能。7、色彩与灯光变化情景模式预设储存功能。

this a tomatoes改为否定句

There are not tomatoes and potato.


又到了为小伙伴们解惑的时候了 (*❦ω❦),go和goes往往指某种具体的行动或活动;而going则可以指正在进行的各种活动,包括物质上和非物质上的行动。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:了解完go和goes和going的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别~(@^_^@)~1、时态上的区别Go是一般现在时的形式,通常用于主语为I/you/we/they或复数形式的名词时;goes是第三人称单数现在时,用于主语为he/she/it或单数形式的名词时;going则是现在分词形式,通常用于进行时态中,或作为形容词或副词修饰名词或动词。例句:- I go to work early every morning.(我每天早上都早早地去上班。)- She goes to the gym every day after work.(她每天下班后都去健身房。)- They are going to the park for a picnic this afternoon.(他们今天下午要去公园野餐。)2、语态上的区别Go和goes是主动语态动词,表示主语主动进行某种动作或行为;而going则是被动语态动词的现在分词形式,表示主语被动地参与或遭受某种动作或状态。例句:- She goes to the store to buy groceries.(她去商店买杂货。)- The book is going to be published next month.(这本书将于下个月出版。)3、意义上的区别Go和goes往往指某种具体的行动或活动;而going则可以指正在进行的各种活动,包括物质上和非物质上的行动。例句:- He usually goes jogging in the park in the morning.(他通常在早上去公园跑步。)- She goes swimming every weekend in the summer.(她在夏天每个周末都去游泳。)- The project is going well, and we should be finished by next week.(这个项目进行得很好,我们应该下周完成。)


又到了为小伙伴们解惑的时候了 (*❦ω❦),go和goes往往指某种具体的行动或活动;而going则可以指正在进行的各种活动,包括物质上和非物质上的行动。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:了解完go和goes和going的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别~(@^_^@)~1、时态上的区别Go是一般现在时的形式,通常用于主语为I/you/we/they或复数形式的名词时;goes是第三人称单数现在时,用于主语为he/she/it或单数形式的名词时;going则是现在分词形式,通常用于进行时态中,或作为形容词或副词修饰名词或动词。例句:- I go to work early every morning.(我每天早上都早早地去上班。)- She goes to the gym every day after work.(她每天下班后都去健身房。)- They are going to the park for a picnic this afternoon.(他们今天下午要去公园野餐。)2、语态上的区别Go和goes是主动语态动词,表示主语主动进行某种动作或行为;而going则是被动语态动词的现在分词形式,表示主语被动地参与或遭受某种动作或状态。例句:- She goes to the store to buy groceries.(她去商店买杂货。)- The book is going to be published next month.(这本书将于下个月出版。)3、意义上的区别Go和goes往往指某种具体的行动或活动;而going则可以指正在进行的各种活动,包括物质上和非物质上的行动。例句:- He usually goes jogging in the park in the morning.(他通常在早上去公园跑步。)- She goes swimming every weekend in the summer.(她在夏天每个周末都去游泳。)- The project is going well, and we should be finished by next week.(这个项目进行得很好,我们应该下周完成。)




"Go","goes"和"going"都是"go"这个动词的不同形式。它们的用法和区别如下:"Go"是"去"的基本动词形式,表示动作正在进行或者将要进行。例如:I go to school every day. (我每天去上学。)They go to the gym after work. (他们下班后去健身房。)"Goes"是"go"的第三人称单数形式,通常用于与第三人称单数代词(如"he"、"she"、"it"等)一起使用,表示某人或某物正在进行动作。例如:He goes to the park every morning. (他每天早上去公园。)The train goes to New York. (这列火车去纽约。)"Going"是"go"的现在分词形式,表示正在进行的动作。它可以用作动词的主语、宾语、表语、定语等。例如:Going for a walk is good exercise. (散步是一个很好的锻炼方式。)I am going to the store to buy some groceries. (我正要去商店买些杂货。)总之,"go"、"goes"和"going"都是"go"这个动词的不同形式,在不同语境中有着不同的用法。需要根据句子的结构和语境来选择适当的形式


它们的区别在于所代表的主语不同。"Go" 是动词"go"的原型形式,表示主语是“我”或者“你”,以及复数主语(如“我们”、“你们”、“他们”等),例如: I go to school every day. (我每天都去上学)"Goes" 是"go"的第三人称单数形式,表示主语是单数形式的第三人称(如“他”、“她"、“它"、“这"、“那"等),例如:She goes to work by bus. (她坐公交车去上班。)更具体地说,go和goes是现在时态中"go"这个动词的两种不同的形式。我们需要根据句子中主语的人称和数量来选择合适的形式。通常来说,当主语是第一人称或复数时,我们用"go";当主语是第三人称单数时,我们用"goes"。例如:The cat goes outside for a walk.(这只猫出去散步了)


what does “fall” mean 翻译为:"fall”是什么意思?【附】fall 英[fu0254:l] 美[fu0254l] v. 跌倒; 落下; 减少; 沦陷; n. 秋天; 落下; 瀑布; 减少; [网络] 秋; 落; 下跌; [例句]Her father fell into the sea after a massive heart attack.她父亲在一次严重的心脏病发作后坠入海中。[其他] 第三人称单数:falls 现在分词:falling 过去式:fell 过去分词:fallen

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