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  一、实验设计(DOE)的使用  实验设计(design of experiments,DOE)用于检验和优化过程、产品、服务或解决方案的绩效。它主要用来帮助了解不同条件下产品或过程的行为。DOE最独特之处就在于它能够使你通过实验来计划和控制变量,与按照“经验观察”方式仅仅收集和观察现实世界中的事物是截然不同的。在6sigma组织中,DOE有着非常广泛的应用,天行健咨询公司分析了它能帮助企业解决以下问题:  1、评估顾客声音系统,在不烦扰顾客的情况下寻找产生有效反馈的最佳方法组合;  2、评估诸因素以将引起某一问题或缺陷的“重要”根本原因分离出来;  3、试行或检验可能的解决方案组合,以寻求最佳改进策略;  4、评价产品或服务的设计以确认潜在的问题并从开始就减少存在的缺陷。  尽管DOE用于事物要比用于人更容易,但在服务环境下进行实验设计仍是可能的。可是,这些实验设计趋向是“现实世界”的试验,在这些试验中,变量在实际过程中加以控制,然后将其结果进行比较。  二、实验设计(DOE)的基本步骤  1、确认要评价的因素  你希望从实验中了解些什么?对过程或产品的可能影响是什么?在选择因素时要切记:试验更多因素不仅会带来获取额外数据的利益,也会增加成本和复杂性,对二者进行权衡很重要。  2、界定检验因素的“水平”  对速度、时间和重量等诸如此类的变量因素,试验水平的数量可以无限多。因此,你不仅要选择所要采用的数值,而且还要确定希望试验多少不同的水平。在离散型数据情况下,试验水平可能是两选一的。  3、建立一个实验组合排列  在实验设计中,通常希望避免采用每一变量都单独试验的“每次一个因素”(one-factor-at-a-time,OFAT)的办法。通常是试验一系列因素水平组合以得到对所有因素都具代表性的数据。这些可能的组合或排列可以由统计软件工具产生或查表得到,借助它们可以帮你避免对每一可能的组合都进行试验。  4、在规定的条件下进行实验  关键是要避免其他一些未被检验的因素影响结果。  5、评价结果和结论  如果你要从实验设计数据中发现模式或得出结论,那么像方差分析和多元回归之类的工具是必需的。从实验数据中你可能会得到非常明确的答案,也可能会产生新问题,从而需要另外的实验加以测试。  内容摘自:天行健咨询公司

实验设计 (DOE) 培训如何促进您的业务发展?

如何运用实验设计 (DoE) 促进您的业务发展?1、识别业务问题业务中的实验设计始于提出一个实证问题,这个问题可以通过实验来回答。我们的绩效管理体系如何降低年度员工流失率?我们的绩效管理体系在多大程度上提高了员工的积极性?员工激励如何提高组织绩效都是DOE可以开始调查的实证问题。2、适应观察变化让我们以一家零售店为例,它推出了新的小册子,让客户了解他们的特价优惠。他们可能首先使用带有吸引人的标语的小册子,以了解客户是否很好地理解它们。带有吸引人标语的小册子将成为测试案例。可以根据观察设计实验。DOE帮助企业适应变化,看看是否可以实施这种变化,产生“客户开始购买折扣优惠”的预期结果。3、考虑相互作用与传统实验相比,实验设计的最大优点是可以分析各种因素对反应的协同影响。当许多因素共同作用时,找出能够产生最大影响的因素组合至关重要。团队需要仔细确定他们想要测试的交互的优先级。如果您使用DOE软件,最好针对所有可能的因素交互作用运行实验。4、在观察中确定替代方案如果客户无法确认您的特别折扣优惠,让我们试试大一些的小册子,上面有吸引人的小标语。这是第二种选择或新的自适应策略。这就是DOE如何协助创建、评估和提出业务所需的变更。DOE协助制定新的战略变化,以获得预期的业务成果。




  【试验设计】:x0dx0a  试验设计(DOE,DESignated Operational Entity),也称为实验设计。从20世纪20年代费希尔(R.A.Fisher)在农业生产中使用试验设计方法以来,试验设计方法已经得到广泛的发展,统计学家们发现了很多非常有效的试验设计技术。20世纪50年代,日本统计学家田口玄一将试验设计中应用最广的正交设计表格化,在方法解说方面深入浅出为试验设计的更广泛使用作出了众所周知的贡献。x0dx0ax0dx0a  【DOE的作用】:x0dx0a  试验设计在工业生产和工程设计中能发挥重要的作用,主要有:x0dx0a  1、提高产量;x0dx0a  2、减少质量的波动,提高产品质量水准;x0dx0a  3、大大缩短新产品试验周期;x0dx0a  4、降低成本;x0dx0a  5、试验设计延长产品寿命。x0dx0ax0dx0a  在工农业生产和科学研究中,经常需要做试验,以求达到预期的目的。例如在工农业生产中希望通过试验达到高质、优产、低消耗,特别是新产品试验,未知的东西很多,要通过试验来摸索工艺条件或配方。如何做试验,其中大有学问。试验设计得好,会事半功倍,反之会事倍功半,甚至劳而无功。x0dx0a  如果要最有效地进行科学试验,必须用科学方法来设计。所谓试验的统计设计,就是设计试验的过程,使得收集的数据适合于用统计方法分析,得出有效的和客观的结论。如果想从数据作出有意义的结论,用统计方法作试验设计是必要的。当问题涉及到受试验误差影响的数据时,只有统计方法才是客观的分析方法。这样一来,任一试验问题就存在两个方面:试验的设计和数据的统计分析。这两个课题是紧密相连的,因为分析方法直接依赖于所用的设计。x0dx0a  摘自:天行健咨询




试验设计(design of experiment)。也称为实验设计。数理统计的一个分支。关于如何按照预定目标制订适当的实验方案,以利于对实验结果进行有效的统计分析的数学原理和实施方法。一个实验的设计,即对实验的一种安排,需要考虑实验所要解决的问题类型、对结论赋予何种程度的普遍性、希望以多大功效作检验、试验单元的齐性、每次试验的耗资耗时等方面,选取适当的因子和相应的水平,从而给出实验实施的具体程序和数据分析的框架。试验设计内容:产品质量的高低主要是由设计决定的,一个好的试验设计包含几个方面的内容。第一是明确衡量产品质量的指标,6σ管理强调用数据说话,所以这个质量指标必须是能够量化的指标,在试验设计中称为试验指标,也称为响应变量 (response variable)或输出变量。第二是寻找影响试验指标的可能因素(factor) ,也称为影响因子和输入变量。因素变化的各种状态称为水平,要求根据专业知识初步确定因素水平的范围。第三是根据实际问题,选择适用的试验设计方法。试验设计的方法有很多,每种方法都有不同的适用条件,选择了适用的方法就可以事半而功倍,选择的方法不正确或者根本没有进行有效的试验设计就会事倍而功半。第四是科学地分析试验结果,包括对数据的直观分析、方差分析、回归分析等多种统计分析方法,这些工作可以借助Minititab软件完成。




  【试验设计】:x0dx0a  试验设计(DOE,DESignated Operational Entity),也称为实验设计。从20世纪20年代费希尔(R.A.Fisher)在农业生产中使用试验设计方法以来,试验设计方法已经得到广泛的发展,统计学家们发现了很多非常有效的试验设计技术。20世纪50年代,日本统计学家田口玄一将试验设计中应用最广的正交设计表格化,在方法解说方面深入浅出为试验设计的更广泛使用作出了众所周知的贡献。x0dx0ax0dx0a  【DOE的作用】:x0dx0a  试验设计在工业生产和工程设计中能发挥重要的作用,主要有:x0dx0a  1、提高产量;x0dx0a  2、减少质量的波动,提高产品质量水准;x0dx0a  3、大大缩短新产品试验周期;x0dx0a  4、降低成本;x0dx0a  5、试验设计延长产品寿命。x0dx0ax0dx0a  在工农业生产和科学研究中,经常需要做试验,以求达到预期的目的。例如在工农业生产中希望通过试验达到高质、优产、低消耗,特别是新产品试验,未知的东西很多,要通过试验来摸索工艺条件或配方。如何做试验,其中大有学问。试验设计得好,会事半功倍,反之会事倍功半,甚至劳而无功。x0dx0a  如果要最有效地进行科学试验,必须用科学方法来设计。所谓试验的统计设计,就是设计试验的过程,使得收集的数据适合于用统计方法分析,得出有效的和客观的结论。如果想从数据作出有意义的结论,用统计方法作试验设计是必要的。当问题涉及到受试验误差影响的数据时,只有统计方法才是客观的分析方法。这样一来,任一试验问题就存在两个方面:试验的设计和数据的统计分析。这两个课题是紧密相连的,因为分析方法直接依赖于所用的设计。x0dx0a  摘自:天行健咨询




DOE简介美国联邦法规(10 CFR 430)已明定出:凡是进入美国市场的外接式电源供应器,都应达到最小能效等级:level IV且在产品上明确标示出。不仅如此,也强制要求制造商、品牌商向DOE提交两份重要声明文件。第一是产品达到联邦法规在能效要求的符合性宣告(Compliance Statement),第二是产品的首次证书报告(First Certification Report),两份文件均须透过邮寄方式,递送至美国能源部(DOE,Department of Energy)。文件准备需按照DOE公布之格式填写,其中证书报告可委由第三方单位代表制造商/品牌商提交。文件上提报之资讯应涵盖每个单一型号的产品类别(product class)、制造商/品牌商名称、效能(%)、无载时功率消耗(W)及额定输出功率(W)。Anbotek可做美国DOE6级能效认证标准依据:美国联邦法规:10CFR429和10CFR430.其中10CFR429规定了样品选用规范和报告规范;10CFR430规定了测试方法和符合性宣告规范


试验设计(DOE)的类型有 1.全因子DOE 2.分部DOE






DOE(Design of Experiment)试验设计:一种安排实验和分析实验数据的数理统计方法;试验设计主要对试验进行合理安排,以较小的试验规模(试验次数)、较短的试验周期和较低的试验成本,获得理想的试验结果以及得出科学的结论。试验设计源于1920年代研究育种的科学家Dr.Fisher的研究, Dr. Fisher是大家一致公认的此方法策略的创始者。如果想对DOE有更深入地理解,请参见有关DOE论述及专著进行学习。

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哈利波特小天狼星同人文《The Summer of the Phoenix》(凤凰的夏天)


Senza Fine (The Phoenix Love Theme) 歌词

歌曲名:Senza Fine (The Phoenix Love Theme)歌手:Wes Montgomery专辑:Movin" WesSenzafineScorre lento il mio tempoChe seivola sul velo della mia pella nudaSe oltrepassassi il confine che mi hai datoForse io non sarei quiDa adesso ormai che senso haCercare di abbracciare un passato piu puroGuardando avanti rischieroMa riesco a rispondere ai miei perch?Tutto cio che saraiEra ga stato scittoSe davvero esisteQuesto dio ha fallitoOgni parola pronunciataSara lo specchio del tuo doloreRiflrtte la colpaAlimenta l"odioMadreIl moi destino scelgoSe riesco a resistereSono ancora in piedi in questo istante di pura folliaNon so piu se desiderare il bene o il maleAnche se il peccato forse piu ma daDa adesso ormai che senso haOpporre resistenza a un destino segnatoNon restero a guardare senzaRiuscire a resistertiRisvegliarmiMadreIl moi destino scelgoSe riesco a resistereRisvegliamiMadreIl moi destino scelgoSe riesco a resistereNon c"e scenlta senza meNon c"e vita senza me...http://music.baidu.com/song/7550821


《哈利·波特与凤凰社》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1IPbTtUiqv_hsa1DxFqpB-A 提取码:pjwf导演: 大卫·叶茨编剧: 迈克尔·戈登伯格 / J·K·罗琳主演: 丹尼尔·雷德克里夫 / 艾玛·沃森 / 鲁伯特·格林特 / 加里·奥德曼 / 拉尔夫·费因斯 /类型: 奇幻 / 冒险制片国家/地区: 英国 / 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2007-08-10(中国大陆) / 2007-07-11(美国)片长: 138分钟又名: 哈利波特5:凤凰会的密令(港/台) / 哈5该片讲述了逃过摄魂怪的追杀,通过魔法部的审查,哈利(丹尼尔·雷德克里夫)终于回到美丽的霍格沃兹。然而这个学期并不轻松,他不仅要完成魔法等级考试,还要应对夜晚的噩梦和黑魔法防御课老师乌姆里奇的打压。在好友的支持下,哈利秘密组建了邓不利多军团,与大家一起练习黑魔法防御术。噩梦中,哈利总是以伏地魔的视角出现,似乎他们之间有着某种神秘的联系。在邓不利多(迈克尔·刚本)的指示下,哈利向斯内普教授(阿伦·瑞克曼)学习封闭术,却鲜有成效。终于在一次噩梦的诱使下,哈利偏执的赶往魔法部营救小天狼星,却不想陷入伏地魔的圈套,引发凤凰社与食死徒之间的正面冲突。在混战中,小天狼星(加里·奥德曼)不幸遇难。究竟哈利与伏地魔(拉尔夫·费因斯)之间有着怎样的联系?在悲恸中,邓不利多为哈利揭开谜底,哈利还有更长、更艰难的路要走 。

FALL out boy-the phoenix酷狗文艺歌词翻译

岂曰无衣 与子同裳血肉相连 吾辈乃城墙一点星光 你我化身火场无家可归 吾辈乃孤狼燃矣 燃之如狂潮怒涨扬羽矣凤凰岂曰无衣 与子同裳并肩横步 誓死如荣光乌云压边 凤鼓银氅古国明月 断井颓墙不破敌虏 何言归矣我已为魔 殒身不恤战鼓频传 边角彻响 执戈横剑 踏鼓催马上年少轻狂 横卧沙场战鼓擂 马蹄扬 血染裳步我后尘 衣冠胜雪 哀歌国殇 瞻我马首 浴火涅盘 汝乃凤凰足下之路 前人血骨汝若欲前 重蹈覆辙步我后尘 衣冠胜雪 哀歌国殇 瞻我马首浴火涅盘 汝乃凤凰马革裹尸 残剑冢葬隐姓埋名 沽酒余生开辟洪荒 世事无常我等蝼蚁 行而茫茫身碎卑微 其志不亡古国明月 断井颓墙不破敌虏 何言归矣我已为魔 殒身不恤战鼓频传 边角彻响执戈横剑 踏鼓催马上年少轻狂 横卧沙场战鼓擂 马蹄扬 血染裳步我后尘 衣冠胜雪哀歌国殇 瞻我马首 浴火涅盘 汝乃凤凰足下之路 前人血骨汝若欲前 重蹈覆辙步我后尘 衣冠胜雪哀歌国殇 瞻我马首浴火涅盘 汝乃凤凰岂曰无衣 战而非胜仁者为王 善之善者弑其霸强非战而胜仁者为王 善之善者弑其霸强

the phoenix 的mv什么意思

  如果专讲The Phoenix这一个MV呢,是这样的:  四人查看一个箱子里的神秘物体。Patrick把箱子和手用手铐铐在了一起并带走了,路上碰到一骑车少年,结果就被一蒙面女给电击晕倒了。Patrick被绑架到一神秘地点,因为那些绑架女要那个箱子,所以Patrick的手被砍下来了,而且人也被开膛破肚了。原来那骑车少年跟绑架女一伙的,他把Patrick的手送到了Pete门前。Pete认出了是Patrick的手后,放了两只鹰给Andy和Joe报信(这一段有耍酷嫌疑,不然打电话不是更好吗)。在Andy看到鹰的同时,被蒙面女给推进车厢了。在Joe看到报信来的鹰的同时,被蒙面女用蘸了药的毛巾迷昏了。最后是Pete看到鹰腿上的信还是原封不动的就飞回来了,产生了疑虑但是太晚了,也被那妞(掀开面罩的那下真是太有范了)注射了什么晕过去了。

歌词翻译之The phoenix(凤凰)

The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy 凤凰 Put on your war paint 披上戎装吧! You are a brick tied to me that"s dragging me down 你就是拖我后腿的累赘 Strike a match and I"ll burn you to the ground 我划根火柴就能把你灭掉 We are the jack-o-lanterns in July 但我们是七月份的南瓜灯 Setting fire to the sky 不介意把天烧个窟窿 Here, here comes this rising tide 来了,高潮要来了! So come on 来啊! Put on your war paint 披上戎装 Cross walks and crossed hearts 背着十字架奔赴沙场 And hope-to-dies 脑袋掉了碗大个疤 Silver clouds with grey linings 前方黑云压城 So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked 我们能从惨败中夺回这个世界 One maniac at a time we will take it back 又是一个疯子就足矣 You know time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to start 我们知道等待歌曲奏起时,时间也会流逝 So dance along to the beat of your heart 何不跟着自己心跳的节奏翩然起舞 Hey young blood 嘿,小伙子! Doesn"t it feel like our time is running out 不觉得我们时间不多了么 I"m gonna change you like a remix 你需要彻头彻尾的改变 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 才能如凤凰般浴火重生 You"re wearing our vintage misery 铭记过去的苦难 No, I think it looked a little better on me 这更适合我(因为我受伤更深) I"m gonna change you like a remix 你需要彻头彻尾的改变 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 才能如凤凰般浴火重生 Bring home the boys and 让小伙子们回家 Scrap scrap metal the tanks 再拿些坦克碎片 Get hitched and make a career out of robbing banks 结个婚,然后以抢银行为生 Because the world is just a teller and 因为人们只会纸上谈兵 We are wearing black masks 并且我们带着黑色面具 "You broke our spirit," says the note we pass “你摧垮了我们的精神”,手中传递的纸条如是说 So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked 因此我们能从惨败中夺回属于我们的一切 One maniac at a time we will take it back 有时一个疯子就足矣 You know time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to start 我们知道等待歌声奏起时,时间也随之流逝 So dance along to the beat of your heart 何不跟着自己心跳的节奏翩然起舞 Hey young blood 嘿,小伙子! Doesn"t it feel like our time is running out 不觉得我们时间不多了么 I"m gonna change you like a remix 你需要彻头彻尾的改变 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 才能如凤凰般浴火重生 You"re wearing our vintage misery 铭记过去的苦难 No, I think it looked a little better on me 这更适合我(因为我受伤更深) I"m gonna change you like a remix 你需要彻头彻尾的改变 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 才能如凤凰般浴火重生 Put on your war paint 披上戎装! (The war is won before it"s begun (我们不战而胜 Release the doves 而后放飞和平 Surrender love) * 4 拥抱爱) * 4 Hey young blood 嘿,小伙子! Doesn"t it feel like our time is running out 不觉得我们时间不多了么 I"m gonna change you like a remix 你需要彻头彻尾的改变 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 才能如凤凰般浴火重生 You"re wearing our vintage misery 铭记过去的苦难 No, I think it looked a little better on me 这更适合我(因为我受伤更深) I"m gonna change you like a remix 你需要彻头彻尾的改变 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 才能如凤凰般浴火重生 Hey young blood 嘿,小伙子! Doesn"t it feel like our time is running out 不觉得我们时间不多了么 I"m gonna change you like a remix 你需要彻头彻尾的改变 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 才能如凤凰般浴火重生 Put on your war paint 披上戎装!

The Phoenix 歌词

歌曲名:The Phoenix歌手:Fall Out Boy专辑:The PhoenixFall Out Boy - The PhoenixPut on your war paintYou are a brick tied to me that"s dragging me downStrike a match and I"ll burn you to the groundWe are the jack-o-lanterns in JulySetting fire to the skyHere, here comes this rising tideSo come onPut on your war paintCross walks and crossed hearts and hope-to-diesSilver clouds with grey liningsSo we can take the world back from a heart attackOne maniac at a time we will take it backYou know time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to startSo dance alone to the beat of your heartHey! young blood!Doesn"t it feel like our time is running out?I"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixWearing our vintage miseryNo, I think it looked a little better on meI"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixBring home the boys and scrap scrap metal the tanksGet hitched, make a career out of robbing banksBecause the world is just a teller and we are wearing black masks"You broke our spirit," says the note we passSo we can take the world back from a heart attackOne maniac at a time we will take it backYou know time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to startSo dance alone to the beat of your heartHey! young blood!Doesn"t it feel like our time is running out?I"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixWearing our vintage miseryNo, I think it looked a little better on meI"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixPut on your war paintThe war is won, before it"s begunRelease the doves, surrender loveThe war is won, before it"s begunRelease the doves, surrender loveThe war is won, before it"s begunRelease the doves, surrender love (Wave the white flag!)The war is won, before it"s begun (Wave the white flag!)Release the doves, surrender love (Wave the white flag!)HeyyyyyyyyYoung Bllood!Doesn"t it feel like our time is running out?I"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixWearing our vintage miseryNo, I think it looked a little better on meI"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixHey! young blood!Doesn"t it feel like our time is running out?I"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixPut on your war paintThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/36830049

求一些比较带感的音乐,最好是英语的,类似于The Phoenix的最好

botty music

the phoenix 古文歌词

Put on your war paint 画上战妆You are a brick tied to me that"s dragging me down 你就像是一块系在我身上的砖块,把我一直向下拖Strike a match and I"ll burn you to the ground 划着一根火柴,我将把你烧的乌有We are the jack-o-lanterns in July 我们是七月的Setting fire to the sky 给天空点亮颜色Here comes this rising tide 在这次潮起的时候来吧Put on your war paint 画上战妆Cross walks and crossed hearts and hope-to-dies 带上,赶赴战场,准备战死沙场Silver clouds with grey linings 银色灰色交织的天空So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked 我把拯救世界One maniac at a time we will take it back 几乎疯狂地拯救它。Time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to start 在我们等待歌曲开始的时候,时间已经悄然流逝 So dance alone to the beat of your heart 那么就随着心得节奏起舞吧。Hey young 年轻的血液Doesn"t it feel 难道没感觉到Like our time is running out 时间正在流逝吗?I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你想凤凰一样升起You"re wearing our 你沉浸在忧郁之中No; I think it looked a little better on me 现在我的身上也感染了这种忧伤I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你想凤凰一样升起Bring home and scrap metal the tanks 把战士们和坦克的金属碎片带回啦Get hitched and make a career out of robbing banks ,然后以抢劫银行为业Because the world is just a teller and 因为一个诉说者We are wearing black masks而我们正带着黑色的面具“You broke our spirit,” says the note we pass “你正破坏着我们的”我们传递的纸条上明确的显示着。The war is won战争在它开始之前就已经胜利了Before it"s begunRelease the 让鸽子们重获自由吧Surrender love让爱Wave the 摇动白棋

fall out boy的 the phoenix mv什么意思


a new play is on at the Phoenix句中的on是什么意思

on 播放 一个新节目正在凤凰台播放

想学唱the phoenix但是不会英文 有木有大神给弄个中文音译。就是用汉字唱英文的那个!!


the phoenix 的mv什么意思


求类似于The Phoenix的歌

the phoenix是Fall Out boys的歌 个人觉得他们的歌都还蛮激情的~还有一首叫Immortals 是大白电影里的配乐 也超好听的~

Fall out boy的the Phoenix为什么要用那个专辑封面

  save rock and roll的专辑封面?还是单曲封面?  Fall out boy(中译名:闹翻天男孩),是来自芝加哥的一个摇滚乐队,组建于2001年,曾入围格莱美。充满年轻活力朝气,畅快将庞克的不羁气焰完全释放,些许EMO风格夹带流畅声线。

求类似于“The Phoenix”的燃曲


谁有The Phoenix的谐音翻译啊?可以直接唱出来的那种,不是纯英语



Put on your war paint 画上战妆You are a brick tied to me that"s dragging me down 你就像是一块系在我身上的砖块,把我一直向下拖Strike a match and I"ll burn you to the ground 划着一根火柴,我将把你烧的乌有We are the jack-o-lanterns in July 我们是七月的南瓜灯Setting fire to the sky 给天空点亮颜色Here comes this rising tide 在这次潮起的时候来吧Put on your war paint 画上战妆Cross walks and crossed hearts and hope-to-dies 带上十字架,赶赴战场,准备战死沙场Silver clouds with grey linings 银色灰色交织的天空So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked 我把拯救世界One maniac at a time we will take it back 几乎疯狂地拯救它。Time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to start 在我们等待歌曲开始的时候,时间已经悄然流逝 So dance alone to the beat of your heart 那么就随着心得节奏起舞吧。Hey young blood 年轻的血液Doesn"t it feel 难道没感觉到Like our time is running out 时间正在流逝吗?I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你想凤凰一样升起You"re wearing our vintage misery 你沉浸在忧郁之中No; I think it looked a little better on me 现在我的身上也感染了这种忧伤I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你想凤凰一样升起Bring home the boys and scrap metal the tanks 把战士们和坦克的金属碎片带回啦Get hitched and make a career out of robbing banks 结婚吧,然后以抢劫银行为业Because the world is just a teller and 因为世界知识一个诉说者We are wearing black masks而我们正带着黑色的面具“You broke our spirit,” says the note we pass “你正破坏着我们的精神支柱”我们传递的纸条上明确的显示着。The war is won战争在它开始之前就已经胜利了Before it"s begunRelease the doves 让鸽子们重获自由吧Surrender love让爱投降吧Wave the white flag 摇动白棋


1. ThePhoenix的文言文歌词是怎么来的,解释一下来历摇滚音乐 爱问知 purple,名词,紫色、紫袍、帝王之位。 紫色这种颜色的来历很有趣,因为古人没有现代的化工产品,他们想把衣服染色,只能寻找自然界中的染料,而紫色的染料主要是从一种地中海的海螺分泌的液体里取得的,古希腊人管这种海螺叫porphura,这也是英文中“purple/紫色”的词源。 由于这种海螺得个子非常小,而且捕捞起来很困难,所以紫色颜料的提炼成本非常高,而用这种昂贵的颜色布料做成的衣服也相应的非常奢侈,所以只有贵族、王室等才能穿的起,因此至今英文中purple紫色都还有“高贵”“财富”的含义。 可以理解记忆有: 下列内容: Phoenician腓尼基人(腓尼基是地中海沿岸古国,位置在现代的黎巴嫩,正是他们发明了从海螺中提取紫色颜料的方法,并借此大发其财,Phoenician的字面意思就是land of the purple紫色之地); phoenix凤凰(字面意思据说是紫红色的鸟,Phoenix菲尼克斯则是美国西南部Arizona亚利桑那州的首府,NBA球队Phoenix Suns菲尼克斯太阳队来自这里); purpura【医】紫癜病; 还有词组purple heart紫心勋章(美国 *** 1932年起授予作战中受伤的士兵); purple prose(也可以是purple passage或者purple patch,表示一篇枯燥的文章或诗歌中相对华丽、优美的段落); 网友蒋盼盼说南京的“Purple Mountain”是紫金山,但后来发现Washington华盛顿同样有一座山叫“Purple Mountain”。 另外purple rain紫雨是美国80年代能与Michael Jackson迈克尔。 杰克逊抗衡的歌星Prince王子的一首成名曲,不过他所有的歌都给我比较怪异的感觉,大家可以点击视频欣赏。 adj。 紫色的, 紫红色的[诗]鲜红的, 血腥的 词藻华丽的, 华而不实的帝王的, 皇家的 *** 的 purple passage, purple patch词藻绚丽的段落, 华而不实的章句 He has a taste for purple prose。 他喜欢风格华丽的散文。 [5pE:pl] be born in [to] the purple 生于皇室[贵族] marry into the purple 嫁到显贵人家 raise to the purple 使(某人)当皇帝 使(某人)升为红衣主。 2. thephoenix中文歌词 Put on your war paint 画上战妆 You are a brick tied to me that"s dragging me down 你就像是一块系在我身上的砖块,把我一直向下拖 Strike a match and I"ll burn you to the ground 划着一根火柴,我将把你烧的乌有 We are the jack-o-lanterns in July 我们是七月的南瓜灯 Setting fire to the sky 给天空点亮颜色 Here es this rising tide 在这次潮起的时候来吧 Put on your war paint 画上战妆 Cross walks and crossed hearts and hope-to-dies 带上十字架,赶赴战场,准备战死沙场 Silver clouds with grey linings 银色灰色交织的天空 So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked 我把拯救世界 One maniac at a time we will take it back 几乎疯狂地拯救它。 Time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to start 在我们等待歌曲开始的时候,时间已经悄然流逝 So dance alone to the beat of your heart 那么就随着心得节奏起舞吧。 Hey young blood 年轻的血液 Doesn"t it feel 难道没感觉到 Like our time is running out 时间正在流逝吗? I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你想凤凰一样升起 You"re wearing our vintage misery 你沉浸在忧郁之中 No; I think it looked a little better on me 现在我的身上也感染了这种忧伤 I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你想凤凰一样升起 Bring home the boys and scrap metal the tanks 把战士们和坦克的金属碎片带回啦 Get hitched and make a career out of robbing banks 结婚吧,然后以抢劫银行为业 Because the world is just a teller and 因为世界知识一个诉说者 We are wearing black masks而我们正带着黑色的面具 “You broke our spirit,” says the note we pass “你正破坏着我们的精神支柱”我们传递的纸条上明确的显示着。 The war is won战争在它开始之前就已经胜利了 Before it"s begun Release the doves 让鸽子们重获自由吧 Surrender love让爱投降吧 Wave the white flag 摇动白棋 3. The Phoenix歌词翻译 歌词翻译:Put on your war paint 披上你的战妆吧 You are a brick tied to me that"s dragging me down 你虽如巨石加身将我拽入深渊 Strike a match and I"ll burn you to the ground 但我会划亮火柴将你烧至乌有 We are the jack-o-lanterns in July 我们如七月的南瓜灯 Setting fire to the sky 恣意燃烧划破天际 Here, here es this rising tide 而如今潮涨来袭危机四起 So e on 吾辈尽将奔赴战场英勇杀敌 Put on your war paint 披上你的戎装吧 Cross walks and crossed hearts and hope-to-dies 吾愿背负十字,默默祈祷,战死沙场 Silver clouds with grey linings 而我已经看见乌云背后胜利的曙光 So we can take the world back from a heart attack 我们终将从失落暴戾手中夺回城池 One maniac at a time we will take it back 甚至一个狂躁的战士就够了 You know time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to start 你也知道当你在等待战歌响起之时时间也在匆匆流逝 So dance alone to the beat of your heart 所以独自随心舞动吧 Hey! young blood!嘿!年轻人!Doesn"t it feel like our time is running out?你难道感受不到时光飞逝所剩无几?I"m going to change you like a remix 我一定会像混音一样天翻地覆地改造你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 接着你便会如凤凰涅磐般崛起 Wearing our vintage misery 我们都带着曾经的苦难忧伤 No, I think it looked a little better on me 不,我觉得我伤的更深懂得愈多 I"m gonna change you like a remix 我定会像混音样改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 然后再让你如凤凰般涅槃翻飞 Bring home the boys and scrap scrap metal the tanks 带上那些战争中的热血少年和坦克碎片回家吧 Get hitched, make a career out of robbing banks 结个婚,然后说不定以抢银行度过余生 Because the world is just a teller and we are wearing black masks 因为世间只讲述历史而我们只是活在黑暗笼罩下的普通人"You broke our spirit," says the note we pass 而那转手相传的纸条上赫然写着“你击垮了我们的精神” So we can take the world back from a heart attack 所以我们终将夺回这个世界 One maniac at a time we will take it back 有时一个疯子就够了 You know time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to start 你也知道当你在等待战歌响起之时时间也在匆匆流逝 So dance alone to the beat of your heart 所以独自随心而动吧 Hey! young blood!嘿!热血青年!Doesn"t it feel like our time is running out?你难道感受不到大限将至吗?I"m going to change you like a remix 我一定会像混音一样天翻地覆地改造你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 接着你便会如凤凰涅磐般崛起 Wearing our vintage misery 我们都带着曾经同样的苦难忧伤 No, I think it looked a little better on me 不,我还是觉得我理解更深 I"m gonna change you like a remix 我定会像混音样改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 然后再让你如凤凰般涅槃翻飞 Put on your war paint 画上你战争所需的伪装吧 The war is won, before it"s begun 这场恶斗我们不战而胜 Release the doves, surrender love 放飞和平,交出了爱 The war is won, before it"s begun 这场恶斗我们不战而胜 Release the doves, surrender love 放飞和平,拥抱了爱 The war is won, before it"s begun 这场恶斗们不战而胜 Release the doves, surrender love (Wave the white flag!) 放飞和平,交出了爱(白旗挥舞) The war is won, before it"s begun (Wave the white flag!) 这场恶斗我们不战而胜 Release the doves, surrender love (Wave the white flag!) 放飞和平,拥抱了爱(白旗舞动) Heyyyyyyyy 嘿!Young Blood!热爱摇滚的年轻人们!Doesn"t it feel like our time is running out?你们难道感受不到我们都命不久矣?I"m going to change you like a remix 我一定会像混音一样天翻地覆地改造你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 接着你便会如凤凰涅磐般崛起 Wearing our vintage misery 我们都带着曾经同样的苦难忧伤 No, I think it looked a little better on me 不,我还是觉得我理解更深 I"m gonna change you like a remix 我定会像混音样改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 然后再让你如凤凰般涅槃翻飞 Hey! young blood!嘿! *** 四溢的热血青年们!Doesn"t it feel like our time is running out?你们难道感受不到大限将至吗?I"m going to change you like a remix 我一定会像混音一样天翻地覆地改造你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 接着你便会如凤凰涅磐般崛起 Put on your war paint 还请画好你的战妆 扩展资料 《The Phoenix》是美国摇滚乐队Fall out boy演唱的歌曲,由帕特里克·斯特普、皮特·温兹、乔·特洛曼、安迪·赫里作词作曲,收录在打倒男孩第五张录音室专辑《Save Rock and Roll》中。 创作背景:打倒男孩主唱帕特里克·斯特普受到了前苏联作曲家肖斯塔科维奇的启发。歌词的灵感源自马特·狄龙执导的电影《大河边缘》。 获奖:歌曲于2014年4月13日在英国40强摇滚和金属单曲榜登顶。2013年6月13日,歌曲获得英国Kerrang!音乐奖“最佳单曲”奖项 。 4. The Phoenix 歌词 《The Phoenix》演唱: Fall Out Boy 所属专辑:《Save Rock and Roll》发行时间:2013-07-16歌词对照:Put on your war paint 画上战妆 You are a brick tied to me 你就像是一块系在我身上的砖块 that"s dragging me down 把我一直向下拖 Strike a match and I"ll burn you to the ground 划着一根火柴,我将把你烧的乌有 We are the jack-o-lanterns in July 我们是七月的南瓜灯 Setting fire to the sky 给天空点亮颜色 Here, here es this rising tide 在这次潮起的时候来吧 so e on 来吧 Put on your war paint 画上战妆 Cross walks and crossed hearts and hope to die 带上十字架,赶赴战场,准备战死沙场 Seal the clouds with grey lining 银色灰色交织的天空 So we can take the world back from a heart attack 我们可以把世界从心碎中拯救 One maniac at a time we will take it back 几乎疯狂地拯救它 You know time crawls on when 在我们等待歌曲开始的时候 you"re waiting for the song to start 时间已经悄然流逝 So dance along to the beat of your heart 那么就随着心得节奏起舞吧 Hey Youngblood doesn"t it feel like 年轻的血液 难道没感觉到 our time is running out 时间正在流逝吗? I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你像凤凰一样升起 Wearing all vintage misery 你沉浸在忧郁之中 No I think it looked a little better on me 现在我的身上也感染了这种忧伤 I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你像凤凰一样升起 Bring home the boys in scraps 把战士们和坦克的 Scrap metal the tanks 金属碎片带回啦 Get hitched make a career out of robbing banks 结婚吧 然后以抢劫银行为业 Because the world is just a teller 因为世界只是一个诉说者 and we are wearing black 而我们正带着黑色的面具 She broke our spirits with no impact 你正破坏着我们的精神支柱,我们传递的纸条上明确显示着 So we can take the world back from a heart attack 我们可以把世界从心碎中拯救 One maniac at a time we will take it back 几乎疯狂地拯救它 You know time crawls on when 在我们等待歌曲开始的时候 you"re waiting for the song to start 时间已经悄然流逝 So dance along to the beat of your heart 那么就随着心得节奏起舞吧 Hey Youngblood doesn"t it feel like 年轻的血液难道没感觉到 our time is running out 时间正在流逝吗? I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你像凤凰一样升起 Wearing all vintage misery 你沉浸在忧郁之中 No I think it looked a little better on me 现在我的身上也感染了这种忧伤 I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你像凤凰一样升起 Put on your war paint 画上战妆 The war is won 战争在它开始之前 before it"s begun 就已经胜利了 Release the doves 让鸽子们重获自由吧 Surrender love 让爱投降吧 The war is won 战争在它开始之前 before it"s begun 就已经胜利了 Release the doves 让鸽子们重获自由吧 Surrender love 让爱投降吧 The war is won 战争在它开始之前 before it"s begun 就已经胜利了 Release the doves 让鸽子们重获自由吧 Surrender love 让爱投降吧 The war is won 战争在它开始之前 before it"s begun 就已经胜利了 Release the doves 让鸽子们重获自由吧 Surrender love 让爱投降吧 Hey 嘿 Youngblood doesn"t it feel 年轻的血液难道没感觉到 Like our time is running out 时间正在流逝吗? I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你像凤凰一样升起 Wearing all vintage misery 你沉浸在忧郁之中 No I think it looked a little better on me 现在我的身上也感染了这种忧伤 I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你像凤凰一样升起 Hey Youngblood doesn"t it feel 年轻的血液难道没感觉到 Like our time is running out 时间正在流逝吗? I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你像凤凰一样升起 Put on your war paint 画上战妆。 5. 求《The Phoenix》—— fall out boy 歌词及中文对照翻译 ut on your war paintYou are a brick tied to me that"s dragging me downStrike a match and I"ll burn you to the groundWe are the jack-o-lanterns in JulySetting fire to the skyHere, here es this rising tideSo e onPut on your war paintCross walks and crossed hearts and hope-to-diesSilver clouds with grey liningsSo we can take the world back from the heart-attackedOne maniac at a time we will take it backYou know time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to startSo dance along to the beat of your heartHey young bloodDoesn"t it feelLike our time is running outI"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixYou"re wearing our vintage miseryNo, I think it looked a little better on meI"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixBring home the boys and scrap scrap metal the tanksGet hitched and make a career out of robbing banksBecause the world is just a teller andWe are wearing black masks"You broke our spirit," says the note we passSo we can take the world back from the heart-attackedOne maniac at a time we will take it backYou know time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to startSo dance along to the beat of your heartHey young bloodDoesn"t it feelLike our time is running outI"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixYou"re wearing our vintage miseryNo, I think it looked a little better on meI"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixPut on your war paintThe war is wonBefore it"s begunRelease the dovesSurrender love[x4](Wave the white flag!)Hey young bloodDoesn"t it feelLike our time is running outI"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixYou"re wearing our vintage miseryNo, I think it looked a little better on meI"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixHey young bloodDoesn"t it feelLike our time is running outI"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixPut on your war paint中午我是无能为力了。 6. The phoenix谐音中文 非尼克丝 柯林斯英汉双解大词典 phoenix /u02c8fiu02d0nu026aks/ CET6 TEM4 ( phoenixes ) 1. N-COUNT A phoenix is an imaginary bird that, according to ancient stories, burns itself to ashes every five hundred years and is then born again. 凤凰 [usu sing] 2. N-SING If you describe someone or something as a phoenix, you mean that they return again after seeming to disappear or be destroyed. 失而复现或毁而再生者 [文学性] 例: Out of the ashes of the economic shambles, a phoenix of recovery can arise. 复苏之凤会从经济废墟的灰烬中腾飞而起。




1. ThePhoenix的文言文歌词是怎么来的,解释一下来历摇滚音乐 爱问知 purple,名词,紫色、紫袍、帝王之位。 紫色这种颜色的来历很有趣,因为古人没有现代的化工产品,他们想把衣服染色,只能寻找自然界中的染料,而紫色的染料主要是从一种地中海的海螺分泌的液体里取得的,古希腊人管这种海螺叫porphura,这也是英文中“purple/紫色”的词源。 由于这种海螺得个子非常小,而且捕捞起来很困难,所以紫色颜料的提炼成本非常高,而用这种昂贵的颜色布料做成的衣服也相应的非常奢侈,所以只有贵族、王室等才能穿的起,因此至今英文中purple紫色都还有“高贵”“财富”的含义。 可以理解记忆有: 下列内容: Phoenician腓尼基人(腓尼基是地中海沿岸古国,位置在现代的黎巴嫩,正是他们发明了从海螺中提取紫色颜料的方法,并借此大发其财,Phoenician的字面意思就是land of the purple紫色之地); phoenix凤凰(字面意思据说是紫红色的鸟,Phoenix菲尼克斯则是美国西南部Arizona亚利桑那州的首府,NBA球队Phoenix Suns菲尼克斯太阳队来自这里); purpura【医】紫癜病; 还有词组purple heart紫心勋章(美国 *** 1932年起授予作战中受伤的士兵); purple prose(也可以是purple passage或者purple patch,表示一篇枯燥的文章或诗歌中相对华丽、优美的段落); 网友蒋盼盼说南京的“Purple Mountain”是紫金山,但后来发现Washington华盛顿同样有一座山叫“Purple Mountain”。 另外purple rain紫雨是美国80年代能与Michael Jackson迈克尔。 杰克逊抗衡的歌星Prince王子的一首成名曲,不过他所有的歌都给我比较怪异的感觉,大家可以点击视频欣赏。 adj。 紫色的, 紫红色的[诗]鲜红的, 血腥的 词藻华丽的, 华而不实的帝王的, 皇家的 *** 的 purple passage, purple patch词藻绚丽的段落, 华而不实的章句 He has a taste for purple prose。 他喜欢风格华丽的散文。 [5pE:pl] be born in [to] the purple 生于皇室[贵族] marry into the purple 嫁到显贵人家 raise to the purple 使(某人)当皇帝 使(某人)升为红衣主。 2. 山雉凤凰 译文 山雉凤凰 2006年1月22日 [古文] 楚人有担山雉者,路人问何鸟也,担雉者欺之曰:“凤凰。” 路人曰:“我闻有凤凰,今直见之。汝贩之乎?”曰:“然。” 则十金,弗与。请加倍,乃与之。 将欲献楚王,经宿而鸟死。路人不遑惜金,惟恨不得以献楚王。 国人传之,咸以为真凤凰,贵,欲以献之。遂闻楚王,王感其欲献于己,召而厚赐之,过于买鸟之金十倍。 评注: 在同等的条件下,诚心所获得的回报,一定比欺骗所得到的高太多太多。在现实中,诚心总是比不诚心的少很多。 所以获得高回报的,总是很少。〔现代汉语〕 一个楚国人为了把山鸡卖出去,谎称自己手里拿的是一只凤凰。 一个过路人相信了他的话,拿出二十金把它买了下来。过路人想把凤凰献给楚王,没想到过了一夜,山鸡就死了。 过路人并不痛惜金钱,只恨没能把凤凰献给楚王。这件事在全国传开,人们都以为那山鸡是只真凤凰。 楚王得知这件事后,也被臣民的一片忠心所感动,于是召见了要献凤凰的人,给了他买凤凰钱十倍的赏赐。[英文] Pheasant and Phoenix A person in the state of Chu, trying to sell his pheasant, lied to people by saying that what was in his hand was a phoenix. A passerby believed him and bought it for enty pieces of gold. The passerby wanted to present it to the king of the state of Chu. But out of his expectation, the pheasant died the next day. The passerby did not value the money but regret that he could not present it to the king. This story went around the whole country, and every one believed that it was a true phoenix. Hearing of this, the king of the state of Chu was moved by the loyalty of his subjects. The king then called in the man who had wanted to present the phoenix, and gave him awards that were worth ten times the money he had paid for the pheasant.。 3. FALL out boy Put on your war paint 画上战妆 You are a brick tied to me that"s dragging me down 你就像是一块系在我身上的砖块,把我一直向下拖 Strike a match and I"ll burn you to the ground 划着一根火柴,我将把你烧的乌有 We are the jack-o-lanterns in July 我们是七月的南瓜灯 Setting fire to the sky 给天空点亮颜色 Here es this rising tide 在这次潮起的时候来吧 Put on your war paint 画上战妆 Cross walks and crossed hearts and hope-to-dies 带上十字架,赶赴战场,准备战死沙场 Silver clouds with grey linings 银色灰色交织的天空 So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked 我把拯救世界 One maniac at a time we will take it back 几乎疯狂地拯救它。 Time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to start 在我们等待歌曲开始的时候,时间已经悄然流逝 So dance alone to the beat of your heart 那么就随着心得节奏起舞吧。 Hey young blood 年轻的血液 Doesn"t it feel 难道没感觉到 Like our time is running out 时间正在流逝吗? I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你想凤凰一样升起 You"re wearing our vintage misery 你沉浸在忧郁之中 No; I think it looked a little better on me 现在我的身上也感染了这种忧伤 I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你想凤凰一样升起 Bring home the boys and scrap metal the tanks 把战士们和坦克的金属碎片带回啦 Get hitched and make a career out of robbing banks 结婚吧,然后以抢劫银行为业 Because the world is just a teller and 因为世界知识一个诉说者 We are wearing black masks而我们正带着黑色的面具 “You broke our spirit,” says the note we pass “你正破坏着我们的精神支柱”我们传递的纸条上明确的显示着。 The war is won战争在它开始之前就已经胜利了 Before it"s begun Release the doves 让鸽子们重获自由吧 Surrender love让爱投降吧 Wave the white flag 摇动白棋 话说文言文无能为力。 4. 古文“路人献雉”的解释 [古文] 楚人有担山雉者,路人问何鸟也,担雉者欺之曰:“凤凰。”路人曰:“我闻有凤凰,今直见之。汝贩之乎?”曰:“然。”则十金,弗与。请加倍,乃与之。将欲献楚王,经宿而鸟死。路人不遑惜金,惟恨不得以献楚王。国人传之,咸以为真凤凰,贵,欲以献之。遂闻楚王,王感其欲献于己,召而厚赐之,过于买鸟之金十倍。 评注: 在同等的条件下,诚心所获得的回报,一定比欺骗所得到的高太多太多。在现实中,诚心总是比不诚心的少很多。所以获得高回报的,总是很少。 〔现代汉语〕 一个楚国人为了把山鸡卖出去,谎称自己手里拿的是一只凤凰。一个过路人相信了他的话,拿出二十金把它买了下来。过路人想把凤凰献给楚王,没想到过了一夜,山鸡就死了。过路人并不痛惜金钱,只恨没能把凤凰献给楚王。这件事在全国传开,人们都以为那山鸡是只真凤凰。楚王得知这件事后,也被臣民的一片忠心所感动,于是召见了要献凤凰的人,给了他买凤凰钱十倍的赏赐。 [英文] Pheasant and Phoenix A person in the state of Chu, trying to sell his pheasant, lied to people by saying that what was in his hand was a phoenix. A passerby believed him and bought it for enty pieces of gold. The passerby wanted to present it to the king of the state of Chu. But out of his expectation, the pheasant died the next day. The passerby did not value the money but regret that he could not present it to the king. This story went around the whole country, and every one believed that it was a true phoenix. Hearing of this, the king of the state of Chu was moved by the loyalty of his subjects. The king then called in the man who had wanted to present the phoenix, and gave him awards that were worth ten times the money he had paid for the pheasant. 5. thephoenix要的是中文但不是歌词是那种翻译有人知道吗 Put on your war paint 画上战妆You are a brick tied to me that"s dragging me down 你就像是一块系在我身上的砖块,把我一直向下拖Strike a match and I"ll burn you to the ground 划着一根火柴,我将把你烧的乌有We are the jack-o-lanterns in July 我们是七月的南瓜灯Setting fire to the sky 给天空点亮颜色Here es this rising tide 在这次潮起的时候来吧Put on your war paint 画上战妆Cross walks and crossed hearts and hope-to-dies 带上十字架,赶赴战场,准备战死沙场Silver clouds with grey linings 银色灰色交织的天空So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked 我把拯救世界One maniac at a time we will take it back 几乎疯狂地拯救它。 Time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to start 在我们等待歌曲开始的时候,时间已经悄然流逝 So dance alone to the beat of your heart 那么就随着心得节奏起舞吧。Hey young blood 年轻的血液Doesn"t it feel 难道没感觉到Like our time is running out 时间正在流逝吗?I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你想凤凰一样升起You"re wearing our vintage misery 你沉浸在忧郁之中No; I think it looked a little better on me 现在我的身上也感染了这种忧伤I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你想凤凰一样升起Bring home the boys and scrap metal the tanks 把战士们和坦克的金属碎片带回啦Get hitched and make a career out of robbing banks 结婚吧,然后以抢劫银行为业Because the world is just a teller and 因为世界知识一个诉说者We are wearing black masks而我们正带着黑色的面具“You broke our spirit,” says the note we pass “你正破坏着我们的精神支柱”我们传递的纸条上明确的显示着。 The war is won战争在它开始之前就已经胜利了Before it"s begunRelease the doves 让鸽子们重获自由吧Surrender love让爱投降吧Wave the white flag 摇动白棋。 6. 山雉凤凰 译文 山雉凤凰 2006年1月22日 [古文] 楚人有担山雉者,路人问何鸟也,担雉者欺之曰:“凤凰。”路人曰:“我闻有凤凰,今直见之。汝贩之乎?”曰:“然。”则十金,弗与。请加倍,乃与之。将欲献楚王,经宿而鸟死。路人不遑惜金,惟恨不得以献楚王。国人传之,咸以为真凤凰,贵,欲以献之。遂闻楚王,王感其欲献于己,召而厚赐之,过于买鸟之金十倍。 评注: 在同等的条件下,诚心所获得的回报,一定比欺骗所得到的高太多太多。在现实中,诚心总是比不诚心的少很多。所以获得高回报的,总是很少。 〔现代汉语〕 一个楚国人为了把山鸡卖出去,谎称自己手里拿的是一只凤凰。一个过路人相信了他的话,拿出二十金把它买了下来。过路人想把凤凰献给楚王,没想到过了一夜,山鸡就死了。过路人并不痛惜金钱,只恨没能把凤凰献给楚王。这件事在全国传开,人们都以为那山鸡是只真凤凰。楚王得知这件事后,也被臣民的一片忠心所感动,于是召见了要献凤凰的人,给了他买凤凰钱十倍的赏赐。 [英文] Pheasant and Phoenix A person in the state of Chu, trying to sell his pheasant, lied to people by saying that what was in his hand was a phoenix. A passerby believed him and bought it for enty pieces of gold. The passerby wanted to present it to the king of the state of Chu. But out of his expectation, the pheasant died the next day. The passerby did not value the money but regret that he could not present it to the king. This story went around the whole country, and every one believed that it was a true phoenix. Hearing of this, the king of the state of Chu was moved by the loyalty of his subjects. The king then called in the man who had wanted to present the phoenix, and gave him awards that were worth ten times the money he had paid for the pheasant. 7. 《路人献稚》译文 一个挑着野鸡的楚国人。 一个过路的人问他说:“这是什么鸟?”挑着野鸡的人欺骗他说:“是凤凰。”过路的人说:“我听说过凤凰,今天恰巧看到了它。 你卖给我?”挑着野鸡的楚国人说:“好的。”过路的人用十个货币买了下来,买野鸡的人不给;要他加价,才给他。 那人想要把它献给楚王,经过一夜凤凰就死了。过路人来不及痛惜他的钱,只遗憾不能够把凤凰献给楚王。 全国人都在传这件事,都认为是真的凤凰。赞赏想要献给楚王凤凰的人,就被楚王听到了。 楚王被他要献凤凰的精神所感动。让他过来厚厚地赏赐了他,比买凤凰的价钱超过十倍。

The Phoenix歌词翻译

The Phoenix有有有,点击我戳我简芥~…,可以了解一下,里面有很多哦

the phoenix是什么电影

《The Phoenix》是美国摇滚乐队打倒男孩演唱的歌曲,由帕特里克·斯特普、皮特·温兹、乔·特洛曼、安迪·赫里作词作曲。《Phoenix》中文名《不死鸟》,2014年克利斯蒂安·佩措尔德执导的电影。电影讲述了一个从纳粹集中营幸存下来的女人,回到战后的柏林,在城市的废墟上,寻找着可能已背叛了自己的丈夫。电影的豆瓣评分挺高的,你如果对这种电影感兴趣可以一看

the phoenix mv什么意思

【俱乐部成员(Board Members):】 ... 戈黛娃夫人(Lady Godill-a)的丈夫麦西亚伯爵利奥夫里克(Leofric, Earl of Mercia ) 凤凰(The Phoenix) 足球(The football) ...

The phoenix谐音中文

非尼克丝柯林斯英汉双解大词典 phoenix /u02c8fiu02d0nu026aks/ CET6 TEM4 ( phoenixes )1. N-COUNT A phoenix is an imaginary bird that, according to ancient stories, burns itself to ashes every five hundred years and is then born again. 凤凰 [usu sing]2. N-SING If you describe someone or something as a phoenix, you mean that they return again after seeming to disappear or be destroyed. 失而复现或毁而再生者 [文学性]例:Out of the ashes of the economic shambles, a phoenix of recovery can arise.复苏之凤会从经济废墟的灰烬中腾飞而起。

Fat Joe的《Jealousy》 歌词

歌曲名:Jealousy歌手:Fat Joe专辑:Me, Myself & Idream - JEALOUSYMusic: G. PASQUINIArrangerment: A. CONTINIこんなにせつなくなるはずじゃなかったのに见上げた空には 星のプリズムきみが近くなるたびに ひとつの言叶だけがくちびるから远ざかるよ ためらいの向こうへJealousy jealousy小さなトゲ 热くなる痛みきみが描くその未来でどんな恋に目覚めるの?Jealousy jealousyいつの间にか かけ违えてたボタンすべて とりはずして本当の自分を见せたい jealousyいつから心は きみであふれてたんだろう瞳を闭じても 梦で会うほど私だって谁にでも やさしいわけじゃないきみはまるで误解してる ときめきを见つめてJealousy jealousy见えない伤 ほどけない痛みきみの笑颜 ずっとそばで守り続けてゆきたいJealousy jealousy二人だけで并んで歩く少し照れるこの时间を後悔などしたくないから jealousyきみが近くなるたびに ひとつの言叶だけがくちびるから远ざかるよ ためらいの向こうへJealousy jealousy小さなトゲ 热くなる痛みきみが描くその未来でどんな恋に目覚めるの?Jealousy jealousyいつの间にか かけ违えてたボタンすべて とりはずして本当の自分を见せたい jealousyJealousyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2846231



made in kroea 和design by korea有什么区别

MADE IN KOREA说明是韩国制造,也就是说这东西是在韩国生产的 DESIGN BY KOREAN说明是在韩国设计的,但不一定在韩国生产,可能在中国也可能在其他什么国家生产.

安装PROE4.0后打开出现对话框说workstation service not found 是什么意思啊


Watch My Shoes 歌词

歌曲名:Watch My Shoes歌手:Lil Wayne专辑:return of the leakLil Wayne - Watch My ShoesNo ceilings muthaf-cker good morning,D-ck in your mouth while you yawning,Im goin in, Gudda why they started me,Marley why they started me,I"ll bring it to your front door like you ordered me,Back in this b-tch but a lot more rich,On my poppa bear sh-t, need hot porridge,Gotta a lot more sh-t than you could ever fathom,A big head n-gga couldn"t even imagine,The sh-t I do, most doer"s never done,I"ma f-ck this beat, your b-tch who you better come,Better run this sh-t, i dont run from sh-t,I still beat your ass like a f-cking drumstick,Weezy f-cking baby baby make the ladies come quick,The money can"t fit in my pockets but I bet that gun fit,And I"m so unfit cos all I eat is rappers,And these rappers aint sh-t I like my fast food faster,Syrup got me slow like a turtle round this hoe,And Im flyer than the highest flying bird around this hoe,Whats the word around this hoe, you get served around this hoe,Yeah you get served like a f-cking H"ordeurve around this hoe,I don"t splurge around no hoe, no I don"t shine in front no b-tch,Cos after she get off my d-ck I be like find the front door b-tch,I dont know why the f-ck your b-tch keep coming byAnd I f-ck your b-tch 100 times what the f-ck your b-tch got on her mind, my f-cking d-ck,I call her dick head, spicy like a big red, strike you like a bic headYour flow sick, my sh-t dead, sillier than vic said, soulja boy and arab,You should see my eleven year old daughter do they dance,I call it the nay nay dance proud to be nay nay"s dad,Gun on the waistline, leave you in the wasteland,We are not the same, I am a martian, this is space jam,No ceilings R-I-P Amen, muthf-cking cave manBeating on my chest Young Money Cash Money,And Im eating all the rest n-gga no offence,Sorry if your offended,Riding high like Im on 54 inches,Man Id rather chill with 54 b-tches,Chi-chill like chi-chill like an eskimoLets get mo, lets get mo b-tchesAnd I be like lets get mo b-tches,Mr officer stop arresting your b-tches,Stop let the messy hoes mess with yo business,Mickey mouse cheese, hip hop Walt Disney,Shesh gosh Oshkosh B"gosh, smokin on that Bob Marley,Listening to Pete Tosh,I do me, no I do three,At A T I M E, why when we say we young mula,The bitches leave ya"ll and relay run to us,And payday comes sooner than later round here,You see my sharks like I got some bait around here,Hey you better stop the hate around there,Before tommy mack and nina debate around there,Yeah you see it in my face I don"t care,Whole court hearing trial and the case around there,Im the best thing yet I know I got that thing wet,Evvrybody want be fly but don"t know where there wings at,Ah hu….Had to pause for a minute and im right back in it like the draws of the woman,On a scale of 1 – 10 and my girl be a 20,My girls so bad make a n-gga think he sinning,My goons so pretty my goons are so with me,Haters got to go on iTunes to go get meGaters by the doors, baboons and those grizzly"sAll come at me when Im on the microphone in the,Mic check 2 – 3, Im different like blue peeAnd my girls be half naked like Betty Boop BeLike a hoopty, man the boy been ridingAnd I aint gas"d up because Im more like a hybrid,You think Im stunting no Im just surviving,And I"ve been here but my soul is just arriving,Look up in the air, its a crow its a robin,No ceilings full doseIm prescribing, medication freeAnd for meditation weSmoke some better tasting weedThat you"ll ever taste or seeS-H-A-R-P as tac hotter thanRiding through a dessert on a camel back,I done bin riding through wherever with the hammer strapped,I aint lying, I can do whatever if Im planning that,So I got my guns lets dance like fanny pack,And we cooked the hard, cut the soft and bring the … back,Mafio b-tch where you muthf-cking family at,Call my n-gga gudda if you trying to get your mami back,All up in another n-gga woman I be ramming that,Seeing through these see through n-ggas like their laminate,Hip hop so contaminate, I swear just examine that,If im such a philanthropist the god to these evangelists,I dress all Los Angeles but i love miami though,I am so New Orleans yes I grew pistachios,Dat mean I go nuts at any beat they throw at me,And the bitches is so at me,And you know what they throw at mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/28331013

Joe的《Go Hard》 歌词

歌曲名:Go Hard歌手:Joe专辑:Ain"T Nothin" Like MeNicki Minaj (Feat. Lil Wayne) - Go Hard(Nicki Talking)Yo, SB.(Holiday season,nigga) I think it"s my time...You know why? My tears have dried,And I know that no weapon formedAgainst me will prosper. And I trulyBelieve that my haters are my motivators.Young Money.(Chorus)If you could you would get rid of me,Fuck you gone do when a bitch try to go hard?Bet I won"t let you get to me (to me)You should already figure I"ma go hard.If you was as real as me you would neverLet another girl sit in yo throne.I done flipped the trunk on her,They screamin, "Nicki leave me alone!"I am, I"m Still the one to beat.Ain"t in a rush from these streetsI am the streets. I am gettin it in until the endI gotta go, GO, gooo, GO HARD!(Verse 1 - Nicki)Carter called, lemme get the car key, you don"t want it with the Harajuku BarbieKeep a marquis, everything sparkly (man down! ) hit em on a walkie-talkie.Hit em, hit em knock-knock, tell em let me in. my name ring bells bitch buzz me inAnd I only stop for pedestrians, or a real real bad lesbian.Hit em wit the Mac, hit em wit the Tec 9, hit em wit the Ruger by the intersex line.Hit em wit a Tommy so my niggas call me Pammy and I always the jammy in the trunka of the lambyPut my whole burrough on my back and I"m gooda, I don"t wanna hear what you would, what you couldaI represent all the girls that stood up, used to drink water wit a little bit of sugar.Now I"m in the gym with my squats and my sit-ups, doin the scissor-leg on the mat wit my foot up.Young black pin-up, all of my bitches did up, now I"m tellin LA Reid to step his bid up.And I"m tellin President Carter he picked a winner, bitches like nelly and kelly got a dilemmaThese birds all fly south in the winter, fuck I look like chompin on a chicken dinner?You can hate me, but why knock my hustle; I"ma be a queen no matter how they shuffleSkirts with the ruffle, louis on the duffle. I"m a bad bitch no muzzle. (no muzzle).Bitches is softer than Al Dente, cut from a different kentae. tell em I"m the ninja,Weezy is my sensei. so I call him Splinter, faster than a sprinter. gimme my chopsticksI"ll have the rap bitches for dinner.This is for my gentlemen in button-ups and khakisThis is for my nigga 7-up in CastakiThis is for my niggas whellying them KawasakisShout out to the Vackis, South Ishakis.This is to my fans, unless I"m feeling kinda cocky.Winter Wonderland is on my hand, it"s kinda rocky.I am Nicki, Minaj or Lewinski.Pumps on the clutch, right hand on the six-speed.Write my own raps I gotta go, I gotta get me (gotta get me.)OOhhh!(Chorus)If you could you would get rid of me,Fuck you gone do when a bitch try to go hard?Bet I won"t let you get to me (to me)You should already figure I"ma go hard.If you was as real as me you would neverLet another girl sit in yo throne.I done flipped the trunk on her,They screamin, "Nicki leave me alone!"I am, I will, I gots to win.I"m still lookin around for myCom-pe-tition. I am gettin it in until the endI gotta go, GO, gooo, GO HARD!(Verse 2 - Lil Wayne)From slap-and-cry you start to die, so I must go harder.Gotta make these bitches know me just like Bobby know water.Better yet, like Bubba, know shrimp. but he don"t say shitWhen the gun on his lip, and I don"t say shit put the gunOn my hip. so I don"t say shit but the gun on my hip.If you don"t wanna drown don"t come on my shipCheck out how them bitches just run on my dickAnd me, I"m that nasty son of a bitch.I still got that bitch cum on my lipsIt yee ain got money, don"t come on my stripAnd if ya got money, don"t come on my stripI wear that metal, no olympic, but I can stillMake you tumble and flipYou fuckin wit me if you fuckin wit NickThey ain"t fuckin wit me ,they ain"t fuckin wit NickYour girlfriend and she just splitCuz she wanna fuck me and she wanna fuck NickThey wonder if he be fuckin Nick, as long as she be fuckin richThat"s why I keep my luggage cuz, I swear yall"s a fuckin trip.Young Money Dungeon, bitch. my swagger is just punching bitchAnd I shoot like I"m from over-seas, so call my gun, "Gunovic"Weezy F. Baby and the "F" is for a bunch of shitRed drank, blue pill, white dustYes I love my country bitch.(Wayne: yeah!... guitar.)(Chorus)Wish you could get rid of Young Money,Fuck you gone do when a bitch try to go hard?Bet I won"t let you get to me (to me)You should already figure I"ma go hard.If you was as real as me you would neverLet another girl sit in yo throne.I done flipped the trunk on her,They screamin, "Nicki leave me alone!"I am, I will, I gots to win.I"m still lookin around for myCom-pe-tition. I am gettin it in until the endI gotta go, GO, gooo, GO HARD!http://music.baidu.com/song/7448395

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There Is A Light That Never Goes Out 歌词

歌曲名:There Is A Light That Never Goes Out歌手:Speedstar专辑:UnbreakableThere is a Light That Never Goes OutThe lucksmithsby:爬格子的伪书生/l"oubli.(Sotto Voce)Q - 47228564Take me out tonightWhere theres music and there"s peopleAnd they"re young and aliveDriving in your carI never never want to go homeBecause I havent got oneAnymoreTake me out tonightBecause I want to see people and iWant to see lifeDriving in your carOh, please don"t drop me homeBecause its not my home, its theirHome, and Im welcome no moreAnd if a double-decker busCrashes into usTo die by your sideIs such a heavenly way to dieAnd if a ten-ton truckKills the both of usTo die by your sideWell, the pleasure - the privilege is mineTake me out tonightOh, Take me anywhere, I dont careI dont care, I dont careAnd in the darkened underpassI thought oh god, my chance has come at last(but then a strange fear gripped me and iJust couldnt ask)Take me out tonightOh, take me anywhere, I dont careDriving in your carI never never want to go homeBecause I havent got one,Oh, I havent got oneAnd if a double-decker busCrashes into usTo die by your sideIs such a heavenly way to dieAnd if a ten-ton truckKills the both of usTo die by your sideWell, the pleasure - the privilege is mineOh, there is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThe ends.http://music.baidu.com/song/2877556

There Is A Light That Never Goes Out 歌词

歌曲名:There Is A Light That Never Goes Out歌手:The Smiths专辑:The World Won"T ListenThere is a Light That Never Goes OutThe lucksmithsby:爬格子的伪书生/l"oubli.(Sotto Voce)Q - 47228564Take me out tonightWhere theres music and there"s peopleAnd they"re young and aliveDriving in your carI never never want to go homeBecause I havent got oneAnymoreTake me out tonightBecause I want to see people and iWant to see lifeDriving in your carOh, please don"t drop me homeBecause its not my home, its theirHome, and Im welcome no moreAnd if a double-decker busCrashes into usTo die by your sideIs such a heavenly way to dieAnd if a ten-ton truckKills the both of usTo die by your sideWell, the pleasure - the privilege is mineTake me out tonightOh, Take me anywhere, I dont careI dont care, I dont careAnd in the darkened underpassI thought oh god, my chance has come at last(but then a strange fear gripped me and iJust couldnt ask)Take me out tonightOh, take me anywhere, I dont careDriving in your carI never never want to go homeBecause I havent got one,Oh, I havent got oneAnd if a double-decker busCrashes into usTo die by your sideIs such a heavenly way to dieAnd if a ten-ton truckKills the both of usTo die by your sideWell, the pleasure - the privilege is mineOh, there is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThe ends.http://music.baidu.com/song/7404130

There Is A Light That Never Goes Out 歌词

歌曲名:There Is A Light That Never Goes Out歌手:Anberlin专辑:Lost SongsThere is a Light That Never Goes OutThe lucksmithsby:爬格子的伪书生/l"oubli.(Sotto Voce)Q - 47228564Take me out tonightWhere theres music and there"s peopleAnd they"re young and aliveDriving in your carI never never want to go homeBecause I havent got oneAnymoreTake me out tonightBecause I want to see people and iWant to see lifeDriving in your carOh, please don"t drop me homeBecause its not my home, its theirHome, and Im welcome no moreAnd if a double-decker busCrashes into usTo die by your sideIs such a heavenly way to dieAnd if a ten-ton truckKills the both of usTo die by your sideWell, the pleasure - the privilege is mineTake me out tonightOh, Take me anywhere, I dont careI dont care, I dont careAnd in the darkened underpassI thought oh god, my chance has come at last(but then a strange fear gripped me and iJust couldnt ask)Take me out tonightOh, take me anywhere, I dont careDriving in your carI never never want to go homeBecause I havent got one,Oh, I havent got oneAnd if a double-decker busCrashes into usTo die by your sideIs such a heavenly way to dieAnd if a ten-ton truckKills the both of usTo die by your sideWell, the pleasure - the privilege is mineOh, there is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThe ends.http://music.baidu.com/song/3487307

There Is A Light That Never Goes Out 歌词

歌曲名:There Is A Light That Never Goes Out歌手:The Smiths专辑:The Queen Is DeadThere is a Light That Never Goes OutThe lucksmithsby:爬格子的伪书生/l"oubli.(Sotto Voce)Q - 47228564Take me out tonightWhere theres music and there"s peopleAnd they"re young and aliveDriving in your carI never never want to go homeBecause I havent got oneAnymoreTake me out tonightBecause I want to see people and iWant to see lifeDriving in your carOh, please don"t drop me homeBecause its not my home, its theirHome, and Im welcome no moreAnd if a double-decker busCrashes into usTo die by your sideIs such a heavenly way to dieAnd if a ten-ton truckKills the both of usTo die by your sideWell, the pleasure - the privilege is mineTake me out tonightOh, Take me anywhere, I dont careI dont care, I dont careAnd in the darkened underpassI thought oh god, my chance has come at last(but then a strange fear gripped me and iJust couldnt ask)Take me out tonightOh, take me anywhere, I dont careDriving in your carI never never want to go homeBecause I havent got one,Oh, I havent got oneAnd if a double-decker busCrashes into usTo die by your sideIs such a heavenly way to dieAnd if a ten-ton truckKills the both of usTo die by your sideWell, the pleasure - the privilege is mineOh, there is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThe ends.http://music.baidu.com/song/7404119

There Is A Light That Never Goes Out 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:There Is A Light That Never Goes Out歌手:The Smiths专辑:The Sound Of The Smiths [Deluxe Edition]There is a Light That Never Goes OutThe lucksmithsby:爬格子的伪书生/l"oubli.(Sotto Voce)Q - 47228564Take me out tonightWhere theres music and there"s peopleAnd they"re young and aliveDriving in your carI never never want to go homeBecause I havent got oneAnymoreTake me out tonightBecause I want to see people and iWant to see lifeDriving in your carOh, please don"t drop me homeBecause its not my home, its theirHome, and Im welcome no moreAnd if a double-decker busCrashes into usTo die by your sideIs such a heavenly way to dieAnd if a ten-ton truckKills the both of usTo die by your sideWell, the pleasure - the privilege is mineTake me out tonightOh, Take me anywhere, I dont careI dont care, I dont careAnd in the darkened underpassI thought oh god, my chance has come at last(but then a strange fear gripped me and iJust couldnt ask)Take me out tonightOh, take me anywhere, I dont careDriving in your carI never never want to go homeBecause I havent got one,Oh, I havent got oneAnd if a double-decker busCrashes into usTo die by your sideIs such a heavenly way to dieAnd if a ten-ton truckKills the both of usTo die by your sideWell, the pleasure - the privilege is mineOh, there is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThere is a light and it never goes outThe ends.http://music.b***.com/song/7540112

帮忙翻译一下there is a light that never goes out 的歌词~~


翻译DIDO 新歌 It Comes And It Goes

It Comes And It Goes捉摸不定Some days I want love and some days I don"t,有时我需要爱,有时不需要,Sometimes I can feel it then suddenly it"s gone,有时我能感觉到它的存在,有时却又突然消失,Some days I can tell you the truth and some days I just don"t.有时我说的是实话,有时准星全失Only a change of mood,只有心情变幻Sun goes down日出日落Someone says something too quick or too soon,有人说有些事情来得太突然或太快,A touch not made, one made too late还未来得及触摸,就已消失Armies of words can not hope to contain千言万语难以表达That it comes and it goes,它是那么捉摸不定And I have no control.而且我无法控制Some days I can think clear and some days I won"t,Sometimes I can feel it and suddenly it"s gone,有时我能感觉到,有时却突然踪影全无,Some days I"m strong and some days my skin"s broken and thin有时我坚强,而有时我脸皮薄It arrives when it feels, and takes what it needs感觉到时水到渠成,那样自如And it leaves before I get to know还没来得及回味便已消失It"s only a step away, moments它只有一步之遥,片刻之臾Then armies of words can not hope to contain千言万语难以表达That it comes and it goes,它是那么捉摸不定And I can"t make it hold而且我无法掌握And there"s nothing I own不在我的掌控之下And it breaks me when it goes失去它让我心碎for leilei献给蕾蕾Some days I want love and some days I don"t,有时我需要爱,有时不需要,Sometimes I can feel it then suddenly it"s gone,有时我能感觉到它的存在,有时却又突然消失,Some days I can tell you the truth and some days I just don"t,有时我说的是实话,有时准星全失Only a change of mood, dream comes out,只有心情变幻,才会有梦想,Someone does something too quick or too soon,有人做事太突然或太快,A move not made, one made too late,一步来迟,步步跟不上Armies of words can not hope to contain千言万语难以表达That it comes and it goes and I can"t seem to hold,千言万语难以表达而且而且我无法掌握And there"s nothing I own and it breaks me when it goes.不在我的掌控之下,而且失去它让我心碎

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what does the little boy like ?Play cards

The Tremeloes的《Be Mine》 歌词

歌曲名:Be Mine歌手:The Tremeloes专辑:Silence Is Golden - The Very Best OfThe Kooks - Be Mine lyricsArtist: The Kooks lyricsAlbum: B-Sides & DemosTitle: Be MineEdit By:manutdr08I never thought we"d come this farBut then how we come that farAnd I won"t let them inCause she"s my lover and not my friendI"m so scared to lose you nowSo easy to lose you nowBecause there calling at my doorSo I"m locking up my doorNow my thoughts are very darkAnd my dreams are always darkDon"t let them take me awayCause I want me to stayBut be mine, ohWon"t you be mine, ohBe mine, oh ohTake it all outsideCause you don"t need itDon"t need to cry, oh noTake it all outsideCause you don"t need meDon"t need to cryI never thought we"d come this farBut then how we come that farAnd I won"t let them inCause she"s my lover and not my friendI"m so scared to lose it nowOh it"s so easy to lose it nowBecause they"re calling at my doorSo I"m locking up my doorOh be mine, ohWont you be mine, ohBe mineBe mineTake it all outsideCause you don"t need itDon"t need to cry, oh noTake it all outsideCause you don"t need meDon"t need to cry, yeahSo be mine, oh ohBe mine, ohBe mine!http://music.baidu.com/song/7356918

Joey Defrancesco的《Volare》 歌词

歌曲名:Volare歌手:Joey Defrancesco专辑:Goodfellasgal 在横行无忌舞池内令全场围住也应该巴不得挨埋身示爱gal 让灵魂摇荡太精彩共连场旋律化不开为何而来令我期待要接近最爱陌路人要接近也怕太亲近寂寞人每晚跳过过瘾便独自远飞就似风筝hey mr dj 要播爆这天地欣赏她肢体将水银都泻地hey mr dj 要靠你有品味想跟她高飞跟音乐赌我运气gal 在徘徊巡视你存在但行离行近再分开仿佛身影全都是爱gal 没携来同伴太悲哀令途人呆望太不该愿全场唯独我期待要接近最爱陌路人要接近也怕太亲近寂寞人每晚跳过过瘾便独自远飞就似风筝hey mr dj 要播爆这天地欣赏她肢体将水银都泻地hey mr dj 要靠你有品味想跟她高飞跟音乐赌我运气hey mr dj 到了这个境地假使她消失怎保存这胜地hey mr dj 看透我意思未请拣些恋歌使她无可退避hey mr dj 要播爆这天地欣赏她肢体将水银都泻地hey mr dj 要靠你有品味想跟她高飞跟音乐赌我运气http://music.baidu.com/song/7769888

DHCP有上网账号密码吗? 如何改成pppoe方式

1、DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol,动态主机配置协议)是一个局域网的网络协议,使用UDP协议工作, 主要有两个用途:给内部网络或网络服务供应商自动分配IP地址,给用户或者内部网络管理员作为对所有计算机作中央管理的手段,在RFC 2131中有详细的描述。DHCP有3个端口,其中UDP67和UDP68为正常的DHCP服务端口,分别作为DHCP Server和DHCP Client的服务端口;546号端口用于DHCPv6 Client,而不用于DHCPv4,是为DHCP failover服务,这是需要特别开启的服务,DHCP failover是用来做“双机热备”的。2、与传统的接入方式相比,PPPoE具有较高的性价比,它在包括小区组网建设等一系列应用中被广泛采用,目前流行的宽带接入方式ADSL 就使用了PPPoE协议。通过ADSL方式上网的计算机大都是通过以太网卡(Ethernet)与互联网相连的。同样使用的还是普通的TCP/IP方式,并没有附加新的协议。另外一方面,调制解调器的拨号上网,使用的是PPP协议,即Point to Point Protocol,点到点协议,该协议具有用户认证及通知IP地址的功能。PPP over Ethernet(PPPoE)协议,是在以太网络中转播PPP帧信息的技术,尤其适用于ADSL等方式。

谁能给我MJ的 Planet Earth(Poem) 歌词兼翻译

Planet Earth, my home, my place行星地球,我的家,我的地方A capricious anomaly in the sea of space宇宙海洋中奇特的异象Planet Earth are you just行星地球你是否只是Floating by, a cloud of dust一团飘荡的尘土A minor globe, about to bust一个快破的小球A piece of metal bound to rust一片必要生锈的金属A speck of matter in a mindless void 一点混沌无知的元素A lonely spaceship, a large asteroid一艘寂寞的太空船,一颗大点的飞行物Cold as a rock without a hue像毫无色彩的石头一样冷酷Held together with a bit of glue又像只用点胶水粘住Something tells me this isn"t true 不,真想已经表露You are my sweetheart, soft and blue你是我的甜心,柔弱而忧郁Do you care, have you a part是否介意,让我将你拥有In the deepest emotions of my own heart在我情意之最深处Tender with breezes caressing and whole 如微风轻抚Alive with music, haunting my soul. 如音乐不止,永远萦绕心头In my veins I"ve felt the mystery 深入肺腑,我体验了时间的奥秘,Of corridors of time, books of history历史的典籍Life songs of ages throbbing in my blood生命行进之歌在我血液里舞动Have danced to the rhythm of the tide and flood这舞动的节奏是大水和潮汐Your misty clouds, your electric storm你黯淡的乌云,你刺激的风暴Were turbulent tempests in my own form在我体内骚动,咆哮I"ve licked the salt, the bitter, the sweet我已遍尝咸涩,辛辣和甘甜Of every encounter, of passion, of heat可每次遇见你都会有激情和高潮Your riotous color, your fragrance, your taste你丰富的色调,你的馨香,你的味道Have thrilled my senses beyond all haste永远让我惊颤,越越过任何狂躁In your beauty, I"ve known the how在你的美丽中,我已知晓Of timeless bliss, this moment of now体会此时此刻,就是永恒的福报Planet Earth, gentle and blue行星地球,温柔而忧郁With all my heart, I love you 用我的全心,我爱你

If you go to the park tomorrow morning ,------ Aso he does Bso does he C so will heDso he will


Does the truth change depending on how people look at things?


joe satriani 用的什么吉他

主要是这款 Ibanez js1200还有些JS其他系列的

以 my heroes(成功人士) 写一篇英语作文

But you know what most nigga look up to like PresidentsNiggas thats in sportsAll this type of shit as heroesThey might look at motherfuckin Muhammed AliYah know Sugar Ray Leanord, Mike Tyson, but me..[Master P]Air Jordan aint no motherfuckin hero GMy heroes is niggas in the ghetto that slang DThat right on chrome and triple gold and pimp hoesAnd take any nigga in the click to the Super BowlAnd party like it aint nothinBut most of my homies they done died over drug moneyLike Bizzy Bob and Sam Skutty but I still love emAir full of motherfucker and I still wanna hug emBig Dave, my nigga gone to the battle fieldDandon and Levi, damn guard ya grillMaster PCuz where ya goin you gotta watch your backJudge, god damn another nigga didnt make it back (Mr.C)My lil brother Kevin Miller rest in peaceElbraud, Nextditch, and Big LeafLil Girl, and Boo, and AnguardBig Pepper, God damn what yall thinkin aboutThey gone, I mean they soldiersBut thets the type of cal i live up and hold toLike Joe Jackson, Lil EmmoRandy,Sir Pat, God damnThey got bigger, the list go longerI could start from New Orleans and go back to CaliforniaTo lil Tony,to dime PSeritz,Burnell,can"t believeThat he"s gone, the ScarfaceDank,Loot,and MeatheadAnd what about Kenny SepAnd all my niggas that dead and gone that got caught in the repAnd my other heroes still livinBut they locked up behind bars, caught up in some pigeonsLike my lil cousin Jimmy,lil HorgelRandall,Marlow,Pee Wee damnAnother mission completeTook off the streets locked up by the policeMeatball, and Nap, La Crowe Pac, jinte, the gats go powBut my homies got caught upEven though they had no way out the ghetto but the come upOff the streets in the hood money[Chorus x4]My Ghetto HeroesI watched em live fast, I watched em die slow [Skull Duggery]What you mean I need a heroA hero is a zero to meThe only hero that I know is them niggas in my hood GThey gave me the game so I enhanced the gatThan I took the game, and ripped it out the frameI tried and told yaA hero can"t be ya lucky rabbit"s foot or ya 4-leaf cloverIt all be a myth in ya mindA hero aint about shit if they aint about dyingYou know who was a hero to methat nigga MoXs on the Howard J G[Master P]And yall other niggas thats still livinThat wanna be a hero but can"t be givinYo life up for these streetsBut this goin out to my homies out there slangin DThat still hustlin in the game tryin to make itBut yall niggas better realize you cant fake itYou either in or out aint no halfway inCuz when you die in the end you go to the penAnd its realer than you real niggas feel meThis for my niggas that are heroes in my hood G

高手帮忙翻译一下Jordan Pruitt的my shoes歌词 谢谢

jondan普鲁伊我的鞋Oooh ...是啊...是的步骤一步我的鞋宝贝我很到您在我的步骤一步鞋如果只有你可以在我的鞋一步,您知道如何我觉得你会知道我对你有好处(对你有好处)如果只你可以在我的鞋一步宝贝你会明白我的意思让我只是让我的举动如果只有你可以一步一步在我的鞋在我的鞋是婴儿,婴儿是在我的步骤是婴儿鞋

what does friendship mean to you?what do you think is the different between friendship and love?

Today , I"m giving a speech about Differences between Love and Friendship. Friendship is like a plant while love is the flower it grows. Friendship is very pure , a friend may ask nothing from you while a lover does. Having a friend is a small matter , but when you have a true friend , you may have a sense of happiness in your own mind . Having a lover is a wonderful thing , just like lying in the sun . You can get protections and encourages from your lover . Friendship and love may have many differences , but one thing for sure , friendship and love are both selfless. That"s all , thank you.

i love you foever DJ原音乐叫什么名字?

首先更正一下“i love you foever”是错误的写法,应该为:i love you for ever这首曲子原名:Mr. Konrad - 4ever歌手:Mr. Konrad歌名:4ever歌词:Artist: Mr KonradTitle: 4Ever (E Adesso Stop)Notte...ballare Nottevolare Notte gridare Notte per volare Notte per ballare Notte per gridare Notte per amare E Adesso stop don"t break my heart come to me and go forever (2x) Ora saprai che la notte fatta per noi per chiuder gli occhi e poi volare lass forever E sentirai il suono dentro di noi salire sempre di pi e griderai forever S capirai che il sogno si avverer un gioco magico che lo puoi chiamare amore E Adesso stop don"t break my heart come to me and go forever (4x) Stanotte vedrai le mani in alto con noi segnare il tempo e tu, tu ballerai forever Adesso lo sai che siamo in tanti oramai e un coro s"innalzer scoprendo cos" l"amore E Adesso stop don"t break my heart come to me and go forever (2x) Notte per volare Notte per ballare Notte per gridare Notte per amare 下载(进入后点下载2字):http://www.qianqian.com/mlisen.php?mid=77671中国DJ,Dj Sunny翻唱过,改为Dj Sunny - I LOVE YOU 4 EVER,没有意义。———————————————————————————————————“在百度上打入i love you foever有几首DJ,但是找不到原版没DJ的版本...”ps:这首舞曲一诞生就是这个样子,电子舞曲肯定不像流行乐。更不存在“原版没DJ的版本”,因为这就是原版。
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