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ode破解就是专指e3硬破,拆机焊接e3 ode芯片,只能用于3K以上型号的机器。


% by dynamic% see also http://www.matlabsky.com% contact me matlabsky@gmail.com% 2009-8-4 13:49:27%对于ode方程的Matlab求解,可以参考我的教程,里面有很多实例http://www.matlabsky.com/thread-526-1-1.html 至于你说的Matlab怎么知道y(2)是y的一阶导数,这个你不需要问如果你学过控制方面的状态变量,就比较好明白,我们在微分方程变化时,就是需要获取各个一阶变量的表达式function matlabskyy0=[0 0];tspan=[0 10][t,y]=ode45(@odefun,tspan,y0)function dy=odefun(t,y)u=1;dy=[y(x)u*(1-y(1^2))*y(2)-y(1)]; =========================计算机不需要知道那个数据的具体意义是什么他只需要根据你的方程带入你需要的数据,比如你的y(8)代表的是y的7阶导数,Matlab是不知道的,也没有必要,Matlab计算时就是根据你的分解出来的一阶微分方程带入数据计算,那个数据到底代表什么是由你自己定义的,所以说方程转化的很重要,一定要清晰每个状态变量代表到底是什么



matlab ode45 与ode15s 有什么区别 应该怎么选择?





呵呵 你加了一个real(y)结果当然不会有复数了你都改变了原来的方程了,并且确保原来的函数值一定是实数至于你的警告意思是说,由于积分步长达到最小值,可是积分仍不收敛,可能的原因是你的微分方程存在奇异点,或者严重的刚性问题换成ode23s试试,另外将微分精度调整小些,还不行就是你的方程在你的微分区间中一定是有奇点,将微分区间改小些



MATLAB 程序中 ode 都有哪些? 比如ode15、ode23 ode45,各有什么优缺点?适用范围有哪些?

这张图来自于MATLAB 技术论坛,这是一个非常有价值的网站,里面高手云集,希望你可以进去看看,里面有非常详细的关于ODE的介绍http://www.matlabsky.com/thread-528-1-1.html




前者的发音没有l的音,后者的发音有l的音,这是软腭化齿龈边音,舌尖要顶到上排牙齿的后面。辅音字母l在单字里发舌侧音/l/的音,发音时,声带振动,舌端抵住上齿龈,气流经过口腔由舌身两侧而出,有一定的长度。/l/这个音有两个变音,一个叫做清晰/l/,一个叫做含糊/l/,前者出现在字首、字中位置,发音时,舌身前高后低,声音清晰,而后者出现在辅音前和字尾的位置,发音时,舌端稍往上齿龈后部移动,舌身中部凹下,舌身后部略为抬高,声音含糊。如:leg 腿lake 湖泊(被陆地围着的大片积水)leaf 树叶lion 狮子lemon 柠檬live 住lip 嘴唇light 光希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。


ODE:(Ordinary Differential Equations)常微分方程;




最近想挖掘一下自己项目的理论深度,于是找到了老师。在老师的建议下,我们开始了漫长的研读老师的论文的旅程(论文名:Optimal Design of Adaptive Robust Control for Fuzzy Swarm Robot Systems 模糊群自适应鲁棒控制的优化设计机器人系统)。这篇文章写的是关于群体智能控制在机器人群中的运用,提到了许多控制理论。诸如李雅普诺夫方程,模糊群分析,优化理论等等。作为一个理论白痴我选择将这些理论的东西的学习理解交给我的大佬队友。然后我选择了学习最后的simulation(实验仿真)。这里面的simulation用到了一种求解隐式微分方程的方法。于是就有了这篇文章的由来。求解常微分方程组的方法1、dsolve 函数dsolve函数用于求常微分方程组的精确解,也称为常微分方程的符号解。如果没有初始条件或边界条件,则求出通解;如果有,则求出特解。1)函数格式 Y = dsolve(‘eq1,eq2,…" , "cond1,cond2,…" , "Name")其中,‘eq1,eq2,…":表示微分方程或微分方程组; "cond1,cond2,…":表示初始条件或边界条件; ‘Name":表示变量。没有指定变量时,matlab默认的变量为t;2)例程例1.1(dsolve 求解微分方程) 求解微分方程: frac{dy}{dx}=3x^{2}在命令行输入: dsolve("Dy=3*x^2","x") ,摁下enter键后输出运行结果。例1.2(加上初始条件)求解微分方程:只需要在命令行添加初始条件即可,此时求出的即为方程的特解。可以看到上例中的C9变为了2。例2(dsolve 求解微分方程组)求解微分方程组: 由于x,y均为t的导数,所以不需要在末尾添加"t"。2、ode函数在上文中我们介绍了dsolve函数。但有大量的常微分方程,虽然从理论上讲,其解是存在的,但我们却无法求出其解析解,此时,我们需要寻求方程的数值解。怎么理解数值求解呢?数值分析是一门专门的学科,在此不过多介绍。我主要想通过一个简单的例子来向大家阐述数值求解的思想。比如,求解微分方程 。我们就可以转化为,那么。因此,我们可以通过迭代的方式来求解y。即可理解为步长。ode是Matlab专门用于解微分方程的功能函数。该求解器有变步长(variable-step)和定步长(fixed-step)两种类型。不同类型有着不同的求解器。然后我又从其他大佬那ctrl+v了一份具体点的ODE求解器的整理。在工程实践中,我们经常遇到一些ODEs,其中某些解变换缓慢,另一些变化很快,且相差悬殊的微分方程,这就是所谓的刚性问题(Stiff),对于所有解的变化相当我们则称为非刚性问题(Nonstiff)。变步长模式解法器有:ode45,ode23,ode113,ode15s,ode23s,ode23t,ode23tb和discrete。a) ode45:缺省值,四/五阶龙格-库塔法,适用于大多数连续或离散系统,但不适用于刚性(stiff)系统。它是单步解法器,也就是,在计算y(tn)时,它仅需要最近处理时刻的结果y(tn-1)。一般来说,面对一个仿真问题最好是首先试试ode45。b) ode23:二/三阶龙格-库塔法,它在误差限要求不高和求解的问题不太难的情况下,可能会比ode45更有效。也是一个单步解法器。c) ode113:是一种阶数可变的解法器,它在误差容许要求严格的情况下通常比ode45有效。ode113是一种多步解法器,也就是在计算当前时刻输出时,它需要以前多个时刻的解。d) ode15s:是一种基于数字微分公式的解法器(NDFs)。也是一种多步解法器。适用于刚性系统,当用户估计要解决的问题是比较困难的,或者不能使用ode45,或者即使使用效果也不好,就可以用ode15s。e) ode23s:它是一种单步解法器,专门应用于刚性系统,在弱误差允许下的效果好于ode15s。它能解决某些ode15s所不能有效解决的stiff问题。f) ode23t:是梯形规则的一种自由插值实现。这种解法器适用于求解适度stiff的问题而用户又需要一个无数字振荡的解法器的情况。g)ode23tb:是TR-BDF2的一种实现, TR-BDF2 是具有两个阶段的隐式龙格-库塔公式。 h)discrtet:当Simulink检查到模型没有连续状态时使用它。固定步长模式解法器有:ode5,ode4,ode3,ode2,ode1和discrete。a) ode5:缺省值,是ode45的固定步长版本,适用于大多数连续或离散系统,不适用于刚性系统。b) ode4:四阶龙格-库塔法,具有一定的计算精度。c) ode3:固定步长的二/三阶龙格-库塔法。d) ode2:改进的欧拉法。e) ode1:欧拉法。f) discrete:是一个实现积分的固定步长解法器,它适合于离散无连续状态的系统。^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^分割线^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^其中,ode45求解器属于变步长的一种,采用Runge-Kutta算法;其他采用相同算法的变步长求解器还有ode23。ode45表示采用四阶-五阶Runge-Kutta算法,它用4阶方法提供候选解,5阶方法控制误差,是一种自适应步长(变步长)的常微分方程数值解法,其整体截断误差为(Δx)^5。解决的是Nonstiff(非刚性)常微分方程。ode45是解决数值解问题的首选方法,若长时间没结果,应该就是刚性的,可换用ode15s试试。下面将以ode45为例具体介绍函数的使用方法。1)函数格式 [T,Y] = ode45(‘odefun",tspan,y0)[T,Y] = ode45(‘odefun",tspan,y0,options)[T,Y,TE,YE,IE] = ode45(‘odefun",tspan,y0,options)sol = ode45(‘odefun",[t0 tf],y0...)其中: odefun是函数句柄,可以是函数文件名,匿名函数句柄或内联函数名; tspan 是求解区间 [t0 tf],或者一系列散点[t0,t1,...,tf]; y0 是初始值向量 T 返回列向量的时间点 Y 返回对应T的求解列向量 options 是求解参数设置,可以用odeset在计算前设定误差,输出参数,事件等 TE 事件发生时间 YE 事件发生时之答案 IE 事件函数消失时之指针i2)微分方程标准化利用ode45求解高阶微分方程时,需要做变量替换。下面说明替换的基本思路。微分方程为初始条件首先做变量替换 原微分方程可以转换为下面的微分方程组的格式:下面就可以利用转换好的微分方程组来编写odefun函数。实战运用例3.1(编写odefun函数)在matlab中新建脚本文件,编写函数如下:本例中只需在例3.1的基础上编写主函数,加上求解区间和边值条件即可。需要注意的是,ode45的运行结果以列向量形式给出。因此在本例中,x的第一列为y,第二列为y"。如果遇到变量不是列向量形式的,可以考虑利用reshape函数做矩阵变换。则,plot(t,x(:,1))画出来的是x的第一列数据,即为y; plot(t,x(:,2))画出来的是x的第二列数据,即为y";得到的结果如下: 这算是ode45的一个小实战了吧那么这个时候咱们来看看ode15s。咱就是说,对于一个理论白痴而言,这个ode15s的用法不就跟ode45的用法一样嘛(后来我看了下好像好几个ode求解器的用法都一个样子)。想要运用这个那还不简单hhh。直接开搞还是用上面那个例子:没错,就是把ode45更改成ode15s就行了(其余求解器同理hhh)。对比一下两个图像,发现仅仅就是点集的密集程度不同,还没有很大的差别。然后感觉这个小例子不太好玩,想玩点更高级的。混沌混沌运动的直观形象,在随能量不断耗散而自由度降低的耗散系统中看得更清楚。1963年美国气象学家E.洛伦茨在研究对天气至关紧要的热对流问题时,把包含无穷多自由度的热对流偏微分方程简化为三个变量的一阶非线性常微分方程组:dx/dt=-σx+σydy/dt=rx-y-xzdz/dt=bz+xy式中变量x表示大气对流强度,y表示上升流与下降流温差,z表示垂直温度剖面变化。系数σ为普朗特数,r为瑞利数,b为量度水平温度结构与垂直温度结构衰减率之差异。洛伦茨选定σ=10,r=28,b=8/3,然后数值求解方程组。结果发现,这极度简化了的系统,出现了极为复杂的运动形式。起始值的细微变化,足以使轨道全然改观。把数值计算结果在由x,y,z支撑的三维相空间中画出来。这是一条在三维空间似乎无序地左右回旋的连续光滑曲线,它并不自我相交,呈现复杂的结构纹样。无论初始值选取在哪里,系统轨道有同一归宿,形成所谓奇异吸引子。在奇异吸引子上,如果选取任意接近的两个点为初始值,其运动轨迹以指数方式迅速分离,表现出对初值的极端敏感。具体的是,轨道左右跳动的顺序和次数完全不同。计算表明,初始位置几乎会聚在一起的10,000个点,稍后便会在图中所示的吸引子上到处分布,说明这样的系统中,由于初值的细微不同,运动是不可预测的。(更多的在这)看不懂没关系,因为我也看不太懂hhh(不愧是理论白痴),咱就来看看这个微分方程,自己用求解器解着玩一玩呗。 frac{dx}{dt}=delta (y-x) (1) frac{dy}{dt} = rx-y-xz (2) frac{dz}{dt}=xy-bz (3)(咱就是说,百度百科里的这个式子少了个负号,我跑matlab发现没负号是跑不出来的。无论哪个求解器都不行。然后看了看其他地方的混沌理论的式子,确实是-bz)没问题了那就跑呗。为啥代这几个值(我看的视频),不过我查了一下hhh这几个参数是来源于某个地方: 奇异吸引子(Strange Attractor)——非线性系统的一大杰作(这是我看的资料来源)然后接着敲代码:先跑一跑一阶的x。已经有点混沌的影子了;二阶:这里是用y和z跑的图像。用x,y;x,z跑出来又不一样:有点内味了叭!下面将隆重推出三阶最终的图像:有没有感觉像一个蝴蝶?哈哈,没错。告诉大家一个秘密,其实这才是蝴蝶效应名字的由来。以上代码是用ode45跑的,用另外一个求解器同理。总结 真没啥总结。整理下来证明了自己还是学了东西的hhh。老师说,我们后面在跑证明的时候会出现用ode45解不出来的式子,而用ode15s和其他几个求解器能跑出来。这是由于不同的求解器内部都有不同的算法,能求解不同的式子,达到不同的精度。就是说有点子好奇与期待了!放一张老师论文里的仿真图:下次文章如果大家能看到我把以上4个图里的3个参数变成5个,那就说明我对于自己项目的理论的仿真部分算是成功了哈哈哈!


【ODE 物理引擎】 ODE (Open Dynamic Engine) 是一个免费的具有工业品质的刚体动力学的库,一款优秀的开源物理引擎。它能很好地仿真现实环境中的可移动物体,它是快速,强健和 可移植的。而且它有内建的碰撞检测系统。3D游戏场景的编写主要使用了3D图形API-OpenGL 和ODE引擎等游戏仿真技术。










ODE方程是常微分方程(ordinary differential equation),凡含有参数,未知函数和未知函数导数 (或微分) 的方程,称为微分方程,有时简称为方程,未知函数是一元函数的微分方程称作常微分方程。PDE方程(Partial differential equation)是包含未知函数的偏导数(或偏微分)的方程。方程中所出现未知函数偏导数的最高阶数,称为该方程的阶。在数学、物理及工程技术中应用最广泛的,是二阶偏微分方程,习惯上把这些方程称为数学物理方程。扩展资料一般说来,如果是自变量,以u为未知函数的偏微分方程的一般形式是F是它的变元的函数,所包含的偏导数的最高阶数称为偏微分方程的阶数。由若干个偏微分方程所构成的等式组就称为偏微分方程组,其未知函数也可以是若干个。当方程的个数超过未知函数的个数时,就称这偏微分方程组为超定的;当方程的个数少于未知函数的个数时,就称为欠定的。参考资料来源:百度百科——ODE常微分方程参考资料来源:百度百科——偏微分方程


翻译ode[美] [od] [英] [05ud] 名词颂歌;赋[可数名词]其他形式名词odes同义词及反义词近似同义词song; poetry; 网络定义a lyric poem with complex stanza forms wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwnAn ode (Classical Greek: 66δ06) is a form of stately and elaborate lyrical verse. A classic ode is structured in three parts: the strophe, the antistrophe, and the epode. Different forms such as the homostrophic ode and the irregular ode also exist. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OdeOde is a poem written in 1874 by the English poet Arthur O"Shaughnessy. It is often referred to by its first line We are the music makers. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ode (poem)相关语言ode 也是下列语言中的字词: Deutsch 其实像查单词都可以到这个网站去查查看,应该可以得到你想要的答案。网站是http://www.hao123.com/ss/fy.htm


ode是常微分方程的英文缩写,即ordinarydiffrentialequation,如果在微分方程中,自变量的个数只有一个,这就是ode方程,例如形如f(x,y,y",y)=0的方程就是一个二阶ode方程;pde方程指偏微分方程,即:partialdifferentialequation,指的是自变量的个数为两个或两个以上的微分方程,如y(t)+y"(x)=0(这里的导数指的是y对t及x的偏导数)。  方程(equation),是表示两个数学式(如两个数、函数、量、运算)之间相等关系的一种等式,通常在两者之间有一等号“=”。方程不用按逆向思维思考,可直接列出等式并含有未知数。使等式成立的未知数的值称的“解”或“根”。求方程的解的过程称为“解方程”。方程在学习中有着至关重要的作用。


ODE是常微分方程的英文缩写,即ordinary diffrential equation,如果在微分方程中,自变量的个数只有一个,这就是ODE方程,例如形如F(x,y,y",y")=0的方程就是一个二阶ODE方程;PDE方程指偏微分方程,即:partial differential equation,指的是自变量的个数为两个或两个以上的微分方程,如y"(t)+y"(x)=0(这里的导数指的是y对t及x的偏导数)。

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with, ofCan youmake a model plane with a knife?(用小刀with)Yes, I can make it of wood.(用木头make...of)

如何学习codejock toolkitpro

1,确定你已经装好了XTP。2,修改目录:工具/选项/目录 1include files : D:Microsoft Visual StudioXtreme ToolkitPro v11.2.2Source2librarys files : D:Microsoft Visual StudioXtreme ToolkitPro v11.2.2Libvc603,工程/设置/C++ 在工程选项里面添加:/Zm200 注意大小写。4,在stdAfx.h里面添加:#include <XTToolkitPro.h> 5,在Dialog.h文件中,Dialog定义的地方改为:1#define CDialogSampleDlgBase CXTPDialogBase<CXTResizeDialog>2class CCardManageDlg : public CDialogSampleDlgBase{3public:4。。。5}6,在Dialog构造函数实现的地方改为:1CCardManageDlg::CCardManageDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)2: CDialogSampleDlgBase(CCardManageDlg::IDD, pParent)3{。。。4}7,dialog构造函数实现内,预先配置:1XTPSkinManager()->SetApplyOptions(XTPSkinManager()->GetApplyOptions() | xtpSkinApplyMetrics);//这句必须有,2XTPSkinManager()->LoadSkin(_T("Office2007.cjstyles"));//这句是设置一种风格,Office2007.cjstyles是风格文件名,要拷贝过来。8,增加变量:1BOOL m_bInRepositionControls, m_bInitDone;2CRect m_rcBorders;用于第9,10步中,重新设置组件位置和大小。9,在initdialog里面添加:1VERIFY(InitCommandBars());//XTP带,预处理,不可少。CXTPCommandBars* pCommandBars = GetCommandBars();//CXTPCommandBars管理TOOLBAR,Menu和status./***开始添加菜单***/01pCommandBars->SetMenu(_T("Menu Bar"), IDR_MENU1);02CXTPToolBar* pToolBar = pCommandBars->Add(_T("Standard"), xtpBarTop);03pToolBar->LoadToolBar(IDR_MAINFRAME);040506XTPImageManager()->SetIcons(IDR_MAINFRAME);//图标070809pCommandBars->GetCommandBarsOptions()->ShowKeyboardCues(xtpKeyboardCuesShowWindowsDefault);//额外的。10pCommandBars->GetToolTipContext()->SetStyle(xtpToolTipOffice);//额外的。11// pCommandBars->GetShortcutManager()->SetAccelerators(IDR_ACCELERATOR);//快捷键121314LoadCommandBars(_T("CommandBars"));//XTP必须/****下面是为解决MENU和TOOLBAR引起的错位,通过迭代对所有子组件重拍******/01CWnd* pwndChild = GetWindow(GW_CHILD);02while (pwndChild)03{ 04 SetResize(pwndChild->GetDlgCtrlID(), SZ_TOP_LEFT, CXTResizePoint( 0, 0) );05//0,0表示水平和竖直方向都不缩放。06 pwndChild = pwndChild->GetNextWindow();07}080910m_bInitDone = TRUE;11RepositionControls();//重设组件位置和大小,实现见10.121314m_szMin = m_szWindow;15AutoLoadPlacement(_T("Placement"));10,实现RepositionControls();//重设组件位置和大小,无需看,直接复制。01void CCardManageDlg::RepositionControls()02{03if (m_bInRepositionControls || !m_bInitDone)04 return;050607CRect rcClientStart;08CRect rcClientNow;09GetClientRect(rcClientStart);101112if ((GetStyle() & WS_MINIMIZE) || (rcClientStart.IsRectEmpty()))13 return;141516m_bInRepositionControls = TRUE;17RepositionBars(AFX_IDW_CONTROLBAR_FIRST, AFX_IDW_CONTROLBAR_LAST, 0, reposQuery, rcClientNow);18CRect rcBorders(rcClientNow.left - rcClientStart.left, rcClientNow.top - rcClientStart.top, rcClientStart.right - rcClientNow.right, rcClientStart.bottom - rcClientNow.bottom);192021if (rcBorders != m_rcBorders)22{23 CPoint ptOffset(rcBorders.left - m_rcBorders.left, rcBorders.top - m_rcBorders.top);24 CSize szOffset(rcBorders.left + rcBorders.right - m_rcBorders.left - m_rcBorders.right,25 rcBorders.top + rcBorders.bottom - m_rcBorders.top - m_rcBorders.bottom);2627 CRect rcWindow;28 GetWindowRect(rcWindow);29 rcWindow.BottomRight() += szOffset;3031 Offset(ptOffset);32 m_szWindow += szOffset;33 m_szMin += szOffset;3435 MoveWindow(rcWindow, TRUE);36}373839m_rcBorders = rcBorders;40RepositionBars(AFX_IDW_CONTROLBAR_FIRST, AFX_IDW_CONTROLBAR_LAST, 0);41m_bInRepositionControls = FALSE;42}11,添加状态栏的方法:状态栏变量:CXTPStatusBar m_wndStatusBar;在ONinitdialog里面加:1if (!m_wndStatusBar.Create(this) || !m_wndStatusBar.SetIndicators(indicators, sizeof(indicators)/sizeof(UINT)))2{3 TRACE0("Failed to create status barn");4 return -1; // fail to create5}678m_wndStatusBar.SetPaneInfo(0, ID_SEPARATOR, SBPS_STRETCH, 100);在合适的地方调用m_wndStatusBar.SetWindowText(lpsz);即可设置显示文本/***下面这句有时间看看**/1LRESULT CDialogSampleDlg::OnKickIdle(WPARAM, LPARAM)2{3if (GetCommandBars())4GetCommandBars()->UpdateCommandBars();5if (m_wndStatusBar.GetSafeHwnd())6m_wndStatusBar.SendMessage(WM_IDLEUPDATECMDUI, TRUE);7return 0;8}最小使用方法:1. 在stdafx.h文件中加入:1#include <XTToolkitPro.h>2. 在对话框构造函数中加入:1XTPSkinManager()->LoadSkin(_T("Office2007.cjstyles"));3. 动态创建的控件或者是没有自动使用皮肤的控件使用下面语句强制使用皮肤1XTPSkinManager()->ApplyWindow(myCtrl->m_hWnd);

《Good News On A Bad Day》歌曲的中文翻译 求歌词


One Good Reason 歌词

歌曲名:One Good Reason歌手:The Northern Pikes专辑:Secrets Of The AlibiSebastian Bach - One Good ReasonQQ : 349777127I"ve been mistreatedKicked down on the floorI try do hard to get upBut I can"t take it no more"Cause you"re livin" in a daydreamI exist in the nowAnd I got no time for lookin" backAt the jokers and the clowns, noYou turned your back on meAnd I lost my faith in youAnd now I just can"t seeWhat we are gonna doGive all I have to give to find myself away from thisThere"s no truth in words you saySo give me one good reason to stayI"m sick of betrayalTakin" all you can getYou treat my world like your trash can, babyLike a ring around my neckNever silent but deadlyStick my head above the crowdTake your aim take your best shotYou"ll never stone me down, noAnd now I just can"t seeWhat we are gonna doGive all I have to give to find myself away from thisThere"s no truth in words you saySo give me one good reason to stayNo,no no no no...You turned your back on meAnd I lost my faith in youGive all I have to give to find myself away from thisThere"s no truth in words you saySo give me one good reason to stayOne good reason to stayOne good reason to stayOne good reason to walk awayStayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2859914


what a bad day today!

it was a bad day but also a good day!英语作文


One Good Reason 歌词

歌曲名:One Good Reason歌手:Walter Duda专辑:Daylight AgainHow could I be so dumbI wanted to believe someoneHow could I be so dumbI wanted to believe someone I shouldn"t haveMade the mistake of opening my mouthI thought you"d understand but I guessThat thinking doesn"t countAct all concerned--well, sucks for me manCan"t wait to see where you will beWhen it finally hits the fanYou tell me I shouldn"t want to dieBut can"t give me one good reason Why!Oh give it up and get out of my wayDon"t bother patronizing me just cuzYou"ve got nothing to say I"ve takenWhat you"ve told me-I was ready toApply "liars can"t be trusted" man, butYou"re the one who liedYou tell me I shouldn"t want to dieBut can"t give me one good reason Why!One time my spine controlled by yourSmall mind so many reasons for whatYou"ve justified (don"t kill yourself)How could I be so dumbI wanted to believe someoneHow could I be so dumbI wanted to believe someoneYou tell me I shouldn"t want to dieBut can"t give me one good reasonWhy!You tell me I shouldn"t want to dieBut can"t give (You cant give me)You canhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15000294

today is a bad day还是today was a bad day


a ,it ,day ,bad ,but ,day ,a ,also ,was ,good ,!连

It was a good day but also a bad day!


What a bad day today!意思是:今天是多么糟糕的一天!


Metallica - The Unforgiven New blood joins this earthAnd quikly he"s subdued Through constant pain disgraceWith time the child draws inThis whipping boy done wrongDeprived of all his thoughtsThe young man struggles on and on he"s knownA vow unto his own That never from this dayWhat I"ve feltWhat I"ve knownNever shined through in what I"ve shownNever be Never seeWhat I"ve feltWhat I"ve knownNever shined through in what I"ve shownNever freeNever meThey dedicate their livesTo running all of hisHe tries to please them allThis bitter man he isThroughout his life the sameHe"s battled constantlyThis fight he cannot winA tired man they see no longer caresThe old man then preparesTo die regretfullyWhat I"ve feltWhat I"ve knownNever shined through in what I"ve shownNever beNever seeWhat I"ve feltWhat I"ve knownNever shined through in what I"ve shownNever freeNever meWhat I"ve feltWhat I"ve knownNever shined through in what I"ve shownNever beNever seeWhat I"ve feltWhat I"ve knownNever shined through in what I"ve shownNever freeNever meNever freeNever meYou labeled meI"ll label you Never freeNever meYou labeled meI"ll label you Never freeNever meSo I dub the unforgiven

body tighteners 什么意思

body tightened身体收紧1But then her body tightened again. 可是接着她身体就又一阵紧张。2Vehicle breakdowns can occur if the fastening nut securing the battery ground strapto the body is not tightened to the specified tightening torque. 如果将蓄电池接地端固定到车身的紧固螺母未能拧紧到指定的拧紧力矩,则可能导致车辆发生故障


基础类MOD1.1.7.10-Forge10.13.0.120------不解释2.InputFix(中文输入补丁)--------支持木牌中文和中文输入3.CraftGuide(G键合成表)--------G键查看物品的合成4.ArmorStatusHUD(耐久显示)-------可以显示物品的耐久度5.voxelmap(小地图)------不解释6.DamageIndicators(血量显示)------------可以显示生物的血量和对生物造成的伤害7.InventoryTweaks(R键整理)-------物品整理MOD8.NotEnoughItems(NEI物品管理器)----非常方便的物品管理器9.StatusEffectHUD(状态显示)-----显示生物的状态10.neiaddons(NEI拓展)------增加NEI对部分MOD的支持11.Waila NEI(高亮显示)-------对着物品可以查看它的相关信息12.OptiFine_1.7.10(高清修复补丁)-------调高帧数,优化材质13.BetterFonts(更好的字体)--------可以自定义字体格式和大小核心类MOD【p.s:某些MOD需要依赖这些核心MOD才能运行,不要删】1.bspkrsCore2.Baubles3.CodeChickenCore4.CodeChickenLib5.Mantle魔法类MOD1.Thaumcraft(神秘时代4)----植物魔法)----r1.2-1093.Blood Magic(血魔法)-v1.2.04.witchery(巫术)-0.20.5魔法类拓展MOD1.ThaumicTinkerer(神秘工匠)--2.5-155--------神秘比较出名的一个拓展,增加很多实用工具2.ThaumicExploration(神秘探险)--1.18---------增加一些神秘实用的东西3.Forbidden Magic(禁忌魔法)-0.51-------与其他魔法MOD联动的神秘拓展MOD4.BotaniaVisualizer(魔力检测器)-------增加了一个工具,可以用于检测植物魔法MOD里物品的魔力5.ThaumcraftMobAspects----增加一些MOD对神秘的支持其它MOD1.twilightforest(暮色森林)-2.2.3-------一个比较出名的探险MOD2.TConstruct(匠魂)-1.6.0d40.1----------------增加了各种工具的制作方法3.natura(自然)--2.2.0-------------------改善生物环境4.BiblioCraft(展示架)-v1.7.4--------------增加许多实用的装饰方块5.magicalcrops(魔法作物)--0.1-------------增加了众多矿物的种子6.weaponmod(更多武器)-----增加了一些武器的制作方法7.ironchest(更多箱子)-----增加了一些箱子的制作方法8.Bagginses(背包)-----增加一些背包9.CraftHeraldry(纹章工艺)---可以自定义各种纹章,一个比较实用的装饰类MOD10.dungeonpack(更多地牢)-----增加了各种地牢的生成11.EnderStorage(末影存储)-----增加一些末影相关的物品

韩剧 我的女孩 neversaygoodbye这首歌的地址,歌手是谁?

never say goodbye 关键词: never say goodbye 演唱: Hayley Westenra(海莉) 专辑: PURE(纯净) 日期:November 10, 2003 公司: Decca 关于唱片: 《纯净》专辑中,Hayley Westenra结合了人与自然共存之美,演唱极具特色的纽西兰传统部落毛利 (Maori) 歌谣「波卡列卡列安那」( Pokarekare Ana ),Hayley Westenra的歌声无懈可击,动人的诠释更是无可取代。古典名曲注入时代新意后的「别说再见」( Never Say Goodbye )柔软人心,还有爱情小品主打歌「黑月亮」( Who Painted The Moon Black ),犹如空谷天籁,曲曲将Hayley Westenra的透明音色质感再完美升华,只消几个音符,听者无不立时被纯净美声彻底征服! 英国当红跨界男高音罗素华生,在一次奥克兰的演唱会期间与Hayley Westenra合作说到: 「第 一次在纽西兰遇到Hayley Westenra,我看到这个娇小的女孩子时心里想,哇!她的声音真的太不可思议了,我只有一个字可以形容她,那就是「天使般的」( angelic )。我认为她是一个「小小奇迹」!( "The first time I met her in New Zealand, I saw this tiny little girl and I thought wow! This voice came out and it was incredible、 The only word that I can use to describe it is “angelic”、 I think she"s a “little phenomenon!" (Russell Watson) NEVER SAY GOODBYE If I could take this moment forever Turn the pages of my mind To another place and time We would never say goodbye If I could find the words I would speak them Then I wouldn"t be tongue-tied When I looked into your eyes We would never say goodbye If I could stop the moon ever rising Day would not become the night Wouldn"t feel this cold inside And we"d never say goodbye I wish that our dreams were frozen Then our hearts would not be broken When we let each other go... If I could steal this moment forever Paint a picture-perfect smile So our story stayed alive We would never say goodbye

Hollywood Undead的《The Diary》 歌词

歌曲名:The Diary歌手:Hollywood Undead专辑:Swan SongsHollywood Undead - The Diarycus I don"t wanna be like thisI"ve been runnin these streetsfor too long nowI"ve got nothing that"s truebut this song nowbut the further I goI wanna go homecus I don"t wanna be like thisI"ve been runnin these streetsfor too long nowI"ve got nothing that"s truebut this song nowbut the further I goI wanna go homebut its hard when you stareinto the bottom of a bottlethat is empty and bareall my desolate soulin my desolate homeit"s my desolate roleyeah I"m here all aloneI can"t think of a reasoncurtains closed, lights are offAm I alive or dead?I haven"t shaved in a weekI always slur when I speaktolerance at its peakanother fit just to sleepoh woe is me woe is meI guess I need lovehoes ya see hoes ya seeI"m just in a rutand I swear I"m tryin baby pleaseBaby don"t leaveBut I guess that"s just meso I sit in my roomand I"ll cry in my bedthinkin about all the shitthat made me wrong in my headI keep tryin to climbbut it seems so steepand go back to sleep.... bitchcus I don"t wanna be like thisI"ve been runnin these streetsfor too long nowI"ve got nothing that"s truebut this song nowbut the further I goI wanna go homecus I don"t wanna be like thisI"ve been runnin these streetsfor too long nowI"ve got nothing that"s truebut this song nowbut the further I goI wanna go homeI watch my momma cryshe says "baby why?"I say "baby died,baby"s gone like a suicide"I don"t think you"ll see him soon, momstay out my room, momtell daddy that I hateI sing this shit for you, Danny, Sasha and Jordanthese tears keep gettin warmereverytime that I hold herI pour this out for youlike a partner in crimeit"s part of the timeswhen you"re sick in the mindyeah I"m sick, oh so sickI"m so sick of this shitYeah I"m lit, oh so litso I stumble aroundtil I stumble fall downto this puddle of my tearslayin here on the groundwhen you"ve got nothing leftyou"ve got nothing left to losewith my last left single breathI"ll still be singing to youso when you bury me manyou better bury me deepand sing along to this songbecause you"re broke And I"m Free???cus I don"t wanna be like thisI"ve been runnin these streetsfor too long nowI"ve got nothing that"s truebut this song nowbut the further I goI wanna go homecus I don"t wanna be like thisI"ve been runnin these streetsfor too long nowI"ve got nothing that"s truebut this song nowbut the further I goI wanna go homeAnd I wanna go back to the startback where we started fromand I know it"s been so longI was wrong, I was wrongI was wrong all alongAnd I wanna go back to the startback where we started fromand I know it"s been so longI was wrong, I was wrongI was wrong all alongcus I don"t wanna be like thisI"ve been runnin these streetsfor too long nowI"ve got nothing that"s truebut this song nowbut the further I goI wanna go homecus I don"t wanna be like thisI"ve been runnin these streetsfor too long nowI"ve got nothing that"s truebut this song nowbut the further I goI wanna go homehttp://music.baidu.com/song/55149315

he is in good health翻译

he is in good health. his health is well. 在以上两句中,health都是作为名词使用. 而healthy是形容词,前面不能加my,your等.

be in good health是什么意思

be healthy的意思精锐长宁天山

be in good health.什么意思?


Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy New Year.是什么意思?

Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy New Year 好运气,身体健康,佳肴.我祝你过一个快乐的新年!

She is a in a good health的表达对吗?

She is a in a good health的表达对她身体很健康。

be in good health是什么意思


用适当形式填空。 1、Good health is ___ ___ ___ thing life.

1.How many rooms are there in the house?(room) 2.My father is a worker_.(work)3.This is Miss Gao.She is our teacher.(her) 4.The shoes under the bed are Mike"s.(Mike) 5.There is a book on the desk.Whose is it?(who) 6.I have two good friends at school.(friend) 7.There are some sheep on the hill.(sheep) 8.Are these pens yours ?you) 9.Look!That is a Chinese car.(China) 10.Are there any children in the room?(child) 11.Who are these women (woman)?They are our teachers. 12.Please colour them (they)brown and yellow. 13.They are twin sisters (sister).

keep in good health还是keep in good healthy


有没有be in a good health 这样的说法

我的爷爷奶奶很健康英语翻译为什么用in good health?

be in good health 在英语中是个习惯用语 ,表示健康状况很好,相当于形容词healthy 健康的。

health可数吗,短语in a good health中的a要加吗?

health不可数,in good health中的不需要a。意思是身体好。

be in good health造句

Wish everyone is in good health in the new year!

英语口语:Good health to you!这种说法地道吗?


keep in good health


be in good health造句

be in good health:身体健康;身体状况良好;身体好 例句: He wanted her mother to be in good health. 他希望她的母亲健康. Now I am in good health and high spirits . 现在我很健康,精神也好极了. My grandmother is in good health. 我祖母健康状况很好. He is in good health all the time. 他的身体状况一直很好.

be in good health 和 keep healthy 的区别


be in good health和be good health有什么区别?

be in good health 是状语be good health 是表语

小学英语作文good health to you

The desire for good health is universal. In our competitive society it is important to maintain good health. On the one hand, people with good health can do work with full confidence and their progress in work in turn contributes to their health and happiness.   On the other hand, a sick person is usually not interested in everything around him and therefore he loses many opportunities to become successful.   There are many ways to keep it. First, those who are always on the go from morning till night should find time to relax because too much stress will affect their health.   Second, enough time should be left for sleep because that will help one become rested and refreshed. Finally, regular physical exercises benefit one"s health a lot. So one should always keep in mind that a certain amount of exercise is not a waste of time.   As for me, I like playing tennis in the morning. I also attach much.

goodhealth葡萄籽,swise的,healthy care的,哪个好


in good health是什么意思



everybody wants a good health so we should balance our nutrition: we should have more vegetables and fruits have less fats and sugar a good habit is important for health : do some sports in your free time when you get tiredyou should take a break and sleeping at least for 8 hours don"t smoke and so on

keep in good health等于 keep healthy么


in good health 为什么用good不是well


have good health

have a good heath正确 with a good health正确 都是固定用法,比如have a good day等 希望帮到你,谢谢~

ways to keep good health英语作文

Keeping in good health is very important because you can do nothing without good health. There are several points of keeping in good health. Firstly, we should have three healthy meals every day. Eat enough fruit and vegetables. Drink milk every day. Don"t eat junk food. Secondly, it"s very important to do exercise. It"s said that walking at least forty minutes every day is good for us. Besides walking, we can play basketball and football. Go hiking,swimming and climbing the mountains are also good ways of keeping health. Thirdly, we should have good habits. Such as, sleeping at least eight hours every day, washing our hands in time, don"t smoke or drink too much and so on. Laughing is also a good way of keeping in good health. We should have optimistic attitute to our life.

区分:be healthy 和in good health


have a good health可以用什么替换


goodhealth葡萄籽,swise的,healthy care的,哪个好

Go Healthy高之源是新西兰本地含量最高的黑金葡萄籽对于爱美的女性来说是必不可少的常用保健品,他的抗氧化作用已经被人广泛认可,并且还有助于心血管的健康,尤其是对皮肤有非常好的疗效。 Swisse葡萄籽和healthy care葡萄籽其实都没这个牌子好啊!每粒胶囊原花青素含量是Swisse的两倍还多,为什么不选择Go Healthy的黑金葡萄籽呢?一日只需1粒!一瓶可以吃四个月,太划算有没有!

以good health to you作文40词

Everyone wants to get a healthy body, but most of people don"t know how to keep health. After read a lot of books, I conclude that there are three points are very important for health. First, sleep early, get up early. Keep regular life style keep you away from mental disorder. Then, do exercises. Generally speaking, the more exercise you do, the stronger you will be. That"s why most of the athletes have healthy bodies. The last one is keep a good mood everyday, which will be good for your health. Besides, there are many other methods can be good to health, but I think these three points are much useful. Finally, I wish everyone can keep health well.

swisse和good health哪个好




good health还是good healthy

health和healthy 的区别在于词性不同,前者是名词,后者是形容词。如: He is not in good health. ==He is not helathy. His health problem should be his top concern. To keep healthy is very important. 其他相关词还有:healthily是副词,unhealthy 是反义词。



Hope you good health!这句话正确吗?


keep good health正确吗?

keep in good health=stay healthy=kepp healthy望采纳




回答和翻译如下:她拥有一副好身体。She has good healthly.



good food good health作文

Health is most important for any of us.]n order to stay healthy,we need some common knowledge.You must pay attention(注意) to the diet.We should eat lots of fruit and vegetables,because they are rich in fiber and Iow in fat.As a proverb(谚语) says,"An apple a day keeps the doctor away." So fruit is good for health.Don"t have a lot of food that contains too much fat,such as butter.Meanwhile,sweets should be eaten in proper quantity,because too much sugar does harm to us.Don"t drink too much coffee,either.
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