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交通银行sort code是什么

sort code的意思是:银行代码、银行区号、分类代码、排序码、分类编码。 swift code是银行在SWFIT系统里的代码,代表的是这一家银行,现在的银行国际业务一般都是通过SWIFT系统来完成的,所以一般都会有一个代码是个11个字符组成的,如果分行没有代码可以用上一级分行或总行的代码,总行代码是八个字符,可以在后面加XXX构成11个。 国内的银行,包括中国银行,建行,香港的汇丰都没有 Sort Code.sort code是英国的银行代码,bsb是澳洲的银行代码,swift code全球通用。 其实一般境外汇款有swift code就可以了,sort code汇英镑到英国本地才用.IBAN是欧盟用的。 汇英镑到英国,需要填写的是收款行的 Sort Code,这个只用英国银行才有。 拓展资料: 一、中央银行: 001中国人民银行。 二、国有独资商业银行: 102中国工商银行;103中国农业银行;104中国银行;105中国建设银行;201国家开发银行;202中国进出口银行;203中国农业发展银行。 三、其他商业银行: 301交通银行;302中信实业银行;303中国光大银行;304华夏银行;305中国民生银行;306广东发展银行;307.深圳发展银行;308.招商银行;309兴业银行;310上海浦东发展银行;313城市商业银行;314农村商业银行;315恒丰银行;316浙商银行;317农村合作银行;318海银行;319徽商银行;320村镇银行;321重庆三峡银行。

英国诺丁汉汇丰的sort code是啥

1.sort code是银行区号,是英国清算代码,实际上IBAN账号中9-14位即sort code。英国诺丁汉汇丰银行的sort code您需要问一下支行,您可以给他们的客服打电话查询2.sort code的意思是:银行代码、银行区号、分类代码、排序码、分类编码。sort code汇英镑到英国本地才用.IBAN是欧盟、 bsb是澳洲的银行代码,汇英镑到英国,需要填写的是收款行的 Sort Code,swift code全球通用。 其实一般境外汇款有swift code就可以了,至于这个只用英国银行才有。

英国银行的sort code

sort code是英国的银行代码 虽然我也在英国,可是我也不大清楚啊呵呵,我用 长城卡的

Sort code 是什么?

swift code是银行在SWFIT系统里的代码,代表的是这一家银行,现在的银行国际业务一般都是通过SWIFT系统来完成的,所以一般都会有一个代码是个11个字符组成的,如果分行没有代码可以用上一级分行或总行的代码,总行代码是八个字符,可以在后面加XXX构成11个。

英语小疑问。He gets a good salary.这里的get 是什么意思?get都有哪些意

get up

野兽家族最后Janine Smurf Cody和Andrew Pope

Janine "Smurf" Cody车祸死亡,Andrew "Pope" Cody结婚了。一、简介《野兽家族》是Jonathan Lisco担任编剧的犯罪类电视剧,艾伦·巴金和肖恩·海托西出演。该剧讲述了Joshua在母亲因吸毒过量死亡后,跟祖母和叔叔一起生活,并很快发现叔叔一家其实都是犯罪集团的人的故事。二、剧情以Finn Cole 扮演的17岁少年Joshua “J” Cody(Finn Cole饰演)为中心,发生在南加州的一海边小镇上,讲述Joshua在母亲因吸毒过量死亡后,跟祖母(Ellen Barkin饰演)和叔叔一起生活。他不得不与家族放纵和混乱的方式纠结,并很快发现叔叔一家其实都是犯罪集团的人。三、演员信息艾伦·巴金(Ellen Barkin),1954年4月16日出生于美国纽约,美国演员。1989年同阿尔·帕西诺合作的《午夜惊情》一片中危险的性感美女海伦的角色。2010年,参演电影《嫌疑犯相册》。肖恩·海托西(Shawn Hatosy), 生于1975年12月29日 ,美国马里兰州,弗雷德里克,美国演员,编剧。他出演过不少电视剧及电影,如《南城警事》、《法网危情》、《领头狗》、《迷恋荷尔蒙》、《撕裂记忆体》等。


XCODEBUILD(1) BSD General Commands Manual XCODEBUILD(1) NAME xcodebuild -- build Xcode projects and workspaces SYNOPSIS xcodebuild [-project name.xcodeproj] [[-target targetname] ... | -alltargets] [-configuration configurationname] [-sdk [sdkfullpath | sdkname]] [action ...] [buildsetting=value ...] [-userdefault=value ...] xcodebuild -list [-project name.xcodeproj | -workspace name.xcworkspace] DESCRIPTION xcodebuild builds one or more targets contained in an Xcode project, or builds a scheme contained in an Xcode workspace or Xcode project. Usage To build an Xcode project, run xcodebuild from the directory containing your project (i.e. the directory containing the name.xcodeproj package). If you have multiple projects in the this directory you will need to use -project to indicate which project should be built. By default, xcodebuild builds the first target listed in the project, with the default build configuration. The order of the targets is a property of the project and is the same for all users of the project. Options -project name.xcodeproj Build the project name.xcodeproj. Required if there are multiple project files in the same directory. -target targetname Build the target specified by targetname. -showBuildSettings Lists the build settings in a project or workspace and scheme. Does not initiate a build. Use with -project or -workspace and -scheme. -testLanguage language Specifies ISO 639-1 language during testing. This overrides the setting for the test action of a scheme in a workspace. -archivePath xcarchivepath Specifies the path for the archive produced by the archive action, or specifies the archive that should be exported when -exportArchive or -exportNotarizedApp is passed. action ... Specify one or more actions to perform. Available actions are: -xcconfig filename Load the build settings defined in filename when building all tar- gets. These settings will override all other settings, including settings passed individually on the command line. -disable-concurrent-destination-testing Do not run tests on the specified destinations concurrently. The full test suite will run to completion on a given destination before it begins on the next. -test-timeouts-enabled [YES | NO] Enable or disable test timeout behavior. This value takes prece- dence over the value specified in the test plan. -version Display version information for this install of Xcode. Does not initiate a build. When used in conjunction with -sdk, the version of the specified SDK is displayed, or all SDKs if -sdk is given no argument. Additionally, a single line of the reported version information may be returned if infoitem is specified. Destinations The -destination option takes as its argument a destination specifier describing the device (or devices) to use as a destination. A destina- tion specifier is a single argument consisting of a set of comma-sepa- rated key=value pairs. The -destination option may be specified multiple times to cause xcodebuild to perform the specified action on multiple destinations. Some actions (such as building) may be performed without an actual device present. To build against a platform generically instead of a specific device, the destination specifier may be prefixed with the optional string "generic/", indicating that the platform should be targeted gener- ically. An example of a generic destination is the "Any iOS Device" des- tination displayed in Xcode"s UI when no physical iOS device is present. Testing on Multiple Destinations When more than one destination is specified with the -destination option, xcodebuild tests on those destinations concurrently. In this mode, xcodebuild automatically chooses the number of devices and simulators that are used simultaneously. All enabled tests in the scheme or xctestrun file are run on each destination. Distributing Archives The -exportArchive option specifies that xcodebuild should distribute the archive specified by -archivePath using the options specified by -exportOptionsPlist. xcodebuild -help can print the full set of avail- able inputs to -exportOptionsPlist. The product can either be uploaded to Apple or exported locally. The exported product will be placed at the path specified by -exportPath. Environment Variables The following environment variables affect the execution of xcodebuild: Exit Codes xcodebuild exits with codes defined by sysexits(3). It will exit with EX_OK on success. On failure, it will commonly exit with EX_USAGE if any options appear malformed, EX_NOINPUT if any input files cannot be found, EX_IOERR if any files cannot be read or written, and EX_SOFTWARE if the commands given to xcodebuild fail. It may exit with other codes in less common scenarios. EXAMPLES xcodebuild clean install xcodebuild -sdk macosx10.6 xcodebuild test-without-building -xctestrun MyTestRun.xctestrun -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 5s" -destination "platform=iOS,name=My iPad" xcodebuild -exportLocalizations -project MyProject.xcodeproj -localizationPath MyDirectory SEE ALSO ibtool(1), sysexits(3), xcode-select(1), xcrun(1), xed(1) macOS June 20, 2016 macOS




本教程使用Oracle数据库为例。所有其他的JDBC驱动程序创建连接的过程都类似。了解JDBC更多详情请访问Sun网站。1. 选择Window>Open Perspective>MyEclipse Database Explorer。当您第一次打开视角来看时,左边显示的数据库浏览器视图仅包含预配置的MyEclipse的Derby驱动程序。

-Myfathergoesshoppingeveryweek.-Oh?Buthe_hategoingshopping. A.used toB.use toC.uses toD.is used to

选A. used to used to do表示过去常常,用在一般过去时里.此句第二个人意思是"但是他以前是很讨厌去购物的",因为第一个人说"我爸爸现在每周去购物" ,goes用了一般现在时,表明现在购物是常态.B,C 选项是没有这种搭配的 D 是be used to后面要跟doing或者名词,因为这里的to是介词.意思是"常常","习惯于".当be=was, were时,此搭配was/were used to doing=used to do表示过去常常.be=am, is,are 时,am/is/are used to doing表示现在常常

http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjgzNjg4ODk2.html 这个视频里都有什么歌

Britney Spears - 3 The Ting Tings - That



Why are you so happy today? Because I have been chosen to be the chairperson.


life is just like a joke it even looks such likes a dreamalthough it breaknobody can take away my h



回首不足,且专注于好的方面,你们将能够弥补各自的缺点. 一楼的,充满诗书味儿,自愧不如. 但,似乎加了过多自己的理解,意译多了点儿. 不过,总体还是好.



facts or details about somebody or something的同意词




The young girl is good at dancing. 同义句。


Lucy is a very beautiful girl and she is good at [dance] [dancing] [to dance] [dances]?

dancingbe good at后面动词用ing形式望采纳 谢谢。

the girl is good at dancing

wearing 表示穿着的状态 如果是动词wear的话那就成wear了谓语 后面的is就没意义了 所以这里的wear只能用ing形式做形容词 】The girl { wearing red } is good at dancing and singing. 这样拆开来看会好一点

英国share code是什么

应该是Code-sharing。代码共享(英语:Code-sharing),又称“共挂航班”,是现代航空业其中一种相当普遍的经营模式,由多家航空公司共同经营某一航线,常见于以接驳长途航班的短途航班上,也偶见于以商务旅客为主、班次频密的短途航班。简单来说,就是航空公司之间的“买位”制度,让未有飞行该航线的航空公司,能通过购入其他航空公司航班的机票再出售予顾客。代码共享的协议是建基于过往联程机票的制度上,并进一步发展成全球性的航空公司联盟。根据代码共享协议,管理航班的航空公司(持有运营许可、机场时刻和计划/控制航班并负责地勤服务的航空公司)通常称为运营承运人,通常缩写为 OPE CXR,尽管 IATA SSIM 术语“管理承运人”更准确。这样做的原因是可能涉及第三方承运人,通常是在最初计划运营航班的航空公司需要聘请分包商代表他们运营航班的情况下在这种情况下,载运乘客的航空公司应被指定为运营承运人,因为它是载运乘客/货物的航空公司。当航班以上述多个代号和航班号出售时,“管理承运人”发布的航班通常称为“主要航班”(与代码共享营销航班相对)。代码共享的类型1、座舱代码共享:商业(营销)航空公司从管理(运营/主要)承运人处购买固定数量的座位。通常支付固定价格,并且座位远离管理承运人的库存。营销航空公司自行决定出售座位的预订舱位(座位块就像另一个机舱一样进行优化)。2、自由流代码共享:航空公司的库存和预订系统通过消息实时通信,通常是 IATA AIRIMP/PADIS 消息(TTY 和 EDIFACT)。航空公司之间定义了预订类映射。没有锁定任何航空公司的座位,任何航空公司都可以出售任意数量的座位。3、限制自由流量:与上述基本相同,但为参与与管理承运人代码共享的每个营销航空公司定义了上限(最大座位数)。

Hollywood Undead的《Undead》 歌词

歌曲名:Undead歌手:Hollywood Undead专辑:Swan SongsHollywood Undead - UndeadUndead!Undead!Undead!Undead!Undead!You better get up out the way,Tomorrow we"ll rise so we fight today,And no, I don"t give aCause we are gonna rockThis whole place anyway.(Undead!)You better get up out the way,Tomorrow we"ll rise so we fight today,And no, I don"t give aCause we are gonna rockThis whole place anyway.Now I see that motherWhen you see, J-3-T, 30 D bra,Cause I hate that you breathe,I see you duck, you little punk,I got H.U. tattooed on the front of my arm,The Boulevard, brass knucklesIn the back of the car,Cause we drunk drive Cadillac"s, we never go far,Better know who we are.I got one thing to sayTo punk asses who hate,You better watch what you say.To these faggot ass punks,You don"t know what it takes,I"m already loud maybe,It"s a little too late,Johnny"s taking heads off,of all the faggots who hate,And there"s a price to pay,And it"s judgment day!(Undead!)You better get up out the way,Tomorrow we"ll rise so we fight today,And no, I don"t give aCause we are gonna rockThis whole place anyway.(Undead!)You better get up out the way,Tomorrow we"ll rise so we today,And no, I don"t give aCause we are gonna rockThis whole place anyway.I"m getting used to this nuisance,And all the fags who bad mouth this music,Of you to think you can do this,You cowards can"t, you never will,Don"t even try to pursue it.I took the chance, I played the pill,I nearly died for this music.You make me wanna run around,Pulling my guns out and shit,Your tempting me to run my mouth,And call you out on this bitch,How ignorant you gotta be,to believe any of this,You need to slit your wrist,Get pissed and go jump off a bridge,What? You can"t see theSarcasm in the verses I spit?What? You think I just got luckyAnd didn"t work for this shit?Bitch. I"ve been working atThis ever since I was a kid,I played a million empty showsTo only family and friends.What kind of person candis a band that deserves to get big?I hate to be that person whenMy verse comes out of the kid"s lips.That shits as worse as it gets.This verse is over, I quit.Signed Charlie SceneOn your girlfriend"s tits.(Undead!)You better get up out the way,Tomorrow we"ll rise so we fight today,And no, I don"t give aCause we are gonna rockThis whole place anyway.(Undead!)You better get up out the way,Tomorrow we"ll rise so we fight today,And no, I don"t give aCause we are gonna rockThis whole place anyway.White boys with tattoos,We are pointing right at you,We are breaking everything,R-rowdy like a classroom, pack of wolves,Cause we don"t follow the rules,And when you"re running your mouth,Our razor blades come out,Why you always pressing?You know I"m never stressing,J-Johnny to my left,Got Phantom and the rest,Who are down there at the west,A grew up by drive-by"s and LA gangsta"s,Know about being a gangsta?About being in danger?You ain"t doing this,So you know your just talking shit.Mad at all the boys because(Undead!)You better get up out the way,Tomorrow we"ll rise so we fight today,And no, I don"t give aCause we are gonna rockThis whole place anyway.(Undead!)You better get up out the way,Tomorrow we"ll rise so we fight today,And no, I don"t give aCause we are gonna rockThis whole place anyway.(Undead!)(Ride) (Undead!)See you duck when we drive by,(By) (Undead!)(Ride) (Undead!)(Die) (Undead!)http://music.baidu.com/song/8176477


little duck is watching the sun go down,小鸭子正在看日落。因为,watch sb/sth do,看见什么做什么,固定搭配。



good girl中文 歌词

Good Girl歌手:Abduction语言:英语所属专辑:Abduction (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)Hey, good girl, (hey, good girl)With your head in the cloudsI bet you I can tell you what you"re thinkin" aboutYou"ll see a good boy, (you"ll see a good boy)Gonna give you the worldBut he"s gonna leave you cryin" with your heart in the dirtHis lips are dropping honey but he"ll sting you like a beeSo lock up all your loving, go and throw away the keyHey, good girl (hey, good girl)Get out while you canI know you think you got a good manWhyyyy, why you gotta be so bliiiind?Won"t you open up your eeeyes?It"s just a matter of time "till you findHe"s no good, girl, no good for youYou better get to getting on your goodbye shoesAnd go, go, go...Better listen to meHe"s low, low, low...Hey, good girl! (hey, good girl)You got a heart of goldYou want a white wedding and a hand you can holdJust like you should, girl, (just like you should, girl)Like every good girl doesWant a fairytale ending, somebody to loveBut he"s really good at lying yeah, he"ll leave you in the dust"Cause when he says forever well, it don"t mean muchHey, good girl (hey, good girl)So good for himBetter back away honey you don"t know where he"s beenWhyyyy, why you gotta be so bliiiind?Won"t you open up your eeeyes?It"s just a matter of time "till you findHe"s no good, girl, no good for youYou better get to getting on your goodbye shoesAnd go, go, go...Yeah yeah yeahOhhh, he"s no good, girlWhy can"t you see?He"ll take your heart and break itListen to me! yeah..Whyyyy, why you gotta be so bliiiind?Won"t you open up your eeeeyes?It"s just a matter of time "till you findHe"s no good, he"s no good.Won"t you open up your eeeeyes?It"s just a matter of time "till you findHe"s no good, girl, no good for youYou better get to getting on your goodbye shoes中文歌词:Hey,正在想入非非的好姑娘我敢打赌我可以说中你心中所想幻想着遇见一个好男人,要给你全世界但他却会让你为他哭泣,将你的真心弃之如履虽然他的甜言蜜语会让你心花怒放,但同时也会伤害你所以收起你对他的爱慕,离他远远的Hey,好姑娘趁着你还未完全沉陷赶快脱身我知道你认为自己遇到了一个好男人为什么,为什么你无法看清事实你不会睁开眼睛好好看看么?要找到一个真正的好男人只是时间的问题他并不好,姑娘,并不适合你你最好离开他,越远越好最好听我的他配不上你Hey,好姑娘你有一颗金子般的心你想要一个美好的婚礼和一个能一直陪伴你的人其实你确实也应该这样像每个女孩一样希望有一个童话般的爱情,有一个爱人但他实在很会欺骗你,弃你不顾因为他说的每一个永远都毫无价值Hey,好姑娘对他来说你太好你最好回头,因为他总是不知所踪为什么,为什么你无法看清事实你不会睁开眼睛好好看看么?要找到一个真正的好男人只是时间的问题他并不好,姑娘,并不适合你你最好离开他,越远越好噢,他不好,姑娘为什么你无法认清这点他会偷走你的心却并不珍惜听我的!没错……为什么,为什么你无法看清事实你不会睁开眼睛好好看看么?要找到一个真正的好男人只是时间的问题他并不好,姑娘,并不适合你你最好离开他,越远越好



Melody Club的《Colours》 歌词

歌曲名:Colours歌手:Melody Club专辑:Music MachineJordin Sparks - ColoursThe sky was perfect blueMe and you, with a new beginningOne and one made twoAll we knew was that we had each otherLike gentle lavender on my face, what a gorgeous feelingYou took me up so highFelt so free with no walls or ceilingsFor every way, my emotions have goneThere is a shade that goes alongYour painting of me, like the canvasesYou"re forging my songWent through so many changesDon"t know how I became thisThere is a different shade for all that we"ve been throughThese are my colors for youI"m trying to think back to what I was before youBut for every turn, a different hueThese are my colors for youSo the seasons go brightly so, we prepare for changesA certain change in tintThere were hints while the bright ones fadedAppear a perfect sky, shattered by the remainings of painOnce so beautiful, a perfect blue now is all in redFor every way, my emotions have goneThere is a shade that goes alongYour painting of me, like the canvasesYou"re forging my songWent through so many changesDon"t know how I became thisThere is a different shade for all that we"ve been throughThese are my colors for youI"m trying to think back to what I was before youBut for every turn, a different hueThese are my colors for youA master of these colors, brought up to your encounterEverything you put in me is now manifestingThe lavenders, the blues, the grays and yellows tooHave all gone into what you see, standing here before youWent through so many changesDon"t know how I became thisThere is a different shade for all that we"ve been throughThese are my colors for youI"m trying to think back to what I was before youBut for every turn, a different hueThese are my colors for youWent through so many changesDon"t know how I became thisThere is a different shade for all that we"ve been throughThese are my colors for youI"m trying to think back to what I was before youBut for every turn, a different hueThese are my colors for you(These are my colors for you)http://music.baidu.com/song/2780220

兄弟姐妹们,有两个BEC英语方面问题要请教,如下: 1 ,___at these accounts today,I promise .


God of War: Ghost of Sparta里奎托斯的爸爸是谁


Code Geass 亡国的阿基德的登场人物

日向瑛斗/日向阿基德/日向昭人(日向アキト) 英文名:Akito军衔:少尉(纳尔瓦战役后进衔中尉)声优:入野自由17岁少年。EU军所属的11区人(日本人),E.U.军特殊部队“W-zero”的驾驶员。作为KNIGHTMARE——亚历山大(Alexander)的驾驶员,为反抗神圣布列塔尼亚帝国的入侵,战斗在前线。身手极好,曾死过一回,似乎可以听到亡灵的声音,曾经被 亲哥哥信·日向·夏英格下达过Geass指令——死亡,但没有死,在第一章想求一死。战斗时能够以自身的Geass影响他人。负责保护蕾拉,向蕾拉许下为其毁灭世界的誓言。 蕾拉·玛露卡尔(レイラ·マルカル)英文名:Reira·Markale军衔:少校(纳尔瓦战役后进衔中校)声优:坂本真绫17岁少女。原布里塔尼亚贵族,父母身亡后成为玛露卡尔家的养女,特殊部队“W-zero”的司令官。瑛斗的长官,喜欢穿军装,有着公主的气质,未婚夫为玛露卡尔家的三男。有着极好的政治头脑和武功,合气道高手。极具上位者的能力。似乎没有使用Knightmare实战过。也拥有Geass能力(能力或许为消除Geass),但自己并不清楚,是和C.C的契约。 成濑幸也/成濑雪亚/成濑尤奇亚(成濑ユキヤ)英文名:Yukiya军衔:中尉(BD特典中经蕾拉之口证明官阶为中尉)声优:松冈祯丞隶属于流的集团。擅长于情报收集和处理爆炸物,是个电脑天才。头脑极好,在快要成功的时候总是会露出一种诡异的笑。现已加入E.U.军特殊部队“W-zero”,具有强大的狙击能力。BD特典中与阿基德、流、绫乃四人在精神同步测试,机械臂折纸中精神同步,四人两次折出相同的飞刀和千纸鹤。性格与阿基德有点相似,极其毒舌,会说出导致队友恐慌的话。重视流和绫乃,视为最后的家人。第五章结束与大家一起隐居。 佐山流(佐山リョウ)英文名:Ryo军衔:中尉(BD特典中经蕾拉之口证明官阶为中尉)声优:日野聪与Mafia对立的集团首领。日本人,于第一话企图袭击斯玛伊拉斯,说是绑架的目的是为了寻找立足之地。现已加入E.U.军特殊部队“W-zero”。BD特典中与阿基德、幸也、绫乃四人在精神同步测试,机械臂折纸中精神同步,四人两次折出相同的飞刀和千纸鹤。 香坂彩乃/香坂绫乃(香坂アヤノ)英文名:Ayano 军衔:中尉(BD特典中经蕾拉之口证明官阶为中尉)声优:日笠阳子同样隶属于流的集团。总是随身佩刀。现已加入E.U.军特殊部队“W-zero”,第二集结尾被幸也说与阿基德很像。BD特典中与阿基德、幸也、流四人在精神同步测试,机械臂折纸中精神同步,四人两次折出相同的飞刀和千纸鹤。 吉恩·史麦拉斯(ジィーンスマイラス)英文名:Smilas声优:石冢运升EU军的将军,蕾拉父亲的朋友,在一次动乱中救了年幼的蕾拉。后意欲建立军事独裁政府,向EU民众诈称蕾拉去世。最终章结尾被阿修雷·阿修罗杀死。 索菲·兰德鲁(ソフィ·ランドル)英文名:Sophie声优:甲斐田裕子脑科的权威,其能力被蕾拉赏识,被作为民间的协力者发掘。 乔·瓦兹(ジョウ·ワイズ)英文名:Joe声优:川田绅司担任索菲助手的研究员,就算在作战中也经常含着糖果。胆小。 克劳斯·沃里克(クラウス·ウォリック)英文名:Klaus军阶:中校声优:藤原启治EU军特殊部队“W-zero”的蕾拉副官。 安娜·古蕾曼(アンナ·クレマン)英文名:Anna军阶:上尉声优:茅野爱衣在“亚历山大”独自开发的天才科学家。蕾拉从小的朋友。蕾拉对她的评价是“唯一的缺点就是多嘴。” 奥斯卡·哈梅尔(オスカーハメル)英文名:Hamel声优:森久保祥太郎W-zero基地とするヴァイスボルフ城的警备队队长。 凯特·诺瓦克(ケイトノヴァク)英文名:Kate声优:小松未可子索菲·兰德鲁的部下,是一名研修医。 菲拉蕾·巴尔托罗(フェリッリバルトロウ)英文名:Ferilli声优:濑户麻沙美索菲·兰德鲁的部下。民间的协力者。 克萝·温克尔(クロエウィンケル)英文名:Chloe声优:东山奈央安娜·古蕾曼的助手。跟随安娜进入军队。 希妲·法干(ヒルダフェイガン)英文名:Hilda声优:早见沙织安娜·古蕾曼的助手。称呼安娜为“头儿(ボス)”。 莎拉·丁斯(サラデインズ)英文名:Sarah声优:高森奈津美操作员。务实而认真地工作。(仕事と割り切って働いている。) 奥莉薇亚·罗威尔(オリビアロウエル)英文名:Olivia声优:伊濑茉莉也W-zero母舰操作员。以前曾在其他军队队伍待过。(クロエ、ヒルダと异なり元々军にいた。) 信·日向·夏英格(シンヒュウガ·シャイング)英文名:Shin声优:松风雅也布里塔尼亚,圣米迦勒骑士团所属骑士。被曼弗雷德称为“东洋武士血统的继承者”。疑似拥有能操控他人的GEASS。(曾为了领率米迦勒骑士团命令其长官曼弗雷迪自杀身亡)是瑛斗的兄长,并有杀死瑛斗的愿望。杀死了乌列骑士团和加百列骑士团团长,用Geass杀死了养母和义妹,意图用阿波罗马车炸毁帝都潘德拉贡。最终章结尾一剑捅穿琼·罗,但也被其用枪射中,最终一同死去。 琼·罗(ジャン·ロウ)英文名:Jean声优:伊濑茉莉也布里塔尼亚骑士之一,信的参谋,喜欢信。最终章被信杀死。 奥古斯塔·亨利·海兰德(オーガスタヘンリハイランド)英文名:Verance贵族としての矜持を持った高洁なユーロブリタニアの宗主。 米凯勒·曼弗雷迪(ミケーレマンフレディ)英文名:Manfredi声优:三宅健太四大骑士团之一圣米迦勒骑士团团长。是一名个性豪爽、为部下着想的骑士。第1章末死于部下信的Geass命令之下。 安德烈·法尔内斯(アンドレアファルネーゼ)英文名:Farnese声优:子安武人圣拉斐尔骑士团团长。曼弗雷德的挚友。 阿修雷u30fb阿修罗(アシュレイu30fbアシュラ)英文名:Ashley声优:寺岛拓笃信的部下,率领阿修罗队。 玛丽亚u30fb夏英格(マリアu30fbシャイング) 英文名:Maria  声优:能登麻美子信的继母,丈夫把信作为养子为契机,把信作为亲生儿子一样关心。第四章被信用Geass杀死。 枢木朱雀(枢木 スザク)英文名:Kururuqi Suzaku声优:樱井孝宏在11区平息<黑色叛乱>后,由于抓捕zero(鲁路修·Vi·布里塔尼亚)有功,被皇帝封为第七圆桌骑士。在第二集后期出现。第四章被关入欧系布里塔尼亚的牢狱。 最终章结尾被罗洛召回布里塔尼亚。 朱利叶斯·金斯利(ジユリアスu30fbキンゲスレイ)【被篡改记忆的鲁路修·Vi·布里塔尼亚(鲁路修·兰佩洛基)】英文名:Julius Kingsley声优:福山润布里塔尼亚的军师,对自己的能力过于自信。(失忆时期的鲁鲁修)注:Julius Kingsley,前半段英文为罗马皇帝凯撒之名,后半的kingsley意为王的象征!历史上凯撒最后因独裁统治,而被刺杀身亡,正好暗示了某段的剧情。而凯撒统一罗马的历史功绩,就是跟作品剧情发生地EU以及标题“亡国"相贴切。在第三集中被证实是鲁鲁修。第四章被关入布里塔尼亚的牢狱。 最终章结尾被罗洛带回布里塔尼亚见皇帝。


打开60-second xxx 会有很多个听抄材料 点击进入就可以看到文章script 可以在线听 不过建议先不看文章(复制到本地)点击“download Mp3”把音频下载下来反复听 然后记录 最后和script比对~science talk可以不去管它 太长 泛听即可。

goodmorning,Mr. brown! 是什么意思


fairy godmother是什么意思


华硕主板the system has posted in safe mode怎么办?

这是不正常关机(包括直接断电、蓝屏、黑屏等)造成的,按依次F1-F10-回车即可正常进入系统。泡上:the system has posted in safe mode=系统在安全模式。安全模式:是Windows操作系统中的一种特殊模式,在安全模式下用户可以轻松地修复系统的一些错误,起到事半功倍的效果。安全模式的工作原理是在不加载第三方设备驱动程序的情况下启动电脑,使电脑运行在系统最小模式,这样用户就可以方便地检测与修复计算机系统的错误。安全模式主要功能:删除顽固文件、还原步骤、查杀病毒、解除组策略、修复系统故障、恢复系统设置、揪出恶意软件、检测不兼容、卸载程序。

一首英文歌 歌词everybody OH OH OH OH 女生唱的

Lovey Dovey - T-ara

华硕主板the system has posted in safe mode怎么办?


华硕主板the system has posted in safe mode怎么办?

这是不正常关机(包括直接断电、蓝屏、黑屏等)造成的,按依次F1-F10-回车即可正常进入系统。泡上:the system has posted in safe mode=系统在安全模式。安全模式:是Windows操作系统中的一种特殊模式,在安全模式下用户可以轻松地修复系统的一些错误,起到事半功倍的效果。安全模式的工作原理是在不加载第三方设备驱动程序的情况下启动电脑,使电脑运行在系统最小模式,这样用户就可以方便地检测与修复计算机系统的错误。安全模式主要功能:删除顽固文件、还原步骤、查杀病毒、解除组策略、修复系统故障、恢复系统设置、揪出恶意软件、检测不兼容、卸载程序。

Gorod的《Blackout》 歌词

歌曲名:Blackout歌手:Gorod专辑:Leading VisionAxenstar - BlackoutFar From Heaven (2003)by Lilith7What would you say if I threw it all awayThe life that I lead could it be more surrealSearching in my mind in the order to find some sense of realityI fear that I am beginning to lose what"s left of my sanityAwake again full of bloodstains on my handsI wonder where I have been whose death I have foreseenBreaking my will with the purpose to kill all shreds of humanityTo lose the control of body and soul is my main anxietySomething"s coming over me my reality slowly slipping awayI just can"t remember but can"t seem to forgetWho I am blacked out againCan"t longer say what is real and what is a dreamThe demon is rising up from far deep down withinSearching in my mind in the order to find some sense of realityI fear that I am beginning to lose what"s left of my sanitySomething"s coming over me my reality slowly slipping awayI just can"t remember but can"t seem to forgetWho I am blacked out againI have fallen into the depths of sinWhere the humanity ends and pain beginsBreaking free from this torment I must doIf I told you my secret, oh would you believe it"s trueSomething"s coming over me my reality slowly slipping awayI just can"t remember but can"t seem to forgetWho I am blacked out againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2885614



God Save The Queen 歌词

歌曲名:God Save The Queen歌手:the sex pistols专辑:JubileeGod save the QueenGod save the Queen看雪飘过制作,11359914God save the Queenthe fascist regime,they made you a morona potential H-bomb.God save the Queenshe ain"t no human being.There is no futurein England"s dreamingDon"t be told what you wantDon"t be told what you need.There"s no futurethere"s no futurethere"s no future for youGod save the Queenwe mean it manwe love our queenGod savesGod save the Queen"cos tourists are moneyand our figureheadis not what she seemsOh God save historyGod save your mad paradeOh Lord God have mercyall crimes are paid.When there"s no futurehow can there be sinwe"re the flowersin the dustbinwe"re the poisonin your human machinewe"re the futureyou"re futureGod save the Queenwe mean it manwe love our queenGod savesGod save the Queenwe mean it manthere is no futurein England"s dreamingNo futureno future for youno fufure for mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/52790650

Left, until now, to odd, low-level IT…英文解释

这里left是引导状语从句的非谓语(leave的过去式),如果补充全这个从句就是information protection is left to odd(这里为临时的意思),low-level IT staff.信息保护被留给临时的基层的信息技术人员。right 这里和put right 一起讲,information protection is left to odd,low-level IT staff to put right.留给信息技术人员承担,这里应当是不定式之后省去了被动语态,还原就是IT staff put information protection right.就是说信息技术人员承担信息保护的工作。

Left, until now, to odd, low-level IT staff to put right, and seen as a concern only of data-rich i

Left, until now, to odd, low-level IT staff to put right离开,到现在为止,奇数,低层次的IT人员,以纠正

It is ____good food that I eat too much. 空白处填so还是such更合适?为什么?


what kind of food do you prefer? why?

I like chinese food , and particularly fish dishes I think variety is the spice of life , and so long as the quality of the ingredients is good , and you have a balanced diet all should be fine.

英语手抄报内容,题目是healthy food 初一的,别太深奥,带中文翻译

Everyone has his favorite food.I think eating healthy food is important for you . someone likes fast food.I think it`s bad for you.You should eat a lot of vegetable ,and drink some milk.It`s good fou you health. someone is a vegetarian.they eat vegetable and fruit every day,they think it`s good for health,but I think it`s also fine to eat some meat or fish . People who eat a balanced diet should be healthier than those who only eat biscuits and hamburgers,shouldn`t they?I prefer to only eat healthy food,and I think I`m a vegetarian. There are all kinds of foods in the world.Which one is healthier,the Chinese food or the western food?Different people have different choices. Some people like the Chinese food.Firstly,the Chinese food contains a lot of fruit and green vegetables.It is rich in fibre and low in sugar and fat.Secondly,the Chinese food is very delicious and has many dishes.It is nice to taste healthiest in the world.So Chinese people can keep fit and have white teeth.

有关healthy food的手抄报内容 英文内容

Everyone has his favorite food.I think eating healthy food is important for you . someone likes fast food.I think it`s bad for you.You should eat a lot of vegetable ,and drink some milk.It`s good fou you health. someone is a vegetarian.they eat vegetable and fruit every day,they think it`s good for health,but I think it`s also fine to eat some meat or fish . People who eat a balanced diet should be healthier than those who only eat biscuits and hamburgers,shouldn`t they?I prefer to only eat healthy food,and I think I`m a vegetarian. There are all kinds of foods in the world.Which one is healthier,the Chinese food or the western food?Different people have different choices. Some people like the Chinese food.Firstly,the Chinese food contains a lot of fruit and green vegetables.It is rich in fibre and low in sugar and fat.Secondly,the Chinese food is very delicious and has many dishes.It is nice to taste healthiest in the world.So Chinese people can keep fit and have white teeth. 祝开心!

急求一篇英语作文,120字左右,关于对西方食物的看法,英语题目是on western food急急

The culture of food and dining in the West is a little different from that in China. The proper western dinner at a fine restaurant is one of manners, focusing on conversation. You are expected to have knowledge of table manners such as what folk or knife to use as these are essential in western dining. The meal would consist of several courses including a soup or salad, an appetizer, the main dish, and a dessert. The atmosphere will be filled with light music that would only serve as background as people converse with each other. The decorations are usually sparse and are only meant to highlight the atmosphere that is being created by the music. This type of dining is different from the dining experience in most restaurants in China. However, with the increase in internationalism, more restaurants are opening which reflect the more western dining style. The Chinese people, now more affluent and knowledgeable about international customs, are beginning to join in this dining experience. This is not to say that people have given up the deep richness in culture that Chinese food represents. It only means that more choices and tastes are becoming available to population. This represents a significant improvement as it will change the perception that the height of western dining is fast food. As cultural communication expands, knowledge of western food will improve.

是so little food还是such little food?

so little foodso little 加不可数such a little 加可数such a little girl

有关healthy food的手抄报内容

Everyone has his favorite food.I think eating healthy food is important for you . someone likes fast food. I think it`s bad for you.You should eat a lot of vegetable ,and drink some milk.It`s good fou you health.someone is a vegetarian.they eat vegetable and fruit every day, they think it`s good for health, but I think it`s also fine to eat some meat or fish .People who eat a balanced diet should be healthier than those who only eat biscuits and hamburgers,shouldn`t they?I prefer to only eat healthy food,and I think I`m a vegetarian.There are all kinds of foods in the world. Which one is healthier, the Chinese food or the western food? Different people have different choices.Some people like the Chinese food. Firstly, the Chinese food contains a lot of fruit and green vegetables. It is rich in fibre and low in sugar and fat. Secondly, the Chinese food is very delicious and has many dishes. It is nice to taste healthiest in the world. So Chinese people can keep fit and have white teeth.http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/372581745.html?fr=qrl&index=2祝开心!

It was a wonder that ____little food saved____many lives during the war.



To Be HealthyFood and water are important for us to keep healthy. We must have them every day. If you are hungry, you can eat some food, such as bread, sandwiches, hamburgers, cheese, cakes and so on. If you are thirsty, you can drink some water. After playing sports, you often feel thirsty. At that time, you should drink some water or some orange juice. But you mustn"t drink anything cold; it"s not good for your stomach. If you have a cold drink, you may be ill. Your parents will worry about you, and you can"t go to school. You can"t see your friends, you can"t play outside, and you can"t do anything else except lying in bed. It"s terrible for you because it"s too boring. Sometimes you must take some medicines or have injection which is very painful.So having a healthy life-style and diet is very important for everyone. There"s an old saying; “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” It"s true. Now, let"s remember the saying and pay more attention to our daily life. I think we will be healthier, at least I really hope so.

good great fine right 的区别

good 和great最常用来表示人、事、物的好(基本泛指各种好)。其中great更常用程度更深些。口语中我们常听到That"s great!很好!nice形容人时更倾向于形容性格为人好,如:He is a nice gay 他是很好为人fine一般不用来形容人多用来形容天气: fine day 好天气 ;也常用来形容事物进行的不错 如:it"s fine 表示事情进行的还将就 不错 很好;口语中相当于 it"s ok。right 表示正确的,对的。all right 好的 That is all right 不客气、没关系That‘s right = That "s fine



跪求!!!!! spanish food 英语作文 在线等答!!!!

Spanish Food 西班牙的饮食业像其国家一样丰富多彩。有高质量的饮食原料,古老的传统,民间烹调艺术加之有高级的职业烹调大师,使该国烹调的声誉在欧洲排为第一。简略地说半岛的西班牙可以分为六个烹调的大地区。 西班牙吃得多,也吃得精,传统食品如著名的炖烧猪肉,全国各地都有,但你到马德里就更不应该错过,这是因为这里的猪用玉米、栗子喂养,肉质优良,味道鲜美。马德里炖烧猪肉主要材料是用猪肉、香肠、猪骨、火腿、咸肉,再加上包心菜、马铃薯和豆子一起用火熬炖,加入大量的大蒜和香料,味醇汁浓,是每个西班牙家庭冬天最常吃的菜。 西班牙中部地区的烤羊肉非常著名,其烤羊排、烤羊腿是西班牙佳肴中的首号美味,吃起来鲜嫩多汁,一点骚味也没有,据说那是因为烧烤用的是小羊。乡村地区一些养羊的小村落,每到周末假日挤满了从附近城市里赶来吃烤羊的食客。除了烤羊,烤乳猪也是西班牙菜一绝。马德里附近的塞戈维亚城可说是乳猪城,每家餐馆的橱窗里都挂着一条条待烤乳猪,门口的客人大排长龙。 实则随性而制、变化不断的菜品,就成了西班牙美食的标志。 Spanish catering business is likely richly colorful. There is the high grade diet raw material, the ancient tradition, folk cooking art adds it to have the high-level occupation to cook master, causes this country cooking the prestige in the European row for first. Said briefly the peninsula Spain may divide into six cookings the big areas. Spainish eat a lot, also eat fine, the traditional food like famous cooks burns the pork, the land has, but you should not miss to Madrid, there is because here pig feeds with the corn, the chestnut , the pulp is fine, taste delicious. Madrid cooks burns the pork primary materials is with the pork, the sausage, the pig bone, the ham, the salt meat, in addition the cabbage, the potato and the bean use the fire to boil together cook, join the massive garlics and the spice, the taste mellow juice are thick, is the most famous food in each Spanish family in the winter . Spainish middle area"s barbecued mutton is famous, its roast mutton chops, roasts the mutton leg is in the Spanish delicacies first delicacy, eats the fresh and tender juiciness, a show taste also does not have, it is said that is because bakes with is the lamb. The rural area some raise sheep"s small village, crammed full has caught up with when the weekend holiday from the neighbor city eats roasts the sheep the restaurant patron. Except roasts the sheep, the roasting pig is also the Spanish vegetable one certainly. Nearby Madrid filled the Ge Weiya city to be possible saying that was the suckling pig city, in each restaurant"s display window hung one to treat the roasting pig, the entrance visitor queues greatly. Regulations along with nature, but makes, the change unceasing dish, has become the Spanish good food symbol.

chinese famous food 用英语怎么说


great fine good区别

great,伟大的,高大的.雄伟的.极好的.Our country is great / The building is great/The food tastes great;fine,状态好 。It"s a fine day today./ I"m fine,and you?/right ,正确的,恰当的。 You"re right on this point./ It"s right to put it away.


paintn.颜料,涂料; 绘画作品; 胭脂等化妆品; 色彩,装饰vt.涂色于; 绘画; (用语言,文字等)描写; 擦脂粉等vi.描绘; 绘画; 化妆网 络油漆;涂料;颜料;画fineadj.好的,上等的; 纤细的,精致的; 健康的; 晴朗的n.罚款; [音乐]终止; 晴天; 地租vt.罚款; 澄清adv.很好地; 巧妙地网 络罚款;好的;美好;罚金goodadj.好的; 优秀的; 有益的; 漂亮的,健全的n.好处,利益; 善良; 善行; 好人adv.同well网 络好;好的;良好;很好

女孩子唱的英文歌词里面有 good bye my...lover ,good bye my ... I never want to see you on happy ...

qq音乐有,Almost Lover


fine food 美食、佳肴、精细食品[fau026an fuu02d0d]


  i是我的意思,Pod,国外有三个解释版本:PersonalOnDemand,PersonalOptionDigital和PortableOnDemand,当然,还有人建议是PlayOnDemand。iPod是苹果推出的一种大容量MP3播放器,采用Toshiba1.8英寸盘片硬盘作为存储介质,高达10~160GB的容量,可存放2500~10000首MP3歌曲,它还有完善的管理程序和创新的操作方式,外观也独具创意,是APPLE少数能横跨PC和Mac平台的硬件产品之一,除了MP3播放,iPod还可以作为高速移动硬盘使用,可以显示联系人、日历和任务,以及阅读纯文本电子书和聆听Audible的有声电子书以及播客(Podcasts)。   iPhone手机上的iPod功能是把iPodMP3播放器的功能集成在了iPhone手机上,另外还可以观看视频。如果听音乐的时候有电话进来,轻按耳机上的麦克风就可接听电话。


我现在就将我的理解写下来,供大家参考。1)在创建CL_GUI_ALV_GRID_BASE的对象,会调用SET_INFO_TABLE方法为MT_MODIFIED_CELLS创建一个CL_GUI_DATAPONDEMAND对象,并把MT_MODIFIED_CELLS的地址传递到CL_GUI_DATAPONDEMAND的M_DATAPTR属性; 2)调用CL_GUI_DATAPONDEMAND->control_assign_prop进行注册全局静态内表“M_RUNNINGOBJECTS”,该内表包含下列字段 �0�2begin of runningdataobjs, �0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2 handle type i,�0�2�0�2�0�2 “CL_GUI_DATAPONDEMAND的唯一ID号,系统每建一个会自动加一 �0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2 obj�0�2�0�2�0�2 type ref to cl_gui_datapondemand,”刚创建的CL_GUI_DATAPONDEMAND对象的地址 �0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2 Is_Killed(1) type�0�2 C,�0�2“Y6BK003062 “是否Kill �0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2 end of runningdataobjs , 1)AS会分析客户端回传的XML数据,根据XML的项目首先会为"DATACHANGES"创建LCL_MYTABDATACHANGECONSUMER的对象; 2)(CL_GUI_DATAPONDEMAND的唯一ID号)调用call method ("CL_GUI_DATAPONDEMAND")=>("GET_WRITE_ACCESS")从全局静态内表“M_RUNNINGOBJECTS”获得对应控件数据的CL_GUI_DATAPONDEMAND对象赋值给LCL_MYTABDATACHANGECONSUMER的对象的m_dataaccess属性。


1.“VOD”指视频点播。 2.视频点播是二十世纪90年代在国外发展起来的,能根据用户的需要播放相应的视频节目,英文称为“VideoonDemand”,所以简称为“VOD”。

prism module中的控件怎么进行focus



OS 是操作系统? OD是光盘?什么语境?

在Eclipse中,有一种项目类型是module project,它的具体含义是什么?

在Eclipse中,有一种项目类型是module project:一、修改工程属性:右键eclipse的工程,选择属性,再选择Project Facets里面中选择Dynamic Web Module ,将3.0修改为2.5,可能会提示如下信息:Cannot change version of project facet Dynamic Web Module to 2.5这样表示修改不了,然后采用第二种方法。二、修改配置文件:找到工程项目的硬盘目录,打开项目下的 .setting文件夹,如下图:找到 .setting文件夹内的org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml文件,文件格式大致如下:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><faceted-project><runtime name="Apache Tomcat v5.5"/><fixed facet="jst.web"/><fixed facet="jst.java"/><installed facet="jst.java" version="5.0"/><installed facet="jst.web" version="2.5"/><installed facet="wst.jsdt.web" version="1.0"/></faceted-project>直接手动修改jst.web对应的version即可。最后重启tomcatX就可以正常使用了。

HP ProDesk 490 G2还原系统时候蓝屏了 请问如何正确还原系统 现在一直是蓝屏状态

【1】有时只是某个程序或驱动程序一时犯错,重启后它们会改过自新。再使用于腾讯电脑管家等,修补系统漏洞。 【2】检查系统中是否有木马或病毒。建议:使用腾讯电脑管家对电脑进行全盘杀。 【3】应该检查硬件是否插牢,这个被许多人忽视的问题往往会引发许多莫名其妙的故障。如果确认没有问题,将其拔下,然后换个插槽试试,。(必要时更换内存条)【4】 。软件方面:安装了两款或两款以上的杀毒软件或同类型的软件运行,可能会存在冲突,可以将其中一个卸载即可。 【5】最后一次正确配置。一般情况下,蓝屏都出现于更新了硬件驱动或新加硬件并安装其驱动后,这时Windows系统提供的“最后一次正确配置”就是解决蓝屏的快捷方式。重启系统,在出现启动菜单时按下F8键就会出现高级启动选项菜单,接着选择“最后一次正确配置”。

Goodbye Dream 歌词

歌曲名:Goodbye Dream歌手:来生たかお专辑:ひたすらに未知一路上有你英文版My dream每天夜里,我梦着你,希望你会在这陪伴着我I dream of you everyday of my life, 梦着你 在我生命中的每一天but you don"t even know my love.但你却不懂我有多爱你Just like a friend you treat me like it should be,你真的只是把我当作朋友tell me how can I make this real告诉我怎样才梦想成真I think of you everywhere that I go无论去到哪里我都会想起你but you don"t even know I care,可你却不懂我有多在乎你oh how I wish,you are here beside me,哦 我多希望 你就在我的身旁loving you with all of my heart,用心爱着你I wish you know how much I love you,我多希望你知道 我有多爱你its been driving my heart crazy,这让我心绪不宁If I tell you`how I feel will you be here,我该不该告诉你 幻想着你在这里be here with me~~和我厮守oh am I dreaming, or just fantasy,梦着你 也许只是梦幻一场how can I know if you let me in your heart,怎么才能打开你的心扉oh am I dreaming, or just reality,梦着你 也许有一天会如愿以偿please let me hold you in my arms throughout the night请让我拥着你 时时刻刻Just like a friendyou treat me like it should be,http://music.baidu.com/song/55875180


What is the difference between a major, moderate and minor drug reaction?A major drug reaction would be something that is unbearable, could be life threatening and very serious.Moderate drug reaction would be something that is bearable to some extent... in some people though it might be on the extreme and not bearable ... but not life threatening.Minor drug reaction would be something very small ... definitely bearable but maybe a bit annoying.由此可见 major>moderate>Minor



misunderstood lil wayne中文歌词

Misunderstood LyricsBaby understand me nowIf sometimes you see that I"m madDon"t you know no one alive can always be an angelWhen everything goes wrong, you see some badBut I"m just a soul whose intentions are goodO lord please don"t let me be misunderstoodMisunderstood aint gotta be explainedBut you don"t understand me so let me explainStood in the heat, the flames, the snowplease slow down hurricaneThe wind blow, my dreads swangHe had hair like wool, like waynedropping ashes in the biblei shake em out and they fall on the riflescary, hail mary no tale fairyall real very, extraordinaryperry mason facing, the barrel if he tattlemy God is my judge, no gown no gaveli"m a rebel, down to battlenow or never, i would never in the everf**king fantastic, f**k if you agree im brightbut i don"t give a f**k if you see mei"m just a soul whose intentions are goodO lord please don"t let me be misunderstoodWhat"s understood aint gotta be explainedso for those who understand meet Dwaynefor 8 and a half months i gave ms. cit da painnow it"s young money baby, keep the changemy mama say f**k em and we the sameso hello mothaf**ka you got some sheets to changeand aint it funny how people change like easter sundayyou know church fit then outfit,bright pink and green chest look house litbright pinky rings but that aint about thiswhat you bout bitchexcuse my french emotion in my passionbut I wear my heart on my sleeve like it"s the new fashionwhat are you asking, if i don"t have the answerit"s probably on the web, like i"m a damn tarantulabut i know you don"t understand, cuz you thought lil wayne is weezybut weezy is dwaynei"m just a soul whose intentions are goodO lord please don"t let me be misunderstoodI was watching t.v. the other day rightgot this white guy up there talking about black guystalking about how young black guys are targetedtargeted by who? americayou see one in every 100 americans are locked upone in every 9 black americans are locked upand see what the white guy was trying to stress was thatthe money we spend on sending a mothaf**ka to jaila young mothaf**ka to jailwould be less to send his or her young ass to collegesee, and another thing the white guy was stressing was thatour jails are populated with drug dealers, you know crack/cocaine stuff like thatmeaning due to the laws we have on crack/cocaine and regular cocainepolice are only, i don"t want to say only right, but shitonly logic by riding around in the hood all dayand not in the suburbsbecause crack cocaine is mostly found in the hoodand you know the other thing is mostly found in you know where i"m goingbut why bring a mothaf**ka to jail if it"s not gon stand up in courtcuz this drug aint that drug, you know level 3, level 4 drug, shit like thati guess it"s all a misunderstandingi sit back and think, you know us young mothaf**kas you know that 1 in 9we probably only selling the crack cocaine because we in the hoodand it"s not like in the suburbs, we don"t have what you havewhy? i really don"t wanna know the answeri guess we just misunderstood hunhyou know we don"t have room in the jail now for the real mothaf**kas, the real criminalssex offenders, rapists serial killers, s**t like thatdon"t get scared, don"t get scaredI know you saw one them sex offenders papersdon"t trip he live right on the end of yo block,Mhm yea, that nigga live right down the street from you,sex offender on the level 3 drug,convicted ex-conyea check em outwatch you got, you got a daughter, son , what you got.?hahaa yea, you know whatthat"s the good weed,you know what, I have a f**king daughteryou understand me and why the f**k would you bring my neighbor to jailjus because the reason why he live next door to me, ain"t the reason why I live next door to himMeaning he didn"t rap his way to my f**king neighborhoodhe sold crack cocaine to get to my neighborhoodyou move him out bring him to jail for lifeand then you move in with a sex offenderahaha, hey give me a paper,ahaha is that a misunderstanding? because I didn"t understand itanother thing, let me take my glasses offcause I wanna see the reaction on their faces when I say thisuhh Mr Al Sharpton, this is why I don"t respect you and nobody like yasee you"re the type that gets off on getting on other peoplethat"s not goodno homo,rather unhuman, I should sayI mean giving the fact that humanity were a good humanityrather to me is helping one anotherno matter your color or racebut this guy and people like him, they"d rather speculate before they informateif that"s a word, ha-haahha you know spec before checkanyways meaning id much ratheryou talk to me first and see if you can lend an opinion before you link onejust my thought of good humanity, Mr. Sharpton, hold on I aint finished with you manna f**k that shit Mhm hold on, um,Mr. sharpton and anyone like you, you don"t know meso if your not going to try to then what you say or think about meare what ever I do is totally Casper the friendly ghost,to me, and it doesn"t make you a good person to criticize before you improvisedoesn"t necessarily make you a bad person either but the characteristics fall heavily into bads way, ahah but since I am human I am good and bad, as well but I try my hardest to stay goodsome of the things I do and say may be bad or just not to goodbut I do try, so with that said I don"t fault you, I mean your only human, good or badbut I also don"t respect you and I don"t care if that"s good or badyou see you are no MLK you are no Jesse Jackson, you are nobody, to me, your just another don king, with a perm, hahah just a little more political, and that just means you"re a little unhumanthan us humans, and now let me be human and say, f**k Al Sharpton and anyone like himf**k if you understand meI love being misunderstoodhaha why?,cause I live in the suburbsbut I come from the hoodBring the hook in.But I"m just a soul whose intentions are goodO lord please don"t let me be misunderstood.中文:现在明白我的宝贝如果有时你看到我疯了你难道不知道没有人活着总是可以是天使当一切都错了,你看到一些坏但我只是一个灵魂,其意图是好的主啊,请不要让我被误解误解不是必须加以解释但你不明白我的所以让我解释一下站在热,火焰,雪请减速慢行飓风风吹,我怕动了他有头发如羊毛一样,韦恩圣经下降的灰烬我动摇了,他们对新兴市场的步枪下降吓人,圣母无童话故事所有真正的非常,非常佩里梅森面对,如果他闲谈桶我的上帝是我的判断,没有礼服没有槌我是个反叛者,下到战斗机不可失,时不再来,我绝不会在不断f **王神奇,女** K如果你同意的IM光明但我不给一个F ** K如果你看到我我只是一个灵魂,其意图是好的主啊,请不要让我被误解什么是理解的是不是得解释因此,对于那些谁了解满足德韦恩8个半月我给了她。引大痛现在的年轻人的钱宝宝,不用找了我的妈妈说f **亩EM和我们一样所以你打招呼mothaf **家有一些床单换洗这不是很可笑吗?人喜欢复活节变化你知道教会然后FIT装备,明亮的粉红色和绿色的胸部看房子点燃明亮的淡红色环,但这并不是这你回合婊子原谅我在我的激情的法国情感但我穿我的心在我的袖子喜欢它的新时尚你有什么要求,如果我没有答案它可能在网络上,就像我是一个该死的狼蛛但我知道你不明白,因为你以为律韦恩是weezy但weezy是德韦恩我只是一个灵魂,其意图是好的主啊,请不要让我被误解我看着t.v.其他的一天得到这个白人对黑人球员在那里谈论谈到如何针对年轻的黑人球员是针对的是谁?美国你看到在每100个美国人中就有一个被锁每9个黑人美国人中就有一个被锁并看看白人是想强调的是,钱,我们就派遣一mothaf **嘉进监狱度过一个年轻的mothaf **嘉入狱就会少送他或她年轻的屁股上大学看到了,另一件白色的家伙强调的是,我们的监狱人口与毒贩,你知道这样的裂缝/可卡因的东西由于裂纹意义的法律,我们有/可卡因和可卡因定期警方只是,我不想只说对的,但狗屎只有逻辑骑在引擎盖整天而不是在郊区可卡因主要是因为发现在引擎盖你知道其他的事情主要是找到了你知道我要去哪里但为什么带来mothaf **嘉坐牢,也没有在法庭上的立场坤这种药物的Cuz不是药,你知道3级,4级的药物,这样的狗屎我想这完全是误解我坐下来想,你知道我们年轻mothaf **卡斯你知道,在9 1我们可能只卖因为我们在引擎盖可卡因它不像在郊区,我们没有什么你为什么?我真的不想知道答案我想我们只是误解hunh你知道我们没有在监狱的房间里,为真正的mothaf **卡斯,真正的罪犯性罪犯,强奸犯连环杀手,下这样的**吨不要害怕,不要害怕我知道你看到一个文件,他们的性罪犯也不行,他有权在年底投入块哟,Li李晔是啊,那黑鬼沿着这条街从你住,性犯罪者的第3级毒品,被定罪的前浓度酵母检查出的EM看你了,你有一个女儿,儿子,你得到了什么。?哈哈是啊,你知道吗这是好杂草,你知道吗,我有一个F **国王的女儿你了解我,为什么在F ** K会你把我的邻居入狱绝对的原因,因为他就住在隔壁对我来说,是不是这个原因,为什么我住他隔壁这意味着他没有斥责他的方法,我的F **王居委会他卖可卡因去我家附近你动他的生活带来了他入狱然后你搬过来和性罪犯ahaha,嘿,给我一份文件,ahaha是一个误会?因为我不明白另一件事,让我把我的眼镜了因为我希望看到他们脸上的反应,当我这样说侏儒铝夏普顿先生,这就是为什么我不尊重你,没有人喜欢雅看到你的类型,对其他下车的人越来越这不是好没有同源,而非人类的,我应该说我的意思是让一个事实,即人类是一个很好的人性而对我来说是互相帮助不管你的肤色或种族但是这家伙,像他这样的人,他们宁愿推测才informate如果那是一个字,哈哈,你知道haahha入住前规格反正意思身份证宁愿你先告诉我,看你是否可以借给你的意见,然后环节之一只是我想好人性化,夏普顿先生,我坚持不与你做完人娜f **亩Li李晔举行的狗屎,嗯,夏普顿先生和你一样的人,你不认识我所以,如果你不打算尝试,然后你说什么或对我的看法不论我是什么做的,是完全卡斯帕尔友好的鬼魂,对我来说,它不会让你一个很好的人在你面前即兴批评不一定使你成为一个坏人的特征之一,但秋季大举进入劣品的方式,ahah但因为我是人我好和坏,因为我好,我尽我最大努力保持良好的一些事情我做,说这可能是坏的或只是没有良好但我会尽力,有了这样的说我不错你,我的意思是你唯一的人,是好是坏但我也不会尊重你,我不在乎这是好还是坏你看你,你没有任何MLK杰西杰克逊,你什么也不是,对我来说,你只是一个唐金,以烫发,hahah一点点的政治,那只是意味着你是一个小非人类的比我们人类,人类现在让我说,女** K表铝夏普顿和他一样的人f **亩,如果你了解我我喜欢被人误解哈哈,为什么?,因为我住在郊区但我来自罩使钩英寸但我只是一个灵魂,其意图是好的主啊,请不要让我被误解。

Good Girls Bad Guys 歌词

歌曲名:Good Girls Bad Guys歌手:Falling In Reverse专辑:The Drug In Me Is YouSo why do good girls like bad guys?I had this question for a real long timeI""ve been a bad boy and it""s plain to seeSo why do good girls fall in love with me?.Whoa ooh ooh.You""ve got pep in your stepYou live your life with no regretHow you look when you are wetIs something I can not forgetI just wanna kiss your lipsThe ones between your hipsIf I cash in all my chips on youThen baby I""d be rich.So come onSexy, please text meI""m ready for youSo come onWaiting, I""m beggingSo please get here soon.So why do good girls like bad guys?I had this question for a real long timeI""ve been a bad boy and it""s plain to seeSo why do good girls fall in love with me?.Whoa ooh ooh.Ooo lala, what lovely curvesBaby I get off by getting you off firstSorry girl if this is quickSo please just take it in the ass and suck my dick.So come onSexy, please text meI""m ready for youSo come onWaiting, I""m beggingSo please get here soon.So why do good girls like bad guys?I had this question for a real long timeI""ve been a bad boy and it""s plain to seeSo why do good girls fall in love with me?.Whoa ooh ooh.Guitar!.So why do good girls like bad guys?I had this question for a real long timeI""ve been a bad boy and it""s plain to seeSo why do good girls fall in love with me?.So why do good girls like bad guys?I had this question for a real long timeI""ve been a bad boy and it""s plain to seeSo why do good girls fall in love with me?.So why do good girls like bad guys?I wanna know, I need to know!So why do good girls like bad guys?So come on I gotta know, I need to know!So come on I gotta knowSo come on tell me!.http://music.baidu.com/song/20440253

法语问题 Il faut être persuadé de la qualité de son produit


有首女的唱的英文歌其中有几句是,one tow three goodbye,i love you

u300aA Little Loveu300bGreatness as you smallest as me You show me what is deep as sea A little love,little kiss A litlle hug,little gift all of little somethingthese are our memories You make me cry make me smile make me feel that love is true You always stand by my side I don"t want to say goodbye You make me cry make me smile make me feel the joy of love oh kissing you Thank you for all the love you always give to me oh I love you Greatness as you smallest as me You show me what is deep as sea A little love,little kiss A litlle hug,little gift all of little somethingthese are our memories You make me cry make me smile make me feel that love is true You always stand by my side I don"t want to say goodbye You make me cry make me smile make me feel the joy of love oh kissing you Thank you for all the love you always give to me oh I love you Yes I do,Album:A Little LoveI always do LRC Powered By P.williamMake me cry make me smile make me feel that love is true you always stand by my side I don"t want to say goodbye You make me cry make me smile make me feel the joy of love oh kissing you Thank you for all the love you always give to me oh I love you To be with you, oh I love you

Node.js 与 Python 作为后端服务的编程语言各有什么优劣

Node.js相优于Python的地方:快:这个快有两方面,第一是V8引擎快,第二是异步执行,Node.js功能上是一个基于V8引擎的异步网络和IO Library,和Python的Twisted很像,不同的是Node.js的event loop是很底层的深入在语言中的,可以想象成整个文件在执行的时候就在一个很大的event loop里;npm:npm可以说是用起来最顺手的package management了,npm作为Node.js的官方package management,汇集了整个社区最集中的资源;不像Python经历过easy_install和pip,还有2to3的问题;Windows支持:Node.js有微软的加持,Windows基本被视为一等公民来支持,libuv已经可以很好的做到统一跨平台的API;而Python虽然也对Windows有官方的支持,但是总感觉是二等公民,时不时出些问题。Python优于Node.js的地方:语言:就单纯从语言的角度来说,Python写起来要比Javascript舒服很多;Javascript 设计本身有许多缺陷,毕竟当时设计的时候只是作为在浏览器中做一些简单任务的script,所以代码一旦庞大,维护还是有困难(不过Node.js的module很大的改善了这个问题),不过用Coffeescript可以很大的改善Javascript,几乎可以和Python等同;成熟:成熟包括语言本身已经成熟,还有Framework和ecosystem也很庞大。Node.js的绝大多数framework都很新,有的API一直在变,有的感觉已经不在维护,总之没有一个像Django那种百足之虫感觉的framework。Python的主流ORM SQLalchemy也很成熟。Python 和 Node.js 很难分高下的地方:异步Style:Node.js的异步Style是CPS,也就是层层callback,基于event,和浏览器中的Javascript很像。CPS好处是让熟悉浏览器Javascript的人能很快上手,学习难度也不大。缺点是逻辑一复杂,就变得很难维护,基本上需要通过async.js这种library,或者用promise。Python的异步除了和Node.js很像的Twisted之外,也有基于coroutine的gevent,coroutine让异步代码维护起来更容易,不过学习曲线陡;应用场景:如果是一个CRUD的app,那么想都不想直接是Python,Node.js本身不擅长CRUD的app(绝大多数Node.js都是直接裸在外面的,而不是有一个Nginx在前面,否则websocket就不能用了,不过新版nginx开始支持websocket),代码又不好维护,而Python的WSGI很适合,成熟的stack也有很多。如果更偏向于real-time,比如一个chat room,那么Node.js实现更容易。这两个应用场景还是有差别的。




GOOD MORNING,BOYS AND GIRLS.早上好,男孩和女孩们。如有疑问,请追问!

boys and girls have two new friends today怎么读?

波死 俺 狗屎 嘿 兔 扭 范 兔得中文:在今天,男孩和女孩有两个新朋友。

boys and girls, we have two new____today.

答案是:B 同学们今天我们有两位新朋友 two 后面应该用复数形式 ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~
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