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英语干货|Not Good 和 No Good一个意思吗?一直再错!

请回答: That is no good. That is not good. 两句话是一个意思吗? 这两句话有语法错误吗? 今天我们就来彻底搞清 No Good & Not Good No good no在这里用来量化good,意思是 没有一点是好的 ,也 没有变好的可能性 形容一个人no good ,那就意味着这个人 没有一点可取之处 Jack was always in trouble. He was just no good. 杰克总是惹麻烦,他这人简直无药可救。 形容一个物品no good ,那就意味着这个物品 毫无利用价值. This milk is no good. It expired last week. 这个牛奶上周就过期了,不能喝了 Not good Not good 是形容词,直译过来也是 不好的 ,但有 不确定性,可改变性 比如 当我们说 The dinner wasnot good. 表示这顿饭不好吃,味道不是很好,但还是可以填饱肚子的 但是如果我们说 The dinner wasno good. 那意味着,这顿饭和垃圾一样,简直无法下咽 再比如说: After twisting her ankle, Mary"s chances of winning the race arenot good. 玛丽的脚扭伤后,赢得比赛的 几率不大 把not good 换成no good ,意思就完全不一样了 After twisting her ankle, Mary hasno goodchance of winning the race. 玛丽的脚扭伤后,根本 没有可能 赢得比赛 所以说,no good和not good 从语法上讲都是正确的, 且都是形容 不好的 , 但是 no good 更强烈 ,表示“ 一无是处,毫无价值 ” 所以如果想说自己的英文不好 千万不要说 My English is no good 而要说 My English is not good 当然 希望大家用不到这句话 希望你能轻松提高英文

he is no good 是什么意思?

he is no good他不是好人

no good是什么意思


为什么no后面可以加名词,not后面要加上形容词呢,那no good正确吗

cb、The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it.

no good还是not good 两种都见过 有什么区别

no good-没有好处 not good-不好 例句:Smoking do you no good.吸烟对你没有好处. Smoking is not good.吸烟是不好的.

Space Oddity 歌词

《Space Oddity 》歌手: David Bowie所属专辑:《The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty》发行时间:2014-01-22 歌词:Ground Control to Major Tom,Take your protein pills and put your helmet on.TenGround Control to Major Tom Nine,Eight,SevenCommencing countdown, engines on Six,Five FourCheck igition and may God"s love be with you Three,Two,OneLiftoffThis is Ground Control to Major Tom,You"ve really made the gradeAnd the papers want to know who shot you whereNow it"s time to leave the capsule if you dare."This is Major Tom to Ground Control"I"m stepping through the doorAnd I"m floating in a most peculiar wayAnd the stars look very different today.For hereAm I sitting in a tin canFar above the world,Planet Earth is blueAnd there"s nothing I can do.Though I"m past one hundred thousand miles,I"m feeling very still,And I think my spaceship knows which way to go.Tell my wife I love her very much she knows."Ground Control to Major TomYour circuits dead, there"s something wrong.Can you hear me, Major Tom?Can you hear me, Major Tom?Can you hear me, Major Tom?Can you...

华为手机出现rescue mode怎么恢复


华为手机出现rescue mode怎么恢复?


华为手机出现rescue mode怎么恢复


body butter是什么意思

身体黄油双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 身体黄油例句:1.Master: "you may try it. With your meals take a little clarified butter made from cow"s milk. That will purify your body and mind." 师父:“你可以试试。你在膳食上加上少许牛奶提炼的黄油,那会净化你的身体和思想。”

华为手机进去rescue mode模式怎么回事?

如果手机显示fastbootrescue mode以及机器人界面,这是因为长按音量下键+电源键,进入了Fastboot模式,可以长按电源键重启手机退出该模式。请先长按电源键10秒关机后再开机尝试。仍无法开机,关机状态下同时长按手机电源键、音量+、音量—这三个键,进入recovery模式,清除数据恢复出厂设置。恢复出厂时会删除手机内数据。

body butter 中文意思


请问华为手机出现rescue mode怎么恢复?



如果手机显示fastbootrescue mode以及机器人界面,这是因为长按音量下键+电源键,进入了Fastboot模式,可以长按电源键重启手机退出该模式。 请先长按电源键10秒关机后再开机尝试。仍无法开机,关机状态下同时长按手机电源键、音量+、音量—这三个键,进入recovery模式,清除数据恢复出厂设置。恢复出厂时会删除手机内数据。


请先长按电源键10秒关机后再开机尝试。仍无法开机,关机状态下同时长按手机电源键、音量+、音量—这三个键,进入recovery模式,清除数据恢复出厂设置。恢复出厂时会删除手机内数据。进入recovery模式后续操作如下:1、使用音量+和音量—键调整亮条至“wipe data/factory reset”即“清除数据恢复工厂设置”,按电源键确认。2、使用音量+和音量—键调整亮条至“Yes,delete all user data”,按电源键确认。3、等待一段时间至出现一下画面,选择“reboot system now”重启手机,按电源键确认。如果仍无法打开请携带保修凭证前往附近的华为客服中心检测维修。

参考: Weather affects all of us in one way or another, directly or indirectly. For example, good we




英语One week from today怎么翻译?

One week from today从今天起一周


1、pod,全称Plain Old Documentation,是一种用于记录Perl编程语言的轻量级标记语言。2、过氧化物酶,过氧化物酶体的标志酶,是其一类氧化还原酶,它们能催化很多反应。过氧化物酶是以过氧化氢为电子受体催化底物氧化的酶。主要存在于载体的过氧化物酶体中,以铁卟啉为辅基,可催化过氧化氢,氧化酚类和胺类化合物和烃类氧化产物,具有消除过氧化氢和酚类、胺类、醛类、苯类毒性的双重作用。3、Plain old data structure,缩写为POD,是C++语言的标准中定义的一类数据结构,POD适用于需要明确的数据底层操作的系统中。POD通常被用在系统的边界处,即指不同系统之间只能以底层数据的形式进行交互,系统的高层逻辑不能互相兼容。比如当对象的字段值是从外部数据中构建时,系统还没有办法对对象进行语义检查和解释,这时就适用POD来存储数据。4、POD(Proof of Delivery)交付凭证,它一共分四联(也有五联、六联的)。5、Proper orthogonal decomposition缩写为POD,意思是本征正交分解,是一种用于提取离散数据特征信息的数学方法。

cell-decomposition method 是路径规划的什么算法啊,高手具体给介绍介绍



BMW 以及一些美国的汽车应该都支持....http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/ratVWFxNPzk/



somebody help me 还是somebody helps me




John Dreamer-Brotherhood 这首歌出自哪部作品?

Brotherhood-John DreamerEmpire of Angels-Thomas BergersenGo Time-Mark PetrieMan At Arms-Position MusicUnity-TheFatRatMonody-TheFatRatRiver Flows In You (Original Mix) - remixFade-Alan Walker再见明奇Sunburst-Tobu四叶草的幻想-埋葬yjStand With Me-Wisp XAdventure Time-PhilterLast Reunion-EpicMusicVn男儿当自强(狮王争霸之大合唱)Other Worlds-Really Slow Motioncolor-X 3D-徐梦圆

听过 Monody 吗?求类似的几首歌,好听就行。

fade alan walkersun steernerwindfall thefaratholiday tobuprelude thefaratunity thefarat



monody 的中文歌词

《monody 》歌词:  夏天在山上  那些朦胧的日子我还记得  我们正在运行  全世界都在我们脚下  看季节变化  我们的道路上布满了冒险  山脉的道路  不能使我们远离大海  在这里,我们张开双臂  这是我们的家  在世界上曾经强大的我们  我仍然在微风中听到你的声音  看见树上的影子  坚持,回忆永远不会改变《挽歌》歌词:  夏天在山上  那些朦胧的日子我还记得  我们正在运行  全世界都在我们脚下  看季节变化  我们的道路上布满了冒险  山脉的道路  不能使我们远离大海  在这里,我们张开双臂  这是我们的家  在世界上曾经强大的我们  我仍然在微风中听到你的声音  看见树上的影子  控股,记忆从未改变

monody 的中文歌词

Summer in the hills 夏日山丘Those hazy days I do remember 青春朦胧,犹记在心We were running still 我们欢快奔跑Had the whole world at our feet 丈量世界Watching seasons change 四季交替 Our roads were lined with adventure 一路前行 险象环生Mountains in the way 高山横亘Couldn"t keep us from the sea 难挡海的呼唤Here we stand open arms 我们张开怀抱This is home where we are 拥抱我们的家Ever strong in the world that we made 无与伦比,盛世强大I still hear you in the breeze 微风拂面 喃喃呓语See your shadows in the trees 树影斑驳Holding on memories never change 记忆流金 永不褪色


《The God Delusion》(Richard Dawkins)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1XKG4xEZJIgBEaZ-Qaq6t0A 提取码: mgj7书名:The God Delusion作者:Richard Dawkins出版年份:2007-1页数:464内容简介:"The God Delusion" caused a sensation when it was published in 2006. Within weeks it became the most hotly debated topic, with Dawkins himself branded as either saint or sinner for presenting his hard-hitting, impassioned rebuttal of religion of all types. His argument could hardly be more topical. While Europe is becoming increasingly secularized, the rise of religious fundamentalism, whether in the Middle East or Middle America, is dramatically and dangerously dividing opinion around the world. In America, and elsewhere, a vigorous dispute between "intelligent design" and Darwinism is seriously undermining and restricting the teaching of science. In many countries religious dogma from medieval times still serves to abuse basic human rights such as women"s and gay rights. And all from a belief in a God whose existence lacks evidence of any kind. Dawkins attacks God in all his forms. He eviscerates the major arguments for religion and demonstrates the supreme improbability of a supreme being. He shows how religion fuels war, foments bigotry and abuses children. "The God Delusion" is a brilliantly argued, fascinating polemic that will be required reading for anyone interested in this most emotional and important subject.作者简介:理查德·道金斯(Richard Dawkins),英国皇家科学院院士。牛津大学教授,著名科普作家、生物学家,英国皇家学会会士。

和monody thefatrat的副歌节奏相似的歌曲

Triple Rush——K-391Monody——TheFatRat / Laura Brehm锦里——OPE-T Stroll——MotakuTimes——troCrystals——Steerner Sky (Radio Edit)——SteernerSolstice——K-391节奏可能不一样 但风格差不多吧


monody女声部分是由Laura Brehm唱的望采纳



monody 这首电音为什么开头的调子和水手一样


跪求!跪求!跪求!一首经典歌曲《Monody(Radio Edit)》!!!



  model有模范;模特儿;模型等意思,那么你知道model的用法吗?下面我为大家带来有关model的用法和 短语 例句,供大家参考学习!    model的用法:   model的用法1:model的基本意思是“模型”,指以某人或某物为样本复制一个比原型小若干倍的复制品。也可指某物的大小、式样,即“设计,型号”。model也可指某种供他人学习的 方法 ,即“模式”,或指为他人树立良好的形象,以供他人参考的“模范”,多强调值得人模仿的某种行为或品质。   model的用法2:model还可指“模特儿”,指用自身形象来宣传某种商品的人。   model的用法3:model用作名词的意思为“模型”“模范”“模特”,转化为动词时意思是“做模型”,指将某物按照一定的比例做成模型; 也可指向别人学习某种方法或某种行为,即“仿效”。model还可指凭自身的形象向他人展示某种商品,即“当模特儿”。   model的用法4:model可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。   model的常用短语:   用作动词 (v.)   model after〔on, upon〕 (v.+prep.)   model in〔out of,with〕 (v.+prep.)   model的用法例句:   1. He wants companies to follow the European model of social responsibility.   他希望各公司能够以欧洲公司为榜样,承担社会责任。   2. The functionalist model of industrial society was subjected to conceptual criticism.   工业社会的实用主义模型在概念上遭到了批判。   3. This basic utilitarian model gives a relatively unsophisticated account of human behaviour.   这个实用的基础模型较为简略地解释了人类的行为。   4. He is a model professional and an example to the younger lads.   他是个模范的专业人士,是年轻人的榜样。   5. We believe that this is a general model of managerial activity.   我们认为这可以作为管理活动的普遍范例。   6. The German constitution is an excellent model of decentralised government.   德国宪法是实行地方政府分权制的优秀典范。   7. He thought the speech a model of its kind, limpid and unaffected.   他认为这一演讲堪称典范,简洁流畅,清新自然。   8. That model won"t go into production before late 1990.   那种型号在20世纪90年代末以前不会批量生产。   9. To keep the cost down, opt for a basic model.   要想花钱少些,就选择基本的型号。   10. He was the very model of the dashing RAF pilot.   他正是风度翩翩的英国皇家空军飞行员的典范。   11. Many of the resulting wines lack the subtlety of the original model.   许多如此酿制的葡萄酒都不像最初的葡萄酒那样耐人品味。   12. He was described by his seniors as a model officer.   上司们形容他是个模范官员。   13. He proposed a model of stress reaction in the body.   他提出了一个人体内应激反应的模型。   14. The Rousseau model commended itself to a lot of early socialists.   卢梭提出的模式被很多早期的社会主义者接受。   15. He became a model of clean living and Bible Belt virtues.   他成了洁身自好、恪守“圣经地带”德行的典范。

she is point at the food.对吗?



这个官网很清楚,也很简单,父组件中使用v-bind绑定传送,子组件使用props接收即可 例如: 父组件中: 子组件中: 这种情况下,子组件的methods中想要取到props中的值,直接使用this.chartData即可 但是有写情况下,你的chartData里面的值并不是固定的,而是动态获取的,这种情况下,你会发现methods中是取不到你的chartData的,或者取到的一直是默认值 比如下面这个情况: 父组件中: 此时子组件的methods中使用this.chartData会发现是不存在的(因为为空了) 这情况我是使用watch处理 监听chartData的值,当它由空转变时就会触发,这时候就能取到了,拿到值后要做的处理方法也需要在watch里面执行



COD4中的音乐mx girggs deep hard

The Infinityward team has been developing call of duty 4: modern warfare 紧接着使命召唤2,IW小队已经在开发使命召唤4:现代战争。 we"re making it more sophisticated for a deeper call of duty experience. 有了深厚的开发COD的经验,我们做得更加精密。 Variety is the next big thing for us, we"re going deep and we"re going hard. 游戏的变化是我们的下一件大事,我们会做得很深层次,更加努力。 First Verse “The weak man may be careful not to soil himself when he plays this game” 体虚的家伙玩这游戏要小心,别弄脏了自己(3D游戏综合征。。。呕吐) Enter the mind in time you"ll find my lines Combine intertwine underlined rhyme divine 注意及时地听,你会发现我的歌词拥有天才般的韵律。(这太难了点。。。不过大意是这样) No Hind can go against me 249 lift you switfly 雌鹿直升机也不是我对手,249式机枪飞快地把你射飞 Frontline"s in here with me 我在哪前线就在哪 Think I"m lying? come and get me 觉得我在撒谎?敢就跟上我 Sgt. Griggs reporting for duty *roger* 军士格里格斯,报道 收到 Some say this belong in a movie 有人说这是电影里的吧 But this the 3rd installment 但这是第三部游戏 Infinityward shit IW真他M棒 Don"t soil your drawers 别把你裤子弄脏了 Cause it"s deep and it"s hard bitch 因为这游戏可是个非常困难的挑战 HELLO~~ 你好啊~~ Ready for action 50 cals start to clapping 准备行动,50口径的狙在鼓掌了 4 horsemen kicking a Rerun asking “What"s happening?” 天启四骑士回攻了一球(橄榄球术语)问道“发生什么了?” Too late for all that flapping 现在慌张已经太迟了 Out the gates with autos packed in 大门外的汽车停了下来 This one"s for MacMillian 这是迈克米兰的目标 15 years you had relaxing 你已经休养15年了 Now it"s time to settle the score 现在是算分的时间了 We ready for War 我们准备战争 SAS on board SAS在飞机上 My Tribe Award Tour 我的部落奖赛 Chorus合唱 And this the 3rd installment 这是第三部作品 Infinityward shit IW真TM棒 Don"t soil your drawers 别把你裤子弄脏了 Cause it"s deep and it"s hard bitch 因为这游戏可是个非常困难的挑战 Gri-Griggs All right, fall in marines, stay frosty...(不确定) Gri-Griggs Go and start? But are they the good Russians or the bad Russians? 开始吗?但是他们是好俄罗斯人还是坏俄罗斯人? Gri-Griggs Hold your fire! Friendlies coming out! 停火!友军出来了! Gri-Griggs Sir, we"re got company! Helicopter troops closing in fast! 长官,我们找到伙伴了!直升机部队在飞速靠近! No sign of Al-asad sir. 没阿尔-阿萨德的踪迹,长官 Gri-Griggs Maybe a hate as in Kamrov won a bloody catch... Gri-Griggs I think his in here. I hear him! 我认为他在这。我听到他声音了! Soap! Regroup the team and follow captain price and Kamrov storm the building tower, go! 肥皂!重组队伍并跟随PRICE队长和KAMROV攻占那个塔,上! Nikolai, are you all right? Can you walk? Nikolai,你还好吗?能走不? “The weak man may be careful not to soil himself when he plays this game” 体虚的家伙玩这游戏要小心,别弄脏了自己 Marines! SAS! — Hands Up! Marines! SAS!--举起双手! Zakhaev! —— HAHA — Hand Up! 扎卡耶夫--哈哈--举起单手!(他的确只有一只手- -!) Yo! Shoutout to Price the one handed bandit maker 唷!对着独臂强盗制造者普莱斯大声叫 Gaz and Vazquez disbanding any takers GAZ和范奎兹能灭掉任何战士 If there"s anyone greater then show me 如果有谁比他们猛那就给我看看 If not then blow me 如果他们不猛就揍我 You get labeled a hater for sidetalk 你已经被标上sidetalk憎恨者的标签 I - Dub (Infinityward) is soley Out for Success 我-配入的声音(IW)只是力图要成功 Back it up with a little Success 用一点点成功来支持它 And when you back down and digress 而当你放弃它并误入岔道 You hear them yell “Success!” 你听到他们大叫:成功了! Devastation - yeah thats what you facing 毁灭-是的那就是你面对的 When our Call of Duty is to Touch Down in Nations 当我们的使命召唤在国家触地得分时 It your heart gets you"re racing when your role of competitions daddy"s boy on the roof bucks themselves. Damn mission! 改死的任务! Oh! Report man down. OH!报告员挂了。 When the bridge we had full down. Buck me in my prose down. Things you go back in a wonna. And this is the third installment infintyward"s shit. Don"t throw you draws cause it"s deep and hard bitch. Gri-Griggs Watch your six, devil dog! 注意后面,魔狗! Gri-Griggs Roger that, I got somethin" better anyway. 收到,不管杂样我拿到些更好的货色 Gri-Griggs Roger, cover left flank. 收到,掩护左翼 Gri-Griggs 678 452 056 这个是griggs的士兵编号 Gri-griggs

god bless our home


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gta5 openiv mod怎么拖进去

更新中文补丁方便大家使用,使用方法解压缩得到zh_CH放到XX:\OpenIVResourcesLanguages文件夹里,OpenIV2.6zh补丁:点击 重要说明: 有的朋友说使用OpenⅣ打用过MOD后即使是按照我的方法操作后还是乱码报错的,可以尝试重新解压。

GTA5陨石mod拿 openiv 怎么弄





更新中文补丁方便大家使用,使用方法解压缩得到zh_CH放到XX:\OpenIVResourcesLanguages文件夹里,OpenIV2.6zh补丁:点击 重要说明: 有的朋友说使用OpenⅣ打用过MOD后即使是按照我的方法操作后还是乱码报错的,可以尝试重新解压。

求一首英文歌,女生的,感觉听到,everybody say hurt,然后跟着一句everybody hurt。但不是艾薇儿的那个

歌曲名称:Everybody Hurt

GTA5 人物MOD 用openIV怎么替换


goodbye cruel world什么意思?





,。《GTA5》OpenIV怎么用?游戏中玩家们需要使用OpenIV替换文件才可以使用mod,今天为大家带来玩家“architoo”分享的OpenIV使用教程,希望对玩家们有所帮助。关于修改操作MOD爱尝鲜的我也第一时间了,可是后只看到一个压缩包,打开后里面3个文件夹,这对于新手来说可是个头疼的问题啊,完全不知道如何使用,吾等新手们一般都是覆盖确认就OK了,这替换着实不懂,后来知道了这些文件是用一个叫OpenIV的工具来替换游戏内文件,才可以使用MOD首先OpenIV使用方法解压缩得到zh_CH 放到XX:#92;#92;OpenIV#92;Resources#92;Languages文件夹里重要说明:有的朋友说使用OpenⅣ打用过MOD后 即使是按照我的方法操作后还是乱码报错的, 可以尝试重新解压游戏或重新安装游戏.确认游戏可以正常进入后 再使用OpenⅣ打MOD 即可正常游戏,我第一次也是这么过来的!!!先运行程序OpenIV主界面点击 GTA5 - windows开始检测游戏文件启动后的主界面点Edit Mode 即编辑模式确认依次打开update#92;x64#92;dlcpacks#92;mpchristmas2点击 鼠标右键 Replace 即替换在打开后的窗口 浏览所的MOD至此 替换文件的方法就是这些 按照上面的方法 逐个替换所有文件后 下面还有个重要的步骤 我开始就是少了这个步骤 所以运行游戏乱码 报错点击 file- Rebuild 即为 重建再点击Rebuild全部完成 点确定查看更改项?点否右上角,关闭窗口,运行游戏


GTA4主角任务造型MOD导入方法:用SparkIV或OpenIV打开:Grand Theft Auto IVpcmodelscdimages里的playerped.rpf,用下载来的MOD文件替换里面的同名文件即可;如果我的回答能够帮你解决问题,请选择“能解决”和“原创”采纳,如果没有解决请继续追问,我会帮你直到解决问题为止。

如图,gta5 openiv里的是文件夹,而mod里是dat媒体文件,怎么替换

开始检测游戏文件点"Edit Mode" 即编辑模式依次打开updatex64dlcpacksmpchristmas2点击 鼠标右键 Replace 即替换在打开后的窗口 浏览所下载的MOD至此 替换文件的方法就是这些 按照上面的方法 逐个替换所有文件后 下面还有个重要的步骤 我开始就是少了这个步骤 所以运行游戏乱码 报错点击 file- Rebuild 即为 重建再点击RebuilD如题 前段时间看论坛有人发了关于修改操作MOD的帖子 ,爱尝鲜的我也第一时间下载了 可是下载后只看到一个压缩包 打开后里面3个文件夹 这对于新手来说可是个头疼的问题啊 完全不知道如何使用 吾等新手们一般都是下载覆盖确认 就OK了 这替换着实不懂后来度娘速锁 知道了这些文件是用一个叫"OpenIV"的工具来替换游戏内文件 才可以使用MOD 第一次按照顺序逐个把每个文件替换后 运行游戏就是乱码,玩了报错 无法运行 全部完成 点确定

gta5 用gta5modopeniv 装好的mod怎么在游戏里面用



开始检测游戏文件,点Edit Mode,即编辑模式,依次打开update;x64;dlcpacks;mpchristmas2,点击 鼠标右键 Replace 即替换,在打开后的窗口 浏览所的MOD。openiv(mod安装工具)是一款便捷游戏辅助工具,实现最特色的游戏运行数据管理和修改,采用清晰的输出数据主题,用户可以轻松编辑访问,快速智能修改更加方便。MOD是游戏术语,意为游戏模组。它是游戏的一种修改或增强程序,通过将电脑游戏中的道具、武器、角色、敌人、事物、模式、故事情节等作出修改,或是加入新的道具及事物,达到增强游戏可玩性的目的。





meta mode 什么意思

是meta模式的意思也可翻译成:枚塔传说 变身使者 恶魔蜕变模式。


也许你需要这个。iOS自动生成Model GitHub:网页链接

Is There Anybody Out There 歌词

歌曲名:Is There Anybody Out There歌手:Roger Waters专辑:The Wall: Live In BerlinSecondhand Serenade - Is There Anybody Out ThereYou can say goodbye,To all the things that you have ever known.You can say goodbye,And leave behind the life that you have grown.What"s the point,You try to start from scratch, but get let down,You can say goodbye,Just to realise there"s no-one left around.So what am I fighting for.Tell meIs there anybody out there,Am I swimming through this empty sea alone,Am I looking for an answerOr am I trying to find a way to get back home.Is there anybody out there,Would you hear me if I screamed or if I cried,I"m looking for an answerAnd just trying to find a way to survive.You can live or die,Without the chance to find out what you worth,You can live or die,And never find the one that she"d deserve,You can walk alone,And live beside the shadows in your heart,You can say goodbyeOr live and find out you"ve been alone right from the startSo what am I fighting for.Tell meIs there anybody out there,am I swimming through this empty sea alone,Am I looking for an answer,Or am I trying to find a way to get back home.Is there anybody out there,Would you hear me if I screamed or if I cried,I am looking for an answerAnd just trying to find a way to survive.Never thought I would end up all alone,Every day I am feeling further away from home,I can"t catch my breath,but I am holding on.Is there anybody out there,is this the last time I have to say goodbye,Am I staring at my future,Is it time to take charge of my life,Is there anybody out thereAm I swimming through this empty sea alone,Am I looking for an answer,or am I trying to find a way to get back home,Is there anybody out there,Would you hear me if I screamed or if I cried,I am looking for an answer,And just trying to find a way to survive,a way to survive,and I am holding on.http://music.baidu.com/song/8310648

Is Anybody Out There? 歌词

歌曲名:Is Anybody Out There?歌手:K"NAAN专辑:Is Anybody Out There?K"naan Feat. Nelly Furtado - Is Anybody Out There?Nelly Furtado:I don"t wanna be leftIn this war tonightAm I alone in this fight?Is anybody out there?Don"t wanna be left left in this world behindSay you"ll run to my sideK"naan:Something "bout maryNever won a pageantNever felt prettyNever looked like cameronDiaz was her last nameAlways been abandonedKeep your head upBaby girl this is your anthemThere goes hannahShowin" off her bannerRocking that crownMake them boys go bananasWhen you"re insecure about yourselfIt"s a factYou can point a fingerBut there"s three pointing backI can see her crying out, yeahIs there anybody out there?She"s really counting on your loveStill struggling uphillBut you act like you don"t careRight now she could really use a shoulderHanging onto the edge til it"s overShe"s crying for your love tonightLonely is hard to survive, she saidNelly Furtado:I don"t wanna be leftIn this war tonightAm I alone in this fight?Is anybody out there?Don"t wanna be left left in this world behindSay you"ll run to my sideIs anybody out there? yeah, yeah, yeahIs anybody out there?(somebody, anybody)K"naan:His name was adamWhen his mom had himDad was a phantom never took a look at himGrew up mad and antisocialHated outdoors, always in playing maddenAdam was lonelyDrugs were the onlyWay out of his own lifeNow he"s slowly losing his fireClose to retireWith one last hope he puts his arms up higherI can see him crying out, yeahIs anybody out there?He"s really counting on your loveStill struggling uphillBut you act like you don"t careRight now he could really use a shoulderHanging onto the edge til it"s overHe"s crying for your love tonightLonely is hard to survive, he saidNelly Furtado:I don"t wanna be leftIn this war tonightAm I alone in this fight?Is anybody out there?Don"t wanna be left left in this world behindSay you"ll run to my sideIs anybody out there?Bridge:If you feel the way I feelLike you"ve been talking to yourselfWell this one"s for everyone who"s felt invisibleLonely in a crowded roomSearching for someone like youCan"t do it all alone (no one can baby)Can"t do it all alone (no one should baby)Is anybody out there?(somebody, anybody)Is anybody out there?I"m right here for yourIs anybody out there?Outro:I don"t wanna be leftIn this war tonightAm I alone in this fight?Is anybody out there?Don"t wanna be left left in this world behindSay you"ll run to my sideIs anybody out there? yeah, yeah, yeahI don"t wanna do it all aloneI need your love to take me homeNo one said you should be all aloneI"m right hereIs anybody out there?EndK"naan Feat. Nelly Furtado - Is Anybody Out There?http://music.baidu.com/song/13942434

Lost In Hollywood 歌词

歌曲名:Lost In Hollywood歌手:Rainbow专辑:RainbowSystem Of A Down - Lost In HollywoodI"ll wait here,You"re crazy,Those viscious streets are filled with strays,You should have never gone to Hollywood.They find you,Two time you,Say your the best they"ve ever seen,You should have never trusted Hollywood.I wrote you,And told you,You were the biggest fish out here,You should have never gone to Hollywood.They take you,And make you,They look at you in disgusting ways,You should have never trusted Hollywood.I was standing on the wall,Feeling ten feet tall,All you maggots smoking fagson Santa Monica Boulevard,This is my front page,This is my new age,All you bitches put your hands in the airand wave them like you just don"t care.All you maggots smoking fagsout there on Sunset Boulevard.All you bitches put your hands in the airand wave them like you just don"t care.Phoney people come to play,Look at all of them beg to stay,Phoney people come to pray.[The lines in the letter said"We have gone to Hackensack"]Look at all of them beg to stay,Phoney people come to pray.All you maggots smoking fagson Santa Monica Boulevard,All you maggots smoking fagsout there on Sunset Boulevard.All you maggots smoking fagsout there on Hollywood Boulevard.You should have never trusted Hollywood.You should have never gone to Hollywood.All you bitches put your hands in the airand wave them like you just don"t care.You should have never trusted Hollywood.http://music.baidu.com/song/8127080

is there anybody out there是什么意思

is there anybody out there有人在外面双语对照例句:1.Is there anybody out there? 墙外有人吗?


lly speaking,recreation is sth.we separate from our work.Recreation is an activity of leisure.The "need to do something for recreation" seems to be an essential element of human biology and psychology.Recreational activities are often done for enjoyment,amusement,or pleasure and are considered to be "fun".Recreation is an essential part of human life and finds many different forms which are shaped naturally by individual interests but also by the surrounding social construction.Recreational activities can be communal or solitary,active or passive,outdoors or indoors,healthy or harmful,and useful for society or detrimental.A list of typical activities could be almost endless including most human activities,a few examples being reading,playing or listening to music,watching movies or TV,gardening,hunting,hobbies,sports,studies,and travel.However,Not all recreational activities can be considered wise,healthy,or socially acceptable or useful - examples are gambling,drinking,or delinquent activities.Recreational drugs are being used to enhance the recreational experience,a wide-ranging and controversial subject as some drugs are accepted or tolerated by society within limits

Wrong (Todd Terry Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Wrong (Todd Terry Remix)歌手:Everything But The Girl专辑:90S RemixEverything But The Girl - Wrong (Todd Terry Remix)I wanted everything for a little whileWhy shouldn"t II wanted to know what it was likeI pushed you too farAnd you started laying down the lawTil I didn"t love you anymoreNow you can pull a little bitAnd there"s a little give and takeAnd love will stretch a little bitBut finally it"s gonna breakWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongSo there we both were in that little houseJust hanging outYou didn"t know what you were aboutAnd you turned to me as you wereThreading daisies on a chainYou said it"s decision time againNow you can pull a little bitAnd there"s a little give and takeAnd love will stretch a little bitBut finally it"s gonna breakWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongAnd the ground"s gonna swallow youI was wrong"Cause I was wrongI wanted everything for a little whileWhy shouldn"t II wanted to know what he was likeNow you can pull a little bitAnd there"s a little give and takeAnd love will stretch a little bitBut finally it"s gonna breakWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrong"Cause I was wrong"Cause I was wronghttp://music.baidu.com/song/2905893

求一首歌。有英文的。重复you,而且越来越快。还有几句是it’s true.什么good time with you.速度!谢啦!

you are beautiful

Moment Of Clarity (Produced By Eminem) 歌词

歌曲名:Moment Of Clarity (Produced By Eminem)歌手:Jay-Z 专辑:Black Album(Woooooo)(Yeah)(Turn the music up turn the lights down i"m in my zone)Thank God for grantin me this moment of clarityThis moment of honestyThe world"ll feel my truthsThrough my Hard Knock Life time My Gift and The CurseI gave you volume after volume of my work So you can feel my truthsI built the Dynasty by being one of the realest niggas outWay beyond a Reasonable Doubt (Yall can"t fill my shoes)From my Blueprint beginnings To that Black Album endin Listen close you hear what i"m aboutNigga feel my truths Pop died Didn"t cryDidn"t know him that wellBetween him doin heroin And me doin crack salesWith that in the egg shell Standin at the tabernacleRather the church Pratendin to be hurtWouldn"t work So a smirk was all on my faceLike damn that mans face was just like my faceSo pop i forgive you For all the shit that i live throughIt wasn"t all your fault Homie you got caughtAnd to the same game i fault That Uncle Ray lostMy big brothers and so many others i sawI"m just glad we got to see each otherTalk and re-meet each other Save a place in Heaven Til the next time we meet foreverThank God for grantin me this moment of clarityThis moment of honestyThe world"ll feel my truthsThrough my Hard Knock Life time My Gift and The CurseI gave you volume after volume of my work So you can feel my truthsI built the Dynasty by being one of the realest niggas outWay beyond a Reasonable Doubt (Yall can"t fill my shoes)From my Blueprint beginnings To that Black Album endinListen close you hear what i"m about Nigga feel my truthsThe music business hate me Cause the industry ain"t make meHustlers and boosters embrace me And the music i be makinI dumb down for my audience And double my dollarsThey criticize me for it Yet they all yell "Holla"If skills sold Truth be told I"d probably beLyricly Talib KweliTruthfully I wanna rhyme like Common Sense(But i did five Mil) I ain"t been rhymin like Common sinceWhen your sense got that much in common And you been hustlin sinceYour inception Fuck perception Go with what makes senseSince I know what i"m up againstWe as rappers must decide what"s most impor-tantAnd i can"t help the poor if i"m one of themSo i got rich and gave back To me that"s the win, winThe next time you see the homie and his rims spin Just know my mind is workin just like them(The rims that is) Thank God for grantin me this moment of clarityThis moment of honestyThe world"ll feel my truths Through my Hard Knock Life time My Gift and The CurseI gave you volume after volume of my workSo you can feel my truths I built the Dynasty by being one of the realest niggas outWay beyond a Reasonable Doubt (Yall can"t fill my shoes)From my Blueprint beginnings To that Black Album endinListen close you hear what i"m about Nigga feel my truthsMy homie Sigel"s on a tier Where no tears should fallCause he was on the block where no squares get offSee in my inner circle all we do is ball Til we all got triangles on our wallHe ain"t just rappin for the platinum Yall recordI recall Cause i really been there beforeFour scores and seven years ago Prepared to flow Prepare for warI shall fear no man You don"t hear me thoughThese words ain"t just paired to go In one ear out the other earNO YO My balls and my word is alls i haveWhat you gonna do to me? Nigga scars"ll scabWhat you gonna box me homie? I can dodge and jabThree shots couldn"t touch me Thank God for thatI"m strong enough to carry Biggie Smalls on my backAnd the whole BK nigga holla backThank God for grantin me this moment of clarityThis moment of honestyThe world"ll feel my truths Through my Hard Knock Life timeMy Gift and The CurseI gave you volume after volume of my workSo you can feel my truthsI built the Dynasty by being one of the realest niggas outWay beyond a Reasonable Doubt (Yall can"t fill my shoes)From my Blueprint beginnings To that Black Album endin Listen close you hear what i"m aboutNigga feel my truthshttp://music.baidu.com/song/1148743

over your body 歌词

歌曲名:over your body歌手:Lil Wayne专辑:tha carter iii the rebirthOver YouWeather man said it"s gonna snowBy now I should be used to the coldMid-February shouldn"t be so scaryIt was only DecemberI still remember the presents" the tree" you and meBut you went awayHow dare you?I miss youThey say I"ll be okBut I"m not going to ever get over youLiving alone here in this placeI think of you" and I"m not afraidYour favorite records make me feel betterCause you sing alongWith every songI know you didn"t mean to give them to meBut you went awayHow dare you?I miss youThey say I"ll be okBut I"m not going to ever get over youIt"s really sinks in when I see it in stoneCause you went away" how dare you?I miss youThey say I"ll be okBut I"m not going to ever get over youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/28258861

Paul Rodgers的《Over You》 歌词

歌曲名:Over You歌手:Paul Rodgers专辑:ElectricOver YouWeather man said it"s gonna snowBy now I should be used to the coldMid-February shouldn"t be so scaryIt was only DecemberI still remember the presents" the tree" you and meBut you went awayHow dare you?I miss youThey say I"ll be okBut I"m not going to ever get over youLiving alone here in this placeI think of you" and I"m not afraidYour favorite records make me feel betterCause you sing alongWith every songI know you didn"t mean to give them to meBut you went awayHow dare you?I miss youThey say I"ll be okBut I"m not going to ever get over youIt"s really sinks in when I see it in stoneCause you went away" how dare you?I miss youThey say I"ll be okBut I"m not going to ever get over youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15714104

参数不正确 error code -2147024809


返回参数 "errorcode":"0","errormsg":"success","data":true 怎么去java实


The Same God 歌词

歌曲名:The Same God歌手:Carman Featuring Commissioned & The Christ Church Choir专辑:Shakin" The House LiveDC Yeager - The SameHere we are back in my baddreamSeems like some good things never changeWe both tried to do all the thingsWe"ve been through and nowI just can"t seem to quit youAnd I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youGirl this is more than a crushOne look at you ain"t enoughI wanna tell you how I feelBut you don"t look at me the sameStop messing with all those guysThey"ll never love you like IOur love could get realIf you are look at me the sameGirl let"s not throw in our towelLet"s go back two monthsWhere we went wrongI don"t wanna be another love casualtyCome homeYou already know girlGirl I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youSee baby ohhWish you were looking me the sameGive us another chanceLet"s fall in love againWhere would you beg me choseTake time tell meWhat you"re feelingWhen I"m not with you I"m not completeJust look at me the sameThe same ohLook at me the sameOhh babehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8892623

The Same God 歌词

歌曲名:The Same God歌手:NewSong专辑:One True GodDC Yeager - The SameHere we are back in my baddreamSeems like some good things never changeWe both tried to do all the thingsWe"ve been through and nowI just can"t seem to quit youAnd I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youGirl this is more than a crushOne look at you ain"t enoughI wanna tell you how I feelBut you don"t look at me the sameStop messing with all those guysThey"ll never love you like IOur love could get realIf you are look at me the sameGirl let"s not throw in our towelLet"s go back two monthsWhere we went wrongI don"t wanna be another love casualtyCome homeYou already know girlGirl I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youSee baby ohhWish you were looking me the sameGive us another chanceLet"s fall in love againWhere would you beg me choseTake time tell meWhat you"re feelingWhen I"m not with you I"m not completeJust look at me the sameThe same ohLook at me the sameOhh babehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8110036

求歌,一首夜店曲这首歌高潮一直在重复 shake shake shake shake every body (shake 发音有些想xia xia xi

是 阿里郎唱得《朋友》么?

production footprint是什么意思


He gets A in every exam,so he is a good _____.

He gets A in every exam,so he is a good student.

He eats______ food, so he is ________ fat. A.much too; too much B.much too; too many C.too


so he has got no food now是什么意思

so he has got no food now---所以他已经没有食物了-----请采纳~
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