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int period ( int secs, /* 执行周期 */ FUNCPTR func, /* 到期执行函数入口 */ int arg1, /* 函数的传参,不用的可置为0 */ int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6, int arg7, int arg8 )


periods n.周期periods 月经 【摘要】 menstruation 月经. periods 月经. 相关短语. Related Phrases. genital organ 生殖器. the virile member 阴茎. seminal duct 输精管. spermatic duct 输精管 ...周期 【摘要】 periodic 周期的 periodical 期刊 periodically 周期性地 periodicity 周期 periodontal 牙周的 periods 周期 periosteum 骨膜 periostitis 骨膜炎 peripatetic 徒步的 ...学时 【摘要】 periods时期;学时;终止. permanent耐久的,常任的. personal 亲自的;外貌的;气质 的;个人的;私人的. personality个性,品格;人物. persuade说服,劝说(+into/out ...时期;学时;终止 【摘要】 periods时期;学时;终止. permanent耐久的,常任的. personal 亲自的;外貌的;气质 的;个人的;私人的. personality个性,品格;人物. persuade说服,劝说(+into/out ...课时 【摘要】 Paul: We must give each subject enough(足够的) periods(课时). Our English lessons are really interesting. I"d like to have them every day. ...

Feel The Beat (Everybody Disco) 歌词

歌曲名:Feel The Beat (Everybody Disco)歌手:Ohio Players专辑:Best OfNajwa Nimri - Feel The Beat(Satie)All the time i"ve got to feelI feel loveOnce againI feel the beatin your heartI feel,noNow i feel the beathttp://music.baidu.com/song/8274938

By considering, acting on, and periodically


搞清楚jenkins中“Poll SCM”和“Build periodically”的啥意思

打开job的配置界面,在构建触发器栏下有Poll SCM(定时检查源码变更并构建)和Build periodically(周期进行项目构建,不关心源码是否变更)选择,打开它们后面的问号,有很明确的介绍和实例


periodN. 一段时间,时期时代 课时,节; 时段 (妇女的)月经,经期; 局 句号,句点 周期 乐段,乐节adj.具有某个时代特征的adv 到此为止例句It was a period of intense activity.那是活动激烈的时期。同根词词根 period1 periodic 周期的;定期的2 adv. periodically 定期地;周期性地;偶尔;间歇3 periodical 期刊;杂志4 .periodicity[数]周期性;频率;定期性

英语Periodically executed jobs怎么翻译?

Periodically executed jobs定期执行的作业


periodically英[ˌpɪərɪˈɒdɪkəli]美[ˌpiriˈɑdɪkəli]adv. 定期; 周期性; 定期出版地;

vs code 开发react用什么插件

首先使用react native编写一个简单的应用,在碰到问题的时候,肯定需要对代码进行调试。目前react native支持在Chrome浏览器内进行调试。需要选择Scheme->Run的选项为Debug,否则模拟器中不会出现调试选项。 将应用设置为在模拟器中运行,运行后

No Ansys product installations were found是什么意思

没有发现 ansys 产品安装这个问题主要是电脑用户名含中文,最彻底的解决方案是重装系统,再用户命名的时候输入英文。其次是修改用户名称为英文(但是极为复杂)。最后听说新建一个管理员账户,在新建的账户上安装软件可以实现。或者切换到administrator后就可以安装成了




1、good作为形容词adj.意思是好的; 优秀的; 有益的; 漂亮的,健全的。例句:The discipline of studying music can help children develop good work habits.音乐学习中的训练可以帮助孩子们培养好的工作习惯。2、good作为名词n.意思是好处,利益; 善良; 善行; 好人。例句:A little food would do us all some good.吃点东西,对我们大家都会有好处。3、good的名词复数形式"goods"可以表示商品,货物; 动产; 本领; 合意的人的意思。例句:Cheap goods are available, but not in sufficient quantities to satisfy demand.有一些廉价的商品,但是数量不足以满足需求。


good怎么读:英[ɡu028ad],美[ɡu028ad]一、基本释义good:adj.好的;上等的;优秀的。n.好处;善行。复数:goods:商品;货物.二、用法1、good既可作形容词,也可作名词。2、good常作为礼貌用语或敬语用在称呼中,有时也用作反语,表示“轻蔑,嘲讽”。3、good and+形容词,在美国口语中常用来加强语气,表示“很”,等于very。4、good作名词时,指“益处”,属于抽象名词。但偶尔指具体的一个益处,作可数名词。5、区别for good和for ever:两者都指“永远”,但for good表一次动作带来的永久性结果。6、可以省略good morning中的good,但不可省略good afternoon, good evening和good night中的good;as good as是状语短语,表示“几乎”的意思。7、good在句中作定语时,表示“好的,愉快的”。good在句中用作表语时,表示善用(某物),善于处理(某事),善待(某人),后接for可表示“有益的,合适的”,后接to可表示“对…友善的”,后接at可表示“精通的,熟练的”。三、例句1、A good video camera will cost you a lot of money.一台好的摄像机要花掉你很多钱。2、My one good suit is at the cleaner"s.我那套讲究的衣服还在洗衣店里呢。3、If you train hard, you"ll make a good footballer.你要刻苦训练就能成为优秀的足球运动员。4、Complaining won"t do you any good.抱怨对你没有任何好处。5、Good is rewarded with evil.善有恶报。

good什么意思 good怎么造句呢

1、good(1)adj.好的; 优质的; 符合标准的; 可接受的; 令人愉快的; 令人满意的; 合情理的; 有说服力的; 有充分根据的;(2)n.合乎道德的行为; 正直的行为; 善行; 有道德的人; 高尚的人; 好人; 用处; 好处; 益处;(3)adv.好; 2、[例句]A good teacher encourages independence of thought.好的教师鼓励独立思考。 3、[其他]比较级:better 最高级:best 复数:goods













good英[gu028ad]美[ɡu028ad]adj.好的; 优秀的; 有益的; 漂亮的,健全的n.好处,利益; 善良; 善行; 好人adv.同well复数:goods比较级:better最高级:bestMy definition of a good hospice is one where some of the patients start feeling too good to die.我对“好的晚期病人安养院”的定义是一个能让一些病人开始感到生有所恋的地方。





good 的反意词是bad


good用法总结: good可用作形容词,有好的,优质的,能干的,助人为乐的等含义,用作副词时表示“好”,用作名词时有好处,用处等含义。 扩展资料   一.用作形容词   1.好的;优质的;符合标准的;可接受的;   What good weather we"re having!   天气多好啊!   2.令人愉快的;令人满意的   We had a really good time together.   我们一起玩得真痛快。   3.合情合理的;有说服力的;有充分根据的   They thought it was a good idea to make some offenders do community service.   他们认为让一些违法者去社区做义工是个好主意。   4.能干的;精通的;娴熟的;擅长于…的   He is good at managing money matters.   他很会理财。   5.助人为乐的,善良的;好心的`   Her name is fragrant with good deeds.   她因做好事而芳名流传。   二.用作副词表示“好”   How is it going? Pretty good!   事情进展的如何?非常好!   三.用作名词   1.好处;用处;益处 [U]   I"m giving you this advice for your own good.   我劝你是为你好。   2.(复)goods:商品,货物   Good and inexpensive goods enjoy customers" high praise.   价廉物美的商品,深受顾客欢迎。   3.(the good) 有道德的人;高尚的人;好人   4.合乎道德的行为;正直的行为;善行   Do social workers do a lot of good?   社会工作者的贡献大吗?


用good 造句

he is a good studentthis book is good for readingyou are a good boy




good英 [gu028ad] 美 [ɡu028ad]adj.好的; 优秀的; 有益的; 漂亮的,健全的n.好处,利益; 善良; 善行; 好人adv.同well My definition of a good hospice is one where some of the patients start feeling too good to die. 我对“好的晚期病人安养院”的定义是一个能让一些病人开始感到生有所恋的地方。








good可用作形容词,有好的,优质的,能干的,助人为乐的等含义,用作副词时表示“好”,用作名词时有好处,用处等含义。一、用作形容词。1、好的;优质的;符合标准的;可接受的。What good weather we"re having!天气多好啊!2、令人愉快的;令人满意的。We had a really good time together.我们一起玩得真痛快。3、合情合理的;有说服力的;有充分根据的。They thought it was a good idea to make some offenders do community service.他们认为让一些违法者去社区做义工是个好主意。4、能干的;精通的;娴熟的;擅长于…的。He is good at managing money matters.他很会理财。5、助人为乐的,善良的;好心的。Her name is fragrant with good deeds.她因做好事而芳名流传。二、用作副词表示“好”。How is it going? Pretty good!事情进展的如何?非常好!三、用作名词。1、好处;用处;益处。I"m giving you this advice for your own good.我劝你是为你好。2、(复)goods:商品,货物。Good and inexpensive goods enjoy customers" high praise.价廉物美的商品,深受顾客欢迎。3、(the good) 有道德的人;高尚的人;好人。4、合乎道德的行为;正直的行为;善行。Do social workers do a lot of good?社会工作者的贡献大吗?





good 英[ɡud] 美[ɡu028ad] adj. 1.良好的,令人满意的,正当的,适宜的,令人愉快的 2.有用的,合适的; 有益的 3.好的; 新鲜的; 有效的 4.漂亮的,有吸引力的 5.聪明的; 精通的; 熟练的 6.有道德的; 心地善良的,助人为乐的 7.充分的,彻底的 8.相当大的 9.不少于;稍多于 10.彻底的;完全的 11.有趣的;逗笑的 12.(精力、健康、力量等)足以维持…的,能持续…的 13.有效的 14.能提供…的 15.能提供…的 16.循规蹈矩的;守规矩的 17.温顺的;乖的;有礼貌的 18.健康的;强健的;健壮的 19.(对…)有用,有好处 20.没有用处(或益处) 21.(表示赞同、满意或转向新的话题) 22.(用作赞语) 23.(用于感叹句) 24.不少于;稍多于 25.有趣的;逗笑的 26.(精力、健康、力量等)足以维持…的,能持续…的 27.有效的 28.好的;优质的;符合标准的;可接受的 29.合情理的;有说服力的;有充分根据的 30.赞同的;赢得赞许的;令人尊敬的 31.灵巧的;精明的;善于应付…的 32.合情理的;有说服力的;有充分根据的 33.能干的;精通的;娴熟的;擅长于…的 34.灵巧的;精明的;善于应付的 35.符合道德的;正派的;高尚的 36.循规蹈矩的;守规矩的 37.温顺的;乖的,有礼貌的 38.健康的;强健的;健壮的 39.对…有用;有好处的 40.没有用处(或益处) 41.合适的;恰当的;适合…的 42.(表示赞同、满意或转向新的话题) n. 1.有道德的事,善 2.好处;用处;利益;幸福 3.合乎道德的行为;正直的行为; 4.美德;正义 5.有道德的人;高尚的人;好人 6.[the goods] 好人 adv. 1.[口语]好;完全地;充分地;恰当地; interj. 1.[表示满意、愉快、赞同等的感叹词]好!形容词 adj. 1.良好的,令人满意的,正当的,适宜的,令人愉快的 She was pleased to hear good news about him. 听到他的好消息,她很高兴. 2.有用的,合适的; 有益的 Give me some good advice. 给我一些有用的建议. 3.好的; 新鲜的; 有效的 4.漂亮的,有吸引力的 The girl has a good look. 这个女孩长得很好看. 5.聪明的; 精通的; 熟练的 She"s a good skier. 她是个滑雪能手. 6.有道德的; 心地善良的,助人为乐的 He"s a good young person. 他是个有道德的年轻人. 7.充分的,彻底的 Their team gave us a good beating. 他们队把我们彻底打败了. 8.相当大的 9.不少于;稍多于 10.彻底的;完全的 11.有趣的;逗笑的 12.(精力、健康、力量等)足以维持…的,能持续…的 13.有效的 14.能提供…的 15.能提供…的 16.循规蹈矩的;守规矩的 17.温顺的;乖的;有礼貌的 18.健康的;强健的;健壮的 19.(对…)有用,有好处 20.没有用处(或益处) 21.(表示赞同、满意或转向新的话题) 22.(用作赞语) 23.(用于感叹句) 24.不少于;稍多于 25.有趣的;逗笑的 26.(精力、健康、力量等)足以维持…的,能持续…的 27.有效的 28.好的;优质的;符合标准的;可接受的 29.合情理的;有说服力的;有充分根据的 30.赞同的;赢得赞许的;令人尊敬的 31.灵巧的;精明的;善于应付…的 32.合情理的;有说服力的;有充分根据的 33.能干的;精通的;娴熟的;擅长于…的 34.灵巧的;精明的;善于应付的 35.符合道德的;正派的;高尚的 36.循规蹈矩的;守规矩的 37.温顺的;乖的,有礼貌的 38.健康的;强健的;健壮的 39.对…有用;有好处的 40.没有用处(或益处) 41.合适的;恰当的;适合…的 42.(表示赞同、满意或转向新的话题) 名词 n. 1.有道德的事,善 Is religion always a force for good? 宗教一向是诲人从善的力量吗? 2.好处;用处;利益;幸福 I knew it was no good to say anything,so I stood by Mary. 我知道说什么也没有用,所以就站在玛丽一边. 3.合乎道德的行为;正直的行为; 4.美德;正义 5.有道德的人;高尚的人;好人 6.[the goods] 好人 副词 adv. 1.[口语]好;完全地;充分地;恰当地; 感叹词 interj. 1.[表示满意、愉快、赞同等的感叹词]好!



Good 什么意思


good英 [gu028ad]美 [ɡu028ad]n. 好处;善行;慷慨的行为adj. 好的;优良的;愉快的;虔诚的adv. 好n. (Good)人名;(英)古德;(瑞典)戈德更多释义>>[网络短语]Good 好,善,商品public good 公共物品,公益事业,公共财Good Job 干的出色,干得好,好工作


好 不错 之类的意思



goodKK: []DJ: []a.1. 好的,令人满意的He is my good friend.他是我的好朋友。2. 有益的;有效的;适合的[( for/to)]Exercise is good for health.运动有益于健康。3. 愉快的We all had a good time on the beach.我们在海滩上玩得很开心。4. 新鲜的[Z]Go and get me some good eggs.去给我买些新鲜鸡蛋来。5. 漂亮的She is endowed with good looks.她天生丽质。6. 擅长的,有本事的[( at)]He is good at maths.他擅长数学。7. 诚实的;虔诚的She is a good Catholic.她是一个虔诚的天主教徒。8. 好心的;乐于助人的[( to/about/of)]It is good of you to help us.你真好,来帮助我们。9. (尤指孩子)乖的;恭顺的Be a good boy and go to sleep.乖孩子,睡觉去。10. 非常的;十足的;充分的[B]He has good reason to refuse.他有充分的理由拒绝。11. 可靠的;真正的This is a good investment.这是一笔可靠的投资。12. (用于称呼或问好)好的,平安的n.1. 利益;好处,用处[U]What good will it do you这会给你带来什么好处呢2. 善;好事;慷慨的行为[U]There is good in her, in spite of her bad reputation.尽管她名声不佳,她还是有善的一面。3. 长处,优点[U]4. (总称)好人[the S][K]Christians believe the good will go to heaven when they die.基督教徒相信好人了进天堂。好的意思啊


好 的意思

2015年最新男生英文歌高潮歌词几个nobody let me know



good [ɡud] adj. 好的;优良的;愉快的;虔诚的n. 好处;善行;慷慨的行为adv. 好[ 比较级better 最高级best ] 例句:First game we were great and the second game we were not very good and they were great. ...









1.ADJGoodmeans pleasant or enjoyable. 令人愉快的例:We had a really good time together.我们一起度过了非常愉快的时光。I know they would have a better life here.我知道他们在这儿会过上更好的生活。 2.ADJGoodmeans of a high quality, standard, or level. 质量高的; 水准高的例:Exercise is just as important to health as good food.锻炼和好的饮食对身体健康一样重要。His parents wanted Raymond to have the best possible education.他的父母想让雷蒙德尽可能得到最好的教育。 3.ADJIf you aregood atsomething, you are skilful and successful at doing it. 擅长的例:He was very good at his work.他十分擅长他的工作。I"m not very good at singing.我不很擅长唱歌。 4.ADJIf you describe a piece of news, an action, or an effect asgood, you mean that it is likely to result in benefit or success. 很可能带来好结果的例:On balance, biotechnology should be good news for developing countries.总的来说,生物技术对发展中国家来说应该是好消息。I think the response was good.我认为这样的反应很有利。 5.ADJAgoodidea, reason, method, or decision is a sensible or valid one. 合理的; 有效的例:They thought it was a good idea to make some offenders do community service.他们认为让一些违法者为社区服务是个合理的意见。There is good reason to doubt this.有正当理由怀疑这件事。 6.ADJIf you say thatit is goodthatsomething should happen orgoodtodo something, you mean it is desirable, acceptable, or right. 令人向往的; 可接受的; 对的例:I think it"s good that some people are going.我认为有些人要走是件好事。 7.N-UNCOUNTIf someone or something isno goodor isnot any good, they are not satisfactory or are of a low standard. 令人不满意例:If the weather"s no good then I won"t take any pictures.如果天气不好,我就不拍照。 8.ADJAgoodestimate or indication of something is an accurate one. 准确的例:We have a fairly good idea of what"s going on.我们对正在发生的事情有相当准确的了解。This is a much better indication of what a school is really like.这更准确地体现了学校究竟该是什么样子。 9.ADJIf you get agooddeal or agoodprice when you buy or sell something, you receive a lot in exchange for what you give. (买卖) 合算的例:Whether such properties are a good deal will depend on individual situations.这样的房产是否买得值要视具体情况而定。 10.ADJSomeone who is in agoodmood is cheerful and pleasant to be with. 愉快的例:People were in a pretty good mood.那时人们心情很好。He exudes natural charm and good humour.他表现出一种与生俱来的魅力和幽默感。 11.ADJIf people aregoodfriends, they get along well together and are very close. 亲密的例:She and Gavin are good friends.她和加文是好朋友。 12.ADJYou usegoodto emphasize the great extent or degree of something. 十足的强调例:We waited a good fifteen minutes.我们足足等了15分钟。 13.CONVENTIONYou say Good or Very good to express pleasure, satisfaction, or agreement with something that has been said or done, especially when you are in a position of authority. 很好 (用于表示高兴、满意、同意)例:Are you all right?—I"m fine.—Good. So am I.“你还好吗?”—“我很好。”—“那就好。我也很好。”Oh good, Tom"s just come in.嗯好,汤姆正好进来了。 14.PHRASEIf you sayit"s a good thingthatsomething is the case, you mean that it is fortunate. 庆幸的是例:It"s a good thing you aren"t married.幸好你没有结婚。 15.PHRASEIf you say that something or someone isas good as new, you mean that they are in a very good condition or state, especially after they have been damaged or ill. 完好如新例:I only use that on special occasions, so it"s as good as new.我只在特殊场合用,所以它完好如新。 16.PHRASEYou usegood oldbefore the name of a person, place, or thing when you are referring to them in an affectionate way. 我亲爱的 (用以称呼某人、某地或某事物)情感例:Good old Harry. Reliable to the end.我亲爱的哈里,一直那么可靠。 17.→see alsobest,better


  good表好的; 优秀的意思,那么你知道good的 短语 有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了good的短语搭配,希望能帮到大家。   good的短语   do good   1.有用的 useful   This cough medicine tastes nice but it doesn"t do much good.这咳嗽药不难吃,但作用不大。   2.有益于某人 benefit sb   Eat more fruit, it will do you good.多吃水果,对你有好处。   Much good may it do you.但愿对你大有好处。   You should do good to others.你应该对别人行善。   a good few   相当多(的),几个 a considerable number (of); several   “How many came?”“A good few.”“来了多少?”“不少。”   as good as   几乎,实际上 almost, practically   He as good as said I"m a liar.他无异于说我撒谎。   good and ...   〈美口〉完全,彻底 completely   I won"t go until I"m good and ready.我完全准备好了才去。   good for sb   某人干得好(用以祝贺某人) doing well (used when congratulating sb)   She passed the exam?Good for her!她考试及格了?真行!    good相关 同义词 辨析   be good for sb, be good to sb   1.be good for sb 表示“有益于某人”, be good to sb 表示“待某人好”。   2.be good for还可接sth/to-v,而be good to不可。   good at, good to, good with   这三个短语都常用于系动词后作表语,其区别是:   1.good at的意思是“善于,擅长”; good with的意思是“善用(某物)”“善待(某人)”; good to的意思是“对u2026慈爱友善”“对u2026有益”。   2.good at后主要接表示科目、活动的名词或动名词, good with后主要接表示工具、人体器官、人的名词; good to后主要接表示人或人格化的名词。   3.good at的 反义词 是bad at。good at中的at可换成in; good to作“对u2026有益”解时介词to可换成for。   good的短语例句   1. Remember, keep a positive attitude and good things will happen.   记住:保持乐观的心态,好事自然会发生。   2. Do not wait for good things to happen to you. You need to walk towards happiness.   不要等待好事降临,你要向幸福进发。   3. Good luck is when an opportunity comes along and you"re prepared for it.   好运就是当机会来临时,你早已做好了准备。   4. I have tried to pack a good deal into a few words.   我尽量言简意赅。   5. I feel it"s done me good to get it off my chest.   我感觉吐吐苦水对我有好处。   6. I try to remember all the good times I"ve had here.   我试着回忆在这里度过的所有美好时光。   7. Like a good businessman, Stewart identified a gap in the market.   像精明的商人一样,斯图尔特发现了市场上的一个空白。   8. He does deserve some good luck after so much wretchedness.   经过这么多苦难之后,他应该行点好运了。   9. Butter, margarine, and oily fish are all good sources of vitamin D.   黄油、人造黄油和多脂鱼都含有丰富的维生素D。   10. The plan is good; the problem is it doesn"t go far enough.   计划不错;问题在于不够深入。   11. I left Texas and said good riddance to all that.   我离开了得克萨斯州,总算摆脱了那里的一切。   12. You have to know where to stand for a good viewpoint.   你得知道站在哪里观察角度比较理想。   13. How are you Lennox? Good to see you up and about.   你怎么样,伦诺克斯?很高兴看到你能下床走动了。   14. There is good news of a kind for the Prime Minister.   对来说也算是有个好消息。   15. This could be the feel-good movie of the autumn.   这可以称得上是今秋令人赏心悦目的影片了。 猜你喜欢: 1. be good for的同义词 2. be good at的同义词是什么 3. develop的近义词 4. pass的同义词 5. example的近义词




关于good的短语,最常见的有4个,分别为:1、be good for 对……有好处,其反义短语为 be bad for。Vegetables and fruit are good for our health.蔬菜和水果对我们的健康有好处。2. be good at 擅长……,其同义短语为do well in,反义短语为 be bad at 。He is good at playing basketball .他擅长打篮球。3. be good to 对……友好,与be kind to意思相近。My friends are good to me.我的朋友们对我很友好。4. be good with 善于应付……的。She is very good with others.她很会和其他人打交道。good,英语单词,意思是做得好;真棒!好极了!感叹。例句与用法:1、Even if the rumors are not true, by the time management catches wind of it, agood number of employees could easily be lost.即便传闻是假的,等到管理层发现了这个现象,一批好的员工也已经离职了。2、We"ve had a lot of customers say, look, you still have to have the best product,you have to have good price, you know, all of that"s stuff.我们有很多客户,他们说,你们有最好的产品,你们的价格最合理,你们的条件都很好。3、l am trying to be a good novelist, and hoping that people will forgive me for beinga bad correspondent.我选择尽能力去成为一名好作家,并希望大家原谅我在通讯工作上的不足。




有一首外国歌是中间有 啦啦啦啦 还有一句歌词的末句是say goodbye

你试试看什么不是The way you look tonight , 这和歌最后一个单词就是tonight。






good是什么意思中文 good是啥意思中文

1、good的中文意思是优良的,好的,句中作为形容词、名词和副词使用。 2、adj. 好的;优良的;愉快的;虔诚的n. 好处;善行;慷慨的行为adv. 好。 3、make good 成功;赔偿;补偿。as good as 和…几乎一样,实际上等于…




好的 非常棒











good的音标为:英[ɡ_d];美[ɡ_d].good在句中作定语时,表示“好的,愉快的”。good在句中用作表语时,表示善用(某物),善于处理(某事),善待(某人),后接for可表示“有益的,合适的”,后接to可表示“对友善的”,后接at可表示“精通的,熟练的”。good用作表语时,其后还可接动词不定式。good常作为礼貌用语或敬语用在称呼中,有时也用作反语,表示“轻蔑,嘲讽”。good and+形容词,在美国口语中常用来加强语气,表示“很”,等于very。

1.We hope_____a good time. A.he has B.him to have C.him has D.he have




男女对唱 somebody很多 英文歌 男的比女的唱的多

somebody that i used to know

good gone girl歌词 中文翻译

Mika - Good Gone GirlCould you believeThe same old storyIt never bores meThough I"ve heard it all before.Her name was GeorgiaAnd she was gorgeous.When she adored yaThe whole room would get to know.Like a movie that is filled with lust (filmed? to the last?)Coming at you with a double D bust.At the bed of a wounded soldierIn a rush cause she"s gettin older.Hanging out in the fancy barsWith the boys who can play guitar.Listen up "cause I"ve got to warn yaShe"s gonna make it out in California.Hey you what"s a good girl like youDoin" in this crazy world?Where"s the good gone girl?Dance, dance to the life you wantedWhen you were only 17With your good girl dream.Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh good gone girlCould you believeThe same old phoniesThose painted poniesThat you"ve ridden all before.Her name was AprilBut she was hateful.Enough to make youWant to run right out the door.I can tell you what you want the mostHang around for the champagne toast.When the end of the night gets trickyDon"t you know that beggars can"t be picky?Lookin" out for a man who"s goldenDoesn"t matter if he"s old, he"s rollin".Coming at you like a desperate hunterSugar daddy but he"s just a munter.Hey you what"s a good girl like youDoin" in this crazy world?Where"s the good gone girl?Dance, dance to the life you wantedWhen you were only 17With your good girl dream.Hey you what"s a good girl like youDoin" in this crazy world?Where"s the good gone girl?Dance, dance to the life you wantedWhen you were only 17With your good girl dream.Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh good gone girlShe"s walkin around all over the town.Needs somebody to notice but the goodness gets her down.She"s happy to choose somebody to use.Good gone girl she"s got nothin left to lose. RepeatsShe"s walkin around all over the town.Needs somebody to notice but the goodness gets her down.She"s happy to choose somebody to use.Good gone girl she"s got nothin left to lose. RepeatsShe"s walkin around all over the town.Needs somebody to notice but the goodness gets her down.HOho~Mika! 在网上找了好久都没有看到中文的......

帮忙翻译歌词啦········mika-good gone girl

我会 但太多了,翻译几句行不?你可以相信吗?那个相同的老故事。它从未困扰我,尽管我一直都在听。她的名字叫Georgia

A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man这句话对吗?


Good Lovelies的《Home》 歌词

歌曲名:Home歌手:Good Lovelies专辑:Let The Rain Fall「HOME」作词∶桑岛由一作曲∶菊田大介(Elements Garden)歌∶桥本みゆき迷子の子供みたいうつむいて泣いてたけど安心できる场所がようやく见つかったキミが残してくれた记忆に抱かれて眠るみんなに伝えて欲しいあの人を爱してる名前呼んでも 指で触れてもからかうように 口付けしても照れくさそうな 笑颜はもうなくて どこを见てもいない少しだけ先歩くキミの後ろ追いかけて次に捕まえた时もう离さない 二度と天使の子供が今わたしの罪を许したそろそろ终わりの时间キミの声が呼んでる悲しい夜は 星に祈って风邪をひいたら ちゃんと休んでロウソクがほら 消えぬように远くからも 见てるからねあなたのために全部ここに残していくから上手く笑えるような人になってね 好きよ少しだけ先歩くキミの後ろ追いかけて次に捕まえた时もう离さないあなたのために全部ここに残していくから上手く笑えるような人になってね 好きよ【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/16777816

用the key tomake eye contactas a matter of factstare at (somebody)be of height and buikd造句.急急急

the key to make eye contactas;Contactas正确的应该是:Contacts.The key to make eye contacts:意思是说关键是把你的眼睛盯着某件事例如:If you want to attain the higher position in your work, you should always remind you one important thing, the key is to make your eye contacts on your field to get more knowledge.a matter of fact 意思是事实上是例如:We are interest in talking with people who has the similar background, a matter of fact is we have the same value and world concept. stare at(somebody):意思是盯着,凝视 例如:You stare at the girl ,does it mean you like her?Buikd拼错了。所以这个句子不对以上回答供您参考!希望对您有所帮助!杭州图书馆

笨办法学python:No module named NAME


A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man 对吗?

一个少了爱的家,就不再是家 就像一个少了灵魂的躯体 就不是一个完整的人了。。。

A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man这句话对吗?


lost good thing的中文歌词

lost good thing <童话破灭>who love my downfall 是谁让我坠入爱河 and it"s just too cold 那是多么无情 you show me true friend 你告诉了我什么样才算真正的朋友 baby i was so so 宝贝我的感觉不好也不坏 you might as well call me up physically 你也许能使我完全振作起来 you know, you got me only into extremes 你知道你曾使我感觉幸福到极至 and i can"t believe it 我不敢相信 and don"t know what to think 也不知道在想些什么 sometime around it was so love-sick 有时爱情使我忧郁 now it"s so sick 现在是那么忧郁 cause they ain"t doubt love 因为不该怀疑爱情 your hint is apart 缘分远离了你<我>and the day between us wasn"t enough 而我们之间的日子还不够多 and i know 我知道 i feel good time"s come 我曾感受过美好时光的到来 i thought they stay, things are done and become word-made 我想让它们停留希望能如我所愿 angels came but they left you day 天使们来了但总有一天她们会离开你 had you slip away 就像你会离开一样 listen now 现在听着burning empty 心灰意冷 still this can"t be 我仍然做不到 but even now we"re not that happy 即使现在的我们并不快乐 hotel motel it"s hot in hell free from myself 到旅馆或者汽车旅馆等什么地方释放心中如地狱般的酷热的煎熬 but now left with no home 于是这样毫无目的的离开了 i want you to know 我想让你知道 i never would have all 我从来没有想过要得到那么多 figure out that when you came now 现在算出何时你会回来 it could have been forever 也许永远都不会 now it does bring me down 现在我失望了 the high now the low up and down we go 本来天涯海角该我们一起去 put myself too close got burnt night tones 而今就让我孤单一人去靠近那夜晚燃烧东西的寂寞色调 it feels like i"m sinking in the dead sea 那感觉就像我沉入了死亡之海 don"t we care the space inside us so empty 难道我们不该担心彼此之间的距离是如此遥远 it"s like it"s over before be gone 就像在死前一切就已经结束了一样 this song is over now so was i want 这首歌现在结束了就像我想的那样
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