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web modules怎么配置

以下是使用Eclipse配置Tomcat来作为web modules测试、运行环境的步骤:依次点击Eclipse的Windows--Show View--Servers 菜单,打开Servers窗口,点击链接创建一个新的服务器;选择Tomcat 8.0,下面的服务器运行环境也选择对应的Tomcat 8.0,其它保持默认就可以;接下来就可以选择自己的web modules,点击添加按钮添加到服务器中;添加之后会显示在右边窗格中,点击Finish按钮完成;刚刚添加完成我们需要在添加的服务器上点击鼠标右键,选择Publish来发布自己的web modules到服务器;发布完成之后我们就可以点击箭头指向的Debug按钮来以Debug的方式来运行自己的web modules了;运行之后我们会看到控制台窗口输出以下信息:七月 11, 2017 3:40:46 下午 org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol start信息: Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]七月 11, 2017 3:40:46 下午 org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol start信息: Starting ProtocolHandler ["ajp-nio-8009"]七月 11, 2017 3:40:46 下午 org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start信息: Server startup in 1295 ms["http-nio-8080"]说明是使用的8080端口服务启动成功之后,我们就可以打开浏览器来访问自己的web modules了。




sys.modules.keys()中的每个模块确实在python启动的时候被导入了,但是它们不像__builtins__那样直接暴露出来了,它们还隐藏着,需要import把它们加入进来.一个module load与否,和这个module可见与否是两回事。比如:>>> import sys>>> sys<module "sys" (built-in)>>>> del sys>>> sysTraceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>NameError: name "sys" is not defined这个时候sys这个module已经被加载了,但是在当前作用域并不可见。再比如,module A引用了module B,你import了module A,实际上module B也被间接加载了,但你肯定是看不到的。


npm install --global xxx 属于全局安装npm install xxx 属于本地安装1、全局路径Windows下的Nodejs npm路径是appdata cmd下执行以下命令npm config set cache "D: odejs ode_cache"npm config set prefix "D: odejs ode_global"如果无效在nodejs的安装目录中找到node_modules pm.npmrc文件修改如下即可:prefix = D: odejs ode_globalcache = D: odejs ode_global[重要]环境变量配置:在环境变量path追加:D: odejs ode_global;2、本地路径(项目级)NODE_PATH 是干什么的呢?操作系统中都会有一个PATH环境变量,想必大家都知道,当系统调用一个命令的时候,就会在PATH变量中注册的路径中寻找,如果注册的路径中有就调用,否则就提示命令没找到。那 NODE_PATH 就是NODE中用来寻找模块所提供的路径注册环境变量[加载机制]NODE_PATH中的路径被遍历是发生在从项目的根位置递归搜寻 node_modules 目录,直到文件系统根目录的 node_modules,如果还没有查找到指定模块的话,就会去 NODE_PATH中注册的路径中查找。这样,我们的项目就可以共享node_modules的依赖包。差异性的解决方法如果 项目A 使用了,express的3.x版本,项目B 使用了 express的4.x版本,那这种情况该怎么办呢?可以将 NODE_PATH 指定的位置中存放 express的4.x版本,再将 项目B的 node_modules 目录中放置 3.x 版本。这样就解决了模块版本差异性问题。问题在使用 --global 参数的时候 --save 或 --save-dev参数是无效的。这样就带来一个问题。此时 package.json 中的 dependencies, devDependencies 将无法享受到npm自动更新带来的便利


maven项目中的 pom.xml 文件中的 modules 下的 module 里的值是 子module(项目或pom --> 其实是同一个路径) 的相对路径, 不能是绝对路径, 即不能以 "/" 开头. 可以使用 ../ 去寻找路径. 首先当前项目的根路径为: /home/eagle/work/idea-workspace/work-themestore-desginer-api/pom.xml 如上: 1. <module>zipkin-server-source-demo</module> 表示当前项目根路径下的zipkin-server-source-demo, 即zipkin-server-source-demo项目的根路径为: /home/eagle/work/idea-workspace/work-themestore-desginer-api/zipkin-server-source-demo/pom.xml 2. <module>../../../tmp/child-project</module> 和 <module>../../../tmp/child-project/pom.xml</module> 表示同一个目录.根路径为: /home/eagle/tmp/child-project/pom.xml


app就是应用的意思 modules就是模块的意思。所以,app modules 就是指应用的一些模块。



linux /lib 目录下没有 modules 目录,导致不能正常启动启动

我猜你是在ls你当前编译的源代码中的lib,而其实make modules_install之后默认是将编译好的内核模块copy到你当前系统根目录下的lib/modules/$version下,这里的$version代表以你刚编译的内核模块版本为名的一个文件夹。


http://baike.baidu.com/view/1853454.htm 你自己去看一下吧,在问问老是发不出来Modules 一、什么是 modules? modules 的字面意思就是模块,在此指的是 kernel modules;简单来说,一个模块提供了一个功能,如 isofs、minix、nfs、lp 等等。传统来讲,模块化有两个方法解决。设计者可以把各项功能分离到单独的叫做线程的处理中去,或者是将内核 以包含/排除一些功能的方式重新编译。如果把功能分离到线程中去,那么内核就叫做“微内核”(micro-kernel),这种解决方法增加了线程间协调工作的通信开销。就象名字暗示的那样,这种解决方案的优点在于内核的大小。 Linux的解决方案是包含内核模块,这些模块是可以按需要随时装入和卸下的。这样做可以使得内核的大小和通信量都达到最小。将模块从内核中独立出来,不必预先『绑』在 kernel codes 中。这样做有三种优点: 第一, 将来修改 kernel 时,不必全部重新 compile,可节省不少时间;第二, 若需要安装新的 modules ,不 必重新 compile kernel,只要插入 (通过insmode指令) 对应的 modules 即可;第三,减少内核对系统资源的占用,内核可以集中精力做最基本的事情,把一些扩展功能都交由modules实现。 模块也可以用来尝试新的内核代码而不需要每次都创建和重激活内核。但是,这样做带来的问题是:使用内核模块通常会轻微的增加性能和内存开支。一个可加载模块肯定会产生更多的代码,这种代码和额外的数据结构会占用更多一点的内存。另外因为间接访问内核资源也让模块的效率轻微降低。 模块化的思想已经被广泛接受,主要的原因在于它可以扩展系统的功能,用户可以灵活的配置系统。Apache也采取了这种功能扩展方式,在本文中主要讨论是内核的模块安装与卸载,Apache模块的安装请参照Apapce的相关文档。记得采纳啊


从字面意思来说,module就是模块,而pom.xml中的modules也正是这个意思,用来管理同个项目中的各个模块;如果maven用的比较简单,或者说项目的模块在pom.xml没进行划分,那么此元素是用不到的;不过一般大一点的项目是要用到的。1.需求场景如果我们的项目分成了好几个模块,那么我们构建的时候是不是有几个模块就需要构建几次了(到每个模块的目录下执行mvn命令)?当然,你逐个构建没问题,但是非要这么麻烦的一个一个的构建吗,那么简单的做法就是使用聚合,一次构建全部模块。2.具体实现a.既然使用聚合,那么就需要一个聚合的载体,先创建一个普通的maven项目account-aggregator。b.创建子模account-register、account-persist:右击account-aggregator,new --> other --> Maven,选择Maven Module,创建moven模块。c.创建完成后,项目结构如下,那么此时account-aggregator可以收缩起来了,我们操作具体子模块就好了。d.注意点,当我们打开包结构的子模块的pom文件时,发现离预期的多了一些内容,我们坐下处理就好了。e.那么编码完了之后,我们只需要构建account-aggregator就好了,所有的子模块都会构建。



module 到底是什么意思

module[英][u02c8mu0252dju:l][美][u02c8mɑ:du0292ul]n.模块; 组件; (宇宙飞船上各个独立的)舱; 测量流水等的单位; 复数:modules例句You said it"s an antique, earth-based flight module.你说它是件古董,地球上的飞行模型.





Modern Times 歌词

歌曲名:Modern Times歌手:Steps Ahead专辑:Modern TimesModern TimesJ-FiveAnd it"s aTalent most people should learnHow toMake you laugh without saying a wordPeople have to yell nowadays to get heardBut Charlie was a man and that man could turnSerious, into delirious, he hadA myriad of ways to paint a smile, andEvery woman in the house went, ohIf they wanted to act, they better act on cue soHe hicked the game go figureHad no time for gold diggersThe Mack daddy of the 1930"s, I"mKicking back on the couch watching modern timesOne more timeRise "em upHold that thought I got a vision, it"s intenseI want a globe I can bounce off of people"s headsAnd when the earth starts shaking, people will commenceIn a laughter, without one word being saidDoes anybody here want to hear my voiceOr is silence the golden choiceHe hicked the game go figureHad no time for gold diggersThe Mack daddy of the 1930"s, I"mKicking back on the couch watching modern timesOne more timeLadies and gentlemenCan you hold the applause, the show is about to beginAnd it"s aTalent most people should learnHow toMake you laugh without saying a wordPeople have to yell nowadays to get heardBut Charlie was a man and that man could turnSerious, into delirious, he hadA myriad of ways to paint a smile, andEvery woman in the house went, ohIf they wanted to act, they better act on cue soHe hicked the game go figureHad no time for gold diggersThe Mack daddy of the 1930"s, I"mKicking back on the couch watching modern timesOne more time &End&http://music.baidu.com/song/8482837

求一首英文歌,歌词有一句make me feel good,come on to me come to me女歌手唱的,节奏挺快

歌名 Boom clap

求只有神知道的世界第二部OP的歌词【中文】还有关盘里的那个A Brand New World God Only Knows的歌词。

[00:00.00]A Whole New World God Only Knows[00:00.00]Oratorio The World God Only Knows[00:00.00]TV 只有神知道的世界第二季 OP[00:00.08]I don"t wanna let chance slip away我不愿让机会溜走[00:03.67]Why is my freedom taken away为什么要剥夺我的自己[00:06.83]Reason is against emotion叛逆情感的缘由[00:09.39]I"ve gotta deal with extreme frustration是因为我感受到极大的挫败感[00:13.38][00:14.65]All my efforts will never be in vain所以努力将不会是徒劳[00:17.79]Endless desire, like a haunting refrain你的生活真是愚蠢[00:20.63]Such a pain, the ideal versus the real理想与现实冲突的痛苦[00:24.10]There is a way to change the world有一种方法可以改变世界[00:26.40]Just count on me靠我来改变[00:28.22]So what if I sing off-key, who cares我歌唱的走调又如何[00:31.39]Not good at drawing, mo big deal画画不行也无所谓[00:33.44]Let me go for my one true belief让我去追寻我的信念[00:38.18]""A whole new world god only konws""一个全新的世界只有神知道[00:41.41]I"ll always be on your side我不会再浪费自己的人生[00:44.12]To be a knight, to be a light, we"ll be shining bright我感受到生命的活力[00:48.70](No more fears No more tears)你又应该如何做[00:50.07]Everything will workout任何情况都不再哭泣[00:51.54]That"s ""God only knows""那只有神知道的世界[00:54.02]Don"t get me wrong, this is the wheel of fate谁说我们还是孩子都别理[00:58.77]I"ll do anything for you我会为你做到一切[01:01.11]Whatever happens in my life, turn the page and come of age不管人生中发生了什么只要翻过这一页[01:03.54](Remember, no one can judge me)[01:04.54]Every end leads to a new beginning of the next day每天都会有崭新的篇章等着你来描绘[01:07.65]All my efforts will never be in vain所以努力将不会是徒劳[01:10.79]Endless desire, like a haunting refrain你的生活真是愚蠢[01:13.63]Such a pain, the ideal versus the real理想与现实冲突的痛苦[01:17.10]There is a way to change the world有一种方法可以改变世界[01:19.40]Just count on me靠我来改变[01:21.22]So what if I sing off-key, who cares我歌唱的走调又如何[01:24.39]Not good at drawing, mo big deal画画不行也无所谓[01:26.44]Let me go for my one true belief让我去追寻我的信念[01:31.42]Overcome yourself(Overcome myself)克服你自己[01:33.18]""A whole new world god only konws""一个全新的世界只有神知道[01:35.91]I"ll always be on your side我不会再浪费自己的人生[01:38.62]To be a knight, to be a light, we"ll be shining bright我感受到生命的活力[01:43.20](No more fears No more tears)你又应该如何做[01:44.57]Everything will workout任何情况都不再哭泣[01:46.00]That"s ""God only knows""那只有神知道的世界[01:48.02]Don"t get me wrong, this is the wheel of fate谁说我们还是孩子都别理[01:52.77]I"ll do anything for you我会为你做到一切[01:55.11]Whatever happens in my life, turn the page and come of age不管人生中发生了什么只要翻过这一页[01:58.54](Remember, no one can judge me)[01:59.54]Every end leads to a new beginning of the next day每天都会有崭新的篇章等着你来描绘[02:01.80]Try to make my life complete, trust myself我会让我的人身完整 请相信我[02:04.31]Be strong and do my best, don"t look back, carry on我会变强 竭尽所能 不要回头 继续前进[02:11.65](Love yourself, be happy, it"s your life, Now all we need is to 做你自己 要开心 这是你的人生[02:15.41]find you life, find your way, find your life)为你的人生找到爱与归宿[02:21.50]""A whole new world god only konws""一个全新的世界只有神知道[02:25.41]I"ll always be on your side我不会再浪费自己的人生[02:28.12]To be a knight, to be a light, we"ll be shining bright我感受到生命的活力[02:32.10](No more fears No more tears)你又应该如何做[02:33.30]Everything will workout任何情况都不再哭泣[02:35.54]That"s ""God only knows""那只有神知道的世界[02:37.02]Don"t get me wrong, this is the wheel of fate谁说我们还是孩子都别理[02:41.77]I"ll do anything for you我会为你做到一切[02:44.11]Whatever happens in my life, turn the page and come of age不管人生中发生了什么只要翻过这一页[02:46.54](Remember, no one can judge me)[02:48.01]Every end leads to a new beginning of the next day每天都会有崭新的篇章等着你来描绘[02:50.30]Try to make my life complete, trust myself我会让我的人身完整 请相信我[02:54.31]Be strong and do my best, don"t look back, carry on我会变强 竭尽所能 不要回头 继续前进[03:00.65](Love yourself, be happy, it"s your life, Now all we need is to 做你自己 要开心 这是你的人生[03:04.41]find you life, find your way, find your life)为你的人生找到爱与归宿A Brand New World God Only Knows一个只有神知道的崭新世界作词:西田惠美 /作曲:川崎里实 /编曲:大久保 熏E:Life doesn"t always go your way生活并非总是顺心Sometimes your dream seems so far away有时你的梦想似乎很遥远Now try to sort through the confusion现在尝试整理经过的混乱You"ve gotta give it your full consideration你得给其充分的考虑L:Just turn yourself around, so once again只要开启自己的周围,再一次让Time is precious, like one drop of rain时间是很宝贵,就像那瞬息消失的雨滴D:Such a shame, giving up so easily 这样的耻辱,难道就那么轻易的放弃E:There must be L:Some other way必须要有 某种方式D:And things will change将事物改变E:So what if I am a freak, who cares 那又如何,若我是个怪物,谁在乎呢No One understands me, no big deal没人理解我,这没什么大不了L:Be yourself, just stay the way you are做你自己,仅仅停留在你的方式C:Things are not what they appear to be事情似乎不是他们所看那样Be aware of your feelings and set your spirit free了解到你的感觉和心灵并设定为自由Release your heart and heal your mind, I know you"re faithful释放你的心与治愈你的心灵,我知道你是忠实I will figure out the true meaning of love — For you 我将会找出爱的真谛- 为了你D:Here we go在这里,我们去Jump into “A Brand New World God Only Knows”跳跃到“一个只有神知道的崭新世界”E:Your vision will become clear L:All up to you您的视野才会变得清晰 一切取决于你E:Try to make D:Your wishes come true设法使你的愿望成真L:Fill your heart with happiness and joy愿你幸福和快乐E:Never know what the future brings从来不知道未来将带来什么D:For a bright tomorrow对于一个美好的明天Keep your head up and smile again, ‘cause you"re moving on让你抬起头来,因为你要令人感动C:“Why do I feel empty?”“为什么我会觉得空虚?”That"s the way it is, let your spirit soar这种事情是它的本来面目,让你的精神翱翔解放“Why do I feel lonely?”“为什么我会觉得寂寞?”That"s the way it is, let your love grow这种事情是它的本来面目,让你的爱心成长起来“Why do I feel so blue?”“为什么我会觉得忧郁?”That"s the way it is, let your life bloom这种事情是它的本来面目,让你的生命之花绽放“Why do I feel alone?”“为什么我会觉得孤单?”That"s the way it is, let yourself go这种事情是它的本来面目,让你的想法走出进发D:Here we go在这里,我们去Jump into “A Brand New World God Only Knows”跳跃到“一个只有神知道的崭新世界”E:It is your turn to be brave L:All up to you该轮到你变得勇敢 一切都取决于你E:You can"t escape D:From yourself, you know that 你无法逃避你自己,你知道L:From now on, stop feeling paranoid从现在起,停止感觉偏执的妄想E:Listen to the sound of your soul倾听你灵魂的声音D:Open your heart敞开你的心扉Believe in your own potential, so just keep going on相信自己的潜力,还是前往吧C:“Now I feel the power”现在我感到力量That"s the way it is, let yourself go这种事情是它的本来面目,让你的想法走出进发

period 前面应该加什么介词


particular period of time

a period of time指一段时间 a particular length of time指特定的那段时间

During a period of time有没有语法错误



standstill period停滞期

a long period of time是什么意思


A period of time 用于什么时态满意的话加分加到满为止

一般情况在将来时和完成时用得多一些。I will stay in Beiing for a period of time.He has been in Beiing for a long period of time.

for long periods time为何加s?

因为period是可数的,比如a period of time,所以自然可以加s。for long periods time这里表示几段长的时期。

a period of time是什么意思


A period of time对不对



a period of time是什么意思

一段时间。period 时期,期间比如:a period of three years 三年的时间

金融方面的词汇:look-ahead bias,time-period bias是什么意思?中文名称是什么?


Which American president was at the same time period with Martin Luther King Jr.?

【答案】:A美国历史。考查和Martin Luther King Jr.处于同一时期的美国总统。Martin Luther King Jr.所处的时代是美国民权运动时期,当时的美国总统是John Kennedy,二者先后遇刺身亡。Abraham Lincoln领导了美国的南北战争;George Washington则领导了美国的独立战争。



redundancy auto-sync time-period 3600 啥意思,给解释下, 怎么使用

redundancy auto-sync time-period 3600 冗余自动同步的时间周期3600


over是介词,意思是“ 在…期间”period和time不是重复,period是时间time的一段(A period is a length of time).

为什么装好vs code后 左下角显示 select python interpreter 怎么搞?


how to be a good interpreter英语作文200字

To become a good interpreter is the aspiration cherished by every student of English. Then, what are the necessary qualities that make a good interpreter?  In order to get the answer, we have to understand the nature of work of an interpreter.  The work of an interpreter is to reproduce orally in another language what has just been said. To put in another way, it is oral translation on the spot. Interpretation can be consecutive, that is, reproduction after the speaker has stopped, or simultaneous, that is, at the same time as the speaker is speaking. Therefore, special requirements arise from the special nature of interpretation. Some veteran interpreters have summarized the requirements of interpretation as "accurate, quick and smooth".  Obviously, a correct understanding and reproduction of the speaker"s meaning comes first, because an interpreter is merely a medium among speakers of different languages in their communication. At the same time, an interpreter must be quick in his/her work. They must not delay. Their interpretation should be smooth so that it can be readily understood. To achieve accuracy in interpretation, an interpreter must comprehend correctly in the first place. Together with smooth reproduction, it is not difficult to see that a good command of English (or other languages) and Chinese is the "prerequisite condition”. A clear pronunciation and intonation are crucial for an interpreter. However, the achievement of speed needs special training.  One of the difficulties lies in memory. Many students complain that they cannot remember what has just been said. Here, note-taking may help. Note-taking serves as an aid to memory on the spot, so you do not have to take down every word being spoken which is both impossible and unnecessary. You only need to take down the key words which represent the main ideas and of course, numbers and figures. Your note must have a clear presentation or pattern which indicates the logical development of the speaker"s ideas. This is important because it will help your interpretation sensible and coherent. Besides, symbols, abbreviations and diagrams may also be used to make your note-taking faster. To integrate correct comprehension, proper memory and quick reproduction demands high concentration and quick reaction. This is a process which requires the simultaneous working of one"s heart, mind and hand. This is where intensive training comes in. A former trainee of the UN Interpreter is made by the tape hours she has had which means that the more hours you have had been practicing by listening to tapes and interpreting, the more competent you become.  Wide-ranging knowledge is as important as the command of languages." To know something about everything under the sun" is another motto interpreters observe. You have to concern yourself with what is happening at home and abroad all the time. You should constantly broaden your horizon and improve your comprehension and interpretation.  Lastly, good manners and a strong sense of responsibility are also necessary qualities of an interpreter.  Based on the above discussion, we may conclude that a good interpreter"s competence is many-faceted. To him/her, challenges are constant and hence, self-improvement must be consistent.

node interpreter配置

首先安装supervisor -- npm install -g supervisor 中的中-g 参数是全局(global)的意思, 安装完成后会在默认的X:Users账户AppDataRoaming pm 目录下,X为系统的盘符;在WebStorm中选择要Run--Edit Configurations 下选中要运行的JS文件,在右侧选设置Node interpreter为C:UsersDaobingAppDataRoaming pm ode-supervisor.cmd;设置完成后Node Parameters中会添加--debug参数,最后保存即可。

manufacture of products和manufacture的区别

第一个manufacture of products一般不这么表达,manufacture 虽有名词但不常用,可以用其名词表示为manufacturer of xxx products,或者we manufacture xxx products


前者是制造 是一个动词 后者是产品 是一个名词


manufacture:vt.制造, 加工(一般指大规模的生产活动) n.制造, 制造业, 产品 这个词一般用于工业的生产活动 produce:n.产物, 农产品 vt.提出, 出示, 生产, 制造, 结(果实), 引起, 招致, 创作 这个词一般用在农业的生产活动

请教: manufacture 和 produce 的区别



原文: In Britain you"re allowed to drive a car when you"re seventeen.You have to get a special two-year driving license before you start.When you"re learning, someone with full license always has to be in the car with you. You don"t have to go to a driving school --a friend can teach you. The person with youisn"t allowed to take money for the lesson unless he"s got a teacher"s license. Before you"re allowed to have a full license, you have to take a driving test. You can take a test in your own car, but it has to be fit for the road. In the test, you have to drive round for half an hour and then answer a few questions. If you don"t pass the test, you"re allowed to take it again a few weeks laterif you want to. In 1970, a woman passed her fortieth test after 212 driving lessons! , When you"ve passed your test, you don"t have to take it again, and you"re allowed to go on driving as long as (只要) you like, if you"re healthy. Britain"s oldest driver was a man who drove in 1974 at the age of 100. Before 1904, everyone was allowed to drive, even children. Then from 1904 car drivers had to have a license. But they didn"t have to take a test until 1935. In the early days of car driving, before 1978, cars weren"t allowed to go faster than four miles an hour, and someone had to lead the car with a red flag.

戴尔笔记本自检完显示: hard Drive 0-DST short test Error Cod


戴尔笔记本电脑, hard drive 按DST short test 显示error code



keep my fingers crossed--祝福

知道一句歌词I will keep my fingers crossed for you,May God give you happiness。想知道歌名字,谢谢

TV Makes The Superstar——Modern TalkingYou"ll take your chance, to be the oneAnd anything a possible, if you are strong, oh yeahSometimes you"re up, sometimes you"re downBut you feel it in you heart, you can"t go wrongYou are so nervous, just every single dayHere a voice from heaven, you"ll find your way, ohTV makes it, TV even breaks itTV makes the superstar where ever you are, oh yeahTV makes it, TV even breaks itTV makes the superstar, sometimes it"s so hardTV makes a star, makes a superstar, shows you crazy lifeTV takes you hight and takes you low, will your hope survive?TV makes a star, a superstar and it makes your dream come trueTV makes you laugh and makes you cry, do it just for youDon"t be so sad, you"re not the oneThere"s another chance for you, keep holing on, oh yeahJust take your time and you will seeYou can win it if you want, oh just like meYou need something to live for, every single dayu200dI"ll keep my fingers crossedu200d, you"ll find your way, oh yeahTV makes it, TV even breaks it TV makes the superstar where ever you are, oh yeahTV makes it, TV even breaks itTV makes the superstar, sometimes it"s so hardTV makes a star, makes a superstar, shows you crazy lifeTV takes you hight and takes you low, will your hope survive?TV makes a star, a superstar and it makes your dream come trueTV makes you laugh and makes you cry, do it just for youOne - Two - Three - Four - TV makes it, TV even breaks it - ohTV makes it, TV even breaks itTV makes the superstar where ever you are, oh yeahTV makes it, TV even breaks itTV makes the superstar, sometimes it"s so hardTV makes a star, makes a superstar, shows you crazy lifeTV takes you hight and takes you low, will your hope survive?TV makes a star, a superstar and it makes your dream come trueTV makes you laugh and makes you cry, do it just for youTV makes it, TV even breaks it

attending classes regularly will help to form a good habit of punctuality


java中什么叫多态,动态方法调度(dynamic method dispatch)?给个例子最好

8.多态Polymorphism,向上转型Upcasting,动态方法调度(dynamic method dispatch)什么叫多态?简言之,马 克 - t o - w i n:就是一个函数名,多种形态。换言之,就是当父类指针指向子类时的override。是在运行时发生的。拿上一节的例子来讲,比如运行时如果用户输入自行车,就执行自行车的驾驶方法。如果用户输入小轿车,就执行小轿车的驾驶方法,涉及到用户,这些都只能在运行时才能干。运行时的,就是动态的,所以这也是动态方法调度(dynamic method dispatch),既然是父类指针指向子类,这也是向上转型Upcasting。顺便提一句。马克-to-win:学术界另有一种说法,overload也算多态。我认为这只是学术上的一种说法而已,张三爱这么认为,李四爱那么认为,无所谓对错。不像语法错误,错了,编译器真不让你通过。不过本书作者不支持这种overload说法。。。。。。。。。。。。详情请网上找“马克-to-win”,参考他的网站或他的百度空间:java第三章的内容


真假ipod充电器在外观上是没有区别的,只是假的ipod充电器背面写着"designed by apple in calitomia"而真的正确地区应是california.


武器mod主武器mod:基伤多重mod膛线:基础卡,无特殊获取条件,各派系GRINEER CORPUS infested小兵均有几率掉落,打得多就有了重口径:4K任务开启密室有概率获得(不懂的底部有介绍)分裂膛室:30级以上防御/生存/挖掘都有概率获得,CORPUS敌人也会随机掉落,GRINEERGrustrag三霸也会掉私法军备:地球平原赏金任务获得(打赏金之前看下任务奖励,看有没有这张卡)步枪银元素这四张都是基础卡,无特殊获取条件,各派系小兵均有几率掉落,打得多就有了步枪金元素白霜弹头:20级间谍任务全部破解有概率获得(5.64%)月球间谍7.37%铝热焊弹:30级间谍任务全部破解有概率获得(7.04%)高压电流:阋神星清巢任务找到全部储藏箱有概率获得(4.51%)致命火力:虚空vor上尉(不懂得底部有介绍)随机掉落(25%)所有金元素MOD Baro Ki"Teer(奸商)都有概率带,不过除了电元素其他都不值得买,推荐自己刷双暴mo致命一击:基础卡,无特殊获取条件,各派系小兵均有几率掉落,打得多就有了弱点感应:20级生存/挖掘/防御B轮获得,资源回收和黑区防御C轮也很大概率获得。CORPUS敌人也有概率掉落重锤射击:10级噩梦任务随机获得(1.01%)其他卡爆发装填:基础卡,无特殊获取条件,各派系小兵均有几率掉落(烂大街)灵敏板机:基础卡,无特殊获取条件,各派系小兵均有几率掉落(烂大街)卑劣加速:4K任务开启密室有概率获得霰弹mod:基伤多重抵近射击:基础卡,无特殊获取条件,各派系小兵均有几率掉落,打得多就有了地狱弹膛:乎所有任务B、C轮都可以获得,GRINEERGrustrag三霸也有概率掉落私法军备:地球平原赏金任务获得(打赏金之前看下任务奖励,看有没有这张卡)霰弹银元素这四张卡都是基础卡,无特殊获取条件,各派系小兵均有几率掉落,打得多就有了霰弹金元素冰冷疾风:30级间谍任务全部破解有概率获得(7.04%)炼狱轰击:20级间谍任务全部破解有概率获得(5.64%)毒素弹幕:虚空vor掉落(25%)电冲弹药:阋神星清巢任务找到全部储藏箱有概率获得(4.51%)双暴卡雷筒:基础卡,无特殊获取条件,各派系小兵均有几率掉落,打得多就有了(烂大街)破灭:任意等级防御任务C轮获得,黑区防御B轮获得其他卡战术上膛:基础卡,无特殊获取条件,各派系小兵均有几率掉落,打得多就有了霰弹速射:基础卡,无特殊获取条件,各派系小兵均有几率掉落,打得多就有了激冷装填:10级噩梦任务随机获得(22.11%) 作者:Mr-sea海先生 https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv6493916 出处:bilibili


1.What kind of childhood do you think one"s supposed to have?   Happiness is the most important thing in one"s childhood. So, when a child is growing up, he or she need a harmonious family. That means he or she has a very good parents. They have a good understanding between them. They have a lot of time to accompany the child. That means the parents can have time to get together with the child to play, to learn and to talk. On the other hand, a good surrounding is very helpful when a child is growing up. That means he or she lives in a good and peaceful neighborhood. He or she has several good teachers in the kindergarten and in the primary school. And most importantly, he or she has a lot of good friends who can make the whole childhood meaningful and unforgettable.   2.What was your earliest memory?   I remember an accident very clearly when I was 3 years old. One afternoon, my friend Steven and I were playing on the playground of BFSU (that is, Beijing Foreign Language University. I was born there.) We climbed on a tree, about 3 meters high. I was very exciting when I was on the top of the tree. We laughed and shouted on the tree. Suddenly, I fell down on the ground from the tree. It really hurt me. But I didn"t cry at that time. My Mum came to me and asked: “ARE you Ok?” and I answered, “I"m OK. It doesn"t matter.” I ran quickly to the corner of the playground where nobody was in front of me. I could not bear any longer, so I burst into tears there.   3.What was your childhood like?   I think my childhood is very happy, meaningful, and unforgettable. I had a very good time in the boarding kindergarten. I had a lot of good friends there. My teachers were all very kind to me, just like my parents. I learned a lot in the primary school. I learned how to use computers. I learned how to play computer games. I can play piano. I can play football, basketball, badminton, etc. I can also play tennis although I"m not good at it yet. I"m very interested in playing tennis. I have a lot of good friends. Steven is my best friend. We can talk together. We can share everything and learn from each other. We have many unforgettable memories when we play together.   4.Did you remember your first school day?   I remembered that I was very exciting at my first day to the primary school. My primary school is called Haidian Foreign Language Experimental School. When I first came to the school, I was very happy because of the large and beautiful campus. My Chinese teacher, Miss Wang showed us around the whole school. There were a large garden in the school, full of trees and green grass. A lot of golden fish were swimming in the small river and there were a lot of animals, such as birds, dogs, and rabbits in the garden. We had a good time playing with the animals. When it was the time for lunch, we went to the dinning hall. We had a very good meal there. Everything tasted good that day. In the afternoon, we played football on the new playground. And then we went to swim in the swimming-pool. I came to know very well with my teachers and my classmates. We became good friends from then on.   5.If you had another choice, would you prefer to spend your childhood in the countryside?   If I had another choice, I would not spend my childhood in the countryside. Because I think the living conditions in the countryside is not so good as in the big cities. The children in the countryside will get less education than the children in the cities. We have more chances to play different kinds of games, especially computer games, then the children in the countryside. We can go to the McDonald, KFC, and Pizza Hut frequently to have a big meal. But there are still several advantages to live in the countryside. I would rather choose to visit the countryside on weekends or during the holidays, since the air is more fresh, and the food is more healthy. And we can be more closer to the nature.   7.What was your parents" childhood like?   My parents often talk to me about their childhood. I think their childhood is some sort of miserable. At that time, their living condition was not so good. They had to do a lot of farm work and house work since their parents were so busy in making money to support the family. They spent most of their time helping their parents. For example, they need to wash the clothes, wash the dishes, and take care of the little babies when their parents were not at home. So they had less time to play. But at that time, I think, children could have strong ability to live on their own. They were more able and more depend when they were faced with some difficulties. They were more confident in dealing with different situations.   

fast food song歌词和歌词翻译

The Fast Food Song美味快餐歌Artist: Fast Food Rockerslyric By DianAhanCan I take your order please?你要下单吗?Let"s eat to the beat让我们随着节奏开吃吧!A pizza hut a pizza hut必胜客必胜客Kentucky fried chicken and a pizza hut肯德基和必胜客A pizza hut a pizza hut必胜客必胜客Kentucky fried chicken and a pizza hut肯德基和必胜客McDonalds McDonalds麦当劳麦当劳Kentucky fried chicken and a pizza hut肯德基和必胜客McDonalds McDonalds麦当劳麦当劳Kentucky fried chicken and a pizza hut肯德基和必胜客You like it you love it你喜欢吃你爱吃You know you really want it我知道你想吃The voices I hear我听到大家Whenever you"re around都在喊I want it I need it我要吃,快给我Nothing else can beat it我一定那个刚要吃Hot and spicy热热辣辣多美味Whenever I"m in town (mm mm)不管我在哪Enticing exciting激动啊激动Aroma so inviting香气太诱人;额And when it hits端上来Me, I wanna take you home我要带你回家Trust me you must see相信我Just what you"re doing to me你已经让我Driving me crazy神魂颠倒Hungry to the bone骨头都饿断了I think of you and lick my lips一想到你就流口水You"ve got the taste I can"t resist你的味道我欲罢不能Can"t resist - can"t resist抵抗不住抵抗不住Let"s eat to the beat随着节奏开吃吧重复Would you like that to go?你想怎么个吃法Any sauces?加酱吗You"re so sweet and you"re neat你真美味真好吃You knock me off my two feet你让我双腿发软You"re chunky and hunky你真是顶呱呱I"m coming back for more (Hot Dog)我还要个热狗Your taste all embraces你的味道流连忘返I gotta sing your praises我要赞美你啊Just savour the flavours你的味道和气息Waiting at your door我早等的心痒痒I think of you and lick my lips想到你就流口水You"ve got the taste I can"t resist你的味道我无法拒绝Can"t resist - can"t resist无法拒绝重复Does anyone fancy a shake?有没有人想和我一起共舞?Shake甩起来!Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh噢噢噢噢Shake it to the left - Shake it to the right - Let"s shake向左甩,向右甩,我们一起甩阿甩Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh重复





Jesus is God ?

Is Jesus being a real God? Of course according to the Holy Bible New Testament John 3: 31 to 36:" He who es from above is above all; he who is of the earth is earthly and speaks of the earth. He who es from heaven is above all." And what He has seen and heard that He testifies; and no one receives His testimony. " He who has received His testimony has certified that God is true. " For He whom God has sent speaks the words of God for God does not give the spirit by measure."" The father loves the Son and has given all things into His hand."" He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life but the wrath of God abides on him." Yip Jesus is said to be the incarnation of God so meaning the origins by and of God. There are many names to call (or being written) Jesus during his time living among us thus it bees confusing if we think in terms of human nature or biologically relationship. For example God spoke during Jesus" bapti *** that “You are my one dear Son; in you I take great delight.” (NET) or “You are my Son whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” (NIV). So people argue that since God (from heaven) spoke to him as being “his Son” Jesus cannot be the same God. However Jesus spoke of himself as “Son of Man” throughout his life (instead of claiming to be the Son of God) with us to show us that the expression really mean “He is truly Man (human)” and at the end He represents mankind as the sacrificial lamb to God for remission of sin. This is just a simple and direct rhetorical or literary wer on this question only by studying the words or expressions without going into theological or biblical scripture justification or deduction about what God is or poses of. Still if you wish to study the theological arguments to proof or justify why or how Jesus is God I"m sure you just need to search and found thousands of writing about it. However if it is about your faith in Jesus I would suggest you ask a reverse question for yourself: What is the effect on your faith (say with God) if Jesus is not God? He indeed is one of the three Gods in Christianity.

美国人的日常用语中,Jesus和Oh,my god哪个用的更多

Jesus 用在中性偏负面的场合.Oh,my god, 用在中性偏正面的场合. Jesus 用在中性偏负面的场合.Oh,my god, 用在中性偏正面的场合.

Jesus (He Is The Son Of God) 歌词

歌曲名:Jesus (He Is The Son Of God)歌手:Annie Herring专辑:Kids Of The KingdomJesus/Gackt作词:Gackt.C 作曲:Gackt.C伤ついた抜け壳をただ 抱きしめていた【拥抱著受伤的躯壳】降り注ぐ雨は静かな 君の涙【雨静静地落下 如同你的眼泪】Wake me up Wake me up 【唤醒我 唤醒我】Wake me up この梦から 【唤醒我吧 从这样的梦中 】Real or dream? Real or dream? 【是现实还是梦魇? 是现实还是梦魇?】Real or dream? 教えてくれ Maria..【是现实还是梦魇? 告诉我 Maria..】「杀して..」と微笑みながら頬に触れた【一边微笑著说「杀了我」一边触碰著脸颊】见えない目に涙を溜めて消えて逝く【盈满泪水的眼睛已经什麼也看不见并逐渐消失 】Take me out Take me out 【带我离开 带我离开】Take me out この梦から【带我离开 从这样的梦中】Real or dream? Real or dream? 【是现实还是梦魇? 是现实还是梦魇?】Real or dream? 応えてくれ Jesus..【现实还是梦魇? 回答我 Jeasus 】God said when you die,【上帝说在你死之前,】Your life will pass before your eyes.【你的眼睛会在生命之前消失】If you want to feel it right now,【如果你想感受一下就现在】Just do it.. do it.. do it..【大胆的试一下.. 试一下.. 试一下..】Wake me up Wake me up 【唤醒我 唤醒我】Wake me up この梦から【唤醒我吧 从这样的梦中 】Real or dream? Real or dream? 【是现实还是梦魇? 是现实还是梦魇?】Real or dream?教えてくれ【是现实还是梦魇? 告诉我】Take me out Take me out 【带我离开 带我离开】Take me out この梦から【带我离开 从这样的梦中】Real or dream? Real or dream?【是现实还是梦魇? 是现实还是梦魇?】Real or dream? 応えてくれ Jesus..【现实还是梦魇? 回答我 Jeasus 】Jesus/Gackthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2742378

jesus与 god的区别?



不是这样的,美国也说jesus。 主要是英国更信天主教,美国是英国的异教徒乘坐五月花号进驻美洲大陆形成的,所以他们不是十分信仰jesus。所以god比较口语化,jesus就是尊重的说法。

jesus与 god的区别?




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dopod(多普达) 9000(日版)怎么通过 wifi 连接互联网?

  cht9000的wifi上网设置  实现步骤(以下顺序绝对不能颠倒!!):  1,在PC端安装无线网卡驱动程序,本本的话就在驱动程序安装盘上就有。  2,打开CHT9000(您的PPC)进入设定--网路卡—无线通讯选项卡,设顶无线网路中新增一个:  <1>一般选项卡中。网路名称:随便填一个(如cht)  连线到:选择预设的工作设定  在“此为装置至装置(临机操作)连线)”前打勾  <2>网路金轮选项卡选中。验证:共用  资料加密:停用  3,填好后其他不管,点OK保存回到无线通讯选项卡,在要存取的网路中选责:仅电脑至电脑。  4,打开电脑,打开控制面板或者直接点右下角的快速启动中的网络连接,打开网络连接-右键点击宽带连接的属性,进入高级选项卡在Internet连接共享前中全部打勾。并在允许其他网络用户通过此计算机的Internet连接来连接中选择:无线网络连接(也就是你的无线连接)。  5,共享宽带后,这时PC端无线网卡地址会自动设为192.168.0.1,再将PPC的DNS(也就是网关了,在设定--网路卡-网路介面卡中点击IEEE802.11b/g---名称司服器DNS设为192.168.0.1),其他不管。点OK,回到网路介面卡,在上方的我的网路卡连线到中选择“预设的工作设定”,然后点OK。  6,进入CHT9000设定-连线--进阶--选取网路-—网路管理中两项都设为“工作设定”(很重要!!!!!不要看漏了)。点OK,PPC大工告成。  7,先打开CHT9000的WIFI再打开本本的WIFI,用本本来搜CHT9000(极度重要!!!)因为电脑上的无线网卡兼容PPC的WIFI,而PPC上的802.11b标准的WIFI网卡不兼容PC上802.11g标准的无线网卡.如果正常的话,PC上无线局域网管理器会显示WIFI为名称的点对点信号,选择它,点选连接,正常的话,PPC与PC会完美联接,信号等各项指标都是100%.  8,电脑拨号上网,打开CHT9000的Internet exploer就能上网了。嘻嘻  9,还是无法上网??关闭防火墙,呵呵,行了吧?

dopod 是什么意思?



在用eplay吉他 我的就是哦~音色手感 做工都赞到不要不要的~爱不释手

GALGAME中 bad end和good end 有什么区别


ode to my socks是什么类型的诗

ode my socks - by Pablo NerudaMaru Mori brought me a pairof sockswhich she knitted herselfwith her sheepherder"s hands,two socks as softas rabbits.I though into twocasesknitted with threads oftwilightand goatskin.Violent socks,my feet weretwo fish madeof wool,two long sharks sea-blue,shotthroughby one golden thread,two immense blackbirds,two cannons:my feetwere honored in this waybytheseheavenlysocks.They wereso handsomefor the first timemy feet seemed to meunacceptablelike two decrepitfireman,firemenunworthyof that wovenfire,of those glowingsocks.NeverthelessI resistedthe sharp temptation to save them somewhereas schoolboyskeepfireflies,as learned mencollectsacred texts,I resistedthe mad impulseto put them into a goldencageand each day give them birdseedand pieces of pink melon.Like explorersin the jungle who handover the very raregreen deerto the spitand eat itwith remorse,I stretch out my feetand pull onthe magnificentsocksand then my shoes.The moral of my ode is this:beauty is twicebeautyand what is good is doublygoodwhen it is a matter of two socksmade of woolin winter是一首颂歌(或者颂诗),赞美袜子

把ode to my socks 这首poem翻译成中文

我的袜子颂歌 作者聂鲁达 丸森给我带来了一对袜子她编织自己她牧羊人的手,两只袜子为软为兔子。不过,我觉得成二案件针织与线程暮色和山羊皮。暴力袜子,我的脚二鱼片羊毛,两个长的鲨鱼海蓝色,射击穿过一个金线,两个巨大的乌鸦,两门大炮:我的脚被表彰以这种方式通过这些天堂袜子。他们如此英俊第一次我的脚在我看来不可接受就像两个老朽消防员,消防员不值得编织的火,这些发光袜子。然而我拒绝激烈的诱惑拯救他们的地方为学童保持萤火虫,作为学问的人收集神圣的文本,我拒绝疯狂冲动他们把成金笼而每天给他们鸟食件粉红色和甜瓜。像探险家在丛林中谁手在非常罕见绿色鹿对随地吐痰吃它与悔恨,俺伸出我的脚和拉动宏伟袜然后我的鞋子。道德我的颂歌是:美丽的两倍美景什么是好的,是加倍良好的当它是一个问题的两个袜子羊毛制成在冬季

Ode To Billie Joe (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Ode To Billie Joe (Live)歌手:The Buddy Rich Big Band专辑:Mercy, MercyIt was the third of June, another sleepy, dusty Delta dayI was out choppin" cotton and my brother was balin" hayAnd at dinner time we stopped and walked back to the house to eatAnd Mama hollered out the back door "y"all remember to wipe your feet"And then she said "I got some news this mornin" from Choctaw Ridge""Today Billy Joe MacAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge"And Papa said to Mama as he passed around the blackeyed peas"Well, Billy Joe never had a lick of sense, pass the biscuits, please""There"s five more acres in the lower forty I"ve got to plow"And Mama said it was shame about Billy Joe, anyhowSeems like nothin" ever comes to no good up on Choctaw RidgeAnd now Billy Joe MacAllister"s jumped off the Tallahatchie BridgeAnd Brother said he recollected when he and Tom and Billie JoePut a frog down my back at the Carroll County picture showAnd wasn"t I talkin" to him after church last Sunday night?"I"ll have another piece of apple pie, you know it don"t seem right""I saw him at the sawmill yesterday on Choctaw Ridge""And now you tell me Billie Joe"s jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge"And Mama said to me "Child, what"s happened to your appetite?""I"ve been cookin" all morning and you haven"t touched a single bite""That nice young preacher, Brother Taylor, dropped by today""Said he"d be pleased to have dinner on Sunday, oh, by the way""He said he saw a girl that looked a lot like you up on Choctaw Ridge""And she and Billy Joe was throwing somethin" off the Tallahatchie Bridge"A year has come "n" gone since we heard the news "bout Billy JoeAnd Brother married Becky Thompson, they bought a store in TupeloThere was a virus going "round, Papa caught it and he died last SpringAnd now Mama doesn"t seem to wanna do much of anythingAnd me, I spend a lot of time pickin" flowers up on Choctaw RidgeAnd drop them into the muddy water off the Tallahatchie Bridgehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2769332

Ode To Billie Joe 歌词

歌曲名:Ode To Billie Joe歌手:Sort Sol专辑:Everything That Rises Must ConvergeIt was the third of June, another sleepy, dusty Delta dayI was out choppin" cotton and my brother was balin" hayAnd at dinner time we stopped and walked back to the house to eatAnd Mama hollered out the back door "y"all remember to wipe your feet"And then she said "I got some news this mornin" from Choctaw Ridge""Today Billy Joe MacAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge"And Papa said to Mama as he passed around the blackeyed peas"Well, Billy Joe never had a lick of sense, pass the biscuits, please""There"s five more acres in the lower forty I"ve got to plow"And Mama said it was shame about Billy Joe, anyhowSeems like nothin" ever comes to no good up on Choctaw RidgeAnd now Billy Joe MacAllister"s jumped off the Tallahatchie BridgeAnd Brother said he recollected when he and Tom and Billie JoePut a frog down my back at the Carroll County picture showAnd wasn"t I talkin" to him after church last Sunday night?"I"ll have another piece of apple pie, you know it don"t seem right""I saw him at the sawmill yesterday on Choctaw Ridge""And now you tell me Billie Joe"s jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge"And Mama said to me "Child, what"s happened to your appetite?""I"ve been cookin" all morning and you haven"t touched a single bite""That nice young preacher, Brother Taylor, dropped by today""Said he"d be pleased to have dinner on Sunday, oh, by the way""He said he saw a girl that looked a lot like you up on Choctaw Ridge""And she and Billy Joe was throwing somethin" off the Tallahatchie Bridge"A year has come "n" gone since we heard the news "bout Billy JoeAnd Brother married Becky Thompson, they bought a store in TupeloThere was a virus going "round, Papa caught it and he died last SpringAnd now Mama doesn"t seem to wanna do much of anythingAnd me, I spend a lot of time pickin" flowers up on Choctaw RidgeAnd drop them into the muddy water off the Tallahatchie Bridgehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2608859

mono 和 monodevelop 有什么区别

mono是.NET Framework在linux下的实现,monodevelop是mono的开发环境。

Lovely的《Ode To Joy》 歌词

歌曲名:Ode To Joy歌手:Lovely专辑:Beethoven: Lovely Songs For BabiesOde To JoyFrom HEAVENLY群:66032164--寡妇铸造者、小雄爷In the skySlowly we are heading forGod"s master planDecide if you start or doneThe holy realmSoon or later take my heartNo more time to lose before eternitySo now I have to find the wayLeading up to victoryCarry on and don"t be afraidDon"t risk to miss your lifeAnd searching awayTo attain the forceSomedays better andSomedays worthMake life easyDon"t waste itDeep down inside of your eyes:Bright with desireLife can get better if you take time to realizeJust keep the best let your worries out of your mindTrust in me my brother then I really show you howTo make your dreams come trueAnd hear the ode to joy欢迎加入:66032164Life can get better if you take time to realizeJust keep the best let your worries out of your mindLife can get better if you take time to realizeJust keep the best let your worries out of your mindTrust in me my brother then I really show you howTo make your dreams come trueAnd hear the ode to joy金属——梦http://music.baidu.com/song/2870986

When Darkness Falls ( Ode To Kvaase) 歌词

歌曲名:When Darkness Falls ( Ode To Kvaase)歌手:Secret Garden专辑:EarthsongsAs you walkThe path of least resistanceIs it that simpleAs you claim it to beCut outYour tongueYour eyesYour liesThey do deceive youYour tongueYour eyesYour liesThey do deceive youI stand firm in my solidarityThe path I walk (the path I walk)I walk in with my own resolveWhen darkness falls (when darkness falls)We are rebornA dream since the fall of manWe are rebornBut the livesAre not yet depletedWe are the wholeSilence them allWith not just wordsLet resolution be our voiceI stand firm in my solidarityThe path I walk (the path I walk)I walk in with my own resolveWhen darkness falls (when darkness falls)We are rebornA dream since the fall of manWe are rebornWe are the remnantWe the remnant will save us of allWe are the faithfulWe the faithful will save us of allSilence them allSilence them allWhen darkness falls (when darkness falls)We are rebornA dream since the fall of manWe are rebornWhen darkness falls (when darkness falls)We are rebornA dream since the fall of manWe are rebornhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8558839

Love Of My Life (An Ode To Hip Hop) 歌词

歌曲名:Love Of My Life (An Ode To Hip Hop)歌手:Erykah Badu专辑:Brown SugarERYKAH BADU"Love Of My Life"(feat. Common)Bring it over here and let"s go backWay backOoh...Way back, yeahI met him when I was aLittle girl, he gave meHe gave me poetryAnd he was my firstBut in my heart I knew IWasn"t the only one"Cause when the tables turnedHe had to break upWhenever I got lonelyOr needed some adviceHe gave me his shoulderHis words were very niceBut that is all behind me"Cause now there is no otherMy love is his and his is mineA friend became theLove of my lifeYou are my friendLove of my lifeI can dependLove of my lifeWithout you, babyIt feels like a simple true loveA freak-freak, y"all, and ya don"t stopTo the beat y"all and ya don"t stopA freak-freakOr could it be that it wasAll just so simple thenA teenage lover who saidHe"s just a friendHe moved around and we keptIn touch through his friend MikeThe world was young and he knewWe couldn"t rush butWhenever I got lonelyOr needed some adviceHe gave me his shoulderHis words were very niceBut that is all behind me"Cause now there is no otherMy love is his and his is mineA friend became theLove of my lifeYou are my friendLove of my lifeA dude I can depend, yeah, yeahLove of my lifeFeels like a simple true love, yeahY"all know how I met herWe broke up and got back togetherTo get her back I had to sweat herThought she roll with bad boys forever in many waysThem boys may be better, to I had to let her (Never)She needed cheddar and I understood thatLookin" for cheese, that don"t make her a hood rat (Rat)In fact she"s a queen to me, her light beams on meI love it when she sings to meIt"s like that nowLove of my lifeOoh, you know you rock my world andLove of my lifeYou be boy and I"ll be girl andLove of my lifeWe don"t stop until the break of dawn, ooh...Love of my lifeOoh, you know you rock my world andLove of my lifeYou be boy and I"ll be girl andLove of my lifeYeah...http://music.baidu.com/song/8581581

Ode To Deodorant 歌词

歌曲名:Ode To Deodorant歌手:Coldplay专辑:Ode To Deodorant (Demo tape)Ode To DeodorantColdplayOde To DeodorantHere"s an Ode, ah, to deodorantIt"s my thing, ah it"s my favourite hygieneIt keeps me through the dayAnother ode, ah to deodorantIt"s my thing, ah it"s my favourite hygieneIt"s the confidence I needIt"s medicine for the soulIt"s medicine for the mindIt picks me up and makes me wholeIt makes me feel alrightHere"s an Ode, an ode to aerosolIt"s my thingAh, it"s my favourite hygiene, it"s the confidence I needIt"s medicine for the soulIt"s medicine for the mindIt picks me up and makes me wholeIt makes me feel alrightIt"s okay Oh, would I ever let you down? No wayOh, would I ever let you down, okay?Oh, would I ever let you down, no wayOh, would I ever let you down...I"ll never let ya, I"ll never let ya,I"ll never let you down, no wayWould I ever let you let you down, no wayWould I ever let you let you down, no wayWould I ever let you let you down, no wayWould I ever let you let you down, no wayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/55022435

Ode To My Family伴奏



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