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particular period of time

2023-07-15 09:33:43

a period of time指一段时间

a particular length of time指特定的那段时间



2023-07-14 23:49:311


over是介词,意思是“ 在…期间”period和time不是重复,period是时间time的一段(A period is a length of time).
2023-07-14 23:50:221


2023-07-14 23:50:312


During this time period... In this era... In this centry... In today"s world..
2023-07-14 23:50:401

redundancy auto-sync time-period 3600 啥意思,给解释下, 怎么使用

redundancy auto-sync time-period 3600 冗余自动同步的时间周期3600
2023-07-14 23:50:471


2023-07-14 23:51:211

Which American president was at the same time period with Martin Luther King Jr.?

【答案】:A美国历史。考查和Martin Luther King Jr.处于同一时期的美国总统。Martin Luther King Jr.所处的时代是美国民权运动时期,当时的美国总统是John Kennedy,二者先后遇刺身亡。Abraham Lincoln领导了美国的南北战争;George Washington则领导了美国的独立战争。
2023-07-14 23:51:281


投资回收期[词典][化]capitalpay-offtime;paybackperiod;timeperiodforrecoveryofinvestmen[例句]The payback period will be shortened up to2 months.投资回收期将被缩短到两个月。
2023-07-14 23:51:471


2023-07-14 23:51:531


在这个时期In this period
2023-07-14 23:52:022

金融方面的词汇:look-ahead bias,time-period bias是什么意思?中文名称是什么?

2023-07-14 23:52:191

a period of time是什么意思

一段时间。period 时期,期间比如:a period of three years 三年的时间
2023-07-14 23:52:273


  孩子的英语词汇不够?不要怕,我给大家带来要背诵的关于时期、季节、月份和星期的英语词汇,同学们可以利用寒假的时间来背一下。   时期   age时代,时期,年龄   century世纪   future未来,将来   past过去   period时期   present现在   time时间;时期;钟点;次,回   year年   季节   season季节   spring春天   summer夏天,夏季   autumn秋天   fall秋天   winter冬天,冬季   月份   month月,月份   January一月   February二月   March三月   April四月   May五月   June六月   July七月   August八月   September九月   October十月   November十一月   December十二月   星期与日期   week星期;周   Monday星期一   Tuesday星期二   Wednesday星期三   Thursday星期四   Friday星期五   Saturday星期六   Sunday星期天   weekday平日;工作日   weekend周末   date日期   day白天;一天   today今天;本日   tomorrow明天;明日   tonight今晚,今夜   yesterday昨天
2023-07-14 23:52:341


2023-07-14 23:52:411


2023-07-14 23:52:511


2023-07-14 23:53:123


2023-07-14 23:53:211


2023-07-14 23:53:314

A period of time对不对

2023-07-14 23:53:4310

a period of time是什么意思

2023-07-14 23:54:102

请教关于time 的可数不可数问题

这里的 time 表“时间”,是用作不可数名词,但又可与不定冠词“a”连用。经查证,多数权威词典均将其列为不可数名词:1.《21世纪英汉汉英双向词典》(U) [又作 a time] (某一) 期间,某一段时间。for a time 暂时;一时;after a time 过一会儿;in a short time 不久;It"s a long time since I met you last. 好久不见 [久违] 了。2.《柯林斯高级英语学习词典》[N-UNCOUNT] also a N。For a long time I didn"t tell anyone. 很久我都没有告诉任何人。A short time later they sat down to eat. 过了一小会儿,他们坐下来吃东西。3.《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》[U] portion or measure of time 一段时间:What a (long) time you"ve been! 你花费那麽长的时间了!I had a most unpleasant time at the dentist"s. 我在牙医那里受了大罪。4.《剑桥高级学习词典》noun [U]I enjoyed my course at first, but after a time I got bored with it.They stayed with us for a short time.5.《朗文当代英语词典》【PERIOD OF TIME】 [singular, U]I first met Jennifer a long time ago.They stopped for a short time to rest the horses.但《麦克米兰英语词典》[count] a period:She thought about it for a long time.The company only started trading a short time ago.
2023-07-14 23:54:171

Climate is the average weather usually taken over a 30-year time period for a particular region...

小题1:B小题2:B小题3:C小题4:C 小题1:根据Climate is not the same as weather,可知天气不同于气候,故选B。小题2:根据Well, scientists are not exactly sure. 可知科学家也不知道确切的原因,故选B。小题3:根据短文描述,可知砍伐树木无助于解决全球变暖问题,反而会破坏环境,故选C。小题4:通过阅读短文可知,本文主要描述了气候变化和全球变暖的问题。故选C。
2023-07-14 23:54:371

for long periods time为何加s?

因为period是可数的,比如a period of time,所以自然可以加s。for long periods time这里表示几段长的时期。
2023-07-14 23:54:441


――1T拥有较少的延迟,较佳的系统内存效能。却较差的兼容性。适合DIMM未插满时。 ――2T拥有较久的延迟、差很多的系统内存较能。较高的兼容性、稳定性。适合DIMM已全部插满时。测试极限频率是经常用到。 我建议将内存设定为1T以便让内存达到最佳效能。如果1T不稳定再换为2T也不为过!解释一下:DRAM Command Rate (内存命令速率)一般还被描述为DRAM Command Rate、CMD Rate等。由于DDR内存在寻址时,先要进行P-Bank的选择(通过DIMM上CS片选信号进行),然后才是L-Bank/行激活与列地址的选择这个参数的含义就是指在P-Bank选择完之后多少时间可以发出具体的寻址的L-Bank/行激活命令,单位是时钟周期。显然,也是越短越好。但随着主板上内存模组的增多,控制芯片组的负载也随之增加,过短的命令间隔可能会影响稳定性。因此当你的内存插得很多而出现不太稳定的时间,需要将此参数调长。
2023-07-14 23:54:511

quartus ii 怎样将时钟脉冲调为1khz

2023-07-14 23:55:004

A period of time 用于什么时态满意的话加分加到满为止

一般情况在将来时和完成时用得多一些。I will stay in Beiing for a period of time.He has been in Beiing for a long period of time.
2023-07-14 23:55:091

I will give you ( ) tofinish it.这里为什么不能写成two week’s time 或two —week time 而应该填two we

you can write the sentence like this:i will give you two weeks to finish iti will give you two weeks" time to finish it you already know two week is a time period, you dont need to put time after it
2023-07-14 23:55:282

a long period of time是什么意思

2023-07-14 23:55:352

Time off的中文意思?

首先给你英文解释:a time period when you are not required to work中文就是:闲暇时间希望能帮到你~
2023-07-14 23:55:441

编译Qt应用程序的时候出现如下错误,哪位高手给解答一下? 编译器是arm-linux-gcc 4.5.1,qt版本是4.7.0

找友善,这个应该是友善的gcc包吧See <> for instructions.
2023-07-14 23:55:512


Our two companies must be united together and conquer the difficulties during such a hard time period,and i also totally start from my lowest acceptable/tolerable price.
2023-07-14 23:55:582


standstill period停滞期
2023-07-14 23:56:074

During a period of time有没有语法错误

2023-07-14 23:56:211

period 前面应该加什么介词

2023-07-14 23:56:363


2023-07-14 23:56:311


magic的名词是:magic,n. 巫术;魔法;戏法;adj. 不可思议的;有魔力的;魔术的;n. (Magic)人名;(英)马吉克。 短语搭配: Orlando Magic 奥兰多魔术 ; 奥兰多魔术队 ; 魔术队 ; 奥兰多把戏 MAGIC WINDS 魔法风 ; 魔法水 ; 神奇的风 Black magic 黑巫术 ; 黑毒 ; 黑魔法 ; 黑魔术 扩展资料   例句:   I like the feeling of magic inside me.   我喜欢在我体内的魔法的感觉。   Do you like magic?   你喜欢魔术么?
2023-07-14 23:56:311


J"attends un peu, et je l"abandonnerai.我再等一会儿,才再放弃。j":je的省音形式,第一人称单数主格,我,相当於英文的Iattends:直接及物动词,原形attendre,直陈式现在时第一人称单数变位形式,等待,相当於英文的awaitun peu:副词,一点,一会儿et:连词,表顺承,再,相当於英文的thenl":le的省音形式,中性代词,指代一件事,相当於英文的itabandonnerai:直接及物动词,原形abandonner,直陈式普通将来时第一人称单数变位形式,放弃,相当於英文的will give up
2023-07-14 23:56:311


2023-07-14 23:56:312

新买的移动硬盘hd tune pro检测后读取速率多少合适?

1.5400转的:50-90MB每秒,7200转的台式机硬盘:90-190MB每秒,固态硬盘的读写 速度可以达到500MB/s2.当然硬盘的读写速度不是单单靠硬盘本身,与主板cpu,内存都有一定的关系,硬盘的使用年限,也会影响自身的速度,还有硬盘的材质,比如机械盘与固态盘,显然后者更快,接口,sata比ide要快3.如果想得到真实的值,那么就亲自测试一下,也耗费不了多久,特别是大家都喜欢拿新盘来做 测试,对于初级用户来说,普通机械盘就可以满足使用要求,想要好一些,就买个黑盘,如果更好,就推荐固态了
2023-07-14 23:56:321

Hover Camera该不该买

Norton had no
2023-07-14 23:56:371


2023-07-14 23:56:381

用HD tune pro 检测出好多红块 应该怎么修复

2023-07-14 23:56:391

甜蜜的回忆 歌词

歌曲名:甜蜜的回忆歌手:丽莎专辑:纪念金唱片It"s gonna be anotherday with the sunshineis sa na na yi qia nawa gai be qu goupa qa nou lei duo seidei mi du mi su ga na lei pa na yaonei bu li sa ja yin moqu gao sa na ha da nu suo sa nia jiaoni mo li mo tai morningcoffee mo qi na ga gu mo gu ne yaoIt"s gonna be another daywith the sunshineis sa na na yi qiao na wagai be qu goupa qa nou lei duo sei deimi du mi su ga na lei pa na yao(oh yeah yeah)when we can get together I feel paradiseyi gu da tao ling mo ke sun gai na gai jiaoai na ku na tao yai yao qin na nai cao faiku nai ga yi ja na yaono mo he hai sa na jiu ta nu xi nuhe sa dang nai yi ma duwei ji ku dai wa pe lao qu yang yebu gai ma ma ga qi nai yangIt"s gonna be another day with the sunshineku nai la na liu a liu na gai da nai yaona liu a na ju na yao sa la na na bo mala qu gai yao(yeah yeah)mo qi na yao mo su gai jiu bu gong qa nosa la na ki wi ai sang ku lai wa su gai ta xi tai ya luo jiaoqi ga yi song ga na gu na aai gu ka sa lao mo ao gai jiaogai ji a kai hai jiao yaodon"t break itna yi gu ma nai caois sa na na yi qiao na wa gai be qu goupa qa nou lei duo sei dei mi du mi su ga na lei pa na yao (oh yeah yeah)ai na ku na tao yai yao qin na nai cao fai ku nai ga yi ja na yao(yeah yeah)na liu a na ju na yao sa la na na bo ma la qu ga yao(oh yeah yeah)when we can get together feel paradise
2023-07-14 23:56:241

如何评价零零无限科技的产品 Hover Camera 及其前景

看到的技术细节仅仅有一个宣传片,根据推测评论一下吧。 宣传片拍的很不错,看完以后很有感觉。但是细细分析一下还是不那么对劲。不过相较于国内的“世界的一款真正意义上的无人机”来说还是一个很不错的设计。
2023-07-14 23:56:231


— -作为东道主,法国人是很好客的,但作为客人,法国人经常迟到。有时候,法国客人可能会迟到十五分钟甚至二十分钟,这是法国人的传统习惯,当然,现在没有这种习惯的人也越来越多了。 (A)对不起 Pardon. (B)抱歉 Désolé. (C)请您原谅。 Excusez-moi. (D)是在对不起。 Vraiment désolé. (E)这是我的错。 C"est ma faute.词汇: pardon n.m. 对不起 désolé, e adj. 抱歉的 vraiment adv. 真正地 faute n.f. 错误注释:A 句是省略句,也可以说:Je vous demande pardon. (demander qch. à qn. 向某人要某物)请求得到您的原谅。pardon 用于多种场合。比如,无意中碰触了对方,在说话时咳嗽,打断对方的说话,希望别人给自己让路,或者在公共场所劳驾别人为自己提供方便等等。B句也是省略句,原句为:Je suis désolé. 加强语气时,加一副词 Je suis vraiment désolé. E句子也可以用 J"ai eu tort. 我错了的句型来表达抱歉。(2)未能帮上对方的忙,表示抱歉 (A)很抱歉,没有帮上您的忙感到很遗憾。 Désolé, je regrette de ne pas vous avoir aidé. 词汇: regretter v.t. 惋惜,抱歉 regretter de + inf. ne...pas 不,没有 aider v.t. 帮助 aider qn. à (+ inf.) 帮助某人做某事 avoir aidé 是复合过去时(B)我本来很想帮助您,但是…… J"aurais voulu vous aider, mais...注释:A句je regrette de inf. 是一个词组表达法。B句J"aurais voulu... 是一句条件式过去时的独立句用法,表示说话人本来要做某事,但没有做成,同时感到很遗憾。(3)表示深深的歉意 (A)实在对不起。 Pardon mille fois. 词汇: pardon n.m. 原谅 mille adj.num. 一千 fois n.f 次(B)很对不起,我不是有意使您不高兴。 Mille pardons, mon intention n"était pas de vous déplaire. 词汇: déplaire à qn. 使某人厌烦(C)实在感到抱歉。 Je suis vraiment désolé.(D) 请您多加原谅。 Je vous fais toutes mes excuses. 词汇: faire v.t. 做 tout, -e (tous, toutes) adj. 全部的,整个的;任何,每一个;pl. 所有的注释:加强语气表示抱歉,往往会得到对方的原谅,事情得到缓解,或和好如初。B句动词déplaire à qn. 使某人感到不愉快。与déplaire相反的词义是plaire à qn. 使某人感到愉快。(4)请求对方宽恕原谅 (A)请原谅我打扰了您。 Excusez-moi de vous avoir dérangé. 词汇: déranger v.t. 打扰 se déranger 麻烦,费神(B)对不起,我打断您一下。 Pardonnez-moi, si je vous interromps. 词汇: si conj. 假如,如果;只要 interrompre v.t. 打断(C)请您原谅我的处境。 Excusez l"état où je suis. 词汇: état n.m. 状况 où adv. 在哪儿,在....地方(D)如果我伤害了您,那不是我有意做的。 Si je vous blesse, ce n"est pas mon intention. 词汇: blesser v.t. 伤害(E)请您原谅我这一次。 J"espère que vous voudrez bien m"excuser cette fois. 词汇: que conj. 引导从句试着翻译一下下面三个句子吧: (1)Ce n"était pas dans mon intention de vous blesser. (该句中动词était是être的未完成过去时,句中表示说话人礼貌客气。) (2) Réconcilions-nous! (词汇: se réconcilier 互相和好) (3)Vous m"avez attendue si longtemps, je vous demande mille pardons. (词汇: attendre v.t. 等,等候 demander à qn. de faire qch. 要求某人做某事)
2023-07-14 23:56:221


剧情挺不错,看我 简介 保证你想看的都有找到你要的啊
2023-07-14 23:56:206


2-01 Love Never Dies September 22, 2006   Melinda worries that Andrea is being influenced not to cross over. Melinda seeks the help of an expert in history and the occult in helping to identify the wide brimmed hat man.  2-02 Love Still Won"t Die September 29, 2006   Melinda encounters a ghost who asks her speak with his wife. He leads her to a woman who is confused and angered by Melinda"s visit. The ghost reveals himself as someone from Melinda"s past. Melinda must try to cross him over before he harms her or Jim. She must also deal with a teenage shoplifter who may be under the influence of an earthbound spirit.2-03 Drowned Lives October 6, 2006When Melinda goes to visit friends who are experiencing problems with their house, she finds the ghost of a six-year-old girl who drowned. Melinda then tries to help the family of the little girl.  2-04 The Ghost Within October 13, 2006   After purchasing a set of ornaments at a flea market, Melinda finds that they are haunted by a ghost who won"t speak to her. Melinda receives a series of visions from the ghost to deduce his story and help a friend he left behind.  2-05 Grave Matter October 20, 2006   The ghost of a man who was buried in the wrong grave starts to haunt a cemetery as someone else"s wife is coming to mourn him every night. Melinda must reconcile the man with his hostile wife and daughter in order for him to be able to cross-over.  2-06 The Woman of His Dreams October 27, 2006   Jim has a ghost who died during surgery come to him in his dreams. Melinda and Jim find that the ghost, a supermodel, cannot cross-over as she wants to save her little sister from suffering the same fate.  2-07 A Vicious Cycle November 3, 2006   Melinda and Jim"s first camping trip is interrupted as Melinda helps the ghost of a woman who left her husband and young daughter. Before the woman can cross over, Melinda must find the woman"s daughter and help her to learn the truth about her parent"s past in order for her to be safe.  2-08 The Night We Met November 10, 2006   The ghost of a chef who died in a fire at a Chinese restaurant meets Melinda after the restaurant he died in burns for a second time. He tells Melinda that she must find out who set the fire that he was blamed for.  2-09 The Curse of the Ninth November 17, 2006   When Melinda meets a nightclub waiter who has not played his guitar since his friend, Jared, died, she finds that he is being haunted by two ghosts.   Midnight Hour, Three Days Grace and J.C. Chasez guest stars.  2-10 Giving Up The Ghost November 24, 2006   A high school baseball pitcher named Justin finds that he is haunted by the former star baseball pitcher. The ghost is out for revenge on the coach, who he blames for his death.  2-11Cat"s Claw December 15, 2006   While Melinda is at the university"s botany lab, she deals with some telekinetic events while dealing with a plant from Peru that is bleeding. Melinda finds that she must help a professor save herself.  2-12 Dead to Rights (a.k.a. Dead Reckoning) January 5, 2007   Melinda has been having these weird visions. She thinks that a ghost has been trying to communicate with her in. Later on, she realizes that the ghost who is trying to communicate with her is not actually a ghost but a man who is in a coma who"s wife and family are in a legal battle to take him off of the life support.  2-13 Déjà Boo January 12, 2007   Melinda meets the ghost of a young man named Eric. After figuring out Eric has been reincarnated many times as different people, Melinda must convince Eric to come back and not fight being reincarnated again when he starts to threaten the woman who is carrying a baby that Eric might become.  2-14 Speed Demon February 2, 2007   Melinda meets a young woman who owns a family auto shop. Her boyfriend has died in a street race and blames her for his death.  2-15 Mean Ghost February 9, 2007   Melinda deals with the ghost of a young woman named Thais and the rest of her cheer leading squad and a girl named Maddy, an ex-cheerleader herself, who seemingly has been casting spells on the team to cause them trouble and harm them. Melinda must figure out from Maddy and another cheerleader named Ranna what is keeping Thais from crossing over.   Grammy Award winning singer Mary J. Blige guest stars.  2-16The Cradle Will Rock February 16, 2007   Delia has her engagement ring restored at a local jeweler and when she and Melinda go to pick it up, the store is violently robbed at gunpoint. Later, Melinda is visited by the ghost of the jewelry store salesman, Randy, who died after the robbery of a severe asthma attack. He and his dangerous brother-in-law Wyatt had planned the robbery together but when Randy hid $75,000 from Wyatt, Wyatt became angry and locked him in the basement, causing the attack.  2-17 The Walk-In February 23, 2007   A body goes missing from the local morgue. Melinda, Jim, and Professor Payne quickly realize that the body may have been taken over by an earthbound spirit and they"re dealing with a vengeful zombie.   Jamie Bamber guest stars.  2-18 Children Of Ghosts March 30, 2007   Strange things are happening around a teenage girl, who"s been cycling through the foster care system for several months. Melinda decides to become her foster parent, to see if she can help her. However, it"s proving more complex than she thought.   Cesar Millan guest stars.  2-19 Delia"s First Ghost April 6, 2007   Melinda helps Ned deal with a ghost who had just put a scare into him. Melinda discovers that the ghost is someone Delia knew, and she realizes she must share her gift with Delia in order to help her and the ghost. Melinda also helps a ghost who appears without any clothes on.  2-20The Collector April 27, 2007   Melinda meets a man who has the same abilities to see and talk to the dead. Melinda later learns that he has a different plan for the dead. Further encounters with ghosts encourage Professor Payne to help Melinda more.  2-21 The Prophet May 4, 2007   Melinda becomes concerned for the safety of the people she loves when a ghost prophet shows her visions of the future. The fellow Ghost Whisperer Gabriel, whom Melinda doesn"t trust, is still in Grandview.  2-22 The Gathering May 11, 2007   (Continued from The Prophet) Melinda visits the Mayor of Grandview and asks him to cancel the memorial dedication they will be holding. She tries to find the young girl who survived the plane crash the year before in an attempt to explain a series of similar accidents. Later, Melinda and Professor Payne search for the missing children whom Gabriel might have kidnapped. Meanwhile, a mysterious man tries to get Melinda to stop helping the good guys. In the end, Melinda has a terrifying experience that reveals some information about her family.
2023-07-14 23:56:201


之 前 好 多 人 都 在 拿 着 小 黑 侠 和 大 疆 等 产 品 相 比 , 吐 槽 小 黑 侠 不 能 飞 高 , 我 也 真 是 无 语 了 , 小 黑 侠 的 定 位 就 是 一 个 近 身 跟 拍 无 人 机 , 人 家 就 是 用 来 做 低 空 拍 摄 的 , 你 干 嘛 非 要 拿 着 它 当 航 拍 机 往 高 了 飞 呢 ? 拿 到 小 黑 侠 产 品 后 , 我 也 在 楼 下 做 了 测 试 , 在 三 层 楼 高 , 也 就 是 8 - 1 5 m 左 右 的 高 度 拍 摄 出 来 的 视 频 依 旧 很 清 晰 , 再 高 的 话 画 面 就 会 颤 抖 。 远 度 的 话 因 为 小 黑 侠 需 要 通 过 W I F I 与 手 机 连 接 , 所 以 最 好 控 制 在 2 0 m 之 内 , 如 果 超 出 了 这 个 范 围 就 会 断 开 然 后 自 动 降 落 了 。 我 是 在 微 风 环 境 下 做 的 拍 摄 , 如 果 有 风 的 话 感 觉 飞 行 高 度 应 该 得 更 低 一 些 。
2023-07-14 23:56:162


问题一:滑冰的英文怎么读 英文原文: skating; skate; 英式音标: [?skeu026at??] [ske?t] 美式音标: [?sket??] [sket] 问题二:滑冰的英文是什么 skate滑冰,溜冰. 滑冰 [huá bīng] [词典] skating; skate; ice-skating; [网络] go skating; Ice Skating; figure skating; [例句]我擅长游泳和滑冰。 I am good at swimming and skating. 问题三:滑冰的英文单词怎么写? Go skiing Skate 问题四:滑冰场 的英文怎么写? skating rink 问题五:滑冰用英语怎么读 skate 问题六:滑雪和滑冰用英语怎么说 ski/skiing skate/skating 亲:高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V! 望采纳,thx! 问题七:溜冰用英语怎么说 溜冰:skating 你可以在手机上下载一个翻译器,不用网的那种,我手机上就有,遇到生单词很好解决
2023-07-14 23:56:121

Red River Valley 歌词

歌曲名:Red River Valley歌手:George Strait专辑:The Horse Whispererred river valleyFrom this valley they say you are goingWe will miss your bright eyes and sweet smileFor they say you are taking the sunshine,That has brightened our path for awhile.Won"t you think of the valley you"re leaving,Oh how lonely and sad it will be,And just think of the heart that you"re breaking,And the pain that you"re leaving with me.Come and sit by my side if you love me.Do not hasten to bid me adieu,but remember the Red River ValleyAnd the cowboy has loved you so true
2023-07-14 23:56:001