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ipod classic怎样重启


苹果ipod classic死机了怎么办?


iPod classic怎么看有没有正在充电




Ipod classic有收音机功能吗


“ipod classic”如何播放无损音乐?

iPod 只支持 MP3/AAC/M4A/AIFF 等音乐文件格式;对于其他格式如 WMA 需要先转换才能导入到 iPod 中。如果 iTunes 能够直接播放你的音乐文件,可以在曲目上单击右键转换成 AAC 格式文件。对于 REAL 格式(RA/RAM)就没希望了,用第三方工具转换格式吧。如果想保证音质,转换成 AAC/AIFF 是个不错的选择;如果嫌麻烦,MP3 格式也可以自由支持。至于无损音乐格式,是一种有别于 MP3/WMA 等有损格式的文件格式。理论上讲音质更好,但是兼容性相对不够强(意思是并不是所有的媒体播放器、播放工具都支持无损音频格式)。常见的无损音乐格式有 APE/TTA/FLAC/AIFF/WAV。想了解更多关于无损音乐格式的信息,请百度一下。所谓下载打包歌曲,大部分指的是整张音乐CD的镜像;或者某些网友自己整理的音乐包等。音乐CD镜像可以去BT站或电骡资源站查询,音乐大礼包就要靠自己逛论坛了。

ipod型号 告诉我ipod classic 和ipod video的区别


IPOD CLASSIC 160G 支持蓝牙吗?

不支持,蓝牙 wifi 都不支持

ipod classic能用无线或者是蓝牙耳机吗


ipod video 与 ipod classic的区别

这是我从他官方网站 整理出来的 ipod video 与 ipod classic的技术支持资料 您可以参考下! Ipod video 尺寸和重量 (80GB 机型) uf0a7 高度:10.35 厘米(4.1 英寸) uf0a7 宽度:6.18 厘米(2.4 英寸) uf0a7 厚度:1.4 厘米(0.55 英寸) uf0a7 重量:157 克(5.5 盎司) 容量30GB 或 80GB 硬盘(1) 可容纳 7,500 首 (30GB) 或 20,000 首(80GB) 以 128-Kbps 压缩的 AAC 格式歌曲(2) 最多可容纳 25,000 张 iPod 可浏览的照片(3) 可容纳长达40小时(30GB)或100小时(80GB)的视频(4) 通过 USB 硬盘储存资料 显示屏2.5 英寸(对角线) QVGA 半透反射式 65,000 彩色 LCD与白色 LED 背光显示屏 320 x 240 像素分辨率,每点距为 0.156 音频频率范围:20 Hz 至 20,000 Hz 支持的音频格式:AAC(16 至 320 Kbps)、受保护的AAC (来自 iTunes Store)、MP3(16 至 320 Kbps)、MP3 VBR、Audible (2、3 和 4 格式)、Apple Lossless、WAV、AIFF 视频支持的视频格式:H.264 视频,高达 1.5 Mbps,640 x 480 像素,每秒30 帧,Baseline Low-Complexity Profile 支持 AAC-LC 音频,高达 160 Kbps,48 KHz,.m4v、.mp4 及 .mov 格式的立体声音频;H.264 视频,高达 768 Kbps,320 x 240 像素,每秒 30 帧,达到 Level 1.3 的 Baseline Profile 支持 AAC-LC,高达 160 Kbps,48 KHz,.m4v、.mp4 及 .mov 格式的立体声音频;MPEG-4 视频,高达 2.5 Mbps,640 x 480 像素,每秒 30 帧,Simple Profile 支持 AAC-LC,高达 160 Kbps,48 KHz,.m4v、.mp4 及 .mov 格式的立体声音频 耳机 频率范围:20 至 20,000 Hz 阻抗:32 欧姆 Mac 系统需求配有 USB 2.0 端口的 Macintosh Mac OS X v10.3.9 或更新版本 iTunes 7 或更新版本(5) Windows 系统需求配有 USB 2.0 端口的 PC 安装过 Service Pack 4 或更新版本的 Windows 2000,或安装过 Service Pack 2 或更新版本的 Windows XP Home 或 Professional iTunes 7 或更新版本(5) 输入与输出iPod 基座端口 3.5毫米立体声耳机插孔iPod 通用基座 基座端口 音频和复合视频输出 S-video 输出 电池和电源(6 )内置充电式锂离子电池 播放时间 (80GB 机型) 音乐播放时间:电池完全充满后可播放 20 个小时 配音乐的照片幻灯片播放时间:电池完全充满后可播放 6 个小时 视频播放时间:电池完全充满后可播放 6.5 个小时 可通过 USB 或 FireWire 连接到电脑系统或电源适配(需单独购买)来充电 快速充电:2 小时(可达 80% 的电量) 完全充电:4 小时Ipod classie 80GB 机型 高度:103.5 毫米/4.1 英寸 宽度:61.8 毫米/2.4 英寸 厚度:10.5 毫米/0.41 英寸 重量:140 克/4.9 盎司 容量80GB 或 160GB 硬盘1 最多可容纳 20,000 或 40,000 首 128-Kbps AAC 格式的歌曲2 最多可容纳 25,000 张 iPod 可浏览的照片3 最多可容纳长达 100小时(80GB)或 200 小时(160GB)的视频4 通过 USB 硬盘储存资料 显示屏 2.5 英寸(对角线)彩色 LCD 与 LED 背光显示屏 2.6 在163像素/英寸下,可达到320 x 240 像素分辨率。 2.7 支持多种语言和字体同时显示 音频 频率范围:20Hz 至 20,000Hz 支持的音频格式:AAC(16 至 320 Kbps)、受保护的AAC (来自 iTunes Store)、MP3(16 至 320 Kbps)、MP3 VBR、Audible (2、3 和 4 格式)、Apple Lossless、WAV、AIFF 用户可自行设定最大音量限制 视频 H.264 视频,高达 1.5 Mbps,640 x 480 像素,每秒30 帧,H.264 Baseline Profile 的 Baseline Low-Complexity 版本支持 AAC-LC 音频,高达 160 Kbps,48 KHz,.m4v、.mp4 及 .mov 格式的立体声音频;H.264 视频,高达 2.5 Mbps,640 x 480 像素,每秒 30 帧,达到 Level 3.0 的 Baseline Profile 支持 AAC-LC 音频,高达 160 Kbps,48 KHz,.m4v、.mp4 及 .mov 格式的立体声音频;MPEG-4 视频,高达 2.5 Mbps,640 x 480 像素,每秒 30 帧,Simple Profile 支持 AAC-LC 音频,高达 160 Kbps,48 KHz,.m4v、.mp4 及 .mov 格式的立体声音频 耳机 频率范围:20 至 20,000 Hz 阻抗:32 欧姆 Mac 系统需求 配有 USB 2.0 端口的 Mac 电脑 Mac OS X v10.4.8 或更新版本 iTunes7.4或更新版本5 Windows 系统需求 配有 USB 2.0 端口 的 PC Windows Vista 或安装了 Service Pack 2 或更新版本的 Windows XP Home 或 Professional iTunes 7.4 或更新版本5 输入与输出 基座端口 3.5毫米立体声耳机插孔 电池和电源6 内置充电式锂离子电池 播放时间(80B) 音乐播放时间:电池完全充满后可播放 30 个 小时 视频播放时间:电池完全充满后可播放 5 个 小时 80GB iPod 播放时间(160GB) 音乐播放时间:电池完全充满后可播放 40 个小时 视频播放时间:电池完全充满后可播放 7 个小时

ipod classic支持什么格式的音乐!


ipod classic如何实现单曲循环播放?


ipod classic怎么调工程模式?怎么看有没有坏道?


ipod classic怎么使用蓝牙音响播放?

ipod classic是没有蓝牙功能的,不能连接蓝牙音响。iPod classic是由苹果公司设计且在2007年10月23日发售的可携式媒体播放器,属于iPod产品线的一部份。历史最悠久,产品也如名字“classic”般经典。产品当前推出至第三代,最新一代于2009年9月进行第二次改版推出。在2014年9月10日的新品发布会上,ipod classic 从苹果在线商店中消失。

请问ipod classic 3要怎样下载歌曲


ipod classic和ipod touch哪个更好一些?



没有ipod classic3是没有蓝牙功能的,不能连接蓝牙音响。 iPod classic是由苹果公司设计且在2007年10月23日发售的可携式媒体播放器,属于iPod产品线的一部份。 历史最悠久,产品也如名字“classic”般经典。

ipod classic支持什么格式的音乐!

mp3 m4a m4b m4v wav mp4

ipod classic a1238是ipod第几代?

和我的一样是ipod classic 的第二代,120G版本的至于是ipod音乐播放器的第几代这个就不太好说了

1、2、3代的ipod classic分别有哪些区别和改进?

1代:①只有80G的版本。②机正面具有纯黑色和纯白色。③没有经过金属阳极铝磨沙处理。④使用wolfson的音频解码芯片,2代:①有80G和120G两个版本。②机正面具有纯黑色和纯白色。③经过金属阳极铝磨沙处理。④使用Cirrus Logic的水晶芯片CS42L52。3代:①只有160G版本。②机正面具有灰黑色和银色。③经过金属阳极铝磨沙处理。④使用Cirrus Logic的水晶芯片CS42L52。iPod Classic:是由苹果公司设计且在2007年10月23日发售的可携式媒体播放器,属于iPod产品线的一部份。历史最悠久,产品也如名字"classic"般经典。产品当前推出至第三代,最新一代于2009年9月进行第二次改版推出。在2014年9月10日的新品发布会上,iPod Classic 从苹果在线商店中消失。iPod Classic的使用方法:①磁盘方法:将ipod连接电脑,打开itunes。点击"设备"下的IPOD。 摘要一栏下选择"用作磁盘"。打开IPOD文件夹,新建一个文件夹。将文件拖入新建文件夹。②重新启动:按住"menu""确认键"等十多秒,方可重启。③应急菜单:重启后,等到出现一个苹果的标志,按住"倒退键"+"确认键"持续几秒,可导出菜单。是黑白的④工程模式:按住MENU键+确认键重启ipod后,松开MENU键,紧接著按住中心键+播放暂停键,即可进入Disk Mode工程模式(也叫做工厂模式)此模式用于恢复ipod固件或ipod固件损坏无法正常连接itunesiPod Classic的保养:①正面屏幕贴膜。②ipc是硬盘机,所以尽量避免震动,否则对硬盘有损伤,减少寿命。③尽量少接电脑充电,电脑电流不稳定,会减短电池使用寿命。④冲完电就要拔下来。

ipod型号 告诉我ipod classic 和ipod video的区别

ipod classic是苹果的mp4,至于ipod video应给不是媒体播放器,应该是软件之类的吧,早期的苹果mp4就叫ipod

如何向ipod classic中传输音乐?



苹果iPod classic采用电镀铝合金和抛光不锈钢金属机身设计,容量80GB,体积分别103.5×61.8×10.5mm,重量为140g,使用点击式触摸转盘,以全新的Cover Flow加双栏预览的增强用户界面进行操控,iPod classic预装了iQuiz(娱乐小游戏)、Vortex(快节奏360度弹球游戏)以及Klondike(流行的单人纸牌游戏)。

ipod classic第几代的音质最好

只有两代 现在1代也买不到了 你只能买2代...classic算是音频解码能力很强了

如何将ipod classic上的音乐拷到电脑


ipod classic出到第几代了?

现在就是160的三代, 而且貌似不会出四代了 劝LZ还是去正规店面买, 网上水太深~个人更喜欢Classic, 容量大, 机身也厚重. 不过不要指望用它看视频, 屏幕太小, 会瞎的... Classic的主要优势就是容量大, 音质好. 但它终归是MP3, 音质好也有限...

如何关闭iPod Classic 关闭的方法讲解

1、关闭方法:直接按住play键几秒钟就睡眠了。深度睡眠不可以手动操作。睡眠状态保持好像是10个小时就自动深度睡眠了。 2、使用方法技巧:将ipod连接电脑,打开itunes。点击“设备”下的IPOD。 摘要一栏下选择“用作磁盘”。打开IPOD文件夹,新建一个文件夹。将文件拖入新建文件夹。按住“menu”和中间圆形的“确认键”几秒钟后,方可重启。 3、重启后,等到出现一个苹果的标志,按住“倒退键”+“确认键”持续几秒,可导出菜单。按住MENU键+确认键重启ipod後,松开MENU键,紧接著按住中心键+播放暂停键,即可进入Disk Mode工程模式(也叫做工厂模式)此模式用於恢复ipod固件或ipod固件损坏无法正常连接itunes。

ipod classic可以安装游戏吗?


ipod classic3与iPhone7音质哪个好


iPod classic 3(160GB)可以放无损格式的音乐不


iPod classic 进工程模式~下面是些数据 怎么看?~

retracts--硬盘磁头非正常退回,比如硬盘突然断电。reallocs---重新映射扇区的计数值,应该指的是就是坏道吧。pending sectors--应该指的是那种说坏还没有坏的,但是工作起来也不太正常的扇区。前三项数值最好为零,retracts由于一般是电池没电到自动关机后,过一段时间,还是不充电, 电池终于电量耗尽,硬盘断电,这个,及时充电就行,有数据,也没关系。reallocs不超过10,影响不大,有时当硬盘在运转时从高处摔下数值可以一下子上千的那肯定硬盘就坏了。一般,正常使用,就是零。硬盘机,抗震性不好,当然放在身上,平时运动没有问题,不能摔啊。start/stops 硬盘读写的次数 每切换一首歌曲,有可能增加次数,这个随使用频率,上千上万都正常。Poweron Hours:硬盘使用的总时间。这个吗,不清楚,我那个使用了两年多,每天2-3小时,300多。好新啊,start/stops:162 ,我的都2万了。还是可以,苹果的声音很淡,白开水,习惯就好。其他不清楚,题外话,这个数据如果收二手很重要啊。

ipod的nano 和touch和classic 那个音质比较好


ipod classic第几代的音质最好

ipodclassic3在音质上更出色;  尽管iPodClassic不是功能最强的iPod播放器,但却是目前最实用的iPod播放器,并且是iPod系列音质最出色的型号,是很多捆绑族的必备品,算是iPod系列的一个特例,音质较突出。  iPodclassic是由苹果公司设计且在2007年10月23日发售的可携式媒体播放器,属于iPod产品线的一部份。历史最悠久,产品也如名字“classic”般经典。产品当前推出至第三代,最新一代于2009年9月进行第二次改版推出。在2014年9月10日的新品发布会上,ipodclassic从苹果在线商店中消失。

关于ipod classic充电问题


ipod classic开机


iPod Classic和iPod Video的区别


ipod classic 1、2、3区别 越详细 越好


“ipod classic”如何播放无损音乐?

iPod 只支持 MP3/AAC/M4A/AIFF 等音乐文件格式;对于其他格式如 WMA 需要先转换才能导入到 iPod 中。如果 iTunes 能够直接播放你的音乐文件,可以在曲目上单击右键转换成 AAC 格式文件。对于 REAL 格式(RA/RAM)就没希望了,用第三方工具转换格式吧。如果想保证音质,转换成 AAC/AIFF 是个不错的选择;如果嫌麻烦,MP3 格式也可以自由支持。至于无损音乐格式,是一种有别于 MP3/WMA 等有损格式的文件格式。理论上讲音质更好,但是兼容性相对不够强(意思是并不是所有的媒体播放器、播放工具都支持无损音频格式)。常见的无损音乐格式有 APE/TTA/FLAC/AIFF/WAV。想了解更多关于无损音乐格式的信息,请百度一下。所谓下载打包歌曲,大部分指的是整张音乐CD的镜像;或者某些网友自己整理的音乐包等。音乐CD镜像可以去BT站或电骡资源站查询,音乐大礼包就要靠自己逛论坛了。



ipod classic恢复

按住MENU键+确认键重启ipod後,松开MENU键,紧接著按住中心键+播放暂停键,即可进入Disk Mode工程模式(也叫做工厂模式)此模式用於恢复ipod固件或ipod固件损坏无法正常连接itunes!~



ipod classic如何进入工程模式?


ipod classic和ipod touch哪个更好一些?


Ipod classic有几代?都有什么不同?

你好,ipod classic是ipod系列的第六代产品,前作称作ipod video,进入ipod classic时代后,出品了3代作品,一代有80G的和160G的,160的厚度很厚二代只有120的 厚度和一代的80一样,三代只有160的 厚度和二代的一样....功能区别不大,3代多了genius功能

iPod classic怎么样关机、开机?


ipod classic怎么听歌?具体步骤?


ipod classic的歌怎么导入???


1、2、3代的ipod classic有哪些区别和改进?

1代:①只有80G的版本。②机正面具有纯黑色和纯白色。③没有经过金属阳极铝磨沙处理。④使用wolfson的音频解码芯片,2代:①有80G和120G两个版本。②机正面具有纯黑色和纯白色。③经过金属阳极铝磨沙处理。④使用Cirrus Logic的水晶芯片CS42L52。3代:①只有160G版本。②机正面具有灰黑色和银色。③经过金属阳极铝磨沙处理。④使用Cirrus Logic的水晶芯片CS42L52。iPod Classic:是由苹果公司设计且在2007年10月23日发售的可携式媒体播放器,属于iPod产品线的一部份。历史最悠久,产品也如名字"classic"般经典。产品当前推出至第三代,最新一代于2009年9月进行第二次改版推出。在2014年9月10日的新品发布会上,iPod Classic 从苹果在线商店中消失。iPod Classic的使用方法:①磁盘方法:将ipod连接电脑,打开itunes。点击"设备"下的IPOD。 摘要一栏下选择"用作磁盘"。打开IPOD文件夹,新建一个文件夹。将文件拖入新建文件夹。②重新启动:按住"menu""确认键"等十多秒,方可重启。③应急菜单:重启后,等到出现一个苹果的标志,按住"倒退键"+"确认键"持续几秒,可导出菜单。是黑白的④工程模式:按住MENU键+确认键重启ipod后,松开MENU键,紧接著按住中心键+播放暂停键,即可进入Disk Mode工程模式(也叫做工厂模式)此模式用于恢复ipod固件或ipod固件损坏无法正常连接itunesiPod Classic的保养:①正面屏幕贴膜。②ipc是硬盘机,所以尽量避免震动,否则对硬盘有损伤,减少寿命。③尽量少接电脑充电,电脑电流不稳定,会减短电池使用寿命。④冲完电就要拔下来。

我的iPod classic型号是A1238 能查出相关信息么?

iPod classic型号是A1238的信息为:机型为iPod classic第三代。储存容量为160GB.颜色为全电镀铝合金和抛光不锈钢组成外壳黑 银。采用2.5英寸320*240分辨率显示屏。储存介质为硬盘式。续航时间为6小时视频播放和36小时音频播放。端口:基座连接器, 立体声迷你插孔。

ipod classic支持什么格式的音乐!

ipod classic支持AAC (16 至 320 Kbps)、Protected AAC 、MP3 (16 至 320 Kbps)、MP3 VBR、Audible、Apple Lossless、AIFF与WAV等格式。相关介绍:iPod Classic属于iPod产品线的一部分,支持多种格式的音频文件,其中,ACC格式是基于MPEG-2的音频编码技术。由Fraunhofer IIS、杜比实验室、AT&T、Sony等公司共同开发,目的是取代MP3格式。苹果自家的Apple Lossless为无损音频压缩编码格式,可将非压缩音频格式(WAV、AIFF)压缩至原先容量的40%至60%左右。扩展资料Apple Lossless从2004年4月发表的iTunes 4.5开始就可以使用,能够用iPod等播放。很多语音压缩方式都是采用不可逆的压缩方式,在压缩时通过减少数据得到高压缩率。可逆压缩(无损失压缩)与通常的文件压缩相同,可以将被压缩的数据完全恢复成以前的数据。从原理性上来说,是完全不恶化音质的压缩方式。由于压缩率受到语音内容的很大影响,不能一概而论但如果把音乐CD等作为音源,与其他的可逆压缩方式相比,常常可以压缩到一半到1/3左右。参考资料来源:iPod classic-技术规格

ipod classic 音质如何?

ipod classic的音质很好。这款播放器不仅仅是苹果播放器产品中的经典,它也同样是硬盘机的代表。iPod Classic作为随身播放器本身并没有定位于高度HiFi和旗舰类产品,确实它的声音表现也没有众播放器神砖那么出色,但其声音对于大众用户来说还是非常不错的。iPod Classic播放器的高音很不错,它清澈的声音犹如溪水一般明亮透彻,明亮而不妖娆,解析也很不错。但这并不能说Classic就是一款偏向于中高频的播放器,它确实是三个频段做到了很不错的均衡,其解析力也很好,声场也比较不错,在用于非现代摇滚乐和流行乐的表现还是很好的。ipod classic的其他优点:1、iPod Classic本身售价也就不是特别昂贵,对于音乐爱好者们而非发烧友来说是完全可以接受的,而专业的播放器售价可能已经足够买它两三个了。Classic被很多人们认为是“清汤白水”的声音,但均衡的三频表现以及直白的声音或许已经成为了苹果的“标杆”。2、Classic确实是一款均衡性很不错的机器,真的没有去突出太多的频段,其表现带有一定的数码味道——这也是它同HiFi播放器之间可能比较大的差别。Classic采用G类放大电路,续航能力和驱动力都还是非常不错。它的驱动力不错,发挥像UE900这种耳塞的素质似乎还是能够基本达到的。3、容量大。几年来随着微硬盘技术更新,苹果也缓慢的更新iPod Classic产品,目前最低起步容量目前为160G,有消息称iPod Classic 160G供货量开始减少,近期可能会推出新一代产品,起步容量320G。



关于ipod classic 2和3的区别

一、存储容量不同1、ipod classic 2:块2.5英寸320×240像素(QVGA分辨率)显示屏,存储容量为120GB。2、ipod classic 3:是一款分辨率为320*240、存储容量为160GB,重量为140G的MP4。二、续航时间不同1、ipod classic 2:续航时间为6小时视频播放和36小时音频播放。2、ipod classic 3:续航时间为8小时视频播放和48小时音频播放。三、特点不同1、ipod classic 2:能够支持AAC、iTunes Store购得的受保护AAC、MP3、MP3 VBR、Audible、Apple Lossless、WAV、AIFF格式的音乐播放2、ipod classic 3:能播放MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 MPEG-4编码的视频或影片。参考资料来源:百度百科-iPod Classic 2参考资料来源:百度百科-ipod classic 3



Ipod Classic 的使用方法 (20分)

我自己都有部iPod~(刚刚更问个耳筒在那里可以买....)不过先答您少少问题 我自己都用了一阵子先识少少~ 先讲入歌~因为最多人用的功能...首先iPod需要您先去安装drive~但其实iTuens入面已经有drive~所以安装itunes就行了~在apple网站都会有~(所有link在最后列出)安装之后~咁就可以开始进行入歌的步骤~ 首先 要在itunes入面开一个播放清单 只需要在itunes的左下角 会看到有一个"+"的图案 按一下便会看到在左边的列上多了一个「没有标题的播放清单」~在那个名字上按两下便可以改名 然后 将您电脑入面的歌按copy 之后在itunes入面 按一下那个播放清单 之后按编辑 贴上~咁就看到那首歌在清单上~最好先改名再copy 在您的电脑上先按右按>内容>摘要>详细>在那里更改资料~ 当您整好之后~用u *** 把iPod和电脑连接 之后会在itunes中看到有个iPod的位置按~按了一下后 在音乐中tick同步的播放清单 之后再按同步~那就ok了~~~~ 至于视讯...比较麻烦 因为我研究了一下?要有一个档案转换的程式~其中一个是WinAVI MP4 Converter~将需要放入iPod的视讯档转换后 就好似放音乐一样~在itunes中开新的清单(旧的都ok~但我钟意影片和音乐分开放) 之后都是在编辑上按贴上 之后在iPod中的视讯把清单tick选后按同步~ 2008-03-31 17:14:29 补充: 唔好意思~忘了放link和作少少补充~ 第一点是绝对可以当iPod是一个硬碟用~只要您将u *** 线把iPod和电脑连接后 在我的电脑入面有一个新的drive 就是iPod的drive~您直接将所需的档案copy或cut 之后贴上iPod的drive就ok~但在iPod入面不能开启的~所以很多人问怎样能把歌放入iPod听? 第二是...itunes的下载地址 apple/itunes/download/ 希望帮到您^^ 2008-04-04 23:22:08 补充: 咁您连接的时候....i pod有没有出现「请勿中断连接」?因为要有这个标志才可以证明完全连接到呢 参考: 自己都有部iPod classic~慢慢学识~ 入片同入歌一样咁做~ 可以当hd用~但要0系itunes度剔启用硬碟先~ 仲有你部机改左名未呀~未就连线去装置度改啦~ 最好用手动管理操作~因同步唔系咁安全~ 我就系试过就咁插入然后开"我的电脑",而ipod的drive依然不会 显示出来。

ipod型号 告诉我ipod classic 和ipod video的区别

一、主体不同1、ipod video:苹果公司推出的第一款支持电影视频的ipod,因为支持mp4格式电影,也可以称为ipod mp4。2、ipod classic :是由苹果公司设计且在2007年10月23日发售的可携式媒体播放器,属于iPod产品线的一部份。二、支持格式不同1、ipod video:H.264 视频,高达 768 Kbps,320 x 240,每秒30 帧,达到 Level 1.3 的 Baseline Profile 支持 AAC-LC。2、ipod classic :AAC(16 至 320 Kbps)、受保护的 AAC (来自 iTunes Store)、MP3(16 至 320 Kbps)、MP3 VBR、Audible (2、3 和 4 格式)、Apple Lossless、WAV、AIFF。三、播放时间不同1、ipod video:播放时间 14小时音乐播放时间,2小时video播放时间。2、ipod classic :电池完全充满后最长 36 小时。参考资料来源:百度百科-iPod classic参考资料来源:百度百科-ipod video

Got It Good 歌词

歌曲名:Got It Good歌手:rodney atkins专辑:It"s AmericaRodney Atkins - Got It GoodAin"t it somethin"?You can jump on a planeOr hop on a busCatch you a trainTake in a Saturday game at Wrigley FieldMan ain"t it awesome?You can hit TalladegaDrink you a beer with a fan of the driver you"ve always hatedAnd probably always willYeah I forget how good I got it sometimesHow lucky I am just to be aliveI pass good prayer to the man upstairsJust to thank him like I shouldYou know I get itI got it goodOh, it"s amazingThat boy in the yard is half a mile wideGod bless his heart, the other half is every last bit of meI can"t explain itHow his momma wound up with somebody like meWhen she could have done so much betterMake you fall down on your kneesYeah I forget how good I got it sometimesHow lucky I am just to be aliveOh I pass good prayer to the man upstairsJust to thank him like I shouldYou know I get itI got it goodYes I doI get goin" so fastThat what matters gets blurredAnd I can"t feel the grass, see the trees, hear the birdsThe sky starts to rainAnd I cuss and complain like a foolYeah I forget how good I got it sometimesHow lucky I am just to be aliveOh I pass good prayer to the man upstairsJust to thank him like I shouldYou know I get itGod I got it goodYes I doGet it got it goodYes I"ve got it goodOh OoooohOh Ooooohhttp://music.baidu.com/song/23632609


-hood后缀 suf. 1.表示"状态"(如:manhood)2.表示"性质"3.表示"集团"(如:sisterhood)4.表示"特定事例"(如:falsehood)childrenhood:表示处于小孩的状态


babyhood n. 婴儿时代,婴儿,幼稚; boyhood n.少年时代; brotherhood n. 手足情谊,兄弟关系; childhood n.幼年(时代),童年; falsehood n. 谎言,虚假。 扩展资料   fatherhood n. 父亲的身分,父道   hardihood n.胆大无敌,刚毅,厚颜   hood n. 头巾,兜帽   knighthood n. 骑士身分,骑士气质,骑士团   likelihood n.可能(性)   livelihood n. 生活;生计;谋生之道   maidenhood n. 处女性,处女时代   manhood n. 成年,勇气,男儿   motherhood n. 母道,母性,母爱   neighborhood n. 附近,邻近   neighbourhood n.邻居关系;邻近   priesthood n. 神职,僧职,祭司职   sisterhood n. 姊妹关系,姊妹之谊,妇女团体

谁知道falsehood 和lie有什么不同 为什么都是读谎言啊




英文歌里有句 shake shake your body

SWEETBOX <shakalaka>

Gotta Serve Somebody (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Serve Somebody (Lp Version)歌手:Natalie Cole专辑:Snowfall On The Sahara09 : Gotta Serve Somebody(Bob Dylan)For Richard and the time you made us wear hair nets.You might be an ambassador to England or FranceYou might like to gamble, you might like to danceYou may be the heavyweight champion of the worldYou might be a socialite with a long string of pearlsYou might be a rock-and-roll addict prancing on the stageYou might have drugs at your command, women in a cageYou might be a business man or some high degree thiefThey may call you doctor, they may call you chiefBut you"re gonna have to serve somebodyServe somebodyYou might be a state trooper, you might be a young TurkYou might be the head of some big TV networkYou may be rich or poor, you may be blind or lameYou may be living in another country underneath another nameBut you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes, indeedServe somebodyIt might be the devil or it might be the LordBut you"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou may be a preacher with your spiritual prideYou may be a city councilman taking bribes on the sideYou may be working in a barbershop, knowing how to cut hairYou may be somebody"s mistress, may be somebody"s heirYou"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes, you areIt might be the devil or it might be the LordYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou might like to wear cotton, you might like to wear silkYou might like to drink whiskey, you might like to drink milkYou might like to eat caviar, you might like to eat breadYou may like to be sleeping on the floor, sleeping in a king-sized bedYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyIt might be the devil or it might be the LordIt might be the devil or it might be the LordYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/684426

歌词中有一句是“i never gonna say boodbye” 是什么歌啊

这首歌是 SWEAR IT AGAIN Shane: I wanna know Who ever told you I was letting go Of the only joy that I have ever known Girl, they were lying Just look around And all of the people that we used to know Have just given up, they wanna let it go But we"re still trying So you should know this love we share was never made to die I"m glad we"re on this one way street just you and I Just you and I All: (注意这里)I"m never gonna say goodbye Cos I never wanna see you cry I swore to you my love would remain And I swear it all over again and I I"m never gonna treat you bad Cos I never wanna see you sad I swore to share your joy and your pain And I swear it all over again Shane: All over again Some people say That everything has got its place in time Even the day must give way to the night But I"m not buying Cos in your eyes I see a love that burns eternally And if you see how beautiful you are to me You"ll know I"m not lying Sure there"ll be times we wanna say goodbye But even if we try There are some things in this life won"t be denied Won"t be denied All: I"m never gonna say goodbye Cos I never wanna see you cry I swore to you my love would remain And I swear it all over again and I I"m never gonna treat you bad Cos I never wanna see you sad I swore to share your joy and your pain And I swear it all over again Mark: The more I know of you is the more I know I love you And the more that I"m sure I want you forever and ever more And the more that you love me, the more that I know Oh that I"m never gonna let you go Gotta let you know that I All: I"m never gonna say goodbye Mark: (I"m never gonna say goodbye) All: Cos I never wanna see you cry Mark: (never wanna see you cry) All: I swore to you my love would remain And I swear it all over again and I Mark: (swear it all over again and I) All: I"m never gonna treat you bad Mark: (never gonna treat you bad) All: Cos I never wanna see you sad Mark: (never wanna see you sad) All: I swore to share your joy and your pain Mark: (oh no, oh no) All: And I swear it all over again Mark: All over again All over again And I swear it all over again

Somebody Gotta Be On Top 歌词

歌曲名:Somebody Gotta Be On Top歌手:Joe专辑:My Name Is JoeHello, welcome to the showSomebody"s gotta be on topAnd that"s the way it goesOh yeah, lights off time toSet this party off baby pullDown the shades they"re gonnaBe like down for days clothesOff for a private dance tonightI wanna take you down hornyStreet tonightBaby let"s keep it private causeWere getting ready to ride itEcsatcy on the balcony going downFor more on the kitchen floorSlipping and sliding I want youTo ride it on my knees I"ll haveYou scream quick, quick, quick,Don"t let it goDon"t you wanna come along for theRide of your life (somebody) somebody"sGotta be on top coco butter skin I can"tWait till I get in your body somebody"sGotta be on topRight now I think I I"m gonna shut thisParty down. there"s a sequel to the showCome on I gotta let you know admissionCan"t be paid at the door stroke, stroke,Poke, joke gonna blow it out sugar ain"t noDoubt I"ll be stroking that"s what I"d be talkingBaby let"s keep it private causeWere getting ready to ride itEcsatcy on the balcony going downFor more on the kitchen floorSlipping and sliding I want youTo ride it on my knees I"ll haveYou scream quick, quick, quick,Don"t let it goDon"t you wanna come along for theRide of your life (somebody) somebody"sGotta be on top coco butter skin I can"tWait till I get in your body somebody"sGotta be on topBridgeLooking for the softest place on earthSomeone to break me off lets stick itTo the bed get it nice and wet neverDo it from the side just kiss the chestLooking for the softest place on earthSomeone to break me off I"ll kiss you onYour neck than down your back doing itAll night long like I saw the x lookinFor the softest place on earth someoneTo break me off take the pillows off theCouch put them on the floor give it to youNice and strong make you scream for moreLookin for the softest place on earthSomeone to break me off if your feeling meLike I"m feeling you get on top of meDon"t you wanna come along for theRide of your life (somebody) somebody"sGotta be on top coco butter skin I can"tWait till I get in your body somebody"sGotta be on tophttp://music.baidu.com/song/322495

Gotta Serve Somebody 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Serve Somebody歌手:Shirley Caesar专辑:Masked And Anonymous Music From The Motion Picture09 : Gotta Serve Somebody(Bob Dylan)For Richard and the time you made us wear hair nets.You might be an ambassador to England or FranceYou might like to gamble, you might like to danceYou may be the heavyweight champion of the worldYou might be a socialite with a long string of pearlsYou might be a rock-and-roll addict prancing on the stageYou might have drugs at your command, women in a cageYou might be a business man or some high degree thiefThey may call you doctor, they may call you chiefBut you"re gonna have to serve somebodyServe somebodyYou might be a state trooper, you might be a young TurkYou might be the head of some big TV networkYou may be rich or poor, you may be blind or lameYou may be living in another country underneath another nameBut you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes, indeedServe somebodyIt might be the devil or it might be the LordBut you"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou may be a preacher with your spiritual prideYou may be a city councilman taking bribes on the sideYou may be working in a barbershop, knowing how to cut hairYou may be somebody"s mistress, may be somebody"s heirYou"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes, you areIt might be the devil or it might be the LordYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou might like to wear cotton, you might like to wear silkYou might like to drink whiskey, you might like to drink milkYou might like to eat caviar, you might like to eat breadYou may like to be sleeping on the floor, sleeping in a king-sized bedYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyIt might be the devil or it might be the LordIt might be the devil or it might be the LordYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8737634

Gotta Serve Somebody 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Serve Somebody歌手:Etta James专辑:Original Album Classics09 : Gotta Serve Somebody(Bob Dylan)For Richard and the time you made us wear hair nets.You might be an ambassador to England or FranceYou might like to gamble, you might like to danceYou may be the heavyweight champion of the worldYou might be a socialite with a long string of pearlsYou might be a rock-and-roll addict prancing on the stageYou might have drugs at your command, women in a cageYou might be a business man or some high degree thiefThey may call you doctor, they may call you chiefBut you"re gonna have to serve somebodyServe somebodyYou might be a state trooper, you might be a young TurkYou might be the head of some big TV networkYou may be rich or poor, you may be blind or lameYou may be living in another country underneath another nameBut you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes, indeedServe somebodyIt might be the devil or it might be the LordBut you"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou may be a preacher with your spiritual prideYou may be a city councilman taking bribes on the sideYou may be working in a barbershop, knowing how to cut hairYou may be somebody"s mistress, may be somebody"s heirYou"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes, you areIt might be the devil or it might be the LordYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou might like to wear cotton, you might like to wear silkYou might like to drink whiskey, you might like to drink milkYou might like to eat caviar, you might like to eat breadYou may like to be sleeping on the floor, sleeping in a king-sized bedYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyIt might be the devil or it might be the LordIt might be the devil or it might be the LordYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13702137

Gotta Serve Somebody 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Serve Somebody歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:Blues09 : Gotta Serve Somebody(Bob Dylan)For Richard and the time you made us wear hair nets.You might be an ambassador to England or FranceYou might like to gamble, you might like to danceYou may be the heavyweight champion of the worldYou might be a socialite with a long string of pearlsYou might be a rock-and-roll addict prancing on the stageYou might have drugs at your command, women in a cageYou might be a business man or some high degree thiefThey may call you doctor, they may call you chiefBut you"re gonna have to serve somebodyServe somebodyYou might be a state trooper, you might be a young TurkYou might be the head of some big TV networkYou may be rich or poor, you may be blind or lameYou may be living in another country underneath another nameBut you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes, indeedServe somebodyIt might be the devil or it might be the LordBut you"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou may be a preacher with your spiritual prideYou may be a city councilman taking bribes on the sideYou may be working in a barbershop, knowing how to cut hairYou may be somebody"s mistress, may be somebody"s heirYou"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes, you areIt might be the devil or it might be the LordYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou might like to wear cotton, you might like to wear silkYou might like to drink whiskey, you might like to drink milkYou might like to eat caviar, you might like to eat breadYou may like to be sleeping on the floor, sleeping in a king-sized bedYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyIt might be the devil or it might be the LordIt might be the devil or it might be the LordYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1084972

Gotta Serve Somebody 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Serve Somebody歌手:Aaron Neville专辑:Believe09 : Gotta Serve Somebody(Bob Dylan)For Richard and the time you made us wear hair nets.You might be an ambassador to England or FranceYou might like to gamble, you might like to danceYou may be the heavyweight champion of the worldYou might be a socialite with a long string of pearlsYou might be a rock-and-roll addict prancing on the stageYou might have drugs at your command, women in a cageYou might be a business man or some high degree thiefThey may call you doctor, they may call you chiefBut you"re gonna have to serve somebodyServe somebodyYou might be a state trooper, you might be a young TurkYou might be the head of some big TV networkYou may be rich or poor, you may be blind or lameYou may be living in another country underneath another nameBut you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes, indeedServe somebodyIt might be the devil or it might be the LordBut you"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou may be a preacher with your spiritual prideYou may be a city councilman taking bribes on the sideYou may be working in a barbershop, knowing how to cut hairYou may be somebody"s mistress, may be somebody"s heirYou"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes, you areIt might be the devil or it might be the LordYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou might like to wear cotton, you might like to wear silkYou might like to drink whiskey, you might like to drink milkYou might like to eat caviar, you might like to eat breadYou may like to be sleeping on the floor, sleeping in a king-sized bedYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyIt might be the devil or it might be the LordIt might be the devil or it might be the LordYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2686836

Gotta Serve Somebody 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Serve Somebody歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:Dylan09 : Gotta Serve Somebody(Bob Dylan)For Richard and the time you made us wear hair nets.You might be an ambassador to England or FranceYou might like to gamble, you might like to danceYou may be the heavyweight champion of the worldYou might be a socialite with a long string of pearlsYou might be a rock-and-roll addict prancing on the stageYou might have drugs at your command, women in a cageYou might be a business man or some high degree thiefThey may call you doctor, they may call you chiefBut you"re gonna have to serve somebodyServe somebodyYou might be a state trooper, you might be a young TurkYou might be the head of some big TV networkYou may be rich or poor, you may be blind or lameYou may be living in another country underneath another nameBut you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes, indeedServe somebodyIt might be the devil or it might be the LordBut you"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou may be a preacher with your spiritual prideYou may be a city councilman taking bribes on the sideYou may be working in a barbershop, knowing how to cut hairYou may be somebody"s mistress, may be somebody"s heirYou"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes, you areIt might be the devil or it might be the LordYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou might like to wear cotton, you might like to wear silkYou might like to drink whiskey, you might like to drink milkYou might like to eat caviar, you might like to eat breadYou may like to be sleeping on the floor, sleeping in a king-sized bedYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyIt might be the devil or it might be the LordIt might be the devil or it might be the LordYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8901161

中文歌词gotta serve somebody

You may be an ambassador to England or France,管你你是英格兰还是法兰西的使节You may like to gamble, you might like to dance,管你你是喜欢冒险 还是喜欢跳舞You may be the heavyweight champion of the world,管你你是世界重量级拳击冠军You may be a socialite with a long string of pearls管你你是拥有珍珠项链的社会名流But you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed但你必须为某人服务 是的 当然You"re gonna have to serve somebody,你必须为某人服务Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord好吧 这或许会像魔鬼的差事 但也可能像个绅士But you"re gonna have to serve somebody.但你必须为某人服务You might be a rock "n" roll addict prancing on the stage,管你你是舞台上投入的 神气的 摇滚明星You might have drugs at your command, women in a cage,管你你是否持有毒品 或者笼住了女人You may be a business man or some high degree thief,管你你是银行家 还是经验丰富的小偷They may call you Doctor or they may call you Chief人们会称你为博士 或者称为长官But you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed但你必须为某人服务 是的 当然You"re gonna have to serve somebody,你必须为某人服务Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord好吧 这或许会像魔鬼的差事 但也可能像个绅士But you"re gonna have to serve somebody.但你必须为某人服务You may be a state trooper, you might be a young Turk,管你是官方的警官 还是年轻的土耳其人You may be the head of some big TV network,管你是大型电视网络公司的头目You may be rich or poor, you may be blind or lame,管你是富贵还是落魄 管你是瞎子还是跛子You may be living in another country under another name管你是不是在别的国家用假名过日子But you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed但你必须为某人服务 是的 当然You"re gonna have to serve somebody,你必须为某人服务Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord好吧 这或许会像魔鬼的差事 但也可能像个绅士But you"re gonna have to serve somebody.但你必须为某人服务You may be a construction worker working on a home,管你是在家工作的工程师You may be living in a mansion or you might live in a dome,管你住在公寓里 还是住在大厦里You might own guns and you might even own tanks,管你赢得过枪炮 还是赢得过坦克You might be somebody"s landlord, you might even own banks管你是谁的房东 还是赢得过银行But you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed但你必须为某人服务 是的 当然You"re gonna have to serve somebody,你必须为某人服务Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord好吧 这或许会像魔鬼的差事 但也可能像个绅士But you"re gonna have to serve somebody.但你必须为某人服务You may be a preacher with your spiritual pride,管你是个虔诚且自豪的传教士You may be a city councilman taking bribes on the side,管你是个在背地里行贿的市政议员You may be workin" in a barbershop, you may know how to cut hair,管你是在理发店里工作 且懂得如何理发You may be somebody"s mistress, may be somebody"s heir管你是谁的情妇 或者是谁的继承人But you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed但你必须为某人服务 是的 当然You"re gonna have to serve somebody,你必须为某人服务Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord好吧 这或许会像魔鬼的差事 但也可能像个绅士But you"re gonna have to serve somebody.但你必须为某人服务Might like to wear cotton, might like to wear silk,管你喜欢穿纯绵的衣服 还是喜欢穿蚕丝的Might like to drink whiskey, might like to drink milk,管你喜欢喝威士忌 还是喜欢喝牛奶You might like to eat caviar, you might like to eat bread,管你喜欢吃鱼子酱 还是喜欢吃面包You may be sleeping on the floor, sleeping in a king-sized bed管你喜欢睡在地板上 还是睡在特大号的床上But you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed但你必须为某人服务 是的 当然You"re gonna have to serve somebody,你必须为某人服务Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord好吧 这或许会像魔鬼的差事 但也可能像个绅士But you"re gonna have to serve somebody.但你必须为某人服务You may call me Terry, you may call me Timmy,管你你叫我Terry 还是TimmyYou may call me Bobby, you may call me Zimmy,管你你叫我Bobby 还是ZimmyYou may call me R.J., you may call me Ray,管你你叫我R.J. 还是RayYou may call me anything but no matter what you say管你叫我任何东西 反正我不在乎你怎么说But you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed但你必须为某人服务 是的 当然You"re gonna have to serve somebody,你必须为某人服务Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord好吧 这或许会像魔鬼的差事 但也可能像个绅士But you"re gonna have to serve somebody.但你必须为某人服务自己译的暄霁 敬上

Be Somebody

My head feels tangled up 思绪像是口袋里的耳机线般 Like the headphones in my pocket 胡乱纠缠一起 Two words and you got me 你的只言片语 Two nights and you told me that 整整两夜 你对我叮咛 Once the time is counting down 一旦时光所剩无几 It"s impossible to stop it 绝不可能让时光暂停流逝 Three words that we need to save 三个字 我们需要铭记 Three weeks till you move away 还有三周你将离去 So go go oh oh oh oh oh 就勇敢迈步吧 Your heart has to be followed 必须追随你的真心啊 Woah oh oh oh oh oh oh "Cause we oh oh oh got a dream oh oh oh 因为我们心中有梦 Gotta be somebody be someone 做向往的那个自己 "Cause we oh oh oh got a dream oh oh oh 因为我们心中有梦 Gotta be somebody be someone 做向往的那个自己 So please be somebody with me 请做我身旁陪伴的那个 Piles of magazines left from two months ago 成堆的杂志 两个月前你已离去 I"m clinging to old news 我仍守着过时报道 Memories I"m scared to loose 回忆 我不愿放手 Now I find reminders down the sofa and under the bed 此刻却在沙发和床下寻回记忆 Three words could"ve made you stay 三个字 便会让你留在我身边 Three words that I left to late 我爱你 开口已太迟 So go go oh oh oh oh oh 就勇敢迈步吧 Your heart has to be followed 必须追随你的真心啊 Woah oh oh oh oh oh "Cause we oh oh oh got a dream oh oh oh 因为我们心中有梦 Gotta be somebody be someone 做向往的那个自己

《gotta be somebody》中文谐音歌词!跪求啊~

  第一句是歌词,第二句汉语意思,第三句谐音  This time, I wonder what it feels like  这一次,我想知道是什么感觉  贼死太木,爱玩的wao特伊特非欧子莱克  To find the one in this life, the one we all dream of  为了找到这一生,我们所拥有的梦想  吐蕃的则玩淫贼死来福,则玩为傲追慕额驸  But dreams just aren"t enough  但现在仅仅只是个梦想  巴特追母子扎斯特昂特因那副  So I"ll be waiting for the real thing,  所以我会等待真实的事情  搜爱偶币唯亭fao则瑞呕sei英  I"ll know it by the feeling  我就知道它的感觉  爱偶nou伊特拜则非零  The moment when we"re meeting,  在我们相遇的那一刻  则某门特文卫阿米婷  will play out like a scene  我们像一个玩的筋疲力尽的小鹿  围殴普雷奥特莱克饿sei恩  Straight off the silver screen  我们需要喘息  丝锥特奥夫则sei呕wer死克瑞恩  So I"ll be holding my own breath, right up "til the end  所以我要带着我的呼吸,直到结束  搜爱偶币后定买欧恩不rai死,rai特阿婆提偶贼案的  Until that moment when,  直到那一刻  安替呕在特某门特问  I find the one that I"ll spend forever with  我找到这种感觉了,直到永远  哎烦的则玩在特爱偶四班的fao爱我,  Cause nobody wants to be the last one there  没有人想成为最后一个  铐子nou保底网次秃笔泽拉斯特玩贼而  Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares  因为每个人都关心他的人  铐子爱吴瑞玩忘词土匪偶莱克萨姆玩开儿子  Someone to love with my life in their hands  每个人的命运在自己手里  萨姆玩图辣舞位子买来福因贼而汉子  There"s gotta be somebody for me like that  还有别人为我  贼而告他币萨姆保底fao米莱克在特  Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own  没人愿意做事业都靠自己  铐子nou保底王此图独一特奥昂贼而欧恩  And everyone wants to know they"re not alone  每个人都要知道,他们就不会感到孤独  案的爱吴瑞玩忘词图nou贼啊闹特饿楼恩  There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere  有其他人认为相同的地方  贼而字萨姆保底艾欧斯在特非欧子则sei木萨姆外耳  There"s gotta be somebody for me out there  那一定是不属于这个地方  贼而告他币萨姆保底fao米奥特贼而

Gotta Be Somebody的歌词与翻译?

This time, I wonder what it feels like 这一次 我想知道那是什麼感觉 ?[00:24.11]To find the one in this life, the one we all dream of 为了找到这一生 我们追求的那一个人[00:30.67]But dreams just aren"t enough 但只是幻想是不够的[00:32.29]So I"ll be waiting for the real thing, 所以我会耐心等待 等待它成真[00:36.90] I"ll know it by the feeling 让我能够认出那个人[00:41.12]The moment when we"re meeting, 当我们相遇时[00:45.37]will play out like a scene 会像电影情节一般结束[00:47.35]Straight off the silver screen 从萤幕上退去[00:48.97]So I"ll be holding my own breath, right up "til the end 我会柄持我的呼吸 直到结束[00:53.45]Until that moment when, 直到那一刻[00:55.33] I find the one that I"ll spend forever with 我终於找到那追求已久的人 [00:59.97][01:00.67]Cause nobody wants to be the last one there 人们都渴望不被遗忘[01:04.76]Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares 人们都希望能被珍惜[01:08.83]Someone to love with my life in their hands 一定有个人重视我跟我们的爱情[01:12.96]There"s gotta be somebody for me like that 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在[01:17.15]Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own 人们都渴望有有个人可以分担生活[01:21.24]And everyone wants to know they"re not alone 人们都希望不再寂寞[01:25.41]There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere 一定有个人跟我一样感同身受[01:29.49]There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在[01:33.80][01:33.82]Tonight, out on the street, out in the moonlight 今晚 就在月光照耀的街道上[01:40.83]And dammit this feels too right, 承认这感觉很美好吧[01:45.11] it"s just like deja vu 这场景仿佛似曾相识[01:47.01]Me standing here with you 在你身边的我[01:48.87]So I"ll be holding my own breath, 我屏息以待[01:51.40] could this be the end 能让世界在这美好的一刻结束吗 ?[01:53.10]Is it that moment when, 这就是那一刻吗 ?[01:55.07] I find the one that I"ll spend forever with 我终於找到那追求已久的人[01:59.05][02:00.71]Cause nobody wants to be the last one there 人们都渴望不被遗忘[02:04.70]Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares 人们都希望被珍惜[02:08.99]Someone to love with my life in their hands 一定有那个人重视我跟我们的爱情[02:12.95]There"s gotta be somebody for me like that 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在[02:17.24]Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own 人们都渴望有有个人可以分担生活[02:21.30]And everyone wants to know they"re not alone 人们都希望不再寂寞[02:25.46]There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere 一定有个人跟我一样感同身受[02:29.58]There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在[02:33.82][02:50.18]You can"t give up, whem you looking for a diamond in the rough 就像琢磨钻石 漫长艰辛 你不能放弃[02:58.80](Becuz You never know) The wind shows up, (make sure you"re holding on) 因为你从不知道 它将何时出现 把握那时刻吧[03:03.11]Cause it could be the one, the one you"re waiting on 它将是你所期待的 [03:06.88]Cause nobody wants to be the last one there 人们都渴望不被遗忘[03:10.87]And everyone wants to feel like someone cares 人们都希望被珍惜[03:15.31]Someone to love with my life in their hands 一定有那个人重视我跟我们的爱情[03:19.19]There"s gotta be somebody for me, oh 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在[03:23.66][03:23.72]Nobody wants to do it all on their own 人们都渴望有有个人可以分担生活[03:27.48]And everyone wants to know they"re not alone 人们都希望不再寂寞[03:31.68]There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere 一定有个人跟我一样感同身受[03:35.81]There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在[03:40.13]Nobody wants to be the last one there 人们都渴望不被遗忘[03:44.19]Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares 人们都希望被珍惜[03:48.20]There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere 一定有个人跟我一样感同身受[03:52.22]There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在

Gotta Be Somebody中文歌名


Gotta Be Somebody 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Be Somebody歌手:Nickelback专辑:Dark Horse -Roadrunner RecordsNickelback---Gotta be somebodyThis time, I wonder what it feels likeTo find the one in this life, the one we all dream ofBut dreams just aren"t enoughSo I"ll be waiting for the real thing, I"ll know it by the feelingThe moment when we"re meeting,will play out like a sceneStraight off the silver screenSo I"ll be holding my own breath, right up "til the endUntil that moment when, I find the one that I"ll spend forever withCause nobody wants to be the last one thereCause everyone wants to feel like someone caresSomeone to love with my life in their handsThere"s gotta be somebody for me like thatCause nobody wants to do it all on their ownAnd everyone wants to know they"re not aloneThere"s somebody else that feels the same somewhereThere"s gotta be somebody for me out thereTonight, out on the street, out in the moonlightAnd dammit this means too right, it"s just like deja vuMe standing here with youSo I"ll be holding my own breath, could this be the endIs it that moment when, I find the one that I"ll spend forever withCause nobody wants to be the last one thereCause everyone wants to feel like someone caresSomeone to love with my life in their handsThere"s gotta be somebody for me like thatCause nobody wants to do it all on their ownAnd everyone wants to know they"re not aloneThere"s somebody else that feels the same somewhereThere"s gotta be somebody for me out thereYou can"t give up, looking for a diamond in the roughThe wind shows up, (make sure you"re holding on)Cause it could be the one, the one you"re waiting onCause nobody wants to be the last one thereAnd everyone wants to feel like someone caresSomeone to love with my life in their handsThere"s gotta be somebody for me, ohNobody wants to do it all on their ownAnd everyone wants to know they"re not aloneThere"s somebody else that feels the same somewhereThere"s gotta be somebody for me out thereNobody wants to be the last one thereCause everyone wants to feel like someone caresThere"s somebody else that feels the same somewhereThere"s gotta be somebody for me out there感谢 H E A T O N 推荐 期待新专辑http://music.baidu.com/song/1392192

Gotta Be Somebody 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Be Somebody歌手:Shayne Ward专辑:ObsessionShayne Ward - Gotta Be SomebodyThis time I wonder what it feels likeTo find the one in this lifeThe one we all dream ofBut dreams just aren"t enoughSo I"ll be waiting for the real thing.I"ll know it by the feeling.The moment when we"re meetingWill play out like a scene straight off the silver screenSo I"ll be holdin" my own breathRight up to the endUntil that moment whenI find the one that I"ll spend forever with"Cause nobody wants to be the last one there."Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares.Someone to love with my life in their hands.There"s gotta be somebody for me like that."Cause nobody wants to do it on their ownAnd everyone wants to know they"re not alone.There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere.There"s gotta be somebody for me out there.Tonight, out on the street out in the moonlightAnd dammit this feels too rightIt"s just like Déj? VuMe standin" here with youSo I"ll be holdin`my own breathCould this be the end?Is it that moment whenI find the one that I"ll spend forever with?"Cause nobody wants to be the last one there"Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares.Someone to love with my life in their hands.There"s gotta be somebody for me like that."Cause nobody wants to do it on their ownAnd everyone wants to know they"re not alone.There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhereThere"s gotta be somebody for me out there."Cause nobody wants to be the last one there.And everyone wants to feel like someone cares.Someone to love with my life in their hands.There has gotta be somebody for meOhhhhhh."Cause nobody wants to be the last one there"Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares.Someone to love with my life in their hands.There"s gotta be somebody for me like that.Nobody wants to do it on their ownAnd everyone wants to know they"re not alone.Is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere?There"s gotta be somebody for me out there.http://music.baidu.com/song/14699866

Be somebody 英文歌的中英对照的歌词,会采纳

Gotta Be Somebody This time, I wonder what it feels like这一次我想知道是何种感受To find the one in this life找到一生所爱the one we all dream of一位梦寐以求的爱人But dreams just aren"t enough但只有梦想是远远不够的So I"ll be waiting for the real thing所以我会一直等待,直到真爱降临I"ll know it by the feeling直觉告诉我The moment when we"re meeting你我萍水相逢之时will play out like a scene宛若上演的一出戏Straight off the silver screen跃然于银幕之上So I"ll be holding my own breath于是我屏住呼吸right up "til the end直到结束Until that moment when I find the one that I"ll spend forever with直到那一刻,我找到伴我终生的爱侣"Cause nobody wants to be the last one there因为没有人原因甘居人后"Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares因为人人都希望别人在乎自己Someone to love with my life in their hands芸芸众生之中,找到自己人生中的挚爱There"s gotta be somebody for me like that一定会有一位红颜知己,为我守侯"Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own因为没有人愿意独自去面对And everyone wants to know they"re not alone而且人人都想知道他们并非形单影孤There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere天地之间,一定会有人与我感同身受There"s gotta be somebody for me out there心中的她,正在那里为我守侯Tonight, out on the street, out in the moonlight今夜的户外,在大街上,在月光中And dammit this means too right一切都那么美轮美奂it"s just like deja vu好象似曾相识Me standing here with you我与你站在一起So I"ll be holding my own breath所以我屏住呼吸could this be the end这会结束吗?Is it that moment when I find the one that I"ll spend forever with找到伴我终生的爱侣的时刻到了吗?"Cause nobody wants to be the last one there因为没有人愿意甘居人后"Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares因为人人都希望别人在乎自己

求高手 Nickelback-Gotta be somebody歌词翻译

Gotta Be Somebody-nickelback This time, I wonder what it feels like To find the one in this life, the one we all dream of But dreams just aren"t enough So I"ll be waiting for the real thing, I"ll know it by the feeling The moment when we"re meeting, will play out like a scene Straight off the silver screen So I"ll be holding my own breath, right up "til the end Until that moment when, I find the one that I"ll spend forever with 这一次,我想知道是什么感觉 为了找到这一生,我们所拥有的梦想 但现在仅仅只是个梦想 所以要等候它实现的时候, 我就知道它的感觉 我们像一个玩的筋疲力尽的小鹿 我们需要喘息 所以我要带着我的呼吸,直到结束 直到那一刻, 我找到这种感觉了,直到永远 Cause nobody wants to be the last one there Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares Someone to love with my life in their hands There"s gotta be somebody for me like that Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own And everyone wants to know they"re not alone There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 没有人想成为最后一个 因为每个人都关心他的人 每个人的命运在自己手里 还有别人为我 没人愿意做事业都靠自己 每个人都要知道,他们就不会感到孤独 有其他人认为相同的地方 那一定是不属于这个地方 Tonight, out on the street, out in the moonlight And dammit this means too right, it"s just like deja vu Me standing here with you So I"ll be holding my own breath, could this be the end Is it that moment when, I find the one that I"ll spend forever with 今晚,露宿街头,在月光下 这句话太棒了 它就像似曾相识 我只喜欢与你在一起时的感觉 所以我要留住这种感觉, 这可能是结局 直到那一刻, 我找到这种感觉了,直到永远 Cause nobody wants to be the last one there Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares Someone to love with my life in their hands There"s gotta be somebody for me like that Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own And everyone wants to know they"re not alone There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 没有人想成为最后一个 因为每个人都关心他 每个人的命运在自己手里 还有别人为我 没人愿意做事都靠自己 每个人都要知道,他们就不会感到孤独 有人不这样认为的话 那一定是不属于这个地方 You can"t give up, looking for a diamond in the rough The wind shows up, (make sure you"re holding on) Cause it could be the one, the one you"re waiting on Cause nobody wants to be the last one there And everyone wants to feel like someone cares Someone to love with my life in their hands There"s gotta be somebody for me, oh 你不能放弃,寻找一颗未经雕琢的钻石 风的出现,确保你的坚持 原因可能是其中之一,你还在等待 没有人想成为最后一个 因为每个人都关心他 每个人的命运在自己手里 这可以使我出人头地 Nobody wants to do it all on their own And everyone wants to know they"re not alone There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere There"s gotta be somebody for me out there Nobody wants to be the last one there Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 没人愿意做所有的事情 每个人都想要知道,他们不会孤独 有其他人认为相同的地方 那一定是不属于这个地方 没有人想过去的人站在那里 因为每个人都让他感到有人关心他 有其他人认为相同的地方 那一定是不属于这个地方这个事翻译得最棒的了

Gotta Be Somebody

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