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C4D里面的 Bodypaint3D笔刷用快捷键放大缩小每次5个像素

鼠标中键按住不放,左右轻微拖拉是以1像素放大缩小,上下拖拉,是调整压感。使用[ ] . , 快捷键只能10像素,无法调整。鼠标中键缩放功能只有R14有。

bodypaint 快捷键有谁知道啊 急啊~~~~~~

3ds MAX 快捷键一览A-角度捕捉开关 B-切换到底视图 C-切换到摄象机视图 D-封闭视窗 E-切换到轨迹视图 F-切换到前视图 G-切换到网格视图 H-显示通过名称选择对话框 I-交互式平移 K-切换到背视图 L-切换到左视图 N-动画模式开关 O-自适应退化开关 P-切换到透视用户视图 R-切换到右视图 S-捕捉开关 T-切换到顶视图 U-切换到等角用户视图 W-最大化视窗开关 X-中心点循环 Z-缩放模式 [-交互式移近 ]-交互式移远 /-播放动画 F5-约束到X轴方向 F6-约束到Y轴方向 F7-约束到Z轴方向 F8-约束轴面循环 SPACE-选择集锁定开关 END-进到最后一帧 HOME-进到起始帧 INSERT-循环子对象层级 PAGEUP-选择父系 PAGEDOWN-选择子系 GREY+-向上轻推网格 GREY--向下轻推网格 CTRL+A-重做场景操作 CTRL+B-子对象选择开关 CTRL+F-循环选择模式 CTRL+L-默认灯光开关 CTRL+N-新建场景 CTRL+O-打开文件 CTRL+P-平移视图 CTRL+R-旋转视图模式 CTRL+S-保存文件 CTRL+T-纹理校正 CTRL+W-区域缩放模式 CTRL+Z-取消场景操作 CTRL+SPACE-创建定位锁定键 SHIFT+A-重做视图操作 SHIFT+B-视窗立方体模式开关 SHIFT+C-显示摄象机开关 SHIFT+E-以前次参数设置进行渲染 SHIFT+F-显示安全框开关 SHIFT+G-显示网络开关 SHIFT+H-显示辅助物体开关 SHIFT+I-显示最近渲染生成的图象 SHIFT+L-显示灯光开关 SHIFT+O-显示几何体开关 SHIFT+P-显示粒子系统开关 SHIFT+Q-快速渲染 SHIFT+R-渲染场景 SHIFT+S-显示形状开关 SHIFT+W-显示空间扭曲开关 SHIFT+Z-取消视窗操作 SHIFT+4-切换到聚光灯/平行灯光视图 SHIFT+-交换布局 SHIFT+SPACE-创建旋转锁定键 SHIFT+GREY+-移近两倍 SHIFT+GREY--移远两倍 ALT+S-网格与捕捉设置 ALT+SPACE-循环通过捕捉 ALT+CTRL+Z-场景范围充满视窗 ALT+CTRL+SPACE-偏移捕捉 SHIFT+CTRL+A-自适应透视网线开关 SHIFT+CTRL+P-百分比捕捉开关 SHIFT+CTRL+Z全部场景范围充满视窗 注:SPACER键是指空格键,GREY+键是指右侧数字小键盘上的加号键,GREY-键是指右侧数字小键盘上的减号键(使用时NUMLOCK键要处于非击活状态) 看看.能帮你吗??

求Bodypaint 高手解答!!! Bodypaint 跟QQ冲突么?????!!

有冲突。 我这边是这样。 开了QQ就不能用BD。另一种说法就是卸载现用QQ重装一个2011版的QQ。要不然就只有画东西的时候不开QQ。

BodyPaint 3D 怎样吸取倒如的图片颜色


哪里可以下载到BodyPaint 3D R19注册机?

为您提供该软件注册机,希望可以帮助到您!(仅供个人使用,切勿传播)点击下载BodyPaint 3D R19注册机使用教程1、在本站下载并解压好BodyPaint 3D R19中文破解版文件包,得到安装原程序和破解文件。2、双击“MAXON-Start.exe”主程序运行,使用语言选择【CN-Chinese】中文,点击“OK”。3、来到软件安装向导界面直接点击“继续”。4、安装类型选择第二项【BodyPaint 3D】,点击“继续”。5、安装文件全部勾选上,然后点击“继续”。6、来到许可协议界面,选择“我已阅读并同意”,点击“继续”。7、自定义选择好软件安装路径,勾选在桌面创建快捷方式,点击“继续”进行下一步操作。8、软件正在安装,需要一些时间,请耐心等待。9、成功安装,点击“结束”退出安装界面。10、安装完成后直接运行软件。11、打开软件后在提示的信息中点击输入注册码序列号。12、软件会弹出一个输入窗口。13、打开注册机选择【BodyPaint 3D】,点击“Generate”软件会生成注册码序列号。14、然后将生成的注册码序列号复制到注册栏,点击【OK】即可完成对软件的破解。

C4D里面的 Bodypaint3D 笔刷用快捷键放大缩小尺寸每次10个像素 怎么回事啊,。我想每次放大缩小一个像素

upz知道了吗鼠标中键按住不放,左右轻微拖拉是以1像素放大缩小,上下拖拉,是调整压感。使用[ ] . , 快捷键只能10像素,无法调整。鼠标中键缩放功能只有R14有。





bodypaint 3d中没有笔刷,该怎么办

那个BP的弥补文件,里面就是没有笔刷下载。下载DEMO版的 BP3D 3.1 然后拷贝DEMO版根目次下的文件夹, 覆盖破解后的文件根目次。

Bodypaint 3D怎么使用 Bodypaint 3D实用技巧分享

最近又用到了Bodypaint 3D,总结几个关键的技巧:暗部显示不清楚bodypaint3d 在画贴图时,暗部颜色显示非常糟糕,像是使用了gif压缩之后的效果。这个问题在独立版本的bodypaint3d和cinema4d中都存在。这对画贴图来说是很大的障碍,暗部很多时候都只能“凭感觉”。这个问题已经困扰我很久了,问过几个人,也都表示无解,因为我们还是依赖ps多一些,也没太在意。这次终于找到解决的办法了:打开“工程设置”(Ctrl+D),关闭“线性工作流程”,并把“输入色彩特性”设置为“禁用”,Bingo!妈妈再也不用担心我画贴图看不清了!(注:上面的对比图因为被压缩了,所以差别不是很明显,实际运用中差别非常明显。)数位板压感不灵敏问题初用时会感觉在bp中笔刷压感不好控制,基本上轻轻一画就满压力了,解决办法:在工具栏中点击“笔刷”工具,在笔刷设置中点击“压力”前的小圈, 在弹出的“效果器设置”中勾选“笔刷压力”,右侧的曲线可以对笔刷压感进行微调,横轴表示输入压力,纵轴表示输出效果图中所示曲线会降低笔刷的压力(也就是说要画出同等的效果需要用到更大的力气,但是如果用到一定程度力气,也会画出满压力的效果)“常量着色(线条)”名不副实怎么办?在bp中,在模型上画贴图(洋气点的叫法是Poly Paint)的时候,最常用的是常量着色显示模式,就是我们所说的平光显示,这样没有任何光线影响,直接显示贴图本身颜色。而我们也常常需要将线框显示出来,辅助我们绘画,这时候你会在视图的“显示”选项中选择“常量着色(线条)”,但是它会让你有点失望,因为你会发现模型显示的亮度还是受到了光线一定程度的影响。解决办法:选择了“常量着色(线条)”的同时,在这个选项下不远处,选择“等参线”!







bodypaint 3d的说明

你尝试过直接在3D物体上绘制贴图吗? BodyPaint 3D UV 贴图模块能够让您所见即所得。 BodyPaint 3D 一经推出立刻成为市场上最佳的 UV 贴图软件,众多好莱坞大制作公司的立刻采纳也充分地证明了这一点。 Cinema 4DR10 的版本中将其整合成为 Cinema 4D的核心模块。 BodyPaint 3D 是现在最为高效、易用的实时三维纹理绘制以及 UV 编辑解决方案,在现在完全整合到 Cinema 4D中,其独创 RayBrush / Multibrush 等技术完全更改了历史的陈旧的工作流。艺术家只要进行简单的设置,就能够通过 200 多种工具在 3D 物体表面实时进行绘画 ---- 无论这个表面多么复杂奇特。使用单个笔触就能把纹理绘制在 10 个材质通道上,并且每个通道都允许建立带有许多混合模式和蒙板的多个图层。使用革命性的 RayBrush 技术,你甚至可以直接在渲染完成的图象上绘制纹理。 配合 Cinema 4DR10 中新增加的 Enhanced OpenGL( 增强即时视窗硬件显示 ) ,可以在绘制过程中实时观察凹凸贴图、透明贴图和法线贴图等纹理效果,艺术家甚至能够即时观察到场景的阴影和物体的透明性质,使得在前期的工作流程中就能反馈直观的效果从而大大提高您的工作效率。 Cinema 4D 为游戏开发者提供了丰富的烘焙工具,只需要简单的操作就可以烘焙出多通道高质量的材质纹理。 BodyPaint 3D 具有开放式接口。对于产品本身, Maxon 留下了开发接口,您甚至可以马上登陆 Maxon 站点免费获取这些开发文档;对于同其他程序的交互, Cinema 4D提供数十种可以导出、导入的格式。同时,其它软件开发商的软件,包括 AutoDesk 公司的 MAYA, 3D Max, 等软件也争相连接引用。 Maxon 为这些软件免费提供了稳定、完整的数据接口。

bodypaint 3D 工具快捷键是什么

Shift+F12BodyPaint 3D 是现在最为高效、易用的实时三维纹理绘制以及 UV 编辑解决方案,在现在完全整合到 Cinema 4D中,其独创 RayBrush / Multibrush 等技术完全更改了历史的陈旧的工作流。艺术家只要进行简单的设置,就能够通过 200 多种工具在 3D 物体表面实时进行绘画 ---- 无论这个表面多么复杂奇特。使用单个笔触就能把纹理绘制在 10 个材质通道上,并且每个通道都允许建立带有许多混合模式和蒙板的多个图层。使用革命性的 RayBrush 技术,你甚至可以直接在渲染完成的图象上绘制纹理。扩展资料系统要求Windows 7 SP1 64位或更高的英特尔或AMD的64位CPU支持SSE3或MacOS 10.11.6或10.12.4 64位CPU运行在基于英特尔的苹果4 GB内存(8 GB或更多的推荐),OpenGL图形卡支持OpenGL 4.1(专用GPU推荐)GPU渲染器需要在MacOS支持OpenCL 1.2或更新版本的Windows或AMD NVIDIA和AMD的显卡。金属支持需要MacOS 10.13.2或更新。我们推荐至少4 GB显存的GPU渲染。参考资料来源:百度百科-bodypaint 3d











bodypaint 3D 工具快捷键是什么?


The time when I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life.是什么意思?


声卡ESS Technology ES1938/41/46 SOLO-1(E) AudioDrive

早期的声卡现在已经没有升级驱动的技术支持了暂时只能用XP或者是换一个声卡了ftp://ftp.esstech.com/pub/audio-modem/WDM/ES1938-1946_Solo/XP/ES1938_1946_XP3055_sign584162.zip这个厂商推出的最新驱动for XP如果不行那就彻底没辙了

ESS Technology ES1938/ES1941/ES1946/ES1969 Solo-1(E) PCI AudioDrive 这个声音驱动谁能帮我找下!

ftp://ftp.esstech.com/pub/audio-modem/WDM/ES1938-1946_Solo/XP/ES1938_1946_XP3055_sign584162.zip 不过这个声卡xp一般不用驱动,你重新拔插下声卡看看。

langmuir hinshelwood和eley rideal mechanism是什么意思?

机理其实挺好理解的,langmuir hinshelwood就是2个分子都要吸附在表面上,然后用表面覆盖度推速率方程就可以了(这类机理就是对两个不同物种存在最优比例,比如反应计量比相同的时候,两个分子表面覆盖度各占一半显然最快)。eley rideal则是一个吸附,一个来自气体。一般来讲物理化学书的动力学(Kinetics) 和催化部分应该讲到过这个。你可以去复习一下在Langmuir吸附等温式后应该也会提到。麻烦采纳,谢谢!


方舟生存进化皮里亚(Pyria: Mythos Evolved)MOD代码大全。本文为大家带来的是热门模组皮里亚的全部生物物品代码,供各位玩家们参考。皮里亚(Pyria: Mythos Evolved)MOD代码大全Tamed Spawns Belowcheat gmsummon "Marhro_character_bp_c" 150cheat gmsummon "Balrog_Character_BP_Created_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Bantu_Character_BP_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Wyvern_Character_bp_Brute_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Wyvern_Character_bp_Diorex_Tameable_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Chimera_Character_BP_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Cockatrice_Character_BP_C" 150cheat gmsummon "DarkReaper_Character_BP_C" 150cheat gmsummon "DarkReaper_Character_bp_Empress_Controlled_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Crab_Character_BP_Steel_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Crab_Character_BP_Wanderer_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Dagon_Character_bp_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Allo_Character_BP_Divine_C" 150cheat gmsummon "DrachenThorn_Character_bp_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Dracolich_Character_bp_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Drallion_Character_bp_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Drallion_Character_bp_Dead_augmented_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Driger_Character_bp_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Eagle_Character_BP_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Ent_Character_bp_Tameable_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Fireburb_Character_BP_created_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Firepike_Character_BP_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Direwolf_Character_BP_Gelra_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Gigasect_Character_bp_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Basilisk_Character_BP_Glacial_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Basilisk_Character_BP_Infernal_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Goliath_Character_bp_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Graviorex_Character_bp_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Hellhound_Character_BP_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Hellkite_Character_bp_C" 150cheat gmsummon "PyriaHornet_Character_BP_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Horoku_Character_BP_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Hydra_Character_BP_C" 150cheat gmsummon "IceGolem_Character_BP_Created_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Ikuchi_Character_BP_C" 150cheat gmsummon "DG_Character_BP_C" 150cheat gmsummon "KaiserBug_Character_bp_C" 150cheat gmsummon "RockDrake_Character_BP_Ashen_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Nerm_Character_bp_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Deathworm_Character_BP_Pyria_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Orthros_Character_bp_C" 150cheat gmsummon "PyriaOwl_Character_BP_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Peregriff_Character_bp_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Wyvern_Character_bp_Bazel_C" 150cheat gmsummon "PyroYutie_Character_bp_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Rabbit_Character_bp_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Reika_Character_BP_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Cadavarex_Character_bp_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Rok_Character_bp_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Salamander_Character_BP_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Shmerg_Character_bp_C" 150cheat gmsummon "NotGirros_Character_BP_C" 150cheat gmsummon "NotGirros_Character_BP_Fire_C" 150cheat gmsummon "SulfurWyrm_Character_bp_C" 150cheat gmsummon "SulfurWyrm_Character_bp_Polar_C" 150cheat gmsummon "SulfurWyrm_Character_bp_Obsidian_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Tarra_Character_BP_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Tatzel_Character_BP_C" 150cheat gmsummon "TerrorBird_Character_BP_Centaur_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Treader_Character_BP_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Ursai_Character_BP_C" 150cheat gmsummon "DarkSeeker_Character_BP_Tamed_C" 150cheat gmsummon "AuraSeeker_Character_BP_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Voyager_Character_BP_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Wyvern_Character_bp_Water_C" 150Pyria 2 Tamed Spawnscheat gmsummon "Alicorn_Character_bp_C" 150cheat gmsummon "PyriaWyvern_Character_BP_Earth_C" 150cheat gmsummon "PyriaWyvern_Character_BP_Fire_C" 150cheat gmsummon "PyriaWyvern_Character_BP_Ice_C" 150cheat gmsummon "PyriaWyvern_Character_BP_Lightning_C" 150cheat gmsummon "PyriaWyvern_Character_BP_Poison_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Iridomex_Character_Bp_C" 150cheat gmsummon "LavaGolem_Character_BP_Pyria_C" 150cheat gmsummon "Arduros_Character_bp_C" 150Wild Spawns Belowcheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Aerocrusher/Marhro_character_bp.marhro_character_bp"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Balrog/Balrog_Character_BP.Balrog_Character_BP"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Basilisk/Bantu_Character_BP.Bantu_Character_BP"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/BruteWyvern/Wyvern_Character_bp_Brute.Wyvern_Character_bp_Brute"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Chimera/Chimera_Character_BP.Chimera_Character_BP"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Cockatrice/Cockatrice_Character_BP.Cockatrice_Character_BP"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/CorruptReaper/DarkReaper_Character_bp_Wild.DarkReaper_Character_bp_Wild"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Crab/Crab_Character_BP_Steel.Crab_Character_BP_Steel"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Crab/Crab_Character_BP_Wanderer.Crab_Character_BP_Wanderer"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Dagon/Dagon_Character_bp.Dagon_Character_bp"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/DivineAllo/Allo_Character_BP_Divine.Allo_Character_BP_Divine"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/DrachenThorne/DrachenThorn_Character_bp.DrachenThorn_Character_bp"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Dracolich/Dracolich_Character_bp.Dracolich_Character_bp"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Drallion/Standard/Drallion_Character_bp.Drallion_Character_bp"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Driger/Driger_Character_bp.Driger_Character_bp"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Eagle/Eagle_Character_BP.Eagle_Character_BP"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Ent/Ent_Character_bp.Ent_Character_bp"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/FireBurb/Fireburb_Character_BP.Fireburb_Character_BP"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Firepike/Firepike_Character_BP.Firepike_Character_BP"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/GelraWoof/Direwolf_Character_BP_Gelra.Direwolf_Character_BP_Gelra"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Gigasect/Gigasect_Character_bp.Gigasect_Character_bp"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/GlacialBasilisk/Basilisk_Character_BP_Glacial.Basilisk_Character_BP_Glacial"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/GlacialBasilisk/Basilisk_Character_BP_Infernal.Basilisk_Character_BP_Infernal"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Goliath/Goliath_Character_bp.Goliath_Character_bp"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Graviorex/Graviorex_Character_bp.Graviorex_Character_bp"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Hellhound/Hellhound_Character_BP_Wild.Hellhound_Character_BP_Wild"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/HellKite/Hellkite_Character_bp.Hellkite_Character_bp"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Hornet/PyriaHornet_Character_BP.PyriaHornet_Character_BP"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Horoku/Horoku_Character_BP.Horoku_Character_BP"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/hydra/Terrestrial/hydra_character_bp.hydra_character_bp"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/IceGolem/IceGolem_Character_BP.IceGolem_Character_BP"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Ikuchi/Ikuchi_Character_BP.Ikuchi_Character_BP"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Incinerox/DG_Character_BP.DG_Character_BP"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/KaiserBug/KaiserBug_Character_bp.KaiserBug_Character_bp"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/MegaRockDrake/RockDrake_Character_BP_Ashen.RockDrake_Character_BP_Ashen"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Nerm/Nerm_Character_bp.Nerm_Character_bp"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/NewDeath/Deathworm_Character_BP_Pyria.Deathworm_Character_BP_Pyria"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Orthros/Orthros_Character_bp.Orthros_Character_bp"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Owl/PyriaOwl_Character_BP.PyriaOwl_Character_BP"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Peregriff/Peregriff_Character_bp.Peregriff_Character_bp"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Permafrost/Wyvern_Character_bp_Bazel.Wyvern_Character_bp_Bazel"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/PyroYutie/PyroYutie_Character_bp.PyroYutie_Character_bp"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Rabbit/Rabbit_Character_bp.Rabbit_Character_bp"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Reika/Reika_Character_BP.Reika_Character_BP"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/rockwolf/Cadavarex_Character_bp.Cadavarex_Character_bp"" 1 1 1 150cheat spawndino "blueprint"/game/mods/pyria/creatures/wildlife/Rok/Rok_Ch



Kangaroos are good at jumping.是什么意思啊?

1、Kangaroos live in Australia. There are more than 60 different types of kangaroos. The Red Kangaroo is the largest. You can see many kangaroos everywhere outside the cities and towns in Australia, not only in zoos.袋鼠生活在澳大利亚。有60多种不同种类的袋鼠。红袋鼠是体型最大的。在澳大利亚的`城市和乡镇外面你到处都能看到袋鼠,而不仅仅是在动物园。2、Kangaroos are very good at jumping, because they have very strong legs. Their tails are very strong, too. When they want to have a rest, they rest on their tails. Kangaroos like to eat at night. They like to be quite in they day.袋鼠非常擅长跳跃,因为它们有很强壮的腿。它们的尾巴也很强壮。当它们想休息的时候,就在自己的尾巴上休息。袋鼠喜欢在晚上进食,白天它们喜欢安静。3、Kangaroos are very good at looking after their babies. Mother kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pouchs. Baby kangaroos stay in their mother"s pouchs for 5-6months.袋鼠很擅长照顾自己的小宝宝。袋鼠妈妈把它们的小宝贝放在自己安全的育儿袋里。小袋鼠们在它们妈妈的育儿袋里要待上5到6个月呢。



有没有类似bloody mary的漫画

1.《恶灵中毒》拥有纯正吸血鬼血统的朔椰被迫喝下吸血鬼猎人渥美紘昌的血后,丧失了进食(吸血)及其他一切欲望,靠为有特殊癖好的来访者提供S、M服务为生,同时想尽一切办法寻找罪魁祸首渥美,一场旷日持久的捉迷藏游戏至此开始。原作:山葵マグロ(东山和子)《恶灵中毒》(ネクラートホリック)【漫画】恶灵中毒 美型 吸血鬼 爱死爱慕_爱所以存在吧_百度贴吧http://tieba.baidu.com/p/13036868822《那是不能吃的》《那是不能吃的》是一部动漫,作者小石川あお。小石川あお(现已完结)大学生:恒的同居人是个个性胆小又温柔的吸血鬼:直幸。虽然身为吸血鬼,却很怕睡在狭小漆黑的棺材里。而直幸的哥哥:幸人,与狼人:静一郎之间又谱出另一段故事;这个狼人在满月之夜,总是苦恼极了。【小石川あお】那是不能吃的_哀君吧_百度贴吧http://tieba.baidu.com/p/24654452133.《堕天使之柩》《堕天使之柩》是由日本漫画家安昙もか作画的漫画作品。以中世纪法国贵族为背景, 描绘华丽的吸血鬼X人类的绝美爱情故事。 另收录作者全力绘制的本书特稿100页 以及不曾在商业志上发表过的作品。 侯爵家的公子.路西安虽然外貌美丽,然而个性却很死板。 某日他在沙龙遇见优秀的小提琴演奏家.奥利维……【漫画】堕天使之柩(英伦风,真心超美型!!)_爱所以存在吧_百度贴吧http://tieba.baidu.com/p/18149350064.《纯血+彼氏》《纯血+彼氏》是由日本漫画家硝音绫的作品,漫画讲述了架南(女主角)是学校出名的老好人,因为贫乳和帅气的外表被社团抓去做男性反串,她为了救助女孩而被车子撞伤,性命垂危时遇上了一个儿时应该被火烧死现在却变成吸血鬼的少年——椎十空……令人惊愕的戏剧性情节开始!!【漫画完结】纯血+彼氏第45话汉化_纯血加彼氏吧_百度贴吧http://tieba.baidu.com/p/33599357915.《血咒圣痕》一位信仰虔诚的吸血鬼猎人,立志歼灭所有吸血鬼,好完成他当上圣职者的愿望。但他的真实身份却是吸血鬼后裔,家中更饲养着一位吸血鬼祖先!【专题】Vassalord(血咒圣痕)_腐女动漫吧_百度贴吧http://tieba.baidu.com/p/23090211266.《servamp》《吸血鬼仆人(SERVAMP-サーヴァンプ-)》是由日本漫画家田中ストライク作画的漫画作品。城田真昼是一个凡事都奉行简单的高中一年级男生。某天他在路上捡了一只黑猫回家,并将之取名为“黑仔”。 然而没想到那只猫其实是名为史利比亚修的吸血鬼仆人──SERVAMP,而且个性既懒惰又怕麻烦。意外地成为...【转载】《Servamp 吸血鬼仆人》[Vol.4(17-21话)]_servamp吧_百度贴吧http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2883946678吸血十字界樱桃医生百夜米迦尔吸血鬼情人暗夜之族WILD KISS

求歌曲 lady gaga的(bloody mary)

  Lady Gaga - Bloody Mary  Love is just a history  that they may prove  And when you"re gone  I"ll tell them my religion"s you  When punctures come  to kill the king upon his throne  I am ready for their stones.  I"ll dance dance dance  With my hands hands hands  Above my head, head head  Like Jesus said  I"m gonna dance dance dance  With my hands hands hands  Above my head dance together  forgive him before he"s dead.  Because I won"t cry for you,  I won"t crucify the things you do  I won"t cry for you. See  When you"re gone  I"ll still be Bloody Mary  We are not just art for Michelangelo to carve  He can"t rewrite the agro of my furried heart  I"ll wait on mountain tops in the Paris cold  Je be veux mourire tout seule  I"ll dance dance dance  With my hands hands hands  Above my head head head  Like Jesus said  I"m gonna dance dance dance  With my hands hands hands  Above my head Dance together  Forgive him before he"s dead  Because I won"t cry for you  I won"t crucify the things you do  I won"t cry for you see  When you"re gone  I"ll still be Bloody Mary  I won"t cry for you  I won"t crucify the things you do  I won"t cry for you See  When you"re gone  I"ll still be Bloody Mary  个人猜测歌词的故事背景:  李·克斯特伯爵夫人,少女时期就非常美丽,有许多英俊的贵族绅士向她求爱。  虽然如此,李·克斯特伯爵夫人从来没有爱上过任何一位向他献媚的英俊绅士,因为她一直都在等待自己的爱人再出现的那天。  在李·克斯特伯爵夫人18岁的时候,有个年轻男子来到古堡,当时这位男士穿着华丽的外套,只身一人说是外出打猎经过这里觉得口渴想来借杯水喝,李·克斯特伯爵夫人不仅给他水喝,还因此爱上了这位长相英俊,谈吐优雅的男士。并且还说服他在府上小住。可是让李·克斯特伯爵夫人不明白的是,这位年轻的绅士始终不愿告诉她自己的名字。但是李·克斯特伯爵夫人仍然想尽办法让他能在古堡的这些日子里开心快乐。  五天后的早上,绅士找到李·克斯特伯爵夫人,告诉她他要离开了,李·克斯特伯爵夫人非常的难过,流着眼泪向绅士告白,听到李·克斯特伯爵夫人的真情流露,绅士依然执意要走,但是在出门之前,绅士给了李·克斯特伯爵夫人一个深情地吻,并且告诉她,也许有天他会回来找她,希望那时的李·克斯特伯爵夫人依然如现在一样美丽动人。  绅士走了,李·克斯特伯爵夫人在漫漫的思念中逐渐消沉下去,从小看着她长大的女管家不想看见这样的李·克斯特伯爵夫人,于是带着她去见了当地的神甫,希望能帮她找到那个男人,可是连神甫都没有办法,因为根本找不到这个人,所以李·克斯特伯爵夫人在郁郁中病倒在床上,女管家看着李·克斯特伯爵夫人的脸色越来越苍白,非常担心,直到有天不知从那里听到少女的血可以让人精神振作恢复美貌,于是女管家杀死了家里最年轻的女仆,把她的鲜血给李·克斯特伯爵夫人饮用,并且用它给李·克斯特伯爵夫人擦洗身子,就这样李·克斯特伯爵夫人的精神一天比一天好,人也变得越来越美丽。可是女管家却发现李·克斯特伯爵夫人从此迷恋上了血腥味,并且为了让自己能等到那个心爱的男人时依旧年轻貌美,她开始每天用少女的鲜血淋浴,而女管家者为了李·克斯特伯爵夫人不停的寻觅着年轻貌美的少女,已备李·克斯特伯爵夫人需要的时候用。  在这之后,李·克斯特伯爵夫人每晚都会在自己的古堡里举办舞会,邀请各个国家的绅士们,为的就是希望有天能再见到自己的爱人,不过可惜的是李·克斯特伯爵夫人在大革命爆发后被人们活活地烧死在自己的浴室里时,依然没有等到那个她想了一辈子,爱了一辈子的男人。  没人知道那个神秘的男人到底是谁,有人说是撒旦(上帝最小的儿子,拥有惊人的美貌和智慧,但是因为年轻自负而犯错,失去天使的翅膀而坠落地狱),也有人说是巫师,也有人猜测他早已经死了,或者根本没有这个人,根本就是李·克斯特伯爵夫人自己幻想出来的。故事始终是故事,那个男人到底是谁,是否真的有过这个人,只有伯爵夫人自己知道。有传说认为伯爵夫人是杀人狂魔,但是并没有证据证明她的犯罪事实。而伯爵夫人也确有其人。  整个中世纪欧洲有很多诡异恐怖的怪谈,但李·克斯特伯爵夫人则被当之无愧的称为头号“血腥佳人”。  她的美丽,据说保持了近50年,而她的美丽秘方,实在令人恐怖万分。  她用鲜血沐浴。而且只用纯洁少女的鲜血。她相信,只有浸泡在她们纯洁的血液中,方能不断吸取其中的精华,而让她永葆青春。每次洗澡前,她还要喝下至少半升的血液,她管这叫“内洗”。她洗一次澡,至少要杀掉两个少女。残忍的她,常常用针刺这些可怜少女们的身体,还将她们扒光衣服将她们推进雪堆。因为她的嗜血,所以她也被称为“吸血鬼夫人”。就这样,在长长而黑暗的50年里,一共有2830多名少女惨被杀害,所有的尸体全部埋在她私人的浴室底下。这也是她的主意,因为她相信,少女们的魂魄能够驱走衰老和迟钝。  由于常用血液洗澡,她身上总带着浓烈的血腥气。  但她却从不用任何香水掩盖,任其自然。  美丽的外貌和血腥的气味相结合,竟然产生里一种无可名状的妖异魅力,使无数青年贵族为之倾倒。一时之间,李·克斯特伯爵夫人的艳名远播欧洲大陆,连法皇路易十四也不远千里,拜倒在其石榴裙下。(资料来自百度百科)



拍lady gaga bloody mary mv的粉丝是谁,女主角好漂亮

natalia victoria esquivel

跪求lady gaga bloody mary 中文译音。为元旦晚会作准备的,亲们啊,拜托啦,小怪兽们HI起来吧!!!

其实多跟着音乐看着歌词单曲循环多唱几遍就学会了~用中文译音唱的话反而可能不标准= =

求lady gaga的bloody mary和布兰妮的hold it against me的中文歌词要一行英文和中文的那种

Love is just history that they may prove   爱情仅仅是一段他们会去证明的历史   And when you"re gone I"ll tell them my religion"s you   当你离去,我会告诉他们你是我的信仰   When Pontius comes to kill the king upon his throne   当庞休斯来到,杀死王位前的国王时   I"m ready for their stones.   我已经准备好他们赐予我的石刑   I"ll dance, dance, dance   With my hands, hands, hands,  Above my head, head, head,   我将会把我的手举在我的头上尽情舞蹈   Like Jesus said.   就像耶稣说的那样   I"m gonna dance, dance, dance,   With my hands, hands, hands,   Above my head,   我将会把我的手举在我的头上尽情舞蹈   dance together, Forgive him before   一并欢舞,在我原谅他之前   He"s dead because:   他死去,因为   I won"t cry for you   我不会为你而哭泣  I won"t crucify the things you do   我不会去践踏你所做过的事   I won"t cry for you, see   我不会为你而哭泣,看吧   When you"re gone I"ll still be bloody Mary   当你离去了,我还是 血腥玛丽   We are not just art for Michelangelo to carve,   我们不仅是供米开朗基罗雕刻的艺术品   He can"t rewrite the agro of my furied heart.   他不能重写我那被暴力蹂躏过的心   I"ll wait on mountain tops in Paris cold   我会在巴黎那寒冷的山顶等待   Je ne veux pas mourir tout seule:   我不想一个人孤单的死去(法语)   I"ll dance, dance, dance   With my hands, hands, hands,   Above my head, head, head,   我将会把我的手举在我的头上尽情舞蹈   Like Jesus said.   就像耶稣说的那样   I"m gonna dance, dance, dance,   With my hands, hands, hands,   Above my head   我将会把我的手举在我的头上尽情舞蹈   dance together, Forgive him before   一并欢舞,在我原谅他之前   He"s dead because:   他会死去,因为   I won"t cry for you   我不会为你而哭泣   I won"t crucify the things you do   我不会去践踏你所做过的事   I won"t cry for you, see   我不会为你而哭泣,看吧   When you"re gone I"ll still be bloody Mary   当你离去,我还是 血腥玛丽   Gaga, Gaga, Gaga, Gaga, Gaga, Gaga, Gaga, Gaga,   Dum dum da da da   Dum dum da da da da da da   Dum dum da da da   Dum dum da da da da da da   Dum dum da da da   嗒嗒啦,嗒嗒啦   I won"t cry for you   我不会为你而哭泣   I won"t crucify the things you do   我不会去践踏你所做过的事   I won"t cry for you, see   我不会为你而哭泣,看吧   When you"re gone I"ll still be bloody Mary   当你离去,我还是 血腥玛丽   Whoah Whoah Whoah, Whoah Whoah Whoah, Whoah Whoah Whoah,   Whoah Whoah Whoah, Whoah Whoah Whoah.   Oh, Liberaté, mi amor.   解放,我的爱(西班牙语) Britney Spears - Hold It Against MeHey over therePlease forgive meIf I"m coming on too strong 嗨,那边的帅哥,不好意思,我来得有点直接。Hate to stare 本不想盯着你看,But you"re winning 但是你实在太帅!And they"re playing my favorite song 而且我最喜欢的歌正飘荡。So come here A little closer Wanna whisper in your ear 所以,靠近一点点,想在你耳边低诉。Make It clear Little question直白点,就一个小问题,Wanna know just how you feel 我想知道你是怎么想的If I said my heart was beating loud 如果我觉得小鹿乱撞,If we could escape the crowd somehow 如果我们可以独处一室If I said I want your body now 如果我说我想要你的身体Would you hold it against me 你会抱紧我吗?Cause you feel like paradise因为你就像天堂般美妙and I need a vacation tonight而我今晚正好需要放个假,So if I said I want your body now 那么,如果我说我想要你的身体Would you hold it against me 你会抱紧我吗?  Hey You might think That I"m crazy  嗨,你也许会以为,我有点疯颠。But I you know I"m just your type 但是你知道的,我就是你的菜。I"mma be a little hazy But you just cannot deny  我也许有点疯狂,但是你却无法拒绝我。There"s a spark in between us When we"re dancing on the floor 在跳舞的时候 我们之间擦出了火花。I want more Wanna see It 而我想要更多,想要看到你身体。So I"m asking you tonight 所以今晚我要问你:If I said my heart was beating loudIf we could escape the crowd somehow 如果我觉得小鹿乱撞,如果我们可以独处一室,If I said I want your body nowWould you hold it against me 如果我说我想要你的身体,你会抱紧我吗?Cause you feel like paradiseand I need a vacation tonight 因为你就像天堂般美妙,而我今晚正好需要放个假So if I said I want your body nowWould you hold it against me 那么,如果我说我想要你的身体,你会抱紧我吗?If I said I want Your Body 如果我说我想要你的身体,Would you Hold It Against Me? 你能将身体靠紧我吗?Gimme something goodDon"t wanna wait I want It now(na-na-now) 给我点猛料,不想再等了,现在就要!Pop It like a hoodAnd show me how you work It out 快点脱掉你的衣服,让我看看你锻炼得怎么样?(alright)If I said my heart was beating loud 如果我觉得小鹿乱撞, If we could escape the crowd somehow 如果我们可以独处一室,If I said I want your body now Would you hold it against me 如果我说我想要你的身体,你会抱紧我吗?If I said my heart was beating loud 如果我觉得小鹿乱撞,If we could escape the crowd somehow 如果我们可以独处一室,If I said I want your body nowWould you hold it against me 如果我说我想要你的身体,你会抱紧我吗?Cause you feel like paradiseI need a vacation tonight 为你就像天堂般美妙,而我今晚正好需要放个假So if I said I want your body nowWould you hold it against me 所以如果我说我想要你的身体,你会抱紧我吗?

求Ladygaga 的Bloody Mary的歌词要有中文的

Love is just history thatthey may prove 爱情仅仅是一段他们会去证明的历史 And when you"re gone I"ll tell them my religion"s you 当你离去,我会告诉他们你是我的信仰 When Pontius comes to kill the king upon his throne 当庞休斯杀死在他王位上的国王时 I"m ready for their stones. 我已经准备好他们赐予我的石刑 I"ll dance, dance, dance With my hands, hands, hands, Above my head, head, head, 我将会把我的手举在我的头上尽情舞蹈 Like Jesus said. 就像耶稣说的那样 I"m gonna dance, dance, dance, With my hands, hands, hands, Above my head, 我将会把我的手举在我的头上尽情舞蹈 Hands together, Forgive him before 双手合十,在Love is just history thatthey may prove 爱情仅仅是一段他们会去证明的历史 And when you"re gone I"ll tell them my religion"s you 当你离去,我会告诉他们你是我的信仰 When Pontius comes to kill the king upon his throne 当庞休斯杀死在他王位上的国王时 I"m ready for their stones. 我已经准备好他们赐予我的石刑 I"ll dance, dance, dance With my hands, hands, hands, Above my head, head, head, 我将会把我的手举在我的头上尽情舞蹈 Like Jesus said. 就像耶稣说的那样 I"m gonna dance, dance, dance, With my hands, hands, hands, Above my head, 我将会把我的手举在我的头上尽情舞蹈 Hands together, Forgive him before 双手合十,在

歌迷拍的Lady Gaga新歌Bloody Mary暗黑版MV什么意思

我们能够知道,这个故事一定是发生在宫殿里的。开头出现的是王座和王后,从她的神色中我们可以发现她很不悦。接着玛丽出现了(她显然是被宣召过来的)。然后有两个人劝解不满的王后,但女王挥了挥手示意她们推下。之后两个侍卫坐在了玛丽的前面,而玛丽在这里明显没有话语权。玛丽独自歌唱起来,结合这时的歌词来看,玛丽一定知道自己的结局——死亡。玛丽大概是不愿意就此任人鱼肉了吧,所以她就走到了王后面前为自己辩解,但王后反而皱起了眉头。玛丽看出这是无用功,接着对那两个侍卫说了些什么,然后回到原位上。这时又出现了一个人,她大概是在为玛丽辩护。但她被王后的侍卫拉走了(玛丽这时是绝望的)。王后离开了这里,但玛丽没有走,她依然在将双手举在头上舞蹈。她的内心比较痛苦,希望早日了事,即使是被送到死神面前也好,因为她想要解脱,而不是这样僵持下去。玛丽还想和王后谈谈。她来到了神像面前祈祷。这时的原因有两点:一是基督教的惯例,即用餐前祷告,二是希望自己这一次不再无功而返。后来她的身后出现了几个人,大概是让她进去见王后。玛丽有些紧张。从下一段的画面中我们不难看出玛丽和王后谈砸了——女王竟然想要拿起刀去杀死玛丽!餐后的王后前去神殿祷告。她看见了一个蹲着的女人,然后伸手去碰她(这个女人或许是之前被王后杀死的女人),意想不到的事情发生了。那个女子用手揪住了杀她的人,然后狠狠地尖叫一声(注意王后在这一刻的表情)。还是在最初的宫殿里。玛丽惊恐地看着死在王后刀下的国王(很多人会将此男子当作护卫,然而演员表上唯一死去的男性角色为“The Dead King”。国王的死因或许是想在玛丽即将被杀之际劝阻王后,另外国王极有可能是女王当着王后的面被杀死的,因为玛丽身上沾满的血污,国王也很可能是个傀儡,否则绝不会轻易死去),然后用更为害怕的眼神看着王后手里的尖刀。同时交叉出现的是一片血腥的阴间——这些人都是王后的刀下之鬼!当然,其中没有玛丽。王后应该是想再考虑一下杀死玛丽的问题,而玛丽早已吓瘫在了那个死人的身边。镜头切换回了神殿。那个女的是想告诉王后她被鬼魂包围了!王后知道后迅速地跑出了神殿。那个女人随即带着一群想要制止女王行为的鬼魂来追逐王后,恐惧万分的王后选择放弃杀死玛丽。所以这一群鬼魂才会退去。但玛丽也没有脱身。王后的护卫认定玛丽是这一切的罪魁祸首,所以他们用绸带勒死了她,随后任由她倒在地面上而没有去管她。这个故事的结局是王后在这一切面前屈服了,她任由玛丽的鬼魂(我是这么认为的:这时玛丽画着她从未画过的眼影,且敢去拿走王后的王冠,这种行为不像是她活着时敢对杀人如麻的王后做的)拿去了她的王冠。

ladygaga bloody mary 典故啊 貌似几恐怖


Bloody Mary (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Bloody Mary (Album Version)歌手:The Living End专辑:The Living EndBloody MaryWhitesnakeSnakebiteWhen you"re waltzing down the High StreetSinging that sweet French perfume songLooking out for the boys who couldn"t sing alongMoving like a dancer on the ballroom floorSweet ballerina get me begging for moreWhen you"re rolling your eyes behind your Dior shadesBloody Mary, the queen of the ballBloody Mary, you want it allI"ve been looking for you, looking for meI like sugar in my woman more than saccharineToo much sweet talk make a nice boy meanAll in all, Mary, you"re no good for meJust like a bee-sting, babe, you"re a pain in my heartHurting me more and moreYou get me down on my knees when you talk dirty to meBloody Mary, the queen of the ballBloody Mary, you want it allI"ve been looking for youBloody MaryYou know that Madame Palm and her five sweet daughtersCouldn"t give a man what the doctor orderedOoh, Mary, I love the way you turn it onBloody Mary, the queen of the ballBloody Mary, you want it allI"ve been looking for youBloody MaryYou know that Madame Palm and her five sweet daughtersCouldn"t give a man what the doctor orderedOoh, Mary, I love the way you turn it onI told, ooh, Mary, I love the way you turn it onhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7931808

鸡尾酒Bloody Mary具体用多少成分调配的?

血玛丽(Bloody Mary)  材料:伏特加 1.5盎司 、番茄汁 4盎司 、辣酱油 1/2茶匙 、精盐 1/2茶匙 、黑胡椒 1/2茶匙  制法:在老式杯中放入两块冰块,按顺序在杯中加

Bloody Mary是什么意思?有何传说?


血腥玛丽(bloody mary)的传说中...


blood mary 应该怎么去理解它呢?悬赏100有加分

一楼的回答 已经很全面了 楼主给他分吧

blood mary是什么味道?是不是很难喝


AutoCAD 与Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture 有什么区别


autodesk revit architecture 2015与2014区别大吗

Revit2015性能增强功能在视图中更快地绘制图元:Revit 现在合并了绘图过程,许多图元都以较大的批量绘制以提高性能。 例如,在绘制 100 面墙时,Revit 以前需要 200 个图形调用。 在此版本中,Revit 现在可以仅使用 2 个图形调用来绘制相同的墙。 因此,视图的重画速度变得更快,视图的导航速度也更快。更快地选择图形:在模型中选择大量单元时,Revit 会使用新的过程来显示选定的图元,以使软件性能得到改进。提升了MEP视图中的性能:用于在视图中显示 MEP 图元的基本技术已得到增强,从而提升了当打开和操纵涉及大量 MEP 图元的视图时的性能。另外管理方面也有小更新:Revit.ini 更改以下是 Revit 2015 中的全新设置或更改后的设置:图形剖面:反失真:默认值已更改为 1反失真选项:本版本中的新设置以下设置已在 Revit 2015 中弃用:ACMLocalExecutableLocation

AutoCAD 与Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture 有什么区别

Architecture 版本的AUTOCAD,该版本专为建筑设计开发

英特尔nuc6i5syh和hp prodesk 600 g2 dm i5 6500t哪个更好

  该产品主板芯片组为 Intel Q85,支持SATA2.0、3.0接口标准,可选用这两种接口的固态硬盘。  1、HP ProDesk 600 G1系列产品,商用小型台式机,采用Haswell核心处理器,外观设计小巧,可立卧式两用,有12款产品;  2、其 CPU配置,从四代奔腾到 i3、i5、i7都有。即有双核、双核四线程、四核、四核八线程处理器多种。如 i7 4785T 、4770 四核八线程为系列中最高规格;  3、其内存采用低电压版,规格DDR3L 1600MHz,4GB有9款,8GB有3款。仅有1款配有SSD 128GB固态硬盘 + 1TB机械硬盘,其余款为500GB机械硬盘;  4、因定位商用机,没有独立显卡,全部使用CPU的核显;均有千兆有线网卡;均有DVD刻录机。

Body Count的《Strippers》 歌词

stripperThe Soho Dollsstripper歌手: The Soho Dolls歌名:StripperWell ana you"re lateAnd maya, i"m here.The boys in the band,Decide to appear.We walk through the doorSavour the air.The girls on the floor,I"ve come here to stare.We"ve come here to stare.YeahDont touch the girls,Dont kiss the girls,I have the right to pull the girls.Get in a fight,On every night,The scratches, the bruises and the bites.But i wanna touch,And i wanna kiss,And if you say no then i will persist,With you tonight,You"ll make it right.You know that you"re wetting my appetite.You can call me x,You can call me y,You can call me z,You can come and try.Come and try.Dont know what you think you"re doing to me,(Hey! Stripper, Hey! Stripper)Dont know what you see its getting to me,(Hey! Stripper, Hey! I wanna be your mister)Na na, Na na, Na na, Na na, NaNa na, Na na, Na na, Na na, NaNa na, Na na, Na na, Na na, NaNa na, Na na, Na na, Na na, NaLike you"re perfume,Your skin is smooth.The way you move,Im in the mood.Tease the crowd,Please the crowd,I"m boiling i want you to see me now.You get me girl,When you"re nervous well,And when your hand is in the thong.You may be right,I close them tight,You"re saving the best for me tonight.You can call me x,You can call me y,You can call me z,You can come and try.Come and try.Dont know what you think you"re doing to me,(Hey! Stripper, Hey! Stripper)Dont know what you see its getting to me,(Hey! Stripper, Hey! I wanna be your mister)Na na, Na na, Na na, Na na, NaNa na, Na na, Na na, Na na, NaNa na, Na na, Na na, Na na, NaNa na, Na na, Na na, Na na, NaI"ve come to stare,I"ve come to stare,You like me to stare?I like your underwear.I"ve come to stare,I"ve come to stare,You like me to stare?I am a voyeur.Dont know what you think you"re doing to me,(Hey! Stripper, Hey! Stripper)Dont know what you see its getting to me,(Hey! Stripper, Hey! I wanna be your mister)Na na, Na na, Na na, Na na, NaNa na, Na na, Na na, Na na, NaNa na, Na na, Na na, Na na, NaNa na, Na na, Na na, Na na, Nahttp://music.baidu.com/song/2628610

Phoenix病(Blood Of Phoenix)究竟是一种什么病?


Phoenix病(Blood Of Phoenix)究竟是一种什么病?


Where the hood at 的中文歌词。



方法: 生成唯一的Id,参数[ prefix="" ]是可选的,可在ID前面添加前缀。

张一首英文女生快歌歌词有一些是and come my baby say just better me say hello and say goodby


keep pressing volume up to exit this mode

keep pressing volume up to exit this mode继续按音量退出这个模式。





the grand mediocrity of today 是什么意思?求答案

【分析】句子主干为:The grand mediocrity of today / means that / natural selection has lost 80% of its power in upper-middle-class India. “everyone being the same in survival and number of off-spring”是插入部分,是对the grand mediocrity of today的一个补充说明。“compared to the tribes”分词短语作状语,修饰“that”引导的宾语从句,表示that引导从句所说明的情况在the tribes同样地发生了。(这里注意compared to与compared with的区别。compared to侧重于表达“相当于、等同于”的含义;compared with侧重于表达“与……?相比较”的含义。)【翻译】今天的普通大众,每个人有着同样生存机会和同样数量的后代,这意味着,自然选择在印度上流社会已经?失去了80%以上的影响,在一些部落里情况也是一样。

!!求韩国组合the melody唱的《Whatever》的歌词,最好韩文有译上读音的^^

A stragled smile feel from your faceIt kills me that I hurt you this wayThe worst part is that I didn"t even knowThere"s a million reasons for you to goBut if you can find a reason to stayI"ll do whatever it takesTo turn this aroundI know whats at stakeI know that I"ve let you downAnd if you give me a chanceBelieve that I can changeI"ll keep us togetherWhatever it takesShe said if were gonna make this workYou gotta let me inside even though it hurtsDon"t hide the broken parts that I need to seeShe said like it or not it"s the way it"s gonna beYou gotta love yourself if you can ever love meI"ll do whatever it takesTo turn this aroundI know whats at stakeI know that I"ve let you downAnd If you give me a chanceAnd give me a breakI"ll keep us togetherWhatever it takesI know you deserve much betterRemember the time I told you the way that I feltAnd that I"d be lost without you and never find myselfLet"s hold onto each other above everything elseLet"s start over, start over,start overI"ll do whatever it takesTo turn this aroundI know whats at stakeI know that I"ve let you downAnd If you give me a chanceBelieve that I can changeI"ll keep us togetherWhatever it takes[ti:Whatever It Takes] [ar:Lifehouse] [al:Who We Are] [00:03.00]Lifehouse - Whatever It Takes [00:05.00]www.yue365.om ★ [00:13.11]A stragled smile feel from your face [00:18.15]It kills me that I hurt you this way [00:24.90]The worst part is that I didn"t even know [00:30.12]There"s a million reasons for you to go [00:37.02]But if you can find a reason to stay [00:43.46]I"ll do whatever it takes [00:46.21]To turn this around [00:49.37]I know whats at stake [00:52.41]I know that I"ve let you down [00:55.72]And if you give me a chance [00:58.71]Believe that I can change [01:01.92]I"ll keep us together [01:05.75]Whatever it takes [01:14.44] [01:20.53]She said if were gonna make this work [01:25.84]You gotta let me inside even though it hurts [01:32.25]Don"t hide the broken parts that I need to see [01:37.62]She said like it or not it"s the way it"s gonna be [01:43.81]You gotta love yourself if you can ever love me [01:50.13]I"ll do whatever it takes [01:53.69]To turn this around [01:56.72]I know whats at stake [01:59.60]I know that I"ve let you down [02:03.00]And If you give me a chance [02:06.01]And give me a break [02:09.16]I"ll keep us together [02:11.54]Whatever it takes [02:16.35]I know you deserve much better [02:18.75]Remember the time I told you the way that I felt [02:23.41]And that I"d be lost without you and never find myself [02:30.16]Let"s hold onto each other above everything else [02:36.32]Let"s start over, start over,start over [02:42.41]I"ll do whatever it takes [02:44.91]To turn this around [02:47.92]I know whats at stake [02:50.79]I know that I"ve let you down [02:54.17]And If you give me a chance [02:57.32]Believe that I can change [03:01.07]I"ll keep us together [03:03.92]Whatever it takes [03:12.01]

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RIDING a bike is good exercise and great fun. But what do you do with your old bikes? American girl

骑自行车是一项很棒的运动并且十分有趣。 但是你你是怎么处理旧自行车的?美国女孩Nicole Basil给出了很棒的答案。她建立了一个叫Pedal Power 的慈善团体,收集旧自行车并送给那些需要它们的人。12岁的Nicole 在她8岁的时候就开始建立Pedal Power并每年收集250多辆的自行车。Pedal Power在每年的十月份会举行一次自行车比赛以筹集捐赠品。


我这英语水平。。。献丑了总结来说就是“同志们去哪了”↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓这并不是关于那些已经逝去的牛仔这个问题在94年就过时了别被冒犯虽然看上去不太对同志们去哪了为我14岁时的爱情为我穿着华服的偶像们只希望有一天我可以变得很勇敢同志们去哪了如果我们都在阴沟里我们是谁这个问题并不能改变“我们都在阴沟里,但仍有人仰望星空”如果我们都在阴沟里我们是谁这个问题并不能改变“我们都在阴沟里,但仍有人仰望星空”所以说好同志们去哪了好同志们去哪了好同志们去哪了(x3)感谢Rufus感谢Auden 和 James Dean为我的梦想感谢Emerson和 Bowie 感谢Wilfred Owen ,Kinsey,Whitman和Rimbaud谢谢你们,感谢你们的坚忍感谢Porter和Cocteau如果我们都在阴沟里我们是谁这个问题并不能改变“我们都在阴沟里,但仍有人仰望星空”如果我们都在阴沟里我们是谁这个问题并不能改变“我们都在阴沟里,但仍有人仰望星空”所以说好同志们去哪了好同志们去哪了好同志们去哪了(x3)如果我们都在阴沟里我们是谁这个问题并不能改变“我们都在阴沟里,但仍有人仰望星空”如果我们都在阴沟里我们是谁这个问题并不能改变“我们都在阴沟里,但仍有人仰望星空”。。。。(各种重复)(感谢的都是历史上的同性恋名人)

Mika的《Love Today》 歌词

歌曲名:Love Today歌手:Mika专辑:Dodgy Holiday EpDoom da da di da di Doom da da di da di【Love Today】MikaEverybody"s gonna love today,Gonna love today, gonna love today,Everybody"s gonna love today, gonna love todayAnyway you want to,Anyway youv"e got to,Love love me,Love love me,Love love.I"ve been crying for so long,Fighting tears just to carry on,But now,But now,Its gone away.Hey girl why can"t you carry on,Is it "cause you"re just like your mother,Little tike, like to tease for fun,Well you aint gonna tease no other,Gonna make you a lover,Everybody"s gonna love today,Love today, love today,Everybody"s gonna love today,Anyway you want to,Anywhere youv"e got to,Love love me,Love love me,Love love.Girl with a groove with the big bust on, big bust on,Wait till your mother and your papa"s gone,Papa"s gone,Momma, momma papaShock shock me,Shock shock me,Shock shock.Everybody"s gonna love today,Gonna love today, gonna love today,Everybody"s gonna love today, gonna love todayAnyway you want to,Anyway youv"e got to,Love love me,Love love me,Love love.Yeah she"s a lover and she"s mighty fine ,Give her a dollar and she"ll make you smile,Hooker,Walk a looker,Walk away!Carry dresses like a kid for fun,Licks her lips like they"re something other,Tries to tell you life has just begun,But you know she"s gettin sumthing otha,Than the love from her motherEverybody"s gonna love today,Gonna love today, gonna love today,Everybody"s gonna love today, gonna love todayAnyway you want to,Anyway youv"e got to,Love love me,Love love me,Love love.Girl with a groove with the big bust on, big bust on,Wait till your mother and your papa"s gone,Papa"s gone,Momma, momma papaShock shock me,Shock shock me,Shock shock.Everybody"s gonna love today,Gonna love today, gonna love today,Everybody"s gonna love today, gonna love todayAnyway you want to,Anyway youv"e got to,Love love me,Love love me,Love love.(Doom da da di da di Doom da da di da di......)Everybody"s gonna love today,Gonna love today, gonna love today,Everybody"s gonna love today, gonna love todayAnyway you want to,Anyway youv"e got to,Love love me,Love love me,Love love.(Doom da da di da di Doom da da di da di......)http://music.baidu.com/song/8018957

Ave Maria (Gounod) 歌词

歌曲名:Ave Maria (Gounod)歌手:Arie van Beek&Orchestre de Chambre d"Auvergne&Soeur Marie Keyrouz专辑:Sacred Songs From East And WestAve MariaGratia PlenaMaria, gratia plenaMaria, gratia plenaAve, ave DominusDominus tecumBenedicta tu in MulieribusEt BenedictusEt Benedictus fructus ventrisVentris tuae, JesusAve MariaAve MariaMaria, hear my prayerToday I"m asking for forgivenessFor all my people here on earthI know they feel inside their heartsWhat is wrong or rightTrue love is all it needs to heal themBut hate is all they really knowSo innocent the starving childrenHow I wish they"d get a chance to growAve Mariahttp://music.baidu.com/song/7974213

Beverly Hills Plzaz,36F.,Llock C—2,NO.6Broadwood Road.Happy Valley,Hongkong这个香港地址怎么翻译




vb中keycode 是什么


help sb todo sth.是什么意思?

help sb后面可加to do sth或dosth或doing sth。动词后跟动词时一般第二个动词变为动词不定式(to do)或动名词(doing)。help后跟的是动词不定式,由于help比较特殊,后面可以跟不带to的动词不定式,也可以跟带to的不定式。help sb do sth是大家比较熟悉的结构,通常也可说成helpsb to do sth,其意为 “帮助某人做某事”,两者常可通用——即其中的不定式符号to可以省略,也可以保留。如:We helped her(to) find her things. 我们帮她找东西。I helped him (to) repair his bike.我帮他修自行车。help sb doing sth 也是正确的表达,它也表示帮助某人做某事,可视为 help sb in doing sth 省略介词in 得来。如:He helped her carrying her shopping home. 他帮她把买的东西提回家。

有哪位大虾知道eminem的like a toy sodier 的歌词?

EMINEM ----"Like Toy Soldiers"Step by step, heart to heart, left right leftWe all fall down...[Chorus]Step by step, heart to heart, left right leftWe all fall down like toy soldiersBit by bit, torn apart, we never winBut the battle wages on for toy soldiers[Verse 1]I"m supposed to be the soldier who never blows his composureEven though I hold the weight of the whole world on my shouldersI ain"t never supposed to show it, my crew ain"t supposed to know itEven if it means goin" toe to toe with a Benzino it don"t matterI"d never drag them in battles that I can handle unless I absolutely have toI"m supposed to set an exampleI need to be the leader, my crew looks for me to guide "emIf some shit ever does pop off, I"m supposed to be beside "emThat Ja shit I tried to squash it, it was too late to stop itThere"s a certain line you just don"t cross and he crossed itI heard him say Hailie"s name on a song and I just lost itIt was crazy, this shit went way beyond some Jay-z and Nas shitAnd even though the battle was won, I feel like we lost itI spent too much energy on it, honestly I"m exhaustedAnd I"m so caught in it I almost feel I"m the one who caused itThis ain"t what I"m in hip-hop for, it"s not why I got in itThat was never my object for someone to get killedWhy would I wanna destroy something I help buildIt wasn"t my intentions, my intentions was goodI went through my whole career without ever mentionin" SugeAnd that was just out of respect for not runnin" my mouthAnd talkin" about something that I knew nothing aboutPlus Dre told me stay out, this just wasn"t my beefSo I did, I just fell back, watched and gritted my teethWhile he"s all over t.v. down talkin" a man who literally saved my lifeLike fuck it i understand this is businessAnd this shit just isn"t none of my businessBut still knowin" this shit could pop off at any minute cause[Chorus][Verse 2]There used to be a time when you could just say a rhymeAnd wouldn"t have to worry about one of your people dyin"But now it"s elevated cause once you put someone"s kids in itThe shit gets escalated, it ain"t just words no more is it?It"s a different ball game, callin" names and you ain"t just rappin"We actually tried to stop the 50 and Ja beef from happenin"Me and Dre had sat with him, kicked it and had a chat with himAnd asked him not to start it he wasn"t gonna go after himUntil Ja started yappin" in magazines how we stabbed himFuck it 50 smash "em, mash "em and let him have itMeanwhile my attention is pullin" in other directionsSome receptionist at The Source who answers phones at his deskHas an erection for me and thinks that I"ll be his resurrectionTries to blow the dust off his mic and make a new recordBut now he"s fucked the game up cause one of the ways I came upWas through that publication the same one that made me famousNow the owner of it has got a grudge against me for nothin"Well fuck it, that motherfucker can get it too, fuck him thenBut I"m so busy being pissed off I don"t stop to thinkThat we just inherited 50"s beef with Murder Inc.And he"s inherited mine which is fine ain"t like either of us mindWe still have soldiers that"s on the front lineThat"s willing to die for us as soon as we give the ordersNever to extort us, strictly to show they support usWe"ll maybe shout "em out in a rap or up in a chorusTo show them we love "em back and let "em know how important it isTo have Runyan Avenue, soldiers up in our cornersTheir loyalty to us is worth more than any award isBut I ain"t tryna have none of my people hurt and murderedIt ain"t worth it, I can"t think of a perfecter way to word itThen to just say that I love ya"ll too much to see the verdictI"ll walk away from it all before I let it go any furtherBut don"t get it twisted, it"s not a plea that I"m coppin"I"m just willin" to be the bigger manIf ya"ll can quit poppin" off at the jaws, well then I canCause frankly I"m sick of talkin"I"m not gonna let someone else"s coffin rest on my conscience cause[Chorus]

Java中的,// TODO Auto-generated method stub 是什么意思




food and water supplies supply在句子的作用?

首先,你这个不是一个句子,而是一个名词短语。通过分析,这里的food and water 作定语,修饰限定名词supply,因此,用了复数形式,supplies.翻译过来是,食物和水供应。最后,祝你有所收获。

reaccomodate 什么意思

re accomodate重新适应

有nobody of us的用法吗?还是只能用none of us?

都是正确的,但是常用none of us

the price of food,clothes___ so quickly these years. 答案是increases 为何不能用raise。

raise 是及物动词,后面需要有宾语。比如:举手, raise your hand这个句子里没有宾语。



hold 与 accommodate 表示容纳的时候的区别

两者没有多大差别;hold 可以用于小的容器(比如瓶子),也可以大的(比如房间,体育馆等); accommodate 一般指大的(room, building 等)


英汉翻译 accomodatev. 容纳,留宿,使...适应

accommodate 与 accomodate是不是一个词?有何区别?

accommodatevt.供应, 供给, 使适应, 调节, 和解, 向...提供, 容纳, 调和vi.适应accomodatev.容纳,留宿,使...适应词典没有提供说accomodate是变体之类的信息,应该不是一个词,范围有区别在google上搜索accomodate,会提示是不是要找accommodate,但是同时,有许多网站坚持采用accomodate的拼法,发现大多是北美的网站采用,可见accomodate是一个已经成形的拼法,因此应该是两个词


accomodatev.容纳,留宿,使…适应; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.I also thought this means they would essentially know everything that we knew to better "accomodate" our needs. 我还认为这意味着,我们为更好“满足”需求所知道的所有东西,他们基本都知道。
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