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RBC 帐户account number是几位数? 它的 transit number 是几位数?

RBC 帐户account number是7位号码


1BENEFICIARY ADDRESS,受益人(收款人)地址2BANK IDENTIFIER CODE银行标识号或者银行识别码3BANK IBAN NUMBER是什么??国际银行帐户号码(The International Bank Account Number),通常简称IBAN,是由欧洲银行标准委员会( European Committee for Banking Standards,简称 ECBS)安装其标准制定的一个银行帐户号码。参加ECBS的会员国的银行帐户号码都有一个对应杜IBAN号码。可以联系你的开户行获取IBAN号码。IBAN号码最多是34位字符串。 (注:中国的银行是没有IBAN号码的)

bank account number是什么意思

银行帐号双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 银行户口号码例句:1.Consumers sign up by providing a bank accountnumber and a fingerprint. 消费者只要提供银行帐号还有指纹就能签帐。如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!

如何查找我的工行bank account number


汇款时为什么需要填写sort code和account number

什么是银行汇款Swift代码 (Swift Code)或BIC?银行汇款Swift代码 (Swift Code)是属于您银行分支行所独有的代码(欲称为Bank Identifier Code 或 BIC)。这个代码通常显示在您的支票本上。IBAN - International Bank Account Number 国际银行帐号该帐号是一系列由字母数字组成用来区别欧盟内任何银行的唯一帐号,IBAN帐号最多34位,前2位是ISO标准国家号,第3、4两位是检查号,后30位为当地银行的帐号,在IBAN帐号中不允许出现空格、斜线和连字符号。目前在欧盟内银行开户的客户,其帐号均采用了新的帐号标准。该帐号应由欧盟内的客户向国内汇款人提供。对于今后客户汇入汇款(MT103),如汇出行在59栏(IBAN号只能用于此栏,用于其它栏均无效)帐号一项中不提供IBAN号而使用原帐号的付款指令,一些欧洲银行将于今年开始加收报文修改费。由于欧洲中央银行未对相关费用的收费标准做出明确的规定,所以各家银行收费标准不一。总体上在5欧元至15欧元不等。该费用将由汇出人承担。同时银行还将向汇款的受益人收取一定的费用仁^亚软件为了减少客户汇出汇款的费用,提高报文的准确性,法兰克福分行建议国内分行在接受客户欧元汇出汇款(受益人在欧盟境内银行开户)申请书时,应尽量向汇款申请人索取受益人的IBAN帐号,并知汇款申请人使用IBAN的目的是使欧盟内汇款自动化,能够保证信息的准确性并减少人为干预,如无法提供IBAN号时,分行应向汇款申请人说明,该汇款可能会产生其它费用,而该费用将由汇款申请人承担。为了便于各分行了解IBAN编码规则和适用国家,特附说明如下:欧洲各国IBAN代码标准样例Country Length Examples of paper representationAndorra 24 an AD12 0001 2030 2003 5910 0100Austria 20 an AT61 1904 3002 3457 3201Belgium 16 an BE68 5390 0754 7034Czech 24 an CZ65 0800 0000 1920 0014 5399Denmark 18 an DK50 0040 0440 1162 43Finland 18 an FI21 1234 5600 0007 85中国似乎没有

加拿大给我汇款到中国银行,问我要Account Number, 是什么? 打电话给中


rbc银行的debit卡的account number是什么

就是你的账户号码没有了这个号码,你的debit card 就没用了取钱,存钱都要用到希望能帮到你~

beneficiary account number几位数

十九位数。Beneficiary Account Number意思是收款人户口号码;存款帐号;收款人代号。通常是19位数。

routing number 和 account number

Routing Number 也被称作 Routing Transit Number ,中文翻译为汇款路线号码、汇款路径号码或路由号码等,叫法很多。主要使用于美国及北美地区,提出的金融机构识别码主要用于和银行相关的交易,转帐,清算等的路由确认。Routing Number和 SWIFT Code、IBAN 都是国际间银行、金融机构或其开立账户的识别代码,只是因为世界各地的金融体系所遵循的不同的标准而使用于不同的地区。比如,从欧洲汇入汇款到中国是不需要Routing Number和IBAN的,因为中国的银行主要使用SWIFT Code,所以只要提供中国这边收款银行的SWIFT Code就可以了。如果是从中国向境外汇出款项,则要根据收款人开户银行所在地区选择相应的识别代码。比如,通过中国境内的银行向美国某家银行帐号汇款,则只要提供美国银行的Routing Number ,美国的银行一般只使用Routing Number。如果是向欧洲,特别是德国汇款,则只要提供收款银行的IBAN码。



加拿大分支银行代码cc number的全称是什么

Branch code

电汇海外,给错了 account number, 给成了卡号,但是这边显示已经打出去,怎么回事?


Billing Account Number是什么意思

您好:计费账号双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 帐单编帐号码----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

建设银行信用卡上哪几个是account number


请问网上支付的时候 VISA卡要填account number 用不用填最后三位呢???



TelusKoodo原运营商是预付费用户可直接进行携号转网,后付费用户需确保原账户账单已清零再进行携号转网:获取 Account number:方式 1:打开原运营商手机app,在Bills页面中可以获取自己的Account Number

paypal在认证银行卡的时候account number 如何填写?


我有一张HSBC的 debit card,就是不清楚account number在卡的哪里

Account Number不是卡上面的那些数字,你要去跟开户银行要你的Acc no.,有的银行ATM存取款的时候,打印出来的单子上也会有显示,你可以查一下,没有再去银行要。

从境外(欧洲)向中国银行借记卡上能直接汇款吗?Account number是指卡上那一串数字吗?


拍卖行英语专家请进,account number 和property number分别是什么意思?

account number 帐号consignment note 发货单 property number 货物编码

Lloyds TSB 的account number是8位还是10位,谢谢!

Lloyds TSB是一家英国银行。英国银行account number 一般都是8位数。银行的 sort code是6位数。

iban number意思是什么

iban number的中文意思是:国际银行帐号号码(International Bank Account number)。number的意思是号码;数量;数字;总计;编号;编号;把...算作。IBAN是指国际银行帐户号码,是由欧洲银行标准委员会按照其标准制定的一个银行帐户号码。 扩展资料   iban是什么意思   IBAN,是指国际银行帐户号码(The International Bank Account Number),通常简称IBAN,是由欧洲银行标准委员会(European Committee for Banking Standards,简称 ECBS)按照其标准制定的一个银行帐户号码。   参加ECBS的会员国的银行帐户号码都有一个对应杜IBAN号码。可以联系你的开户行获取IBAN号码。IBAN号码最多是34位字符串。   IBAN的编号规定包括国别代码+银行代码+地区+账户人账号+校验码,当在欧元区未使用IBAN账号时,会被额外收取人工干预费。中国的银行是没有IBAN号码的,IBAN只适用于欧洲。此码没有SWIFT CODE普遍。   境外汇款的流程:   1、汇款货币及金额(阿拉伯数字)。   2、收款人姓名及地址。   3、收款人在开户银行的账号。   4、收款人开户银行名称、SWIFT代码或地址。   iban和swift有什么区别   1、意义上的.区别   Swift Code 是银行代码,BAN是国际银行标准帐号。   2、拼写方面的区别   Swift Code由9个英文组成。BAN由3个英文组成。   SWIFT是环球银行电信协会(Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication)的英文简称。   SWIFT Code是由该协会提出并被国际标准化组织(International Organization for Standardization,缩写ISO)通过的银行识别代码,其原名是BIC (Bank Indentifier Code),但是BIC这个名字意思太泛,担心有人理解成别的银行识别代码系统,故渐渐大家约定俗成地把BIC叫作SWIFT Code了。   该号相当于各个银行的身份证号。每个银行(包括每个分行、支行)都有一个代码,是由银行名称的英文缩写和总行所在地的英文缩写(也有用数字加字母表示某城市的)以及该分行所在地的代码(字母、数字或混合)组成。

如何查找我的工行bank account number?

可以联系开户行或需查询银行获取IBAN号码。IBAN号码最多是34位字符串。 IBAN 国际银行帐户号码(The International Bank Account Number),通常简称IBAN,是由欧洲银行标准委员会( European Committee for Banking Standards,简称 ECBS)按照其标准制定的一个银行帐户号码。参加ECBS的会员国的银行帐户号码都有一个对应的IBAN号码。 IBAN的编号规定包括国别代码+银行代码+地区+账户人账号+校验码,当在欧元区未使用IBAN账号时,会被额外收取人工干预费。 (注:中国的银行是没有IBAN号码的;好像IBAN只适用于欧洲,美国的银行也没有的)

Beneficiary Account Number是什么意思


汇款时为什么需要填写sort code和account number

sort code 是英国的银行代码,是为了让汇款清算系统准确而快速地清楚这笔钱是汇到哪家银行的。account number 是账号,也就是收款人账户的账号,是为了让收款银行准确地把钱存到你指定的账户中去。这两个都是需要填写的。

account number和Bank account 有什么区别吗?

account number账户号码Bank account 银行账号



account number是什么意思

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:...account number 账号

account number什么意思


account number/ibanb 中文是什么意思

account number英 [u0259u02c8kaunt u02c8nu028cmbu0259] 美 [u0259u02c8kau028ant u02c8nu028cmbu025a] 账号例句1.I have the bank"s name and account number here. 我这里有那边银行的名称和帐户号码。2.There has been a change in the computer system to my apartment and I need an account number. 我所在部门对电脑系统做了一次变动,我需要一个帐号。

account number和card number为什么不一样


"account number"是什么意思?

accountnumber的中文意思是:帐号,accountnumber的英式发音为[əˈkauntˈnʌmbə],美式发音为[əˈkaʊntˈnʌmbɚ]。拓展资料 accountnumber的用法1、Ihavethebank"snameandaccountnumberhere. 我这里有那边银行的名称和帐户号码。2、TherehasbeenachangeinthecomputersystemtomyapartmentandIneedanaccountnumber. 我所在部门对电脑系统做了一次变动,我需要一个帐号。3、Here"sthenameandaccountnumberofmybankinswitzerland. 这是我在瑞士银行开的户名和帐号。4、Youwillbegivennine-digitaccountnumber. 你将得到一个九位数的账号。5、WhatifIlosttrackofmyaccountnumber? 如果我丢了我帐户的号码怎么办?6、MayIhaveyourbankcardoryoursavingsaccountnumber,please? 我可以看您的银行卡或告诉我您的储蓄账号吗?7、Thisscreendisplayscreditcardinformationaccessedbyaccountnumber. 这个屏幕显示了按帐号访问的信用卡的信息。8、Forexample,useasortcodeandbankaccountnumbertoaccessacustomer?sprofile.例如,使用排序代码和银行账户号码访问客户的简介。

请问 I think you have the wrong number啥意思?

I think you have the wrong number的翻译是: 我想你打错号码了.

You must have the wrong number

You must have dialed the wrong number.

mingming( )a wrong number怎么做

dialsmingming( dials ) a wrong number

you got the Wrong Number是什么意思?

你弄错了一个数字 got这里意思有点模糊 没上下文 可能是指输入错了 或者返回了一个错误的数字

这个东方神起的wrong number是哪个live?

SBS 人气歌谣

call the wrong number 可以吗?

1. 用call是可以的2. Please take good care of yourself and hope you get better soon!

神起的wrong number


东方神起《WRONG NUMBER》中俊秀的车是什么牌的??


Sorry,wrong number.怎么回答?

Sorry, wrong number. 这句话通常是别人打错电话,你对别人说的。

call the wrong number 可以吗

最好不要吧,查了一下至少有三种说【打错了】中的【打】【dial】【have】【got】书面用【dial】吧。或者直接说wrong number得了。我看你好像打错了。I afraid you have the wrong number. B: 对不起,您打错了。Mr. B: I"m sorry, you"ve dialed the wrong number. 你打错了.噢......这是234-5678吗?You have got the wrong number.( this 234-5678?) 搜狐公司?对不起,我打错了。I"m sorry, I"ve got the wrong number. 对不起,我打错了。Sorry, I am at fault. 打错了?你确定吗?我昨天打这个号码她还在呢。Wrong number?Are you sure?I called yesterday and she was there.

水树奈奈《恋の抑止力》和神起《为什么会喜欢上你》《wrong number》歌词

《恋の抑止力》中日歌词:罗马音《为什么会喜欢上你》中日歌词+罗马音《wrong number》中日歌词+罗马音若看不懂繁体字 请自行转换简体 用google翻译 ^_________^

东方神起wrong number的拍摄地?


神起4辑里有花花的第一次RAP是wrong number那首歌吗?

Wrong number 一天要打12通电话来确认 可是怎么都打不通的时候,起了疑心的你留下了短信 " " “这个时候究竟在和谁打电话” 制造出这样一个不存在女人假像的你,让我觉得窒息 Yeah- "" 把我囚禁在所谓的“爱”里 No 不停的说着无聊的废话 No , I Said 想把你删除,再也不在我的电话上出现你的号码,I Said *You Got The Wrong Number You Got The Wrong Number I"m Sorry. You Got The Wrong Number So Don"t Call Me No More 你就好像妈妈一样,知道我一整天的事 在哪里和谁干了什么,对我又不安又相信 "" 不要再用“关心”这样的词来辩解 过往的束缚使得爱变得更加痛苦 . What to Say 被挂断的电话里,差点就要听到“在干嘛” What to Say *Repeat X2 ! 全部删掉,全部换掉! . 记录着你我的数字和密码 即使是每次显示我的名字时,响起的铃都会使你哭泣 ! Reset Reset 这些全部都要删掉!Reset Reset RAP- wow wow 快要疯掉了,想要让你接近 fish ? Cash 做你那些养在水里,像傻瓜一样的FISH也不行?CASH 你的爱让我身心具疲,我今天的头好痛 又一次出现幻听 . 装作关心我,装作为我好。我只是你一个人的傀儡而已 No 在“NO”的声音中,没有必要忍气吞声 say 放开在你怀中的我吧 SAY say 救救可以摆脱你的我吧 SAY 为了不再和你开始,我要逃去远方 *Repeat 你是我的歌 闭上眼睛去聆听传来的声音 你的心灵,你的小想法 因为我心里的杂音,好像都听不见了 对不起,对不起 history Because 流泪的时光现在已经成为HISTORY,不要担心BECAUSE *You"re my melody *You"re my melody 我要把你演奏 On & O*You"re my melody n ( and on & on & on ) 你是我的歌,我生命的音轨 我爱你,我的人生舞台因你而展开 再唱一遍好吗,你是我的歌 I"m sorry 不愿再说I"m sorry这样的话 强烈的自尊心,多得让心变得艰难 在我的灵魂枯竭的时候,在一切分崩离析的时候 来我身边好吗? Because 悲伤的时光也会像歌声一样结束的,Because **It"s your love, your love ( and on & on & on ) 让我明白爱 你是我的节奏,我生命的礼物 一直一直在身边成为一个美丽的梦 再唱一遍好吗,你是我的歌 sad love songs 数不清的sad love songs 好像唱的都是我们 这一刻守在我身边的你 比任何东西都要珍贵 闭上眼睛,聆听传来声音 现在开始歌唱你的心灵 对呀

东方神起wrong number的那段RAP的歌词

RAP>wow ubbf8uccd0ubc84ub9acuaca0ub2e4 ub2e5uccd0uc8fcuae38 uc6d0ud588ub2e4 RAP>wow mi-cheo-beo-ri-get-tta dak-cheo-ju-gil won-haet-ttaRAP>wow 快疯了 想要你闭嘴 ub108uc758 uadf8ubb3c uc18duc5d0 ubc14ubcf4 uac19uc740 fish uc774uac78ub85cub294 uc548ub3fc? Cash neo-ui geu-mul so-ge ba-bo ga-teun fish i-geol-lo-neun an-dwae? Cash在你那水中像傻瓜一样的fish不能吗? Cash ub108uc758 uc0acub791uc774 ub0b4 uc0b4uc744 ub3c4ub824ub0b4 uc544ub828ud574 neo-ui sa-rang-i nae sa-reul do-ryeo-nae a-ryeon-hae你的爱情不明了地消除我的堰 uc624ub298 ub098 uba38ub9acuac00 uc544ud30c uc640 ub610 ub2e4uc2dc ud658uccaduc774 ub4e4ub824uc640 o-neul na meo-ri-ga a-pa wa tto da-si hwan-cheong-i deul-lyeo-wa今天我的头疼导致产生了幻觉 uad00uc2ec uc788ub294 ucc99 ub0a0 uc704ud55c ucc99. uc774ub77cub294 uacf3uc5d0 ub09c uadf8ub300ub9ccuc758 uaf2dub450uac01uc2dc gwan-sim in-neun cheok nal wi-han cheok. i-ra-neun go-se nan geu-dae-ma-nui kkok-ttu-gak-ssi假装对我关心 在这里我是只属于你的木偶 Noub77cub294 uc18cub9acuc5d0 ubaa8ub4e0 uc228uc744 uc8fduc77c ud544uc694uac00 uc5c6ub294ub370 No ra-neun so-ri-e mo-deun su-meul ju-gil pi-ryo-ga eom-neun-de没有必要以一句No断绝所有呼吸 ub2c8 ud488uc5d0 uc788ub294 ub0a0 ub193uc544uc918 say ni pu-me in-neun nal no-a-jwo say把我从你的怀中释放 say ubc97uc5b4ub0a0 uc218 uc788uac8c ub0a0 ub3c4uc640uc918 say ub2e4uc2dc uc2dcuc791ud560 uc218 uc5c6uc744 ub9ccud07c ub108ubb34 uba40ub9ac uc640ubc84ub838uc5b4 beo-seo-nal su it-kke nal do-wa-jwo say da-si si-ja-kal su eop-sseul man-keum neo-mu meol-li wa-beo-ryeo-sseo请帮助我逃脱 say 无法再次重新开始 已经走得太远了

新概念二no wrong number什么意思

这里涉及 到 文言文知识无……之虞 是 没有……方面担心的意思;--收录与新概念二Lesson 5 No wrong number 《新概念英语》(New Concept English)作为享誉全球的最为经典地道的英语教材,以其严密的体系性、严谨的科学性,精湛的实用性,浓郁的趣味性深受英语学习者的青睐,《新概念英语》在中国有40多年的历史,每年有数百万学习者,早已成为英语学习者的必选读物。




这是由于您输入的格式不正确,请输入正确的格式:**133*86区号和对方号码#。如正确输入,仍显示“Sorry,wrongnumber”,则是您拨打的号码未在此服务开通范围内。请使用“+86加对方号码”拨打国内电话。谢谢您对电信产品的关注,祝您生活愉快。 如果以上信息没有解决您的问题,也可登录广东电信手机商城企业知道平台,向在线客服求助!

wrong number英文版歌词 在这里有的找~ wrong number是phraseddifferently 作曲的~ 在 news 那里最下面可以找到 神起的日文名字的罗马拼音TOHO SHINKI

我在使用**133业务拨打电话时,手机上显示“Sorry,wrong number”,这是什么原因?

空号 的意思

神起的wrong number讲的是什么故事


wrong number

什么东西 我都不懂

《wrong number》,《你是我的歌》,《被遗忘的季节》的罗马歌词。~~

酷狗自己找把, 这玩意不好弄,

求wrong number(无此号码)- oneway英文歌词!

Just one of those days When everything passes by You realizeHere"s my side of the story I"m still right here一整天都在想着你今天我也仍然在等待打开了电话无论怎么找却只有空号One 走向我的你Two 曾一起聊过的话题Three 我仍然记得那晚 Hold On 你是否已经把我忘记Wait wait wait 在我脑海中Oh you you you 在我的手机里Oh no no no 又再次喝得烂醉我胡乱按着那错误的号码Every time I think of you究竟是否我真的记错试着回忆那已经陌生的嗓音Baby girl I"m missing you你现在到底身在何方留给我的只有那个空号如果有未接电话打来那会不会是你呢听到有短信息的声音我的心会扑通扑通脑海里总是萦绕着你的身影实在令人混乱 You"re driving crazy我在等着你(我在等着你)却一直没有联络(没有联络)怀着试一试的心情拨通电话Wait wait wait 在我脑海中Oh you you you 在我的手机里Oh no no no 又再次喝得烂醉我就像个傻瓜般在等着你Every time I think of you究竟是否我真的记错试着回忆那已经陌生的嗓音Baby girl I"m missing you你现在到底身在何方留给我的只有那个空号想着也许会再次碰面(我今天仍待在这里)怀着总能见你一面的错觉我一整天也要数十次地想念着你 后悔着想要见到你愤慨之后总是会想起 我看过的你那让我深深沦陷的笑脸猜想着那是你只对我展露的笑容仅仅几秒我就因为你的存在而疯狂Oh damn 我们曾经真的很相配不知不觉就继续和对方交谈起来耳中的悄悄话 甜美的whispering and 可是 等等 did I get your number? I can"t remember我也不自觉地站住开始发呆忽然想起却没能问出口 你的联络方式也没能将我的电话号码告诉你Every time I think of you究竟是否我真的记错试着回忆那已经陌生的嗓音Baby girl I"m missing you你现在到底身在何方留给我的只有那个空号

东方神起四辑的Wrong number原唱歌词

歌手:the cureLime green lime green and tangerine The sickly sweet colors of the snakes i"m seeing Lime green, and tangerine The sickly sweet colors of the devil in my dreams. Lime green lime green and tangerine The sickly sweet colors of the snakes i"m seeing Lime green, and tangerine The sickly sweet colors of the devil in my dreams. It gets to Friday i give you a call "You know, I"m getting kind of worried No she doesn抰 seem herself at all... Lime green A sickly kind of orange I"ve never seen her like this before" I had the best laid plans this side of America Starting at a church and finish with Angelica A red and blue soul with a snow white smile Can you dig it? can you dig it? can you dig it? I had the best laid plans this side of America Starting at a church and finish with Angelica And now i dig it in the dirt And i"ll be down here for awhile Down here for awhile You"ve got to make up your mind and make it soon Is there room in your life for one more trip to the moon? Is there room in your life for one more.. Burn red, burn red, burn red, burn red and gold The deep dark colors of the snakes i hold Burn red, burn red, burn red and gold The deep dark colors of the devil at home "She pulls me down just as i"m trying to hide Grabs me by the hair and drags me outside And starts digging in the dirt for a not so early bird It"s the only way for her to the worm..." I had the best laid plans this side of America Starting at a church and finish with Angelica A red and blue soul with a snow white smile Can you dig it? can you dig it? can you dig it? I had the best laid plans this side of America Starting at a church and finish with Angelica And now i dig it in the dirt And i"ll be down here for awhile "Hello? Are you still there?" "Hello? Hello? Are you still there?" Much too late... "Sorry, wrong number" "I"m sorry you have the wrong number" "Yeah, sorry wrong number..." 希望你能满意~~~

Wrong Number 歌词

歌曲名:Wrong Number歌手:Kate Pruitt专辑:Go BackOneway (eh)Here"s my number don"t forget it!Oneway - Wrong Number

Wrong Number 歌词

歌曲名:Wrong Number歌手:群星专辑:几米向左走,向右走音乐剧原声带Phrased Differently - Wrong Number (English Version)

《Wrong Number》的韩语歌词和译音

wrong number 打印此页 歌手:doobie brothers 专辑:cycles Tom Johnston Telephone down the hall Dark and dusty on a dirty wall Funky number scratched up above Call this number if you need some love Another number that"s hard to read Fools "round here call it endlessly Doobie Brothers But I know better, just leave it alone Sugar man sellin" dreams on the phone Oh oh oh oh oh oh wrong number Don"t cha do it, no don"t cha do it Oh oh oh oh oh oh wrong number Don"t cha do it, no don"t cha do it Oh oh that sugar it ain"t worth the price Another day out in the streets The rollers drag another man to his feet Sugar man puts a cross on his wall Oh oh oh oh oh oh wrong number Don"t cha do it, no don"t cha do it Oh oh oh oh oh oh wrong number Don"t cha do it, no don"t cha do it Oh oh that sugar it ain"t worth the price They keep on callin" the man day and night Mercedes pulls up, they all gather "round They flash their cash as the window rolls down Then they run, run and hide Back to their room for a warm sugar ride

Wrong Number 歌词

歌曲名:Wrong Number歌手:Dizzy Gillespie专辑:Free RidePhrased Differently - Wrong Number (English Version)

Wrong Number 歌词

歌曲名:Wrong Number歌手:Timothy B. Schmit专辑:Playin" It CoolPhrased Differently - Wrong Number (English Version)

Wrong Number(Single Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Wrong Number(Single Mix)歌手:The Cure专辑:Wrong Numberlime green lime green and tangerinethe sickly sweet colors of the snakes i抦 seeinglime green, and tangerinethe sickly sweet colors of the devil in my dreams.lime green lime green and tangerinethe sickly sweet colors of the snakes i"m seeinglime green, and tangerinethe sickly sweet colors of the devil in my gets to Friday i give you a call"You know, I"m getting kind of worriedno she doesn抰 seem herself at all...lime greena sickly kind of orangei"ve never seen her like this before"i had the best laid plans this side of Americastarting at a church and finish with Angelicaa red and blue soul with a snow white smilecan you dig it? can you dig it? can you dig it?i had the best laid plans this side of Americastarting at a church and finish with Angelicaand now i dig it in the dirtand i"ll be down here for awhiledown here for awhileyou"ve got to make up your mind and make it soonis there room in your life for one more trip to the moon?is there room in your life for one more..burn red, burn red, burn red, burn red and goldthe deep dark colors of the snakes i holdburn red, burn red, burn red and goldthe deep dark colors of the devil at home"she pulls me down just as i"m trying to hidegrabs me by the hair and drags me outsideand starts digging in the dirt for a not so early birdit"s the only way for her to the worm..."i had the best laid plans this side of Americastarting at a church and finish with Angelicaa red and blue soul with a snow white smilecan you dig it? can you dig it? can you dig it?i had the best laid plans this side of Americastarting at a church and finish with Angelicaand now i dig it in the dirtand i"ll be down here for awhile"hello? are you still there?""hello? hello? are you still there?"much too late..."sorry, wrong number""i"m sorry you have the wrong number""yeah, sorry wrong number..."


[俊秀]harue yoldubonshik jonhwalgoro hwaginhago ojjoda tonghwajungiltaemyon gwaenhan uishimuro non to mesejil namgyonwa [有天]i shigane daeche nugugillae jonhwalhae itjido anhun yojal sangsanghae manduronae sumi makhil got gata Yeah- [昌珉]sa rang iraneun malyae nal gaduadoogojigyoun jansorinun sahyo to jipchagi doego No nol jiullae dashin nae jonhwae nega tuji motage I said [全体]You Got The Wrong Number You Got The Wrong Number I"m Sorry. You Got The Wrong Number So Don"t Call Me No More [允浩]machi nan eom macheoram harulda algoigoodiso nuguwa mwol halka buranhago nal wihangora to mitji [在中]gwanshimiyotdan mallo byonmyongul hajiman jinachin gusogun sarangul do apuge mandunungol kunkin jonhwae maedallimyon mwol hae dullyoonungon ponhae What To Say [全体]You Got The Wrong Number You Got The Wrong Number I"m Sorry. You Got The Wrong Number So Don"t Call Me No More You Got The Wrong Number You Got The Wrong Number na galsugaobso ‘m Sorry. You Got The Wrong Number So Don"t Call Me No More [俊秀]da jiwoborin da bakwoborin nowa nal giokhago innun sutja, bimilbonho onjerado nae irumi tul taemada ullidon noui belsori [昌珉]modu dajiwo Reset Reset [Rap] [在中]Wow michyoborigetda dakchyojugil wonhaetda noui gumulsoge babogatun Fish igollonun andwae? Cash noui sarangi nae sarul doryonae aryonhae onul na moriga apawa to dashi hwanchongi dullyowa [允浩]gwanshiminnun chok nal wihanchok iranun gose nan gudaemanui kokdugakshi Noranun sorie modun sumul jugil pillyoga omnunde ni pume innun nal nohajwo Say boso nal su itge nal dowajwo Say dashi shijak hal su obsulmankum nomu molli waboryoso [全体]You Got The Wrong Number You Got The Wrong Number I"m Sorry. You Got The Wrong Number So Don"t Call Me No More [在中]ijen bosonago shipunde [全体]You Got The Wrong Number You Got The Wrong Number [有天]dashin jonhwahajima [全体]You Got The Wrong Number You Got The Wrong Number [昌珉]do nal saranghajima [全体]I"m Sorry. You Got The Wrong Number I"m Sorry. You Got The Wrong Number So Don"t Call Me No More So Don"t Call Me No More [俊秀]jebal dowajwo gumankum nodo [全体]Wrong Number. Wrong Number I"m Sorry. You Got The Wrong Number I"m Sorry. You Got The. You Got The I"m Sorry. You Got The. So Don"t Call Me No More

《Wrong number》里在中RAP的是哪一句歌词?


This is a wrong number.Please check up and take t


东方神起wrong number音译歌词(中文)

harue yoldubonshik jonhwalgoro hwaginhago ojjoda tonghwajungiltaemyon gwaenhan uishimuro non to mesejil namgyonwa i shigane daeche nugugillae jonhwalhae itjido anhun yojal sangsanghae manduronae sumi makhil got gata Yeah- jigyoun jansorinun sahyo to jipchagi doego No nol jiullae dashin nae jonhwae nega tuji motage I said You Got The Wrong Number You Got The Wrong Number I"m Sorry. You Got The Wrong Number So Don"t Call Me No More odiso nuguwa mwol halka buranhago nal wihangora to mitji gwanshimiyotdan mallo byonmyongul hajiman jinachin gusogun sarangul do apuge mandunungol kunkin jonhwae maedallimyon mwol hae dullyoonungon ponhae What To Say You Got The Wrong Number You Got The Wrong Number I"m Sorry. You Got The Wrong Number So Don"t Call Me No More You Got The Wrong Number You Got The Wrong Number na galsugaobso ‘m Sorry. You Got The Wrong Number So Don"t Call Me No More da jiwoborin da bakwoborin nowa nal giokhago innun sutja, bimilbonho onjerado nae irumi tul taemada ullidon noui belsori modu dajiwo Reset Reset [Rap] Wow michyoborigetda dakchyojugil wonhaetda noui gumulsoge babogatun Fish igollonun andwae? Cash noui sarangi nae sarul doryonae aryonhae onul na moriga apawa to dashi hwanchongi dullyowa gwanshiminnun chok nal wihanchok iranun gose nan gudaemanui kokdugakshi Noranun sorie modun sumul jugil pillyoga omnunde ni pume innun nal nohajwo Say boso nal su itge nal dowajwo Say dashi shijak hal su obsulmankum nomu molli waboryoso You Got The Wrong Number You Got The Wrong Number I"m Sorry. You Got The Wrong Number So Don"t Call Me No More ijen bosonago shipunde You Got The Wrong Number You Got The Wrong Number dashin jonhwahajima You Got The Wrong Number You Got The Wrong Number do nal saranghajima I"m Sorry. You Got The Wrong Number I"m Sorry. You Got The Wrong Number So Don"t Call Me No More So Don"t Call Me No More jebal dowajwo gumankum nodo Wrong Number. Wrong Number I"m Sorry. You Got The Wrong Number I"m Sorry. You Got The. You Got The I"m Sorry. You Got The. So Don"t Call Me No More

Wrong Number 歌词

歌曲名:Wrong Number歌手:The Doobie Brothers专辑:Cycleslime green lime green and tangerinethe sickly sweet colors of the snakes i抦 seeinglime green, and tangerinethe sickly sweet colors of the devil in my dreams.lime green lime green and tangerinethe sickly sweet colors of the snakes i"m seeinglime green, and tangerinethe sickly sweet colors of the devil in my gets to Friday i give you a call"You know, I"m getting kind of worriedno she doesn抰 seem herself at all...lime greena sickly kind of orangei"ve never seen her like this before"i had the best laid plans this side of Americastarting at a church and finish with Angelicaa red and blue soul with a snow white smilecan you dig it? can you dig it? can you dig it?i had the best laid plans this side of Americastarting at a church and finish with Angelicaand now i dig it in the dirtand i"ll be down here for awhiledown here for awhileyou"ve got to make up your mind and make it soonis there room in your life for one more trip to the moon?is there room in your life for one more..burn red, burn red, burn red, burn red and goldthe deep dark colors of the snakes i holdburn red, burn red, burn red and goldthe deep dark colors of the devil at home"she pulls me down just as i"m trying to hidegrabs me by the hair and drags me outsideand starts digging in the dirt for a not so early birdit"s the only way for her to the worm..."i had the best laid plans this side of Americastarting at a church and finish with Angelicaa red and blue soul with a snow white smilecan you dig it? can you dig it? can you dig it?i had the best laid plans this side of Americastarting at a church and finish with Angelicaand now i dig it in the dirtand i"ll be down here for awhile"hello? are you still there?""hello? hello? are you still there?"much too late..."sorry, wrong number""i"m sorry you have the wrong number""yeah, sorry wrong number..."

求东方神起《wrong number》《are you a good girl》中文音译歌词

[00:01.04][ar:东方神起(TOHOSHINKI)][00:02.48][ti:魔女(恶女)(Are you a good girl?)][00:04.37][al:Vol.4-MIROTIC][00:08.12]One two three four~~[00:28.44]【Hero】ji yo tang lo wa tang na nun ma do jio nun lo[00:35.87]【Micky】gong jia um mo tei yin no un na nun jio un nei[00:43.24]【Max】jiong gi do na ye gi man qu nei kio nan jio an gen ji[00:50.69]【Xiah】hang pian nei gi ka ri si ma<christmas> ka tun gei o nun ji Oh~ho~~[00:58.04]【All】(Are are are)Are you A Good girl (good girl)~~[01:03.16]【Micky】no ye nei ga gan na-ye soo ong nun Girl~~[01:05.37](Are are are)Are you A Good girl (good girl)~~[01:10.65]【Micky】ma mu no mu ga nei ga mo chan Girl~~[01:12.85]【Max】qi xi nun da hei dun mo kio nun ji yang nun do[01:20.35]【Xiah】so da bu o no jia dei ma jiu ma ji yang nun do[01:27.59]【Hero】ha lu ye yo bo lin qia jio soo kin mai dun lo[01:34.95]【U-Know】na mu do yo bo leo to ga gin dun oh gu lo[01:42.59]【Max】ka jianm gu den nei ye ga tun sa lang yi pan don(un)[01:46.07]nei jia nai[01:49.70]【Xiah】yi nun gu dei lu ei ma nun yin-jio-un-su ong nun ji[01:57.18]【All】(Are are are)Are you A Good girl (good girl)~~[02:02.34]【U-Know】no ye nei ga gan na-ye soo ong nun Girl~~[02:04.50](Are are are)Are you A Good girl (good girl)~~[02:09.77]【U-Know】ma mu no mu ga nei ga mo chan Girl~~[02:11.81](Are are are)Are you A Good girl (good girl)~~[02:17.06]【U-Know】na lin kei mai du qi ang lin dei qia Girl~~[02:19.21](Are are are)Are you A Good girl (good girl)~~[02:24.48]【U-Know】yi nun sa lang han su ma gei ong nun Girl~~[02:26.69]【Hero】Return to love~~ qiong man go ang soo jia mi[02:30.90]【Max】(ong ni nei(gei)qio gi su do yi yo kei)[02:34.03]【Xiah】qie xi man nun pei lio da ka dong qio gi nang mio[02:38.11]【Max】mo gu mei yong gio mi ga su sa gong jio na[03:03.74].Rap.【U-Know】对于周遭别人的视线,你也是如此的在意[03:07.27]可以不要那么复杂般的,自由地对待我好吗[03:10.90]无论如何我也是对你狂热的Big fan~~[03:14.22]从不觉得我可以胜过你,在我们之间你是女王[03:18.34]【All】(Are are are)Are you A Good girl (good girl)~~[03:23.56]【Micky】no ye nei ga gan na-ye soo ong nun Girl~~[03:25.56](Are are are)Are you A Good girl (good girl)~~[03:30.99]【Micky】ma mu no mu ga nei ga mo chan Girl~~[03:32.99]【Max】qi xi nun da hei dun mo kio nun ji yang nun do[03:40.46]【Xiah】so da bu o no jia dei ma jiu ma ji yang nun do[03:45.31]【U-Know】qio dei lo mang jio a ji ang nun lo[03:52.22]Get funny~[03:53.32]Get get get funny~[03:59.68]Get funny~[04:00.84]Get get get funny~[04:05.81][ar:东方神起(TOHOSHINKI)][ti:Wrong Number][al:Vol.4-MIROTIC][00:15.32]【Xiah】ha lo ei yang to pon xi qio nai go(nong) wang yi nai gong(wa)[00:18.89]qio da tong ma jio yi dai miong gui na nei xi mo lo[00:23.56]nong ton mai san jiong lang giong lang[00:29.98]【Micky】yi xi ga lin ku qai nu gu gi li gio nai dai[00:33.68]yi jin nun wa nun mio do sa sang ye(un) ma du long nai[00:38.17]sun yin ma kei gio ga ta Yeah~~[00:43.67]【Max】sang lang gi lu ma lang[00:45.35]nang ka(dun) dun go qi go(un) qiang soo lin(un) sa ye go ji qia ji dun go[00:50.71]un no na gei un lei ta xin nun qio na ye mi ga tue ji mo ta ye I said~~[00:57.88]【All】You got the wrong number[01:01.47]You got the wrong number[01:04.54]I"m sorry. You got the wrong number[01:07.20]So don"t call me no more[01:13.46]【U-Know】ma ji nong ong ma qie long ha lv da a go wei go[01:17.30]ong ji soo mon gu wa mo la ga po na nang go[01:21.78]na wei yang go nang go mi ji[01:27.17]【Hero】ti kuang xi mio ten mang lo kio mio nei hang ji ma[01:30.96]jin lang jin go so(un) sa lang(un) to wa pun gei mang do nun go[01:35.69]qin gi qio na ye mei dang lin nio mo hei to lio lin(nun) gong bo hei What to say~~[01:41.49]【All】You got the wrong number[01:45.12]You got the wrong number[01:48.20]I"m sorry. You got the wrong number[01:50.96]So don"t call me no more[01:56.19]You got the wrong number[01:59.63]You got the wrong number(【Max】na kei sun gang o soo)[02:02.98]I"m sorry. You got the wrong number[02:05.38]So don"t call me no more[02:11.21]【Xiah】ta ji wo bo li ta pon go bo li qi yo kun in do soo jia pin pi bo lo[02:18.75]ong jie lv do mei gi nun bi tun ten ma ga pun li to~~~[02:24.29]no ye pi so li~~[02:28.44]mo dun la qi wo Reset Reset~~[02:31.62]RAP【Hero,U-Know】:WOW 我已经快疯了 我希望你给我闭嘴[02:35.21]在你的网中 像傻瓜一样的fish 这样的话不行?cash[02:38.37]你的爱让我的生命变得模糊[02:41.90]今天我的头好痛 又一次出现幻听[02:46.11]装作关心 装作为我 在这里我只是你的木偶[02:49.71]说NO并不费尽全部力气[02:53.48]放过在你怀里的我say 帮我可以逃离吧say[02:57.02]我要远离 让我不会再次碰到你[02:59.83]【All】You got the wrong number[03:03.25]You got the wrong number[03:06.42]I"m sorry. You got the wrong number[03:09.16]So don"t call me no more(【Micky】yi ji bo so nun go xin pun nei)[03:14.43]You got the wrong number(ga xin jia ma ha jin na)[03:17.88]You got the wrong number(【Max】to le sang lang ang ji ma)[03:21.12]I"m sorry. You got the wrong number[03:23.44]So don"t call me no more(【Xiah】qie ba no wa jio kun mang kun no jio)[03:29.74]wrong number(Ho yeah~~),wrong number[03:35.50]I"m sorry. You got the wrong number[03:42.78]I"m sorry. You got the. You got the[03:50.10]I"m sorry. You got the. So don"t call me no more[03:57.92]我复制的人家做的lrc,不过他是音标的~

哪位亲可以给我发一下survivor wrong number 咒文英文版歌词啊?不胜感激啊!

survivorAre you even awake?Do u know just what I"m talking bout?What did I just saidBoy dun even get me start it nowHe"s always playing video gamesI"m forgetting his nameI"m having a conversation with myself nowI"m taking it outsideIt makes me wanna scream!Damn! I"m talking to a brickwall!Damn! Damn! I"m talking to a brickwallIf he didn"t listen to the words I"m sayingDamn! Damn! It"s like talking to a brickwallCan u get off the couch?I"m getting sick of hearing my own voiceU dun open your mouthI"m gonna have to make a louder noiseMaybe I should click my fingers, break some windowsAnything to gain your attention and let u knowI"m taking it outsidemakes me wanna scream!Damn! I"m talking to a brickwall!Damn! Damn! I"m talking to a brickwallIf he didn"t listen to the words I"m sayingDamn! Damn! It"s like talking to a brickwallmakes me wanna scream!Damn! I"m talking to a brickwall!Damn! Damn! I"m talking to a brickwallIf he didn"t listen to the words I"m sayingDamn! Damn! It"s like talking to a brickwalllike talking to a brickwallIt"s like talking to a brickwallIt"s scream so loudcan u leave me can you hear me nowmakes me wanna scream!Damn! I"m talking to a brickwall!Damn! Damn! I"am talking to aIf he didn"t listen to the words I"m sayingDamn! Damn! It"s like talking to a brickwallmake me wanna screamdame I"m talking to a brickwall!Damn! Damn! I"m talking to a brickwallIf he didn"t listen to the words I"m sayingDamn! Damn! It"s like talking to a brickwallWrong Numberud558ub8e8uc5d0 uc5f4ub450ubc88uc529 uc804ud65cuac78uc5b4 ud655uc778ud558uace0uc5b4uca4cub2e4 ud1b5ud654uc911uc77cub54cuba74 uad1cud55c uc758uc2ecuc73cub85cub10c ub610 uba54uc138uc9c8 ub0a8uaca8ub194uc774 uc2dcuac04uc5d0 ub300uccb4 ub204uad6cuae38ub798 uc804ud65cud574uc788uc9c0ub3c4 uc54auc740 uc5ecuc798 uc0c1uc0c1ud574 ub9ccub4e4uc5b4ub0b4uc228uc774 ub9c9ud790 uac83 uac19uc544 Yeah-uc0acub791uc774ub77cub294 ub9d0uc5d0 ub0a0 uac00ub46cub450uace0uc9c0uaca8uc6b4 uc794uc18cub9acub294 uc313uc5ec ub610 uc9d1ucc29uc774 ub418uace0 Noub110 uc9c0uc6b8ub798 ub2e4uc2e0 ub0b4 uc804ud654uc5d0 ub124uac00 ub728uc9c0 ubabbud558uac8c I saidYou Got The Wrong NumberYou Got The Wrong NumberI"m Sorry. You Got The Wrong NumberSo Don"t Call Me No Moreub9c8uce58 ub10c uc5c4ub9c8ucc98ub7fc ud558ub8f0 ub2e4 uc54cuace0uc788uace0uc5b4ub514uc11c ub204uad6cuc640 ubb58 ud560uae4c ubd88uc548ud558uace0ub0a0 uc704ud55cuac70ub77c ub610 ubbffuc9c0uad00uc2ecuc774uc600ub2e8 ub9d0ub85c ubcc0uba85uc744 ud558uc9c0ub9ccuc9c0ub098uce5c uad6cuc18duc740 uc0acub791uc744 ub354 uc544ud504uac8c ub9ccub4dcub294uac78ub04auae34 uc804ud654uc5d0 ub9e4ub2ecub9acuba74 ubb58 ud574 ub4e4ub824uc624ub294uac74 ubed4ud574 What To SayYou Got The Wrong NumberYou Got The Wrong NumberI"m Sorry. You Got The Wrong NumberSo Don"t Call Me No MoreYou Got The Wrong NumberYou Got The Wrong Number(ub098 uac08uc218uac00uc5c6uc5b4)I"m Sorry. You Got The Wrong NumberSo Don"t Call Me No Moreub2e4 uc9c0uc6ccubc84ub9b0 ub2e4 ubc14uafd4ubc84ub9b0ub108uc640 ub0a0 uae30uc5b5ud558uace0 uc788ub294 uc22buc790, ube44ubc00ubc88ud638uc5b8uc81cub77cub3c4 ub0b4 uc774ub984uc774 ub730 ub54cub9c8ub2e4 uc6b8ub9acub358 ub108uc758 ubca8uc18cub9acubaa8ub450 ub2e4uc9c0uc6cc Reset ResetRap) Wow ubbf8uccd0ubc84ub9acuaca0ub2e4 ub2e5uccd0uc8fcuae38 uc6d0ud588ub2e4ub108uc758 uadf8ubb3cuc18duc5d0 ubc14ubcf4uac19uc740 Fish uc774uac78ub85cub294 uc548ub3fc? Cashub108uc758 uc0acub791uc774 ub0b4 uc0b4uc744 ub3c4ub824ub0b4 uc544ub828ud574uc624ub298 ub098 uba38ub9acuac00 uc544ud30cuc640 ub610 ub2e4uc2dc ud658uccaduc774 ub4e4ub824uc640uad00uc2ecuc788ub294 ucc99 ub0a0 uc704ud55cucc99 uc774ub77cub294 uacf3uc5d0 ub09c uadf8ub300ub9ccuc758 uaf2dub450uac01uc2dcNoub77cub294 uc18cub9acuc5d0 ubaa8ub4e0 uc228uc744 uc8fduc77c ud544uc694uac00 uc5c6ub294ub370ub2c8 ud488uc5d0 uc788ub294 ub0a0 ub193uc544uc918 Sayubc97uc5b4 ub0a0 uc218 uc788uac8c ub0a0 ub3c4uc640uc918 Sayub2e4uc2dc uc2dcuc791 ud560 uc218 uc5c6uc744ub9ccud07c ub108ubb34 uba40ub9ac uc640ubc84ub838uc5b4You Got The Wrong NumberYou Got The Wrong NumberI"m Sorry. You Got The Wrong NumberSo Don"t Call Me No Moreuc774uc820 ubc97uc5b4ub098uace0 uc2f6uc740ub370You Got The Wrong Numberub2e4uc2e0 uc804ud654ud558uc9c0ub9c8You Got The Wrong Numberub354 ub0a0 uc0acub791ud558uc9c0ub9c8I"m Sorry. You Got The Wrong NumberSo Don"t Call Me No Moreuc81cubc1c ub3c4uc640uc918 uadf8ub9ccud07c ub108ub3c4Wrong Number. Wrong NumberI"m Sorry. You Got The Wrong NumberI"m Sorry. You Got The. You Got TheI"m Sorry. You Got The. So Don"t Call Me No More 咒文英文版MIROTICFrom the start, you were sweet and simply attracted to meYou"d stay always like that, you said when you first walked up to meAll the possibilities opened up Oh~What is love? What! right now it is Red OceanI"m breaking my rules again. You know it"s getting boring?You do get hurt a little bit, it"s all right Oh~* You want me, you"ve fallen for me, you"re crazy for meYou can"t break out, I got you~ Under my skinYou want me, you"ve fallen for me, you"re crazy for meYou are my slave, I got you~ Under my skinIt nests in your head, the sharp stareIt"s not me, my unmoving Chrome heartThis is your choice Oh~Flowing through your veins running through you are millions of my CrystalFinally, the end of the transformation (t/n: the end of my transformation)This must be love? Oh~* You want me, you"ve fallen for me, you"re crazy for meYou can"t break out, I got you~ Under my skinYou want me, you"ve fallen for me, you"re crazy for meYou are my slave, I got you~ Under my skinWith a single kiss~ the day revitalizing~ a powerful pullThe second kiss, it sent a blow to your heart and it feels hotYeah~ I have you! You know you got it!Yeah~ Come on! Come on! I got you- Under my skinIn your dreams i order you under my magic spellYou want to do it again, I got you~Under my skinMy devils ride, you now don"t have a place to breatheLet"s have fun now that i have you~ Under my skin* You want me, you"ve fallen for me, you"re crazy for meYou can"t break out, I got you~ Under my skinYou want me, you"ve fallen for me, you"re crazy for meYou are my slave, I got you~ Under my skin

东方神起 wrong number的中文歌词

我来回答,你给发了亲。 有的邮箱是 22841希望对你有帮助!

东方神起wrong number MV


关於wrong number 在中

凝望彩霞是俊秀创作滴 love in the ice的韩文版是昌珉填的词在中创作了爱情啊别哭有仟是爱情啊再见爱情

谁能给我wrong number 的英文版的歌词,谢谢。

bigbang的?貌似韩文版叫傻瓜,你输傻瓜 英文版直接在百度搜就有。

wrong number歌词的分工明细是什么?

Wrong number: [Xiah]ha ru eh yeol du beon ssik jeon hwal geol eo hwak in ha go eo jjeo da 【俊秀】长日中 为了确认不经意地打了12通电话 tong hwa jung il ddae myeon han ui sim eu ro neon ddo me se gil nam gyeo nwa 因为通话中无谓的疑心 你再次留下留言 " [Micky]“i si gan eh dae che nu gu gil rae jeon hwal hae” 【有天】“这段时间到底与谁通电话” it ji do anh eun yeo jal sang sang hae man deul eo nae sum i mak hil geot gatah yeah 想象中创造不存在的她 就像无法呼吸一样 yeah [Chang Min]“sa rang”i ra neun mal eh 【昌珉】“爱情”的末端 nal ga dweo du go ji gyeo un gan so ri neun ssah yeo ddo jib chak i dwi go no 我执著地不断继续着令人烦烦的唠叨 no neol ji ul rae da sin nae jeon hwa eh ne ga ddeu ji mot ha ge i said 你很清楚 我无法从电话中把你删去 i said [All]you"ve got the wrong number you"ve got the wrong number i"m sorry you"ve got the wrong number so don"t call me no more [U-Know]ma chi neon eom ma cheo reom ha rul da al go it go 【允浩】没错你就像妈妈一样都知道 eo di seo nu gu wa mwil hal gga vul an ha go nal wi han geo ra ddo mid ji 在何方与谁在做什么 一直相信你会为了我感到不安 [Jae Joong]“ gwan sim”i yeot dan mal ro byeon myeong eul 【在中】虽然“关心”的话只是借口 ha ji man ji na chin gu sok eun sa rang eul 因为过去压抑的爱 deo ah peu ge man deu neun geol 我受了更多的伤害 ggeunh gin jeon hwa eh mae dal ri myeon mwil hae deul ryeo oh neun geon bbeon hae what to say 切断的电话里 我想什么你清楚听到在干什么what to say [All]you"ve got the wrong number you"ve got the wrong number i"m sorry you"ve got the wrong number so don"t call me no more [All]you"ve got the wrong number you"ve got the wrong number ([Chang Min]na gal su ga eop seo) (【昌珉】别再打给我了) i"m sorry you"ve got the wrong number so don"t call me no more [Xiah]da ji weo beo rin([Chang Min]ji weo beo rin) 【俊秀】全都忘掉(【昌珉】都忘掉) da beo ggweo beo rin([Chang Min]beo ggweo beo rin) 全都更改掉(【昌珉】都更改掉) neo wa nal gi eok ha go it neun sut ja bib mil beon ho 你和我都都记得的数字 秘密编号 eon je ra do nae i reum i ddeul ddae ma da ul ri deon neo ui bel so ri 每当我的名字出现 把你的铃声全都忘掉! [All]mo du da ji weo reset reset 【全体】所有东西reset reset [U-Know]wow mi chyeo beo ri get da dak chyeo ju gil weon haet da 【允浩】wow 快疯了 想要你闭嘴 neo ui geu mul sok eh ba bo gateun fish i geol ro neun an dwae cash 在你那水中像傻瓜一样的fish不能吗cash neo ui sa rang i nae sal eul do ryeo nae ah ryeon hae 你的爱情不明了地消除我的堰 oh neul na meo ri ga ah pa wa ddo da si hwan cheong i deul ryeo wa 今天我的头疼导致产生了幻觉 [Micky]gwan sim it neun cheok nal wi han cheok 【有天】假装对我关心 i ra neun go se nan geu dae man ui ggok du gak si 在这里我是只属于你的木偶 no ri neun so ri eh mo deun sum eul juk il pil yo ga eop neun de 没有必要以一句No断绝所有呼吸 ni pum eh it neun nal noh ah jweo say 把我从你的怀中释放 say beo seo nal su it ge nal do wa jweo say da si si jak hal su eop eul man keum 请帮助我逃脱 say 无法再次重新开始 neo mu meol ri wa beo ryeo sseo 已经走得太远了 [All]you got the wrong number you got the wrong number i"m sorry you got the wrong number so don"t call me no more ([Jae Joong]i jen beo seo na go sipeun ne) (【在中】现在就要逃离你) [All]you got the wrong number you got the wrong number ([Micky]da sin jeon hwa ha ji ma) (【有天】别再来找我了) i"m sorry you got the wrong number ([Chang Min]deo nal sa rang ha ji ma) (【昌珉】不要再依赖一个已离去的人) so don"t call me no more ([Xiah]je bal do wa jweo geu man keum neo do) (【俊秀】拜托 让我走吧) [All]wrong number wrong number i"m sorry you got the wrong number i"m sorry you got the you got the i"m sorry you got the so don"t call me no more

wrong number的英文版(~~!!)

oppoleo 前辈素对哒.....

急~~~~东方神起wrong number歌曲链接

wrong number

求正确wrong number 英文歌词

东方神起是翻唱的Pharased Differently《Wrong Number》 歌手:Timothy B. Schmit You"re telling me this Telling me that I"m oughta hand Well maybe it"s this Maybe it"s that you don"t understand Keep on talking to me You"re loud as thunder I don"t matter baby "Cuz I think you got the wrong, wrong number You know I talk in my sleep You got me worried and weak I can"t take it "Cuz everytime that you shout Baby there ain"t no doubt Got to shake it Why can"t ya Why can"t ya let it be It brings me under You live a fantasy Don"t you think you got the wrong, wrong number I don"t mean to sound too rough But you know better I"ve had enough My telephone rings and it"s you on the line But my love"s unlisted don"t you waste my time You got the wrong number Baby check it and see Think you got the wrong number Instead of living in doubt Why don"t you figure it out Why can"t ya Why can"t ya let it be It brings me under You live in a fantasy Don"t you think you got the wrong number Baby check it and see Think you got the wrong number Instead of living in doubt Why don"t you figure it out

请问谁可以可以帮我用中文斜音翻译一下东方神起的wrong number


Wrong Number(P2P Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Wrong Number(P2P Mix)歌手:The Cure专辑:Wrong Numberlime green lime green and tangerinethe sickly sweet colors of the snakes i抦 seeinglime green, and tangerinethe sickly sweet colors of the devil in my dreams.lime green lime green and tangerinethe sickly sweet colors of the snakes i"m seeinglime green, and tangerinethe sickly sweet colors of the devil in my gets to Friday i give you a call"You know, I"m getting kind of worriedno she doesn抰 seem herself at all...lime greena sickly kind of orangei"ve never seen her like this before"i had the best laid plans this side of Americastarting at a church and finish with Angelicaa red and blue soul with a snow white smilecan you dig it? can you dig it? can you dig it?i had the best laid plans this side of Americastarting at a church and finish with Angelicaand now i dig it in the dirtand i"ll be down here for awhiledown here for awhileyou"ve got to make up your mind and make it soonis there room in your life for one more trip to the moon?is there room in your life for one more..burn red, burn red, burn red, burn red and goldthe deep dark colors of the snakes i holdburn red, burn red, burn red and goldthe deep dark colors of the devil at home"she pulls me down just as i"m trying to hidegrabs me by the hair and drags me outsideand starts digging in the dirt for a not so early birdit"s the only way for her to the worm..."i had the best laid plans this side of Americastarting at a church and finish with Angelicaa red and blue soul with a snow white smilecan you dig it? can you dig it? can you dig it?i had the best laid plans this side of Americastarting at a church and finish with Angelicaand now i dig it in the dirtand i"ll be down here for awhile"hello? are you still there?""hello? hello? are you still there?"much too late..."sorry, wrong number""i"m sorry you have the wrong number""yeah, sorry wrong number..."

Wrong Number 歌词

歌曲名:Wrong Number歌手:The Cure专辑:Greatest Hitslime green lime green and tangerinethe sickly sweet colors of the snakes i抦 seeinglime green, and tangerinethe sickly sweet colors of the devil in my dreams.lime green lime green and tangerinethe sickly sweet colors of the snakes i"m seeinglime green, and tangerinethe sickly sweet colors of the devil in my gets to Friday i give you a call"You know, I"m getting kind of worriedno she doesn抰 seem herself at all...lime greena sickly kind of orangei"ve never seen her like this before"i had the best laid plans this side of Americastarting at a church and finish with Angelicaa red and blue soul with a snow white smilecan you dig it? can you dig it? can you dig it?i had the best laid plans this side of Americastarting at a church and finish with Angelicaand now i dig it in the dirtand i"ll be down here for awhiledown here for awhileyou"ve got to make up your mind and make it soonis there room in your life for one more trip to the moon?is there room in your life for one more..burn red, burn red, burn red, burn red and goldthe deep dark colors of the snakes i holdburn red, burn red, burn red and goldthe deep dark colors of the devil at home"she pulls me down just as i"m trying to hidegrabs me by the hair and drags me outsideand starts digging in the dirt for a not so early birdit"s the only way for her to the worm..."i had the best laid plans this side of Americastarting at a church and finish with Angelicaa red and blue soul with a snow white smilecan you dig it? can you dig it? can you dig it?i had the best laid plans this side of Americastarting at a church and finish with Angelicaand now i dig it in the dirtand i"ll be down here for awhile"hello? are you still there?""hello? hello? are you still there?"much too late..."sorry, wrong number""i"m sorry you have the wrong number""yeah, sorry wrong number..."
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