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CWF 美国冷白商店光源(Cool White Fluorescent)灯管





awkward和embarrassment的意思都是 尴尬,但前者是形容词而后者是名词。


qt中对于buttons()与button()的官方介绍如下 Qt::MouseButton QMouseEvent::button () const 返回产生事件的按钮; Qt::MouseButtons QMouseEvent::buttons () const 返回产生事件的按钮状态; 前者是鼠标move事件总是返回 Qt::NoButton,后者函数...

魔兽世界插件文件夹 在INTERFACE文件夹下,ADDONS是插件,那么Buttons,ICON,Glues和CURSOR该怎么办?


dynasty carry century cycling的y哪个发音不同

Cycling 的y 发 ai 音,其余的都是i音


AWR的数据主要有两部分组成:1)保存在内存中的系统负载和性能统计数据,主要通过v$视图查询 ;2)mmon进程定期以快照(snapshot)的方式将内存中的AWR数据保存到SYSAUX表空间中,主要通过DBA_*视图访问。1. AWR快照的生成默认情况下,每隔一小时自动产生一个快照,保存最近7天的信息,可以通过以下语句查询:SQL>select SNAP_INTERVAL,RETENTION from dba_hist_wr_control;SNAP_INTERVAL RETENTION----------------------------------------------------------+00000 01:00:00.0 +00007 00:00:00.0可以通过以下语句修改时间间隔和保存时间(以分钟为单位):exec dbms_workload_repository.modify_snapshot_settings(interval => 30, retention = > 10*24*60);也可以根据需要随时手动生成快照:exec dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot;2. AWR报告的生成以sysdba运行如下命令:@?/rdbms/admin/awrrpt.sql

亚美尼亚人的奥龙特斯王朝(Orontid Dynasty)简介

Orontid王朝(又名 Eruandid 或 Yervanduni)继承了古代亚美尼亚的Urartu王国,统治时间为公元前 6 世纪至 3 世纪。最初,Orontids 作为波斯总督统治,该国的文化、语言和政治实践被引入古代亚美尼亚。然后,在Seleucid统治下,Orontid 国王变得更加独立并铸造了自己的货币。该王朝于公元前 200 年左右结束,奥龙特斯四世 (Orontes IV) 被谋杀,塞琉古国王安条克三世 (Antiochus III) 任命阿塔克西亚斯一世 (Artaxias I) 为国王。 乌拉尔图的陷落 Orontids 王朝的创始人是 Orontes (Yervand) Sakavakyats(约公元前 570-560 年,尽管大多数 Orontids 的统治日期存在争议),他利用了乌拉尔图文明崩溃造成的权力真空公元前 6 世纪的最后十年。乌拉尔图是一个王国联盟,自公元前 9 世纪以来一直统治着古代亚美尼亚、土耳其东部和伊朗西部。它的城市在大约十年的时间里遭到不同民族的攻击和摧毁,尤其是斯基泰人。乌拉尔图的前领土随后被米底人从 c 接管。公元前585年,然后并入居鲁士大帝的阿契美尼德帝国(约公元前 550-530 年)在公元前 6 世纪中叶。阿契美尼亚人将他们的新领土分为两部分,在东部省份,奥龙提德王朝在当地被称为 Yervand(来自伊朗语arvand,意为“强大”),代表他们的波斯霸主作为总督进行统治。 位于同名湖附近的乌拉尔古都凡城也是奥龙德王朝的第一个都城。正如历史学家 RG Hovannisian 在此解释的那样,奥龙特斯和他的继任者统治着不同种族的不同人口: 亚美尼亚高原在公元前 6 世纪下半叶被伊朗的阿契美尼亚国王征服时居住着多种民族,可能主要是乌拉尔特人和亚美尼亚人,他们的称谓在 Behistun 被互换使用以识别国家。不过,说亚美尼亚语的人很可能与伊朗人建立了最牢固的王朝和文化联系,从而成为其他族群逐渐被同化的主要人口……但似乎高原上仍然存在一些更大的多样性。一些诱人的纪念碑,以及持久的专有名称,可能表明赫梯和古代闪米特文化幸存下来。(34) 波斯和 Orontid 总督 Orontids 很快变得雄心勃勃,想要完全不受波斯监督的统治,而阿契美尼德王朝则因大流士一世(公元前 522-486 年在位)的继承而分心,他们于公元前 522 年脱离帝国。自然地,波斯人对这些事态发展并不满意,因此着手重新征服该省,并在一年内完成,尽管需要五场战斗才能恢复秩序。就在那时,我们首次提到了亚美尼亚或亚美尼亚的波斯附庸国。记录在一个c。公元前 520 年,大流士 ( Darius ) 在波斯比希斯敦 (Behistun) 的岩壁上刻有铭文,上面用古波斯语列出了国王的皇室财产。 皇家公路将亚美尼亚南部与波斯首都苏萨和波斯波利斯连接起来,并向西延伸至小亚细亚的萨迪斯。Armena 省是重要的马匹和驮畜来源,每年进贡约有 20,000 匹小马,以及可兑换的 400 talent白银。人和武器是另一种形式的贡品,亚美尼亚人在远至希腊和埃及的波斯战役中作战。 不幸的是,这一地区的历史时期缺乏详细的资料和信息——亚述和巴比伦的铭文,对我们了解乌拉尔图文明非常有用,现在沉寂了,考古学也是如此,RG Hovannisian 描述为“一段漫长的黑暗时期”(38)。但是,可以从我们确实知道的那些事实中暂时得出某些结论,正如 RP Adalian 在这里解释的那样: 关于这段亚美尼亚历史的记录鲜有保存下来。这种稀缺性证明了一种 *** 风格依赖于不需要宣布和扩大的传统和惯例。在这方面,这是一个几乎没有创新但可能相当稳定的时期。波斯帝国有效地保护了亚美尼亚免受外部冲突。此外,提取的贡品水平似乎是可以容忍的,因为该国继续在经济发展过程中,这可能缺乏乌拉尔管理的强度,但亚美尼亚人为帝国军队提供的大量特遣队可以衡量其进步. (14) 到公元前 4 世纪,波斯控制下的两个分裂地区在政治上合并,人口混合,语言合而为一:亚美尼亚语。 公元前 401 年,希腊将军色诺芬在前往美索不达米亚的途中穿过亚美尼亚。色诺芬随后在他的Anabasis中记载,这片土地盛产农产品,当时亚美尼亚的 Orontid 统治者是波斯国王阿尔塔薛西斯一世(公元前 464-424 年在位)的女婿,说明了这两个地区之间的密切关系在文化(例如官方语言、琐罗亚斯德教、手工艺和服装)、政治和王朝家庭方面。到公元前 4 世纪中叶,波斯控制下的两个分裂地区在政治上合并,人口混杂,语言合二为一:亚美尼亚语。 马其顿人 在公元前 333 年亚历山大大帝和大流士三世之间的伊苏斯战役中,一支由 40,000 名步兵和 7,000 名骑兵组成的亚美尼亚分遣队在波斯的失败一方作战。在他们的国王耶万德的领导下,亚美尼亚人也在两年后的高加米拉战役中支援波斯,但最终的结局是一样的,因为波斯人无法阻止亚历山大大举东进。亚美尼亚随后被马其顿正式吞并,公元前 330 年,阿尔马维尔成为首都(前乌拉尔城市)Argishtihinili)。不过,亚美尼亚的政治统治似乎与波斯人统治下的差不多,奥龙蒂德王朝在如今幅员辽阔的马其顿帝国内作为半独立的国王进行统治。事实上,即使是亚美尼亚统治者也难以控制强大的地方领主,即nacharars 并形成世袭贵族,这就是当时该地区的“封建”性质。 塞琉古帝国 从公元前 321 年开始,塞琉古王朝在这位年轻领袖去世后统治了亚历山大帝国的亚洲部分,导致了一定程度的希腊化,创造了亚美尼亚、波斯和希腊元素的丰富文化融合。塞琉古帝国的幅员如此之大,以至于奥龙特王朝的统治者在这个现在拥有三个不同区域的地区享有很大的自治权:小亚美尼亚(西北部,靠近黑海)、大亚美尼亚(传统的亚美尼亚人民的心脏地带)和 Sophene(又名 Dsopk,位于西南部)。 大约在公元前 260 年,新统一的Commagene和 Sophene 王国在亚美尼亚西部兴起,由奥龙特血统的统治者萨姆斯(又名萨摩斯)统治。Sames(约公元前 260-240 年)建立了重要城市 Samosata (Shamshat)。这一时期还见证了波斯人的复兴和帕提亚帝国的发展(公元前 247 年 - 公元 224 年),声称对亚美尼亚拥有 *** 。Sames 的继任者是 Arsames (Arsham),他在 Nymphaios 河上建立了 Arsamosata (Arshamshat) 和 Arsameia。他从塞琉古帝国中独立出来,以他自己的名字铸造货币并授予自己国王称号。在接触了数十年的希腊文化理念之后,奥龙特人终于赶上了周边各州取得的进步,其中包括语言、造币和以其创始人的名字命名的经济充满活力的新城市。 尽管如此,亚美尼亚仍处于名义上的塞琉西王朝控制之下,奥龙蒂德王朝继续作为附庸国的统治王朝。马匹仍然是一种宝贵的资产,安条克三世(公元前 222-187 年在位)显着加强了似乎已经失效的贡品制度,并在他的军队穿过该地区时提取了 300 塔连得的白银和 1,000 匹马他们镇压帕提亚人的方式。 消亡 统治亚美尼亚东部的最后一个 Orontid 王朝是 King Orontes IV(对亚美尼亚人来说,Yervand IV 或 Yervand the Last,公元前 212-200 年)。另一位自封国王的统治者耶万德将首都从阿尔马维尔迁至新成立的耶万达沙特,意为“耶万德的欢乐”。耶尔万德四世的继任者,在国王被谋杀后,是在未来几个世纪统治亚美尼亚的下一个王朝的创始人,国王阿尔塔希亚斯一世 (Artashes)。值得注意的是,阿尔塔克西亚斯得到了安提阿古斯三世的支持并直接任命为总督,这可能是为了减少亚美尼亚从塞琉古王朝的统治中获得的独立。Artaxiad王朝(又名 Artashesian 王朝),首都在 Artaxata(Artashat) 将摆脱 Seleucid 的宗 *** 并统治亚美尼亚直到公元 1 世纪的第一个十年。 参考文献 Adalian,RP亚美尼亚历史词典。稻草人出版社;2nd Edition 版本 (2010-05-13), 2018. Bagnall, RS古代历史百科全书。威利 - 布莱克威尔,2012 Chahin, M.亚美尼亚王国。劳特利奇,2018 年。 Hornblower, S. 《牛津古典词典》。牛津大学出版社,2012 年。 Hovannisian, RG从古代到现代的亚美尼亚人。帕尔格雷夫·麦克米伦出版社,2004 年。 Kurkjian, VM亚美尼亚的历史。IndoEuropeanPublishing.com,2014 年。 Panossian, R.亚美尼亚人。哥伦比亚大学出版社,2006 年。 Payaslian, S.亚美尼亚的历史。帕尔格雷夫·麦克米伦出版社,2008 年。 Piotrovsky, BP乌拉尔图的古代文明。考尔斯图书公司,1969 年。



who l do , l want baby u2026u2026

I Wanna Baby Mum I"m just going in the garden Look out for dog muck It"s alright, I"ll be on me trampoline My name is Chantelle And i am fourteen I got an iPod and a trampoline Easy to find me Know what I mean? If I ain"t on FaceBook I"m on me trampoline I got a Pitbull And I like texting And pretty soon I"ll do the sex thing... Chorus: I wanna baby I wanna baby I wanna baby of my own I wanna baby I wanna baby A baby and a mobile phone I like Jordan, Kerry Katona See ya later, I said I"ll phone ya Love me boyfriend, like no other He had his name down, for Big Brother I wanna boob job, and when I"m fifteen I"ll take my boob job, on me trampoline... Chorus: I wanna baby I wanna baby I wanna baby of my own I wanna baby I wanna baby A baby and a mobile phone I got ambition, don"t want the Dole No, I want a snog with Ashley Cole Or Frank Lampard, or John Terry Or just anyone who"s on the telly I got a pitbull and a parrot I got a fish tank, I don"t like carrots... Chorus: I wanna baby I wanna baby I wanna baby of my own I wanna baby I wanna baby Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com A baby and a mobile phone I watch Jamie (aww) And I watch Gok Wan I wanted Flat Screen, so I got one If you saw me, It"s quite apparent That I"m the fat one, off Britain"s Got Talent I got a big bag of Haribo Me brother, he got an ASBO Me mum has, got a fag on Me dad has, got a tag on Had a holiday in Corfu Dad couldn"t make it "Cos of his curfew... Chorus: I wanna baby I wanna baby I wanna baby of my own I wanna baby I wanna baby A baby and a mobile phone She"s not called Jordan anymore she"s called Katie Price You looking at my Pitbull? [No] You looking at my Flat Screen? [No] Is something wrong with you or what? Chantelle, talk your dog out would ya? But I did it last month Ohh whats that awful noise? ohh turn it off It"s a baby! I don"t like that I"ve changed my mind I think I might go to University instead I wanted a baby but I don"t want one now I wanted a baby but I changed me mind Mum, how do you stop it crying? I"m Anne Widdecombe, and I"d like a baby...

急求一篇文献 Klemperer, W.G., Inorg. Synth., 1990, vol. 27, p. 74.

就是这文章 Teltrabutyammonium isopolyxometalates 不过我下不来啊,我们学校不靠谱

求助文献,来自Inorg Synth.请高人施援手,不胜感激。

请下载附件,还望采纳Teltrabutyammonium isopolyxometalates

Cyan青色,Magenta品红, 这几个单词怎么读?(我不会音标)这么告诉我 黄色——噎喽

Cyan-----["sai?n]-----青色-----塞哎恩(sai ein) Magenta-----[m?"d?ent?]------品红-----么几诶特(me jei te) 大致是这样的 望采纳

PS2的EYETOY所运用的技术[影相姿势控制(Video Gesture Control)]原理是什么

EYETOY的原理其实并不复杂,摄像头以固定的速率采集图像,当场景内无变化时,前后两幅图像内容一致,当有物体运动时则产生差异,因此通过简单的对相邻两帧图像相减,得到画面中不同的部分,即可以感知是否有运动物体及运动物体的一些属性,比如大小,位置和颜色等。在这其中当然还有一些细节需要处理,流程虽简单,但是做好却不易。这一简单原理使得EYETOY仍存在一些瑕疵,例如当玩家动作过小,或是玩家所处的环境、服装色彩与身体过于接近时,EYETOY都可能出现短暂的无法识别问题。 EYETOY是第一个真正意义上实现大规模商用化的体感技术。但它最终却并未流行起来并得以普及,至少在其问世两年后,几乎再也听不到任何游戏厂商希望针对它来开发新游戏的声音。这是因为EYETOY有一个致命的软肋—它的原理注定了它只能摄取二维图像并加以解析,而在三维游戏世界中,多数游戏动作更偏向于三维.Wii之所以会比EYETOY成功,就是因为它解决了这个最令游戏厂商头痛的问题。

艾科(AXE) 男士抗疲劳(ANTI)止汗香体喷雾 这个有没用的






请问大神,这手表是欧米茄的那款型号??? 背面信息: Escapement Co-Axia



s-spec 是stepping code,就是Intel 固件版本MM# 是一种标示,不同产品不同MM#

谁能看懂Intel CPU上面印字的含义

  我们先以Intel的现在的主流CPU P4为例子说明CPU编号代表的含义。下图是一块P4 1.7G的CPU,让我们仔细看看上面的编号。 第1、2行:Intel Pentium 4,即P4处理器。   第3行:1.7GHz/256/400/1.75V,分别表示处理器工作频率/L2高速缓存大小/前端总线频率/工作电压,因此这是一颗1.7GHz、L2高速缓存有256KB、前端总线400MHz、工作电压1.75V的P4。关于处理器的工作电压,早期推出的有1.7V,而现在从1.4~2GHz的都是1.75V了。   第4行:SL57V MALAY,SL57V表示处理器的S-Spec编号,从这个编号也可以查出处理器的其他指标,是否盒装也是靠这个编号来识别的。S-Spec编号后面是生产的产地,这个处理器是马来西亚生产的,此外还有COSTA RICA(哥斯达黎加)等其他地区。   第5行:L118A981-0023,表示产品的序列号,这是一个全球唯一的序列号,每个处理器的序列号都不相同,区域代理在进货时会登记这个编号,从这个编号也可以了解处理器到底是经过什么渠道进入零售或品牌机市场的。   第6行:I,产品注册标志(Intel)。   再让我们看看赛扬的编号含义。下图是一块赛扬II 533CPU的编号。 第1行:celeron(tm)/ MALAY,就是赛扬处理器,MALAY表示产地,这块CPU的产地也是马来西亚的。   第2行:533A/128/66/1.5V,分别表示处理器工作频率/L2缓存大小/前端总线频率/工作电压,因此这是一颗533MHz、L2缓存有128KB、前端总线66MHz、工作电压1. 5V的赛扬。   第3行:Q013A307-0389 SL46S其中“Q”代表的是产地,后面的013代表的是生产的年份和周次,这里面的0代表是2000年(依此类推1,就是2001年……)13代表第13周。接下来的那段307-0389是CPU的内部序列号,这个编号有点类似我们日常生活中用到的身份证号,它是全球唯一的一组数字,不会有重复,因此每款CPU的编号都不同。最后的“SL46S”代表的是CPU的制作工艺,其中利用cC0制作工艺的CPU超频能力明显强于cB0制作工艺的CPU,其中大部分cC0制作工艺的CPU采用SL4作为其编号,当然也有早期的cB0制作工艺CPU采用这个编号。   2.AMD篇   其实AMD的CPU上面所记载的编号信息和Intel差不多,它们都是记载着诸如主频多少、是什么系列的CPU、缓存容量多大、额定电压是多大、封装方式、产地、生产日期等等信息,只是因为CPU所属公司的不同,AMD的CPU和Intel的CPU在信息上缩记的方式也就不尽相同。下图用一块AMD的CPU来举例。 第1行:AMD Athlon(TM),就是AMD Athlon。   第2行:A1000AMT3C,A代表这款CPU是Thunderbird,如果是D在代表这款CPU是Duron,如果是AX则代表这款CPU是Athlon XP;后面的1000代表的是这款CPU的主频是1G;1000后面的A代表CPU的封装方式,A是PGA封装;后面的M代表CPU的核心电压,其中M是1.75V,其它的如S是1.5V、U是1.6V、P是1.7V、N是1.8V;M后面的T代表的是CPU的工作温度,其中T是90℃、Q是60℃、X是65℃、R是70℃、Y是75℃、S是95℃;在T后面的3是二级缓存的容量,其中3代表256K,如果是1则为64K、2是128K;在3后面的C代表的是前端总线,其中C是266MHz,如果是A或者B的话则为200MHz。   第3行:AXIA0117MPMW,AMD CPU生产线上的编号。   第4行:Y6278750317,这个Y大部分的用户认为与超频有关,这个Y有可能被9、F和Z等字母或数字所代替,但是很多测试表明如果在这个Y的位置出现的是字母,那么这块CPU的超频能力应该很强

Cybex EEZYS和Quintus Q3,这二款儿童推车,哪个好?


谁能看懂Intel CPU上面印字的含义?


Ezra Pound was the leader of a new movement in poetry which he called the ()movement.

Ezra Pound was the leader of a new movement in poetry which he called the ()movement. 正确答案:Imagist

Carpenters的《Jambalaya》 歌词

歌曲名:Jambalaya歌手:Carpenters专辑:The CarpentersJambalayaCarpenterGood-bye Joe, he gotta go, me oh my ohHe gotta go-pole the pirogue down the bayouHis Yvonne the sweetest one, me oh my ohSon of a gun, we"ll have big fun on the bayouThibodaux, Fontaineaux the place is buzzin"A Kin-folk come to see Yvonne by the dozenDress in style the go hog wild, me oh my ohSon of a gun, we"ll have big fun on the bayouJambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumboCause tonight, I"m gonna see my ma cher a mi-oPick guitar, fill fruit far and be gay-oSon of a gun, we"ll have big fun on the bayouSettle down far from town get him a pirogueAnd he"ll catch all the fish in the bayouSwap his mon to buy Yvonne what she need-oSon of a gun, we"ll have big fun on the bayouJambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumboCause tonight, I"m gonna see my ma cher a mi-oPick guitar, fill fruit far and be gay-oSon of a gun, we"ll have big fun on the bayouJambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumboCause tonight, I"m gonna see my ma cher a mi-oPick guitar, fill fruit far and be gay-oSon of a gun, we"ll have big fun on the bayouJambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumboCause tonight, I"m gonna see my ma cher a mi-oPick guitar, fill fruit far and be gay-oSon of a gun, we"ll have big fun on the bayouJambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumboCause tonight, I"m gonna see my ma cher a mi-oPick guitar, fill fruit far and be gay-oSon of a gun, we"ll have big fun on the bayouhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10263281

枪花乐队的dont cry有什么背景故事吗

由AXL和IZZY创作。 Axl: 有个女孩曾经和Izzy在一起,我也非常喜欢她。后来他们分手了,我和Izzy写了这首歌。 Axl: 我坐在Roxy影院的外面,你知道,我好像真的爱上她了,可是她觉得我们之间没有可能,因为她有她自己的世界。她准备和我说再见了,于是我坐在那里开始哭泣,她对我说"Don"t cry"。第二天晚上,我和Izzy在5分钟内写出了这首歌。Axl: MV开始时夺抢的一幕,是源于我和Erin。我想要一枪崩了自己,Erin扑过来夺枪,这是真实发生过的。(Metallix, 1992) Axl: 溺水的镜头是MV拍摄中最艰难的一幕。很多年以来,这种感觉一直跟随着我——溺水的感觉,在下沉,被人拉着一路向下,挣扎着想拯救彼此。(Metallix, 1992) 没想到啊, axl居然为了一个女人哭了,太心酸鸟,其实他一直都是一个可怜的人儿!


Remember The Name 汗 刚要回答就有人答了 哈 就是这首没错哦!

求一首歌~歌词里有大概这么一句话you wanna control,so i made it

求一首歌~歌词里有大概这么一句话you wanna control,so i made it <moves like jagger>maroon 5唱的,现在欧美最火爆的一首歌 求一首歌,歌词大概有 I"m resize这么一句 「Uh Uh」 作词∶IMALU 作曲∶C2 歌∶IMALU もし君が私になったら どこに住んで 谁と游びいくの? look over here, 気づいてるかな uh uh もし君が私になったら なにを食べて どんな服を著るの? sometimes i wonder if you can survive uh uh ちょーミクロサイズのキャラメル クリスタルボール yeah タラカタブラ 指でつつく Let me measure you, I will resize you Lend me your shoes, Lend me your teeth ワガママだって言うよ I"m not what you think, Come and play, you"ll see きっと好きになるから (peek a boo du du du) I"m on a mission もし君が私になったら まずどこを触って なにを见るの? e over here, 気づいてるでしょ uh uh もし私が君になっても なにも楽しくなんかないんだろう because my life is fantastic with you uh uh 自信満々のプードル メープルアワードに yeah クリオネティカ的なら胜ち Let me measure you, I will resize you Lend me your nails, Lend me your eyes ワガママも闻いてね I"m not what you think, Come and play, you"ll see 君の足を踏んだら (peek a boo du du du) 近づくの 君に见えないくらいの存在になったって yeah 大丈夫よ 気にしないよ Let me measure you, I will resize you Lend me your nails, Lend me your eyes ワガママも闻いてね I"m not what you think, Come and play, you"ll see 君の足を踏んだら (peek a boo du du du) 近づくの 近づくよ 有一首歌 歌词里有 一首歌这样唱...一句话这样讲... 幸福恋人 郑源&沈丹丹 郑)轻轻的我唱首歌 送给最心爱的你 让你聆听这个世界的美丽 慢慢地用心听 冰雪融化的声音 艰辛的路程还有我陪着你 (丹)亲爱的我谢谢你 陪我共度夜的黑 拂去我心中深深的伤和痛 我会去用心听 慢慢感受你的心 有你的爱在身边如影随行 (郑)有首歌这样唱相爱的人不受伤 (丹)有句话这样讲相守的人不能忘 (郑)一辈子一段情一份甜蜜蜜的时光 (合)幸福写在脸上 (郑)有首歌这样唱我会爱你到天荒 (丹)有句话这样讲我会做你的新娘 ( 郑)一辈子一段情一份甜蜜蜜的时光 (合)让我牵着你一起唱 (郑)亲爱的我谢谢你 陪我共度夜的黑 拂去我心中深深的伤和痛 (丹)我会去用心听 慢慢感受你的心 有你的爱在身边如影随行 (郑)有首歌这样唱相爱的人不受伤 (丹)有句话这样讲相守的人不能忘 (郑)一辈子一段情一份甜蜜蜜的时光 (合)幸福写在脸上 (郑)有首歌这样唱我会爱你到天荒 (丹)有句话这样讲我会做你的新娘 (郑)一辈子一段情一份甜蜜蜜的时光 (合)让我牵着你一起唱 (郑)有首歌这样唱相爱的人不受伤 (丹)有句话这样讲相守的人不能忘 (郑)一辈子一段情一份甜蜜蜜的时光 (合)幸福写在脸上 (郑)有首歌这样唱我会爱你到天荒 (丹)有句话这样讲我会做你的新娘 (郑)一辈子一段情一份甜蜜蜜的时光 (合)让我牵着你一起唱 (合)我们要做一对幸福的恋人 求一首歌的歌名,歌词大概这样..歌词里有很多句 when I with you。。。 When I"m With You - 西城男孩(Westlife) 一首歌的歌词中有这么一句话 小二郎上学 小呀嘛小二郎 背著那书包上学堂 不怕太阳晒 也不怕那风雨狂 只怕先生骂我懒呀 没有学问无颜见爹娘 没有学问无颜见爹娘 小呀嘛小二郎 背著那书包上学堂 不是为做官 也不是为面子管 只为穷人要翻身 不受人欺负 哎不做牛和羊 不受人欺负 哎不做牛和羊 小呀嘛小二郎 背著那书包上学堂 不怕太阳晒 也不怕那风雨狂 只怕先生骂我懒呀 没有学问无颜见爹娘 没有学问无颜见爹娘 小呀嘛小二郎 背著那书包上学堂 不是为做官 也不是为面子管 只为穷人要翻身 不受人欺负 哎不做牛和羊 不受人欺负 哎不做牛和羊 小二郎嘛小二郎 小二郎嘛小二郎 小二郎嘛小二郎 小二郎嘛小二郎 小呀嘛小二郎 背著那书包上学堂 不是为做官 也不是为面子管 只为穷人要翻身 不受人欺负 哎不做牛和羊 不受人欺负 哎不做牛和羊 不受人欺负 哎不做牛和羊 求一首歌 歌词里大概有一句“ you make my heart feel like a sum I met her at a backyard blockparty by the bar. And she kept lookin" at me like she knew who I was. She was buzzin" all over me. She was buzzin" all over me. She was buzzin" all over me like she fell in love. Bang bang baby shot me in the heart, in the dark, with the dart of the spark when it hit. When we met at the spot it was hot, like this song saw the thong, it was on. Now it"s 8 in the mornin" I move on like the Greyhound bus I go town to town and I prey on sluts. I got to go, so scream out your area code. I"m in" all the way live from the 310! I gotta whole lot of love but none like you. You make me wanna stay here in heaven with you. I"ll write your name in the sand, put your hand with mine. Come on baby, shoot your gun in the sky! I met her at a backyard blockparty by the bar. And she kept lookin" at me like she knew who I was. She was buzzin" all over me. She was buzzin" all over me. She was buzzin" all over me like she fell in love. Bang bang baby hit me one time, o days on the road and you"re still on my mind. You"d think that I would learn "cause I"m young and fine But I"m broke, so I"m tryin" to make a hustle out of rhyme. I gotta see the world one girl at a time, but you"re hangin" on my sleeve like I care that you"re cryin" and I do I"m just tryin" to play it cool I got a rep to protect, down at the high school. Why you tryin" to cage me in and when I leave we both know that you"ll be pagin" him and when I e back we gonn" do it again. I promise we gonn" do it again. I met her at a backyard blockparty by the bar. And she kept lookin" at me like she knew who I was. She was buzzin" all over me. She was buzzin" all over me. She was buzzin" all over me like she fell in love. Bang bang, I wanna give you my name but I"m tryin" to put some diamonds in my Shwayze chain. Babies change, they start showin" them fangs tryin" to take a ride on those crazy trains. Choo choo. What the hell am I to do? I got a girl in every city from here to Peru. When I left you, I signed my name on your left boob now go get that tattoed, I"ll be back soon. Don"t cry, I"ll bust you with a text soon. I gotta go, but I"ll be back next June. Or July. Sparks in the sky. She said, "Boy you crazy." Nah, I"m Shwayze. I met her at a backyard blockparty by the bar. And she kept lookin" at me like she knew who I was. She was buzzin" all over me. She was buzzin" all over me. She was buzzin" all over me like she fell in love. And I don"t know what she was on. Whatever it was, I want some. She was buzzin" all over me. She was buzzin" all over me. She was buzzin" all over me like she fell in love. 有没有一首歌,歌词里有,这么一句话,就算心碎也完美 歌曲:相爱分开都是罪 演 唱 六哲 歌词:镜子里憔悴的脸自己也不忍看见你给的痛 还是那么明显既然你假装爱我为何还让我发现老天 祈求你睁开双眼让我 不再去为你留恋不要让我爱得可怜外面世界那么美不想囚禁你的美 应该是这首 把?听着还可以,刚在一威信 每晚睡前音乐 那搜的,要不是这首,你也可以到这了找找看咯 求一首歌,一句歌词大概是i saw you what you wanna do,这首歌好像挺有名的 Atomic Kitten的 《做你想要做的》 Do What You Want I saw you standing alone across the crowded room You look so fine oh baby But I knew you wouldn"t make the move So what am I supposed to do with you Looking but you just don"t act You gotta make your move And it aint in the groove Come on now baby don"t hold back So you gotta Throw away your inhibitions Come on and make the man"s decision Tell me now what is your ambition Show me all the things that I"ve been missing (chorus) Do what you wanna Say what you gotta Be what you wanna be with me baby Sooner or later your gonna have to Do what you wanna do with me yeah Out on the sidewalk You"re acting like i"m just not there Don"t disappoint me baby I know that you"re concerned that you care So you gotta Throw away your inhibitions Come on and make the man"s decision Tell me now what is your ambition Show me all the things that I"ve been missing (chorus) When you gonna show me that you understand (please baby X3) When you gonna treat me like your a man (Please baby X2) Come on show ya now (chorus X2) Do what you wanna (Do what you wanna) Be what you wanna (be what you wanna) Sooner or later your gonna have to Do what you wanna do with me yeah 求一首歌,歌词里有i love you because i love you 如果是韩国的话,应该是李孝利的rememeber me 求一首歌,歌词里有 i love you i love you i follow :box.zhangmen.baidu./m?gate=1&ct=134217728&tn=baidumt,i%20will%20follow%20him%20%20&word=mp3,:home.millsaps.edu/mcelvrs/fYKAYX6NfYAx.mp3,,[I+WILL+FOLLOW+HIM]&si=i+will+follow+him;;little+peggy+march;;0;;0&lm=16777216 这是<<修女也疯狂>>的主题曲. 叫<<I WILL FOLLOW HIM>>.呵呵.

雅思金牌教程placement test(入级考试)的答案是什么?就是两本中彩页最开始的测试。


谁给我解释一下枪炮玫瑰的DONT CRY的MV到底讲了件啥事,我看不懂得说

里面很多的镜头都是AXL自己设计的 比如 1 :开始那一段AXL拿着枪与斯特凡妮争执的镜头,源于AXL和他前妻之间发生过的真实故事,AXL那时想一枪毙了自己,但他的前妻最后从他手里抢走了枪. 2 :还有就是斯特凡妮在水下拖着AXL一起下沉的镜头.AXL说那是一种隐喻的拍摄手法,表现出他与前妻在一起时的那种感觉,好象自己被陈重的负担拖拽着没有办法喘气 3 :最后就是关于坟墓的部分,AXL的歌迷应该都对他不幸的童年有所耳闻,而照他的说法,这个坟墓便是对以往种种不幸的终结,埋葬那些痛苦与不快的回忆. 这首MV是Axl Rose本人生活经历的映射。主要描写了他失去的爱情,他的悲伤,他处在边缘的理智,他接受精神治疗的情景,和他对重生的渴望。最著名的地方还有Slash站在悬崖边弹的那段吉他。 MV中,两位主唱的女友皆因他们的不够珍惜而伤心离去,甚至香消玉陨,mtv用很长的篇幅来追忆从前的美好时光,悔恨的心痛表达的淋漓尽致。在结尾的哀鸣中,主唱AXL ROSE迎着从窗顶透射进的光尘颤抖双手,倏的一支美丽的白鸽振翅而去。DONT CRY是我唯一一首最爱的歌,也是因为DONT CRY而越来越爱我的花~~~

帮忙翻译下我下面这个Big rock candy mountain的歌词

大冰糖山一个夏季的一天,在5月份的一大汉烧伤来远足一个阴凉里通过甘蔗他正在找寻他的情有独钟正如他漫游一直以来,他唱了一首歌该土地上牛奶和蜂蜜如烧伤,可逗留多一天他将不需要借助任何金钱合唱: 哦, buzzin ?的蜜蜂在凉爽遮荫树木附近的结晶水喷泉在柠檬水泉水如蓝鸟唱戏对大冰糖山哦,一个农民和他的儿子,他们就办向hayfield他们被包围说烧伤给儿子, "你为什么不来以如此大的冰糖山" ? 所以第二天,他们徒步距离该里程碑,他们不断计数但是他们从来没有到达上柠檬水潮流对大冰糖山

求一首歌~歌词里有大概这么一句话you wanna control,so i made it

求一首歌~歌词里有大概这么一句话you wanna control,so i made it <moves like jagger>maroon 5唱的,现在欧美最火爆的一首歌 求一首歌,歌词大概有 I"m resize这么一句 「Uh Uh」 作词∶IMALU 作曲∶C2 歌∶IMALU もし君が私になったら どこに住んで 谁と游びいくの? look over here, 気づいてるかな uh uh もし君が私になったら なにを食べて どんな服を着るの? sometimes i wonder if you can survive uh uh ちょーミクロサイズのキャラメル クリスタルボール yeah タラカタブラ 指でつつく Let me measure you, I will resize you Lend me your shoes, Lend me your teeth ワガママだって言うよ I"m not what you think, Come and play, you"ll see きっと好きになるから (peek a boo du du du) I"m on a mission もし君が私になったら まずどこを触って なにを见るの? e over here, 気づいてるでしょ uh uh もし私が君になっても なにも楽しくなんかないんだろう because my life is fantastic with you uh uh 自信満々のプードル メープルアワードに yeah クリオネティカ的なら胜ち Let me measure you, I will resize you Lend me your nails, Lend me your eyes ワガママも闻いてね I"m not what you think, Come and play, you"ll see 君の足を踏んだら (peek a boo du du du) 近づくの 君に见えないくらいの存在になったって yeah 大丈夫よ 気にしないよ Let me measure you, I will resize you Lend me your nails, Lend me your eyes ワガママも闻いてね I"m not what you think, Come and play, you"ll see 君の足を踏んだら (peek a boo du du du) 近づくの 近づくよ 有一首歌 歌词里有 一首歌这样唱...一句话这样讲... 幸福恋人 郑源&沈丹丹 郑)轻轻的我唱首歌 送给最心爱的你 让你聆听这个世界的美丽 慢慢地用心听 冰雪融化的声音 艰辛的路程还有我陪着你 (丹)亲爱的我谢谢你 陪我共度夜的黑 拂去我心中深深的伤和痛 我会去用心听 慢慢感受你的心 有你的爱在身边如影随行 (郑)有首歌这样唱相爱的人不受伤 (丹)有句话这样讲相守的人不能忘 (郑)一辈子一段情一份甜蜜蜜的时光 (合)幸福写在脸上 (郑)有首歌这样唱我会爱你到天荒 (丹)有句话这样讲我会做你的新娘 ( 郑)一辈子一段情一份甜蜜蜜的时光 (合)让我牵着你一起唱 (郑)亲爱的我谢谢你 陪我共度夜的黑 拂去我心中深深的伤和痛 (丹)我会去用心听 慢慢感受你的心 有你的爱在身边如影随行 (郑)有首歌这样唱相爱的人不受伤 (丹)有句话这样讲相守的人不能忘 (郑)一辈子一段情一份甜蜜蜜的时光 (合)幸福写在脸上 (郑)有首歌这样唱我会爱你到天荒 (丹)有句话这样讲我会做你的新娘 (郑)一辈子一段情一份甜蜜蜜的时光 (合)让我牵着你一起唱 (郑)有首歌这样唱相爱的人不受伤 (丹)有句话这样讲相守的人不能忘 (郑)一辈子一段情一份甜蜜蜜的时光 (合)幸福写在脸上 (郑)有首歌这样唱我会爱你到天荒 (丹)有句话这样讲我会做你的新娘 (郑)一辈子一段情一份甜蜜蜜的时光 (合)让我牵着你一起唱 (合)我们要做一对幸福的恋人 求一首歌的歌名,歌词大概这样..歌词里有很多句 when I with you。。。 When I"m With You - 西城男孩(Westlife) 一首歌的歌词中有这么一句话 小二郎上学 小呀嘛小二郎 背着那书包上学堂 不怕太阳晒 也不怕那风雨狂 只怕先生骂我懒呀 没有学问无颜见爹娘 没有学问无颜见爹娘 小呀嘛小二郎 背着那书包上学堂 不是为做官 也不是为面子管 只为穷人要翻身 不受人欺负 哎不做牛和羊 不受人欺负 哎不做牛和羊 小呀嘛小二郎 背着那书包上学堂 不怕太阳晒 也不怕那风雨狂 只怕先生骂我懒呀 没有学问无颜见爹娘 没有学问无颜见爹娘 小呀嘛小二郎 背着那书包上学堂 不是为做官 也不是为面子管 只为穷人要翻身 不受人欺负 哎不做牛和羊 不受人欺负 哎不做牛和羊 小二郎嘛小二郎 小二郎嘛小二郎 小二郎嘛小二郎 小二郎嘛小二郎 小呀嘛小二郎 背着那书包上学堂 不是为做官 也不是为面子管 只为穷人要翻身 不受人欺负 哎不做牛和羊 不受人欺负 哎不做牛和羊 不受人欺负 哎不做牛和羊 求一首歌 歌词里大概有一句“ you make my heart feel like a sum I met her at a backyard blockparty by the bar. And she kept lookin" at me like she knew who I was. She was buzzin" all over me. She was buzzin" all over me. She was buzzin" all over me like she fell in love. Bang bang baby shot me in the heart, in the dark, with the dart of the spark when it hit. When we met at the spot it was hot, like this song saw the thong, it was on. Now it"s 8 in the mornin" I move on like the Greyhound bus I go town to town and I prey on sluts. I got to go, so scream out your area code. I"m in" all the way live from the 310! I gotta whole lot of love but none like you. You make me wanna stay here in heaven with you. I"ll write your name in the sand, put your hand with mine. Come on baby, shoot your gun in the sky! I met her at a backyard blockparty by the bar. And she kept lookin" at me like she knew who I was. She was buzzin" all over me. She was buzzin" all over me. She was buzzin" all over me like she fell in love. Bang bang baby hit me one time, o days on the road and you"re still on my mind. You"d think that I would learn "cause I"m young and fine But I"m broke, so I"m tryin" to make a hustle out of rhyme. I gotta see the world one girl at a time, but you"re hangin" on my sleeve like I care that you"re cryin" and I do I"m just tryin" to play it cool I got a rep to protect, down at the high school. Why you tryin" to cage me in and when I leave we both know that you"ll be pagin" him and when I e back we gonn" do it again. I promise we gonn" do it again. I met her at a backyard blockparty by the bar. And she kept lookin" at me like she knew who I was. She was buzzin" all over me. She was buzzin" all over me. She was buzzin" all over me like she fell in love. Bang bang, I wanna give you my name but I"m tryin" to put some diamonds in my Shwayze chain. Babies change, they start showin" them fangs tryin" to take a ride on those crazy trains. Choo choo. What the hell am I to do? I got a girl in every city from here to Peru. When I left you, I signed my name on your left boob now go get that tattoed, I"ll be back soon. Don"t cry, I"ll bust you with a text soon. I gotta go, but I"ll be back next June. Or July. Sparks in the sky. She said, "Boy you crazy." Nah, I"m Shwayze. I met her at a backyard blockparty by the bar. And she kept lookin" at me like she knew who I was. She was buzzin" all over me. She was buzzin" all over me. She was buzzin" all over me like she fell in love. And I don"t know what she was on. Whatever it was, I want some. She was buzzin" all over me. She was buzzin" all over me. She was buzzin" all over me like she fell in love. 有没有一首歌,歌词里有,这么一句话,就算心碎也完美 歌曲:相爱分开都是罪 演 唱 六哲 歌词:镜子里憔悴的脸自己也不忍看见你给的痛 还是那么明显既然你假装爱我为何还让我发现老天 祈求你睁开双眼让我 不再去为你留恋不要让我爱得可怜外面世界那么美不想囚禁你的美 应该是这首 把?听着还可以,刚在一威信 每晚睡前音乐 那搜的,要不是这首,你也可以到这了找找看咯 求一首歌,一句歌词大概是i saw you what you wanna do,这首歌好像挺有名的 Atomic Kitten的 《做你想要做的》 Do What You Want I saw you standing alone across the crowded room You look so fine oh baby But I knew you wouldn"t make the move So what am I supposed to do with you Looking but you just don"t act You gotta make your move And it aint in the groove Come on now baby don"t hold back So you gotta Throw away your inhibitions Come on and make the man"s decision Tell me now what is your ambition Show me all the things that I"ve been missing (chorus) Do what you wanna Say what you gotta Be what you wanna be with me baby Sooner or later your gonna have to Do what you wanna do with me yeah Out on the sidewalk You"re acting like i"m just not there Don"t disappoint me baby I know that you"re concerned that you care So you gotta Throw away your inhibitions Come on and make the man"s decision Tell me now what is your ambition Show me all the things that I"ve been missing (chorus) When you gonna show me that you understand (please baby X3) When you gonna treat me like your a man (Please baby X2) Come on show ya now (chorus X2) Do what you wanna (Do what you wanna) Be what you wanna (be what you wanna) Sooner or later your gonna have to Do what you wanna do with me yeah 求一首歌,歌词里有i love you because i love you 如果是韩国的话,应该是李孝利的rememeber me 求一首歌,歌词里有 i love you i love you i follow :box.zhangmen.baidu./m?gate=1&ct=134217728&tn=baidumt,i%20will%20follow%20him%20%20&word=mp3,:home.millsaps.edu/mcelvrs/fYKAYX6NfYAx.mp3,,[I+WILL+FOLLOW+HIM]&si=i+will+follow+him;;little+peggy+march;;0;;0&lm=16777216 这是<<修女也疯狂>>的主题曲. 叫<<I WILL FOLLOW HIM>>.呵呵.

关于dynEd的placement test考试成绩等级划分问题!

(1)Icebreaker(入门,简称ib): 0 能够使用少量的词汇和语法,进行一些简短的日常对话。 (2)Threshold(基础,简称th): 0-0.2 能够了解少量的语言模式,就自己的兴趣和见解进行简单的英语对话。 (3)Beginner(进阶,简称b): 0.2-1.0 能够运用正确结构的简单句表达有关个人的信息,具备在国外生活的基本语言能力。 (4)Lower Intermediate(中级,简称li): 1.0- 1.5 运用简单句型描述日常生活,可自由与外国人进行日常交流。 (5)Intermediate(中高级,简称i): 1.5-2.0 能够在任何场景中进行交流,熟悉语言结构并掌握在工作环境中运用英语的能力。 (6)Business-intermediate(商务进阶,简称bi): 2.0-2.5 将在典型的商务环境中提高和加强商务用词,内容涉及:公司介绍、产品介绍、销售、客服、商务谈判等等。 (7)Business-Advanced(商务高级,简称ba): 2.5-2.7 运用更复杂和逻辑性更强的句子,围绕商务的需要:例如商务旅行、策略制定、保险与银行、市场调研等等进行学习和表达。同时更注意了商务的写作能力。 (8)Advanced(专家级,简称a): 2.7-3.2 语言以达到一般外国人的水平,不仅日常用语表达自如,且能够进行复杂的学术性探讨。

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servant的意思是:仆人。servant:(n.)佣人;仆人;公务员;政府的雇员;热心追随者。一、短语搭配1、civil servant:文职人员;公务员;公仆。2、public servant:公职人员;公务员;公仆。3、your humble servant:您卑微的仆人;卑职。4、your obedient servant:(用作正式信函的结束语)您恭顺的仆人。5、faithful servant:忠实的仆人。二、例句1、The servant would be indemnified for any damage caused by his negligence.对任何因他的疏忽造成的损害,仆人将不负法律责任。2、I was allotted a little room in the servant"s block.分给我佣人套房中的一小间。3、The whole servant mahal has been buzzing with the gossip.整个佣人居住区都在散布着这种流言。

jambalaya carpenter 的中文歌词

Jambal aya Good-bye, Joe, me gotta go, me oh, my oh. We gotta go pole the pirogue down the bayou. My Y-vonne, the sweetest one, me oh, my oh. Son of the gun, we"ll have big ball on the bayou. Thibodaux, Fontaineaux, the place is buzzing. People come to see Y-vonne by the dozen. Dressed in style, go hog wild, me oh, my oh. Son of the gun, we"ll have big ball on the bayou. Jambalaya, craw-fish pie, fillet gumbo. Cause tonight, I"m gonna see my cheramio. I pick guitar, fill fruit jar and be gayo. Son of the gun, we"ll have big ball on the bayou. Good-bye, Joe, me gotta go, me oh, my oh. We gotta go pole the pirogue down the bayou. My Y-vonne, the sweetest one, me oh, my oh. Son of the gun, we"ll have big ball on the bayou. Jambalaya, craw-fish pie, fillet gumbo. Cause tonight, I"m gonna see my cheramio I pick guitar, fill fruit jar and be gayo Son of the gun, we"ll have big ball on the bayou. Thibodaux, Fontaineaux, the place is buzzing. People come to see Y-vonne by the dozen. Dressed in style, go hog wild, me oh,my oh. Son of the gun, we"ll have big ball on the bayou. Jambalaya, craw-fish pie, fillet gumbo. Cause tonight, I"m gonna see my cheramio. I pick Guitar, fill fruit jar and be gayo Son of the gun, we"ll have big ball on the bayou. [参考译文] 什锦饭 再见了,乔,我得走,mo ho,my oh, 驾着小舟,划过湖水,驶向下游。 我的 Y-voune,我心爱的,me oh, my oh。 我们一伙在湖上将无比欢乐。 Thibodaux,Fontaineaux,这里充满欢乐, 成群的亲戚来看我的Y - voune, 穿时装尽情享乐 me oh,my oh, 我们一伙在湖上将无比欢乐。 什锦饭,河虾派,肉片秋葵, 今晚我要和我的女友彼此相会。 弹吉他,吃水果,笑语欢歌, 我们一伙在湖上将无比欢乐。 再见了,乔,我得走,mo ho, my oh, 驾着小舟,划过湖水,驶向下游, 我的Y-voune, 我心爱的,me oh, my oh, 我们一伙在湖上将无比欢乐。 什锦饭,河虾派,肉片秋葵, 今晚我要和我的女友相会, 弹吉他,吃水果,笑语欢歌, 我们一伙在湖上将无比欢乐。 Thibodaux, Fontaineaux, 这里充满欢乐, 成群的亲戚来看我的Y-ovune, 穿时装尽情享乐 me oh, my oh, 我们一伙在湖上将无比欢乐。 什锦饭,河虾派,肉片秋葵, 今晚我要和我的女友彼此相会, 弹吉他,吃水果,笑语欢歌, 我们一伙在湖上将无比欢乐。 [注释] ①Jambalaya(火腿、鸡或牡蛎等煮成的)什锦饭。这首歌由卡伦·卡彭特(Karen Carpentar)首唱。是一首流传很广的歌曲。我国许多著名歌手,如成方圆等都曾演唱过。 [语言点解析] 1.gotta= got to. 美国俚语,意思是“必须”。 2.me oh, my oh. 是一种感叹,也在歌中起谐声,压韵的作用。 3.pole the pirogue: 驾驶着独木舟 pole作动词用,表示“用篙撑(船等)” 4.bayon: 北美南部沼泽地,名为“长沼” 5.Y-voune: 女孩名 6.ball: 美国俚语,指狂欢作乐的聚会 have big ball: 尽情作乐 7.Thibodaux, Fontaineaux 均为地名。 8.buzz 通常指“嗡嗡声,蜂音”,这里是说“热热闹闹”的意思。 9.kinfolk = kinsfolk亲属,家属 10.by the dozen: 以“打”而论 例如:Sell by the dozen. 论打出售。曲中的意思指人很多。 11.in style = in fashion时髦、体面。 Dressed in style: 穿着时髦,其反意词为out of style或 out of fashion 12.go hog wild: (他们)变得兴奋而狂乱,无约束。 go作连系动词用,意为become. 例如: go mad: 疯了 go numb: 头脑迟顿 hog-wild: 合成词,表示“无约束的,混乱的” 13.craw-fish pie: 河虾派,一种食物 14.fillet gumbo. 肉片秋葵,一种食物。 gumbo. 秋葵,秋葵荚,美国的一种可做成浓汤、大杂烩的一种植物。 15.gonna = going to. 美国俚语 16.cher-a-mio. 此词为法语,意为“亲爱的女友”。 cher法语,“亲爱的,珍贵的” mio=mie. 法语俗语,意为“女友”。 17.pick guitar = pick up guitar. 拿起吉他。 18.fill fruit jar; 在篮中装满水果 jar: 原意为“坛、罐”等,此外可理解为"basket". 19.be gayo = be gay 欢乐的,愉快的 [赏析] 这首歌表现了一群移居美国的法国后裔在美国南部的河流上的欢乐生活景象。歌曲欢快,节奏感强,极具感染力。听着乐曲,唱着歌,禁不住要手舞足蹈。久居城市的人们,哪一个不羡慕那水上乐园?驾着小舟,去见自己心爱的姑娘,手弹吉他,欢声笑语,品尝着河虾和丰盛的水果,身着多彩入时的服装,翩翩起舞。这是多么惬意的生活。这是一幅多么美妙的风俗画! [赠您几句格言] In water you may see your own face; in wine, the heart of another. ----English proverb 水中可见面,酒中可见心。 ----英国谚语 Everything is good when new, but friends when old. ----English proverb 物美如新,友美如故。 ----英国谚语

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出了这种情况,关闭IE,运行 ipconfig /flushdns 命令(在DOS里输入命令运行也有效),重新打开IE输入地址,打开,没问题了就。


方法1:删掉AutoCAD中的FTPSites扩展(推荐,一劳永逸)。打开开始菜单,点击”运行”(或按Win+R,或在任务管理器中点击”文件”-“运行),输入”regedit”后确定(回车),搜 索”FileNavExtensions”,当搜到的路径类似以下格式时:”HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareAutodesk AutoCADR18.0ACAD-8001:804FileNavExtensions”(中间数字会因安装不同版本AutoCAD而不同),在右侧找到 FTPSites,并删除。如果同时想去掉Buzzsaw,则在右侧找到”ACPROJECT”并删除。方法2:删除以下文件:C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataFLEXnetadskflex*.*,把服务里面的“autodesk content service”服务停止,然后删除 C:ProgramDataFLEXnetadskflex*.*。注意:a、一定要停止“autodesk content service”,否则“C:ProgramDataFLEXnet”里面隐藏的那个文件删不掉;b、一定要把“显示隐藏的文件打开”,因为有个文件是隐藏起来的,隐藏起来的这个文件很重要,不删除就一直闪退。方法3:【运行】——【msconfig】——【服务】,勾选上【FLEXnet Licensing Service】,重启系统。方法4:一般闪退这种问题都是在“nvidia+intel”双显卡的电脑上出现的,打开nvidia显卡控制中心,然后把cad的启动模式设为高性能模式。

昨天下了天正,还可以用,今天命令栏就显示c:TangentTArch9sys17acad.dwt 然后就打不开了~求大神帮助


Wham Everything She Wants

Uh huh huh...Oh yeah...Work...work...Somebody told me,Boy, everything she wants is everything she sees...I guess I must have loved you.cause I said you were the perfect girl for me,Maybe...But now were six months older...And everything you want and everything you see,Is out of reach...not good enough...I dont know what the hell you want from me but boy...Uh huh huh...Oh...oh...Uh huh huh...Doo doo doo...La la la la...Somebody tell me,Wont you tell me...Why I work so hard for you? All to give you moneyAll to give you money...Some people work for a living,Some people work for fun,Girl, I just work for you.They told me marriage was a give and take,Well, show me you can take youve got some giving to do.And now you tell me that youre having my baby,Ill tell you that Im happy if you want me to...One step further and my back will break,If my best isnt good enoughThan how can it be good enough for two? I cant work any harder than I do...Somebody tell me,Wont you tell me...Why I work so hard for you? All to give you money,All to give you money...Oh...Why do I do the things I do? Id tell you if I knew.My god...I dont even think that I love you....Wont you tell me...Tell me...tell me...tell me...How could you settle for a boy like me,When all I could see was the end of the week...All the things we sign,And the things we buy,Aint gonna keep us together...Its just a matter of time.My situation,Never changes.Walking in that manner through that door,Like a stranger,But the wages...I give you all you say you want is love...And all I can see is the end of the week,All the things we sign,And the things we buy,Aint gonna keep us together...Girl, its just a matter of time.(return to top)


#include <iostream>#define _USE_MATH_DEFINES#include <cmath>using namespace std;class Container{public: virtual double Volume() = 0; virtual double Space() = 0;};class Sphere : public Container{ double radius;public: Sphere(double r) : radius(r) { } virtual double Volume() { return 4 / 3 * pow(radius, 3) * M_PI; } virtual double Space() { return 4 * M_PI * pow(radius, 2); }};class Cylinder : public Container{ double radius; double height;public: Cylinder(double r, double h) : radius(r), height(h) { } virtual double Volume() { return pow(radius, 2) * M_PI * height; } virtual double Space() { return pow(radius, 2) * M_PI * 2 + radius * M_PI * 2 * height; }};class Cube : public Container{ double cx; double cy; double cz;public: Cube(double x, double y, double z) : cx(x), cy(y), cz(z) { } virtual double Volume() { return cx * cy * cz; } virtual double Space() { return 2 * (cx * cy + cx * cz + cy * cz); }};int main(){ Container* sp = new Sphere(5); Container* cy = new Cylinder(4, 3); Container* cu = new Cube(3, 4, 5); cout << sp->Volume() << " " << sp->Space() << endl; cout << cy->Volume() << " " << cy->Space() << endl; cout << cu->Volume() << " " << cu->Space() << endl; delete sp; delete cy; delete cu; getchar(); return 0;}

C++ 定义1个点类Point,一个圆类Circle,一个圆柱体类Cylinder,点类派生圆类,圆类派生圆

看primer 就知道了


  moment表示瞬间,片刻; 时刻; 重要的意思,那么你知道moment的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了moment的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   moment的短语:   any moment (或 at any moment)   1. 马上,任何一刻,随时   at the (或 this) moment   for the moment   1. 暂时;目前   have one"s (或 its) moments   1. 也有走红(或得意、出风头、显赫等)的时刻   我也曾在赛场上名噪一时。   I had my moments in the game.   in a moment   1. 不久,一会儿   我一会儿就回来。   I"ll be back in a moment.   2. 立即,马上   逃亡者马上就被抓住了。   the fugitive was captured in a moment.   live for the moment   1. 得过且过,过一天算一天   the moment ——   1. 一…(å°±…)   我们一离开家就下起倾盆大雨。   the heavens opened the moment we left the house.   moment of truth   1. 严峻考验时刻;紧要关头   not a moment too soon   1. 几乎为时已晚   not for a (或 one) moment   1. 决不,从来没有   of the moment   1. 当前流行(或出名、重要)的   现时的时髦词。   the buzzword of the moment.   one moment (或 just a moment)   1. 稍等片刻,稍候   同义词辨析:   moment, minute, instant   这些名词均含"瞬间,片刻"之意。   moment较minute所表示的时间短,指一刹那或一段很短时间。有时也含持续的意味。   minute : 指极短的时间,但可觉察到时间的持续。   instant常与moment换用,指一瞬间,但更侧重时间短促,多用于表示紧迫、瞬变等情况。   moment的短语例句:   1. I"ll report back the moment I have located him.   我一找到他就马上汇报。   2. He"s touring South America at this moment in time.   他此刻正在南美旅游观光。   3. Gail was silent for a moment, regarding Harry with his steady gaze.   盖尔镇定地注视着哈里,沉默了片刻。   4. It was an unbelievable moment when Chris won the gold medal.   克里斯赢得金牌的那一刻令人不可思议。   5. He"ll be here to see you any moment now.   他马上就会来这儿看你。   6. At that moment, there was a rattling at the door.   那时,突然出现咚咚的敲门声。   7. His face, at the moment, was peeling from sunburn.   那时他的脸因为晒伤而脱皮。   8. She concealed her pregnancy right up to the moment of birth.   她隐瞒了自己怀孕的事,直到孩子出世。   9. In that moment a surge of hatred flowed through my blood.   那一刻,一股仇恨在我的血液中翻涌。   10. He is unpredictable, weeping one moment, laughing the next.   他喜怒无常,一会儿哭,一会儿笑。   11. Could I speak to you in private a moment, padre.   可否私下跟您谈谈,牧师。   12. A moment later, Cohen picked up the phone. "Hello?"   过了一会儿,科恩接起电话。“喂?”   13. It took a moment for Mark to recover his poise.   马克过了一会儿才恢复镇静。   14. I remember now. He arrived just at the moment it happened.   现在我想起来了,他恰恰在事情发生的时候到了。   15. At the moment there"s no hard and fast timetable.   目前还没有明确的时间表。

if you could build a bridge,what people or place you want to connect? 英语演讲

How to build a global brandBranding is more than just a business buzzword. It has become the crux of selling in the new economy. If the old marketing mantra was," Nothing happens until somebody sells something," the new philosophy could be" Nothing happens until somebody brands something." In its simplest form, a brand is a noun. It is the name attached to a product or service. However, upon close inspection, a brand represents many more intangible aspects of a product or service: a collection of feelings and perceptions about quality, image, lifestyle and status. It creates in the mind of customers and prospects the perception that there is no product or service on the market that is quite like yours. In short, a brand offers the customer a guarantee and then delivers on it. You might infer, then, that if you build a powerful brand, you will in turn be able to create a powerful marketing program. However, if you can"t convince customers that your product is worthy of purchasing, no amount of advertising dollars, fancy packaging or public relations will help you achieve your sales goals. Therefore, successful branding programs begin with superior products and services, backed by excellent customer service that permeates an entire organization. Forty years ago, there were only a handful of truly global brands and they were made up of only the biggest corporations — Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Colgate-Palmolive, IBM, Shell. Then a rash of upstarts came along, such as Nike, Microsoft, Apple, and Honda, and pushed their brand reputation further than their actual sales footprint. But now that barriers to international trade have come down and the Internet has helped small and mid-sized companies compete on the global stage, building an international brand is a realistic goal for more and more businesses.Only in the last 10 years has global business become the benchmark for how you do business these days, says Hayes Roth, chief marketing officer for Landor Associates, a strategic brand and design consultancy that has worked on international branding with such companies as BP, Panasonic, and KFC. Thanks to the Internet it"s hard to keep your brand just localized. Once you"re on the Web, you"re accessible pretty much anywhere in the world. It doesn"t necessarily make you a global brand but you have to be mindful of the implications.The following pages will detail what an international brand is, how to build a brand internationally, and how to build brand awareness in new international markets.How to Build a Brand Internationally: What a Global Brand IsIn starting a new business or seeking to increase growth at your current business by expanding into international markets, establishing and building a brand identity becomes essential.Branding involves what people think about your business and your products. Think of a brand as a reputation, says Paul Williams, founder of the international marketing firm Idea Sandbox, which helps companies build their brands. Building a reputation in any new market, including overseas, involves a first impression, which comes from the initial interactions someone has with your company, products, and services.Businesses can attempt to shape or form the branding of their company or products in many ways, including advertising, media, word-of-mouth, and contact with your products or services. A lot of thought and effort goes into branding, including naming products, designing logos, and ensuring that service is uniform throughout the business. Through continued exposure over time, your brand — or your reputation — is formed with potential and existing customers. A brand is essentially a short cut, it is a way for a customer to get an instant recognition on what the promise is of a product or service and how that will benefit them, Roth says.The reason businesses spent time and money developing brand recognition is so that they can charge a premium for a product or service. People will pay more for a brand name product or service if it is recognized as a leader and a trusted brand and they know what they will get. Apple, for example, can charge more for its computers than some other companies because of its brand reputation for offering innovative design and quality electronics. The same can be said about Mercedes or BMW automobiles.How to Build a Brand Internationally: What You Need to ExpandWhen businesses try to expand their brand globally, those goals don"t change. But there are several steps you should take to make sure that your products or services will have a market overseas, that you can maintain quality in delivering and/or distributing your goods or services, and that your business or product branding meets cultural expectations — and doesn"t insult anyone — in different parts of the world.The secret is doing your homework, Williams says. Like any long distance relationship, it"s got to be managed and needs more work than something you can see and physically touch, but it"s not impossible.The following steps may help you in building an international brand:Make sure you have a market. Proven success with your current target audience doesn"t automatically mean that your new target will connect in the same way with your products or services, Williams says. Ask your new market the questions you used to build your initial business plan. First and most important, he says, you"ll want to determine if a market exists for your product. If so, make sure the want or need isn"t already being well met by someone else. If there are existing competitors, what (in the perspective of your potential customers) makes you remarkably different? If there is a market and there are no competitors, make sure you find out why — are there laws against distributing your products or can consumers buy them through other means? Make sure you can deliver. Make sure you can get your product to, or manufactured within, the new market. Import and manufacturing laws vary from country to country, Williams says. Ensure you can make your products reliably and consistently available to your new target markets. Investigate the local laws. You need to make sure your products meet the local standards for construction of components, use of chemicals, disposal of goods, proper labeling of products, etc. Re-examine your business and/or product names. In choosing a name for your business or product, you need to be culturally sensitive if you intend to sell in foreign markets. Make sure product names make sense to customers in your new markets, both in English and in the local translation. Williams, who has done international branding work with Starbucks, recalls how a holiday favorite in the U.S., the Gingerbread Latte, didn"t sell well in Germany even though gingerbread was a favorite holiday cookie in that country. Sales of the drink increased dramatically when Starbucks began using the German word for gingerbread and rebranded the drink, the Lebkuchen Latte. If you are considering translating names, don"t rely on computer translation. You don"t want what you think is an effective name to mean something opposite or offend potential customers, Williams says. Work with someone locally who can help make sure you communicate what you intend. Give your logo another look. Similarly, review your logo to make sure that you don"t use any wording or symbols that would offend in a foreign market. Ensure that any logos or symbols you use make sense and don"t offend, Williams says. Do an international search to make sure your logo isn"t similar to that of another international company. For example, if you are selling products in some Middle Eastern markets, a logo featuring the face of a woman might not be appropriate. The best way to understand these cultural sensitivities is to consult a branding or design firm — either a local one or an international firm that can research cultural sensitivities. Understand packaging requirements. If you"re selling a product, you need to consider the laws and customs and packaging requirements in your new markets before deciding on packaging for your products. Your packaging may use a clear plastic shell that hangs from a rod, but your competition may package their product in a box that can go on a shelf, Williams says. This may put you at a disadvantage. If you"re selling a packaged product around the world there are incredible hurdles, Roth adds. Shipping food across borders may require you to provide more nutritional information on packaging, in more languages, and there may be laws prohibiting the use of certain products in some markets — even New York City has a ban on trans fatty acids, for example. Learn the local standards and ensure your packaging includes any necessary regulatory information and meets transportation standards. Register trademarks and domain names. Follow the process in your new market to ensure you preserve patent and trademarks. Thanks to the NAFTA Treaty your marks should already be protected in Mexico and Canada, Williams says. If you"re doing business in the European Union filing for a Community Trade Mark (CTM) will protect you. Another consideration is making sure the Internet domain name for your company and product are available. You still want to register a dot-com, which is the most popular domain worldwide for businesses. But you may also consider registering domains using specific country codes — .nl for the Netherlands or .br for Brazil — if you are targeting only one or two local markets and plan on providing up-to-date translations of your websites into the local languages. In taking these steps to building a brand internationally, it almost always helps to find local resources to help you understand and enter new foreign markets. You might consider entering into business with a local distributor or retailer in this new market. It is nearly impossible to understand local culture simply by visiting a country, Williams says. Find local customers, local translators. Just because you took two years of French in high school doesn"t make you qualified to understand the French market nor do French translations. Just as consumers" needs are different in Rhode Island from those in Florida and California, so are the needs of consumers in Paris different from those in Marseille.


  moment表 瞬间,片刻; 时刻的意思,那么你知道moment的同义词有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了moment的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!   moment的同义词辨析:   moment, minute, instant   这些名词均含"瞬间,片刻"之意。   moment较minute所表示的时间短,指一刹那或一段很短时间。有时也含持续的意味。   minute : 指极短的时间,但可觉察到时间的持续。   instant常与moment换用,指一瞬间,但更侧重时间短促,多用于表示紧迫、瞬变等情况。   词组习语:   any moment (或 at any moment)   1. 马上,任何一刻,随时   at the (或 this) moment   for the moment   1. 暂时;目前   have one"s (或 its) moments   1. 也有走红(或得意、出风头、显赫等)的时刻   我也曾在赛场上名噪一时。   I had my moments in the game.   in a moment   1. 不久,一会儿   我一会儿就回来。   I"ll be back in a moment.   2. 立即,马上   逃亡者马上就被抓住了。   the fugitive was captured in a moment.   live for the moment   1. 得过且过,过一天算一天   the moment ——   1. 一…(å°±…)   我们一离开家就下起倾盆大雨。   the heavens opened the moment we left the house.   moment of truth   1. 严峻考验时刻;紧要关头   not a moment too soon   1. 几乎为时已晚   not for a (或 one) moment   1. 决不,从来没有   of the moment   1. 当前流行(或出名、重要)的   现时的时髦词。   the buzzword of the moment.   one moment (或 just a moment)   1. 稍等片刻,稍候   moment的例句:   1. I"ll report back the moment I have located him.   我一找到他就马上汇报。   2. He"s touring South America at this moment in time.   他此刻正在南美旅游观光。   3. Gail was silent for a moment, regarding Harry with his steady gaze.   盖尔镇定地注视着哈里,沉默了片刻。   4. It was an unbelievable moment when Chris won the gold medal.   克里斯赢得金牌的那一刻令人不可思议。   5. He"ll be here to see you any moment now.   他马上就会来这儿看你。   6. At that moment, there was a rattling at the door.   那时,突然出现咚咚的敲门声。   7. His face, at the moment, was peeling from sunburn.   那时他的脸因为晒伤而脱皮。   8. She concealed her pregnancy right up to the moment of birth.   她隐瞒了自己怀孕的事,直到孩子出世。   9. In that moment a surge of hatred flowed through my blood.   那一刻,一股仇恨在我的血液中翻涌。   10. He is unpredictable, weeping one moment, laughing the next.   他喜怒无常,一会儿哭,一会儿笑。   11. Could I speak to you in private a moment, padre.   可否私下跟您谈谈,牧师。   12. A moment later, Cohen picked up the phone. "Hello?"   过了一会儿,科恩接起电话。“喂?”   13. It took a moment for Mark to recover his poise.   马克过了一会儿才恢复镇静。   14. I remember now. He arrived just at the moment it happened.   现在我想起来了,他恰恰在事情发生的时候到了。   15. At the moment there"s no hard and fast timetable.   目前还没有明确的时间表。


Kwantum荷兰BV(荷兰)荷兰最大的公司之一,是中央办公室设在蒂尔堡名称: Kwantum荷兰BV街道: 百丽凡Zuylen街10城市: 5032马 蒂尔堡国家: 荷兰(荷兰)主页: http://www.kwantum.nl/电话: 31(13)462 66 26传真: 31(13)463 79 79NACE: 20 木材及木材和软木产品制造,除家具/制造秸秆的文章和编织母校36 制造家具/制造NEC年销售额: 60和70米欧元之间员工人数: 500至600的Top500 - ID: 25962kwantum : 量子b.v. :BV Bijvoorbeeld (Dutch: For Example)BV Bouvet IslandBV Bureau VeritasBV Best ValueBV Buena VistaBV Book ValueBV Bacterial Vaginosis (medical)BV Bon Voyage (The Sims 2 Expansion Pack)BV Breakdown VoltageBV Besloten Vennootschap (Dutch: Limited Company)BV Blood VesselBV Beta VersionBV Biological ValueBV Boundary ValueBV Brightness ValueBV Benevento (Italian Commune)BV Black & Veatch CorporationBV Backing VocalsBV Blessed VirginBV Breeding ValueBV Binocular VisionBV Bekende Vlaming (Dutch, Flemish)BV Back ViewBV Betriebskostenverordnung (German)BV Brief VisitBV Baja Verapaz (Guatemala, territorial division)BV Bombeiros Voluntários (Portuguese: Volunteer Firemen Corporation)BV Building VentilationBV Brachial VeinBV Booster Vehicle (National Missile Defense ground based interceptor program)BV Battlefield VisualizationBV Bereits Vorgelegt (German, legal)BV Booking Value (sales commission calculation)BV Bewakingsvaartuig (Dutch)BV Bulletin of Verification (Canada Post)BV Building VoidBV Bureau VoucherBV Bourn-Vita (Cadbury"s drink)BV Bus Vectored

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书中讲一个高度集权,阶级分明的集体主义社会。在重重阻碍下, 主人公克服困难,努力追求自我自由和爱情的一个故事 。 每个人的价值观是不一样的,所以看书的感觉也不太一样。压迫人的自由和思想和反压迫一直在进行。 从奴隶到雇佣,从君主专政到立宪制 民主专政,从殖民地到独立,这是力量和资源的博弈。压迫别人是一场永远无法战胜的战争。自由和平等不是给的,是自己的选择,是自己的选择,是自己的选择,首先要有这种自由平等思想,奴性这种东西 不知如何说起,宁愿做王小波笔下一只特立独行的猪。就如主人公一直在思考,想着自我自由,然后就是掌握力量和资源,并利用。 安兰德强调个人主义 ,理性利己主义,在不侵犯他人合法权益的情况下,利己。也诠释了对社会的讽刺,对共产主义的不满,但并没有真正的在文章中提及到,写出社会的不公平性,并且没有自主权,人生来并不是自由的,所有事情都要由国家来安排,每个人不能随心所欲的做自己想做的事,是一个很阶级性的社会

ayo Ladies and gentlemen是什么歌

是这个吗?这首歌曲是防弹少年团的《dope》,来看看原唱防弹少年团是怎么来演绎这首...Jung Kook:Ayo ladies and gentlemen

50 Cent - Ayo Technology歌词中文意思

一些特别的, 难忘的, 50 (注) , 官(天) , 歌手(土地) ,神妈(妈) 她她,她想要的,我要给它向她 她知道,它的权利,在这里为她 我想,看到你打破它放下 我ballin " , throw"n钱左右 韵文1 ( 50 &贾斯汀) : 她工作的女孩,她工作了极点 她打破了,她是否可以低 她可被判罚款或地狱,她对于面团 她做她的事列于地板 她的钱,钱,她makin " makin " 看看在她抗震"抗震" 使你想触摸它,使你想尝尝它 你lustin "为她去疯面对它 现在不停止,就得,就得 路,她抗震" ,使你想打 认为她的双重节从她劈开 得到你头f ** ked起来,从她没有 她的远不止你习惯了 她知道的只是如何迁移到勾引你 她经历了做正确的事,和触摸有权当场 舞蹈在你圈到你准备好流行 她总是准备好,当你想要的,她想要的 就像一个nympho ,信息,我说明了,你在哪里见到她 关于深夜,直到白天俱乐部jumpin " 如果你想要的好时机,她去给你你想要做 合唱团(贾斯汀) : 宝宝你长得很帅,所以新时代的到来,你喜欢我的新热潮 让我们聚在一起,也许我们可以开始一个新的阶段 该抽烟了俱乐部所有烟霞,聚光灯,不这样做,你正义宝宝 你为什么不来这里,你明白我说 aayooh 我已经厌倦了使用技术,你为什么不坐下来,再加上我 aayooh 我已经厌倦了使用技术,我需要你的权利,在我前面 ooh ,她想,嗯,嗯,她想,它 ooh ,她想,嗯,嗯(洙) ,我得给她 你的臀部,你的大腿上,他们实现了我催眠,让我告诉你 你的臀部,你的大腿上,他们实现了我催眠,让我告诉你 你的臀部,你的大腿上,他们实现了我催眠,让我告诉你 你的臀部,你的大腿上,他们实现了我催眠,让我告诉你 韵文2 ( 50分&贾斯汀) : 得到的事,那个东西拿了 方式,使她动摇,她的方式,使流行 使雨,我们所以她不阻止 i是没有动起来,我可以坐视 在她的幻想中,有平原,看看 只是如何才能,对我来说, backstrokin " ,汗水浸泡 所有到我的产品定 当她准备坐,我已经准备好名册 我将在这女巫,直到俱乐部关闭 我应该怎么办,一件事,对所有四名 现在该是shit的,应依法打击 来自方方,让乘坐,打破它放下(跌下来) 你知道,我想,当你上升和你丢各地 不同风格,不同的动议,妈,我喜欢你的方式提出 女孩,你明白我想,所有的事情我给你 让我们得到poppin " shorty我们可以转换阵地 从沙发到柜台,在我的厨房 合唱团(贾斯汀) : 宝宝你长得很帅,所以新时代的到来,你喜欢我的新热潮 让我们聚在一起,也许我们可以开始一个新的阶段 该抽烟了俱乐部所有烟霞,聚光灯,不这样做,你正义宝宝 你为什么不来这里,你明白我说 aayooh 我已经厌倦了使用技术,你为什么不坐下来,再加上我 aayooh 我已经厌倦了使用技术,我需要你的权利,在我前面 ooh ,她想,嗯,嗯,她想,它 ooh ,她想,嗯,嗯(洙) ,我得给她 你的臀部,你的大腿上,他们实现了我催眠,让我告诉你 你的臀部,你的大腿上,他们实现了我催眠,让我告诉你 你的臀部,你的大腿上,他们实现了我催眠,让我告诉你 你的臀部,你的大腿上,他们实现了我催眠,让我告诉你

ayo Ladies and gentlemen是什么歌







Dasiy这名字好听 读出来是 丹希 和你的希是一样的音, 这名字用的人也不多, 比较与众不同

名字叫思怡,想问一下Shirley,Cynthia,Estelle, Olivia那个做英文名比较


求与 Cynthia.L 相配的情侣网名

Sunshine boy而且月亮女神在希腊神话中还有一个名字与爱人Artemis.L Orion.AL 后面是我加的,不满意可以改。 这个不好配额。特别是英文。你看看下面有没有要的。°这一秒,幸福.。 | °丅「秒,待续.。硪、 ↘爱她 | 硪、 ↘爱他深吟、__幸福 | 浅唱、 ̄深爱他、 硪狠爱 | 她、 硪狠爱默写、你旳情 | 默读、你旳爱 这笑、好羙 | 这伤、好痛 有你、 狠好 | 有你、 真好__M丶.▕卜乖 | __M丶.▕卜爱未写、 待续 | 未写、 继续其实、还薆沵 | 其实、还想沵夜、狠喧闹 | 吢、狠呯静詯, 喜欢伱 | 詯, 疼嗳伱<kiss> | <miss>↙爷,咱爱沵 | ↘娘,咱庝沵 _喂`祢是莪的 | _蒽`莪是祢的 呐谁、詯疼沵 | 呐谁、詯念沵 ↙↙ ̄深 爱 她 | ↙↙ ̄深 爱 他妞、咱爱你. | 哥、咱疼你. 转角、遇到薆 | 街角、遇到情 结局、狠綄羙 | 剧沬、狠悻富 宝贝丶佬厷 | 宝贝丶佬嘙繁 华、谢 幕 | 繁 华、邂 逅喂、尔嫁俄° | 嗯、俄嫁尔°笨蛋、奥特曼 | 绝食、怪小兽 街角、爱依旧. | 转角、没未来. 诠释〈悲哀〉 | 莫守〈诠释〉 洧伱: 狠快乐 | 洧伱: 狠幸福 我、无可取代 | 你、无可取代 迩、咱想爱 | 咱、想尔爱尔、咱宝贝 | 咱、尔宝贝铁臂丶阿童木 | 樱桃丶小丸子洅痛, 乜昰笑 | 洅笑, 乜昰痛那段、爱请 | 那段、暧昧硪、迩的依靠 | 迩、硪的幸福逛的、狠自然 | 耍的、狠潇洒夏末、那份情 | 夏末、这份爱内女朲,狠羙 | 内男朲,狠帅带绿帽、的狼 | 带红帽、的羊骗子、他路过 | 傻子、她丢了悄然 、离去 | 默然 、流泪那女人,很羙 | 那男人,很赞吢 属 亍 ä¼± | 吢 呮 侑 祢内谁、爱尓 | 内谁、想尓珍藏、那段情 | 回忆、那份爱街头 、相遇 | 街头 、相爱[蒽,苊狠爱迩] | [蒽,迩狠爱苊]其实、誐介意 | 其实、誐愿意卜 ___、离 | 卜 ___、弃爷↘万亼儆岇 | 姊↘万亼注苜谁给莪、幸福 | 谁给莪、未来这夜、 ̄凄寒 | 这伤、 ̄凄美苏格兰、调情 | 苏格兰、调戏唱 我们悳歌。 | 赞 我们悳爱。莪:佷緈鍢 | 莪:佷快楽街角、爱依旧. | 转角、没未来.ιòνè.〢『纯潶|ιòνè.〢『纯絔‘A货莮孒。、|‘a货钕孓、。-呃:皒疼他,|-呃:皒耐他, 那亼,峩在乎 | 那亼,峩吢疼墨守,沵悳凊 | 墨守,沵悳爱情歌、单唱版 | 情歌、翻唱版喂|._饿爱你▕ 恩|._饿爱你{ 尓,莪旳宝贝 | { 尓,莪旳骄傲回忆、蘑天抡 / 幸幅、蘑天抡默吟,你的诗 / 浅唱,你的歌 说爱。 / 谈清。∨_、( 哭 æ³£ ) / ∨_、( å¾® 笑 ) 、 æ·± 吻 |  、 浅 笑





Cynthia Luna是什么意思?


求女装品牌Cynthia Steffe的历史简介

Cynthia Steffe is recognized as one of America"s leading contemporary designers. Her clothing has been featured in the pages of Vogue, Harper"s Bazaar, Elle, In Style, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, Allure and many others. Soon after she started her business, Women"s Wear Daily chose Cynthia as one of the “New Majors,” and The New York Times has hailed her as part of a select group of successful female designers defining fashion"s current mood. In addition, People Magazine has named her one of its “50 Most Beautiful People.”Cynthia attended Parsons School of Design in New York City, where in her senior year, she was named Student Designer of the Year and honored with the Donna Karan Gold Thimble Award. She was hired out of school by Karan herself and, a few years later, founded CYNTHIA STEFFE, INC. Cynthia left her namesake company in 2007. The newest chapter in her career is the success and growth of Cluny, a new contemporary sportswear collection founded in 2010. An active member in the fashion community, Cynthia is a board member of the Council of Fashion Designers of America as well as a member of Fashion Group International. Cynthia"s designs have been worn by many celebrity fans, including Anne Hathaway, Scarlett Johansson, Hilary Duff, Mena Suvari, Kristin Davis, Jessica Simpson, Teri Hatcher, Debra Messing, Katie Couric and Marcia Gay Harden, each of whom embodies the innovative, youthful, ageless spirit of Cynthia"s collection.






请问你是男生还是女生?男生:Nancy 南希女生:Lucy 露西

女英文名Zoe Vanessa Jasmine Cynthia分别适合什么样的女子?给你的感觉如何?请说明下。

Vanessa 比较好听。



女生取英文名 cynthia 和 mavis,哪个比较好?










英语名字 Cynthia 大家都有感觉像“娟、美、霞、静、丽、香”这些字眼在中文名中是很俗的,大多

你这根本没法比啊 中英文名字能比么,再国外也有俗名





女生英文名Tiffany Katherine Cynthia高手们觉得哪个更好呢?

第一个,虽然我一个看不懂,不过第一个写起来好像方便一点。本来想说第三个的 但是C好像发 靠 的音 所以第一个



Cynthia Cinderella Belle Ariel 的昵称分别是什么?

Cynthia的昵称是Cindy我就是叫Cynthia 在书里查到昵称为Cindy但我不知道为什么


cytheria比较好 比较特别 朋友们一提起这个名字就知道是你



法语人名cynthia 怎么读啊?

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