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求《Anthem》作者:ayn rand这本书详细点的介绍。具体讲的是什么。谢谢了~~~

2023-06-04 09:49:20
TAG: nt nth ayn anthem

书中讲一个高度集权,阶级分明的集体主义社会。在重重阻碍下, 主人公克服困难,努力追求自我自由和爱情的一个故事 。 每个人的价值观是不一样的,所以看书的感觉也不太一样。压迫人的自由和思想和反压迫一直在进行。 从奴隶到雇佣,从君主专政到立宪制 民主专政,从殖民地到独立,这是力量和资源的博弈。压迫别人是一场永远无法战胜的战争。自由和平等不是给的,是自己的选择,是自己的选择,是自己的选择,首先要有这种自由平等思想,奴性这种东西 不知如何说起,宁愿做王小波笔下一只特立独行的猪。就如主人公一直在思考,想着自我自由,然后就是掌握力量和资源,并利用。 安兰德强调个人主义 ,理性利己主义,在不侵犯他人合法权益的情况下,利己。也诠释了对社会的讽刺,对共产主义的不满,但并没有真正的在文章中提及到,写出社会的不公平性,并且没有自主权,人生来并不是自由的,所有事情都要由国家来安排,每个人不能随心所欲的做自己想做的事,是一个很阶级性的社会



2023-06-03 18:58:501


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2023-06-03 19:03:261


α 阿尔法β 贝塔γ 伽玛δ 德尔塔ε 伊普西隆δ 泽塔ε 伊塔ζ 西塔η 约塔θ 卡帕ι 兰姆达κ 米欧λ 纽μ 克西ν 欧米克隆π 派ξ 柔ζ 西格玛η 陶υ 玉普西隆补充:阿拉伯文的字母,共二十八个。因伊斯兰教的影响流传很广。阿拉伯字母为阿拉伯语的书写形式,除了阿拉伯语之外,世界上(尤其是伊斯兰教比较兴盛的地区)尚有别的语言使用阿拉伯字母拼写,如波斯语、普什图语、维吾尔语等。阿拉伯字母本身不包含短元音字母,所以在阿拉伯语和波斯语、普什图语等语言的很多书籍和杂志中,短元音并不被标出,所以人们必须从文中推测出这些元音。出现这种现象的原因是闪米特语更多的使用辅音和长元音来区分词义。
2023-06-03 19:03:402


1、 Leila (莉拉)—— 夜晚出生的小孩2、 Ursa (俄萨)—— 有分析头脑的3、 Crystal (克里丝塔)—— 冰雪聪明的4、 Rebecca (丽白卡)—— 忠诚的5、 Taylor (泰勒)—— 做裁缝的人6、 Elizabeth (伊莉莎白)—— 上帝的誓言7、 Ayn (艾恩)—— 亲切8、 Rosa (罗莎)—— 美丽的玫瑰9、 Beatrice (比阿特丽斯)—— 带来欢笑之人10、 Tracy (特蕾西)—— 有勇气的11、 Emily (艾米丽)—— 聪敏的12、 Glenn (葛兰)—— 狭窄的山谷13、 Iris (艾丽斯)—— 彩虹女神14、 Sara (萨拉)—— 公主15、 Freddie (弗雷迪)—— 和平的16、 Cindy (辛迪)—— 甜美17、 Devin (戴文)—— 完美的18、 Karen (凯伦)—— 逻辑分析力强的19、 Zillah (齐拉)—— 上帝的帮助20、 Ivy (艾唯)—— 神圣的21、 Xena (吉娜)—— 亲切22、 Aimee (艾梅)—— 可爱的人23、 Olivia (奥利维娅)—— 橄榄树24、 Elisabeth (伊丽莎白)—— 上帝的誓约25、 Ulrica (乌尔丽卡)—— 强大,繁荣26、 Chris (克里斯)—— 充满自信27、 Leslie (莱丝莉)—— 精明的28、 Felicity (费莉西蒂)—— 欢乐29、 Alessandra (艾丽珊竹)—— 人类的保护者30、 Cherie (谢丽)—— 亲爱的31、 Sonia (索尼亚)—— 智慧32、 Elsa (埃尔莎)—— 诚实的33、 Natasha (娜塔莎)—— 具异国风情的神秘女子34、 Candy (堪蒂)—— 有创造力的35、 Kim (金姆)—— 草地36、 Darleen (达琳)—— 温柔可爱37、 Lillian (丽丽安)—— 仁慈的38、 Abigail (艾比盖尔)—— 上帝是喜悦39、 Del (戴尔)—— 漂亮40、 Serena (赛拉娜)—— 善交际的41、 Candice (坎迪丝)—— 闪闪发光的白色42、 Gemma (吉玛)—— 珍贵的宝石43、 Irene (伊瑞)—— 认真的44、 Rita (丽塔)—— 有天分的45、 Genevieve (吉纳维夫)—— 美貌的女子46、 Nora (诺拉)—— 荣誉47、 Ivory (艾沃蕊)—— 象牙48、 Niki (尼奇)—— 人民的胜利49、 Jacky (杰克)—— 独立,坚持己见50、 Betty (贝蒂)—— 上帝的誓约51、 Isabelle (伊莎贝尔)—— 奉献的52、 Ray (拉伊)—— 保护者53、 Patty (帕特)—— 高贵54、 Cathy (凯茜)—— 神圣55、 Tanya (塔尼娅)—— 永恒56、 Alison (艾丽森)—— 亲切57、 Rachel (瑞吉儿)—— 有责任心的58、 Julia (朱莉娅)—— 年轻的59、 Julie (朱莉)—— 平静的,融合的60、 Yasmine (雅丝敏)—— 茉莉花61、 Susan (苏珊)—— 百合花62、 Odin (奥丁)—— 欧丁神63、 Emma (艾玛)—— 文静的64、 Jessie (杰西)—— 聪明的65、 Zoie (佐薇)—— 亲切的66、 Paula (泊拉)—— 身材玲珑的67、 Carrie (凯瑞尔)—— 安静好独处的女子68、 Harriet (哈丽特)—— 家庭主妇69、 Christian (克里丝森)—— 基督的追随者70、 Hana (汉娜)—— 快乐71、 Charlotte (夏洛蒂)—— 身体强健的72、 Terry (特莉)—— 喜欢追求乐趣的男孩73、 Leah (利娅)—— 统治者74、 Ximena (泽米娜)—— 倾听者75、 Frederica (弗雷德丽卡)—— 和平的76、 Wing (魏颖)—— 荣耀77、 Qara (加拉)—— 亲爱的78、 Elaine (伊兰尼)—— 美丽的79、 Silvia (西尔维娅)—— 美丽富有的80、 Ella (埃拉)—— 淘气的81、 Francesca (法兰西斯卡)—— 聪明,理想主义82、 Janet (珍尼特)—— 聪明的83、 Phoebe (菲比)—— 聪明的84、 Holly (霍利)—— 理想主义者85、 Xochitl (泽奇特尔)—— 森林86、 Urania (乌拉尼亚)—— 积极,独立87、 Qatar (卡塔尔)—— 有福88、 Yolanda (尤兰达)—— 勇敢的89、 Athena (阿西娜)—— 智慧女神90、 Georgia (乔治亚)—— 农夫91、 Beth (贝茜)—— 奉献的92、 Barbie (芭比)—— 陌生人93、 Della (德拉)—— 高贵94、 Isabella (伊莎贝拉)—— 上帝的誓言95、 Wendi (万迪)—— 公平96、 Ophelia (奥菲莉亚)—— 帮手97、 Hanna (汉娜)—— 上帝赐予的孩子98、 Sarah (萨拉)—— 公主99、 Hayden (海登)—— 小镇100、 Teresa (特蕊莎)—— 美丽的
2023-06-03 19:04:061


2023-06-03 19:04:291


阿拉伯语属闪含语系闪米特语族,是由28个辅音字母和12个发音符号(不包括叠音符)组成的拼音文字。书写顺序从右往左横行书写,翻阅顺序也是由右往左。阿拉伯语字母无大、小写之分,但有印刷体、手写体和艺术体之别。书写时,每个字母均有单写与连写之分。阿拉伯语基本字母:基本字母: ا [aː] ʾalif ب [b] bāʾ ت [t] tāʾ ث [θ] ṯāʾ ج [ʤ] ǧÄ«m ح [ħ] ḥāʾ خ [x] ḫāʾ د [d] dāl ذ [ð] ḏāl ر [r] rāʾ ز [z] zāy س [s] sÄ«n ش [ʃ] šÄ«n ص [sˁ] ṣād ض [dˁ]/[ðˤ] ḍād ط [tˁ] ṭāʾ ظ [zˁ]/[ðˁ] zāʾ ع [ʔˤ] ʿayn غ [ɣ] ġayn ف [f] fāʾ ق [q] qāf ك [k] kāf ل [l] lām م [m] mÄ«m ن [n] nÅ«n ه [h] hāʾ و [w] wāw ي [j] yāʾ ء [ʔ] hamza 附加字母: ﺁ [ʔaː] ʾalif madda ﺓ [a]/[at] tāʾ marbÅ«ṭa ﻯ [aː] ʾalif maqṣÅ«ra ﻻ [laː] lām ʾali f
2023-06-03 19:04:461


  1、Ayn(艾恩)——亲切   2、Emily(艾米丽)——聪敏的   3、Cathy(凯茜)——神圣   4、Alison(艾丽森)——亲切   5、Frederica(弗雷德丽卡)——和平的   6、Beatrice(比阿特丽斯)——带来欢笑之人   7、Christian(克里丝森)——基督的追随者   8、Susan(苏珊)——百合花   9、Julie(朱莉)——平静的,融合的   10、Ophelia(奥菲莉亚)——帮手   11、Candy(堪蒂)——有创造力的   12、Elisabeth(伊丽莎白)——上帝的誓约   13、Holly(霍利)——梦想主义者   14、Tracy(特蕾西)——有勇气的   15、Wendi(万迪)——公平   16、Nora(诺拉)——荣誉   17、Isabella(伊莎贝拉)——上帝的誓言   18、Phoebe(菲比)——聪明的   19、Elizabeth(伊莉莎白)——上帝的誓言   20、Rachel(瑞吉儿)——有职责心的   21、Elsa(埃尔莎)——诚实的   22、Athena(阿西娜)——智慧女神   23、Cherie(谢丽)——亲爱的
2023-06-03 19:05:011


这里给您推荐几个好听的女生英文名:01、Leila (莉拉)—— 夜晚出生的小孩02、 Ursa (俄萨)—— 有分析头脑的03、 Crystal (克里丝塔)—— 冰雪聪明的04、 Rebecca (丽白卡)—— 忠诚的05、 Taylor (泰勒)—— 做裁缝的人06、 Elizabeth (伊莉莎白)—— 上帝的誓言07、 Ayn (艾恩)—— 亲切08、 Rosa (罗莎)—— 美丽的玫瑰09、 Beatrice (比阿特丽斯)—— 带来欢笑之人10、 Tracy (特蕾西)—— 有勇气的11、 Emily (艾米丽)—— 聪敏的12、 Glenn (葛兰)—— 狭窄的山谷13、 Iris (艾丽斯)—— 彩虹女神14、 Sara (萨拉)—— 公主15、 Freddie (弗雷迪)—— 和平的16、 Cindy (辛迪)—— 甜美17、 Devin (戴文)—— 完美的18、 Karen (凯伦)—— 逻辑分析力强的19、 Zillah (齐拉)—— 上帝的帮助20、 Ivy (艾唯)—— 神圣的21、 Xena (吉娜)—— 亲切22、 Aimee (艾梅)—— 可爱的人23、 Olivia (奥利维娅)—— 橄榄树24、 Elisabeth (伊丽莎白)—— 上帝的誓约25、 Ulrica (乌尔丽卡)—— 强大,繁荣26、 Chris (克里斯)—— 充满自信27、 Leslie (莱丝莉)—— 精明的28、 Felicity (费莉西蒂)—— 欢乐29、 Alessandra (艾丽珊竹)—— 人类的保护者30、 Cherie (谢丽)—— 亲爱的31、 Sonia (索尼亚)—— 智慧32、 Elsa (埃尔莎)—— 诚实的33、 Natasha (娜塔莎)—— 具异国风情的神秘女子34、 Candy (堪蒂)—— 有创造力的35、 Kim (金姆)—— 草地36、 Darleen (达琳)—— 温柔可爱37、 Lillian (丽丽安)—— 仁慈的38、 Abigail (艾比盖尔)—— 上帝是喜悦39、 Del (戴尔)—— 漂亮40、 Serena (赛拉娜)—— 善交际的41、 Candice (坎迪丝)—— 闪闪发光的白色42、 Gemma (吉玛)—— 珍贵的宝石43、 Irene (伊瑞)—— 认真的44、 Rita (丽塔)—— 有天分的45、 Genevieve (吉纳维夫)—— 美貌的女子46、 Nora (诺拉)—— 荣誉47、 Ivory (艾沃蕊)—— 象牙48、 Niki (尼奇)—— 人民的胜利
2023-06-03 19:05:091


阿特拉斯山脉是两种不同气团的会合点──来自北部的湿冷极地气团和从南部来的乾热带气团。泰勒阿特拉斯的雨水较撒哈拉阿特拉斯充足,东北部则比西南部雨水更多;最多的降雨量当数泰勒阿特拉斯的东部。克鲁米里(Kroumirie)山脉的艾因代拉希姆(Ayn ad-Darahim)年降雨量为1,524公釐(60吋);在大阿特拉斯南面的小阿特拉斯,没有一处其年降雨量会超过500公釐(17吋)者。一个山丘的北坡所接受的雨量要比南坡多。随著海拔高度递增,温度下降得很快;尽管沿海山丘靠近海,但却是寒冷区域。小卡比利亚区(Little Kabylia)的2,004公尺(6,575呎)巴布尔山峰顶积雪可达4~5个月;摩洛哥的大阿特拉斯山则长年积雪直至深夏方融化。阿特拉斯区的冬天是严峻的,给居民带来种种不便。
2023-06-03 19:05:411


2023-06-03 19:06:182


2023-06-03 19:07:031

2023-06-03 19:07:101

ayn odin在哪买

2023-06-03 19:07:171


这歌好听么 叫什么名字
2023-06-03 19:07:252


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2023-06-03 19:07:585

寻找 韩国歌星 影星 越多越好

什么明星都可以吗!那好多呢!先说组合好了:神起,SJ,SS501,BIG BANG(超有个性的团体),WONDER GIRLS,这些是比较好的!再说舞蹈比较好的:张佑赫,JINJIN,ANDY,李珉宇,RAIN,李孝利,严正花,BOA,全慧彬(很有魅力的一个自信女生)!最后是唱功好的:金钟国,TIM,金钟民(壮小伙儿一个),BOA,朴林亨.....
2023-06-03 19:08:172


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2023-06-03 19:08:3510

《The Ayn Rand Reader》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Ayn Rand Reader》(Ayn Rand)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 44ip书名:The Ayn Rand Reader作者:Ayn Rand出版社:NAL出版年份:1999-1-1页数:512内容简介:The Fountainhead, which became one of the most influential and widely read philosophical novels of the twentieth century, made Ayn Rand famous. An impassioned proponent of rational self-interest, individualism, and laissez-faire capitalism, she expressed her unique views in numerous works of fiction and non-fiction that have been brought together for the first time in this one-of-a-kind volume. Containing excerpts from all her novels--including Atlas Shrugged, Anthem, and We The Living--The Ayn Rand Reader is a perfect introduction for those who have never read Rand, and provides teachers with an excellent guide to the basics of her viewpoint.
2023-06-03 19:09:051


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2023-06-03 19:09:571


我在yahoo answers上查过这个名字,外国人对它的读法也不一样,有点像中文的多音字,有人觉得这样好听,有人觉得那样性感。。根据他们的说法:ah-nah-stah-SEE-ah 这个是最传统、最正式的读法An uh STAH see uh 还有人说:Anna-Stais-YA 还有人说:anne-uh-stayzh-uh zh就读知的音Ayn-na-stay-shaAna-star-zia Anna- Star-Sia/Shia等等……他们似乎觉得这个名字怎么念都行。。。而且就算你自己念对了,别人也是怎么念得都有的。不过,他们还说,无论怎么念都很好听,这是个很美的名字
2023-06-03 19:19:051


2023-06-03 19:19:121


黎巴嫩共和国国歌《我们为了国家》这里打不了阿拉伯语,只能提供罗马字标音了:(共有三段)1. Kulluna lil-watan, lil"ula lil-"alamMil"u ayn az-zaman, saifuna wal-qalamSahluna wal-jabal, manbitun lir-rijalQawluna wal-"amal fi sabil al-kamalKulluna lil-watan, lil"ula lil-"alam,Kulluna lil-watan 2. Shaykhuna wal-fata, "Inda sawt al-watanUsdu ghaben mata, sawaratna al-fitanSharquna qalbuhu, abadan LubnanSanahu rabbuhu, li-mada al-azmanKulluna lil-watan, lil"ula lil-"alam, Kulluna lil-watan3. Bahruhu barruhu, durratu-sharqaynRamzuhu birruhu, mali" al-qutbaynIsmuhu "izzuhu, munzou kana al-jududMajduhu arzuhu, ramzuhu lil-khuludKulluna lil-watan, lil"ula lil-"alam, kulluna lil-watan中文大意:1全国人为了我们国家国旗荣光,我们的勇气和文章受当代惊叹,我们的山峦和峡谷涌现好儿男,我们献身为了所有努力都完满,全国人为了我们国家国旗荣光!2老人和儿童都等待着国家召唤,到时将如森林中狮子共赴国难,黎巴嫩永远在我们东方的心脏,愿真主庇护她直到末日的时光,全国人为了我们国家国旗荣光!3她的大海和土地是我们的珍宝,她的标志和仁爱遍布世界各地,在祖先时代她的名字就是胜利,雪松是她的辉煌象征黑暗终结,全国人为了我们国家国旗荣光!附真人独唱版视频:希望我的回答能为阁下带来方便,祝您生活愉快!
2023-06-03 19:19:191

射手座女生98年11月22日 中文缩写WYW应取什么英文名

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2023-06-03 19:20:3215

关于Alan Greenspan 的评论

  Alan Greenspan (born March 6, 1926 in New York City) is an American economist and was the Chairman of the Federal Reserve of the United States from 1987 to 2006. He currently works as a private advisor and providing consulting for firms through his company, Greenspan Associates LLC.  First appointed Fed chairman by President Ronald Reagan in August 1987, he was reappointed at successive four-year intervals until retiring on January 31, 2006 after the second-longest tenure in the position. He was lauded for his handling of the Black Monday October 19, 1987 stock market crash, which occurred very shortly after he first became chairman, as well as for his stewardship of the Internet-driven "dot-com" economic boom of the 1990s. This expansion eventually ended in a burst in March 2000 leading to an economic downturn, including negative GDP growth in the first quarter of 2001.[1]  After 2001, some congressional leaders and others criticized him, for certain statements they found to overstep the Fed"s traditional purview of monetary policy,[2] and for other statements they saw as overly supportive of the policies of President George W. Bush. In 2004 Business Week Magazine criticized his keeping of low interest levels too long and his concurrent praise of sub-prime lending vehicles such as ARMs as leading to a housing bubble.[3] Some, including Nobel Prize-winning economists Joseph E. Stiglitz and Paul Krugman, attribute a large degree of culpability for the devastating late 2000s recession to Greenspan. Stiglitz stated that Greenspan “didn"t really believe in regulation; when the excesses of the financial system were noted, (he and others) called for self-regulation — an oxymoron.”[4] Greenspan, according to The New York Times, says he refuses to blame himself.[5] Krugman has expressed his view that of "two guys that I would blame for this crisis" Greenspan would be the first[citation needed]. However, on April 6, 2005 Greenspan called for a substantial increase in the regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: “Appearing before the Senate Banking Committee, the Fed chairman, Alan Greenspan, said the enormous portfolios of the companies - nearly a quarter of the home-mortgage market - posed significant risks to the nation"s financial system should either company face significant problems.”[6] Despite this, Greenspan still claims to be a firm believer in free markets. He was also nicknamed "the maestro" after his tenure at the U.S. central bank coincided with a lengthy period of strong economic growth.[7]  All considered, during his tenure Greenspan was the leading authority on American domestic economic and monetary policy, and his active influence continues.[8]  Greenspan was born in 1926 to a Hungarian Jewish family in the Washington Heights area of New York City.[9] The family name was anglicized from the German and Yiddish surname Grünspan[citation needed]. He studied clarinet at The Juilliard School from 1943 to 1944.[10] He is an accomplished saxophone player who played with Stan Getz.[11] While in college, he played in a jazz band[citation needed]. He then attended New York University (NYU) and received a B.S. in Economics (summa cum laude) in 1948 and an M.A. in Economics in 1950.[citation needed] Greenspan went on to Columbia University, intending to pursue advanced economic studies, but subsequently dropped out.[citation needed] At Columbia, Greenspan did study economics under the tutelage of future Fed chairman Arthur Burns, who constantly warned of the dangers of inflation.[12] Much later, in 1977, NYU also awarded him a Ph.D. in Economics. He may not have done a dissertation, normally required for that degree.[13]On December 14, 2005, he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Commercial Science degree by NYU, his fourth degree from that institution.[14]  In the early 1950s, Greenspan began an association with famed novelist and philosopher Ayn Rand that would last until her death in 1982.[15] He wrote for Rand"s newsletters and authored several essays in her book Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal.[16] Rand stood beside him at his 1974 swearing-in as Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers.[15]  From 1948 to 1953, Greenspan worked as an economic analyst at The Conference Board, a business and industry oriented think-tank in New York City.[citation needed] From 1955 to 1987, when he was appointed as chairman of the Federal Reserve, Greenspan was chairman and president of Townsend-Greenspan & Co., Inc., an economic consulting firm in New York City, a 33-year stint interrupted only from 1974 to 1977 by his service as Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under President Gerald Ford[citation needed]. In the summer of 1968, Greenspan agreed to serve Richard Nixon as his coordinator on domestic policy in the nomination campaign.[17] Greenspan also has served as a corporate director for Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa); Automatic Data Processing, Inc.; Capital Cities/ABC, Inc.; General Foods, Inc.; J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc.; Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York; Mobil Corporation; and The Pittston Company.[18][19] He was a director of the Council on Foreign Relations foreign policy organization between 1982 and 1988.[20] He also served as a member of the influential Washington-based financial advisory body, the Group of Thirty in 1984.  Alan Greenspan has been married twice. His first marriage was to artist Joan Mitchell in 1952; the marriage ended in annulment less than a year later. He dated newswoman Barbara Walters in the late 1970s.[15] In 1984, Greenspan began dating journalist Andrea Mitchell. Greenspan at the time was 58, and the also divorced Mitchell was 20 years his junior. In 1997, they were married by Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.[21]  Greenspan was initially a logical positivist[22] but was converted to Objectivism by Nathaniel Branden. During the 1950s and 1960s Greenspan was a proponent of Ayn Rand"s philosophy, writing articles for Objectivist newsletters and contributing several essays for Rand"s 1966 book Capitalism: the Unknown Ideal including an essay supporting the gold standard.[23][24]  During the 1950s, Greenspan was one of the members of Ayn Rand"s inner circle, the Ayn Rand Collective, who read Atlas Shrugged while it was being written. Rand nicknamed Greenspan "the undertaker" because of his penchant for dark clothing and reserved demeanor. Although Greenspan was once recognized as a proponent of laissez-faire capitalism, some Objectivists find his support for a gold standard somewhat incongruous or dubious,[citation needed] given the Federal Reserve"s role in America"s fiat money system and endogenous inflation. He has come under criticism from Harry Binswanger,[25] who believes his actions while at work for the Federal Reserve and his publicly expressed opinions on other issues show abandonment of Objectivist and free market principles. However, when questioned in relation to this, he has said that in a democratic society individuals have to make compromises with each other over conflicting ideas of how money should be handled. He said he himself had to make such compromises, because he believes that "we did extremely well" without a central bank and with a gold standard.[26] Greenspan and Rand maintained a close relationship until her death in 1982.[15]  In a congressional hearing on October 23, 2008 Greenspan admitted that his free-market ideology shunning certain regulations was flawed.[27] This has caused backlash from Objectivist intellectuals, blaming the economic crisis on Greenspan"s pandering to the mixed economy and betraying his laissez-faire views.[28]  On June 2, 1987, President Reagan nominated Dr. Greenspan as a successor to Paul Volcker as chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, and the Senate confirmed him on August 11, 1987. After the nomination, bond markets experienced their biggest one-day drop in 5 years. Just two months after his confirmation he was faced with his first crisis — the 1987 stock market crash. Noted investor, author and commentator Jim Rogers has claimed that Alan Greenspan has lobbied to get this chairmanship [29]  His terse statement that the Fed "affirmed today its readiness to serve as a source of liquidity to support the economic and financial system" [30][31][32] is seen by many as having been effective in helping to control the damage from that crash.  His handling of monetary policy in the run-up to the 1991 recession was criticized from the right as being excessively tight, and costing George H. W. Bush re-election. The incoming Democratic president Bill Clinton reappointed Alan Greenspan, and kept him as a core member of his economic team. Greenspan, while still fundamentally monetarist in orientation, argued that doctrinaire application of theory was insufficiently flexible for central banks to meet emerging situations.  Another famous example of the effect of his closely parsed comments was his December 5, 1996 remark about "irrational exuberance and unduly escalating stock prices" that led Japanese stocks to fall 3.2%.[33]  During the Asian financial crisis of 1997-1998, the Federal Reserve flooded the world with dollars, and organized a bailout of Long-Term Capital Management. Some have argued that 1997-1998 represented a monetary policy bind — as the early 1970s had represented a fiscal policy bind — and that while asset inflation had crept into the United States, demanding that the Fed tighten, the Federal Reserve needed to ease liquidity in response to the capital flight from Asia. Greenspan himself noted this when he stated that the American stock market showed signs of irrationally high valuations.  In 2000, Alan Greenspan raised interest rates several times; these actions were believed by many to have caused the bursting of the dot-com bubble. In autumn of 2001, as a decisive reaction to September 11 attacks and the various corporate scandals which undermined the economy, the Greenspan-led Federal Reserve initiated a series of interest cuts that brought down the Federal Funds rate to 1% in 2004. His critics, notably Steve Forbes attributed the rapid rise in commodity prices and gold to Greenspan"s loose monetary policy which is causing excessive asset inflation and a weak dollar. By late 2004 the price of gold was higher than its 12-year moving average.  On May 18, 2004, Greenspan was nominated by President George W. Bush to serve for an unprecedented fifth term as chairman of the Federal Reserve. He was previously appointed to the post by Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton.  Greenspan"s term as a member of the Board ended on January 31, 2006, and Ben Bernanke was confirmed as his successor.  Alan Greenspan is blamed by the followers of the Austrian School for creating excessive liquidity which caused lending standards to deteriorate resulting in the housing bubble of 2004-2006 and the market meltdown beginning in 2008. Currently the American Federal Reserve follows a modified form of monetarism, where broader ranges of intervention are possible in light of temporary instabilities in market dynamics.  On February 26, 2007, Greenspan forecast a possible recession in the U.S. before or in early 2008.[34] Stabilizing corporate profits are said to have influenced his comments. The following day, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 12,216.24 dropping by 416 points and losing 3.3% of its value, the worst one day loss, at the time, since September 17, 2001, when the Dow Jones lost 684 points (7.1%) after reopening in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.[citation needed]  In mid-January 2008, hedge fund Paulson & Co hired Alan Greenspan as an adviser on economic issues and monetary policy.[35] This is the third private role given to Alan Greenspan, the first two being given by Deutsche Bank and bond investment company Pacific Investment Management (PIMCO). Greenspan advises Paulson & Co on economics issues surrounding United States and world financial markets.[36]  Greenspan also counsels on monetary policy and falling housing prices and about a possible recession in the United States. Paulson & Co is famously known for its record profit making during 2007 by conducting bets against mortgage derivatives which earned the firm billions of dollars last year. The financial terms of the agreement were not disclosed and Greenspan must not, under the agreement, advise any other hedge fund manager while working for Paulson.[36] In February 2008, Greenspan spoke at the Jeddah Economic Forum.[37]  Greenspan wrote in the week of March 17, 2008 that the 2008-financial crisis in the United States is likely to be judged as the most wrenching since the end of World War II.[38]  Greenspan also now works as a private advisor making speeches and providing consulting for firms through his company, Greenspan Associates LLC. Directly following his retirement as Fed chairman, Greenspan accepted an honorary (unpaid) position at HM Treasury in the United Kingdom. In May 2007, Greenspan was hired as a special consultant by PIMCO to participate in Pimco"s quarterly economic forums and speak privately with the bond manager about Fed interest rate policy.[39] In August 2007, Deutsche Bank announced that it would be retaining Greenspan as a Senior Advisor to its investment banking team and clients.[40]  He has written his memoir, titled The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World, published September 17, 2007.[15][21][41] Greenspan says that he wrote this book in longhand mostly while soaking in the bathtub, a habit he regularly employs ever since an accident in 1971, when he injured his back.
2023-06-03 19:20:572


2023-06-03 19:21:042


两个不同家族的儿子从小订婚了。一个不想要包办婚姻,一个想把他争取过来!他们一直在一起,直到Kuea一家搬到英国居住。当Kuea上小学时,他们分开了,Kuea Keerati跟着父母一直居住在英国,直到长大。而Gilayn Wang拥有一家夜总会并经营着家族企业。过了十二年,他们并不了解彼此。每年,他们会有短期的见面。故事要从Kuea秘密返回泰国说起。从Kuea的角度来看,Gilayn Wang非常聪明,温柔,把他照顾的很好。他不想失去Gilayn,想要成为Gilayn身边最好的那个人。
2023-06-03 19:21:111


2023-06-03 19:21:241


2023-06-03 19:21:441


游戏《真剣で私に恋しなさい!》官网: 附OP:
2023-06-03 19:21:513


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2023-06-03 19:21:581


2023-06-03 19:22:083


2023-06-03 19:22:152

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2023-06-03 19:22:231


我的小可爱泰剧将于2022年在泰国首播。我的小可爱泰剧由两本畅销的小说组合改编,两个不同家族的儿子从小订婚了。一个不想要包办婚姻,一个想把他争取过来!他们一直在一起,直到Kuea一家搬到英国居住。当Kuea上小学时,他们分开了,Kuea Keerati跟着父母一直居住在英国,直到长大。而Gilayn Wang拥有一家夜总会并经营着家族企业。过了十二年,他们并不了解彼此。每年,他们会有短期的见面。故事要从Kuea秘密返回泰国说起。从Kuea的角度来看,Gilayn Wang非常聪明,温柔,把他照顾得很好。他不想失去Gilayn,想要成为Gilayn身边最好的那个人。Kuea他总是假装自己非常有礼貌,努力成为Gilayn的可爱小弟弟,因为他觉得Gilayn会喜欢他。另一方面,真正的Kuea非常酷!拥有一辆超级摩托车,并成为Youtube上有名的鼓手。他害怕真正的自己不适合像Gilayn这样完美的人,这就是为什么他要保密。.不幸的是,Gilayn因错误地知道了这个秘密并且非常生气。他认为Kuea一直在愚弄他,从来不爱他。因此Gilayn说他从没爱过Kuea。这让Kuea伤心欲绝。他们似乎即将结束这段关系。Kuea很坚强,不管他有多难过,他都想继续前进。Kuea想要解除婚约,但Gilayn拒绝了!Gilayn Wang也有他的计划。
2023-06-03 19:22:301


2023-06-03 19:22:512

谁有 超能陆战队 电影资源

2023-06-03 19:22:593


现在有几种猫砂跟你大概说一下 1,豆腐猫砂,可以直接从马桶冲走,结团性还不错,比较环保。缺点:比较贵,我感觉除臭效果一般般 2,松木猫砂,也可以从马桶冲走,结团性感觉不如豆腐猫砂,但是比豆腐的稍微便宜一点,除臭效果也一般般,不过我家主子不喜欢,哎....... 3.膨润土猫砂,跟上面两个比较的话最大的优点就是便宜,20块10KG都是比较贵的了,比较经用,但是不能从厕所直接冲走,结团性还不错,容易有粉尘,除臭效果不知道为啥我反而觉得比豆腐和松木的要好...... 4,水晶猫砂,比膨润土的贵一些,但是除臭效果真心杠杠的,不过也不能冲厕所,直接把屎捡出来,尿被猫砂吸收就会变色,等整盆猫砂的颜色都变了70%-80%的时候换整盆猫砂就行。
2023-06-03 19:20:052


2023-06-03 19:20:211

BWG 20 GA啥意思啊?尤其是GA,这是什么单词的缩写?

Birmingham Wire Gauge 伯明翰线规? 20 GA:20GAUGE(英制或美制),GAUGE是厚度或线径计量单位.
2023-06-03 19:19:301


bwg是 伯明翰线规 通俗点说就是丝的粗度迪 祥 丝 网为您解答
2023-06-03 19:19:242