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C语言中,出现"error c2065:‘clrscr’:undeclared identifie


你好,请指教: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: 检索 COM 类工厂中 CLSID




in control of 和 in the control of用法上有什么区别? 如题.谢谢!

例如:A is in control of B 即 A管理/控制B A is in the control of B 即 A在B的控制之中///A受制于B

He wαnts to plαy for footbαll Club同义句转换?


boarding mountain什么意思


The plant is boarding 这句为什么不用被动啊 board 的主语不是应该是人吗 i am boarding a plane

飞机即将起飞,本身来讲的话,飞机是主语,主语所做的某个工作,多书情况下用主动,而不必强调 被起飞

boarding student是什么意思

寄宿生例句:1.Implemented immediately the department will refine policy on the assessment of tuitionand boarding fees by student visa processing officers. 移民部将调整学生签证评审官对学费和寄宿学校住宿费的评估政策,此调整将立即实施。

mini countryman 还有mini clubman 还有mini cooper有啥区别啊 看不出哎

MINI countryman 是MINI出的小型SUV。MINI clubman是在cooper的基础上做了车身加长和后排空间调整,而且增加了很多功能。MINI cooper 就是 MINI最基本最经典的车型~

mini countryman 还有mini clubman 还有mini cooper有啥区别啊 看不出哎

mini countryman 还有mini clubman 还有mini cooper的区别为:指代不同、外形尺寸不同、车型不同一、指代不同1、mini countryman:迷你,乡下人。2、mini clubman:迷你,花花公子。3、mini cooper:迷你库珀。二、外形尺寸不同1、mini countryman:长×宽×高(mm)4310×1822×1616。2、mini clubman:长×宽×高(mm)4263×1800×1479。3、mini cooper:长×宽×高(mm)3832×1727×1453。三、车型不同1、mini countryman:是四驱越野车。2、mini clubman:是cooper的加长版本。3、mini cooper:是小型两箱轿车。参考资料来源:百度百科——MINI Countryman参考资料来源:百度百科——MINI Clubman参考资料来源:百度百科——MINI Cooper



mini countryman 还有mini clubman 还有mini cooper有啥区别啊 看不出哎

mini countryman 还有mini clubman 还有mini cooper的区别为:指代不同、外形尺寸不同、车型不同一、指代不同1、mini countryman:迷你,乡下人。2、mini clubman:迷你,花花公子。3、mini cooper:迷你库珀。二、外形尺寸不同1、mini countryman:长×宽×高(mm)4310×1822×1616。2、mini clubman:长×宽×高(mm)4263×1800×1479。3、mini cooper:长×宽×高(mm)3832×1727×1453。三、车型不同1、mini countryman:是四驱越野车。2、mini clubman:是cooper的加长版本。3、mini cooper:是小型两箱轿车。参考资料来源:百度百科——MINI Countryman参考资料来源:百度百科——MINI Clubman参考资料来源:百度百科——MINI Cooper








board 美 [bu0254rd] 英 [bu0254u02d0(r)d]n.板;委员会;膳食;(尤指)木板.v.上船(或火车、飞机、公共汽车等);让乘客登机(或上船等).第三人称单数:boards 现在分词:boarding 过去式:boarded例句:How much is the thickness of this slope board?请问这块斜坡板的厚度是多少?How much fuel oil is reserved on board?船上还有多少燃料?I first became acquainted with him on board a whale vessel.当初,我是在一艘捕鲸船上同他结识的。inteln.Intel公司英特尔;英特尔公司;平台例句:One of the new features of the Intel chips is an integrated graphics processor.这款英特尔处理器有一个新特性,集成了显卡。While Intel did not dispute the existence of a discount program, it maintainedthat it was not illegal and did not distort competition.虽然英特尔没有争端存在的折扣计划它认为这是不合法的,不扭曲市场竞争。

mini clubman和countryman区别

微型车和乡村车最大的区别就是驾驶模式不同。countryman使用前驱动和前四轮驱动,而clubman使用前驱动。 Countryman是宝马mini推出的首款四轮驱动。从技术上讲,mini采用的四驱系统其实是一种适时四驱。汽车行驶时,通常由前轮驱动。一旦汽车前轮打滑,扭矩就会立即传递到后轮。这个扭矩切换过程将在250毫秒内完成,切换效率非常快。当汽车高速转弯时,该系统也能发挥作用。 就售价而言,这两款车几乎没有太大区别。countryman官方指导价24.38-33.78万元,clubman官方指导价23.78-32.78万元。动力方面,这两款车分别搭载1.5T和2.0T发动机,传动方面,匹配自动手动变速箱。 为了保证汽车的驾驶灵敏度和燃油经济性,设计人员设法减轻了汽车四轮驱动系统的重量。如此出色的性能部分归功于该车的轻量化设计,采用了比同类车更轻的四轮驱动系统。

mini clubman和countryman区别

MINI clubman和countryman最大的区别就是驾驶模式不同。countryman采用前驱和前四驱,clubman采用前驱。Countryman是宝马mini推出的首款四驱。技术上我觉得mini用的四驱系统是适时四驱。大部分车辆在行驶过程中是由前轮驱动的。一旦发现车辆前轮打滑,扭矩会立即传递到后轮。这个扭矩切换过程会在250ms内完成,切换效率非常快。该系统在车辆高速过弯时也能发挥作用。这两款车在售价上几乎没有太大差别。countryman官方指导价24.38-33.78万元,clubman官方指导价23.78-32.78万元。动力方面,这两款车分别搭载1.5T和2.0T发动机。传动方面,匹配的是手自一体变速箱。为了保证车辆的驾驶灵敏度和燃油合理性,设计师设法减轻了车辆四驱系统的重量。如此出色的性能部分归功于车辆的轻量化设计。这款车采用的四驱系统基本比同类车要轻。



contract status是什么意思

contract status合同状态祝你愉快,满意请采纳哦

翻译:Linda learnt about many clubs.谢谢


求讲解!Given all these disadvantages,central bankers seem to have had much to boast about of late.

1,have much to do 是和有许多要做的…意思,用现在完成时,强调对现在的影响。2,boast about有夸大,吹嘘之意,一般连用,of late整体做宾语。

Trojan.JS.Agent.EDH 什么病毒??怎么弄掉啊,我现在用360查杀出来的。


翻译为中文:What clubs do you want to join?


significant;significance; analytic 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法

双解释义adj. (形容词)重要的,重大的,可观的important; considerable有意义的having a meaning, especially one that is immediately obvious意味深长的full of meaning详尽释义adj. 形容词有意义的,有重大意义的有效的,显著的重要的,重大的值得注意的非偶然的意味深长的,大有讲究的表示...的别有含义的n. 名词有意义的事物标志,象征符号,记号英英释义Adjective:important in effect or meaning;"a significant change in tax laws""a significant change in the Constitution""a significant contribution""significant details""statistically significant"fairly large;"won by a substantial margin"too closely correlated to be attributed to chance and therefore indicating a systematic relation;"the interaction effect is significant at the .01 level""no significant difference was found"rich in significance or implication;"a meaning look"

score above the 90th pencentile

就是指AW写作分数 对应的话应该是不低于5分(百分比是93%)

love is patient and kind怎么理解呢?


英汉语言对比:analytic language? synthetic language?


Can you clue us in on the arrangements? 俩个介词可以连用?

clue sb. in 向某人提供线索,固定搭配。on在这里意思是有关,也就是关于这个安排。

Love is patient;love is kind;love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude.


英译汉.Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or bo?

这是圣经里的话,我最喜欢的一段.不过我背的版本和这个不大一样.连那个版本和最普遍的译法也一块儿放下边了: Love is always patient and kind 爱是永远的忍耐和仁慈 It is never jealous 没有妒忌 Love is never boastful or conceited 有爱永远不要自负 It is never rude or selfish 不要无礼和自私 It does not take offense and is not resentful 不要侵犯和愤怒 Love takes no pleasure in other people"s sins 爱使你不会因别人的过失而不愉快 but delight in the truth 但会因真相而喜悦 It is always ready to excuse,to trust,to hope and to endure 要一直准备着去原谅、去信任、去希望,还有去忍耐 whatever es 无论发生什么 个人觉得这个版本比你列的那个好,可能是先入为主的原因.另,圣经的原因,译作大有珠玉在前,我就藏拙了.,2,爱是忍耐,爱是宽容; 爱不是嫉妒,不是炫耀,不是傲慢,更不是粗鲁; 它并不老是坚持着自己的原有的轨迹; 它也不是无休止的情绪与抱怨; 当然也不是美错。。 249466865是我的QQ号(这个单词貌似是错误的,本人猜的是QQ号码) 如果你愿意,就加我吧。 ****** ****** ********** ...,2,爱是忍耐,爱是宽容;爱不是野蛮,粗鲁;,2,爱是恒久忍耐,爱是一种; 爱是不自夸,或羡慕或傲慢或粗鲁。 它不坚持自己的路;它不是急躁或不满; 它不欢欣鼓舞wrongd 拖车4 9 4 6 6 8 6 5是我的tenvent数量, 如果你想,添加到您的列表,2,接楼上,爱并不坚持它自己的道路,它也并不急躁和不满; 它也并不在不满中庆幸。 249466865是我的QQ号,如果你想XX,加我为好友。。。分给我把兄弟你这里好多错的单词呢什么TOW,TWO吧?,0,英译汉. Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongd Tow four nine four six six eight six five is my tenvent num, if you want,add it into your list

Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious 是圣经那一章里面的啊


Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious 是圣经那一章里面的啊

Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious 是圣经那一章里面的啊 新约圣经 哥林多前书 13章 (现代中文译本,New International Version) 4 爱是坚忍的,仁慈的;有爱就不嫉妒,不自夸,不骄傲,   Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 不做卤莽的事,不自私,不轻易动怒,不记住别人的过错,   It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 不喜欢不义,只喜爱真理。   Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 爱能包容一切,对一切有信心,对一切有盼望,能忍受一切。   It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 爱是永恒的。讲道的才能是暂时的;讲灵语的恩赐总有一天会终止;知识也会成为了过去。   Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. Love is patient;love is kind;love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. 爱是忍让;爱是仁慈;爱是不嫉妬、不浮夸、不张狂、不粗暴。 Love is patient; love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast……这段话出自圣经的哪一章节? 圣经·哥林多前书十三章4-8节被称为“爱的颂歌”,同样的内容,不同的译本翻译不尽相同,汉译本也有许多,中国基督徒最喜欢,使用最广的是和合本圣经,也有新译本、现代译本等,英文译本也有好多种,建议你读NIV译本,你可以在淘宝网上看到许多不同版本的圣经,也有中英文对照的圣经,建议你看和合本和NIV(新国际版)对照的圣经,价格也不贵,只要60元,印刷的很精致,是南京爱德印刷厂印刷的。 和合本林前13:4爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈;爱是不嫉妒,爱是不自夸,不张狂, 新译本林前13:4爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈。爱是不嫉妒,不自夸,不张狂; KJV 林前13:4And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. NIV 林前13:4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 希望对你有帮助,God Bless you! love is always patient and kind love is always patient and kind的翻译是爱总是有耐心的和和善的。 love的意思: 名词: 恋爱;亲爱的;酷爱;喜爱的事物;爱情,爱意;疼爱;热爱;爱人,所爱之物 动词: 爱,热爱;爱戴;赞美,称赞;喜爱;喜好;喜欢;爱慕 名词: (英)洛夫(人名) is的意思: 动词:是(be的三单形式) 名词: 存在。 always的意思:副词, 永远,一直;总是;常常。 patient的意思: 名词: 病人;患者 形容词:有耐性的,能容忍的 名词:(Patient)人名;(法)帕蒂安 kind的意思: 名词: 种类;性质 形容词:和蔼的;宽容的;令人感激的 名词:(Kind)人名;(德、俄、法、捷)金德;(瑞典)欣德 and的意思: 连词:和,与;就;而且;但是;然后 名词: (And)人名;(土、瑞典)安德 所以,love is always patient and kind的翻译是爱总是有耐心的和和善的。 基督教,圣经,里面的趁,出现在圣经里那一章那一节。 “趁”字在圣经里有41处的出现。 创25:6、34:25、37:18、45:28、49:6 申25:18 士6:31 撒上:10:7 撒下:17:2、18:14 尼4:11 伯36:15 诗32:6、119:147-148 箴19:18 传12:1 赛55:6 耶6:4、36:6、38:10 结12:25 但11:21、11:24 番2:1 太18:15、26:7 路14:32、22:6 约4:49、9:4、12:35-36 罗7:8、7:11、13:11 林前7:5 林后2:11 彼后1:13 love~is~patient;loveis~kind;love~is~not~enviousor~boastful~or~arrogant~or~ru "爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈;爱是不嫉妒,爱是不自夸,不张狂,不作害羞的事,不求自己的益处,不轻易发怒,不计算人的恶,不喜欢不义,只喜欢真理;凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐;爱是永不止息。"(《新约·哥林多前书》第1 3章) Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or re sentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. love is patient;love is kind.it does not envy,it does not boast,it is not proud. love is patient;love is kind.it does not envy,it does not boast,it is not proud爱是忍耐;爱是仁慈,不嫉妒,不自夸,不张狂 重点词汇释义 love喜欢; 爱,热爱; 爱戴; 赞美,称赞; 喜爱; 喜好; 爱慕; 热爱; 爱情,爱意; 疼爱; 爱人,所爱之物 patient有耐性的; 能容忍的; 病人; 患者; 病号 does not不 envy羡慕; 嫉妒,妒忌; 感到妒忌; 显示出妒忌 does做,有用,工作; 做( do的第三人称单数 ); 干; 学习; 研究; 雌鹿( doe的名词复数 ) not不; 不是; 几乎不; 未必,没有[用于否定后面的词或短语] boast夸口说; 自夸,自吹自擂; 以有…而自豪; 自负有; 夸口,自负; 自负的事物,引以为傲的东西; 自夸的话; 扬言 proud自豪的,得意的; 光荣的,高尚的; 傲慢的; 有自尊心的 -love is patient, -love is kind. -it does not envy, -it does not boast, -it is not proud. 求翻译 谢 -love is patient,爱是耐心 -love is kind.爱是友善 -it does not envy, 它不是嫉妒 -it does not boast, 不是自吹自擂 -it is not proud. 不是骄傲 祝你学习进步! 给我解释一下 Love is patient,love is kind… It awlays persevdres.love bears all things,Believes all 圣经里的 1 Corinthians 13章 4节 爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈。爱是不嫉妒。爱是不自夸。不张狂。 后面我搞不清楚你是到第几节了…… 惭愧 Love is always patient and kind. It"s never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. 爱是忍耐和包容.爱绝非猜疑.爱不可浮夸或狂妄.

who looks for clues to something important句子中 to something important我知道是clue的定语 但为什么

clue 线索经常后面跟to这样的介词短语修饰clue做定语的啊还有key to, ticket to,answer to。。。也是如此这里的to 翻译成中文就是”的“跟of 差不多,但是不能用of

clue into the fact什么意思

clue into the fact线索线索重点词汇clue线索; 提示; 提示词语; <非正>为…提供最新情况fact实际; 事实,实情; 真相,证据; 犯罪行为

PCB测试: ICT、MDA(Manufacturing Defects Analyzer)、ATE(Automatic Test Equipment)有何不同?

  一般我们称呼ICT都是指这种较高级的测试机台,如Agilent3070、Genrad、TR8100…等,除了基本的MDA功能外,也可以下载程式到待侧的电路版中,执行自我测试,提供电压及频率量测…等。  一般称呼MDA为比较低阶的ICT,例如TRI-518系列、JET-300、ADSYS-K518系列…等,这类测试机台只能量测基本的L/C/R/D零件,也可以搭配 TestJet测试排PIN零件,但其功能比较阳春,无法提供待测试电路板电源,所以也无法执行低阶的电路板程式自我测试。可以将这种测试机台当作是一台可以自动测试的万用电表。  ATE通常为流线测试,可以直接加接在SMT的后面,其主要目的为测试实板及板上零件之功能是否正常运作,故实板必须加电源才可使板上的零件工作,所以ATE在送信号时,需特别考虑零件的特性、规格,否则易损坏零件。(来源:www.pcbwork.net)

readability analyzer输出结果中sentences永远都是1,为什么

因为你数组 nums定义为double了 而你在indexof里用的2,是int 所以会找不到 修改方法 int [] nums = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; 或者 int a = Array.IndexOf(nums,2.0);


hint 可以用做名词和动词.用做名词的时候,意思是:something you say or do to show what you know or want.就是说用语言或行动来表示你想要的或者是知道的事情. eg:He"s dropped (= given) several hints to the bo...

hint ,clue,implication,inference有什么区别?谢谢

hint at sth.a clue to sth.implication in sth.implication of sth.inference that +从句draw inference from sth.infer from sth. that+从句


hint 蛛丝马迹,细微的,间接的线索clue (案件中的) 证据,提示信息;暗示


hint 可以用做名词和动词. 用做名词的时候, 意思是:something you say or do to show what you know or want. 就是说用语言或行动来表示你想要的或者是知道的事情. eg:He"s dropped (= given) several hints to the boss that he"ll quit if he doesn"t get a promotion.Did she give you any hints about where she was going?You can"t take (= understand) a hint, can you? Just go away and leave me alone!做动词用的时候, 意思是:暗示. eg:Mum"s hinted (that) she might pay for my trip to Mexico if I pass all my exams.He"s hinted at the possibility of moving to America.clue 一般都用做名词.意思是:a sign or some information which helps you to find the answer to a problem, question or mystery, 就是说一般都是一种信号或者是信息, 能够使我们找到一个问题, 或者迷团的答案.很多时候我们解释为线索. eg:1.Police are still looking for clues in their search for the missing girl.2.I"m never going to guess the answer if you don"t give me a clue.例句1如果用hint 来代替的话就不合适, 因为hint就是有人暗示的, 而clue是线索. clue 加less 是形容词. clue 用做动词,是向某人介绍情况. 有固定的搭配. 是clue sb in/up向某人介绍最近发生的事情. He"d been out of the country for weeks, so I clued him in on all that"s been happening.由于他离开这个国家有好几个星期了, 我向他介绍了他离开其间的时事.

they went to the boating对吗?


want boating什么意思

went boating去划船go doing sth去做某事go fishing( hunting/ climbing/ dancing).__________________________________很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

went boatig写成中文翻译

亲,是went boatinggo boating“去划船”的过去式Mother and I went boating yesterday afternoon.母亲和我昨天下午去划船了。



we went boating为什么是boating




panty&stocking 里的插曲 D City Rock的歌词

[00:00.00]D City Rock[00:07.83]TeddyLoid feat, Debra Zeer[00:13.11][00:20.11]###-PART- -1-###(Panty part)[00:21.00][00:21.98]My name is Panty, the crazy sexy blondie(我的名字是PANTY,那个疯狂性感的金发女郎)[00:26.19]and I"m not dumb.(而且头脑也不简单。)[00:29.72]I"m breaking the news now boys,us girls (我现在要宣布,男生们)[00:33.56]we"re full-time horny too.(我们女生现在也欲火难消。)[00:36.69]Hey check out that hot one down he"s got a big one(嘿,快看那个帅男下面好大)[00:41.10]Damn!he"s got a big one[00:43.60]It"s time to get dirty now (现在是大人的时间)[00:45.24]So will you excuse me?Re the air, I"m busy.(所以请别打扰我,辣妹我正在忙呢)[00:49.00][00:49.50]Garter belt(吊带袜)[00:53.05]why can"t you dial D City 2-900.(为什么不打个电话到 City 2-900)[00:56.91]Hands in line(准备动手)[00:59.50]“copy right!clear the city"(收到!横扫这城市)[01:03.09]Anarchy~!(混乱状态)[01:07.03]Everyone wants to beat me.(所有人都对我向往不已)[01:10.00]Anarchy !Hey-yeah!(混乱状态--嘿a--呀~)[01:14.00]Get it up, so I can see.(都出来,好让我看到)[01:17.29]Anarchy (混乱状态)[01:20.80]Let it flow wild and free.(伴随着疯狂和放荡吧)[01:23.80]Anar-chy-chy-chy-chy-chy-chyhey!(混乱状态)[01:28.34]You"re ready for the game.(你准备好开始游戏了吗)[01:33.34][01:39.63]###-PART- -2-###(Stocking part)[01:43.34][01:47.20]By the way, my name is stocking(顺便提一下,我的名字是STOCKING)[01:49.69]I spit venom, steaming heiress (我虽毒舌,充满爱意)[01:54.55]I"ve got sweet tooth ,for lollipops(我爱吃甜食,棒棒糖吃不腻)[01:58.23]loli Gothic, i make good(哥特loli,我感觉很好)[02:01.33]these stripes must be a few down,(这些条纹有些褐色了)[02:03.50]I"ve got mercy for cheer-list(我有爱心性格开朗)[02:08.50]my friends they all love me,(我的朋友们都喜欢我)[02:10.50]cause i kick real tasty(因为我袜下犹如天堂)[02:12.50]i get high being nasty(我高潮来时会很无节操)[02:15.00]Garter belt (吊袜带)[02:17.90]he keep slapping my butt around(他时常拍我的屁屁)[02:22.53]hands in line(准备好)[02:24.91]freaky girl coming your way(迷幻的女孩来了)[02:28.63]Anarchy!(混乱状态)[02:32.69]Everyone wants to beat me(所有人都想打败我)[02:35.40]Anarchy Hey-yeah!(混乱状态 嘿a--呀!)[02:39.30]standing ovation please! (请起立鼓掌!谢谢!)[02:42.60]Anarchy! (混乱状态)[02:46.10]shake that thing wild and free(狂野和放荡吧)[02:49.50]Anar-chy-chy-chy-chy-chy-chyhe(混乱状态)[02:53.50]standing ready for the game(时刻准备着开始游戏)[03:15.77][03:17.50]i know you know,(我想你也知道)[03:22.50]those wings inside of you(那些在你心中的翅膀)[03:25.16]i know you know,(我想你也知道)[03:29.20]they do get naughty too(它们时刻雀跃不息)[03:32.50]before i go,(在我离开之前)[03:36.50]there"s somethings i wanna say(我有些话要对你说)[03:39.12]your sleeping anarchy(你那沉睡着的混乱状态)[03:43.11]wake it up!(醒来吧!)[03:44.35]wake it up!(醒来吧!)[03:46.62]Anarchy~~~(混乱状态)[03:50.21]Everyone wants to beat me.(所有人都对我向往不已)[03:53.46]Anarchy~~~ Hey-yeah!(混乱状态 嘿a--呀)[03:57.68]Get it up so I can see.(都出来,好让我看到)[04:00.74]Anarchy~~~(混乱状态)[04:04.86]Let it flow wild and free. (自由起舞 狂野惬意)[04:07.65]Anar-chy-chy-chy-chy-chy-chyhey!(混乱状态)[04:11.97]You"re ready for the game.(你准备好开始游戏了吗)

experimenting anarchy 什么意思



panty anarchy:吊带裤而Anarchy Panty则是一个动漫或cosplay,译为:吊带袜天使

panty&stocking 里的插曲 D City Rock的歌词

[00:00.00]D City Rock [00:07.83]TeddyLoid feat, Debra Zeer [00:13.11] [00:20.11]###-PART- -1-###(Panty part) [00:21.00] [00:21.98]My name is Panty, the crazy sexy blondie(我的名字是PANTY,那个疯狂性感的金发女郎) [00:26.19]and I"m not dumb.(而且头脑也不简单。) [00:29.72]I"m breaking the news now boys,us girls (我现在要宣布,男生们) [00:33.56]we"re full-time horny too.(我们女生现在也欲火难消。) [00:36.69]Hey check out that hot one down he"s got a big one(嘿,快看那个帅男下面好大) [00:41.10]Damn!he"s got a big one [00:43.60]It"s time to get dirty now (现在是大人的时间) [00:45.24]So will you excuse me?Re the air, I"m busy.(所以请别打扰我,辣妹我正在忙呢) [00:49.00] [00:49.50]Garter belt(吊带袜) [00:53.05]why can"t you dial D City 2-900.(为什么不打个电话到 City 2-900) [00:56.91]Hands in line(准备动手) [00:59.50]“copy right!clear the city"(收到!横扫这城市) [01:03.09]Anarchy~!(混乱状态) [01:07.03]Everyone wants to beat me.(所有人都对我向往不已) [01:10.00]Anarchy !Hey-yeah!(混乱状态--嘿a--呀~) [01:14.00]Get it up, so I can see.(都出来,好让我看到) [01:17.29]Anarchy (混乱状态) [01:20.80]Let it flow wild and free.(伴随着疯狂和放荡吧) [01:23.80]Anar-chy-chy-chy-chy-chy-chyhey!(混乱状态) [01:28.34]You"re ready for the game.(你准备好开始游戏了吗) [01:33.34] [01:39.63]###-PART- -2-###(Stocking part) [01:43.34] [01:47.20]By the way, my name is stocking(顺便提一下,我的名字是STOCKING) [01:49.69]I spit venom, steaming heiress (我虽毒舌,充满爱意) [01:54.55]I"ve got sweet tooth ,for lollipops(我爱吃甜食,棒棒糖吃不腻) [01:58.23]loli Gothic, i make good(哥特loli,我感觉很好) [02:01.33]these stripes must be a few down,(这些条纹有些褐色了) [02:03.50]I"ve got mercy for cheer-list(我有爱心性格开朗) [02:08.50]my friends they all love me,(我的朋友们都喜欢我) [02:10.50]cause i kick real tasty(因为我袜下犹如天堂) [02:12.50]i get high being nasty(我高潮来时会很无节操) [02:15.00]Garter belt (吊袜带) [02:17.90]he keep slapping my butt around(他时常拍我的屁屁) [02:22.53]hands in line(准备好) [02:24.91]freaky girl coming your way(迷幻的女孩来了) [02:28.63]Anarchy!(混乱状态) [02:32.69]Everyone wants to beat me(所有人都想打败我) [02:35.40]Anarchy Hey-yeah!(混乱状态 嘿a--呀!) [02:39.30]standing ovation please! (请起立鼓掌!谢谢!) [02:42.60]Anarchy! (混乱状态) [02:46.10]shake that thing wild and free(狂野和放荡吧) [02:49.50]Anar-chy-chy-chy-chy-chy-chyhe(混乱状态) [02:53.50]standing ready for the game(时刻准备着开始游戏) [03:15.77] [03:17.50]i know you know,(我想你也知道) [03:22.50]those wings inside of you(那些在你心中的翅膀) [03:25.16]i know you know,(我想你也知道) [03:29.20]they do get naughty too(它们时刻雀跃不息) [03:32.50]before i go,(在我离开之前) [03:36.50]there"s somethings i wanna say(我有些话要对你说) [03:39.12]your sleeping anarchy(你那沉睡着的混乱状态) [03:43.11]wake it up!(醒来吧!) [03:44.35]wake it up!(醒来吧!) [03:46.62]Anarchy~~~(混乱状态) [03:50.21]Everyone wants to beat me.(所有人都对我向往不已) [03:53.46]Anarchy~~~ Hey-yeah!(混乱状态 嘿a--呀) [03:57.68]Get it up so I can see.(都出来,好让我看到) [04:00.74]Anarchy~~~(混乱状态) [04:04.86]Let it flow wild and free. (自由起舞 狂野惬意) [04:07.65]Anar-chy-chy-chy-chy-chy-chyhey!(混乱状态) [04:11.97]You"re ready for the game.(你准备好开始游戏了吗)






利用双线性变换法设计IIR带阻滤波器MATLAB 程序如下: wp1=0.3*pi;wp2=0.6*pi;ws1=0.4*pi;ws2=0.5*pi;Ap=3;As=10;Fs=1;B=ws2-ws1;w0=sqrt(ws1*ws2);wp=max(abs(wp1),abs(wp2));ws=1;[N,wc]=buttord(wp,ws,Ap,As,"s");[num,den]=butter(N,wc,"s");[numt,dent]=lp2bs(num,den,w0,B);[numd,dend]=bilinear(numt,dent,Fs);w=linspace(0,pi,512);h=freqz(numd,dend,w);norm=max(abs(h));numd=numd/norm;subplot(2,2,1);plot(w/pi,20*log(abs(h)/norm));grid;xlabel("Butterworth BS DF");ylabel("Gain,dB");wp1=0.3*pi;wp2=0.6*pi;ws1=0.4*pi;ws2=0.5*pi;Ap=3;As=10;Fs=1;B=ws2-ws1;w0=sqrt(ws1*ws2);wp=max(abs(wp1),abs(wp2));ws=1;[N,wc]=cheb1ord(wp,ws,Ap,As,"s");[num,den]=cheby1(N,Ap,wc,"s");[numt,dent]=lp2bs(num,den,w0,B);[numd,dend]=bilinear(numt,dent,Fs);w=linspace(0,pi,512);h=freqz(numd,dend,w);norm=max(abs(h));numd=numd/norm;subplot(2,2,2);plot(w/pi,20*log(abs(h)/norm));grid;xlabel("ChebyshevI BS DF");ylabel("Gain,dB");wp1=0.3*pi;wp2=0.6*pi;ws1=0.4*pi;ws2=0.5*pi;Ap=3;As=10;Fs=1;B=ws2-ws1;w0=sqrt(ws1*ws2);wp=max(abs(wp1),abs(wp2));ws=1;[N,wc]=cheb2ord(wp,ws,Ap,As,"s");[num,den]=cheby2(N,As,wc,"s");[numt,dent]=lp2bs(num,den,w0,B);[numd,dend]=bilinear(numt,dent,Fs);w=linspace(0,pi,512);h=freqz(numd,dend,w);norm=max(abs(h));numd=numd/norm;subplot(2,2,3);plot(w/pi,20*log(abs(h)/norm));grid;xlabel("ChebyshevII BS DF");ylabel("Gain,dB");wp1=0.3*pi;wp2=0.6*pi;ws1=0.4*pi;ws2=0.5*pi;Ap=3;As=10;Fs=1;B=ws2-ws1;w0=sqrt(ws1*ws2);wp=max(abs(wp1),abs(wp2));ws=1;[N,wc]=ellipord(wp,ws,Ap,As,"s");[num,den]=ellip(N,Ap,As,wc,"s");[numt,dent]=lp2bs(num,den,w0,B);[numd,dend]=bilinear(numt,dent,Fs);w=linspace(0,pi,512);h=freqz(numd,dend,w);norm=max(abs(h));numd=numd/norm;subplot(2,2,4);plot(w/pi,20*log(abs(h)/norm));grid;xlabel("Tuoyuan BS DF");ylabel("Gain,dB");


"identify" 读作 /au026au02c8dentu026afau026a/。"identify" 是一个动词,表示识别、鉴定、确认的意思。除了基本的用法外,还有以下几种用法及固定搭配:1. 识别:Can you identify this plant?(你能识别这种植物吗?)2. 鉴定:The expert identified the painting as a fake.(专家鉴定这幅画是个假货。)3. 确认:The police identified the suspect from the CCTV footage.(警方从闭路电视录像中确认了嫌疑人。)4. 辨认:I can"t identify him in the dark.(我在黑暗中无法辨认他。)5. 确定:We need to identify the cause of the problem.(我们需要确定问题的原因。)6. 认同:I identify with the main character in the book.(我认同书中的主人公。)7. 区分:It"s important to identify the differences between the two products.(区分这两种产品的差异很重要。)固定搭配:1. identify with:认同、感同身受2. identify oneself as:自认为是3. identify the problem:确定问题4. identify the source:确定来源5. identify the suspect:确认嫌疑人



英语高手进,dent puller是什么意思啊?

Car body repair.Sometimes the car has a "dent" and you don"t want to replace it. This device will use some "suction" to pull out the dent. So it does not need to repaint the car. However, only works if the dent is minor and the actual paint work was not scratched.

Arthur Dent 是一个怎样的人 在 银河系漫游指南 这本书里


1882年dent london的古董钟价值



See a dentist and get an X-ray:去看牙医,照个X光片。 dentist:n.牙科医生;牙科诊所 复数: dentists 记忆技巧:dent 牙齿 + ist 人(从事某职业、研究)→ 牙科医生 扩展资料   I finally screwed up my courage and went to the dentist.   我终于鼓起勇气,去看了牙医。   I"m a real coward when it comes to going to the dentist.   我一去看牙医就胆战心惊。   I"ve just had a tooth out at the dentist"s.   我刚在牙科诊所拔了一颗牙。   The dentist scaled and polished my teeth.   牙医为我刮除牙石,抛光了牙齿。


identity表示身份。identification表示认同、确认;鉴定、识别;身份证明。例句:His identity couldn"t be determined.这个人的身份无法确定。His identity was not released.他的身份并没有公开。May I see your identification?能不能给我看看你的身份证件?Early identification of a disease can prevent death and illness.病症的及早诊断可避免死亡与病痛。The woman who was on passport control asked me if I had any further identification.检查护照的女士问我是否有进一步的身份证明。


dent light 全部释义和例句>> 凹痕的光light 英[lau026at]美[lau026at]n. 光; 发光体; 电灯; 点火器;adj. 轻的; 明亮的; 浅色的; 少量的;v. 点燃; 照亮; 用光指引;[例句]Cracks of light filtered through the shutters斑驳的光线透过百叶窗照射进来。[其他] 比较级:lighter 最高级:lightest 第三人称单数:lights 复数:lights 现在分词:lighting 过去式:lit 过去分词:lit



put a dent什么意思?



antecedent n. 前情,先行词;accident n.意外的;事故;ardent adj. 热心的,热烈的;coincident a. 一致的,符合的,暗合的;confident n.确信的,自信的correspondent n.通信者;通讯员;decadent adj. 衰落的;颓废的,衰退的;dent n. 缺口,凹痕,v. 弄凹;dependent a.依靠的,依赖的;despondent adj. 失望的,意气消沉的;diffident a. 无自信的,客客气气的,羞怯的;dissident n. 唱反调者;evident a.明显的",明白的;improvident adj. 不顾将来的,不节俭的;imprudent a. 轻率的,鲁莽的;impudent adj. 鲁莽的,冒失的,无礼的;incident n.小事件;插曲;事变;indent v. 切割成锯齿状;independent a.独立的;自主的;interdependent a. 相互依赖的,互助的。




dent =tooth牙齿dent为词根的单词有:dentist[dent牙,-ist表示人;“医治牙病的人”1牙科医生dentistry[见上,-Iy表示...学,技术,职业] 牙科学,牙科,牙科业dental [dent牙,-al形容词后缀,...的]牙齿的,牙科的denture [dent牙,-ure名词后缀] 假牙dentiform[dent牙,-i,-form有...形状的]齿状的dentate [dent牙,-ate形容词后缀,...的]有齿的,齿状的dentoid[dent牙,-oid如...的]有齿的,齿状的bident [bi-两个,,dent牙:“有两个齿形”的矛1两又矛,两尖器trident [tri-三,dent牙;“有三又齿形”的矛]三又戟,三又尖器indent [in-使成...,作成...,dent牙] 使成犬牙状,刻成锯齿形multidentate[multi-多,dent牙,齿,-ate形容词后缀,...的] 多齿的interdental [inter-中间,dent齿,-al形容词后缀,...的1齿间的denticle [dent齿,-icle表示小] 小齿,小齿状突起edentate[e-无,dent齿,-ate形容词后缀,...的] (动物)无齿的,贫齿目的




pit英 [pɪt] 美 [pɪt] n.深洞;深坑;矿井;麻子;痘瘢v.使…表面有斑点;在…上打洞第三人称单数: pits复数: pits现在分词: pitting过去式: pitted过去分词: pitteddent英 [dent] 美 [dent] v.使凹陷;使产生凹痕;损害,伤害,挫伤(信心、名誉等)n.凹痕;凹坑;凹部第三人称单数: dents复数: dents现在分词: denting过去式: dented过去分词: dented


identification的读音是:英[au026au02ccdentu026afu026au02c8keu026au0283n]美[au026au02ccdentu026afu026au02c8keu026au0283n]。identification的意思是:识别。识别,读音是shí bié,汉语词语,意思是区分、分辨,出自:《后汉书·刘盆子传》:“崇等欲战,恐其众与莽兵乱,乃皆朱其眉以相识别,由是号曰赤眉。”王先谦集解引惠栋曰:“《集览》云:识与志同,记也。别,异也。”图像识别,是指利用计算机对图像进行处理、分析和理解,以识别各种不同模式的目标和对象的技术,是应用深度学习算法的一种实践应用。现阶段图像识别技术一般分为人脸识别与商品识别,人脸识别主要运用在安全检查、身份核验与移动支付中。商品识别主要运用在商品流通过程中,特别是无人货架、智能零售柜等无人零售领域。图像的传统识别流程分为四个步骤:图像采集→图像预处理→特征提取→图像识别。图像识别软件国外代表的有康耐视等,国内代表的有图智能、海深科技等。另外在地理学中指将遥感图像进行分类的技术。图形刺激作用于感觉器官,人们辨认出它是经验过的某一图形的过程,也叫图像再认。双语例句:1、Each product has a number for easy identification.每件产品都有号码以便于识别。2、Windows are etched with the vehicle identification number.玻璃上刻着车辆识别码。3、The early identification of children with special educational needs is very important.早期确认儿童有特殊教育需求很重要。4、Can I see some identification, please?请出示任何身份证件好吗?

make a dent in the universe怎解?







Denton n. 丹顿(姓氏) ▲折叠《21世纪大英汉词典》▼展开《21世纪大英汉词典》 Denton ["dentu0259n] 丹顿(美国得克萨斯州北部城市) 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 网络释义 展开全部折叠全部偏好设置 - Denton 丹敦; 登顿(男子名); 丹敦----; 丹顿; 丹敦内华达英语 拼写?_百度知道 ...大学城 College Station 丹敦 Denton 卡罗敦 Carrollton ... 基于10个网页 - 搜索相关网页 登顿(男子名)D和Y开头有什么比较有个性的的英文单词或词语 爱问... ...Dent 登特(姓氏) Denton登顿(男子名) Derek 德里克(男子名) ... 基于2个网页 - 搜索相关网页 丹敦----英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(37)(4) ...dentolingual 齿舌音dentosurgical 牙齿外科的dentulous 有牙齿的 ... 基于1个网页 - 搜索相关网页 丹顿Yahoo!奇摩>地区地域>国家与地区>美国>城市 ...丹佛(Denver)@丹顿(Denton)@匹兹堡(Pittsburgh)@ ... 基于1个网页 - 搜索相关网页 - Caley Denton 副总裁登顿; 副总裁丹顿; 副总裁登顿冬奥组委会票务组副总裁登顿(Caley Denton)指出,组委会这次准备了所有赛事的门票,他表示目前民众购买门票的需求仍然踊跃。 基于11个网页 - 搜索相关网页 副总裁丹顿温哥华冬奥筹委会副总裁丹顿(Caley Denton)指出,冬奥门票销售状况热络,已超出原订目标。冰球项目的金牌赛无疑绝对会是必须抽签的赛事。 基于3个网页 - 搜索相关网页 - orrin denton 澳林丹顿;

put a dent什么意思?




put a dent什么意思?




i dont see this dent listed in the agreement



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