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blunt的同义词:numbbenumbdeadenforthrightfree-spokenplainspokenpoint-blankcandiddirectdullfrankoutspokenstraightforwardacutekeensharp 简明英汉词典 blunt D.J.[blu028cnt] K.K.[blu028cnt] adj.率直的, 直言不讳的She is rather blunt in speech.她说话很直率。钝的The axe is too blunt to cut down the tree.斧头太钝, 砍不倒树。vt.把…弄钝, 减弱Time blunts the edge of sorrow.时间会减缓悲痛。


是[u:] 这个音是长音

james blunt的中文名是什么?

当歌手前的James Blunt是一位军人,曾授命服役于南斯拉夫的科索沃,也是一位保护英国女王及皇太后的皇家侍卫。离开军队后的他在美国的音乐研讨会上被前4 None Blondes灵魂人物Linda Perry发掘并将他签为自己的Custard Records旗下艺人。 首张专辑『Back To Bedlam』,请到Tom Rothrock(Beck, Elliott Smith, Badly Drawn Boy)来操刀,灵性真诚的嗓音下唱出浪漫满溢的情爱感伤及他在军中的生活点滴。喜欢Damien Rice及David Gray的乐迷,岂能错失James Blunt的作品! 人活着为了什么?或许这个问题的答案会有很多很多,对James Blunt来说,活着就是为了让生活更美好。这个曾经是战场上的男人如今谱写着音乐,来让自己、让别人的生活产生快乐,远离悲伤与痛苦。2005年1月,James Blunt在英国首发专辑『Back to Bedlam』,再于7月在美国发行此专辑,以及单曲专辑『Youre Beautiful』。 出生于英国英格兰的James Blunt,自小便受传统家教所束缚。7岁时住校学习,其间他在数学和自然科学两门科目上表现优秀,无怪乎之后他的父亲将其推上从军的道路。然而上学并不是那么糟糕,在学校里James Blunt学会了钢琴演奏,并参与学校活动时的表演。由于父亲的催促,James Blunt加入军队,且于1999年在科索沃为当时的停火执行官。或许是经历的一切让James Blunt深深体会到痛及遍身的战争带给人们的伤害,他毅然用亲身经历战争的感受谱写音乐,通过音乐他向人们诉说和证明战争的不幸。脱离军队后,James Blunt组建了一个乐队录制样带。在2003年SXSW表演之后,Pink、Christina Aguilara等艺人的制作人Linda Perry相中James Blunt的才华,将他和他的乐队收入Custard Records唱片公司旗下。至此,James Blunt开始了他音乐人生的又一旅程。



Blunt 中文谐音

  中文读近似布朗特,音标是blʌnt  满意请采纳,谢谢





美丽的你 詹姆仕布朗特(James Blunt)(中英歌词)?

My life is brilliant我生命如此美好*Musical Pause*My life is brilliant.我生命如此美好My love is pure.我的爱如此纯洁I saw an angel.我看见过一只天使Of that I"m sure.对此我深信不疑She smiled at me on the subway.她在地铁边朝我微笑She was with another man.她身边有另一个人跟随But I won"t lose no sleep on that,我不会迷失自己"Cause I"ve got a plan.因为我暗下了决心(Chorus):You"re beautiful. You"re beautiful.美丽的你啊美丽的你You"re beautiful, it"s true.你的美丽是如此真实I saw your face in a crowded place,在人群中我看见了你的脸And I don"t know what to do,我不知如何是好"Cause Ill never be with you.因为我不能再拥有你Yes, she caught my eye,As I walked on by.是的,当我们搽身而过她吸引了我的目光She could see from my face that I was,Flying high,她能从我的表情上看出我如此的兴奋And I don"t think that I"ll see her again,我不敢指望我能再遇见她But we shared a moment that will last till the end.但是这一刻能成为我们的永远(Chorus):You"re beautiful. You"re beautiful.美丽的你啊美丽的你You"re beautiful it"s true你的美丽如此真实I saw your face in a crowded place,我在人群里看到了你的脸And I don"t know what to do,我不知道如何是好"Cause Ill never be with you.因为我不在能拥有你(La-la-la-la, La-la-la-la, La-la-la-la, Laaah)(Chorus):You"re beautiful. You"re beautiful.美丽的你啊美丽的你You"re beautiful, it"s true.你的美丽如此真实There must be an angel, with a smile on her face,一定有一只带着微笑的天使When she thought that I should be with you.当她出现我会呆在她身边But it"s time to face the truth,但是到面对现实的时候了I will never be with you.我永远不能拥有你




obtuse [简明英汉词典]adj.钝的, 圆头的, 愚蠢的, 迟钝的blunt [简明英汉词典]adj.钝的, 生硬的

谁知道james blunt的详细资料?







blunt [blu028cnt]v. 使钝; 减弱; 使迟钝; 变钝; 变迟钝adj. 钝的, 直言不讳的, 坦率的


blunt[英][blu028cnt][美][blu028cnt]adj.钝的,不锋利的; 迟钝的; 直率的; 呆板的; vt.使迟钝; 使钝; n.钝的东西; 小雪茄烟; 邓文迪即便是一个中国人,也说话很快,并且拥有率直的幽默感。 Wendi talks fast even for a chinese person and has a sense of humor that can be blunt.




blunt [bl?nt] v. 使钝; 减弱; 使迟钝; 变钝; 变迟钝 adj. 钝的, 直言不讳的, 坦率的


blunt 英[blu028cnt] 美[blu028cnt] 过去式:blunted 过去分词:blunted 现在分词:blunting adj. 1.率直的, 直言不讳的 2.钝的 3.生硬的 vt. 1.把…弄钝, 减弱 形容词 adj.1.率直的, 直言不讳的 She is rather blunt in speech.她说话很直率。2.钝的 The axe is too blunt to cut down the tree.斧头太钝, 砍不倒树。3.生硬的及物动词 vt.1.把…弄钝, 减弱 Time blunts the edge of sorrow.时间会减缓悲痛。


blunt 英[blu028cnt] 美[blu028cnt] adj. 直率的; 迟钝的; 钝的,不锋利的; 呆板的; vt. 使迟钝; 使钝; n. 钝的东西; 小雪茄烟; [例句]She is blunt about her personal life她对自己的私生活直言不讳。[其他] 比较级:blunter 最高级:bluntest 第三人称单数:blunts现在分词:blunting 过去式:blunted 过去分词:blunted


“blunt”的意思是指迟钝的,钝的,不锋利的。一、读音英【blu028cnt】,美【blu028cnt】。二、详细释义1、迟钝的;钝的;不锋利的;嘴直的;直言的。2、使减弱;使降低效应;使(尖端、刃)变钝。3、钝器;短粗的针[雪茄烟等];现钞。三、反义词1、sharp:指物体的头部尖锐,能够轻易地切割或穿透许多材料。2、keen:指物体的边缘极为锐利,而且容易切开硬质物体。四、近义词1、dull:指的是物体缺乏光泽、不锋利,或者是某些事物缺乏活力或刺激性质等。2、unsharpened:通常指的是笔尖或刀片未被磨尖,也可以用来形容口气的平淡、单调。例句:1、The knife is too blunt to cut this steak properly.这把刀太钝了,无法将这块牛排切好。2、Her response was blunt and unsympathetic, which left him feeling upset and discouraged.她的回应直白且缺乏同情心,让他感到不安和沮丧。3、John has a blunt personality and always says what he"s thinking, regardless of how it may affect others.约翰性格很粗鲁,总是说出自己想要表达的话,无论是否影响到他人。4、The speaker"s blunt language offended many in the audience, causing some to walk out mid-speech.演讲者过于直接的措辞冒犯了很多观众,导致一些人在演讲途中离开了。

blunt 是什么意思


hillary clinton的政治倾向是什么?


急!!谁帮我翻译一下Hillary Clinton的这篇演讲稿啊


The people elected Bill Clinton President句子成分分析?

The people主语,elected 谓语, Bill Clinton 宾语, President 宾语补足语。

Clinton Sparks 的 Sucks To Be You 完整歌词

Sucks To Be You(tamara) - sucks to be you(simon) - i know, i know(tamara) - sucks to be you(simon) - i know it"s trueI"m a bastard if it"s trueIf the thing she did to meIs what i did to youI"m a bastard if it"s trueAnd i guess it"s true(tamara) - sucks to be you(simon) - i know, i know(tamara) - sucks to be you(simon) - i know it"s trueYou need to know i finally understandAnd i gotta get in touch with you nowBut i can"tI just want to tell you i"m sorryI"m a bastard if it"s trueIf the thing she did to meWas what i did to youI"m a bastard if it"s trueAnd i guess it"s true转载来自 ※Mojim.com 魔镜歌词网 (tamara) - sucks to be you(simon) - i know, i know(tamara) - sucks to be you(simon) - i know it"s trueYou need to know i finally understandAnd i gotta get in touch with you nowBut i can"tI wish i could have made you happyBut i"m a bastardI"m not saying that i wanted you to stayBut tonight i feel like driving my car to laJust so you can see me cryingCause i"m a bastard if it"s trueYeah and i guess it"s true(tamara) - sucks to be you(tamara) - sucks to be you(simon) - i know it"s true(tamara) - sucks to be you(simon) - i know, i know(tamara) - sucks to be you(simon) - i know it"s true

Bill Clinton took office (就职) on January 20, 1993 and became the 42nd USA president (总统).







22003766 Fluent数值仿真精英群涡流破碎也不做 也不能给你太多建议 这个群里有人曾经很热烈的讨论过EBU的问题 你加入群问问吧

He spoke so()that even his opponents were won over by his arguements。 A、bluntly。B、c

B. convincingly 有说服性的,让他的对手信服



英语完形填空 Mr.Clinton and his 13-yeas-old son Tony

Mr. Clinton and his 13-year-old son Tony are basketball fans. Last October 10th was Tony"s birthday, so Mr. Clinton decided to drive him to New York, for the first game of the World Series.They had no ticket but hoped to buy a pair from scalpers. It was a two hours" ride. After they arrived, they walked in the street for two hours, carrying a sign(牌子) that read, " We need two tickets." There were many scalpers around, but the cheapest ticket was $200. They were about to leave when suddenly a man stopped them. He took out two tickets andhanded them to Mr. Clinton. "How much do you want?" "Just a present," said the man. "Enjoy the game." Mr. Clinton wouldn"t accept, so the man explained, "I"m Jackson. Hans is my boss. He and his wife haven"t missed a World Series in 18 years. But he is ill and can"t watch the game this time. So he told meto give the two tickets to people who I thought would actually enjoy the game. A lot of people looked as if they might just take the tickets and sell them. Then I saw you and I followed you for a while. Youseemed very disappointed. You made me think of my dad and me when I was a child. I dreamed of going to a World Series game with my father. But my dream never came true." How do you suppose this made Mr. Clinton and his son feel? Here is what Mr. Clinton said: "This is the most wonderful thing that ever happened to us. My boy and I must have turned to each other over 30 times and said, "I can"t believe this." We still never forget Jackson and Hans."这是原文,你照着空理解吧



英语学习资料:President Clinton’s Legal Problems

STEVE EMBER: Wele to THE MAKING OF A NATION – American history in VOA Special English. I"m Steve Ember. This week in our series, we continue the story of America"s forty-second president, Bill Clinton. He was a popular and successful president who was re-elected in nieen niy-six. But he also became only the second president in American history ever to be put on trial in Congress. (MUSIC) Clinton"s past in Arkansas became the source of accusations and questions about his character as he was running for president. These included questions about financial dealings with a land development pany called Whitewater. In January of nieen niy-four, President Clinton asked Attorney General Ja Reno to appoint an independent lawyer to lead an investigation. She named a Republican, but some critics said her choice was too friendly to the Clinton administration. He was replaced by another Republican, Kenh Starr. In nieen niy-five the Senate Judiciary Committee began its own investigation of the president. The mittee later reported that it had not found evidence of any crimes. However, because the mittee was led by Democrats, there was continuing suspicion of the president among Republicans. The main cause of that suspicion dated back to a purchase of land in Arkansas years earlier. Bill and Hillary Clinton had bought the land in nieen seventy eight -- the year he was first elected governor of that state. The Clintons formed the Whitewater Development Company with Susan and James McDougal. The goal was to sell vacation homes along a river. However, the pany did poorly. James McDougal also owned Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan, for which Hillary Clinton did legal work. Madison failed during the nieen eighties. The McDougals were found guilty of wrongdoing in connection with that failure. A former local judge in Little Rock, the state capital, also became part of the story. In nieen niy-four David Hale pleaded guilty to charges of cheating the federal government. That case was in connection with a lending pany he owned and was not connected to Whitewater. But Hale accused Bill Clinton of having pressured him while governor to loan money to Susan McDougal and other politically influential people. Clinton denied the accusations. During the president"s first term, investigators sought billing records for Hillary Clinton"s past legal work for James McDougal. They wanted to know, in connection with the Whitewater investigation, how much time she had spent on that work. The first lady said she could not find the records. Then, in January of nieen niy-six, the billing records appeared without explanation in the White House. That mystery only added to the suspicions of some Americans. Others thought Kenh Starr was just wasting taxpayer money on his investigation of the Clintons. They felt it was just for political reasons. The Whitewater investigation became increasingly plex and difficult to follow. In the end, President Clinton was never charged with any wrongdoing in connection with his financial dealings. But his legal problems did not stop there.


形容词 adj.1.率直的, 直言不讳的 She is rather blunt in speech.她说话很直率。2.钝的 The axe is too blunt to cut down the tree.斧头太钝, 砍不倒树。及物动词 vt.1.把…弄钝, 减弱 Time blunts the edge of sorrow.时间会减缓悲痛。 blunt 可能与古挪威语 blunda 打磕睡有关,古英语 blind 现代英汉综合大辞典 blunt [bl05nt]adj.钝的明说的; 直言的了解或感觉能力迟钝的愚蠢的; 粗鲁的a blunt knife一把钝刀to be blunt (with you)[用作插入语]老实说; (对你)明说吧His isolation has made him blunt about the feelings of others.他的孤立使他对别人的感情木然无知。That"s the blunt fact.事实确实是那样。 词性变化blunt [bl05nt]vt.使钝; 挫折; 减弱blunt the enemy"s attack挫敌锐气blunt [bl05nt]vi.变钝n.钝的东西小雪茄烟 继承用法bluntlyadv.bluntnessn.



clinton twp什么意思

clinton twp克林顿图普Clinton[英][u02c8klintu0259n][美][u02c8klu026antu0259n]n.克林顿(m.); 例句:1.God then asked bill clinton what he revered most. 上帝接着问比尔克林顿他最崇敬的是什么。

bluntly 和 frankly 有什么不同 在什么语境下用哪个好?

[bluntly] speaking in a direct honest way that sometimes upsets people: 指讲话坦白直率,不客气,也隐含不得体、不顾及他人感受等意味。有时会使听的人不高兴。[frankly]1. used to show that you are saying what you really think about something:平心而论,表达讲话者主观的真实的想法。2. honestly and directly: 真诚的,坦诚地。 强调毫无保留地畅所欲言,不受任何的约束。总的来说的话,[bluntly] 带些贬义,有些无礼的意思。可指言语也可指行为。而,[frankly]则带些褒义,表达一种真诚,一般指讲话。其实很多时候词语辨析的细节理解,你可以参照他们的英文翻译,英语解释英语能看出不同的。而中文的话,有些笼统。以上是我的理解,希望对你有所帮助~

franklin clinton是什么车


Hillary Clinton是什么意思

Hillary Clinton希拉里克林顿双语对照词典结果:Hillary Clintonn.希拉里·黛安·罗德姆·克林顿(Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton,1947年10月26日-); 候任美国国务卿; 美国律师、政治家; 美国民主党成员; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Abroad she is sometimes compared to hillary clinton. 国外的人们把她比做是美国的希拉里克林顿。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

Hillary Clinton是什么意思

Hillary Clintonn.希拉里·黛安·罗德姆·克林顿(Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton,1947年10月26日-); 候任美国国务卿; 美国律师、政治家; 美国民主党成员;

关于hillary clinton简介的英文PPT,主要是她的生平介绍,政治生涯,演讲能力等。。。

Hillary was raised in a middle-class family in the middle of America. From that classic suburban childhood in Park Ridge, Illinois, Hillary went on to become one of America"s foremost advocates for children and families; an attorney twice voted one of the most influential in America; a First Lady of Arkansas who helped transform the schools; a bestselling author; a First Lady for America who helped transform that role, becoming a champion for health care and families at home and a champion of women"s rights and human rights around the world.Since her path-breaking election to the United States Senate, Hillary has been a steadfast advocate for middle-class families, working to help create jobs, expand children"s health care and protect Social Security from privatization. As the Senator representing New York after 9/11, Hillary has fought to strengthen our approach to homeland security and to improve our communications and intelligence operations. As the first New Yorker ever named to the Senate Armed Services Committee, Hillary has been a tough critic of the administration"s bungling of Iraq and a fierce advocate for proper equipment, health benefits, and treatment for military families找不到ppt了谅解



Bill clinton 是什么意思

在三楼基础上的补充:Bill是William的昵称;Bill Clinton是美国现任国务卿希拉里克林顿丈夫;其前任和继任总统分别为布什父子;Clinton如今已成为美国梦的代表 寓意是希望(源自现代英语词汇学)




威廉.杰斐逊.克林顿(William Jefferson Clinton)当美国总统的时候,因为什么原因提前下台的 ?


clinton和URBANA 哪个港口离Columbus近?

clinton-克林顿港(俄亥俄州Ohio )Urbana-乌班那(伊利诺斯州Illinois)关键是美国的哪一个“Columbus-哥伦布市”?1. 哥伦布市(美国俄亥俄州首府)(克林顿港 近)2. 哥伦布市(美国佐治亚州)(克林顿港 近)3. 哥伦布市(美国印第安纳州)(远近差不多,乌班那 稍微近一些)4. 哥伦布市(美国密西西比州)(乌班那 近)5. 哥伦布市(美国内布拉斯加州)(乌班那 近)







Clifford Brown&Max Roach Quintet的《Delilah》 歌词

歌曲名:Delilah歌手:Clifford Brown&Max Roach Quintet专辑:The Emarcy Master TakesDelilahDelilahShout shout shout delilahShout shout shout at the top of your lungsShout shout shout delilahShout shout shout until the kingdom comesStay away from meJust stay away from my houseStay away from meJust stay away or I"ll sort you outShout shout shout delilahShout shout shout "till the kingdom comesTreading on my dreamsStop treading on my dreamsOut out out delilahOut out out stay out of my placeOut out out delilahOut out out or I"ll rearrange your faceHe"ll never really beHe"ll never be your loverHe"ll never really beHe"ll never really be your loverSo stay away from meJust stay away from my houseStay away from meJust stay away or I"ll sort you outShout shout shout delilahShout shout shout "till the kingdom comesTreading on my dreamsStop treading on my dreamsDelilah...Push mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7381031


ftp权限配置是比较繁琐的。我之前只配置在ubuntu 14.04中配置过,没在centos 7中配置过,具体过程可以参考下:一. 为了服务器的安全,只可以使用ftp登录,禁止使用telnet与ssh登录1,修改/etc/pam.d/vsftpd的验证模块 # Standard behaviour for ftpd(8). auth required pam_listfile.so item=user sense=deny file=/etc/ftpusers onerr=succeed# Note: vsftpd handles anonymous logins on its own. Do not enable # pam_ftp.so.# Standard blurb. @include common-account @include common-session@include common-auth #auth required pam_shells.so 注销下auth required pam_sheels.so验证2,修改/etc/vsftpd.conf文件,添加check_shell=NO至vsftpd文件。3,修改/etc/passwd用户的shell为false或nologin,重启/etc/init.d/vsftpd即可. 当然,也可以修改/etc/passwd中wp26:x:1002:1002::/home/vhost/wp26:/bin/false的最后/bin/false为/usr/bin/passwd,让用户登录系统只能够修改密码。二. 设置ftp相关目录

spontaneous echo contrast什么意思

spontaneous echo contrast全部释义和例句>> 自发回波对比

谁帮我翻译一下,谢谢了 ladies and Gentlemen today .l a



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谁能给我的Taylor Swift ours,you belong to me,last christmas,mean,enchanted,的歌词,最好中文也有

you belong to meYou"re on the phone with your girlfriend ,she"s upset. 你正和女朋友聊电话 她很不高兴 She"s going off about something that you said 她因为你说的某些话而发火 "Cuz she doesn"t, get your humor like I do... 她不像我 领会你的幽默感 I"m in the room It"s a typical Tuesday night 我在房间 又是一个平凡的星期二晚上



John Pedersen的《Enchanted》 歌词

歌曲名:Enchanted歌手:John Pedersen专辑:White OwlOwl City - EnchantedSplendidyangThere I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smilesSame old tired, lonely placeWalls of insincerityShifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your faceAll I can say is it was enchanting to meet youYour eyes whispered "have we met?"Across the room your silhouette starts to make it"s way to meThe playful conversation startsCounter all your quick remarks like passing notes in secrecyAll I can say is it was enchanting to meet youOh Taylor I was so enchanted to meet you tooThis night is sparkling, don"t you let it goI"m wonderstruck, blushing all the way homeI"ll spend forever wondering if you knewI was enchanted to meet you tooThe lingering question kept me up2AM, who do you love?I wondered till I"m wide awakeNow I"m pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my doorI"d open up and you would say,Hey it was enchanting to meet youOh Taylor I was so enchanted to meet you tooThis night is sparkling, don"t you let it goI"m wonderstruck, blushing all the way homeI"ll spend forever wondering if you knewI was enchanted to meet you tooThis is me praying that this was the very first pageNot where the story line endsMy thoughts will echo your name until I see you againThese are the words I held back as I was leaving too soonI was enchanted to meet you tooPlease don"t be in love with someone elsePlease don"t have somebody waiting on youPlease don"t be in love with someone elsePlease don"t have somebody waiting on youThis night is sparkling, don"t you let it goI"m wonderstruck, blushing all the way homeI"ll spend forever wondering if you knewThis night is flawless, don"t you let it goI"m wonderstruck, dancing around all aloneTaylor I"ll spend my whole life wondering if you knewI was enchanted to meet you tooI was never in love with someone elseI never had somebody waiting on meCause you were all of my dreams come trueAnd I just wish you knewTaylor I was so in love with you.http://music.baidu.com/song/15269995

Taylor Swift的《Enchanted》 歌词

歌曲名:Enchanted歌手:Taylor Swift专辑:Speak Now (Karaoke Version)Taylor Swift - EnchantedThere I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smilesSame old tired, lonely placeWalls of insincerityShifiting eyes and vancancy vanished when I saw your faceAll I can say is it was enchanting to meet youYour eyes whispered "have we met?"Across the room your silhouette starts to make it"s way to meThe playful conversation startsCounter all your quick remarks like passing notes in secrecyAnd it was enchanting to meet youAll I can say is I was enchanted to meet youThis night is sparkling, don"t you let it goI"m wonderstruck, blushing all the way homeI"ll spend forever wondering if you knewI was enchanted to meet youThe lingering question kept me up2am, who do you love?I wonder till I"m wide awakeNow I"m pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my doorI"d open up and you would say,It was enchanted to meet youAll I know is I was enchanted to meet youThis night is sparkling, don"t you let it goI"m wonderstruck, blushing all the way homeI"ll spend forever wondering if you knewThis night is flawless, don"t you let it goI"m wonderstruck, dancing around all aloneI"ll spend forever wondering if you knewI was enchanted to meet youThis is me praying that this was the very first pageNot where the story line endsMy thoughts will echo your name until I see you againThese are the words I held back as I was leaving too soonI was enchanted to meet youPlease don"t be in love with someone elsePlease don"t have somebody waiting on youPlease don"t be in love with someone elsePlease don"t have somebody waiting on youThis night is sparkling, don"t you let it goI"m wonderstruck, blushing all the way homeI"ll spend forever wondering if you knewThis night is flawless, don"t you let it goI"m wonderstruck, dancing around all aloneI"ll spend forever wondering if you knewI was enchanted to meet youPlease don"t be in love with someone elsePlease don"t have somebody waiting on youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/18009423



owl city翻唱的enchanted的歌词和翻译、

Enchanted / 魔法奇缘There I was again tonight / 今夜我又到了那儿Forcing laughter, faking smiles / 故作笑声,强装笑颜Same motel at lonely place / 同一个偏僻的旅馆Walls of insincerity / 冷冷冰冰道道墙壁Shifting eyes and vacancy / 目光流离内心空虚Vanished when I saw your face / 然后就只见你的脸All I can say is, it was enchanting to meet you / 而我只能说:遇见你,我“深感荣幸”Your eyes whispered "have we met?" / 你眼低语:“我们见过?”Across the room your silhouette / 屋子那头你的轮廓Starts to make it"s way to me / 开始冲着我这里挤The playful conversation starts / 随后是幽默的对话Counter all your quick remarks / 对答你所有俏皮话Like passing military secrecy / 好比收发军事机密And it was enchanting to meet you / 遇见你,我“身中魔咒”All I can say is, I was enchanted to meet you / 而我只能说:遇见你,我“深感荣幸”This night is sparkling, don"t you let it go / 今夜星光满,你可别忘掉I"m wonderstruck, blushing all the way home / 我惊讶万分,一路羞答往家跑I"ll spend forever wondering if you knew / 情愿用一生,猜你可知否:I was enchanted to meet you / 遇见你,我“身中魔咒”The lingering question kept me up / 有道谜题不让我睡2 A.M., who do you love? / 凌晨两点:你爱着谁?I wonder till I"m wide awake / 一直猜到睡意尽退Now I"m pacing back and forth / 我在屋里踱去踱来Wishing you were at my door / 希望你就在房门外I"d open up and you would say / 我来开门你张开嘴:It was enchanting to meet you / 遇见你,我“深感荣幸”All I know is, I was enchanted to meet you / 而我只知道:遇见你,我“身中魔咒”This night is sparkling, don"t you let it go / 今夜星光满,你可别忘掉I"m wonderstruck, blushing all the way home / 我惊讶万分,一路羞答往家跑I"ll spend forever wondering if you knew / 情愿用一生,猜你可知否...This night is flawless, don"t you let it go / 今夜美无瑕,你可别忘掉I"m wonderstruck, dancing around all alone / 我惊讶万分,一人转着圈儿跳I"ll spend forever wondering if you knew / 情愿用一生,猜你可知否:I was enchanted to meet you / 遇见你,我“身中魔咒”This is me praying that / 请你听我祈祷:This was the very first page / 这是翻开的第一页Not where the story line ends / 远不是故事的结尾My thoughts will echo your name / 你的名字荡漾脑海Until I see you again / 直到某天再见到你These are the words I held back / 有句话我没说出来As I was leaving too soon / 因为当时急着要走:I was enchanted to meet you / 遇见你,我“身中魔咒”Please don"t be in love with someone else / 请不要付出爱,某一个人除外Please don"t have somebody waiting on you / 请不要让某一个人苦苦等你Please don"t be in love with someone else / 请不要付出爱,某一个人除外Please don"t have somebody waiting on you / 请不要让某一个人苦苦等你This night is sparkling, don"t you let it go / 今夜星光满,你可别忘掉I"m wonderstruck, blushing all the way home / 我惊讶万分,一路羞答往家跑I"ll spend forever wondering if you knew / 情愿用一生,猜你可知否...This night is flawless, don"t you let it go / 今夜美无瑕,你可别忘掉I"m wonderstruck, dancing around all alone / 我惊讶万分,一人转着圈儿跳I"ll spend forever wondering if you knew / 情愿用一生,猜你可知否:I was enchanted to meet you / 遇见你,我“身中魔咒”Please don"t be in love with someone else / 请不要付出爱,某一个人除外Please don"t have somebody waiting on you / 请不要让某一个人苦苦等你


Enchanted 着迷翻译:Selcampbell (转载请加上这个~谢谢你~)There I was again tonight 我在这里,在这样的夜晚里Forcing laughter, faking smiles还是一样,勉强的笑声,虚伪的微笑Same old tired, lonely place. 那个地方,也还是一样的,疲乏而孤单Walls of insincerity 虚伪毫无保留的如铜墙铁壁般将我包围Shifting eyes and vacancy 还是一样, 飘忽不定的眼神,空空荡荡的房子Vanished when I saw your face. 但是就在你出现的那一瞬间,这一切立即消失的无影无踪All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you. 我的零零碎碎的词字,只能拼凑出“我已经对你着了迷 ” Your eye"s whispered "have we met?" 你的眼睛悄悄向我传达着“我们以前见过吗”Across the room your silhouette 来自这个拥挤空间的另一个角落Starts to make its way to me. 你完美的侧脸已踏上了通向我心房的道路The playful conversation starts 一段俏皮的小交流,就这样有了开始Counter all your quick remarks回应着你传达的每一个神态Like passing notes in secrecy. 就好象悄悄的传递着我们秘密的小纸条And it was enchanting to meet you. 那就是,我已经对你着迷All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you. 我的零零碎碎的词字,只能拼凑出“我已经对你着了迷 ”ChorusThis night it sparkling, don"t you let it go 如此绚丽的夜晚,你会就这样让它成为记忆里的一个片段吗?I"m wonderstruck, blushing all the way home 我小小的惊讶着,涨着粉嘟嘟的脸走在回家的路上 (想象着taylor正害羞的回家···(*^__^*) 嘻嘻)I"ll spend forever wondering if you knew 我用了好久好久的时间来猜想,你是否知道I was enchanted to meet you. 我已经对你着迷Verse 2The lingering question kept me up 有这样一个问题,在我脑海里徘徊2am,凌晨2点,我依旧睡意全无who do you love? 谁才是你心中那一个呢?I wonder till i"m wide awake. 我无法将这个问题从我脑海中删去,直至我完完全全的清醒Now i"m pacing back and fourth 此时,我正心思不宁的在房间里来来回回的走动Wishing you were at my door. 祈祷着,此刻,你就在房门的另一面I"d open up and you would say, 打开门后,你会对我说hey,It was enchanted to meet you. 嗨,我已经对你着了迷All I know is I was enchanted to meet you. 我似乎已被意识植入,已经对你着了迷ChorusThis night it sparkling, don"t you let it go 如此绚丽的夜晚,你会让它就这样过去吗I"m wonderstruck, blushing all the way home 我小小的惊讶着,涨着粉嘟嘟的脸走在回家的路上 I"ll spend forever wondering if you knew 我用了好久好久的时间来猜想,你是否知道This night it flawless, don"t you let it go 这个夜晚是如此的完美无瑕,你会就这样让它成为记忆里的一个片段吗?I"m wonderstruck, dancing around all alone 我小小的惊讶着,脚尖一直不停的在地板上开出花朵I"ll spend forever wondering if you knew 我用了好久好久的时间来猜想,你是否知道I was enchanted to meet you. 我已经对你着迷BridgeThis is me praying 我双手合十,祈祷着That this was the very first page. 这将会成为我们故事的第一页Not where the story line ends. 而不是这个画上句号前的话语My thoughts will echo your name 脑海里不停的回放着你的名字Until I see you again. 直到你再一次出现在我的面前These are the words I held back 这些就是保留在我心底的词句As I was leaving to soon. I was enchanted to meet you. 就和我马上就要离开的事实一样,我已经迷上了你Please don"t be in love with someone else 请求着,还没有人和你一起坠入爱河Please don"t have somebody waiting on you.请求着,你的身旁还没有照顾你的人Please don"t be in love with someone else 请求着,还没有人和你一起坠入爱河Please don"t have somebody waiting on you.请求着,你的身旁还没有照顾你的人ChorusThis night it sparkling, don"t you let it go 如此绚丽的夜晚,你会让它就这样过去吗I"m wonderstruck, blushing all the way home 我小小的惊讶着,涨着粉嘟嘟的脸走在回家的路上 I"ll spend forever wondering if you knew 我用了好久好久的时间来猜想,你是否知道This night it flawless, don"t you let it go 这个夜晚是如此的完美无瑕,你会就这样让它成为记忆里的一个片段吗?I"m wonderstruck, dancing around all alone 我小小的惊讶着,脚尖一直不停的在地板上开出花朵I"ll spend forever wondering if you knew 我用了好久好久的时间来猜想,你是否知道I was enchanted to meet you. 我已经对你着迷Please don"t be in love with someone else 请求着,还没有人和你一起坠入爱河Please don"t have somebody waiting on you.请求着,你的身旁还没有照顾你的人


  here I was again tonight   forcing laughter, faking smiles   same old tired, lonely place   walls of insincerity   shifting eyes and vacancy   vanished when I saw your face   all I can say is it was enchanting to meet you   your eyes whispered Have we met?   across the room, your silhouette   starts to make its way to me   the playful conversation starts   counter all your quick remarks   like passing notes in secrecy   and it was enchanting to meet you   all I can say is I was enchanted to meet you   this night is sparkling, dont you let it go   Im wonderstruck, blushing all the way home   Ill spend forever wondering if you knew   I was enchanted to meet you   the lingering question kept me up   2 am, who do you love?   I wonder til Im wide awake   now Im pacing back and forth   wishing you were at my door   Id open up and you would say   It was enchanting to meet you   all I know is I was enchanted to meet you   this night is sparkling, dont you let it go   Im wonderstruck, blushing all the way home   Ill spend forever wondering if you knew   this night is flawless, dont you let it go   Im wonderstruck, dancing around all alone   Ill spend forever wondering if you knew   I was enchanted to meet you   this is me praying that   this was the very first page   not where the story line ends   my thoughts will echo your name   until I see you again   these are the words I held back   as I was leaving too soon   I was enchanted to meet you   please dont be in love with someone else   please dont have somebody waiting on you   please dont be in love with someone else   please dont have somebody waiting on you   this night is sparkling, dont you let it go   Im wonderstruck, blushing all the way home   Ill spend forever wondering if you knew   this night is flawless, dont you let it go   Im wonderstruck, dancing around all alone   Ill spend forever wondering if you knew   I was enchanted to meet you   please dont be in love with someone else   please dont have somebody waiting on you   (A-D-A-M)


Enchanted 着迷翻译:Selcampbell (转载请加上这个~谢谢你~)There I was again tonight 我在这里,在这样的夜晚里Forcing laughter, faking smiles还是一样,勉强的笑声,虚伪的微笑Same old tired, lonely place. 那个地方,也还是一样的,疲乏而孤单Walls of insincerity 虚伪毫无保留的如铜墙铁壁般将我包围Shifting eyes and vacancy 还是一样, 飘忽不定的眼神,空空荡荡的房子Vanished when I saw your face. 但是就在你出现的那一瞬间,这一切立即消失的无影无踪All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you. 我的零零碎碎的词字,只能拼凑出“我已经对你着了迷 ” Your eye"s whispered "have we met?" 你的眼睛悄悄向我传达着“我们以前见过吗”Across the room your silhouette 来自这个拥挤空间的另一个角落Starts to make its way to me. 你完美的侧脸已踏上了通向我心房的道路The playful conversation starts 一段俏皮的小交流,就这样有了开始Counter all your quick remarks回应着你传达的每一个神态Like passing notes in secrecy. 就好象悄悄的传递着我们秘密的小纸条And it was enchanting to meet you. 那就是,我已经对你着迷All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you. 我的零零碎碎的词字,只能拼凑出“我已经对你着了迷 ”ChorusThis night it sparkling, don"t you let it go 如此绚丽的夜晚,你会就这样让它成为记忆里的一个片段吗?I"m wonderstruck, blushing all the way home 我小小的惊讶着,涨着粉嘟嘟的脸走在回家的路上 (想象着taylor正害羞的回家···(*^__^*) 嘻嘻)I"ll spend forever wondering if you knew 我用了好久好久的时间来猜想,你是否知道I was enchanted to meet you. 我已经对你着迷Verse 2The lingering question kept me up 有这样一个问题,在我脑海里徘徊2am,凌晨2点,我依旧睡意全无who do you love? 谁才是你心中那一个呢?I wonder till i"m wide awake. 我无法将这个问题从我脑海中删去,直至我完完全全的清醒Now i"m pacing back and fourth 此时,我正心思不宁的在房间里来来回回的走动Wishing you were at my door. 祈祷着,此刻,你就在房门的另一面I"d open up and you would say, 打开门后,你会对我说hey,It was enchanted to meet you. 嗨,我已经对你着了迷All I know is I was enchanted to meet you. 我似乎已被意识植入,已经对你着了迷ChorusThis night it sparkling, don"t you let it go 如此绚丽的夜晚,你会让它就这样过去吗I"m wonderstruck, blushing all the way home 我小小的惊讶着,涨着粉嘟嘟的脸走在回家的路上 I"ll spend forever wondering if you knew 我用了好久好久的时间来猜想,你是否知道This night it flawless, don"t you let it go 这个夜晚是如此的完美无瑕,你会就这样让它成为记忆里的一个片段吗?I"m wonderstruck, dancing around all alone 我小小的惊讶着,脚尖一直不停的在地板上开出花朵I"ll spend forever wondering if you knew 我用了好久好久的时间来猜想,你是否知道I was enchanted to meet you. 我已经对你着迷BridgeThis is me praying 我双手合十,祈祷着That this was the very first page. 这将会成为我们故事的第一页Not where the story line ends. 而不是这个画上句号前的话语My thoughts will echo your name 脑海里不停的回放着你的名字Until I see you again. 直到你再一次出现在我的面前These are the words I held back 这些就是保留在我心底的词句As I was leaving to soon. I was enchanted to meet you. 就和我马上就要离开的事实一样,我已经迷上了你Please don"t be in love with someone else 请求着,还没有人和你一起坠入爱河Please don"t have somebody waiting on you.请求着,你的身旁还没有照顾你的人Please don"t be in love with someone else 请求着,还没有人和你一起坠入爱河Please don"t have somebody waiting on you.请求着,你的身旁还没有照顾你的人ChorusThis night it sparkling, don"t you let it go 如此绚丽的夜晚,你会让它就这样过去吗I"m wonderstruck, blushing all the way home 我小小的惊讶着,涨着粉嘟嘟的脸走在回家的路上 I"ll spend forever wondering if you knew 我用了好久好久的时间来猜想,你是否知道This night it flawless, don"t you let it go 这个夜晚是如此的完美无瑕,你会就这样让它成为记忆里的一个片段吗?I"m wonderstruck, dancing around all alone 我小小的惊讶着,脚尖一直不停的在地板上开出花朵I"ll spend forever wondering if you knew 我用了好久好久的时间来猜想,你是否知道I was enchanted to meet you. 我已经对你着迷Please don"t be in love with someone else 请求着,还没有人和你一起坠入爱河Please don"t have somebody waiting on you.请求着,你的身旁还没有照顾你的人

taylor swift 的enchanted中怎么找出“adam”啊?


为什么Taylor Swift 的Enchanted是给Adam的啊



Please don"t be in love with someone else


Enchanted / 魔法奇缘There I was again tonight / 今夜我又到了那儿Forcing laughter, faking smiles / 故作笑声,强装笑颜Same motel at lonely place / 同一个偏僻的旅馆Walls of insincerity / 冷冷冰冰道道墙壁Shifting eyes and vacancy / 目光流离内心空虚Vanished when I saw your face / 然后就只见你的脸All I can say is, it was enchanting to meet you / 而我只能说:遇见你,我“深感荣幸”Your eyes whispered "have we met?" / 你眼低语:“我们见过?”Across the room your silhouette / 屋子那头你的轮廓Starts to make it"s way to me / 开始冲着我这里挤The playful conversation starts / 随后是幽默的对话Counter all your quick remarks / 对答你所有俏皮话Like passing military secrecy / 好比收发军事机密And it was enchanting to meet you / 遇见你,我“身中魔咒”All I can say is, I was enchanted to meet you / 而我只能说:遇见你,我“深感荣幸”This night is sparkling, don"t you let it go / 今夜星光满,你可别忘掉I"m wonderstruck, blushing all the way home / 我惊讶万分,一路羞答往家跑I"ll spend forever wondering if you knew / 情愿用一生,猜你可知否:I was enchanted to meet you / 遇见你,我“身中魔咒”The lingering question kept me up / 有道谜题不让我睡2 A.M., who do you love? / 凌晨两点:你爱着谁?I wonder till I"m wide awake / 一直猜到睡意尽退Now I"m pacing back and forth / 我在屋里踱去踱来Wishing you were at my door / 希望你就在房门外I"d open up and you would say / 我来开门你张开嘴:It was enchanting to meet you / 遇见你,我“深感荣幸”All I know is, I was enchanted to meet you / 而我只知道:遇见你,我“身中魔咒”This night is sparkling, don"t you let it go / 今夜星光满,你可别忘掉I"m wonderstruck, blushing all the way home / 我惊讶万分,一路羞答往家跑I"ll spend forever wondering if you knew / 情愿用一生,猜你可知否...This night is flawless, don"t you let it go / 今夜美无瑕,你可别忘掉I"m wonderstruck, dancing around all alone / 我惊讶万分,一人转着圈儿跳I"ll spend forever wondering if you knew / 情愿用一生,猜你可知否:I was enchanted to meet you / 遇见你,我“身中魔咒”This is me praying that / 请你听我祈祷:This was the very first page / 这是翻开的第一页Not where the story line ends / 远不是故事的结尾My thoughts will echo your name / 你的名字荡漾脑海Until I see you again / 直到某天再见到你These are the words I held back / 有句话我没说出来As I was leaving too soon / 因为当时急着要走:I was enchanted to meet you / 遇见你,我“身中魔咒”Please don"t be in love with s

谁知道Taylor Swift 的Enchanted 的歌词,顺便翻译成中文!!~~~


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C语言:求输出值 int a=10; a=(3*5,a+4); printf("a=%d ",a)


一首歌的第一句excuse me ,can i have your attention plea

The Real Slim ShadyEminemMay I have your attention pleaseMay I have your attention pleaseWill the real Slim Shady please stand upI repeat will the real Slim Shady please stand upWe"re going to have a problem hereYa"ll act like you never seen a white person beforejaws all on the floor like Pam like Tommy just burst in the doorstarted whoopin her ass worse than beforethey first get divorced throwing her over furniture (scream)It"s the return of theOh wait no way your kidding he didn"t just say what I think he did did heAnd Dr Dre saidNothing you idiots Dr Dre"s dead he"s locked in my basement (haha)Feminist women love EminemChicka chicka chicka Slim Shady I"m sick of himlook at him walking around grabbing his you know whatlimpin" to you know who yeah but hes so cute thoughYea I probably got a couple of screws up in my head loosebut no worse than what"s going on in your parent"s bedroomsSometimes I wanna get on TV and just let loosebut can"t but its cool for Tom Green to hump a dead moosemy bum is on your lips my bum is on your lipsand if I"m lucky you might just give it a little kissand that"s the message that we deliver to little kidsand expect them not to know what a womens clitoris isOf course they gonna know what intercourse isby the time they hit 4th gradethey got the discovery channel don"t theyWe ain"t nothing but mammals well some of us cannibalswho cut other people open like cantaloupesBut if we can hump dead animals and antelopesthen there"s no reason that a man and another man can"t elopeBut if you feel like I feel I got the antidoteWomen wave your panty hoes sing the chorus and it goesI"m Slim ShadyYes I"m the real ShadyAll you other Slim Shadys are just imitatingSo won"t the real Slim ShadyPlease stand up Please stand up Please stand upbecuase I"m Slim ShadyYes I"m the real ShadyAll you other Slim Shadys are just imitatingSo won"t the real Slim shadyPlease stand up Please stand up Please stand upWill Smith don"t gotta cuss in his raps to sell recordsWell I do so fuck him and fuck you tooYou think I give a damm about a GrammyHalf of you critics can"t even stomach me let alone stand meBut Slim what if u win wouldn"t it be weirdWhy So you guys can just lie to get me hereSo you can sit me here next to Britney SpearsShit Christina Aguilera better switch me chairsSo I can sit next to Carson Daly and Fred DurstAnd hear "em argue over who she gave head to firstLittle bitch put me on blast on MTVyeah he"s cute but I think he"s married to Kim heheI should download her audio on mp3And show the whole world how you gave Eminem V D (scream)I"m sick of you little girl and boy groups all you do is annoy meSo I"ve been sent here to destroy youAnd theres a million of us just like meWho cuss like meWho just don"t give a fuck like meWho dress like meWalk talk and act like meIt just might be the next best thingBut not quite meI"m Slim ShadyYes I"m the real ShadyAll you other Slim Shadys are just imitatingSo won"t the real Slim ShadyPlease stand up Please stand up Please stand upbecuase I"m Slim ShadyYes I"m the real ShadyAll you other Slim Shadys are just imitatingSo won"t the real Slim shadyPlease stand up Please stand up Please stand upI"m like a headtrip to listen toCause I"m only giving youthings you joke about with your friends inside your living roomThe only difference is I got the balls to say it in front of ya"llAnd I don"t gotta be false or sugar coated at allI just get on the mic and spit itAnd whether you like to admit it (rip)I just shit it better than 90% of you rappers out thereThen you wonder how can kidz eat up these albums like valiumsIts funny cuz at the rate im going when I"m 30Ill be the only person in the nursing home flirtyPinching nurses asses when I"m jackin" off with Jergens and I"m jerkingBut this whole bag of viagra isn"t workingAnd every single person is a Slim Shady lurkinHe could be workin at Burger King spitten on your onion ringsOr in the parking lot circlingscreaming I don"t give a fuckWith his windows down and system upSo will the real Shady please stand upand put one of those fingures on each hand upand to be proud to be outta your mind and outta controland one more time loud as you can how does it goI"m Slim ShadyYes I"m the real ShadyAll you other Slim Shadys are just imitatingSo won"t the real Slim ShadyPlease stand up Please stand up Please stand upbecuase I"m Slim ShadyYes I"m the real ShadyAll you other Slim Shadys are just imitatingSo won"t the real Slim shadyPlease stand up Please stand up Please stand upI"m Slim ShadyYes I"m the real ShadyAll you other Slim Shadys are just imitatingSo won"t the real Slim ShadyPlease stand up Please stand up Please stand upbecuase I"m Slim ShadyYes I"m the real ShadyAll you other Slim Shadys are just imitatingSo won"t the real Slim shadyPlease stand up Please stand up Please stand up




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