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delivery intern什么意思

delivery intern交付实习生intern[英][u026anu02c8tu025c:n][美][u026anu02c8tu025c:rn]n.<美>住院实习医生; 拘禁(俘虏等); 扣留(船只等); 同“interne”,同“internee”; vt.拘留,关押; 第三人称单数:interns过去分词:interned复数:interns现在进行时:interning过去式:interned例句:1.The imf ended up dismissing the intern case. imf最终撤销了这起实习生案件。

intern 和 trainee 表示实习生有什么区别?

intern做名词是“实习医生” 或是“实习生”解释。这种实习生一般都是医生或是教师的实习生。 trainee 是新生,即应届毕业生intern 英[u026anu02c8tu025c:n]美[u026anu02c8tu025c:rn]n. <美>住院实习医生; 拘禁; (俘虏等) 扣留; (船只等) 同“interne”,同“internee”;vt. 拘留,关押;[网络] 人力资源部实习生; 内部; 实习学生;[例句]He was interned as an enemy alien at the outbreak of the Second World War.第二次世界大战爆发时他被作为敌国侨民扣押了。trainee 英[u02cctreu026au02c8ni:]美[treu02c8ni]n. 受训练的人[动物]; 新兵; 练习生,实习生;[网络] 实习生; 实习; 管理培训生;[例句]He is a 24-year-old trainee reporter.他24岁,是一名实习记者。


Interns读音为英[u02c8u026anu02cctu025c:nz];美[u02c8u026anu02cctu025c:nz]。一、词义:1、【n.】:实习生;(intern的复数)。2【v.】:拘留。3、原形:intern。4、网络释义:实习生;实习医师;实习医生;做实习生。二、双语例句:1、At the same time,while compensating interns is necessary,it is not sufficient.与此同时,尽管对实习生进行补偿是必要的,但这还不够。2、It said it was working hard to ban such overtime work by interns.它们正在努力禁止实习生超时工作。3、Objective To explore the changes of status of depression and anxiety in interns.目的探讨临床实习医生抑郁焦虑状况。4、Hi-tech companies need many interns to work for them during the summer.高科技公司在夏天需要许多见习生为其工作。


intern 英[u026anu02c8tu025c:n] 美[u026anu02c8tu025c:rn] n. <美>住院实习医生; 拘禁(俘虏等) 扣留(船只等) 同“interne”,同“internee”; vt. 拘留,关押; [网络] 见习医生; 实习; 实习医生; [例句]She could"ve been an intern.她也有可能被拘留了。[其他] 第三人称单数:interns 复数:interns 现在分词:interning过去式:interned 过去分词:interned 形近词: altern astern extern



The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes,福尔摩斯历险记读后感900字

The summer vacation, I read a very funny book, called "Sherlock Holmes anthology", is a - written by Conan Doyle. A famous Holmes has been shaped by a Conan Doyle. For more than 100 years, Holmes"s image has always made us admire the hero. He has a wealth of knowledge. Rigorous logic, research and indomitable courage and meticulous investigation, and cunning criminals, fierce enemies to fight for social justice to defend the dignity of the law. Therefore, Holmes became our hearts detective, became the most feared criminal nemesis. The hero of the book, Holmes, is a private detective. He has a superhuman mind, a clever thinking potential, and a logical *** ysis. He was able to admire to see any unfamiliar person who was able to tell his (her) profession accurately. He had broken a case of a hunting dog called Basque Ville. A criminal named stappten pretended to live alone with the "magic dog". He killed o people with a hound. Holmes used the rich scientific knowledge, strict logical reasoning, meticulous investigation and research, discovered and disposed of him. The stories in this book are all portrayed by the author. Holmes was the hero of the novel, he painted a fight with criminals wits, uncovered a another mystery, arrested a criminal. The structure of the novel is up and down, the image is vivid and vivid, the reasoning is fascinating, and the people fully appreciate the reason. The wisdom and power of knowledge, but also to show the historical period of British society and fresh beautiful picture of the vicissitudes of life. One of my most memorable story is "Basque," tells the story of the hound Sir Charles - Basikewei family"s nigare, let us see the evil hugo. In this story, Holmes is rarely seen. When everyone thought he was in London, he had secretly moved to the manor. He had been secretly observing the whereabouts of the enemy and getting accurate evidence and conclusions. The criminal caught him when he felt the success. The courage and gimmick of Holmes was revealed. Close to the reader, the plot is unexpected, but in reason. Perfect people are also flawed. Most detective novelists do not pay much attention to the description of the protagonists" shortings and bad habits, making them all perfect, but Holmes is different. When dealing with heavy work pressure, he will give *** and cocaine intravenously. He will do experiments in the bedroom without permission. He will not care about his friends and *** oke the whole house. But perhaps it is because he had some shortings, just let the book closer to readers! In addition, "Sherlock Holmes short stories" although the plot ists and turns but realistic, some works like random, how much a little sci-fi. "Sherlock Holmes short stories" will attract me more than these, because of his charm only in order to truly understand your reading. This book is mainly about the Holmes case after, I have seen a case of "the best" blood words, in the case about the crime figures for revenge kill Hou Bo drebber, in a fair way: in a box of 2 pills, 2 pills one is a highly toxic, another is non-toxic, he and drebber chose a pill. He was unfortunate to eat the poisonous pill, and Hou Bo ate the nontoxic pill. Hou Bo saw that he had eaten the poisonous pill and said, "hum, even the heavens will not help you. You deserve it." who asked you to insult my fiancee and let her die melancholy? Hou Bozheng was going to drive away in a carriage. He suddenly thought that when people kill people, they usually use blood to write "o words of revenge" on the wall, which is used to confuse police and think it"s a gangster killed. Holmes learned the case to the scene of the murder, and he suddenly dropped a wedding ring from the body when he examined the corpse. Is a strong occupation moral and spirit of exploration makes Holmes not fear of death, he is keen on his career, he loves his career, his selfless heart, dedicated heart, buried his fears, he can make to human social stability, to fight for justice, but self...... I want to pay tribute to him, and I should take my "career" seriously - learning. I was also impressed by the creative power of Conan Dow, which made the posterity remember his name, his novel. Holmes is almost a synonym for close reasoning. Conan Dow has opened up a new world for detective stories.

帮忙鉴赏一下华斯华兹的tintern abbey

The subjects of the poem include memory, specificly, the childhood memeories of communion with natrual beauty.The main theme is that the memory of pure communion with nature in childhood works upon the mind even in adulthood, when acess to that pure communion has been lost, and that the maturity of mind present in adulthood offers compensation for the loss of that communion-- the ability to look on nature and hear human music; that is, to see the nature with an eye towards its relationship to human life.Addionally, in his youth, the poet was thoughtless in his unity with the woods and the river; now, five years later, he is no longer thoughtless, but aware of everything the scene has offered to him The presence of his sister gives him a view of himself as he imagines him to have been youth. Happily, he knows that this current experience will provide both of them wiht the future memories.

QA intern是什么意思?ET是什么意思?可否帮忙补充并解释其他的缩写(与工作有关的,谢谢~

QA=Quality Assurance 品质保证intern vt.1. (尤指战时)拘留2. 软禁ET=Eastern Time 【美】东部时间ET =Extraterrestrial 外星人,外星球生物;星际的;地球外的ET =elapsed time 经过时间,停留时间


toCharArray()就是楼上说的那样,无参的,返回一个char数组属于字符串的方法,和tostring()差不多intern返回的是一个标准字符串对象一半判断字符串相等使用String1.equals(String2)而不能使用String1 == String2这个和equal的方法有关,差别是比较地址和比较值而用intern就能够做到这一点。 String1.intern() == String2.intern()才会返回一个真(true)值。 希望对你有帮助~

java s.intern函数问题?

/** * @author dxc * @date 2018/11/4 */public class StringInternTest { public static void main(String[] args) { String s = new String("1"); s.intern(); String s2 = "1"; System.out.println(s == s2); String s3 = new String("1") + new String("1"); //String s3 = "1" + "1"; s3.intern(); String s4 = "11"; System.out.println(s3 == s4); System.out.println(s3.equals(s4)); }}

marketing intern是什么意思


intern和part time的区别




intern 和 trainee 表示实习生有什么区别呢?

intern实习医师; 实习教师; 实习生trainee练习生, 新兵, 受训者两者要求的目标人群应该会不一样.

resident intern 区别






intern 和 trainee 表示实习生有什么区别


HR Intern是什么意思?


intern 什么意思

intern ["u026antu025cu02d0n] n. 实习生,实习医师vt. 拘留,软禁vi. 作实习医师“Nothing much for us to do, ” the intern said grimly. “我们根本无能为力了,”实习生伤感地说道。

i study in beijing internatiponal school now.

我正在北京国际学校读书i study in beijing internatiponal school now. 时态最好是进行时, I am studying in Beijing International School now.

my most embarrassing moments 英语作文

英语作文要想写得好,离不开平时的积累,高分作文一般胜在行文清晰、准确、简洁三点,这就是公认的英语满分作文“黄金三定律”,为保证所写文章清晰明了,一是越确切具体越好,二是组织结构富有逻辑性。姐姐现在就为你们提供三篇与英语作文题目有关的范文,记得好好参考哦,如果对你有帮助记得点个赞再走。【一】U0001f338U0001f338U0001f338案例来咯英语作文:Today is Friday.It is my thirteenth birthday.I got up very early in the morning and put on my new clothes happily.My parents bought me the new clothes as my birthday presents.I went to school earlier than before.I invited many of my classmates to come to my birthday party in the evening.Evening came at last.Many of my classmate came to my home.They bought me lots of beautiful presents.They all said,"Happy birthday to you!" We sang birthday songs happily.Then my parents brought out a big birthday cake,saying,"We love you for ever.Happy birthday!" At the end of the party,we ate the birthday cake and some other delicious food.How happy I was!翻译:今天是星期五。今天是我第十三岁的生日。我一大早就起床了,很高兴地穿上了新衣服。我父母给我买了些新衣服作为我的生日礼物。我早以前就去上学了 R比以前。我邀请了许多同学晚上来参加我的生日聚会。晚上终于来了。我的许多同学都来到了我家。他们给我买了很多漂亮的礼物。他们都是 我说:“祝你生日快乐!”我们快乐地唱着生日歌曲。然后我父母拿出一个大生日蛋糕,说:“我们永远爱你。”生日快乐!”聚会结束时,我们吃掉了生日礼物 蛋糕和其他一些美味的食物。我是多么高兴啊!【二】U0001f338U0001f338U0001f338案例来咯英语作文:Yesterday morning,I asked my headmaster for sick leave.He agreed me.In fact,I played a truant.I stayed at home watching football match between Italy and Germany.It was very exciting.I enjoyed the time.But at noon,my headmaster went my home to look after me.I was still watching the match.I was Cheering, applausing.My headmaster looked at me,and said,"It seems that you are so fine."At this moment,I was so embarrassed.翻译:昨天早上,我向校长请了病假。他同意我的看法。事实上,我已经逃学了。我呆在家里看意大利和德国之间的足球比赛。这非常令人兴奋。我很喜欢这个蒂姆 e. 但到了中午,我的校长回家照顾我。我还在看比赛。我在欢呼,鼓掌。校长看着我说:“你似乎很好。”在这个时候,我 是如此尴尬。【三】U0001f338U0001f338U0001f338案例来咯英语作文:My favorite singerI most like the singer is Jay Chou.Because he is not only handsome song also very good,others may feel that his song is very messy,but in fact,as long as you listen to the not so messy.I most like he sang" Daoxiang",because this song to my feeling is that I can range from irritability and heart will be peaceful and calm.Let me have a personally came to the countryside.So I very like Jay Chou,especially his songs.I hope he more and more fire!翻译:我最喜欢的歌手,我最喜欢她的歌手是周杰伦。因为他不仅是英俊的歌也很好,别人可能会觉得他的歌很乱,但事实上,只要你听的就不像我这样 ssy.我最喜欢他唱的《稻香》,因为这首歌给我的感觉是我可以从易怒和心会平静平静。让我亲自到农村来吧。所以我非常 比如周杰伦,尤其是他的歌曲。我希望他越来越火!

求人工翻译:i specificly said not to send it to that account and if tht was the only way than not









NAT(地址翻译)的相关概念及其工作原理 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 文章作者:摘自: 文章来源:赛迪网 发布时间:2006-02-14 00:00:30 IP地址耗尽促成了CIDR的开发,但CIDR开发的主要目的是为了有效的使用现有的internet地址。而同时根据RFC 1631(IP Network Address Translator)开发的NAT却可以在多重的internet子网中使用相同的IP,用来减少注册IP地址的使用。 NAT技术使得一个私有网络可以通过internet注册IP连接到外部世界,位于inside网络和outside网络中的NAT路由器在发送数据包之前,负责把内部IP翻译成外部合法地址。内部网络的主机不可能同时于外部网络通信,所以只有一部分内部地址需要翻译。 NAT的翻译可以采取静态翻译(static translation)和动态翻译(dynamic translation)两种。静态翻译将内部地址和外部地址一对一对应。当NAT需要确认哪个地址需要翻译,翻译时采用哪个地址pool时,就使用了动态翻译。采用portmultiplexing技术,或改变外出数据的源port技术可以将多个内部IP地址影射到同一个外部地址,这就是PAT(port address translator)。 当影射一个外部IP到内部地址时,可以利用TCP的load distribution技术。使用这个特征时,内部主机基于round-robin机制,将外部进来的新连接定向到不同的主机上去。注意:load distributiong只有在影射外部地址到内部的时候才有效。 NAT使用的几种情况: a,连接到internet,但却没有足够的合法地址分配给内部主机。 b,更改到一个需要重新分配地址的ISP。 c,有相同的IP地址的两个internat合并。 d,想支持负载均衡(主机)。 采用NAT后,一个最主要的改变就是你失去了端对端IP的traceability,也就是说,从此你不能再经过NAT使用ping和traceroute,其次就是曾经的一些IP对IP的程序不再可以正常运行,潜在的不易被观察到的缺点就是增加了网络延时。 NAT可以支持大部分IP协议,但有几个协议需要注意,首先tftp,rlogin,rsh,rcp和ipmulticast都被NAT支持,其次就是bootp,snmp和路由表更新全部给拒绝了。 NAT的几个相关概念: Inside Local IP address: 指定于内部网络的主机地址,全局唯一,但为私有地址。 Inside Global IP address: 代表一个或更多内部IP到外部世界的合法IP。 Outside Global IP address: 外部网络主机的合法IP。 Outside Local IP address: 外部网络的主机地址,看起来是内部网络的,私有地址。 Simple Translation Entry: 影射IP到另一个地址的Entry。 Extended Translation Entry:影射IP地址和端口到另一个pair的Entry。 采用NAT,可以实现以下几个功能: a,Translation inside local addresses b,Overloading inside global addresses c,TCP load distribution d,Handing overlapping networks 下面我们一一叙述它们的工作原理。 a,内部地址翻译(Translation inside local addresses): 这是比较通用的一种方法,将内部IP一对一的翻译成外部地址。 在内部主机连接到外部网络时,当第一个数据包到达NAT路由器时,router检查它的NAT表,因为是NAT是静态配置的,故可以查询出来(simply entry),然后router将数据包的内部局部IP(源地址)更换成内部全局地址,再转发出去。外部主机接受到数据包用接受到的内部全局地址来响应,NAT接受到外部回来的数据包,再根据NAT表把地址翻译成内部局部IP,转发过去。 b,内部全局地址复用(overloading inside glogal addresses) 使用地址和端口pair将多个内部地址影射到比较少的外部地址。这也是所谓的PAT。和内部地址翻译一样,NAT router同样也负责查表和翻译内部IP地址,唯一的区别就是由于使用了overloading,router将复用同样的内部全局IP地址,并存储足够的信息以区分它和其他地址,这样查询出来的是extended entry。NAT router和外部主机的通讯采用翻译过的内部全局地址,故同一般的通信没有差别,router到内部主机通讯时,同样要查NAT表。 c,TCP负载重分配(TCP load distributing)和以上两种操作不同,这是NAT由外到内的翻译,所以那种以为WEB server一定要放置到 NAT外部的说法是错误的。 工作原理:外部主机向虚拟主机(定义为内部全局地址)通讯,NAT router接受外部主机的请求并依据NAT表建立与内部主机的连接,把内部全局地址(目的地址)翻译成内部局部地址,并转发数据包到内部主机,内部主机接受包并作出响应。NAT router再使用内部局部地址和端口查询数据表,根据查询到的外部地址和端口做出响应。 此时,如果同一主机再做第二个连接,NAT router将根据NAT表将建立与另一虚拟主机的连接,并转发数据。 d,处理重叠网络。 这种方法主要用于两个intranet的互连,同样给我们处理两个重叠网络提供了方法。它的实现要求DNS server的支持(用于区别两个不同的主机)。 1,主机A要求向主机C建立连接,先象DNS server做地址查询。 2,NAT router截获DNS的响应,如果地址有重叠,将翻译返回的地址。它将创建一个simply entry把重叠的外部全局地址(目的地址)翻译成外部局部地址。 3,路由器转发DNS响应到主机A,它已经把主机C的地址(外部全局地址)翻译成外部局部地址。 4,当路由器接受到主机C的数据包时,它将建立内部局部、全局,外部全局、局部地址间的转换,主机A将由内部局部地址(源地址)翻译成内部全局地址,主机C将由外部全局地址(目的地址)翻译成外部局部地址。 5,主机C接受数据包并继续通讯。 NAT的具体配置和校验不再叙述 测试题目: 1,请问NAT实现四种功能时查询的NAT表格是否相同,如果不同,说出它们的区别。 2,在使用动态地址翻译时,要使用ACL,请问标准的和扩展的ACL都可以使用吗? 3,在配置NAT后,所有数据包的交换可以走fast-switch吗? 4,如果NAT router没有在NAT表格中查询到NAT地址影射,它如何处理发自内部主机的数据包? 5,NAT操作时,由外到内和由外到内的翻译是否相同? 6,我们是否可以将我们的WEB SERVER放置到配置了NAT的router后的LAN里? 7,使用simply entry的是NAT的哪种操作方式? 8,在哪种操作中更换IP数据包的目的地址,又在实现什么功能时更改源地址? 这里还有一篇文章,朋友您可以去看看 http://blog.chinaitlab.com/user1/254538/archives/2006/42031.html



Heat Flow and Hydrothermal Circulation in the Cascade Range,North-Central Oregon

Quaternary volcanoes of the Cascade Range form 1200-km-long volcanic arc that extends from southern British Columbia to northern California. The arc is related to subduction of the Juan de Fuca Plate beneath North America. Detailed geologic mapping,measurements of advective heat discharge, and numerous conductive heat flow measurements are available for a 135-km-long section of the Cascade Range in north-central Oregon. This data set allow s us to estimate fluxes of heat and mass ( thermal fluid and magma) and to document the role of groundw ater movement in redistributing heat in the upper crust. The results provide some insight into the thermal structure of the arc,and have implications for its geothermal resource potential.Figure 4. 4. 1 Map showing the location of hot springs,the Quaternary arc,prominent volcanoes ( △) ,the 1500 - m - elevation contour, and the amount of heat transported advectively by the hot spring systems. The total for the southerly group of hot springs ( 26 MW ) is 1. 5 times the value obtained from the individual spring groups ( Table 4. 4. 1) ,because of diffuse input of thermal water into the surface drainage; hot springs: Au,Austin; Ba,Bagby; Br, Breitenbush; Bi,Bigelow ; Be,Belknap; Fo,Foley; Ri, unnamed spring on Rider Creek; Ka,Kahneeta.In the study area ( Figure 4. 4. 1) , the High Cascades physiographic subprovince is a broad constructional ridge of upper Pliocene and Quaternary ( < 3. 3 Ma ) volcanic rocks surmounted by several Quaternary stratovolcanoes. The High Cascades are flanked by Oligocene to lower Pliocene volcanic rocks of the Western Cascades to the west and Deschutes basin to the east. Western Cascades rocks also underlie the High Cascades; they are generally less permeable than the younger rocks. In this report,we use Western Cascades and High Cascades as location terms. We also distinguish ① the Quaternary ( < 2 Ma) arc,or area of Quaternary vents ( Figure 4. 4. 1) , because older magmatic heat sources will generally have cooled to near ambient temperatures,and ② the region where uppermost Miocene ( <6 Ma) ,Pliocene,and Quaternary rocks are exposed, because their areal extent is roughly coincident with an extensive area of near-zero near-surface conductive heat flow.Most of the thermal springs in the study area discharge in deep valleys in the Western Cascades up to 15 km w est of the Quaternary arc. One set of thermal springs discharges from Oligocene or Miocene rocks 18 km east of the Quaternary arc ( Figure 4. 4. 1) . No thermal springs occur in the Quaternary rocks. With tw o exceptions,the thermal w aters are Na-Cl or Na·Ca-Cl w aters. The ratios of Br to Cl are similar to those in seaw ater; these ratios and the high concentrations of Na and Cl ( Table 4. 4. 1 ) suggest that the thermal w aters may have circulated through rocks deposited in a marine environment. Thermal Na · Ca-Cl w aters are typical of rift zones around the w orld,but in North America occur primarily in the Salton trough and in the Columbia embayment of the Pacific Northw est.Table 4. 4. 1 Geochemical and discharge data for hot springs in the study area* Discharge based on chloride-flux measurements,except for Bagby Hot Spring,where discharge was measured directly.** Discharge temperature. ** * Chemical geothermometer temperatures based on anhydrite saturation,except for Kahneeta and Bagby,which are based on the silica and cation geothermometers. § Combined discharge of Bigelow and Belknap Hot Springs. Dashes indicate lack of data. Hot spring locations are shown in Figure 4. 4. 1.The high Cl content of the thermal w aters makes Cl a useful natural tracer,because surface w aters in the Cascade Range of Oregon contain only about 0. 5 mg / L of Cl. The discharge of groups of thermal springs can be calculated by measuring the increased Cl load of streams passing through hot spring areas. In repetitions done on different occasions,these measurements ( Table 4. 4. 1) have a reproducibility of ± 10% to ± 15% or better,depending on the flow rate of the stream relative to the flow rate of the hot springs and on the Cl concentration in the thermal w ater.Figure 4. 4. 2 Relation betw een deuterium content and elevation for w aters on or w est of the Cascade crest. Deuterium content ( δD) is expressed as D / H ratios in ‰ relative to SMOW ( Standard Mean Ocean Water) . Filled squares are from Na-Cl and Na·Ca-Cl thermal w aters in the Western Cascades. Open squares are nonthermal samples from low -salinity springs and w ells in zero-or first-order ( unchanneled or headw ater) basins on or w est of the Cascade crest,and represent local meteoric w ater. Line is linear least square fit to these data. Because there is little oxygen-18 shift in the thermal waters,δ18O values show a similar pattern.The product of the measured hot spring discharge ( Q ) ,an appropriate density ( ρ) and heat capacity ( c) ,and the difference betw een a chemical geothermometer temperature ( Table 4. 4. 1) and a reference temperature [Qρc( Tg- 5℃) ] gives a measure of the heat transported advectively by the hot spring systems ( Figure 4. 4. 1 ) . The total measured advective heat transport by thermal w ater in the study area is 159 MW ( 159 × 106W ) . For comparison,the Quaternary magma extrusion rate of 3 to 6 km3per kilometer of arc length per million years represents an average heat release of 60 MW to 120 MW in the study area.The isotopic composition of the thermal w aters in the Western Cascades indicates that they w ere recharged at relatively high elevations in the Quaternary arc,if the isotopic composition of precipitation has not changed significantly since the thermal w aters w ere recharged. This w ould be the case if the thermal w aters w ere recharged during the Holocene, as seems likely. The thermal w aters are much more depleted isotopically than local meteoric w aters in the Western Cascades. Their isotopic composition best matches that of meteoric w aters at elevations of 1300 m to 1990 m near the Cascade crest ( Figure 4. 4. 2 ) . The hot springs are at elevations of 500 m to 700 m. Thus an elevation difference of about 600 m to 1400 m drives the thermal circulation systems. The available data suggest that thermal w aters recharged near the Cascade crest circulate to depth and flow laterally for distances of 10 km to 20 km ( Figure 4. 4. 1) before discharging at relatively low elevations in the Western Cascades. Gravitationally driven thermal fluid circulation transports significant amounts of heat from the Quaternary arc into rocks older than 6 Ma and must profoundly affect the pattern of near-surface conductive heat flow. Gravitationally driven flow of low er temperature groundw ater must also transfer heat from the younger rocks to older rocks at low er elevations,but this effect is difficult to measure directly.Conductive heat flow data show that the Quaternary arc and adjacent 2-to 6-million-years- old volcanic rocks constitute a large area of near-zero near-surface conductive heat flow that results from dow nw ard and lateral flow of cold groundw ater ( Figure 4. 4. 3) . In contrast,near- surface conductive heat flow is anomalously high in rocks older than 6 Ma exposed at low er elevations in the Western Cascades ( Figure 4. 4. 4) . A similar pattern of low -to-zero conductive heat flow in permeable volcanic highlands and relatively high heat flow in older,less permeable rocks at low er elevations has been observed in the Cascade Range of northern California.Figure 4. 4. 3 Typical temperature-depth profiles from the Quaternary arc, show ing little or no temperature increase to depths of 150 m or moreFigure 4. 4. 4 Temperature-depth profiles from drill holes collared in rocks older than 6 Ma in the Breitenbush Hot Springs area. The deepest hole w as completed to 2457 m,but w as only logged to 1715 m. The bottom-hole ( 2457 m ) temperature w as higher than 141℃ . The gradient measured over the 1465 m to 1715 m interval ( 31℃ / km) projects to a bottom-hole temperature of 152℃.On the basis of temperature profiles from the Mt. Hood area,New berry Volcano,and this part of the Cascades,the thickness of the nearly isothermal zone in the younger rocks generally ranges from 150 m to 1000 m. In the study area only tw o drill holes collared in Quaternary rocks w ere deep enough that conductive heat flow beneath the nearly isothermal zone could be measured; the values measured w ere 95 mW / m2and 109 mW / m2.The temperature profiles in the Breitenbush area ( Figure 4. 4. 4 ) suggest that the high conductive heat flow measured in rocks older than 6 Ma may be a relatively shallow phenomenon. Seventeen shallow holes ( < 500 m deep ) had high gradients that generally corresponded to heat flow s higher than 110 mW / m2. How ever,a similar gradient in the upper part of the deepest hole ( SUNEDCO 58 - 28) changed abruptly below a zone of thermal fluid circulation at about 800 m depth; that such a change w as observed in the deepest hole suggests that the gradients in the shallow holes are also controlled by groundw ater flow.We have used a heat budget approach ( Table 4. 4. 2) to compare the magnitude of the heat deficit in the rocks younger than 6 Ma with that of the anomalous heat discharge in the adjacent older rocks,and to estimate the magmatic heat input required to account for the total heat flow anomaly. This analysis ( Table 4. 4. 2) is specific to the section of the arc between 44°00"N and 45°15" N. The regional heat flow map used in our analysis is shown as Figure 4. 4. 5. The conductive components of the budget are defined relative to assumed background heat flow values and are obtained by measurement of areas on Figure 4. 4. 5 with a planimeter. In general,heat flow in a given area is taken as the average of adjacent contours ( for example,70 mW / m2 between the 60 mW / m2and 80 mW / m2contours) . We assigned values of 140 mW / m2within the 120 mW / m2contours and 60 mW / m2outside the 80 mW / m2contours east of the Quaternary arc.Table 4. 4. 2 Components of the heat budget ( in MW)* Based on discharge temperatures. The difference between the geothermometer and discharge temperatures is due to conductive heat loss and,particularly in the Western Cascades,represents a significant fraction of the conductive anomaly.Important assumptions in the heat budget analysis are as follow s: ① The background conductive heat flow beneath the isothermal zone in the Quaternary arc is 100 mW / m2. This value is typical of areas of Quaternary volcanism and is consistent w ith the tw o measurements in the study area. ② The background heat flow in Tertiary terrane is 60 mW / m2. Values over 60 mW / m2are the result of tectonic,magmatic,radiogenic,or hydrologic sources. ③ The heat output of the hot springs represents the anomalous,advective heat discharge from rocks older than 6 Ma. This is a minimum value because it does not include low er temperature advective discharge,w hich is difficult to measure.The values for hot spring heat output used in the budget are based on discharge temperatures ( Td) rather than the geothermometer temperatures ( Tg) used previously to calculate advective heat transport. The difference between Tgand Td( Table 4. 4. 1) results from conductive cooling and presumably appears as part of the conductive anomaly. In the Western Cascades,the thermal power represented by the difference between Tgand Td( 67 MW) is equal to about half of the conductive anomaly ( compare the values in Figure 4. 4. 1 and Table 4. 4. 2) .The area of near-zero near-surface conductive heat flow in this part of the Cascade Range is generally coincident with the areal extent of permeable volcanic rocks younger than 6 Ma. On the basis of our assumptions regarding background heat flow ,about 460 MW of heat are swept out of these younger rocks between 44°00"N and 45°15"N by groundwater circulation. This amount is roughly balanced by about 350 MW of anomalous heat discharge in the rocks older than 6 Ma ( Table 4. 4. 2) . Apparently,sufficient heat is removed advectively from the rocks younger than 6 Ma to account for the anomalous heat discharge on the flanks of the Cascade Range. The difference betw een the heat deficit in the younger rocks and the anomaly in the older rocks ( about 110 MW) may occur as lower temperature advective discharge, which was not determined directly. The difference between the heat deficit in the younger rocks and the heat ( Tg) transported advectively by the hot spring systems ( 460 - 160 = 300 MW) is an estimate of the heat removed from the younger rocks by low er temperature groundw ater flow or by yet- unidentified thermal fluids.Figure 4. 4. 5 Map show ing lines of equal heat flow. Area of near-zero near-surface conductive heat flow rocks younger than 6 Ma is diagonally hatched. This area is estimated conservatively; w e have included in it all areas w here rocks younger than 2 Ma are exposed but only included areas w ith rocks betw een 2 and 6 million years old w here temperature profiles indicate that conditions are near isothermal. Areas of silicic volcanism in the Quaternary arc are show n in region. Names of hot springs are on Figure 4. 4. 1. The heat flow contours are based on 253 temperature profiles,101 of w hich have also been previously published and interpreted.Because the anomalous heat discharge in the older ( > 6 Ma) rocks can be explained in terms of advection from the younger rocks, w e ne


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不是国企。Intertek(天祥),作为世界上规模最大的消费品测试、检验和认证公司之一,以其公认的专业、质量和诚信享誉全球。依托遍布100多个国家的全球服务网络,Intertek通过提供业界最高标准的公正、准确的高品质服务及创新性解决方案,成为备受全球客户信赖的合作伙伴。Intertek作为第一家进入中国的国际商业检验机构,自1989年以来,已在全国建立20多个分支机构及国际水准的实验室,拥有超过4000名优秀的专业技术人才,以全球统一标准,为客户提供优质的本地化服务。2011年5月3日,Intertek天祥集团全资收购了摩迪国际集团。至此,两大全球性机构的各地分支/业务部门的整合随之正式开始。其中,摩迪集团的管理体系认证业务部和天祥集团的管理体系认证部合并,成立“体系认证部(Intertek Business Assurance)”。扩展资料国企的重要性有以下:1、国民经济中的中流砥柱。虽然通过“抓大放小”,一部分国有中小企业以租赁、承包、售出、参股等方式向产权多元化转变。但是,进入2000年,我国的国有资产已经达到9万亿元人民币,构成了极其巨大而庞杂的体系,国有和国有控股企业在几乎所有的工业领域仍占据主导地位。2、抗衡跨国公司的主力军。中国加入WTO以后,国际知名的大型跨国公司大举进攻中国市场,各种洋货猛烈冲击国货。尽管民营经济已经有了很大的发展,但是由于其在技术、质量、规模等方面的显著差距,尚不能与跨国公司抗衡,而只有大型国有企业才是抗衡跨国公司的生力军。3、我国支柱产业的重要支撑。在石油、化工、机械、电子、冶金、有色和建材等重要产业中,我国七大汽车集团占全行业总产值的66%;嘉陵、北方、轻骑、金城四大摩托车集团占全国总产量的一半;上海、东方、哈尔滨三大发电设备集团,提供国内电站设备的70%。4、出口创汇的主要力量。国有企业出口创汇额超过了外商投资企业,居于领先地位。其中,大多数大型国有企业以销售额的1%左右投入研究与开发,有的达到2%,技术进步处于国内工业企业领先地位。参考资料来源:百度百科--Intertek参考资料来源:百度百科--国有企业

Intertek 和 SGS 哪个权威




I can wear my sweater wtih pants tents here是什么意思?


我们的认证毒理学家和风险评估师拥有的资质和资格包括:化学、毒理的硕士和博士,英国特许化学家, 欧盟注册毒理学家(ERT)和美国注册毒理学家(DABT)。因此我们能后很好的满足不同国家和地区对于资质和报告的相关要求。 Intertek提供高质量的毒理风险评估服务,不仅仅包括毒理风险和安全评估而且会对产品的法规符合性进行审核从而避免相关风险和损失。例如,玩具和化妆品的欧盟毒理风险评估不仅根据玩具和化妆品的法规和指令进行严格审查,而且还包括了欧盟分类、标签和包装法规(CLP), 防腐剂法规,REACH和EN-71第九部分等有关法规、指令和决议等一并审核。通过我们的审核后,您的产品能够大幅减少因违背当地相关法律所造成的风险。


歌曲名:Run To The Water歌手:Live专辑:The Distance To HereOh desert speak to my heartOh woman of the earthMaker of children who weap for loveMaker of this birth"til your deepest secrets are known to meI will not be movedI will not be moved"Don"t try to find the answerWhen there ain"t no question hereBrother let your heart be woundedAnd give no mercy to your fear"Adam and Eve live down the street from meBabylon is every townIt"s as crazy as it"s ever beenLove"s a stranger all aroundIn a moment we lost our minds hereAnd lay our spirits downToday we lived a thousand yearsAll we have is nowRun to the waterAnd find me thereBurnt to the core but not brokenWe"ll cut through the madnessOf these streets below the moonThese streets below the moonAnd I will never leave you"til we can say "this world was just a dreamwe where sleeping now we are awake"til we can sayIn a moment we lost our minds hereAnd dreamt the world was roundA million mile faal from graceThank God we missed the groundRun to the waterAnd find me thereBurnt to the core but not brokenWe"ll cut through the madnessOf these streets below the moonWith a nuclear fire of love in our heartsYeah I can see it now LordOut beyond all the breakin" of wavesAnd the tribulationIt"s a place and a home of ascended soulsWho swam out there in loveRun to the waterAnd find me thereBurnt to the core but not brokenWe"ll cut through the madnessOf these streets below the moonWith a nuclear fire of love in our heartsRest easy baby, rest easyAnd recognize it all as light and rainbowsSmashed to smithereens and be happyRun to the water and find me thereRun to the water

SGS 和 Intertek 哪个检验要求高


改错 Here are something important for everyone goi

Here are (are - is )something important for everyone going to London next mouth ,and the most important thing is..money.I think it will be enough of (of - for) everyone to take about 530.Then, when you arrive ,you will( 加上be ) met by your new family.We must remember to wear a red shirt so that the family will (will - can) find you easy(easy - easily).You"ll also need to take four photo(photo - photos ) of youself and ,of course,its( its- it"s) very important that you take the school letter.While youre there,unless ( unless - if )you have any porblems,you can call the Speech School office .The office telephone number was(was - is ) 5804662and the person to ask for is the (the去掉)Mrs Belcher











intertek saso认证需要多少钱,有哪些流程

intertek SASO认证检测具体操作如下;第一步 :出口商递交完整填写的RFC申请表,Proforma Invoice和装箱单第二步 :上述申请表应详述货品情况,并提供产品质量文件如测试报告,技术参数,质量管理体系证书(如有)等第三步 :我司确定计划下可行的实施方案和适用的标准第四步 :现场检验会在完成上述步骤后有离验货地点最近的检验办公室实施.第五步 :检验完成后出口商递交最终文件(COMMERCIAL INVOICE和装箱单)第六步 :出具SASO证书

有谁可以告诉我香港intertek labtest的地址啊.地址:香港九龙青山道..没下文了..请尽快回我好吗?急........

Intertek Labtest(天祥检验集团)香港地址和联络方法如下:香港九龙青山道五六七号制衣工业中心二字楼电话: 852-21738888传真: 852-27861903E-mail: labtest.hongkong@intertek.com 希望合用!
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