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Intel HM55有SATA3的接口吗?

IntelHM55芯片组本身不支持SATA3.0接口,只能支持SATA2.0接口。IntelHM55芯片组最多可以提供4个SATA2.0接口。  IntelHM55芯片组是英特尔于2010年一季度发布的移动芯片组产品,采用65nm光刻工艺生产,内置集成显卡和网卡,可以提供支持最多12个USB2.0端口和4个SATA2.0接口。


楼上是错的,只是历届冠军而已1.McKey2.Samantha 3.Analeigh 4.Marjorie5.Elina




要回答这个问题还真有点难度你真正想了解哪怕只是一种风格 说个三天三夜都没问题我找了一篇关于这种欧美音乐风格的文章希望可以帮到你

Jack and Hob are going to high school now. jack wants to be an engineer. He is going


网银申请问题:You must enter a valid birth date in the format mm/dd/yyyy 怎么添


mental illness和insane的区别




CView::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point); 作用是什么?为什么在产生OnCreate消息处理函数时不会有这样一行产生

当鼠标移动时调用此函数,只有鼠标移动的时候才会调用这个函数所以OnCreate消息处理函数不会有这一消息函数产生。那个 nFlags是你鼠标的状态,比如左键按下 左键抬起等。 point是一个坐标,你鼠标当前所在坐标。可以用Point 结构体来表示。

insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,什么意思

insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results疯狂表现在一遍又一遍地做同样的事情,期待不同的结果.-----------------------------------为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!


Antares Universe (VIZIO)这个插件就可以让unity有类似蓝图的功能。unity没有官方中文版。也不建议你用中文版,中文版虽然可以便利一时,但从长远角度来说英文版更好,因为IT行业还是懂英语的更吃香。

Idiscoveredthatlisteningtosomethingyou areinteres

I discovered that listening to something you are interesting我发现倾听你感兴趣的东西...

300字英语作文 in twenty years there will be fewer cars

Topic: In twenty years, there will be fewer cars are in use than there are today. No one can neglect the contribution of cars in people"s life in 20th century. However, I think cars face the problem to be reduced in the next 20 years just because we overuse them today. First, in past half century, crude oil exploitation is dramatically grown which makes the energy crisis concerning all facilities which cost fuel. Car takes a considerable part of using fuel. Nowadays people are pursuing to find other substitute for gas. however, we find that it"s hard to make it efficient and economic because of limited technology. Since it"s a long period to develop applicable gas substitute, we think reducing cars and using bicycles and taking public transportation such as buses and trains could be a temporary replacement because there is less cost of fuel per capita when people take public transportation, comparing with individual cars. Second, fewer cars can urge a greener earth since environmental pollution is seen as a worldwide topic. Scientists predict that the sea level would rise over one meter after fifty years and a series of cities on the seashore could be immerged in one hundred years due to greenhouse effect which is caused by excessive emission of carbon dioxides. To solve this problem, we must limit the quantities of cars whose exhaust gas ranks second place in omission of greenhouse gas, right after industrial exhaust. Lastly, cars are initially used to server people"s lives, but we can observe that you would hardly reach your destination on time by a car if you live in a megapolis. Traffic problem is negatively influence our lives indeed. If you read news, then you find how people deal with this issue. For example, people in London pay an extra while they are entering in the center by car. How is the situation in Beijing? The answer is your car can drive only the day of even numbers or uneven. What"s more, ninety percent of people in Tokyo take subway to their offices and leave their cars at home. Thus, I assert that cars will be fewer, and public transportation will develop fast instead. To sum up, I confidently believe cars are gradually becoming fewer in twenty years than today because the problems of energy crisis, environment pollution and traffic jam.

bigbang 《number1》专辑中intro的歌词




如何给insert into语句加where条件

你的意思是不是,如果满足条件就修改,不满足就新增?这样可以使用 replace into


你好,你可以使用360强力 删除 功能删除 ,这样就可以删除干净。

新装gentoo启动卡到”switched to clocksource tsc“,怎么解决


关于linux编译内核的问题 如果一次没有编译完,中途可以保存关机吗 我是在gentoo的live


gentoo linux安装KDE桌面,登录时出现: "Calltolnusertempfa


gentoo live版的密码是多少


新装gentoo启动卡到”switched to clocksource tsc“,怎么解决


gentoo在make menuconfig配置完成后,有一个.config文件 保存在哪里啊,找


安装gentoo启动时出现 unable to get SMM BIOS version,是什么问






Gentoo startx出错,求大虾帮忙,试过emerge x11-misc/Xorgautoconfig ,但是包被masked


gentoo 在执行Xorg


gentoo系统 gnome/sysytemd 桌面 无法安装firefox


x86_64 Gentoo安装GD报错make[1]: *** [gd.lo] Error 1 make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1


gentoo linux 光盘引导到该启动x-window时总是黑屏





这是内核问题,内核需要加载硬件驱动才能读取硬盘。而这个驱动必须是编译到内核内部的。否则你就得提供initramfs文件或者initrd文件。还有一个问题sdb3是root分区吗? 你需要用一个u盘linux去检查一下这几个分区是否能正常挂载。

gentoo linux安装后重启上不了网,net.lo和net.enp4s0消失


gentoo 最小cd安装后, 重启提示“could not find the root block device in” 求助

你内核编译的时候加了EXT3的支持了没有?不然你emerge genkernel 然后用这个脚本编译内核 genkernel all注意在make.conf里面设置 ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=“~x86", 因为当前x86关键字下的genkernel 编译内核有点问题,给initramfs编译busybox时会出现nfs错误。




如果你想在没有网路的状况下安装 Gentoo,请依照 Gentoo 2006.0 手册 中列出的安装步骤。http://www.gentoo.org/doc/zh_tw/handbook/2006.0/index.xml




1、看看是不是用root登陆的,换用普通用户试试。2、startx试一下,看看X有没有安装成功,可能是内核中显卡配置不当,驱动没装上。3、是不是KDE没有编译成功。中文不能显示嘛,很正常的。要装语言包的吧。。好像。配置环境变量,好像是local.gen 还是哪个的,忘了,说错了楼上楼下表笑话哦。。





LFS gentoo和arch区别大么



双核2.0GHZ 2G内存 512M独显 20G 硬盘空间





Gentoo 字符终端字体大小如何调整

1、sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup。2、弹出 Configuring console-setup 界面,选择适当的编码格式,一般选择默认的UTF-8,选择OK3、在接下来的界面里选择字体,可以依次尝试,选择默认的latin1 and latin5 -western Europe and Turkic languages,这种字体下有较大的字体大小选择空间。4、选择字体显示效果。5、接下来的界面选择字体大小。

gentoo和archlinux哪个更有技术含量 更简洁




请问 哪些Linux是 基于gentoo的?

为什么不去他们的官方网站查查呢?Good luck!


一份Locale是一组信息的集合,大多数程序利用它来确定特定的国家和语言设置。这些locale以及它们包含的数据是系统库的一部分,可以在大多数系统中的/usr/share/locale目录下找到。locale的名称通常命名为ab_CD的形式,其中ab是两个(或三个)字母的语言代号(在ISO-639中指定),CD是两个字母的国家代号(在ISO-3166中指定)。一些变量常常附加在locale名称的后面,例如en_GB.UTF-8或de_DE@euro。 Locale的设置保存在环境变量中。典型情况下设置在 /etc/env.d/02locale (系统全局设置)和 ~/.bashrc (特定用户设置)文件中。这些变量分别决定locale各方面的设置,下面的表格给出了具体说明。所有变量都会取一个前述ab_CD格式的locale名称作为值。 locale把按照所涉及到的文化传统的各个方面分成12个大类,这12个大类分别是: 其中,与中文输入关系最密切的就是 LC_CTYPE,LC_CTYPE 规定了系统内有效的字符以及这些字符的分类,诸如什么是大写字母,小写字母,大小写转换,标点符号、可打印字符和其他的字符属性等方面。而locale定义zh_CN中最最重要的一项就是定义了汉字(Class “hanzi”)这一个大类,当然也是用Unicode描述的,这就让中文字符在Linux系统中成为合法的有效字符,而且不论它们是用什么字符集编码的。 在en_US的locale定义中,并没有定义汉字,所以汉字不是有效字符。所以如果要输入中文必须使用支持中文的locale,也就是zh_XX,如zh_CN,zh_TW,zh_HK等等。 另外非常重要的一点就是这些分类是彼此独立的,也就是说LC_CTYPE,LC_COLLATE和 LC_MESSAGES等等分类彼此之间是独立的,可以根据用户的需要设定成不同的值。这一点对很多用户是有利的,甚至是必须的。例如,我就需要一个能够输入中文的英文环境,所以我可以把LC_CTYPE设定成。 设定locale就是设定12大类的locale分类属性,即 12个 LC_* 。除了这12个变量可以设定以外,为了简便起见,还有两个变量: LC_ALL 和 LANG 。它们之间有一个优先级的关系: 可以这么说,LC_ALL是最上级设定或者强制设定,而LANG是默认设定值。 所以,locale是这样设定的:


首先你要知道你的无线网卡驱动装上了没?如果装上了,模块也加载了,就装个wpa_supplicant建个/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf内容如下:# Allow users in the "wheel" group to control wpa_supplicantctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=wheel# Make this file writable for wpa_gui / wpa_cli# update_config=1# Only WPA_PSK is used. Any valid cipher combination is acceptednetwork={ ssid="无线名称" psk="无线密码" scan_ssid=1 #开启自动搜索 proto=RSN key_mgmt=WPA-PSK group=CCMP TKIP pairwise=CCMP TKIP priority=5}




gentoo 和 arch 都是滚动发行版中的杰出代表. 我用的第一个滚动发行版就是 Gentoo, 当时(已经有5年 Linux 使用经验)觉得什么都是本机编译的, 挺"酷"的, 一定体验很好. 后来才发现折腾 Gentoo 所花的功夫并没有换来值当的更快体验. Gentoo 从安装开始就比别的发行版复杂许多, 网上有传说断断续续装一个月的. 虽然我没有装那么久, 不过还是在仔细阅读了说明书并查找了很多参考资料之后折腾了许久. Gentoo 的特点除了所有程序包都是本机编译(当然其实有些程序是有二进制包的, 像 libreoffice 神马的编译不起啊啊啊啊...), 还有就是它提供了非常"自由"的选择. (其实我认为是强迫你做很多你根本不理解的选择) 连系统日志工具都要自己选, 如果对他们不了解的话, 可能要纠结上半天. 当然 Gentoo 的文档非常百科全书化, 不过官方文档只负责你把基本系统装上, 非官方文档的更新速度又跟不上 Gentoo 软件包的更新速度(要知道 Gentoo 的软件包可永远是最新版的...). 装了 Gentoo 之后, 每次更新都要做好编译一晚上的准备...而且第二天起床常常会发现, 其实在中间某个步骤就因为某个未知错误停止了, 当然, 这么新的软件包网上是查不到解决方法的(其实有时候能查到, 尤其是当这个错误好几个版本都没有解决的时候), 你需要用你熟练的 Linux 知识来排查并自己解决错误. 当然, 按照"道德"要求, 我必须指出, 这样折腾下来是可以学到很多关于 系统 和 Linux 的知识的. 但是, 人的生命和精力是有限的, 如果你不以 Linux 为职业, 强烈不建议使用 Gentoo.Arch 就要好多了, 默认你是不用编译一切可以直接使用二进制包的, 当你想要更多选择的时候, 它也会给你, 你同样可以方便的用它的包管理工具自己编译软件包, 不过在编译选项控制上没有 Gentoo 灵活(毕竟 Gentoo 有很多方便的你根本不懂的 USE Flag 嘛). 基本上用着还是很舒服的. 默认的选项很不错, 在你需要的时候也给你选择的自由(这才是真正的自由选择, 我只折腾我所了解,关心的功能.) 不过 Arch 前一段时间从 initscripts 转为 systemd 了, 逼着我学习一堆 systemd 配置文件的写法, 我又不是职业 linux 用户, 才不干呢!!! 于是最后换成了现在用的 Linux Mint Debian Edition, 滚动发行, 二进制软件包, 手工 hack 需求少, 支持广泛(人家后台可是 Debian). 到目前为止用起来还比较顺心.最后关于 LMDE 的这几句是题外话 :) 参见我的另一个回答:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/525212788#recommend-answer-1324385808


在折腾劲的推动下,花了整整2周(周末全天+工作日晚上)来安装Gentoo,终于在数十次的重复 Gentoo HandBook 中的步骤,并参考了多篇 Gentoo Wiki 上的文章及 Funtoo Linux Installation ,终于实现了我所期望实现的功能,比如使用UEFI直接从主板进入桌面而非使用Grub等传统Bootloader;使用最简化的KDE桌面环境等等。 经过这一番折腾,让我对Linux的了解更加深入,虽然仍然只算是皮毛,但是却是一个好的开始,这里将就这次安装的经过进行一次简单的总结,理出一些需要注意的地方,以及建议点,希望有机会看到我的文章的同好能够吸取到我的经验,少走一些冤枉路,尽快进入到Gentoo奇妙的殿堂。 1.Gentoo安装媒介 Gentoo官方提供了一个最简化的Live镜像,通过使用它我们可以很好地进行安装工作,但是对于像我这种希望能够实现UEFI启动的来说,它似乎就不是最佳选择了,我在使用它进行安装的过程中,只有一次成功实现了UEFI启动(很不幸这唯一的一次因为其他设置的问题被我给格掉了),后来我参考了Funtoo的安装指南,使用了SystemRecueCD作为安装媒介,虽然第一次仍然出现问题,但是第二次就顺利完成了。而且从名字上就可以得知,SystemRecueCD的性质是应急救援盘,无论我们是在使用Linux的过程中,还是使用Windows等系统,在发生灾难性事件的时候(比如无法进入桌面),我们都可以拿它来应急。此外,由于它已经支持efi启动,所以像是我在配置uefi的时候,用它就会非常方便了。 2.Gentoo安装手册(语言问题) 对于初次接触安装Gentoo的人来说,一份详尽的安装手册是必不可少的,它是我们安装Gentoo的指明灯,在Gentoo的官网上,和安装相关的手册非常多,而且有多种语言的版本可供选择,其中就有简体中文。最初几次我按照简体中文语言版的手册来安装,虽然也算是成功了,但是总有一些奇怪的现象发生,比如在emerge软件的时候看到有2份make.conf文件的提示,又如在分配硬盘一节中,没有提供创建ext4文件系统的命令。后来经过和英文版手册的比较发现,简体中文手册上的部分内容早已过时了,由此引申发现,在其他部分的手册中,简体中文手册的内容都或多或少有过时现象。因此,在这里我建议 在安装Gentoo的过程中以英文版手册为准 ,虽然对于我们这种非英文语系国家的人来说,看英文版有一定的难度,但是好在我们主要是看手册中的那些命令以及配置,介绍性的内容的重要度不大,所以应该问题不大。 3.Gentoo安装手册(技术问题) 我想绝大多数安装Gentoo的朋友就和我一样主要是按照Gentoo HandBook上的步骤来的,在这过程中可能安装的应用也都是手册里推荐的,但是当我在照着操作的过程中,我发现一个很不幸的现象,那就是里面推荐使用的一些软件都是过时了的,比如bootloader一节中介绍使用的是grub,但是在我印象中它已经结束了生命周期,目前普遍使用的是Grub2,更别说Syslinux或我使用的uefi了,虽然grub是经受了历史的检验的稳定版本,但是对于使用Linux的来说,稳定是不够的,应该要尝鲜才对(服务器除外)。所以,按照手册只能作为一个参考,我们还应该去广泛参考那些Wiki上介绍的软件、技术,这样才能构建出一个更好的系统来,否则,大可以去使用那些定制好了的发行版,何必来自己整呢? 4.窗口系统 在安装KDE等桌面环境之前,我们必须先安装窗口系统,它是目前我们必须安装的,无论是qt还是gtk目前都是基于它实现的,而目前我们可选的只有有着25年悠久历史的X窗口了,也许等wayland成熟之后我们才能抛弃它吧。按照Gentoo上的Xorg配置手册(貌似现在文档列表(英文)中已经删除它了)来配置的时候,它会要求设置xorg.conf等配置文件,不过在我的实际操作中发现,其实这些步骤并非必须,至少我的在没有配置的情况下仍然能够很好的运作。 X窗口系统有X11-Server和Xorg-Server两个版本,他们的区别在于前者夹带了许多我们永远不会用到的东西,所以我们必选后者。 5.KDE桌面环境 在众多桌面环境中,KDE一直是我心目中最漂亮最现代化的桌面环境了(事实上本来就是),但是很不幸,在使用诸如FedoraUbuntu的KDE定制版时发现,它捆绑的形形色色的软件太多,不少还不能安全的删除。而在Gentoo的世界里,这种让人不爽的现象可以有效地避免了。当我在配置桌面环境时,我发现Getnoo的源里有一个startkde版本,于是我尝试性的安装了它,发现果然清爽,只携带了极少的一部分软件(甚至没有浏览器、文件管理器和终端程序)。 6.必装软件 文件管理器:Dolphin(KDE默认文件管理器) 文本编辑器:Sublime Text3(极酷的文本编辑器,认识了它之后什么vimemacs都拜拜了) 音乐播放器:Clementine(目前我所能找到的最好的基于Qt的音乐播放器) 终端:Konsole(喜欢去到文字界面执行命令的可以无视,否则它是我们执行各种命令的好帮手) 浏览器:Chromium(基于Qt的浏览器我实在没能找到一款满意的,所以就它吧) 输入法:Fcitx(Linux的世界还有哪款输入法和与之匹敌?) ……… 7.待续



gentoo 和 archlinux 有什么优缺点



  80%不知从何而来,至少我从ubuntu转到arch的时候,同时试过gentoo和arch。还是觉得arch比gentoo少折腾多了。  其实, 符合自己使用习惯, 需求就好了。  不过, portage 的输出确实很赞, 而且还有些人写的安装程序(编译的时候)都会提示编译到了百分之多少, 安装那些软件的时候真是觉得好爽快阿, 不用看着满屏的编译而不知到底到了哪一个步骤了。  因为我其他系统的使用经验不多, 就不能作出对比了。

genuine intel(R) cpu 2.0GH是什么处理器

不能确定一定就是"赛扬"的 478 CPU775针角的有很多也是这样写的建议下载鲁大师测试一下,这个比较准确,易于使用

求一个winner sentimental日语版 罗马音

Yoru ga kuru tabi ni mata kimi no koe ga kikitakunaru yoDenwa-goshi futari onaji kimochi nanokanaYoru wa senchimeUwa no sora o mitsumeta mama de e o kaite mitatteHitori senchimeKonna heya ga hitori muri naru yo hitori botchi deBedtime story, nemureyashinaiHitsuji no muresae tooku e nigedasukaminari mitai sawagu mado goshi kane no ne shidai aseru ushimitsudokiMikadsuki ga say hello, demo kyou wa ureshikunainaAtama furu to kurakura munashiidakedanaKanjou wa low dakedo uchuu made tobitaiKokoro ga kodokusa shinitai yo nante naDoushiyou mo naku hitokoishikunaru setsunai yoru waDenwa goshi kimi no koe kikitakunaru karaYoru wa senchimeUwa no sora o mitsumeta mama de e o kaite mitatteHitori senchimeKonna heya ga hitori muri naru yo hitori botchi deTada sora ni ukabu hoshi ni naritaiNani mo shinakutemo kagayakeru karaYamiyoru mitaisa ochita kokoro waSabishisa dakesa boku no mikata waSenobishite eranda jazuKimochi wa marude Ray CharlesAme ga shimiru wataru hibiku oto wa kono mimimoto kara tsumasaki madeAbunai abunai SNSikioimakaseno yami Twitter kenkinkekki sakanna haato de motokano ni kooru hontou autoDoushiyou mo naku hitokoishikunaru setsunai yoru waDenwa goshi kimi no koe kikitakunaru karaYoru wa senchimeUwa no sora o mitsumeta mama de e o kaite mitatteHitori senchimeKonna heya ga hitori muri naru yo hitori botchi deTsukamenai, ima koukaishitemoMe ni wa mienai, donna ni tsukushitemobokutachi towa ni shiawase ni narenaiYoru wa senchimeUwa no sora o mitsumeta mama de e o kaite mitatteHitori senchimeKonna heya ga hitori muri naru yo hitori botchi deYoru ga kuru tabi ni mata kimi no koe ga kikitakunaru yo

Genuine Intel(R) CPU 是个什么样的处理器,请教一下各位大神

最佳答案说的都T M神马东西,不懂就别装逼好不好,凡是有Genuine Intel字样的,都是说明这个CPU是工程样版,一般是INTEL在确定某个新型之前,送给各大OEM厂商测试用的。

genuine accident






Genuine Intel(R)CPU U4100@1.30GHz 1.30GHz是什么意思

处理器 CPU Genuine Intel(R)其中:“Genuine”表述:【美国“因特尔”原厂,黄金正版,顶级稳定,超级速度。】主要供应欧美主流市场。 英特尔CPU 型号U4100 1.3GHZ是主频的意思 就是1.3G赫兹


真诚 的 真实的

论文阅读 Object Proposal by Multi-Branch Hierarchical Segmentation

这篇Multi-Branch Hierarchical Segmentation 文章来自上海交通大学仿脑计算与机器智能研究中心(简称BCMI),来自CVPR 2015,是一篇用 segmentation 来做 proposal 的论文,该文是在selective search原型的基础上进行了进一步区域聚合方法的探索。 Segment based object proposal的方法的主要思想是,将分割好的图像区域进行组合来得到目标区域。这存在一个问题:上一步区域组合出错会导致下一步错误,这种single-way merge segmentation region的方法是有缺陷的。所以此篇文章采用muti-branch分支的方法来扩大搜索范围,以达到改进精度的目的。 通过对分割区域空间搜索来得到目标区域的方式,单纯使用贪心策略是不可取的。此篇文章对分割区域的组合采用了一个原则:包含了多种颜色和纹理区域的复杂目标需要使用不同的组合策略来完成分割区域组合。这篇文章的主要思路就是将多种组合策略进行组合搜索,来改善selective search方法的精度。 此篇文章研究的内容主要由多种分割区域组合策略和分割区域搜索两部分组成。 (1)Learning complementary merging strategies 论文将区域组合的过程抽象为线性分类器,并通过改变每次训练样本的权值来训练分类器(类似Boosting过程)。但与Boosting不同的是,论文提出的区域组合分类器不是将多个弱分类器组合成强分类器,而是通过分类器之间的错误修改来形成新的分类器。 (2) Multi-staged branching 通过上面的区域组合分类器,可以对图像分割区域进行搜索,将一个贪心聚合的步骤分成了多个。 论文主要通过树形组织来增加分割区域的组合搜索空间,并用区域组合结果来训练SVM分类器。 文章采用树型分支的方式来组织不同的区域组合策略,同一个分支下的分割区域组合策略方法相同。 假设区域聚合树的高度为T,树的每个非叶子节点的度为K,则最底层可以得到KT个区域聚合结果,总共可以得到 个proposal窗口,其中λ表示每次区域聚合增加的零散区域数量,N为最开始图像拥有的分割区域数量。则可以使用λ和N来控制最后的proposal数量。 其中生成每个分支的过程实际上还是贪心聚合的方法,但对这个过程进行了分层操作。 上一点描述了如何进行分支操作,接下来是如何使用图像分割区域聚合树来生成proposal的过程,主要是如何设计分割区域分类器。 为使得图像分割区域聚合树不同分支上的proposal分类模型相同,文中使用了binary linear classifier(二元线性分类器)来对分割区域进行分类。 即将属于同一物体的不同区域作为正例,将属于不同的物体的不同的区域作为反例作为训练。进而得到相应的SVM分类器。 实验的原始图像数据来自PASCAL VOC2007,初始的图像分割图像算法和图像区域特征完全与selective search相同,这篇文章主要在区域聚合算法上面进行了改进。 进行对比的算法有selective search (SS), geodesic object proposals (GOP), global and local search (GLS), edge boxes (EB) 和 binarized normed gradients(BING)。 实验结果对比如下所示: 在对比中,文章提出的方法(Ours)与Selective Search (SS)差别并不太大。在低proposal数量情况下Edge Box和Selective Search的结果要好于文章提出的方法;在高proposal数量情况下,文章提出的方法结果稍微好一点。 上表是几种方法加R-CNN在PASCAL VOC2007识别结果对比,文章中并没有注明对比情况下的IoU参数。从表中看出,就检索精度上,文章提出的算法与Selective Search并没有太大的区别,文章提出的算法改进很有限。 这篇文章的主要思想是对Selective Search方法就分割区域聚合过程进行改进,文章使用了多层树形聚合方法,将之前的单贪心聚合分为多个贪心聚合流程,并使用SVM进行区域分类。文章使用的树形区域聚合方法确实增大了分割区域聚合的搜索空间,但从单个过程来看还是贪心聚合的方式,所以文章对Selective Search的改进程度很小,主要提供了一种新的分割区域聚合的思路。 从实验对比结果来看,文章提出的方法只在低proposal数量情况下稍微优于Selective Search,但文章提出的方法使用的空间复杂度远大于Selective Search,而且文章提出的方法增加了计算proposal的时间。 Uijlings, Jasper RR, et al. "Selective search for object recognition." International journal of computer vision 104.2 (2013): 154-171.

sedimentary geology是sci 吗

期刊名字 SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY期刊ISSN 0037-0738 2015-2016最新影响因子 2.236 是否OA开放访问 No 通讯方式 ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE 涉及的研究方向 地学-地质学 出版国家或地区 NETHERLANDS 出版周期 Monthly 出版年份 1967 年文章数 133


这一协议 witnesseth 在前提和相互的 convenants 和协议的考虑方面以下,而且为其他的善行和有价值的考虑 ( 收据和充分到此为止被宴会特此承认) ,它到此为止如追从被和宴会之间被同意: 希望我的答案能让您满意.



求garby ponte《the story of geordie 》的歌词?

my Geordie will be hanged in a golden chain 哦,我的乔迪会被金链绞死   T"is not the chain of many 那不是条普通的绞链  He Stole sixteen of the King""s wild deer 只因牵走十六只皇家饲养的鹿   And he sold them in Bohenny 卖到了博哈尼 my Geordie will be hanged in a golden chain 哦,我的乔迪会被金链绞死   T"is not the chain of many 那不是条普通的绞链    He(girl) was born of King""s royal blood 他是皇族血统   And lost to a virtuous lady 后来与一位善良普通的女子相爱

求Gabry Ponte的名曲—Geordie的意大利歌词翻译

my Geordie will be hanged in a golden chain 哦,我的乔迪会被金链绞死   T"is not the chain of many 那不是条普通的绞链  He Stole sixteen of the King""s wild deer 只因牵走十六只皇家饲养的鹿   And he sold them in Bohenny 卖到了博哈尼 my Geordie will be hanged in a golden chain 哦,我的乔迪会被金链绞死   T"is not the chain of many 那不是条普通的绞链    He(girl) was born of King""s royal blood 他是皇族血统   And lost to a virtuous lady 后来与一位善良普通的女子相爱

be contemporary with是什么意思及发音

be contemporary with...与......处于同一时代;音标为:英[ku0259nu02c8tempru0259ri]; 美[ku0259nu02c8tempu0259reri](读作: 必肯坦颇罗瑞为日)。关键词:contemporary (形容词)当代的,现代的; 同时代的,同属一个时期的;(名词)同代人; 同辈人; 同龄人; 当代人。例如:So he moved the date of Chinese civilization back a thousand years so that Chinese civilization would be contemporary with ancient Egypt.他把中国文明的出现时间向前调了一千多年,使得中国文明能和古埃及处于同一时代。 Shakespeare was not contemporary with Dickens. 莎士比亚与狄更斯不是同时代的人。He is probably the most reviled man in contemporary theatre. 他可能是当代戏剧界骂声最多的人。Like most of my contemporaries, I grew up in a vastly different world.和大多数同辈人一样,我生长在一个截然不同的世界。

at the moment是什么意思


Good God (Instrumental) 歌词

歌曲名:Good God (Instrumental)歌手:Anouk专辑:Good GodGood GodKoRnYou came into my lifeWithout a single thingI gave into your waysWhich left me with nothingI"ve given into smilesI"ve dealt with all your gamesI wish so bad right nowI hadn"t let you inWon"t you get the fuck out of my face? NowWon"t you get the fuck out of my face? NowIn the sea of life, you"re just a minnowLive your life insecureFeel the pain of your needlesAs they shit into my mindI scream without a soundHow could you take awayEverything that I was?Left me a fuckin slaveYour face that I despiseYour heart inside that"s greyI came today to sayYou"re fucked in every wayWon"t you get the fuck out of my face? NowWon"t you get the fuck out of my face? NowIn the sea of life, you"re just a minnowLive your life insecureFeel the pain of your needlesAs they shit into my mindYou stole my lifeWithout a signYou sucked me dryWon"t you get the fuck out of my face? Now *N主场jon说:“这首歌是关于我在学校里认识的一个小子的。我过去认为他是我的朋友,但是他却不把我当朋友。我们认识的时候他什么都没有,他在我的房子里玩,却不把我当一回事,让我做很多我并不愿意做的事情。我开始喜欢音乐的时候他却把时间花在了穿衣打扮上,他还对我说如果我穿得不时髦他就不会跟我再做朋友。每次我计划要和一个小妞开始约会的时候,他就会从中故意破坏,因为根本没有女孩子跟他约会。他是一个彻头彻尾的懦夫。我已经很多年没有和他说话了。”In the sea of life, you"re just a minnowLive your life insecureFeel the pain of your needlesAs they shit into my mindYou stole my lifeWithout a signYou sucked me dryhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2577118


采取将对方服务器磁盘挂载到本地的方法来获取。NFS(Network File System)即网络文件系统,是FreeBSD支持的文件系统中的一种,它允许网络中的计算机之间通过TCP/IP网络共享资源。在NFS的应用中,本地NFS的客户端应用可以透明地读写位于远端NFS服务器上的文件,就像访问本地文件一样。本文的两个linux环境分别为CentOS和Ubuntu,其他版本类似。将Ubuntu下的/home/dhcc/nfs挂载到CentOS下/home/shao/nfs。Ubuntu:1.安装配置NFS服务器sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common2.配置参数vim /etc/exports 文件最后加入一行,注意不要加到注释/home/dhcc/nfs *(rw,sync,no_root_squash) #该目录为nfs服务根目录,*表示允许所有的网段访问,也可以使用具体的IP,参数详解在最后3.建立nfs目录(如果配置了已存在的目标可跳过此步)sudo mkdir /home/dhcc/nfs4.查看配置是否生效exportfs -r #更新配置showmount -e如果生效会显示Export list for Ubuntu:home/dhcc/nfs5.重启nfs服务/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restartCentOS:1.创建挂载目录(如果已存在请跳过)mkdir /home/shao/nfs2.安装nfs-utilsyum install nfs-utils2.mount挂载mount -t nfs /home/shao/nfs #Ubuntu的ip为10.18.105.1163.开机自动挂载vim /etc/rc.local 添加一行sudo mount -t nfs /home/shao/nfs如果出现mount.nfs:access denied by server while mounting问题,可通过以下几种途径尝试解决:1.修改需挂载的nfs目录权限chmod 755 /home/dhcc/nfs2.如果端口号大于1024,则需要将 insecure 选项加入到配置文件(/etc/exports):vim /etc/exports 文件最后加入一行/home/dhcc/nfs *(insecure,rw,sync,no_root_squash) 3.修改/etc/sysconfig/nfs文件# Turn off v2 and v3 protocol support # RPCNFSDARGS="-N 2 -N 3" # Turn off v4 protocol support #RPCNFSDARGS="-N 4" /*把这句话的#号去掉*/NFS分为三个版本,即NFS-2 NFS-3 NFS-4,该配置文件默认关闭了这三个的NFS版本,我们只需要打开NFS-4即可。附录:NFS常用参数如下:ro 只读访问rw 读写访问sync 所有数据在请求时写入共享async nfs在写入数据前可以响应请求secure nfs通过1024以下的安全TCP/IP端口发送insecure nfs通过1024以上的端口发送wdelay 如果多个用户要写入nfs目录,则归组写入(默认)no_wdelay 如果多个用户要写入nfs目录,则立即写入,当使用async时,无需此设置。hide 在nfs共享目录中不共享其子目录no_hide 共享nfs目录的子目录subtree_check 如果共享/usr/bin之类的子目录时,强制nfs检查父目录的权限(默认)no_subtree_check 和上面相对,不检查父目录权限all_squash 共享文件的UID和GID映射匿名用户anonymous,适合公用目录。no_all_squash 保留共享文件的UID和GID(默认)root_squash root用户的所有请求映射成如anonymous用户一样的权限(默认)no_root_squas root用户具有根目录的完全管理访问权限anonuid=xxx 指定nfs服务器/etc/passwd文件中匿名用户的UIDanongid=xxx 指定nfs服务器/etc/passwd文件中匿名用户的GID



access denied by server while mounting 怎么解决

从出错日志可以看出,mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting 被拒绝的原因是因为使用了非法端口,功夫总没白费,终于在一个linux技术论坛上找到了答案:I googled and found that since the port is over 1024 I needed to add the "insecure" option to the relevant line in /etc/exports on the server. Once I did that (and ran exportfs -r), the mount -a on the client worked.//如果端口号大于1024,则需要将 insecure 选项加入到配置文件(/etc/exports)相关选项中mount客户端才能正常工作:查看 exports 手册中关于 secure 选项说明也发现确实如此[root@lzgonline init.d]# man exportssecure,This option requires that requests originate on an Internet port less than IPPORT_RESERVED (1024). This option is on by default. To turn it off, specify insecure.//secure 选项要求mount客户端请求源端口小于1024(然而在使用 NAT 网络地址转换时端口一般总是大于1024的),默认情况下是开启这个选项的,如果要禁止这个选项,则使用 insecure 标识修改配置文件/etc/exports,加入 insecure 选项/home/lzgonline/rootfs *(insecure,rw,async,no_root_squash)保存退出然后重启nfs服务:service nfs restart然后问题就解决了


  parent有父母;根源等意思,那么你知道parent的复数是什么吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    parent的复数形式:   parents    parent的用法:   parent的用法1:parent指父亲或母亲,复数parents指“双亲”。但在儿童语言中,表示“双亲”用father and mother比用parents更常见。   parent的用法2:parent用于文学语言夸张用语中,可表示“根源,开始”,通常用单数形式。   parent的用法3:parent在句中可修饰其他名词作定语,表示能够繁衍的“母体”。   parent的用法4:parent作“祖先”解时,常用其复数形式,主要用于文学作品中。    parent的复数例句:   1. Many are orphans, their parents killed as they scavenged for food.   很多人是孤儿,他们的父母在垃圾中找吃的时丢了性命。   2. Many parents find it hard to discourage bad behaviour.   很多父母觉得要孩子循规蹈矩是件很难的事情。   3. Like their children, parents are often defensive about their private lives.   就像子女一样,父母也常常很注重保护他们的私生活。   4. I managed to keep my parents in the dark about this.   我设法对父母瞒下了此事。   5. She had spent years trying to track down her parents.   她已经花了好多年时间试图追寻父母的下落。   6. Parents were too frightened to bring their children for vaccination.   父母太过害怕,不敢带孩子去接种疫苗。   7. His parents tried to discourage his interest in music, but he persisted.   他的父母设法打消他对音乐的兴趣,但他始终坚持。   8. Parents can programme the machine not to turn on at certain times.   父母可以设定这台机器的程序,使它在特定时间段无法开启。   9. In many societies children still marry someone of their parents" choice.   在许多社会,子女结婚仍然只能听从父母之命。   10. He must have been aware that my parents" marriage was breaking up.   他一定已经知道我父母的婚姻即将破裂。   11. His parents" obsession with keeping up appearances haunted his childhood.   父母过于爱面子的做法在他儿时一直困扰着他。   12. He was just as feared and reviled as his tyrannical parents.   他和他专横残暴的父母一样为人惧怕和憎恨。   13. One of his main themes is the dissimilarity between parents and children.   他的主题之一就是父母和孩子的不同之处。   14. There is an element of exhibitionism in the parents" performance too.   那对父母的表现也显得有些爱出风头。   15. One of the parents was a most obnoxious character. No-one liked him.   其中一位家长极为惹人厌,没人喜欢他。

last march, the president of harvard university,drew gilpin faust,vistied japan to find out for

Don"t give up on Japan"s kidsby Stephen HesseLast March, the president of Harvard University, Drew Gilpin Faust, visited Japan to find out for herself what has become of Japan"s once-vibrant contribution to American academia. The numbers of Japanese students enrolling in Harvard have declined steadily over the past decade, and in September 2009 that renowned university"s first-year intake included just one student from Japan.Faust"s concern is not new. For several years, educators world wide have been puzzling over Japan"s decade-long decline in students studying overseas. That"s not just degree-seeking students, but also semester and year long study-abroad numbers, too.Unfortunately there is not one single factor that can beblamed, or targeted. As David H. Satterwhite, executive director of the Fulbright Japan program, told me last autumn, there seem to be a broad range offactors that have appeared simultaneously — from demographics to financial concerns to risk aversion — with the combination magnifying the overall trend.As a university educator in Japan for almost two decades, I, too, have been concerned, especially while watching the numbers of other Asians and Europeans studying abroad continue to climb steadily. I was even rendered speechless last year when I asked a bright student if he was thinking of studying abroad. The young man responded matter-of-factly, “Japan is so safe and convenient; why would I want to leave?”“How about adventure, excitement, meeting new people,seeing new places?” I floundered.He just smiled and shrugged.Nevertheless, I can also say with confidence that — to twist the words of Mark Twain — reports of the death of Japaneseinternationalism have been greatly exaggerated.Yes, the overall number of students studying abroad isdown, but over the past two years I have also come across plenty of students eager and determined to study and travel abroad. Many, too, are truly excitedabout getting jobs in the global marketplace.Just the other day, one of my law students was returning from three weeks backpacking in Europe when she ran into two of her classmateson their way to Jordan and Morocco. The three crossed paths in Abu Dhabi International Airport.The student returning from Europe has already left onanother trip with three friends to Bolivia and Peru. This young woman is unusual, but not as unusual as she once would have been.Two of my second-year students are doing volunteer work in India; another young man is backpacking through Southeast Asia; two otherstudents are traveling across Europe on local buses; and quite a few arestudying English in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and England. I can also say with certainty that among the young people coming into my classes recently, I am finding some of the best and most interesting students ever.For example, here are some of the research topics thatstudents in my Faculty Linkage Program environment seminar undertook this past year.Tomoaki, one of my fourth-year Policy Studies students, became very interested in the concept of aquaponics, which is a combination ofaquaculture and hydroponics, the raising of fish and the cultivation of plantsin a combined system. He began doing research and realized that the only way hewas going to understand the challenges of the process was to set up anaquaponics system himself. So he did. For two months he raised fish and plants at home in a simple aquaponic system using a large fish tank. In the end, he found the fish much easier to maintain than the plants: The plants grew quickly but faced various problems, such as wilting, lettuce that failed to form heads dueto insufficient light, and insect infestations.A second-year Policy Studies student considered threequite divergent topics over the course of the year: inundation of Japanese fresh water ecosystems by water hyacinth plants; the Penan people who are nativeresidents of Malaysia"s Sarawak forests; and how plants and animal species havethrived in the Chernobyl region of Ukraine since the 1986 nuclear accident.At first I thought Hazuki was taking a shotgun approach toher topic selection, but when we talked I realized that she was intrigued by points of intersection between humans and the natural environment.The Penan people, for example, have been living in balance with nature for generations, only to lose their forests, their homes and their culture to other humans who have come to cut the forests for timber. The water hyacinth is an invasive species in Japan that was first imported during theMeiji Era (1868-1912) for use as an ornamental plant. Today it has spread tocanals, ponds and other water bodies, choking out plant and fish life andblocking water flow. Regarding the afteraffects of Chernobyl, Hazuki was impressed by the ability of plants and animals to inhabit and thrive in anecosystem that had become lethal to humans. The destructive power of human development dismayed her, but the resilience of nature left her optimistic about nature"s chances, even as human impacts on ecosystems mount.Meanwhile, a second-year law student, Midori, focused onone theme throughout the year, making three presentations on futuristic, environmentally sustainable cities. Her first PowerPoint presentation introducedthe concept of sustainable cities then compared research developing in Japan and Sweden. She noted that in Japan research programs lack sufficient government support and alternative-energy development is still less thannascent. Her second presentation focused on developing sustainable transportation systems, and the final installment took a look at urban planning of sustainable cities, from the wise to the wacky. These included satellite cities outside major urban areas, concentric-circle cities, and even massive floating cities that put housing, businesses and even agriculture offshore.Another student surveyed the development of planted, or green, roofs in urban Japan; and another looked at the development of Sweden"s Environmental Code and the concept of environmental courts.Shota, another student, looked at environmentally friendly publishing and compared digital publications with custom-order book printing.He also considered the need for increased food self-sufficiency in Japan inorder to ensure food security and to reduce the carbon-dioxide emissions causedby long-distance, international food shipments. For his third presentation, Shota made a valiant effort to understand and objectively weigh the activitiesof Sea Shepherd"s anti-whaling activities; but in the end he had to admit that he just could not fathom the anti-whalers and their aggressive methods.Perhaps the class favorite this year was Yumiko"s presentation, titled “The Amazing Abilities of Cockroaches,” which openedeveryone"s eyes to the world of these incredible creatures. Quite a featconsidering that no other insect in Japan is as reviled as the lowly cockroach.Did you know, for example, that there are 4,000 kinds of cockroaches on theplanet, and 50 kinds in Japan? Or that some can run up to one meter per second?Don"t quote me, because I didn"t check these facts, but according to Yumiko,scientists are working with cockroaches to detect radiation by securing tiny detectors to their backs; and in South Korea you can get a face pack that ishigh in collagen made from ground-up cockroaches. Yumiko even included pictures of the cockroach traps she set around her house and the unfortunate few she"d snared.This might sound strange, but for me it is encouraging indeed to be teaching a law student who wears pink nail polish and is alsointrigued by reviled insects.So, even though I don"t have statistics to support my anecdotal observations, overall I am quite optimistic that Japanese young people are finally coming out of their decade of slumber.Japan has never spawned world travelers in the numbers that have spilled out of Europe and Australia, but more and more of my studentsare heading off alone and with friends for extended travels to China, SouthKorea, Southeast Asia, India, Australia and New Zealand. Others are going evenfurther afield, to the Middle East, Turkey, North Africa, Europe and SouthAmerica.So what is getting these young people up and out of Japan?Their influences include meeting foreign students in Japanwho introduce their home languages, cultures and schools; foreign instructorsin high schools and universities; short-term study-abroad language programs;and formal exchange programs.Having just one person say, “Give it a try; you"ll be fine” can make all the difference to a young person, and help counter all thefears and anxieties they have acquired from parents and teachers who too oftenproject their own discomfort with all things foreign.By the way, the law student who traveled through Europeand is now off to Peru and Bolivia will graduate in March and join a small IT venture firm, which she calls her next adventure.So what set her on a global path? A teacher who said: “Go,study abroad; you"ll be fine.” A year later she went to the United States,where a year of study changed her life.
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