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懂你英语 Level 7 Unit 2 Part 3【On Machine Intelligence 3】

I have a friend who developed such computational systems to predict the likelihood of clinical or postpartum depression from social media data. The results are impressive. Her system can predict the likelihood of depression months before the onset of any symptoms -- months before. No symptoms, there"s prediction. She hopes it will be used for early intervention . Great! But now put this in the context of hiring. So at this human resources managers conference, I approached a high-level manager in a very large company, and I said to her, "Look, what if, unbeknownst to you, your system is weeding out people with high future likelihood of depression? They"re not depressed now, just maybe in the future, more likely. What if it"s weeding out women more likely to be pregnant in the next year or two but aren"t pregnant now? What if it"s hiring aggressive people because that"s your workplace culture?" You can"t tell this by looking at gender breakdowns . Those may be balanced. And since this is machine learning, not traditional coding, there is no variable there labeled "higher risk of depression," "higher risk of pregnancy," "aggressive guy scale." Not only do you not know what your system is selecting on, you don"t even know where to begin to look. It"s a black box. It has predictive power, but you don"t understand it. "What safeguards ," I asked, "do you have to make sure that your black box isn"t doing something shady ?" She looked at me as if I had just stepped on 10 puppy tails. She stared at me and she said, "I don"t want to hear another word about this." And she turned around and walked away. Mind you -- she wasn"t rude. It was clearly: what I don"t know isn"t my problem, go away, death stare. Look, such a system may even be less biased than human managers in some ways. And it could make monetary sense. But it could also lead to a steady but stealthy shutting out of the job market of people with higher risk of depression. Is this the kind of society we want to build, without even knowing we"ve done this, because we turned decision-making to machines we don"t totally understand? Another problem is this: these systems are often trained on data generated by our actions, human imprints . Well, they could just be reflecting our biases, and these systems could be picking up on our biases and amplifying them and showing them back to us, while we"re telling ourselves, "We"re just doing objective, neutral computation." Researchers found that on Google, women are less likely than men to be shown job ads for high-paying jobs. And searching for African-American names is more likely to bring up ads suggesting criminal history, even when there is none. Such hidden biases and black-box algorithms that researchers uncover sometimes but sometimes we don"t know, can have life-altering consequences. In Wisconsin, a defendant was sentenced to six years in prison for evading the police. You may not know this, but algorithms are increasingly used in parole and sentencing decisions. He wanted to know: How is this score calculated? It"s a commercial black box. The company refused to have its algorithm be challenged in open court. But ProPublica, an investigative nonprofit, audited that very algorithm with what public data they could find, and found that its outcomes were biased and its predictive power was dismal , barely better than chance , and it was wrongly labeling black defendants as future criminals at twice the rate of white defendants. So, consider this case: This woman was late picking up her godsister from a school in Broward County, Florida, running down the street with a friend of hers. They spotted an unlocked kid"s bike and a scooter on a porch and foolishly jumped on it. As they were speeding off, a woman came out and said, "Hey! That"s my kid"s bike!" They dropped it, they walked away, but they were arrested. She was wrong, she was foolish, but she was also just 18. She had a couple of juvenile misdemeanors . Meanwhile, that man had been arrested for shoplifting in Home Depot -- 85 dollars" worth of stuff, a similar petty crime. But he had two prior armed robbery convictions . But the algorithm scored her as high risk, and not him. Two years later, ProPublica found that she had not reoffended. It was just hard to get a job for her with her record. He, on the other hand, did reoffend and is now serving an eight-year prison term for a later crime. Clearly, we need to audit our black boxes and not have them have this kind of unchecked power.

请问city 和 country有什么不同?谢谢。


求帮助写篇英语文章 Electric Power system题目 第一句是Electric Power is a most convenient clean safe


什么叫pop up event

突然弹出的东西美国常用口头语 freaky boy 怪男孩 pop up 突然弹出的东西,网夜等自动弹出的动作,或指弹出的网叶 hook up hook up the mic 插上麦克风 hook up some tickets for somebody 给.准备一些票. 基于178个网页-相关网页弹出式浪潮技术研究中心LOUSHANG框架技术讨论区 pooling 池化 pop up 弹出式 port 端口 v.突然出现1近网挑球过高专业羽毛球术语(中英文对照)2 poona 羽毛球运动(因此项运动发源于印度浦那而得名) pop up 近网挑球过高(对方容易扣杀) preliminary feint (发球时的)假动作

baby dont cry中文歌词

部分中文歌词 红绿灯前 突然看见熟悉的蓝色T恤 距离曾经不变的欢笑 刚好过了三年 正想招呼 却看见陌生的她在他身边 马上移开目光 眼中的天空不曾改变 一定每个人都是这样 一点一点 随着季节变迁 将记忆渐渐掩埋 总有一天 将所有流下的泪 在阳光下化作闪闪的光辉 所以 宝贝请别再悲伤 有些事情怎么想也想不通 即时处境再不堪 路途的前方 还是会有希望 即时大雨的清晨 即时爱就要消失 我不会丢下你一个人 宝贝别哭 我愿永远陪在你身边 难眠的夜晚 让你一次次辗转反侧 心中的胆怯 让你一回回深深叹息 心中充满的不安 再也无法消除 只有紧握着谁的手 努力走向那看不清的明天 不过每个人都是这样 一次一次 在勇敢面对黑暗中 学会了坚强 并不能被动地选择现成的道路 凭你自己的双脚迈出第一步 ——by安室奈美惠《Baby Don"t Cry》

Windows 7中启动Power Point2010的方法主要有几种?

Windows7系统中可以通过双击PPT文件启动power point2010,还可以通过开始菜单-程序启动,通过双击桌面快捷方式启动,通过开始菜单-运行输入power的可执行文件名称启动。

苹果macbook pro power point无法插入powerpoint对象怎么办


power point教程如何让图片占全屏


怎么从power point中的PPT存到E盘


power point制作表格 点击下面一格的上面已的字就消失掉


为什么我在我电脑上保存的power point传给别人但却在别人的电脑上不能读取呢?急啊!

你把你的power point用文件中的打包功能,打成包,再发给他,就能放了。

电脑上拍power point账号如何改手机号

电脑上拍power point账号改手机号的操作方法:1、首先,点击打开电脑WPS软件,进入软件界面;2、进入后,点击右上角的账号登录图标;3、在个人中心页面,点击“账号安全”;4、在账号安全界面,点击“更换手机”——“确定”;5、最后,发送验证码,验证原来的手机号后,再更换手机号绑定。

希沃白板和power point之间的异同?


power point2007演讲备注怎么设置?


我电脑里面自带的office2010 里面怎么没有power point? 求高手解答



在PPT中插入Flash动画方法一 将扩展名为. SWF的Flash动画文件插入PPT ---插入一个由文件创建的对象 ---在“动作设置”中的“对象动作”选项中选择“激活内容” 在PPT中插入Flash动画方法二 将Flash生成的. exe动画文件插入PPT ---先插入一图片 ---该图片“动作设置”中的“单击鼠标”选项中选择“运行程序”,并指定文件路径和文件名 注意:用这个方法时,一定要把在PPT[工具]——[选项]——[安全性]——[宏安全性]选项变为低。不然的话,每次演示都会弹出个警告框。 在PPT中插入Flash动画方法三 利用Active X控件插入动画 ---选择“视图”=>“工具栏”=>“控件工具箱” ---点击“其它工具图标”,从下拉列表中选择“ShockWave Flash Object”选项,鼠标变成“+”形状,将其拖动即出现Flash控件图形。 ---单击“控件工具箱”上的“属性”按钮,打开属性对话框。 ---选择“自定义”,单击“浏览”按钮,在弹出的对话框中的“Movie URL”中输入. swf文件路径及名称,并调整“play”,“quality”,“loop”等其它属性。 在PPT中插入Flash动画方法四 利用插入超链接 1. 运行PowerPoint程序,打开要插入动画的幻灯片。 2. 在其中插入任意一个对象,比如一段文字、一个图片等。目的是对它设置超链接。最好这个对象与链接到的动画的内容相关。 3. 选择这个对象,点击“插入”菜单,在打开的下拉菜单中单击“超级链接”。 4. 弹出的窗口中,“链接到”中选择“原有文件或Web页”,点击[文件]按钮,选择到想插入的动画,点击[确定]完成。播放动画时只要单击设置的超链接对象即可。 几种方法的比较 方法三最为直观,可直接播放。方法四最简单,适合初学者。

microsoftpowerpoint和WPS有什么区别?(microsoftpower point)

您好,现在我来为大家解答以上的问题。microsoftpowerpoint和WPS有什么区别?,microsoftpower point相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一... 您好,现在我来为大家解答以上的问题。microsoftpowerpoint和WPS有什么区别?,microsoftpower point相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 1、word是文本编辑、excel是表格、ppt是做幻灯片。 2、之前三个都包含在office里面,看你的具体需要选择安装功能吧。

Power Point 2013PPT中延时为什么只限制在60秒?

这个问题我以前也遇到过,好像powerpoint单个动画的延迟不能超过60s,但是我当时是通过一个小手段实现单个动画延迟超过60s,看下图的“椭圆4”的这个层及其时间轴的位置,我举个例子,上面“矩形3”这个层我设置其动画延迟时间为59s,然后“椭圆4”这个层我设置“从上一项之后开始”并且动画延迟为59s,那么“椭圆4”这个层实际延迟的时间就为59s+矩形3这个层动画持续时间x s+59s,这样他“椭圆4”这个层的动画延迟时间就远远大于1分钟了,当然如果你的动画延迟时间更高,方法就类似了。上面“矩形3”这个层其实可以换成你背景层的颜色或者更改不透明度,去掉边框,形状大小合适即可,只要不影响你要表现的动画即可。希望我的回答能帮到你。

power point提供了几个内置主题


Microsoft Office、Word、excel、power point是什么

坐个沙发吧。这个问题我还真不好回答。 百度一下 微软网站 去看介绍吧。

power point中怎样更改主题字体(默认字体)


怎么把power point的模版插到wps




power point 2007 自带的PPT模板、图片、常用图形怎么调出来


power point突然打不开?Word那些都开得开,唯独PPT开不了。

也许是电脑主程序出了点儿小问题。一、建议你重启电脑或者在【开始】中打开【程序】,找出【Microsoft office】中的【power point】,再打开看看行不行。二、或者你找出本文件,刷新几次,应该就可以了。 三、如以上方法都不行,就证明你的电脑得去看看了!

写一篇英语作文主题是city life or country life

Some people prefer city life due to its convenience and modern fashion, and think the country life is lacking of too much these urban elements. However, some people still long for the natural way of country life. In fact, every thing in the world always has both the good points and the bad points. Life in city and country is the same. Modern city provides much more convenient elements with development going on, such as education, health care, employment, main progress in science and technology, etc. While country life is regarded as the approach to nature and peaceful time. We all know modern advance has aroused great tension between social development and nature. We need develop, but we also need the home. Therefore, we must find a balance between development and nature. Meanwhile, we should bring harmony in city and country life so that we can enjoy both the developing as well as the natural gifts.

Microsoft office的power point与WPS的power point能否兼容?

能的。WPS Office能兼容Microsoft Office的PPT格式。问一下,如果您家的Microsoft Office是2007/2010版本的,会自动保存为PPTX格式,可以另存为PPT格式,如果不会,用WPS Office打开后修改需要另存为PPT格式,即便用的是2012版。

网盘里的ppt怎么弄到power point


ppt打开时遇到power point安全模式

您好,对于您的PowerPoint无法启动的问题,在重新安装Office后问题仍然存在,请您在空闲时候尝试以下操作:1. 点击开始菜单并在搜索框中输入 "msconfig",然后按回车键。2. 点击“服务”标签卡,选择“隐藏所有的微软服务”,然后点击全部禁用。(如果可选)3. 点击“启动”标签卡, 然后点击全部禁用并确定。然后重新启动计算机。当弹出“系统配置实用程序”的时候,选中此对话框中的“不再显示这条信息”并点击确定提示: 临时禁用启动项只是为了预防启动加载时遇到的问题。此操作不会影响系统或者其他程序,以后我们可以以手动启动的方式来启动这些程序。如果干净启动后仍然出现问题,请您尝试更换一个Windows 帐户。创建用户帐户1. 请从开始菜单中打开控制面板,然后双击用户帐户。2. 在“挑选一项任务”列表框中单击“创建一个新帐户”。3. 为此帐户键入一个您希望使用的名称,然后单击下一步。4. 选择所需要的帐户类型(建议选择管理员帐户),然后单击创建帐户。

用英文写一篇文章(City life is quite different from country life)初中难度的

All things considered,which do you prefer and why? City-life:fast,furious,fun.Lots of things to do.Lots of people to meet.Endless hustle and bustle.However a probable downside is that it can be noisy,polluted,stressful,unhealthy,and hard to find peace. Town-life:a balance of city and country life.Not too many things to do.Manageable place.Cheaper than a city. Country-life:healthy,quiet living.Very peaceful.Natural views which can be more fulfilling than the sight of skyscrapers and buildings.But very slow,hardly anything to do (unless you have good transport access to a buzzing place nearby),and can be quite expensive sometimes.

怎样将power point 文件转换成world 文档


PowerPoint 幻灯片多页图片怎么设置对齐


为什么我用power point 2007做的ppt无法用power point2003打开?


怎么在power point 中安装islide

定位到安装目录下(默认安装目录:%LOCALAPPDATA%iSlideiSlide Tools );定位到安装目录在资源管理器的地址栏窗口输入cmd,以快速打开提示命令行 或者 在打开的安装目录的空白处按住Shift后点击鼠标右键,选择在此处运行PowerShell/提示命令行;命令行确保已经保存PPT,并且关闭所有PPT窗口,复制以下代码,然后在提示命令行窗口中右键粘贴代码后,回车,iSlideTools.RegAsm.exe /noshim & taskkill /f /im powerpnt.exe成功执行后,会有register com add-in successfully.的字样,如果没有出现,可以截图返回的结果,发到群内咨询。重新打开PPT,看下能否正常关闭的。

Tentacle and Witches 全集百度云资源谁有

言畅影视 所有电影在线免费看

请教一下 BIGBANG FANTASTIC BABY的日文版假名歌词,拜托了。

同求~~ rap部分完全听不懂啊喂!


Microsoft Office PowerPoint是指微软公司的演示文稿软件。用户可以在投影仪或者计算机上进行演示,也可以将演示文稿打印出来,制作成胶片,以便应用到更广泛的领域中。利用Microsoft Office PowerPoint不仅可以创建演示文稿,还可以在互联网上召开面对面会议、远程会议或在网上给观众展示演示文稿。PowerPoint正成为人们工作生活的重要组成部分,在工作汇报、企业宣传、产品推介、婚礼庆典、项目竞标、管理咨询、教育培训等领域占着举足轻重的地位。请采纳!

打开PPT的时候,为什么power point 显示打不开


怎么安装power point?

你运行 Microsoft Office 里面的程序,就会提示你安装的软件,你把WORD,什么的,不要选,只选power point,然后安装就可以了

bigbang的fantastic baby的中文翻译

FANTASTIC BABYuc5ecuae30 ubd99uc5b4ub77c ubaa8ub450 ubaa8uc5ecub77cWe gon" party like ub9acub9acub9acub77cub77cub77cub9d8uc744 uc5f4uc5b4ub77c uba38ub9b4 ube44uc6ccub77cubd88uc744 uc9c0ud3b4ub77c ub9acub9acub9acub77cub77cub77cuc815ub2f5uc740 ubb3buc9c0 ub9d0uace0 uadf8ub300ub85c ubc1buc544ub4e4uc5ecub290ub08cub300ub85c uac00 Alright快过来吧 大家集中在一起We gon" party like lilili lalala敞开心扉吧 不要想太多点燃火苗吧 lilili lalala不要问答案是什么 照单全收吧跟着感觉走 Alrightud558ub298uc744 ub9c8uc8fcud558uace0 ub450 uc190uc744 ub2e4 uc704ub85cuc800uc704ub85c ub0a0ub6f0uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 Ohub098ub098ub098ub098ub098 ub098ub098ub098ub098ub098 Woo Fantastic BabyDance I wanna dan dan dan dan dance Fantastic BabyDance I wanna dan dan dan dan dance Fantastic Baby双手高举过头 朝着那上空想要飞上天际 Ohnanananana nanananana Woo Fantastic BabyDance I wanna dan dan dan dan dance Fantastic BabyDance I wanna dan dan dan dan dance Fantastic Babyuc774 ub09cuc7a5ud310uc5d0 Hey ub05dud310 uc655 ucc28ub840Heyub545uc744 ud754ub4e4uace0 3ubd84uc73cub860 ubd88ucda9ubd84ud55c Race waitubd84uc704uae30ub294 uacfcuc5f4 Huh Catch me on fire Huhuc9c4uc9dcuac00 ub098ud0c0ub0acub2e4 ub098ub098ub098ub098人群嘈杂中 Hey 轮到帝王出场 Hey震撼天敌 3分钟 不充分的Race wait气氛太过火热 Huh Catch me on fire Huh事实浮出水面 nanananaud558ub098ubd80ud130 uc5f4uae4cuc9c0 ubaa8ub4e0 uac8c ub2e4 ud55c uc218uc704ubaa8ub798 ubc8cud310 uc704ub97c ubbf8uce5c ub4efuc774 ub6f0uc5b4ubd10ub3c4 uac70ub72cud55c uc6b0ub9acud558ub298uc740 ucda9ubd84ud788 ub108ubb34ub098 ud478ub974ub2c8uae4cuc544ubb34uac83ub3c4 ubb3buc9c0 ub9d0ub780 ub9d0uc774uc57cub290ub07cub780 ub9d0uc774uc57c ub0b4uac00 ub204uad70uc9c0从一到十 全在同一水平线在沙滩上疯也似地轻松跳跃的我们因为那天空实在湛蓝什么也不要问全凭感觉 找寻自我ub124 uc2ecuc7a5uc18cub9acuc5d0 ub9deuac8c ub6f0uae30 uc2dcuc791ud574ub9c9uc774 ub05dub0a0ub54cuae4cuc9c0 YeI can"t baby don"t stop thisuc624ub298uc740 ud0c0ub77dud574 (ubbf8uccd0 ubc1cuc545ud574) uac00ub294uac70uc57cWoo Fantastic BabyDance I wanna dan dan dan dan dance Fantastic BabyDance I wanna dan dan dan dan dance Fantastic BabyBoom Shakalaka x3 Dan dan dan dan dance开始随着你的脉搏跳动吧直到那帷幕降下为止 YeI can"t baby don"t stop this今天随心堕落吧(疯狂放纵)Woo Fantastic BabyDance I wanna dan dan dan dan dance Fantastic BabyDance I wanna dan dan dan dan dance Fantastic BabyBoom Shakalaka x3 Dan dan dan dan danceub0a0 ub530ub77c uc7a1uc544ubd88 ud14cuba74 uc640ubd10 ub09c uc601uc6d0ud55c ub534ub530ub77cuc624ub298 ubc24 uae08uae30ub780 ub0b4uac90 uc5c6uc5b4Mama just let me be your loveruc774 ud63cub780 uc18duc744 ub118uc5b4 ub098ub098ub098ub098ub098uba38ub9acub05d ubd80ud130 ubc1cub05d uae4cuc9c0 ube44uc96cuc5bcuc740 uc1fcud06cub0b4 uac10uac01uc740 uc18cubb38ub09c uafbc uc55euc11cuac00ub294 ucd09ub0a8ub4e4ubcf4ub2e4ub294 ube60ub978 uac78uc74c ucc28uc6d0uc774 ub2e4ub978 uc80auc74cuc5bcuc74cuc5bcuc74cuc5bcuc74c Hold up ub098ub098ub098ub098ub098想跟上我的节奏就试试看吧 我是永远的歌者今夜我不受任何限制Mama just let me be your lover从混乱中脱身而出 nanananana从头到脚 外貌带给你冲击我的风格大名远扬 引领潮流走在他人前头 层次不同的年轻站住站住站住 Hold up nananananaub124 uc2ecuc7a5uc18cub9acuc5d0 ub9deuac8c ub6f0uae30 uc2dcuc791ud574 ub9c9uc774 ub05dub0a0 ub54cuae4cuc9c0 YE I can"t baby don"t stop thisuc624ub298uc740 ud0c0ub77dud574 (ubbf8uccd0 ubc1cuc545ud574) uac00ub294uac70uc57cWoo Fantastic Baby开始随着你的脉搏跳动吧直到那帷幕降下为止 YeI can"t baby don"t stop this今天随心堕落吧(疯狂放纵)Woo Fantastic BabyDance I wanna dan dan dan dan dance Fantastic BabyDance I wanna dan dan dan dan dance Fantastic BabyBoom Shakalaka x3 Dan dan dan dan danceub2e4 uac19uc774 ub180uc790 Ye ye yeub2e4 uac19uc774 ub6f0uc790 Ye ye yeub2e4 uac19uc774 ub3ccuc790 Ye ye yeub2e4 uac19uc774 uac00uc790Woo Fantastic BabyDance I wanna dan dan dan dan dance Fantastic BabyDance I wanna dan dan dan dan dance Fantastic BabyBoom Shakalaka x3 Dan dan dan dan dance一起玩乐吧 Ye ye ye一起跳动吧 Ye ye ye一起疯狂吧 Ye ye ye一起出发吧Woo Fantastic Baby

power point中怎么画绘制箭头

powerpoint可以绘制箭头,具体操作如下:一、使用工具:powerpoint 2010二、操作步骤:1、进入powerpoint 2010,点击”插入“工具栏中的”形状,然后选择带箭头的直线或箭头总汇中的异形箭头,如图:2、然后在文档中按住鼠标拖动进行绘制箭头即可,如图:

求 Tentacle and Witches~第4话 俺、ハーレムENDです~,谢谢!


wps演示文稿和power point 有何区别

power point是微软公司生产的软件office中的用来制作演示文稿的软件.其功能差不多的.你喜欢用那个也可以的,制作出来的效果是一样的.

城市和乡村生活的区别 the difference between city life and country life

用the differences between city life and country life.

求Tentacle and Witches全集


求 Tentacle and Witches~第4话 俺、ハーレムENDです~,


[PIXYZIZ(ピクシージズ)]Tentacle and Witches~第4话 俺、ハーレムENDです~求1.2.3


Power point与word相比有哪些优点


在power point 中,插入幻灯片的操作可以在哪里进行?

菜单里插入 新幻灯片或左边的视图里右键新幻灯片

为什么安装好的power point 打不开?


求一篇英语作文city life vs country life ,急啊,先谢谢了

As far as we know, city life and country life both have their advantages and disadvantages.Let"s begin with city life.City life has three advantages. First, living in city is more convenient than that in country. Since we have so many shopping mores, super markets and a variety of stations which you can go wherever you want, city life seems more convenient that country life. Second, you may have access to further education if you live in city because it seems that nice colleges are often built in city . Third, living in city sort of means a better future.Besides, city life also has its disadvantages, such as traffic jam, different kinds of pollution and so on.Then let"s come to the country life. Country life has its own advantages, too. For example, you can enjoy the fresh air, the beautiful scene and less pressure if you live in a country. However, if you live there, you need to face its unenlightened living facilities.字数有点小多 你酌情删减吧 我写的注重城市你适当修改就好PS:抄袭的人请自重

写一篇英语作文主题是city life or country life

Some people prefer city life due to its convenience and modern fashion, and think the country life is lacking of too much these urban elements. However, some people still long for the natural way of country life. In fact, every thing in the world always has both the good points and the bad points. Life in city and country is the same. Modern city provides much more convenient elements with development going on, such as education, health care, employment, main progress in science and technology, etc. While country life is regarded as the approach to nature and peaceful time. We all know modern advance has aroused great tension between social development and nature. We need develop, but we also need the home. Therefore, we must find a balance between development and nature. Meanwhile, we should bring harmony in city and country life so that we can enjoy both the developing as well as the natural gifts.

power point2010默认有几种板式

有四种板式母版类型包括幻灯片母版、标题母版、讲义母版和备注母版. “母版”主要是针对于同步更改所有幻灯片的文本及对象而定的,例如我在母版上放入一张图片,那么所有的幻灯片的同一位置都将显示这张图片,如果想修改幻灯片的“母版”,那必须要将视图切换到“幻灯片母版”视图中才可以修改幻灯片的

java定义一个类 Student要求:1),属性:学号 姓名 班级 年龄 都定义成私有的

Student.javapublic class Student {private String studentId;private String studentName;private String studentClass;private int studentAge;public Student(){}public Student(String studentId,String studentName,String studentClass,int studentAge){this.studentId = studentId;this.studentName = studentName;this.studentClass = studentClass;this.studentAge = studentAge;}public String getStudentId() {return studentId;}public void setStudentId(String studentId) {this.studentId = studentId;}public String getStudentName() {return studentName;}public void setStudentName(String studentName) {this.studentName = studentName;}public String getStudentClass() {return studentClass;}public void setStudentClass(String studentClass) {this.studentClass = studentClass;}public int getStudentAge() {return studentAge;}public void setStudentAge(int studentAge) {this.studentAge = studentAge;}@Overridepublic String toString() {return "Student{" +"studentId="" + studentId + """ +", studentName="" + studentName + """ +", studentClass="" + studentClass + """ +", studentAge=" + studentAge +"}";}}Test.java//引用 Student.javapublic class Student {public static void main(String [] args){Student student1 = new Student("","","",18);Student student2 = new Student("","","",20);System.out.println(student1.toString()+" "+student2.toString());}}

5、Word、 Excel、 Power Point 的常见用法是?

Word、Excel、Power Point的常见用法:Word的常见用法:主要是文字处理,常用于书写论文、报告等;Excel的常见用法:主要是数据的记录、分析、处理,常用于库管、财务数据等;PowerPoint的常见用法:主要是制作演示文档,常用于教学文档编辑、演讲稿等。

Tentacle and Witches游戏问题


power point打不开,要选择什么打开方式?或者怎样才能打开啊?


power point怎么保存文档到桌面

方法1:在选择文件保存路径的时候单击桌面即可。 1、点击文档文件,“另存为”。 2、单击保存路径为桌面,点击保存即可。 方法2:直接右键单击文件“复制”,并将文件粘贴在桌面上即可。 1、右键点击需要保存的文件,单击“复制”。 2、返回桌面,右键点击“粘贴”即可。

英语作文Which life do you prefer ? Country life or city life? Wh?

Which Life Do You Prefer: Country Life or City Life?Both country life and city life have their own unique advantages and disadvantages. Personally, I prefer city life because it offers more opportunities and convenience.City life provides access to a variety of resources and services, ranging from high-quality education and healthcare to recreational activities and entertainment. The presence of large companies and industries also means that there are more job opportunities available, with higher salaries and greater career advancement prospects.In addition, city life is culturally diverse, providing exposure to different people, languages, and ideas. This encourages growth and development of a more open-minded perspective on the world, which can be an invaluable asset.Of course, city life also has its drawbacks compared to country life. The fast pace of urban life can be overwhelming and stressful, with crowded streets and high levels of pollution. Additionally, living in the city can be expensive, with higher living costs and less space available.On the other hand, country life provides a slower pace of life, with peaceful surroundings and greater access to natural beauty. There is less stress and more opportunity for relaxation, with fresh air and a more relaxed lifestyle.In conclusion, while both country life and city life have their own advantages and disadvantages, I prefer city life because it offers more opportunities, convenience, and exposure to diversity. However, I believe that each individual should choose their own lifestyle based on their own personal preferences and needs.



什么是power point 啊????



tentaclelocker查看柜子:首先玩家需要进入到游戏的主页面可以看到房门的图标,点击即可开始游戏;接着根据页面提示的内容随意点击一个角色的性别创建即可进行到下一步;在右侧的位置可以看到:露出马脚的柜子,点击依稀即可达成关卡挑战获取初始资源。Tentacle Locker柜子这是一款当下非常热门的休闲类闯关游戏,清新卡通的画风,简单的操作方式,玩家们需要找到躲在柜子中的女孩。游戏特色:完成柜子和女生之间的互动,在校园内度过一段美好的时光,解锁众多趣味性的玩法;充满了多个趣味性的挑战玩法,可以和其他女生一起上课,开启柜子完成抓捕任务以及其他的操作。


power points 词性及解释 功率点 Power Point Power Point简称PPT.Power Point是微软公司出品的office 软件系列重要组件之一(还有Excel,Word等).Microsoft Office PowerPoint 是一种演示文稿图形程序,文件扩展名为.ppt.Power Point是功能强大的演示文稿制作软件。可协助您独自或联机创建永恒的视觉效果。它增强了多媒体支持功能,利用Power Point制作的文稿,可以通过不同的方式播放,也可将演示文稿打印成一页一页的幻灯片,使用幻灯片机或投影仪播放,可以将您的演示文稿保存到光盘中以进行分发,并可在幻灯片放映过程中播放音频流或视频流。对用户界面进行了改进并增强了对智能标记的支持,可以更加便捷地查看和创建高品质的演示文稿。

《tentacle locker》口香糖女孩解锁攻略

《tentacle locker》游戏中很多玩家想知道口香糖女孩怎么解锁获得,那么今天我就给大家介绍一下tentacle locker口香糖女孩解锁攻略,有需要的小伙伴不要错过了。 《tentacle locker》口香糖女孩解锁攻略 1、首先玩家先抓住一个使用触手口香糖的女孩穿过储物柜。 2、按一下空间,那位年轻的女士将被口香糖所吸引,就像触手一样。 3、利用游戏内的按钮在储物柜中移动,并留出空间来触发动作。 4、观看时,利用触手SPACE与口香糖接触即可。

在新建里面添加power point 2016


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power point无法从所选文件插入影片。请检查路径和文件名是否正确,然后再试 是怎么回事?


如何在power point做直方图


Power point制作电子相册有哪些优、缺点

  PowerPoint,是微软公司的演示文稿软件。用户可以在投影仪或者计算机上进行演示,也可以将演示文稿打印出来,制作成胶片,以便应用到更广泛的领域中。  用PowerPoint制作电子相册有许多优点:  1,简单易学;且在Windows环境下,Powerpoint是创建演示文稿最方便的工具软件,并且支持视频和声音,可在演示文稿的幻灯片中地插入表格、图象、声音、文本文件等多媒体信息。  2,用Powerpoint制作的演示文稿费时较少;操作简便、修改方便,共享性强。 Powerpoint通过超级链接实现交互,具有一定的交互性,适合制作对动画要求不高的演示课件。  当然也有一些缺点:  1,与Flash等工具相比,PowerPoint有一个明显的缺点,那就是制作的课件体积相对较大,传播和发布不太方便。虽然可以手工压缩图片,但比较麻烦。  2,PowerPoint交互能力不行,需要使用到控件和VB语言才行,操作不是那么方便。 动画比较简单


当然不是啦,原则上正版的windows操作系统是不集成powerpoint,powerpoint(下面我们还是简称PPT吧!)是属于Microsoft office的办公套件,而MS office是收费的软件!所以电脑原则上是不带PPT的。但是,我说的是原则上,而实际上,中国大陆的一般用户的一般用户使用正版的还是很少的,很多时候都是在使用盗版的,而盗版的基本上都是Ghost版的,里面是集成了很多的软件的,其中基本上都会集成MS office的。如果你的电脑上没有安装MS office的话,那就去网上找一个安装上,现在一般流行2003、2007、2010、2013这四个版本的!当然,如果嫌麻烦的话,那可以试试国产的office软件,比如WPS office、永中 office。这些套件的个人版基本上都是免费的,里面也包含了类似PPT的软件的!

在power point中,“动画”和“切换”功能有什么不同?



是的,只要你下载power point这个软件。


方法如下:操作工具:vivo X9操作系统:Funtouch OS 7.127软件:tentaclelockerv8.21、首先玩家进入到下载页面之后,点击安卓版下载。2、之后会检测包是否安全,然后点击下载。3、然后下载完成之后点击安装。4、然后点击允许。5、之后点击继续安装。6、最后就可以将tentaclelocker成功的安装到自己的手机中了。

电脑中的power point在哪?

Microsoft Office PowerPoint,是微软公司的演示文稿软件。用户可以在投影仪或者计算机上进行演示,也可以将演示文稿打印出来,制作成胶片,以便应用到更广泛的领域中。利用Microsoft Office PowerPoint不仅可以创建演示文稿,还可以在互联网上召开面对面会议、远程会议或在网上给观众展示演示文稿。Microsoft Office PowerPoint做出来的东西叫演示文稿,其格式后缀名为:ppt、pptx;或者也可以保存为:pdf、图片格式等。2010及以上版本中可保存为视频格式。演示文稿中的每一页就叫幻灯片,每张幻灯片都是演示文稿中既相互独立又相互联系的内容1、打开ppt文件需要安装Microsoft Office PowerPoint办公软件,下载Microsoft Office PowerPoint的方法有两种,如果你电脑上有安装360安全卫士,那么可以通过安全卫士打开360软件管家,搜索Microsoft Office就能找到下载资源了,也可以下载wps,下载安装到电脑上。2、第二种下载方法是通过百度搜索“Microsoft Office”就能找到Microsoft Office的官方下载渠道和软件网站的下载渠道,下载后直接安装就可以了。3、如果软件是从软件网站下载的,那么安装的时候需要注意取消一些捆绑的程序安装。4、安装完成后就可以看到打不开的ppt文件图标变了,如图,双击就可以打开ppt文件查看里面的内容了。5、如果觉得ppt文件打开查看不方便,可以将ppt文件转换成word文件。打开ppt文件后,选择文件菜单下的转为“WPS文字文档”,就可以实现转换了。

tentacle locker柜子里发生了什么

tentacle locker柜子里发生的事情主要依据玩家选择扮演的是小女孩还是触手怪,选择的不同将有不同的事件发生,具体是:1、触手怪:触手怪将抓住柜子前的小女孩,倘若柜门打开后柜子前没有小女孩则算作失败,可以继续移动不同的柜子寻找小女孩。其中,玩家需要把握好节奏,卡在小女孩抵达柜子前的时间点开启柜子门。2、小女孩:玩家需要收集各种道具和武器,小心柜子,避免被触手怪抓住,否则就会发生不可描述的事情。tentacle locker触手怪位置怎么判断触手怪会在不同的柜子里移动,当触手怪抵达一个柜子的时候,giant柜子上会有一个一个粉红色像灯一样的东西亮起来,这就是玩家判断触手怪位置的重要方法。王者之心2点击试玩

Clark County是什么意思

Clark County克拉克县Clark County[地名] [美国] 克拉克县;



如何在power point中插入视频?

ppt插入视频有三种办法:1、直接插入。打开ppt——插入——影片和声音——文件中的影片(如果格式不能被识别,就用格式工厂软件转一下格式);2、插入控件的办法插入视频。打开ppt——插入——对象——新建:选择windows media player——在ppt中按住左键拖画一个窗口——右击此窗口——属性——在属性对话框中:点"自定义"右的省略号按钮——浏览到视频;((如果格式不能被识别,就用格式工厂软件转一下格式)3、外部链接。在ppt中选中一个对象(文字,图片均可)右键——超级链接——浏览到视频。(播放时最好先打开播放器软件,最小化,等待幻灯片播放时点击链接激活)


contribute和attribute指代不同,用法不同,侧重点不同。Attribute的意思是把…归因于;contribute的意思为是…的原因之一。attribute指人或物及其地位、属性的象征;contribute指选定象征一个国家、民族或家庭等的图案或实物。attribute用作动词的基本意思是“归因于”,指“把某事归因于某人〔某事〕”“认为某作品出自某人之手”“认为某事〔物〕属于某人〔物〕”,常用于attributesth to sb/sth 结构。 contribute可表示“捐赠,捐献”“促成,组成…的一部分”,还可作“贡献(意见、建议等)”解,有时可指“投稿”。作不及物动词,其后常加介词to。 This book contributes little to our understanding of the subject. 此书对我们了解这门学科助益甚少。 She contributed a number of articles to the magazine. 她给这家杂志撰写了一些稿件。 She attributes her success to hard work and a little luck. 她认为她的成功来自勤劳和一点运气。 The committee refused to attribute blame without further information. 如果没有进一步的情况,委员会拒绝归罪于任何人。
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