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AXENT恩仕的元智能马桶是无水箱设计的哦,它采用的是iFlush 3.0冲水系统,自带增压设计,能够自适应家里的水压,所以即便没有高高的水箱,也冲得很干净⌄关键是还很省水,非常符合现在节能环保的理念。






AXENT恩仕本身作为革新智能卫浴标准的引领者,产品的智能性是毋庸置疑的,就拿我家用的META 元智慧马桶来讲吧,它是可以避免用手直接接触的,站在马桶前߅抬一下手,马桶圈就可以自己翻起来,很方便,也更安全卫生。


2021年3月17日,深圳时尚家居设计周暨第36届深圳国际 家具 展览会盛大启幕,来自欧洲的智能 卫浴 品牌--AXENT瑞士恩仕首度亮相,以【浴·无界】为主题,为观众演绎了一场未来浴室形态的解码盛会。知名设计师黄志达老师的设计与恩仕所展现的智慧生活场景引来无数大咖前来,多名港澳高端酒店业主、设计师精英、媒体朋友纷纷云集展位。 01 AXENTx RWD黄志达 关于未来卫浴空间的想象 本次展会,AXENT恩仕携手RWD设计团队,通过产品与生活场景的结合展示,为人们打造出关于未来卫浴空间的想象。整个展位在恩仕自身的品牌基调上,营造了一个简洁明亮的空间,融入小面积鲜亮的色块设计,也为品牌注入了年轻与活力。展位按功能区划分,每个区域都承载着具体功能和主要任务,令不同人群都能获得最佳的观展体验。 智能卫浴空间,这里展示了恩仕各系列的智能卫浴产品,他们不仅是科技与家居的完美融合,也是使用空间和 环保 理念的完美融合。 作为智能卫浴领军新秀,恩仕致力于将水、电、声、光、气、味等各种体验智慧互联,通过云服务打破时空界限,打造水·智·云结合的智慧体验空间,为生活创造更多可能性。 五金马桶集中展示区,则是以“家居博物馆”的概念打造,配合博物馆空间的陈列方式。 既为展厅增添了艺术氛围,也让参展观众的视线自然落在主体产品上。 其实,家也是一个博物馆,展品就是我们的生活藏品。 而展位中最大的亮点,应当要数“情景展示区”。RWD设计团队通过两大风格迥异的卫浴空间场景进行搭配,同时利用一个标志性的艺术装置作为卫浴空间的自然分隔线。 形成明显对比的同时也很好地塑造了品牌的记忆点,让大家直接感受到“标准空间里不标准的生活体验”。 02 设计美学x智能体验 新品浴室柜首度亮相 此外,本次设计周也是AXENT恩仕与RWD联名的全系列浴室柜首度亮相。六款浴室柜放置在不同套间,灰调调和下弱化边缘的氛围,也带来了温柔高级的质感。 其中,“垒”以工业风为灵感,开放的置物架,交错的置物层板,将收纳空间立体分层,同时提高了柜体的利用率及使用自由度。 “莱蔓”和“拉尼”二者则专注于卫浴空间利用率的转化,可移动功能收纳配件,实用性更高,互动性更强,也更具趣味,打破了固有家居不可移动的局限性。 “水天一线”、“云杉”、“雪山”则皆以自然风光为灵感,为卫浴空间注入了一份自然气息。 而在这之间,“水天一线”则带来了更多惊喜,除打破常规的柜体结构与设计之外,点睛之笔还在于它融入了恩仕最为擅长的智能板块,“毛巾保温杀菌”及“护肤品冷藏”模块,为产品注入“温度”,将设计美学与智能体验完美融合。 极简的设计配合经典的生活理念,追求精致外观的同时始终重视使用体验。关于未来浴室形态的想象,RWD设计团队将其付诸实践,在有限的展厅空间呈现出了卫浴空间的多种可能组合,让大家足不出馆,便可赏鉴恩仕带来的家居艺术品。 03 AXENTx深圳时尚家具展设计论坛 设计创造价值 3月20日下午,恩仕首席技术官方奕敏博士受邀参加展会专属活动,发表了“遇见智慧,发现奇迹”的主体演讲。在演讲内容中方奕敏博士再次提及了恩仕的目标:智慧改变生活,并对恩仕是如何在卫浴这个传统又平凡的行业中屡创奇迹、是如何实现设计和功能的和谐统一、又是如何让传统向智慧的迭代更新更加便捷做出了说明。 演讲结束后,方奕敏博士还与粤港澳大湾区酒店产业联合会秘书长安强、粤海(国际)酒店管理集团总裁王威、HBA董事合伙人李鹰、金螳螂设计院(北京)院长吴镝、金堂奖金.球评委孟建.国等嘉宾一同参与了 “后疫情时代,旅游度假酒店是否能成为中国酒店业的下一个增长点,以及会引发哪些有关设计与配套产品的技术变革”的讨论。 讨论中,方奕敏博士就在后疫情时代如何以小成本卫浴空间的变动来吸引顾客,以及如何以更加便捷的方式来实现酒店从传统步入智能的“轻”升级回应了主题。在消费者迭代、消费者日益追求个性化的消费情形下,卫浴空间也正在从单一走向多彩。不仅如此,卫浴的边界也越来越模糊,浴室的功能从原来“卫”与“浴”转向更加深远、广阔与个性化的层面。作为智能卫浴品牌的瑞士恩仕,一直在探索跨越与消除智能、美感、使用感边界的方式;探索以人为本,智慧服务生活,智慧改变生活的方法。跨越卫浴边界,消除智能与人的边界,让产品极简智美,让客户乐享生活。 当晚,由金堂奖全国联盟与深圳时尚家居设计周联合主办的“金堂奖盛典晚宴暨2020年度最佳作品颁奖典礼”,在深圳国际会展中心盛大举行。在这个中国最具规模和影响力的室内设计行业年度评选活动上,恩仕卫浴荣登设计师品牌推荐榜。恩仕品牌代表应邀出席典礼接受荣誉,并为年度精英设计师们颁奖。当晚的设计盛会上,主办方隆重宣布恩仕与金堂奖正式达成战略合作,双方将持续助力设计师公益活动,为卓越设计人才创造展示自我的舞台。 04 AXENT恩仕 聚焦颠覆创新,超越客户期待 2008年,瑞士高端卫浴品牌AXENT恩仕正式创立,总部位于瑞士“玫瑰之城”拉珀斯维尔,在美洲、欧洲、亚洲等地均设有分支机构,销售网点遍布全球,目前已有近800家门店。产品线涵盖智能坐便器,高端卫生洁具,浴室家具,浴缸、卫浴配件、进口五金及同层排水等。 作为智能卫浴产品的重要制造商和全球整体智能卫浴解决方案供应商,恩仕始终秉承瑞士的工匠精神,专注于尖端技术的研发,现已在世界范围内掀起智能卫浴浪潮。创立以来,恩仕不断脱颖而出,揽获诸多荣誉,受到高端客户、建筑师和设计师喜爱,被业界奉为品牌奇迹。 有人说,恩仕就像卫浴界的特斯拉,年轻时尚,借着智能卫浴的风口,向传统卫浴品牌发起了前所未有的冲击。而关于下一步,恩仕将继续秉承“聚焦颠覆创新,超越客户期待”的核心理念,成为全球数字卫浴引领者,让数字卫浴进入世界每一个家庭。



一首外文歌的名字,歌词里有o nana i want you baby






every time,the first time,the moment,each time相当于什么词

every time 每当…时the first time 第一次the moment 此刻each time 每一次…

C语言中定义int c[4][5],(*p)[5];p=c;其中p、p[0]、*p有什么区别?



http://www.chanet.com.cn/click.cgi?a=35727&d=22816&u=&e=46416 .

K.E. and momentum

更新1: so according to physics8801 k.e. increases as momentum? And in my testbook there isa question which looks something to the following. Object x collide with y and it is inelastic. It asks for the total energy loss. 更新2: The model wer calculates by calculating the total momentum in the system before and after collision are equal to eachother. And therefore finding the speed after collision and with the given speed of X before collision it calculates the loss of energy. 更新3: My question is why in both elastic and inelastic collisions the total momentum is conserved? Since inelastic collision part of the energy is trfered to heat and sound then the K.E. of of the moving bodies are decreased therefore their total momentum decreases. 更新4: Because as said momentum increases as K.E.d 更新5: since 1/2mv2 is the equation for K.E. therefore decrease of velocity = decrease of momentum is it not? 更新6: What if some of the momentum is trfered to internal energy? Does that still count as momentum? 更新7: in the collision of course Is K.E. proportional to momentum? No Why in collisions total momentum is conserved but not K.E.? The conservation of momentum is implied by Newton"s 1st law of motion and derived from the 3rd law of motion. This law bees the law of nature at present. Another law of nature is the conservation of energy. The K.E. is not conserved but trferred to other energies like heat work e K.E. bees zero because velocity is zero. Momentum mass x velocity is so defined as to describe objects in motion and relate it to define Force ( force is proportional to the rate of change of momentum) K.E. 1/2mass x velocity square is so defined as to describe the energy of objects in motion and related to Force by Work-done. Same for P.E. Simply Momentum --> Force --> Work --> Energy (K.E. or P.E.) or vise versa. In fact in calculation of collisions either momentum or energy conservation can be used. 2008-10-11 15:25:03 补充: Your description of the objects are not clear so making this issue confusing. Your description above probably me the moving bodies are colliding with another inelastic body. Another situation is the moving inelastic bodies are colliding with each other only. 2008-10-11 15:27:23 补充: IN the first case the total momentum of the system includes the moving bodies + the inelastic body. So after collision the momentum of the moving bodies decreases as the momentum of the inelastic body increases while the total momentum of the system remains unchanged. 2008-10-11 15:33:17 补充: "Since inelastic collision part of the energy is trfered to heat and sound then the K.E. of of the moving bodies are decreased therefore their total momentum decreases." is misleading. Only the momentum of the moving bodies decrease not the total momentum. 2008-10-11 15:40:38 补充: And the momentum decreases as a result of decrease in velocity not K.E. 2008-10-12 22:08:46 补充: cannot understand your question???? I repeat momentum or K.E. are used separately to describe moving bodies and there is no sense to relate both directly. Both are related as Momentum --> Force --> Work --> Energy (K.E. or P.E.) or vise versa. Please read in detail what I have presented above. Q: Is K.E. proportional to momentum? Kiic energy (KE) and momentum increase with one another i.e. an increase of momentum leads to an increase of KE and vice versa but the increase is NOT proportional. Q: Why in collisions total momentum is conserved but not K.E.? How does this work? Thank you. It is because of the special physical property of momentum that in an isolated system the quantity (momentum) is always conserved. The reason behind is that the impact force is related to rate of change of momentum with a proportional constant equal to unity. The independence of the proportional constant with mass and velocity of an object resulted in the conservation of momentum. On the other hand KE is only a form of energy. Energy is prone to change from one form to the other in any physical process. Collision is one of these processes that leads to the trfer of energy to other forms.

I Just want to be free in my world. 是什么意思

您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:I Just want to be free in my world翻译:我只是想要自由在我的世界里或者:我只想在属于自己的世界里自由自在的。百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。

Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth这是什么意思?


at the end of last month i made it to the US帮我翻译一下 里面的make it 可以忽略翻译??


DB2 SQL0104N An unexpected token "END-OF-STATEMENT" was found SQLSTATE=42601 SQLCODE=-104

你的sql语句写错了吗? 说下是在上面情况下出现的这个错误啊

At the end of the 16th century, above five to sev


MY World,I Rule! My World,I Control!


with perseverance comes a certain amunt of confidence句型分析


Le sable mouvant (End of may) 歌词

Le sable mouvant(流沙)演唱: Keren AnnMême si on y tient vraiment即便是真的喜欢那样Même dans les flammes du firmament去置身于尘世的火光Seuls dans le soleil couchant将孤单寄日暮的斜阳On ne s"y fait jamais pour autant可是从未有人是那样On ne dit rien 什么也别抱怨quand le temps assassin 在蚀骨消魂的时间Enterre nos amours périssables将我们死亡的爱情sous le sable mouvant在流沙中埋葬Je n"y ai vu que du feu, du vent在那里我只看到了火焰和风霜Telle qu"en moi-même et telle qu"avant 如同看见了我自己以及过去时光J"ai raté ma vie en deux temps我虚度了生命以双重的幻想Trop occupée à faire d"autres plans另一个占用了我太多的时光On ne dit rien 什么也别抱怨quand le temps assassin 在蚀骨消魂的时间Enterre nos amours périssables将我们死亡的爱情sous le sable mouvant在流沙中埋葬Même si on y tient vraiment 即便是真的喜欢那样Restons de glace restons élégants仍保持着冷静和漂亮Seuls dans le soleil couchant 将孤单寄日暮的斜阳On ne s"y fait jamais pour autant 可是从未有人是那样On ne dit rien 什么也别抱怨quand le temps assassin 在蚀骨消魂的时间Enterre nos amours périssables 将我们死亡的爱情sous le sable mouvant在流沙中埋葬On ne dit rien 什么也别抱怨quand le temps assassin在蚀骨消魂的时间Enterre nos amours périssables 将我们死亡的爱情sous le sable mouvant在流沙中埋葬http://music.baidu.com/song/3483357

until the end of may 怎么提问

Until when...

printf("************* ");为什么有2 个 和有时候一个N

两个 就是两次换行,为了美观吧,一个换行符可能离得比较近。very good 中间空格 , 没有影响。你用什么就输出什么是数字零 , 有空格。**************** Very Good!****************两个换行的区别**************** Very Good!****************

非高手勿回答。外贸中装运期(time of shipment)与交货期(time of delivery)的区别?


里面有句歌词是“I just want to know”是什么歌?女的唱的。英文歌

歌曲:Far Away From Home歌手:Groove Coverage填词:Groove Coverage谱曲:Groove Coverage歌词I am loving living every single day but sometimes I feel so.我是如此的享受每一天的生活,但有时也感到失落I hope to find a little peace of mind and I just want to know.想要寻找一个宁静的心灵空间,寻找一个答案And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.谁能安抚那些破碎的心,我们将何去何从Where is home on the Milky way of stars, I dry my eyes again.在广阔的星空下何处寻到我的家,我只得再一次地擦干泪眼In my dreams I am not so far away from home.梦中我从未曾远离家园What am I in a world so far away from home.现实中却如此远离家园All my life all the time so far away from home.有生以来我都远离家园Without you I will be so far away from home.没有你的相伴我依然远离家园If we could make it through the darkest night we have a brighter day.如果我们能穿越那最为黑暗的夜,我们将能拥有更光明的明天The world I see beyond your pretty eyes,透过你那明眸我看到了一个世界makes me want to stay.它是如此让我留恋And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,谁能安抚那些破碎的心and what are we to be.我们将何去何从Where is home on the Milky way of stars,渺茫星空,何处是家园I dry my eyes again.我只得再一次地擦干眼泪In my dreams I am not so far away from home.梦中我从未曾远离家园What am I in a world so far away from home.现实中却如此远离家园All my life all the time so far away from home.有生以来我都远离家园Without you I will be so far away from home.没有你的相伴我依然远离家园I count on you, no matter what they say,我是如此的依恋你,无论世人如何评说cause love can find it time.爱能找到属于自己的季节I hope to be a part of you again,我渴望再一次的与你相融baby let us shine.爱的结晶令我们沐浴光辉And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,谁能安慰那些破碎的心and what are we to be.我们将何去何从Where is home on the Milky way of stars,渺茫星空,何处是家园I dry my eyes again.我只得再一次地擦干泪眼In my dreams I am not so far away from home.梦中我从未曾远离家园What am I in a world so far away from home.现实中却如此远离家园All my life all the time so far away from home.有生以来我都远离家园Without you I will be so far away from home.没有你的相伴我依然远离家园In my dreams I am not so far away from home.梦中我从未曾远离家园What am I in a world so far away from home.现实中却如此远离家园All my life all the time so far away from home.有生以来我都远离家园Without you I will be so far away from home.没有你的相伴我依然远离家园扩展资料《Far Away From Home》是一首由Groove Coverage填词、谱曲、演唱的歌曲。该歌曲收录在专辑《Greatest Hits》中,由EMI公司发行于2007-11-05,该张专辑包含了31首歌曲。该歌曲其他版本:1、will.i.am演唱的《Far Away From Home》,该歌曲收录在专辑《#Willpower (Deluxe)》中,由环球唱片公司发行于2013-04-23,该张专辑包含了18首歌曲。2、贾小曼演唱的《Far Away From Home》,该歌曲收录在专辑《小曼大人翻唱集》中,发行于2016-11-08,该张专辑包含了10首歌曲。

1(If Youre Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To 歌词

歌曲名:1(If Youre Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To歌手:Weezer专辑:RatitudeWeezer - "(IF YOU"RE WONDERING IF I WANT YOU TO)I WANT YOU TO"Lyric By Blast Xiang.(Verse 1)The moon was shining on the lake at nightThe slayer T-shirt fit the scene just rightYour smeared mascaraI looked into your eyes and saw a lightYou told me stories about your chickadeesThey didn"t like BB guns or stupid archeryAnd John the lifeguard,He let them use the pool all day for freeThen the conversation stoppedAnd I looked down at my feetI was next to you and you were right there next to meThen I said:(Chrous)Girl, if you"re wondering if I want you to (I want you to)I want you toSo make them move (make them move)cause I ain"t got all night(Verse 2)The rest of the summer was the best we"ve ever hadWe watched Titanic and it didn"t make us sadI took you to Best BuyYou took me home to meet your mom and dadYour mom cooked meat loaf, even though I don"t eat meatI dug you so much, I took some for the teamYour dad was silentHis eyes were fixed to what was on TVAnd the conversation stopped, and I looked down at the ringYour folks were next to youAnd you were right there next to meAnd I said:(Chrous)Girl, if you"re wondering if I want you to (I want you to)I want you to (I want you to)I swear it"s true (swear it"s true)Without you my heart is blueGirl, if you"re wondering if I want you to (I want you to)I want you to (I want you to)So make the move (make the move)cause I ain"t got all night(Bridge)So much pain may come our wayThere may come a day when we have nothing left to say(Verse 3)When the conversation stops and we"re facing our defeatI"ll be next to you and you"ll be right there next to meThen I"ll say:(Chrous)Girl, if you"re wondering if I want you to (I want you to)I want you to (I want you to)I swear it"s true (swear it"s true)Without you my heart is blueOooooohGirl, if you"re wondering if I want you to (I want you to)I want you to (I want you to)So make the move (make the move)Cause I ain"t got all nighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/1696883

一道关于函数指针的题:return a>b 怎么能做函数的返回值,居然还是int型。。。

其实就是返回比较的结果:如果 a<b 成立则返回1,a < b不成立则就会0其实返回值的类型不重要,不要认为int只能存储数值,char只能存储字符,这只是表面的。其实无论数值还是字符,最终存储在计算机中的就是二进制数,数据类型的区别只在于它占用了几个Byte(几个Bit)地址空间。

ubuntu的libreoffice 很卡怎么办

菜单乱码,多数是因为字体问题。你的系统主题采用的是什么字体?你可以尝试改一下系统桌面主题的字体,看看libreoffice是否还乱码。或者你把libreoffice的旧的配置文件registrymodifications.xcu移动到别的地方,再由libreoffice自己生成新的配置看看:文件位置:documentsandsettings\%username%applicationdatalibreoffice4user egistrymodifications.xcu

为什么ubuntu中的libreoffice Calc删除不了


电阻的参数中有rated ambient temp.和rated terminal part temp.有什么区别

西威变频器调试资料 一. 西威变频器是由意大利生产的一种高性能的驱动器,在国内最先是由西子OTIS应用的,在匹配同步电机方面有着独特的优越性:首先该驱动器的PI功能相当丰富,可以细分为4段(包括一个零速PI),而且宽度可调,所以在匹配无齿电机时可以不加予负载,启动不会有倒溜的情况发生;其次它内部有两套自整定程序:一是电机参数自整定,它可以自动的整定出电机的相间电感和电阻常数,避免了由于电机厂家提供电机参数不全而导致调试难度的提高;另一个是无齿定位自整定,该程序是检测编码器和电机磁极相对应的位置。 二. 配线说明: U1,1,W1变频器的进线输入 U2,2,W2变频器的输出 +BR1,-C 接制动电阻 1,2模拟量输入端 12(ENERGE)使能 13(FWD)正转 14(RE)反转 19(COM) 公共端 36(SPD1)多段速1 37(SPD2)多段速2 38(SPD3)多段速3 80,82(DRIE OK)故障输出 83,85(BRAKE)抱闸检测输出 由于变频器内部控制板的0和变频器的地是连通的,而我们主板的0和地是不连通的,在有些场合,变频器的0和主板的0就存在着压差,会导致主板反馈口或变频器分频卡的损坏。变频器控制板上(拆下分频卡就可以看到)有个S24的跳线,需将该跳线拔掉(3.5版请剪掉S35的连接线),变频器中的零和地就分开了,小功率的变频器中电源板上还有个红色的S1跳线,位置就在风扇控制线的下方,必须拔掉S1跳线才可能将零和地彻底分开,另外请注意,控制板上也有个S1的跳线,用于版本的初始化,这跳线不能拔去,否则所有参数将全部初始化。如果实在不能分开,请将开关电源上的0和地连起来,这就保证变频器控制板的0和主板的0同电位。 编码器:XS插座 分频卡EXP-E上的XF0端子 分频卡上的跳线S1,S2决定分频系数,1分频(S1-OFF,S2-OFF),2分频(S1-OFF,S2-ON),4分频(S1-ON,S2-OFF),8分频(S1-ON,S2-ON) 编码器尽量选用海德汉的型,而编码器有些地方能匹配,有些地方却不行。 关于的接线请注意: 将插件正对着看,上面有凸出部分为TOP,上层为b,下层为a,从右到左分别使1到7; 其接线如下: 6b(A+),2a(A-),3b(B+),5a(B-),4b(R+),4a(R-),7b(C+),1a(C-),2b(D+),6a(D-),1b(5),5b(0) 三. 菜单和参数:(参数以宁波欣达的WYJ-D--S6同步主机为例) 主机参数:曳引轮直径mm,梯速2.5m/s,曳引比:2:1 额定转速:r/min 功率:17.4KW 电流42A 反电势: 转矩: 频率:47HZ Menus:(一级目录) 1. MONITOR(监控) 2. STARTUP(启动) 3. TRAEL(驱动) 4. REGULATION PARAM(调节参数) 5. I-O CONFIG(I-O配置) 6. ALARM CONFIG(配置) 7. COMMUNICATION(通讯) 8. APPL CARD CONFIG(APPL卡配置) 9. CUSTOM FUNCTIONS(客户功能) 10. SERICE(服务功能:无齿自动定位用) 二级目录介绍 STARTUP: 1. Startup config( 启动配置) (1).Enter setup mode DRIE DATA Mains voltage Ambient temp 40 Switching fre 8kHz Spd ref/fbk res 0.rpm(SIN/COS编码器要设为该值) MOTOR DATA Rated voltage Rated current 42 A Rated speed rpm Pole pairs(极对数)12 请注意该值为极数的一半:P=f*/N=47*/=24 Torue constant /42=16. Nm/A(根据额定转矩除以额定电流算出来) EMF constant (反电势) *s(该参数设为0,电机自学习时可自动读入) Stator resist (定子阻值) ohm(该参数设为0,电机自学习时可自动读入) LsS inductance (阻抗值) H(该参数设为0,电机自学习时可自动读入)电机自整定时,请一定要将上面3个参数设为0,否则可能会导致变频器有给定而没有输出电流的情况发生。 CURREG AUTOTUNE RESULTS Measured Rs ohm Measured DTL Measured DTS ohm Measured LsSig H 电机自学习: 设定好电机参数,? 进入Autotune ,再按Start? ? 短接变频器使能; 按面板上I键,出现进度表? 自动进行电机自学习;? 学习完毕后要用Load setup 菜单保存参数? (2).Load setup(保存设置)用于储存自学习电机参数 (3).Mechanical data(机械数据) Travel units sel 选择Millimeters Gearbox ratio 变速比 2 Pulley diameter 曳引轮直径 Full scale speed 满速 注意:机械数据一定要在电机自学习后才能设定,否则可能会出现有给定变频器无电流输出的现象。 (4).Weights Car weight (轿箱重量) kg Counter weight(对重重量) kg Load weight(载重量) kg Rope weight (钢丝绳重量) kg Motor inertia (电机惯量) 0.1 kg*m2 Gearbox inertia (变速箱惯量) kg*m2 (5).Landing zone(停靠区域)提前开门用 Landing control disable 设为无效 (6).Encoders config(编码器设置) Speed fbk sel Std encoder Std enc type 1. SinusoidalHall(正弦)。 2. SinusoidalSinCos(正余弦编码器)选这项 3. SinusoidalExtern 4. DigitalHall 5. DigitalExtern 6. SinCos 7. Resolver 8. SinusoidalHiper Std enc pulses ppr Std dig enc mode 1. FP mode 2. F mode 选1 Std enc supply 1. 5.41/8.16 2. 5.68/8.62 3. 5.91/9.00 4. 6.16/9.46 选1 Std sin enc p 0.5 (7).Motor protection Motor OL control 1.Disabled 2.Enabled 选1 (8).BU protection(制动电阻保护) BU control 1.Internal 2.External 3.off 选1 BU res ol time 60S (制动电阻过载保护时间,请设大否则空载上行容易过压保护) BU resistance 12.5 ohm(照实际阻值设) BU res cont pwr 4 kw(照实际功率设) (9).Load default(载入出厂参数) (10).Load saved(载入上次保存参数) 2. Regulation mode(调节模式) 注:手动无齿定位时用,新版本程序在SERICE菜单中可自动无齿定位。 3. Save config(保存配置) TRAEL: 1. Speed profile(速度给定) Smooth start spd: mm/s(平滑启动速度) Multi speed 0: mm/s Multi speed 1: mm/s 检修半速(75) Multi speed 2: 开门再平层速度(50) Multi speed 3: 爬行(50) Multi speed 4: 检修() Multi speed 5: 单层() Multi speed 6: 双层() Multi speed 7: 多层() Max linear speed: mm/s(最大线速度) 该参数就是额定梯速,由曳引轮直径和转速自动换算出来。 2. Ramp profile MR0 acc ini jerk: rpm/s2(开始加速时的加加速度) MR0 acceleration: rpm/s(加速度) MR0 acc end jerk rpm/s2(结束加速时的加加速度) MR0 dec ini jerk rpm/s2(开始减速时的减减速度) MR0 deceleration rpm/s(减速度) MR0 dec end jerk rpm/s2(结束减速时的减减速度) MR0 end decel rpm/s(结束运行时的减速度) 3. Lift seuence Cont close delay (接触器闭合延时) ms Brake open delay (抱闸打开延时) 0 ms Smooth start dly (平滑启动延时) 0 ms Brake close dly (抱闸闭合延时) ms Cont open delay (接触器打开延时) ms Door open speed : mm/s 注意:该值不能设太小,否则可能会出现DB err 故障 4. Speed reg gains(速度环PI) SpdP1 gain% 7 %(速度环比例增益1)高速 SpdI1 gain% 1.2 %(速度环积分增益1)高速 SpdP2 gain% 13 %(速度环比例增益2)中速 SpdI2 gain% 3.2 %(速度环积分增益2)中速 SpdP3 gain% 13 %(速度环比例增益3)低速 SpdI3 gain% 3.2 %(速度环积分增益3)低速 Spd 0 enable 1.Disable 2.Enable as spd 0 3.Enable as start 选择3 Spd 0 P gain% 16 %(零速比例增益) Spd 0 I gain% 20 %(零速积分增益) Sfbk der base ms Sfbk der filter 5 ms Prop filter 3 ms 5. Speed thresholds(速度门限) Spd 0 ref thr 1 rpm Spd 0 ref delay ms Spd 0 speed thr 0 rpm Spd 0 spd delay ms SGP tran21 h thr 15 % SGP tran32 I thr 1 % SGP tran21 band 2 % SGP tran32 band 2 % 6. Ramp function(斜率功能) Ramp out enable :Enabled/Disabled(模拟量请设为Disabled,数字量设Enabled) Ramp shape 1.S-Shaped 2.Linear 选1 7. Speed setpoint (1) Speed ref src Speed ref 1 src 1.LZ speed ref (数字量给定) 2.An inp1 output(模拟量给定) 选1 Speed ref 2 src 1.Int speed ref 2/… Speedref inv src NULL/DOWN cont mon(选择该项可使模拟量时有下行)/… (2) Speed ref cfg Int speed ref 1 rpm(模拟量可以调整10电压对应转速) 8. Travel-Save Parameters(保存参数) REGULATION PARM:(该菜单的参数要在SERICE中输入,后才能修改) 1. Spd regulator(速度调整) (1) Spd regulator percent values(速度环调整百分值) SpdP1 gain%: 9.99 %(速度比例1增益) SpdI1 gain%: 13.12 %(速度积分1增益) (2).Spd regulator base values(速度环调整基准值) SpdP base value:18 A/rpm(无齿需调整到最大18) SpdI base value: A/rpm/s(无齿需调整到最大) *按SHIFT键,再按HELP键,就可出现该数据的设定范围。 2. Curr regulator(电流环调整) 3. Regulation param(3.5版的软件在该菜单下进行无齿定位)进入Flux config,选择Magnetiz config 出现Autophase rot(旋转整定,选择Still是静止整定),按Start开始。 4. Save Parameters(保存参数) I-O CONFIG: 1. Analog inputs(模拟输入) (1) Std og inps 1. Analog input 1(端子1和2) An inp 1 cfg An inp 1 type:-10…+10/0-20,0-10(模拟量时选该项) 2. Digital outputs(数字量输出) (1) Std digital outs 1.Std dig out src DO 0 src: Drive OK/….(变频器故障,端子80和82) DO 1 cont mon/…(抱闸输出等同于运行,端子83和85) 2.Std dig out cfg DO 0 inverted/Inverted(选择Inverted可使变频器故障点由出厂的常闭点变为常开点) 3. I-O Config-Save Parameters SERICE:(是,)(无齿定位)在3.5版本的软件中该菜单不能进入。 在Insert password中输入 在Check password 中选择Brushless(无齿轮),再选择Autophasing(自动相位测试),然后按Start,接下来短接变频器的使能和方向,面板上出现进度表,整定的值在SinCos/Res off: .2 deg 中 切记整定后千万要在STARTUP中用SAE CONFIG来保存参数 如果整定完毕电梯开出来电机电流很大,说明电机相序有可能反了,只要任意交换电机主回路的两相线就可以了,交换后不需要重新做自学习。 *如何将参数全部初始化:在check password中选择size change,然后size config 在sel drive size 中改变功率设置,然后退出,再进入Restart复位。 然后再到sel drive size 中将功率改回来,再退出,再进入Restart 复位。全部数据将被初始化。这真的很难一下子说明白最好上硬之城看看吧。

求linux大神! Ubuntu LibreOffice Calc3 打开xlsx文件

现在LibreOffice 4.1都已经出来了。你为什么还用3.5这样老的版本呢。新版本已经对XLSX文件做了不少错误修正,请先升级你的软件。直接到libreoffice官方网站下载deb安装包进行安装即可。安装命令sudo dpkg -i *.deb或者使用软件中心打开进行安装。或者运行安装包里面的install安装脚本。


1查看dpkg的帮助。选择 dpkg -l来查看软件的状态。选择 dpkg -P来卸载软件。因为dpkg --remove只是删除安装的文件,但不删除配置文件。而dpkg --purge则安装文件和配置文件都删除。2先列举出libreoffice相关的软件,看哪些是已经安装的。命令为: dpkg -l libreoffice*3其中,un, ii, rc等是Desired和StatusDesired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/HoldStatus=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pendii就是已经安装的软件, rc则表示已经被删除,但配置文件还存在。

vlan internal allocation policy ascending什么意思?

vlan 的内部分配策略使用升序方式这个是内部vlan分配置方式 vlan从****开始向上递增分配而已


一个最简单的例子<script language=vb runat=server>sub butclick(sender as object, e as commandeventargs)response.write(e.CommandArgument)end sub</script><body><form runat=server><asp:linkbutton runat=server text="测试" CommandArgument="输出参数" oncommand="butclick" /></form></body>

Pop Danthology 2012和2013里面都有什么歌曲啊急需

Pop Danthology 2013pop danthology 201200:01 Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa - Payphone 00:02 The Wanted - Glad You Came 00:04 Flo Rida - Whistle 00:19 Christina Aguilera - Your Body 00:21 (CHORUS:Gym Class Heroes feat. Neon Hitch - Ass Back Home)00:24 Usher - Scream 00:35 Ellie Goulding - Lights 00:39 Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - Dance Again 00:41 Chris Brown - Dont Wake Me Up 00:46 LMFAO - Sorry For Party Rocking 00:50 Fun. - Some Nights 00:56 Kelly Clarkson - Stronger 01:05 Far East Movement feat. Justin Bieber - Live My Life 01:11 Jessie J-Domino 01:13 Chris Brown - Turn Up The Music 01:28 Calvin Harris feat. Ne-Yo - Lets Go 01:32 Maroon 5 - One More Night 01:43 Carly Rae Jepson - Call Me Maybe 01:51 P!nk - Blow Me (One Last Kiss)01:59 Flo Rida feat. Sia - Wild Ones 02:03 Rita Ora - How We Do (Party) 02:29 Adele-Set Fire To The Rain 02:43 Katy Perry-Part Of Me 03:00 Ne-Yo - Let Me Love You 03:02 Demi Lovato - Give Your Heart a Break 03:33 Fun-We Are Young (VERSE, PRECHORUS: We Are Young vs Karmin - Brokenhearted)03:43 Katy Perry-Wild Wake 03:48 Nelly Furtado - Big Hoops 04:01 Justin Bieber-Boyfriend 04:04 Cher Lloyd - Want U Back 04:11 (CHORUS:Tyga - Rack City)04:22 Owl City/Carly Rae Jepsen-Good Time 04:29 Nicki Minaj-Starships 04:36 PSY-GangnamStyle 04:37 Alex Clare-Too Close 04:40 Usher-Climax 04:42 Justin Bieber-As Long As You Love Me 04:51 Ke$ha-Die Young 04:54 One Direction-What Makes You Beautiful 05:07 Rihanna-Diamonds 05:13 Nicki Minaj-Pound The Alarm 05:15 Rihanna-Where Have You Been 05:43 Adele-Skyfall 05:47 David Guetta feat. Sia - Titanium 06:15 One Direction--Live While We Are Young 06:25 will.i.am/Eva Simons-This is love 06:27 Chris Brown/Pitbull-International love 06:30 David Guetta - I Can Only Imagine 06:37 Swedish House Mafia - Dont You Worry Child 06:40 Gotye feat. Kimbra - Somebody That I Used To Know 06:45 Enrique Iglesias feat. Sammy Adams - Finally Found You 07:00 Zedd feat. Matthew Koma - Spectrum 07:15 Madonna feat. M.I.A. Nicky Minaj - Give Me All Your Luvin 07:30 Owl City/Carly Rae Jepsen-Good Time

和pop danthology系列相似的英文串烧歌曲有木有

Top Pop Songs Of 2012 Mashup - DJ DrybonesPop Feeling 2012 (Top Of 2012 - 24 Song Mashup) - RedEye

Cisco command : Router(config)# vlan internal allocation policy ascending


ubuntu的libreoffice 很卡怎么办


centos6.5 怎么安装office

具体过程:1,下载libreoffice,有两个文件要下载LibreOffice_4.4.5_Linux_x86-64_rpm .tar.gzLibreOffice_4.4.5_Linux_x86-64_rpm_sdk.tar.gz2,解压到一个目录下[hadoop@Master ~]$ suPassword: [root@Master hadoop]# mkdir /usr/local/libreoffice [root@Master hadoop]# tar -zxvf LibreOffice_4.4.5_Linux_x86-64_rpm.tar.gz -C /usr/local/libreoffice/ [root@Master hadoop]# tar -zxvf LibreOffice_4.4.5_Linux_x86-64_rpm_sdk.tar.gz -C /usr/local/libreoffice/3,进入到的RPMS目录大的文件解压后,里面有两个目录readmes和RPMS,进入RPMS 4,切换到root 权限,执行 rpm -ivh *.rpm或rpm -ivh lib*[root@Master hadoop]# cd /usr/local/libreoffice/LibreOffice_4.4.5.2_Linux_x86-64_rpm[root@Master LibreOffice_4.4.5.2_Linux_x86-64_rpm]# cd RPMS[root@Master RPMS]# rpm -ivh lib*5,等待安装完成便可。

CentOS 7 网卡bond

系统: CentOS 7.6 需求: 实施: 进入 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ 目录,修改ifcfg-em1和ifcfg-em2网口配置文件 其中NAME与DEVICE修改成对应的网卡,随后创建bond网卡文件 ifcfg-bond0 ,内容如下: 心跳口bond如法炮制,完成后重启network服务 systemctl restart network ,发现无法正常重启,查看日志 cat /var/log/messages | grep network ,发现网卡无法启动,出错信息如下: Baidu了一下,都是关于停用NetWorkManger和添加MAC地址的错误方法,重启依然无法启动网络服务,后问Google,查到用ifconfig中的命名方式修改配置文件名,随后修改ifcfg-em1,ifcfg-em2,ifcfg-em3,ifcfg-em4为em1,em2,em3,em4,顺利重启服务,但是依然无法ping通地址,继续研究交换机是否开启802.3ad协商,发现都配置正确, 查看bond状态 cat /proc/net/bonding/bond0 ,发现一切正常,最后尝试 ifup em1&&ifup em2 顺利解决,如需删除bond,先删除ifcfg-bond0和ifcfg-bond1,然后还原em1,em2,em3,em4的默认配置,最后 rmmod bonding ,解除bond,重启network服务 systemctl restart network ,即可解除bond(如远程连接状态,请执行 rmmod bonding&&systemctl restart network ),恢复单网口模式。

什么是internet bond

什么是Bond  简单的说,bonding就是把多个物理网络接口绑定到一起,使它们就像一个网络接口那样运行。   通过Bonding技术,可以实现网口冗余,负载均衡,从而达到高可用高可靠的目的Bond的七种策略模式  Bond的七种策略模式(mode),其实指的是在传输数据包的时候,如何从已经绑定的接口中选择数据包传输的接口。是所有的接口都传输数据包(如mode=3),还是说从中选择一个或多个,怎么选择。   目前,Bonding有七种mode。各个模式的详细描述,可以参考内核源码包文件:Documentation/networking/bonding.txt

单词conscious conscientious quiet quite 的名词形式,动词,副词

conscious adj.有意识的 consciouslyadv.有意识地;自觉地 consciousnessn.意识,观念conscientious认真 conscientiousness责任心 conscientiously认真地quietness 名词 quietly adv 注:quiet:adj.清静的;僻静的;不起眼的;不激动的vt.& vi.安静下来,使…安静,平静vt.减轻(病痛、疑虑、恐惧等);[法律]确定(产权等)prep.克制的,稳重的,不张扬的n.宁静;寂静adv.安静地,平静地quite:ADV

有一首歌,英文的,有一段是 I want ......... na na na na....

是不是Akon的Right now(NA NA NA)?


bond和debenture的区别:Bond或者indenture是fixed income security的总称,按照是否有抵押物可分为secured bonds和unsecured bonds. 其中,没有抵押物的unsecured bonds又名debenture.

The Count of Tuscany 歌词

歌曲名:The Count of Tuscany歌手:Dream Theater专辑:Progressive Nations 2009 European Tour at Manchester ApolloDream Theater - The Count of TuscanySeveral years agoIn a foreign townFar away from homeI met the Count of TuscanyA young eccentric manBred from royal bloodTook me for a rideAcross the open countrysideGet into my carLet"s go for a driveAlong the wayI"ll be your guideJust step insideMaybe you"ll recallA cannibal curatorA character inspired by my brother"s lifeWinding through the hillsThe city far behindOn and on we droveDown narrow streets and dusty roadsAt last we came uponA picturesque estateOn sprawling emerald fieldsAn ancient world of times gone byLet me introduceMy brotherA bearded gentlemanHistorianSucking on his pipeDistinguished accentMaking me uptightNo accidentI want to stay aliveEverything about this placeJust doesn"t feel rightII don"t want to dieSuddenly I"m frightened for my lifeI want to say goodbyeThis could be the last timeYou see me aliveII may not surviveKnew itFrom the moment we arrivedWould you like to seeOur secret holy placeI come here late at nightTo pray to him by candlelightThen peering through the glassI saw with disbeliefStill dressed in royal clothesThe saint behind the altarHistory recallsDuring times of warLegend has been tracedBack inside these castle wallsWhere soldiers came to hideIn barrels filled with wineNever to escapeThese tombs of oakAre where they diedDown the cellar stairsI disappearLike the angel"s shareThe end is nearCome and have a tasteA rare vintageAll the finest winesImproved with ageI want to stay aliveEverything about this placeJust doesn"t feel rightII don"t want to dieSuddenly I"m frightened for my lifeI want to say goodbyeThis could be the last timeYou see me aliveII may not surviveKnew itFrom the moment we arrived.Could this be the end?Is this the way I die?Sitting here aloneNo one by my sideI don"t understandI don"t feel that I deserve thisWhat did I do wrong?I just don"t understandGive me one more chanceLet me please explainIt"s all been circumstanceI"ll tell you once againYou took me for a ridePromising a vast adventureThe next that I knowI"m frightened for my lifeNow wait a minute manThat"s not how it isYou must be confusedThat isn"t who I amPlease don"t be afraidI would never try to hurt youThis is how we liveStrange although it seemsPlease try to forgiveThe chapel and the saintThe soldiers and the wineThe fables and the talesAll handed down through timeOf course you"re free to goGo and tell the world my storyTell about my brotherTell them about meThe Count of Tuscanyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/52300025

在表示薪酬的英语单词中,incentive 和 bonus 的具体区别是什么?能给个例句吗?

  incentive n. 动机;刺激;诱因;鼓励   bonus n. 奖金,额外津贴;红利,额外股息;退职金;额外令人高兴的事情

country of departure是什么意思

country of departure起运国双语对照country of departure[英][u02c8ku028cntri u0254v diu02c8pɑ:tu0283u0259][美][u02c8ku028cntri u028cv du026au02c8pɑrtu0283u025a]启运国; First of all, the quotation for each tour includes all expenses in the destinationcountry. This includes the cost of accommodation, meals, transportation,sightseeing, guides, airport departure tax, and international airfare. 首先,我社每项旅游的报价含游客在旅游国的一切费用,其中包括住宿费、餐费、交通费、游览费、导游费、机场离境税以及国际机票等费用。

point of departure是什么意思


country of departure是什么意思

country of departure 英【u02c8ku028cntri u0254v diu02c8pɑ:tu0283u0259】 美【u02c8ku028cntri u028cv du026au02c8pɑrtu0283u025a】 起运国【起运国(地区)】指进口货物直接运抵或者在运输中转国(地)未发生任何商业性交易的情况下运抵中国的起始发出的国家(地区)”。意思也就是说从这个“起运国”到中国中间这批货物没有发生过贸易,通俗地讲所谓“起运国”即是一批货物最终发生贸易的地点。

Join Us for a Day at Sun Valley Amusement ParkChildren aged 10 to 14 are invited to take pa...

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:A 试题分析:这是一则夏令营的海报,其中包括时间,地点,资费标准等等。小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Children aged 10 to 14 are invited to take part in the “Event of the Summer” at Sun Valley Amusement Park,”理解可知。10到14岁的人都可以参加这项活动,故选C。小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句“We suggest that all children bring lunch.”理解可知。组织单位建议参加者自带午饭,故选B。小题3:细节理解题,根据文中语句“A one-day registration will also be held on July 1 at the Brown School.”理解可知。报名登记只有7月1号一天在布朗学校,故选A。点评:本文浅显易懂,各个小题都能在文中找到适当依据。只要认真阅读短文,注意前后联系,就能顺利完成阅读。文章所设试题主要考察细节查找,做题关键是找出原文的根据,认真核查小题和原文的异同。

proportion percentage rate ratio的区别

proportion强调比例,比如什么东西在什么中占的比例很大percentage 指百分比 将一般的比值化成百分数rate 指比率 比如利率什么的ratio 指比例 是指A在一个整体中所占的比例

sum to zero constraint是什么意思

sum to zero constraint零约束 例句筛选1.This paper provides a general study of this for transceivers with thezero-forcing constraint.本文提供了一个一般性研究这个的收发器与迫零的制约因素。2.In the other, we use the particular attributes of zero-crossings asconstraint in coarse matching, which can improve the matchingspeed.另一方面,使用过零点的特有属性作为粗匹配的匹配约束,可以提高匹配速度。

什么叫未定债权 contingent claim ?

Contingent Claim: A claim that can be made only if one or more specified outcomes occur.仅当一个或多个指定结果发生,才可提出申索。Zero net supply: If you add up the market value of counterparty"s positions in these markets, you get exaxtly zero. This means that, for the market as a whole, there is no market risk. The risks lie with imndividual counterparties.假如你把每个交易对手所持有的市值分额加起来,刚等如“0”。这意味著市场本身没有风险,只有参予交易者须承担风险。Zero sum game refers to a situation in which on"s person"s gain is equivalent to another"s loss, so the net change in wealth or benefit is zero.零和游戏,又称零和赛局,如一方得益,另一方必然损失。故此,净损失或净得益都等如“0”。

统计学中的 DATA:Nominal,Ordinal, Interval and Ratio怎么区别

英语单词percent rate ratio proportion percentage 区别

percent,percentage这两个名词均可表示“百分比”之意。percent或per cent 系拉丁语per centum的缩略,通常和一个具体数字连用,指具体的百分比。percentage不受数字修饰,不指具体的百分比,通常用在一些形容词或起形容词作用的词之后(如significant,large等),可也单独使用。eg. Deserts cover twenty percent of the earth"s surface.沙漠覆盖了地球表面的百分之二十。How much percentage of Chinese students come back from the states after graduation?在美国学习的中国学生中,有百分之多少在毕业后回国?1.Rate:率说明某现象发生的频率或强度,又称为率。强度相对数。常以百分率(%),千分率,万分率,十万分率等表示。2.Ratio:比两个相关指标之比,说明两指标间的比例关系。相对比。通常以倍数或百分数(%)表示。3.Proportion:构成比用来说明各构成部分在总体中所占的比重或分布。结构相对数。通常以100%为比例基数。

the day you went away 的歌词


后街男孩dont wanna lose you now的歌词

歌曲:Don"t Wanna Lose You Now 歌手:Backstreet Boys i never thought that i would lose my mindthat i could control thisnever thought that i"d be left behindthat i was stronger than you, babygirl if only i knew what i"ve doneyou know, so why don"t you tell meand i, i would bring down the moon and the sunto show how much i caredon"t wanna lose you nowbaby, i know we can win this don"t wanna lose you nowno no, or ever againi"ve got this feeling you"re not gonna stayit"s buring within methe fear of losing of slipping awayit just keeps getting closer, babywhatever reason to leave that i"ve hadmy place was always beside youand i wish that i didn"t need you so badyour face just won"t go awaydon"t wanna lose you nowbaby, i know we can win this don"t wanna lose you nowno no, or ever againdon"t wanna lose you nowi never thought that i would lose my mindthat i could control this yeahnever thought that i"d be left behindthat i was stronger than youoh....don"t wanna lose lonlinessgirl i know we can windon"t want to lose to emptinessoh, nonever againdon"t wanna lose you now, babygirl i know we can win thisdon"t wanna lose you nowno no or ever againdon"t wanna lose you nowi know we can win thisdon"t wanna lose you nowno no or ever againdon"t wanna lose you now

i would never again take my home for granted的语法点?

take sth for granted认为……理所当然would是will的过去式,表示在过去的某个时间说将来会怎样 never again再也不会

looked at in this way, the present

being是它的现在进行时态,一般不单独用,而是用于现在进行时的被动语态.(being+动词过去分词) the bike is being repaired.单车正在被修理中. it is being finished by him这正在被他完成中.

求意大利歌手Laura Pausini的《Yo canto》中文歌词,谢谢!


in+名词(in great excitement)的词性相当于形容词吗?

确实是副词,,be后副词加也可以加的,比如说i"m home home不就是地点副词吗。只是比较少 。 in +表示情绪的词就是那个词的副词形式,但是从书面上来说 要高级很多。

in excitement什么意思及同义词




with excitement和in excitement有啥区别


求Innocent Days 这歌(反叛的鲁鲁修)意大利歌词.


Volunteers Wanted题目的英语作文

Volunteers WantedDo you want to be a volunteer for the Beijing Olympic Games and Paralympics? We are in great need of volunteers. If you want to apply for a job, you must meet the following requirements.First, no matter whether you are Chinese or not, you must obey the laws of China. Second, you have to have been born before June 30th 1990 and in good health. Thirdly you must be good at both Chinese and English so that people can understand you easily. One very important thing will be that during the games you are able to work at least seven days running. Finally you are required to take part in all the pre-games training and related activities in order to serve the games better.Are you interested? It"s a good chance to help the world learn about our country. Both Chinese and foreign people are welcome.

英语教师提问用语any volunteer

综述:英语教师提问用语any volunteers可以,因为是可数名词,这种情况用在疑问句中表示some一些的意思,但是也可以用单数,he is kind than any boy,表示任意一个的意思。致力于我国基础英语课堂教学研究、中小学英语教师发展以及英语学科教师教育水平的提升,愿和广大中小学英语教师及相关领域的研究者共同学习、共同进步、共同发展。<p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67435.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67436.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67437.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67438.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67439.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67440.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67441.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67442.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67443.html" target="_self"></a> </p>办刊宗旨:面向广大中小学外语教师、研究基础外语教育的高校学者以及师范院校的外语院系学生,其办刊宗旨是关注英语教育、关注课程改革、关注教学研究、关注课堂教学、关注教师发展、关注学生成长。


As a volunteer of Beijing Olympic gamesAs we all know, one of the biggest of world sports meeting--- Olympic Games meeting will be hold in the capital of our country. It is not only an opportunity to improve our economic of our country but also a chance to let more and more foreign people know China.For one thing, from 2001 to 2008, Beijing will invest 280 billion in the Olympic Games project. Such a huge investment will be a stimulus to the economic development of Beijing and the country as a whole. In hosting the Olympic Games ,Beijing will earn a direct income of approximately US﹩3 billion from the TV relay rights, the game will greatly speed up the pace of building Beijing into a modern international city. Beijing has worked out this plan for its development in the new country.Economic experts have predicted that the 2008 Olympic Games meeting will earn an extensive influence on Chinese economic, building material and commercial services will be more direct. It will be a new growth factor for the economy of our country, and it will create over 1 million job opportunities.For another thing, In 2008,there will be many foreigners come to China , as a civil of China, every one of us should do our best to do something for our country. I want to be a volunteer of Beijing Olympic Games. I have the confidence to be an outstanding volunteer for the different posts, for I acquaint myself with the culture and history of Beijing, master the basic knowledge for Olympic Games. I realized the time flies. I must study English very hard so that I can communicate with the foreigners fluently. And to be a volunteer of the Olympic Games is good for me too. I can make some friends from different countries and learn more about sport, about Olympic. But the first thing to prepare this is study hard, I am confident I will to be a good volunteer and I will show the world: our country and our cities are so perfect in the world



volunteers needed什么意思


as a volunteer 和as volunteers

as a volunteer句子的主语须单数,而as volunteers主语须复数,如: As a volunteer,I should do more to help those children in that area. As volunteers,we should do more to help those children in that area.

英语教师提问用语any volunteers可以吗?

综述:英语教师提问用语any volunteers可以,因为是可数名词,这种情况用在疑问句中表示some一些的意思,但是也可以用单数,he is kind than any boy,表示任意一个的意思。致力于我国基础英语课堂教学研究、中小学英语教师发展以及英语学科教师教育水平的提升,愿和广大中小学英语教师及相关领域的研究者共同学习、共同进步、共同发展。<p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67435.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67436.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67437.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67438.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67439.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67440.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67441.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67442.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67443.html" target="_self"></a> </p>办刊宗旨:面向广大中小学外语教师、研究基础外语教育的高校学者以及师范院校的外语院系学生,其办刊宗旨是关注英语教育、关注课程改革、关注教学研究、关注课堂教学、关注教师发展、关注学生成长。

Thank yuo.volunteers课文翻译

你好!Thank yuo.volunteers谢谢你,志愿者

高中英语作文:Volunteer Life

 As we know, “volunteer” is a kind of “work” that you offer to do it, and also, it is for free.   From schools to shops, from Olympics to world wars, volunteers are everywhere. And to Chinese people, last year is an impresive(impressive) year because of volunteers. In May 12 earthquake and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Gams, volunteers played a really important role. They touched every Chinese"s heart, including me.   I don"t usually have chances to do volunteer"s work, but I have some creative ideas about it. In my opinion, helping others is a kind of volunteer and it is important to our lives. We can"t become a volunteer in poor rural area, but we can help classmates sowe(solve) a math problem; we can"t join the Olympics, but we can take part in a sports meeting in school and develope the spirit of “higher, faster, stronger” in other ways; we can"t go to Wenchuan, but we can send our “gifts” there. In fact, we are volunteering everyday and everywhere, but we ignore it sometimes.   Volunteer is not a simple matter about yourself, it also has great influence to your life, your family, even the world. If there are not volunteers any more, everyone is selfish and vain, the world will be a lonely place. Volunteer can bring people warm and kind feelings and help improve your personality. When you are volunteering, you"ll find the beauty of the world and life and you really feel and touch some hard experience, itable to lead you to treat your family, your life, your fridends(friends) more previously. My dad once told me a story: at the time of Beijing Olympic Games one year"s flashback, some volunteers said that time was really a hard but valuable memory. Sometimes, they had to stand, it was not permitted to argue with tourists; sometimes, they even wanted to cry, but smiles had to be on theirs faces all the time. Volunteer was not an easy job, but they said that they didn"t regret at all —— they responded to China, they won reputation for our nation!   So, volunteer is worth joining and valuing, though it is hard, you have gained the best award —— a kind heart.   Start your volunteer life now!


What busy volunteers they are!

We should be volunteers 议论文

Being a volunteer makes me happy Nowadays,more and more people concentrate on volunteer work .And then,what should we do?Being a volunteer,of course. Becoming a volunteer is not only the need of society,but also a chance of us.Besides,it"s necessary for us to experience the volunteer work. First,we can help other people and get much happiness from it.Second,we can get time to practice our hobbies as much as possible by taking part in volunteer work .Third, we will have more opportunities to achieve our dreams.Bcause it can be helpful for our work in the future. Being volunteers has so many advantages.Why not go for it?

student who volunteer的翻译是什么?

译文:志愿者学生重点词汇:volunteer英[vu0252lu0259n'tu026au0259(r)]释义:n.志愿者;志愿兵adj.志愿的vi.自愿vt.自愿[复数:volunteers;第三人称单数:volunteers;现在分词:volunteering;过去式:volunteered;过去分词:volunteered]短语:Volunteer Park义工公园;志愿者公园扩展资料:词语使用变化:whopron.(代词)1、who用作疑问代词时,意思是“谁”,一般只用来指人,在句中用作宾语或主语。2、who用作限制性或非限制性的关系代词,意思是“…的人,那个…”“他,她,他们”,在句中作主语。3、指某一组织机构的成员时也可用who,此时应用复数形式的谓语。4、在there be,here be后用作主语的关系代词who可以省略。

volunteer 的英语作文

Being a volunteer is greatNo.1 Middle School is proud of three students. They are Xiaohong, Xiaoming and Xiaogang.All of them are voluteers, and they took some voluntary activities. Xiaohong went to a primary school and help the pupils there with reading. Xiaoming went to an animals" hospital to take care of animals. And Xiaogang went to a hospital and sang songs for patients.They all said that even though doing voluntary work was a little tired, they felt happy and proud, because they think themselves useful to the society by helping others.Let"s all learn from them and be volunteers!


volunteer既可以作名词,表示“志愿者”;也可以作动词,表示“资源做;无偿做”等含义。volunteer是可数名词,表示是某个组织的志愿者时,通常用“a volunteer with+组织名称”结构。1.作名词 (1)They are retired and working in the organization as volunteers. 他们已经退休了,在那个组织里做志愿者。 (2)As a volunteer with the Little Village Environmental Protection Organization,she went door to door talking about the dangers of pollution. 作为“小村庄环境保护组织”的志愿者,她挨家挨户地给人们讲污染的危害。 (3)He worked as a volunteer teacher in this school to help the poor children. 他在这所学校任志愿教师,以帮助这些穷困的孩子。 2.作动词 (1)He was always the first to volunteer for such tasks. 他总是第一个自愿做这样的任务。 (2)She worked in a restaurant and also volunteered for teaching dance classes at night. 她在一家餐厅工作,也再晚上自愿教授舞蹈课程。 (3)Over thirty thousand people have volunteered to help out. 超过三万人自愿进行了帮助。 (4)My brother volunteered to play the guitar and sing a song at the school party. 我滴滴自愿在学校晚会上弹吉他、唱歌。 3.常用搭配 volunteer for sth./doing sth.表示“志愿/自动申请某事;志愿/自动申请做某事”。 Volunteer to do sth.表示“自愿/义务/无偿做某事”。
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