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麻烦在外企做财务的朋友,帮忙解释下Amount to be Accrued是什么意思啊

应该是 累计总和

amounted to与add up to的区别?

你好两者都有总计的意思,用于数字的求和amount to除了“总计”之外,还有“相当于”的意思。比如:This would, obviously, amount to a huge penalty.这很明显将相当于一笔巨大的罚款。满意请关注我


在 学习英语 的时候,相信大家都见过amount这个单词,amount一般有数量和总额等意思,那么你知道amount的用法吗?下面是我给大家带来的amount的用法 总结 _amount的 短语 搭配,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ amount的用法总结 ● amount后可接介词to。 The expenses amount to ¥50. amount后也可接动名词,要注意不要与不定式混淆。 That amounts to saying that he is a genius. ● saying不可改成say。 做名词时,只能用在不可数名词,如能说a large amount of literature,不能说a large amount of books。 amount of后一般接不可数名词,有时也可接复数可数名词,此名词被视为某一“总量”或“综述”。 短语 in the amount of (总共为)可以 of 或 for 代之;to the amount (总共达)可以 to 代之。但如接款项数字大的总数,一般用 in〔to〕 the amount of。 v.(动词) amount用作动词的基本意思是“合计,共计”,引申可指“等同,接近”。 ▼ amount的短语搭配 amount to 总计, 总共达到;实际上是 any amount of 极大量的 the amount of …的数额;…的数量 total amount 总额;总数额;总数量 large amount 大量;大数额;大批 an amount of 相当数量的;许多 large amount of 大量的 small amount 少量;小数额;小金额 same amount 相同数量 huge amount 大量;巨额 maximum amount 最高数额;最大的量;最大数量 considerable amount 相当数量 amount of work 大量工作;工作量;运动量 a huge amount of 大量的 enormous amount 大量;巨大数额 no amount of 怎么也…不;再多也…不 vast amount 大量 tremendous amount 数量巨大;大量 amount due 到期金额;到期款项 amount payable 应付金额;应付款金额;应付款额 ▼ amount的英语例句 1. They have only a vague idea of the amount of water available. 他们只是大概知道可用水的总量。 2. The evaluation of conduct involves some amount of generalization. 对操行的评价会含有一些泛泛之论。 3. They will need a reasonable amount of desk area and good light. 他们将需要一个面积较大的摆放办公桌的地方和充足的照明。 4. I try to offend the least amount of people possible. 我尽量少得罪人。 5. Worldwide, an enormous amount of research effort goes into military technology. 在世界范围内,大量的研究精力都投入到军事技术上。 6. The company has been sold for an undisclosed amount. 那家公司已被卖掉,具体售价未公开。 7. No amount of reasoning could shake him out of his conviction. 再怎样跟他讲道理都不能让他放弃自己认准的事。 8. We import an incredible amount of cheese from the Continent. 我们从欧洲大陆进口数量惊人的奶酪。 9. Manufacturers must list ingredients in order of the amount used. 生产商必须按用量多少的顺序将成分列出。 10. There are any amount of clubs you could join. 有无数个俱乐部你可以加入。 11. We can arrange unsecured loans for any amount from ?500 to ?7,500. 我们能提供数额从500英镑到7,500英镑的无担保贷款。 12. She was being paid what I considered a derisory amount of money. 在我看来,她得到的报酬真是少得可怜。 13. Consuming this amount of food could turn these fit players into fatties. 这些体格健壮的运动员吃这么多会变成胖子的。 14. I received a certain amount of sympathy immediately after the attack. 遇袭之后,人们立即对我表示了些许同情。 15. Investors can borrow an amount equal to the property"s purchase price. 投资者可以获得与房产购买价格相等的借款额。 amount的用法总结相关 文章 : ★ amount的用法总结 ★ amount的用法 ★ amount的用法和短语例句中文意思是什么 ★ amount的用法和短语例句中文意思是什么 ★ animal的用法总结集锦 ★ 广州小升初英语知识点 ★ as的用法总结 ★ quantity的用法详解及搭配 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = "https://hm.baidu.com/hm.js?6990a94c9bf3cca817150d7468a26be6"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();

amount to 后面的动词用什么形式

据我所知, amount to 后面接数字,意思是总计,达到。没有接动词的用法。


一、amount的用法详解 1. amount用作名词 其意为“数量”、“金额”等,通常用于 a (great, large) amount of 这类结构,其后通常接不可数名词。如: He made a large amount of money. 他赚了大量的钱。 They have to process a large amount of data. 他们得处理大量数据。 I had not expected such an amount of praise. 我没料到受到这么多赞扬。 A large amount of damage was done in a short time. 短期内造成大量损害。 I had not expected such an amount of praise. 我没料想受到这样多的赞扬。 He must memorize large amounts of material. 他必须背熟大量材料。 注意:这类结构用作主语,其谓语的数取决于 amount 的数。如: 在这座桥上花了大量资金。 正: A large amount of money was spent on the bridge. 正: Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge. 比较:在 a great number of 之后通常接可数名词(用复数)。如: 2. amount用作动词 用作动词时意为“合计”、“等于”、“意味着”,通常是不及物动词,其后常接介词 to。如: Building cost amounts to six million dollars. 建筑费用达600 万元。 Her reply amounts to a refusal. 她的回答等于拒绝。 注意:由于其后接的to为介词,所以后接动词时,该动词要用动名词。如: 这等于是欺骗老师。(from www.yywords.com) 误:This amounts to cheat the teacher. 正:This amounts to cheating the teacher. 析:amount 用作动词,表示“等于”,是不及物动词,其后接的to 为介词。 二、a great/good many 非常多,许多(形容词) The young couple has travelled a great many cities since they got married. A great many college students were sent to the West to help the children there. Helen has a great many friends indeed, but she does not think she has any she can confide in. The city was even equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets. He has extracted a great many examples from the grammar book. 比较: 1. many a... 许多(后接单数动词) Many a teacher has come to the exhibition. Many a woman has great influence on her husband. He beguiled us with many a tale of adventure. 2. a lot, lots of, a number of 与 a great many / a good many 意义相同。quantity 用法结论: 1.a quantity of后既可接复数可数名词,亦可接不可数名词。在它们分别和其后的名词构成短语作主语时,其谓语动词通常看of后名词的具体情况而采用单数或复数形式。如果是接不可数名词,则谓语用单数形式,如果是接复数可数名词,则谓语通常要采用复数形式 2.quantities of后既可接复数可数名词,亦可接不可数名词,后面的谓语都用复数形式。 1)Besides, a large quantity of mail bags were found. 2)and a small quantity of dangerous drugs were seized. 3)A quantity of fake certificates and official stamps were also seized.

amount to do什么意思求高手指点


amounts to account for 是什么意思?

1、amount to表示“总计,共达,等于”,如:The total costs amount to 60 dollars.(总花费为60美元。)2、account for表示“说明,解释”,如:I want you to account for every cent you spent.(我要你说明你所花的每一分钱。)二者用法显然不同。

求冰雪奇缘中do you want to build a Snowman高品质伴奏

Do you want to build a snowman?你想建立一个雪人吗?Come on let"s go and play!来,让我们去玩!I never see you anymore,我永远不会再见到你,come out the door,走出门,it"s like you"ve gone away这就像你已经不在了We used to be best buddies我们曾经是最好的朋友and now we"re not, I wish you would tell me why我们现在没有,我希望你能告诉我为什么Do you want to build a snowman?你想建立一个雪人吗?It doesn"t have to be a snowman它不必是一个雪人Okay, bye好吧,再见Do you want to build a snowman?你想建立一个雪人吗?Or ride our bike around the halls?或乘坐我们的自行车绕着大厅?I think some company is overdue,我认为,一些公司已经过期,I started talking to, the pictures on the walls我开始谈论,墙壁上的画Hang in there, Joan!别松劲!是简吗。It gets a little lonely, all these empty rooms,这会有点寂寞,这些空房间,just watching the hours tick by…只是看小时蜱…Please I know you"re in there,我知道你在里面,people are asking where you"ve been人们问你在哪里They say ‘have courage,他们说:“有勇气,and I"m trying to,我试图,I"m right out here for you, just let me in我就在这里为你,让我进去We only have each other,我们只有彼此,it"s just you and me, what are we gonna do?这只是你和我,我们能做什么?Do you want to build a snowman?你想建立一个雪人吗?Let it goCan"t hold you back anymoreLet it goTurn my back and slam the doorThe snow blows white on the mountain tonightNot a footprint to be seenA kingdom of isolationAnd it looks like I"m the QueenThe wind is howling like the swirling storm insideCouldn"t keep it in, heaven knows I triedDon"t let them inDon"t let them seeBe the good girlYou always had to beConceal, don"t feelDon"t let them knowWell, now they knowLet it goCan"t hold you back anymoreLet it goTurn my back and slam the doorAnd here I stand, and here I"ll stayLet it goThe cold never bothered me anywayIt"s funny how some distanceMakes everything seem smallAnd the fears that once controlled meCan"t get to me at allUp here in the cold thin airI finally can breatheI know I left a life behindBut I"m too relieved to grieveLet it goCan"t hold you back anymoreLet it goTurn my back and slam the doorAnd here I standAnd here I"ll stayLet it goThe cold never bothered me anywayStanding frozen in the life I"ve chosenYou won"t find me, the past is so behind meBuried in the snowLet it goCan"t hold you back anymoreLet it goTurn my back and slam the doorAnd here I standAnd here I"ll stayLet it goThe cold never bothered me anyway随它吧无法再留住你随它吧转过身关上门今晚的山林被白雪覆盖不见一个足迹与世隔绝的王国我像是个女王大风狂啸正孕育着风暴无法阻挡,天知道我有多努力别让他们进来别让他们看见做个好女孩你必须一直这样要隐藏,不能董卿不要让他们知道现在,他们知道了随它吧无法再留住你随它吧转过身关上门我站在这里,我会一直待在这里随它吧这寒意并不会困扰我有趣的是,距离会让每件事都显得渺小曾经掌控我的恐惧已无法使我动摇在这寒冷的空气中我终于可以呼吸我明白那段日子已结束但我却觉释然,没有悲伤随它吧无法再留住你随它吧转过身关上门我站在这里我会一直待在这里随它吧这寒意不会困扰我在我选择的生活中坚定生活你找不到我,过去已经过去深埋雪中随它吧转过身关上门我站在这里我会一直待在这里随它吧这寒意不会困扰我





you would never amount to anything 中的 amount to 怎么翻译好呢?

达成 达到


amount的用法及短语:amount的用法:用作名词 n.amount 用于表示“量”“额”,如重量、金额等。amount of后一般接不可数名词,有时也可接复数可数名词,此名词被视为某一“总量”或“综述”。短语 in the amount of (总共为)可以 of 或 for 代之;to the amount (总共达)可以 to 代之。但如接款项数字大的总数,一般用 in〔to〕 the amount of。用作动词 v.amount用作动词的基本意思是“合计,共计”,引申可指“等同,接近”。amount是不及物动词,常与介词to连用。amount的短语:amount to总计 ; 总共达到 ; 实际上是 ; 达到aggregate amount总额 ; 总款额 ;[会计]总金额 ; 总价insurance amount投保金额 ;[保险]保险金额 ; 保额 ; 保险额amount RMB金额人民币 ; 人民币 ; 总价cloud amount[气象]云量recoverable amount可回收金额 ; 可收回金额 ; 可收回价值foreign amount外币金额trace amount痕量 ; 微量 ; 痕迹量maximum amount最高款额 ;[经]最高额 ; 最大数量 ; 最高金额


不一样, CLUSTERED 表示表的物理存储按照Sno进行 按照 sno检索会快NONCLUSTERED(sno) 非物理存储

amount to和account for的区别

1、amount to表示“总计,共达,等于”,如:The total costs amount to 60 dollars.(总花费为60美元。)2、account for表示“说明,解释”,如:I want you to account for every cent you spent.(我要你说明你所花的每一分钱。)

tomcat 的 host 中 context 中 crossContext 作用

你如果rewrite1.test.com/test1/来访问,那么你的访问从原理上来讲应该是docBase为webtest1的那个application,而如果你通过rewrite1.test.com/testlinner来访问,那他事实上访问的是docBas为webtest1/test1的application,两个application不同.如果你需要用其他application的参数,那么用本application的ServletContext的getContext(String uriPath)方法获得另一个application的context,然后可以进行你的操作, 至于crossContext是干什么用的我没用过 我也没查到,你可以自己查一下.

quad country指的哪些国家?



amount的用法及短语如下:短语如下:1、amount to总共达到,实际上是,合计,达到。2、aggregate amount总额,总款额,总价,总金额。3、amountRMB金额人民币,人民币,总价。4、insurance amount投保金额,保险金额,保额,保险额。5、recoverable amount可回收金额,可收回金额,可收回价值。6、cloud amount云量。7、foreign amount外币金额。8、Tiny amount微小额。用法如下:一、amount用作名词。1、amount用于表示“量”、“额”,如重量、金额等。2、amount of后一般接不可数名词,有时也可接复数可数名词,此名词被视为某一“总量”或“综述”。二、amount用作动词。1、amount用作动词的基本意思是“合计,共计”,引申可指“等同,接近”。2、amount是不及物动词,常与介词to连用。



每日一词182/2019.6.4/amount to

1. 英英释义:be regarded or classified as; be the equivalent of eg. Explanation always amounts to hiding the truth. 2. 理解:"amount"除了作名词,还可以作动词。amount 常和 to 组成词组表示“相当于”。 "amount to"一般的用法是:A amounts to B,即“A就相当于B”。amount to 是口语和写作中的高频词汇。当我们描述陌生现象、抽象概念时,经常会用大家熟悉的现象作类比或者举例子,这是酒可以用到 amount to 。喜爱描述一些听起来比较枯燥的话题时,也可以使用 amount to 作类比让它变得生动有趣。 3. 应用: 1)翻译:学而不思相当于根本没学。 Learning without thinking amounts to not learning at all. 2)造句 a. 他的成就归功于他的成功的渴望。 b. His outstanding achievement counts to his eagerness to succeed.

amount to

1. 这是个什么词? 词:amount to 英英释义:be regarded or classified as; be the equivalent of 例句:Explanation always amounts to hiding the truth. 2. 为什么选这个词? “amount”除了作名词外,还可以作动词。amount 常和 to 组成动词词组表示“相当于”。“amount to”一般的用法是:A amounts to B,即“A 就相当于 B”。 amount to 是口语和写作中的高频词汇。当我们描述陌生现象、抽象概念时,经常会用大家熟悉的现象做类比或者举例子,这时候就可以用到 amount to。在描述一些听起来比较枯燥的话题时,也可以使用 amount to 作类比让它变得生动有趣。我们来看一些例子。 在生活中,经常会有人说“稍后再约”或者“下次吧”,有时是现在真的没空,但很多时候其实这样说就是委婉拒绝。因此我们就可以说: His “let"s have dinner some other time” amounts to polite refusal. 我们常说浪费别人的时间等于谋财害命,浪费自己的时间等于慢性自杀。这句可以这么说: Wasting others" time amounts to homicide; wasting your own time amounts to suicide. 我们还常说“解释就是掩饰”。这里的“是”更准确的意思是“相当于”,因此我们可以说: Explanation always amounts to hiding the truth. 《经济学人》一篇关于英国移民的文章的摘要是这么写的: Annual net migration amounts to about three times the attendance at a Manchester United football match.(这里的 amount to 很好地体现了英国移民的数量之低) 最近《经济学人》在一篇关于美国对华为制裁的文章中也用到了 amount to: More significant was the announcement by the Commerce Department, on the same day, that it was adding Huawei to a list of firms with which American companies cannot do business without official permission. That amounts to a prohibition on exports of American technology to Huawei.(这里的 amount to 写出了作者对美国商务部做法的解读) 前不久《经济学人》在 Special report 写到了中美关系,其中一句中也出现了 amount to: Arguably, it already amounts to an undeclared cyber-war.(虽然并没有宣战,但从双方的种种迹象来看,已经相当于是不宣而战了) 3. 怎样学会使用这个词? 1)翻译下面的句子: 学而不思就相当于没有学习。 (参考翻译:Learning without thinking amounts to not learning at all.) 2)结合自己的生活、学习、工作、兴趣等,想象在什么语境下会用到这个表达。先简要描述这个场景,再造句。 例子: 场景:

amount to怎么翻译?

amount to 英[u0259u02c8mau028ant tu] 美[u0259u02c8mau028ant tu] [词典] 等同; 接近; 总计; [例句]The confessions were obtained by what amounts to torture.这些供状是用近乎逼供的方式得来的。

请问intel处理器的core2duo和core2quad和core 的i3 、i5、 i7(i系列)都有什么区别?



int 对符号函数进行积分,给出表达式(如果有的话)quad 数值积分,给出数值quad 只是一个参数可以是inline的函数,两者没太大联系



Intel Core2 Duo 2.4 Ghz Intel Core2 Quad 2.7 Ghz 有何区别?那个2是什么意思?

Core2 Duo 2.4 Ghz是双核处理器 Core2 Quad 2.7 Ghz 是四核处理器这是二者最大的区别……当然了,它俩的内核可能不一样……那个2……是英特尔给cpu命名的一部分……



跪求《冰雪奇缘》Do you want to build a snowman和let it go中文歌词翻译。


怎么理解Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200/散装..


matlab中求定积分中 int 与quad的区别?


Intel Quad Core,这个Quad是什么?





签订合约SigningAContract英语对话-在职英语 JOHN:Haveyouhadachancetolookoverthecontract? LORRIE:Yes.I"vereaditcarefully. JOHN:Anddoyouhaveanyquestions? LORRIE:No.ButthecontractstipulatesthatIwillteach22hoursaweek. Willyouhavethatmanyclassesformerightaway? JOHN:No,probablynot.Forthefirsttwoweeksyoumayteach10or15hours. LORRIE:Butmysalarywillbe1100dollarsamonth. Willyoupaymethatmuchforthefirstmonth? Because,Imean,Iwon"tbeworkingsomanyhours. JOHN:Iunderstand.That"swhyIdidn"twritethedateonthecontract. Forthefirsttwoweeks,wewillpayyouaccordingtothehoursyouteach. Whenyouhave22hoursofclasses,thenthecontractwilltakeeffect. Isthatalrightwithyou? LORRIE:Oh,soIdon"tsignthecontracttoday.Isthatright? JOHN:Idon"twantyoutomisunderstand,MissBriggs. Weareveryseriousabouthiringyou.Wewantyoutoteachforus. Weusuallydocontractsthiswaybecauseitismoreconvenient. LORRIE:Icanacceptthat. JOHN:Good.Andyourbenefitswillbeginimmediately. LORRIE:Evenmyhealthinsurance? JOHN:Yes.Wewillapplyforyourhealthinsurancetomorrow. Andyourfreemembershipintheclubstartstodayifyoulike. LORRIE:Ihaveafewquestionsaboutthefreemembership. JOHN:Whatwouldyouliketoknow? LORRIE:Ismymembershipthesameaspayingclubmembers? Imean,canIgetdiscountsatclubhotels? JOHN:Absolutely.Theonlydifferenceisintherestaurantandbarvouchers. LORRIE:Whatarebarvouchers? JOHN:Payingclubmembersgetaround300dollarsayearinrestaurantvouchers. Thevoucherscanbeusedintherestaurantorthelounge. Butwedon"toffervoucherstoemployees. LORRIE:Butaccordingtothecontract,employeesgetadiscountintherestaurant. JOHN:That"sright.Soinaway,itischeaperforyouthanforthemembers. Yougetmorebenefitsthantheydo. LORRIE:So,fornow,youwantmetokeepacopyofthecontract. Butwewon"tsignityet.Isthatright? JOHN:Yes.I"vepreparedthecontractjustsothatyouunderstandeverything. Sothatyouunderstandtheterms. LORRIE:Iunderstand. Andaccordingtothetermsonthecontract,Iamhappytoacceptthisjob. Ilookforwardtoit. JOHN:I"mverypleased.Welookforwardtohavingyouhere,MissBriggs.考研政策不清晰?同等学力在职申硕有困惑?院校专业不好选?点击底部官网,有专业老师为你答疑解惑,211/985名校研究生硕士/博士开放网申报名中:https://www.87dh.com/yjs2/

A life lived without fantasies and daydreams is not as rich and rewarding as life can be.

首先确定是形容词,然后明白了reward的意思了后,加了ing 表示可。。。的, 也就是可获得回报的,这样不就好翻译了?

在使用maxplus编译时,为什么会出现: Current license file does not include the

maxplus不是免费软件啊 你要自己找license的 每个license的权限都不一样的 你的问题就是没有那部分的权限 所以就用不了VHDL了 这个东西换个LICENSE就好了

80词的英语作文《A TALENT SHOW》

TV Talent Show -- A Good Thing or Bad? An army of people today are fond of the TV talent show. They support it and see themselves as fans of one or another show star. They believe that the TV talent show can change one"s fortune. At least, they argue that, the show offers the opportunity to show and develop one"s talents. On the contrary, a number of people hold the negative attitude to TV talent shows. They maintain that the TV talent show today is like a river that has risen to its flood level. It misleads the youth and makes them believe that they can make a fortune or become famous overnight. As a result, a lot of students can"t calm down to study on the show"s season. Some of them take interest in imitating their idol, so much so that they can hardly recognize themselves. For my part, I believe that the TV talent show is like a double-edged sword, which can do both good and harm. Therefore, it is extremely important for us to face it properly. For one thing, the TV studios are supposed to create more positive and favorable shows. For another, the media ought to guide people, especially the young, to right way and refrain from exaggerating the effect of the show.范文如上,你可以参考下哦,稍作修改即可形成你自己的文章。祝顺利!



求一首女声英文快歌,里面有句歌词是what you want

this is me

求50CENT 的 P-I-M-P 的下载地址



Ohh The top feels so much better than the bottom So much better 高高在上的感觉真TM比在底层爽 真~TM的爽 ---哥们我嗨高了,呵呵! Ja you"s a window shopper Mad at me, I think I know why Jada you"s a window shopper In the jewelery store, looking at **** you can"t buy Joe you"s a window shopper In the dealership, trying to get a test-drive Nas you"s a window shopper Mad as **** when you see me ride by JA 你是个光看不卖的穷鬼 冲我吠,我知道为什么 JADA,你也是个光看不卖的穷鬼, 在珠宝店逛来逛去,尽看些你买不起的东东。NAS,你更是光看不卖的穷鬼, 看我开好车过时,只有气得发疯的份儿.... 注:Diss Ja rule(这兄弟是50cent屡试不爽的活靶,交恶已久) Jada:Jadadiss Nas:自栩NY之王的rapper Summertime white porche carrera is milky Im on the grind let my ***** stack when I"m filthy Funny how a nigga get the screw facing at me Anyhow, they aint got the heart to get at me I"ll get down, southsides the hood that I e from So I dont cruise to nobodys hood without my gun You know the kid aint gonna follow that bull**** try and stick me imma let off a full clip It aint my fault you done ****ed up your re-up At the dice game who told you put a G up Everybody mad when their ***** dont stack right When I e around y"all niggas better act right When we got the tops down, you can hear the system thump When we rollin" rollin" rollin" Shut your block down, quick to put a hole in a chump nigga When we rollin" rollin" rollin" 夏天小弟弟的包皮无力的搭耸着。我正在努力买粉赚钱致富。搞笑的是怎会有个黑 *** 对我大为光火。总之他们也没胆对我怎样。但我会把这些青钩子娃儿摆平,开玩笑,老子从南方街头混出来的人,到没人的地方哪有不带枪的道理!!?? 你知道,这些小鬼就是TM的不上道, 你TM的捅我一下试试??老子射你满满一夹子子弹!! 这不是我的错吧??只能怪你TM的紧到嗨药,嗨高了。玩色子游戏你都得带几千大洋在身上备上吧,每个人输了都会抓狂的。当我这样的人在这出现时,你们这些矮骡子最好识相点。当我们把最好东西带来时,你就会听到环绕低音发出的嘣嘣声, 我们就嗨啊嗨啊嗨啊 把你自己灌翻,快快找个妞干, 兄弟,我们嗨啊,嗨啊,嗨啊..... niggas Love me in L.A. as soon as I pop in They e scoop me up in LAX and I hop in When it es to bad *****es you know I got them Some from Long Beach, some from Watts, some from pton You know a nigga wanna see how cali girls freak off After that 5 hour flight from New York I start spitting G at a ***** like a pimp man Tell her meet me at the magarane so we can do our thing She can bring the lingerie with her I suppose And we can go from fully dressed to just having no clothes She can run and tell her best friend bout my *** game Her best friend could potentially be next man Listen man, **** changed I came up from doing my thang Homey I"m holing, holing, holing **** man, the store owner watching you For something get stolen, stolen, stolen 当我得到那玩意儿(drugs),洛城的兄弟都爱我 为能找我要货,他们甚至来机场围堵。你也知道我一钻进车就有坏女人在那等 *** 。有来自Long Beach的,有些来自Watts的,还有贫民窟pton的。你知道,一个坐5小时飞机从纽约赶来黑鬼真想见识下加洲辣妹在床上是多么疯狂!! 我开始象个皮条客样对一个 *** 吐脏字儿: 告诉她在Mondrian等我,这样咱们才能干事儿嘛! 我也建议她可以带上些情趣内衣, 这样我们才能一件一件的脱直到脱个精光, 她可以跑回去告诉她最好的朋友那些关于我的性游戏, 当然,她最好的朋友也可能是下一个... 听着,事情变啦。我做事儿的时候被偷了! 兄弟,就在我X,我X,我X的那档儿..... 粪娃,店老板在看着你哦, 因为有些东西被偷拉,偷拉,偷拉....

50-CENT的P.I.M.P的中文歌词 要详细

  歌词自己翻的,就是个大概意思,这么难度大,给多加点分哇~  这个P.I.M.P的意思直译是拉皮条的人,一般指很招女人的男人,情夫和男妓...  I don"t know what you heard about me  But a bitch can"t get a dollar out of me  No Cadillac, no perms, you can"t see  That I"m a motherfucking P-I-M-P  我不知道你听说过我些什么,但一个妓女从我那连一美元也得不到,我没有凯迪拉克,没有烫发,你可能不知道,我就是一个他妈的皮条客.  Now shorty, she in the club, she dancing for dollars  She got a thing for that Gucci, that Fendi, that Prada  That BCBG, Burberry, Dolce and Gabana  She feed them foolish fantasies, they pay her cause they wanna  I spit a little G man, and my game got her  现在短时期内,她在俱乐部,她在为钱而跳舞,所以她得到了她那些愚蠢的幻想--古驰,芬迪,普拉达, bcbg , Burberry, Dolce和gabana(都是些女人喜欢的名牌东西)他们支付给她她想要的,因为他们想要她.  我往一个同性恋的脸上吐了一口,因为我的游戏是要得到她.  A hour later, have that ass up in the Ramada  Them trick niggas in her ear saying they think about her  I got the bitch by the bar trying to get a drink up out her  一个小时之后,RAMADA来的那群傻瓜们,轻轻在她耳边哄骗她,说他们想要她,我从酒吧叫了个妓女我喝了很多想要离开她.  She like my style, she like my smile, she like the way I talk  She from the country, think she like me cause I"m from New York  她喜欢我的风格,她喜欢我的笑容,她喜欢我说话的方式,她来自乡村,我觉得她喜欢我是因为我来自纽约.  I ain"t that nigga trying to holla cause I want some head  I"m that nigga trying to holla cause I want some bread  I could care less how she perform when she in the bed  是不是黑人都想哇哇叫,因为我想当老大,是不是黑人都想喂喂的叫,因为我想要面包,我一点都不关心她在床上怎样表演.  妓女到达目的,约个日期,支付这个谎言,宝贝就这么简单,你可能不知道,你和我上床了,你和一个皮条客上床了.

求一首mp3——50CENT、snoop dogg、G Unit合作的PIMP


求歌--50cent 啲 PIMP


50 cent--p.i.m.p.这首歌翻译为中文是什么

这是缩写, 应该没有翻译吧

50 cent 《p.i.m.p》中文歌词 要中文的翻译~谢谢

我不知道什么您听说我but母狗不可能使一美元脱离我no卡迪拉克,没有电烫,您看不到that i"m一motherfucking的皮条客

求50cent的 pimp ---阿姆的when im gone--- ne-yo的 so sick伴奏



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50cent pimp中文歌词

Ohh The top feels so much better than the bottom So much better 高高在上的感觉真TM比在底层爽 真~TM的爽 ---哥们我嗨高了,呵呵! Ja you"s a window shopper Mad at me, I think I know why Jada you"s a window shopper In the jewelery store, looking at **** you can"t buy Joe you"s a window shopper In the dealership, trying to get a test-drive Nas you"s a window shopper Mad as **** when you see me ride by JA 你是个光看不卖的穷鬼 冲我吠,我知道为什么 JADA,你也是个光看不卖的穷鬼, 在珠宝店逛来逛去,尽看些你买不起的东东。 NAS,你更是光看不卖的穷鬼, 看我开好车过时,只有气得发疯的份儿.... 注:Diss Ja rule(这兄弟是50cent屡试不爽的活靶,交恶已久) Jada:Jadadiss Nas:自栩NY之王的rapper Summertime white porche carrera is milky Im on the grind let my ***** stack when I"m filthy Funny how a nigga get the screw facing at me Anyhow, they aint got the heart to get at me I"ll get down, southsides the hood that I come from So I dont cruise to nobodys hood without my gun You know the kid aint gonna follow that bull**** try and stick me imma let off a full clip It aint my fault you done ****ed up your re-up At the dice game who told you put a G up Everybody mad when their ***** dont stack right When I come around y"all niggas better act right When we got the tops down, you can hear the system thump When we rollin" rollin" rollin" Shut your block down, quick to put a hole in a chump nigga When we rollin" rollin" rollin" 夏天小弟弟的包皮无力的搭耸着。 我正在努力买粉赚钱致富。 搞笑的是怎会有个黑sb对我大为光火。 总之他们也没胆对我怎样。 但我会把这些青钩子娃儿摆平,开玩笑,老子从南方街头混出来的人,到没人的地方哪有不带枪的道理!!?? 你知道,这些小鬼就是TM的不上道, 你TM的捅我一下试试??老子射你满满一夹子子弹!! 这不是我的错吧??只能怪你TM的紧到嗨药,嗨高了。 玩色子游戏你都得带几千大洋在身上备上吧,每个人输了都会抓狂的。 当我这样的人在这出现时,你们这些矮骡子最好识相点。 当我们把最好东西带来时,你就会听到环绕低音发出的嘣嘣声, 我们就嗨啊嗨啊嗨啊 把你自己灌翻,快快找个妞干, 兄弟,我们嗨啊,嗨啊,嗨啊..... niggas Love me in L.A. as soon as I pop in They come scoop me up in LAX and I hop in When it comes to bad *****es you know I got them Some from Long Beach, some from Watts, some from Compton You know a nigga wanna see how cali girls freak off After that 5 hour flight from New York I start spitting G at a ***** like a pimp man Tell her meet me at the magarane so we can do our thing She can bring the lingerie with her I suppose And we can go from fully dressed to just having no clothes She can run and tell her best friend bout my *** game Her best friend could potentially be next man Listen man, **** changed I came up from doing my thang Homey I"m holing, holing, holing **** man, the store owner watching you For something get stolen, stolen, stolen 当我得到那玩意儿(drugs),洛城的兄弟都爱我 为能找我要货,他们甚至来机场围堵。 你也知道我一钻进车就有坏女人在那等我操。 有来自Long Beach的,有些来自Watts的,还有贫民窟Compton的。 你知道,一个坐5小时飞机从纽约赶来黑鬼真想见识下加洲辣妹在床上是多么疯狂!! 我开始象个皮条客样对一个婊子吐脏字儿: 告诉她在Mondrian等我,这样咱们才能干事儿嘛! 我也建议她可以带上些情趣内衣, 这样我们才能一件一件的脱直到脱个精光, 她可以跑回去告诉她最好的朋友那些关于我的性游戏, 当然,她最好的朋友也可能是下一个... 听着,事情变啦。 我做事儿的时候被偷了! 兄弟,就在我X,我X,我X的那档儿..... 粪娃,店老板在看着你哦, 因为有些东西被偷拉,偷拉,偷拉....参考资料:我自己为了你花了4个小时结合了5本字典翻的,格式不好,见谅!

50 cent pimp歌词



I don"t know what you heard about me But a bitch can"t get a dollar out of me No Cadillac, no perms, you can"t see That I"m a motherfucking P-I-M-P 我不知道你听说过我些什么,但一个妓女从我那连一美元也得不到,我没有凯迪拉克,没有烫发,你可能不知道,我就是一个他妈的皮条客. Now shorty, she in the club, she dancing for dollars She got a thing for that Gucci, that Fendi, that Prada That BCBG, Burberry, Dolce and Gabana She feed them foolish fantasies, they pay her cause they wanna I spit a little G man, and my game got her 现在短时期内,她在俱乐部,她在为钱而跳舞,所以她得到了她那些愚蠢的幻想--古驰,芬迪,普拉达, bcbg , Burberry, Dolce和gabana(都是些女人喜欢的名牌东西)他们支付给她她想要的,因为他们想要她. 我往一个同性恋的脸上吐了一口,因为我的游戏是要得到她. A hour later, have that ass up in the Ramada Them trick niggas in her ear saying they think about her I got the bitch by the bar trying to get a drink up out her 一个小时之后,RAMADA来的那群傻瓜们,轻轻在她耳边哄骗她,说他们想要她,我从酒吧叫了个妓女我喝了很多想要离开她. She like my style, she like my smile, she like the way I talk She from the country, think she like me cause I"m from New York 她喜欢我的风格,她喜欢我的笑容,她喜欢我说话的方式,她来自乡村,我觉得她喜欢我是因为我来自纽约. I ain"t that nigga trying to holla cause I want some head I"m that nigga trying to holla cause I want some bread I could care less how she perform when she in the bed 是不是黑人都想哇哇叫,因为我想当老大,是不是黑人都想喂喂的叫,因为我想要面包,我一点都不关心她在床上怎样表演. 妓女到达目的,约个日期,支付这个谎言,宝贝就这么简单,你可能不知道,你和我上床了,你和一个皮条客上床了.

50 CENT的那首PIMP是什么意思.?


请问维持生命是 什么alive? 是maintain alive 还是stay alive 或是其它?

答案:stay alive解释:maintain是一个及物动词,其后一般加名词而不能加形容词。而stay可做系动词,其后可加形容词做表语,构成系表结构。而alive就是形容词,该结构要求就是一个系表结构。如果可以,烦请点击页面中的 选为满意回答 按钮,谢谢!

《商贸英语》 Mention some of the risks the exporter and the importer may face in trade. 哪位高手教





accidentally "偶尔" 指的是事件的发生不是刻意安排的结果,而是意外或偶然的事件,如:I met her accidentally yesterday. 我昨天在无意中遇到她。(或,我昨天很意外地遇见了她。)occasionally "偶尔,间或" 的意思指的是频率上的概念,如:My friends visit me occasionally.我的朋友偶尔会来拜访我。

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RCTRL+F1 无限血RCTRL+F3 重力RCTRL+F4 警察无视主角F5 添加金钱 (100.000)F6 开启/关闭 AirbreakRCTRL+F6 永不疲倦RCTRL+F7 更换成Brucie, Roman, Litte Jacob, MallorieBernie, Dwayne, Michelle, Packie, Kate, Badman的模型RCTRL+Q 更换成Dimitri, Faustin, Francis, French Tom, Manny, Phil, Playboy X, Ricky, Jimmy, Ray的模型RCTRL+F9 更换Niko成其他不同模型F10 与以下按键组合传送至: Num 0 The TriangleNum 1 Broker SafehouseNum 2 Bohan Safehouse Num 3 Algonquin Middle Park East SafehouseNum 4 Algonquin Northwood SafehouseNum 5 Alderney City SafehouseNum 6 Comedy ClubNum 7 Rotterdam TowerNum 8 Getalife BuildingNum 9 Majestic HotelF11 与以下按键组合传送至:Num 0 Poop DeckNum 1 Algonquin NorthwoodNum 2 Algonquin Star JunctionNum 3 Algonquin City HallNum 4 Alderney LeftwoodNum 5 Alderney CityNum 6 Alderney Acter Industrial ParkNum 7 Bohan Chase PointNum 8 Broker OutlookNum 9 Dukes East Island CityF12 与以下按键组合传送至:Num 0 Marriot MarquisNum 1 Charge IslandNum 2 Colony IslandNum 3 Happiness IslandNum 4 AirportNum 5 Statue of HappinessNum 6 Libery City BankNum 7 Statue of Happiness CupNum 8 Algonquin Lawers Office Num 9 Algonquin Top of Rotterdam TowerF10 + 0 / 9 保存现在的站的位置F11 + 0 / 9 保存现在的站的位置F12 + 0 / 9 保存现在的站的位置Tab 保存游戏Insert 清除警星Num + 随机刷车司机Num - 打开关闭手机睡眠模式Num * 调整电台至Independence FMRCTRL+Num/ 汽车无敌模式PageUP 刷出攻击性司机/行人 Del 增加警星,每按一次 = 加一警星End 打开警示灯Pagedown 打开车辆内部灯-_ 快速跑,按住,(不要按太长,否则就飞了)=+ 上帝模式开关[{ 永不通缉 ]} 车辆加速| Car "超级"刹车/立即停止"" 向前进一定距离,可以穿墙;: 不用重新装填弹药/无限子弹/? 距离最近的车辆爆炸.> 爬上/下来 距离最近的车辆,< 车辆减速Num . 车辆缓慢加速Ralt+ B 添加汽车炸弹RCTRL+B 启动汽车炸弹RCTRL+C 开启超级跳跃RCTRL+H 把敌人打到目的地M.RCTRL+I 把行人打到目的地M.RCTRL+J 开启/关闭 重力枪RCTRL+K 传送所有到主角身边RCTRL+L 传送至刷出的车辆中RCTRL+M 传送至有效标记点RCTRL+O 保存坐标至trainer.iniRCTRL+R 加载保存衣服样式RCTRL+V 清洁M+Num 0 开启关闭安全带M+Num 1 Packie 好感度和尊敬值 100%/RomanM+Num 2 Brucie 好感度和尊敬值100%/DwayneM+Num 3 Little Jacob 好感度和尊敬值100%M+Num 4 装死M+Num 5 解除装死M+Num 6 醉酒状态 M+Num 7 结束醉酒状态M+Num 8 女友好感度 100%M+Num 9 打开始终LAlt+Num 0 时间循环LAlt+Num 1 中午 (12点)LAlt+Num 2 Afternoon(18点)LAlt+Num 3 Evening (23点)LAlt+Num 4 Night (5点)LAlt+Num 5 向前进一小时LAlt+Num 6 向后进一个小时LAlt+Num 7 添加武器/弹药 1/2LAlt+Num 8 添加护甲LAlt+Num 9 最大生命值RAlt+Num 0 与系统时间同步/关闭系统时间同步RAlt+Num 1 Extra SunnyRAlt+Num 2 SunnyRAlt+Num 3 Sunny-WindyRAlt+Num 4 CloudyRAlt+Num 5 RainingRAlt+Num 6 DrizzleRAlt+Num 7 FoggyRAlt+Num 8 LightningRAlt+Num 9 主角隐形/显形RCtrl+Num 0 锁定/解锁 车门RCtrl+Num 1 修复车辆RCtrl+Num 2 转正车辆RCtrl+Num 3 清洗车辆RCtrl+Num 4 把车颜色改为红色RCtrl+Num 5 把车颜色改为蓝色RCtrl+Num 6 把车颜色改为黑色RCtrl+Num 7 把车颜色改为绿色RCtrl+Num 8 把车颜色改为白色RCtrl+Num 9 把车颜色改为黄色I+ Num 0 车辆旋转90度I+ Num 1 开左前门I+ Num 2 开右前门I+ Num 3 开左后门I+ Num 4 开右后门I+ Num 5 开引擎盖I+ Num 6 开后车箱I+ Num 7 开所有的车门I+ Num 8 开启/关闭速度计KM/UI+ Num 9 开启/关闭汽车警报J+ Num 0 发动机 开/关J+ Num 1 关左前门J+ Num 2 关右前门J+ Num 3 关左后门J+ Num 4 关右后门J+ Num 5 关引擎盖J+ Num 6 关后车箱J+ Num 7 关所有车门J+ Num 8 开启/关闭速度计MPHJ+ Num 9 车辆/主角 隐形/显形K+ Num 0 力量车灯? 开/关K+ Num 1 保存车辆K+ Num 2 坐在司机位置K+ Num 3 坐在乘客位置K+ Num 4 移除左前车窗玻璃K+ Num 5 移除右前车窗玻璃K+ Num 6 移除左后车窗玻璃K+ Num 7 移除右后车窗玻璃K+ Num 8 移除所有车窗玻璃O+ Num 0 移动至标记点~` 随时随地叫出租O+ Num 1 免费的士O+ Num 2 距离最近的行人身上着火O+ Num 3 距离最近的行人装死O+ Num 4 距离最近的行人静止不动O+ Num 5 解除静止不动的行人O+ Num 6 增加主角生命值(200)O+ Num 7 刷出一个保镖O+ Num 8 解散所有保镖O+ Num 9 坐下/站立L+ Num 0 开启特殊场所之门L+ Num 1 刷出攻击性行人L+ Num 2 全岛通行解锁L+ Num 3 随机刷出保镖L+ Num 4 随机刷出行人L+ Num 5 刷出行人L+ Num 6 隐藏/显示HUD和雷达L+ Num 7 开启/关闭手机电台L+ Num 8 切换手机电台上一频道L+ Num 9 切换手机电台下一频道N 手机电台下一首歌RCTRL+T 开启/关闭有活力的物体?RCTRL+U 删除最后一个刷出的物体RCTRL+X 最后一个物体隐形/显形RCTRL+Y 所有物体隐形/显形RCTRL+Z 主角身边发生爆炸LAlt+I 随时随地上网LAlt+J 距离最近的车辆静止不动LAlt+K 坐在最近的车辆里面而作为一名乘客 采纳 谢谢

as long as=until?用法上有什么需要注意的吗?

as long as是只要的意思


accidentally "偶尔" 指的是事件的发生不是刻意安排的结果,而是意外的事件,或是"偶然"的事件~而" occasionally" "偶尔, 间或" 的意思指的是频率上的概念, 我举个例子,你看看,也许就明白了:1. I met her accidentally yesterday. 我昨天在无意中遇到她.(或, 我昨天很意外地遇见了她.)2. My friends visit me occasionally. 我的朋友偶尔会来拜访我.

__________ [A] merchants [B] travelers [C] investors [D] executives

【答案】:C名词辨析。此处选择investors与本段第一句中的foreign investors构成重现。

请问几个英语问题,consumer segment 和business executives什么意思啊 还有个是

消费群体企业经理高德纳澳大利亚研究主管director指导者,指挥者,监督人,管理人,主管人;尤指主管;(工程等的)总监;校长;院长;所长;署长;局长;处长;主任[略作dir.]理事;董事;经理conductor指导者;带领者,向导;指挥人;管理人research conductor 研究指导人

A story events是什么意思中A?

一个,冠词a an the,后边可以加名词

求绿日21st century breakdown歌词大意!

21st Century Breakdown - Green Day 部歌词请点击: http://music.douban.com/subject/discussion/16709625/ 英文歌词+翻译RX————谢谢采纳~!!     Born into Nixon I was raised in hell   在尼克松时代出生 在地狱里长大   A welfare child where the teamsters dwelled   我是一个居住在贫民窟靠福利养大的孩子   The last one born, the first one to run   最小的孩子出生 最大的孩子就要去辛勤劳作   My town was blind from refinery sun   虽然阳光普照 但我的城镇却是一片黑暗   My generation is zero   我们这一代一文不值   I never made it as a working class hero   我从未成为过工人阶级的英雄   21st century breakdown   崩溃的21世纪   I once was lost but never was found   我曾经迷失但却没有得到过救赎   I think I am losing what"s left of my mind   我正在丢失心中的意识   To the 20th century deadline   直到20世纪的最后期限   I was made of poison and blood   我的身体流淌着热血和毒药   Condemnation is what I understood   我所知道的一切就是罪恶   Videogames to the tower"s fall   从电子游戏到高塔的倒塌   Homeland security could kill us all   国土安全局能害死我们   My generation is zero   我们这一代一文不值   I never made it as a working class hero   我从未成为过工人阶级的英雄   21st century breakdown   崩溃的21世纪   I once was lost but never was found   我曾经迷失但却没有得到救赎   I think I am losing what"s left of my mind   我正在丢失心中的意识   To the 20th century deadline   直到20世纪的最后期限   We are the class of "13   我们是最底层的阶级   Born in the era of humility   出生在谦逊的年代   We are the desperate in the decline   我们在堕落中绝望   Raised by the bastards of 1969   被1969年的混蛋养大   My name is no one, the long lost son   我谁也不是 是失散很久的孩子   Born on the 4th of July   生于7月4日   Raised in an era of heroes and cons   在英雄与抗议者的年代长大   That left me for dead or alive   留我在苟活与死亡之间   I am a nation, a worker of pride   我代表一个国家 是一名有尊严的工人   My debt to the status quo   我却对现状欠下了债   The scars on my hands and the means to an end   手上的伤疤就是对结局的证明   Is all that I have to show   这就是我要告诉你们的   I swallowed my pride and I choked on my faith   我吞下尊严 我被信仰哽住   I"ve given my heart and my soul   我献出内心与灵魂   I"ve broken my fingers and lied through my teeth   我的手指已经折断 我满口谎言   The pillar of damage control   我损伤了心中的支柱   I"ve been to the edge   我曾经达到边缘   I"ve thrown the bouquet of flowers left over the grave   我将鲜花抛向坟墓   I sat in the waiting room, wasting my time   我在等候室消磨时间   And waiting for Judgement Day   等待着审判日的来临   I praise liberty   我歌颂自由   The "freedom to obey"   服从的自由   Is the song that strangles me   是一首扼杀我的歌   Don"t cross the line   警告我不要逾越界线   Dream, America dream   梦想着 梦想着美国梦   I can"t even sleep   我甚至不能入眠   From the light"s early dawn   直到晨光的黎明   Scream, America scream   呼喊着 美国在呼喊   Believe what you see from heroes and cons?   从英雄到抗议者 你仍否还相信你所看到的吗

21st century breakdown的创作背景

《21st Century Breakdown》以歌剧的形式分为“英雄与骗局”、“骗子与圣人”、“马蹄铁和手榴弹”三幕,绿日的成员比利·乔·阿姆斯特朗表示第一幕的意思是绿日如何与这两个恶魔作交易和他们各自的含义。第二幕的矛头则指向了宗教。最后的一幕之所以会这样命名,是因为马蹄铁是幸运的象征,而手榴弹则是一种爆炸的象征。比利·乔·阿姆斯特朗在接受英国《太阳报》的采访时,表示《21st Century Breakdown》是他们最有野心的一张专辑。 该专辑整个的创作过程令绿日畏缩与害怕的,但他们也感到相当值得。当绿日开始构思这张新专辑的时候,感觉就像是盯着一张空白的纸,他们一开始并不知道怎样去做。于是他们开始创作各种不一样的音乐,他们一直希望能做出像皇后乐队或是谁人乐队那样的音乐。比利·乔·阿姆斯特朗还透露他们为了它真的付出了许多心血与劳动,他本人还曾经因为该专辑差点要住院。

internal breakdown是什么意思



breakdowninto的意思是:分解成。breakdowninto的意思是:分解成。breakdowninto的例句是Theteacherdisaggregatedasentenceintoclauses.老师把一个句子分解成从句。一、网络释义点此查看breakdowninto的详细内容 分解成...bouncebout来回弹跳breakdowninto分解成...分解成...breakinto碰到;发现碰到;... 分类...characteristics特征Breakdowninto分类ocument记入档案...二、例句Theteacherdisaggregatedasentenceintoclauses.老师把一个句子分解成从句。Proteinisfirstbrokendownintoaminoacids.蛋白质首先分解成氨基酸。breakdowninto的相关临近词break、breakgoal点此查看更多关于breakdowninto的详细信息


breakdowninto的意思是:分解成。breakdowninto的意思是:分解成。breakdowninto的例句是Theteacherdisaggregatedasentenceintoclauses.老师把一个句子分解成从句。一、网络释义点此查看breakdowninto的详细内容 分解成...bouncebout来回弹跳breakdowninto分解成...分解成...breakinto碰到;发现碰到;... 分类...characteristics特征Breakdowninto分类ocument记入档案...二、例句Theteacherdisaggregatedasentenceintoclauses.老师把一个句子分解成从句。Proteinisfirstbrokendownintoaminoacids.蛋白质首先分解成氨基酸。breakdowninto的相关临近词break、breakgoal点此查看更多关于breakdowninto的详细信息


breakdowninto的意思是:分解成。breakdowninto的意思是:分解成。breakdowninto的例句是Theteacherdisaggregatedasentenceintoclauses.老师把一个句子分解成从句。一、网络释义点此查看breakdowninto的详细内容 分解成...bouncebout来回弹跳breakdowninto分解成...分解成...breakinto碰到;发现碰到;... 分类...characteristics特征Breakdowninto分类ocument记入档案...二、例句Theteacherdisaggregatedasentenceintoclauses.老师把一个句子分解成从句。Proteinisfirstbrokendownintoaminoacids.蛋白质首先分解成氨基酸。breakdowninto的相关临近词break、breakgoal点此查看更多关于breakdowninto的详细信息

21st century breakdown的介绍

《21st Century Breakdown》是美国朋克乐队绿日演唱的录音室专辑,普通版收入18支歌曲,于2009年5月15日全球发行,由Butch Vig及绿日共同创作。《21st Century Breakdown》获得第52届格莱美最佳摇滚专辑。

"container breakdown"是什么意思

那么你对集装箱装运是如何分类的呢? breakdown 表示“分类;分级;分析,分类细账;分类成细目”

mental breakdown是什么意思


mental breakdown是什么意思


求Cara Dillon的blue mountain river中文歌词!


frustrated disappointed的区别是什么?

frustrated泄了气的 disappointed没这个意境吧

account 和bill有什么区别?

account = 帐号bill = 账单


bill的意思有“账单、票据、钞票、清单”等。比如bill payment的意思是分期付款。payment n. 支付款项,支付额;付款,支付;报答,报复bill payment账单支付




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your account is at risk of being suspended 怎么办


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original authentic是什么意思

original 原本的authentic 正品original authentic 原装正品以后可以观察一下,很多地方都有写呢~BEST REGARDS
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