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my applicant 什么意思

my applicant 我的申请人








信用证的单据的抬头,一般都填写开证申请人,但是提单的收货人一般不填写实名,提单的收货人一般填写“凭指定”TO ORDER,而是在通知方栏内填写开证申请人的名称和地址。所以信用证虽然规定“除了提单”,并不是说提单要填写信用证之外的名称。信用证开出来之后,所有的单据都必须根据信用证的规定填写,绝对不能参照PI上面与信用证相冲突的内容,必须先顾及信用证的规定,然后再照顾PI,信用证是第一位的,具有优先权。

applicant bank 和 applicant 的区别,在发票,箱单上如何显示?

applicant bank 为申请人银行或开户行 applicant为申请人或公司名称发票上要显示1.开票单位的公司名称税号开户行银行帐号 2.接收发票的公司名称税号开户行银行帐号3.交易内容的名称规格数量价格(如果是增值税的话还要有不含税价、税价、总价)一般箱单上要显示的是申请人的公司名称、地址、电话、联系方式。银行帐号什么的不用显示在箱单上,但可以标明L/C 还是T/C


Applicant ,申请人,就是申请开证的那一方,或者说就是买方


在MT700文本格式中,信用证里APPLICANT的条款序号是 50 APPLICANT(信用证开证申请人)。





谁可以帮我找网球王子里忍足侑士唱的valentine kiss的歌词?



信用证中进口商也就是买方称为开证申请人(Applicant),出口商也就是卖方称为受益人(Beneficiary)~ 出口商是信用证的收款人,信用证就是为了保障出口商能收到货款而开立,出口商当然就是受益人了

applicant 和requestor的区别

Applicant 申请单位Requestor 申请人


apply 英[u0259u02c8plau026a] 美[u0259u02c8plau026a] vt. 申请; 涂; 应用,运用; 敷(药); vi. 申请,请求,适用; 适用,适合; 专心致志; [例句]I am continuing to apply for jobs我正在继续找工作。[其他] 第三人称单数:applies 现在分词:applying 过去式:applied过去分词:applied

applicant 什么意思





applicant申请人,求职人; 请求者;延伸:apply 申请,动词applicable 适当的,可应用的application 申请(名词),申请表

Our house will be cool in summer and warm in winter.为什么后面的warm不跟be动词,不是要和前面一样吗


going downtown

这里是用现在进行时表将来,意义相当于be going to,但结构上是个现在进行时. down town在这里是副词做状语,意思是:(从郊区或郊外高地)进城

I want to be cool not mine是什么意思这句英语是什么意思

因为cool是形容词,形容词前要加be动词这个你知道吧,所以应该在cool前加be、。back也是,作形容词是回来的意思,你知道我回来了是I am back吧,所以要加be。 be examined 是被动,指被审查谁谁谁被怎么了都要加be

not even students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,where Dr. Ariely teaches behavioral

not even students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,where Dr. Ariely teaches behavioral econmics.翻译结果:即使是在麻省理工学院的学生ariely教授博士行为经济的地方。

我跟闺蜜说不喜欢跟同事一起做事,感觉讨厌同事,闺蜜就给我一段英语,求翻译一下:The presentation?

The presentation of that person has been recognized by you. First of all, you don"t hate him (if you hate him, it"s not entangled). Your relationship may have an impact on your luck. This person needs you to think about who he is. It"s like not having a fortune teller. One is to forgive the fortune teller"s secret that cannot be revealed. The other is to live a good life, try my best to do things, and get along with others with sincere and long-term vision. Besides, sir suanmianzhun com is usually different from ordinary people in appearance or life habits. There is another kind of ordinary people who forget his appearance and only remember that someone said. In today"s society, sometimes there must be something in life, and don"t force it all the time. " It seems a little biased. I want to try to force what I want to do. No matter success or failure, life will not regret. Recognize it, calculate it when you meet it, and suggest not to be too frequent, which can only increase our confusion. It is the task of our current destiny to live each day in good health, happiness and contentment.那个人的介绍已经被你认可了。首先,你不讨厌他(如果你讨厌他,那不是纠缠)。你的关系可能会影响你的运气。这个人需要你想想他是谁。就像没有算命先生一样。一是原谅算命先生不能透露的秘密。二是要过上好日子,尽自己最大的努力做事,以真诚和长远的眼光与人相处。此外,算面准先生通常在外表或生活习惯上与普通人不同。还有一种常人,忘记了他的相貌,只记得有人说过。当今社会,有时候生活中总要有一些东西,不要一直强求。 ” 好像有点偏颇,想把自己想做的事强加于人,无论成功或失败,人生都不会后悔。认识它,遇到它就计算它,建议不要太频繁,这样可以只会增加我们的困惑。健康、快乐和满足地过好每一天是我们当前命运的任务。


1.pending 当...的时候,在...期间,有“事情由于悬而未决而等待解决”的意味,但事情发生/结果的具体时间并不明确 A decision on this case is pending now - 而今此事即将作出决定. 2.until 直到...为止,事情发生/结果出现有明确时间截点. I didn"t wake up until I heard the alarm clock. 直到听到闹铃为止我才醒来.


你是自己测试网站 还是买东西付款?

中国有野生的giant king cobra么


terrans force X511 control center 窗口太小 看不完整

原因在于,win7系统的字体不是默认的100%,导致字体偏大超出了对话框的边际。而这个时候,按背光键盘的快捷键"Fn+/",来设置背光键盘,会发现页面右上角并没有X的关闭按钮,所以只能使用类似"Alt+F4”的方式来关闭窗口对此照成很多不便!现在有了解决方式,安装6.0045以上版本的hotkey程序就能解决。安装新版本hotkey前,需要卸载原有的hotkey程序。安装完新版本hotkey后,如果屏幕的分辨率或win7字体发生变化(不在默认状态),Control Center也能显示全部的选项,而背光键盘的设置窗口会自动出现滚动条

pay attention to 和take care of 区别

payattentionto和takecareof的区别在于:payattentionto是把注意力集中在...payattentionto一般用于比较正式的场合,关注……;注意……;留意……;用法:payattentiontosth/doingsth 【例句】pleasepayattentiontothefollowingpoints.请注意下列几点。takecareof是照顾;处理的意思,更偏向“照顾”这个意思,而且照顾的对象一般是老人。用法:takecareofsb【例句】he"stooyoungtotakecareofhimself. 他年龄太小,照顾不了自己。

you must be at least tevel 19 to enter 什么意思?



qantas国际航班可以网上值机。qantas网上值机条件:1、首班航班承运商为澳洲航空国内航班或 QantasLink,无转机航班或24小时内下一个航班承运商为澳洲航空国内航班、QantasLink。2、首班航班承运商为澳洲航空国际航班(QF1-199),无转机航班或24小时内下一个航班承运商为澳洲航空国际航班、捷星航空国际航班、寰宇一家(oneworld)合作伙伴、共享代码合作伙伴或其他指定国际合作伙伴的航班。扩展资料qantas网上值机注意事项:1、航班需符合网上值机的条件。2、对于国内航班,网上值机可以在起飞前 24 小时至 30 分钟内进行操作。对于国际航班,请在起飞前 24 小时至 90 分钟内进行操作。3、网上值机用户若为澳航飞行常客计划成员,还可以通过管理预订或预订进行值机。参考资料来源:qantas澳洲航空官网--值机(参自网上及澳洲航空手机应用值机条件等)

在QANTAS网上定机票为什么会遇到frequent flyer number还是必填的,请问哪位可以帮帮忙


Guantanamera (Guajira Guantanamera) 歌词

歌曲名:Guantanamera (Guajira Guantanamera)歌手:Towa Carson&Mats Olssons Orkester专辑:DiamanterHola, soy Celia Cr鷝, y estoy aqui con Wyclef celebrando elcarnaval! Azucar!GuantanameraGuajira, guantanamera (Wyclef) Worldwide!Guantanamera (Wyclef) I can bring it to your stereo..Guajira, guantanamera (Wyclef) That was then...Yo soy un hombre sincero (Wyclef) this is now...Welcome to the Carnival, the arrival.COME ON!Spanish Harlem (ooooey-o),Boogie Down folks (ooooey-o),Manhattan (ooooey-o),back to Staten (ooooey-o),guantanamera (hey yo I"m standing at the bar with a.. Cuban cigar)guajira, guantanamera (hey yo I think she"s eyeeing me from far)guantanamera, guajira, guantanamera.....Yo, I wrote this in Haiti overlooking Cuba. I asked her what"s hername she said Guantanamera, remind me of an old Latin song, my uncle used toplay, on his old 45 when he used to be alive. She went from a young girl to agrown woman like a VIRGIN, so she sex with no average man, keep the figure,move like a caterpillar, fly like a butterfly, let your soul feel the glide,part woman very yet space invader, if your name was Chun-Li we"d be playingStreet Fighter.---A penny for your thought, a nickel for your kiss, a dime ifyou tell me that you love me. (Come On!)Guantanamera (hey yo I"m standing at the bar with a-- Cuban cigar)guajira, guantanamera (yo I think she"s eyeeing me from far)guantanamera,guajira, guantanamera.....Soy una mujer sincera..(Wyclef) Do you speak English?De donde crece la palma (Wyclef) Can I buy you a drink?Soy una mujer sincera..(Wyclef) uh-huh-uh-huh!De donde crece la palma! (Wyclef) You killin...[02:24Y antes de morir, yo quiero..cantar mis versos del alma.Te quiero mam? te quiero!Guantanamera (hey yo I"m standing at the bar with a-- Cuban cigar)guajira, guantanamera (hey yo, John Forte, she"s eyeeing me from far)guantanamera, guajira, guantanamera.....yo... she was a Rosa SpanishHarlem mamacita beg your pardon, makes mistakes at a faster rate than shefornicates, her traits of genius, goddess of black venus, crab niggas angrycuz they can"t get between us, todon sin lexian, smooth complex-ion, lexiconin Lexington, parents came from Cuba, part Mexican, pure sweet, dimes fell toher feet, she like Movado, and shook her hips like Delgado, and broke niggasdown from the Grounds to Apollo and then some! She took an accident to Dempsonand waited patiently while the businessmen come, call late on purpose, goteven politicians nervous, and made plans to infiltrate street"s secretservice, this gentle flower, fertility was a power, sweet persona, venusflytrap Prima Donna, que sera que sera, she turned dinero to dinera....Guantanamera (hey yo I"m standing at the bar with a-- Cuban cigar)guajira, guantanamera (hey-yo I think she"s eyeeing me from far)guantanamera, guajira, guantanamera.A boy like that? He killed his brother? He kill"d his motha! Fuck,he killed his brother....Sang happy to the NYC, to New Jersey......http://music.baidu.com/song/2694513



有一首英文歌,说的是没钱买东西。好像有句i want it,i got it.是女生唱的

A妹的7rings 以下是歌词:You like my hair? Gee, thanks, just bought itI see it, I like it, I want it, I got it (Yeah)I want it, I got it, I want it, I got it

Qantas Socceroos是什么意思

澳洲袋鼠,也就是 澳洲国家足球队 如果帮到你,请记得采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!


1、航空里程有效期为一年,以初始机票的起飞时间开始算。2、没有四个航段的限制。部分其他航空公司的里程也可以累计,具体的规则要看他们的网站,原则是所有寰宇一家(oneworld)的航空公司里程都可以累计,其他个别非寰宇一家成员公司的航班必须是和Qantas代码共享的航班且必须由Qantas执行才能累计。举个例子,如果是从东航购买澳大利亚到上海的航班,出票时的航班号是MU的,如果航班执行是Qantas就可以积分,如果是东航就不能积分,而东航其他的航线不能积分;反之,如果是从Qantas出票,则无论是什么公司执行航班则都可以积分。和我们比较有关系的航空公司里面日航和国泰(包括港龙)是寰宇一家成员,东航享受我上面说的第二种情况的积分。3、升级到silver需要300个status credits,打折经济舱一次从悉尼往返上海能得到70个点,正常经济舱可得到140个点。具体可以在网站查询。4、Qantas Link的里程一般在其他寰宇一家成员可以按照Qantas一样累计里程,但具体规定要看对方航空公司是怎么定的。





I Want A Friend Like You 歌词

歌曲名:I Want A Friend Like You歌手:Thieves And Villains专辑:South AmericaThieves And Villains - I Want A Friend Like YouI want a friend like youone who gets to do those things you doI wanna screw them too, but only after youI wanna schmooze them toowe can bet on who blacks out by 2Thinking we can blow our stash and drink our cashwe"re trust fund brats who give it backSluts, clubs, and barsthey only wanna drain who you areWhen you can be of useA fool, to loseI know it"s not the truthBut damn I"m thinking that Istill want a friend like youone who won"t show up without “plus 2”And I"ll learn to judge who"s whoby what they offer youWe"ll comb the night in packsdesperate for at least a one time passWhere maybe I can twirl around and twist and shoutI want the cool you"re giving outI know its not the truthBut damn it"s close enough for youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7438495

at the moment 和for the moment有什么区别?

at the moment 的意思是“现在”“此刻”,常与一般现在时或现在完成时连用。例如: I have got enough to do at the moment. 但是,at the moment 有时也作“当时”讲,用于过去时态。例如: I didn"t buy that book, because I had no money on me at the moment.for a moment 是指“片刻”、“一会儿”,表示持续的时间。例如: For a moment she just stood there, unable to believe what had just happened.

一首英文歌曲。歌词大概是you can go wherever you want to go



萨巴蒂尼(S.D.Spontini) 萨巴蒂尼(S.D.Spontini)中文名称:萨巴蒂尼英文名称:S.D.Spontini品牌介绍:  公元1975年,S.D.Spontini(萨巴蒂尼)男装品牌由MR . GEORGES SFEZ(乔治.斯费兹先生)首创于法国巴黎。并在乔治五世大街开设了第一间萨巴蒂尼专卖店。其设计风格大胆而不失前卫传统而不失优雅,赢得了众多欧洲上层社会名流的喜爱。现今S.D.Spontini的各类服饰以其高贵的品味、独特的风格,遍布欧洲各国,在法国首都巴黎亦设有5家专卖店。S.D spontini并没有满足现有的技术,在进入中国市场后不断的研发各种各样适合亚洲人体型的版型。现在的S.D spontini不仅保留了品牌独有的6RA,7RA等欧洲版型,同时开发出数十种品牌独有的亚洲版型(B系列版型,C系列版型,D系列版型),用来满足不同客户的要求。



求一首英文歌名,女的唱的,很动感的,中间高潮一直重复you want to say…什么的

Birthday - Katy PerryI heard your feeling nothing"s going rightWhy don"t you let me stop by The clock is ticking running out of timeSo we should party all nightSo cover your eyes I have a surpriseI hope you got a healthy appetiteIf you wanna dance if you want it allYou know that I"m the girl that you should callBoy when you"re with meI"ll give you a tasteMake it like your birthday everydayI know you like it sweetSo you can have your cakeGive you something good to celebrateSo make a wishI"ll make it like your birthday everydayI"ll be your giftGive you something good to celebratePop your confettiPop your perigon So hot and heavyTill dawnI got you spinningLike a disco ballAll night they"re playingYour songWe"re living the lifeWe"re doing it rightYou"re never gonna be unsatisfiedIf you wanna danceIf you want it allYou know I"m the girl that you should callBoy when you"re with meI"ll give you a tasteMake it like your birthday everydayI know you like it sweetSo you can have your cakeGive you something good to celebrateSo make a wishI"ll make it like your birthday everydayI"ll be your giftGive you something good to celebrateHappy birthdaySo let me get you in your birthday suitIt"s time to bring out the big balloonsSo let me get you in your birthday suitIt"s time to bring out the big big big big balloonsBoy when you"re with meI"ll give you a tasteMake it like your birthday everydayI know you like it sweetSo you can have your cakeGive you something good to celebrateBoy when you"re with meI"ll give you a tasteMake it like your birthday everydayI know you like it sweetSo you can have your cakeGive you something good to celebrateSo make a wishI"ll make it like your birthday everydayI"ll be your giftGive you something good to celebrateHappy birthday

java利用JAXBContext 编组xml时如何去掉 standalone="yes

你看看代码就明白了:import java.io.FileOutputStream; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement; public class JavaToXMLDemo { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(Employee.class); Marshaller m = context.createMarshaller(); m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true); Employee object = new Employee(); object.setCode("CA"); object.setName("Cath"); object.setSalary(300); m.marshal(object, System.out); } }

谁能把《if i aint got you》翻译的优美点


有一首英文歌曲,最后一句是baby dont hurt me,一直是这一句,女声,到最后渐渐变弱,求歌名啊,大家!!!!



country 和 nationality 国家与国籍国家是人类社会的一种存在形式,国籍是针对个人而言用以区别不同国家的人,先有国家后有国籍,慢慢的,国家又被赋予了文化等新的内涵,而国籍是没有变过的。

Genia valentino

这么长的回答不知道花了多少心血哦!依我看,你说的才是真正的假话,华伦天奴·古柏 Valentino Coupeau卓凡尼·华伦天奴 Giovanni Valentino玛丽欧·华伦天奴 Mario Valentino这三个是傍的名牌,你真的太无知了,我告诉你,上面这三个品牌才是真正的华伦天奴品牌,第一个是在法国1962年注册的,其他两个是在意大利注册的,最重要的是他们在各自的国家至今任然在经营自己的品牌,你说是真的还是假的?除此之外的那些还真是假的,的确是傍上面三个品牌的。

寻一首歌,一个男歌手唱的开头是I want...很舒缓

歌名~~~valder fields看看是不是这啊~应该就是啊~I was found on the ground by the fountain at Valder Fields and was almost dryLying in the sun after I had triedLying in the sun by the sideWe had agreed that the council would end at three hours over-timeShoelaces were tied at the traffic lightsI was running late(I) could apply for another one I guessIf department stores are bestThey said (that) there would be delaysOnly temporary payFor another one I guessIf department stores are bestThey said (that) there would be delaysOnly temporary payShe was found on the ground in a gown made at ValderAnd was sound asleep (on the) stairs out the doorTo the man who cried when he said that he loved his lifeWe had agreed that the council should take his keys to the bedroom door(in) Case he slept outside and was found in two days in Valder Fields (with a) mountain view

Valentino Judan(华伦天奴·乔登)是国产牌子吗`?




concept 的同义词有哪些? detrimental的同义词,或词组,反义词及词组有哪些?

concept 的同义词:conception construct concept 的反义词: misconception detrimental的同义词:damaging, detrimental, prejudicial, prejudicious detrimental的反义词:profitablebeneficialusefulhelpful

we have forty-five students.为什么四十五名学生要加-

这应该是英语数词写法的固定格式吧,凡是表示几十几,几十与几之间要加-。67 sixty-seven53 fifty-three28 twenty-eight



you are with a group of students and have found 2 tickets.what do you ask the group?

Anyone need ticketuff1f20 dollars eachuff01

People have different ways of greeting each other. They might shake hands (握手), kiss or hug (拥

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:C小题4:A小题5:C 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了狗是如何与人类或者自己的同类打招呼的。小题1:根据第一段They might shake hands (握手), kiss or hug (拥抱). 描述,可知不包括选项C。小题2:根据短文第二段描述,可知选D。小题3:根据第三段Dogs use smell to recognize other dogs, too. 描述,可知选C。小题4:根据短文描述,可知短文没有提到狗如何吃食物,故选A。小题5:这篇短文主要介绍了狗是如何打招呼的。故选C。点评:本文浅显易懂,各个小题都能在文中找到适当依据。只要认真阅读短文,注意前后联系,就能顺利完成阅读。文章所设试题主要考察细节查找,做题关键是找出原文的根据,认真核查小题和原文的异同。





用括号中所给的单词的适当形式填空 1.I have five different { }(ph


Meeting you was fate, and falling in love with you was out of my control.中文是什么意思


Into The West 歌词

魔戒三- Into The West演唱:Annie LennoxLay downYour sweet and weary headThe night is fallingYou have come to journey"s endSleep nowAnd dream of the ones who came beforeThey are callingFrom across the distant shoreWhy do you weep?What are these tears upon your face?Soon you will seeAll of your fears will pass awaySafe in my armsYou"re only sleepingWhat can you seeOn the horizon?Why do the white gulls call?Across the seaA pale moon risesThe ships have come to carry you homeAnd all will turnTo silver glassA light on the waterAll Souls passHope fadesInto the world of nightThrough shadows fallingOut of memory and timeDon"t sayWe have come now to the endWhite shores are callingYou and I will meet againAnd you"ll be here in my armsJust sleepingWhat can you seeOn the horizon?Why do the white gulls call?Across the seaA pale moon risesThe ships have come to carry you homeAnd all will turnTo silver glassA light on the waterGrey ships passInto the Westhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2601274

求The Revenant Choir 吉他谱

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求versaillesd的the revenant choir讲了什么还有歌词

I"m proud of them. Pleasure like fear. It"s a night when the moon laughs at lover. The time has came for you. I will resurge and shouts and bites. Stay away! do you want to go with me? They called it... "The red carpet day" The floor covered by delicious looking roses. The time has came for me. I will resurge.no control! Poured crimson adomiration into... Our clan"s blood will not stop forever. If you wish, I would become a rose. Our clan"s blood is a lifetime lover. stay,choir of sorrow and pains. My dearest descendant,Please stab my belly. oh so again Please stab my heart. The time has came for me. I will resurge.no control! Poured crimson adomiration into Holy Grail. Our clan"s blood will not stop forever. If you wish, I would become a rose. Our clan"s blood is a lifetime lover. stay,choir of sorrow and pains. 记忆の中の红い血を蔷薇に変えていた 响く Her shout and Choir Our clan"s blood will not stop forever. If you wish, I would become a rose. Our clan"s blood is a lifetime lover. stay,choir of sorrow and pains. 记忆の中の红い血を蔷薇に変えていた 响く Her shout and Choir The time has came for us. long time sleep passed. The world turns in hand of descendant of the rose. Our clan"s blood will not stop forever. stay,choir of sorrow and pains. Our clan"s blood is a lifetime lover. Without you,would be gone Far away...

如何评价小李子莱昂纳多在《荒野猎人 the revenant》中的表现


the revenant 什么时候上映

荒野猎人(the revenant)上映时间:2016年1月8日(美国)、2016年3月18日(中国大陆)中文名:荒野猎人外文名:The Revenant其它译名:复仇勇者(港),神鬼猎人(台),亡魂,还魂者,归来者出品时间:2015年12月16日(加州)出品公司:20世纪福克斯发行公司:二十世纪福斯电影公司制片地区:美国制片成本:1.35亿美元(估)拍摄地点:加拿大拍摄日期:2014年9月23日-2015年4月11日导 演:亚利桑德罗·冈萨雷斯·伊纳里多编 剧:亚利桑德罗·冈萨雷斯·伊纳里多,Michael Punke,Mark L. Smith制片人:史蒂夫·高林类 型:剧情,冒险主 演:莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥,汤姆·哈迪 ,威尔·保尔特 ,多姆纳尔·格利森,保罗·安德森片 长:156分钟,151分钟(中国)上映时间:2016年1月8日(美国)、2016年3月18日(中国大陆)分 级:R级对白语言:英语《荒野猎人》是2015年亚利桑德罗·冈萨雷斯·伊纳里多执导的剧情电影,由莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥、汤姆·哈迪、威尔·保尔特、多姆纳尔·格利森、保罗·安德森等主演。《荒野猎人》根据迈克尔·彭克同名长篇小说改编,故事讲述19世纪一名皮草猎人被熊所伤并被其他猎人抢走财物抛弃荒野,猎人经历痛苦奇迹存活后开始复仇的故事。 该片在2016年1月获得第73届金球奖剧情类最佳电影奖、最佳男主角奖和最佳导演奖 。2016年2月29日,该片在第88届奥斯卡金像奖同时获得最佳导演、最佳男主角和最佳摄影奖 。该片于2016年3月18日在中国大陆以2D、IMAX、中国巨幕格式上映。

the revenant 什么时候上映

电影《The Revenant》中文译名为《荒野猎人》。上映时间:2016年1月8日(美国)、2016年3月18日(中 国)《荒野猎人》是2015年亚利桑德罗·冈萨雷斯·伊纳里多执导的剧情电影,由莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥、汤姆·哈迪、威尔·保尔特、多姆纳尔·格利森、保罗·安德森等主演。《荒野猎人》根据迈克尔·彭克同名长篇小说改编,故事讲述19世纪一名皮草猎人休·格拉斯被熊所伤并被其他猎人抢走财物抛弃荒野,猎人经历痛苦奇迹存活后开始复仇的故事。该片在2016年1月获得第73届金球奖剧情类最佳电影奖、最佳男主角奖和最佳导演奖。2016年2月29日,该片在第88届奥斯卡金像奖同时获得最佳导演、最佳男主角和最佳摄影奖。注:男主角休·格拉斯(Hugh Glass)确有其人,是十九世纪美国探险家。

求The Revenant Choir 吉他谱


求电影“亡灵” The revenant片中35分钟的那段女声说唱歌曲名。真的很好听

法文是不?2009年电影应该是Selma Rosa或Ekila...但可能找不到,找找看是不是这个...Selma Rosa的《ma détermination 》

电影 《亡灵》 the revenant 中的插曲

Tengo un trato Mala Rodríguez

如何评价《荒野猎人/还魂者 The Revenant》的电影配乐

要评价的话,这部作品是坂本龙一鼻咽癌康复后的首部作品,可以说是死而复生,作品水准非常高。 以下转载一段专业影评家的文字: 2014年坂本因为罹患口咽癌,放下手边所有的工作,专心养病,他还戏谑自己说:我终於可以静下心来读自己想读的书,看想看的电影,想听的音乐。一旦成为名人,做自己,竟然成了奢侈与挥霍了。 《神鬼猎人》就是他大病初愈之後的最新作品,电影中听见《神鬼猎人》男主角Leonardo DiCaprio的那两句经典台词:「 As long as you can still grab a breath, you fight. You breathe... keep breathing.只要一息尚存,就要拚,呼吸,继续呼吸...」以及「I ain"t afraid to die anymore. I"d done it already.我再也不怕死了,我已经死过一回了。」我相信坂本从读剧本到看到毛片时的感受一定比我们更强。所以他才会用长音,注记者死神的脚步声;再用短促的重音,标识著死神的毃门声......天地恾茫,悠悠我心。

如何评价《荒野猎人 The Revenant》


如何评价《荒野猎人 The Revenant》


the revenant是什么意思

The Revenant[电影]亡魂

申研的Personal Statement怎么写?详细的格式,内容,有范例最好,谢谢~嘿

Personal Statement1In connection with my application for acceptance into your Ph.D. program, I enclosed following statement concerning my life, professional activities, and tentative future plans.Born in Wuhan, Hubei Province in China, on Jan. 19, 1975, I go to school at age of 6. After 12 years of education, I was recommended to Tsinghua University without tests. I am looking forward to receive my B.E. degree this summer.During my academic years, I kept getting high scores. I got the highest scores nearly in every courses.At the same time, I take an active role in the research lab. I learned and practised a lot during this work. Because my special contribution to the project of Tsinghua Software, I was rewarded several awards by the university as well as the Ministry of Electronics, such as AAA scholarship, BBB honour.After these years of study, I decided to devote all my life to Computer Science and would like to apply for Ph.D. your University. I know you have very strong faculty and facilities for an individualised study plan.Personal Statement2Statement of GoalsApplicant: Liu YingProgram: Ph.D. in Computer ScienceAlthough an ordinary girl born in an ordinary family, I was brought up in atmosphere of love. Therefore I love this world and people, I wish to devote to their happiness and satis-faction.Computer Science Is The Answer.At age of 16, I entered the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University, the best University, best department in China. I was so absorbed by the magic of Computer Theory as well as Application. I deeply believe that Computer Science will definitely change the industry of the future.Since My overall GPA belong to upper 5% of 150 students, I was awarded many scholarship, such as Tsinghua Outstanding Student Fellowship, GuangHua Fellowship. As reward,I was recommended to enter the Ph.D.Program at Tsinghua University directly,waived of tests. But I choose to apply for your University since you could provide a better environment for further research.What"s The Interest.I have a broad interest in this discipline. But the most desired area of interest is Software Engineering. Other interests follow in order of preference: Computer Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Graphics.



the revenant是什么意思

亡魂;丧尸侠;亡灵;归来者同时也是一部电影的名字 ,感兴趣可以看看

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Doctoral Student 和Ph.D Student有什么不同


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