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就是开始认真干某事 eg.Don"t you think it"s time we got down to business.



开机时显示enter password, 怎么修改密码?重新设置

你进的了系统就可以改喇~ 如果你进不了系统那就通过电池放电,把BIOS里面的设置清了就可以无需密码进系统了





Enter Password是什么意思?

让您输入 密码

What are the contents of the Magna Carta?


怎么设置Enter password密码?

1. 设置进入CMOS的密码。一般情况下,“Security Option”菜单上的默认选项是“Setup”,这时我们只要在“Set Supervisor Password”和“Set User Password”菜单上任意设定一个密码就可以了。把光标移到“Set User Password”上回车,出现一对话框(如图3),这时我们可以输入一至八位字符的任意密码(包括英文、数字、空键,要注意英文的大小写是有区别的)。连续输入两次相同的密码,再把光标移到“Save && Exit Setup”上保存后退出,CMOS密码设置就会生效,下次进入CMOS时就会弹出一对话框要求输入密码。2. 设置开机密码。首先把“Security Option”菜单上的选项改为“System”,再用同上方法设置密码。设置完成后,无论是开机后进入操作系统或CMOS之前,系统都会要求输入正确的密码。关于“Set Supervisor Password”和“Set User Password”菜单,顾名思义,前者的权限比后者高。一般情况下我们单独对两者之一进行设置时,效果会一样。但当同时对两者进行设置后,就会发现如用“Set User Password”进入CMOS时,只能修改“Set User Password”一项;如用“Set Supervisor Password”进入CMOS时就可以修改所有的菜单选项,包括“Set User Password”。最后提示一下,当要取消所设的密码时,只要进入CMOS中把光标移到相应的密码设置菜单上连续按两次回车,当出现“Password Disabled”提示就可以了

电脑开机出现Enter password怎么办啊


电脑开机就出现enter user password是什么意思


dont get high on your own supply什么意思?

dont get high on your own supply 是James Cameron说的

句子成份?parents, as a family, as a part of community and as individuals ...

parents主语 as a family, as a part of community and as individuals in the society定语 should be谓语 in action 表语appropriately 状语so as to deliver a message to their kids in which what should be respected and cherished in lives is highly highlighted.目的状语in which what should be respected and cherished in lives is highly highlighted.定语从句(对message的修饰) what should be respected and cherished in lives 宾语从句

sometime get high sometime get low, i dont wa

lone ranger

I constantly worry if I am dressed appropriately,

你好!I constantly worry if I am dressed appropriately,that perhaps I"ve actually forgotten .我一直担心如果我穿着适当,也许我已经忘记了。

tom is the strongest student in our class的同义句是什么?

Tom is the strongest than other students in our class.

tombstone advertisement翻译成什么意思

tombstone advertisement证券发行公告;证券发行广告

get on 和get into 有什么区别

get on :上车例句与用法:1. She"s ambitious and eager to get on(in die world).  她雄心勃勃,迫切地想成功。2. How"s your son getting on with his French?  你儿子的法语学得好吗?3. I"m not getting on very fast with this job.  我这份工作进展不太快。 get into :vt. 进入(陷入,从事于,研究,习惯于,变成)例句与用法:1. Nobody likes to get into trouble.  没有谁愿意惹麻烦。2. I can"t get into these shoes--they are too small.  我不能穿进这双鞋--它们太小了。3. There is no need to get into a stew; everything will be all right.  没有必要烦恼,一切都会好起来的。4. I don"t know what"s got into him recently; he"s become very bad-tempered.  不知道他最近怎麽了, 脾气变得坏极了.

get along / get on / get into / get over…中文意思是?「get」英文片语大集合!

大家如果有看过英文单字本,应该有看过例句里落落长的片语动词列表,背都背不完,不过不要担心!英文老师 Aly 在《Papa Teach Me》上介绍了「get」的片语动词系列,帮助厘清这些长得有点像,可是又不太像的片语动词。 ① get along / on (with) 和…相处 e.g We get on / along with each other well (我们相处上超合的。) e.g We don"t get on / along with each other. (我们实在水火不容。) 要注意的是,「get along with / get on with」只代表「这两个人不讨厌彼此,可以一同相处」,如果要讲「感情好」,要加上副词「well」;如果要表达「彼此水火不容」,可以直接使用否定。 ② get on / get off 上 / 下(车;交通工具) e.g I got on / off the bus. (我上公车 / 下公车。) ③ get on (with) 继续(做某事) e.g I need to get on with my work. (我需要继续做我的工作了。) ④ get through (电话)联络上(人);撑过… e.g I can"t get through! (我电话一直打不通啦!) e.g You"ll get through all the hardships! (你一定可以撑过这些困难的!) ⑤ get into 开始对…产生极大兴趣 e.g I got into Games Of Thrones last week. (我上礼拜开始迷上《权力游戏》。) 特别注意,因为「get」本身带有「开始产生变化」的语意,所以「get into」强调「开始迷上…」,而容易混淆的是「be into」,「be into」则没有强调「开始」的语意,只是在说明「迷上…」。 ⑥ get over 克服;走出(伤痛 / 前任) e.g You will get over him someday! (你总有一天会走出他的!) ⑦ get by 靠…过活 e.g I can"t get by on that little money! (我不可能只靠这么一点钱过活!) ⑧ get around 花边新闻很多 e.g Don"t trust him! He gets around. (别相信他!他根本跟一堆人有一腿!) get, Get along, get along 中文, get along 意思, get along 用法, get along 翻译, get around, get around 中文, get around 意思, get around 用法, get around 翻译, get by, get by 中文, get by 意思, get by 用法, get by 翻译, get into, get into 中文, get into 意思, get into 用法, get into 翻译, get off, get off 中文, get off 意思, get off 用法, get off 翻译, get on, get on with, get on with 中文, get on with 意思, get on with 用法, get on with 翻译, get on 中文, get on 意思, get on 用法, get on 翻译, get over, get over 中文, get over 意思, get over 用法, get over 翻译, get through, get through 中文, get through 意思, get through 用法, get through 翻译, get 片语, get 英文例句, get 英文片语, get 英文用法

请问 get on 与 get into 的区别

get on (上车)公共汽车 get into(上车(小汽车)

英语短语之get on &get 在接交通工具时,get on和into有何区别?请具体指出宾语

1 get on和get into的区别 get off和get out of的区别 以及它们的用法 答:get on骑上(马等),骑上马等;登上(公共汽车、火车等),登上公共汽车、火车等 When I got on the bus,I saw my teacher sitting there.我一上汽车看见老师在车上坐着 get into进入;渗透进 How did the thief manage to get into the house?这贼是怎样设法闯入屋子的?get off下去,下来;下(公共汽车、火车、飞机等),下(马等) Never get off while the car is moving.车在行驶时切勿下车.get out of 从…下来 We got out of the trolley bus at Yan"an Road.我们在延安路下了电车

I Only Want To Be With You 歌词

歌曲名:I Only Want To Be With You歌手:黄莺莺专辑:If We Are Only Friendswritten by Mike Hawker & Ivor Raymondrecorded by Vonda Shepard on the album "Songs from Ally McBeal"I don"t know what it is that makes me love you soI only know I never want to let you go"Cause you started something, can"t you seeThat ever since we met you"ve had a hold on meIt happens to be trueI only want to be with youIt doesn"t matter where you go or what you doI wanna spend each moment of the day with youLook what has happened with just one kissI never knew that I could be in love like thisIt"s crazy but it"s trueI only want to be with youYou stopped and smiled at me, asked me if I"d care to danceI fell into your open arms and I didn"t stand a chanceNow listen honey, I just wanna be beside you everywhereAs long as we"re together honey I don"t care"Cause you started something, can"t you seeThat ever since we"ve met you"ve had a hold on meNo matter what you doI only want to be with youYou stopped and smiled at me, asked me if I"d care to danceI fell into your open arms and I didn"t stand a chanceNow listen honey, I just wanna be beside you everywhereAs long as we"re together honey I don"t care"Cause you started something, can"t you seeThat ever since we"ve met you"ve had a hold on meNo matter what you doI only want to be with youNo matter No matter what you doI only want to be with youNo matter No matter what you doI only want to be with you~I only want to be with you~http://music.baidu.com/song/2578180

get on和get into用法什么区别!get off和get out of的区别呢!

get on 1.(cause to)be placed on top of 登上*Get on my shouders and have a look over the fence.爬上我的肩膀,看看围墙那边。2.advance;make progress 进步;进展*You are getting on nicely with your English.你的英语进步很大。*I"m afraid she isn"t getting on very well at school.我担心她在学校的成绩不太好。*How"s your broken leg getting on ?你那受伤的腿怎么样了?*Did you get on all right in the exam?你考试顺利吗?3.advance in age or grow older 变老*His white hair and wrinkles are enough to show that he is getting on.他的白发和皱纹足以说明他上岁数了。*They are all getting on, but won"t admit it.他们都在变老,但就是不服老。*Your parents are getting on in years;you should take good care of them.你的父母已经上了年纪,你得好好照顾他们。*She is not very young;she is getting on to middle age.她不很年轻,快到中年了。4.(cause to) take a place on(a horse, bicycle,etc.)or in(a vehi cle)骑上(马);上(车等)*Only one person at a time is allowed to get on the horse.一次只能让一个人骑上这匹马。*She got on her bicycle and cycled off quickly.她跨上自行车,飞快地骑走了。*When the old lady got on the bus, a young man stood up to offer her his seat.那位老太太上车后,一位年轻人立刻站了起来给她让坐。5.be on good terms 意气相投;相处融洽*They got on with each other very well.他们彼此相处得很好。*It"s hard to get on with a suspicious man.和一个多疑的人相处很难。*They get on well at work but not privately.他们在工作上处得不错,但私人关系不好。*How do you get on with him?你跟他相处得怎么样?*We get on extremely well.我们相处得很融洽。6. be on one"s way 赶路*I must be getting on;I"m late already.我必须要赶路,我已迟了。*We"d better get on while there is still light.我们最好趁亮赶路。7.advance in time;become late (时间)消逝;晚了*Time is getting on.Shall we go now?时间不早了,我们现在走好吗?*It"s getting on. We"d better go home.天色渐晚了,我们回家吧。*It"s was getting on towards eight o"clock when he came back home.他到家时已经快8点钟了。8.fare;manage 过日子*How are you getting on?你近来日子过得怎样?*9.continue doing sth.继续做某事*Don"t sit there talking;get on with your work.不要坐在那里聊天,继续干活吧。*They couldn"t get on for lack of materials.他们由于缺少材料干不下去了。10.manage to live or work 设法对付;设法过下去;设法干下去*I can hardly get on without your support.没有你的支持我简直干不下去了。*You can"t get on without money in this world.在这个世界上没有钱你休想过下去。11.put on 穿上;戴上*It was cold outside; she got her hat and coat on.外面很冷,她戴上帽子,穿上外衣。12.cause to go forward or make progress使前进;使进步*She is an outstanding teacher,good at getting her pupils.她是位优秀教师,很善于引导学生进步。13.achieve success取得成功;发迹*She is sure to get on in life.她一定会很有出息。14. used as an exclamation of disbelief,surprise,etc.用作表示惊讶或不相信*“Guess how far I walked yesterday?”“Ten miles?” No,thirty two miles!”“Get on!”“你猜我昨天走了多少路?”“10英里?”“不对,32英里!”“我不信!”get into 1.enter 进入*How did the thieves get into the house?这些窃贼怎么进入室内的?2.put on;fit 穿上;适合*As I have gained weight, I can"t get into my best suit.因为体重增加,我无法穿我那件最好的西装。3.arrive at 到达*The ship got into the harbour safely.船平安地驶进了海港。4.learn or start 学习;着手*I must get into training soon;the cricket season starts next month.我得马上投入训练,板球季节下个月就开始了。*You"ll soon get into the way of doing it.你很快就能学会做这件事。5.fall into or suffer;become a victim of (trouble,difficulty,debt,etc)陷入(麻烦、困难、债务等)*It"s easier to get into debt than to get out of it again.借债容易还债难。*He wouldn"t take advice,and now he has got into difficulties.他不听忠告,结果现在陷入困境。*How on earth did Mary get herself into such a ridiculous situation?玛丽究竟是怎样使自己陷入如此荒唐可笑的境地的?*I promise never to get into debt again.我保证今后永不借债。*Please don"t make so much noise.You"ll get me into trouble.请不要这么吵闹,你们会使我感到很烦躁。6.acquire;develop;get into (a habit,etc.)养成;染上(习惯等)*The children got into the bad habit of switching on the television as soon as they came back from school.孩子们养成了坏习惯,从学校一回来就打开电视机。*Don"t let yourself get into the bad habit of smoking.不要让自己染上抽烟的坏习惯。7.enter involuntarily;cause sb. to enter a certain emotional state;be affected by 不自觉地陷入或使某人陷入某种精神状态;受…影响*When John found that his wife had gone out without waiting for him, he got into a blind fury and smashed the furniture up.当约翰发现他妻子不等他就外出时,便莫名奇妙地勃然大怒并且砸坏了家俱。*You shouldn"t let yourself get into a stew about nothing.It"s bad for your blood pressure.你不应无事自扰,这对你的血压不利。*He gets into a terrible rage if you just mention money.你只要一提到钱,他就大怒起来。8.(cause to) be elected 当选;使选入*He got into Parliament with an overwhelming majority.他因获得绝大多数票而被选入议会。*The Conservatives got into office, but with a small majority.保守党上台了,不过是以微弱多数上台的。9.succeed in obtaining;gain possession or control of 获得;赢得;支配*The new measures are fast getting into favour with the students.这些新举措迅速得到了学生们的拥护。*I don"t know what has got into my son.He doesn"t come back home until six.我不知道什么东西使我儿子着了迷,他不到6点不回家。get off 1.(cause to) leave(a vehicle)(使)下(车)*The bus driver got the passengers off in time.公共汽车司机让乘客及时下了车。*Sue got off the train at the wrong station.苏下错了火车站。2.leave;start 离开;出发*We got off early and arrived be fore lunch.我们出发得早,所以午饭前就赶到了。*The plane got off on time.飞机准时起飞了。*We got off immediately after breakfast.早饭后,我们立即就出发了。3.clean or remove(a mark, dirt,etc.)擦去(污渍等)*There"s a dirty mark on the wall that I can"t get off.墙上有个污渍我无法擦掉。*I couldn"t get the coffee stains off my shirt.我无法去掉我衬衫上的咖啡污迹。4.tabe off 脱掉*His mother told him to get his wet clothes off.他妈妈要他把湿衣服脱掉。5.(cause to)leave; not remain on (使)离开;不要停留在…之上*That grass is newly seeded;please get off.草地刚播种,请走开。*Getting children off to school is tiring work.催促孩子们去上学是件烦人的事情。*We got him off on the evening train.我们送他搭晚车走了。6.save; rescue救出*The last three sailors were got off just before the ship sank. 最后3名水手刚得救船就沉了。*The crew of the stranded yacht were in danger but we got them off,那艘搁浅帆船上的船员处于危险之中,但我们把他们救出来了。7.escape or nearly escape punishment;save from punishment逃避惩罚;使免遭惩罚*The thieves got off lightly,as the judge was not severe with them.由于法官对窃贼不那么严厉,他们轻易地就逃避了惩罚。*He got off with a warning.他受了一次警告就完事了。*The judge got him off, but he wouldn"t have got him off so easily if it hadn"t been a first offence.法官从轻发落了他,若不是初犯,他是不会这么轻而易举地放过他的。*The lawyer got his client off.律师使他的委托人免遭惩罚。*It was his youth and inexperience that got him off.他因年幼无知而受到从宽处理。8.escape from;free from 逃避;摆脱*No one should get off paying his taxes.任何人都不应逃税。*He managed to get off doing this kind of dirty work.他设法逃避干这类脏活儿。9.escape or nearly escape injury in an accident 在事故中免受伤害或损失*Fortunately the two cars didn"t crash head on,so Bill got off with nothing worse than a bad fright.幸好这两部车没有迎头相撞,所以比尔只是受了一场惊吓。10.send; go; dispatch by post (把信件等)邮寄出去I want to get this package off at once.我想把这个包裹马上寄走。*Please get the letter off by the five o"clock post.请把这些信件通过5点的那趟邮次发出去。*We got the orders off promptly.我们准时发出了订单。11.make a joke说笑话*The lecturer got off one or two very amusing jokes.演讲者讲了一两个极有趣的笑话。12.learn by heart;memorize 背诵*The teacher asked his students to get off the passage by heart.老师要学生把这段文章背下来。get out of 1.move out of a space, building,etc.离开*The door locked accidentally, and I couldn"t get out of the bathroom.门无意中锁上了,结果我无法从浴室里出来。2.remove 取出;拔出*Can you get this nail out of the wall?你能拔出墙上这颗钉子吗?3. descend from(a vehicle)从(车上)下来*They can"t get the cases and bags out of the plane faster. 他们无法更快地从飞机上把这些箱子和包裹搬下来。4.copy 复制;抄袭*His story isn"t original;he got it out of a book.他讲的故事并不新鲜,他是从一本书上看来的。5.escape from 从…逃脱*Why don"t you get out of the country if you don"t like it?既然你不喜欢这个国家,那为什么不离开它呢?6.gain from; obtain from 获取*The children are always trying to get more money out of their father.那些孩子总想从父亲手里多弄到几个钱。*There"s nothing to be got out of this book;it"s years out of date.从这本书里得不到什么,它已经过时多年了。*Unfortunately,I got nothing out of his poor lecture.糟糕的是,我从他那差劲的讲座中什么也没有学到。7.forget or lose sth.such as a habit 忘掉或去除(习惯等)*Joining a group will help to get you out of the habit.加入一个小组将有助你改掉这种习惯。8.avoid doing sth.;be excused from;evade避免做某事;逃避;摆脱*I wish I could get out of going to that ceremony.我希望我能不参加那仪式。*Everyone of us must take turns to wash up;no one will be allowed to get out of it.我们大家都得轮流洗碗,任何人不得逃避。*He is trying to get out of paying his share of the bill.他试图逃避支付账单上的他的那一份钱。*I have an engagement for tonight, but I will try to get out of it.我今晚有个约会,但我将设法不去。*Never try to get out of doing your duty.不要逃避你的责任。*get out or bed(on) the wrong side be in a bad mood or temper(from the moment one gets up)(从一起床起)心情不好;发脾气*What"s the matter with you?You are cursing at everyone this morning.You must have got out of bed on the wrong side.你怎么啦?一早上你一直在骂人,你一定是心情不好。

get on和get into的区别是什么?

get on和get into的区别为:一、指代不同1、get on:登上。2、get into:进入。二、侧重点不同1、get on:侧重于表示各种密闭的可移动空间,例如飞机、汽车、火车等。2、get into:侧重于表示进入狭小的密闭空间,例如电梯等。三、引证用法不同1、get on:on表示“在物体的表面上”,而in表示“在其中”。2、get into:into介词,它引导介词短语,在句中用作状语,表示“进入...之中”或“变成”之意。

英语、 Get on. Get into.Get down. Get off.Get up .Get out 分别是什么意思。 谢啦~

get on 接近,上车(马),穿上,等于get along , 识破,困扰,打扰,发迹,出人头地。get into 进入,染上习惯,穿上鞋袜,学会,懂得,习惯于。get down 从什么下来,下车,咽下,吞下,写下,使沮丧,使抑郁,开始认真考虑和对待。get off 从什么下来,下车,脱衣服,动身,开始,飞机起飞,离开,发出电报信件,逃脱处分,被容忍,和异性交好,说笑话。get up 起床,起立,登上,上马,风浪猛烈,到达赶上,修整外表,打扮,安排组织,致力于,温习,地位提高,产生感情,命令马快跑增加知识

self-assured 与 confident 有什么区别?

self-assued 用在句尾 be confident in 用在句中

get in、get into、get out、get away有什么区别

get in= 进入(形式/状态); get into=进入(实体空间); get out =出来, 离开, 泄漏(消息);get away= 逍遥法外;(做了错事而)安然无事 以上片语都必须配合前后文判断实际用法

are you not confident in yourself?

of course,i am a self-confident person.first,i have a comfortable family,my parents love me and they are the source of my confidene,they always encourage me when i fail and meet barriers.in addition,i think every one is ordinary people,he can make mistakes ,and every one has his or her own stength,we have no reason to lose our self-confidence

[A] self-confident[B] self-oriented[C] self-conscious[D] self-satisfied


get in、get into、get out、get away有什么区别

get in= 进入(形式/状态); get into=进入(实体空间); get out =出来, 离开, 泄漏(消息); get away= 逍遥法外;(做了错事而)安然无事 以上片语都必须配合前后文判断实际用法

用postcard,different to,dirty,be afraid,because五个单词各造一句话

英语造句:1) postcard:I will write my greetings to you on a postcard and send to you.2). different to:This event is very different to the new student.3). dirty:This place was dirty before but now it"s clean.4). be afraid:She may be afraid of going there alone.5). because:I have made a great progress because I worked hard.

英语翻译 There are few people as self-confident as a


you are very self-confident

1.因为是you are self-confident in this way 2.正因为self-confident是形容词,所以才能用来形容人(你) be self-confident in 在某方面很自信

求解这道动词填空为什么是加ing!understanding yourself is important to ___(build) self-confident.

Understanding yourself(动名词短语作主语) is important to build self- confident.be important to do 对作某事很重要

以“To be self_confident”为主题得英语作文 100字左右

To be Self-ConfidentSelf-confidence is the belief in one"s own abilities, qualities, and worth. It is an essential trait that can greatly impact our lives. When we are self-confident, we have a positive mindset and are more likely to take on challenges and overcome obstacles.Self-confidence allows us to believe in ourselves and our potential. It gives us the courage to step out of our comfort zones and try new things. With self-confidence, we can face failures and setbacks with resilience and determination. It enables us to embrace our strengths and acknowledge our weaknesses, knowing that we are capable of continuous growth and improvement.Being self-confident also enhances our interactions with others. It helps us communicate effectively, express our ideas and opinions, and assert ourselves when necessary. When we believe in ourselves, others are more likely to believe in us too, leading to stronger relationships and increased opportunities.To be self-confident, it is important to cultivate a positive self-image and practice self-compassion. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, and acknowledge your unique qualities and strengths. Surround yourself with supportive and encouraging individuals who believe in you.Remember, self-confidence is not about being perfect or never experiencing self-doubt. It is about embracing your worth and capabilities, even in the face of challenges. So, believe in yourself, embrace your uniqueness, and let your self-confidence shine.

self-confident是不是"自信"的意思 self的构词还有哪些

是,形容词形式 self-employed 个体户.自己把自己雇佣了~ self-motivated 自我激励的 self-awareness自我意识 Self-catering 可自己做饭 自信(self-confidence), self-conscious 自觉的 self-contemptuous 自卑的 self-dependence 自力更生

l want to buy a postcard.是什么意思?


I want to buy a postcard什么意思


用exhausted; interested; encouraged; absorbed ;造句

I was exhausted after working for eight hours. Tom is interested in playing basketball. John encouraged Mary to talk to him, Small businesses are absorbed by big ones.


总体来说就是抛出异常 向页面传递数据,渲染页面等功能

The pinkp panthertheme是什么意思


粉红顽皮豹的吉他谱子 , Pink Panther Theme的谱子


Vincent Varvel的《Postcard》 歌词

歌曲名:Postcard歌手:Vincent Varvel专辑:Pictures & Postcardslil eddie-postcardby @译特@We thought of different ways 我们考虑着各种不同的方法To relight the fire 来再次点燃这爱情之火Worked a few times before 在起效一段时间之前Yet all we knew 然而我们都知道It was only half the battle 它是没结束的战斗It was way more to endure 不只是忍耐Agreed to never stop 还要不停的协商And go the distance 继续这段行程Love without a heart 爱的丢了那颗爱的心That flowing feeling 那心中涌出的感觉On an air balloon just 仅仅像在那热气球中Ain"t there between us 并没有在我们之间Listen, if our hour blessed us 听着,如果我们的时间在祝福着我们That"ll do for us 那说明它是适合我们的We just can"t seem to forget this 我们只是不想去忘记这些Forget that touch 忘记那心中的触动Like the sun in the sky 就想太阳一直在天空那样自然If I escape when I look in your eyes 或许在你的眼中我是在逃避I can"t face you and say goodbye 我只是不能面对你,向你说再见It"s never easy 这不是容易的事So I"ll just send you a postcard 所以我仅仅是发给你一张明信片By the time you receive it 当你收到它的时候I bet I"m on your "hate you" list 我猜想我正在你所恨的事物中Send you a postcard 发给你一张明信片Hope you can read it 希望你能够去读它Cuz my teardrops ran and blurred the ink 因为我的眼泪在飞,那墨迹已模糊不清了Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Give it a shot 给它一道光吧My mind is sure 我的心思是明确的But my heart is not 但是我的心却已不是This is so hard, to be so far 这太难了,到现在也是P.S. with a lipstick kiss 付送着一个口红的甜蜜的吻Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中So keep telling each other 让它能够告诉其他人It will get better 一切都将变的更好But I still feel the weight 但我却一直感受着这压力It"s heavy on my brain 它沉重的压在我的脑中Like a thousand tons of 就像是有千万吨重Falling hail, it rained 充满了欢呼,因为它在下雨The miles we went to get 那份距离我们一直在走远Is up a twister (?) 是升起的一阵龙卷风Now would that get it again 现在我们将再一次的面对The wind"s too strong to hold us any longer 这风是那么的强使我们不能紧紧相拥When you told her it"s over 告诉她这一切都结束了Listen, if our hour blessed us 听着,如果我们的时间在祝福着我们That"ll do for us 那说明它是适合我们的We just can"t seem to forget this 我们只是不想去忘记这些Forget that touch 忘记那心中的触动Like the sun in the sky 就想太阳一直在天空那样自然If I escape when I look in your eyes 或许在你的眼中我是在逃避I can"t face you and say goodbye 我只是不能面对你,向你说再见It"s never easy 这不是容易的事So I"ll just send you a postcard 所以我仅仅是发给你一张明信片By the time you receive it 当你收到它的时候I bet I"m on your "hate you" list 我猜想我正在你所恨的事物中Send you a postcard 发给你一张明信片Hope you can read it 希望你能够去读它Cuz my teardrops ran and blurred the ink 因为我的眼泪在飞,那墨迹已模糊不清了Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Give it a shot 给它一道光吧My mind is sure 我的心思是明确的But my heart is not 但是我的心却已不是This is so hard, to be so far 这太难了,到现在也是P.S. with a lipstick kiss 付送着一个口红的甜蜜的吻Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中I want you to know 我想要你知道When the plane took off 当那飞机起飞时I was wishing that I had a parachute 我多么希望我有一个降落伞Cuz there was one side of my head 因为那里还有我的另一半Screaming feelings of a breath 心中那尖叫的感觉And I saw the truth 我看着这事实We can start over new 我们能够重新开始You know what comes next 你知道未来将发生什么Where we do (?) 我们将何去何从We make the same u-turn 我们在做着同样的回转That led us both stranded here 使我们在这里搁浅So I"ll just send you a postcard 所以我仅发给你一张明信片By the time you receive it 当你收到它的时候I bet I"m on your "hate you" list 我猜想我正在你所恨的事物中Send you a postcard 发给你一张明信片Hope you can read it 希望你能够去读它Cuz my teardrops ran and blurred the ink 因为我的眼泪在飞,那墨迹已模糊不清了Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Give it a shot 给它一道光吧My mind is sure 我的心思是明确的But my heart is not 但是我的心却已不是This is so hard, to be so far 这太难了,到现在也是P.S. with a lipstick kiss 付送着一个口红的甜蜜的吻Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Oh, no no no, I"ll 噢,不,不,不,我将.......Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Yes, I know I was kinda wrong 是的,我知道我真的有点错了Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Cuz I couldn"t look at you 因为我不敢看着你And tell you it"s over, no 告诉你这都结束了,噢不http://music.baidu.com/song/15294108

Exhausted, he flopped into the nearest chair。请问,Exhausted, 这种用法是省略句呢?

其实exhausted的主语是he.完整的表达应该是“He was exhausted,he flopped into the nearest chair.” 他急匆匆的,他摔倒在附近的椅子上。可以看到,两个分句的主语是一致的。这种情况下,我们就可以省略掉一个主语,省略掉一个谓语。只保留分词的形式。就成了看似分词独立作为一个句子的用法。而generally speaking.这是固定的用法。

ubuntu 怎么打patch

1、diff--------------------NAME diff- find differences between two filesSYNOPSIS diff[options] from-file to-file--------------------简单的说,diff的功能就是用来比较两个文件的不同,然后记录下来,也就是所谓的diff补丁。语法格式:diff 【选项】 源文件(夹) 目的文件(夹),就是要给源文件(夹)打个补丁,使之变成目的文件(夹),术语也就是“升级”。下面介绍三个最为常用选项:-r 是一个递归选项,设置了这个选项,diff会将两个不同版本源代码目录中的所有对应文件全部都进行一次比较,包括子目录文件。-N 选项确保补丁文件将正确地处理已经创建或删除文件的情况。-u 选项以统一格式创建补丁文件,这种格式比缺省格式更紧凑些。2、patch------------------NAME patch- apply a diff file to an originalSYNOPSIS patch[options] [originalfile [patchfile]] butusually just patch-pnum <patchfile>------------------简单的说,patch就是利用diff制作的补丁来实现源文件(夹)和目的文件(夹)的转换。这样说就意味着你可以有源文件(夹)――>目的文件(夹),也可以目的文件(夹)――>源文件(夹)。下面介绍几个最常用选项:-p0 选项要从当前目录查找目的文件(夹)-p1 选项要忽略掉第一层目录,从当前目录开始查找。************************************************************在这里以实例说明:--- old/modules/pcitable MonSep 27 11:03:56 1999+++ new/modules/pcitable TueDec 19 20:05:41 2000如果使用参数-p0,那就表示从当前目录找一个叫做old的文件夹,在它下面寻找modules下的pcitable文件来执行patch操作。如果使用参数-p1,那就表示忽略第一层目录(即不管old),从当前目录寻找modules的文件夹,在它下面找pcitable。这样的前提是当前目录必须为modules所在的目录。而diff补丁文件则可以在任意位置,只要指明了diff补丁文件的路径就可以了。当然,可以用相对路径,也可以用绝对路径。不过我一般习惯用相对路径。************************************************************-E 选项说明如果发现了空文件,那么就删除它-R 选项说明在补丁文件中的“新”文件和“旧”文件现在要调换过来了(实际上就是给新版本打补丁,让它变成老版本)下面结合具体实例来分析和解决,分为两种类型:为单个文件打补丁和为文件夹内的多个文件打补丁。环境:在RedHat 9.0下面以armlinux用户登陆。目录树如下:|--bootloader|--debug|--images|--kernel|--program|--rootfiles|--software|--source|--sysapps|--tmp`--tools下面在program文件夹下面建立patch文件夹作为实验用,然后进入patch文件夹。一、为单个文件进行补丁操作1、建立测试文件test0、test1[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ cat >>test0<<EOF>111111>111111>111111>EOF[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ more test0111111111111111111[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ cat>>test1<<EOF>222222>111111>222222>111111>EOF[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ more test12222221111112222221111112、使用diff创建补丁test1.patch[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ diff -uN test0 test1 >test1.patch【注:因为单个文件,所以不需要-r选项。选项顺序没有关系,即可以是-uN,也可以是-Nu。】[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ lstest0 test1 test1.patch[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ more test1.patch************************************************************patch文件的结构补丁头补丁头是分别由---/+++开头的两行,用来表示要打补丁的文件。---开头表示旧文件,+++开头表示新文件。一个补丁文件中的多个补丁一个补丁文件中可能包含以---/+++开头的很多节,每一节用来打一个补丁。所以在一个补丁文件中可以包含好多个补丁。块块是补丁中要修改的地方。它通常由一部分不用修改的东西开始和结束。他们只是用来表示要修改的位置。他们通常以@@开始,结束于另一个块的开始或者一个新的补丁头。块的缩进块会缩进一列,而这一列是用来表示这一行是要增加还是要删除的。块的第一列+号表示这一行是要加上的。-号表示这一行是要删除的。没有加号也没有减号表示这里只是引用的而不需要修改。***************************************************************diff命令会在补丁文件中记录这两个文件的首次创建时间,如下***---test0 2006-08-1809:12:01.000000000 +0800+++test1 2006-08-1809:13:09.000000000 +0800@@ -1,3 +1,4@@+222222111111-111111+222222111111[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ patch -p0 < test1.patchpatching filetest0[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ lstest0 test1 test1.patch[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ cat test02222221111112222221111113、可以去除补丁,恢复旧版本[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ patch -RE -p0 <test1.patchpatching filetest0[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ lstest0 test1 test1.patch[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ cat test0111111111111111111二、为多个文件进行补丁操作1、创建测试文件夹[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ mkdir prj0[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ cp test0 prj0[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ lsprj0 test0 test1 test1.patch[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ cd prj0/[armlinux@lqmprj0]$ lstest0[armlinux@lqmprj0]$ cat>>prj0name<<EOF>-------->prj0/prj0name>-------->EOF[armlinux@lqmprj0]$ lsprj0name test0[armlinux@lqmprj0]$ cat prj0name--------prj0/prj0name--------[armlinux@lqmprj0]$ cd ..[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ mkdir prj1[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ cp test1 prj1[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ cd prj1[armlinux@lqmprj1]$ cat>>prj1name<<EOF>--------->prj1/prj1name>--------->EOF[armlinux@lqmprj1]$ cat prj1name---------prj1/prj1name---------[armlinux@lqmprj1]$ cd ..2、创建补丁[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ diff -uNr prj0 prj1 >prj1.patch[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ more prj1.patchdiff -uNrprj0/prj0name prj1/prj0name---prj0/prj0name 2006-08-1809:25:11.000000000 +0800+++prj1/prj0name 1970-01-0108:00:00.000000000 +0800@@ -1,3 +0,0@@----------prj0/prj0name---------diff -uNrprj0/prj1name prj1/prj1name---prj0/prj1name 1970-01-0108:00:00.000000000 +0800+++prj1/prj1name 2006-08-1809:26:36.000000000 +0800@@ -0,0 +1,3@@+---------+prj1/prj1name+---------diff -uNrprj0/test0 prj1/test0---prj0/test0 2006-08-1809:23:53.000000000 +0800+++prj1/test0 1970-01-0108:00:00.000000000 +0800@@ -1,3 +0,0@@-111111-111111-111111diff -uNrprj0/test1 prj1/test1---prj0/test1 1970-01-0108:00:00.000000000 +0800+++prj1/test1 2006-08-1809:26:00.000000000 +0800@@ -0,0 +1,4@@+222222+111111+222222+111111[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ lsprj0 prj1 prj1.patch test0 test1 test1.patch[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ cp prj1.patch ./prj0[armlinux@lqmpatch]$ cd prj0[armlinux@lqmprj0]$ patch -p1 < prj1.patchpatching fileprj0namepatching fileprj1namepatching filetest0patching filetest1[armlinux@lqmprj0]$ lsprj1name prj1.patch test1[armlinux@lqmprj0]$ patch -R -p1 < prj1.patchpatching fileprj0namepatching fileprj1namepatching filetest0patching filetest1[armlinux@lqmprj0]$ lsprj0name prj1.patch test0-------------------总结一下:单个文件diff –uN from-fileto-file >to-file.patchpatch –p0< to-file.patchpatch –RE –p0< to-file.patch多个文件diff –uNr from-docuto-docu >to-docu.patchpatch –p1< to-docu.patchpatch –R –p1<to-docu.patch-----------------

求一句《粉红豹》(The Pink Panther)里面的经典台词!!

I would like to buy a hamburger是这句吧



粉红豹 The Pink Panther

译  名 粉红豹◎片  名 The Pink Panther◎年  代 2006◎国  家 美国◎类  别 犯罪/剧情/喜剧/冒险 ◎语  言 英语◎字  幕 中英双字◎IMDB评分 4.7/10 (5,460 votes)◎文件格式 BD-RMVB◎视频尺寸 1024 x 560◎文件大小 1CD◎片  长 93 Min◎导  演 Shawn Levy◎主  演 史蒂夫·马丁 Steve Martin .... Inspector Jacques Clouseau       Kristin Chenoweth .... Cherie       亨利·彻尼 Henry Czerny .... Yuri       Janet Huege .... Girl in Airplane Bathroom       凯文·克莱恩 Kevin Kline .... Chief Inspector Dreyfus       贝洋塞·诺尔丝 Beyoncé Knowles .... Xania       Boris McGiver .... Vainqueur       艾美丽·莫迪默 Emily Mortimer .... Nicole       罗杰·里斯 Roger Rees .... Raymond Labarge       让·雷诺 Jean Reno .... Gendarme Gilbert Ponton       Stephen Rowe .... Sykorian       Daniel Sauli .... Roland Saint-Germain       Marty Eli Schwartz .... Maintenance       Jacqueline Lovell .... Cocktail Waitress (uncredited)       Colleen Sturtevant .... Passenger at JFK (uncredited)◎简  介 剧情:乌龙神探“智”破“粉红豹”大劫案   在一枚天价戒指的上面,镶嵌着一颗无比名贵的钻石——这颗钻石的里面,隐约闪烁着一朵粉红色的流光,活像一只端坐的“粉红豹”,这颗世界闻名的“粉红豹”属于一个同样著名的足球教练,而他的女朋友更是世界知名的流行歌手仙妮娅(碧昂斯),如此幸运之人可谓人人艳羡。  然而,就在一场足球比赛胜利之后,在满场欢呼的观众的面前,教练意外被谋杀,那枚镶嵌着“粉红豹”钻石的戒指也被凶手偷走。如此明目张胆、手段高超的大窃案+谋杀案迅速引起了全球关注,不管是为了自己的面子,还是为了安抚人心,法国政府必须要一名干练的侦探来侦破案件,并找回那颗独一无二的宝石。  负责警长德内弗斯(凯文·克莱恩)心里开始慢慢盘算——只要能迅速侦破,荣誉勋章就是自己的了,当然,这其中不能有任何失误。只有一个人能完成这个任务,一个能用自己让人捧腹加头疼的方式解决问题的人,克鲁索探员(史蒂夫·马丁)。于是,带上自己的搭档庞顿(让·雷诺),把嫌疑人目标对准教练的女朋友,克鲁索探员疯狂搞笑的新冒险又开始了看点:粉红光芒再现屏幕   曾经,有一系列电影的成功,充满了无数的意外:虽然有后来奥斯卡金像奖终身成就奖得主布莱克·爱德华兹导演,然而在拍摄前,却没人看好这个它(除了导演和编剧);在开拍后,片中主要演员一一退出剧组,甚至闹上法庭;伟大的喜剧演员彼德·塞勒斯凭借系列第一部中的配角探员,开始成就他辉煌的喜剧事业;甚至在塞勒斯死后,仍然用他以前出演的四部“粉红豹”拼接出了第五部系列电影,依然无比成功,“粉红风潮”一直没有消退!  这个红了42年的喜剧系列就是《粉红豹》,一出围绕绝世宝石“粉红豹”窃案的喜剧。重拍《粉红豹》系列电影,首先必须要有能与彼德·塞勒斯争锋的笑星,史蒂夫·马丁的加入无疑注入了一针强心剂。而在拍片过程中谣传的贝克汉姆和成龙大哥加盟,虽然最终未能成行,也使得它更添传奇色彩。最终由白头谐星马丁打头,法国魅力男人让·雷诺、演技高手凯文·克莱恩以及黑人小天后碧昂斯助阵的《粉红豹》,已然闪现出粉红光芒。

Pink Panther 这句英文是什么意思



老美的为什么??? 9.1事件谁知道??为什么广电总局要在9月1日开始就禁播外国动漫 难道这样就能使中国动漫有发展?????? 不同意9.1行动的动漫迷们来顶一下!!! 9.1的解释如下 从9月1日起,每天在17时至20时的黄金时间,孩子们在所有的动画频道、少儿频道、青少年频道、儿童频道看到的将全部是国产动画片。如果要看进口动画片,则在20时以后。据《广电总局关于进一步规范电视动画片播出管理的通知》,自2006年9月1日起,全国各级电视台所有频道在每天17时—20时之间,均不得播出境外动画片和介绍境外动画片的资讯节目或展示境外动画片的栏目。 有志同道合的上我的空间的专题页面http://hi.baidu.com/love10000year/blog/category/%C4%AC%C8%CF%B7%D6%C0%E0


Pink Panther[电影]粉红豹;

The propensity to patent 是什么意思 Clustering是集群还是集聚,如何翻译

propensity [ prəu"pensiti ] n. 倾向,习性;癖好,偏爱 patent [ "peitənt ] vt. 授予专利;取得…的专利权 adj. 专利的;新奇的;显然的 n. 专利权;执照;专利品 对专利的偏爱clustering [ "klʌstəriŋ ] n. 聚集,收集;[计]分类归并 v. 使成群(cluster的现在分词) clustering 是cluster(聚集,收集)的名词形式,常常译为:集群不过,具体要看上下文的.知识在于点滴积累,更在于不懈努力。祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!——另外,正在冲采纳率,请记得采用,谢谢合作!(*^__^*)

do you want to dance with me

两个都是to want 和dance都是动词,在英语里两个动词不能连续一起使用,一般是用to连接或者把后面的动词改个形式,变成动名词什么的.另外want to do sth是一个"想做XX事"的固定搭配,所以都要加to

be confident 后接in 和接 about的区别

意思都是表示对...很信任。区别在用法上。be confident in sb/doing sth,后面可以加人。be confident about dong sth/sth,后面不可以加人。例句辨析:be confident in1、Those undergraduates appear to be more confident in their English proficiency and communicative competence, and they prefer to participate in various extra curricular English learning activities; whereas postgraduates and doctoral candidates tend to relate their English learning to research work. 他们对自己的英语语言能力和交际能力似乎信心较强,更愿意参与课外英语学习活动。硕士生和博士生更倾向于将英语学习融入自己的科研之中。2、Students are suggested to be more confident in themselves and try to grasp everychance to practise speaking English in daily life. 学生应该加强自信心,在日常生活中抓住练习英语口语的机会。3、But be confident and believe in yourself, because you can make a difference astime goes by. 但要有信心,相信自己,因为随着时间的推移,你可以让差异。be confident about1、Be confident about your ability in achieving your goal, and be sure of your strongwillpower and your endowment in language. 要确信自己必定能到达目标,深信自己有顽强的意志和语言方面的能力。2、A plaintive, sometimes despairing tune that knocks western self-confidence, itsrefrain is that the western world has precious little to be confident about. 这是一首悲情、有时带有绝望色彩的歌曲,动摇着西方人的自信心。它在副歌部分反复唱道,西方世界值得自信的东西少得可怜。3、To be on safer ground, a Chinese buyer would have to spend a total of$ 14bn inLondon and Sydney to be confident about acquiring a 10 per cent stake. 为了保险起见,中国买家必须在伦敦和悉尼两地拿出共140亿美元,以确信自己收购了10%的股份。



patent number 是什么意思啊


仪器上patent N0与仪器编码有什么区别?


china patent是什么意思

china patent中国专利中国发明专利



processes patent什么意思

工艺 专利 的意思

美国专利Patent NO:US7,662,416 B2,怎么查询真假?

你好,可以美国专利商标局上查询,查询结果如下:美国专利注册号:US7,662,416 B2注册日:2010年2月16日美国申请号:11412389申请日:2006年4月27日专利名称:ACID-NEUTRALIZING AGENT发明人:Tieh-Chun Tang 你看一下这些信息跟你手上的信息是不是一致的,欢迎加我进一步了解。

patent cloud怎么查专利

您好,如果您是想查询patent cloud相关专利信息可以进入该网页进行查询1、百度“专利检索”会有许多检索网站 。如国家知识产权局--专利检索与查询。2、在进入国家知识产权局专利检索网页后,进”中国专利查询系统“。3、如果暂时没有电子申请帐号,进入公共查询。4、点击“同意”,进入查询页面。5、专利检索可以通过“专利号、专利名称、授权日期“等标准查询,如果要查重,就可以在专利名称输入关键字,比如以护腕为例,如果你要申请有关护腕的专利,就可以输入”护腕“,点击收索后会出现与护腕有关的专利,然后就需要很耐心的一个个看了,看是否有与你想法类似的。如果在操作中遇到问题或是其他知识产权相关的问题可以搜索我们网站继续咨询我们,不仅是免费的,还有专业人事能告诉能给你一些相关的建议。

s.2(3) Patents Act 1977. 英国专利法这一条什么意思?




帮我查一下这个美国专利号 U.S. patent: 5, 382, 714 谢谢!

http://patft.uspto.gov/ 打开这个网址

patent leather是什么意思

漆皮;[皮革] 漆革短语patent-leather paper 强光泽仿草纸 ; 强光泽仿革纸patent-leather 强光泽仿革纸patent-leather pump 名牌皮鞋

操作系统 Mac OS 处理器 CPU类型 Intel Core i5 CPU速度 1.4GHz,




patent pending是什么意思




patent 后面加一串数字是什么意思?



KNOW HOW = 专门知识,专业知识IP / PATENT = 知识产权,专利知识,是指人类在实践中认识客观世界(包括人类自身)的成果。专利,“专利”即是指专有的利益和权利。主要区别就是后者是“独占”的。[资政知识产权]

Patent和 Qualification 的复数都是加s吗?

是的,前者是专利的意思,可数直接加S,后者指资格证书,或资格条件的时候可数直接加S What are the qualifications for an airline pilot? 当一名民航飞机驾驶员要具备哪些条件?



patent 和copyright 区别

patent是指专利权,别人不能随意使用,想使用是需要付钱的copyright是著作权,别人可以使用,只要说明作者是你就行了patent[5peitEnt, 5pAtEnt]n.专利权, 执照, 专利品adj.特许的, 专利的, 显著的, 明白的, 新奇的vt.取得...的专利权, 请准专利copyright[5kCpirait]n.版权, 著作权

patent和patented的区别 patent本身就有专利的意思啊 为什么专利技术翻译成patented tech

patendvt. 授予专利;取得…的专利权adj. 专利的;新奇的;显然的n. 专利权;执照;专利品patendedadj. 专利的专利技术,patent和patented这两个都可以用的



英语、 Get on. Get into.Get down. Get off.Get up .Get out 分别是什么意思. 谢啦~

get on:和...相处;继续(或开始)做.;登上(汽车、火车等);穿上(衣服等) get into:开始,着手;形成,染上;获准进入(学校),被录取; get down:弯下身;写下,记下;使沮丧; get up:起立,起床;打扮,穿某种服装; get out:从...下来,离开,出去;退出(组织等);取出;公布,发表;摆脱,逃脱

dental unit中文翻译

Dentistry - dental units - water and air supply 牙科学.牙科装置.供水和供气 Oral - maxillofacial surgery and dental unit 口腔颌面外科及牙科部 Dentistry - dental units - part 2 : water and air supply 牙科学.牙科综合治疗设备.第2部分:水和空气供给 Dental units in hospitals 医院牙科部 Popular dental unit 普及型牙科治疗机 The dental unit provides both preventive and curative services , as well as dental prosthesis 牙科提供诊治服务、牙病预防措施及义服务。 The dental unit provides both preventive and curative dentistry work , as well as dental prosthesis 牙科部提供诊治服务、牙病预防及义齿服务。 Dentistry - dental units - part 2 : water and air supply iso 7494 - 2 : 2003 ; german version en iso 7494 - 2 : 2003 牙科学.牙科综合治疗设备.第2部分:水和气的供给 Basically the medical and preventive service is free of charge . the dental unit charges a nominal fee 由保健处提供的医疗服务,除牙科服务外,一般均不收费用。 Dentistry - dental units - part 1 : general requirements and test methods iso 7494 - 1 : 2004 ; german version en iso 7494 - 1 : 2005 牙科学.牙科装置.第1部分:一般要求和试验方法 Basically the medical and preventive service is free of charge . the dental unit charges a nominal fee for consultation service 由保健处提供的医疗服务,一般均不收取费用,唯牙科则须收费。 Basically the medical and preventive service is free of charge . the dental unit charges a nominal fee for consultation service 由保健处提供的医疗服务,一般均不收取费用,唯牙科则须酌量收费。 With high - quapty products and excellent after - sale service , the sales of our integral dental units are keeping ahead in this pne in china and our products have been exported to many countries 优质的产品完善的售后服务使公司产品销售已名列国内同行业前? ,并远销泰国印度尼西来沙特阿拉伯土尔其俄罗斯等国家。 Foshan joinchamp medical device co . , ltd is a professional manufacturer speciapzed in the products design , the production and distribution of the medical machine china and abroad . with our brand new developing concept , scientific management system , experienced and excellent technical staff , we are keeping far ahead in this pne . introducing latest techniques , high - quapty material and continuous improving techniques to keep our products up to date , our zc series integral dental units and table - top steripzers can satisfy all kinds of requirements from our cpents 中创医疗器械有限公司是一家专业从事医疗器械产品开发生产销售的高科技实体企业,以全新的产品开发理念科学的管理体制,高素质和稳定的技术队伍完善的销售体系而备受同行瞩目公司引进最新技术,采用优质材料以及不断改良工艺,务求使产品品质与时并进,生产出满足不同群体需要的系列科医疗设备,最大限度地减少病人的痛苦,为客户带来更高的经济效益。 Registration services for medical and healthcare professionals , pharmaceutical services , registration and pcensing services relating to chinese medicines , special preventive programme on hiv aids and viral hepatitis , school dental cpnics , dental units in hospitals , sai ying pun dermatological cpnic and chai wan social hygiene cpnic 医护专业人员的注册服务药剂事务中医药注册和发牌事务特别预防计划爱滋病病毒爱滋病和病毒性肝炎学童牙科诊所医院牙科部西营盤皮肤科诊所及柴湾社会生科诊所

preventive care是什么意思

preventive care预防措施,预防保健

谁说preventive medicine 不能考usmle

个人专业及学历是否符合报考资格a) 具有“临床医学”专业本科学位的学生或毕业生具有USMLE考试资格。b) 本科是“妇幼保健”、“中西医”、“医学影像”、“麻醉”、“儿科”等学习内容与“临床医学”非常相近的专业,如果不是“Bachelor of Medicine”的话,肯定不能考;如果是,可能还会需要ECFMG(外国医学毕业生教育委员会)个案审查c) 本科不是临床医学,但研究生是临床医学的,没有考试资格;如果专升本,本科是临床医学的话是有考试资格的。d) “预防医学”、“药学”、“护理学”、“生物医学”、“医学工程”是不能报考的USMLE的。
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