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这是因为这句话里secretary是特指,指的是我是市学联的干事。但 student,professor在这句子里是泛指,指的是我是一名学生,我是一名教授。

Error #2044: 未处理的 IOErrorEvent:。 text=Error #2032: 流错误。

首先,你要是开发者的话,那说明你传的数据可能为空或者其它原因导致,但是通过你的描述,你应该是用户,建议你卸载掉现在的flash player for ie,重新下载一版不是debug版本的,因为这个debug版本一般是给开发者调试用的。纯手写,可以的话记得给分啊

信用证的翻译---documents required





invalidsyntax的意思是语法错误。python会指出错误的位置,在错误位置附近仔细观察是否遗漏标点符号(例如漏分号,漏&号),是否多标点符号,是否拼写错误。双语例句错误:无效语法,服务器名称不能为空。ERROR: Invalid Syntax. Server name cannot be empty.无效语法,如果不指定服务名称,就没有办法指定用户名称。Invalid Syntax. Cannot specify username without specifying server name.连接信息的语法无效或者已经损坏。The connection information has invalid syntax or is damaged.您试图执行的查询包含无效语法。The query you tried to execute contains invalid syntax.




首先,一个好的引言(introduction)需要具备的几个关键要素:Provide context to the issue.提供所写主题的大环境。Orient the reader to your paper.对读者起到指导作用。Tell the reader what they need to know.告诉读者他们需要知道的东西。Be interesting and applicable to the reader.要去吸引读者,适应读者。引言要做到引导读者(Lead the reader),也就是要创建一个案例(Build a case for your work)其次,写论文的introduction确实是有层次:第一层:Introducing the general research area including its background, importance, and present level of development.介绍一般研究领域,包括其背景,重要性和现有的发展水平。Reviewing previous research in this area.回顾以前在这方面的研究。第二层:Indicating the problem that has not been solved by previous research, raising a relevant question.指出以往研究尚未解决的问题,提出相关问题。第三层:Specifying the purpose of your research.指定研究的目的。第四层:Announcing your major findings.宣布你的主要发现。Outlining the contents of your paper.概述你的论文的内容。最后,来给大家说说其写作套路:Provide background information, for context给文章大环境提供背景信息Briefly discuss related work简要介绍相关研究Identify missing pieces找出先前研究的缺陷Introduce your study (thesis statement)介绍你的研究(论点陈述)


Introduction写作是任何一篇论文、研究报告、文章、书籍都必须要经过的部分,它是整个作品的门户,也是读者了解作者对该话题理解和掌握程度的第一印象。良好的Introduction应当包括以下几项要素:1.背景信息:正式介绍论文所涉及的主题领域以及相关的环境、语境。这部分内容应该包括相关的理论、经验和研究成果,让读者对整个领域有一个大致的认知。2.研究目的和意义:介绍该研究的目的和意义,这部分内容应该解释出该研究在该领域中的重要性,以及研究的贡献和应用价值。 3.研究内容和结构:介绍研究的内容和结构,从范围上描述文章包括什么,从章节上描述每章的大致内容。4.主要观点:展现你对研究的主要思路和观点,能够在一个句子或两个句子中把你的主要看法清晰表达出来,为后续的内容提供一个框架。5.要点预告:突出需要探讨的关键问题和见解,最好能够展示相关实例或先前研究的发现,为读者提供一个论点和重点的框架,激发他们对后续内容的期待。如果以上方法不能很好解决你在课业上的困难,那么咨询专业的留学生辅导机构也是不错的选择,选择口碑良好的平台可以帮助我们避免踩坑,比如英国翰思教育这家就很不错。良好的Introduction应该具有逻辑严密、阐述清晰、准确性高、行文流畅、诱人阅读等特点,能够为后续文章做铺垫,激发读者的兴趣,让他们产生进一步接触的必要感。

He said that a few people were injured in the accident, without ___how many.为什么不填explicit?

specify是动词,的意思是:明确指出。explicit 是形容词。按这个句子的结构,without 后面要跟现在分词, 而不是形容词, 所以是specifying.He said that a few people were injured in the accident, without specifying how many.

国际费雪效应 international fisher effect

汇率与利率变动方向相反是利率平价学说。当利率上升,意味着货币贬值。利率升得越多,货币价值下降越多。汇率下降越多。名义汇率 是指在社会经济生活中被直接公布、使用的表示两国货币之间比价关系的汇率。 与之相对应的是实际汇率,实际汇率是用两国价格水平对名义汇率进行调整后的汇率,即eP*/P(其中,e为直接标价法的名义汇率,即用本币表示的外币价格,P*为以外币表示的外国商品价格水平,P为以本币表示的本国商品价格水平)。实际汇率反映了以同种货币表示的两国商品的相对价格水平,从而反映了本国商品的国际竞争力。 中国的名义汇率(对美元)在6.89左右,实际汇率要低得多,只就是为什么有升值的压力。

kpop star hunt的冠军

kpop star Hunt 3U0001f449蘇一晋(台湾选手)kpop star hunt 2U0001f449ling ling (泰国选手)kpop star hunt 1U0001f449Sorn (泰国选手)

interest rate% 和exchange rate之间的关系~


interest rate 和exchange rate 的区别是?

interest rate是利率,利息interest=本金(principle)*interest rateexchange rate是汇率,两种不同币种之间的互换比率 币种a/币种b=exchange rate





新奥拓雨刮控制器中的MIST OFF INT LO HI,请问MIST是什么意思,这个位置为什么定不住要用手扶住吗?

是的。 分快 中 慢 你这车不错 机头先进

My name’s Mary. This is my family tree. These are my parents. Their names are Bill and Grace Br..


在3D VRayMtl中,Environment是什么意思

environment [in"vaiərənmənt] n. 环境,外界





tomato want what他们里面的字母a哪一个发音不同?

tomato 中的 a 发音不同 ,a 发 【a:】,want 和 what 中的a 发 【 ɒ】音

Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain thei

Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their (competance).教师们必须不断充实自己的知识才能保持胜任工作。

Triumphant (Get ’Em) Mariah Carey这首歌的中文歌词?

Turn up 加大音量 Get Em, Get Em, Get Em (Go) 上吧!上吧!上吧! Hit Em, Hit Em, Hit Em (Go) 搞定他们!给他们点颜色看看! Get Em, Get Em, Get Em (Go) 上吧!上吧!上吧! Hit Em, Hit Em, Hit Em (Go) 干掉他们!给他们点颜色看看! Get Em, Get Em, Get Em (Go) 冲啊!冲啊!冲啊! Hit Em, Hit Em, Hit Em (Go) 打倒他们!给他们点颜色看看! They told me get em, I got em, 他们叫我 I swear this word to my father 我要以此向我老爸起誓 And the only way to make it to the top 唯一一条走向顶端的路 If you go and get it from the bottom 就是你从谷底开始走出去的那条路 And I ain"t never asked for no hand outs 我永远不会坐以待毙You won"t carry me, no Mariah 你是不会帮我的These haters love when I was dead broke 看我不顺眼的人就是爱看我倒霉的样子 But they ain"t made at me, 但可惜他们打不倒我 I"m on fire and I"m gon" burn 我怒火中烧,我要焚毁一切 And I ain"t gon" learn, 我也不打算就此学乖 I remember they said that it ain"t my turn 我记得他们说过还轮不到我 But it ain"t confirmed, then the tables turned 但这并没实现,风水轮流转 Just look at me now, try to hold me down 现在就看着我,有种就试试看把我拉下来 But I ain"t gon" stop, cause I"m gon" climb 但别指望我会停下,因为我一定要爬上顶峰 To the mountain top, to the mountain top, now let go 到顶峰去!到顶峰去!现在,发射! Can"t fall down stay triumphant keep on living 绝不倒下,昂首阔步地活下去! Stay on your toes保持警觉 Get off the ropes 挣脱桎梏 Don"t let em ever count you out 别让他们再忽视你的存在! Realizeall things are possible 要知道一切皆有可能 In your heart who"s the greatest 在你心目中谁最伟大你清楚 Reach for the stars 伸手去摘下星星 Be all that you are 做你所想 And make em all fall down 把他们统统打倒!Path that I choose flashing cameras as I pose 我选好的路上,只要我一摆好姿势相机就闪个不停 Throwing big money as she danceson the pole 将大把美金甩出去好像她在 上跳舞 Lime green Lamborghini dances in the road 橙绿色的兰博基尼在路上狂飙 License still suspended, no I never stop for tolls 许可证还被扣着,不过,我可不会为了付通行费而停下 Born slick talker, twice a week shopper 处境优越的空谈家,一周去购物两次 Blow a hundred wreck she don"t know a footlocker 只会挥霍破坏,制造残骸,不知人间疾苦 Red bottom boss house big as Baltimore 大BOSS的房子大得像巴尔的摩 With a blonde bombshell tryin to bomb with your boy 搂着个金发女人来想让你妒火中烧 In the James Bond Beamer chrome wheel two seater 就坐在有镀铬车轮的007的两座跑车上On a cloudy day baby I can make it rain 如果是阴天我真的可以让它下雨 Rubber band, 50 grand bet it brighten up your day

compentence 反义词是什么



resist doing mention +n/doing remain to be done remain doing

跪求Charles Lamb的The Convalescent的译文

一个美丽的严重适合身体不适,其中的名义下,一紧张,出现发烧,取得了一名囚犯对我的几个星期过去,只不过是慢慢地离开我,减少了,我一丧失工作能力的反映后,任何主题的外国本身。 Expect no healthy conclusions from me this month, reader; I can offer you only sick men"s dreams. 预料没有健康的结论,从我这一个月,读者,我可以为您提供只有病夫的梦想。 And truly the whole state of sickness is such; for what else is it but a magnificent dream for a man to lie a-bed, and draw day-light curtains about him; and, shutting out the sun, to induce a total oblivion of all the works which are going on under it?真正和整个国家的疾病是如此;又是什么,但一个宏伟的梦想,一名男子躺在一床,借鉴天灯拉开帷幕,约他,关闭了太阳,诱使共遗忘所有的工程仍在进行下它? To become insensible to all the operations of life, except the beatings of one feeble pulse?成为insensible的所有行动的生活,除了殴打一微弱的脉冲? If there be a regal solitude, it is a sick bed.如果有一个富豪的孤独,这是一个病榻上。 How the patient lords, it there!如何病人上议院,它有! what caprices he acts without controul!什么首随想曲,他的行为没有controul ! how king like he sways his pillow tumbling, and tossing, and shifting, and lowering, and thumping, and flatting, and moulding it, to the ever varying requisitions of his throbbing temples.如何国王一样,他sways他的枕头下挫,并抛出,并转移,以及降低, thumping ,扁平化,并塑造它,到任何时候都不同的请购单,他throbbing庙宇。 He changes sides oftener than a politician.他的变化,双方oftener比一个政治家。 Now he lies full length, then halflength, obliquely, transversely, head and feet quite across the bed; and none accuses him of tergiversation.现在,他是充分的长度,然后halflength ,斜,横向,头部及双脚相当全国床;没有指控他tergiversation 。 Within the four curtains he is absolute.与四拉开帷幕,他是绝对的。 They are his Mare Clausum.他们是他的图马雷clausum 。 How sickness enlarges the dimensions of a man"s self to himself!如何疾病扩大尺寸的一名男子的自我自己! he is his own exclusive object.他是他自己的专用对象。 Supreme selfishness is inculcated upon him as his only duty.最高人民法院的自私是灌输后,他作为他唯一的职责。 `Tis the Two Tables of the Law to him. `运输资讯系统的两个表的法律给他。 He has nothing to think of but how to get well.他没有想到的,但如何获得良好。 What passes out of doors, or within them, so he hear not the jarring of them, affects him not.什么通行证走出门,或在他们,所以他听到的不是他们的经历,影响他不要。 A little while ago he was greatly concerned in the event of a law-suit, which was to be the making or the marring of his dearest friend.一会儿前,他十分关注,在发生法律反诉,这是必须作出,或marring他最亲近的朋友。 He was to be seen trudging about upon this man"s errand to fifty quarters of the town at once, jogging this witness, refreshing that solicitor.他是看到trudging约后,这名男子的差事,以四分之五十零的城市在一次,慢跑,这个证人,令人耳目一新的律师。 The cause was to come on yesterday.原因是来对昨天。 He is absolutely as indifferent to the decision, as if it were a question to be tried at Pekin.他是绝对作为漠不关心的决定,好像它是一个问题,交由在北京。 Peradventure from some whispering, going on about the house, not intended for his hearing, he picks up enough to make him understand, that things went cross-grained in the Court yesterday, and his friend is ruined. peradventure从一些耳语,持续了约内务,不打算为他的听证会,他拿起足以使他明白,事情到两岸晶在法庭昨天,和他的朋友是破坏殆尽。 But the word "friend," and the word "ruin," disturb him no more than so much jargon.但这个词的“朋友”和“破坏” ,扰乱他不超过这么多的术语。 He is not to think of any thing but how to get better.他不认为任何事情,但如何取得更好的。 What a world of foreign cares are merged in that absorbing consideration!什么是世界的外国关心合并在这方面吸收考虑! He has put on the strong armour of sickness, he is wrapped in the callous hide of suffering; he keeps his sympathy, like some curious vintage, under trusty lock and key, for his own use only.他已提上了强烈的盔甲的疾病,他是包裹在无情隐藏的痛苦,他不断他的同情,像有些好奇的经典,根据可靠的锁和关键,因为他自己只使用。 He lies pitying himself, honing and moaning to himself; he yearneth over himself; his bowels are even melted within him, to think what he suffers; he is not ashamed to weep over himself.他所在pitying自己,珩磨和呻吟自己; yearneth超过他自己,他的排便,甚至融化在他,认为他患有;他不惭愧落泪超过自己。 He is for ever plotting how to do some good to himself; studying little stratagems and artificial alleviations.他是为以往任何时候都策划如何做一些好自己;学习小谋略和人工alleviations 。 He makes the most of himself; dividing himself, by an allowable fiction, into as many distinct individuals, as he hath sore and sorrowing members.他最自己;除以自己,由一所允许的小说,到作为许多鲜明的个人,因为他他所喉咙痛和sorrowing成员。 Sometimes he meditates -- as of a thing apart from him -- upon his poor aching head, and that dull pain which, dozing or waking, lay in it all the past night like a log, or palpable substance of pain, not to he removed without opening the very scull, as it seemed, to take it thence.有时候,他meditates -作为一个事,除了他-他的穷人ac hing头部,并呆板的痛苦,d o zing或觉醒,奠定在它的所有过去夜想的日志,或明显的实质疼痛,而不是他取消开放非常scull ,因为它似乎是,是否可以再。 Or he pities his long, clammy, attenuated fingers.或他pities他的长期, clammy ,衰减的手指。 He compassionates himself all over; and his bed is a very discipline of humanity, and tender heart.他compassionates自己所有;和他的床是一个很人性的纪律,投标和心脏病。 He is his own sympathiser; and instinctively feels that none can so well perform that office for him.他是他自己的sympathiser ;本能地认为,没有人能够这么好执行该办事处为他。 He cares for few spectators to his tragedy.他关心少数观众向他的悲剧。 Only that punctual face of the old nurse pleases him, that announces his broths, and his cordials.只是准时面对老护士取悦他,宣布他的broths ,和他的cordials 。 He likes it because it is so unmoved, and because he can pour forth his feverish ejaculations before it as unreservedly as to his bed-post.他喜欢它,因为它是如此无动于衷,因为他可以倾诉,提出了他的狂热ejaculations之前,它作为毫无保留地以他的床后。 To the world"s business he is dead.向世界的业务他已经死了。 He understands not what the callings and occupations of mortals are; only he has a glimmering conceit of some such thing, when the doctor makes his daily call: and even in the lines of that busy face he reads no multiplicity of patients, but solely conceives of himself as the sick man.他明白没有什么召唤和职业的凡人;只是他有一个荧自负一些这样的事,当医生让他每天电话:甚至在线条表示,面对繁忙的内容,他并没有繁多的病人,但只构思自己作为病夫。 To what other uneasy couch the good man is hastening, when he slips out of his chamber, folding up his thin douceur so carefully for fear of rustling -- is no speculation which he can at present entertain.以什么其他不安的沙发上的好人,是催生,当他缆出他的商会,折叠起来,他薄douceur ,所以仔细的恐惧偷-是没有投机,他可以在目前的娱乐节目。 He thinks only of the regular return of the same phenomenon at the same hour to-morrow.他认为,只有经常返回同一现象在同一小时至明天。 Household rumours touch him not.家庭谣言触摸他不要。 Some faint murmur, indicative of life going on within the house, soothes him, while he knows not distinctly what it is.一些微弱的杂音,指示性的生活持续了内部的内务,舒缓他,而他知道没有明显的是什么。 He is not to know any thing, not to think of any thing.他是不知道任何事,不要以为任何事。 Servants gliding up or down the distant staircase, treading as upon velvet, gently keep his ear awake, so long as he troubles not himself further than with some feeble guess at their errands.公务员滑翔向上或向下遥远的楼梯,踏作为后,丝绒,轻轻地保住自己的耳朵醒来,只要他的麻烦不是自己进一步比一些薄弱猜测他们前去。 Exacter knowledge would be a burthen to him: he can just endure the pressure of conjecture. exacter知识将是一个负荷他:他可以忍受的压力猜想。 He opens his eye faintly at the dull stroke of the muffled knocker, and closes it again without asking "who was it?"他打开他的眼睛依稀在平淡中风的muffled knocker ,并关闭它再次问: “谁是它” ? He is flattered by a general notion that inquiries are making after him, but he cares not to know the name of the inquirer.他是受宠若惊由一个一般概念,即查询决策后,他,但他关心,不知道的名称,该询问者。 In the general stillness, and awful hush of the house, he lies in state, and feels his sovereignty.在一般静,和可怕的hush的内务,他是在国家,并且觉得他的主权。 To be sick is to enjoy monarchal prerogatives.以生病是享受monarchal的特权。 Compare the silent tread, and quiet ministry, almost by the eye only, with which he is served -- with the careless demeanour, the unceremonious goings in and out (slapping of doors, or leaving them open) of the very same attendants, when he is getting a little better -- and you will confess, that from the bed of sickness (throne let me rather call it) to the elbow chair of convalescence, is a fall from dignity, amounting to a deposition.比较沉默的胎面,和安静的部,几乎是由眼睛只,与他是-与不小心的风范, u nceremoniousg oings在和列(掌掴的门,或让他们打开)非常相同的服务员,当他是慢慢变得更好-你会招供,从床的疾病(宝座,让我,而不是要求它)肘关节主席疗养,是一个秋天,从尊严,金额为1沉积。 How convalescence shrinks a man back to his pristine stature!如何疗养萎缩,一名男子回到他原始的地位! where is now the space, which he occupied so lately, in his own, in the family"s eye?如果是现在的空间,这是他被占领,所以最近,在他自己,在家庭中的眼睛? The scene of his regalities, his sick room, which was his presence chamber, where he lay and acted his despotic fancies -- how is it reduced to a common bed-room!现场他regalities ,他的病室,这是他出席会议厅,在那里他奠定充当他的专制中意-如何是它减少到一个共同的床室! The trimness of the very bed has something petty and unmeaning about it.该trimness的非常床有一定的零用和unmeaning约。 It is mad, every day.这是疯狂,每天。 How unlike to that wavy, many-furrowed, oceanic surface, which it presented so short a time since, when to make it was a service not to be thought of at oftener than three or four day revolutions, when the patient was with pain and grief to be lifted for a little while out of it, to submit to the encroachments of unwelcome neatness, and decencies which his shaken frame deprecated; then to be lifted into it again, for another three or four days" respite, to flounder it out of shape again, while every fresh furrow was a historical record of some shifting posture, some uneasy turning, some seeking for a little ease; and the shrunken skin scarce told a truer story than the crumpled coverlid.如何不同,这种波状,很多- furrowed ,海洋表面上,它提出这么短的时间以来,当使这是一个服务不被认为是在oftener比三或四天的革命,当病人疼痛和悲痛取消了一会儿出来,向侵害的不受欢迎的洁净, decencies他动摇了框架已废弃;然后将取消它再次,另有3或4天的喘息,牙鲆出来形状再次,而每一个新鲜的沟是一个历史的纪录,一些转移的态势,一些不安的转折,有些寻求一点纾缓;和萎缩,皮肤稀缺说,真实的故事,比弄皱的coverlid 。 Hushed are those mysterious sighs -- those groans -- so much more awful, while we knew not from what caverns of vast hidden suffering they proceeded. hushed是那些神秘的感叹-那些呻吟-这么多更可怕的,而我们知道,不是从什么溶洞,广大隐藏的痛苦,他们着手。 The Lernean pangs are quenched.该lernean的阵痛是淬火。 The riddle of sickness is solved; and Philoctetes is become an ordinary personage.谜疾病是解决;皮洛克特是成为一个普通的人物。 Perhaps some relic of the sick man"s dream of greatness survives in the still lingering visitations of the medical attendant.也许有人遗迹病夫的梦想的伟大生存,在仍然挥之不去参观的医疗服务员。 But how is he too changed with every thing else!但如何,他也改变了每一件事,否则! Can this be he -- this man of news -- of chat -- of anecdote -- of every thing but physic can this be he, who so lately came between the patient and his cruel enemy, as on some solemn embassy from Nature, erecting herself into a high mediating party ?可这是他-这名男子的消息-聊天-的轶事-每一件事,但物理,这他,谁,所以最近来到之间的病人和他的残忍的敌人,作为对一些庄严的大使馆从性质,架设自己成为一个高调停党? -- Pshaw! -p shaw! `tis some old woman. `运输资讯系统的一些岁女子。 Farewell with him all that made sickness pompous -- the spell that hushed the household -- the desart-like stillness, felt throughout its inmost chambers -- the mute attendance -- the inquiry by looks -- the still softer delicacies of self-attention -- the sole and single eye of distemper alonely fixed upon itself -- world-thoughts excluded -- the man a world unto himself -- his own theatre --告别与他的一切所作的疾病pompous -拼写认为h ushed家庭- de sart一样的静,认为其整个in most商会-静音出席-的调查,期待-仍然柔软的佳肴,自我注意-唯一和单一的眼睛d istempera lonely固定后,本身-的世界的思考排除在外-该名男子的世界他自己-他自己的剧院- What a speck is he dwindled into ! 什么是斑点是他缩减到了! In this flat swamp of convalescence, left by the ebb of sickness, yet far enough from the terra firma of established health, your note, dear Editor, reached me, requesting -- an article.在这个单位的疗养,沼泽,左由低潮的疾病,但还不够,从陆地既定的健康,您的注意,亲爱的编辑器,达成我,要求-一篇文章。 In Articulo Mortis, thought I; but it is something hard -- and the quibble, wretched as it was, relieved me.在articulo mortis ,以为我,但它是很难-和狡辩,肮脏的,因为它,解除了我。 The summons, unseasonable as it appeared, seemed to link me on again to the petty businesses of life, which I had lost sight of; a gentle call to activity, however trivial a wholesome weaning from that preposterous dream of self-absorption -- the puffy state of sickness -- in which I confess to have lain so long, insensible to the magazines and monarchies, of the world alike; to its laws, and to its literature.传票, unseasonable ,因为它出现的,似乎是连接我就再次向小企业的生命,而我已抛诸脑后;温和的呼吁活动,但琐碎的一有益身心的断乳从这个荒谬的梦想,自吸收- puffy国家的疾病-我在其中承认有连这么久, i nsensible向杂志和君主政体,整个世界都;它的法律,以及其文学。 The hypochondriac afflatus is subsiding; the acres, which in imagination I had spread over -- for the sick man swells in the sole contemplation of his single sufferings, till he becomes a Tityus to himself -- are wasting to a span; and for the giant of self-importance, which I was so lately, you have me once again in my natural pretensions -- the lean and meagre figure of your insignificant Essayist.该hypochondriac afflatus是下沉;英亩,这在我的想象摊-为病夫膨胀,在唯一的沉思,他单身的痛苦,直到他成为一个提提俄斯自己-是在浪费一个跨度;为巨人自我的重要性,这点我是如此,最近,你有我再次在我的自然伪装-精益和微薄的数字,您的微不足道的散文家。


两者皆代表了和行为 工作相关的个人特质与知识.在国内...分数加以直线转换而成的分数则称为Z分数(通常以英文大写Z表示,以示区别

muscle relaxant什么意思


法语capaciter competence aptitude talent区别


I want exercise for have muscle 用for对不对?

不对。want 后面应该接to,want to是想要做某事。for应该改成to,表示目的。muscle可数。I want to exercise to have muscles.

hwpfdocument 是哪个jar


ansys中出现error in element formulation 怎么回事




the advantages of cycling 为题的英语作文

There are many, many good reasons for bicycle commuting, recreational bicycling and creating a strong bike culture in general. Hopefully a couple with resonate with everyone and motivate more bicycling.On-going use of a bicycle has virtually NO carbon footprint.You will be a leader in your community.Bicycles increase mobility for those who don"t have access to motor transport.Bikes increase mobility for those who don"t qualify to drive a car.Bicycles increase mobility for those who can"t afford motor transport.Bikes increase mobility for those who don"t want to drive motor vehicles.Bicycles increase mobility for some people with arthritis, back problems and other mobility issues.Bicycling can be faster than walking, transit or motor vehicles.Bicycling is the most energy efficient form of transportation ever invented.You get healthy exercise from bicycling.Save travel money by biking. If the switch is from a car this includes purchase price, gas, tires, fluids, insurance, maintenance, washing, parking, etc.Reduce stress by bicycling.Biking is therapeutic for the mind and spirit -- is fun and can make you happy.Cycling is therapeutic for the cardio-vascular system, live healthier.Regular cycling provides better muscle tone, bone mass improvement, clearer skinRegular bicycling helps with personal weight management -- new full-time bicycle commuters can expect to lose an average 13 pounds their first year of bicycle commuting if they maintain the same eating habits.Bicycling is a great initial activity for people who are obese and help them on their way to a healthier life.Regular cycling can lead to lower health care expenses -- save money for a nicer vacation.Allows the rider to appreciate the more of the nuances of the natural and built environment around them.Your commute will be the best part of your day instead of the worst part of your day.The exercise increase your productivity at workCycling improves your self-esteem.Primary school students will thing you are "cool" or "hip" or "neat" or "rad" or whatever the current term is. In time even older people might come to appreciate your leadership.Save on the membership to a health club, get your exercise bicycling to work, school, shopping, etc.Bicycling is nearly a life-long activity.Bicycling is a great full family and friends activity.Cycling is low impact on the body.Cycling is low impact on the environmentBicycling in your neighborhood is a great way to meet your neighbors and build community.Camaraderie of cyclists makes it a great way to meet a nice stranger with a similar interest.Bicyclist can ignore the highway traffic jam reports.Feel the satisfaction (liberation, freedom) of biking past a traffic jam in the bike lane.Predictable commute time.Easier parking.Cheaper parking.Leaving your car at home provide a parking space for someone less fortunate.If you are lazy, your bicycle provides door-to-door transport (you don"t have to walk across a vast parking lot).Reduces the demand for new roads and paving the earth with asphalt and concrete.Reduces the demand for parking lots and paving the earth.Reduces energy consumption (see below).Reduces air pollution -- bicyclist emit few poisonous gases. A four mile bicycle trip keeps about 15 pounds of pollutants out of the air we breathe.Reduces greenhouse gas emissions.Reduces water pollution -- bikes don"t drip brake fluid, anti-freeze, transmission fluid, toxic dust, etc.Reduces noise pollution -- even without a muffler bikes are quiet, creating a quieter community.Reduces road wear -- even if cyclist feel like they have the weight of the world on their shoulders.Reduces deforestation for planting of rubber plantations and bio-fuel crops, because bicycles use very little rubber and fuel/lubricants.Reduces crime -- a huge amount of crime is associated with access to motor vehicles.Reduces road kill and saves animals.Demonstrates a concern for the future -- walk (ride) your talk.Prevent and protest the sanctioned murder of innocent responsible citizens (homicide by motor-vehicle).Bikes small profile reduces congestion.Easy to vary your route by bicycle.Increased bike use generates bike facilities which increase property values.Bicycling gives you more fresh air than a sauna and you can still sweat and clean your poresBike Commuting is a license to dress weird and still feel smug.Urban cycling keeps you humble.Bicycling can be enjoyed in a wide variety of topography.Cycling can be enjoyed in a wide variety of climatesBicycles are a great means to see the world.Bicycling is cool.Biking Is Fun.It is widely acknowledged that cycling is one of the best ways for people to achieve good health and fitness. People who cycle regularly live longer than those who do not and lead healthier lives (Paffenbarger, Hyde, Wing and Hsieh, 1986). This simple fact means that cyclists cannot possibly be more vulnerable than the population at large to life-threatening injuries such as head injury.Indeed, cycling regularly to work (and, by extension, to school and on other regular journeys) has been shown to be the most effective thing an individual can do to improve health and increase longevity, and this applies even to people who are already active in sport and other physical activities (Andersen, Schnohr, Schroll and Hein, 2000). Cyclists typically have a level of fitness equivalent to being 10 years younger (Tuxworth, Nevill, White and Jenkins, 1986). A UK parliamentary health committee has noted:“If the Government were to achieve its target of trebling cycling in the period 2000-2010 … that might achieve more in the fight against obesity than any individual measure we recommend within this report.” (TSO 2004)

silent g乐队的那首《love mimi》的歌词是什么啊

LOVE MIME - Silent GLazy bone lazy bonehe"s a lazy bonehe"s got a maggot bitemake a play for herlazy bonelazy bonecall me lazy boneI just sling a snothow dare you make her lostold man old manhe"s the endold man old manhe"s the endLazy bone lazy bonehe"s a lazy bonehe"s got a maggot bitemake a play for herslip a cog slip a cog stop my eyes from herthey said I"ll never heardI have bats in headold man old manhe"s the endold man old manhe"s the endkeep on keep onthe devil settled downno soul could survivekeep on keep ongive the key that he wantswhen nobody at homeain"t him a man who hide his bluebut I crack in you when you ain"t curedhe"s smells so closedhow can you be so coolwhen you think you knowhe"s getting so coldI"m a little girlfalling in love with youI"m in hell you knowdon"t leave me in sorrowbet you need a holebury and fulfilledyou don"t see that girl your baby doll

control reaches the end of non-void function是什么意思

控制到达端非void的函数是什么意思重点词汇释义control控制; 管理; 限制; 支配; 支配权; 操纵者; 管理权; 控制键reaches河段;流域;游; 围;处; 层级end of有效期限function功能,作用; 应变量,函数; 职务; 重大聚会; 有或起作用; 行使职责


线条是网页制作中使用得比较多的一种 HTML 对象,在 HTML 语言中提供了一个HR的标签,也就是水平直线。但由于这个标签的局限性使我们在制作网页时遇到了一些麻烦,比如:线条的颜色以及怎样制作纵向的线条。在这里,笔者就在网页中制作线条的这两个方面的技巧介绍一点自己的心得。为了顾及各种浏览器之间的兼容性,网页制作者在制作网页的时候常常需要考虑标签的各种属性在每一种浏览器中是否能够正确的显示。其中就有一个水平线的颜色属性问题。我们都知道HR标签具有一个 Color 属性,例如我们要制作一条红色的线条就可以用这样的代码:hr color="颜色代码" 当你在 IE 中浏览这一段代码时你能得到一个你希望的红色线条,可是如果你的浏览器是 Netscape 的话,那么你看到的只是一个灰色的线条,因为 Netscape 根本就不支持 HR 的 Color 属性。我们该怎么办呢?1、使用表格现在流行的网页制作中我们大多数是用表格来规划一个网页的基本布局,因此使用表格的单元格来制作线条不会给你增加太多的麻烦。首先我们需要将表格的单元格边距属性(cellpadding)设置为 0 。如: table cellpadding="0" ,注意:只有将这个边距属性设置为 0 你才能制作一个小于 4 个象素的线条。因为 HTML 中 Cellpadding 的默认值是 2 个象素,上下两个边距相加就是 4 个象素。如果不设置 Cellpadding 属性哪怕是你将这个单元格的高度(Height)设置为 0 ,这个单元格的实际高度仍然是 4 个象素。将单元格的高度(Height)设置为你希望得到的线条的高度。设置单元格的背景颜色,如:利用图像制作软件制作一个 1 * 1 的 GIF 格式的图像(一个点)。这里又有一个技巧,你可以将这个图像设置为透明的,这样你就可以利用这个“点”来制作任何颜色的线条,而不需要为每一种颜色的线条都制作一个这样的“点”。这时你再用 Netscape 浏览这个表格你就可以看到一个红色的线条了。也就是说在 Netscape 中当一个单元格中什么也没有的时候,无法显示这个单元格的背景色,而只要这个单元格中有一点东西,就可以显示单元格的被景色。笔者也不知道什么原因但事实如此。使用这一种方法你也可以制作纵向的线条。你只是需要将上述步骤的第 2 步的宽度改为你想要的线条的宽度,然后再设置高度或者调整这个单元格的行跨度以达到你想要的长度。这需要你在网页制作过程中根据自己的实际要求来做出相应的处理。顺便说一句,以前《电脑报》登过一篇文章说可以使用 HR 的 Size 属性来制作纵向线条,但我在实际中发现这种方法只能制作 100 个象素长的纵向线条。

System.out.println(a[i]," ") " "引号有什么用

首先,System.out.println(String str1,String str2);这种用法吗?没有吧?






drama分别有①Lamento DRAMA VOL1~3 ②ラブラブ ラメント学园③LAMENTO BEYOND THE VOID- Rhapsody to the past *另有lamentoPVC手办的附赠mini Drama与情人节特典、女儿节特典

Different Attitudes Towards Gift-Giving

Different attitudes towards gift-giving(对送礼不同的态度) 即使对于通过送礼传达的愿望相同,但各国人对于送礼的态度不一。这里是一个说明不同的例子。日本是一个崇尚送礼的国家。在日本主动送礼物给离开的人或曾经帮助过你的人是很常见的。当人们这样做时,礼物很有可能是实质性的,是昂贵的。然而,不需要在礼物上附上感谢条或卡片,这就是典型的日本风格。日本人通过送礼物给他们亲近的人或者他们尊敬并爱着的人直接地表达感谢之情和友谊.相比之下,在美国你可能收到的卡片比礼物多.一张卡片可能会有个小礼物或者根本没有礼物.一般来讲,美国人不在乎礼物是否昂贵.事实上,如果你给他们的礼物是你自己做的而不是在超市里买的,他们会更感激.在卡片上写些话看起来是很重要的.当某人手边没有卡片时,他(她)会在纸上写一张感谢条,亲自给你或放到你的信箱里.

Into The Void 歌词

歌曲名:Into The Void歌手:Kiss专辑:Alive: The Millennium Concert (2000)「この雨が病んだら」不眠症の神父 仕込まれた猿失った记忆と 干涸びちまった天使らの声连れてってくれないか 生温い君の宇宙の中へ引き裂いてくれないか 不完全なままの2人はinto the voidいま揺れてるんだ こうやってただ揺れてるんだ 彷徨って完全になんてなれなくてそれ以外何も无いなんて「into the void」作词∶木下理树作曲∶木下理树歌∶ART-SCHOOL伤口を缝ったんだ 防波堤 近くで 拾った针で完全に憧れた 不完全なままの2人はinto the voidいま手を繋いでいるだけただ手を繋いでいるなんて完全になんてなれなくてそれ以外何も无いなんて【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/14842276

"Eu quero fazer amor contigo"这句话是什么意思?

Eu quero fazer amor contigo这是一句关于‘性"的要求语言。不翻译也罢。如果没有与此人谈恋爱,要远离此人。要是在热恋中的人,尚可理解。

shout into the void翻译

我爱上你了,我知道这爱情就是空虚日子里的呐喊,而且这爱情的消逝是不可避免的,我们被命运主宰着,终有一天我们的付出回归于尘土,太阳会吞噬我们永远的唯一的地球。 但是,Gus,我的爱。我不能言语我有多么感激因为我们的小永恒。你用寥寥几天给了我永远,因为如此,我充满了感激。我如此爱你。


帮你找了,好难找哦,只找到这个有点像,不知道是不是?TE QUEROTrago no meu peito tanta solid?oSonhos de um amor jogados pelo ch?oFalam do vazio do meu sentimentoO que me deprime é tanta confus?oEm cada peda?o do meu cora??oVocê vive dentro do meu pensamentoPor ti, por ti, por tiEu larguei de tudo sem olhar pra trásApostei na vida e te deixei ganharTe queroVocê vive em minha cabe?aTe esque?oMas cada minuto te lembroTe amo sinto que n?o tem mais remédioTe quero, te esque?o e te amo de novoDesde que você se foi e n?o voltouEu fiquei perdido já n?o sei quem souTriste sem ninguém vivendo no passadoVocê foi além da imagina??oDespertou em mim o fogo da paix?oDepois me deixou sozinho abandonadoPor ti, por ti, por tiEu larguei de tudo sem olhar pra trásApostei na vida e te deixei ganharTe queroVocê vive em minha cabe?aTe esque?oMas cada minuto te lembroTe amo sinto que n?o tem mais remédioTe quero, te esque?o e te amo de novo

As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes

1.连接词 比如再给你举个类似的:I feel a bit tired. However, I can hold on. 我有点累了,但我能坚持下去。 2.as to至于的意思whether是否,whether出现的时候,后面一定会是跟whether对应的两种情况,这点一定要注意take attitudes类似于take action/measures 采取措施之类的


don"t be angry. you should take a deep breath不要生气。你应该作深呼吸.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

Take a deep breath and count to ten.Then,you won

Take a deep breath and count to ten.Then,you won"t feel so angry.意思是:深吸一口气然后数到十,然后你就不会那么生气了。

take a deep breath,in he went 句型分析,主要后半句

倒装句,强调进去的动作=he went in

first, take a deep breath。then you should count

first, take a deep breath。then you should count to ten意思是:首先,深吸一口气,然后你数到十


yuoshouldtakeadeepbreathandcountoten原句应为:You should take a deep breath and count to ten. 意思 :你应该深吸一口气,数到十。

take a deep breath,in he went 句型分析,主要后半句

倒装句,强调进去的动作=he went in

heterogeneous agents是什么意思

heterogeneous agents异质经济人;异质经济如有疑问,请追问~希望可以帮到你~ O(∩_∩)O谢谢~



语言学里coordinate subject,derivative noun,were subjuntive,no minal genitive pronoun是什么意思





coordinate-sentence并列句很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

migrant, immigrant 和emigrant 的区别和使用

migrant 指的是任何迁移地方的人和物。也可以是动物。immigrant 是移民,任何种类的移民都是immigrantemigrant 是只代表移出本国的人

Super Junior way back into love 中文歌词

way back into love不是SUPER JUNIOR的歌!



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Mcountdown的中文网是:http://mnet.mnet.com/NProgram/mcountdown2/?bidx=mcountdown2(M!音乐倒计时)。M! Countdown(朝鲜语:uc5e0! uce74uc6b4ud2b8ub2e4uc6b4)是韩国Mnet电视频道的一档音乐榜单节目,每周选出时下流行音乐前50名的榜单,并邀请歌手及乐队现场表演最新最流行的音乐作品。2009年,SM Entertainment拒绝旗下艺人参与本节目的表演,于2010年全面禁止旗下艺人的音乐作品于Mnet上架,直至2011年双方达成和解。该节目目前由Key和李正信主持,韩国时间每个星期四下午6点至7点30分(北京时间为每周四下午五点)于Mnet电视频道及官方网页进行直播。节目亦透过Mnet电视网及合作媒体于日本、美国、中国等国家和地区播出。评选标准:1、艺人当前活动期间的曲目可进入榜单。2、OST曲目将不在候补之内,此种曲目的排名情况请在Mnet榜单的OST榜单上确认(节目中将以屏幕下滚动的方式播出)。3、三冠王(3周连续1位)将自动退出候补单,此后同一专辑内的共同主打曲或其它曲目也将不反映专辑分数,各项分数在M COUNTDOWN榜单的反映比重。4、50%:音源销售量分数(韩国四大在线音源公司Mnet.com, Melon, Soribada, Bugs的一周音源排行合计)。5、15%:专辑销售量分数(以Hanteo榜单销售量的资料为依据反映出本周一周的销售量顺位)6、15%:社交媒体分数(Youtube官方MV分数)。7、10%:喜好度分数(Mwave及Mnet Japan主页上进行的海外在线投票结果及通过专门研究机关Macromill embrain对1000名15岁至39岁的男性和女性对50首候选曲目的喜好度进行调查后统计的结果)。



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首先,McountDown是韩国电视台MNET制作的一个在周四下午播放的音乐节目。同类型的音乐节目有四个。每个在韩国出道或者出唱片的歌手都会选择在这四个音乐节目中回归。 所以McountDown本身只是一个音乐节目,所有新人组合都会去。韩国2010年最强新人第一名就是C.N.BULE的出道歌曲《孤独的人》,出道时间是在1月14日。出道仅两周就夺得一位(规定第一周只是回归表演,不会有评比),打破韩国历史,是唯一一个出道两周就得到一位的新人。然后就是2010.07.22 miss A 《Bad Girl Good Girl》 ,出道三周一位以上是去年最强出道组合。G. NA 出道:2010年7月15日 (Mnet countdown 出道舞台) 这个不是组合,是个人,算是去年比较让人印象深刻的新人,因为在韩国基本都是组合,G.NA之前也有过组合,所以严格意义上只能算半个新人。然后我帮你罗列其它的组合新人:ZE:A(九人男子组合)又叫帝国的孩子,跟C.N.BULE是同一天在音乐节目中回归。于2010年1月7日携单曲《Nativity》正式出道。大国男儿(五人男子组合)大国男儿2010年3月4日以单曲《憧憬少年》出道.F.cuz(四人男子组合)F.cuz是在1月8日正式出道.下半年的有..Sistar(四人女子组合) 按现在的知名度来看,这个应该是第三强新人了把。Sistar是在6月4日在Music Bank正式出道的组合。Infinite(七人男子组合)Infinite是在6月9日以出道曲Come Back Again正式出道的组合。Girl"s Day(五人女子组合) Girl"s Day是在7月9日发表歌曲《uac38uc6b0ub6b1》正式出道的组合。Young Gun(三人男子组合)Young Gun是在7月9日发表新专辑《 要把你送走(ub108ub97c ubcf4ub0b4uc918uc57c ud55cub2e4)》正式出道的组合。Teen Top(六人男子组合)Teen Top是在7月10日发表新专辑《Come Into The World 》正式出道的组合。Free star(四人女子组合)Free star是在7月28日发表歌曲Diss正式出道的组合。chocolate(五人女子组合)chocolate将於八月出道,她们已完成录音的工作,而现在她们也正努力的练习中。Nine Muses(九人女子组合)Nine Muses是在8月12日发表歌曲No Playboy正式出道的组合。RaNia(七人女子组合)RaNia将於八月出道男女共学 / Co-Ed(10人混合男女团体)男女共学 / Co-Ed将於九月出道。GP Basic(六人女子组合)GP Basic是在本月中旬左右发售出道专辑正式出道的组合。(平均年龄只有14岁)20star(20人男子组合)20star会在8月某天正式出道的组合。Double B 21(21人男子组合)Double B 21会在9月某天正式出道的组合。其它的新人组合给我留下的影响就不是那么深刻了,现在发展最好人气最高的也还是CNBULE以上都是手打,希望能帮到你,还有问题可以继续追问望采纳


M! Countdown可以在虎牙直播平台观看,打开虎牙直播,在搜索框中输入M! Countdown,就可以找到相关的内容。此外,也可以在爱奇艺、优酷、土豆等视频平台观看M! Countdown。


Mcountdown的中文网是:http://mnet.mnet.com/NProgram/mcountdown2/?bidx=mcountdown2(M!音乐倒计时)。M! Countdown(朝鲜语:엠! 카운트다운)是韩国Mnet电视频道的一档音乐榜单节目,每周选出时下流行音乐前50名的榜单,并邀请歌手及乐队现场表演最新最流行的音乐作品。2009年,SM Entertainment拒绝旗下艺人参与本节目的表演,于2010年全面禁止旗下艺人的音乐作品于Mnet上架,直至2011年双方达成和解。该节目目前由Key和李正信主持,韩国时间每个星期四下午6点至7点30分(北京时间为每周四下午五点)于Mnet电视频道及官方网页进行直播。节目亦透过Mnet电视网及合作媒体于日本、美国、中国等国家和地区播出。评选标准:1、艺人当前活动期间的曲目可进入榜单。2、OST曲目将不在候补之内,此种曲目的排名情况请在Mnet榜单的OST榜单上确认(节目中将以屏幕下滚动的方式播出)。3、三冠王(3周连续1位)将自动退出候补单,此后同一专辑内的共同主打曲或其它曲目也将不反映专辑分数,各项分数在M COUNTDOWN榜单的反映比重。4、50%:音源销售量分数(韩国四大在线音源公司Mnet.com, Melon, Soribada, Bugs的一周音源排行合计)。5、15%:专辑销售量分数(以Hanteo榜单销售量的资料为依据反映出本周一周的销售量顺位)6、15%:社交媒体分数(Youtube官方MV分数)。7、10%:喜好度分数(Mwave及Mnet Japan主页上进行的海外在线投票结果及通过专门研究机关Macromill embrain对1000名15岁至39岁的男性和女性对50首候选曲目的喜好度进行调查后统计的结果)。


Mcountdown的中文网是:http://mnet.mnet.com/NProgram/mcountdown2/?bidx=mcountdown2(M!音乐倒计时)。M! Countdown(朝鲜语:엠! 카운트다운)是韩国Mnet电视频道的一档音乐榜单节目,每周选出时下流行音乐前50名的榜单,并邀请歌手及乐队现场表演最新最流行的音乐作品。2009年,SM Entertainment拒绝旗下艺人参与本节目的表演,于2010年全面禁止旗下艺人的音乐作品于Mnet上架,直至2011年双方达成和解。该节目目前由Key和李正信主持,韩国时间每个星期四下午6点至7点30分(北京时间为每周四下午五点)于Mnet电视频道及官方网页进行直播。节目亦透过Mnet电视网及合作媒体于日本、美国、中国等国家和地区播出。评选标准:1、艺人当前活动期间的曲目可进入榜单。2、OST曲目将不在候补之内,此种曲目的排名情况请在Mnet榜单的OST榜单上确认(节目中将以屏幕下滚动的方式播出)。3、三冠王(3周连续1位)将自动退出候补单,此后同一专辑内的共同主打曲或其它曲目也将不反映专辑分数,各项分数在M COUNTDOWN榜单的反映比重。4、50%:音源销售量分数(韩国四大在线音源公司Mnet.com, Melon, Soribada, Bugs的一周音源排行合计)。5、15%:专辑销售量分数(以Hanteo榜单销售量的资料为依据反映出本周一周的销售量顺位)6、15%:社交媒体分数(Youtube官方MV分数)。7、10%:喜好度分数(Mwave及Mnet Japan主页上进行的海外在线投票结果及通过专门研究机关Macromill embrain对1000名15岁至39岁的男性和女性对50首候选曲目的喜好度进行调查后统计的结果)。



关于音乐银行,音乐中心,人气歌谣,Mcountdown 的问题

1.每个榜单在评选的时候 都有很多参考因素的 不如专辑销量啊 下载量啊 网络投票什么的 应该说都比较全面了2.都是很有名 很高人气的音乐节目···3.我喜欢M!COUNTDOWN 个人偏好啦 舞台挺好的看得比较多4.韩国经济公司是有合作的电视台的,SM公司合作的好像就是SBS···SM的艺人像少女时代 SUJU 神起 应该会在SBS出演多一点的



Arctic fox (北极狐) is a kind of small fox that lives in the Arctic. It grows about 50 centimeters

小题1:A小题2:A小题3:B小题4:A小题5:B 小题1:属于细节题,根据文章第二段前两句可知符合。小题2:属于细节题,根据第二段倒数第二行可知符合。小题3:属于细节题,根据倒数第二段第二句可知不符合,They don"t open their eyes until a week after their birth。小题4:属于细节题,根据第三段第一句可知符合。小题5:属于细节题,根据最后一段第一句可知是越来越少了,所以不符合。



one cold_____day,a fox was alone to look______food.the fields were covered____white snow,he spent a

楼主和楼上脑子。。。 不尊重别人劳动 井底之蛙还评判别人的答案 楼主还乱采纳 真让人作呕 看来退出英语牛人团是对的 这种庸才都能进 。。。给你看看词典吧 采纳率才38%的庸才 我在国外读了十几年书 读到phd 你是个什么资历来评判我???http://dict.youdao.com/w/be_covered_by/


现在不是tony an在主持吗?没有看到要换新主持啊!就tony an一个人在主持,但是有时候会请特别嘉宾

东方神起参加过Music Station和M!countdown吗?什么时候?



神话060415 KM Mcountdown video.sina.com.cn


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