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The Letter Black的《All I Want》 歌词

歌曲名:All I Want歌手:The Letter Black专辑:Hanging On By A ThreadThe Letter Black - All I WantEveryday you accuse meBut I"ve done nothing wrongYou put me down like I"m the enemyWhy"s it so hard for youWhy don"t you understandI"m not the one who"s killing youAll I want is for you toBreathe me in again~And all I want to tell you isI still love youAnd all I want is for you toJust believe in me~Why wont youBreathe me inYou take advantage of meCause I won"t turn you downOnce you get what you wantYou push me to the sideWhy do you try to hurt meIt"s only hurting youI"ve always been right here waitingAll I want is for you toBreathe me in again~And all I want to tell you isI still love youAnd all I want is for you toJust believe in me~Why wont youBreathe me in (2x)All I want is for you toBreathe me in again~And all I want to tell you isI still love youAnd all I want is for you toJust believe in me~Why wont youBreathe me inWhy wont youBreathe me inWhy wont youBreathe me inhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2799054


FingerprintsVoted most likely to end up on the back ok a milk box drinkLooks like I""m letting them downCause seven, seventy-five isn""t worthand hour of my hard work and timeWhen you cant afford half the shit they advertiseOhh I""m worth more then they askmore then the two-tag generation full of regretOhh I won""t settle no, ohh I can""t settleI wanna break the mold,I wanna break the stereotypeFist in the air I""m not going down with out a fightEffortless and I""m sitting on the sidelines watchingIt pass my by I""m leaving you my legacyI gotta make my markI gotta run it hardI want you to remember meI""m leaving my fingerprintsI""m leaving my fingerprintsI""m leaving my fingerprints on youRepresenting you and meDon""t you wanna go down in history?Rather then end up begging on the streetsTrading under table favors for a place to sleepCause I""m worth more then thisso stop writing prescriptions for my RitalinI can""t focus my attentionI wanna break the mold,I wanna break the stereotypeFist in the air I""m not going down with out a fightEffortless and I""m sitting on the sidelines watchingIt pass my by I""m leaving you my legacyI gotta make my markI gotta run it hardI want you to remember meI""m leaving my fingerprintsI""m leaving my fingerprintsDon""t give upDon""t give inBecause your arms on the rockOhh I""m not innocent, innocent, innocent, innocentEffortless and I""m sitting on the sidelines watchingIt pass my by I""m leaving you my legacyI gotta make my markI gotta run it hardI want you to remember meEffortless and I""m sitting on the sidelines watchingIt pass my by I""m leaving you my legacyI gotta make my markI gotta run it hardI want you to remember meCause I""m leaving my fingerprintsI""m leaving my fingerprintsI""m leaving my fingerprints, in the end赞成票最有可能最终在后面OK了喝牛奶盒看起来像I""m让他们失望原因七,七五没有微软的价值我的努力和时间的工作和时间当你不能负担一半的狗屎他们做广告哦I""m更值钱然后他们问超过两标记一代充满遗憾哦我不会觉得一丝不解决,呜呜呜我不能收我想打破模具,我要打破刻板印象拳头在空中我不是去打倒了战斗轻松和I""m坐在场边观看它经过I""m我离开你我的遗产我得做我的商标我得走了难我要你记得我I""m留下我的指纹I""m留下我的指纹I""m离开你我的指纹代表你和我难道你要载入史册?而不是最终在街头乞讨下表贸易有利于为一个睡觉的地方更值钱的原因I""m那么这所以,别再为我写处方利他林我不能集中注意力我想打破模具,我要打破刻板印象拳头在空中我不是去打倒了战斗轻松和I""m坐在场边观看它经过I""m我离开你我的遗产我得做我的商标我得走了难我要你记得我I""m留下我的指纹I""m留下我的指纹不要放弃不要让步因为你的手臂在岩石上哦我不是无辜的,天真,天真,无辜轻松和I""m坐在场边观看它经过I""m我离开你我的遗产我得做我的商标我得走了难我要你记得我轻松和I""m坐在场边观看它经过I""m我离开你我的遗产我得做我的商标我得走了难我要你记得我留下我的指纹原因I""mI""m留下我的指纹I""m留下我的指纹,最后

高手帮忙翻译这段~~~Entire Contract.

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: It is understood and agreed that the Terms hereof, the Confidentiality, of which they are an integral part hereof, embody the plete understanding of the parties and that any and all provisions, negotiations and representations not included herein are hereby abrogated and that the Terms hereof cannot be changed, modified or varied except by written instrument signed by both parties. In the event COMPLX issues a purchase order or memorandum or other instrument covering the services herein provided, it is hereby specifically agreed and understood that such purchase order, memorandum, or instrument is for Beijing COMPLX"s internal purposes only and shall be of no force or effect unless agreed to in writing by ________. No waivers by either party of a breach hereof or default hereunder shall be deemed a waiver by such party of a subsequent breach or default of like or similar nature. 解析: 据悉,同意其中的条款,保密,他们大多组成部分,体现了完整的理解,任何党派、各条文此处不包括谈判、交涉,现予废止,其中的条款不能改变、改装或更改,除非双方签署书面文件.在发生问题等组成了定购工具书或备忘录或其它服务此处提供现明确同意并理解,这种定购、备忘录仪表等组成,是北京还是国内唯一目的,并应不使用武力或以书面同意,除非------.任何一方放弃一节或过失违反以下应视为放弃了这种违背党的后继或失误一样或类似性质.


不对represent = 代表I represent my school in the sports competition.represent = 陈词The lawyer will make his representations next week.



HackTool:Win32/DefenderControl!MSR 是什么?


Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, ________was very reasonable.

whose price或the price of which都对,定语从句意思是这个花瓶的价钱合理。which price本身就错误。which和price之间没有任何连接词,所以没有从属关系。而定语从句中price价钱,明显要从属于which取代的vase花瓶。即price价钱是vase花瓶的价钱。所以一定要用whose price或the price of which。表明price价钱,明显要从属于vase花瓶。

Representations and warranties是什么意思

读了金色的鱼钩,把令你感动的部分找出来。 0回答 19 秒钟前5 不会做好心人帮帮我 四年级要用乘法结合律,乘法交换律,乘法分配律做 0回答 22 秒钟前这3题正确吗? 要过程


representation[英][u02ccrepru026azenu02c8teu026au0283n][美][u02ccru025bpru026azu025bnu02c8teu0283u0259n]n.表现; 陈述; 表现…的事物; 有代理人; 复数:representations例句:1.It is taxation without representation. 这是没有代表的税收。2.Banning the representation of an enemy is imposing nationalism on entertainment. 限制敌人代表是在娱乐游戏中强加民族主义。


representation [英][u02ccrepru026azenu02c8teu026au0283n][美][u02ccru025bpru026azu025bnu02c8teu0283u0259n] n.表现; 陈述; 表现…的事物; 有代理人; 复数:representations 例句: 1. It is taxation without representation. 这是没有代表的税收。 2. Banning the representation of an enemy is imposing nationalism on entertainment. 限制敌人代表是在娱乐游戏中强加民族主义。


representation[英][u02ccrepru026azenu02c8teu026au0283n][美][u02ccru025bpru026azu025bnu02c8teu0283u0259n]n.表现; 陈述; 表现…的事物; 有代理人; 复数:representations形近词:malpresentationrepresentative1In the model-driven representation, the schema for Actor does not vary, whereas for a domain-driven representation, it does.在模型驱动表现中,Actor的模式是不变的,而在域驱动表现中,它是会变化的。

iam not married to rhe fire hydrant意思是撒

i am not married to the fire hydrant我没有和消防栓结婚

meet requirements是什么意思

meet requirements满足要求双语对照例句:1.He noted that for many years, the member-nations have not been willing to meet requirements for cargo planes, refueling aircraft, helicopters and intelligence capabilities. 盖茨指出,北约成员国多年来不愿意满足在货运飞机、空中加油飞机、直升机以及情报能力等方面的需求。2.Bank of america corp., for example, is required to raise$ 34 billion to meet requirements of the u. s.government"s stress test for lenders. 比如,美国银行(bank of america corp.)需要筹集340亿美元资金以满足美国政府的压力测试对它的要求。


在ArcGIS中,如果要对"hydrant"对象子类定义标注格式,可以按照以下步骤操作:1. 打开ArcMap,选择要素类所在的数据框,并选择"添加标注"工具。2. 在弹出的"标注属性"对话框中,选择"Labels"选项卡,选择"Expression"方式。3. 在表达式框中输入以下代码:[hydrant_type] & "Hydrant #" & [hydrant_id]这个表达式会将子类中的"hydrant_type"和"hydrant_id"字段合并在一起作为标注文本,并在它们之间添加"Hydrant #"字符串。4. 选择适合的字体、大小、颜色等设置,并用箭头按钮调整标注的位置。5. 点击"应用",即可生成定义好的标注文本格式。当你保存了标注设置后,标注格式就会一直应用于该子类,无论在何种缩放级别下都会始终显示。

为啥牛津词典有部分单词没有汉语释义 如hydrant消防栓 只写了名词 =fire hydrant

唉,有好多词都是这么写的,就是要你去查fire hydrant,在那个词条里,你会发现: fire hydrant (also hydrant): 消防栓;消防龙头。

fire extinguisher和fire hydrant的区别

fire extinguisher - usually a hand-held cylindrical unit containing chemical dry powder under pressure for small fire.fire hydrant - a unit usually made of metal stands on a street corner. Serve as a water source designed for fire fighters to attach water hose to it.

a fire hydrant什么意思中文



a fire hydrant消防栓, 消防龙头

用eviews建立VAR模型的时候在不知道最优滞后期的时候lags intervals for e

不确定最优滞后阶数的时候按默认的1 2建立VAR,然后在var估计结果窗口中点击view/lag structure/lag length criteria 输入最大滞后阶数,以*号最多的阶数确定滞后阶数。如果是5的话重新建立VAR,lags intervals for endogenous为 1 5.

推论统计学,关于confidence intervals 问题

求阐释主义interpretivism和后实证主义post positivism的区别是什么?

The contrast between positivism and interpretivism is presented as a distinction among “positivists,” “interpretivists” and “critical” social science. Neumanu2019s discussion of positivism mirrors that of Babbie (2001) and Frankfort-Nachmias and Nachmias (2000), though the author details greater variation among positivists (including logical empiricism, postpositivism, naturalism, the covering law model and behaviorism). Interpretive social sciences are traced to Weber (1978) and Dilthey (2002) with a rare, sustained treatment of meaning and social action along with the hermeneutics tradition.http://radicalpedagogy.icaap.org/content/issue6_1/baronov.html

regular interval是什么意思


软件中minor intervals选项是什么意思

minor interval【声学】小(调)音程

定语从句先行词为为intervals, when

intervals 如果指空间距离,关系词要用 where;如果指“间隔时间”,关系词就得用 when。例如:He always visits me at intervals when there is free time. (他总是在有空的间隔时间拜访我一次)


nterval[英][u02c8intu0259vu0259l][美][u02c8u026antu0259vu0259l]n.间隔; 幕间休息; (数学)区间; 复数:intervalsdomain[英][du0259"meu026an][美][dou02c8men]n.范围,领域; 领土,疆土; 管辖范围; [计]域名; 复数:domains数学中区间指自变量的范围,域指自变量值的范围












interval 英[u02c8u026antu0259vl] 美[u02c8u026antu0259rvl] n. 间隔; 幕间休息; (数学) 区间; [例句]The ferry service has restarted after an interval of 12 years时隔12年之后,轮渡服务又重新开通了。[其他] 复数:intervals


n.(时间或空间的)间隔, 间歇; 停顿, 中止; (活动的)暂停; (物体间)间隔; 差距英 [ˈɪntəv(ə)l]美 [ˈɪn(t)ərvəl]1、an intervening time or space(时间或空间的)间隔,间歇after his departure, there was an interval of many years without any meetings在他离开后,间隔了有好多年没有相会过the intervals between meals were very short.每顿饭之间的间隔很短。2、a pause; a break in activity停顿,中止;(活动的)暂停an interval of mourning.举哀暂停。Brit. a period of time separating parts of a theatrical or musical performance〈英〉 幕间休息。a break between the parts of a sports match中场休息leading 3–0 at the interval.到中场休息时以3比0领先。3、a space between two things; a gap(物体间)间隔;差距。the difference in pitch between two sounds音程(两音调间音高差别)。


interval 英[u02c8u026antu0259vl] 美[u02c8u026antu0259rvl] n. 间隔; 幕间休息; (数学) 区间; [例句]The ferry service has restarted after an interval of 12 years时隔12年之后,轮渡服务又重新开通了。[其他] 复数:intervals

什么是within time intervals


disease-free interval是什么意思

disease-free interval无病间隔双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 健康的间隔-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

interval notation是什么意思

It is a method of writing inequalities using brackets or parentheses instead of inequality symbols. This notation tells and represents the INTERVAL of the fina solution set. 区间表示法。

fixed intervals中文翻译

We replace the continuous signal with a series of values at fixed intervals . 我们用一系列固定间隔处的值代替连续信号。 The signal goes on sounding at fixed intervals 讯号在固定的间隔时间内鸣响。 Describes how to run procedures on separate threads at fixed intervals 说明如何以固定的间隔在单独的线程上运行过程。 Fixed interval system 定期订货方式 Users must be able to autosave documents on fixed intervals that are specified by the user 用户必须能够在其指定的固定时间间隔自动保存文档。 Article 17 the fixed interval referred to in paragraph 2 , article 62 of the act is 6 months 第17条(期限(二) )本法第六十二条第二项所定定期为六个月。 Interval system is one land of uncertain systems whose partial or whole parameters vary within fixed intervals . uncertainties will affect systems " stabipty and other performances directly 区间系统是一大类不确定性系统,其不确定性表现为系统模型的部分或者全部参数在各自固定的区间内波动。 To prevent this , database mirroring implements its own time - out mechani *** , based on each server instance in a mirroring session sending out a ping on each open connection at a fixed interval 为了防止发生这种情况,数据库镜像使用超时机制,此机制基于镜像会话中的每个服务器实例会在每个开放连接上按固定间隔发送ping 。 By *** yzing the metabop *** of alcohol , we estabpsh corresponding mathematical models in quickly - drinking , slowly - drinking and fixed interval - drinking case , and give the estimate method of each parameter 摘要通过对酒精进入人体后的生理代谢过程进行分析,对快速饮酒、慢速饮酒及固定间隔时间饮酒三种情形,分别建立了相应数学模型,并对参数给出估计方法。 3 based on the filtering and *** oothing algorithm , the optimal fixed interval deconvolution estimation algorithm is developed . 4 the algorithms are not only deduced theoretically but also tested through simulation . satisfactory simulation results are obtained , which vapdate the algorithms 第四,除了理论上对所给出的最优算法的推证之外,本文还进行了大量的仿真实验,仿真结果验证了各算法的有效性。 We introduce adaptive - grid method to settle this problem . we divide each dimension into a fix interval and join the dense interval to dense part . at the boundary of the each dense part , boundary is adjusted by dividing a *** aller interval 针对上述问题论文引入了自适应的网格划分方法,通过在一维的情况下预先分割区间,然后找出密集分割区间并对分界进行调整来得到密集区间,最后把这些密集区间作为划分网格的依据。 2 based on the optimal filtering algorithm , the indirect algorithm of the optimal fixed interval *** oothing is deduced with the correlation of system and observation noise at the same time . the operation quantity is reduced through the recursive expression of the indirect variable , so the algorithm is more practical 第二,利用滤波算法的结果,推导出了这种系统在加性噪声同时刻相关时状态最优固定域平滑估计的间接算法,通过引入中间变量的递推表达,减少了运算量,使算法更实用。


P是0.7764. 那个warning意思是说有四分之一(25%)的格子理论数小于5.这是做一般卡方检验和Fisher"s Exact Test的检验条件,不满足就要用Fisher"s Exact Test。Two-sided是双侧P值,一般都是这个。除非你的专业要求不同,会使用单侧概率

credible intervals 和 confidence interval的区别

confidence interval是频率学派常用的词,中文翻译置信区间或可信区间,credible interval是贝叶斯统计常用的词,中文翻译多为可信区间。名称上常有混淆,但不必纠结,关键是在两个学派中这个概念虽然表面类似,但有本质的区别

At intervals 和 at the interval。。。。。。

At intervals 不时(时时,处处)没有后者的短语

置信区间(confidence intervals)


At intervals 和 at the interval。。。。。。


in the interval和in the intervals 有什么区别么

in the interval是在这一期间 in the intervals是不一会儿



interval 怎么记住他的意思

这个单词先看前缀inter,其次还是放在句子里,应该就没问题了。interval["intu0259vu0259l] n. 间隔, 休息时间, (数学)区间, (音乐)音程n. He comes back to see us at regular intervals. n. 他每隔一段时间就回来看看我们。 另外注意词语辨析break, rest, pause, interval, recess, cease, stop, end这些名词均含有“中止,停止,休息”之意。break: 非正式用词,指突然的或短时间的中止,如工作或活动期间短暂休息。rest: 指统称的休息。pause: 指短暂的中断或停止,含再进行下去的意味。interval: 指一出戏在幕与幕之间,音乐会上下串场之间或演出中预先安排的休息;也可泛指事件之间的一段时间。recess: 正式用词,指业务活动或工作中短暂的或长时间的休息。cease: 正式用词,侧重逐渐结束某活动或状态,含永远结束的意味。stop: 普通用词,指迅速或突然中止某行为、活动或状态。end: 多指“自然的结束”。

英语Purge task interval in hours怎么翻译?

purge task interval in hour以小时为单位的清除任务间隔






interval 英[u02c8u026antu0259vl] 美[u02c8u026antu0259rvl] n. 间隔; 幕间休息; (数学) 区间; [网络] 时间; 定距; 间隔; [例句]The ferry service has restarted after an interval of 12 years.时隔12年之后,轮渡服务又重新开通了。[其他] 复数:intervals


p2p和流媒体软件是俩个不同概念的东西。 简单的说p2p就是点对点模式。我们平时使用p2p软件就是基于点对点模式的下载软件。一般在线用户越多,下载速度越快,如POCO,BT等,其实包括qq都是使用p2p技术。 所谓流媒体是指采用流式传输的方式在Interne...

The Ants Go Marching 的歌词

Kids, you have to remember I"m up here conducting you for a reason.Okay watch me, watch my fingers. Here we go ready?Watch me.Dès le premier jourTon parfum enivra mon amourEt dans ces instantsJ"aimerais etre comme toi par momentMais depuis ce jourJe n"ai qu"un seul et unique regretPanic! At the Disco - Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met...)My wing tips waltz across naiveWood floors they creekInnocently down the stairsDrag melodyMy percussive feet serve cobweb headaches as a,Matching set of marching clocksThe slumbering apparitions that they"ve come to wake upHere I am composing of burlesqueout of where they rest their necksSunken in their splintered cradlesAnd, ramshackle ants, they asked for itAs a girl, you have set your heart onhaunting me forever from the start, it"s never silentEver since we metI only shoot up with your perfumeIt"s the only thingThat makes me feel as good as you doEver since we metI"ve got just one regret to live throughThat one regret is youHow does a heart love if no one has noticedits presence and where does it goTrembling hands play my heart like the tromboneThe beats gone and lost in the showYou have set your heart on,haunting me forever from the start, it"s never silentEver since we met,I only shoot up with your perfume,It"s the only thingThat makes me feel as good as you do,Ever since we met,I"ve got just one regret to live through,(And I regret never letting you go!)Ever since we met,I only shoot up with your perfume,It"s the only thingThat makes me feel as good as you do,Ever since we met,I"ve got just one regret to live throughAnd that one regret is youMona Lisa, pleased to please you, (that one regret is you)Mona Lisa, pleased to please you, (that one regret is you)Mona Lisa, pleased to please you, (I"ve got just one)

wait是不及物动词,不跟宾语常和for连用,但为什么wait me a moment后跟了宾语?难道wait也可以是及物动词

很肯定的告诉你,wait me a moment 是“等我一下”的中国式英语,是错误的。正确的说法是 wait a moment (这是英语里的口语,书面上一般不这样写)


第二天早晨,他们的窗户外的灌木丛和槭树,红色,金色和橙色,有霜在地面上,确认那年秋天在加拿大抵达。 中午时分,他们来到了多伦多,在加拿大最大和最富裕的城市。他们不离开蒙特利尔,直到后来,让他们去游览城市。他们走到高大的电视塔,看了看整个湖面。在远处,他们可以看到云雾缭绕的云,从大的尼亚加拉大瀑布,湖的南侧是上升的。海到尼亚加拉河,在瀑布水流。 他们看到所覆盖的球场,几个著名的篮球队的主场。当他们走到北,从海港区李黛玉说,“林飞,我母亲的老同学,住在这里,我应该从一个电话亭打电话她。” 他们围绕在市中心的唐人街,在多伦多三个黄昏会见了林飞。在被称为粉红珍珠在一家餐馆晚餐,表兄弟聊起林飞,曾移居加拿大多年以前。 “我们可以得到良好的粤语食品在这里,”林飞告诉他们,“因为大多数中国人民在这里从南中国,特别是香港来。你可以不前往渥太华,加拿大的首都是太糟糕了。它的约多伦多东北四几百公里,所以它会花太长时间。“ 火车离开那天深夜,第二天早晨在黎明时分抵达蒙特利尔。在车站,人们到处都讲法语。有迹象表明,在法国的广告,但其中一些已在较小的字母的英文单词。 “我们不离开,直到今天晚上,刘谦说。” “让我们去市区旧蒙特利尔是接近的水。”他们花了下午,在可爱的商店和来访的艺术家在他们的工作场所旁边的水。当他们坐在在一个自助餐厅,寻找在广泛的圣劳伦斯河,一名年轻男子与他们坐下。 “你好,我的名字是亨利。我在大学附近的学生,”他说,“我不知道你来自哪里。”女孩告诉他,他们在加拿大各地的火车旅行,他们只有一天在蒙特利尔。 “这太糟糕了,”他说。 “蒙特利尔是一个美妙的餐厅和俱乐部的城市。,我们大多数人讲英语和法语,但城市有法国的文化和传统,我们爱的好咖啡,面包和良好的音乐。” 夜间,由于列车超速沿圣劳伦斯河对圣劳伦斯海湾,下降到遥远的东海岸,表兄弟梦寐以求的法国餐厅和红色的枫叶



My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Marian Mcpartland专辑:Marian Mcpartland"S Piano Jazz Radio BroadcastMy Funny Valentines - Frank SinatraMy funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7535056

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:David Huntsinger专辑:Table For TwoMy Funny Valentines - Frank SinatraMy funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2796567

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Gerry Mulligan专辑:What Is There To Say?My funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8732505

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Bill Evans And Jim Hall专辑:UndercurrentMy Funny Valentines - Frank SinatraMy funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2714401

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Ben Webster&Teddy Wilson专辑:Ben Webster For LoversMy Funny Valentines - 我可笑的情人节My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s daybrought to you by McSilencestay little valentine staystay little valentine stayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7925106

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Carmen McRae专辑:Best Of/20Th CenturyMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8347746

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Miles Davis专辑:Sunday Morning ClassicsMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/9095851

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Chris Botti专辑:A Thousand Kisses DeepMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8719653

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Carmen McRae专辑:Carmen Mcrae For LoversMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8233591

My Funny Valentine 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Chet Baker专辑:Chet Baker SingsMy Funny Valentines 我可笑的情人My funny valentine我滑稽的情人sweet comic valentine情人节甜蜜漫画You make me smile with my heart你让我微笑着与我的心Your lips are laughable你的嘴唇是可笑UnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of art然而,你是我看好的艺术作品Is your figure less than Greek是您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Not if you care for me如果您照顾我stay little valentine stay留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节stweet coming my vanlantine stweet今后我vanlantinemy funny Valentine我滑稽的情人you make my uh smile你让我的那个微笑yes you do是你Is your figure less than Greek您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Baby not if you really care for me宝贝不是如果你真的关心我just stay little valentine stay只留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEndhttp://music.b***.com/song/2745889

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Ella Fitzgerald专辑:Retrospective 1936-1956My Funny ValentinesMy funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t you change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s daystweet coming my vanlantinemy funny Valentineyou make my uh smileyes you doIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t you change a hair for meBaby not if you really care for mejust stay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10707302

enjoyable 和 enjoyment , joy 这三个词如何区别


My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Stéphane Grappelli专辑:Satin DollMy Funny Valentines - Frank SinatraMy funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2710972

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Chet Baker&Gerry Mulligan专辑:Jazz Moods - CoolMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8852276

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Dick Hyman专辑:Music Of 1937: Maybeck Recital Hall SeriesMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/9427787

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Gene Harris专辑:The Maybeck Recital Series, Volume 23My funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8584519

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Gerry Mulligan Quartet专辑:Jazz Six PackMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/9462027

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Paul Desmond专辑:The Complete Rca Victor RecordingsMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8891504

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Chet Baker专辑:The Best Smooth Jazz Ever CD1-4My Funny Valentines 我可笑的情人My funny valentine我滑稽的情人sweet comic valentine情人节甜蜜漫画You make me smile with my heart你让我微笑着与我的心Your lips are laughable你的嘴唇是可笑UnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of art然而,你是我看好的艺术作品Is your figure less than Greek是您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Not if you care for me如果您照顾我stay little valentine stay留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节stweet coming my vanlantine stweet今后我vanlantinemy funny Valentine我滑稽的情人you make my uh smile你让我的那个微笑yes you do是你Is your figure less than Greek您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Baby not if you really care for me宝贝不是如果你真的关心我just stay little valentine stay只留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/51772374

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Ruby Braff And El Larkins专辑:Two By TwoMy Funny Valentines - Frank SinatraMy funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2709868

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Ella Fitzgerald专辑:The Singer, The SongMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/9723584


pleasant adj.令人愉快的,合意的。多指天气,时间,旅游,消息等。指人时,表示“可爱的,文雅的”enjoyable adj. 愉快的,有趣的 eg. games to make learning more enjoyable

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Chet Baker专辑:50 Best JazzMy Funny Valentines 我可笑的情人My funny valentine我滑稽的情人sweet comic valentine情人节甜蜜漫画You make me smile with my heart你让我微笑着与我的心Your lips are laughable你的嘴唇是可笑UnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of art然而,你是我看好的艺术作品Is your figure less than Greek是您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Not if you care for me如果您照顾我stay little valentine stay留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节stweet coming my vanlantine stweet今后我vanlantinemy funny Valentine我滑稽的情人you make my uh smile你让我的那个微笑yes you do是你Is your figure less than Greek您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Baby not if you really care for me宝贝不是如果你真的关心我just stay little valentine stay只留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2844443

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Chet Baker专辑:Love SongsMy Funny Valentines 我可笑的情人My funny valentine我滑稽的情人sweet comic valentine情人节甜蜜漫画You make me smile with my heart你让我微笑着与我的心Your lips are laughable你的嘴唇是可笑UnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of art然而,你是我看好的艺术作品Is your figure less than Greek是您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Not if you care for me如果您照顾我stay little valentine stay留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节stweet coming my vanlantine stweet今后我vanlantinemy funny Valentine我滑稽的情人you make my uh smile你让我的那个微笑yes you do是你Is your figure less than Greek您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Baby not if you really care for me宝贝不是如果你真的关心我just stay little valentine stay只留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8735554

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Carmen McRae专辑:Priceless Jazz Collection: Voices Of The CenturyMy Funny Valentines 我可笑的情人My funny valentine我滑稽的情人sweet comic valentine情人节甜蜜漫画You make me smile with my heart你让我微笑着与我的心Your lips are laughable你的嘴唇是可笑UnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of art然而,你是我看好的艺术作品Is your figure less than Greek是您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Not if you care for me如果您照顾我stay little valentine stay留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节stweet coming my vanlantine stweet今后我vanlantinemy funny Valentine我滑稽的情人you make my uh smile你让我的那个微笑yes you do是你Is your figure less than Greek您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Baby not if you really care for me宝贝不是如果你真的关心我just stay little valentine stay只留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/20240945

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Ib Glindemann专辑:Fontana Presenting Ib Glindemann & His 1963 OrchestraMy Funny ValentinesMy funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t you change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s daystweet coming my vanlantinemy funny Valentineyou make my uh smileyes you doIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t you change a hair for meBaby not if you really care for mejust stay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/11076124
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