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编程Customer.java:编写Customer类,编程Account.java:编写Account 类,使用上面的两个类,实现如下业务

Customer类:package Test;public class Customer { private String customerId;//客户身份证号 private String custName;//客户姓名 private String custGender;//客户性别 public Customer(String customerId,String custName,String custGender){ this.custGender=custGender; this.custName= custName; this.customerId= customerId; } public String getCustomerId() { return customerId; } public void setCustomerId(String customerId) { this.customerId = customerId; } public String getCustName() { return custName; } public void setCustName(String custName) { this.custName = custName; } public String getCustGender() { return custGender; } public void setCustGender(String custGender) { this.custGender = custGender; } public void printMSG(){ System.out.println("身份证号:"+this.customerId+"姓名:"+this.custName+"性别:"+this.custGender); }}Account类:package Test;public class Account { private String customerId;//该账户所属客户的身份证号 private String accountNo;//账户号 private float balance;//余额 public Account(String customerId,String accountNo,float balance){ this.customerId= customerId; this.accountNo = accountNo; this.balance = balance; } public Account(String customerId,String accountNo){ this(customerId,accountNo,0); } public float deposit(float amount) { System.out.println("本次存款:"+amount); balance= balance+amount; return amount; } public float withdraw (float amount){ System.out.println("本次取款:"+amount); balance= balance-amount; if(balance>=0){ return amount; }else{ return 0; } } public float getBalance(){ return balance; }}Ex4_3类:package Test;public class Ex4_3 { public static void main(String [] args){ //创建两个客户“张三”、“李四”;为张三开设2个账户 //(一个账户开户时就存款2000,另一账户开户时不存款)、 //李四开设1个账户(开户时存款3000)。 Customer customer1 = new Customer("111","张三","男"); Customer customer2 = new Customer("222","李四","女"); Account account1 = new Account(customer1.getCustomerId(),"zhangsan1",2000); Account account2 = new Account(customer1.getCustomerId(),"zhangsan2"); Account account3 = new Account(customer2.getCustomerId(),"lisi",3000); System.out.println("张三第一个账户取款500:"); account1.withdraw(500); System.out.println("张三从第一个账户转账1000到第二个账户中:"); account2.deposit(account1.withdraw(1000)); System.out.println("李四取款300:"); account3.withdraw(300); System.out.println("最后查询出张三与李四的客户信息及账户余额:"); customer1.printMSG(); System.out.println("账户1余额:"+account1.getBalance()+"账户2余额:"+account2.getBalance()); customer2.printMSG(); System.out.println("李四账户1余额"+account3.getBalance());}}

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如何使用 Font Creator 制作属于自己的个性字体

FCP的使用方法和技巧:1、Font Creator Program 使用说明书该文详细介绍了 Font Creator 制作和编辑字体、符号的方法,首先讲解了 Font Creator 整体界面和各个菜单工具,然后从创建新的字符文件、添加编辑文件中每个字符、保存安装及使用字符文件等几个方面,结合实例进行详细介绍。2、Font Creator Program 教程我们这里要用到两个软件:CorelDraw、Font Creator Program。第一步用 CorelDraw 完成字符绘制使用它来绘制字体主要有两个原因:一是 CorelDraw 的图形绘制功能非常强大,绘制复杂形状的图形易如反掌;二是在同类软件中 CorelDraw 是唯一一款直接支持 TrueTupe(.TTF)输出的。第二步用 Font Creator Program 完成字体调整和打包Font Creator Program 是一款不错的字体制作软件,可以用来绘制字体、写入字体版权信息、控制字体属性等。

用font creator打开一个字体包,在里面怎么搜索一个中文字?




Jacques, Valentine这两个法语名字的发音.


be my valentine解释

意思系做我嘅情人 valentine"s day 亦即系情人节 其实起源于公元三世纪罗马 有个叫valentinus嘅神父 佢为咗相爱嘅年轻人举行教堂婚礼 违背皇帝旨意 被送上绞架被绞死.. 之后啲人就开始纪念呢个日子用嚟纪念U00020bb6位为情人做主而牺牲嘅神父.. 喺呢个神父喺监狱里嘅时候 据说佢送出了第一个「情人节」祝福 佢钟意咗曾经嚟监狱睇佢 狱长失明嘅女儿亚斯得莉斯 并好奇迹咁医好咗她嘅眼 令佢重见光明.. 喺佢临刑前 俾咗个女仔一封信 署名「from your Valentine」尽管呢啲传说唔知真定假 但系却表达咗佢富有同情心 英雄气概 以及最重要嘅浪漫主义嘅人格 参考: zh. *** /wiki/情人节 意思做我的情人.如果有人跟你说be my valentine.他/她就是想你做男/女友


be是成为的意思my是我的意思valentine是情人的意思所以这句话的意思是成为我的情人n. 情人;情人节礼物;(姓氏)瓦伦丁用作名词 (n.)He sent her roses for Valentine"s Day.他在情人节那天送她玫瑰花.A valentine will encourage me in times of difficulties.情人会在我困难的时候鼓励我。My girlfriend was filled with joy when I gave her a diamond ring as the valentine.当我把一枚钻石戒指送给我的女朋友作为情人节礼物时,她满心欢喜。Dealing with Valentine was like dealing with a king.跟瓦伦丁来往就象跟国王来往。But Valentine would secretly marry young men that came to him.但是瓦伦丁却秘密地帮助那些来找他的年轻人主持婚礼。


首先,CyclicBarrier可以多次使用,CountDownLatch只能用一次(为0后不可变) 其次, Barrier是等待指定数量线程到达再继续处理; Latch是等待指定事件变为指定状态后发生再继续处理,对于CountDown就是计数减为0的事件,但你也可以实现或使用其。




i didn"t intend to be crying on valentine"s daynot for you, but the onioni feel tiredlike i"ve been waiting for you for centuriesbut i promised to myself, stop to bea clinging fool, an awkward cravenbye my gem, my lovean end maybe the best solution


挖 冷 time



Fiona Apple的《Valentine》 歌词

歌曲名:Valentine歌手:Fiona Apple专辑:The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than the Driver of the Screw and Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever DoFiona Apple - ValentineYou didn""t see my ValentineI sent it via pantomimeWhile you were watching someone elseI stared at you and cut myselfIt""s all I""ll do ""cause I""m not freeA fugitive too dull to fleeI""m amorous but out of reachA still life drawing of a peachI""m a tulip in a cupI stand no chance of growing upI""ve made my peace I""m dead I""m doneI watched you live to have my funI root for you, I love you, you, you, you, you x2I made it to a dinner dateMy teardrops seasoned every plateI tried to dance but lost my nerveI cramped up in the learning curveI""m a tulip in a cupI stand no chance of growing upI""m resigned to sail on throughIn the wake of tales of youI root for you, I love you, you, you, you, youI root for you, I love you, you, you, youI root for you, I love you, you, you, you, you, you, you, youI root for you, I love you, you, you, youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14927312



John Waite的《valentine》 歌词

歌曲名:valentine歌手:John Waite专辑:when you were mine(J. Waite, S. Fontayne)Inside these moments waitingBeneath the windows ofThe house of LoveLike Romeo to Juliet aboveThe lights out on the freewayThey lead me back to youFor always and forever nowI"ll be with youCause you know that I"ve come here for a reasonTell me that there"s something to this rhymeListen to your heartTell me what you want nowBut don"t let me be deniedAnd be my valentineBe mineThe dragonfly at midnightThe jasmin of your roomThe candle light inside our eyesThe dawn will come too soonI come to you as nothing nowBut everything I amI"m burning for you constantlyJust let me be your manCause you know that I"ve come here for a reasonTell me that there"s something to this rhymeListen to your heartTell me what you want nowBut don"t let me be deniedAnd be my valentineBe mineValentineCause you know that I"ve come here for a reasonTell me that there"s something to this rhymeListen to your heartAnd tell me what you want nowBut don"t let me be deniedAnd be my valentineBe mineBe my valentineBe minehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14292268

Ryan Leslie的《Valentine》 歌词

歌曲名:Valentine歌手:Ryan Leslie专辑:R&B Love Songs 2010Ryan Leslie - ValentineI don"t have to say you"re beautifulYou"ve got plenty other guys to say those words for youAnd I don"t have to say you run the showAll it takes is a word, I lose control for youI know you"re not my girlfriend, butI swear that I love youBaby I doI know you"re not my girlfriend, butI swear that I love youBaby I doI don"t have to say you stole my heart"cause anything I have I freely give to youAnd I knew right from the very startThat the only place I belong is next to youI know you"re not my girlfriend, butI swear that I love youBaby I doI know you"re not my girlfriend, butI swear that I love youBaby I doEven thru allThe ups and downsYou can"t stopThe way I feel nowEven thru the stormJoy & painI won"t changeStill feel the sameAnytime you callI don"t careNo matter the reasonI"ll be thereConstantly on my mindAnd that"s why I"m hopingYou will be myValentine (valentine)I know you"re not my girlfriend, butI swear that I love youBaby I doI know you"re not my girlfriend, butI swear that I love youBaby I doI know you"re not my girlfriend, butI swear that I love youBaby I doI know you"re not my girlfriend, butI swear that I love youBaby I doand I know you love me toohttp://music.baidu.com/song/59317769

郑中基的《Valentine》 歌词

歌曲名:Valentine歌手:郑中基专辑:真朋友Valentine词:孙维君 曲:郑中基每一次我见到你心跳都会加快BE MY Valentine我还是不知道手应该往哪里摆WOULD YOU BE MY Valentine想看你听笑话时很可爱的型态BE MY VALENTINE我愿意守护著你永远不受伤害请你给我一个机会去爱让爱把心解开我的孤独骄傲小小悲哀不在 AND I"ll SAY HEY YEAHAND I"ll SAY YEAH我很心很坦白 AND I"ll SAY HEY YEAHAND i SAY YEAH 我多寂寞你明白AND I"ll SAY YEAH AND i SAY YEAH我的门彻夜打开 AND I"ll SAY YEAHAND I"LL SAY YEAH 害你微笑走进来http://music.baidu.com/song/950194




“happy valentine"s day”的意思是:情人节快乐。“valentine”是“瓦伦丁”。公元270年,罗马圣教徒瓦伦丁被处死,此日被后人定为“情人节”。瓦伦丁节,又称情人节,是欧美和大洋洲的一些国家的民族节日。此节日的来源甚多,但一般是以罗马圣教徒瓦伦丁被处死,后被定为“情人节”较为普通。瓦伦丁节的来历:公元3世纪,罗马帝国出现全面危机,经济凋敝,统治阶级腐败,社会动荡不安,人民纷纷反抗。贵族阶级为维护其统治,残暴镇压民众和基督教徒。是时有一位教徒瓦伦丁,被捕入狱。在狱中,他以坦诚之心打动了典狱长的女儿。他们相互爱慕,并得到典狱长女儿的照顾。统治阶级下令将他执行死刑。在临刑前,他给典狱长女儿写了一封长长的遗书,表明自己是无罪的。表明他光明磊落的心迹和对典狱长女儿深深眷恋。公元270年2月14日,他被处死刑,后来,基督教徒为了纪念瓦伦丁为正义、为纯洁的爱而牺牲自己,将临刑的这一天定为“圣瓦伦节”,后人又改成“情人节”。


这事Skyler Stonestreet的歌曲Valentine完整歌词:Ah oh, another year, another time to wasteAh oh, another tear, another empty box of sweetsBut this year I won"t have it, I"ll forget it happenWho needs a valentineA valentine, a valentine?Oh-oh-oh-ohWho needs a used up lineMake you my valentineOh-oh, I don"tAh oh, alone again at home, again todayWhat is the difference when I feel entertainedOh, don"t give me a happy hourOr a teddy bear with flowersWho needs a valentineA valentine, a valentine?Oh-oh-oh-ohWho needs a used up lineMake you my valentineOh-oh, I don"tOh please, valentineTake your time, it"s fine with meStupid valentine, you won"t get me, noWho needs a valentineA valentine, a valentine?Oh-oh-oh-ohWho needs a used up lineMake you my valentineWho needs a valentineA valentine, a valentine?Oh-oh-oh-ohWho needs a used up lineMake you my valentineOh-oh, I don"tWho needs a valentine(I don"t, I don"t)Who needs a used up line(I don"t, I don"t)A valentineRead more: http://artists.letssingit.com/skyler-stonestreet-lyrics-valentine-l5rhnrj#ixzz2ROzYtNDyLetsSingIt - Your favorite Music Community


  Valentine day  情人节  You are supposed to buy a rose  in such pink atmosphere;  I wonder if roses bloom  only for us.  在如此浪漫的氛围里,  注定你要买一束玫瑰;  只是我怀疑它们  为我们还是为自己开放。  the store owner winks,  afterwards, you can return them.  With a little money,  I hold the rose" destination;  when the day passes,  who else will care her petals paled  somewhere else?  花店老板冲我们眨眼,  过后,可以退货。  只用了一点点钱,  我握着一束玫瑰的命运。  情人节过后,  谁还会叹息她的花瓣  在哪里凋谢?




my valentineuff1fWhat if it rained?We didn"t careShe said that someday soonThe sun was gonna shine.And she was right,This love of mine,My valentineAs days and nights,Would pass me byI tell myself that I was waiting for a signThen she appeared,A love so fine,My valentineAnd I will love her for lifeAnd I will never let a day go byWithout remembering the reasons whyShe makes me certainThat I can flyAnd so I do,Without a careI know that someday soon the sun is gonna shineAnd she"ll be thereThis love of mineMy valentine(Instrumental)What if it rained?We didn"t care.She said that someday soonThe sun was gonna shineAnd she was rightThis love of mine,My valentine

Kina Grannis的《Valentine》 歌词

歌曲名:Valentine歌手:Kina Grannis专辑:Stairwells (Deluxe Version)ValentineKina GrannisLove, it"s a special dayWe should celebrate and appreciateThat you and me found something pretty neatAnd I know some say this day is arbitraryBut it"s a good excuse, put our love to useBaby, I know what to doBaby, I will love youI"ll love you, I"ll love youLove, I don"t need those thingsI don"t need no ringI don"t need anythingBut you with me"Cause in your companyI feel happy, oh so happy and completeAnd it"s a good excuse, put our love to useBaby, I know what to doBaby, I will love youI"ll love you, I"ll love youYeah, it"s a good excuse, put our love to useBaby, I know what to doBaby, I will love youI"ll love you, I"ll love youSo won"t you be my honey bee?Giving me sweet kisses all the timeBe mine, be my ValentineSo won"t you be my honey bee?Giving me sweet kisses all the timeBe mine, be my ValentineOhhh, Oh woah, Be my Valentinehttp://music.baidu.com/song/18846874



用valentine 里面的字母来组成英语单词

valentine情人;vine藤;lent借; Alentin [医]氨磺丁脲,对氨苯磺酰丁脲[降血糖药]





Valentine Day是什么意思



Be my Valentine我的情人节礼物双语对照词典结果:百科释义歌曲信息歌手: 古巨基 所属专辑:《金牌精选》 发行时间:2009-11-04 所属公司:金牌大风 歌曲标签:华语流行歌词古巨基:Be My Valentine 曲:徐继宗 词:林家敏 编曲


瓦伦丁(Valentine)浪漫情人节的由来 情人节的由来 情人节也已经悄悄渗透到了无数年轻人的心目当中,成为中国传统节日之外的又一个重要节日 情人节是一个充满著浪漫色彩的全球性节日。相爱的男女会在此节日之际互赠鲜花,糖果,各种精美的礼物以此更增进彼此的感情。情人节是在每年的二月十四日,故二月也就被渲染了浪漫和神秘的色彩。 那么情人节是怎么由来的呢?人们为什么要庆祝这个节日?这就得追溯当年的古罗马帝国和基督圣徒颇具神秘色彩而又可以史为鉴的轶事。在古罗马帝国暴君克劳狄斯(Claudius)在位时,战争是连绵不断。所有的年轻男子都要被强硬征兵去打仗,只留下老弱病残和年轻的女子。故古罗马的平民百姓在年轻男女还未成年或快成年前就根据当地习俗举行结婚仪式。这样就恼怒了暴君克劳狄斯,他下令不许举行被古罗马人世代认可的传统婚礼,而且订了婚还得退婚。古罗马的百姓只好忍气吞声,敢怒不敢言。 在古罗马一个幽静而漂亮的小镇里,有一位善良,虔诚基督圣徒,名叫瓦伦丁(St. Valentine)。他是一个小教堂的牧师。他对暴君克劳狄斯摧残百姓很忧愁和伤心。他不顾自己的个人的安危,依然为一对年轻男女在教堂举行了婚礼,并给予了他们美好的祝福。这样,教堂婚礼在年轻男女中慢慢传开了。有许多男女慕名来到教堂恳求瓦伦丁为他们秘密举行婚礼,每次瓦伦丁都会答应,给予他们最衷心,诚恳的祝福。但是,有一天,教堂婚礼终于传到了暴君克劳狄斯耳朵里,瓦伦丁不幸被捕,在监狱里他受尽了折磨。在公元270年的二月十四日的那天,瓦伦丁残死于监狱。 瓦伦丁(Valentine)作为一个充满传奇色彩的人物,被世人所称颂和敬仰。为了纪念他,每年的二月十四日就成了情人节-Valentine Day. 在中世纪,Valentine"s Day 曾经一度成为英国,法国最流行和最受欢迎的节日。情人节由来的故事蕴含著古往今来人们一直向望著和平,自由的美好生活和正直带给民众的善良和勇气。


valentine的翻译是圣瓦伦廷节情人卡。Valentine"是一个英文单词,它的词性为名词(noun)。在英语中,“Valentine”的来源可以追溯到罗马帝国时期,起源于一个灵活的节日,纪念基督教殉道者圣瓦伦丁。在18世纪,情人节成为一种庆祝爱情的节日,逐渐发展为当今每年2月14日的情人节。在现代英语中,“Valentine”可以指代以下几个方面:1、情人节Valentine在日常英语中,通常会被用来指代情人节这个节日。情人节是西方比较重要的传统节日之一,于每年2月14日庆祝。情人节的特色是向对方表白爱意,或者互换礼物、花束或美食等方式来庆祝节日。所以,“Valentine”同样也指代了这个狂欢的节日。2、阳刚或者女性名字在英语中,“Valentine”本身也是一个男性或女性的名字。例如,在古代罗马,Valentinus是一个非常普遍的男性名字,意为“强壮的”或“勇敢的”。此外,“Valentina”则是一个非常常见的女性名字,相信来自“Valentine”的扩展版本。3、礼物、贺卡和巧克力在情人节期间,人们通常会通过礼物、贺卡和巧克力等方式来表达爱意和关爱。而Valentine这个词,也经常出现在贺卡和巧克力包装上。例如,著名的糖果品牌Ferrero Rocher就推出了一个带有精致纸盒的“Valentines”系列。这个系列包括各种美味且精致的巧克力,遇到这个单词就可以意识到这些巧克力是为庆祝情人节而准备的。总之,“Valentine”是一个古老但又新鲜的英语单词,它表示了爱情、庆祝、礼物和美好回忆等多重意义。无论是在情人节还是日常生活中,我们都可以用这个词来庆祝和表达感情。

求Carol Ann Duffy 的《Valentine 》中文翻译

Not a red rose or a satin heart.I give you an onion.It is a moon wrapped in brown paper.It promises lightlike the careful undressing of love.Here. It will blind you with tears like a lover.It will make your reflectiona wobbling photo of grief.I am trying to be truthful.Not a cute card or a kissogram.I give you an onion.Its fierce kiss will stay on your lips,possessive and faithfulas we are,for as long as we are.Take it.Its platinum loops shrink to a wedding-ring,if you like.Lethal.Its scent will cling to your fingers,cling to your knife.

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情人 加个day 成 情人节

valentine 怎么读

歪伦泰恩 如果用中国发音的话!






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前置系统环境:1、操作系统:Ubuntu 15.10 64位2、树莓派3代B型3、16G Class 10 TF卡4、读卡器一、下载Ubuntu Mate1、在官网下载最新版的Ubuntu Mate,官网地址为:https://ubuntu-mate.org/raspberry-pi/2、下载后得到文件:ubuntu-mate-15.10.3-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi-2.img.xz二、安装镜像烧录软件,官网推荐使用ddrescue。1、打开终端,输入 sudo apt-get install gddrescue xz-untils ,安装烧录软件。2、输入以下指令,得到ubuntu-mate-15.10.3-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi-2.img文件。 unxz ubuntu-mate-15.10.3-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi-2.img.xz 3、将TF卡通过读卡器链接电脑。在终端输入lsblk,获取TF挂载点。假设为/dev/sdb4、输入以下指令,将镜像烧录进TF卡。 sudo ddrescue -D --force ubuntu-mate-15.10.3-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi-2.img /dev/sdb 三、安装Ubuntu Mate系统1、将TF卡插入树莓派,启动。2、按照界面提示选择安装语言、用户名、计算机名、选择时区。3、系统将自行安装后重启。4、完成Ubuntu Mate的安装。四、调整分区1、重新调整分区,格式化文件系统。执行 sudo fdisk /dev/mmcblk0 ,(其中0是数字零)。删除第二个分区(输入d,选择2),重建分区(输入n,p,2,回车,回车),最后将修改写入(原先只在内存中修改)。2、重启树莓派。3、在终端输入: sudo resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2 。其中0是数字零。五、后续步骤1、更新系统软件,执行sudo apt-get upgrade 2、安装那些你想要的软件。比如输入法、SDK等。

智慧家庭 - HA(1) - 在树莓派上架设 Home Assistant

本文索引: Home Assistant (以下简称 HA) 是一个开源的智能家居网关项目,它可以将市面上所有支持的智能硬件设备整合到一起进行统一管理,并提供了默认的 Web UI。HA 社区开发了海量组件以支持市面上主流的设备,在 IoT 中扮演了大脑的角色。在家庭服务器上架设 HA 有多种实现方式,官方也制作了对应的系统镜像 Hass.io ,并推荐使用「树莓派3B+」作为其宿主机器。 为了验证预期效果,最好提前准备好以下设备: 通过 Docker Image 安装及更新一种服务免去了为该服务准备依赖环境的繁琐步骤, HA 官方推出了对应的 Docker Image 且支持树莓派的 CPU 架构,本文主要介绍通过 Docker 安装 HomeAssistant 。如果你不喜欢 Docker ,可以参考 Install Home Assistant 以其他方式安装。 使用 Docker 安装 HA 是非常简单的,官方提供了支持 Raspberry Pi 3 的 Docker Image 和「 安装指南 」: 参数 /path/to/your/config:/config 映射 container 的 /config 至本地主机的物理路径,此处我选择了 ~/.homeassistant 。如果希望安装指定版本的 Image,参考「 HA 在 Docker Hub 上的 Tag 列表 」选择版本,例如 0.69.1: 安装完成后, HomeAssistant 的 container 已经开始运行: 查看刚刚指定的配置文件目录,出现了以下文件及目录: config 目录(此处为 ~/homeassistant/ )下的 configuration.yaml 是配置文件的入口点,其他由 yaml 为扩展名的配置文件均是为了实现独立管理而单独分离出来的文件,可在 configuration.yaml 文档中找到如下入口载入这些配置文件: 8123 是 Web UI 的默认端口,尝试在浏览器中输入 http://{ip-address-to-raspberry}:8123 访问,得到如下结果: HA 会自动查找接入同一网络中的智能设备,是因为 configuration.yaml 中默认配置了 Discovery 组件: 一切正常之后,每次重启树莓派必须手动执行 docker container start [Container ID]/NAME 的方式来启动 HA 服务,我们需要将其做成服务或加入开机启动脚本,编辑 /etc/rc.local 文件: 重启树莓派, HA 开机启动成功,至此,一个基本款的家庭 HA 搭建就完成了。 HA 目前仍然在快速迭代中,对应的 Docker Image 也会同步放出。要更新以 Docker Container 运行的 HA 实例,只要重新拉取最新版本的 Image 即可:

树莓派 ubuntu 系统介绍

树莓派作为仅有 200 元上下的 Linux 电脑,其最大的特点就是可玩性,当然不是玩各式各样的电脑游戏,而是其高度的可定制性,DIY 爱好者可以自定义 GPIO 来实现各种各样的功能。 作为一个电脑,当然就要有与之配套的系统来支持它的运行,树莓派官方有两个系统,分别为 Raspbian 和 Raspbian Lite ,两者都是基于 Debian 的系统,前者具有完整的 LXDE 桌面环境,而后者为精简的无桌面环境系统,在 树莓派官网 里,还有 ubuntu MATE 、 Windows 10 Iot 等系统可供选择,其实树莓派可用的 ubuntu 系统不仅仅是 ubuntu MATE 还有其他 ubuntu 系统可以用,下面我就来介绍一下树莓派可用的 ubuntu 系统并分析一下优缺点。 1)除 PC 用的原版 ubuntu,这个版本的各项环境最完整。 2)内置多种界面排布方式,可以随意切换(如:open suse 样式、unity 样式)。 3)高度可定制化界面。 1)MATE 桌面对于老式笔记本和老式台式机来说显然很轻松的就能流畅运行,但是作为树莓派来说i就有些吃力了,经常发生反应迟钝现象。 1)占用储存卡的空间小。 2)小清新的感觉,看时间长了也不疲惫。 1)不支持 Community Support 且不可以通过 apt-get 进行安装 1)超轻量级的桌面环境,比 Xface 还要轻量。 2)桌面反应速度快。 3)占用储存卡空间最小(仅限于在 ubuntu 桌面环境内比较) 1)可定制性不如前两者,不过正常使用桌面环境足矣。 这是 ubuntu 服务器 版的系统,如果说要用树莓派搭建一个小型服务器的话可以考虑使用这个版本的系统。其中 minimal 版本没有预装 Raspberry Pi Python Stack 而 standard 版本有预装,并且 Raspberry Pi Python Stack 暂时不可以通过 apt-get 进行获取安装。 桌面环境中: 流畅度:Lubuntu > Xubuntu > ubuntu MATE 外观定制度:ubuntu MATE > Xubuntu > Lubuntu 图例:



love until it hurts什么意思

love until it hurts爱直至成伤love until it hurts爱直至成伤


odd=strange例如:odd nameIt ‘s odd that……很奇怪……eccentric 行为 装束上的古怪,怪人例如:many of rose"s colleagues consider her an eccentric。rose的很多同事都觉得他是一个怪人>_<

untitled 27歌词的中文意思!


跪求英语作文Joint Ventures in China 请高手帮帮忙,谢谢!

We all know that there are a lot of joint ventures from developed countries in China, especiall those from western countries and Japan. As for the reasons, I think there are several of them as follows:First, since China is a developing country, the labor cost in China is a lot lower than that in the developed countries. Second, in order to bring in foreign capital and establish foundational facilities in China, Chinese government enacts economic policies in favor of the joint adventures, which brings extra benefits for foreign enterprises. Last but not least, China has the biggest population in the world, which provides the biggest consumer market at the same time as the biggest workshop of the world. Although joint adventures help China to build up necessary foundational facilities and much enrich the Chinese market, they also make the competition and challenges get a lot intenser for local companies as time goes by. So, gradually, there would be policies to restrain the privileges foreign capitals have in order to ensure the interest of domestic companies. At last, I think a much balanced policy will come out to do good for both sides.

急求一篇英语作文:关于develop central and western China的文章,100词左右

您好,很高兴为您解答!!! < develop central and western China > The Chinese government has recently decided to develop central and western China.This part of China includes nine provinces and autonomous regions, and one municipality. It covers an area of S. 4 million square kilometers with a population of 2.85 hundred million. The government will pay special attention to its transportation. Some highways and railways will be built. In order to protect the nature, farmers will let farmland revert to forest. Also, measures should be taken to prevent pollution. Western China is rich in natural resources, which can be exploited and made full use of. To meet the need of development, all kinds of experts and skilled workers are to be brought in. As the result of the great project, we believe that central and western regions of China will surely achieve better and faster development in the new century.写的不好,望多多指教!!!谢谢。。。

反微分和不定积分的区别是什么?antiderivative and antidifferential?怎么求呢?谢谢了。


derivative financial instruments是什么意思

derivative financial instruments衍生金融工具;衍生的金融工具;金融衍生工具例句1.Then the author chooses the accounting supervision of risks of derivative financial instruments as the research field.由此,笔者选择了衍生金融工具风险的会计监控这一问题进行研究。2.The business of the derivative financial instruments shows uncertainty.衍生金融工具交易具有不确定性。3.and developing and perfecting foreign exchange market to hedge the exchange rate risk by using the derivative financial instruments.发展和健全外汇市场,利用衍生金融工具规避汇率风险。4.Effective risk management transactions is to derivative financial instruments used effectively.交易风险管理行之有效的办法是衍生金融工具的有效使用。5.The Influence on Business Accounting from Derivative Financial Instruments浅析衍生金融工具对企业会计核算的影响

derivative contract是什么意思

derivative contract 网络 衍生工具合约; 衍生品合约;[例句]An option is a financial derivative contract that gives the purchaser the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an asset at a certain price.期权是一个金融衍生品合约。它赋予买家一个毋须强制履行的权利:在一个确定的价格上买入或卖出一种资产。


衍生品合约(Derivative contracts) 所谓衍生品是指从原生品中派生出来的事物, 金融衍生品 是从基础的 金融产品中派生出来的交易形态。按 金融 界的定义, 金融衍生品是有关互换现金流量或旨在为交易者转移风险的一种双边 合约,它给予持有者某种义务或对一种 金融资产 进行买卖的选择权, 其 价值 由其交易的金融资产的 价格 决定,通常包括 期货合约 、 期权合 约、 远期合约 、 互换协议 等。


主要包含以下内容:以root用户登录弹性云服务器。执行以下命令,备份CentOS-Base.repo文件。mkdir -p /etc/yum.repos.d/repo_bak/mv /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/repo_bak/使用curl命令下载对应版本的CentOS-Base.repo文件,并将其放入/etc/yum.repos.d/目录。针对华为云当前支持的CentOS镜像源版本,使用的curl命令分别如下:CentOS 8curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo http://mirrors.myhuaweicloud.com/repo/CentOS-Base-8.repoCentOS 7curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo http://mirrors.myhuaweicloud.com/repo/CentOS-Base-7.repoCentOS 6CentOS社区于2020年11月30日结束对CentOS 6的维护支持(EOL)。请参考CentOS 6镜像源更换方法。执行以下命令,生成缓存。yum makecache




differentiation 是微分,是x->0时的增量,一般数学上表示为dy.derivative是微商,是x->0时,dy/dx的比值,又叫导数。 一般有y`=f`(x)=dy/dx dy=f`(x)dx

All the faces in the world are mirrors, so your attitude to others is very important 翻译


ubuntu linux 如何换源?

更新不行吗?sudo apt-get update


在主目录下创建.pip文件夹,然后在该目录下创建pip.conf文件 pip.conf文件编写如下内容(更换为清华大学镜像源): 右键paste之后,输入 :wq 强制保存退出。 源也可换成其它家的: 阿里云 https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ 中国科技大学 https://pypi.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/simple/ 豆瓣(douban) https://pypi.doubanio.com/simple/ 清华大学 https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple/ 中国科学技术大学 https://pypi.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/simple/ 临时使用: 感谢链接:






1.备份原镜像文件以便于恢复。[root@localhost ~]#mv /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo.backup2.下载新的CentOS-Base.repo 到/etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS 5[root@localhost ~]#wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo http://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/Centos-5.repoCentOS 6[root@localhost ~]#wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo http://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/Centos-6.repo3.运行yum makecache生成缓存[root@localhost ~]#yum makecache163安装软件镜像源:1.备份你的原镜像文件,以免出错后可以恢复。[root@localhost ~]#mv /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo.backup2.下载新的CentOS-Base.repo 到/etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS 5[root@localhost ~]#wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo http://mirrors.163.com/.help/CentOS5-Base-163.repoCentOS 6[root@localhost ~]#wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo http://mirrors.163.com/.help/CentOS6-Base-163.repo3.运行以下命令生成缓存[root@localhost ~]#yum clean all[root@localhost ~]#yum makecache有不对的地方,请各位道友不吝赐教,不胜感激!!!

Ubuntu换源, http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu-ports

打开终端,输入命令,sudo gedit source.list回车执行,即可编辑





三星笔记本电脑Catalyst Control Cente在哪

可在设置界面查看1.catalyst control center 是一种提供对显示功能(包含在已安装的 ati 硬件和软件中)访问的图形用户应用程序。catalyst control center 可调整图形设置、启用或禁用已连接的显示设备,及更改桌面的方向。许多功能在应用更改前会显示预览。2.在桌面右键打开菜单选择【catalyst control center】。3.点击【catalyst control center】打开设置界面。4.点击【电源】然后点击【PowerPlay】再选择【启用PowerPlay】最后选择【最大化性能】。5.点击【游戏】选中【3D应用程序设置】下拉右面【3D应用程序设置】界面。找到【Mipmap详细程度】和【消除混叠模式】调整向“性能”方向;【等待垂直更新】则可以根据实际需要调整。6.调整好后点击下面的【应用】后退出。







【08江苏卷】21、22题。21. We went right round to the west coast by ______ sea instead of

1.by sea=by ship乘船,不加定冠词,后面特指横渡的那个州2.(用于接答歉意的表示)没有关系,不要记在心上Never mind, I"ll do it myself. 没关系,我自己来做。 not at all 根本不1.不要客气"Thank you for your help." "Not at all." "感谢您的帮助。" "别客气。"

We went right round to the west coast by ___ sea instead of driving across ____ continent. A...

B 试题分析:考查冠词:第一空不填:by sea="by" ship乘船,不加定冠词,后面填the,特指横渡的那个州。句意:我们没有去那个大陆,而是直接乘船去了西海岸。选B。点评:冠词的考查集中在the表示特指;a/an表示泛指。另外要注意冠词的一些固定搭配中冠词的使用。






pollution 是指广意上的污染。如空气污染,光污染等。例:1. The pollution could decimate the river"s thriving population of kingfishers. 污染可能会造成河边大量繁殖的翠鸟大批死亡。2. The pollution has already turned vast areas into a wasteland. 污染已经使大片地区沦为不毛之地。pollutant 是污染物,污染剂;污染体。例:1. Carbon dioxide may not be a typical air pollutant. 二氧化碳可能不是一种典型的污染物。2. Coal itself is a heavy pollutant. 煤本身就是一种严重的污染物。

He wanted to talk to him about the .这段里为什么用wanted?


I would love to talk to you at some point,hit me up the next time you are online



pollution 污染,环境污染、大气污染等等,而却一般会引起生物有害反应contamination 如果你杯子、箱子里面有不干净的脏东西,这就是指那种污物了两个的区别应该还是在所指的程度不同


contamination和pollution的区别:用法不同、侧重点不同。一、用法不同contamination作名词使用有:污染,致污物,污秽,交感,感染(错合),混合,拼凑,沾染,沾污,糟踏,侵染,污点,毒害的意思。Contamination can"t be ruled out entirely.污染是不能完全清除的。Such contamination has been extensively studied.人们对这种污染进行了大量研究。pollution作名词使用有:污染地区,秽物,垃圾,噪音污染,强烈灯光,腐败,堕落,遗精,败坏的意思。They devised proposals to deal with air pollution.他们构想出处理空气污染的方案。Waste water from the factory is the main cause of the pollution of local rivers.来自那家工厂的污水是当地河流污染的主要原因。二、侧重点不同contamination主要指的是一样东西被另一样东西所污染。pollution主要指空气、土地、水源等沾染上有害的物质而变得不纯、不洁、质量低下,甚至有毒。扩展资料:pollution临近单词:Polly、pollute、Pollutions、pollutional、pollution mode。一、Polly1、含义:n. 波莉(女子名;Mary的昵称)。2、举例Polly is the most featherheaded person I"ve ever seen.珀莉是我见过最愚不可及的人。二、pollute1、含义:v. 污染;弄脏。2、举例Our store never sells books which pollute the mind.我们书店从不出售污染心灵的书籍。We should not pollute our rivers with waste.我们不应让废弃物污染我们的河川。三、Pollutions1、含义:污染物。2、举例A: Why some pollutions are not reversible?为什么有些污染是不可逆的呢?A feeling was expressed that pollutions should be controlled.表示了这样一种看法,就是,应该控制污染。四、pollutional1、含义:污染的。2、举例Deep well injection may create pollutional problems far more severe than the ones being corrected.深井注入也会产生污染问题,远比已经解决的更为严重。Conclusion The MCN test technology can be used to monitor environmental pollut...结论运用徽核技术可以检测重金属环境污染物。五、pollution mode1、含义:污染模式。2、举例My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life.我的信将使你了解到一些我的生活方式。

Basic Element的《Talk To Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Talk To Me歌手:Basic Element专辑:StartracksTalk to me意淋Talk to meSpeak with meDon"t sink before you rise, babyDon"t fade awayYou hesitateYou seem to waitFor all the time we hadFeels like a world awayWho"s to say, well be okayWe will make it through the nightDon"t want to wake up in this stateI just want us both to smileCause were the sameAnd I know that will never changeLook, I bought your favorite ice creamI don"t want to see it melt awayIf you walk out nowI don"t know if we could be the sameBaby, just talk with meCause I want you to stay here with meThe memoriesThe things we didI locked inside my heartWhere I know I won"t forgetAnd now, who"s to say, well be okayWe will make it through the nightDon"t want to wake up in this stateI just want us both to smileCause were the sameAnd I know that will never changeLook, I bought your favorite ice creamI don"t want to see it melt awayIf you walk out nowI don"t know if we could be the sameBaby, just talk with meCause I want you to stay here with meI want you to stay here with mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2924704
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