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Sourcing,Buyer,Purchasing和Procurement 的区别

1.Buyer只是简单的买,完成了“买”的动作和买入了某样物资或服务,侧重于下单,并跟踪订单; 2.Purchasing则有采购的意思,即先要采,然后再买进; 3.Procurement是实现了资源获取,有整合与更好的获得资源的意思; 4.Sourcing一般是制造型企业用的,要求有很强的理工知识和商业感觉,是要去在全球范围内找到最好的资源、然后将找到的货源和资源组合在一起来更好地加以利用,侧重于物料和供应商的开发,开发完成后交给buyer下单跟踪。它们的演变是随着采购业务不断发展的需求而出现和扩展而来的。


procurement通常是比较正式的通过谈判、斡旋后的购买,多见于政府的购买项目 purchase可以做动词,一般用于较大物品的购买,比如房子、车子等,也可以做名词,比如purchase price购买价

采购中sourcing 和 procurement的区别

首先从工作内容上: SOURCING 更偏重于战略层面上的计划,分析和控制。包括供应商开发,供应商审核,合同制定,供应商关系管理,需求与供应分析,采购成本分析,以及风险控制等等。PROCUREMENT更偏重于执行层面上的落实和日常维护。包括根据生产需求编制供应计划,给供应商下订单,物料交付监管,库存管理,供应商各类评估指标的评定和收集等等。简单点说,就是SOURCING选择好供应商,架设好供应链,搭建好采购框架,然后PROCUREMENT在这个框架范围内,按照事先协议好的办事流程进行运作。 其次从工作对象上: SOURCING 和PROCUREMENT 都要和供应商打交道。除此之外,在需要沟通配合的其它内部职能部门上,会有所不同。很多时候,SOURCING还要和研发部门,市场部门,质量部门,生产部门沟通,去了解公司新产品开发的状况,对新材料,新技术甚至新服务的需要,公司产品在市场上的反应,未来销售量预期,供应商的品质,其所生产的产品在自己工厂的生产线上的表现等。这样才能准确的把握公司的需要,全面的了解供应商的表现,并及时地反馈给供应商,帮助其制定改善方案。而PROCUREMENT更多时候是和与生产相关的部门打交道,确保物料供应能满足生产需要,物料品质可以使生产线运转顺畅,同时保持合适的库存水平。所以概括的说,SOURCING是代表公司和供应链的对接,而PROCUREMENT是生产制造的延伸到供应链上的接口。 再次从工作流程的先后顺序上: 从上面两部分的描述,不难看出SOURCING的工作开展在前面,而PROCUREMENT的工作开展在后面。最后从组织架构上: 不同的公司结构,会有不同的部门编制。但在大多数集团化的组织中,SOURCING往往是相对独立和集中的部门,而PROCUREMENT就会相对分散到各个制造单位中。这样的结构可以很好地实现集中采购,避免采购量和采购权的分散,从而增强采购方的话语权。而且把SOURCING集中到一起,也便于统一管理,降低不道德采购的风险。而把PROCUREMENT分散到制造单位中,可以及时灵活的反映生产需求,从而建立供应链对生产需求的快速响应。

采购中sourcing 和 procurement的区别


procurement lead是什么意思

procurement lead 采购工程师 ;That how a country handles procurement can fight corruption, create competition, save money, and lead to improved public services. 一个国家如何进行采购事关打击腐败、鼓励竞争、节省开支、改善公共服务等诸多问题。


更新1: 谢谢回答,禁系工作上是否没有分别? ,买办/采购各有分工 堪称老行尊的李学义对Recruit说,年轻人要分清楚买办/采购并不困难;笼统来说,「买办」即"Merchandising",「采购」是"Procurement",或称"Purchasing"。 他续说,按中国香港的情况来说,「买办」工作绝大部分来自消费品业,且集中4大行业,包括成衣、电子、玩具及钟表;若粗略分类,可分为纺织及非纺织产品,「非纺织产品」俗称「杂货类」。 「现时有很多空缺是招请Merchandiser和Merchandising Manager,这些工作都不属于Procurement。其实Merchandiser是Procurement和Supply工作合并而来的工种。」 被问及现时中国香港约有多少人从事买办/采购工作时,李学义表示没有这方面的统计数字,不过根据IFPSM今年一项针对会员的研究结果显示,会员从事的工作主要分3大类:(1)专责Merchandising工作;(2)主理Procurement,例如在大型公共交通机构和大学等机构内工作,又或在不同行业的公司内工作;及(3)从事物流业。 2009-06-27 10:09:39 补充: 主要分别. Merchandising 要跟埋生产方面, 好多时要返大陆工厂检查品质.,参考: blue-merchandiser.spaces.live/blog/s!F321DD470BCAFD0D!222.entry,


工程总承包(EPC—Engineering、Procurement、Construction,设计、采购、施工总承包) ——EPC是英文Engineering(设计)、Procurement(采购)、Construction(施工)的缩写,即我们通常所说的工程总承包。工程总承包中的 EPC EPC是英文:Engineer,Procure,Construct头字母缩写.其中文含义是对一个工程负责进行“设计、采购、施工”,与通常所说的工程总承包含义相似.总承包:一般工程总承包是指对工程负责设计、采购设备、运输、保险、土建、安装、调试、试运行,最后机组移交业主商业运行,整个过程称为工程的总承包.EPC与工程总承包两者含义相近.工程总承包中还有解释:设计采购施工中的EPC是英文Engineering,Procurement and Construction的缩写.Engineering就是“设计”的意思.当“设计”理解时,Engineering与同样可理解为“设计”的Design的含义大不相同.一般说来,Engineering指根据制造、加工等方面的科学与工程原理对机器、设备、装置、系统等的机理与流程等方面进行设计;而Design指对建筑物、构筑物的空间划分、功能布置、各部分之间的联系,以及外观进行设计和审美与艺术的处理.从这种区别中可以看出,设计-采购-施工合同一般不适合建筑工程的采购.


工程总承包(EPC—Engineering、 Procurement、Construction,设计、 采购、施工总承包)——EPC是英文Engineering( 设计)、 Procurement ( 采购 )、 Construction(施工)的缩写,即我们通常所说的工程总承包.

采购中sourcing 和 procurement的区别







cannondale一直都是一招鲜,吃遍天的尿性,所以没有爬坡架,气动架的。其名下公路车主要有这几个系列:1、supersix evo。也就是超六,碳架。其中又分普通的和HIMOD版。HIMOD是高端顶级架,命名通常带套件的名,比如supersix red,supersix 105之类的。2 、caad。大C家顶级铝架系列,超轻的铝架,说其实最强也不为过。在碳架主流的今天还在坚持铝架值得敬佩。3、SYNAPSE。大C家的耐力型公路车,碳架。多装配碟刹,采用更舒适的几何和车架滤震设计,专为古典赛设计。4、SLATE。这个系列属于越野公路的范畴,装配一根30行程的左撇子前叉,不过套件还是公路的套件,有UT和105两个版本。5、SLICE。TT赛版本的赛车,对这个不太了解,不过说啦。

procurement和purchasing 有何区别呢?





您好:Procurement 直译为获得和取得的意思,这里的采购活动是特指一种基于订单或合同的日常采购行为。(更加广泛且正式)purchase是一个英语单词,可以用作名词和动词,可以翻译为购买、采购。希望能帮到您,谢谢。

采购中sourcing 和 procurement的区别

根据一般的企业定义:sourcing: 寻找供应来源和供应商;procurement: 实际采购的流程;

procurement 和 purchase 有什么不同

二者在用作采购时没区别!可以互换!procurement 采购;获得;促成This is the government procurement not commercial. 这是政府采购,不是商业采购。Obtain project resources in accordance with a procurement plan. 按采购计划获得项目资源。Procurement is the process of obtaining goods by the OCOG through purchase or VIK. 采购是奥组委通过购买或实物赞助形式获得物资的过程。purchase 采购The receipt is your proof of purchase. 这张发票是你购物的凭据.The house is the most expensive purchase I have ever made. 房子是我买过的最贵的东西。

采购中sourcing 和 procurement的区别

采购中sourcing指的是寻求供应源开发供应商的广义行动; procurement指向供应商下单采购的过程;广义狭义的区别;

iprocurement 意思




procurement和purchasing 有何区别呢?

procurementKK: []DJ: []n.1. 获得,取得;采购[U]procurement of a loan贷款的获得purchasingKK: []DJ: []n.1. 购买以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供




procurement英 [pru0259"kju028au0259mu0259nt]美 [pru0259"kju028armu0259nt]n. 采购;获得,取得[网络短语]procurement 采购,strategic/ tactical/ transactional procurement,采购信息Procurement Engineer 采购工程师,供应商开发工程师,战略采购Procurement management 采购管理,采购治理,项目采购管理希望我的回答能帮助到你。


procurement 英 [pru0259u02c8kju028au0259mu0259nt] 美 [pru0259u02c8kju028armu0259nt]n. 采购; 获得,取得;[网络] 设备采购; 政府采购; 获取;[例句]Russia was cutting procurement of new weapons "by about 80 per cent", he said.他说,俄罗斯新武器的采购量将削减“大约80%”。[其他] 形近词: securement


Torch简介 Torch是一个广泛支持机器学习算法的科学计算框架,由于采用简单而快速的脚本语言LuaJIT和一个底层的C/CUDA实现,Torch易于使用且高效。Torch安装首先,值得注意的是,最新版的Torch支持Ubuntu,Fedora20,Fedora22,Centos7。但不支持Fedora21,Centos6。参考官网安装流程安装,如下所示,# in a terminal, run the commandsgit clone https://github.com/torch/distro.git ~/torch --recursivecd ~/torch; bash install-deps;./install.sh12341234在执行bash install-deps安装依赖时并未出错,但执行./install.sh时会出一些错误,见下面。Torch安装问题汇总错误1错误类似于: nvcc error : "***" died due to signal 2解决方案:sudo ./install.sh错误2Error: Build error: Failed building.Updating manifest for /root/torch/install/lib/luarocks/rocksfftw3 scm-1 is now built and installed in /root/torch/install/ (license: BSD)123123错误3Error: Failed installing dependency: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rocks-moonscript-org/moonrocks-mirror/master/luacrypto-0.3.2-1.src.rock - Could not find header file for OPENSSL No file openssl/evp.h in /usr/local/include No file openssl/evp.h in /usr/includeYou may have to install OPENSSL in your system and/or pass OPENSSL_DIR or OPENSSL_INCDIR to the luarocks command.Example: luarocks install luacrypto OPENSSL_DIR=/usr/local1234512345参照Problem with Torch #86,执行sudo apt-get install -y libssl-dev安装libssl-dev,之后重新安装Torch即可。错误4提示缺少依赖lbase64 ,luacrypto,uuid 等,可直接执行luarocks install missed-package解决。

Lady Antebellum的《Need You nom》英文歌词和中文歌词

 Need You Now   此刻我需要你 I just need you now(2张)   Picture perfect memories   想念中的美好记忆   scattered all around the floor   都散落在地板上   Reaching for the phone   伸手去拿电话   "cause I can"t fight it anymore   因为我再也无法抗拒    And I wonder if I ever cross your mind   我想知道我是否偶尔浮现在你的脑海    For me it happens all the time   对我来说这是很经常发生的   It"s a quarter after one   已是凌晨一点十五分    I"m all alone and I need you now   我独自一人 此刻我需要你    Said I wouldn"t call   说过我不会打电话   but I lost all control and I need you now   但是我失去了控制 此刻我需要你   And I don"t know how I can do without   没有你 我无所适从   I just need you now   此刻我只需要你   Another shot of whiskey   又喝了一杯威士忌   can"t stop looking at the door   不可遏制地向房门张望   Wishing you"d come sweeping   期待你翩翩而至   in the way you did before   就像以前你做的那样   And I wonder if I ever cross your mind   我想知道我是否曾经浮现在你的脑海   For me it happens all the time   对我来说这是经常发生的   It"s a quarter after one   已是凌晨一点十五分   I"m a little drunk and I need you now   我现在微醉 此刻我需要你   Said I wouldn"t call   我说过我不会打电话   but I lost all control and I need you now   但是我失去了控制 此刻我需要你   And I don"t know how I can do without   没有了你 我无所适从   I just need you now   此刻我只需要你   Guess I"d rather hurt than feel nothing at all   我宁愿遍体鳞伤也不愿麻木不仁   It"s a quarter after one   已是凌晨一点十五分   I"m all alone and I need you now   我独自一人 此刻我需要你   And I said I wouldn"t call   我说过我不会打电话   but I"m a little drunk and I need you now   但是我微醉了 此刻我需要你   And I don"t know how I can do without   没有你 我无所适从   I just need you now   此刻我只需要你   I just need you now   此刻我只需要你   Oh baby I need you now   哦,宝贝 此刻我只需要你

Lady Antebellum 的 American Honey歌词翻译…最好中英对照…

She grow up on the side of the roadWhere the church bells ring and strong love growsShe grew up good, she grew up slowLike American honeySteady as a preacher, free as a weedCouldn"t wait to get goingBut wasn"t quite ready to leaveSo innocent pure and sweetAmerican HoneyThere"s a wild wild whisper blown in the windCallin out my name like a long lost friendOh I miss those days as the years go byOh nothings sweeter than summertimeAnd American honeyGet caught in the race of this crazy lifeTryin to be everything can make you lose your mindI just wanna go back in timeTo American honey yeah!There s a wild wild whisper blown in the windCallin out my name like a long lost friendOh I miss those days as the years go byOoh nothings sweeter than summertimeAnd American HoneyGone for so long nowI gotta get back to her somehowTo American HoneyThere"s a wild wild whisper blown in the windCallin out my name like a long lost friendOh I miss those days as the years go byOoh nothings sweeter than summertimeAnd American honeyAnd American honey 那道路的一旁见证了她的成长那教堂的铃声响起 美好爱情萌发她快乐地生活着 时光流逝缓慢好似美国甜心似传教士般的沉稳 又似野草般的自由跟随自己的心生活又不情愿退却如此天真 如此清纯 又如此可爱美国甜心轻风拂去 树叶吹起 甚是喧闹像久违的挚友一般呼唤我的名字年华飞逝 我想念那些日子没有什么能再比那个盛夏甜蜜了美国甜心 你在哪里不知不觉混入生活疯狂的竞争当中我誓要让你为我失去理智但我也许只是想及时回来回到那美国甜心的身边轻风拂去 树叶吹起 甚是喧闹像久违的挚友一般呼唤我的名字年华飞逝 我想念那些日子没有什么能再比那个盛夏甜蜜了美国甜心 你在哪里我离去了那么久无论如何也要回到她的身边回到那美国甜心的身边轻风拂去 树叶吹起 甚是喧闹像久违的挚友一般呼唤我的名字年华飞逝 我想念那些日子没有什么能再比那个盛夏甜蜜了美国甜心 你到底在哪你到底在哪

All For Love - Lady Antebellum中文歌词

一切为了爱 战前女神爱,你什么都不知道的东西因为爱不打开并运行离开你站在黑暗中。你告诉我,你的感情变化而你并不想留,并打破我的心婴儿为时已晚。原因是什么的时候,你对我说那我的一切,你永远需要你怎么知道的只是走开看着我的眼睛说你们这样做是为了爱你们这样做是为了爱你们这样做是为了爱你们这样做是为了爱爱,什么是我应该做的事情吗?闹翻了,可以这么残忍但我只是不能忽视的真相。所以,千万不要告诉我,我不明白因为我不想在我的手上但它是所有剩下来要做的。你想要的一切,就是我们曾经是我不能打这些感受我的内心尽可能多的,因为这会伤害,它是唯一的出路相信我,当我说我这样做是为了爱我这样做是为了爱我这样做是为了爱我这样做是为了爱爱,你什么都不知道的东西因为如果你这样做,还有的仍然是我们的我这样做是为了爱。

Lady Antebellum的《Get To Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Get To Me歌手:Lady Antebellum专辑:GoldenGet To MeLady AntebellumThe night is highGot a full moon risin"And you know this is the time I get a little bit lonelyAnd I can"t fight it, I can"t hide itDon"t know where you areBut I want you just like lightningShooting straight out of the skyCome and strike me with your light ignitingYeah ignitingGotta get to meGotta get to meYou gotta spread your wings and start flyin"Like a drop of rainGotta find a wayDon"t hit the breaks just come and crashThrough my horizonBring back the air I need to breatheBaby, you gotta get to meThe bottle is emptyAnd I"m dancing in the shadow of a memoryYeah call me crazyBut I still got this schoolgirls dreamYou"re gonna show up and kiss mePull me in, hold me tightLove me and carry me awayLike there"s no more tomorrowsAnd no more yesterdaysGotta get to meGotta get to meYou gotta spread your wings and start flyin"Like a drop of rainGotta find a wayDon"t hit the breaks just come and crashThrough my horizonBring back the air I need to breatheBabyYou gotta get to meGotta get to meGotta get to meYou gotta spread your wings and start flyin"Like a drop of rainGotta find a wayDon"t hit the breaks just come and crashThrough my horizonBring back the air I need to breatheBabyAnd get to meGet to meGet to me yeahYou gotta get to meThe night is highGotta full moon risin"http://music.baidu.com/song/43709090

求lady antebellum的golden歌词的中文翻译!


求Lady Antebellum--Need You Now的歌词翻译


Lady Antebellum的《Downtown》 歌词

歌曲名:Downtown歌手:Lady Antebellum专辑:GoldenLady Antebellum-DowntownWell, all the parties on the streets are talking,store front mannequins sleeping in lights.We used to smoke while we were jaywalkinglike it was your birthday every other Saturday night.Knew The bands so we never payed our cover.Wrote our names on the bathroom tiles.We never dressed to impress all the others,They would let us in on a laid back kind of style.But Boy you know it"s been a while.I don"t know why you don"t take me down townlike you got anywhere better to be.Talk it up and give me the go round round like a good time tease.I"m only counting on your cancellation,Then I should be countin" on you at my door.Did you forget about how we went around,I don"t know why you don"t take me downtown anymore.Ohhhhhhh anymore.I got some platforms sitting in the corner.They wanna stroll on a city sidewalk.I got a dress that"ll show a little uhhh uh but you ain"t getting uhh ohh if you don"t come pick me up (damn),Show me off (wow), you might be tired but I"m not!And I don"t know why you don"t take me down town like you got anywhere better to be.Talk it up and give me the go round round like a good time tease.I"m only counting on your cancellation,Then I should be countin" on you at my door.Did you forget about how we went around,I don"t know why you don"t take me downtown anymore.I don"t know why you don"t take me down town like you got anywhere better to be.Talk it up and give me the go round round like a good time tease.I"m only counting on your cancellation, then I should be countin on you at my door.Did you forget about how we went around,I don"t know why you don"t take me downtown anymore.Ohhh anymore.Yeah don"t know why you don"t take me downtown,I don"t know why you don"t take me downtown anymore.I just don"t get ithttp://music.baidu.com/song/55227264

militant groups 可以翻译成"军事武装"吗?


Lady Antebellum的《Long Gone》 歌词

歌曲名:Long Gone歌手:Lady Antebellum专辑:Lady AntebellumLong GoneLady AntebellumLady AntebellumLady Antebellum-Long Gonewww.rockauto.net/bbs全国首发Moonbird/Moonbright制作It"s so like you just to show up at my doorAnd act like nothin"s happenedYou think I"ll sweep my heart up off the floorAnd give it to youLike so many times beforeYou"re talking to a strangerI"m not that girl anymoreThat girl is long goneBoy you missed the boat it just sailed awayLong goneShe"s not drowning in her yesterdaysBetcha never thought I"d be that strongWell this girl is long goneDon"t waste your breath with baby baby pleaseCuz I am so not listeningDon"t bother getting down upon your knees and try to beg meI"m tired of how you twist the truthYou"re not talking to the same girlWho used to forgive youThat girl is long goneBoy you missed the boat it just sailed awayLong goneShe"s not drowning in her yesterdaysBetcha never thought I"d be that strongWell this girl is long goneGone like the wind under Superman"s capeLike a thief in the night I made the great escapeI"m not the kind of girl that keeps making the same mistakesThat girl is long goneBoy you missed the boat it just sailed awayLong goneI"m not drowning in my yesterdaysBetcha never thought I"d be that strong, betcha didn"tYeah well baby I proved you wrongThis girl is long gone, long goneThis girl is long gone, long goneThis girl is long goneThis girl is gonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/3486859

Lady antebellum-wanted you more歌词中文翻译

You know the way 你明了曾经走过的路途, You′ve been before I′ve seen the signs 我见到你留下的足迹, You set the rules 你立下誓言, The bitter days 往昔的苦涩, Can′t be ignored 无法忘记. It′s just the same 让一切都仿佛 Just like before 过去模样. You wanted more 你要的太多, I love the sun 阳光雨露, I love the rain 已是我的最爱, You gave it up 你却毫不满足 But all in vain 一切只是徒劳 I love the way 我钟爱原来的方式, It was before So bittersweet 甜蜜苦涩都被珍视, To be adored We had it all 我们曾经拥抱所有, You let it go 而你却残忍放手 You wanted more 你想要的太多, To help pretend 来为你掩饰真我, But in the end 到最后,若不是旁人记得我 What is a friend 看不透何为朋友 If not some one Remember me You know my name 你知道我的名字 I′m still the same 我还原来的我, But not for you 却不是为你 That′s not enough 那还不够, You wanted more 你要的太多, I love the sun 阳光雨露 I love the rain 已是我的最爱 You gave it up 你却毫不满足, But all in vain 一切只是徒劳. You couldn′t change 你不会改变, You know the score 结果了然心间. So bittersweet 甜蜜苦涩都被珍视, To be adored We had it all 我们曾经拥抱所有, You gave it up 你却残忍放手, You wanted more 你想要的太多. We had it all 我们曾经拥抱所有, You gave it up 你却残忍放手, You wanted more 你想要的太多, But in the end 到最后,何为朋友? What is a friend... You loved the way 你爱原来的样子, It used to be The way you are 曾经的你 You and me 我和你 You came too late 我们相遇得太晚 You left too soon 我们分别得太早 Just like the rings 如同月亮周围的光线, Around the moon 转眼没了迹象. We had it all 我们曾经拥抱所有, We had it all 我们曾经拥抱所有, You let it go 而你却残忍放手, You wanted more 你想要的太多, You gave it up 你选择残忍放手, You wanted more 你想要的太多

lady antebellum的《need you know》歌词

wo~ What about the plans that you left behind那些你留下的回忆该怎么办如果是lady gaga的我可以帮你翻译

Now life is not what I want but still keep some things down is down, life goes on这句话什么意思


lady antebellum的《need you now》是 什么电影的插曲


convenient adj 方便的。(convenient的构词是什么?请英语大仙帮忙。谢谢)


求Lady Antebellum的As you turn away中英对照歌词

Standing face to face我们面对面站着wrapped in your embrace刚刚我还包裹在你的拥抱don"t wanna let you go不想让你走but you"re already gone但你已经走了Now you kiss my cheek现在你亲我的脸颊soft and bittersweet软软的,,苦中带甜I can read it in your eyes我能从你的眼里了解this is our goodbye这是我们的离别Nothing more to say不能多说什么Nothing left to break也没什麽可以打破I keep reaching out for you我一直在寻求的你hoping you might stay希望你可以留下Nothing more to give没有更多东西可以给Nothing left to take也没什么能带走I keep reaching out for you我一直寻求的你Reaching out for you挽留的你As you turn away当你转身离开Let go of my hand放开我的手so I can feel again那样我就可以再感受一次Nothing"s going to hurt as much再没有比要那最后的联系让人痛苦的了As that final touch No we can"t be friends不,我们不可能成为朋友Cause I couldn"t take seeing you因为我无法承受在明知我们分手了还可以见到你and knowing where we"ve been I hope you understand我希望你理解Nothing more to say没什么能多说的Nothing left to break也没什麽可以打破I keep reaching out for you我一直寻求的你hoping you might stay希望你可以留下Nothing more to give没有更多东西可以给Nothing left to take也没什么要带走I keep reaching out for you我一直寻求的你reaching out for you挽留的你As you turn away当你转身离开One step my heart is breaking我的心在慢慢碎掉One more my hands are shaking我的双手在颤抖The door is closing那扇门正慢慢关上and I just can"t change it而我却不能改变什么Nothing more to say没什么能多说Nothing left to break也没什麽可以打破Nothing more to give没有更多东西可以给Nothing left to take也没什么要带走I keep reaching out for you我一直寻求的你reaching out for you挽留的你I keep reaching out for you我一直寻求的你reaching out for you挽留你As you turn away当你转身离开时As you turn away当你转身离开As you turn away...当你转身离开…

求Lady antebellum的新单 Just a kiss的中文歌词, 感谢!!


convenience ;convenient ;mortal 这英语用谐音怎么读??


求lady antebellun 资料. 「顺便推荐她好听的歌曲」

战前女神(Lady Antebellum)由女主唱Hillary Scott、男主唱Charles Kelley、吉他/键盘手Dave Haywood,2006夏天在美国乡村音乐重镇纳什维尔组建。歌曲;1、All We"d Ever Need 2、just a kiss 3、i need you now 4、our kind of love 等

lady antebellum的详细资料,包括need you now的歌词,和他们其它的歌求大神帮助

组建地:美国,田纳西州,纳什维尔 歌曲派别:乡村 出道年份:2006 所属公司:Capitol Nashville 圈中好友:Jim Brickman,Linda Davis Lady Antebellum 在2006年在美国田纳西州,纳什维尔成立的乡村乐团。由Charles Kelley(领队,主唱) Dave Haywood(吉他手,钢琴,曼陀林演奏)和 Hillary Scott(主唱)组成。该团队在2007年与Jim Brickman合作作为特邀团队参与发行了单曲“Never Alone”,在与纳什维尔的首都唱片签约以前曾发行“Love Don"t Live Here” 。这首歌, 在2008年5月最热乡村歌曲排行榜上排名第三位,随后作为LA首张同名专辑的主打单曲。在美国发行了一百万张的销量,这张专辑同时也包含单曲“Lookin" for a Good Time ”和“I Run to You” , 后者在2009年成为该乐团的最受欢迎单曲。“Need You Now”在2009年中旬发布,是该乐团在2010年1月发行的新专辑中主打单曲,也是LA的第二首最受欢迎单曲。 Lady Antebellum在2009年被乡村音乐协会评为最热新乐团奖,2008最热新歌手奖。他们在第51届格莱美颁奖典礼上获得两项提名,在第52届格莱美奖获两项提名。他们的“I Run to You”获得最佳乡村音乐奖。在2009年11月,该乐团获得乡村音乐协会授予的最佳单曲“I Run to You”和最佳原创音乐组合奖。 成员之一的Hillary Scott是乡村音乐歌手Linda Davis的女儿,Charles Kelley是流行音乐艺术家Josh Kelley的兄弟。Charles在2005年中从北卡罗拉纳州的温斯顿-塞勒姆他和兄弟John工作的地方搬到纳什维尔。尝试着变成一个成功的乡村歌手,Charles说服了他曾经的中学同学,Haywood,在2006年从乔治亚州搬到纳什维尔以便可以共同创作音乐,那之后不久,Kelley在Myspace的网站上认识了Scott,他们开始计划组建纳什维尔音乐俱乐部并邀请Scott加入,名字拟定为Lady Antebellum.他们的三重唱在与Capitol Records 2007年7月签约以前开始在纳什维尔当地表演。 首张专辑:Lady Antebellum 在三人组签约后,成人时代的歌手Jim Brickman 选择Lady Antebellum在他2007年单曲“Never Alone”合作,该首单曲在美国billboard成人时代排行榜中名列第14。在2007年中旬,Lady Antebellum为MTV真实电视系列写了一首歌。 他们的首张单曲“Love Don‘t Live Here”在同年的九月发行,在12月制作了该歌曲的MTV。该首歌曲最为他们同名专辑首次发布的歌曲。在2008年4月15日由纳什维尔作曲家Paul Worley协同前独唱歌手Victoria Shaw担任制作人发布了Lady Antebellum的首张同名专辑,“Love Don"t Live Here” 在美国billboard乡村音乐排行榜上第三名的成绩,该专辑是billboard最热乡村音乐排行榜上首个由新乐团获得的第一位排行。 第二支单曲,“Lookin‘ for a Good Time”,在2008年6月发行,并在12月获得排行榜第11位。此外,Lady Antebellum 在2008年作为著名歌手Martina McBride的巡回演唱会Waking Up Laughing上作为公开嘉宾。Lady Antebellum 也对歌曲“I Was Here”献声,该首歌曲是下载量最大载Bubbling Under 100首中的第24位。在2008年12月,他们的歌曲“Baby,It"s Cold Outside”在该排行榜中获第三位, 他们的第三个官方歌曲“I Run to You”在2009年2月发行。这变成了这个三人组在2009年7月里的首个第一名。 在2009年10月7日,他们的首张专辑被唱片工业协会证实了在美国达到了一百万张销量。 第二张专辑:Need You Now 在2009年8月,这个团队发行了他们的第四首单曲,“Need You Now”,该收歌曲获得了最热乡村音乐排行榜的第50名,成为他们的第二支第一名单曲在2009年11月28日。开启了他们第二张制作专辑的开始,并于2010年1月26日正式发行。第二主打单曲“American Honey”在2010年1月11日在广播中发行。 Lady Antebellum is an American country music group established in Augusta, Georgia in 2006 by Dave Haywood, Charles Kelley, and Hillary Scott. Charles and Hillary alternate as lead vocalists, while Dave sings harmony vocals and plays lead guitar. Signed to Capitol Records in 2007, the trio has issued its debut single "Love Don"t Live Here", currently a Top 20 hit on the U.S. Billboard Hot Country Songs charts. There has been a buzz in Music City since mid-2006 when Lady Antebellum performed together for the very first time. The trio- comprised of Hillary Scott (vocals), Charles Kelley (vocals), and Dave Haywood (vocals, acoustic guitar, keys)- says their name, "Lady Antebellum," represents a sense of nostalgia found in the songs they sing. "It felt like magic," says Hillary, remembering their first performance together, "We all felt more comfortable onstage together than we ever had alone." A year and a half later, the buzz on Lady Antebellum is as strong as it"s ever been, and the rest of the nation will soon discover why. Hillary, Charles, and Dave, three young songwriter-musicians with varied influences and backgrounds, create a sound that is fresh and unique, yet still sounds like something you"ve known for a long time. The debut single, "Love Don"t Live Here," is only the beginning for Lady Antebellum. The "Lady A" buzz is coming...April 15! 2008格莱美最受欢迎新人组合,Lady Antebellum首张个人同名专辑简介,Hillary Soctt,Charles Kelley,和 Dave Haywood从2006年的夏天带来的独特古典与现代风格交织的乡村音乐全新诠释,整张专辑带有1960年代R&B灵魂乐和富于感情表达的 1970年代的独特风格。在全美下载量第一的《love don"t live here》获得全球乐迷的青睐。 《Lady Antebellum》是流行三人组Lady Antebellum自出道以来的首张正式专辑专辑。作为一支流行乡村三人组合,Lady Antebellum的三位成员分工明确,Hillary Scott和Charles Kelley担任双主唱,另一位多才多艺的团员Dave Haywood负责吉他、键盘和其他乐器。相对于那些单枪匹马孤军奋战的乡村歌手,以团队优势联合作战的Lady Antebellum在音乐上显得要更为丰富一些。相对于那些整张唱片中只有一个声音的专辑来说,这张《Lady Antebellum》更为耐听一些,两位主唱对快歌与抒情慢歌的把握都是不错的。 专辑名:Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum 发行时间:2008-4-15 发行公司:Capitol Records 曲目: 1. Love Don"t Live Here 2. Lookin" For A Good Time 3. All We"d Ever Need 4. Long Gone 5. I Run To You 6. Love"s Lookin" Good On You 7. Home Is Where The Heart Is 8. Things People Say 9. Slow Down Sister 10. Can"t Take My Eyes Off You 11. One Day You Will 专辑名:Need You Now Need you now 发行时间:2010-1-26 发行公司:Capitol Nashville 曲目: 01.Need You Now 02.Our Kind Of Love 03.American Honey 04.Hello World 05.Perfect Day 06.Love This Pain 07.When You Got A Good Thing 08.Stars Tonight 09.If I Knew Then 10.Something "Bout A Woman 11.Ready To Love Again 12.Need You Now (Pop Mix) Need You Now 歌曲Need You Now 歌手:Lady Antebellum 专辑:《Need You Now》 歌词: 此刻我需要你 Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor Reaching for the phone "cause I can"t fight it anymore And I wonder if I ever cross your mind For me it happens all the time 记载美好回忆的照片 散落在地板上 伸手去拿电话 因为我再也无法抗拒 我想知道我是否浮现在你的脑海 我对你可是朝思暮想 It"s a quarter after one I"m all alone and I need you now Said I wouldn"t call but I lost all control and I need you now And I don"t know how I can do without I just need you now 已是凌晨一点十五分 我芳心寂寞难耐 我此刻需要你 说过我不会打电话 但是我情不自禁 我此刻需要你 没有你 我无所适从 此刻我只需要你 我想知道我是否浮现在你的脑海 我对你可是朝思暮想 Another shot of whiskey can"t stop looking at the door Wishing you"d come sweeping in the way you did before And I wonder if I ever cross your mind For me it happens all the time 又喝了一杯威士忌 不停地向房门张望 期待你偏偏而至 就像以前那样 我想知道我是否浮现在你的脑海 我对你可是朝思暮想 It"s a quarter after one I"m a little drunk and I need you now Said I wouldn"t call but I lost all control and I need you now And I don"t know how I can do without I just need you now 我有点微醉 Guess I"d rather hurt than feel nothing at all 我宁愿遍体鳞伤也不愿麻木不仁 It"s a quarter after one I"m all alone and I need you now And I said I wouldn"t call but I"m a little drunk and I need you now And I don"t know how I can do without I just need you now I just need you now Oh baby I need you now 噢 宝贝 此刻我需要你求采纳

lady antebellum为什么叫战前女神

Lady Antebellum是美国一支乡村乐队,由三人组成。起初这三人认识后成了好朋友,在一起搞音乐。他们想在Myspace上建一个主页,拍些照片放在主页上。一次他们到了田纳西州的一个叫Franklin的小镇,看到那儿有很多南北战争前的房子,就像小说“乱世佳人”里的一样。他们觉得这些东西很美,而且Antebellum这个词也很酷,最后他们又在前面家了Lady这个词,于是乐队就有了lady antebellum这个名字

Vienna Teng - Antebellum中文歌词

Anna Rose sleep well tonight 安娜·罗斯(人名)今晚睡得很香The stars are dancing on the carpet of the sky 星星在天空的地毯上跳舞Time to close your wondering eyes 是时候闭上你好奇的双眼了Where I see the sleepiness creeping 从那里我看见睡意在潜行Anna Rose it makes my heart smile 安娜·罗斯让我的心泛着微笑To know you give love so freely 知道你是那么慷慨地付出爱Anna Rose it makes it worthwhile 安娜·罗斯让这变得有价值Your love makes me see things so clearly 你的爱让我把一切看得多么清楚How it grows heaven knows 这是怎样形成的只有天知道Anna Rose sleep well tonight 安娜·罗斯今晚睡得很香Anna Rose it"s time to dream 安娜·罗斯,是时候进入梦乡了I see that your imagination knows no bounds 我看见你的幻想没有边界There it flows like some magical stream 在那里,它就像魔法小河般流淌And carries you on its journey 载着你踏上它的旅程Anna Rose it makes my heart smile 安娜·罗斯让我的心泛着微笑To know you give love so freely 知道你是那么慷慨地付出爱Anna Rose it makes it worthwhile 安娜·罗斯让这变得有价值Your love makes me see things so clearly 你的爱让我把一切看得多么清楚How it grows heaven knows 这是怎样形成的只有天知道Anna Rose sleep well tonight 安娜·罗斯今晚睡得很香一楼好犀利!



convenient 的短语

be convenient to/for.... it is convenient for sb to do sthconvenience n.convenience food 速冻食品at one^s convenience 在某人方便时


discussion branches fought harmful production convenience imagination dug carries contain

convenient 的同义词,或者词组,雅思口语用

方便[词典] convenient; handy; go to the lavatory; [婉] have money to spare or lend; [例句]我家就住在商场旁边,买东西很方便。I live just by the market, and it"s very convenient to go shopping.

HUG (Instumental)是什么意思?

我想你单词Instumental拼写错了,应该是 InstrumentalAappella(无伴奏)通常是指有多重和唱的那种唱法,连乐器伴奏都由人声唱出。Acappella的相反是Instrumental(乐器、器械),即纯音乐乐曲,任何类型的歌曲都可以以Acappella形式唱出。


convenient方便的名词convenience; convenience:n.方便;适宜;便利;便利的事物(或设施);方便的用具 扩展资料   Please telephone at your earliest convenience.   请尽早打电话。   Like working women anywhere, Asian women are buying convenience foods.   像其他地方的职业女性一样,亚洲女性也购买方便食品。   I rely too much on convenience food.   我太依赖方便食品了。



一首英文歌 女的唱的一直在唱I want to rock and roll

你读的 好像不太正确吧°

便利店是convenient store 还是 convenience store



convenient用法及搭配:1、convenient的常见搭配convenient常与以下词汇搭配使用:convenient access(方便进入),convenient location(地理位置优越),convenient transportation(交通便利),convenient facilities(设施便利),以及convenient store(便利店)等。2、convenient的用法之形容词比较级convenient在适当的语境下还可用作比较级,conveniencer则为其最高级形式。比较级表示在某个方面更为方便,常用于“更……”的句型中,例如:It is more convenient for me to take the subway than to drive(相比开车,坐地铁更方便)。3、convenient的同义表达除了convenient之外,描述方便依然有很多的同义词,如 facile(容易的),easy(简单的),user-friendly(用户友好的), efficient(效率高的),以及practical(实用的)等。4、convenient的谚语和俗语"Convenience is not an acceptable substitute for privacy (便利不能替代隐私)”,"Convenience may come at a cost (便利可能是有代价的)" 是两个常用的谚语,它们告诫人们在享受方便和便捷时也要关注自己的隐私和权益。此外,俗语"Time is money"(时间就是金钱)也和convenient密切相关,意味着投资时间和资源提高效率等方式能够提高生活便利。5、convenient的注意事项虽然convenient通常用作形容词来描述方便,但在某些英语表达中,此词也偶尔会被用作名词解释。如果使用时不当,这可能会给人造成困惑和误解,并导致表意不明确。另外,在特定语境下,使用太多这样的词汇也可能会使文章听起来平淡无味。因此,在编写表达需要风格和引人入胜文章时,应该尽量避免频繁使用此类词汇,以免影响文章的质量和阅读体验。6、convenient与移动端的联系伴随着智能手机和应用程序的普及,convenient也逐渐成为移动端的重要概念。在如今数不胜数的APP和移动互联网产品中,convenient成为了用户体验及服务时间效率的重要标准。因此,移动端的各个角度都十分注重提供用户更加便利和方便的用户体验。7、在商业广告中的应用在广告以及宣传推广文案中,也可以使用convenient这一词汇。对于消费者而言,购买商品的便捷性、交通便利性、售后服务等与convenient紧密相关。同时,企业借助convenient这一概念,也可以表达其提供高效、用户体验良好、方便使用的愿景和承诺。


convenient的名词形式:convenience n.方便;适宜;便利;便利的事物(或设施);方便的用具 复数: conveniences 记忆技巧:con 共同 + ven 来 + ience 表状态 → 全部能来没有障碍 → 方便 扩展资料   Please telephone at your earliest convenience.   请尽早打电话。   Like working women anywhere, Asian women are buying convenience foods.   像其他地方的职业女性一样,亚洲女性也购买方便食品。   I rely too much on convenience food.   我太依赖方便食品了。   Frozen fish is a very healthy convenience food.   冻鱼是非常健康的方便食品。


convenient的名词是convenience。convenient的意思是“使人感到方便的”。所以它的主语通常不能是人。如: Railway is convenient. 铁路方便。比较: 误:I"ll come if you are convenient.(www.yygrammar.com) 正:I"ll come if it is convenient for [to] you. 你若方便,我就来。其后可接不定式,但句子应带有形式主语或形式宾语 it。如:I think it (is) convenient to leave at once. 我认为马上离开较适合。 Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow? 明天就开始工作你觉得方便吗? 有时也可能没有形式主语,而用“人”或“物”作主语,但此时句子的主语必须是其后不定式的逻辑宾语。如:Mary is convenient to see on Sunday. = It"s convenient to see Mary on Sunday. 星期天见玛丽较为方便。


come over here this instantShe drank the water instantly...


意思是: 你可以参加 讲故事的 俱乐部。也就是我们常常说的【故事班】。开心快乐每一天!

求助大神关于礼品卡 get$10 off instantly的问题

get$10 off instantly 立刻省掉10美元在有的网站或者商场购物的时候,会提示你如果办理会员或者办理什么资格之类的,马上就可以给你优惠,比如你买一样东西是120美元,你只要办了他们要求的会员卡或者其他什么活动,你付款的时候马上就给你优惠10美元

亚马逊有个$30 off instantly是什么意思

你好,很高兴为你解答 $30 off instantly的意思是 使用亚马逊联名卡支付,省30刀。面向美国人民的,和我们没关系。

亚马逊有个$30 off instantly是什么意思


instantly,from the dark holes

史蒂芬霍金的著作的名字。中文译:时间简史:从宇宙大爆炸到黑洞。 这本书有中文译本的,中文译名就是这个。

money is a good solider.it give people the courage 什么意instantly

Money is a good solider.it give people the courage (almost几乎) instantly.


Instantly, 立即,马上,突然



怎么辨别promptly instantly hurriedly immediately的区别

你好!promptly 、instantly 、hurriedly 和immediately作为副词的时候,都有“快速地、马上”等形容时间仓促的意思。 他们之间并没有明显的区别,就是看习惯搭配吧。

instantaneously 和 instantly 有什么区别

Instantly means at once or immediately. Instantaneously means happening or exerted with no delay in relation to something else.


C constant 持续的,增长的. remain + 形容词,排除AD,B意思不符.所以选C


(1) 连词immediately / directly / instantly和词组the moment, the minute意为“一……就……”,相当于as soon as.如: The thief ran away the moment / directly he saw the policeman. [注意] a. immediately / directly / instantly也是副词,在句中作状语.如: I didn"t immediately realize how serious the situation was. b. 介词on / upon +名词 / V-ing也表示“一……就……”.如: Yao Ming was surrounded by the media on his arrival at the airport. On seeing the painting by Van Gogh, I fell in love with it at once. 区别不大,只是有各自的固定搭配


the instant = the moment 意为“一……就……”,引导时间状语从句。同义词:as soon as, instantly, immediately, the minute, the sceond




for,for for


sentencesn. [律]判决,宣判,课刑; 句子( sentence的名词复数 ); 宣判,判决 v. 宣判,判决( sentence的第三人称单数 ) 要看句子情境,再来判断是什么词性与词意

怎么分析下面这句话中“instant he fell”的用法?

the instant是连词引导时间状语从句,意思是一...就...。

sentences 是什么意思?急!!!!!!!!







The first sentence is correct. The second sentence is also correct as simple past tense could be used to tell some action was true for a duration in the past; such as: Mary removed the blockages from the tunnel for an hour yesterday. It could also be rewritten as: (1) Mary removed the blockages from the tunnel yesterday. (a pleted event in the past) (2) Mary removed the blockages from the tunnel at 8:00 a.m. yesterday. (she started removing at 8:00 a.m. until pletion) (3) Mary was removing the blockages from the tunnel at xxxx yesterday. (where xxxx could be any time from 8:01 to 8:59 a.m.) Both sentences are correct. 1) present continuous tense - is / am/ are + verb + ing plus now 2) simple past tense - whatever happened in the past like yesterday last week last month last year e ok无问题 1 玛丽移除阻塞从隧道现在 2 玛丽从 8:00 上午至 9:00 上午昨天的隧道中删除淤塞 一个有时间 一个冇 Mary is removing blockages from the tunnel now. 对! Mary removed the blockages from the tunnel from 8:00am to 9:00am yesterday. 错! 应是: Mary removed the blockages from the tunnel at 8:30am yesterday. or Mary was removing the blockages from the tunnel from 8:00am to 9:00am yesterday. 参考: me 你有无睇过: .knowledge.yahoo/question/question?qid=7014022400049
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