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my father has never sent flower to my mather改为疑问句

Has your mother ever sent anyflowers to your mother?

my mather is your aunt改为一般疑问句

L"s your mother my aunt?

trading security 和 debt &equity investment的区别

如果这家公司是券商或者以买卖证券/股票为主要经营项目的话:前者归为operational activity,即属于营业业务的行为。operational activity包括所有日常运作行为。trading security 必须是营业业务才能归类为日常运作的活动中。个人总结operational activity 的科目基本都需要在Income Statement中出现的支出和要计入营业额的收入科目。Investing activity 包括对持有债券资产等的投资行为。像资产处置(asset disposal)所产生的收益或亏损。Income statement 中显示形式是profit on sales of asset科目还有一个Financial activity,就是和筹集资金有关的行为。出资撤资之类的。在statement of change in equity中显示。

investment manager是什么意思


Capital Investment是资本什么的意思啊?

1、Capital Investment直接翻译是资金总额,大多数翻译为投资资本。一般用在投资后会有长期固定收益的资产上,譬如投资在土地 房地产开发、厂房 、生产机械设备。2、投资资本是指所有投资者投入企业经营的全部资金的账面价值,包括债务资本和股本资本。其中,债务资本是指债权人提供的短期和长期贷款,不包括应付账款、应付单据、其他应付款等商业信用负债。投资资本也是企业全部资产减去其商业信用债务后的净值。投资资本=权益资本投入额+债务资本投入额  =股东权益+全部利息债务=营运资本+长期资产净值-无息长期负债


investment-staff的释义,网络释义: 招商专员如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢




investment thesis投资理论双语例句1The former is driven by an investment thesis that informs a basket of trades.前者由指引一篮子交易的投资理论所驱动。2What is Carlyle "s basic investment thesis for Getty?凯雷投资Getty的基本想法是什么?

principal investment是什么意思

principal investment主要投资双语例句1How does modernization affect this investment?现代化如何影响这种投资呢?2Cars are such a bad investment.那车不值得买。

investment schemes 什么意思

investment schemes 投资方案

father/mather 与parent有什么区别?



Alternative Investment翻译成中文为“另类投资”,也译为“替代投资”、“非主流投资”。另类投资是指在股票、债券及期货等公开交易平台之外的投资方式,包括私募股权(Private Equity)、风险投资(Venture Capita1)、地产、矿业、杠杆并购(Leveraged Buyout)、基金的基金(Fund of Funds)等诸多品种。 另类投资运作的一个根本理念是:市场未必一定有效率,许多企业、项目的价格没有体现其内在价值,因而离公共交易平台越远,价格与价值之间的偏差可能越高。另类投资的重点便放在没有上市、但具有包装潜力的企业和项目上,通过购买、重组、包装、套现,将收购的企业或项目的价值体现出来。 由于不在公共交易平台上运作,另类投资的一个重大特点便是缺少流动性。一个项目从购入到套现通常需要几年的时间,于是另类投资基金一般设有5、10年的锁定期,中途赎回很困难。

Investment Vehicle是什么释义呢??

investment vehicle 英[inˈvestmənt ˈvi:ɪkl] 美[ɪnˈvɛstmənt ˈviɪkəl] [释义] 投资工具; 全部释义>>[例句]Mr. agarwal is among several involved in the investment vehicle.阿加瓦尔是多名牵涉这个投资工具的人之一。望采纳 谢谢




2008-1-20 ?怎么现在还能回答?一个是动名词一个是名词


investment 是投资expense 是费用cost 是(东西/货物的)买价payment 是付款很高兴能够帮到你,希望会对你有助,并望满意采纳,谢谢。

investment return是什么意思




outbound investment是什么意思




英语:什么是green-field investment?什么叫 brown-field investment?


为什么Investment 必然=Saving

放在家中是为了日后用吧? 同 investment 一样,都是一旧钱现在不用等日后用。 放在家中是一个零回报的投资,不会因为你放久了而有所增长,在经济学上,saving 的定义是存放在银行户口的金钱,银行会利用这些金钱来投资以赚取更多利润。而你所形容的「saving 的$$放在家中不用」不计算在宏观经济学(国民生产总值),就正如你的妈妈在家中做家务一样,虽有劳动,但不计算在国民生产总值内。,参考: 该可以吧!,

Investment Grade代表什么

Investment Grade 投资等级 1. 在股票市场上,指一家财政稳健、资本充沛、被誉为具备行业领导地位的公司 2. 在债券市场上,指信用评级达到BBB或以上等级的债券===========================================柳浪闻莺各位芝麻竭诚为您解答您的采纳是我们坚持百度的动力


soulmate灵魂伴侣confidant知己知己 [ zhī jǐ ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义[ zhī jǐ ]1.彼此相互了解而情谊深切:~话。~的朋友。2.彼此相互了解而情谊深切的人:海内存~,天涯若比邻。







foreign direct investment是什么意思?








investment investment前面应该搭配哪个动词`` "投资"的意思

“做投资”,一般用"make an investment"就可以.语言是很活的,根据不同上下文,可能其他动词也可以用.比如“开始投资”,可以写"initiate an investment". 本人是美国永久居民,在美生活十年了,应该英文还可以,仅供参考.

绿地投资(greenfield investment)是什么意思



owner investments是所有者投资的意思,属于实收资本会计科目。_笆凳兆时臼粲谒姓呷ㄒ胬嗫颇俊J凳兆时臼侵竿蹲收咦魑时就度肫笠档母髦植撇瞧笠底⒉岬羌堑姆ǘㄗ时咀芏畹睦丛矗砻魉姓叨云笠档幕静ü叵怠J凳兆时镜墓钩杀壤瞧笠稻菀韵蛲蹲收呓欣蠡蚬衫峙涞闹饕谰莸取!?_馐且桓鏊姓呷ㄒ胬嗫颇浚煞葜破笠凳褂? 实收股本,非股份制企业则是实收资本。当收到投资人的银行存款投资时借: 银行存款,贷:实收资本,当然如为其他形式投资,以相应科目代替银行存款即可。

Investment Bank是什么意思啊?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  Investment Bank投资银行提供多种服务的金融中介机构,包括证券承销、担任证券发行人及投资群体的中介人、促成并购及企业重组,以及担任机构客户的经纪。  对于各个投资领域内的专业人员,包括基金经理、证券分析师、财务总监、投资顾问、投资银行家、交易员等等,CFA非常重要;它直接证明了你的职业素养和能力,被投资业看成一个“黄金标准”,这一资格被认为是投资业界中具有专业技能和职业操守的承诺。考生考过CFA对自己将会有很大帮助。  希望我的回答能帮助您解决问题,如您满意,请采纳为最佳答案哟。  再次感谢您的提问,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

capital investment是什么意思

capital investment资本投资

Greenfield Investment代表什么

Greenfield Investment 全新投资项目 一家企业或政府投资建设新的项目===========================================柳浪闻莺各位芝麻竭诚为您解答您的采纳是我们坚持百度的动力

Greenfield Investment是什么意思?


Instrument Of Peace 歌词

Where there is hatred,let me bring loveWhere there is doubt, let me bring faithWhere there is falsehood, let me bring truthWhere there is pain, I"ll comfort youWhere there is silence, let me sing praiseWhere there"s despair, let me bring hopeWhere there is blindness, let me bring sightWhere there is darkness, let me bring lightAnd with these words I speakGrant that I may not so seekTo be heard but to hearTo be consoled but to console,Not to be seen, but to seeTo be loved but to loveFor when we give love we will receiveWhen we forgive love, we"ll find reprieveIt is in dying we"ll be releasedMake me an instrument of peace


同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  Investment投资为赚取收入或资本升值而买入的资产或事物。  对于各个投资领域内的专业人员,包括基金经理、证券分析师、财务总监、投资顾问、投资银行家、交易员等等,CFA非常重要;它直接证明了你的职业素养和能力,被投资业看成一个“黄金标准”,这一资格被认为是投资业界中具有专业技能和职业操守的承诺。考生考过CFA对自己将会有很大帮助。  希望我的回答能帮助您解决问题,如您满意,请采纳为最佳答案哟。  再次感谢您的提问,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

Investment 是什么释义呢??

investmentn. 投资,投资额; 封锁; (时间、精力的)投入; 值得买的东西

investment 是单数还是复数

investment (不可数名词)投资,(时间、精力的)投入;(可数名词)投资金额,投资物,有用的投资物,值得买的东西。如:He said the government must introduce tax incentives to encourage investment.他说政府必须推出税收激励政策来鼓励投资。I worry about this big investment of time and effort.我担心投入这么多时间与精力却不起作用。When selecting boots, fine, quality leather will be a wise investment. 在挑选长筒靴的时候,购买上等的好皮靴将是明智的选择。They need an investment of twenty-eight million pounds. 他们需要2800万英镑的投资金额。

investment invest有什么区别?

一个是名词 一个是动词




n. 投资;投入;封锁网络释义Investment: 投资Investment income: 投资收益International Investment: 国际投资



paint 和draw 都有画画的意思,请问有什么区别?是不是都可以替换?请举例说明。

paint,draw paint指用颜色画,如油画颜料、水彩或者水墨画,而draw 通常指用铅笔、钢笔或者粉笔画,后者一般并不涂上颜料。两动词的相应名词分别为painting和drawing I am an art student and I paint a lot of pictures. 我是学美术的学生,我画许多画。 He is painting in oils. 他正在用油画颜料画画。 注:paint的引伸含义是“描述” He is not so black as he is painted. 他并不象人们所说的那么坏。 She draws very well. 她画得很好。 These pictures are drawn by children. 这些画是孩子们画的。 注:drawing除了“图画”外,还有“工程图”的意思。 an engineering drawing


  investment的中文意思   英 [nvestmnt] 美 [nvstmnt]   第三人称复数:investments   名词投资,投资额; 封锁; (时间、精力的)投入; 值得买的东西   相关例句   名词   1. He made a large investment in the business enterprise.   他对那个企业作了大量投资。   2. His investments amount to five million dollars.   他的投资额达五百万元。   investment的词典解释   1. 投资   Investment is the activity of investing money.   e.g. He said the government must introduce tax incentives to encourage investment...   他说政府必须推出税收激励政策来鼓励投资。   e.g. One of the most important changes concerns the investment of pension contributions.   最重要的一个变化涉及养老保险基金的投资。   2. 投资金额;投资物   An investment is an amount of money that you invest, or the thing that you invest it in.   e.g. ...an investment of twenty-eight million pounds...   2,800万英镑的投资金额   e.g. You"ll be able to earn an average rate of return of 8% on your investments.   你将能获得 8% 的平均投资收益率。   3. 有用的投资物;值得买的东西   If you describe something you buy as an investment, you mean that it will be useful, especially because it will help you to do a task more cheaply or efficiently.   e.g. When selecting boots, fine, quality leather will be a wise investment...   在挑选长筒靴的时候,购买上等的好皮靴将是明智的选择。   e.g. A small-screen portable TV can be a good investment.   小屏幕的便携式电视机很值得买。   4. (时间、精力的)投入   Investment of time or effort is the spending of time or effort on something in order to make it a success.   e.g. I worry about this big investment of time and effort.   我担心投入这么多时间与精力却不起作用。   investment的双语例句   1. Established in 1993, a total investment of 130 million yuan.   创办于一九九三年,总投资额一亿三千万元人民币。   2. One of the objectives of my mission is to sign our Investment Protection Agreement.   我此行的.目的之一就是缔结我们的一项投资保护协定。   3. Growth in investment and industrial output accelerated in March and incomes grew in the first quarter, today"s report showed.   投资和工业产值的增长在三月加速和收入在第一季度增长,今天的报告显示。   4. Being the main channel of XAC`S foreign economic and trade cooperation, the company is mainly engaged in the import and export business of aircraft avionics and equipment, mechanical equipment, architectural material, light and chemical industrial product, apparatus and instrument, plywood, textile, antenna etc., undertakes the science and technology advisory, know-how transfer, project contracting, labor cooperation, investment and development, cooperative production., joint production business, and trade in China etc.   作为西飞集团外经贸的主渠道,公司经营航空器材、机械设备、建筑材料、轻工产品、化工产品、仪器仪表、胶合板、纺织品、天线等进出口业务。承揽科技咨询、技术转让、工程承包、劳务合作、投资开发、合作生产、合资经营、国内贸易等业务。   5. This machine will pay back your investment in 6 month.   这机器将在6个月内收回投资?   6. At that time, his own hotel investment is expected to be 10 years to recover their investments.   当时,他自己的酒店投资预计10年收回投资。   investment是什么意思   名词   1.不可数名词:[ ~ (in sth)]投资   2.可数名词:投资额,投资物   3.可数名词:值得买的东西,有用的投资物   4. [U, C](时间,精力的)投入   英语解释   money that is invested with an expectation of profit   the act of investing; laying out money or capital in an enterprise with the expectation of profit   outer layer or covering of an organ or part or organism   the ceremonial act of clothing someone in the insignia of an office; the formal promotion of a person to an office or rank   the act of putting on robes or vestments   相似短语   investment in在…方面投资   capital investment投资支出,基本投资,基金投资,资本投资   contractual investment契约性投资   institutional investment机构投资   inventory investment库存投资   investment ability投资能力   investment base投资基础   investment boom投资高涨,投资景气   investment buying投资购买   investment center投资中心

Kendrick Lamar 那首 Control freestyle 是怎么回事

Kendrick Lamar,全名肯德里克·拉马尔·达克沃斯,1987年6月17日出生于美国加利福尼亚州康普顿市,美国说唱歌手兼词曲创作者 。2011年,发行首张录音室专辑《Section.80。2012年10月22日,发行第二张录音室专辑《good kid, m.A.A.d city。2013年,获得第56届格莱美奖包括“最佳新人”和“年度专辑”在内等七项提名[4] 。2015年2月,凭借歌曲《i》夺得第57届格莱美奖“最佳说唱表演”和“最佳说唱歌曲”奖项。2015年3月16日,发行第三张录音室专辑《To Pimp a Butterfly》,专辑在公告牌二百专辑榜位列首位。2016年2月,获第58届格莱美奖“最佳说唱表演”、


回答和翻译如下 :investment .调查 。( 音译 :音法斯特门特 。)




前言 屏幕播放对于许多人来说是一项重要任务,原因很多,包括制作视频教程,创建演示文稿,编写操作指南或进行软件评审,或者在玩PC 游戏 时享受流媒体的乐趣。 此外,现在有很多用户通过YouTube,Facebook视频或任何其他视频托管网站为自己创造赚钱机会,通过制作许多有用的操作指南视频。 市场上有很多Linux屏幕录像机,但在这里我只会分享最好的Linux屏幕截图和实时视频流软件列表,以及如何在Ubuntu上安装这些软件,因为这个网站只关注Ubuntu Linux。 此最佳Linux屏幕录像机列表未按任何特定顺序列出。 我不能也包括所有功能,所有的点也从各自的官方网站收集。 1. Kazam Kazam是适用于Linux桌面的最佳轻量级屏幕录像机之一。 这是一个非常简单和漂亮的屏幕录像工具。 Kazam配置很少,最适合只需要捕获屏幕内容并录制视频文件的新手用户。 它支持录音和各种视频文件格式。 Ubuntu安装屏幕录像工具Kazam 在Ubuntu安装 我有3种不同的PPA用于Kazam,其中3种基本相同。 第三个是由不同的开发人员添加"广播"作为其中一个功能。 可能值得一看; 但是,我忘了在启动板上搜索时抓取URL。 带Broadcast的新版本: 如何卸载kazam: 以下是使用的快捷键方式. 开始录屏 SUPER-CTRL-R 结束录屏 SUPER-CTRL-F 暂停录屏: SUPER-CTRL-P 退出录屏: SUPER-CTRL-Q 2. SimpleScreenRecorder 顾名思义,SimpleScreenRecorder是一款简单易用的Linux屏幕录像机软件。 这是一个基于Qt的截屏应用程序。 与Kazam一样,它也支持各种视频输出格式和录音。 这个Linux屏幕捕获软件非常轻巧,可以在旧系统上顺利运行。 Ubuntu推荐屏幕录像工具SimpleScreenRecorder 在Ubuntu安装SimpleScreenRecorder进行屏幕录制: 3. RecordMyDesktop RecordMyDesktop是一个屏幕播放应用程序,可以制作具有同步音频的视频,用户可以选择任何选定的桌面区域或整个屏幕。 它基本上是一个基于CLI的Linux屏幕捕获应用程序,它是在C编程语言之上创建的。 它提供了两种基于GTK和QT4的不同GUI。 用户可以随时暂停截屏并恢复。 它可以让您突出显示视频教程或屏幕录像的重要部分。 Ubuntu使用RecordMyDesktop录制屏幕 Ubuntu默认仓库就有该软件,所以只需要执行以下命令进行安装即可: 4. Vokoscreen Vokoscreen是一个非常简单易用的Linux屏幕捕获应用程序,用于截屏。 它还支持多种视频输出格式和合适的音频输入。 Vokoscreen可以记录特定区域或整个桌面屏幕。 Ubuntu使用Vokoscreen软件录屏 直接使用Ubuntu仓库进行安装: 5. Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) OBS是目前最先进,功能最丰富的Linux屏幕录像机。 这个截屏视频应用程序可以直接通过Youtube,Twitch,DailyMotion等流式传输。 Open Broadcaster Software是Ubuntu Linux的全功能最佳屏幕捕获软件。 它适用于真正需要做一些技术视频或实时 游戏 流媒体的高级用户。 但任何人都可以在了解所有插件和配置设置后使用它。 Ubuntu使用Vokoscreen软件录屏 Ubuntu上使用apt 安装Open Broadcaster Software 6. Peek Peek是一个简单的工具,让我们为桌面屏幕创建一个GIF动画。 这个应用程序的主要功能是它可以让你设置帧速率和延迟时间。 它提供了现代而 时尚 的图形用户界面。 Ubuntu使用Peek软件GIF动画 Ubuntu安装Peek: 7. ScreenStudio ScreenStudio是另一款易于使用但功能强大的Linux屏幕播放软件。 它提供了一个简单的选项,可以将桌面录制为视频格式,稍后可以通过Youtube,Twitch或任何其他视频主机服务直接流式传输。 Ubuntu使用ScreenStudio录制屏幕 安装录屏工具ScreenStudio 8. Byzanz Byzanz是一个基于CLI的Linux屏幕播放应用程序。 该工具可以录制OGG和FLV格式的视频和音频。 它也可以用来创建一个GIF动画。 Ubuntu使用Byzanz创建OGG和FLV格式的视频和音频 Ubuntu安装 Byzanz 9. Gifine 与Peek不同,Gifine是Linux的屏幕录像工具,用于录制和拼接小动画GIF或视频。 它支持GIF和MP4视频输出。 Ubuntu使用Gifine创建GIF动画 源码安装Gifine 执行以下命令运行gifine: 10. VLC 可能没有人没有听说过VLC的名字 - 最强大和最受欢迎的Linux多媒体播放器。 它预装了很多功能,屏幕录像就是其中之一。 您只需在选项设置中将捕获模式更改为桌面模式。 您还可以保存录制视频或在线直播。 Ubuntu使用VLC录制屏幕 Ubuntu安装VLC 11. Wink Wink主要用于创建交互式教程内容。 这款Linux屏幕截图软件具有极具竞争力的屏幕录制功能。 它还支持所有主要的操作系统平台,包括Windows,Linux和其他基于Unix的系统。 12. Freeseer Freeseer旨在使远程会议流简单易用。 同时支持视频和音频流。 它是一个免费的截屏应用程序,并提供跨平台资源。 Ubuntu使用Freeseer截屏 下载安装程序: https://github.com/Freeseer/freeseer/releases 查看安装指导: http://freeseer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quick-start.html#installing-freeseer-from-a-package 13. Shutter Shutter是最好的Linux屏幕录像机之一,但又简单,并提供现代用户界面。 它还提供了一个图像编辑工具,可用于自定义捕获的图像。 您可以捕获桌面屏幕的整个部分或仅捕获选定区域。 Ubuntu使用Shutter截取屏幕 Ubuntu安装 Shutter 14. Krut 虽然Krut的界面看起来不太好,但它是市场上最轻的Linux屏幕录像机之一。 这个Linux屏幕捕获软件是用Java开发的,这就是它在其他系统上可移植且易于使用的原因。 你可以毫不费力地完成一个成熟的Linux屏幕录像机应该完成的所有任务。 Ubuntu使用Krut截屏 从官网下载最新版: http://krut.sourceforge.net/ 15. Green Recorder 屏幕录像机是记录屏幕的重要生产力工具。 有几种适用于Linux的屏幕录像机应用程序非常有效。 但是,目前绿色记录器将为您提供一些可以让您大吃一惊的强大功能。 它是一个简单的屏幕录像机应用程序,支持Xorg以及Wayland - Gnome Session。 它建立在Python,GTK + 3和ffmpeg之上。 Ubuntu使用Green Recorder截取屏幕 在Ubuntu上安装Green Recorder 16. 总结 那么最后哪一个是最好的Linux屏幕录像机? 这完全取决于用户的具体需求。 在从上面的列表中选择任何Linux屏幕捕获应用程序之前,请在您的系统上安装它并自行查看功能并比较您的要求。 如果我忘记在此列表中包含任何惊人的Ubuntu屏幕捕获软件,请告诉我。 你用什么来截屏你的桌面? 您是否使用过此列表中的任何惊人的屏幕捕获软件? 请在下面的评论部分告诉我。 https://www.linuxrumen.com/rmxx/929.html



无线猫型号是:Residential Gateway 100E-CA怎么才能自动拨号,设置wifi? 请各位大神帮小弟解决吧!


for instant中文意思

for instant中文意思 句子有错,应该是:for an instant 意思就是:一瞬间 ; 只是一个瞬间 ; 一会儿 若果你是要问:for instance 的话. 那麼中文意思是: 举个例 或是 例如.= for example 【很希望我的回答会对你有帮助.如有不明白,可以再追问,并祝你进步!】

Tom Walts - Downtown Train 歌词翻译

We took the train downtown for sightseeing. 我们坐火车到城里观光。You take the downtown Line 5 train and get off at Dongdan. 你坐南向的5号线列车,在东单下车。Undaunted and determined to get to work, I decided to take the train uptownseveral stops and then switch back to the downtown train. 当时一心想要上班,于是我决定坐火车。先坐几站到城镇然后再转坐到市区。Please mind the coming train is an express train towards downtown. 请留意即将进站列车为快速进入市区的列车。Yes, you take the D train on the downtown platform, and go three stops. 是的,您在南线站台乘D 路车,一共三站路。Instead, following longtime journalistic instinct (i.e., lack of common sense), Ihopped on the first 1 train and headed downtown. 在长期新闻本能(对反常事件的敏感)的驱使下,我看到地铁就跳了上去,赶往市中心。Remember,the D train,the downtown platform. 记住,D路车,南线站台My pleasure. Remember, the D train, the downtown platform. 荣幸之至。记住,D路车,南线站台。In addition, the hotel enjoys a direct access to the downtown area through themaglev train. 不单如此,入住浦东机场华美达大酒店还可通过磁悬浮列车快捷来往于市区。After a two-hour boat ride and 20-minute hop by train, Iarrived in downtownGeneva, now home to United Nations bureaucrats and bankers. 经过两个半小时的船上旅途和20分钟的火车,我到达了日内瓦的市中心,现在是联合国总部。Business and leisure travelers can also get to downtown Hong Kong quickly on an express train service. 商务人士和悠闲的游客都可以乘坐快捷的城铁到达市中心。The train took us to downtown Westlake Center for 30 minutes. 轻轨带我们走过30多分钟到西湖中心,就是市中心。The city"s main train station at Midan Ramses marks Downtown"s northernmostextent. 全市在Midan拉姆西斯火车站标志着市区最北端的程度。He lives in a condo in downtown Chicago that is a 10-minute train commute fromhis office. 他居住在一所公寓里,地处芝加哥市中心,坐火车到办公室只要10分钟。Well, the airport is quite far from the downtown area, but it is still more convenientthan taking the train. 额,机场离商业区很远,但是比乘火车方便多了。Despite the Narita Airport in Tokyo, customers, mainly from the city, but it is faraway from each other and Tokyo, even the fastest train ride from the airport todowntown should take an hour. 尽管成田机场的客源主要来自东京市,但它与东京市中心相距遥远,即使乘坐最快的火车从机场到市中心也要花上一个小时。Meanwhile, downtown Kuala Lumpur returned to normalcy yesterday as all trainservices resumed and roads were reopened. 同时,吉隆坡市中心在昨日恢复常态,所有的列车服务都恢复正常,道路也都开放了。Meanwhile, downtown Kuala Lumpur returned to normalcy yesterday as all trainservices resumed and roads were reopened. 同时,吉隆坡市中心在昨日恢复常态,所有的列车服务都恢复正常,道路也都开放了。

什么是历史成本会计historical cost accounting


controlled by是什么意思



historical context英[hisu02c8tu0254riku0259l u02c8ku0254ntekst]美[hu026au02c8stu0254ru026aku0259l u02c8kɑnu02cctu025bkst]词典[计] 历史关联网络历史语境; 历史背景; 历史背景数据来源:金山词霸双语例句百度知道新1The historical context in which Chaucer wrote乔叟写作的历史背景

历史事件英文 是 historic还是historical event 啊?


historical interest是什么意思


“historical interest”是什么意思?


求全文翻译Why Do Girls and Boys Learn Differently原文如下。谢啦!

为什么女孩和男孩学习不同的吗?你认为只有男孩在科学?那似乎是您觉得女孩比男孩好词汇吗?如果您的答案是“是的”,也许你是对的,根据一篇当今的科学。当它是重要的阅读的东西以开放的心态,这里的一些文章发现。平均来说,男性得分较高在测试数学推理、机械能力和解决问题的能力。女性,另一方面,做更好的在测试词汇量、拼写和记忆。  3情况下,女婴也比男婴开始说话时间早。科学家们认为有一个物理原因。他们相信的左侧的神经大脑发展更快女孩比男孩。这是脑的左侧,强有力地影响着一个人的能力,用词、? 4根据这篇文章,他们开始上学的时候,小女孩有一个男孩所不具备的优势:女孩身体更愿意记事、拼写、拼写和阅读。当然,技能,是非常重要的,因为孩子第一次开始上学。  5那么,什么是发生在几年前与男孩子开始上学吗?有些人说,他们是社会是教学比女孩更有力。一个有力的人被说成是无所畏惧的审讯他人,并成为一个indep如果在小男孩制造了这样的力量吗?长期以来,人们认定这是由于化学在男性的身体。然而,今天的科学家们相信,还有其他因素,外,也具有一定的参考价值。他们说这些力量学到的父母。  7一组研究人员发现,有较强的男孩和女孩之间的差异是如何提高:当女儿在他们的研究中通常都接近他们的父母,儿子,encour-aged自己移动和发展独立自主的精神。

用 i think the most important thing is love写一篇作文

Everyone has a family.We live in it and feel very warm.There are three persons in my family,my mother,father and I.We live together very happily and there are many interesting stories about my family.   My father is a hard-working man.He works as a doctor.He always tries his best to help every,patient and make patients comfortable.But sonetimes he works so hard that he can"t remember the date.   My mother is a woman with a bad memory.She always does a lot of housework,but sometimes she makes mistakes out of carelessness.For example,one day,she washed clothes in the washer,after the washer finished the work,she found she hadn"t filled the washer with water.   Now let me tell you a funny thing:one day,father wanted to get up early as usual,buthe wasn"t able to do that,because he hadn"t set the alarm clock the night before,so when he got up,he did everything in a hurry.After father left,mother said to me mysteriously,"He will come back soon." "Why?" I was greatly surprised."Because today is Sunday,his holiday!" Just as mother said,father came back home soon,and went to bed again--he was too tired.   You see,what an interesting family have!I hope that you will have one like mine,too.

Do video games make their users violent?

It depends on yourself.



有一首歌,歌词是“Nobody wants to be last ”求解

这些歌词来自:NICKELBACK - GOTTA BE SOMEBODY歌曲名:Gotta Be Somebody歌手:Nickelback专辑:Dark Horse -Roadrunner RecordsNickelback---Gotta be somebodyThis time, I wonder what it feels likeTo find the one in this life, the one we all dream ofBut dreams just aren"t enoughSo I"ll be waiting for the real thing,I"ll know it by the feelingThe moment when we"re meeting,will play out like a sceneStraight off the silver screenSo I"ll be holding my own breath, right up "til the endUntil that moment when,I find the one that I"ll spend forever withCause nobody wants to be the last one thereCause everyone wants to feel like someone caresSomeone to love with my life in their handsThere"s gotta be somebody for me like thatCause nobody wants to do it all on their ownAnd everyone wants to know they"re not aloneThere"s somebody else that feels the same somewhereThere"s gotta be somebody for me out thereTonight, out on the street, out in the moonlightAnd dammit this means too right,it"s just like deja vuMe standing here with youSo I"ll be holding my own breath,could this be the endIs it that moment when,I find the one that I"ll spend forever withCause nobody wants to be the last one thereCause everyone wants to feel like someone caresSomeone to love with my life in their handsThere"s gotta be somebody for me like thatCause nobody wants to do it all on their ownAnd everyone wants to know they"re not aloneThere"s somebody else that feels the same somewhereThere"s gotta be somebody for me out thereYou can"t give up, looking for a diamond in the roughThe wind shows up, (make sure you"re holding on)Cause it could be the one, the one you"re waiting onCause nobody wants to be the last one thereAnd everyone wants to feel like someone caresSomeone to love with my life in their handsThere"s gotta be somebody for me, ohNobody wants to do it all on their ownAnd everyone wants to know they"re not aloneThere"s somebody else that feels the same somewhereTher

engage different parts of the brain

engage different parts of the brain大脑的不同部位

《The Elephant in the Brain》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Elephant in the Brain》(Kevin Simler)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1u0LV9aKY0m4pohvKvBO4Ew 提取码: f7ai书名:The Elephant in the Brain作者:Kevin Simler豆瓣评分:7.8出版社:Oxford University Press出版年份:2018-1-2页数:416内容简介:Human beings are primates, and primates are political animals. Our brains, therefore, are designed not just to hunt and gather, but also to help us get ahead socially, often via deception and self-deception. But while we may be self-interested schemers, we benefit by pretending otherwise. The less we know about our own ugly motives, the better - and thus we don"t like to talk or even think about the extent of our selfishness. This is "the elephant in the brain." Such an introspective taboo makes it hard for us to think clearly about our nature and the explanations for our behavior. The aim of this book, then, is to confront our hidden motives directly - to track down the darker, unexamined corners of our psyches and blast them with floodlights. Then, once everything is clearly visible, we can work to better understand ourselves: Why do we laugh? Why are artists sexy? Why do we brag about travel? Why do we prefer to speak rather than listen?Our unconscious motives drive more than just our private behavior; they also infect our venerated social institutions such as Art, School, Charity, Medicine, Politics, and Religion. In fact, these institutions are in many ways designed to accommodate our hidden motives, to serve covert agendas alongside their "official" ones. The existence of big hidden motives can upend the usual political debates, leading one to question the legitimacy of these social institutions, and of standard policies designed to favor or discourage them. You won"t see yourself - or the world - the same after confronting the elephant in the brain.作者简介:Kevin Simler is a writer and software engineer currently living in Brooklyn, NY. He"s worked for ten years as a programmer, product designer, and engineering director, and continues to advise startups about technology, leadership, and recruiting.Robin Hanson is an associate professor of economics at George Mason University and a research associate at the Future of Humanity Institute of Oxford University. He has a doctorate in social science, master"s degrees in physics and philosophy, and nine years of experience as a research programmer in artificial intelligence and Bayesian statistics. With over 3100 citations and sixty academic publications, he"s recognized not only for his contributions to economics (especially, pioneering the theory and use of prediction markets), but also for the wide range of fields in which he"s been published. He is the author of The Age of Em: Work, Love, and Life when Robots Rule the Earth (OUP 2016).

英语谚语:Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain 中文意思: 智力投资,决非虚掷。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything 不犯错误的人往往也就是无所作为的人。 The milk is spilled 木已成舟。 The mill cannot grind with the water that is past 覆水难收。 The mills of God grind slowly but sure 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 The money the miser hoards will do him no good 守财奴积的财富,对他自己没好处。 The moon does not heed the barking of dogs 月亮不怕狗吠。 The moon is a moon whether it shines or not 或名或暗,月亮总是月亮。 The moon is not seen where the sun shines 小巫见大巫。 The more a man knows the less he knows he knows 懂得越多,就越知道自己懂得不多。 The more a man knows the more he is inclined to be modest 大智若愚。 英语谚语: Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain 中文意思: 智力投资,决非虚掷。

silent spring原文及翻译

1."Silent Spring"是一本由美国生态学家雷切尔·卡森(Rachel Carson)在1962年发表的书籍,讲述了农业和化学工业对环境的破坏,提出了人类活动对自然的影响和生态系统的脆弱性。这本书引起了公众对环境保护问题的广泛关注,并促使政府采取行动限制有害物质的使用。"Silent Spring"的名字来自于书中描述的情景,当生态系统中的鸟类受到有害化学物质的影响时,它们就会变得寂静无声。这本书对当时的环境保护运动产生了深远的影响,它被认为是环保文学的里程碑之一,也是现代环保运动的重要里程碑之一。2.以下是《Silent Spring》一书中的第一段话:"There was a strange stillness. The birds, for example — where had they gone? Many people spoke of them, puzzled and disturbed. The feeding stations in the backyards were deserted. The few birds seen anywhere were moribund; they trembled violently and could not fly. It was a spring without voices. On the mornings that had once throbbed with the dawn chorus of robins, catbirds, doves, jays, wrens, and scores of other bird voices there was now no sound; only silence lay over the fields and woods and marsh."这段话描述了一个异常的春天,鸟儿消失了,没有了他们美妙的歌声,只剩下死寂的沉默。这是由于有害的化学物质对自然环境造成的影响。这个场景也是《Silent Spring》书名的来源。翻译如下:有一种奇怪的静止感。比如,鸟儿们——它们去哪了?许多人谈论它们,感到困惑和不安。后院的鸟食站被遗弃了。任何地方看到的鸟儿都奄奄一息;它们剧烈颤抖着,不能飞翔。这是一个没有声音的春天。曾经因为早晨的知更鸟、猫鸟、斑鸠、松鸦、鹪鹩和成群的其他鸟儿而充满生机的清晨,现在没有任何声音;只有沉默笼罩着田野、森林和沼泽。

At the end of adolescent p,however,the brain shuts down half of that capacity,preserving only th


历史事件英文 是 historic还是historical event

historical event

historic interest or historical interest

place of historical interesthistoric有历史意义的、历史性的historical历史的、历史上的

historical account是什么意思

historical cost英 [hisu02c8tu0254riku0259l ku0254st] 美 [hu026au02c8stu0254ru026aku0259l ku0254st]过去成本; 实际成本; 上期成本; 原始成本网 络:历史成本;实际成本;过去成本;原始成本双语例句1. The traditional orientation of accounting was to record transactions at their historical cost. 会计的统计方法是按原始成本记录交易数量来进行的.2. Marketable securities shall be accounted for according to historical cost as obtained. 有价证券应按取得时的实际成本记帐.3. Fixed assets shall be accounted for at historical cost as ob - tained. 固定资产应按取得是的固定成本记帐.4. Long - term liabilities are measured in accordance with historical cost principle. 长期 负债按照历史成本原则计量.5. All the inventories shall be disclosed at historical cost financial statement. 各种存货在会计报表中应当以实际成本列示.

Researchers have established that when people are mentally,bio-chemical changes occur in the brain

研究人员已经确定,当人们精神忙碌,生化的变化发生在脑部,使它能采取更effeetively 认知领域,如注意力和记忆力。brain后的that后面的所有内容全部属于句子的宾语从句,其后的指代词it 指代的是brain主语:researchers 谓语:have estabilished

英文写作中的段落展开有几种method of development,具体方法是什么,能否用汉语、英文回答下,谢谢

Choosing a Method of Development Using Facts 用事实说话Facts may be included in any paragraph, but a paragraph developed mainly by facts answers the questions who? what? when? where? and how?把事实放进段落里,主要用事实来展开的段落可以回答关于人物,事件,事件,地点和方式的问题。 Consider, for example, the following sentence about George Washington: George Washington (who?) was named head of the Continental Army (what?) in 1775 (when?) in Philadelphia (where?) by an act of the Second Continental Congress (how?). Using Examples 举例子When you generalize about a group or an idea, develop your paragraph with examples. 当你概括一个群体或者一种想法时,应该用例子来发展段落。Paragraphs developed mainly with examples answer who specifically? what specifically? where specifically? when specifically? or how specifically? A topic sentence about fathers (generalization) could be illustrated with sentenced about Jane"s father (specific), Arnold"s father (specific), and Tim"s father (specific). If you were writing about equality (generalization), you might give examples of political equality (more specific) or social equality (more specific). Using Reasons 用理由来论证Paragraphs developed with reasons answer the question why?用理由来展开的段落能回答关于“为什么”的问题 Suppose your topic sentence was Teenagers too young drive automobiles should have a moped. Why? Mopeds are economical, give teenagers practice in observing laws, and relieve parents the need to drive their teenagers to so many places. The sentence of illustration gives reasons for the assertion made in the top sentence. Using Incidents 描述相关事件When you want to tell what happened, relate an incident.当你要告诉人们发生过的事情时,可以用相关的事件来展开段落 Suppose your history teacher asks on a test, what happened at Gettysburg in 1863? Your paragraph might begin: In Gettysburg Pennsylvania, on July 1 to 3, 1863, one of the most decisive battles of the War Between the States was fought. Then you could illustrate your paragraph with sentences that tell in chronological order what happened each day of the battle 我翻译了每一段的主题句,后面的举例我就没有翻了。I suppose if you are learning method of development already, you should be able to understand the rest of the paragraph如果不明白就直接问我把。


untie意思是解开,解决,unlock意思是解开...锁,发现,揭示。untie,英语单词,主要用作为动词,作及物动词时意为“解开;解决;使自由”,作不及物动词时意为“解开;松开”。unlock vt. (用钥匙)开?的锁; 发现; 揭示; 揭开;过去分词:unlocked,现在分词:unlocking,过去式:unlocked,第三人称单数:unlocks。

entertainment 与 media 有什么不同?



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