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1、 Oracle 用户没有权限执行crontab 引用 $ crontab -e crontab: you are not authorized to use cron. Sorry. $ exit 2、在 /var/adm/cron/cron.allow文件下用root用户添加oracle即可 引用 root@oradb1:/tmp/dbcheck # more /var/adm/cron/cron.allow root adm uucp oracle 3、crontab调度执行hotbackup.sh,意为每天凌晨1点03分调度一次备份脚本 引用 $ crontab -l 03 01 * * * /u05/backup/hotbackup.sh


Ubuntu常用命令 sudo apt-get install 软件名 安装软件命令 sudo nautilus 打开文件(有root权限) su root 切换到“root” ls 列出当前目录文件(不包括隐含文件) ls -a 列出当前目录文件(包括隐含文件) ls -l 列出当前目录下文件的详细信息 cd .. 回当前目录的上一级目录 cd - 回上一次所在的目录 cd ~ 或 cd 回当前用户的宿主目录 mkdir 目录名 创建一个目录 rmdir 空目录名 删除一个空目录 rm 文件名 文件名 删除一个文件或多个文件 rm -rf 非空目录名 删除一个非空目录下的一切 mv 路经/文件 /经/文件 移动相对路经下的文件到绝对路经下 mv 文件名 新名称 在当前目录下改名 find 路经 -name “字符串” 查找路经所在范围内满足字符串匹配的文件和目录 fdisk fdisk -l 查看系统分区信息 fdisk fdisk /dev/sdb 为一块新的SCSI硬盘进行分区 chown chown root /home 把/home的属主改成root用户 chgrp chgrp root /home 把/home的属组改成root组 Useradd 创建一个新的用户 Groupadd 组名 创建一个新的组 Passwd 用户名 为用户创建密码 Passwd -d用户名 删除用户密码也能登陆 Passwd -S用户名 查询账号密码 Usermod -l 新用户名 老用户名 为用户改名 Userdel–r 用户名 删除用户一切 tar -c 创建包 –x 释放包 -v 显示命令过程 –z 代表压缩包 tar –cvf benet.tar /home/benet 把/home/benet目录打包 tar –zcvf benet.tar.gz /mnt 把目录打包并压缩 tar –zxvf benet.tar.gz 压缩包的文件解压恢复 tar –jxvf benet.tar.bz2 解压缩 make 编译 make install 安装编译好的源码包 reboot Init 6 重启LINUX系统 Halt Init 0 Shutdown –h now 关闭LINUX系统 uname -a 查看内核版本 cat /etc/issue 查看ubuntu版本 lsusb 查看usb设备 sudo ethtool eth0 查看网卡状态 cat /proc/cpuinfo 查看cpu信息 lshw 查看当前硬件信息 sudo fdisk -l 查看磁盘信息 df -h 查看硬盘剩余空间 free -m 查看当前的内存使用情况 ps -A 查看当前有哪些进程 kill 进程号(就是ps -A中的第一列的数字)或者 killall 进程名( 杀死一个进程) kill -9 进程号 强制杀死一个进程 常用apt命令: apt-cache search package 搜索包 apt-cache show package 获取包的相关信息,如说明、大小、版本等 sudo apt-get install package 安装包 sudo apt-get install package - - reinstall 重新安装包 sudo apt-get -f install 修复安装”-f = –fix-missing” sudo apt-get remove package 删除包 sudo apt-get remove package - - purge 删除包,包括删除配置文件等 sudo apt-get update 更新源 sudo apt-get upgrade 更新已安装的包 sudo apt-get dist-upgrade 升级系统 sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade 使用 dselect 升级 apt-cache depends package 了解使用依赖 apt-cache rdepends package 是查看该包被哪些包依赖 sudo apt-get build-dep package 安装相关的编译环境 apt-get source package 下载该包的源代码 sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoclean 清理无用的包 sudo apt-get check 检查是否有损坏的依赖 清理所有软件缓存(即缓存在/var/cache/apt/archives目录里的deb包 ) sudo apt-get clean 删除系统不再使用的孤立软件 sudo apt-get autoremove

Change the following sentences into passive voice.

Many trees have been cut down by the farmers in the past years.A train station will be built by us in the future.My new house is being painted by me so I haven"t moved in,When you check in at a hotel, you will be asked to fill in a form by them.

sentences turn to passive voic

更新1: 第8-12同14-15句有d补充 8.I think they should have offered Tom the job. I think Tom_____________________________. 9.How much will they pay you for your work? How much will you _________________________. 10.It is expected that the strike will end soon. The strike ________________________. 更新2: 11.It is expected that the weather will be good tomorrow. The weather is ______________________________. 12.It is believedthat the pany lost a lot of money last year. The pany ______________________________. 更新3: 14.How do people learn languages? How ____________________________. 15.I didn"t realize that somebody was recording our conversation. I didn"t realize that ________________________. 1. My grandfather"s house was built by him. 2. Many accidents were caused by careless drivers. 3. Three hundred people were employed by the pany. 4. The school hall is being cleaned by Abby at the moment. 5. A new ring road is being built round the city. 6. The information I needed was not given to me. 7. I was asked some difficult questions at the interview. 8. I think the job should have been offered to Tom. 9. How much will you be paid for your work? 10. The strike is expected to end soon. The sentence cannot be converted to passive voice because “strike” is an intritive verb. We have to change the main verb. 11. The weather will be expected to be good tomorrow. The sentence cannot be converted to passive voice because “will be” is a linking verb. We have to change the main verb. . 12. It is believed that a lot of money was lost by the pany last year. 13. I was accused of stealing money. 14. How are languages learned by people? 15. I didn"t realize that our conversation was being recorded. 2011-01-02 06:19:14 补充: Correction: 11. The weather is expected to be good tomorrow. 我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源: englishstudy.info 希望可以帮到你! 1. My grandfather"s house was built by my grandfather. 2. Many accidents were caused by careless drivers. 3. Three hundred people were employed by the pany. 4. The school hall is being cleaned by Abby at the moment. 5. A new ring road round the city is being built by them. 6. The information I needed was not given by them. 7. I was asked some difficult questions at the interview. 8. They should have offered Tom the job is thought by me. 9. (cannot turn to passive voice because it is a question) 10. (cannot turn to passive voice because there is no agent) 11. (cannot turn to passive voice because there is no agent) 12. (cannot turn to passive voice because there is no agent) 13. I was accused of stealing money by somebody. 14. (cannot turn to passive voice because it is a question) 15. Somebody was recording our conversation was not realized by me. 第八、第十五句很少会用被动式表达。 参考: 本人的英文知识

553 You are not authorized to send mail, authentication is required 该如何解决

你未被授权发送邮件,必须鉴定。 说明你要鉴定什么东西。




principal[英][u02c8pru026ansu0259pl][美][u02c8pru026ansu0259pu0259l]adj.最重要的; 主要的; 资本的; 本金的; n.首长,负责人; 主要演员,主角; [法]委托人,当事人; 本金; 复数:principals易混淆单词:Principal例句:1.This is my principal lesson from davos. 这就是我从达沃斯汲取到的最主要教训。


Where do they work?




receipt printed收据已打印


On the RoadOn the road, anything can happen. It is a place of surprises, both good and bad, where the unexpected is always just around the corner. Traveling on the road can be both exciting and daunting, but it is always an adventure.For many people, the road represents a sense of freedom and the opportunity for discovery. It can be a chance to escape the routines and responsibilities of daily life and explore new places. Along the way, we may encounter unfamiliar cultures, make new friends, and create lasting memories.However, the road can also be a dangerous place. Traffic accidents, breakdowns, and other unforeseen events can occur, causing stress and anxiety. It is important to take precautions, such as obeying traffic laws, maintaining our vehicle, and being prepared for emergencies.Despite the challenges, being on the road is an enriching experience. It teaches us to adapt to new situations, overcome obstacles, and appreciate the beauty of our world. Whether we are traveling near or far, the road is a journey worth taking.In conclusion, being on the road is a journey that can be filled with both excitement and challenges. With an open mind and the right preparation, we can experience all that the road has to offer and create unforgettable memories along the way.

why is oxford very competitive for enrollment

你好,高兴为你回答。请采纳,谢谢!!这句话的意思是:为什么牛津的招生竞争很激烈?enrollment 这里指招生Oxford 牛津大学competitive 有竞争力的,竞争激烈的

请问什么是竞争定量PCR(competitive quantitative PCR)

去哪里找最出色的生命科学学术交流论坛?>>> 竞争定量PCR(competitive quantitative PCR) 竞争定量PCR是先构建一个与靶基因相同的扩增效率和引物结合位点仅探针结合位点不同的内标,在同一反应管内,靶基因和内标物和引物(primer)竞争性结合,进行同步扩增,由于竞争作用,当一种模板量逐渐增加时,另一种模板的扩增产物相对逐渐减少,但两种扩增产物的比值和两种初始状态时模板分子数的比值是一致的。根据标准品的准确含量制作标准曲线,从而进行准确核酸定量。由于内标品构建中特别要求是Ev与靶基因扩增效率一致,如果靶基因序列和内标相同,那么扩增过程中两者的实际扩增效率就接近一致,就可以对靶基因进行绝对定量,即确定样品中靶基因准确分子数,否则只能相对定量,即确定样本间靶基因分子数的差异,总体上说,加入内标物,消除PCR扩增过程中于反应管和反应管间以及标本之间存在差异。因此,内标法是目前PCR定量方法中最准确的方法,但构建内标物是建立本方法的关键。 构建内标物的基本原则是内标物具有靶基因的相同扩增条件和相同扩增效率。和可区别于靶基因探针结合位点与不干扰靶基因的扩增。因此,理想的内标物应具备与靶基因序列待分析序列相同的引物结合位点,相似的或相同大小、相似的碱基排列顺序。



payment receipt中文是什么意思


receipt of payment是什么意思


Suzi (Wants Her All Day What?) 歌词

歌曲名:Suzi (Wants Her All Day What?)歌手:Extreme专辑:Extreme Ii - PornograffittiThis is not a movieThings just ain"t the same as your favourite videoTry standing back and move menext to you"s a very nice place to goTalk talk to Suzie!"I went through a million choices."Talk, Set it up for Suzie!"I listened to a million voices"And they said..."Don"t let me down" they saidDon"t let me down again"No no...Countdown, countdown, countdown to the disappointment"I"m yours, tonight!"Countdown, countdown, countdown to the disappointment"I"m yours, tonight!"Oh no no noRead not what the stars sayThere"s an evil lurking round every doorIt"s not enough to make you leave meAnd I never wanted you to goTalk talk to Suzie!"I went through a million choices"Talk, Set it up for Suzie!"I listened to a million voices"And they said..."Don"t let me down" they said"Don"t let me down" they said"Don"t let me down again"No no...Countdown, countdown, countdown to the disappointment"I"m yours, tonight!"Countdown, countdown, countdown to the disappointment"I"m yours, tonight!"Our time is nearly goneSo take another breathAnd taste this one more time again(One more time again)Countdown, countdown, countdown to the disappointment"I"m yours, tonight!",Countdown, countdown, countdown to the disappointment"I"m yours, tonight!"Hunhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2164496

competitive advantage翻译

competitive advantage翻译:竞争优势。竞争优势是指企业或个人在市场竞争中相对于其它竞争者拥有独特的、可持续的优势。这些优势包括:1、成本优势:企业能够以相对较低的成本生产或提供产品或服务,从而有更大的利润空间。2、差异化优势:产品或服务具有独特的特点,让消费者感到不同寻常或价值更大,从而占据更多市场份额。3、专业技术优势:通过技术创新提供更高效、更高质和更创新的产品或服务,在市场竞争中占据领先地位。4、品牌优势:在消费者心目中树立出品牌价值,是他们愿意购买、信任和引荐的产品或服务。5、渠道优势:拥有独特的销售渠道和增强集成能力,不仅有助于提高销售额,还加强了品牌和产品的市场影响力。6、国际优势:企业在国内和国际市场上都有相对优势,可以扩展国际市场份额。企业或个人通过拥有和规划出这些竞争优势,能够在市场竞争中占据更为有利的位置和更高的盈利能力。为此,企业或个人需要不断创新、增强内外部沟通和集成能力、提高服务品质,以及建立与消费者和业界伙伴上的稳固的关系。competitive advantage的例句:1、Apple"s strong brand and product differentiation give the tech giant a significant competitive advantage in the smartphone market, allowing it to charge a premium price for its products.(苹果公司强大的品牌和产品差异化使这家科技巨头在智能手机市场上获得显著的竞争优势,使其能够为其产品收取高出市场价的溢价定价。)2、Walmart"s massive purchasing power and efficient supply chain management provide the retail giant with a clear competitive advantage over smaller competitors, allowing it to offer lower prices and attract more customers.(沃尔玛庞大的采购能力和高效的供应链管理为这个零售巨头提供了明显的竞争优势,使其能够提供更低的价格、吸引更多的顾客。)3、A company"s ability to quickly and efficiently develop new products gives it a significant competitive advantage over rivals who may take longer to bring new products to market.(一家公司快速和高效地开发新产品的能力,使其获得明显的竞争优势,而竞争对手可能需要更长的时间才能将新产品推向市场。)


hello 大家好,今天我们要学习的单词是anticipate,anticipate是一个动词,作为动词的意思是,预料、预见,预计、期望、先于……做、早于……行动、在期限内履行、偿还、提前使用,anticipate的过去式是anticipated,过去分词是anticipated,现在分词是anticipating,第三人称单数是anticipates,anticipate这个单词可以划分为几个音节呢?我们一起来看一看,这个单词可以划分为4个音节【an】【ti】【ci】和【pate】,第一个音节an的发音为【?n】,第二个音节ti的发音为【t?】,第三个音节ci的发音为【s?】,第四个音节pate的发音为【pe?t】,合在一起的话它的发音就是【?n?t?s?pe?t】,anticipate还有些近义词,例如,hope、foresee,我们再来看一下用法,anticipate通常翻译为预料;例如,We anticipate that sales will rise next year. 我们预料明年销售量将会增加。还有下面这句,翻译为预先,Try to anticipate what your child will do and forestall problems. 尽量预见你的孩子会干什么,并预先阻止问题发生。还可以翻译为认为,I don"t anticipate it being a problem. 我认为它不会成为一个问题。anticipate还有些短语词组,例如,anticipate look forward to期待盼望,Anticipate Problems预见到问题、预感到问题,confidently anticipate满怀信心地期望、吸引力,anticipate payment 先期付款,anticipate这个单词你学会了吗?


都含“继续”、“延续”的意思, 类似中文近义词的意思1、continue指“持续而无终止”,通常强调“不间断”,如:continue one"s work 继续工作.2、last指“持久”、“延续”,如:The rain will not last long.这雨不会持续很久.

twenty five dollars was (considerable/considerablely) more than he had expected to pay


The boy wanted to ride his...,but his mother told him___


"The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street,but his mother told him _______"

"答案A当不定式省略时,通常只保留不定式符号to。(1)-- Would you go there with me?-- I"m glad to.(2)-- Do you want to sing them an English song?-- I prefer not to.但当不定式是to be,to have时,则通常保留be和have。(1)-- Aren"t you the manager?-- No,and I don"t want to be.(2)-- He hasn"t finished yet.-- Well,he ought to have.本题属第一种情况,故选A."

A Rabbit kills a wolf The wolf wanted to eat the rabbit帮忙翻译这篇文章,自己设计三个问题并回答

狼想吃掉兔子。兔子说:“我不是你的食物,其他的狼今天也要来吃我。他比你更强大。 “哦,他是谁?”狼叫道。告诉我他住在哪里。 于是兔子把狼领到河边。兔子说:“他在水下。”狼来到水边往下瞧,他看到了水中自己那张愤怒的脸。他认为这是另一个狼。他跳进了河里,想要杀死这只狼。但是狼再也爬不上了岸。


want to do sth.想要做某事正确是:I wanted to go to the sea

she wanted do it at 12 years old 这句话哪里错了啊 强人来回答一下啊


poison; toxicant; poisonous drugs; toxic drugs 挑选一个单词,设计成网名,要好看的

Toxic drugs

This is _______ I wanted.


the box is bigger than the one i wanted对吗?


Who wanted to sell the house?want为什么要加ed?

那你说"是谁做的"?是该用Who did it?还是Who do it?呢?

the tourist wanted to stay in ------Grand Hotel but he said


the doctor wanted the old man to start smoking

1.D 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C



That was—I wanted


This is the one I wanted. the one后可加which吗?

不可以,从句中有the修饰的情况下,就只能用that 用that 用六种情况,这是其中一种

the wolf and the fox wanted to eat the rab

the wolf and the fox wanted to eat the rabbit狼和狐狸想吃兔子。the wolf and the fox wanted to eat the rabbit狼和狐狸想吃兔子。

The most wanted men in America怎么译


求很大气的开场音乐如雅尼的santorini 这样的

supur boy 亚洲开场嗨曲鬼舞曲24


连词成句to, one,last,No,be,the,wanted,in,race,

是:No one wanted to be last one in the race.


toxicant彼岸花 ------ enticement曼陀罗

The Dooleys的《Wanted》 歌词

歌曲名:Wanted歌手:The Dooleys专辑:Pure... 70"S Dance PartyAdam Lambert - WantNovemberNot much to rememberYou were not in sightDecemberChange of the weatherYou were by my sideLove is all we wantLoveLove is all we needIs all that we really wantNo matterWhere the day goesI know you"re close byChanges in the seasonsIt"s just what"s requiredLove is all we wantLoveLove is all we needIs all that we really wantLove is all we wantLoveLove is all we needIs all that we really wantYeah love, love, loveIs we what we wantIs what we wantIs what we really needLove, love, love, loveIs what we wantIs what we wantIt"s what we really needYeah yeah loveIs what we wantIs what we really wantYeah hey yeahLovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7293823


toxicant[英]["tu0252ksu026aku0259nt][美]["tu0252ksu026aku0259nt]n.有毒物,毒药; 毒剂;

wanted怎么读的 wanted怎么读

1、wanted英[u02c8wu0252ntu026ad]美[u02c8wɑu02d0ntu026ad] 2、adj.受通缉的; 3、v.要; 想要; 希望; 需要; 需要…在场; 4、[词典] want的过去分词和过去式; 5、[例句]The prisoner measures up to the description the police have of the wanted jewel thief.这个囚犯同警方描绘的受通缉的盗窃珠宝犯的特征完全符合。 6、[其他]原型:want。


adj.受通缉的;被征求的;v.缺少( want的过去式和过去分词 );应该;打算;需要…在场“wanted”:英 [ˈwɒntɪd],美 [ˈwɑntɪd]近义词:required 必需的,desired 渴望的,needed 需要的反义词:unwanted 不需要的例:1.They wanted to know when you would go to the park.他们想知道你们什么时候去公园。2.He is wanted by the police.警察正通缉他。3.After many years abroad, he wanted to return home to his country.在国外多年后,他想回到故乡。4.He knew what he wanted to do from the age of 14.他14岁起就知道自己日后干什么了。5.I wanted the front garden to be a blaze of colour.我想让门前的花园变得五彩缤纷。



求The Wanted - Glad You Came 歌词的中文翻译。

The Wanted - Glad You Came通缉男孩 - 真高兴你的到来中英字幕MV:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/bXT1bRGSgAo/歌词: The sun goes down, The stars come out夕阳斜下 繁星满天And all that counts Is here and now此时此刻 最是重要My universe will never be the same我的世界在不会和以前一样I"m glad you came真高兴你的到来You cast a spell on me, spell on me你对我下了诅咒 下了诅咒You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me你让我感到天崩地裂 天崩地裂And I decided you look well on me, well on me我发现你和我如此相配 如此相配So let"s go somewhere no one else can see, you and me所以快去一个没有人的地方 只有我和你Turn the light out now, Now I"ll take you by the hand快把灯关掉 让我拉著你的手Hand you another drink, Drink it if you can再来一杯酒 酒量好就干掉Can you spend a little time, Time is slipping away能否在多陪我一会儿 时光在不知不觉流逝Away from us so stay, Stay with me I can make所以请留在我身边 我就能让你Make you glad you came让你庆幸自己的到来The sun goes down, The stars come out夕阳斜下 繁星满天And all that counts Is here and now此时此刻 最是重要My universe will never be the same我的世界在不会和以前一样I"m glad you came真高兴你的到来I"m glad you came真高兴你的到来You cast a spell on me, spell on me你对我下了诅咒 下了诅咒You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me你让我感到天崩地裂 天崩地裂And I decided you look well on me, well on me我发现你和我如此相配 如此相配So let"s go somewhere no one else can see, you and me所以快去一个没有人的地方 只有我和你Turn the light out now, Now I"ll take you by the hand快把灯关掉 让我拉著你的手Hand you another drink, Drink it if you can再来一杯酒 酒量好就干掉Can you spend a little time, Time is slipping away能否在多陪我一会儿 时光在不知不觉流逝Away from us so stay, Stay with me I can make所以请留在我身边 我就能让你Make you glad you came让你庆幸自己的到来The sun goes down, The stars come out夕阳斜下 繁星满天And all that counts Is here and now此时此刻 最是重要My universe will never be the same我的世界在不会和以前一样I"m glad you came真高兴你的到来I"m glad you came真高兴你的到来I"m glad you came真高兴你的到来So glad you came真高兴你的到来I"m glad you came真高兴你的到来The sun goes down, The stars come out夕阳斜下 繁星满天And all that counts Is here and now此时此刻 最是重要My universe will never be the same我的世界在不会和以前一样I"m glad you came真高兴你的到来I"m glad you came真高兴你的到来

《read my mind》 the wanted歌词中文


求 霍姆斯 《男孩想要的东西》(Just the Boy Wanted)的英文原文


the little boy wanted to exchange his toy car for my cake什么意思啊


极品飞车the most wanted第一名的座驾是





1.罂粟花最初是叫英雄花,它象征的着十二星座中的天蝎座,是(生命)的蜕变者。 2.罂粟花即是药,又是毒。 3.罂粟花美丽的外表下隐藏着饱含毒汁的果实。 4. 华丽:罂粟花的植株并不高大,但是却能够看出非常华丽的花朵,繁复的花瓣还有浓重的色彩,给人一种妖艳的感觉。

The thieves wanted to()the diamonds

steal 偷窃



The thieves wanted to()the diamonds


the most wanted是什么意思

the most wanted最想要的 头号通缉的双语对照例句:1.Do you think I like being the most wanted man in europe? 你以为我喜欢当被全欧洲通缉的人么?2.Bin laden, though the most wanted man in the world, had been living in the heart of pakistan, in security as well as comfort. 本拉登虽然是世界头号通缉犯,却一直安全而舒适地生活在巴基斯坦的中心地区

He finally tracked down the book the he wanted.他最终找到了他想要的那本书.问:如下

你的原句有点须改正的地方He finally tracked down the book( that/ which) he wanted.其中that/which he wanted 为定语从句,修饰 the book(先行词),由于先行词为物,故用that/ which作为定语从句的引导词。注意:that/ which本身同时作为定语从句的主语或宾语(表语),所以定语从句里没the book。(注:如引导词作为定语从句的宾语或表语,则引导词可省略)祝你进步!理解请采纳!

Toxicant什么意思阿???急 急 急

toxican=====形容词 a. 1.有毒的名词 n. 1.毒药;毒物============================网络释义1.消毒剂2.毒性物质

英文歌里带有the sun went down 还有 i am glad you came的一首歌,在HITfm里面最近播过,求歌名

seasons in the sun






toxicant[英]["tu0252ksu026aku0259nt] [美]["tu0252ksu026aku0259nt] 生词本简明释义n.有毒物,毒药;毒剂以下结果由 金山词霸 提供网络释义1. 消毒剂2. 毒物,有毒性的3. 毒素4. 有毒的5. 毒料


1、wanted英[?w?nt?d]美[?wɑ?nt?d]2、adj.受通缉的;3、v.要; 想要; 希望; 需要; 需要…在场;4、[词典] want的过去分词和过去式;5、[例句]The prisoner measures up to the description the police have of the wanted jewel thief.这个囚犯同警方描绘的受通缉的盗窃珠宝犯的特征完全符合。6、[其他]原型:want。

为什么The wanted 和 One direction,只成功了1D,而TW解散


the wanted warzone歌词及翻译

The Wanted - Warzone歌曲的中英文翻译I can"t believe I had to see我不相信我亲眼所见到的The girl of my dreams cheating on me我的梦中情人竟敢欺骗我The pain you caused has left me dead inside你所引起的痛苦已经彻底让我死心了I"m gonna make sure, you regret that night我要确定一下你那晚是否已经彻底后悔了I feel you close, I feel you breathe我感觉到你接近,感觉到你呼吸And now it"s like you"re here,You"re haunting me现在就好像你在我身边一样You"re out of line,you"re out of sight你现在越轨了,在看不到的地方You"re the reason that we started this fight你是我们开始争吵的原因But I know但是我知道I just gotta let it go我必须让他去I, should"ve known我本应该不知道的I gotta learn to say goodbye now现在我应该学会说再见了I throw my armour down我把我的盔甲都丢掉了And leave the battleground然后离开这个战场For the final time now现在为了最终的时刻I, I know.我知道I"m running from a warzone我从一个战争地带逃离了In our house, I hate that place在我们的家里,我恨那个地方Everywhere I walk I see your face我走到哪里都能看到你的脸Try to erase a memory with a flame尝试用火焰抹掉那段记忆And hope I never see you again我希望以后在也不要看到你了Standing here, in this burning room站在这个燃烧的房间里You know the end could never come so soon你知道结局都不会很快的来临It"s clear to me,The lies you use你用的谎言对我很有用The ones that killed me ain"t hurting you这些谎言差点杀了我而你却没有受伤So I know所以我知道I just gotta let it go我必须让他去I, should"ve known我本不应该知道的I gotta learn to say goodbye now现在我应该学会说再见了I throw my armour down我把我的盔甲都丢掉了And leave the battleground然后离开这个战场For the final time now现在为了最终时刻I, I know.我知道I"m running from a warzone我从一个战争地带逃离了I"m running from a warzone我从一个战争地带逃离了I can"t do this anymore我不能再这样逃避了I"m running from a warzone我从一个战争地带逃离了What are we fighting for?我们为了什么而争吵I"m running from a warzone...我从一个战争地带逃离了I know我知道I just gotta let it go我必须让他去I, should"ve known我本不应该知道的I gotta learn to say goodbye now现在我应该学会说再见了I throw my armour down我把我的盔甲都丢掉了And leave the battleground然后离开这个战场For the final time now现在为了最终的时刻I, I know.我知道I"m running from a warzone

the wanted为什么解散

The Wanted成员Max George将组合解散的原因归结于“和1D的竞争”!Max在接受英国The Sun专访时称:我们想要各自发展,但最根本的原因是和1D的竞争,他们太成功,霸占了整个市场,虽然我们也有衷心的粉丝,但我们阻止不了事态(1D霸占市场)的发展。亲,如有帮助,请采纳!!!~(≧▽≦)/~您的采纳是我前进的动力,因为您的采纳,我们会更好、更多帮助其他人。祝您学习工作生活顺心如意!!!家庭和谐美满幸福!!!!

The Wanted的《Lie To Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Lie To Me歌手:The Wanted专辑:BattlegroundThe Wanted - lie to meQQ : 349777127Say it, though you"re looking down and to the left, nowSay it, like someone who really means itDo it, cause if you grow a conscience, nowWe fall downSmiling, like there"s nothing wrongYou"re good at smiling, to keep me pressing onUntil the morning, cause if you shift to genuineThen we"ll fall out(We fall out)And we fall downDon"t say it"s all for the betterOh, I need you to lie, to lie to meI"ll stand for the greatest pretenderI know you won"t die for meBut say you willJust lie to me, to meSo kiss me and tell me I"m the oneThere"s no other, no other one you wantBaby, kiss me, make sure you close your eyesOr we fall downYes, we fall downDon"t say it"s all for the betterOh, I need you to lie, to lie to meI"ll stand for the greatest pretenderI know you won"t die for meBut say you willJust lie to me, to meNow I can see, you bite your lip when you look at meOne word, you say, and everything has given you awayLet"s close our eyes and save the truth for one more nightOr I fall downOr I fall downDon"t say it"s all for the betterI need you to lie, to lie to meI"ll stand for the greatest pretenderI know you won"t die for meDon"t say it"s all for the betterOh, I need you to lie, to lie to meI"ll stand for the greatest pretenderI know you won"t die for meBut say you willJust lie to me, to meDon"t say it"s all for the betterOh, I need you to lie, to lie to meI"ll stand for the greatest pretenderI know you won"t die for meBut say you will...http://music.baidu.com/song/12338146

男团The Wanted成员Tom Parker去世,他有哪些成就?




the wanted的歌曲"the weekend"的歌词的中文翻译??

I just want you for the weekendI need you like the beat inside my headI just want you for the weekendI know I"m gonna see your face againCome here right now girlI"ll make you sweat like you"ve worked outThen we"ll down a drink or twoYou won"t know what I"ll put you throughI just want you for the weekendI need you like the beat inside my headI just want you for the weekendI know I"m gonna see your face againLets get down and assembleThen we"ll take it to the floorSo make your body close to mineGirl your looking fineNow for the last timeI just want you for the weekendI need you like the beat inside my headI just want you for the weekendI know I"m gonna see your face againCome here right now girlI"ll make you sweat like you"ve worked outThen we"ll down a drink or twoYou won"t know what I"ll put you throughI just want you for the weekendI need you like the beat inside my headI just want you for the weekendI know I"m gonna see your face againI know I"m gonna see your face againI know I"m gonna see your face again我只是想让你周末我需要你就像我的脑袋里跳动我只是想让你周末我知道我会再见到你的脸来这里的女孩我会让你出汗的喜欢你了然后我们就下来喝一杯或两你不会知道我会把你放在我只是想让你周末我需要你就像我的脑袋里跳动我只是想让你周末我知道我会再见到你的脸让我们和装配然后我们就可以在地板上所以让你的身体靠近我你看起来很好的女孩现在这是最后一次我只是想让你周末我需要你就像我的脑袋里跳动我只是想让你周末我知道我会再见到你的脸来这里的女孩我会让你出汗的喜欢你了然后我们就下来喝一杯或两你不会知道我会把你放在我只是想让你周末我需要你就像我的脑袋里跳动我只是想让你周末我知道我会再见到你的脸我知道我会再见到你的脸我知道我会再见到你的脸



interesting 和interested的用法和区别

interested 指 :人对……干兴趣interesting 指:事物本身有趣例如:He is interested in the interesting story. 他对这个有趣的故事很感兴趣。

be meant to do的意思及用法

意图做,打算做=mean to do mean doing 是意味着…… 例如:mean no harm本无坏意 另外的词组: by all means Without fail; certainly. 当然;当然可以 by any means In any way possible; in any case: 用尽各种可能的办法;无论如何: not by any means an easy opponent. 无论如何也不是一个容易的对手 by means of With the use of; owing to: 使用;由于: They succeeded by means of patience and sacrifice. 他们靠耐心和牺牲而取得了成功 by no means In no sense; certainly not: 并没有;绝不: This remark by no means should be taken lightly. 这次讲话绝不能等闲视之

be meant to do的意思及用法


英语after his untimely death怎么翻译?




santorini 圣托里尼在哪个电影里出现





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