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英语作文 john snow 50字

Now, it"s winter that I like most. In my city, it often snows in winter. Last night, the first snow of this winter came. It was heavy. This morning, when I opened the curtains of my room, my eyes were full filled with white. It was so amazing and I miss this beautiful scenery a lot. I put on warm cloth and go to school happily, because it"s play time for me and my classmates. We can play many interesting games with snow.

John snow在伦敦宽街霍乱流行中是采用什么方法找到病因线索的?


大家怎么看《权利游戏》第五季John snow最后死了?


如何评价《冰与火之歌》第六季John Snow的复活

我看权力的游戏,琼恩雪诺和洋葱骑士都是我非常敬佩的人,我也很喜欢梅姨这个角色。而且作为一个有魔法的世界,复活这样的剧情我也能接受。但是关于他复活后的剧情,还是有点疑问的。最让我感觉莫名其妙的,就是他复活之后,就好像死而复生这件事从来没发生过一样。我以为起码会像史坦尼斯那样,在梅姨的运作下把他包装成天选之人,然后被野人和北境部分家族尊为神或者新王。可是结果呢,他现在就像一个普通的守夜人司令,一个普通的史塔克私生子一样,游说,备战,联合各方力量。我不是说他可以不做这些事情,但是我觉得他死而复生的故事虽然不能为他们赢得一切,但那确实可以作为他们手中很好的一张牌啊。可是剧里边雪诺,洋葱骑士,梅姨,每一个人想着去用这张牌,惜哉。ps:洋葱骑士吐槽梅姨效忠琼恩雪诺的时候,我以为他有别的打算呢。梅姨至少解释了一下她为啥效忠雪诺了,谁想到洋葱骑士连说都没说,直接就跟着雪诺干了,简直嘴上说不要,身体很诚实,哈哈哈~雪诺会复活刀才会捅在身上,不然就像魔山对付红毒蛇那样,守夜人的汉子们用大锤直接爆头就好了。人倘若身世有问题,最后一定要浓墨重彩地揭开,而“身世”的关键,一定是“谁是我的父亲”,而不是“谁是我的母亲”,雪诺看起来是母亲不明,其实是为父亲身世不明做掩护。在这类作品中,身世揭开之前,自觉或者不自觉的寻找爸爸,会是这部作品的一条主线。在找到爸爸之前,几个主线人物无一死亡,没有一个主角会在身世不明的时候死掉。这也是为什么雪诺根本不会死,马丁前面已经对雪诺的身世做了太多的铺垫,雪诺一直在寻找父亲,而艾德·史塔克不是他的父亲。“你是奈德·史塔克的私生子吧?”琼恩只觉得一股寒意刺进全身,他抿紧嘴唇,没有答话。“我冒犯到你了吗?”兰尼斯特忙道,“抱歉,侏儒向来不太懂得察言观色。反正历来杂耍卖艺的侏儒前辈们个个衣着随便,口无遮拦,我也就有样学样啦。”他嘿嘿笑着,“不过你确实是个私生子。”“艾德·史塔克大人是我父亲没错。”琼恩终于还是承认了。一般的人往往会认为,“私生子”是刺痛雪诺的那个词,其实这句话暗含深意,真正刺痛雪诺的是那个名字。结果他接话的方式,不是承认私生子,而是承认“艾德·史塔克”是他的父亲。另一个暗示是发现小狼的时候:“史塔克大人,”琼恩说。听他如此正式地称呼自己父亲,实在很怪。布兰抱着最后一丝希望看着他。“总共有五只小狼,”他告诉父亲,“三只公的,两只母的。”“琼恩,这有什么意义吗?”“您有五个孩子,”琼恩回答,“三个儿子,两个女儿。冰原狼又是你们的家徽,大人,您的孩子们注定要拥有这些小狼。”注意哦,很多人会觉得他有一种私生子的智慧,故意撇清自己和史塔克们,其实这是一个暗示,他确实不该姓史塔克。“在那里。”琼恩道,他掉转马头,急驰过桥,大家看着他在母狼尸体旁下马,屈膝跪下,一会儿过后又骑马归来,满面笑容。“这只一定是先爬开了。”琼恩说。“或是被赶开的。”他们的父亲看着第六只小狼说。它毛色净白,其他的小狼则多半灰黑,它的眼瞳红如早上死囚的鲜血。布兰很觉好奇,不知为何其他小狼连眼睛都还没睁开,惟独它双目炯炯有神。“白子,”席恩·葛雷乔伊话里有种兴味十足的讥讽,“只怕这只会死得最快。”琼恩·雪诺给了他父亲的养子一个意味深长的冷绝凝视,“葛雷乔伊,我可不这么认为。”他答道,“因为这是我的狼。”和对白灵的预言一样:琼恩最先离开家。他和其他的史塔克血统不一样,但仍然是狼。他成长得最早,眼光囧囧有神(囧雪诺)。他不会死得最快。红眼睛代表着他可能会成为不同的东西。算上葛雷乔伊,史塔克家养大了七个孩子,但是雪诺和奈德的关系很奇怪,他们不亲密,很像那种革命战争片里“战友的孩子”或者“爸爸消灭了一个反动派军官,把他的媳妇娶了,养大了他的儿子”的那种俗套。大多数人认为雪诺和奈德的关系不够亲密是凯特琳(猫姨)的嫉妒心,确实有一些描写,但是能一起相处十几年,猫姨再嫉妒也有限。大家族里的主妇又不自己做饭洗衣服,猫姨最多言语上来点冷暴力。其实不亲近,还是因为艾德自己对这个私生子有疑问。这个孩子的父亲另有其人,而大家猜得最多的是雷加王子,雪诺是雷加和莱安娜的儿子,换句话说,艾德是他的亲舅舅,猫姨不过是个有点讨厌的舅妈。在劳勃国王和奈德的对话里,提到过私生子琼恩的事。“你小子从来也没年轻过,”劳勃咕哝,“也罢。不过有那么一回……你那小妞儿叫什么来着?蓓卡?不对,她是我的,老天保佑她,那头黑亮秀发和甜美的大眼睛,一不小心就教人难以自拔。你那个叫……雅莉娜?你跟我提过一次,还是叫梅莉儿?你知道我说的哪一个吧?就你私生子的娘。”“她叫薇拉。”奈德有礼却冷冷说,“我不想谈她。”“对,就叫薇拉。”劳勃嘿嘿直笑,“能让艾德·史塔克公爵暂时忘却荣誉,即使只是短短一个小时,她一定不是个简单的姑娘。你倒是一直没告诉我她生什么模样……?”这一段很值得拆解一下,在去君临的途中,艾德遇到了劳勃提起琼恩的娘,他充满了好奇心。如果真的琼恩只是艾德的儿子,那很简单,直接顺口搭音,说希望国王收他做侍从就可以了。国王有权把一个雪诺变成一个波顿,或者一个史塔克。同样,国王身边也需要可靠的人,他的御林铁卫要么是坦格利安家的旧臣,要么是笨人,要么就是老婆的娘家人,琼恩十四岁,这个名字是他们共同的老师和养父的名字,艾德对琼恩的期待很高,如果张口让琼恩跟国王当侍从,请巴利斯坦当导师,雪诺前程远大。确实这个时候雪诺已经决定去长城,但是一只乌鸦,把北上的囧追回来就可以了。冰与火是个少年得志的世界,詹姆十七岁就做了御林铁卫,让史塔克的儿子对抗兰尼斯特,再合适也没有了。但是艾德不愿意带琼恩南下,他对猫姨的说法是,私生子的姓氏会让他受到排挤(去长城不受排挤吗),其实艾德心中恐惧,担心国王多事会查出真相,如果劳勃发现莱安娜和雷加有个儿子,一定会一锤锤死囧雪诺的。所以艾德把私生子安排在厅堂的远处,远离国王。接待国王的时候,囧雪诺这时也在寻找精神上的父亲,也就是主公,他见到劳勃国王的时候,心生厌恶:接着是国王本人,他挽着史塔克夫人的手走了进来。琼恩见到国王,只觉大失所望。父亲常说起那个天下无双的勇士劳勃·拜拉席恩,三叉戟河的恶魔,全国最骁勇善战的武士,在王公贵族间卓然不群。可在琼恩眼里,他不过是个红脸长须,汗流浃背的胖子,走起路来一副耽溺杯中物的模样。其实开始很多人和囧雪诺的看法一致,但是后来才发现其实劳勃比艾德聪明,而兰尼斯特没有反心,是小指头的阴谋和莱莎的愚蠢和狠毒,艾德对劳勃的不信任(发现所谓真相之后他不去跟劳勃认真探讨此事,其实劳勃胖而且醉,但不蠢)才害得狮子和狼兵戎相见(莱莎不下药,布兰都不可能被推下去)。但是琼恩天生不喜欢国王,也难怪,因为他其实是囧雪诺的杀父仇人。对国王失望之后,雪诺很快决定去长城,他的父亲和主公,成了那首古老的守夜人誓言:长夜将至,我从今开始守望,至死方休。Night gathers, and now my watch begins, It shall not end until my death.我将不娶妻、不封地、不生子。I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. 我将不戴宝冠,不争荣宠。I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. 我将尽忠职守,生死於斯。I shall live and die at my post.我是黑暗中的利剑,长城中的守卫。I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. 我是抵御寒冷的烈焰,破晓时分的光线,唤醒死者的号角,守护王国的铁卫。I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. 我将生命与荣耀献给守夜人,I pledge my life and honor to the Night"s Watch,今夜如此,夜夜皆然。for this night and all the nights to come.此后的囧雪诺成了一个没有爹的孩子,此前猫姨只是恶毒地攻击他是一个没有娘的野种。尽管很快罗柏他们也失去了父亲,但雪诺走上自立之路早得多,此后他也遇到几个让他心动的长者:熊老,莫尔蒙司令,被叛乱的黑衣人杀死。伊蒙学士,太老而且难以行动了。科林,让雪诺杀死自己假投降。曼斯·雷德 野人之王。当然还有失踪了的二叔(二舅)班扬。还有小说里存在,但是在电视剧里没有戏份的铁匠师傅,在小说里,教育雪诺要帮战友的话,是铁匠师傅说的,而不是提利昂。几个长者一起成就了雪诺,但是他们都有自己的缺陷,他们都无法成为雪诺精神上的父亲,另一个国王也不能。史坦尼斯一出现就一直努力收服雪诺,一脸“我是你爸老战友”的嘴脸,但是雪诺一直在跟他做生意,用曼斯雷德来制衡他。临冬城沦陷、史坦尼斯带着队伍困在了暴风雪里之后。雪诺决定南下,打破守夜人的誓言。可能很多人会觉得雪诺很作死,其实不是的,经历了这么多之后,雪诺是个活明白了的人,明白的人不给自己设限。所谓的守夜人不介入内战誓言,无非是当年实力不足的一种策略,在今天则是避免和史坦尼斯一起战败的一种说辞。其实北地空虚,而且人心向狼,雪诺是该动手就动手,这点上,雪诺比他舅舅艾德强太多了。我们前面说过了,雪诺选择了以誓言为君父的生活,背叛誓言,是一种弑父的行为,而弑父往往是少年英雄的一种伟大的成长。但这也激怒了守夜人们,他们刺杀了雪诺。黑衣人兄弟冲上来用刀捅囧雪诺的时候,很多人会想起恺撒被刺杀,尤其是那个小孩子事务官也加入,很容易想到“还有你,布鲁塔斯?我的孩子。”恺撒击碎不能维持下去的共和,被人刺杀,但帝制的洪流是没法抵挡的。所以雪诺被杀死之后,一定会有人让他活过来,而且活过来之后,他的誓言也已经解脱了。红女巫对雪诺有意思,相信大家都看得出来,和劳勃的私生子、青涩的大牛詹德利相比,雪诺是已经用酱料腌好的小鲜肉。史坦尼斯不过是变质的腊肉罢了。誓言有两种方式解脱,一种是死一次(至死方休),另一种是史坦尼斯要求的,你来求我,你就变成了史塔克),他选择了惨烈的那一种,因为马丁不会再让任何人当囧雪诺的主公了。而囧雪诺的各位粉丝们,你们应该欣喜的是,死里复活的囧雪诺从此将会摆脱黑衣人的束缚,我们看看守夜人的誓言全都否定之后是什么局面我将娶妻、封地、生子。I shall take wife, hold lands, father children. 我将戴宝冠,争荣宠。I shall wear crowns and win glory.此文转载自一个公众号,为了方便阅读做了删减,作者写下这个文章的时间是2015年7月

如何评价《冰与火之歌》第六季John Snow的复活

jon snow的复活是必然的,不谈该角色在观影粉丝中的爆棚人气,电视剧中也多次用镜头剪辑的方式暗示了雪诺的真正身份,而且整部剧主要讲龙母与雪诺两条线,作为双核之一不可能被砍,布兰(Bran)在穿越回过去时看到的奈德的记忆。当时奈德正在一路杀向欢乐塔(the Tower of Joy)营救莱安娜,遇到了剑士亚瑟·戴恩(Arthur Dayne)的阻挠。为什么亚瑟要保护莱安娜?因为莱安娜怀了雷加的孩子,这个孩子才是铁王座的正统继承者,也是威胁劳勃·拜拉席恩(Robert Baratheon)统治的隐患。奈德不忍心杀害自己的外甥,尽管他身上有着坦格利安血统。所以他谎称他是自己的私生子,也就是雪诺。雪诺未来很有可能驯服龙,坐上铁王座,甚至拯救世界。

“you know nothing john snow” 什么含义






john snow defeats king chlera英文概括

John Snow was a famous physician. Seeing many people died of cholera, he decided to help them. Cholera was a deadly disease of its day. Nobody knew how this happened and how to treat it. John Snow spent a lot of time trying to find its cause and its cure. When another outbreak hit London in 1854, he collected information about cholera. He found out that most of those who died of cholera lived near a water pump. He suspected that the water was polluted. He told people not to drink the water any more. One woman who wouldn"t listen to him soon died of cholera. With this extra evidence John Snow was able to announce with certainty that polluted water carried the virus. To prevent this from happening again,John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined and no polluted water be drunk by people . In this way cholera was defeated in the end.

以john snow,写一篇作文

Early life and education[edit] Snow was born 15 March 1813 in York, England. He was the first of nine children born to William and Frances Snow in their North Street home. His neighbourhood was one of the poorest in the city and was always in danger of flooding because of its proximity to the River Ouse. His father worked in the local coal yards, which were constantly replenished from the Yorkshire coalfields through the barges on the Ouse. Snow was baptised at the Anglican church of All Saints, North Street. All Saints, North Street Snow studied in York until the age of 14, when he was apprenticed to William Hardcastle, a surgeon in Newcastle upon Tyne. It was there, in 1831, that he first encountered cholera, which entered Newcastle via the seaport of Sunderland and decimated the town.[1] Between 1833 and 1836 Snow worked as an assistant to a colliery surgeon, first in Burnopfield, County Durham, and then in Pateley Bridge, North Yorkshire. In October 1836 he enrolled at the Hunterian school of medicine on Great Windmill Street, London.[2] Career[edit] In 1837 Snow began working at the Westminster Hospital. Admitted as a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England on 2 May 1838, he graduated from the University of London in December 1844 and was admitted to the Royal College of Physicians in 1850. In 1850 he was also one of the founding members of the Epidemiological Society of London, formed in response to the cholera outbreak of 1849.[3] In 1857 Snow made an early and often overlooked[4] contribution to epidemiology in a pamphlet, On the adulteration of bread as a cause of rickets.[5] Anaesthesia[edit] Snow was one of the first physicians to study and calculate dosages for the use of ether and chloroform as surgical anaesthetics, allowing patients to undergo surgical and obstetric procedures without the distress and pain they would otherwise experience. He designed the apparatus to safely administer ether to the patients and also designed a mask to administer chloroform.[6] He personally administered chloroform to Queen Victoria when she gave birth to the last two of her nine children, Leopold in 1853 and Beatrice in 1857,[7] leading to wider public acceptance of obstetric anaesthesia. Snow published an article on ether in 1847 entitled On the Inhalation of the Vapor of Ether. A longer version entitled On Chloroform and Other Anaesthetics and Their Action and Administration was published posthumously in 1858. Cholera[edit] Main article: 1854 Broad Street cholera outbreak Original map by John Snow showing the clusters of cholera cases in the London epidemic of 1854, drawn and lithographed by Charles Cheffins. Snow was a sceptic of the then-dominant miasma theory that stated that diseases such as cholera and bubonic plague were caused by pollution or a noxious form of "bad air". The germ theory of disease had not yet been developed, so Snow did not understand the mechanism by which the disease was transmitted. His observation of the evidence led him to discount the theory of foul air. He first publicised his theory in an 1849 essay, On the Mode of Communication of Cholera, followed by a more detailed treatise in 1855 incorporating the results of his investigation of the role of the water supply in the Soho epidemic of 1854.[8] By talking to local residents (with the help of Reverend Henry Whitehead), he identified the source of the outbreak as the public water pump on Broad Street (now Broadwick Street). Although Snow"s chemical and microscope examination of a water sample from the Broad Street pump did not conclusively prove its danger, his studies of the pattern of the disease were convincing enough to persuade the local council to disable the well pump by removing its handle. This action has been commonly credited as ending the outbreak, but Snow observed that the epidemic may have already been in rapid decline: There is no doubt that the mortality was much diminished, as I said before, by the flight of the population, which commenced soon after the outbreak; but the attacks had so far diminished before the use of the water was stopped, that it is impossible to decide whether the well still contained the cholera poison in an active state, or whether, from some cause, the water had become free from it. John Snow memorial and public house on Broadwick Street, Soho Snow later used a dot map to illustrate the cluster of cholera cases around the pump. He also used statistics to illustrate the connection between the quality of the water source and cholera cases. He showed that the Southwark and Vauxhall Waterworks Company was taking water from sewage-polluted sections of the Thames and delivering the water to homes, leading to an increased incidence of cholera. Snow"s study was a major event in the history of public health and geography. It is regarded as the founding event of the science of epidemiology. Snow wrote: On proceeding to the spot, I found that nearly all the deaths had taken place within a short distance of the [Broad Street] pump. There were only ten deaths in houses situated decidedly nearer to another street-pump. In five of these cases the families of the deceased persons informed me that they always sent to the pump in Broad Street, as they preferred the water to that of the pumps which were nearer. In three other cases, the deceased were children who went to school near the pump in Broad Street... With regard to the deaths occurring in the locality belonging to the pump, there were 61 instances in which I was informed that the deceased persons used to drink the pump water from Broad Street, either constantly or occasionally... The result of the inquiry, then, is, that there has been no particular outbreak or prevalence of cholera in this part of London except among the persons who were in the habit of drinking the water of the above-mentioned pump well. I had an interview with the Board of Guardians of St James"s parish, on the evening of the 7th inst [7 September], and represented the above circumstances to them. In consequence of what I said, the handle of the pump was removed on the following day. —John Snow, letter to the editor of the Medical Times and Gazette Researchers later discovered that this public well had been dug only three feet from an old cesspit, which had begun to leak fecal bacteria. The nappies of a baby, who had contracted cholera from another source, had been washed into this cesspit. Its opening was originally under a nearby house, which had been rebuilt farther away after a fire. The city had widened the street and the cesspit was lost. It was common at the time to have a cesspit under most homes. Most families tried to have their raw sewage collected and dumped in the Thames to prevent their cesspit from filling faster than the sewage could decompose into the soil. Map of cholera outbreak in London Legend for the map above It should be noted that Thomas Shapter had conducted similar studies and used a point based map for the study of cholera in Exeter, Devon years before John Snow.[9] Political controversy[edit] After the cholera epidemic had subsided, government officials replaced the Broad Street Pump Handle. They had responded only to the urgent threat posed to the population, and afterward they rejected Snow"s theory. To accept his proposal would have meant indirectly accepting the oral-fecal method transmission of disease, which was too unpleasant for most of the public to contemplate.[10] Public health officials recognise the political struggles in which reformers have often become entangled.[11] During the Annual Pumphandle Lecture in England, members of the John Snow Society remove and replace a pump handle to symbolise the continuing challenges for advances in public health.[12] Later life[edit] In 1830 Snow became a member of the Temperance Movement, and lived for a decade or so as a vegetarian and teetotaler. In the mid-1840s his health deteriorated, and he returned to meat-eating and drinking wine. He continued drinking pure water (via boiling) throughout his adult life. He never married.[13] Snow lived at 18 Sackville Street, London, from 1852 to his death in 1858.[14] Snow suffered a stroke while working in his London office on 10 June 1858. He was 45 years old at the time.[15] He never recovered, dying on 16 June 1858. He was buried in Brompton Cemetery.[16] Legacy and honours[edit] Funerary monument, Brompton Cemetery, London A plaque commemorates Snow and his 1854 study in the place of the water pump on Broad Street (now Broadwick Street). It shows a water pump with its handle removed. The spot where the pump stood is covered with red granite. A public house nearby was named "The John Snow" in his honour. The John Snow Society is named in his honour, and the society regularly meets at The John Snow pub. An annual Pumphandle Lecture is delivered each September by a leading authority in contemporary public health. His grave in Brompton Cemetery, London, is marked by a funerary monument. In York a blue plaque on the west end of the Park Inn, a hotel in North Street, commemorates John Snow. Snow was named as one of the heraldic supporters of the Royal College of Anaesthetists. The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland awards The John Snow Award, a bursary for undergraduate medical students undertaking research in the field of anaesthesia. In 1978 a public health research and consulting firm, John Snow Inc (JSI), was founded.[17] In 2001 the John Snow College was founded on the University of Durham"s Queen"s Campus in Stockton-on-Tees. In 2013 The Lancet printed a correction of its brief obituary of Snow, originally published in 1858: "The journal accepts that some readers may wrongly have inferred that The Lancet failed to recognise Dr Snow"s remarkable achievements in the field of epidemiology and, in particular, his visionary work in deducing the mode of transmission of epidemic cholera."

“you know nothing john snow” 什么含义


“you know nothing john snow” 什么含义





不错。John snow滑雪服性价比高,颜值在线,适合新手、初学者。John snow滑雪服是迈丹(MANAH)旗下的男女中长立领防水防风保暖透气的滑雪服滑雪装备。

为什么那姑娘老老说“John Snow,you know nothing”

人叫jon snow,你们真行,都给改成john了。



Jon Snow的原型是谁?

来源:卫夕指北 ,作者卫夕本 文 约 6458 字阅 读 需 要17 min这是一个关于人类勇气和理性的传奇故事,而英雄的故事总是如此的相似。Jon Snow(琼恩·雪诺)在热门美剧《权力的游戏》中是一位带领守夜人大战异鬼大军的战士。而在19世纪的伦敦,同样也有一位如守夜人一般守护伦敦市民安全的John Snow(通常译为约翰·雪诺)。没错,名字只差一个字母。《权力的游戏》中的琼恩·雪诺《权游》作者马丁从未在任何公开场合坦露过琼恩·雪诺的原型就是现实中的约翰·雪诺,但他的故事精彩程度丝毫不比那位在北境长城大战异鬼的雪诺逊色。他在19世纪的伦敦以一己之力对抗那时的传染病夜王——霍乱,他用的不是瓦雷利亚钢制成的剑或者神奇的龙晶,而是调查和严密的逻辑。他孤身一人开启了医学史上“流行病学”这一学科,谱写了一首人类对抗传染病的勇气赞歌。约翰·雪诺医生01霍乱——那个时代的传染病之王霍乱是一种让当时的人们闻风丧胆的急性传染病,它和天花、鼠疫并列为人类三大烈性传染病,被称为“19世纪的世界病”。病菌在人体内每12分钟就会增加一倍,得了霍乱的人会在短时间内一直腹泻,腹泻到什么时候?一直到人数小时内迅速脱水死亡!霍乱患者的惨状霍乱最早发源于印度的恒河流域,大航海之后频繁的贸易把它带到了欧洲。在欧洲,霍乱有着更高的死亡率,英国第一波大规模爆发发生在1831年,造成数千人死亡,1849年再次爆发,两次爆发超过14,000人死亡。然而到了霍乱第三次在欧洲大规模爆发时,英国得到了很好的控制。要知道这次大爆发光在俄罗斯就造成了超过100万人的死亡,而英国仅仅死了不到1000人,那么英国人是靠什么战胜了这个传染病之王呢?这就要开始讲一讲我们今天的主人公约翰·雪诺的故事了——02约翰·雪诺——一个出身并不起眼的人约翰·雪诺于1813年出生在英国工业时代的重镇——约克,父亲是一名煤矿工人,通常出身在这样的家庭似乎注定了雪诺的一生会是平凡的一生。但他的父亲并不认命,决心改变孩子的命运,他节衣缩食坚持把雪诺送进了私立教会学校。19世纪的约克城1827年,14岁的雪诺被送到朗本顿市的外科医师哈德卡斯尔那里当学徒。18岁时,年轻的雪诺第一次目睹了恐怖的霍乱,作为医学学徒的他为当地霍乱中煤矿工人提供医疗帮助,毕竟,他的父亲也是一位煤矿工人,同情心激发了雪诺的使命感。23岁时,来自小地方、胸怀理想的年轻实习医生雪诺决定要去当时欧洲最大的城市——伦敦,他没有骑马,也没有坐车,而是独自徒步走了200英里来到了当时的伦敦。在伦敦,雪诺在Hunterian医学院和伦敦大学开始了他的正规医学教育,1837年,雪诺开始在威斯敏斯特医院工作。长期的实践经历和良好的医学素养让年轻的雪诺在麻醉领域表现突出,雪诺1838年被接纳为皇家外科医学院的成员,甚至他还为维多利亚女王第三个孩子分娩时进行过麻醉手术。雪诺从煤矿工人的儿子到成为给女王接生的知名医生,他用自己的勤奋以及专业完成了艰难的向上流动。然而雪诺对伦敦上流社会的诱惑毫无兴趣;他真正感兴趣的是那些悬而未决的问题。03那时的人类对霍乱一无所知人类的科技发展总是跳跃式的,仅仅在200多年前,人类其实对所有传染病的认知程度和2000年前的人类几乎没有什么进步——一无所知。对于霍乱这种烈性传染病,当时英国社会的主流观点是——霍乱是通过被污染的空气传染的。为什么这个观点深入人心呢?在回答这个问题之前,我们先来简单了解一下当时伦敦这个城市——伦敦是英国的中心,而维多利亚时代则是日不落帝国无限荣光的顶峰,工业革命随着各类蒸汽工厂的轰鸣声在急速改变这膨胀的帝国。人们开始向城市聚集,物质日益丰富,一个个传奇的财富故事在膨胀的民众中流传。19世纪的伦敦那时候的伦敦坐拥240万人,是当时欧洲最大的工业城市,也是世界上人口密度最大的城市,它的人口密度是今天孟买的三倍,彼时的伦敦并不像人们想象中的那样优雅、宁静、富足,城市的卫生状况极为堪忧——马车在肮脏的街道飞奔,马粪四处飞溅,用抽水马桶的人们把粪便通过露天简陋的下水道排入泰晤士河。整个城市臭气熏天、蚊虫漫天飞舞......牛棚、动物粪便、屠宰场、腐烂的味道充斥着大英帝国的雾都。伦敦的掏粪人“那是充满希望的春天,那是让人绝望的冬天”,狄更斯的小说中描绘了那个充满矛盾的时代......霍乱的确通常发生在卫生较差的区域,这些地方确实也臭气熏天,医学界在那时候一直认为霍乱是通过空气中的”瘴气”进行传播的。支持这个观点的人除了当时的主流医学界之外还包括《柳叶刀》编辑、现代护理学奠基人南丁格尔以及维多利亚女王等。尽管那时牛顿的力学理论早已在大众中启发了科学启蒙,但对于医学、生理学而言,19世纪中期还是蒙昧的年代。无知和霍乱同样可怕。04来自年轻医生雪诺的质疑年轻医生雪诺对于“霍乱是由空气传播”的理论有不同的看法,他认为霍乱应该是通过被污染的水进行传染的,他的这个想法最初源于一个朴素的判断——如果霍乱是通过空气进行传染的,那么发病的部位应该是肺部而不是肠道才对,他的经历能佐证他的判断——18岁的时候为治疗煤矿工人的霍乱曾很长时间活动在臭气熏天的矿井,但他自己却没有得病。当然,如果雪诺只是以这个理由去说服民众显然是行不通的;为什么?因为气味是一种直观的感受,闻过伦敦的恶臭的人们很难相信这些刺鼻的气味里没有问题。而水里的细菌是看不见的(细菌学在当时还没有被提出,显微镜尽管已经被发明,但还很粗糙,没能识别出水里的细菌);在分子层面,鼻子要比眼睛灵敏的多,腐烂物体会挥发出两种物质——尸氨和腐氨,只要几个分子进入鼻腔,人们就会感受到强烈的恶臭。没有直接的感知让人相信一件事情是困难的,比如今天的人们很容易接受戴口罩,但对于同样重要但无法直接感知的洗手很多人却并不重视,而老年人则是既不带口罩也不洗手。一个严谨的科学工作者是不会凭着朴素的判断而轻易下结论的,受过严谨医学训练的雪诺进行了相当细致的调查,他首先对伦敦进行了一项大规模的调查,发现了一个极具说服力的证据——伦敦的自来水是由两家公司所供应的,一家名为Lambeth,一家名为Southwark,在1849年8月的霍乱流行中,根据雪诺的统计,两家自来水公司居民的死亡率有着极大的差异——Southwark公司覆盖的居民死亡率为3.15%,Lambeth公司的死亡率为0.38%,二者几乎差了10倍之多,而死亡率高的Southwark公司在泰晤士河的下游,水被污染的可能性的确会更大一些。雪诺积累了很多类似的证据并加上了自己的分析,写成了《论霍乱传递模式研究》的论文,意在向人们证明霍乱是通过水污染而不是空气污染传播的,同时建议当局加强公共卫生管理,从这个意义上说,雪诺也算是伦敦霍乱的吹哨人。但由于当时空气污染的“瘴气”论过于根深蒂固,同时,雪诺的确没有发现更加直接的证据,因此他的理论在当时依然没有引起人们足够的重视,并不被主流医学界和当时的人们所接受。05魔鬼在跳舞:宽街霍乱爆发雪诺并不气馁,他本身是一名麻醉科医生,研究霍乱其实并不算他的主业,但他总是对这个盘旋在英国上空的幽灵有着宿命般的执着,他在等一个证明自己理论的机会。1854年8月31日,魔鬼再次降临——伦敦的苏豪(Soho)区的宽街附近爆发了霍乱,第一天就有56人死亡,第二天死亡人数猛增到143例,第三天178例......这个街区的人们无论贫富几乎都要失去一名成员,而有些家庭则是全家被霍乱夺命。短短几天大部分居民逃离了熟悉的家园,原本热闹的宽街变成了大型死亡现场,只有那些无力离开的人们留在了那里,恐怖在蔓延,绝望笼罩着街区。仅仅5天,超过500人因为霍乱导致的脱水而在挣扎中死去,恶魔在舞蹈.....雪诺当时在苏豪区开了一家诊所,他没有像其他富人一样逃离日日夜夜生活的家园,尽管他可以轻而易举地那样做,而是选择成为那个时代的逆行者,他是伦敦的守夜人,他决定和魔鬼正面对决。雪诺开始冒着极大的风险调查每一个街区的死亡案例,我们可以想象当时的场景——在空无一人瘟疫肆虐的伦敦街区,一位年轻的医生一家一家敲开可能躺满尸体的房门,详细询问他们的病情和日常活动情况,每一次敲门都是和死神的擦肩而过,惊心动魄。06死亡地图:和传染病直接对决在那个恐怖的9月,雪诺白天将生死置之度外详细地调查,晚上他在油灯下开始绘图,他想用更加直观的方式来向人们说明他的理论。他找到一幅伦敦的地图,把所有死亡病例详细地标注在地图上,他用黑色的小短横线代表死亡病例的数量。约翰·雪诺当时所画的死亡地图这张呕心沥血制作的地图详细地记录了死亡案例的在街道的位置以及数量,它后来被人们称之为著名的“死亡地图”。当所有的统计完成之后,雪诺进行了细致的分析,他发现大部分死亡病例都集中在伦敦宽街附近,而那里正好有一个免费的公共水泵,附近的众多街道的居民都在那里取水。离水泵230米内的街区总共死亡人数高达700人,雪诺怀疑那个水泵被污染了。因为显而易见的事实是——水泵周围死亡最多,而离水泵越远,死亡病例越少。死亡地图的中心地带,红框为水泵位置雪诺需要继续验证他的理论,他首先想到的是显微镜取样水进行观察,但结果并不如意,那时候的显微镜技术还很不成熟,除了在样水中观察到了一些白色絮状物之外他一无所获。虽然他怀疑这些白色絮状物有问题,但的确并没观察到真正的致病菌,这并不足以说服当时的人们。尽管雪诺绘制死亡地图已经很能说明一些问题,但有人质疑说,瘴气传播也能解释这张图——瘴气的中心区死亡多,离瘴气中心越远死亡越少。还有人说宽街水泵的水源比离这里不远的“小马尔堡街”水泵公认要干净得多,如果“水源论”没错的话,那小马尔堡街的水应该更加致命才对。雪诺继续像侦探一样调查附近居民的患病情况。这一次,他除了调查那些死亡病例的特征,也开始着手分析附近那些没有患病居民的特征,他发现了以下事实:1.离宽街仅180米的一家酿造麦芽啤酒的啤酒厂的工人在这次霍乱中全部没有染病,啤酒厂的老板哈金斯告诉雪诺,由于在啤酒工厂里啤酒是免费的,因此这些工人平时都不喝水而只喝啤酒;2.苏豪区离宽街不远的一个监狱有535名囚犯,也几乎没有霍乱病例,雪诺发现该监狱有自己的水井,同时也从大章克申水厂购买了大量的水,同样没有喝宽街水泵的水;3.雪诺发现了这次死亡案例中有两个离宽街非常遥远的Hampstead的霍乱死亡病例,是一位年长的寡妇和她的侄女,雪诺骑车找到了寡妇的儿子,经过询问,雪诺发现了一个惊人的事实——原来寡妇曾经住在宽街,她怀念那口井水的味道,以至于她会让仆人每天从宽街用推车给她打一大瓶水,她和她侄女的最后一瓶水都是疫情开始的8月31日从宽街水井罐装的。至此,真相终于在雪诺抽丝剥茧的调查中变得清晰——问题出在那个水泵,雪诺找到了给异鬼痛击的那块的龙晶,而整个过程如推理小说一般。1854年9月7日,雪诺向苏豪区当局报告了自己的研究,当局采纳了他的意见,在第二天取下了那个水泵的把手,关闭了那个水泵。奇迹发生了——此后伦敦地区的霍乱疫情便迅速消失。从8月31日第一例霍乱病例爆发到9月7日递交详细的调查报告,仅仅8天时间。07历史总有遗憾和曲折当然,现实的剧情总是要曲折复杂一些,尽管这次疫情被消灭,但人们像簇拥英雄一样给雪诺欢呼的场景并没有出现。伦敦的卫生状况并没有得到改善,甚至雪诺的水传播理论依然有人怀疑;在科学和愚昧的斗争中,理性并不是总能轻而易举地占上风。这时候,一位圣卢克教堂的牧师亨利·怀特黑德成为雪诺的忠实支持者,这在瘴气论占据主流的的教会中非常难得。他也生活在苏豪区,尽管他开始并不相信雪诺的理论,但他对雪诺的工作充满敬意,他利用自己在社区的影响力继续验证雪诺的研究。终于,经历了长达几个月的调查,怀特黑德采访到了一名在苏豪区宽街40号的一名叫路易斯的妇女。这名妇女的一个5个月大的女婴在爆发初期就死于腹泻,这位女婴的去世时间表明她是那波伦敦霍乱的第一个病例。亨利·怀特黑德妇女将洗过婴儿尿布的水倒进了宽街的一个污水池,而这个污水池离宽街的水泵对应的水井仅三英尺,人们挖掘之后发现这个污水池的池壁早已损坏,是这个污水池污染了水井。怀特黑德将他的发现以及对苏豪区卫生状况的调查写了一篇详尽的文章,发表在当时颇具影响力的杂志——《建设者》(The Builder)上。这时民众才真正相信了雪诺的霍乱水源传播的理论;大众读物上开始刊登关于霍乱源头的漫画。1856年,当布罗姆利的新霍乱爆发时,人们运用雪诺的理论进行了迅速的管控,有效阻止了疫情的大规模爆发,至此,雪诺的理论开始深入人心。伦敦政府也开始行动起来了——1859年,在雪诺调查宽街霍乱之后的第五年,伦敦开展了下大规模的下水道改造工程。这个由杰出工程师巴泽尔杰设计的工程历时6年完工,它是世界上第一套现代城市下水道系统,伦敦的污水与饮用水源彻底隔离,被排往泰晤士河出海口,最终汇入大西洋。1865年,法国微生物学家路易·巴斯德用著名的鹅颈瓶实验才证实了细菌的存在,形成了第一套细菌疾病理论。人类第一次认识了细菌这个物种。又过了18年,1883年,德国微生物学家罗伯特·科赫成功发现并分离了霍乱弧菌,完整彻底地证明了水中的霍乱弧菌是霍乱的真实元凶,1905年,他获得了诺贝尔奖医学奖。罗伯特·科赫至此,雪诺的理论最终大获全胜。然而,历史总是充满着遗憾——1858年6月10 日,雪诺锻炼时中风,六天后便与世长辞,年仅45岁,这距离他画那张著名的死亡地图仅仅过去四年。他并没有活到科赫在水中发现霍乱弧菌的那一天,也没有等到伦敦下水道工程动工的那一天。01约翰·雪诺的遗产雪诺无疑是伟大的。他1854年展开的这次宽街霍乱调查开启了近现代流行病大规模调查的先河,是这个领域开创性、里程碑的工作,在医学界雪诺被公认为“流行病学之父”。他所绘制的“死亡地图”也被后人工人为是“数据可视化”的开端,用简洁、直观的方式开启了那个时代的民智。北大可视化团队做的新型冠状病毒疫情可视化地图今天,在亚特兰大的美国疾病控制中心,当科学家们寻找有关流行病的简单答案时,他们有时还会互相问:“这次疫情中的水泵在哪里?”而在更广泛意义上,雪诺对宽街霍乱的研究也是人类城市发展史上的重要分水岭。自那以后,人类充分认识到了公共卫生对于城市基础设施建设的重要意义,清洁的水源和污水梳理系统纳入到了城市的规划议程,下水道成为“城市的良心”。现代伦敦的下水道系统许多年后的今天,当我们享受到大都市清洁的水源和成熟的污水处理系统依然要感谢一位叫雪诺的医生在100多年前出生入死的那次无畏调查.....在人类没有对烈性传染病进行有效控制之前,人类几千年的历史经历着宿命般的模式——“人口增长—传染病爆发—人口增长—传染病爆发”。在19世纪之前,人类单个城市的人口规模从来没有超过300万,而今天,日本的东京、印度的孟买早已朝3000万人的规模进发。人口接近3000万的超级大都市——东京雪诺的精神也鼓舞了后人,2010年10月,海地在地震之后霍乱爆发,法国的流行病学家Piarroux以人道主义的身份进入海地进行调查。法国流行病学家——Piarroux2016年出版的《致命河:霍乱和海地地震后的掩盖》一书详细描述了他对海地霍乱防治的调查与贡献。2017年4月,Piarroux被授予“法国骑士勋章”,从某种意义上,Piarroux就是今天的约翰·雪诺。霍乱并没有在地球上消失,人类也继续面临着更多新型传染病的威胁。09伦敦城不会忘记,人类不会忘记今天,如果你到伦敦的苏豪区旅行,依然能够在宽街和剑桥街的拐角处发现一家名叫“John Snow”的酒吧。而在酒吧的对面,一个孤零零的水泵模型安静的竖立在那里,那是伦敦人们纪念这位“伦敦守夜人”的丰碑。这个黑色水泵雕塑似乎在时刻提醒着未来的人们——不要忘记你所拥有的勇气和理性。伦敦苏豪区的John Snow酒吧和水泵雕塑雪诺一生没有结婚,无子嗣,他是一个严格的素食主义者;他甚至不喝酒,只喝煮沸蒸馏过的水。每当灾难肆掠的时候,人们总是会想起那些曾经为人类生命奋斗过的人所给予我们的勇气和智慧。约翰·雪诺墓

权力的游戏里Jon Snow的身世是什么?母亲是谁



The Place You Are Right Now - Trent Reznor/Atticus Ross

Green day歌曲KnowYourEnemy-GreenDay的歌词

Green Day - Know Your Enemy / 绿日 — 认识你的敌人Do you know the enemy? / 认不认识这敌人?Do you know your enemy? / 认不认识你敌人?Well, gotta know the enemy / 哦,你得认识这敌人Do you know the enemy? / 认不认识这敌人?Do you know your enemy? / 认不认识你敌人?Well, gotta know the enemy / 哦,你得认识这敌人Do you know the enemy? / 认不认识这敌人?Do you know your enemy? / 认不认识你敌人?Well, gotta know the enemy / 哦,你得认识这敌人Violence is an energy / 暴力就是动力Against the enemy / 可以打倒死敌Violence is an energy / 暴力就是动力Bringing on the fury / 把那怒火点燃The choir infantry / 圣乐步兵团Revolt against the honor to obey / 快去讨伐发号施令的权贵Overthrow the effigy / 把那偶像推倒The vast majority / 广大的民众Burning down the foreman of control / 快去颠覆摆布你们命运的领袖Silence is the enemy / 沉默就是死敌Against your urgency / 切断你的供给So rally up the demons of your soul / 快去联合你灵魂里的妖魔鬼兽Do you know the enemy? / 认不认识这敌人?Do you know your enemy? / 认不认识你敌人?Well, gotta know the enemy / 哦,你得认识这敌人Do you know the enemy? / 认不认识这敌人?Do you know your enemy? / 认不认识你敌人?Well, gotta know the enemy / 哦,你得认识这敌人The insurgency will rise / 暴动骚乱必将涌现When the blood"s been sacrificed / 等到鲜血染红战旗的那一天Don"t be blinded by the lies / 不要被眼前的种种假象In your eyes / 蒙蔽视线Violence is an energy / 暴力就是动力From here to eternity / 永恒始于这里Violence is an energy / 暴力就是动力Silence is the enemy / 沉默就是死敌So gimme gimme revolution / 快给我给我来场革命Do you know the enemy? / 认不认识这敌人?Do you know your enemy? / 认不认识你敌人?Well, gotta know the enemy / 哦,你得认识这敌人Do you know the enemy? / 认不认识这敌人?Do you know your enemy? / 认不认识你敌人?Well, gotta know the enemy / 哦,你得认识这敌人Do you know the enemy? / 认不认识这敌人?Do you know your enemy? / 认不认识你敌人?Well, gotta know the enemy / 哦,你得认识这敌人Overthrow the effigy / 把那偶像推倒The vast majority / 广大的民众Burning down the foreman of control / 快去颠覆摆布你们命运的领袖Silence is the enemy / 沉默就是死敌Against your urgency / 切断你的供给So rally up the demons of your soul / 快去联合你灵魂里的妖魔鬼兽就是这个~

怎么鉴定Taylor Swift《Speak Now》美版豪华CD是正版还是盗版?


求taylor的Speak Now演唱会开场白

i don"t you should wait, i think you should speak now......



求泰勒斯威夫特speak now演唱会开始时的对白(中英文)

优酷上有中字的全场啊 我帮你找找吧这个全场中字~

taylor swift -的speak now 讲述的是怎样一个故事。

Taylor心仪的对象要结婚了,新娘却不是她。在婚礼上,Taylor问他要不要和她走,她知道他心里只爱她一个。这时候婚礼的嘉宾们就让男主选择,要Speak now,于是他选了Taylor,和她相会,从此过上了幸福的生活。简单说就是抢婚,呵呵,真有意思,小美女太有才了!

speak now 的歌词中文意思...

歌名:Speak Now,歌手:Taylor Swift所属专辑:Speak Now (Extended Version)作曲 : Taylor Swift,作词 : Taylor SwiftI am not the kind of girl我不是那种Who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion闯入他人婚姻美好殿堂的女孩But you are not the kind of boy但是你也不是那种Who should be marrying the wrong girl应该迎娶错误的人的男孩I sneak in and see your friends"我偷偷溜进教堂看见你的朋友们And her snotty little family all dressed in pastel看见那个女孩的洋洋自得光鲜亮丽的家人And she is yelling at a bridesmaid"她正在对伴娘大喊:Somewhere back inside a room“快去找个地方Wearing a gown shaped like a pastry穿上你那件像酥皮点心的礼服”This.. is.. surely not what you thought it would be我想...这一定不是你想要的生活吧I.. lose myself in a daydream我不禁迷失在了我们应有的美好结局中Where I stand and say我站起来,勇敢的说Don"t say yes" run away now不要说“我愿意”,跟我一起走吧I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the backdoor我会在教堂后门等你Don"t wait or say a single vow不要说出那句违背你本心的誓言You need to hear me out and they said speak now听我说(你愿意吗?)Fun gestures are exchanged宾客们不断变化着滑稽的手势And the organ starts to play a song that sounds like a death march风琴奏出的曲调在我听来宛如一首安魂曲And I am hiding in the curtains我躲在帘子后It seems that I was uninvited by your lovely bride-to-be看起来我不是被你的可爱新娘邀请而来She.. floats down the aisle like a pageant queen她如一位女王身着盛装款款走过I.. know.. you wish it was me我知道...你希望那是我You wish it was me don"t you?对吗?Don"t say yes" run away now不要说你愿意。跟我一起走吧I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the backdoor我会在教堂后门等你Don"t wait or say a single vow不要说出那句违背你本心的誓言You need to hear me out and they said speak now听我说(你愿意吗?)Don"t say yes" run away now不要说你愿意。跟我一起走吧I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the backdoor我会在教堂后门等你Don"t wait or say a single vow不要说出那句违背你本心的誓言Your time is running out and they said speak now你快要没有时间了(你愿意吗?)I hear the preacher say speak now or forever hold your peace牧师说“如果有人对他们的结合有异议请现在提出,如若没有请赐予他们你最美好的祝福”There"s the silence" there"s my last chance四下一片寂静,我知道这是我最后的机会了I stand up with shaking hands" all eyes on me我勇敢的站起来挥手,每个人都望向了我Horrified looks from everyone in the room每个人眼中都写满了震惊与茫然But I"m only looking at you但我的笑容只为你一人绽放I am not the kind of girl我不是那种Who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion闯入他人婚姻美好殿堂的女孩But you are not the kind of boy但是你也不是那种Who should be marrying the wrong girl应该迎娶错误的人的男孩So don"t say yes" run away now所以,抛下一切跟我走吧I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the backdoor我会在教堂后门等你Don"t wait or say a single vow不要说出那句违背你本心的誓言You need to hear me out and they said speak now听我说(你愿意吗?)And you say lets run away now你说,我们走吧I"ll meet when I"m out of my tux at the backdoor我会脱下我的盛装,教堂后门见Baby I didn"t say my vows"亲爱的我没有说出我的誓言So glad you were around谢谢你,在我身边When they said "Speak now"让我没有说出那句违背我本心的誓言扩展资料:《Speak Now》是美国乡村流行乐女歌手泰勒·斯威夫特发行的的第三张录音室专辑。创作背景这张专辑原被泰勒·斯威夫特取名为“Enchanted”,但这个名字被大机器唱片公司的高管给驳回了。因为他认为,这张专辑中的所有歌曲大多都与这个名字类型的题材无关。于是,泰勒·斯威夫特便将这张专辑重新取名为“Speak Now”,而这个名字的灵感来源于西方婚礼时,牧师在婚礼结束前所说的话:“有异议就请现在开口,否则请永远保持缄默”。

speak now的中英文歌词. 谢谢

I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion 我不是这样的女孩,不会轻易闯入这样有着白色婚纱的神圣场合 but you are not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl 但是你也不是那样一个男孩,要娶走一个自己不爱的女孩 I sneak in and see your friends 我偷偷溜进去,看见了你的朋友们 and her snotty little family all dressed in pastels 也看见了她穿着可笑浅色衣服的粗鲁家庭 and she is yelling at a bridesmaid somewhere back inside a room wearing a gown shaped like a pastry 她正站在一个房间里面,穿着像酥油点心一样长袍,对着伴娘大吼大叫 this~~ is~~ surely not what you thought it would be 这很明显不是你原来所想所要的 i~~ lose myself in a daydream 我沉醉在我的白日梦中 burst in and say 在梦中,我突然闯入,然后说 (chorus) Don"t say yes runaway now 不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离 I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back door 当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走 don"t wait or say a single vow 不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓 you need to hear me out 你只需要听我说 and they said speak now 他们说:“就现在说吧” (verse 2) fun gestures are exchanged 婚礼依旧顺利的进行 and the organ starts to play a song that sounds like a death march 风琴开始演奏一首像死亡进行曲一样的曲子 and i am hiding in the curtains 我正躲在窗帘之后 it seems that I was uninvited by your lovely bride-to-be 就好像我没有被你那个“可爱的”待嫁新娘邀请一样 she~~ floats down the aisle like a pageant queen 她沿着教堂走道,像一个公主一样,走向婚礼圣坛 but i~~ knowwwww you wish it was me 但是我知道,你希望新娘是我 you wish it was me don"t you 你希望是我,难道不是吗? (chorus 2x) Don"t say yes runaway now 不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离 I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back door 当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走 don"t wait or say a single vow 不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓 you need to hear me out 你只需要听我说 and they said speak now 他们说:“就现在说吧” Don"t say yes runaway now 不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离 I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back door 当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走 don"t wait or say a single vow 不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓 Your time is running out 你的时间已经快要没有了 and they said speak now 他们说:“就现在说吧” i hear the preacher say 我听见牧师在宣读誓词 speak now or forever hold your peace 让我现在就说吧,否则我要永远保持沉默了 there‘s the silence there"s my last chance 现在一片寂静,现在是我最后的机会 i stand up with shaky hands 我颤抖的站在来 all eyes on me 所有人都在看着我 horrified looks from everyone in the room 教堂里的每个人都露出惊骇的表情 but i"m only lookin‘ at you 但是我现在就仅仅在盯着你 I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil ocassion 我不是这样的女孩,不会轻易闯入这样有着白色婚纱的神圣场合 but you are not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl 但是你也不是那样一个男孩,要娶走一个自己不爱的女孩 (chorus) Don"t say yes runaway now 不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离 I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back door 当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走 don"t wait or say a single vow 不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓 you need to hear me out 你只需要听我说 and they said speak now 他们说:“就现在说吧” and you"ll say let"s run away now 你会说:"一起逃走吧 i"ll meet you when i"m out of my tux at the back door 当我脱下婚服,跑出后门,我会跟你离开 baby i didn"t say my vows 我没有向她许誓 so glad you were around when they said speak now 当他们说‘现在说吧"的时候,我很高兴你在这里”

speak now 的歌词

歌曲名称:Speak Now歌曲原唱:Taylor Swift出自专辑:Speak Now发行时间 2010年10月5日歌词:I am not the kind of girlWho should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasionBut you are not the kind of boyWho should be marrying the wrong girlI sneak in and see your friends,And her snotty little family all dressed in pastelAnd she is yelling at a bridesmaid,Somewhere back inside a roomWearing a gown shaped like a pastryThis.. is.. surely not what you thought it would beI.. lose myself in a daydreamWhere I stand and sayDon"t say yes, run away nowI"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the backdoorDon"t wait or say a single vowYou need to hear me out and they said speak nowFun gestures are exchangedAnd the organ starts to play a song that sounds like a death marchAnd I am hiding in the curtainsIt seems that I was uninvited by your lovely bride-to-beShe.. floats down the aisle like a pageant queenI.. know.. you wish it was meYou wish it was me don"t you?Don"t say yes, run away nowI"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the backdoorDon"t wait or say a single vowYou need to hear me out and they said speak nowDon"t say yes, run away nowI"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the backdoorDon"t wait or say a single vowYour time is running out and they said speak nowI hear the preacher say speak now or forever hold your peaceThere"s the silence, there"s my last chanceI stand up with shaking hands, all eyes on meHorrified looks from everyone in the roomBut I"m only looking at youI am not the kind of girlWho should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasionBut you are not the kind of boyWho should be marrying the wrong girlSo don"t say yes, run away nowI"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the backdoorDon"t wait or say a single vowYou need to hear me out and they said speak nowAnd you say lets run away nowI"ll meet when I"m out of my tux at the backdoorBaby I didn"t say my vows,So glad you were aroundWhen they said "Speak now

谁能提供一下“Speak Now”的中英文对照歌词

一、歌曲信息:1、中文名称:爱的告白2、外文名称:Speak Now3、所属专辑:Speak Now4、歌曲时长:4分02秒5、发行时间:2010年10月5日6、歌曲原唱:泰勒·斯威夫特7、音乐风格:乡村流行乐,Teen pop,流行音乐,独立民谣8、歌曲语言:英语9、唱片公司:大机器唱片公司10、单曲格式:数字音乐二、互译歌词:I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil ocassion我不是那种,会在婚礼的时候粗鲁的闯进教堂的女孩But you are not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl但你也不是那种,必须要和不合适的人结婚的男孩I sneak in and see your friends and her snotty little family all dressed in pastells我偷偷的溜进来,看到你的朋友们以及那个女孩自以为是的家人,都穿著光鲜亮丽的礼服And she is yelling at a bridesmaid她正在朝伴娘大声喊叫:Somewhere back inside a room wearing a gown shaped like a pastry“你还不如快去找个地方去穿那件简直像馅饼皮的长袍睡衣!”This is surely not what you thought it would be这肯定不是你想要的生活I lose myself in a daydream我沈浸在我们美好结局的幻想中Burst in and say于是我再也不能忍受了,我说Don"t say yes runaway now不要说那句“我愿意”,现在快和我离开这里吧I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back door你逃出教堂时,我会在后门等你Don"t wait or say a single vow不要再彷徨或者说出那句并非出自你真心的誓言You need to hear me out你必须听我说完,逃走吧And they said speak now在他们要你承诺的那一刻Fun gestures are exchanged(宾客们)有趣的手势在不断的变化And the organ starts to play风琴也开始弹奏新娘进入教堂的音乐A song that sounds like a death march然而对我来说那种声音就像一首死亡进行曲And I am hiding in the curtains我小心翼翼的藏在门帘后面It seems that I was uninvited by your lovely bride-to-be这样使我看起来不像是被你那可爱的新娘邀请来祝福你们的人She floats down the aisle like a pagent queen她像个盛典中高贵的王后一样走过教堂的红地毯But I know you wish it was me但是我心裏明白,你希望那正朝你走来的女孩是我You wish it was me你一定更希望那是我Don"t you不是吗?Don"t say yes runaway now不要说那句“我愿意”,现在快和我离开这里吧I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back door你逃出教堂时,我会在后门等你Don"t wait or say a single vow不要再彷徨或者说出那句并非出自你真心的誓言You need to hear me out你必须听我说完,逃走吧And they said speak now在他们要你承诺的那一刻Don"t say yes runaway now不要说那句“我愿意”,现在快和我离开这里吧I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back door你逃出教堂时,我会在后门等你Don"t wait or say a single vow不要再彷徨或者说出那句并非出自你真心的誓言You need to hear me out你必须听我说完,逃走吧And they said speak now在他们要你承诺的那一刻I hear the preacher say我听到牧师说Speak now or forever hold your peace“如果有谁对他们的结合有异议,那麽现在就说出来,不然就请永恒的祝福他们。”Theres the silence四周一片寂静,都在期待著那个时刻的到来Theres my last chance但我知道这是我的最后机会了I stand up with shaky hands我站起来,摇晃著手表达我的反对All eyes on me所有的目光顿时汇聚到了我的身上Horrified looks from everyone in the room教堂裏所有人都震惊的看著我But I"m only lookin" at you但是我只是专注的凝视著你I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil ocassion我不是那种,会在婚礼的时候粗鲁的闯进教堂的女孩But you are not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl但你也不是那种,必须要和不合适的人结婚的男孩Don"t say yes runaway now不要说那句“我愿意”,现在快和我离开这里吧I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back door你逃出教堂时,我会在后门等你Don"t wait or say a single vow不要再彷徨或者说出那句并非出自你真心的誓言You need to hear me out你必须听我说完,逃走吧And they said speak now在他们要你承诺的那一刻And you"ll say let"s run away now你终于大胆的对我说出口:让我们现在就离开这裏吧I"ll meet you when I"m out of my tux at the back door我会脱下这身礼服,就在后门和你见面Baby I didn"t say my vows亲爱的,我没有对别人说出那句誓言So glad you were around when they said speak now万幸 他们让我承诺前,有你在我身边阻止了我三、鉴赏:《Speak Now》是一首典型的乡村流行乐(Country pop)歌曲,融入了独立民谣(Indie folk)和Teen pop的音乐风格;歌曲时长为四分零二秒,拥有每分钟120次的温和节奏;根据《Speak Now》的音谱数据显示,这首歌曲的音调以G大调为主,和弦变化为“G-D-Am-C”,泰勒·斯威夫特的音域必须位于A3和D5之间。

Taylor Swift的Mean和Speak Now的歌词

Speak nowim not a kind of girlwho shoule be rudely barging in on a white veil ocassionbut you are not the kind of boywho should be marrying the wrong girli sneak in and see your friends and her snotty little family all dressed in pastellsand she was yelling at a bridesmaidsomewhere back inside a room wearing a gown shaped like a pastrysurely know what you thought it would belose myself for the daydreamburst in and saydont say yes runaway nowi"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back doordont wait or say a single vowyou need to hear me outand they said speak nowfun gestures are exchanged and the organ starts to play a song that sounds like a death marchand i am hiding in the curtainsit seems that i was uninvited by your lovely bride-to-beshe floats down the aisle like a pagent queenbut i knowyou wish it was meyou wish it was medont youdont say yes runaway nowi"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back doordont wait or say a single vowyou need to hear me outand they said speak nowdont say yes runaway nowi"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back doordont wait or say a single vowyou tells me running outand they said speak nowi hear the preacher sayspeak now or forever hold your peacetheres the silence theres my last chance i stand up with shaky handsall eyes on mehorrified looks from everyone in the roombut im only lookin at youim not a kind of girlwho shoule be rudely barging in on a white veil ocassionbut you are not the kind of boywho should be marrying the wrong girldont say yes runaway nowi"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back doordont wait or say a single vowyou need to hear me outand they said speak nowand you"ll say let"s run away nowi"ll meet you when i"m out of my tux at the back doorbaby i didn"t say any vowsso glad you were around when they said speak now You, with your words like knives and swords and weapons that you use against meYou, have knocked me off my feet again, got me feeling like a nothingYou, with your voice like nails on a chalk board calling me out when I"m windedYou, picking on the weaker manYou can take me down, with just one single blowBut you don"t know, what you don"t knowSome day, I"ll be living in a big ole cityAnd all you"re ever gonna be is meanSome day, I"ll be big enough so you can"t hit meAnd all you"re ever gonna be is mean, why you gotta be so mean?You, with your switching sides and your wildfire lies and your humiliationI walk with my head down tryna block you out, cause I"ll never impress youYou, have pointed out my flaws again as if I don"t already see themI bet you got pushed around, somebody made you coldI just wanna feel okay againBut the cycle ends right now, cause you can"t lead me down that roadSome day, I"ll be living in a big ole cityAnd you don"t know, what you don"t knowAnd all you"re ever gonna be is meanSome day, I"ll be big enough so you can"t hit meAnd all you"re ever gonna be is mean, why you gotta be so mean?And I can see you years from now in a bar talking over a football gameWith that same big, loud opinion but nobody"s listeningWashed up and ranting about the same old bitter thingsDrunk and rumbling on about how I can"t sing, but all you are is meanAll you are is mean, and a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life,And mean, and mean, and mean, and meanBut some day, I"ll be living in a bi[by:心无牵]g ole cityAnd all you"re ever gonna be is mean. YeahSome day, I"ll be big enough so you can"t hit meAnd all you"re ever gonna be is mean, why you gotta be so mean?Some day, I"ll be living in a big ole cityAnd all you"re ever gonna be is meanSome day, I"ll be big enough so you can"t hit meAnd all you"re ever gonna be is mean, why you gotta be so mean?

给个泰勒新歌,Speak Now歌词吧!!要一句英语,一句汉语的!


speak now (泰勒·斯威夫特)的中文歌词.无误的

歌词   I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in   on a white veil occasion   我不是这样的女孩,不会轻易闯入这样有着白色婚纱的神圣场合   but you are not the kind of boy   who should be marrying the wrong girl   但是你也不是那样一个男孩,要娶走一个自己不爱的女孩   I sneak in and see your friends   我偷偷溜进去,看见了你的朋友们   and her snotty little family all dressed in pastels   也看见了她穿着可笑浅色衣服的傲慢的家人   and she is yelling at a bridesmaid   somewhere back inside a room wearing a gown shaped like a pastry   她正站在一个房间里面,穿着像酥油点心一样长袍,对着伴娘大吼大叫   this~~ is~~ surely not what you thought it would be   这很明显不是你原来所想所要的   i~~ lose myself in a daydream   我沉醉在我的白日梦中   burst in and say   在梦中,我突然闯入,然后说 Speak Now单曲(chorus)   Don"t say yes runaway now   不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离   I"ll meet you when you"re out   of the church at the back door   当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走   don"t wait or say a single vow   不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓   you need to hear me out   你只需要听我说   and they said speak now   他们说:“就现在说吧”   (verse 2)   fun gestures are exchanged   婚礼依旧顺利的进行   and the organ starts to play   a song that sounds like a death march   风琴开始演奏一首像死亡进行曲一样的曲子   and i am hiding in the curtains   我正躲在窗帘之后   it seems that I was uninvited by your lovely bride-to-be   就好像我没有被你那个“可爱的”待嫁新娘邀请一样   she~~ floats down the aisle like a pageant queen   她沿着教堂走道,像一个公主一样,走向婚礼圣坛   but i~~ knowwwww you wish it was me   但是我知道,你希望新娘是我   you wish it was me   don"t you   你希望是我,难道不是吗?   (chorus 2x)   Don"t say yes run away now   不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离   I"ll meet you when you"re out   of the church at the back door   当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走   don"t wait or say a single vow   不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓   you need to hear me out   你只需要听我说   and they said speak now   他们说:“就现在说吧”   Don"t say yes run away now   不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离   I"ll meet you when you"re out   of the church at the back door   当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走   don"t wait or say a single vow   不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓   Your time is running out   你的时间已经快要没有了   and they said speak now   他们说:“就现在说吧”   i hear the preacher say   我听见牧师在宣读誓词   speak now or forever hold your peace   让我现在就说吧,否则我要永远保持沉默了   there‘s the silence   there"s my last chance   现在一片寂静,现在是我最后的机会   i stand up with shaking hands   我摆着手站起来   all eyes on me   所有人都在看着我   horrified looks from everyone in the room   教堂里的每个人都露出惊骇的表情   but i"m only lookin‘ at you   但是我现在就仅仅在盯着你   I am not the kind of girl   who should be rudely barging in   on a white veil ocassion   我不是这样的女孩,不会轻易闯入这样有着白色婚纱的神圣场合   but you are not the kind of boy   who should be marrying the wrong girl   但是你也不是那样一个男孩,要娶走一个自己不爱的女孩   (chorus)   So don"t say yes run away now   不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离   I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back door   当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走   don"t wait or say a single vow   不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓   you need to hear me out   你只需要听我说   and they said speak now   他们说:“就现在说吧”   and you"ll say let"s run away now   你会说:"一起逃走吧   i"ll meet you when i"m out of my tux at the back door   当我脱下婚服,跑出后门,我会跟你离开   baby i didn"t say my vows   我没有向她许誓   so glad you were around when they said speak now   当他们说‘现在说吧"的时候,我很高兴你在这里”

speak now的创作背景

《Speak Now》的歌曲歌词由泰勒·斯威夫特个人编写,内森·查普曼负责音乐制作 。泰勒·斯威夫特在接受采访时,表示这首歌曲的创作灵感来源于她一个女性朋友告诉她的故事,并透露她的这个朋友在高中的时候就和自己的男朋友分道扬镳了,后来她这个朋友的男朋友告诉她自己要结婚了,娶的是一个可怕的女孩子。于是,她就想问她的这个朋友一句“哦,你现在想要说些什么吗?” 。

speak now的创作背景

《Speak Now》的歌曲歌词由泰勒·斯威夫特个人编写,内森·查普曼负责音乐制作 。泰勒·斯威夫特在接受采访时,表示这首歌曲的创作灵感来源于她一个女性朋友告诉她的故事,并透露她的这个朋友在高中的时候就和自己的男朋友分道扬镳了,后来她这个朋友的男朋友告诉她自己要结婚了,娶的是一个可怕的女孩子。于是,她就想问她的这个朋友一句“哦,你现在想要说些什么吗?” 。

Taylor Swift - Speak Now 准确的中文歌词

我不是这样的女孩,不会轻易闯入这样有着白色婚纱的神圣场合 但是你也不是那样一个男孩,要娶走一个自己不爱的女孩 我偷偷溜进去,看见了你的朋友们 也看见了她穿着可笑浅色衣服的粗鲁家庭 她正站在一个房间里面,穿着像酥油点心一样长袍,对着伴娘大吼大叫 这很明显不是你原来所想所要的 我沉醉在我的白日梦中 在梦中,我突然闯入,然后说 不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离 当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走 不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓 你只需要听我说 他们说:“就现在说吧” 婚礼依旧顺利的进行 风琴开始演奏一首像死亡进行曲一样的曲子 我正躲在窗帘之后 就好像我没有被你那个“可爱的”待嫁新娘邀请一样 她沿着教堂走道,像一个公主一样,走向婚礼圣坛 但是我知道,你希望新娘是我 你希望是我,难道不是吗? 不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离 当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走 不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓 你只需要听我说 他们说:“就现在说吧” 不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离 当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走 不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓 你的时间已经快要没有了 他们说:“就现在说吧” 我听见牧师在宣读誓词 让我现在就说吧,否则我要永远保持沉默了 现在一片寂静,现在是我最后的机会 我颤抖的站在来 所有人都在看着我 教堂里的每个人都露出惊骇的表情 但是我现在就仅仅在盯着你 我不是这样的女孩,不会轻易闯入这样有着白色婚纱的神圣场合 但是你也不是那样一个男孩,要娶走一个自己不爱的女孩 不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离 当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走 不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓 你只需要听我说 他们说:“就现在说吧” 你会说:"一起逃走吧 当我脱下婚服,跑出后门,我会跟你离开 我没有向她许誓 当他们说‘现在说吧"的时候,我很高兴你在这里”

求speak now的歌是写个谁的!!

This song was inspired by one of my friends who was telling me about her childhood sweetheart, crush guy. They were kind of together in high school and went their separate ways, and it was kind of understood that they were gonna get back together. Then, she one day comes in and tells me he"s getting married. He had met this girl who was just this mean person who made him completely stop talking to all of his friends, cut off his family, had him like so completely isolated. And I just, kind of randomly, was like, "So, you gonna speak now?" She was like, "What do you mean?" And I was like "Oh, you know, like storm the church, speak now or forever hold your peace? I"ll go with you. I"ll play guitar. It would be great." She was just kind of laughing, and later on I just was wrapping my mind around that idea of how tragic it would be if someone you loved was marrying somebody else.Later I had a dream about one of my ex-boyfriends getting married, and it just all came together that I needed to write this song about interrupting a wedding. For me, I like to think of it as good versus evil, and this girl is so completely painted as the evil one. So this is "Speak Now."

Taylor Swift的《Speak Now》 歌词

歌曲名:Speak Now歌手:Taylor Swift专辑:Speak Now (Karaoke Version)Taylor Swift - Speak NowI am not the kind of girlWho should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasionBut you are not the kind of boyWho should be marrying the wrong girlI sneak in and see your friends,And her snotty little family all dressed in pastelAnd she is yelling at a bridesmaid,Somewhere back inside a roomWearing a gown shaped like a pastryThis.. is.. surely not what you thought it would beI.. lose myself in a daydreamWhere I stand and sayDon"t say yes, run away nowI"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the backdoorDon"t wait or say a single vowYou need to hear me out and they said speak nowFun gestures are exchangedAnd the organ starts to play a song that sounds like a death marchAnd I am hiding in the curtainsIt seems that I was uninvited by your lovely bride-to-beShe.. floats down the aisle like a pageant queenI.. know.. you wish it was meYou wish it was me don"t you?Don"t say yes, run away nowI"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the backdoorDon"t wait or say a single vowYou need to hear me out and they said speak nowDon"t say yes, run away nowI"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the backdoorDon"t wait or say a single vowYour time is running out and they said speak nowI hear the preacher say speak now or forever hold your peaceThere"s the silence, there"s my last chanceI stand up with shaking hands, all eyes on meHorrified looks from everyone in the roomBut I"m only looking at youI am not the kind of girlWho should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasionBut you are not the kind of boyWho should be marrying the wrong girlSo don"t say yes, run away nowI"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the backdoorDon"t wait or say a single vowYou need to hear me out and they said speak nowAnd you say lets run away nowI"ll meet when I"m out of my tux at the backdoorBaby I didn"t say my vows,So glad you were aroundWhen they said "Speak now"

Taylor 的Speak Now歌词

Taylor Swift - 《Speak Now》中英对照歌词:I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion 我不是这样的女孩,不会轻易闯入这样有着白色婚纱的神圣场合 but you are not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl 但是你也不是那样一个男孩,要娶走一个自己不爱的女孩 I sneak in and see your friends 我偷偷溜进去,看见了你的朋友们 and her snotty little family all dressed in pastels 也看见了她穿着可笑浅色衣服的粗鲁家庭 and she is yelling at a bridesmaid somewhere back inside a room wearing a gown shaped like a pastry 她正站在一个房间里面,穿着像酥油点心一样长袍,对着伴娘大吼大叫 this~~ is~~ surely not what you thought it would be 这很明显不是你原来所想所要的 i~~ lose myself in a daydream 我沉醉在我的白日梦中 burst in and say 在梦中,我突然闯入,然后说 (chorus) Don"t say yes runaway now 不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离 I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back door 当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走 don"t wait or say a single vow 不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓 you need to hear me out 你只需要听我说 and they said speak now 他们说:“就现在说吧” (verse 2) fun gestures are exchanged 婚礼依旧顺利的进行 and the organ starts to play a song that sounds like a death march 风琴开始演奏一首像死亡进行曲一样的曲子 and i am hiding in the curtains 我正躲在窗帘之后 it seems that I was uninvited by your lovely bride-to-be 就好像我没有被你那个“可爱的”待嫁新娘邀请一样 she~~ floats down the aisle like a pageant queen 她沿着教堂走道,像一个公主一样,走向婚礼圣坛 but i~~ knowwwww you wish it was me 但是我知道,你希望新娘是我 you wish it was me don"t you 你希望是我,难道不是吗? (chorus 2x) Don"t say yes runaway now 不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离 I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back door 当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走 don"t wait or say a single vow 不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓 you need to hear me out 你只需要听我说 and they said speak now 他们说:“就现在说吧” Don"t say yes runaway now 不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离 I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back door 当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走 don"t wait or say a single vow 不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓 Your time is running out 你的时间已经快要没有了and they said speak now 他们说:“就现在说吧” i hear the preacher say 我听见牧师在宣读誓词 speak now or forever hold your peace 让我现在就说吧,否则我要永远保持沉默了 there‘s the silence there"s my last chance 现在一片寂静,现在是我最后的机会 i stand up with shaky hands 我颤抖的站在来 all eyes on me 所有人都在看着我 horrified looks from everyone in the room 教堂里的每个人都露出惊骇的表情 but i"m only lookin‘ at you 但是我现在就仅仅在盯着你 I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil ocassion 我不是这样的女孩,不会轻易闯入这样有着白色婚纱的神圣场合 but you are not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl 但是你也不是那样一个男孩,要娶走一个自己不爱的女孩 (chorus) Don"t say yes runaway now 不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离 I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back door 当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走 don"t wait or say a single vow 不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓 you need to hear me out 你只需要听我说 and they said speak now 他们说:“就现在说吧” and you"ll say let"s run away now 你会说:"一起逃走吧 i"ll meet you when i"m out of my tux at the back door 当我脱下婚服,跑出后门,我会跟你离开 baby i didn"t say my vows 我没有向她许誓 so glad you were around when they said speak now 当他们说‘现在说吧"的时候,我很高兴你在这里

taylor swift日版speak now world tourCD+DVD里有没有歌词本

因该有 我有speaknow 的 cd +dvd 卡拉OK 版有歌词本 的没有tay 原唱

怎么鉴定Taylor Swift《Speak Now》美版豪华CD是正版还是盗版?

我不会告诉你国内电脑系统 WIN7还是XP MediaPlayer TM全不好用,老是抽风,说我系统是盗版,我花上百块大洋买的盗版,我去年买了个表!是播放器问题!

豪华版speak now与speak now有什么不同

豪华版有3首加歌,除了lz提及的superman和ours,还有BTD另一版本、歌词本和mine的MV,这都是普通版没有的 豪华版封面是红裙子、普通版是紫裙子。


speaknow重录在2022年05月22日 发了。霉霉speaknow重录视频专题为您提供,霉霉speaknow重录的相关视频,欢迎观看霉霉speaknow重录精品视频,看视频就上小黄鸭娱乐。

泰勒的speak now 中文音译,不是中文歌词 是音译

一般翻译成”爱的告白“,如果你去查字典,speak now 是”现在就说“的意思。

霉霉的《Fearless》和《Speak Now》这两张专辑里有什么歌曲推荐?


taylor swift 的《speak now》专辑销量为多少

美国流行音乐小天后、全球青少年偶像泰勒u2022史薇芙特于3月31日在伦敦O2场馆举行了《Speak Now爱的告白世界巡回演唱会》的最后一场海外演出。环球音乐高层为她举行了特别的颁奖仪式,表彰其三张专辑在全球卖出2000万张的骄人成绩。年仅21岁的泰勒出道时间不长却成就非凡,她是4座格莱美奖得主,成为该奖历史上最年轻的年度专辑大奖获得者。才华横溢的她包办所有个人专辑的词曲创作,其中第二张个人大碟《Fearless放手去爱》更是荣登2009年全美最畅销专辑。而全新大碟《Speak Now爱的告白》刷新了北美专辑销售统计系统SoundScan公司自2005年以来的最佳单周销售纪录。在热卖的同时,专辑中有11首歌曲在同一周打进Billboard公告牌全美热门单曲榜百名之列,缔造了单周拥有最多首进榜单曲的历史纪录!与此同时,她还是Billboard 公告牌2009与2010年音乐播放次数最高的艺人。泰勒在全球5大洲18个国家获颁金唱片、白金唱片以及多白金唱片的销量认证。除此之外,她的歌曲在数字下载市场累计销量超过3300万次,成为音乐史上最畅销的数字下载销售艺人,同时也是21世纪至今专辑在榜周数最久的艺人。惊人的销售成绩还不足以说明一切,权威乐评的肯定才真正奠定了泰勒叫好又叫座的美誉。老牌音乐杂志《滚石》对其最新两张大碟均给出了4/5分的绝赞高评,而美国《娱乐周刊》更将2010年度娱乐人物的大奖授予她。3月31日的演出是泰勒海外巡演的最后一站,接下来她将于5月27日马不停蹄开始北美巡演的步伐。今年她将总计在全球97个场馆为全世界的歌迷展现自己的音乐热情。泰勒刚刚获得了第46届美国乡村音乐学院奖的四项提名,其中包括最受关注的“年度艺人”大奖。而在日前提前公布的乡村音乐学院奖6项大奖中,她赢得了“吉姆-里夫斯国际大使奖”殊荣,用以表彰她使美国乡村音乐获得世界各地乐迷的认同而做出的贡献。

Taylor Swift 《speak now》去过哪里开演唱会




speak now的专辑曲目

专辑封面中的泰勒·斯威夫特身穿一袭紫色薄纱长裙,而裙尾四周相互融缀的白紫亮点,则给观众带来梦幻般的华丽视觉,又显得性感成熟而不失小女人韵味。《Speak Now》这张专辑均由泰勒·斯威夫特参与创作。她写的歌词都与她的生活密切相关,例如《Mine》:它透露了少女在恋爱中的甜蜜心事和失恋后的痛苦失落,虽然看待事物的角度间或有些90后的自我中心,但也无伤大雅。泰勒自己创作的歌曲旋律都相当入耳,专辑中既有像《Sparks Fly》那样带有摇滚风和火热青春动感的经典乡村作品,也有《Dear John》似的慢板抒情民谣歌曲,展现泰勒细腻感伤的一面。不可忽略的是,泰勒·斯威夫特越来越敢于展现出其柔韧硬朗的个性,就如同专辑名称那样,她把很多真实的想法通过音乐大声地表达出来。在《Mean》中她急促地弹拨着吉他,用不屑的姿态表达着对来自媒体的尖锐批评和讽刺的强硬反抗。早2009年VMAs上,坎耶·维斯特让她尴尬得下不了台,专辑中的《Innocent》就是写给坎耶·维斯特的。沉郁忧伤的曲调让人为之动容,歌词中却流露出宽容的意味。整首歌令人回味悠长 。 《Speak Now》本身就是张挑战极限的专辑,如此大面积地暴露个人恩怨,这对于一位(乡村音乐)歌手来说并不符合常理。因为,没有一位乡村乐手的专辑会这样做,做得大气十足,气势磅礴,几乎能将能想到的乐器都派上用场,《Speak Now》已经不再是清新、流畅,而是大气、强势。专辑里的歌曲完全背离了泰勒·斯威夫特乃以成名的乡村小调(比如《Tim McGraw》以及《White Horse》)。没错,专辑缺少的就是这份亲切感,它完全是张速食的流行专辑,乡村乐应该是可以伴你在路上慢慢回忆往日的背景乐,而《Speak Now》实在是太光芒必露,太多的火药味让泰勒·斯威夫特的玉女形象以及甜美声音失去了魅力。《Speak Now》试图塑造一位成熟女人的形象,里面存在着一个伪命题:“成长”。之所以是伪命题,是因为作为歌手的泰勒·斯威夫特根本没到该成熟的时候。自上张专辑两年之后,泰勒·斯威夫特此次完全以成熟面孔示人,《Speak Now》里的歌曲,从歌词到唱法都与《Fearless》有着明显不同 。

Taylor的speak now的翻译中英对照

I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil ocassion我不是那种在婚礼进行时粗暴闯进教堂的女孩but you are not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl但你也不是娶一个不喜欢的女孩的男人I sneak in and see your friends and her snotty little family all dressed in pastels我悄悄潜入 看见了穿着柔和颜色衣服的你的朋友和她那自大的小家庭and she is yelling at a bridesmaid somewhere back inside a room wearing a gown shaped like a pastry还有吼着伴娘回房间中去穿那个形状像点心的长袍的她thisssss isss surely not what you thought it would be这绝对不是你想要的iiiiii lose myself in a daydream我估计是深深陷进了白日梦burst in and say突然打断说道Don"t say yes runaway now别说"愿意" 快点逃跑I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back door你从教堂门后跑后我会来找你don"t wait or say a single vow别等了,不然就说个单身誓言you need to hear me out听我说完and they said speak now他们也在说提出异议吧!fun gestures are exchanged有趣的手势交替变换着and the organ starts to play风琴开始弹奏a song that sounds like a death march像死亡行军的歌声响起and i am hiding in the curtains我藏在窗帘后面it seems that I was uninvited by your lovely bride-to-be看来我不被你那可爱的新娘邀请sheeee floats down the aisle like a pagent queen她像帕金特皇后一样从红毯上走过but iiiiiii knowwwww you wish it was me但我知道你希望那是我you wish it was me你希望是我don"t you不是吗?Don"t say yes runaway now别说"愿意" 快点逃跑I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back door你从教堂门后跑后我会来找你don"t wait or say a single vow别傻站着,不然就说个单身誓言you need to hear me out听我说完and they said speak now他们也在说提出异议吧!i hear the preacher say我听到那个牧师说speak now or forever hold your peace(如果有任何人能够有正当的理由证明他们的结合不是合法的)请现在提出来或请永远保持沉默theres the silence周围一片寂静theres my last chance这是我最后的机会i stand up with shaky hands我举着颤抖的双手站起all eyes on me所有人都看着我horrified looks from everyone in the room教堂中每个人向我露出惊恐的表情but i"m only lookin at you但我只看着你I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil ocassion我不是那种在婚礼进行时粗暴闯进教堂的女孩but you are not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl但你也不是娶一个不喜欢的女孩的男人And you"ll say let"s run away now你一定会说:让我们一起远走高飞I"ll meet you when i"m out of my tux at the back door当我脱下这该死的礼服后就到后面见你baby i didn"t say my vows我不会说我的誓言so glad you were around when they said speak now当他们提出异议时有你在身边真好

求《speak Now》的中文意思,讲什么故事?

歌曲讲述的是:Taylor心仪的对象要结婚了,新娘却不是她。在婚礼上,Taylor问他要不要和她走,她知道他心里只爱她一个。这时候婚礼的嘉宾们就让男主选择,要Speak now,于是他选了Taylor,和她相会,从此过上了幸福的生活。简单说就是抢婚,但是她不是那种粗鲁的女孩,没有像电视剧里演的一样,冲进现场拉起男主的手就跑。她只是静静地躲在布帘后面等待新郎的答案。喜欢泰勒的歌 噢嘞嘞

Taylor sweet的专辑《speak now》里有什么歌

1. Mine 2. Sparks Fly 3. Back To December 4. Speak Now 5. Dear John 6. Mean 7. The Story Of Us 8. Never Grow Up 9. Enchanted 10. Better Than Revenge 11. Innocent 12. Haunted 13. Last Kiss 14. Long Live

求taylor swift 《Speak Now》专辑歌曲名的字体

Taylor swift是:Satisfactionspeak now那几个字是:Sudestada只不过speak now “speak”是另一个字体,那个字体找不到了,“now”都是Sudestada

《speak now》整张专辑歌词

《Speak Now》I am not the kind of girl,Who should be rudely bargin" in on a white veil occasion,But you are not the kind of boy,Who should be marryin" the wrong girlI sneak in and see your friends,And her snotty little family, all dressed in pastel,And she is yelling at a bridesmaid,Somewhere back inside a room,Wearing a gown shaped like a pastry,This is surely not what you thought it would be,I lose myself in a daydream,Where I stand and say"Don"t say yes, run away now,I"ll meet you when you"re out,Of the church at the back door,Don"t wait or say a single vow,You need to hear me out,"And they said, "Speak now"Fond gestures are exchanged,And the organ starts to playA song that sounds like a death march,And I am hiding in the curtains,It seems I was uninvited by your lovely bride-to-be,She floats down the aisle like a pageant queen,But I know you wish it was me,You wish it was me, don"t you?Don"t say yes, run away now,I"ll meet you when you"re out,Of the church at the back door,Don"t wait or say a single vow,You need to hear me out,And they said, "Speak now"Don"t say yes, run away now,I"ll meet you when you"re out,Of the church at the back door,Don"t wait or say a single vow,Your time is running out,And they said, "Speak now"I hear the preacher say,"Speak now or forever hold your peace,"There"s a silence, there"s my last chance,I stand up with shaking hands,All eyes on me,Horrified looks from everyone in the room,But I"m only lookin" at youI am not the kind of girl,Who should be rudely bargin" in on a white veil occasion,But you are not the kind of boy,Who should be marryin" the wrong girlDon"t say yes, run away now,I"ll meet you when you"re out,Of the church at the back door,Don"t wait or say a single vow,You need to hear me out,And they said, "Speak now"And you say, "Let"s run away now,I"ll meet you when I"m out of my tux at the back door,Oh baby, I didn"t say my vow,So glad you were around when they said, "Speak now"1、Mine2、Sparks Fly3、Back To December4、Speak Now5、Dear John6、Mean7、The Story Of Us8、Never Grow Up9、Enchanted10、Better Than Revenge11、Innocent12、Haunted13、Last Kiss14、Long Live 15、Ours16、If This Was A Movie17、Superman18、Back To December(Acoustic)19、Haunted(Acoustic)20、Mine(Pop Mix)21 Mine(MV:Behind the Scenes)22 Mine(Music Video)

speak now的歌曲鉴赏

《Speak Now》是一首典型的乡村流行乐(Country pop)歌曲,融入了独立民谣(Indie folk)和Teen pop的音乐风格;歌曲时长为四分零二秒,拥有每分钟120次的温和节奏;根据《Speak Now》的音谱数据显示,这首歌曲的音调以G大调为主,和弦变化为“G-D-Am-C”,泰勒·斯威夫特的音域必须位于A3和D5之间 。

泰勒史薇芙特《Speak Now》的创作背景

建议看一下一个视频,taylor swift的成名经历,优酷猴姆就有,一看你就懂得

speak now中英文歌词

Speak Now的中英文对照歌词 I am not the kind of girlwho should be rudely barging in on a white evil ocassion我也许不是那种在婚礼上横冲直撞的鲁莽女孩but you are not the kind of boywho should be marrying the wrong girl但是你不应该是那种和错误的女孩结婚的男孩I sneak in and see your friends我溜了进来看见你的朋友们and her snotty little family all dressed in pastells还有她的那些穿着五颜六色礼服的庸俗的家人and she is yelling at a bridesmaidsomewhere back inside a room wearing a gown shaped like a pastry而她正在一个房间里,穿着一件形状好似面团的礼服对着伴娘发脾气thisssss isss surely not what you thought it would be这肯定不是你想要的iiiiiii lose myself in a daydream我沉浸在自己的幻想中burst in and say我冲了进来说道(chorus)Don"t say yes runaway now不要说“我愿意”和我一起离开这里I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back door我会在教堂外的后门等你don"t wait or say a single vow不要再等待不要再说任何誓言you need to hear me out请听我把话说完and they said speak now他们说现在就说出来吧(verse 2)fun gestures are exchanged人们在用可笑的手势交流着and the organ starts to playa song that sounds like a death march手风琴开始演奏起一首听起来就像死亡进行曲一样的曲子and i am hiding in the curtains我躲在幕后it seems that I was uninvited by your lovely bride-to-be似乎并没有收到你那美丽新娘的邀请sheeee floats down the aisle like a pagent queen她就像一个选美冠军一样走过过道but iiiiiii knowwwww you wish it was me但是我知道你希望这是我you wish it was medon"t you难道你不希望这是我吗(chorus 2x)i hear the preacher say我听到牧师说speak now or forever hold your peace说出来吧否则永远都没有机会了theres the silence周围静了下来theres my last chance这对于我来说是最后一次机会i stand up with shaky hands我站了起来手在颤抖着all eyes on me所有的目光聚集在我的身上horrified looks from everyone in the room房间里的每个人都惊恐的看着我but i"m only lookin at you但是我的眼里只有你I am not the kind of girlwho should be rudely barging in on a white evil ocassion我也许不是那种在婚礼上横冲直撞的鲁莽女孩but you are not the kind of boywho should be marrying the wrong girl但是你不应该是那种和错误的女孩结婚的男孩(chorus)and you"ll say let"s run away now你说让我们一起离开这里吧i"ll meet you when i"m out of my tux at the back door我会脱掉礼服在后门等你baby i didn"t say my vows亲爱的,我没有发任何誓so glad you were around when they said speak now当他们说现在就说出来的时候,很高兴你就在这里


以下是Taylor Swift的Speak Now的歌词:I"m sorry the old me sawSorry the old me sawThe things I could say to make you love meI say, I sayBut I won"t back downYou can"t even make me madCause when you hold me in your armsI"m属于那里Speak now, tell me there"s no way you feel itClutching at straws, but the age of you made you see itComing like a freight train, but you had your doubtsBoy, you better speak now, because you"re running out of timeI know you"re thinking that I"m youngAnd that I"m changing everytingBut I"m not, I"m notDon"t try to tell me that you love meIf by now, you haven"t figured outThat I"m the best thing that happened to youSpeak now, tell me there"s no way you feel itClutching at straws, but the age of you made you see itComing like a freight train, but you had your doubtsBoy, you better speak now, because you"re running out of timeI will not let you waste my timeThe same boy who makes me singAnd makes my heart feel so alive快说,你有什么要说的快说,你有什么要说的Speak now, tell me there"s no way you feel itClutching at straws, but the age of you made you see itComing like a freight train, but you had your doubtsBoy, you better speak now, because you"re running out of time (time)

Taylor Swift - Speak Now什么意思?


speak now 中文是什么意思


speak now的介绍

《Speak Now》是美国乡村流行乐女歌手泰勒·斯威夫特演唱的一首歌曲,歌词和曲谱由泰勒·斯威夫特个人编写,内森·查普曼负责参与音乐制作。该歌曲收录在泰勒·斯威夫特的第三张录音室专辑《Speak Now》中12,并作为推广专辑的首支宣传单曲,由大机器唱片公司发布于2010年10月5日。

knowledge comes from questioning什么意思

knowledge comes from questioning知识来自于提问

Once there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all o...

小题1:B小题2:A小题3:B小题4:D小题5:B 试题分析:这篇文章是一个寓言故事,通过几个情感在岛上的遭遇和对待爱的不同做法,最后说明的道理是:只有时间知道爱多么珍贵。小题1:细节题:从第一段的句子:One day it was said that the island would go down,可知这个3要下沉了。选B小题2:考查反意问句回答:从第3段的句子Sadness was close by, so Love asked, “Sadness, let me go with you .” “Oh, Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!”可知sadness看见love了,问句是前否后肯的反意问句,用实际情况回答,看见了用:Yes ,he did。选A小题3:细节题:从第4段的句子:Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even notice when Love called her.可知Happiness没有看见love。选B小题4:细节题:从倒数第二段的Who helped me?” “It was Time,” Knowledge answered. 可知是time救了love。选D小题5:猜词题:句意:只有时间知道爱多么珍贵。选B点评:这篇文章通俗易懂,题目主要以细节题为主,有一题是对反意问句的回答,既考查了文章的细节,也考查对此类反意问句的回答方法,这道题应该是错的较多的。



somebody to know是什么意思?

歌曲歌词:I"m going under and this time I fear there"s no one to save me我欲沉沦堕落,又恐无人相救This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy这非成即败的爱让我逐渐失去理智I need somebody to heal我需要有人治愈Somebody to know有人倾诉Somebody to have有人陪伴Somebody to hold有人相拥It"s easy to say这知之非难But it"s never the same却行之不易I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain我想我还是喜欢你麻木伤痛的样子Now the day bleeds血染残霞Into nightfall夜幕将袭And you"re not here你不在此To get me through it all与我披荆斩棘I let my guard down我毫无防备And then you pulled the rug你的离开令我措手不及I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved我也逐渐习惯了成为你爱过的人I"m going under and this time I fear there"s no one to turn to我欲沉沦堕落,又恐无人相助This all or nothing way of loving got me sleeping without you这非成即败的爱让我与你异地而眠Now, I need somebody to know我需要有人倾诉Somebody to heal有人治愈Somebody to have有人陪伴Just to know how it feels只要能感同身受It"s easy to say but it"s never the same这知之非难,却行之不易I guess I kinda liked the way you helped me escape我想我还是喜欢你助我逃脱的样子Now the day bleeds血染残霞Into nightfall夜幕将袭And you"re not here你不在此To get me through it all与我披荆斩棘I let my guard down我毫无防备And then you pulled the rug你的离开令我措手不及I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved我也逐渐习惯了成为你爱过的人And I tend to close my eyes when it hurts sometimes当我感到难过时,我总是闭上双眼I fall into your arms投入你的怀抱I"ll be safe in your sound til I come back around直到回到你身边,我都会一直安好For now the day bleeds血染残霞Into nightfall夜幕将袭And you"re not here你不在此To get me through it all与我披荆斩棘I let my guard down我毫无防备And then you pulled the rug你的离开令我措手不及I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved我也逐渐习惯了成为你爱过的人But now the day bleeds血染残霞Into nightfall夜幕将袭And you"re not here你不在此To get me through it all与我披荆斩棘I let my guard down我毫无防备And then you pulled the rug你的离开令我措手不及I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved我也逐渐习惯了成为你爱过的人I let my guard down我毫无防备And then you pulled the rug你的离开令我措手不及I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved我也逐渐习惯了成为你爱过的人获奖信息2019年3月11日,该歌曲获得2019年全球十大最畅销单曲。2020年2月19日凌晨,第40届全英音乐奖(2020 BRIT Awards)在英国伦敦揭晓,由Lewis Capaldi演唱的歌曲《Someone You Loved》当选为最佳英国歌曲。

Some Study That I Used to Know歌词

Now and then I think of when we were together有时候我还想著当我们以前在一起的时光Like when you said you felt so happy you could die像是你曾对我说过和我在一起 人生死而无憾Told myself that you were right for me而我就是你人生中的唯一的一切But felt so lonely in your company直到连跟你在一起的时刻,竟让我感到孤独But that was love and it"s an ache I still remember我知道这就是爱到刻骨铭心的痛,让我深深烙印脑海中You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness你沉醉在悲伤中Like resignation to the end, always the end说著不想要结束这段情,最不想看到结束的到来So when we found that we could not make sense最後我们还是发现我们俩不会有结果Well you said that we would still be friends你说我们还可以继续当朋友But I"ll admit that I was glad it was over我很天真以为这样的结局让我可以带著微笑结束But you didn"t have to cut me off但你可以不用做的那麼死Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing如同我们完全没任何瓜葛就想一点关系也没有And I don"t even need your love我已不需要你的任何一点爱But you treat me like a stranger and I feel so rough但你却把我当成陌生人一般这感觉有多麼伤人You didn"t have to stoop so low你不需要把事情搞得这麼复杂Have your friends collect your records and then change your number把事情点点滴滴都告诉你的朋友 接著换了新的号码I guess that I don"t need that though我想我也不需要知道你的消息Now you"re just somebody that I used to know现在你对我来说,只是我曾经认识的一个人Now you"re just somebody that I used to know现在你对我来说,只是我曾经认识的一个人Now you"re just somebody that I used to know现在你对我来说,只是我曾经认识的一个人女:Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over现在想起来,你真的把我耍得团团转But had me believing it was always something that I"d done让我觉得一切好像都是愚蠢的我造成的And I don"t wanna live that way我不想继续过如此不长进的生活Reading into every word you say像是惦记著你以往曾经说过的话You said that you could let it go你说你可以放得下这一切And I wouldn"t catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know所以我也不会让你在你曾经熟悉过的人身上再有任何一步的伤害男:But you didn"t have to cut me off但你可以不用做的那麼死Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing如同我们完全没任何瓜葛就想一点关系也没有And I don"t even need your love我已不需要你的任何一点爱But you treat me like a stranger and I feel so rough但你却把我当成陌生人一般这感觉有多麼伤人You didn"t have to stoop so low你不需要把事情搞得这麼复杂Have your friends collect your records and then change your number把事情点点滴滴都告诉你的朋友 接著换了新的号码I guess that I don"t need that though我想我也不需要知道你的消息Now you"re just somebody that I used to know现在你对我来说,只是我曾经认识的一个人Somebody某个人I used to know我曾经认识的人Somebody某个人Now you"re just somebody that I used to know我好像在哪里看过的人……

歌词是:she was (.....K什么). somebody i know.....男声唱的

Break up in a small town

somebody to here somebody to know那首歌带这个歌词

somebody you loved-Nicholas Lentz

somebody that i used to know 简谱 数字谱

somebody that i used to know简谱已发至附件,请下载(以下是第一页预览)

Someboby that l used to know翻译中文是什么意思?


请问一下个位, 《Somebody That I Used To Know》是那一部电影的??


Somebody that i used to know 音译翻译


求somebody that I used to know这首歌的翻译


谁有《somebody That l used to know》的歌词?

Now and then I think of when we were together我时不时想起那些我们在一起的日子Like when you said you felt so happy you could die例如 你说你快乐得随时可以死去也不觉得遗憾Told myself that you were right for me我告诉自己 你就是我的挚爱But felt so lonely in your company但你的陪伴却让我倍感孤单But that was love and it"s an ache I still remember但那就是爱 让我刻骨铭心难以忘怀You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness你会沉溺于某种独特的伤痛Like resignation to the end,Always the end比如其中一方听天由命 委曲求全,顺从到底So when we found that we could not make sense所以当我们发现两个人在一起毫无意义Well you said that we would still be friends你居然说我们还可以做朋友吧But I"ll admit that I was glad it was over而我也承认自己很乐意结束这段感情But you didn"t have to cut me off可你没必要这样和我一刀两断Make out like it never happened好像我们之间什么都没有发生过And that we were nothing我们之间从来什么也不是And I don"t even need your love就算我不需要你的爱But you treat me like a stranger可你也不必与我形同陌路And that feels so rough这未免也太绝情You didn"t have to stoop so low你不必如此屈从隐忍Have your friends collect your records让朋友来帮你打包行李And then change your number然后更换了电话号码I guess that I don"t need that though我想我也不需要知道它们了Now you"re just somebody that I used to know现在的你只是我生命中曾经熟悉的一个过客而已Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over偶尔想起 那些你把我骗得团团转的日子But had me believing it was always something that I"d done居然让我相信这一切的错误都在于我And I don"t wanna live that way我不想再过那样的生活Reading into every word you say时刻揣摩你话语中的意思You said that you could let it go你说你可以释怀放手And I wouldn"t catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know...而我也不会让你一直纠缠于某个你曾经熟悉的过客(我)But you didn"t have to cut me off可你没必要这样和我一刀两断Make out like it never happened好像我们之间什么都没有发生过And that we were nothing我们之间从来什么也不是And I don"t even need your love就算我不需要你的爱But you treat me like a stranger可你也不必与我形同陌路And that feels so rough这未免也太绝情You didn"t have to stoop so low你不必如此屈从隐忍Have your friends collect your records让朋友来帮你打包行李And then change your number然后更换了电话号码I guess that I don"t need that though我想我也不需要知道它们了Now you"re just somebody that I used to know现在的你只是我生命中曾经熟悉的一个过客而已I used to know我曾经熟悉的That I used to know那个我曾经熟悉的Somebody...生命中的过

谁有华晨宇的somebody that l used to know歌词

Somebody That I Used To Know - 华晨宇 词:WALTER ANDRE E DE LUIZ BONFA 曲:WALTER ANDRE E DE LUIZ BONFA Now and then I think of when we were together Like when you said you felt so happy you could die Told myself that you were right for me But felt so lonely in your company But that was love and it"s an ache I still remember You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness Like resignation to the end, Always the end So when we found that we could not make sense Well you said that we would still be friends But I"ll admit that I was glad that it was over But you didn"t have to cut me off Make out like it never happened And that we were nothing And I don"t even need your love But you treat me like a stranger And that feels so rough You didn"t have to stoop so low Have your friends collect your records And then change your number I guess that I don"t need that though Now you"re just somebody that I used to know Somebody I used to know Now you"re just somebody that I used to know Somebody I used to know Now you"re just somebody that I used to know

Somebody That I Used To Know 歌词

歌曲名:Somebody That I Used To Know歌手:Gotye专辑:2013 Grammy NomineesSomebody That I Used to KnowGotyeNow and then I think of when we were togetherLike when you said you felt so happy you could dieTold myself that you were right for meBut felt so lonely in your companyBut that was love and it"s an ache I still rememberYou can get addicted to a certain kind of sadnessLike resignation to the endAlways the endSo when we found that we could not make senseWell you said that we would still be friendsBut I"ll admit that I was glad that it was overBut you didn"t have to cut me offMake out like it never happenedAnd that we were nothingAnd I don"t even need your loveBut you treat me like a strangerAnd that feels so roughYou didn"t have to stoop so lowHave your friends collect your recordsAnd then change your numberI guess that I don"t need that thoughNow you"re just somebody that I used to knowNow you"re just somebody that I used to knowNow and then I think of all the times you screwed me overBut had me believing it was always something that I"d doneAnd I don"t wanna live that wayReading into every word you sayYou said that you could let it goAnd I wouldn"t catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know...But you didn"t have to cut me offMake out like it never happenedAnd that we were nothingAnd I don"t even need your loveBut you treat me like a strangerAnd that feels so roughYou didn"t have to stoop so lowHave your friends collect your recordsAnd then change your numberI guess that I don"t need that thoughNow you"re just somebody that I used to knowSomebody... . I used to knowSomebody... .That I used to knowSomebody... . I used to knowSomebody... .That I used to knowI used to knowSomebody... .

谁有华晨宇的somebody that l used to know歌词

Somebody That I Used To Know - 华晨宇 词:WALTER ANDRE E DE LUIZ BONFA 曲:WALTER ANDRE E DE LUIZ BONFA Now and then I think of when we were together Like when you said you felt so happy you could die Told myself that you were right for me But felt so lonely in your company But that was love and it"s an ache I still remember You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness Like resignation to the end, Always the end So when we found that we could not make sense Well you said that we would still be friends But I"ll admit that I was glad that it was over But you didn"t have to cut me off Make out like it never happened And that we were nothing And I don"t even need your love But you treat me like a stranger And that feels so rough You didn"t have to stoop so low Have your friends collect your records And then change your number I guess that I don"t need that though Now you"re just somebody that I used to know Somebody I used to know Now you"re just somebody that I used to know Somebody I used to know Now you"re just somebody that I used to know

Somebody That I Used To Know歌曲名称

Somebody That I Used To Know" 是一首歌曲,由澳大利亚歌手Gotye和新西兰女歌手Kimbra共同演唱。这首歌是 Gotye的第三张个人专辑"Making Mirrors"中的单曲。该歌曲于2011年发布,并在2012年获得了全球巨大成功。歌词:Somebody That I Used To Know"(feat. Kimbra)[Gotye:]Now and then I think of when we were togetherLike when you said you felt so happy you could dieTold myself that you were right for meBut felt so lonely in your companyBut that was love and it"s an ache I still rememberYou can get addicted to a certain kind of sadnessLike resignation to the end, always the endSo when we found that we could not make senseWell you said that we would still be friendsBut I"ll admit that I was glad that it was overBut you didn"t have to cut me offMake out like it never happened and that we were nothingAnd I don"t even need your loveBut you treat me like a stranger and that feels so roughNo you didn"t have to stoop so lowHave your friends collect your records and then change your numberI guess that I don"t need that thoughNow you"re just somebody that I used to knowNow you"re just somebody that I used to knowNow you"re just somebody that I used to know[Kimbra:]Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me overBut had me believing it was always something that I"d doneBut I don"t wanna live that wayReading into every word you sayYou said that you could let it goAnd I wouldn"t catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know[Gotye:]But you didn"t have to cut me offMake out like it never happened and that we were nothingAnd I don"t even need your loveBut you treat me like a stranger and that feels so roughNo you didn"t have to stoop so lowHave your friends collect your records and then change your numberI guess that I don"t need that thoughNow you"re just somebody that I used to knowSomebody(I used to know)Somebody(Now you"re just somebody that I used to know)Somebody(I used to know)Somebody(Now you"re just somebody that I used to know)(I used to know)(That I used to know)(I used to know)Somebody

somebody that I used to know的中文歌词

Somebody That I Used To Know - Gotye&KimbraNow and then I think of when we were together偶尔会想起我们还在一起的时候Like when you said you felt so happy you could die像当你说你高兴的可以去死了Told myself that you were right for me告诉自己你是对的选择But felt so lonely in your company可在你身边仍觉得孤单But that was love and it"s an ache I still remember但那就是爱,也是我忘不掉的伤痛You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness你会沉迷于某种悲伤中Like resignation to the end Always the end像无可奈何到最后,总是这样到最后So when we found that we could not make sense像无可奈何到最后,总是这样到最后Well you said that we would still be friends你说我们还是做朋友吧But I"ll admit that I was glad that it was over但我要承认我当时也为解脱了而高兴But you didn"t have to cut me off可是你不必这样绝情Make out like it never happened And that we were nothing弄得像我们曾经什么也没有发生过,好像我们什么都不是And I don"t even need your love我根本不需要你的爱But you treat me like a stranger And that feels so rough可你却视我如同路人一般,让我感到这种行为很粗暴You didn"t have to stoop so low你不必如此薄情吧Have your friends collect your records 让你朋友来帮收拾东西,And then change your number接着换掉手机号码I guess that I don"t need that though我猜我也不需要了Now you"re just somebody that I used to know现在我们只是最熟悉的陌生人Now you"re just somebody that I used to know现在我们只是最熟悉的陌生人Now you"re just somebody that I used to know现在我们只是最熟悉的陌生人Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over偶尔我会想起你气我的那些时候But had me believing it was always something that I"d done还让我以为是我做错了什么And I don"t wanna live that way我不想再过那样的生活了Reading into every word you say从你说的每句话中揣度字里行间的意思You said that you could let it go你说了你可以放下那段感情的And I wouldn"t catch you hung up on somebody 而我也不理解你还挂念着你曾经熟悉的某人But you didn"t have to cut me off可是你不必这样绝情Make out like it never happened And that we were nothingA弄得像我们曾经什么也没有发生过,弄得像我们什么都没发生过And I don"t even need your love我甚至不需要你的爱But you treat me like a stranger And that feels so rough可你却视我如同路人一般,让我感到这种行为很粗暴You didn"t have to stoop so low你不必如此薄情Have your friends collect your records 让你朋友来帮收拾东西,And then change your number接着换掉手机号码I guess that I don"t need that though我猜我也不需要了Now you"re just somebody that I used to know现在我们只是最熟悉的陌生人Somebody...I used to know曾经相识的,那个人Somebody...That I used to know曾经相识的,那个人Somebody...I used to know曾经相识的,那个人Somebody...That I used to know曾经相识的,那个人I used to know曾经相识That I used to know曾经相识I used to know Somebody...曾经相识那个人

somebody that i used to know什么意思

你好。somebody that i used to know翻译成中文是:我曾经知道的人; 最熟悉的陌生人。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

Somebody That I Used to Know用了什么乐器

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