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at the moment等于now吗用在什么时态 the moment用在什么时态 for a moment 和for the moment呢

at the moment 是个副词,和now 一样 是现在的意思,使用一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成时,这些与现在有关的时态,语言是灵活的 具体的句子具体的分析。例如,At the moment I have only finished half of the work。现在,我才完成了一半的工作。At the moment I want to be a teacher。现在,我想做一名老师。the moment是个短语,相当于when这个副词,后面一定要接你所修饰的的事件表示一个时间点。例如,The moment I met her ,I fell in love 。我第一眼看到她,我就爱上了她。The moment I see her,I will call you。我看到她我就会给你打电话。The moment you realize your dream,you will be your own hero。当你实现你的梦想,你就是自己的英雄。for a moment 相当于for a second,等一会。Wait for me for a moment。等我一会儿。come here for a moment 过来一下

有首歌的歌词 夜店听见的 叫什么 do we now 节奏感挺强的 谢谢

my neck my back

WebThunderBHO_Now 总是删不掉 老是提示说你需要权限来执行此操作 怎么半啊

WebThunderBHO_Now 这个我删了好几回了用不着进DOS,你直接删过,再用”添加或删除程序”也是没戏.其实删他方法很简单先把文件夹里除它以外的文件全删了只留WebThunderBHO_Now 后注销一下就能删掉了.一次删不掉就再注销一回速度要快,进了windows马上就去删它.我每次都是进程还没全开就已经删掉它了.

Let’s practice English in pair. Now find your ________, please!

选C partner .因为前面说的是in pair ,就是成对的练习英语,所以应该是找到你的搭档

Ask Me Now (Take 1) 歌词

歌曲名:Ask Me Now (Take 1)歌手:Thelonious Monk专辑:Original Album Classics

Ask Me Now! 歌词

歌曲名:Ask Me Now!歌手:Pee Wee Russell专辑:Ask Me Now!



now come along!

now come along现在过来

歌词all i know was sad song

i took a pill in ibiza这首才是

Long long ago,there was a war between the beasts and the birs.No one knows what they faught about.

很久很久以前, 野兽和鸟类之间有一场战争。 没有人知道他们为什么而战。birs应该是birds的误写。。

提示“unknown device”是什么问题 该怎么解决

提示“unknown device”是由于驱动出现问题,具体解决办法如下:1、打开电脑的控制面板主页。2、单击‘硬件和声音"。3、选择‘设备管理器"。4、查看‘通用串行总线控制其",发现‘unkonwndevice"。5、然后将‘unkonwn device"上面的驱动卸载(右键单击,卸载),即可。6、之后,显示正常,U盘即可被正常识别。

Unknown Device是什么?


so far as I know是什么意思

so far as I know就我所知,据我所知[网络短语]So far as I know 据我所知,就我所知,据咋所知So far as I know, she has a faculty of housekeeping. 她很善于理家。

Located on the east coast,it is best known for the White House.Located是过去分词结构吗为什么用它?

located是过去分词原来意思:locate 及物动词:(If you locate something in a particular place, you put it there or build it there.) 把…建在当把它变成过去分词,可表示状态,也就是位于。如:My hometown is located in South China.我的家乡位于华南。

baby开头的英文歌比较伤感 是一个女生唱的开始是baby you know say away 后面还有I can to know say away

即使说抱歉 徐良

turn on the light you know

Turn off the radio Turn off the lights you know 把收音机关上 把那灯也关上(you know在这里主要是为了押韵) Turn on your favorite song Turn off what I did wrong 来放你最爱的歌 忘记我犯下的错 Turn on the radio Don"t wanna care anymore 把那收音机关上 什么都不愿去想 Turn off your favorite song Just like there"s nothing wrong 停下你最爱的歌不再放 好像这一切都还如平常 Turn off my radio 把我的收音机关上

he wanted to know whether they could be an equally nutritious but more affordable alternative.

他想知道是否它们能够成为营养价值相等,但是能够支付的起的替代品。He 主语 wanted to 谓语 know 宾语 whether之后 宾语从句but没什么成分,起一个转折而已 因为营养价值均等(equally nutritious ),但又要支付得起(affordable)言下之意就是被代替的物品价格昂贵很难支付得起

Life is like walking in the snow ,because every step shows .不知道啥意思

Life in the Snow我有的,非常奶思这个,里面应有尽有,而且都是的,戳我简芥~…就能看到

Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know w


2. The sense of sound is one of our most important means of knowing what is going on around us.



unity web player是什么软件?可以卸载吗?在此小编一一为网友们讲解,首先根据有道翻译该软件名为:统一的网络播放器,事实上它是针对浏览器而开发的一款扩展插件,该插件只有当浏览器运行Unity3D游戏才能有效,主要用于在网页上实现游戏内模型的3D效果,和Flash Player功能类似。一般现在的网页游戏都拥有3d效果,所以安装unitywebplayer.exe是必须的,否则游戏内的3d效果出不了。想要卸载直接在控制面板中删除就可以。

我译经典老歌——Summer Snow(夏之雪)

演唱:Sissel Kyrkjebo 歌词译文:真念一思 歌曲简介: summer snow是 日剧“夏之雪”主题曲,清新脱俗的旋律彷若一览皑皑白雪般舒怀人心;原是一首苏格兰民谣,是Akira Senju(千住明)、 Sissel 和Zamfire 共同打造,其中的人声和排箫相得益彰 。改编成堂本刚与广末凉子主演日剧「夏之雪」的主题曲后一炮走红,也捧红拥有透明澄净歌喉的人气挪威女歌手Sissel。她的歌声冷艳高贵,透明纯净,音域相当广阔,音色控制能力极佳。如天籁之音,似俗世中的清泉,像水晶般闪铄透明,清澈空灵的声音能穿梭时空。任何人都难以抗拒她的声音,她除了有着恩雅般的空灵凄美,和北欧歌手特有的清新气质外,更带有流行歌手难得的音色穿透力,被誉为“悬在空中的声音”。 歌手简介: Sissel Kyrkjebo ,挪威著名的女歌手,一头清爽的短发形象,总是挂著如阳光般灿烂的笑容,一个充满活力的女生。在本土她是家传户晓的国民歌手,以其空灵清澈的音色踏入歌坛超过10年。4岁时就参加儿童合唱团,并开始在挪威电视台多次露面。从16岁出第一张唱片开始至今,已经是北欧斯堪地那维亚地区家喻户晓的天后,在家乡挪威450万人口中,她的5张唱片销售累计超过200万张。曾於挪威的诺贝尔颁奖典礼上表演。与Josh Groban 合唱The Prayer,以及在英国王储查尔斯王子面前演唱,还有跟其它知名巨星共同表演,例如Celine Dion、Sting、法国巨星Charles Aznavour等,此外,她还与著名男高音Jose Carreras(卡列拉斯)同共在丹麦女王座前合唱。与全球驰名男高音Placido Domingo(多明哥)也有合作的经验,还参与过维也纳传统的圣诞节演唱会,当时收看转播的欧洲观众估计达数百万人,令她广为人知。 这个总是低调地经营着自己的美丽女人, 每一次的出击都会让那些热恋中的人们欢呼。 那声线如空谷的风,轻柔、不羁, 令人着迷的天籁之声, 神秘的北欧气质,唯美的旋律, 炽热、深情地唱着关于爱情的点点滴滴, 一瞬间里就会让你怀想起那些甜蜜和浪漫的画面……尤其不可思议的是,她的音乐融合古典、福音、爵士与流行。当这清亮却不乏柔情的声音渐渐盛满小小房间的时候,似乎那掀起帘角的微风都带着属于大海的咸腥潮湿的气息。恍惚中,看见一位身着黑纱的女子,立于海边的礁石之上,轻声吟唱着。黑纱飞扬,浪花四溅,歌声穿过海浪,伴着海风,飘向远方…… Sissel Kyrkjebo,以其空灵清澈的音色踏入歌坛超过10年。2002年的《All Good Things》是Sissel首张唱流行曲的唱片,十一首歌曲虽然还可发现不少令人联想到Enya一类的音乐元素,但歌曲编排都渗入了具备时代感的流行曲节奏。Sissel嘹亮清晰的嗓子在处理"Weightless","Carrier Of A Secret"等流行曲绝对胜任有余,在"Keep Falling Down"就更加是技惊四座,加上流丽流畅的旋律,尽显Sissel凌驾现今大部分Diva的功架。整张唱片最令人回味无穷的,当属"Should It Matter(有必要吗)"一曲。当Sessel轻启朱唇的瞬间你便不禁目瞪口呆:简直美绝人寰!她唱的高音特别靓,收放自如游韧有余,极具穿透力。音乐中表现出丰富的空气感也倾刻间将你悄悄淹没甚至融化!如天鹅绒般柔美的弦乐伴奏隐约着清脆剔透的吉他弹拨,不知不觉间你就被这美到恐怖的音乐无情地给催毁了。建议直接看MV,很不错的故事,很悲伤很感人。 喜爱《泰坦尼克号》的人可能都无法忘记影片开头那段纯美的声音( 曲名:Never an Absolution),Jack和Rose在泰坦尼克号船头相拥时的浪漫(曲名:ROSE),以及Jack和R 写真集ose徘徊于去与留之间的时候发出的震撼人心的吟唱(曲名:Unable to Stay, Unwilling to Leave去留之间),她的吟唱曾使人潸然泪下,也曾使人心潮澎湃。《泰坦尼克号》让全世界知道了Celine Dion(席琳·迪恩),但是,如果你曾经更为影片细腻的配乐所动容,那就不能忘记她。 1997年,Sissel缥缈唯美、充满民谣气息的声线,曾贯穿于《泰坦尼克号》低沉的号角声中,与圣洁的苏格兰风笛相得益彰,共同营造了"Titanic"华丽、悲凉、悠远、神秘的色调。 Celine Dion甚至可以宣布暂别乐坛当母亲,可是,替《Titanic》贡献可能更多的另一个声音却似乎没有获得应有的回报。这张声音就是穿插在电影配乐中带有浓浓Celtic味的轻柔唱吟,来自一个叫Sissel的挪威歌手。她除了唱古典女高音还会唱一些挪威的传统古旧民谣。Sissel,这个总是低调经营着自己的美丽女人,每一次的出击都会让那些热恋中的人们欢呼。天籁的嗓音,神秘的北欧气质,唯美的旋律,炽热并浓挚地唱着关于爱情的点点滴滴,一瞬间里就会让你怀想起那些甜蜜和浪漫的章节来。 Sissel 于1969年6月29日出生于挪威的卑尔根(Bergen), 她9 岁时就参加儿童合唱团,并开始在挪威电视台多次露面。 1986 年,她在欧洲歌唱大赛(Eurovision)作间场表演,演唱卑尔根的市歌(Jeg Tok min Nystemte),听众对她留下深刻的印象。同年,她推出第一张唱片《Sissel》。在挪威少于500万人口中,她的唱片当时卖了30万张,打破挪威唱片业的记录。 1987 年,她的第二张唱片《Glade Jul》推出,到现在为止,《Glade Jul》的销售累计超过60万张。 1994年在挪威举办的冬季奥运开场仪式,即由她演唱开幕曲"FIREINYOURHEART",令多少人激情荡漾,热血沸腾。她以母语演唱,同时夹杂英语拉丁语,风格酷似爱尔兰灵妙女声Enya。她曾应邀和多明哥(PLACIDO DOMINGO)于维也那合唱,尤其不可思议的是,她的音乐融合古典、福音、爵士与流行。 90年代中的两张CD《Innerst I Sjelen》和《Deep Within My Soul》,使一部分听众成为其忠实的乐迷。同时也以曼妙的声音出现在James Horner所创作巨冲击性的电影《Titanic》的原声大碟中,足以证明她重要的地位。1997与说唱歌手Warren G合作,以非寻常的hip hop和古典篇曲,录制 "Prince Igor",当时在欧洲也红极一时。1999年,她曾用她的全名Sissel Kyrkjebo为Polygram录制《Gift of Love》。 Sissel,这个总是低调经营着自己的美丽女人,每一次的出击都会让那些热恋中的人们欢呼。天籁的嗓音,神秘的北欧气质,唯美的旋律,炽热并浓挚地唱着关于爱情的点点滴滴,一瞬间里就会让你怀想起那些甜蜜和浪漫的章节来。 更多精彩内容,尽在专题: 我译经典老歌 不断更新中,敬请关注赐教!

If our government ______ attention to controlling food safety now, our health ______ in danger....

D 试题分析:句意:现在如果我们的政府不注意食品安全,我们的健康将处于危险之中。在if引导的条件状语从句中,如果两个动作都没有发生,为了区别动作的前后关系,先发生的用一般现在时态,后发生的用一般将来时态,即主将从现。根据句意故选D。

If our government _____attention to controlling food safety now. our health ____in danger.

答案为D 这是个条件状语从句

do you know anything about food safety为什么是safety?


Do you know anything about food safety?为什么是safety

句中about是介词,其后接名词作宾语。food safety正是名词短语,意思是“食品安全”。注意:safe是形容词“安全的”;safety是名词,“安全”;safely是副词,“安全地”。

12年7月27日天天向上中,有一段吹口哨的英文插曲,歌词好像是listen baby listen baby and let me know...

Flo Rida-Whistle

I have a pen frieend Now Iam ------an _____ to her

提问不完整I have a pen friend.Now I am still an __acquaintance___ to her.使用了an说明后跟发元音的单词。

请教:单项选择题 Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than___eastern Nebraska 选项如下

does 在这里代替的是前文中的receives

Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than __Eastern Nebraska.

than连接比较状语从句,than从句的主语和谓语必须进行部分倒装,即助动词或联系动词与主语倒装。有in ,那就变成是在 Nebraska的东部,变成状语了,而前面句子中没有in不是状语,为了前后一致,所以是does

求neighbors know my name 歌词中文译

一旦我们开始听到马金爱布莱恩更难答。 (敲敲)在墙上敲, 而当我得到它在深入然后再答孤单。 (敲敲)在墙上敲, 女孩你的腿不断发抖我发誓,我们唱到我们的新床头床头 而我们的爱使感觉好女孩,你知道你的即时消息lovley面对自豪找谁尖叫我的名字你这么大声 [合唱] 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字 你尖叫scratchin喊, 投注的邻居知道我的名字 他们是stressin而我们sexin, 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字 我的名字我的名字 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字 我我我... 借此枕头在这里(抓住这一点) 而且我知道你这幺有兴奋,如果你咬它,他们习惯于听 而且你知道我们有能力juss,当我们的爱马金 因此,音乐是响亮了,你走了尖叫和留言 女孩你的小体是一个问题,他们说我的问题解决者 让手机坐在充电器,它可以响了一夜 他们可以打电话,他们可以叩门,很不高兴,但我打赌 [合唱] 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字 你尖叫scratchin喊, 投注的邻居知道我的名字 他们是stressin而我们sexin, 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字 我的名字我的名字 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字 我我我... [诗歌2] 二是对我身体bangin哟,他们在我们的墙上bangin 虽然他们作梦,你会尖叫现在他们对我们的大门bangin 有时,她叫我三分球,有时她说特里梅因 当其所有说,做,但邻居们知道我的名字 有时,她打电话给我trigga因为我使她的身体脸红 他可能认为我的名字是“哦的SH -”,我让她坏话 [合唱] 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字 你尖叫scratchin喊, 投注的邻居知道我的名字 他们是stressin而我们sexin 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字 我的名字我的名字 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字 邻居知道我的名字 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字 你尖叫scratchin喊, 投注的邻居知道我的名字 他们是stressin而我们sexin 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字 我的名字我的名字 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字 [诗歌3] 这就是你尖叫我的名字(你的尖叫我的名字) Woah 女孩的爱,让少女(让我们的爱) 继续走在墙上bangin,但没有任何事情能够改变 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字

有首DJ舞曲当中有一句if i i cans know your name,violin fly,i chose brother number baby,all i know好吧,我也在找,这首歌QQ音乐上听到的,只知道是DJ payback的

Shall we stop and have ( _) tea now? A.any B.some 请问为什么要选B?? some不是表示不可数名词么??


Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it _in Cuba

哥伦布发现这件事对于现在来讲已经是过去式 而玉米种植是在被他发现这个时间点之前 所以认为选B

有一首英文歌的歌词是I wanna fuck you. fuck you you already know 是什么歌

i wanna fuck you

l know l need l can learn how to love.什么意思


求问一首英文女声歌曲 节奏很独特 歌词有 i never know ,never know,how to love yo

Su na的 meridian



刘宪华i know i need somebody是什么歌

刘宪华i know i need somebody是出自歌曲《how to love》。《how to love》是刘宪华翻唱的歌曲,整首歌节奏感很强,非常好听。《How To Love》是美国电子舞曲组合Cash Cash与美国女歌手Sofia Reyes联手合作的一支单曲,由华纳唱片公司于2016年04月29号正式发布,后收录于Cash Cash2016年6月24日发行的专辑《Blood, Sweat & 3 Years》中。歌词One two three一二三I been running from the pain我已脱离痛境Trying not to feel the same试着不再重蹈覆辙But it"s a shame that we"re sinking但遗憾的是我们都在沉沦See my confidence is shaking看见我的信心在动摇了And my heart is feeling vacant而我的内心也倍感空虚So you try to fill it in所以你尽力去填补空白You say "I can fix the broken in your heart你说“我可以修复你的玻璃心You"re worth saving darling"亲爱的你值得我拯救”But I don"t know why you"re shooting in the dark但我不明白你为什么要在深夜落荒逃离I got faith in nothing我对万事无自信But love, pray for me但是爱,它为我祈祷I never had somebody我从未幸得某人呵护So I don"t know how to love所以我不懂怎么去爱Pray for me请为我祈祷I know I need somebody我知道我需要某个人陪伴So I can learn how to love所以我可以学会去热爱I know it"s been a while我知道我已经恍惚很久Cause my memory"s on trial因为我在审判我的回忆For the way I used to be我曾经亦是如此My head is running miles我的思绪飞跃几英里Round in circles and I try循环往复而我在努力To find the little light in me去探寻心中的那盏小明灯You say "I can fix the broken in your heart你说“我可以修复你的玻璃心You"re worth saving darling"亲爱的你值得我拯救”But I don"t know why you"re shooting in the dark但我不明白你为什么要在深夜落荒逃离I got faith in nothing我对万事无自信But love, pray for me但是爱,它为我祈祷I never had somebody我从未幸得某人呵护So I don"t know how to love所以我不懂怎么去爱Pray for me请为我祈祷I know I need somebody我知道我需要某个人陪伴So I can learn how to love所以我可以学会去热爱I know I need somebody我知道我需要某个人陪伴I know I need somebody我知道我需要某个人陪伴I know I need somebody我很清楚我急需某人的陪伴So I can learn how to love所以我可以学会去热爱How to love怎么去爱How to love如何去爱你So I can learn how to love所以我可以学会去热爱How to love怎么去爱How to love如何去爱你How to love怎样才算热爱Love, love, love, love, love, love, oh爱,爱,爱,爱,爱,爱,唉I know I need somebody我知道我需要某个人陪伴I know I need somebody我知道我需要某个人陪伴I know I need somebody我很清楚我急需某人的陪伴So I can learn how to love所以我完全可以学会去爱你

php中 now()与date() 有什么区别啊


什么英文歌中有but nobody know


新概念英语 改错题 My wife and I am watch TV now. I enjoy listen to the radio very much.


有一首英文歌,是男的唱的,偶尔听到的,有一句歌词好像是tell me now now。应该是这样,求歌名啊!!!


i know you want me歌词的意思


The old woman _____ I talked just now is my grandma

A。 talk to sb. 提宾句,whom指代 the old women

用适当动词填空The young men_(study)English now.


1the young men______(study)english now.they arestudyiing hard.

The young men are studying English now. They are studying hard. 现在进行时be+doing结构

Not Right Now 歌词

歌曲名:Not Right Now歌手:Joe Jonas专辑:Fastlife (Deluxe Edition)Joe Jonas-Not Right NowWe used to laugh and cryI used to give you all of my timeWhen we would say goodbyeI could see sadness in your eyesAnd what will it takeTo get everything back okCause I don"t really wanna feel this wayIf it"s not too lateMaybe we could change our fateAnd undo all of our mistakesWe"ve come too far to give up (not right now)Can"t go on cause you know I love you still(Not right now)Baby we can"t give up no (not right now)No stranger to pain I know how it feels(Not right now)Hey-eyyy (not right now)Ohhh-ohhh (not right now)Hey-eyyy (not right now)And where did we go wrong?We went from love to not getting alongWe fight until the early mornMade me not even wanna come homeBut nowadaysI sit and reminisce about us babeCause everything I miss about us babyIf it"s not too lateMaybe we could change our fateAnd undo all of our mistakesWe"ve come too far to give up (not right now)Can"t go on cause you know I love you still(Not right now)Baby we can"t give up no (not right now)No stranger to pain I know how it feels(Not right now)We"ve come too far to give up (not right now)Can"t go on cause you know I love you still(Not right now)Baby we can"t give up no (not right now)No stranger to pain I know how it feels(Not right now)Never thought it would be this way (Not right now)Do everything just to make you stay (Not right now)Tomorrow I"ll give you up not today (Not right now)Yeah, no one wanna give you upWe"ve come too far to give up (not right now)Can"t go on cause you know I love you still(Not right now)Baby we can"t give up no (not right now)No stranger to pain I know how it feels(Not right now)We"ve come too far to give up (not right now)Can"t go on cause you know I love you still(Not right now)Baby we can"t give up no (not right now)No stranger to pain I know how it feels(Not right now)

Not Right Now 歌词

歌曲名:Not Right Now歌手:Ashton Shepherd专辑:Sounds So GoodJoe Jonas-Not Right NowWe used to laugh and cryI used to give you all of my timeWhen we would say goodbyeI could see sadness in your eyesAnd what will it takeTo get everything back okCause I don"t really wanna feel this wayIf it"s not too lateMaybe we could change our fateAnd undo all of our mistakesWe"ve come too far to give up (not right now)Can"t go on cause you know I love you still(Not right now)Baby we can"t give up no (not right now)No stranger to pain I know how it feels(Not right now)Hey-eyyy (not right now)Ohhh-ohhh (not right now)Hey-eyyy (not right now)And where did we go wrong?We went from love to not getting alongWe fight until the early mornMade me not even wanna come homeBut nowadaysI sit and reminisce about us babeCause everything I miss about us babyIf it"s not too lateMaybe we could change our fateAnd undo all of our mistakesWe"ve come too far to give up (not right now)Can"t go on cause you know I love you still(Not right now)Baby we can"t give up no (not right now)No stranger to pain I know how it feels(Not right now)We"ve come too far to give up (not right now)Can"t go on cause you know I love you still(Not right now)Baby we can"t give up no (not right now)No stranger to pain I know how it feels(Not right now)Never thought it would be this way (Not right now)Do everything just to make you stay (Not right now)Tomorrow I"ll give you up not today (Not right now)Yeah, no one wanna give you upWe"ve come too far to give up (not right now)Can"t go on cause you know I love you still(Not right now)Baby we can"t give up no (not right now)No stranger to pain I know how it feels(Not right now)We"ve come too far to give up (not right now)Can"t go on cause you know I love you still(Not right now)Baby we can"t give up no (not right now)No stranger to pain I know how it feels(Not right now)

Know Your Enemy 歌词

歌曲名:Know Your Enemy歌手:Rage Against The Machine专辑:Rage Against The MachineKnow your enemy-Raga against the machineedit by tntciscoHuh!Yeah, we"re comin" back then with another bombtrackNigga know its all a thatHuh!Hey yo, so check this outYeah!Know your enemy!Come on!Born with insight and a raised fistA witness to the slit wrist, that"s withmove into "92Still in a room without a viewYa got to knowYa got to knowThat when I say go, go, goAmp up and amplifyDefyI"m a brother with a furious mindAction must be takenWe don"t need the keyWe"ll break inSomething must be doneAbout vengeance, a badge and a gunso rip the mike, rip the stage, rip the systemI was born to rage against "emFist in ya face, in the placeAnd I"ll drop the style clearlyKnow your enemyKnow your enemy!Yeah!Hey yo, and get with this...uggh!Word is bornFight the war, fuck the normNow I got no patienceSo sick of complacenceWith the D the E the F the I the A the N the C the EMind of a revolutionarySo clear the laneThe finger to the land of the chainsWhat?The land of the free?Whoever told you that is your enemyNow something must be doneAbout vengeance, a badge and a gunSo rip the mike, rip the stage, rip the systemI was born to rage against "emNow action must be takenWe don"t need the keyWe"ll break inI"ve got no patience nowSo sick of complacence nowI"ve got no patience nowSo sick of complacence nowSick of sick of sick of sick of youTime has come to pay...Know your enemy!Come on!Yes I know my enemiesThey"re the teachers who taught me to fight meCompromise, conformity, assimilation, submissionIgnorance, hypocrisy, brutality, the eliteAll of which are American dreams (8 times)All of which are American dreamsAll of which are American dreamsAll of which are American dreamsAll of which are American dreamsAll of which are American dreamsAll of which are American dreamsAll of which are American dreams

rain,cloud,storm,shower,ice,wind,snow 这几个单词哪些不可数哪些可数,哪些有动词形式?

你好,可数名词: cloud,storm,shower,不可数名词:rain,ice,wind,snowrain解释为雨季时,往往用复数。这些词都可以作动词。

找一首英文歌“ know you know you know”

what you do to me

rain,cloud,storm,shower,ice,wind,snow 这几个单词哪些不可数哪些可数,哪些有动词形式?

可数名词有:cloud,ice,storm,不可数名词有:rain,shower,ice,wind,snow动词原型有:rain下雨,snow下雪 ☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

i will tell you____you want to know about this sto

B.what you want to know指你想知道的,all表全部

我在 野狼王的士高 里面听到的,有一首英文歌, 第一句:i know you tell me b

You and I - Zeds DeadLight me up a cigarettePut it in my mouthYou"re the only one that wants me aroundAnd i can think of a thousand reasons whyI don"t believe in youI don"t believe in you and iLight me up a cigarettePut it in my mouthYou"re the only one that wants me aroundAnd i can think of a thousand reasons whyI don"t believe in youI don"t believe in you and iGo ahead and fill my drink upYou"ll still be all i think ofWe try and stay a floatBut know the way to sink usI say the problem"s solvedOnce you forget the questionBut you go ask againCause you ain"t learned your lessonAnd to the heavens i promise you no regretFor my mind"s left in the pastSo that promise was never checkedTo be honest i fell astrayCall it lost on the waySo certain in my intentionsI thought that i"d never swayBut between the cameras flashingI guess that it had to happenThe negatives to the perfect pictureHad to have themAnd my collection consists of allThat i had to takeWe celebrating the sacrifices we had to makeWe had to wait unprepared for the lossOverthought on the way and unaware of the costCause i can write a song but can"t unwrite my wrongsI guess you live and learnLearn when the love is goneLi li light me up a cigarettePut it in my mouthYou"re the only one that wants me aroundAnd i can think of a thousand reasons whyI don"t believe in youI don"t believe in you and iNow here we are againBack from our darkest endWe"ll keep this happiness goneLong as we all pretendIt seems we built this from nothingBut broken dreamsThese memories we"ll forgetBut that"s all that we hope to seeI got my future and it"s tickingLife is yours if you livingYou wish you could plan it differentBut fuck it that"s how you miss itI always thought you were with itAlways thought it was youAlways caught in the pastCause it"s all that i fing knewI mean it"s funny ain"t itGuess it"s all how you paint itAll that i really gotBut it"s all for the entertainmentThe champagne"s on the dresserEmpty from all my effortsThe life of yesterday"s partyGets carried off on a stretcherAnd here we standingLike everything"s how we planned itBut who"re we kiddingWe drinking so we don"t panicBroke off that lucky 7Go ahead and tell the reverendWe f in rock starsCall us zeds deppelingLight me up a cigarette put it in my mouthYou"re the only one that wants me aroundAnd i can think of a thousand reasons whyI don"t believe in you i don"t believe in you and iLight me up a cigarettePut it in my mouthYou"re the only one that wants me aroundAnd i can think of a thousand reasons whyI don"t believe in youI don"t believe in you and i

Do you know that I have trouble __________ the work? do B.doing D.don

B 试题分析:考查词组:have trouble/difficulty(in) doing做…有困难,句意:你知道我做这个工作有困难吗?选B。

一首英文歌,里面有句歌词是i know it is mine,女的唱的

When it went down当一切落定It was so hard to breathe我无法呼吸I gave up everything我放弃了一切In a slow fall down to the floor慢慢地跌落到地上Life was escaping me生活在逃避I couldn"t find myself我找不到自己"Til it was all lost直到一切消失Not anymore不再I"m holdin" on to all the pieces我手握碎片of my heart"s debris心之碎片"Til it"s time直到有一天I"ll I"ll pull it together我会将之拼到一起and fix myself eventually终于重塑自己I know it"s mine我知道它是我的I found gold in the wreckage我找到残骸里的金子Put it on a necklace放到我的项链上Keepin" it "cause I-I-I保留着它提示我I know that it"s mine我知道它是我的I wear it like a message就像是一个信号So I don"t forget it所以不会忘记Keepin" it "cause I-I-I保留着它提示我I know that it"s mine我知道它是我的I know that it"s mine mine mine我知道它是我的,我的,我的I know that it"s mine mine mine我知道它是我的,我的,我的I know that it"s mine mine mine我知道它是我的,我的,我的I know that it"s mine mine mine我知道它是我的,我的,我的I know that it"s mine我知道它是我的I know that it"s mine我知道它是我的I know that it"s mine mine mine我知道它是我的,我的,我的Facing the change面对改变but it"s still tough to see但仍然对我来说很残酷at first I fought it all起初与之抗争I was so mean我如此认真I"m still unsure我仍然置疑how it"s supposed to be怎么预见I"m taking every day now现在我每天都在接受by the skin of my teeth用牙齿上的皮肤until I learn走到学会I"m holding on to all the pieces我手握碎片of my hearts debris心之碎片"til it"s time走到有一天I"ll I"ll pull it together我会将之拼到一起and fix myself eventually终于重塑自己I know it"s mine我知道它是我的I found gold in the wreckage我找到残骸里的金子put it on a necklace放到我的项链上keeping it "cause I保留着它提示我I know that it"s mine我知道它是我的I wear it like a message就像是一个信号so I don"t forget it所以不会忘记keeping it "cause I保留着它提示我I know that it"s mine我知道它是我的I know that it"s mine我知道它是我的I know that it"s mine我知道它是我的I know that it"s mine我知道它是我的I know that it"s mine我知道它是我的


"Disintegration"I"ve spent my last nightsstrung up and pulled tight.Holding out, sleep and grow.An answer comes without a please:"Do what you want."[Chorus:]Wonder why I"m so caught of guard when we kiss.Rather live my life in regret then do this.What happened to the love we both knew?We both chased.Hanging on a cigarette you need me, you burn me you"ll burn me.Hushed with a fingerDon"t say you"ll never when you might,or just another time.This poison comes instruction free.Do what you want, but I"m drinking.Wonder why I"m so caught off guard when we kiss.Rather live my life in regret then do this.What happened to the love we both knew? We both chased.Hanging on a cigarette you need me, you burn me you"ll burn me.Lie lie better next time, stay on my side tonight ohLie lie better next time, stay on my side tonight ohLie lie better next time, stay on my side tonight ohLie lie better next time, stay on my side tonight ohLie lie better next time, stay on my side tonight ohLie lie better next time, stay on my side tonight ohLie lie better next time, stay on my side tonight ohLie lie better next time, stay on my side tonight oh [continues through chorus]Wonder why I"m so caught of guard when we kissI"d rather live my life in regret than do thisWhat happened to the love we both knew, we both chasedHanging on a cigarette you need me you burn me you"ll burn meWhat happened to the love we both knew, we both chasedHanging on a cigarette you need me you burn me you"ll burn me.

请教一道英语题 Dear Frank ,when will our wedding be?--- 'Ah,when?God knows!'he said,and _____away


God knows这首歌是《凉宫春日的忧郁》的哪一集出现的?


求凉宫里《god knows 》平假名歌词

God knows...[凉宫ハルヒの诘合]作词:畑 亜贵作曲/编曲:神前 暁歌:凉宫ハルヒ(C.V.平野 绫)渇いた心で駆け抜けるごめんね何もできなくて痛みを分かち合うことさえあなたは许してくれない无垢に生きるため振り向かず背中向けて 去ってしまうon the lonely rail私ついていくよどんな辛い世界の暗の中でさえきっとあなたは辉いて超える未来の果て弱さ故に魂こわされぬようにmy way 重なるよいまふたりに God bless...届けて热くなる想いは现実溶かしてさまよう会いたい気持ちに理由はないあなたへあふれだす Lovin" youせめて美しい梦だけを描きながら 追いかけようfor your lonely heartやめて嘘はあなたらしくないよ目を见てこれからのことを话そう私覚悟してる暗い未来だって强くなって运命変えられるかもねmy wish かなえたいのにすべては God knows...あなたがいて 私がいてほかの人は消えてしまった淡い梦の美しさを描きながら伤迹なぞるだから私ついていくよどんな辛い世界の暗の中でさえきっとあなたは辉いて超える未来の果て弱さ故に魂こわされぬようにmy way 重なるよいまふたりに God bless...下面是罗马音歌词tamaita kokorotekakerukerugomenne nanimodekinakuteitamiwo wakachiaukotosaeanatawa yurushitekurenaimukuni ikirutamehunimukazusenakamitete saateshimau On the lonely railwatashi tsuiteikuyo donnatsuraisekaino yaminonakadesaekiito anatawakakayaitekoeru mirainohate yousaiwenitamashii kuwesareruyouni My way kasanaruyoima hutarini God bless...tomokute atsukunaruomoiwakenjitsu tokashitesamayouaitai kimochiniriyuwanaianatae ahuredasu Lovin" yousemete utsukushiiyumetakewoegakinagara hoikakeyowo For your lonely heartyamete usowaanata rashikunaiyomewomite korekaranokotowahanasou watashikakunoshiterukurai miraidaate tsuyokunaateunmeikaeranerukamone My wish kanaetainoni subetewa God knows...anatagaite watashigaitehokanohitowa kieteshimaataawaiyumeno utsukushisawomekakinagara kizuwatonazorudakara watashi tsuiteikuyo donnatsuraisekaino yaminonakadesaekiito anatawakakayaitekoeru mirainohate yousaiwenitamashii kuwesareruyouni My way kasanaruyoima hutarini God bless...

谁能用God knows造个句子

God knows where he went! 天晓得他到哪里去了! He went God knowswhere. 他去的地方没人知道。 He is living God knows where. 天知道他住在哪儿。 God knows, it hasn"t been easy.那确实不容易。 But I know I"m a champion,and God knows that too. 然而,我认为我是一名冠军,上帝也知道。 God knows where he went! God knows if I can ever get all these do! God knows how he"s still alive. He must have nine lives like a cat. I will believe only in a god that know how to dance.

Bob Dylan的《God Knows》 歌词

歌曲名:God Knows歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:Under The Red SkyGod knows...「anim.o.v.e 01」収録曲作词:畑 亜贵 作曲:神前 暁歌:M.O.V.EShow me what you gotand you got tell me what you want,oh yeahShow me what you got inside of キミのハートShow me what you gotand you got tell me what you want,oh yeahShow me what you got in your heart その鼓动渇いた心で駆け抜けるごめんね何もできなくて痛みを分かち合うことさえあなたは许してくれない无垢に生きるため振り向かず背中向けて 去ってしまうon the lonely rail私ついていくよどんな辛い世界の闇の中でさえきっとあなたは辉いて超える未来の果て弱さ故に魂こわされぬようにmy way 重なるよいまふたりに God bless...My way your way重なっていけ 未来へ二人の魂はいま大海を超え変えていけると信じてる运命も振り向かないでそのまま进んでいこう弱いがゆえに感じれるyour soul涙一滴さえ置いてかない This road,only the god knows....届けて热くなる想いは现実溶かしてさまよう会いたい気持ちに理由はないあなたへあふれだす Lovin" youせめて美しい梦だけを描きながら 追いかけようfor your lonely heartやめて嘘はあなたらしくないよ目を见てこれからのことを话そう私覚悟してる暗い未来だって强くなって运命変えられるかもねmy wish かなえたいのにすべては God knows...あなたがいて 私がいてほかの人は消えてしまった淡い梦の美しさを描きながら伤迹なぞるだから私ついていくよどんな辛い世界の闇の中でさえきっとあなたは辉いて超える未来の果て弱さ故に魂こわされぬようにmy way 重なるよいまふたりに God bless...{Show me what you gotand you got tell me what you want,oh yeahShow me what you got inside of キミのハートShow me what you gotand you got tell me what you want,oh yeahShow me what you got in your heart その鼓动}エンドメード バイ 飞天と暗闇と

god knows电吉他谱



Deniece Williams的《God Knows》 歌词

歌曲名:God Knows歌手:Deniece Williams专辑:When Love Comes CallingGod Knows-Debby BooneOut of the pages of books that I readI can recall that somewhere someone saidIf you don"t succeed try againSo I"m comin" to you with my heart in my handsUsin" every ounce of strength I canDon"t turn me awayCuz I live and breathe youGod knows how much I need youAnd I"ll never leave youGod knows I love youToo insecure as lovers we failedThe princess and the white knight lived in fairy talesOr so that story goesWe read so right from the very startNow here we are both with broken heartsLet"s not part this wayCuz I live and breathe youGod knows how much I need youAnd I"ll never leave youGod knows I love youTime ran awayAnd took you by the handIf I can"t bring you backMaybe time canCuz I live and breathe youGod knows how much I need youAnd I"ll never leave youGod knows how much I need youGod knows how much I need youGod knows how much I need youGod knows how much I need you


天知道; God knows whats happening in that madmans mind, she muttered 她咕哝着:“天知道那个疯子在想什么。” 扩展资料   God knows!   天知道!   "Who"s he?" — "God knows."   “他是谁?”——“天晓得。”   "Where is he now?""God knows."   “他现在在哪里?”“天晓得。”   Gunga spoke God knows how many languages   天晓得贡嘎会讲多少门语言。   She ought to succeed, god knows she tries hard enough.   她应能成功,她的确太努力了。   He stayed there God knows how long.   天晓得他在那儿呆了多久。

求一首歌 貌似是日本人唱英文歌 里面有一句 I wonder if you know 。。。

Tokyo Drift 试试这个

download now是什么意思


歌词baby blue I dont know what to do when you call to me


Do you know the girl whom Tom is talking to?什么意思


You can not say a love me, but I really like you, you know that you do not talk to me when I fee

You can not say a love me, but I really like you, you know that you do not talk to me when I feel good, this is what I want to tell you the truth你不能说爱我,但我真的很喜欢你,你知道你不跟我说话,当我感觉很好,这就是我想要告诉你真相

一首英文歌,有歌词i need you right now


Everlasting Snow 歌词

歌曲名:Everlasting Snow歌手:Dream作词:BOUNCEBACK + dream作曲:BOUNCEBACK编曲:ats-目を见つめたらすぐあただめて信じてるガラスに书いた文字今降り注ぐ この雪の中唯一人探してる幸せと歩いているね町中の恋人たちはあの顷の二人のようで胸が苦しくなる私に出きる事があるかなあなたのために何足したくて“ごめんね”さえもいえ何かったひとつゆむき思ってばあなたと居られたもし叶うならすぐ会いに来て他の日まで 解けてく光る雪あの爱しさが まだ消えないようこの胸に降りつづくまっしの间クリスマスつり见上げてる私は一人この场所で手をつないでね笑颜を思い出すさ一日夜は声が闻きたい涙の日にも强さ感じた出会えてことは偶然じゃないいつも乗り越えられたあなたが居たから目を见つめたらすぐあただめて信じてるガラスに书いた文字今降り注ぐ この雪の中唯一人探してる小さな辉きのひとつ部も忘れる事なんて出来ないようどこに居るの今伝えたいもし叶うならすぐ会いに来て他の日まで 解けてく光る雪あの爱しさが まだ消えないようこの胸に降りつづくずっと覚えてる そう雪が降るこの町でつないで温もりをまだ届くから手を差し出せば降り积もる永远が

直译:Once upon a time there lived a man known by the name of Beef.


remains unknown是什么词性?

unknown 英[ˌʌnˈnəʊn]adj. 未知的; 不详的 remain 英[rɪˈmeɪn] v. 仍然是; 保持不变; 剩余; 遗留; 继续存在; 仍需去做(或说、处理); 您好,remains是remain的三单形式remain是原形,可当系动词讲,也就是表状态remain unknown可以翻译成仍然是未知的,依旧不详。是系表结构,系动词+adj.欢迎追问,望采纳,谢谢!回答不易!

are+you+watching+tv+now,+You为单数做肯定回答。还有。 You?


I am watching TV now

We watching TV now.修改病句

we are watching TV now.

may I watch tv now?如果是肯定回答应该是什么呢?

Yes,you can.
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