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纳税人税INN(纳税人税 )即收货人的银行账号 KPP(工业企业编码)即收货人的企业编码 OGRN 对应的俄语是ОГРН 国家基本登记号即收货人的企业登记号 OKPO 全俄企业和单位分类目录 这四个号码都需要客户告知货代,货才能订舱






inn noun [C]1 UK a pub where you can stay for the night, usually in the countryside2 US a small hotel, usually in the countryside3 Inn used in the names of some hotels and restaurantspub UK noun [C] (FORMAL public house)a building in Britain where alcoholic drinks can be bought and drunk and where food is often available:Do you want to go to (INFORMAL go down) the pub after work?-our local pub-a pub lunch.hotelnoun [C]a building where you pay to have a room to sleep in, and where you can eat meals:-a 4-star hotel-the Clarendon Hotel-We stayed in/at a hotel on the seafront.-hotel guestsIn Australian sometimes a HOTEL is a PUB. In Austraila we can go to a HOTEL to have a few drinks (beers). Hotel still means "a building where you pay to have a room to sleep in" as well though. This usage of hotel is not used in America I think.




熔点1200℃性质:InN 周期系第III,V族化合物半导体。六方晶系铅锌矿型结构,晶格常数0.3533nm。密度6.88g/cm3。熔点1200℃。导带极小值与价带极大值位于布里渊区中心,为直接带隙半导体,室温禁带宽度1.95eV。电阻率4×10-5Ω·m。620℃真空下易分解。


“inn.”是国际非专利药名International Nonproprietary Names for Pharmaceutica1 Substances 的简称 ,用在中成药原料的植物、动物和矿物药的拉丁名称中,一般不能省略!对于阶元命名的拉丁单词在国际上有统一的后缀,看到后缀就能大概知道是对哪一级类群在做研究了。目前的文献中涉及最多的是科、目2级的调整,所以也只介绍这2级后缀。目order:-iformes下目infraorder:-ides小目parvorder:-ida总科superfamily:idea科family:-idae亚科subfamily:-inae族tribe:-ini在属级水平上,没有固定的拉丁后缀,只能靠记忆了。譬如只知道属名,种类不明确的,可以用spp作为后缀


Идентификационный номер налогоплательщика (ИНН)唯一(统一)纳税人识别号








FrEIA 是实现 INN 的基础,可以理解为实现 INN 的最重要的工具包。其分为两个模块,每个模块又有很多重要的类,以下是对这些类及其方法的描述。 framework 模块包含用于构建网络模型和推断节点在向前和向后方向上执行的顺序的逻辑。该模块包括四个类。 <1> Node类 一个 Node 即为一个 INN 基础构建块。 build_modules(verbose=True) 该方法返回该结点的输出结点的维度列表。会递归调用其输入结点的 build_modules 方法。使用这些信息来初始化该结点的 pytorch.nn.Module,即构建起基础块。 run_forward(op_list) 调用该方法来确定执行到该结点前的操作顺序。会递归调用其输入结点的 run_forward 方法。每个操作被追加到全局列表 op_list 中,操作的表示形式为 (node ID, input variable IDs, output variable IDs)。 run_backward(op_list) 该方法和 run_forward 相似,只是用来确定逆向执行到该结点前的操作顺序。调用该方法前须先调用 run_forward。 <2> InputNode类 InputNode 类是 Node 类的子类,是一种特殊的结点——输入结点,表示整个 INN 网络的输入数据(及逆向过程的输出数据)。 <3>OutputNode类 OutputNode 类也是 Node 类的子类,是一种特殊的结点——输出结点,表示整个 INN 网络的输出数据(及逆向过程的输入数据)。 <4>ReversibleGraphNet类 是 torch.nn.modules.module.Module 类的子类。这个类表示了 INN 本身。这个类的构造函数会确定 node list 中的输入结点和输出结点,并调用输出结点的 build_modules 方法以获得结点间的连接关系及维度,调用输出结点的 run_forward 方法获得正向过程的所有操作及涉及的变量;再调用输入结点的 run_backward 方法获得逆向过程的所有操作及涉及的变量。 modules 模块中都是 torch.nn.Module 的子类,都是可逆的,可用于 ReversibleGraphNet 中 Node 的构建。 1. Coefficient functions class FrEIA.modules.coeff_functs.F_conv(in_channels, channels, channels_hidden=None, stride=None, kernel_size=3, leaky_slope=0.1, batch_norm=False) F_conv 类使用多层卷积网络实现 INN 基础构建块中的 s、t 转换。其本身是不可逆的。 class FrEIA.modules.coeff_functs.F_fully_connected(size_in, size, internal_size=None, dropout=0.0) F_fully_connected 类使用包含四层全连接层的神经网络实现 INN 基础构建块中的 s、t 转换。其本身是不可逆的。 2. Coupling layers F_* 类本身都是不可逆的,而 coupling_layers 层中的类就是赋予 INN 可逆能力的。 class FrEIA.modules.coupling_layers.rev_layer(dims_in, F_class=<class "FrEIA.modules.coeff_functs.F_conv">, F_args={}) 当转换是 F_conv 时使用 rev_layer 类实现可逆。 class FrEIA.modules.coupling_layers.rev_multiplicative_layer(dims_in, F_class=<class "FrEIA.modules.coeff_functs.F_fully_connected">, F_args={}, clamp=5.0) 当转换是 F_fully_connected 时使用 rev_multiplicative_layer 实现可逆,思想是基于 RealNVP 基础构建块的双向转换。 class FrEIA.modules.coupling_layers.glow_coupling_layer(dims_in, F_class=<class "FrEIA.modules.coeff_functs.F_fully_connected">, F_args={}, clamp=5.0) 和 rev_multiplicative_layer 相似,只是思想是基于 Glow 基础构建块的双向转换。 3. Fixed transforms 这个模块的类也都是 torch.nn.Module 的子类,用于实现一些固定转换。在构建块之间插入置换层,用于随机打乱下一层的输入元素,这使得 u = [u1,u2] 的分割在每一层都不同,也因此促进了独立变量间的交互。 class FrEIA.modules.fixed_transforms.linear_transform(dims_in, M, b) 根据 y=Mx+b 做固定转换,其中 M 是可逆矩阵。其实现为: class FrEIA.modules.fixed_transforms.permute_layer(dims_in, seed) 随机转换输入向量列顺序。其实现为: 4. Graph topology 用于对 INN 网络结构进行调整,如构建残差 INN 等。 class FrEIA.modules.graph_topology.cat_layer(dims_in, dim) 沿给定维度合并多个张量。 class FrEIA.modules.graph_topology.channel_merge_layer(dims_in) 沿着通道从两个独立的输入合并到一个输出(用于跳过连接等)。 class FrEIA.modules.graph_topology.channel_split_layer(dims_in) 沿通道拆分以产生两个单独的输出(用于跳过连接等)。 class FrEIA.modules.graph_topology.split_layer(dims_in, split_size_or_sections, dim) 沿给定维度拆分以生成具有给定大小的单独输出的列表。 5.Reshapes class FrEIA.modules.reshapes.flattening_layer(dims_in) 正向过程是将 N 维张量拉平为 1 维的张量。 class FrEIA.modules.reshapes.haar_multiplex_layer(dims_in, order_by_wavelet=False) 使用 Haar wavelets 将通道按宽度和高度对半分为 4 个通道。 class FrEIA.modules.reshapes.haar_restore_layer(dims_in) 使用 Haar wavelets 将 4 个通道合并为一个通道。 class FrEIA.modules.reshapes.i_revnet_downsampling(dims_in) i-RevNet 中使用的可逆空间 downsampling。 class FrEIA.modules.reshapes.i_revnet_upsampling(dims_in) 与 i_revnet_downsampling 相反的操作。 INN 的 loss 分为两部分:前向训练的损失和后向训练的损失。前后向训练的简单过程如下: 对应的损失函数如下: 其中,L2 是一种求平方误差的损失函数;MMD 则用于求两个分布之间的差异。 这篇文章前后读了很多次,这次重读,又有许多新收获。 INN 的基础构建块是 RealNVP 中的仿射耦合层;如果要构建深度可逆网络,可将基础构建块和残差训练思想结合,i-RevNet 就是深度可逆网络。基础构建块本身是可逆结构,因此其中的 s、t 转换不需要是可逆的,其可以是任意复杂的网络结构;更重要的是,构建块的可逆性允许我们同时为正向训练和反向训练应用损失函数,并可以从任一方向计算 s 和 t 的梯度。 至于如何将输入分割为两部分,目前采用的方法是随机(但为了可逆,必须是固定的)分割。但为了实现更好的训练结果,往往在基础构建块之间加入置换层,用于 shuffle 输入,这样是为了使得每次分割得到的 u1、u2 和上一构建块分割得到的不同。如果没有置换层,那么在训练过程中,u1、u2 都是相互独立的。 正向过程的信息丢失使得逆向过程存在模糊性,如果使用贝叶斯方法,用 p(x|y) 表示这种模糊性,也是可行的,但非常复杂。实际上我们希望网络学习完整的后验分布 p(x|y),我们可以尝试预测简单分布的拟合参数(如均值和方差),或者使用分布(而非固定值)来表示网络权重,甚至两者结合,但无论如何,这将限制我们预先选择一种固定的分布或分布族。 也可以使用 cGAN,但它难以训练的,并且经常遭遇难以检测的模式崩溃。 因此,INN 中引入 latent variable z,其捕获了从 x 到 y 的正向过程中丢失的信息,即 x 与 [y,z] 形成了双射。在正向训练过程中,我们可以得到真实潜在分布 ztrue,从 ztrue 中采样,再结合 y 值,即可得到一个固定的 x 值。即,p(x|y) 转换成一个固定函数 x=g(y,z)。不过,为了易于采样,我们需要将 ztrue 调整为一个简单的分布(如标准正态分布),这样我们就可以从简单分布中采样,结合 y 值得到 x,这样的准确率依然是很高的,因为简单分布和 ztrue 之间只是一个简单映射关系。至此看来,INN 和 cGAN 思想是很接近的,不过 INN 的可逆性使得其训练过程与 cGAN 不同,也有其特殊的优点。 INN 同时对正向和逆向过程进行训练,累积网络两端的损失项的梯度。 我们还可以在 x 上添加类似 GAN 的鉴别器损失,但到目前为止,在我们的应用程序中,MMD 是足够的,因此我们可以避免对抗性训练的麻烦。在大量训练数据的支持下,我们可以训练网络拟合正向模型,由于网络的可逆构造,我们可以免费得到逆向模型。


内自同构(inner automorphism)一类特殊的自同构。若g是群G中一个元,则映射给出群G的一个自同构,称这样的自同构为群G的内自同构。 定义 在抽象代数的群论中,内自同构是群的自同构的一种。设g为群G的一个元素,则g对应的内自同构,是以g的共轭作用定义如下: 群G的一个自同构,如果是G的元素的共轭作用,便称为内自同构。 内自同构(inner automorphism)是一类特殊的自同构,若g是群G中一个元,则映射给出群G的一个自同构,称这样的自同构为群G的内自同构。 群G的所有内自同构在映射的合成运算下构成一个群,称为G的内自同构群,常记为Inn (G)。若G为交换群,则Inn(G)={1}。群G的内自同构群是它的自同构群的正规子群,群G的内自同构群同构于商群G/Z(G),其中Z(G)为G的中心,即Inn (G)-G/Z (G)。群G的不是内自构的自同构称为外自同构.商群Out (G) =Aut (G) /Inn (G)称为G的外自同构群.外自同构群的元素一般不是自同构。[1] 性质 (1)若g在G的中心Z(G)内,则是平凡的。因此阿贝尔群的内自同构都是平凡的。一般而言,的不动点集,正是g的中心化子CG(g)。 (2)内自同构的逆元是。两个内自同构的复合是。 (3)由群的中心的基本性质可知,若Inn(G)是循环群,则Inn(G)是平凡群。 (4)若Inn(G)=Aut(G)且G无中心,则G称为完备群。 (5)若G是完满群且Inn(G)是单群,则G称为拟单群。 (6)设R是半完备环,R的内自同构群为G,若对任意0≠e=e~2∈R,1+e是R中的可逆元,则R在G作用下的不变元是R的中心。[2]






hotel n.旅馆, 客栈, <俚>监狱;大旅社hostel n.宿舍, 旅店, 客栈寄宿舍;会馆;(校外)学生宿舍青年招待所inn n.(尤指乡村或公路边的) 旅馆, 客栈,酒馆vi.住旅馆resort n.度假胜地a health resort休养胜地lodge n.门房, (猎人住的)山林小屋, (游览区的)旅馆, (地方社团的)集会处vi.临时住宿, 寄宿(某人家)motel n.汽车旅馆汽车游客旅馆提问者评价非常感谢!


inn (常指乡村的) 小旅店; 小酒馆; 小餐厅例:the Waterside Inn.水滨旅馆。holiday inn. 假日酒店;假日旅馆inn相当于hotel, bar,roadhouse如:An inn is a hotel, bar, or restaurant, often one in the country.望采纳 谢谢


原指 打尖的小店,小酒馆 反正不入流的比较便宜小客店。但现代也有变化了,有些大的连锁旅店也开始这样叫以便接近大众:holiday inn 是个例子


inn英音:[in]美音:[u026an] 名词 n. [C]1.小旅馆,客栈On our trip to New England, we stayed in an old inn. 去新英格兰旅行的路上,我们住在一个古老的小客栈里。 2.小酒店,小饭店


inn是以下词语的缩写:1、INN:Intermediate Network Node中间网络节点;INN:International nonproprietary name国际非专有药名,是2014年公布的药学名词。2、INN:internode network节间网络:INN:inter net news除网络新闻;INN:inter node network除节点网络;INN:iran news network伊朗新闻网。3、INN:insurance news network保险新闻网;INN:internal network number indicator内部网络号指示器;INN:international non proprietary name国际非专利商标名。4、INN:international nonproprietary names国际非专有名称;INN:intelligent network node智能网络节点;INN:integrated node network综合的节点网络。inn,英语单词,主要用作为名词、不及物动词,用作名词译为“客栈;旅馆; (Inn)人名;(柬)因”。作不及物动词译为“住旅馆”。英式读音:u026an。美式读音:u026an。短语搭配1、GreenTree Inn格林豪泰;格林豪泰酒店;酒店格林豪泰。2、Dragon Inn新龙门客栈;龙汇宾馆;香港龙汇宾馆。3、Mystic Inn魔法客栈;邪术客栈;邪术堆栈;邪术货仓。

Jamie Lynn Spears的个人简介

Britney Jean Spears的妹妹啊..我们家布子的妹子啊..= =囧~总之,现在没怎么看见她的踪影了.长得很可爱的..(不过我觉得她小时候更可爱..)至于她小时候长什么样吗?请参看布兰妮In The Zone演唱会的生活部分.. - -于是,我轻轻地飘走了..

急求Funny at school 的英语作文

There are many funny places in our school. For example, the football playground, the classroom, the experiment room. But my favorite place is schoolu2019s reading-room. Our schoolu2019s reading-room is very big and bright. After class, you can go inside and pick out one of your favorite book to read. There are so many books that you donu2019t know which one you should read first.

英语翻译Isaac Newton:Forget His DinnerOne day a friend of his ca?

艾萨克牛顿:忘记他的晚餐 一天有一位朋友,他来到吃晚饭了他.晚宴已提交立法会省览,但牛顿不出来他的研究报告.他的油炸坐下来,在餐桌上,等待他.之后,他等了一个相当好的,同时决定,牛顿必须已如此之深,在一些新的发明或者理论上说,他忘记了所有对他的晚餐,与他的朋友.所以,他开始吃晚餐无需等待牛顿,他帮助自己的鸡 当朋友完毕,他原以为他会扮演的把戏对他的朋友.他把所有的鸡骨头重新提上碟和盖用餐巾纸.然后,他悄悄地离开了牛顿的房子说再见他.他几乎可以肯定,他的伎俩,将工作.. 几个小时后,牛顿来到了他的研究报告.他感到非常饥饿.他看到桌上已经奠定准备好晚餐,并坐下来,在他的位置.当他解除了餐巾,看到骨头的鸡肉.他很吃惊.他转身,看着计时器上墙,看到它长远,通过他所惯常的时间吃饭. "好,好,"他说,对自己,"我以为我没有吃,但是我错了" . 他站起来,从桌上到他的再学习.,2,英语翻译 Isaac Newton:Forget His Dinner One day a friend of his came to dine with him.Dinner was already laid on the table but Newton did not came out of his study.His fried sat down at the table and waited for him.After he waited for quite a good while,decided that Newton must have been so deep in some new invention or theory that he had forgotten all about his dinner with his friend.So he began to eat the dinner without waiting for Newton,and he helped himself to the chicken When the friend had finished,he thought he would play a trick on his friend.He put all the chicken bones back on the dish and covered them with the napkin.Then he quietly left Newton"s house without saying goodbye to him.He was almost certain that his trick would work.. Several hours later,Newton came out of his study.He felt very hungry.He saw the table had been laid ready for dinner,and sat down at his place.When he lifted the napkin and saw the bones of the chicken.He was quite surprised.He turned,looked at the clock on the wall,and saw that it was long pass his usual time for dinner. “Well,well,” he said to himself,“I thought I had not eaten yet,but I am wrong.” He got up from the table and went to his study again. 简化的再翻译

Just wanna make friend wiz u , okey? 啥意思




Rihanna《right now》的歌词?

right now rihannaTomorrow way too far away And we can"t get back yesterday But we young right now We got right now So get up right now Cause all we got is Right Now Tomorrow way too far away And we can"t get back yesterday But we young right now We got right now So get up right now Cause all we got is Right Now Baby tonight I need you And I feel it when I see you Wherever you wanna go Whenever baby i"m yours Tomorrow"s way too far away And we can"t get back yesterday But we young right now We got right now So get up right now Cause all we got is Right Now Tomorrow"s way too far away And we can"t get back yesterday But we young right now We got right now So get up right now Cause all we got is Right Now Cause all we got is right now So close I can taste you Ain"t scared I can take you Can"t fight the feeling Got me fiening You got me feeling Something you wanted to do all your life There"s no more waiting tonight is the night And it can"t be wrong not if it feels this right Turn it up, scream it loud yeah Tomorrow way too far away And we can"t get back yesterday But we young right now We got right now So get up right now Cause all we got is Right Now Tomorrow"s way too far away And we can"t get back yesterday But we young right now We got right now, so get up right now Cause all we got is right now


这首歌的名字是《Right Now (Na Na Na)》。Am1r的《Right Now(NaNaNa)》,声线扣人心弦,节奏跌宕起伏,前奏响起那刻就停不下来。Am1r是来自加拿大多伦多的R&B艺术家,词曲作者和制作人,代表作品《Right Now (Na Na Na)》。《Right Now (Na Na Na)》是美国嘻哈男歌手阿肯演唱的歌曲,由阿肯和Giorgio Tuinfort等填词及谱曲。歌曲被收录在阿肯第三张录音室专辑《Freedom》内,于2008年9月23日作为专辑的首支单曲发行。

Rihanna的Right now歌词

Tomorrow way too far awayAnd we can"t get back yesterdayBut we young right nowWe got right nowSo get up right nowCause all we got is Right NowTomorrow way too far awayAnd we can"t get back yesterdayBut we young right nowWe got right nowSo get up right nowCause all we got is Right Now[Beat break]Baby tonight I need youAnd I feel it when I see youWherever you wanna goWhenever baby I"m yoursTomorrow way too far awayAnd we can"t get back yesterdayBut we young right nowWe got right nowSo get up right nowCause all we got is Right NowTomorrow way too far awayAnd we can"t get back yesterdayBut we young right nowWe got right nowSo get up right nowCause all we got is Right Now[Beat break]Cause all we got is Right Now....So close I can taste youAin"t scared I can take youCan"t fight the feelingGot me feel feelingYou got me feelingSomething you wanted to do all your lifeThere"s no more waiting tonight is the nightAnd it can"t be wrong not if it feels this rightTurn it up, scream it loud, yeahTomorrow way too far awayAnd we can"t get back yesterdayBut we young right nowWe got right nowSo get up right nowCause all we got is right nowTomorrow way too far awayAnd we can"t get back yesterdayBut we young right nowWe got right nowSo get up right nowCause all we got is right nowCause all we got is right now....




这是英文翻译成中文的 网址 http://www.hao123.com/ss/fy.htm





invite for a dinner和invite to a dinner的区别

两个短语的意思几乎没有区别,都是请人吃饭的意思。1:invite for a dinner强调目的,同时发出邀请的应是请吃饭的人,态度上比较认真、正式。2:invite to a dinner强调动作,而发出邀请的则可能是一块去吃饭的人,态度上没有那么正式。两个短语完全可以互换。希望能够帮到你哟~

madonna的hung up歌词

Madonna - Hung Up 专辑:Confessions On A Dance Floor Time goes by so slowly Time goes by so slowly Time goes by so slowly Time goes by so slowly Time goes by so slowly Time goes by so slowly Every little thing that you say or do I"m hung up I"m hung up on you Waiting for your call Baby night and day I"m fed up I"m tired of waiting on you Time goes by so slowly for those who wait No time to hesitate Those who run seem to have all the fun I"m caught up I don"t know what to do Time goes by so slowly Time goes by so slowly Time goes by so slowly I don"t know what to do Every little thing that you say or do I"m hung up I"m hung up on you Waiting for your call Baby night and day I"m fed up I"m tired of waiting on you Every little thing that you say or do I"m hung up I"m hung up on you Waiting for your call Baby night and day I"m fed up I"m tired of waiting on you Ring ring ring goes the telephone The lights are on but there"s no-one home Tick tick tock it"s a quarter to two And I"m done I"m hanging up on you I can"t keep on waiting for you I know that you"re still hesitating Don"t cry for me "cause I"ll find my way you"ll wake up one day but it"ll be too late Every little thing that you say or do I"m hung up I"m hung up on you Waiting for your call Baby night and day I"m fed up I"m tired of waiting on you Every little thing that you say or do I"m hung up I"m hung up on you Waiting for your call Baby night and day I"m fed up I"m tired of waiting on you Every little thing every little thing I"m hung up I"m hung up on you Waiting for your call Waiting for your call I"m fed up I"m tired of waiting on you Time goes by so slowly Time goes by so slowly Time goes by so slowly Time goes by so slowly So slowly so slowly..... I don"t know what to do Every little thing that you say or do I"m hung up I"m hung up on you Waiting for your call Baby night and day I"m fed up I"m tired of waiting on you

Madonna的《Hung Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Hung Up歌手:Madonna专辑:CelebrationHung UpMadonnaTime goes by so slowlyTime goes by so slowlyTime goes by so slowlyTime goes by so slowlyTime goes by so slowlyTime goes by so slowlyEvery little thing that you say or doI"m hung upI"m hung up on youWaiting for your callBaby night and day I"m fed upI"m tired of waiting on youTime goes by so slowly for those who waitNo time to hesitateThose who run seem to have all the funI"m caught upI don"t know what to doTime goes by so slowlyTime goes by so slowlyTime goes by so slowlyI don"t know what to doEvery little thing that you say or doI"m hung upI"m hung up on youWaiting for your callBaby night and day I"m fed upI"m tired of waiting on youEvery little thing that you say or doI"m hung upI"m hung up on youWaiting for your callBaby night and dayI"m fed upI"m tired of waiting on youRing ring ring goes the telephoneThe lights are on but there"s no-one homeTick tick tock it"s a quarter to twoAnd I"m doneI"m hanging up on youI can"t keep on waiting for youI know that you"re still hesitatingDon"t cry for me"cause I"ll find my wayyou"ll wake up one daybut it"ll be too lateEvery little thing that you say or doI"m hung upI"m hung up on youWaiting for your callBaby night and dayI"m fed upI"m tired of waiting on youEvery little thing that you say or doI"m hung upI"m hung up on youWaiting for your callBaby night and dayI"m fed upI"m tired of waiting on youEvery little thing Every little thingI"m hung upI"m hung up on youWaiting for your call Waiting for your callI"m fed upI"m tired of waiting on youTime goes by so slowlyTime goes by so slowlyTime goes by so slowlyTime goes by so slowlyso slowly...so slowly...so slowly...I don"t know what to doEvery little thing that you say or doI"m hung upI"m hung up on youWaiting for your callBaby night and dayI"m fed upI"m tired of waiting on youEvery little thing that you say or doI"m hung upI"m hung up on youWaiting for your callBaby night and dayI"m fed upI"m tired of waiting on youEvery little thing Every little thingI"m hung upI"m hung up on youWaiting for your call Waiting for your callI"m fed up...http://music.baidu.com/song/450263

jennifer lopez是什么手表

珍妮弗·洛佩兹 (Jennifer Lopez)可是美国当红的歌星&影星,拉丁美人~~倒是有她名字命名的化妆品和香水,手表我也是第一次看到,大多是以时尚女士表为主,"JLO"品牌缩写http://mall.sina.com.cn/list/list-7581.htm这里介绍大约44种"JLO"的手表和市场价,价格不便宜哦

Jennifer Love Hewitt (珍妮弗·洛夫·休伊特)的资料,要具体一点的

◆ 姓 名:Jennifer Love Hewitt 詹妮弗·拉芙·赫维特 詹妮弗·洛芙·海维特 珍妮弗·洛夫·休伊特 ◆ 出生日期:1979年2月21日 ◆ 出 生 地:Waco, Texas, USA ◆ 国家地区:美国/USA ◆ 主要身份:Actress ◆ 人物简介: 珍妮佛·乐芙·休伊 出生地: Waco, 美国德克萨斯州 珍妮佛·乐芙·休伊 Jennifer Love Hewitt 的联系地址: c/o Party of Five FOX Broadcasting Company 10201 W.Pico Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90035 新时代全才型3F女艺人——“小爱”珍妮佛·乐芙·休伊(Jennifer Love Hewitt),最新创作专辑要让您重新认识这位有趣(Funny)、无畏(Fearless)又富女人味(Feminine)的新时代全才型3F女艺人! 现年23岁,水瓶座的“小爱”珍妮佛乐芙休伊出生于德州华哥小镇。她独特的中间小名“Love2”是其母亲为了纪念她的好友而取的,而“小爱”这个名字则是她的大哥为了纪念他的初恋情人所取,所以“小爱”珍妮佛·乐芙·休伊这个名字是她全家人爱的纪念! 拥有甜美的笑容,性感的外表,才华洋溢的“小爱”珍妮佛·乐芙·休伊是一位能演善舞、能写能唱、畅销作家等多重身份的全才型女艺人。“小爱”珍妮佛·乐芙·休伊自三岁开始便投入娱乐事业,生平所表演的第一首歌曲是《The Greatest Love of All》,这首歌也开启了她的演艺事业生涯!四岁还突然出现在餐厅的舞台上表演歌唱,五岁开始上爵士和芭蕾舞的课程,这些扎实的基本训练也让她顺利的参加了德州表演团,同时她也随团一起远赴苏俄及欧洲演出。由于“小爱”珍妮佛·乐芙·休伊优异的表现,她的启蒙老师引荐她到洛杉矶发展,很快的在那她找到了她事业的开始——迪士尼儿童频道的演出。1998年在演出《五口之家》的同时她也完成了青年演员学校的高中课程。 “小爱”珍妮佛·乐芙·休伊以其精湛的演技及甜姐儿的形象著称之外,她有出过三张个人专辑。除了演戏之外,她最想成为一名儿童精神科医师,帮助所有需要帮助的小朋友!“小爱”珍妮佛·乐芙·休伊的多才多艺,不仅是在戏剧、歌唱、创作上的展现,年纪轻轻的她也成立了一家她自己的制作公司——“Love Spell Entertainment”拓展她另外的事业。 让“小爱”珍妮佛·乐芙·休伊在戏剧崭露头角的是著名的电视剧《五口之家》,另外还主演了《奥黛莉·赫本》、《惊声尖叫1、2》、《修女也疯狂2》等电影,最近也将和成龙一起主演梦工场最新的电影《燕尾服》! 演艺事业一帆风顺的“小爱”珍妮佛·乐芙·休伊,在2001年也为她的歌唱事业找到了好的归宿,她加入了著名厂牌Jive唱片公司成为了新好男孩、超级男孩、小甜甜布兰妮等人的师妹。“小爱”珍妮佛·乐芙·休伊个人最新的专辑是由她自己、Meredith Brooks以创作"Bitch"歌曲为名的摇滚女歌手和Brian McKnight共同制作,这是一张非常具有“小爱”珍妮佛·乐芙·休伊味道风格的专辑,同时也是“小爱”珍妮佛·乐芙·休伊自己生活的写照!“小爱”在创作这张专辑时她几乎每天都到Meredith Brooks的家中写歌作曲,整张专辑的创过程是非常有趣、生动和愉快,完全展现“小爱”新时代全才型的女性风格! 首支单曲《Barenaked(赤裸的告白)》是由“小爱”和Meredith Brooks一起共同创作,是一首朗朗上口、耐听的抒情摇滚曲风的歌曲。另外还有有动人抒情的经典歌曲《Just Try》及《You》等。喜欢“小爱”电影的影迷们,想必对她这专辑也不会失望的,因为“小爱”珍妮佛·乐芙·休伊已经赤裸裸的将自己呈现在音乐符号世界,这是她最真摰的声音和创作的结合,是另外一种“小爱”赤裸告白。 Jennifer Love Hewitt“小爱”珍妮佛乐芙休伊的荣誉: 1997-好莱坞记者评选为“最佳年轻之星” 1998-百视达娱乐奖项之“最佳新进女演员”(《惊声尖叫1》) 1999-百视达娱乐奖项之“最受欢迎女演员”(《惊声尖叫2》) 1999-Teen Choice Award“年度最受欢迎电影女星” 1999- Teen Choice Award“年度最受欢迎女艺人” 2000-People""s Choice Award“最受欢迎女演员”











jenniferis a singer,中文

应该是Jennifer"s friends are musicans 我的朋友们是音乐家





invite for a dinner和invite to a dinner的区别

两个短语的意思几乎没有区别,都是请人吃饭的意思. 1:invite for a dinner 强调目的,同时发出邀请的应是请吃饭的人,态度上比较认真、正式. 2:invite to a dinner 强调动作,而发出邀请的则可能是一块去吃饭的人,态度上没有那么正式. 两个短语完全可以互换.



这首歌和madonna的《Hung up》开始的节奏特别像 Time goes by so slowly

gimme gimme gimme? 你说的是ABBA的歌吧

Jennifer Piage的歌词






Jennifer lopez 演唱的hold you down歌词 翻译成中文

Hold You Down Jennifer Lopez [Verse 1] [Jennifer:] Now you"ve been holding me down For such a long time now From back then To now in my story Straight from the hood You"ve always been there for me And ya had my back (When they) Back when everybody said I wasn"t anything It was you who had me holdin" on No matter what was goin" on So no whatever ya need I got you [Fat Joe:] Reminiscing that 6 train from way back Now its sky blue phantoms and stretch may backs Sweepin" them floors in them Bronx apartments Mira esta que on that red carpet With Pun died you was the first to call me I never told you but you was there for me Whatever you need, I"ll be there for you Crack - I got ya back for real (True story) [Bridge] [Jennifer:] Now my loyalty, will always be With you, if you just promise me That you"ll stay real just like you are "Cause baby you don"t have to change (no) [Chorus] [Jennifer:] You don"t know how much you mean to me Whenever you down You know that you can lean on me No matter the situation Boy, I"m gon" hold you down [Fat Joe:] You don"t know how much you mean to me Whenever you down You know that you can lean on me No matter the situation Girl, I"m gon" hold you down [Verse 2] [Fat Joe:] 2005 Rakim and Jody Watley Why"d she paint such a picture so perfect Quite possibly The real expression from BX To South Beach I"ma always hold you down, girl You can count on me [Jennifer:] So remember this whenever I call We go back too far We"ve been through it all Even though we haven"t spoke In so long Ain"t nothing has changed Not a damn thing, baby [Bridge] [Jennifer:] Now my loyalty, will always be With you, if you just promise me That you"ll stay real just like you are "Cause baby you don"t have to change because [Chorus] [Jennifer:] You don"t know how much you mean to me Whenever you down You know that you can lean on me No matter the situation Boy, I"m gon" hold you down [Fat Joe:] You don"t know how much you mean to me Whenever you down You know that you can lean on me No matter the situation Girl, I"m gon" hold you down [Verse 3] [Fat Joe:] Like green, it"s the autumns Things will stay This industry, yeah, I fought Made me this way Get between me and J.Lo I simply stay You better off sweepin" leaves On a windy day (no) [Jennifer:] So I don"t care about the situation I"ma ride for you if there"s a complication Every time you had my back and all When we were young Now you Joe, we crackin" off [Bridge] [Jennifer:] Now my loyalty, will always be With you, if you just promise me That you"ll stay real just like you are "Cause baby you don"t have to change because [Chorus] [Jennifer:] You don"t know how much you mean to me Whenever you down You know that you can lean on me No matter the situation Boy, I"m gon" hold you down [Fat Joe:] You don"t know how much you mean to me Whenever you down You know that you can lean on me No matter the situation Girl, I"m gon" hold you down [Jennifer and Fat Joe:] You don"t know how much you mean to me Whenever you down You know that you can lean on me No matter the situation I"m gon" hold you down





Jennifer & Julia 歌词

歌曲名:Jennifer & Julia歌手:the clientele专辑:Bonfires On the HeathThe Clientele - Jennifer & JuliaTake me down and close my eyesMy fingertips will touch your face againNight time"s gone and morning"s comeAnd everybody"s lost without a traceWith the air so clearand the morning like cocaineEverybody"s coming homeEverybody"s lost without a traceWhen will I see you again babyWhen will I see you again?Jennifer and JuliaThey don"t know if they want to be aloneAnd so they go out dancingAnd a fever wakes them gently in a roomhttp://music.baidu.com/song/17193467

eden. jennifer的歌词

Big, big bootyWhat you got a big bootyBig, big bootyWhat you got a big bootyBig, big bootyWhat you got a big bootyBig, big bootyWhat you…Have you seen her on the dancefloorShe got the boom, shake the roomThat"s the lightning in the thunderYou wanna meet her, you wanna touchherSee the light in her eyesAnd it starts to make you wonderAll the sexy girls in the partyGo and grab a manBring him to the dancefloorGo and light them jeans,Don"t you worry you"re dancingIt"s his birthdayGive him what he ask forLet me show you how to do itBig, big bootyWhat you got a big bootyWorkBig, big bootyWhat you got a big bootyShake thatBig, big bootyWhat you got a big bootyBig, big bootyWhat you…The way shemovesI know you want herShe like the fire, get you rightThat"s the lightning in the thunderYou wanna meet her, you wanna touchherHold on tight for the rideCause you know you"re gonna loveherBig, big bootyWhat you got a big bootyWorkBig, big bootyWhat you got a big bootyShake thatBig, big bootyWhat you got a big bootyBig, big bootyWhat you…大,大的战利品你有一个大的战利品大,大的战利品你有一个大的战利品大,大的战利品你有一个大的战利品大,大的战利品你…你看过她的舞池吗她得到了繁荣,动摇了房间这是雷声的闪电你想见到她,你想联系看到她眼中的光和它开始让你知道在晚会上所有的性感女郎去抓一个人带他到舞池去光他们的牛仔裤,你不担心你跳舞这是他的生日他要求给他让我告诉你如何去做大,大的战利品你有一个大的战利品工作大,大的战利品你有一个大的战利品摇,大,大的战利品你有一个大的战利品大,大的战利品你…shemoves的方式我知道你想要的她她喜欢火,让你正确的这是雷声的闪电你想见到她,你想联系抓紧就是让你知道你会的大,大的战利品你有一个大的战利品工作大,大的战利品你有一个大的战利品摇,大,大的战利品你有一个大的战利品大,大的战利品你…







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jennifer lopez 演唱的hold you down歌词

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 解析: Hold You Down Jennifer Lopez [Verse 1] [Jennifer:] Now you"ve been holding me downFor such a long time now From back then To now in my story Straight from the hood You"ve always been there for me And ya had my back (When they) Back when everybody said I wasn"t anything It was you who had me holdin" on No matter what was goin" on So no whatever ya need I got you [Fat Joe:] Reminiscing that 6 train from way back Now its sky blue phantoms and stretch may backs Sweepin" them floors in them Bronx apartments Mira esta que on that red carpet With Pun died you was the first to call me I never told you but you was there for me Whatever you need, I"ll be there for you Crack - I got ya back for real (True story) [Bridge] [Jennifer:] Now my loyalty, will always be With you, if you just promise me That you"ll stay real just like you are "Cause baby you don"t have to change (no) [Chorus] [Jennifer:] You don"t know how much you mean to me Whenever you down You know that you can lean on me No matter the situation Boy, I"m gon" hold you down [Fat Joe:] You don"t know how much you mean to me Whenever you down You know that you can lean on me No matter the situation Girl, I"m gon" hold you down [Verse 2] [Fat Joe:] 2005 Rakim and Jody Watley Why"d she paint such a picture so perfect Quite possibly The real expression from BX To South Beach I"ma always hold you down, girl You can count on me [Jennifer:] So remember this whenever I call We go back too far We"ve been through it all Even though we haven"t spoke In so long Ain"t nothing has changed Not a damn thing, baby [Bridge] [Jennifer:] Now my loyalty, will always be With you, if you just promise me That you"ll stay real just like you are "Cause baby you don"t have to change because [Chorus] [Jennifer:] You don"t know how much you mean to me Whenever you down You know that you can lean on me No matter the situation Boy, I"m gon" hold you down [Fat Joe:] You don"t know how much you mean to me Whenever you down You know that you can lean on me No matter the situation Girl, I"m gon" hold you down [Verse 3] [Fat Joe:] Like green, it"s the autumns Things will stay This industry, yeah, I fought Made me this way Get beeen me and J.Lo I simply stay You better off sweepin" leaves On a windy day (no) [Jennifer:] So I don"t care about the situation I"ma ride for you if there"s a plication Every time you had my back and all When we were young Now you Joe, we crackin" off [Bridge] [Jennifer:] Now my loyalty, will always be With you, if you just promise me That you"ll stay real just like you are "Cause baby you don"t have to change because [Chorus] [Jennifer:] You don"t know how much you mean to me Whenever you down You know that you can lean on me No matter the situation Boy, I"m gon" hold you down [Fat Joe:] You don"t know how much you mean to me Whenever you down You know that you can lean on me No matter the situation Girl, I"m gon" hold you down [Jennifer and Fat Joe:] You don"t know how much you mean to me Whenever you down You know that you can lean on me No matter the situation I"m gon" hold you down

M2M的《Jennifer》 歌词

歌曲名:Jennifer歌手:M2M专辑:The Big RoomShe"s so beautifulShe is suuuuuuper niceEverybody say she"s specialShe is wonderfulUnbelievable...sweetI guess she is perfectStop saying she"s just a friend, just a friendKeep hearing her name again, name again!I really have to sayShe"s always in my wayI can"t believe how much you love herHow can I make you see?It"s either her or meI will never be like JenniferShe"s a fragile girlSkin like porcelainShame on you, if you would hurt herShe"s adorableOh so vulnerableI wish that somebody would drop herStop saying she"s just a friend, just a friendKeep hearing her name again, name again!ChorusStop saying she"s just a friend, just a friendKeep hearing her name again, name again!http://music.baidu.com/song/2187463





jennifer lopez 演唱的hold you down歌词 翻译成中文

詹妮弗: 总是现在,来自你持(有)的食物的我的话的Straight的To你当时现在的For的那样的a长的时间From下方面保持着我为了是那里的我的And,大家,我关于It什么即使由于我不管怎么说So去,据说说了即使说作为你把I作为必要也使之继续的你得了你如果不是事的时候,你我的脊背中在(作为那些的时候)时使之支撑了。胖的Joe: 你对我为了打了1号电话的我的我尽管是你,对你绝对没说Whatever。因为"追忆,6虚幻和增长那样发出的淡蓝色支撑Sweepin为了满满踩从逆道训练"那些由于那些那个红毛毡With Pun上面的esta que死了的布朗克斯公寓藁增二,必要,我你在那里在,Crack,--我真的你返回了(真事)詹妮弗:现在的,如果是我的忠诚,With你平时请期望,并且,只有可以约定That的话,你象象确实"你变化一样地不生的原因的小宝宝"一样地真的着吧。(不)能胖的Joe:"你,对我的知道的你打算的是不知道打算Whenever多少以我完全不使之倾斜问题,状况Girl,我gon"保持,你发生故障。在能胖的Joe:2005Rakim和jodiWatley她为何涂饰那样的画儿的非常完全的Quite,根据来自BX To南部海滨I"ma的事真的表现总是压倒你,你我上数的少女詹妮弗:我,称呼We为顺利的逆太远的We的时候平时,由于这个的我们没持(有),不过,请记着通过那个,全部的Even把不是无,AinNot的a厉害的东西变的那样说了长的In,小宝宝是不需要詹妮弗:现在的,如果是我的忠诚,With你总是望全部开放,只有可以约定That的话象确实"原因的小宝宝一样地是真的着,你变化的、"象胖的Joe:绿色一样地,那Things我和J.还是是Lo I之间的Get仅仅等候你的这样逗留This产业,哼,对I被作战了的Made期望着我这样的秋天,扫风强的日之间,叶的On。(不)詹妮弗:跟随,我是Every时间如果如果现在年轻的你是Joe是那里你拿着我的背的复杂,全部的When是我们,不担心状况I"ma上的情况,我们自鸣得意的话做不需要詹妮弗:现在的,如果是我的忠诚,With你总是望全部开放,只有可以约定That的话象确实"原因的小宝宝一样地是真的着,你变化的、"能胖的Joe:"你,对我的知道的你打算的是不知道打算Whenever多少以我完全不使之倾斜问题,状况Girl,我gon"保持,你发生故障。做不知道能与詹妮弗胖的Joe:"你,对我的知道的你打算打算的Whenever多少以我完全不使之倾斜问题,状况,我、"你打倒的保持gon。啥破东西,,我用翻译器翻译的,好象坏了

Jennifer Lopez





你确定见过吗? 那张脸真的不熟诶

英语作文:向美国笔友Jennifer 写一封信,介绍你最近一周的生活和学习情况。

Dear Jennifer:How are you recently?I am so sorry that I haven"t written to you recently,for we are going to have the mid-term exam.As you know,most of the Chinese students are always worried about their exams and are always busy with their lessons.Before the exam,I still have certain time on my basketball practice.Besides my homework,I am able to appreciate my favourite music,watch my cartoons and play my video games.But now,I am facing with the pressure from both my teachers and parents.Well, stop talking about my unpleasant stories.I know,Christmas Day is approaching.I am very likely to say"Merry Christmas" to you and to your family as well.Wish you have a wonderful special day!Best Wishes! Your Chinese Pen Pal,XXXXDear Jennifer,I am very happy to receive your letter. I am fine these days but a bit busy. I am always busy with my study and there are lots of homework to do every day. I work hard and I am interested in all the subjects so I can alwasy get good grades. I often do sports for about twenty minutes after school because it"s good for my health and it can help me relax. I am going to take an important exam so that I can get into senior high. So I will try as hard as I can. How about you? Yours XXXX(望采纳)





今天老师问我英文名叫什么我说Jennifer 但是老师说这对我来说显得太老了

我叫 lily。。。。。。

jennifer georgia这两个英文名哪个好一点(内涵 代表)?谢啦!


Jenny、 Daisy 、Jennifer哪个好







她是如此美丽 她是suuuuuuper不错 大家说,她的特殊 她是美妙 令人难以置信的甜... 我猜她是完美的 停止说,她只是一个朋友,只是朋友 请听她的名字再次名字了! 合唱团 我真的不得不说 她总是在我的道路 我不相信有多少你爱她 如何才能使你明白吗? 这不是她或箱 我永远不会像珍妮 她是一个脆弱的女孩 皮肤像瓷 可惜你,如果你伤害她 她是可爱的 噢如此脆弱 我希望有人将她辍学 停止说,她只是一个朋友,只是朋友 请听她的名字再次名字了! 合唱团 停止说,她只是一个朋友,只是朋友 请听她的名字再次名字了!


是jennifer lopez的品牌 J.Lo by Jennifer这个品牌授权于Warnaco Group发表。她的路线包含许多不同型态的年轻女子的服饰,包含了牛仔装、T-Shirt、外套、皮带、皮包与女用内衣。(百科复制的)
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