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Kenneth Choi的《Ping Ting》 歌词

歌曲名:Ping Ting歌手:Kenneth Choi专辑:Steel Box Collection - Kenneth Choi风中看树影星光似流莹朗朗秋月 照你身上池畔俏盈盈灯光似梦境色彩变幻无定悄悄地望 冷冷地望全没有反应暗暗赞一声默默遥望背影意态娉婷 举止幽静令人心跳未停http://music.baidu.com/song/7280362

如何辨别Kenneth Cole陶瓷手表真假

但是大家要注意市场上卖的Kenneth Cole手表,因为近几年假冒手表越来越多,大家要注意Kenneth Cole真伪的鉴别。现小编教大家几招Kenneth Cole手表真伪的方法。 有朋友说想买块Kenneth Cole型号是 KC4762陶瓷手表,但不知怎么鉴别正品还是仿货呢?,现给大家具体的介绍该款手表的真假辨别。 1.看LOGO 一般假表最容易暴露的就是LOGO,特别是表面上的LOGO。你可以用4倍目镜仔细的看其做工。 2.看表针 Kenneth Cole KC4762陶瓷手表是三指针表盘。假的表针用目镜仔细观察,可以发现微小的痕迹。表针的形状和真表是有明显差别的,假表的秒针制作粗糙。 3.看把头 不锈钢表壳,搭配黑色陶瓷表圈,直径为1.375。一般,假表的把头最容易露馅。名表的把头都是有自己的规格的,而假表几乎千篇一律,这个只需要多看真表的外观就能很容易看出。 4.看表链 该款表是金属环带陶瓷的中心环节,折叠式表扣,带按钮式安全。表链的做工可以清晰看到,有些假表表带做的虽然比较精致,可是在活动角落处却有着粗糙未经打磨的细节,只要细心点你就能找到破绽。真表做工精细,标识清晰。 5.看后盖 仿表的后盖都不按照名表的编制制作,假表为了节约成本会制作出不出精细的后盖。Kenneth Cole表厂都有自己固定的标号规则,并且有其个表的流水号,根据该号可以查到该表的规格型号甚至是出厂日期和销售地,而假表则只用一个编号,甚至于没有号码,很容易进行分辨。

Johnny Depp 详细资料

全名:约翰·克里斯托弗·德普二世昵称:Mr. Stench(self-chosen)(臭先生)、Colonel、杰克船长   星座:双子座   出生地:美国Kentucky(肯塔基州)的Owensboro(欧温斯波洛)   身高:5尺10英寸或1.78米(IMDB官方请勿修改)   体重: 70 kg   家人:父亲(小布什,美国城市工程师)、母亲(Betty Sue Palmer服务员)、姐姐(Christie Dembrowski个人经理)、兄弟(D.P. Depp 作家,编剧)   前妻:Lori Anne Allison(1983-1985)   前女友:Sherilyn Fenn、Jennifer Grey、Winona Ryder(《剪刀手爱德华》女主角)、Kate Moss   现任女友:Vanessa Paradis   儿女:女儿Lily-Rose Melody Depp(born on May 27, 1999)、儿子John Christopher Depp III (但在家中他和Vanessa喜欢叫他Jack)(born on April 9, 2002)

kenneth cole是什么牌子?

kenneth cole是美国的时尚品牌,旗下产品线主要有手表、服饰、包袋等。kenneth cole属于流行品牌,男款比女款可能更畅销,因为他们是做男装男鞋开始出名的。流行程度仅次于calvin klEin,可以查AMAZON就知道它有卖很贵的。相关信息:Kenneth Cole -经得起时间考验的Kenneth Cole 创办人Kenneth Cole以鞋起家。1982年,他欲以有限的资本去开办一间鞋履公司(Shoes Company)。这时候,他打听得一间意大利鞋厂陷入财政危机,于是便立刻到当地洽商,最后,该鞋厂以“信贷”(credit) 形式与Kenneth Cole合作,大量生产其设计的鞋履。

Kenneth Pattengale的《Freckles》 歌词

歌曲名:Freckles歌手:Kenneth Pattengale专辑:Storied PlacesNatasha BedingfieldFrecklesI used to care so much about what others think aboutAlmost didn"t have a thought of my ownThe slightest remark would make me embarkOn the journey of self doubtBut that was a while agoThis girl has got strongerIf I knew then what I know nowI would have told myself don"t worry any longer it"s okayCuz a face without freckles is like a sky without starsWhy waste a second not loving who you areThose little imperfections make youbeautiful, lovable, valuable,They show your personality inside your heartReflecting who you areWho you are Who you are Who you arewhoaI wondered if I couldtrade my body with somebody else in magazinesWith the whole world full at my feetI phantom worthy and would blame myfailures on the ugliness I could seeWhen the mirror looked at meSometimes I feel like the little girl whodoesn"t belong in her own worldBut I"m getting betterAnd I"m reminding myselfCuz a face without freckles is a sky without starsWhy waste a second not loving who you areThose little imperfections make youbeautiful, lovable, valuable,They show your personality inside your heartReflecting who you areReflecting who you areReflecting who you are HmmmWhoooooo whoa hmmmm ooooooCuz a face without freckles is a sky without starsWhy waste a second not loving who you areThose little imperfections make youbeautiful, lovable, valuable,They show your personality inside your heartReflecting who you areReflecting who you areReflecting who you are...........................http://music.baidu.com/song/8092304

kenneth cole reaction品牌怎样?

装饰手表本身就不值什么钱,即使是大牌的CK也不过几千元,再大的牌子也贵有限。这个kenneth cole是平民品牌。几千元之内吧。













为什么kenneth edmonds叫babyface!?

摘自百科:“另外一提的是,“Babyface”这个别号,亦是在那期间内由另一位俄亥俄州的乐手Bootsy Collins,率先此别名来(称有着稚嫩面容的他),并自此一直沿用下来。”

Kenneth Cobonpue翻译

设计师Kenneth Cobonpue最近推出了名为“卡巴莱(Cabaret,源于欧洲的一种歌剧)”系列家具[2] ,包括沙发、座椅、和桌子等。 这些家具看上去像是用绳子编织而成,简洁,质朴,优雅

沃尔兹的沃尔兹(Kenneth Waltz),政治理论家




麻辣鸡的老公Kenneth Petty,有什么犯罪前科?


关于Kenneth Lieberthal的介绍

Kenneth Lieberthal美国密歇根大学政治学和商学院教授,现为美国布鲁金斯学会客座研究员。他是美国著名的中国问题专家,于1998年8月至2000年10月任美国总统国家安全事务特别助理、美国国家安全委员会亚洲事务部资深主任,负责美国对东北亚、东亚和东南亚的政策。

helena carter海伦娜·卡特、emma thompson艾玛·汤普森与kenneth kenneth branagh肯尼斯·布拉纳夫之间




Kenneth Cole品牌介绍和卖点?

Kenneth Cole - 经得起时间考验的Kenneth Cole  创办人Kenneth Cole以鞋起家。1982年,他欲以有限的资本去开办一间鞋履公司 (Shoes Company)。这时候,他打听得一间意大利鞋厂陷入财政危机,于是便立刻到当地洽商,最后,该鞋厂以“信贷”(credit) 形式与Kenneth Cole合作,大量生产其设计的鞋履。  Kenneth打算把他的鞋放在美国发售。在八十年代,发售designer shoes一般有两个途径:(一)把鞋放于曼克顿区的希尔顿酒店 (Hilton Hotel)内的一个大型鞋履展销会,与同场上千的鞋商争奇斗艳;(二) 在曼克顿区中心 (Midtown Manhattan)开设华丽的showroom,花费大笔金钱以建立品牌形象。Kenneth Cole不选这两条路,另有点子。  他向朋友商借一辆40尺长的大货车,打算驶入曼克顿区中心卖鞋。但他的朋友忠告他,驶这样一辆的大货车到曼克顿区中心,须事先申请许可证 (permission)。二话不说,Kenneth就到市政府办理。可是,他得知原来只有电影制作或公用事业公司才能申请许可证。Kenneth灵机一动,立刻把公司名字改为 “Kenneth Cole Productions, Inc.”,并一并申请开拍纪录片《The Birth of a Shoe Company》。当然,他最终申请成功,并于鞋展的同一天,与一名导演和数名身兼女演员的模特儿,驾驶着那辆布置妥当的40尺长大货车,停泊于6th Avenue,一边卖鞋,一边拍摄这纪录片。不用猜也知卖鞋为主,拍片为次。在短短的两天半内,共售出四万双鞋子。  发展至今,Kenneth Cole已不只卖鞋,还经营男装、女装、运动服、珠宝、饰物、行李箱、皮具、眼镜、太阳镜和香水等生意,将品牌推广至世界各地。但公司名字依然保留当年的 “Kenneth Cole Productions, Inc.”,作为一个reminder,提醒公司上下“灵活”和“创意”的重要性。风格俐落  Kenneth Cole虽然以设计鞋履扬名时装界,但他设计的时装也不赖。Kenneth Cole能融会纽约人 (New Yorkers) 崇尚简洁的性格于他的时装中,令每季作品的线条笔挺有力,外观对称耐看。  搭配item方面,万变不离其宗,多有恤衫、西裤、宽松长裤 (slacks)、短身jacket、trench coat、one-piece高腰连身裙等等。用色嘛,以黑白灰蓝为主,且用色素净,不会出现“黄色jacket衬红裤再配银色手袋”的七彩style,也难以找到珠片(sequin)、刺绣、印花之类的花巧details。例如,2005年春夏系列,初初的几套是白色,跟着的几套是橙色,再接下来的就有棕色、翠蓝和深蓝。 每套时装都以一个颜色作为主tone,视觉效果干净俐落。主题产品  既然以鞋起家,那么Kenneth Cole的鞋履实在不容小看。男装鞋无论是皮鞋还是casual shoes,鞋头总是向上昂起 。女装鞋则显得不甘平底,不论是dress shoes还是boots,大多高跟。建议配搭  Kenneth Cole之时装用色简洁,剪裁稳重,不见无谓details,多见明亮有致的醒目风格。喜爱的人全盘接收便可,不喜欢太过简单的人大可尝试配衬用色大胆的accessories,例如:银色的手袋、红色胶珠项链等等,即管放胆想像,大胆style自己便可。试想想,身穿一套净白套装,但颈上挂着一条红色胶珠项链,那是何等突出而醒目。经得起时间考验  有否想过追赶潮流其实是一件苦差?每一季的潮流不断转变,时而biker jacket,时而mini skirt,除花费大量金钱时间,也令衣服的寿命变得很短。今季穿过一两次的衣服,下季已不敢拿出来曝光。  Kenneth Cole的时装正有经得起时间考验的能耐,不屑作无谓又无聊的花巧。最要紧的是,要穿得潇洒舒适帅气。一件Kenneth Cole的衣裳可穿它个十年八年,也无过时之感。


恰恰相反,Kenneth这个名字不但没有不好的含义,而且寓意极好:1. 肯尼士(男子名) 2. 【古】英俊的领导者








Kenneth英 ["kenu026aθ] 美 ["ku025bnu026aθ] n. 肯尼思(男子名)[男子名] 肯尼思来源于凯尔特语,含义是“清秀的”(handsome,comely) 昵称Ken,Kenny;[地名] [美国] 肯尼思







Do You Wanna Play 歌词

Do you wanna play同名专辑Do you wanna play?@ Do you wanna playFirst time that I saw you boy,you look so good to meyeah Everything about you baby,the way we talk, the way love"s movin"Called you up but you were not home, babycan"t you see yeahI"m alone sitting by the phone,need to get you down with meYou get me going on,you make me lose my mindI"m so involved and boy I want(need/want) you all the time(Do you wanna play)Got a little mind game with you(Are you the one for me)I feel you baby(Do you wanna play)I came to show that I adore you(Are you the one for me)Or are you playin" with meNah Nah Nah NahBaby You"re my everything,you mean the world to meI like the way you hold me babyThe way you kiss me drive me crazyEvery night you are in my dreams,I don"t know what to doI"m alone sitting by the phone,waiting for a sign from you(Do you wanna play with me)Do you wanna play with me(You could be the one for me)Yeah, Yeah(Do you wanna play with me)Do you wanna play with meyeah yeahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/55760856

Stephen Duffy Featuring Nigel Kennedy的《Galaxy》 歌词

歌曲名:Galaxy歌手:Stephen Duffy Featuring Nigel Kennedy专辑:Music In ColorsWe"re rolling on.We say "So longDarling, I love you" and I...I let you go I watch you goFarther out of view,"Good-bye"And after all the love is overThis loneliness remainsA loneliness to prove my loveOh,well even when a song is overSome melody remainsA memory of harmony and youAs we go along, floating onWooh,the song, will return to meAnd through it all, on and on,Flow through our galaxies"Till we meet again"With open armswe hear the songSongs will have to do, untilWe meet again,how long till then?I"m in love with you. I will......survive until the wait is overWhen you and I againBegin the way we both beganOh, andeven when the song is overThe melody remainsA memory of harmony and youAnd we"ll go along,on and onMove as onewhere we both should beFor after all, we belongTwo in one galaxy"Till we meet again"And so on and on, we belongTwo as one in galaxyWhere throughthe years all can hearOur sweet harmony"Till we meet again""Till we meet again"http://music.baidu.com/song/7959927

Jamie Foxx Featuring Justin Timberlake & T.I.的《Winner》 歌词

歌曲名:Winner歌手:Jamie Foxx Featuring Justin Timberlake & T.I.专辑:Winner(Spoken)YO it is an honor to introduce the future of R&BHis name is Chris Brown and uh you know what this is...yeah...another beat trax joint{VERSE 1}Round One,I hear a ding,I walk up and shake your handGirl I gotta to know what"s upBaby what"s your name?Can I get your number cause I wanna talk about some thingsRound Two,It ain"t a thingI was movin every way you moveBobbin and WeavingLike a young boy was supposed to doIt seemed like only yesterday that we did it,Now they wore me like fitted and i justgotta say(Chorus)Baby you"re a winner,Didn"t even take you twelve rounds to do itYou got the title nowIma tell the whole worldTo give it up for my girl (girl) my girl(2X)Round three,I can see me and you walking down the aisleAnd I know we"re young so it will be a while(VERSE 2)Round three,I can see me and you walking down the aisleAnd I know we"re young so it will be a whileBefore we doing that but my momma got me in traininGetting ready for the day when I make somebody happyAnd oh oh oh said i was still in loveuntil i found someone like you (oh)Somebody tell what i suppoded to do, you put my back againstthe ropesNo choice but to invoke, I gotta give itto you(Chorus)Baby you"re a winner,Didn"t even take you twelve rounds to do itYou got the title nowIma tell the whole worldTo give it up for my girl (girl) my girl(2X)Oh yah oh no no no no(Bridge)Oh Girl, baby I just can"t believe that every timeyou come aroundI start losing my breath im trippinover myselfCause you hittin me hittin meOh Girl,baby its so plain to see that you gotthe best of meSo im throwin in the towel baby I bow outoh oh oh oh oh let it breathe oh haha(Chorus)Baby you"re a winner,Didn"t even take you twelve rounds to do itYou got the title nowIma tell the whole worldTo give it up for my girl (6X)http://music.baidu.com/song/7452688

Elvis Presley的《Danny Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:A Touch Of Platinum Vol. 2(O^~^O)...CherQQ制作....p(^-^)qdanny boy 丹尼男孩The Choirboys(童声版)Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling 噢!丹尼男孩,听笛声,笛声正在召唤From glen to glen and down the mountain side 在山谷间回荡,消失在山的另一边The summer"s gone and all the flowers are dying 夏天已经逝去,花儿开始枯萎Tis you tis you must go and I must bide 你必须得离去,而我会一直等待But come you back when summer"s in the meadow 如果你回来的时候,正是草原上的夏天Or when the valley"s hushed and white with snow 或是山谷沉静,白雪覆盖之时Tis I"ll be here. In sunshine or in shadow 我一定会去那儿,不论是阳光普照或阴影覆盖Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so 噢!丹尼男孩,噢!丹尼男孩,我是多么爱你--苏格兰风笛--And if you come when all the flowers are dying 但是如果你在百花凋谢的时候回来And I am dead as dead I well may be 也许我已经死去,我会死得很安详I pray you"ll find the place where I am lying 我祈祷你会前来,找到我长眠之地And kneel and say an ave there for me 跪下来和我说你为我而在这里And I shall hear though soft you tread above me 我会倾听,虽然你轻柔的踩在我上面And all my grave shall warmer sweeter be 我的坟墓将会更加温暖而甜蜜Then you will kneel and whisper that you love me 然后你跪下,在我耳边低声说你爱我And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me 我将在平静中安息,直到你来我身边爱尔兰民歌-伦敦德里小调http://music.baidu.com/song/7393290

Elvis Presley的《Danny Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:The CollectionDanny BoyDiana KrallOh Danny boyThe pipes the pipes are callingFrom glenn to glennAnd down the mountain sideThe summer"s goneAnd all the flowers are falling"Tis you, "tis you must goAnd I must byeBut come ye backWhen summer"s in the meadowOr when the valley"s hushedAnd white with snow"Tis I"ll be thereIn Sunshine or in shadowOh Danny boy oh Danny boyI love you soAnd when ye comeAnd all the flowers are dyingIf I am deadAs dead I well may beYou"ll come and findThe place where I am lyingAnd kneel and say an AveFor meAnd I shall hearThe soft you tread above meAnd all my graveWill warm and sweeter beIf you will bendAnd tell meThat you love meThen I shall sleep in peaceUntil you come to mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/10322552

Bill Evans Trio的《Danny Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy歌手:Bill Evans Trio专辑:Time RememberedDanny BoyDiana KrallOh Danny boyThe pipes the pipes are callingFrom glenn to glennAnd down the mountain sideThe summer"s goneAnd all the flowers are falling"Tis you, "tis you must goAnd I must byeBut come ye backWhen summer"s in the meadowOr when the valley"s hushedAnd white with snow"Tis I"ll be thereIn Sunshine or in shadowOh Danny boy oh Danny boyI love you soAnd when ye comeAnd all the flowers are dyingIf I am deadAs dead I well may beYou"ll come and findThe place where I am lyingAnd kneel and say an AveFor meAnd I shall hearThe soft you tread above meAnd all my graveWill warm and sweeter beIf you will bendAnd tell meThat you love meThen I shall sleep in peaceUntil you come to mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/10301534

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James Galway&The Chieftains的《Danny Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy歌手:James Galway&The Chieftains专辑:The Best Of James Galway小野丽莎 - Danny Boyby 猪头家族 - 龟速小子Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are callingFrom glen to glen, and down the mountain sideThe summer"s gone, and all the flowers are dying"Tis you, "tis you must go and I must bide.But come ye back when summer"s in the meadowOr when the valley"s hushed and white with snow"Tis I"ll be here in sunshine or in shadowOh Danny boy, Danny boy, I love you so.And if you come, when all the flowers are dyingAnd I am dead, as dead I well may beYou"ll come and find the place where I am lyingAnd kneel and say an "Ave" there for me.And I shall hear, tho" soft you tread above meAnd all my dreams will warm and sweeter beIf you"ll not fail to tell me that you love meI"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.I"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.I"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.http://music.baidu.com/song/8410347

Harry Connick. Jr.的《Danny Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy歌手:Harry Connick. Jr.专辑:Come By Me小野丽莎 - Danny Boyby 猪头家族 - 龟速小子Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are callingFrom glen to glen, and down the mountain sideThe summer"s gone, and all the flowers are dying"Tis you, "tis you must go and I must bide.But come ye back when summer"s in the meadowOr when the valley"s hushed and white with snow"Tis I"ll be here in sunshine or in shadowOh Danny boy, Danny boy, I love you so.And if you come, when all the flowers are dyingAnd I am dead, as dead I well may beYou"ll come and find the place where I am lyingAnd kneel and say an "Ave" there for me.And I shall hear, tho" soft you tread above meAnd all my dreams will warm and sweeter beIf you"ll not fail to tell me that you love meI"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.I"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.I"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.http://music.baidu.com/song/8819391

平原绫香的《Danny Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy歌手:平原绫香专辑:ドキッ!Danny Boy(アイルランド民谣)作词:Ayaka Hirahara歌:平原绫香Oh, Danny Boy あなたのいる街はもうすぐ 秋ですか何度も 何度も あなたの名前を呼んでいますてがらなど たてなくていいから早く帰っておいでみんなが待つこのふるさとへOh, Danny Boy Oh, Danny Boy I love you soあなたが今より大きくなって私が先にいなくなってもあなたは自分の决めた道を信じて歩いてくださいてがらなど たてなくていいから谁かに负けたっていいからそのままの あなたで いいのOh, Danny Boy Oh, Danny Boy I love you so収録:「my Classics 3」 発売日:2011/03/02~おわり~http://music.baidu.com/song/56680432

Danny Boy (Londonderry Air) 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy (Londonderry Air)歌手:Glenn Miller & His Orchestra专辑:Rca Original MastersDanny BoyDeclan GalbraithBy:Emma_babyOh Danny boyThe pipes the pipes are callingFrom glenn to glennAnd down the mountain sideThe summer"s goneAnd all the flowers are dyinging"Tis you must goAnd I must byeBut come ye backWhen summer"s in the meadowOr when the valley"s hushedAnd white with snow"Tis I"ll be hereIn Sunshine or in shadowOh Danny boy oh Danny boyI love you soAnd if ye comeWhen alll the flowers are dyingIf I am deadAs dead I well may beYou"ll come and findThe place where I am lyingAnd kneel and say an Ave for meAnd I shall hearThe soft you tread above meAnd all my graveWill warm and sweeter beIf you will bendThat you love meThen I shall sleep in peaceAnd whisperUntil you come to meThen I shall sleep in peaceUntil you come to mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7877326

Danny Boy (Pbs Special) 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy (Pbs Special)歌手:John Mcdermott专辑:A Time To Remember小野丽莎 - Danny Boyby 猪头家族 - 龟速小子Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are callingFrom glen to glen, and down the mountain sideThe summer"s gone, and all the flowers are dying"Tis you, "tis you must go and I must bide.But come ye back when summer"s in the meadowOr when the valley"s hushed and white with snow"Tis I"ll be here in sunshine or in shadowOh Danny boy, Danny boy, I love you so.And if you come, when all the flowers are dyingAnd I am dead, as dead I well may beYou"ll come and find the place where I am lyingAnd kneel and say an "Ave" there for me.And I shall hear, tho" soft you tread above meAnd all my dreams will warm and sweeter beIf you"ll not fail to tell me that you love meI"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.I"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.I"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.http://music.baidu.com/song/2647717


Is Danny a good boy?..



danny is a boy改成否定句

Danny isn"t a boy.

jacintha的《Danny Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy歌手:jacintha专辑:Here"s to Ben: A Vocal Tribute to Ben WebsterOh Danny Boy,The pipes, the pipes are calling.From Glenn to GlennAnd down the mountain side.The summer"s goneAnd all the roses fallingIt"s you, it"s you must goAnd I must bide.But come ye backWhen summer"s in the meadow.Or when the valley"s hushedAnd white with snow.It"s I"ll be thereIn Sunshine or in ShadowOh Danny Boy, oh Danny BoyI love you so.But when ye comeAnd all the flowers are dying.If I am deadAs dead I will may be.Ye come and findThe place where I am lying.And kneel and sayAn "Ave" there for me.And I shall hearThose soft you tread above meAnd all my graveWill warmer sweeter be.For you will bend and tell meThat you love meAnd I shall sleep in peaceUntil you come to me.http://music.baidu.com/song/54174874

Danny Boy (Londonderry Air) 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy (Londonderry Air)歌手:Glenn Miller & His Orchestra专辑:Glenn Miller--A Memorial (1944-1969)小野丽莎 - Danny Boyby 猪头家族 - 龟速小子Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are callingFrom glen to glen, and down the mountain sideThe summer"s gone, and all the flowers are dying"Tis you, "tis you must go and I must bide.But come ye back when summer"s in the meadowOr when the valley"s hushed and white with snow"Tis I"ll be here in sunshine or in shadowOh Danny boy, Danny boy, I love you so.And if you come, when all the flowers are dyingAnd I am dead, as dead I well may beYou"ll come and find the place where I am lyingAnd kneel and say an "Ave" there for me.And I shall hear, tho" soft you tread above meAnd all my dreams will warm and sweeter beIf you"ll not fail to tell me that you love meI"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.I"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.I"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.http://music.baidu.com/song/9688958

Craig Duncan的《Danny Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy歌手:Craig Duncan专辑:Americana Classics小野丽莎 - Danny Boyby 猪头家族 - 龟速小子Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are callingFrom glen to glen, and down the mountain sideThe summer"s gone, and all the flowers are dying"Tis you, "tis you must go and I must bide.But come ye back when summer"s in the meadowOr when the valley"s hushed and white with snow"Tis I"ll be here in sunshine or in shadowOh Danny boy, Danny boy, I love you so.And if you come, when all the flowers are dyingAnd I am dead, as dead I well may beYou"ll come and find the place where I am lyingAnd kneel and say an "Ave" there for me.And I shall hear, tho" soft you tread above meAnd all my dreams will warm and sweeter beIf you"ll not fail to tell me that you love meI"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.I"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.I"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.http://music.baidu.com/song/2670946

danny boy三声部歌词翻译

歌曲:Danny Boy歌手:Declan Galbraith所属专辑:Declan GalbraithOh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling哦Danny boy,风笛响彻From glen to glen, and down the mountain side在深谷里徘徊,消逝在山间The summer"s gone, and all the flowers are dying夏日已尽,万花凋零"Tis you, "tis you must go and I must bide.你定要离开,我定会等待But come ye back when summer"s in the meadow但当你归来,或是在夏天回到这片绿茵之时Or when the valley"s hushed and white with snow或是在白雪飘满静谧的山谷之时Tis I"ll be here in sunshine or in shadow阳光或阴影里,我都在Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so.哦Danny boy,Danny boy,我如此爱你And if you come, when all the flowers are dying如果当你归来,所有的花都凋落了And I am dead, as dead I well may be我已逝去,安心离去You"ll come and find the place where I am lying你会找到我长眠的地方And kneel and say an "Ave" there for me.屈膝跟我道别But I shall hear, tho" soft you tread above me我会听到你轻柔的足音And all my dreams will warm and sweeter be我所有的梦都将更温暖甜蜜That you will kneel and whisper that you love me你会跪在我的墓边轻声说爱我And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me.我将平静守候,待你归来And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me.我将长眠于此,待你归来

Danny Boy (Londonderry Air) 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy (Londonderry Air)歌手:Slim Whitman专辑:Emi Country Masters - 50 Originals(O^~^O)...CherQQ制作....p(^-^)qdanny boy 丹尼男孩The Choirboys(童声版)Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling 噢!丹尼男孩,听笛声,笛声正在召唤From glen to glen and down the mountain side 在山谷间回荡,消失在山的另一边The summer"s gone and all the flowers are dying 夏天已经逝去,花儿开始枯萎Tis you tis you must go and I must bide 你必须得离去,而我会一直等待But come you back when summer"s in the meadow 如果你回来的时候,正是草原上的夏天Or when the valley"s hushed and white with snow 或是山谷沉静,白雪覆盖之时Tis I"ll be here. In sunshine or in shadow 我一定会去那儿,不论是阳光普照或阴影覆盖Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so 噢!丹尼男孩,噢!丹尼男孩,我是多么爱你--苏格兰风笛--And if you come when all the flowers are dying 但是如果你在百花凋谢的时候回来And I am dead as dead I well may be 也许我已经死去,我会死得很安详I pray you"ll find the place where I am lying 我祈祷你会前来,找到我长眠之地And kneel and say an ave there for me 跪下来和我说你为我而在这里And I shall hear though soft you tread above me 我会倾听,虽然你轻柔的踩在我上面And all my grave shall warmer sweeter be 我的坟墓将会更加温暖而甜蜜Then you will kneel and whisper that you love me 然后你跪下,在我耳边低声说你爱我And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me 我将在平静中安息,直到你来我身边爱尔兰民歌-伦敦德里小调http://music.baidu.com/song/3473845

Ruby Murray的《Danny Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy歌手:Ruby Murray专辑:When Irish Eyes Are Smiling/Irish... And Proud Of It(O^~^O)...CherQQ制作....p(^-^)qdanny boy 丹尼男孩The Choirboys(童声版)Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling 噢!丹尼男孩,听笛声,笛声正在召唤From glen to glen and down the mountain side 在山谷间回荡,消失在山的另一边The summer"s gone and all the flowers are dying 夏天已经逝去,花儿开始枯萎Tis you tis you must go and I must bide 你必须得离去,而我会一直等待But come you back when summer"s in the meadow 如果你回来的时候,正是草原上的夏天Or when the valley"s hushed and white with snow 或是山谷沉静,白雪覆盖之时Tis I"ll be here. In sunshine or in shadow 我一定会去那儿,不论是阳光普照或阴影覆盖Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so 噢!丹尼男孩,噢!丹尼男孩,我是多么爱你--苏格兰风笛--And if you come when all the flowers are dying 但是如果你在百花凋谢的时候回来And I am dead as dead I well may be 也许我已经死去,我会死得很安详I pray you"ll find the place where I am lying 我祈祷你会前来,找到我长眠之地And kneel and say an ave there for me 跪下来和我说你为我而在这里And I shall hear though soft you tread above me 我会倾听,虽然你轻柔的踩在我上面And all my grave shall warmer sweeter be 我的坟墓将会更加温暖而甜蜜Then you will kneel and whisper that you love me 然后你跪下,在我耳边低声说你爱我And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me 我将在平静中安息,直到你来我身边爱尔兰民歌-伦敦德里小调http://music.baidu.com/song/2703927

Johnny Cash的《Danny Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy歌手:Johnny Cash专辑:Original Album Classics(O^~^O)...CherQQ制作....p(^-^)qdanny boy 丹尼男孩The Choirboys(童声版)Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling 噢!丹尼男孩,听笛声,笛声正在召唤From glen to glen and down the mountain side 在山谷间回荡,消失在山的另一边The summer"s gone and all the flowers are dying 夏天已经逝去,花儿开始枯萎Tis you tis you must go and I must bide 你必须得离去,而我会一直等待But come you back when summer"s in the meadow 如果你回来的时候,正是草原上的夏天Or when the valley"s hushed and white with snow 或是山谷沉静,白雪覆盖之时Tis I"ll be here. In sunshine or in shadow 我一定会去那儿,不论是阳光普照或阴影覆盖Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so 噢!丹尼男孩,噢!丹尼男孩,我是多么爱你--苏格兰风笛--And if you come when all the flowers are dying 但是如果你在百花凋谢的时候回来And I am dead as dead I well may be 也许我已经死去,我会死得很安详I pray you"ll find the place where I am lying 我祈祷你会前来,找到我长眠之地And kneel and say an ave there for me 跪下来和我说你为我而在这里And I shall hear though soft you tread above me 我会倾听,虽然你轻柔的踩在我上面And all my grave shall warmer sweeter be 我的坟墓将会更加温暖而甜蜜Then you will kneel and whisper that you love me 然后你跪下,在我耳边低声说你爱我And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me 我将在平静中安息,直到你来我身边爱尔兰民歌-伦敦德里小调http://music.baidu.com/song/7487819

Jimmy Little的《Danny Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy歌手:Jimmy Little专辑:The Definitive Collection(O^~^O)...CherQQ制作....p(^-^)qdanny boy 丹尼男孩The Choirboys(童声版)Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling 噢!丹尼男孩,听笛声,笛声正在召唤From glen to glen and down the mountain side 在山谷间回荡,消失在山的另一边The summer"s gone and all the flowers are dying 夏天已经逝去,花儿开始枯萎Tis you tis you must go and I must bide 你必须得离去,而我会一直等待But come you back when summer"s in the meadow 如果你回来的时候,正是草原上的夏天Or when the valley"s hushed and white with snow 或是山谷沉静,白雪覆盖之时Tis I"ll be here. In sunshine or in shadow 我一定会去那儿,不论是阳光普照或阴影覆盖Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so 噢!丹尼男孩,噢!丹尼男孩,我是多么爱你--苏格兰风笛--And if you come when all the flowers are dying 但是如果你在百花凋谢的时候回来And I am dead as dead I well may be 也许我已经死去,我会死得很安详I pray you"ll find the place where I am lying 我祈祷你会前来,找到我长眠之地And kneel and say an ave there for me 跪下来和我说你为我而在这里And I shall hear though soft you tread above me 我会倾听,虽然你轻柔的踩在我上面And all my grave shall warmer sweeter be 我的坟墓将会更加温暖而甜蜜Then you will kneel and whisper that you love me 然后你跪下,在我耳边低声说你爱我And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me 我将在平静中安息,直到你来我身边爱尔兰民歌-伦敦德里小调http://music.baidu.com/song/7487685

Johnny Cash的《Danny Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy歌手:Johnny Cash专辑:American Iv: Man Comes Around(O^~^O)...CherQQ制作....p(^-^)qdanny boy 丹尼男孩The Choirboys(童声版)Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling 噢!丹尼男孩,听笛声,笛声正在召唤From glen to glen and down the mountain side 在山谷间回荡,消失在山的另一边The summer"s gone and all the flowers are dying 夏天已经逝去,花儿开始枯萎Tis you tis you must go and I must bide 你必须得离去,而我会一直等待But come you back when summer"s in the meadow 如果你回来的时候,正是草原上的夏天Or when the valley"s hushed and white with snow 或是山谷沉静,白雪覆盖之时Tis I"ll be here. In sunshine or in shadow 我一定会去那儿,不论是阳光普照或阴影覆盖Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so 噢!丹尼男孩,噢!丹尼男孩,我是多么爱你--苏格兰风笛--And if you come when all the flowers are dying 但是如果你在百花凋谢的时候回来And I am dead as dead I well may be 也许我已经死去,我会死得很安详I pray you"ll find the place where I am lying 我祈祷你会前来,找到我长眠之地And kneel and say an ave there for me 跪下来和我说你为我而在这里And I shall hear though soft you tread above me 我会倾听,虽然你轻柔的踩在我上面And all my grave shall warmer sweeter be 我的坟墓将会更加温暖而甜蜜Then you will kneel and whisper that you love me 然后你跪下,在我耳边低声说你爱我And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me 我将在平静中安息,直到你来我身边爱尔兰民歌-伦敦德里小调http://music.baidu.com/song/7430442

John Mcdermott的《Danny Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy歌手:John Mcdermott专辑:Danny Boy(O^~^O)...CherQQ制作....p(^-^)qdanny boy 丹尼男孩The Choirboys(童声版)Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling 噢!丹尼男孩,听笛声,笛声正在召唤From glen to glen and down the mountain side 在山谷间回荡,消失在山的另一边The summer"s gone and all the flowers are dying 夏天已经逝去,花儿开始枯萎Tis you tis you must go and I must bide 你必须得离去,而我会一直等待But come you back when summer"s in the meadow 如果你回来的时候,正是草原上的夏天Or when the valley"s hushed and white with snow 或是山谷沉静,白雪覆盖之时Tis I"ll be here. In sunshine or in shadow 我一定会去那儿,不论是阳光普照或阴影覆盖Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so 噢!丹尼男孩,噢!丹尼男孩,我是多么爱你--苏格兰风笛--And if you come when all the flowers are dying 但是如果你在百花凋谢的时候回来And I am dead as dead I well may be 也许我已经死去,我会死得很安详I pray you"ll find the place where I am lying 我祈祷你会前来,找到我长眠之地And kneel and say an ave there for me 跪下来和我说你为我而在这里And I shall hear though soft you tread above me 我会倾听,虽然你轻柔的踩在我上面And all my grave shall warmer sweeter be 我的坟墓将会更加温暖而甜蜜Then you will kneel and whisper that you love me 然后你跪下,在我耳边低声说你爱我And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me 我将在平静中安息,直到你来我身边爱尔兰民歌-伦敦德里小调http://music.baidu.com/song/2712330

danny boy和you raise me up 是一个调吗 怎么回事啊


Danny Boy (2005 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy (2005 Digital Remaster)歌手:Ruby Murray专辑:It S The Irish In MeChloe Agnew - Danny Boy猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你Oh Danny boythe pipes, the pipes are callingFrom glen to glenand down the mountain sideThe summer"s goneand all the flowers are dying"Tis you, "tis youmust go and I must bideBut come ye backwhen summer"s in the meadowOr when the valley"shushed and white with snowAnd I"ll be herein sunshine or in shadowOh Danny boyoh Danny boy, I love you so2009.05.18 5猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你And if you comeAnd all the flowers are dyingAnd I am deadas dead I well may beYou"ll come and findthe place where I am lyingAnd kneel and sayan "Ave" there for me.And I will heartho" soft you tread above meAnd all my gravewill warm and sweeter beIf you"ll not failto tell me that you love meI will sleep in hereuntil you come to me.2009.05.18 5猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你http://music.baidu.com/song/2751303

Hayley Westenra的《danny boy》 歌词

歌曲名:danny boy歌手:Hayley Westenra专辑:celtic treasureDanny BoyOh Danny boyThe pipes the pipes are callingFrom glenn to glennAnd down the mountain sideThe summer"s goneAnd all the flowers are dying"Tis you, "tis you must goAnd I must byeBut come ye backWhen summer"s in the meadowOr when the valley"s hushedAnd white with snow"Tis I"ll be thereIn Sunshine or in shadowOh Danny boy oh Danny boyI love you soAnd if you comewhen all the flowers are dyingIf I am deadAs dead I well may beYou"ll come and findThe place where I am lyingAnd kneel and say an AveFor meAnd I shall hearThe soft you tread above meAnd all my graveshall warm and sweeter beIf you will bendAnd tell meThat you love meand I shall sleep in peaceUntil you come to meand I shall sleep in peaceUntil you come to mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/765685

you raise me up是根据dannyboy改编的吗?


Bill Evans的《Danny Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy歌手:Bill Evans专辑:Bill Evans For Lovers小野丽莎 - Danny Boyby 猪头家族 - 龟速小子Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are callingFrom glen to glen, and down the mountain sideThe summer"s gone, and all the flowers are dying"Tis you, "tis you must go and I must bide.But come ye back when summer"s in the meadowOr when the valley"s hushed and white with snow"Tis I"ll be here in sunshine or in shadowOh Danny boy, Danny boy, I love you so.And if you come, when all the flowers are dyingAnd I am dead, as dead I well may beYou"ll come and find the place where I am lyingAnd kneel and say an "Ave" there for me.And I shall hear, tho" soft you tread above meAnd all my dreams will warm and sweeter beIf you"ll not fail to tell me that you love meI"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.I"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.I"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.http://music.baidu.com/song/8520738



Danny Boy的中文意思是什么?


You Raise Me Up和Danny Boy有什么必然的联系吗?

《you raise me up》有200多个翻唱版本,原唱是secret garden,但西域男孩的翻唱最著名。

翻译一下少女时代danny boy歌词,要中文

Oh Danny Boy 哦,丹尼男孩The pipes the pipes are calling管道是调用管From Glenn to Glenn 从格伦到格伦And down the mountain side到山的另一边The summer"s gone夏天走了And all the flowers are dying和所有的鲜花都死了"Tis you "tis you must go是你是你必须走And I must bide我必须等待But come ye back但当你回来的时候When summer"s in the meadow在夏天的草地Or when the valley"s hushed或者当山谷的寂静And white with snow白色的雪In Sunshine or in Shadow我会一直在这里Oh Danny Boy oh Danny Boy在阳光或阴影Oh Danny Boy oh Danny Boy哦,丹尼男孩,哦,丹尼男孩I love you so我也爱你But when ye come如果你回来时And all the flowers are dying和所有的鲜花都死了If I am dead如果我死了As dead I will may be我会死的Ye come and find你们来找The place where I am lying这个地方我在说谎And kneel and say跪下来和我说An Ave there for me大街上有我And I shall hear我会听到The soft you tread above me你轻轻的踩在我上面And all my grave我的坟墓Shall warmer sweeter be将变得温暖甜蜜For you will bend and tell me that you love me 你真的对我说你爱我And I shall sleep in peace我将安息Until you come to me直到你来到我身边And I shall sleep in peace我将安息Until you come to me直到你来到我身边我自己先翻译再一句一句复制、粘帖上去的哦!望采纳。。。(*^__^*) 嘻嘻

danny boy是甚末意思


Ben Webster的《Danny Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy歌手:Ben Webster专辑:Quiet Now : Until TonightDanny BoyDeclan GalbraithOh Danny boyThe pipes the pipes are callingFrom glenn to glennAnd down the mountain sideThe summer"s goneAnd all the flowers are dying"Tis you, "tis you must goAnd I must byeBut come ye backWhen summer"s in the meadowOr when the valley"s hushedAnd white with snow"Tis I"ll be thereIn Sunshine or in shadowOh Danny boy oh Danny boyI love you soAnd if you comewhen all the flowers are dyingIf I am deadAs dead I well may beYou"ll come and findThe place where I am lyingAnd kneel and say an AveFor meAnd I shall hearThe soft you tread above meAnd all my graveshall warm and sweeter beIf you will bendAnd tell meThat you love meand I shall sleep in peaceUntil you come to meand I shall sleep in peaceUntil you come to mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7554087

求《danny boy》的歌词

歌手:Eva Cassidy 专辑:Imagine Eva Cassidy - Danny BoyOh Danny Boy, The pipes, the pipes are calling.From Glenn to Glenn And down the mountain side.The summer"s gone And all the flowers are dying."Tis you, "tis you must go And I must bide.But come ye back When summer"s in the meadow.Or when the valley"s hushed And white with snow."Tis I"ll be here In Sunshine or in ShadowOh Danny Boy, oh Danny Boy I love you so.But when ye come And all the roses fallingAnd I am dead As dead I well may be.Go out and find The place where I am lying.And kneel and say an "Ave" there for me.And I will hear The soft you tread above meAnd then my grave Will warm and sweeter be.For you shall bend and tell me That you love meAnd I will sleep in peace Until you come to me.END

小野丽莎的《Danny Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy歌手:小野丽莎专辑:美丽时光小野丽莎 - Danny Boyby 猪头家族 - 龟速小子Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are callingFrom glen to glen, and down the mountain sideThe summer"s gone, and all the flowers are dying"Tis you, "tis you must go and I must bide.But come ye back when summer"s in the meadowOr when the valley"s hushed and white with snow"Tis I"ll be here in sunshine or in shadowOh Danny boy, Danny boy, I love you so.And if you come, when all the flowers are dyingAnd I am dead, as dead I well may beYou"ll come and find the place where I am lyingAnd kneel and say an "Ave" there for me.And I shall hear, tho" soft you tread above meAnd all my dreams will warm and sweeter beIf you"ll not fail to tell me that you love meI"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.I"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.I"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.http://music.baidu.com/song/235160

danny boy歌词


游学志的《danny boy》 歌词

歌曲名:danny boy歌手:游学志专辑:陶笛飞行船(O^~^O)...CherQQ制作....p(^-^)qdanny boy 丹尼男孩The Choirboys(童声版)Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling 噢!丹尼男孩,听笛声,笛声正在召唤From glen to glen and down the mountain side 在山谷间回荡,消失在山的另一边The summer"s gone and all the flowers are dying 夏天已经逝去,花儿开始枯萎Tis you tis you must go and I must bide 你必须得离去,而我会一直等待But come you back when summer"s in the meadow 如果你回来的时候,正是草原上的夏天Or when the valley"s hushed and white with snow 或是山谷沉静,白雪覆盖之时Tis I"ll be here. In sunshine or in shadow 我一定会去那儿,不论是阳光普照或阴影覆盖Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so 噢!丹尼男孩,噢!丹尼男孩,我是多么爱你--苏格兰风笛--And if you come when all the flowers are dying 但是如果你在百花凋谢的时候回来And I am dead as dead I well may be 也许我已经死去,我会死得很安详I pray you"ll find the place where I am lying 我祈祷你会前来,找到我长眠之地And kneel and say an ave there for me 跪下来和我说你为我而在这里And I shall hear though soft you tread above me 我会倾听,虽然你轻柔的踩在我上面And all my grave shall warmer sweeter be 我的坟墓将会更加温暖而甜蜜Then you will kneel and whisper that you love me 然后你跪下,在我耳边低声说你爱我And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me 我将在平静中安息,直到你来我身边爱尔兰民歌-伦敦德里小调http://music.baidu.com/song/13989910

"danny boy"翻译这是什么意思呀?




Madonna的《Skin》 歌词

歌曲名:Skin歌手:Madonna专辑:Ray Of LightDo I know you from somewhereWhy do you leave me wanting moreWhy do all the things I saySound like the stupid things I said before?Kiss me I"m dyingPut your hand on my skinI close my eyesI need to make a connectionI"m walking on a thin lineI close my eyesI close my eyesDo I know you from somewhereWhy do you leave me wanting moreWhy do all the things I saySound like the stupid things I said before?Touch me I"m tryingTo see inside of your soulI"ve got this thingI want to make a correctionI"m not like this all the timeYou"ve got this thingYou"ve got this thingDo I know you from somewhereWhy do you leave me wanting moreWhy do all the things I saySound like the stupid things I said before?Kiss me I"m dyingPut your hand on my skinI close my eyesI need to have your protectionI close my eyesI close your eyesDo I know you from somewhereWhy do you leave me wanting moreWhy do all the things I saySound like the stupid things I said before(Repeat until end)http://music.baidu.com/song/1318106

skinny love 中文翻译是什么意思?具体歌词翻译也要。谢谢。最要是一句英文一句中文的

我能明白这首歌的涵义 我可以根据我的理解翻译一下Come on skinny love just last the year拜托 虚弱的爱 哪怕只到今年也可以Pour a little salt we were never here再加把劲 我们从来不至如此My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my唉 怎么会这样呢Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer如今我注视着这血池与不堪一击的伪装I tell my love to wreck it all对爱说去毁灭这一切Cut out all the ropes and let me fall就让我这样不留后路的沉沦吧My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my唉 怎么会这样呢Right in the moment this order"s tall现在这个命令很让我为难And I told you to be patient我明明告诉过你要耐心and I told you to be fine要做个好人and I told you to be balanced要有规律and I told you to be kind并要良善In the morning I"ll be with you到了早晨我就会和你在一起But it will be a different kind但是那会是以另一种方式cause I"ll be holding all the tickets因为我将拿着所有的罚单And you"ll be owning all the fines而你将要索赔所有的罚款Come on skinny love拜托 瘦弱的爱what happened here到底发生了什么Suckle on the hope in lite brassiere还在如婴儿般吮吸着已经消耗殆尽了的希望My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my唉 怎么会这样Sullen load is full; so slow on the split痛苦已经满荷 所以请慢点分离And I told you to be patient我明明告诉过你要耐心and I told you to be fine要做个好人and I told you to be balanced要有规律and I told you to be kind并要良善Now all your love is wasted现在你所有的爱都已作废Then who the hell was I?那么我当初又是为了个什么?cause Now I"m breaking at the britches/bridges因为现在我 看着短裤濒临崩溃/已在桥的尽头And at the end of all your lies/lines斩断你所有的谎言/台词Who will love you?以后又有谁会爱你?Who will fight?谁会为你正名?Who will fall far behind?谁又会远远的落在后面?

skinny love 中文翻译是什么意思?具体歌词翻译也要。谢谢。最要是一句英文一句中文的

我能明白这首歌的涵义 我可以根据我的理解翻译一下Come on skinny love just last the year拜托 虚弱的爱 哪怕只到今年也可以Pour a little salt we were never here再加把劲 我们从来不至如此My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my唉 怎么会这样呢Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer如今我注视着这血池与不堪一击的伪装I tell my love to wreck it all对爱说去毁灭这一切Cut out all the ropes and let me fall就让我这样不留后路的沉沦吧My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my唉 怎么会这样呢Right in the moment this order"s tall现在这个命令很让我为难And I told you to be patient我明明告诉过你要耐心and I told you to be fine要做个好人and I told you to be balanced要有规律and I told you to be kind并要良善In the morning I"ll be with you到了早晨我就会和你在一起But it will be a different kind但是那会是以另一种方式cause I"ll be holding all the tickets因为我将拿着所有的罚单And you"ll be owning all the fines而你将要索赔所有的罚款Come on skinny love拜托 瘦弱的爱what happened here到底发生了什么Suckle on the hope in lite brassiere还在如婴儿般吮吸着已经消耗殆尽了的希望My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my唉 怎么会这样Sullen load is full; so slow on the split痛苦已经满荷 所以请慢点分离And I told you to be patient我明明告诉过你要耐心and I told you to be fine要做个好人and I told you to be balanced要有规律and I told you to be kind并要良善Now all your love is wasted现在你所有的爱都已作废Then who the hell was I?那么我当初又是为了个什么?cause Now I"m breaking at the britches/bridges因为现在我 看着短裤濒临崩溃/已在桥的尽头And at the end of all your lies/lines斩断你所有的谎言/台词Who will love you?以后又有谁会爱你?Who will fight?谁会为你正名?Who will fall far behind?谁又会远远的落在后面?
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