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dinner [英][u02c8du026anu0259(r)][美][u02c8du026anu025a] n. 正餐,主餐;宴会;晚餐 复数:dinners 双语例句 1. Paul asked Tara out to dinner but she gave him the brush-off . 保罗邀请塔拉外出吃饭,但遭到拒绝. 2. a romantic candlelit dinner 浪漫的烛光晚餐 3. It"s time for dinner. 该吃饭了. 4. conversation at the dinner table 席间交谈 5. The dinner was a formal affair. 这是正式宴会.


  dinner读音:英 [u02c8du026anu0259(r)]美 [u02c8du026anu0259r]名词:(中午或晚上)正餐,主餐;宴会   复数: dinners   1、She invited us to her house for dinner   她请我们去她家吃晚餐。   2、The Professional Cricketers "Association held its annual dinner in London.   职业板球运动员协会在伦敦举办了自己的年度宴会。

dinner meal 有什么区别

dinner主要指正式的晚餐 meal指一日三餐中的每一餐,没有特定的.


美式读音:u02c8du026anu025a英式读音:u02c8du026anu0259(r)复数:dinnersn.晚餐,晚宴;宴会;正餐n.(Dinner)人名例句:1、There will be a dinner party after the performance.演出结束后还有一场晚宴。2、The new neighbor next door invited me to dinner.隔壁新邻居邀请我去吃晚餐。3、I prepared a wonderful dinner for my wife.我为自己的妻子准备了一顿丰盛的晚餐。4、We had some friends over for dinner on Saturday.星期六我们请了一些朋友过来吃晚饭。


dinner的网络用语意思是:低能儿。因为“低能儿”的拼音是“di"neng"er”,去掉几个字母后就是“dinner”,因此有网友使用“dinner”代替“低能儿u200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200c”,以防止带有关键词的评论在某些论坛中被屏蔽。dinner:名词,意为“晚餐,晚宴;宴会;正餐,人名;(法)迪内”。短语搭配:1、Reunion dinner团圆饭 ; 年夜饭 ; 团聚饭 ; 吃团圆饭2、dinner party晚餐会 ; 饭局也疯狂 ; 晚宴 ; 晚上的宴会3、eat/have dinner吃晚饭 ; 吃饭 ; 吃晚餐 ; 就餐4、dinner fork餐叉 ; 正餐叉 ; 晚餐叉子 ; 主菜叉例句:1、Mother is busy preparing dinner.妈妈正忙着做晚饭。2、Have you had dinner yet?你吃过晚饭了吗?3、A dinner is to be given in honor of the new president.将为新校长举行晚宴。


dinner即“低能儿”的意思,常用于网络对线。因为“低能儿”的拼纯腔轿音是“di"neng"er”,去掉几个字母后就是“dinner”,因此有网友使用“dinner”代替“低能儿u200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200c”,以防止带有关键词的评论在某些论坛中被屏蔽。单词原意:dinner,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“晚餐,晚宴;宴会;正餐,人名;(法)迪内”。短语搭配做肆:Reunion dinner团圆饭 ; 年夜饭 ; 团聚饭 ; 吃团圆族圆饭dinner party晚餐会 ; 饭局也疯狂 ; 晚宴 ; 晚上的宴会Return dinner答谢宴会 ; 报答宴会 ; 酬谢宴会 ; 回报宴会DINNER JACKET晚礼服 ; 无尾礼服 ; 晚宴礼服 ; 小礼服








dinner作为表示餐名的名词,dinner作可数名词,也可作不可数名词。 其前通常不加冠词,若有定语修饰时可加不定冠词,特指某次正餐时还可加定冠词(当然也可省略)。作“宴会”解时是可数名词,其前可加冠词。dinner之前有after, at, before, during, for等介词时,通常不加冠词。 扩展资料   dinner基本意思是“正餐”,指一日间的主餐,有时在中午进餐,有时在晚间进餐。dinner引申可作“宴会”解,通常指大型宴会,也可指“小型家宴”,即请几个朋友到家中聚餐,之后搞些活动,共度夜晚时光。   dinner也可作“正餐那件事,正餐所上的"饭菜”解,这时是可数名词。   吃正餐可用动词have, take或eat。   dinner的词汇搭配:   1、comfortable dinner 美餐。   2、early dinner 午间正餐,午饭。   3、excellent dinner 盛宴。   4、good dinner 丰盛的正餐。   5、late dinner 晚餐。   6、nice dinner 美好的饭菜。


dinner网络用语是“吃鸡”的意思。出自策略射击游戏《绝地求生:大逃杀》里的台词。当玩家获得第一名的时候就会有一段台词出现:“大吉大利,晚上吃鸡”。相当于王者荣耀里的“MVP”。该词走红以后,不明真相的吃瓜群众难免会好奇“吃鸡”是什么游戏,因此很多网友也常常用“吃鸡”游戏来完全指代《绝地求生:大逃杀》。“吃鸡”游戏一度风靡,同时也被网友们制作成了相关的“吃鸡”表情包一样受到了大家热烈追捧,被大量使用和转载开来了。在美版/欧版游戏中,这句台词会显示“Winner winner, chicken dinner”的字样,该句台词是美国赌场中赌徒的常用语,相传是指赌赢一把,晚上就可以享用鸡肉晚餐了。另说这句话可能起源于英国伦敦暗巷赌徒的俚语,传至澳大利亚后,一些上年纪的澳大利亚人会用“Chicken Dinner”来代替“Winner”。无论来源是美国或英国,这句话的盛行与电影《决胜21点》息息相关,该部电影带起了全世界对于此句台词的热潮,电影中文版译为“大吉大利,晚上吃鸡”,《绝地求生》简体中文版沿用了这一翻译,“吃鸡”也成为《绝地求生》在华人玩家中的代名词。


meal泛指一日三餐的任一餐,也可指一餐所吃的东西。meal属可数名词。x0dx0adinner 常用来表示一天中的正餐(main meal) ,它既可是午餐,也可是晚餐。英语国家一天最为丰盛的一餐常为晚餐,因此dinner常指晚餐。另外,dinner 一词较正规,邀请朋友赴晚宴常用dinner 一词。dinner属不可数名词。x0dx0ameal 英[mi:l] 美[mil] x0dx0an. 餐,饭; 进餐(时间); 〈英〉一次挤奶量; 谷物粗粉(用作饲料或加工面粉); x0dx0avi. 进餐; x0dx0adinner英[u02c8du026anu0259(r)] 美[u02c8du026anu025a]x0dx0an.晚餐; 宴会; 正餐,主餐;x0dx0a短语x0dx0aa delicious meal 一顿美餐x0dx0aa frugal meal 节省的一餐x0dx0aa gorgeous meal 好吃的饭菜x0dx0aa healthy meal 健康餐x0dx0aa hearty meal 丰盛的上餐x0dx0aa fancy dinner 丰盛的晚餐x0dx0aat dinner-time 在吃饭时间x0dx0aattend the dinner 参加宴会x0dx0aaward dinner 颁奖宴会x0dx0a例句x0dx0a1、They decided to cancel the dinner party. x0dx0a他们决定不举行宴会了。x0dx0a2、Please don"t partner me up with Mr. Jones for the dinner. x0dx0a在宴会上请别让我与琼斯先生排在一起入席。x0dx0a3、The crews of the Card and its consorts had eaten Christmas dinner in Casablanca before sailing. x0dx0a在起航前“卡德”号和僚舰上的官兵已在卡萨布兰卡吃了圣诞晚餐。x0dx0a4、And no matter what happens during dinner, you have to stay calm. x0dx0a不管晚餐期间出现任何状况,你都必须保持镇定。x0dx0a5、Is that your dinner? x0dx0a这就是你的晚餐?x0dx0a6、Have your last meal. x0dx0a吃最后的一餐。x0dx0a7、And often his breakfast was his only meal. x0dx0a他的早餐经常是一天中唯一的一餐。x0dx0a8、It will be one more reminder that you have a healthy meal planned before you have a chance to open the drawer for a take-out menu. x0dx0a这样在你打开抽屉去取外卖单之前,你还能得到另外一个提醒,原来你已经有了一份计划好的健康膳食了!x0dx0a9、Think before you decide to skip your next meal. x0dx0a在你决定不吃下一顿饭之前想清楚。x0dx0a10、But then we consume genes from a vast variety of sources in every meal. x0dx0a但我们在每一餐中都会摄入各种不同来源的基因。


dinner网络用语是“吃鸡”的意思。出自策略射击游戏《绝地求生:大逃杀》里的台词。当玩家获得第一名的时候就会有一段台词出现:“大吉大利,晚上吃鸡”。相当于王者荣耀里的“MVP”。该词走红以后,不明真相的吃瓜群众难免会好奇“吃鸡”是什么游戏,因此很多网友也常常用“吃鸡”游戏来完全指代《绝地求生:大逃杀》。“吃鸡”游戏一度风靡,同时也被网友们制作成了相关的“吃鸡”表情包一样受到了大家热烈追捧,被大量使用和转载开来了。在美版/欧版游戏中,这句台词会显示“Winner winner, chicken dinner”的字样,该句台词是美国赌场中赌徒的常用语,相传是指赌赢一把,晚上就可以享用鸡肉晚餐了。另说这句话可能起源于英国伦敦暗巷赌徒的俚语,传至澳大利亚后,一些上年纪的澳大利亚人会用“Chicken Dinner”来代替“Winner”。无论来源是美国或英国,这句话的盛行与电影《决胜21点》息息相关,该部电影带起了全世界对于此句台词的热潮,电影中文版译为“大吉大利,晚上吃鸡”,《绝地求生》简体中文版沿用了这一翻译,“吃鸡”也成为《绝地求生》在华人玩家中的代名词。


dinner n.(中午或晚上吃的)正餐,主餐;宴会 复数: dinners 相关短语: after dinner 餐后;晚餐后 have dinner 吃晚饭 dinner party n. 宴会 dinner table 餐桌 扩展资料   She invited us to her house for dinner   她请我们去她家吃晚餐。   I"d like to take you out to dinner tonight.   今天晚上我想带你出去吃饭。   Have an apple to keep you going till dinner time.   吃个苹果就能挨到吃晚饭了。


dinner怎么读:英["du026anu0259],美["du026anu025a]。一、dinner基本释义dinner:英["du026anu0259],美["du026anu025a]:n.晚餐,晚宴;宴会;正餐;n.(Dinner)人名;(法)迪内。二、短语1、eat dinner吃晚饭;吃饭;吃晚餐;就餐2、dinner fork餐叉;正餐叉;晚餐叉子;主菜叉3、buffet dinner自助餐;自助晚餐;自助餐会;诺富特东荟城酒店4、at dinner用餐;吃晚餐;正在用餐,正在吃饭三、例句1、Do come and have dinner with me this evening.今晚请你一定要来,来和我同进晚餐。2、I wonder what we should have for dinner this evening.我想知道我们今天晚餐该吃什么。3、It is now his turn to set me up to a nice dinner.现在轮到他请我吃一顿丰盛的晚餐了。4、We invite her to have Thanksgiving dinner with us.我们邀请她和我们一起吃感恩节晚餐。5、Tell the guests not to dress for dinner.告诉客人们晚宴不要穿得太正式。四、dinner的用法1、dinner基本意思是“正餐”,指一日间的主餐,有时在中午进餐,有时在晚间进餐。dinner引申可作“宴会”解,通常指大型宴会,也可指“小型家宴”,即请几个朋友到家中聚餐,之后搞些活动,共度夜晚时光。2、作为表示餐名的名词,dinner可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。其前通常不加冠词,若有定语修饰时可加不定冠词,特指某次正餐时还可加定冠词(当然也可省略)。作“宴会”解时是可数名词,其前可加冠词。dinner之前有after,at,before,during,for等介词时,通常不加冠词。3、dinner也可作“正餐那件事,正餐所上的饭菜”解,这时是可数名词。吃正餐可用动词have,take或eat。


在很多外国影视剧当中,很多人经常会看到dinner这个英文单词,究竟dinner这个单词是什么意思呢?只要使用在哪些方面,下面让我们一起去了解dinner这个英文单词吧。 简要回答 dinner是个英文单词,作名词使用,作为名词使用时意思是:“晚餐,晚宴;宴会;正餐,人名;(法)迪内”。 详细内容 Reunion dinner团圆饭 ; 年夜饭 ; 团聚饭 ; 吃团圆饭; dinner party晚餐会 ; 饭局也疯狂 ; 晚宴 ; 晚上的宴会; Return dinner答谢宴会 ; 报答宴会 ; 酬谢宴会 ; 回报宴会。 DINNER JACKET晚礼服 ; 无尾礼服 ; 晚宴礼服 ; 小礼服; eat/have dinner吃晚饭 ; 吃饭 ; 吃晚餐 ; 就餐。 dinner fork餐叉 ; 正餐叉 ; 晚餐叉子 ; 主菜叉; buffet dinner自助餐 ; 自助晚餐 ; 自助餐会 ; 诺富特东荟城酒店。 Dinner Roll胡萝卜餐包 ; 小圆面包 ; 餐包 ; 奶油烤面包; dinner plate餐盘 ; 主菜盘 ; 西餐用大盘 ; 密胺套餐 。 What should I have for dinner? 我今天晚餐应该吃什么? Why not have dinner with me ? 为什么不和我一起吃饭呢? I like dinner , and every dish. 我喜欢正餐和每一道菜。


低能儿的意思。dinner即“低能儿”的意思,常用于网络对线。因为“低能儿”的拼音是“di"neng"er”,去掉几个字母后就是“dinner”,因此有网友使用“dinner”代替“低能儿u200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200c”,以防止带有关键词的评论在某些论坛中被屏蔽。dinner,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“晚餐,晚宴;宴会;正餐,人名;(法)迪内”。短语搭配:Reunion dinner团圆饭 ; 年夜饭 ; 团聚饭 ; 吃团圆饭dinner party晚餐会 ; 饭局也疯狂 ; 晚宴 ; 晚上的宴会Return dinner答谢宴会 ; 报答宴会 ; 酬谢宴会 ; 回报宴会DINNER JACKET晚礼服 ; 无尾礼服 ; 晚宴礼服 ; 小礼服eat/have dinner吃晚饭 ; 吃饭 ; 吃晚餐 ; 就餐dinner fork餐叉 ; 正餐叉 ; 晚餐叉子 ; 主菜叉buffet dinner自助餐 ; 自助晚餐 ; 自助餐会 ; 诺富特东荟城酒店Dinner Roll胡萝卜餐包 ; 小圆面包 ; 餐包 ; 奶油烤面包dinner plate餐盘 ; 主菜盘 ; 西餐用大盘 ; 密胺套餐


dinner网络用语是“吃鸡”的意思。出自策略射击游戏《绝地求生:大逃杀》里的台词。当玩家获得第一名的时候就会有一段台词出现:“大吉大利,晚上吃鸡”。相当于王者荣耀里的“MVP”。该词走红以后,不明真相的吃瓜群众难免会好奇“吃鸡”是什么游戏,因此很多网友也常常用“吃鸡”游戏来完全指代《绝地求生:大逃杀》。“吃鸡”游戏一度风靡,同时也被网友们制作成了相关的“吃鸡”表情包一样受到了大家热烈追捧,被大量使用和转载开来了。在美版/欧版游戏中,这句台词会显示“Winner winner, chicken dinner”的字样,该句台词是美国赌场中赌徒的常用语,相传是指赌赢一把,晚上就可以享用鸡肉晚餐了。另说这句话可能起源于英国伦敦暗巷赌徒的俚语,传至澳大利亚后,一些上年纪的澳大利亚人会用“Chicken Dinner”来代替“Winner”。无论来源是美国或英国,这句话的盛行与电影《决胜21点》息息相关,该部电影带起了全世界对于此句台词的热潮,电影中文版译为“大吉大利,晚上吃鸡”,《绝地求生》简体中文版沿用了这一翻译,“吃鸡”也成为《绝地求生》在华人玩家中的代名词。


美语和英语都念dɪ吧。 一般人念的发音未必和教科书一样标准。国人讲普通话发音不标准的也多了去了


diner KK:[] DJ:[] n.[C] 1.用餐的人 2.【主美】(火车上的)餐车 3.【主美】餐车式简便餐厅;路边小饭店 dinner KK:[] DJ:[] n. 1.晚餐;正餐[U][C] Mother is busy preparing dinner. 妈妈正忙着做晚饭. 2.宴会,晚宴[C] A dinner is to be given in honor of the new president. 将为新校长举行晚宴.




“dinner”网络梗最初来自于一张由西班牙女孩 Laura Super Elena 拍摄的自拍照。在照片的翻译中,Laura将“晚饭”以错误的方式翻译成了“dinner”,这个错误被广泛分享和传播,最终成为了一个互联网上的梗。因此,“dinner”代表了一个常见的翻译错误或者误解。此外,还衍生出相关的表情包和网络用语,常用于社交媒体和聊天应用中,用于表达类似“误解”或“怎么可能出现这样的错误”之类的情绪。"dinner" 网络梗已经成为了互联网文化的一部分,常常被用于形象生动地表达一些误解或滑稽场景。一些知名的社交媒体和聊天应用也推出了相关的表情包,例如微信和新浪微博。此外,一些网友也将“dinner”作为一个形容词,用于形容一些错误或荒谬的情况。例如,“这太dinner了!”可以表达一种令人难以置信的情况。网络梗的传播方式也非常多样化,可以是图片、视频、声音或文字。有些网络梗来源于网络游戏、电影或流行文化等,有些则来自于网民日常生活的一些细节和小插曲。而“dinner”则成为了一个典型的网络梗,用于表达某些翻译上的错误或其他类似情况。需要注意的是,网络梗通常都是在一定的文化背景和语境下产生的,因此不同国家和地区的网民在传播和理解网络梗时也会存在一些差异。此外,有一些网络梗会带有不当内容和语言,要注意避免使用和传播这种不良的梗或信息,避免影响公序良俗。网络梗释义网络梗作为一种特殊的文化现象,其发生和传播都与互联网息息相关。随着互联网的普及,网络梗已经成为了许多人生活中不可或缺的一部分,经常被用于网民之间的交流和沟通,具有比文字更为直观和幽默的表现形式。网络梗可以表达出对现实生活中一些荒唐、滑稽或愚蠢的现象的一种调侃态度。


dinner 音标: 英 [u02c8du026anu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8du026anu025a] n. 晚餐; 宴会; 正餐,主餐; [例句]She invited us to her house for dinner她请我们去她家吃晚餐。[其他] 复数:dinners


dinner网络用语。dinner是谐音梗,意思就是低能儿,因为英文dinner的读音和低能儿非常相似,所以有很多网友使用“dinner”代替“低能儿”,以防止带有关键词的评论在某些论坛中被屏蔽dinner的梗是由v圈创造,目前流行于贴吧。以上就是dinner网络梗的意思,感兴趣的小伙伴可以参考,希望能对大家有帮助,想了解更多资讯攻略和教程赶快收藏浪浪手游,浪浪小编为您呈现精彩内容。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com

dinner怎么读 dinner读法简述

dinner读音:英 [u02c8du026anu0259(r)]美 [u02c8du026anu0259r]名词:(中午或晚上)正餐,主餐;宴会 复数: dinners 1、She invited us to her house for dinner 她请我们去她家吃晚餐。 2、The Professional Cricketers "Association held its annual dinner in London. 职业板球运动员协会在伦敦举办了自己的年度宴会。



做晚饭是make the dinner还是do the dinner???

cook dinner

Cook dinner和make dinner的区别

有的晚餐是不用烧(COOK)的 Cook dinner ==在做晚饭的时候用了火、烤箱等加热手段 make dinner == 可以是用火做的热饭,也可以是不用开火的冷盘、凉菜、三明治,所以make dinner含义比Cook dinner范围要广








音标:[u02c8du026anu0259(r)] 汉语拼音:dei ner 汉语:嘚呢儿


Tonight,we have a big dinner.


英 ["du026anu0259] 美 ["du026anu025a]晚餐


英文单词中的“dinner”是名词,有晚餐、宴会的意思。但如果前面加上个“纯纯的dinner”就变成了一个谐音梗,“纯纯的dinner”与“纯纯的低能儿”发音一致。又因为低能儿的拼音为“dineng er” 去掉其中几个拼音字母后,就变成了“dinner”。因此有网友使用“dinner”代替“低能儿”,以防止一些词被屏蔽。其他有趣的谐音梗:1、你知道星星有多重吗?八克。因为星巴克。2、我最近在一个岛上,朋友问我在哪个岛,我在穷困潦岛。3、连我都不亲,你亲什么?青岛啤酒吗?4、丑的人才有对象,美的卖空调。5、睡前一定要吃宵夜,这样才不会做饿梦。




dinner网络用语是“吃鸡”的意思。出自策略射击游戏《绝地求生:大逃杀》里的台词。当玩家获得第一名的时候就会有一段台词出现:“大吉大利,晚上吃鸡”。相当于王者荣耀里的“MVP”。该词走红以后,不明真相的吃瓜群众难免会好奇“吃鸡”是什么游戏,因此很多网友也常常用“吃鸡”游戏来完全指代《绝地求生:大逃杀》。“吃鸡”游戏一度风靡,同时也被网友们制作成了相关的“吃鸡”表情包一样受到了大家热烈追捧,被大量使用和转载开来了。在美版/欧版游戏中,这句台词会显示“Winner winner, chicken dinner”的字样,该句台词是美国赌场中赌徒的常用语,相传是指赌赢一把,晚上就可以享用鸡肉晚餐了。另说这句话可能起源于英国伦敦暗巷赌徒的俚语,传至澳大利亚后,一些上年纪的澳大利亚人会用“Chicken Dinner”来代替“Winner”。无论来源是美国或英国,这句话的盛行与电影《决胜21点》息息相关,该部电影带起了全世界对于此句台词的热潮,电影中文版译为“大吉大利,晚上吃鸡”,《绝地求生》简体中文版沿用了这一翻译,“吃鸡”也成为《绝地求生》在华人玩家中的代名词。


低能儿的意思。dinner即“低能儿”的意思,常用于网络对线。因为“低能儿”的拼音是“di"neng"er”,去掉几个字母后就是“dinner”,因此有网友使用“dinner”代替“低能儿u200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200c”,以防止带有关键词的评论在某些论坛中被屏蔽。dinner,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“晚餐,晚宴;宴会;正餐,人名;(法)迪内”。短语搭配:Reunion dinner团圆饭 ; 年夜饭 ; 团聚饭 ; 吃团圆饭dinner party晚餐会 ; 饭局也疯狂 ; 晚宴 ; 晚上的宴会Return dinner答谢宴会 ; 报答宴会 ; 酬谢宴会 ; 回报宴会DINNER JACKET晚礼服 ; 无尾礼服 ; 晚宴礼服 ; 小礼服eat/have dinner吃晚饭 ; 吃饭 ; 吃晚餐 ; 就餐dinner fork餐叉 ; 正餐叉 ; 晚餐叉子 ; 主菜叉buffet dinner自助餐 ; 自助晚餐 ; 自助餐会 ; 诺富特东荟城酒店Dinner Roll胡萝卜餐包 ; 小圆面包 ; 餐包 ; 奶油烤面包dinner plate餐盘 ; 主菜盘 ; 西餐用大盘 ; 密胺套餐


dinner[英][u02c8du026anu0259(r)] [美][u02c8du026anu025a] 生词本简明释义n.正餐,主餐;宴会;晚餐复数:dinners以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.N-VARSee also:TV dinner;正餐;主餐;晚餐Dinner is the main meal of the day, usually served in the early part of the evening.


dinner是个英文单词,作名词使用,作为名词使用时意思是:“晚餐,晚宴;宴会;正餐,人名;(法)迪内”。 在很多外国影视剧当中,很多人经常会看到dinner这个英文单词,究竟dinner这个单词是什么意思呢?只要使用在哪些方面,下面让我们一起去了解dinner这个英文单词吧。 详细内容 01 Reunion dinner团圆饭 ; 年夜饭 ; 团聚饭 ; 吃团圆饭; dinner party晚餐会 ; 饭局也疯狂 ; 晚宴 ; 晚上的宴会; Return dinner答谢宴会 ; 报答宴会 ; 酬谢宴会 ; 回报宴会。 02 DINNER JACKET晚礼服 ; 无尾礼服 ; 晚宴礼服 ; 小礼服; eat/have dinner吃晚饭 ; 吃饭 ; 吃晚餐 ; 就餐。 03 dinner fork餐叉 ; 正餐叉 ; 晚餐叉子 ; 主菜叉; buffet dinner自助餐 ; 自助晚餐 ; 自助餐会 ; 诺富特东荟城酒店。 04 Dinner Roll胡萝卜餐包 ; 小圆面包 ; 餐包 ; 奶油烤面包; dinner plate餐盘 ; 主菜盘 ; 西餐用大盘 ; 密胺套餐 。 05 What should I have for dinner? 我今天晚餐应该吃什么? Why not have dinner with me ? 为什么不和我一起吃饭呢? I like dinner , and every dish. 我喜欢正餐和每一道菜。


dinner正餐,主餐,宴会 When do you have dinner every day?



dinner 什么意思?

dinner 英[ˈdɪnə(r)] 美[ˈdɪnər] n. (中午或晚上吃的) 正餐,主餐; 宴会; [例句]She invited us to her house for dinner她请我们去她家吃晚餐。[其他] 复数:dinners


dinner[英][ˈdɪnə(r)][美][ˈdɪnɚ]n.晚餐; 宴会; 正餐,主餐。复数:dinners例句:1、We"ll have dinner together.我们说好一起吃晚饭。2、Why don"t you invite him for dinner?你为什么不邀请他吃晚餐呢?3、Thank you for dinner.谢谢你请我吃饭.




dinner 英[ˈdɪnə(r)] 美[ˈdɪnər] n. 晚餐; 宴会; (中午或晚上吃的)正餐,主餐; [例句]I"m afraid I made a pig of myself at dinner. 恐怕我晚餐时吃得太多了。[其他] 复数:dinners



Cohen 的one of us cannot be wrong歌词大意

雷诺柯恩 One Of Us Cannot Be WrongI lit a thin green candleTo make you jealous of me,But the room just filled up with mosquitoesThey heard that my body was freeThen I took the dust of a long sleepless nightAnd I put it in your little shoe,Then I confess that I tortured the dressThat you wore for the world to look through.I showed my heart to the doctorHe said I"d just have to quitThen he wrote himself a prescriptionAnd your name was mentioned in it,Then he locked himself in a library shelfWith the details of our honeymoonand I hear from the nurse that he"s gotten much worseand his practice is all in a ruin.I heard of a saint who had loved youSo I studied all night in his schoolHe taught that the duty of loversIs to tarnish the golden rule,And just when I was sure that his teachings were pureHe drowned himself in the pool,His body is gone, but back here on the lawnHis spirit continues to drool.An Eskimo showed me a movieHe"d recently taken of youThe poor man could hardly stop shivering,His lips and his fingers were blueI suppose that he froze when the wind took your clothesAnd I guess he just never got warmBut you stand there so nice in your blizzard of iceO please let me come into the storm.

Leonard Cohen的《Suzanne》 歌词

歌曲名:Suzanne歌手:Leonard Cohen专辑:COHEN LIVE - LEONARD COHEN LIVE IN CONCERTSuzanneLeonard CohenSuzanne takes you down to her place near the riverYou can hear the boats go byYou can spend the night beside herAnd you know that she"s half crazyBut that"s why you want to be thereAnd she feeds you tea and orangesThat come all the way from ChinaAnd just when you mean to tell herThat you have no love to give herThen she gets you on her wavelengthAnd she lets the river answerThat you"ve always been her loverAnd you want to travel with herAnd you want to travel blindAnd you know that she will trust youFor you"ve touched her perfect body with your mind.And Jesus was a sailorWhen he walked upon the waterAnd he spent a long time watchingFrom his lonely wooden towerAnd when he knew for certainOnly drowning men could see himHe said "All men will be sailors thenUntil the sea shall free them"But he himself was brokenLong before the sky would openForsaken, almost humanHe sank beneath your wisdom like a stoneAnd you want to travel with himAnd you want to travel blindAnd you think maybe you"ll trust himFor he"s touched your perfect body with his mind.Now Suzanne takes your handAnd she leads you to the riverShe is wearing rags and feathersFrom Salvation Army countersAnd the sun pours down like honeyOn our lady of the harbourAnd she shows you where to lookAmong the garbage and the flowersThere are heroes in the seaweedThere are children in the morningThey are leaning out for loveAnd they will lean that way foreverWhile Suzanne holds the mirrorAnd you want to travel with herAnd you want to travel blindAnd you know that you can trust herFor she"s touched your perfect body with her mind.http://music.baidu.com/song/32701893

有一首英文歌的歌词是I wanna fuck you. fuck you you already know 是什么歌

i wanna fuck you


Spring5AnnotationUtils 1 注解概述 AnnotationUtils是一个专门用于处理复杂注解问题的类。其主要由公共和静态方法组成,它允许在类,方法或字段上检查注解。另外,AnnotationUtils不仅仅来做简单的类分析。它也通过查找在超类和接口上的注解来做更多的事情。基于反射的API,AnnotationUtils使用java.lang.reflect的 3个元素来处理注解: Annotation:表示注解。 AnnotatedElement:表示被注解元素。 Method:提供某些类或接口中的方法的信息。 1.1 MyAnnotationUtils package com.tech.ability.util; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.util.Map; /** } 1.2 Spring5注解工具类 1.3 辅助类 1.3.1 MyFieldAnnotation package com.tech.ability.myannotation; import java.lang.annotation.*; /** import java.lang.annotation.*; /** } 1.3.3 MyClassAnnotation package com.tech.ability.myannotation; import java.lang.annotation.*; /* /** /** /** public enum MyCountryEnum { /** * 中国 / CHINA(1), / * * 美国 */ AMERICAN(2); } 1.3.5 MyRequest package com.tech.ability.myannotation; /** /** } 1.4 测试 1.4.1 MyAnnotationUtils package com.tech.ability.myannotation; import com.tech.ability.util.MyAnnotationUtils; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList; /** } 1.4.2 SpingAnnotationTest package com.tech.ability.myannotation; import org.springframework.core.annotation.AnnotationUtils; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList; /** }

帮忙翻译billy joel的Vienna

Vienna 维也纳Billy Joel歌手:比利乔Slow down you crazy child 慢慢来,顽皮的小孩You"re so ambitious for a juvenile 你急着想快快长大But then if you"re so smart tell me why you are still so afraid? 你如果真聪明,那就告诉我为何还如此胆小Where"s the fire, what"s the hurry about? 火在哪里,着什么急?You better cool it off before you burn it out 在点火之前,最好知道如何熄灭You got so much to do and only so many hours in a day 你还有这么多东西要学,而一天的光阴却如此有限But you know that when the truth is told 你可知道,一旦获得真理That you can get what you want or you an just get old 你就可以得到想要的东西,变得成熟起来You"re gonna kick off before you even get halfway through 即使路途过半,也要继续走下去When will you realize...Vienna waits for you 你何时才能明白。。。维也纳在等你Slow down you"re doing fine 慢慢来,你做得很好You can"t be everything you want to be before your time 时机未到,你无法随心所欲Although it"s so romantic on the borderline to night to night 尽管如此浪漫,漫漫长夜无边境Too bad but it"s the life you lead 不怎么好,却是你自己选择的生活You"re so ahead of yourself 你的性格如此超前That you forfeit what you need 以至于失去心爱的东西Though you can see when you"re wrong 尽管你知道错了But you know you can"t always see when you"re right you"re right 但你可知道,你就是做对了,也不明白为什么,You got your passion you got your pride 你有你的激情,你有你的骄傲But don"t you know only fools are satisfied? 但你可知道,只有傻瓜才安于现状?Dream on but don"t imagine they"ll al come true 梦想应在,但别妄想所有的美梦都成真When will you realize 你何时才会明白Vienna waits for you 维也纳在等你Slow down you crazy child 慢慢来,调皮的小孩Take the phone off the hook and disappeaar for a while 摘下电话听筒,消失一段时间It"s alright you can afford to lose a day or two 你当然可以挥霍一两天的时光When will you realize... 你何时才会明白。。。Vienna waits for you....维也纳等着你。。。我翻完拉。。。

Yanni的《Renegade》 歌词

歌曲名:Renegade歌手:Yanni专辑:Tribute卐 Daughtry - Renegade 卐Don"t you want to feel like a rebelA Renegade on the runA Real live wire in the cross fire ridin" shotgunNot talking "bout a deal with the devilI said nothing about sellin" your soulBut call it what you willIf you start to feel out of controlHERE WE GO!Can you hear the sound of the turnin" wheelsBurnin" the road like it"s never been doneI"m breakin" out of this town like a renegadeSo baby get ready to runDon"t have any time here left to killDon"t want to go down like the settin" sunSo let"s break out of this town like a renegadeCan"t wait another minuteI"m right here ready to run!!Don"t you want to feel like a rebelRenegade on the runReal live wire in the cross fire ridin" shotgunOne-hundred miles an hour with the top rolled downRacin" the wind breakin" out this townTryin" to get lost but don"t want to be found, yeahHERE WE GO!HERE WE GO!Can you hear the sound of the turnin" wheelsBurnin" the road like it"s never been doneI"m breakin" out of this town like a renegadeSo baby get ready to runDon"t have any time here left to killDon"t want to go down like the settin" sunSo let"s break out of this town like a renegadeCan"t wait another minuteI"m right here ready to run!!Gonna ride tonight,Ride tonight yeah...Gonna ride tonight (gonna ride tonight),Gonna ride tonight (gonna ride tonight).Gonna ride tonight,HEY! Gonna ride tonightCan you hear the sound of the turnin" wheelsBurnin" the road like it"s never been doneI"m breakin" out of this town like a renegadeSo baby get ready to runDon"t have any time here left to killDon"t want to go down like the settin" sunSo let"s break out of this town like a renegadeCan"t wait another minuteI"m right here ready to run!Don"t want to go downSo let"s break out of this town like a renegadeCan"t wait another minuteI"m right here ready to run!!http://music.baidu.com/song/3461817

U盘显示Innostor NAND Flash USB device求救命


Minnutes的《Discover》 歌词

歌曲名:Discover歌手:Minnutes专辑:Pretty BabyIf you let your love showIt can be fun you knowIf you let your heart goAnything is possibleDo, do, do, do, do, doDiscover somethin" newDo, do, do, do, do, doDiscover somethin"If you give me your handWe can dance with the bandIf you can just dream you canDo anything you planDo, do, do, do, do, doDiscover somethin" newDo, do, do, do, do, doDiscover somethin"If you feel like you"re blueI"ll be right here for youNo need to ask me toI"ll always stand by youDo, do, do, do, do, do, doDiscover somethin" newDo, do, do, do, do, do, doDiscover somethin"If you start worryingThat can start happeningIf you are listeningThe music will set you freeDo, do, do, do, do, doDiscover somethin" newDo, do, do, do, do, doDiscover somethin"If we all show a smileThe weather will be more worthwhileDo, do, do, do, do, do, doDiscover somethin"Do, do, do, do, do, do, doDiscover somethin"Do, do, do, do, do, doDiscover somethin" newDo, do, do, do, do, doDiscover somethin"http://music.baidu.com/song/25163427

求sgwannabe 《可笑》歌词的拼音…万分感谢…


jenny and helen my

5. D Jenny和Helen并列作主语,表示复数意义,be动词应该用are; Jenny为女孩名,应该选sister 故选D

找一首英文歌女的唱,第一句是“()running through my head”第一个单词不懂

please forgive me或者是angel

我看Running man里经常有MC,PD,FD,VJ这些都是什么意思


我看Running man里经常有MC,PD,FD,VJ这些都是什么意思


Kenny Chesney的《Come Over》 歌词

歌曲名:Come Over歌手:Kenny Chesney专辑:Come OverCome OverKenny ChesneyI turn the TV off, to turn it on againStaring at the blades of the fan as it spins aroundCounting every crack, the clock is wide awakeTalking to myself, anything to make a soundI told you I wouldn""t call, I told you I wouldn""t careBut baby climbing the walls gets me nowhereI don""t think that I can take this bed getting any colderCome over, come over, come over, come over, come overYou can say we""re done the way you always doIt""s easier to lie to me than to yourselfForget about your friends, you know they""re gonna sayWe""re bad for each other, but we ain""t good for anyone elseI told you I wouldn""t call, I told you I wouldn""t careBut baby climbing the walls gets me nowhereI don""t think that I can take this bed getting any colderCome over, come over, come over, come over, come overWe don""t have to miss each other, come overWe don""t have to fix each other, come overWe don""t have to say forever, come overYou don""t have to stay forever, come overI told you I wouldn""t call, I told you I wouldn""t careBut baby climbing the walls gets me nowhereI don""t think that I can take this bed getting any colderCome over, come over, come over, come over, come overCome over, come over, come over, come over, come over.Come over, come over, come over, come over, come over.http://music.baidu.com/song/14853649

running man2015年6月28日的插曲有哪些了

running man2015年6月28日的插曲如下:00.00.00 开场 Bachelor Number One -<Summertime>00.00.28 都想友登场 Bruno Mars -<Treasure>00.02.02 刘在石闯女嘉宾帐篷 Diva -<uc65cubd88ub7ec>00.02.47 女嘉宾们走出帐篷 Angela Ammons -<Always Getting Over You>00.05.07 gary非常害羞地站在人群后面 Leessang -<Leesang Blues>00.05.24 朴河罗带来自己做的吃的 Ukulele Picnic -<uc54cub85cud558, uae30ubd84 uc88buc740 uc778uc0ac>00.06.05 宣布任务内容 Fantastic Plastic Machine -<Belinda May>00.07.21 开心地前往避暑度假村 ub4c0uc2a4Deux -<uc5ecub984 uc548uc5d0uc11c (夏日)>[OST Reply 1994]00.09.16 在石组聊消失的Funny组合 uace0ubc31-<ud37cub2c8 Funny>00.09.57 到达第一个任务场所 Daybreak -<Hot Fresh>00.13.55 第一次跳舞Mark Ronson & Bruno Mars -<Uptown Funk>00.15.59 任务开始 30P - <Feel Good>00.19.19 第二次跳舞Jessie J, Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj - <Bang Bang>00.24.28 第三次跳舞 Serebro-<Mi Mi Mi>转载请注明cr @runningman饭网00.31.07 触发讨论肉麻情侣动作 ubc15uc138uc900, uc6b0uc9c0ud6c8-<ub098ub9ccuc758 ud14cud06cub2c9>00.32.25 光洙情侣讨论Alex & Horan-<She Is>00.32.45 光洙情侣感到肉麻ubc15uc138uc900, uc6b0uc9c0ud6c8-<uacbducc30uccad uc0acub78cub4e4>00.34.44 作战时间结束uae40uc900uc218-<uaf48ubc30uae30uc1a1>00.42.11 王鼻子准备俯卧撑Epic Score-<Final Front>00.42.44 王鼻子第二次挑战Rage Against The Machine-<Sleep Now In The Fire>00.52.30 光洙couple开始准备滚的动作:Jonathan Pierre—《Soldiers Arise》00.52.44 光洙couple“滚”动作失败:Various Artists 《uc5c9ub6b1ud55c ud638uacbd》00.56.34 爱情度假任务三:Орбита《 Я Устала Быть Живой》00.57.50 任务介绍 New Super Mario Bros(Wii) - 《1-04 overworld bgm》 (超级玛丽)00.58.20 从刘在石开始男搭档给女搭档应援: CLC (uc528uc5d8uc528) 《 uad81uae08ud574》00.59.27 女搭档们出发:Various Artists 《 ud3ecuce74ub9ac uc2a4uc6e8ud2b8 - ud30cub780 uba54uc2dcuc9c0ud3b8》01.04.30 刘在石突袭找到气球:《Extreme ways 》01.05.23 能力者找到粉红球:《what we want is a hero》01.08.08 光洙被池石镇推下水池:ubb38uae30ud658 《joke》01.10.40 最后关开始uc9c0ud3c9uad8c-《Tension》01.15.30 光洙打开箱子Fall Out Boy -《Immortals》01.15.51 回顾光洙获胜经历 O Jun Seong-《Enjoy Party》(转自runningman饭网 )

请问joint 和 connect 有什么区别,两个都有“连接”的意思,谢谢。

joint 还有骨骼和骨骼的连接的意思也就是关节 。比如说 my joint hurts 我的关节好痛啊。 在这里不可以用connect。connect 是连接。

kannivalism的《at dusk》 歌词

歌曲名:at dusk歌手:kannivalism专辑:life is「at dusk」作词∶怜作曲∶裕也歌∶kannivalism夕暮れに 潜めてる 君まだ...きっと 聴こえる积み重ねた 日々と君また...またね 言える。愈えない...夕暮れに 黄昏れる 君まだ...きっと 聴こえてる手に翳した 日々と君また...またね 言える。世界に问う。 几つもの决断に壊せない 导に気づけない 足音に...伤ばかりの音しか残せない 君に伝えたい 音楽が 褪せない様に空っぽの 泪に 何を感じていて今、何を信じるなんて消して しまえればいい...夕暮れに 咏う眠らない イメージも続かない ページも また。夕暮れに 沈む続けたい 未来も続かない ページも また。【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/55834153



急急急急急~~~一首和WANNABE 调子像的歌

是Teenage life ?



Jesus, Friend Of Sinners 歌词

歌曲名:Jesus, Friend Of Sinners歌手:Casting Crowns专辑:Come To The WellCasting Crowns - Jesus, Friend of Sinners...Jesus, friend of sinnersWe have strayed so far awayWe cut down people in Your nameBut the sword was never ours to swingJesus, friend of sinnersThe truth""s become so hard to seeThe world is on their way to YouBut they""re tripping over me.Always looking around but never looking upI""m so double mindedA plank-eyed saint with dirty handsAnd a heart divided.Oh Jesus, friend of sinnersOpen our eyes to the worldAt the end our pointing fingersLet our hearts be led by mercyHelp us reach with open hearts and open doorsOh Jesus, friend of sinnersBreak our hearts for what breaks Yours.Jesus, friend of sinnersThe One whose writing in the sandMade the righteous turn awayAnd the stones fall from their handsHelp us to rememberWe are all the least of theseLet the memory of Your mercyBring Your people to their knees.Nobody knows what we""re forOnly what we""re againstWhen we judge the woundedWhat if we put down our signsCrossed over the linesAnd loved like You did.Oh Jesus, friend of sinnersOpen our eyes to the worldAt the end our pointing fingersLet our hearts be led by mercyHelp us reach with open hearts and open doorsOh Jesus, friend of sinnersBreak our hearts for what breaks Yours.You love every lost causeYou reach for the outcastFor the leper and the lameThey""re the reason that You cameLord, I was that lost causeAnd I was the outcastBut You died for sinners just like meA grateful leper at Your feet.Cause You are goodYou are goodAnd Your love endures foreverCause You are goodYou are goodAnd Your love endures foreverCause You are goodYou are goodAnd Your love endures foreverCause You are goodYou are goodAnd Your love endures forever.Oh Jesus, friend of sinnersOpen our eyes to the worldAt the end our pointing fingersLet our hearts be led by mercyHelp us reach with open hearts and open doorsOh Jesus, friend of sinnersBreak our hearts for what breaks Yours.And I was the lost causeAnd I was the outcastYou died for sinners just like meA grateful leper at Your feet.http://music.baidu.com/song/10562493

找一首英文歌,是女声,好像其中有一句是I never wanna see you unhappy

找一首英文歌,是女声,好像其中有一句是I never wanna see you unhappy almost lover歌手:a fine frenzy 专辑:one cell in the sea [ti:almost lover] [ar:a fine frenzy] [al:one cell in the sea] 我们相爱一年了,oh,yeah your fingertips against my skin the palm trees swaying in the wind in my chase you sang me spanish lullabies the sweetest sadness in your eyes clever trick i never wanna see you unhappy i thought you want the same for me goodbye my almost lover goodbye my hopeless dream i"m trying not to think about you can"t you just let me be? so long my luckless romance my back is turned on you should"ve known you"d bring me heartbreak almost lovers always do 为明天而努力吧 we walked along a crowded street you took my hand and danced with me in the shade and when you left you kissed my lips you told me you"d never ever fet these images no i"d never wanna see you unhappy i thought you"d want the same for me goodbye my almost lover goodbye my hopeless dream i"m trying not to think about you can"t you just let me be? so long my luckless romance my back is turned on you should"ve known you"d bring me heartbreak almost lovers always do i cannot go to the ocean i cannot try the streets at night i cannot wake up in the morning without you on my mind so you"re gonna and i"m haunted and i bet you are just fine i"ll make it there you walk right in and out of my life goodbye my almost lover goodbye my hopeless dream i"m trying not to think about you can"t you just let me be? so long my luckless romance my back is turned on you should"ve known you"d bring me heartache almost lovers always do 求一首英文歌: 女声、有rap(是女的)、其中有一句是never say again(又好像是never say it again) Never Be The Same Again - 梅勒妮 找一首英文歌,女声,其中有一句是这样的“you never say goodbye ,***a-round-a-round-a-round Just One Last Dance :mp3.baidu./m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=Just+One+Last+Dance&lm=-1 一首男生的英文歌,其中有一句是好像I don"t wanna need you anymore 不知道你说的是不是这首 falling into you 的确很好听 : 【找一首英文歌曲!其中有一句:i need you】 楼主 ,不知道你找的是不是这首 ,i need you后面有da da da da da ~ 噢~ I Need You - Alicia Keys 歌词: nah nah nah nah nah no... no no nah nah nah nah nah no... no no The sand loves when The waves e The sky can"t wait For the light of the sun So how could you look me in my eye And not see what, what I feel inside? Tell me how could you doubt the fact that I, I love you... I love you Don"t you ever, think like that Don"t you ever, never do that There will never be o things that go Together better Than you and me North needs south East needs west And no needs Yes yes yes Up needs down Life needs death And no needs Yes yes yes I need you I need you I need you I need you So how could you look me in my eye And not see what, what I feel inside? Tell me how could you doubt the fact that I, I love you... I love you Don"t you ever, think like that Don"t you ever, never do that There will never be o things that go Together better Than you and me North needs south East needs west And no needs Yes yes yes Up needs down Life needs death And no needs Yes yes yes I need you ...oh baby... I need you ...everyday... I need you I need you Like the desert needs the rain Like joy needs pain Hey hey hey Hey hey hey Hey hey hey... i need you I Need You - LeAnn Rimes (还有这首) 急找一首英文歌曲其中有一句是i now we be love 杯具了,我没找到! 找到个类似的,楼主要找的是这个咩?? 歌曲:I Know I Need To Be In Love 歌手:Pam Hall The hardest thing I"ve ever done is keep believing There"s someone in this crazy world for me The way that people e and go through temporary lives My chance could e and I might never know I used to say No promises let"s keep it simple But freedom only helps you say goodbye It took a while for me to learn that nothing es for free The price I paid is high enough for me I know I need to be in love I know I"ve wasted too much time I know I ask perfection of a quite imperfect world And fool enough to think that"s what I"ll find what I"ll find what I"ll find yeah So here I am with pockets full of good intentions But none of them will fort me tonight I"m wide awake at 4 a.m. without a friend in sight I"m hanging on a hope but I"m all right I know I need to be in love I know I"ve wasted too much time I know I ask perfection of a quite imperfect world And fool enough to think that"s what I"ll find I know I need to be in love I know I"ve wasted too much time I know I ask perfection of a quite imperfect world And fool enough to think that"s what I"ll find what I"ll find what I"ll find what I"ll find what I"ll find I know I need to be in love wu yeah I know I"ve wasted too much time I know I ask perfection of a quite imperfect world And fool enough to think that"s what I"ll find what I"ll find what I"ll find what I"ll find yeah what I"ll find what I"ll find what I"ll find I hope of find my truely love what I"ll find what I"ll find what I"ll find yeah me to find the good good man what I"ll find what I"ll find what I"ll find 找首英文歌 其中有一句是i love you,say we togerther day [歌名:I love you] [美味关系原声带] i love you - joanna wang i love you, say we together baby, you and me. i can only give my love, and show you what i am, in the blast i breathe. i will promise you my heart, and give you what you need, if you take some times. and if you tell me you don"t leave me any more, but i love want blast forever, woo ~ i will ask you for your chance to try again to make a love i leave to better, woo ~ oh. i love you, say we together baby, say we together. i need you, i need you forever baby, you and me. you say you how we know exactly who i am to how to understand. woo ~ i do right from the sideling, no way after said, if you read my mind. if you tell me you don"t leave me any more, but i love want blast forever i will ask you for your chance to try again to make a love or leave to better. woo ~ oh. i love you, say we together baby, say we together. i need you, i need you forever baby, need you forever. remember when i news to while clear, remember when i make you to cry. yes, you still love me. oh, dear. if you tell me you don"t leave me any more, i love you, say we together baby, say we together. i need you, i need you forever baby, you and me. 求一首歌、女声英文、其中有一句是I love you丶 是王若琳的I LOVE YOU? 找一首英文歌,其中有一句好像是so nothing can s me ...

i racevsome young men running in the park

active 形容词,“积极的”,系动词looked (“看起来”)后接形容词,表示状态,特征 took plane “我们坐飞机去美国”,by air 坐飞机,take 乘坐,本句是过去时.

Young men can gohorse _(ride) in Inner Mongolia.

ridingbringing,to bringto answer,not to writeto keep,yourself

When Anna ____ the room, a group of young men were talking eagerly round the table




Ronnie Wood的《Priceless》 歌词

歌曲名:Priceless歌手:Ronnie Wood专辑:1234YeaJoe - PricelessThis feels like one of those songs you knowThis my dedicationTo that shorty from the ghetto.So pricelessYou mean the worldHmmm listenDamn what a lucky man i amI found someone who understands andShe dont care what she gotta do to please her manDamn she makes me wanna raise my handsShout it outspread the wordTelling everyone i canCause she"s my only girl and im her only manDamn you priceless like a rare jewel yeaYou perfect like a dream come true yeaGirl why cant the world be a little bitmore like you yeaAnd who saids you cant find love proper love in the ghettoWell i found it and she works it baby pricelessSo pricelessDamn shopping at the mall 10 grandAnother 20 on her finger and i dont give a damnCause a love like her"s is priceless yeaAnd i know it anit never been a money thingCause she love me even if i didnt have a thingThats the kind of girl you areAnd ohhhAnd she"ll beMy one concernAnd i"ll beThe one for herForeverI gotta learnCause i know just what a girl like that is worthAnit no priceDamn you priceless like a rare jewel yeaYou perfect like a dream come true yeaGirl why cant the world be a little bitmore like you yeaAnd who saids you cant find love proper love in the ghettoWell i found it and she works it baby pricelessSo pricelessI never had anyone that iI wanted to share everything with noTil the day you came aroundI knew you was the one for me soIf its karats on your handsA place to lay your head all it take to make you smileAnd im willing to pay whatever it costCause girl you worth the priceDamn you priceless like a rare jewel yeaYou perfect like a dream come true yeaGirl why cant the world be a little bitmore like you yeaAnd who saids you cant find love proper love in the ghettoWell i found it and she works it baby pricelessSo pricelessSo priceless so priceless so priceless so priceless you"repriceless like a rare jeweSo priceless so priceless so priceless so priceless you"repriceless like a rare jeweSo priceless yea yea yeaSo priceless yea yea yeaSo priceless yea yea yeaSo priceless yea yea yeaSo priceless yea yea yeahttp://music.baidu.com/song/8893420

plated dinner是什么意思

plated dinner晚餐装盘上菜plated[英]["pleu026atu026ad][美][u02c8pletu026ad]adj.镀金的; 电镀的; 装甲的; 鸳鸯布的; v.给…装甲(plate的过去式); 电镀; 例句:1.They cooked and plated the meals, pairing the food with simpleplace settings. 他们烹饪,装盘,再把菜放到一个简单的环境中。2.In addition, coaches recorded the amount time each playertrained and plated of grass or turf. 此外,教练记录了每个运动员的训练时间和所在场地的性质(天然或人造)

求 i still believe 的歌词 lyfe jennings的 我哪里都找了,就是没有。 牛人来帮忙

我有 [ti:I Still Believe][ar:A1][al:Here We Come][by:Trimy][00:16.01][00:25.20]Mark :The sun went down so long ago[00:28.03]I watched you cry i had to go[00:31.04]Forever only lasted for a day[00:37.13]And now without you by my side[00:40.26]The visions of a lonely life[00:42.77]Take me to a dream in a place so far away[00:48.67][00:49.71]I see an angel and i think of you[00:55.67]I watch you hide behind a smile[01:01.47]And then i think of what i have to do[01:08.44]If only i had listened for a while[01:13.49][01:13.86]All: I still believe i still believe[01:19.43]A love so strong will carry on[01:23.46]You know theres so much to be seen[01:26.34]I still believe i still believe[01:32.01]Its not the end lets start again[01:35.81]I still believe[01:37.51][01:39.99]Mark: The emptiness of what could be[01:42.28]Shows everything you mean to me[01:45.68]It started out a game id never played[01:51.58]If i defy the foolish pride[01:54.75]And find that place so deep inside[01:58.07]Take me to my dream i know i have to stay[02:02.93][02:05.12]I see a rainbow and i think of you[02:09.81]Of what we had of what we were[02:15.76]And then i think of what i have to do[02:22.60]If only i had listened for a while[02:28.13][02:28.63]All: I still believe i still believe[02:33.95]A love so strong will carry on[02:37.65]You know theres so much to be seen[02:41.12]I still believe i still believe[02:47.30]Its not the end lets start again[02:50.85]I still believe[02:52.91][02:54.88]Mark :Everybodys always asking me why[02:59.54]Why i did what i did to make you cry[03:04.86]Please believe me when i say what i say[03:12.80]I didnt mean to go away[03:17.98]At the time i couldnt stay[03:19.18][03:44.94]I see an angel and she sees me too[03:50.63]And as she wipes a teary eye[03:57.13]I know exactly what i have to do[04:02.38]To start a new beginning in my life[04:06.27][04:12.06]All: I still believe i still believe[04:17.19]A love so strong will carry on[04:20.83]You know theres so much to be seen[04:23.82]I still believe i still believe[04:29.56]Its not the end lets start again[04:33.65]I still believe[04:36.09]You know i still believe[04:37.38][04:39.92]Its not the end lets start again[04:47.25]I still believe[04:49.92]

channel reciprocity是什么意思

channel reciprocity是信道互易性的意思

Mika的《lollipop》的歌词Sucking to hard on your lollipop loves gonna get you down具体中文意思是什麼




什么是Wii Homebrew Channel?

一个频道 可以利用SD卡运行自制软件 跨升级 看视频 金手指 模拟器等等非常有用
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