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生化危机诅咒的主题曲土屋安娜(Anna Tsuchiya)的Carry On歌词

My father took me to the sacred place when I was a young girl,I grabbed his hand hard and asked who is conjuring this world right now.Now where is Heaven?When you were thrown into this world they say you were born insane.And why?In the world that gives me nothing,I need something to believe in.Fight my loss of faith,In my guarded cage.I am broken like an arrow,I have served for my heaven,Constantly out in wars we would turn away.Who should we scream at?Who should we follow?Who is my savior?Who doesn"t turn His back when in need?Why do we have to be sacrificed;Those who care to join our ring in the dark.Why do we have to live in a bloody world;Though, with the most fragile, let them fall on me, yeah.Cause we"ll carry on,My memory will carry on,My voice will carry on.My voice will carry on.If there"s nothing but survival,How can I believe in sin?This world is bleeding now and you can see its blood.Open your eyes now,Open your arms now.Well you"re going to wait,Because you never can control the worldWith your cruel willpower.Don"t ever let your love turn to hate;If you say i"m loud break these chains off meThat I believe isn"t you anymore.If you say i"m free then keep these chains on me.What I want is not our freedom,What I want is us in a simple day.I don"t need this grieving nation forever,What I need is us,The peaceful sleep,So maybe please stop this bloody world right now.Cause we"ll carry on,My memory will carry on.Have to see the truth till we carry on;My voice will carry on.




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K神是MOUZ.Kuroky吧,玩后期挺强的。其他的著名选手有:LODA:我最喜欢的选手,他的一盘神级剑圣录像让我喜欢上DOTA。L神一般用各类后期或全能型法师,SF、SPEC、SA、QOP、TINKER等。他原来是SK的领袖,现在SK解散他去MYM了。我看过他很多录像,别人的很少看…。VIGOSS:V神的粉丝应该最多了吧。他被称为世界第一GANKER。RN上写着LODAVSVIGOSS的录像都很火的。KS.INT战队的领袖。MERLINI:M神,那个神奇的ZUES钻树坑 V 的男主角,这段视频很火的。MYM主力。SNOY:说个中国的DOTA大神,“国家队”EHOME的领袖。当年他的刚背猪助中国队拿下了东亚赛的冠军。其他的著名选手还有:MEALK,YAMATEH,ARS-ART,H NN 等


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英语作文winner and losers 要求对比他们 速求啊

Winners and LosersThere are many winners and losers in our everyday life. What kinds of people are winners? First of all, they should be optimists and have confidence in success. Secondly, they should have plans for the future and strive for them. Finally, a good will is also necessary.On the other hand, what kinds of people are losera? For inatance, a loser is often someone who ia a pessimist or, on the contrary, thinks highly of himself/herself, but his ability is limited. As a loser, maybe he is rich in money, but usually he cannot get what he wants, and then he gets overwhelmed. He complains about the world and life, but does not findany reason from himself. It is his pessimism that causes his misfortune.As for met I think a winner, just like a genius, results from one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. We should think a lot, practice a lot and strive hard in order to achieve our plans step by step. It can help you to be a winner who bears in mind that God helps those who help themselves.

求助!!莎士比亚的Sonnet 18英文赏析,要短篇的…

Shakespeare - Sonnet 18 This sonnet is by far one of the most interesting poems in the book. Of Shakespeare"s sonnets in the text, this is one of the most moving lyric poems that I have ever read. There is great use of imagery within the sonnet. This is not to say that the rest of the poems in the book were not good, but this to me was the best, most interesting, and most beautiful of them. It is mainly due to the simplicity and loveliness of the poem抯 praise of the beloved woman that it has guaranteed its place in my mind, and heart.The speaker of the poem opens with a question that is addressed to the beloved, "Shall I compare thee to a summer"s day?" This question is comparing her to the summer time of the year. It is during this time when the flowers are blooming, trees are full of leaves, the weather is warm, and it is generally thought of as an enjoyable time during the year. The following eleven lines in the poem are also dedicated to similar comparisons between the beloved and summer days. In lines 2 and 3, the speaker explains what mainly separates the young woman from the summer"s day: she is "more lovely and more temperate." (Line 2) Summer"s days tend toward extremes: they are sometimes shaken by "rough winds" (line3) which happens and is not always as welcoming as the woman. However in line 4, the speaker gives the feeling again that the summer months are often to short by saying, "And summer抯 lease hath too short a date." In the summer days, the sun, "the eye of heaven" (line 5), often shines "too hot," or too dim, "his gold complexion dimmed" (line 6), that is there are many hot days during the summer but soon the sun begins to set earlier at night because autumn is approaching. Summer is moving along too quickly for the speaker, its time here needs to be longer, and it also means that the chilling of autumn is coming upon us because the flowers will soon be withering, as "every fair from fair sometime declines." (Line 7) The final portion of the sonnet tells how the beloved differs from the summer in various respects. Her beauty will be one that lasts forever, "Thy eternal summer shall not fade." (Line 9), and never end or die. In the couplet at the bottom, the speaker explains how that the beloved"s beauty will accomplish this everlasting life unlike a summer. And it is because her beauty is kept alive in this poem, which will last forever. It will live "as long as men can breathe or eyes can see." (Line 13)On the surface, the poem is on the surface simply a statement of praise about the beauty of the beloved woman and perhaps summer to the speaker is sometimes too unpleasant with the extremes of windiness and heat that go along with it. However, the beloved in the poem is always mild and temperate by her nature and nothing at all like the summer. It is incidentally brought to life as being described as the "eye of heaven" with its "gold complexion". The imagery throughout the sonnet is simple and attainable to the reader, which is a key factor in understanding the poem. Then the speaker begins to describe the summer again with the "darling buds of May" giving way to the " summer抯 lease", springtime moving into the warmth of the summer. The speaker then starts to promise to talk about this beloved, that is so great and awing that she is to live forever in this sonnet. The beloved is so great that the speaker will even go as far as to say that, "So long as men breathe, or eyes can see," the woman will live. The language is almost too simple when comparing it to the rest of Shakespeare抯 sonnets; it is not heavy with alliteration or verse, and nearly every line is its own self-contained clause, almost every line ends with some punctuation that effects a pause. But it is this that makes Sonnet18 stand out for the rest in the book. It is much more attainable to understand and it allows for the reader to fully understand how great this beloved truly is because she may live forever in it. An important theme of the sonnet, as it is an important theme throughout much of the poetry in general, is the power of the speaker"s poem to defy time and last forever. And so by doing this it is then carrying the beauty of the beloved down to future generations and eventually for al of eternity. The beloved"s "eternal summer" shall not fade precisely because it is embodied in the sonnet: "So long as men can breathe or eyes can see," (line 13) the speaker writes in the couplet, "So long lives this, and this gives life to thee."(Line 14) With this the speaker is able to accomplish what many have done in poetry and that is to give the gift of an eternal life to someone that they believe is special and outshines everyone else around them. Perhaps it is because of a physical beauty that the speaker see, but I believe that it is more because of the internal beauty as seen in line 2, "Thou art more lovely and more temperate", that the beloved is deserving to live on forever.记得采纳啊

求助!!莎士比亚的Sonnet 18英文赏析,要短篇的…

Shakespeare - Sonnet 18 This sonnet is by far one of the most interesting poems in the book. Of Shakespeare"s sonnets in the text, this is one of the most moving lyric poems that I have ever read. There is great use of imagery within the sonnet. This is not to say that the rest of the poems in the book were not good, but this to me was the best, most interesting, and most beautiful of them. It is mainly due to the simplicity and loveliness of the poem抯 praise of the beloved woman that it has guaranteed its place in my mind, and heart.The speaker of the poem opens with a question that is addressed to the beloved, "Shall I compare thee to a summer"s day?" This question is comparing her to the summer time of the year. It is during this time when the flowers are blooming, trees are full of leaves, the weather is warm, and it is generally thought of as an enjoyable time during the year. The following eleven lines in the poem are also dedicated to similar comparisons between the beloved and summer days. In lines 2 and 3, the speaker explains what mainly separates the young woman from the summer"s day: she is "more lovely and more temperate." (Line 2) Summer"s days tend toward extremes: they are sometimes shaken by "rough winds" (line3) which happens and is not always as welcoming as the woman. However in line 4, the speaker gives the feeling again that the summer months are often to short by saying, "And summer抯 lease hath too short a date." In the summer days, the sun, "the eye of heaven" (line 5), often shines "too hot," or too dim, "his gold complexion dimmed" (line 6), that is there are many hot days during the summer but soon the sun begins to set earlier at night because autumn is approaching. Summer is moving along too quickly for the speaker, its time here needs to be longer, and it also means that the chilling of autumn is coming upon us because the flowers will soon be withering, as "every fair from fair sometime declines." (Line 7) The final portion of the sonnet tells how the beloved differs from the summer in various respects. Her beauty will be one that lasts forever, "Thy eternal summer shall not fade." (Line 9), and never end or die. In the couplet at the bottom, the speaker explains how that the beloved"s beauty will accomplish this everlasting life unlike a summer. And it is because her beauty is kept alive in this poem, which will last forever. It will live "as long as men can breathe or eyes can see." (Line 13)On the surface, the poem is on the surface simply a statement of praise about the beauty of the beloved woman and perhaps summer to the speaker is sometimes too unpleasant with the extremes of windiness and heat that go along with it. However, the beloved in the poem is always mild and temperate by her nature and nothing at all like the summer. It is incidentally brought to life as being described as the "eye of heaven" with its "gold complexion". The imagery throughout the sonnet is simple and attainable to the reader, which is a key factor in understanding the poem. Then the speaker begins to describe the summer again with the "darling buds of May" giving way to the " summer抯 lease", springtime moving into the warmth of the summer. The speaker then starts to promise to talk about this beloved, that is so great and awing that she is to live forever in this sonnet. The beloved is so great that the speaker will even go as far as to say that, "So long as men breathe, or eyes can see," the woman will live. The language is almost too simple when comparing it to the rest of Shakespeare抯 sonnets; it is not heavy with alliteration or verse, and nearly every line is its own self-contained clause, almost every line ends with some punctuation that effects a pause. But it is this that makes Sonnet18 stand out for the rest in the book. It is much more attainable to understand and it allows for the reader to fully understand how great this beloved truly is because she may live forever in it. An important theme of the sonnet, as it is an important theme throughout much of the poetry in general, is the power of the speaker"s poem to defy time and last forever. And so by doing this it is then carrying the beauty of the beloved down to future generations and eventually for al of eternity. The beloved"s "eternal summer" shall not fade precisely because it is embodied in the sonnet: "So long as men can breathe or eyes can see," (line 13) the speaker writes in the couplet, "So long lives this, and this gives life to thee."(Line 14) With this the speaker is able to accomplish what many have done in poetry and that is to give the gift of an eternal life to someone that they believe is special and outshines everyone else around them. Perhaps it is because of a physical beauty that the speaker see, but I believe that it is more because of the internal beauty as seen in line 2, "Thou art more lovely and more temperate", that the beloved is deserving to live on forever.

莎士比亚的sonnet18 的英文赏析

Shakespeare - Sonnet 18 This sonnet is by far one of the most interesting poems in the book. Of Shakespeare"s sonnets in the text, this is one of the most moving lyric poems that I have ever read. There is great use of imagery within the sonnet. This is not to say that the rest of the poems in the book were not good, but this to me was the best, most interesting, and most beautiful of them. It is mainly due to the simplicity and loveliness of the poem抯 praise of the beloved woman that it has guaranteed its place in my mind, and heart.The speaker of the poem opens with a question that is addressed to the beloved, "Shall I compare thee to a summer"s day?" This question is comparing her to the summer time of the year. It is during this time when the flowers are blooming, trees are full of leaves, the weather is warm, and it is generally thought of as an enjoyable time during the year. The following eleven lines in the poem are also dedicated to similar comparisons between the beloved and summer days. In lines 2 and 3, the speaker explains what mainly separates the young woman from the summer"s day: she is "more lovely and more temperate." (Line 2) Summer"s days tend toward extremes: they are sometimes shaken by "rough winds" (line3) which happens and is not always as welcoming as the woman. However in line 4, the speaker gives the feeling again that the summer months are often to short by saying, "And summer抯 lease hath too short a date." In the summer days, the sun, "the eye of heaven" (line 5), often shines "too hot," or too dim, "his gold complexion dimmed" (line 6), that is there are many hot days during the summer but soon the sun begins to set earlier at night because autumn is approaching. Summer is moving along too quickly for the speaker, its time here needs to be longer, and it also means that the chilling of autumn is coming upon us because the flowers will soon be withering, as "every fair from fair sometime declines." (Line 7) The final portion of the sonnet tells how the beloved differs from the summer in various respects. Her beauty will be one that lasts forever, "Thy eternal summer shall not fade." (Line 9), and never end or die. In the couplet at the bottom, the speaker explains how that the beloved"s beauty will accomplish this everlasting life unlike a summer. And it is because her beauty is kept alive in this poem, which will last forever. It will live "as long as men can breathe or eyes can see." (Line 13)On the surface, the poem is on the surface simply a statement of praise about the beauty of the beloved woman and perhaps summer to the speaker is sometimes too unpleasant with the extremes of windiness and heat that go along with it. However, the beloved in the poem is always mild and temperate by her nature and nothing at all like the summer. It is incidentally brought to life as being described as the "eye of heaven" with its "gold complexion". The imagery throughout the sonnet is simple and attainable to the reader, which is a key factor in understanding the poem. Then the speaker begins to describe the summer again with the "darling buds of May" giving way to the " summer抯 lease", springtime moving into the warmth of the summer. The speaker then starts to promise to talk about this beloved, that is so great and awing that she is to live forever in this sonnet. The beloved is so great that the speaker will even go as far as to say that, "So long as men breathe, or eyes can see," the woman will live. The language is almost too simple when comparing it to the rest of Shakespeare抯 sonnets; it is not heavy with alliteration or verse, and nearly every line is its own self-contained clause, almost every line ends with some punctuation that effects a pause. But it is this that makes Sonnet18 stand out for the rest in the book. It is much more attainable to understand and it allows for the reader to fully understand how great this beloved truly is because she may live forever in it. An important theme of the sonnet, as it is an important theme throughout much of the poetry in general, is the power of the speaker"s poem to defy time and last forever. And so by doing this it is then carrying the beauty of the beloved down to future generations and eventually for al of eternity. The beloved"s "eternal summer" shall not fade precisely because it is embodied in the sonnet: "So long as men can breathe or eyes can see," (line 13) the speaker writes in the couplet, "So long lives this, and this gives life to thee."(Line 14) With this the speaker is able to accomplish what many have done in poetry and that is to give the gift of an eternal life to someone that they believe is special and outshines everyone else around them. Perhaps it is because of a physical beauty that the speaker see, but I believe that it is more because of the internal beauty as seen in line 2, "Thou art more lovely and more temperate", that the beloved is deserving to live on forever.参考资料:Sonnet 18 Essay


Shall I compare thee to a summer"s day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate:Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And summer"s lease hath all too short a date:Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,And often is his gold complexion dimmed,And every fair from fair sometime declines,By chance, or nature"s changing course untrimmed: But thy eternal summer shall not fade,Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow"st,Nor shall death brag thou wander"st in his shade,When in eternal lines to time thou grow"st,So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.------------------大意:1 how can i compare you to a summer"s day?2 you are more lovely and more temperate3 the pretty flowers in the month of May can be shaken by wind,4 and summer"s beauty is too short even to be a day5 the sun in summer can be too hot6 and often the sunshine can be interrupted by clouds.7 all beauties become inferior compared to their previous state of beauty8 so are nature"s beauty through changes(they all decline from perfectness)9 but your eternal summer(praises and promises in this sonnet) shall not fade10 nor lose the beauty you once possessed and owned11 nor death can drag you away by its shade12 in these sonnet lines you"ll always grow13 so long as men can breathe or eyes can see,14 so long as this sonnet exist and this sonnet will give life to you不明白可以查字典,我已经尽力了

翻译The songs and the sonnets



Shakespeare - Sonnet 18 This sonnet is by far one of the most interesting poems in the book. Of Shakespeare"s sonnets in the text, this is one of the most moving lyric poems that I have ever read. There is great use of imagery within the sonnet. This is not to say that the rest of the poems in the book were not good, but this to me was the best, most interesting, and most beautiful of them. It is mainly due to the simplicity and loveliness of the poem抯 praise of the beloved woman that it has guaranteed its place in my mind, and heart.The speaker of the poem opens with a question that is addressed to the beloved, "Shall I compare thee to a summer"s day?" This question is comparing her to the summer time of the year. It is during this time when the flowers are blooming, trees are full of leaves, the weather is warm, and it is generally thought of as an enjoyable time during the year. The following eleven lines in the poem are also dedicated to similar comparisons between the beloved and summer days. In lines 2 and 3, the speaker explains what mainly separates the young woman from the summer"s day: she is "more lovely and more temperate." (Line 2) Summer"s days tend toward extremes: they are sometimes shaken by "rough winds" (line3) which happens and is not always as welcoming as the woman. However in line 4, the speaker gives the feeling again that the summer months are often to short by saying, "And summer抯 lease hath too short a date." In the summer days, the sun, "the eye of heaven" (line 5), often shines "too hot," or too dim, "his gold complexion dimmed" (line 6), that is there are many hot days during the summer but soon the sun begins to set earlier at night because autumn is approaching. Summer is moving along too quickly for the speaker, its time here needs to be longer, and it also means that the chilling of autumn is coming upon us because the flowers will soon be withering, as "every fair from fair sometime declines." (Line 7) The final portion of the sonnet tells how the beloved differs from the summer in various respects. Her beauty will be one that lasts forever, "Thy eternal summer shall not fade." (Line 9), and never end or die. In the couplet at the bottom, the speaker explains how that the beloved"s beauty will accomplish this everlasting life unlike a summer. And it is because her beauty is kept alive in this poem, which will last forever. It will live "as long as men can breathe or eyes can see." (Line 13)On the surface, the poem is on the surface simply a statement of praise about the beauty of the beloved woman and perhaps summer to the speaker is sometimes too unpleasant with the extremes of windiness and heat that go along with it. However, the beloved in the poem is always mild and temperate by her nature and nothing at all like the summer. It is incidentally brought to life as being described as the "eye of heaven" with its "gold complexion". The imagery throughout the sonnet is simple and attainable to the reader, which is a key factor in understanding the poem. Then the speaker begins to describe the summer again with the "darling buds of May" giving way to the " summer抯 lease", springtime moving into the warmth of the summer. The speaker then starts to promise to talk about this beloved, that is so great and awing that she is to live forever in this sonnet. The beloved is so great that the speaker will even go as far as to say that, "So long as men breathe, or eyes can see," the woman will live. The language is almost too simple when comparing it to the rest of Shakespeare抯 sonnets; it is not heavy with alliteration or verse, and nearly every line is its own self-contained clause, almost every line ends with some punctuation that effects a pause. But it is this that makes Sonnet18 stand out for the rest in the book. It is much more attainable to understand and it allows for the reader to fully understand how great this beloved truly is because she may live forever in it. An important theme of the sonnet, as it is an important theme throughout much of the poetry in general, is the power of the speaker"s poem to defy time and last forever. And so by doing this it is then carrying the beauty of the beloved down to future generations and eventually for al of eternity. The beloved"s "eternal summer" shall not fade precisely because it is embodied in the sonnet: "So long as men can breathe or eyes can see," (line 13) the speaker writes in the couplet, "So long lives this, and this gives life to thee."(Line 14) With this the speaker is able to accomplish what many have done in poetry and that is to give the gift of an eternal life to someone that they believe is special and outshines everyone else around them. Perhaps it is because of a physical beauty that the speaker see, but I believe that it is more because of the internal beauty as seen in line 2, "Thou art more lovely and more temperate", that the beloved is deserving to live on forever.

《The Sonnets》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Sonnets》(William Shakespeare)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1UzNxZoZvNb-Alxi7t_6Qog 提取码: px8c书名:The Sonnets作者:William Shakespeare出版社:Cambridge University Press出版年份:2009-07-20页数:404内容简介:John Dover Wilson"s New Shakespeare, published between 1921 and 1966, became the classic Cambridge edition of Shakespeare"s plays and poems until the 1980s. The series, long since out-of-print, is now reissued. Each work is available both individually and as a set, and each contains a lengthy and lively introduction, main text, and substantial notes and glossary printed at the back. The edition, which began with The Tempest and ended with The Sonnets, put into practice the techniques and theories that had evolved under the "New Bibliography". Remarkably by today"s standards, although it took the best part of half a century to produce, the New Shakespeare involved only a small band of editors besides Dover Wilson himself. As the volumes took shape, many of Dover Wilson"s textual methods acquired general acceptance and became an established part of later editorial practice, for example in the Arden and New Cambridge Shakespeares.

求 莎士比亚 sonnet 18 英文赏析或评论 200个单词以内

莎士比亚所处的英国伊莉莎白时代是爱情诗的盛世,写十四行诗更是一种时髦。莎士比亚的十四行诗无疑是那个时代的佼佼者,其十四行诗集更是流传至今,魅力不减。他的十四行诗一扫当时诗坛的矫柔造作、绮艳轻糜、空虚无力的风气。据说,莎士比亚的十四行诗是献给两个人的:前126首献给一个贵族青年,后面的献给一个黑肤女郎。这首诗是十四行诗集中的第18首,属前者。也有人说,他的十四行诗是专业的文学创作。当然,这些无关宏旨,诗歌本身是伟大的。 莎士比亚的十四行诗总体上表现了一个思想:爱征服一切。他的诗充分肯定了人的价值、赞颂了人的尊严、个人的理性作用。诗人将抽象的概念转化成具体的形象,用可感可见的物质世界,形象生动地阐释了人文主义的命题。 诗的开头将“你”和夏天相比较。自然界的夏天正处在绿的世界中,万物繁茂地生长着,繁阴遮地,是自然界的生命最昌盛的时刻。那醉人的绿与鲜艳的花一道,将夏天打扮得五彩缤纷、艳丽动人。但是,“你”却比夏天可爱多了,比夏天还要温婉。五月的狂风会作践那可爱的景色,夏天的期限太短,阳光酷热地照射在繁阴班驳的大地上,那熠熠生辉的美丽不免要在时间的流动中凋残。这自然界最美的季节和“你”相比也要逊色不少。 而“你”能克服这些自然界的不足。“你”在最灿烂的季节不会凋谢,甚至“你”美的任何东西都不会有所损失。“你”是人世的永恒,“你”会让死神的黑影在遥远的地方停留,任由死神的夸口也不会死去。“你”是什么?“你”与人类同在,你在时间的长河里不朽。那人类精神的精华——诗,是你的形体吗?或者,你就是诗的精神,就是人类的灵魂。 诗歌在形式上一改传统的意大利十四行诗四四三三体,而是采用了四四四二体:在前面充分地发挥表达的层次,在充分的铺垫之后,用两句诗结束全诗,点明主题。全诗用新颖巧妙的比喻,华美而恰当的修饰使人物形象鲜明、生气鲜活。诗人用形象的表达使严谨的逻辑推理变得生动有趣、曲折跌宕,最终巧妙地得出了人文主义的结论。来源:(http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_48700af001000c9i.html) - Sonnet18赏析_victoria_新浪博客

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john donne作品英文

john-donne作品如下:Songs-and-Sonnets《歌与十四行诗》;Epithalamions, or-marriage songs《颂歌》;Elegies《挽歌》;Divine-poems《圣歌》;Holy-Sonnets《神圣十四行诗》;The-Flea《跳蚤》;The-Good-Morrow《早安》;Break-of-Day《破晓》约翰·多恩(John Donne,1572年-1631年3月31日),英国诗人,生于伦敦的一个富商之家,1631 年3月31日卒于伦敦。信仰罗马天主教。约翰·多恩又译邓约翰,是英国詹姆斯一世时期的玄学派诗人,他的作品包括十四行诗、爱情诗、宗教诗、拉丁译本、隽语、挽歌、歌词等,代表作有《日出》,《歌谣与十四行诗》,《神圣十四行诗》《给圣父的赞美诗》等。约翰·多恩出生于伦敦的一个罗马天主教家庭,爸爸是威尔斯人后裔。他曾在牛津和剑桥大学学习神学、医学、法律和古典文学,但均未获得学位。1598年,多恩被任命为伊格顿爵士的私人秘书。1601年,他秘密同伊格顿夫人的侄女结婚。尽管婚姻愉快,多恩却因此获罪,失去了职位,并遭监禁。出狱后十数年间,生活艰苦。后因撰文攻击天主教、维护王权而获得赏识,于1615年成为王室牧师,1621年出任圣保罗大教堂教长。


我们老师讲的是friendship and humanity,我上次查了下,好像还有beauty and youth

分析莎士比亚的sonnet 18

This is one of the most famous of all the sonnets, justifiably so. But it would be a mistake to take it entirely in isolation, for it links in with so many of the other sonnets through the themes of the descriptive power of verse; the ability of the poet to depict the fair youth adequately, or not; and the immortality conveyed through being hymned in these "eternal lines". It is noticeable that here the poet is full of confidence that his verse will live as long as there are people drawing breath upon the earth, whereas later he apologises for his poor wit and his humble lines which are inadequate to encompass all the youth"s excellence. Now, perhaps in the early days of his love, there is no such self-doubt and the eternal summer of the youth is preserved forever in the poet"s lines. The poem also works at a rather curious level of achieving its objective through dispraise. The summer"s day is found to be lacking in so many respects (too short, too hot, too rough, sometimes too dingy), but curiously enough one is left with the abiding impression that "the lovely boy" is in fact like a summer"s day at its best, fair, warm, sunny, temperate, one of the darling buds of May, and that all his beauty has been wonderfully highlighted by the comparison.


sonnet:[ "sonit ] fourteen-line rhyming poem with set structure:a short poem with 14 lines,usually ten-syllable rhyming lines,divided into two,three,or four sections. There are many rhyming patterns for sonnets,and they are usually written in iambic pentameter. n.十四行诗 例句与用法: 1.Our teacher told us to recite this sonnet written by Shakespeare. 老师要求我们背诵莎士比亚的这首十四行诗. 2.He read us a sonnet that celebrates love. 他给我们读了一首歌颂爱情的十四行诗. 3.He wrote a sonnet to his beloved. 他写了一首十四行诗,献给他心爱的人. 4.In an early sonnet Keats rhymes"eyes"with"surmise". 在早期的一首十四行诗中,济慈用”surmise”来押”eyes”的韵.


essentially is a poem with an attitude! See answer from oneboxman

java通过平台api接口远程访问对方数据库将返回的json存放到我们库中,HttpURLConnection post传参问题

post 的话,你写个 html 的表单,submit 到这个地址看看或者,有浏览器的工具也可以做这事。先调通了,再调程序另外,你没看到人家 api 写的清清楚楚,需要先取得认证 token 的么……



Heart Of Innocence 歌词

歌曲名:Heart Of Innocence歌手:Jessica Simpson专辑:Sweet KissesHeart Of InnocenceJessica SimpsonOh, ooh yeahSometimes I wake upIn the dark nightAnd in my mindThere"s a picture of youI know someday this dreamWill come aliveSo for nowYour shadow will doI"ve never seen your faceBut I know you"re in my heartBaby someday someplaceI"ll hold you in my armsI have a gift for youSomething I have held ontoWaiting for your sweet caressNo ribbon has been untiedFrom all that I hold insideAnd only youWill possessThis heart of innocenceOh yeahI lay my head downOn a pillow of white (of white)Here in the darkI am cradled in peace (ooh)No loss from yesterdayTo haunt me at nightNo tears to dryNo sad memoriesIt isn"t hard to holdAnd I will safely keepThis strength that is in my soulUntil you come to meI have a gift for youSomething I have held ontoWaiting for your sweet caressNo ribbon has been untiedFrom all that I hold insideAnd only youWill possessThis heart of innocenceEvery night I wish before I fall asleep(Make a wish)That destiny will take your handAnd lead you to meOhI have a gift for youSomething I have held ontoWaiting for your sweet caressNo ribbon has been untiedFrom all that I hold insideAnd only youWill possessThis heart of innocenceOh, ohI love youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8323777

请求内容大意:德国作家Gehart Hauptmann的小说《Bahnwaerter Thiel》(扳道工提尔/铁道守路人蒂尔)


tickle a funny bone

一个贺卡能温暖一颗心,支撑一只手,借一只耳朵,轻拍背面, 点燃一个脸 ,胳肢一个尺骨之端 , 弄干一个眼睛 , 使一个孩子吃惊 , 恳求一个情人, 敬酒一位新娘 ,欢迎一个陌生人, 波动一再见, 呼喊一个喝彩声,吹一个吻,修改吵架,减轻一种痛苦, 士气自豪, 停止烦恼而且开始传统.

tickle your funny bone

there那里 must be一定有 some way to.的方法 tickle使.痒 your你的 funny有趣的 bone 骨头 那里一定有使你的骨头痒的有趣方法. 英文不太好,只能做到这地步了.



Johnny 是什么意思啊


Lefties Soul Connection的《U Got Me》 歌词

歌曲名:U Got Me歌手:Lefties Soul Connection专辑:One Punch PeteU Got MeJUJU作词:JUJU作曲:JUJU/DJ HIROnycI got you, you got mewe got love, we can loveI got you, you got mewe got love babyいますぐにここに来ていますぐに抱きしめて耳许に大好きって嗫いてbring me back to life…ずっと前のドラマの伤が君とのこと邪魔しないようにトラウマとか色んなことは忘れてみるfor once for u cuz we got…U got everything I need握った手を离さないでU got everything you need right here with meそういつまでも试されて强がって意地张って失って でも泣かないフリが上手なあたしを君が変えてゆくずっと前のドラマなミスが君とのこと壊さないようにプライドとかいらないものは舍ててみるfor once for u cuz we got…U got everything I need握った手を离さないでU got everything you need right here with meそういつまでもFrom the day one since we kissedI knew that u"r the oneBut when it comes to loveI"m not the fortunate one…It took me some times to seewhat it means to believe in loveBut now I see.. you made me believe!People come and then people go..but baby stay..just hold on tight don"t let me goWe can take it slow to see the love glow..let"s make this right cuz we"r meant to be!!U got everything you need握った手を离さないでU got everything you need right here with meそういつまでもU got everything you need握った手を离さないでU got everything you need right here with meそういつまでもI got you, you got mewe got love, we can loveI got you, you got mewe got love babyI got you, you got mewe got love, we can loveI got you, you got mewe got love babyTTplayer_日本の音楽の歌词LRC组织http://music.baidu.com/song/12338130

想问一下英剧《飞天大盗》(Hustle)里饰演Danny Blue的Marc warren主演的电影有哪些呀?


by no means annoyed是什么意思

by no means annoyed决不烦恼annoyed 英[u0259u02c8nu0254u026ad] 美[u0259u02c8nu0254u026ad] adj. 恼怒的,气恼的; v. 使烦恼,使恼怒,干扰,打扰(annoy的过去式和过去分词); [例句]She tapped her forehead and looked annoyed with herself.她拍打着脑门,看上去在生自己的气。[其他] 形近词: annoyer





去吧少年 Ft.Anner的歌词

擦了擦汗水 诉说着赞美想去台北 那里夜色 真太美我爱的台妹 都会喜欢 这滋味爽快的入睡 好像在**习惯桌上放茶水 闻着那茶香沐浴着阳光 水面风荡漾累了睡很香 起来身体 有点僵神情舒缓 遗落的问题 靠边上去吧少年 不甘心当一个 花瓶再见空闲 日子不多你 要抓紧梦想实现 不靠别人 靠自己站的更高 会有更美丽 的风景被扰乱的思绪 重新在整理那被搞乱的背景 重新在刷新**的定理 它没有道理目标定下 燃烧全部 的生命去吧少年 收拾行李和心情去吧少年 走前目光更坚定去吧少年 未来的路很崎岖去吧少年 世界终会属于你 X3(Kony")uh 不断的奔跑 穿越自由的屏障我说 去吧少年 不要再随风飘荡就算被抹杀 哪怕拍打着巨浪拾起自己的信心 不放手不沮丧这声音很直白 热血是在流淌谁说不可能 刁难感觉不会忘你只有二十4 坎坷不是第一次who know me about that 我只是在歌唱这次让人们听见音符之间在碰撞我的音乐远比你想象中要高尚这首歌只有内心深处的音浪没错 我的热情就是滚烫real to show 其实到哪都一样这是Z.H.E他们的期待在肩上不怕跌倒 再起来看着希望不争取会后悔是在老了拄着拐杖(anner)少年的际遇 遇到太多的困境被欺骗 被压迫 背上留下印记从没忘记过 从没放弃过看到太多霓虹 当初也诚惶诚恐 或慢慢开始叠加累积 做人的要领 未来的憧憬 学会怎么珍惜彻底改变自己 去吧少年别把命运交给上帝 曙光在向你靠近是这个吗??


楼下的都是百科吧。。。现在sone都叫他们别的了。。金泰妍:金抽抽,金里德,软软,泰花,taenggu,daedae(泰泰),金总攻jessica:jessi , ssica (西卡),囧毛,杰西西,郑西卡,大毛,毛毛,秀妍,卡姐tiffany:帕尼,黄秘书,米勇,黄总受,蘑菇Tsunny:小太阳,三郎,顺圭,桑尼孝渊:舞后,DQ,金初丁YURI:侑莉,权总攻,萝卜,呆子,权呆秀英:苏勇,长腿偶吧,崔偶吧,食神允儿:允允,林充充,充充,充儿,允宝,允少,国民理想型徐贤:小贤,徐红霞,徐忙内,徐正直

chow chow在running man哪期开始出现





Blue - U Make Me Wanna To start it off I know you know me To come to think of it, it was only last week. That I had a dream about us, oh. That"s why I am here, I"m writing this song. To tell the truth you know I have been hurting all along, Someway let me know, you want me girl. Everytime you see me what do you see? I feel like I"m a poor man and you"re the queen. Oh baby, you"re the only thing that I really need. Baby that"s why: You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night. You make me wanna hold you till the morning light. You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall. You make me wanna surrender my soul. I know this is a feeling that I just can"t fight. You"re the first and last thing on my mind. You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall. You make me wanna surrender my soul. Well I know that these feelings won"t end no, no. They"ll just get stronger if I see you again. Baby I"m tired of being friends. I wanna know if you feel the same And could you tell me do you feel my pain? Don"t leave me in doubt. Everytime you see me what do you see? I feel like I"m a poor man and you"re the queen. Oh baby, you"re the only thing that I really need. And baby that"s why: I"ll take you home real quick And sit you down on the couch Pour some Dom Perignon and hit the lights out. Baby we can make sweet love. Then we"ll take it nice and slow. I"m gonna touch you like you"ve never know before We"re gonna make love all night.

用光盘安装xp时出现cannot find NTLDR是什么原因,是不是光盘有问题,如何解决啊?

说明你安装XP时没有把盘格了,装系统是没找到引导文件。 =光盘没有问题, 你重装时把C格掉就行了。剩下的按步骤装就行了

NTLDR is corrupt.The system cannot boot.是什么回事?


you manna脸萌!一个黑人!一句英文的开头

丹泽尔·华盛顿“You wanna go to jail, or you wanna go home?"是电影《训练日》中丹泽尔·华盛顿的经典台词。

一首韩国歌像是tort 发音大概是wuli qigen manna tangjiangmanna (物理其根曼娜 糖浆曼娜)






How sunny the day is这句话对吗?

可以这么说How sunny the day is!或者What a sunny day!


高级游客 级 酒店Located on the border of Kentucky and Illinois, guests staying at the Best Western Paducah Inn can visit Metropolis, the official Home of Superman. Stay at this recently renovated Paducah, Kentucky hotel and enjoy convenient access to Paducah International Raceway and so much more. Enjoy the stunning natural surroundings at Kentucky Lake, Lake Barkley and Kentucky Lake Dam or delight in the area"s rich history at the National Quilt Museum, Railroad Museum, Whitehaven Mansion and Historic Downtown Paducah. Want in on the area"s action? Harrah"s Casino, Carson Four Rivers Center, McCracken County Fairgrounds, Corvettes on the River and Paducah International Raceway are close by. Indulge in some retail therapy at Kentucky Oaks Mall it"s just seven miles away from this Paducah KY hotel. Other favorite area attractions include Drake Creek Golf Club, Kingsway Skateland, Calvert City Race Track, Western Waterlands and the Challenger Center for Space Science Education. Those in the area for work will love that this Paducah hotel provides just a short commute to so many of the area"s businesses, including Lourdes Hospital, Honeywell"s Metropolis Works Plant, and the CocaCola plant. Barkley Regional Airport is just 15 miles away, allowing for stressfree travel.You"ll feel like you never left home when you stay in these newly renovated, clean rooms at this awardwinning Paducah hotel. Our accommodations ensure a comfortable stay, as we offer free wireless Internet access, a coffee maker, a microwave, a refrigerator, satellite television and much more. Before heading out for a big day, fuel up with our complimentary full hot breakfast. Unwind or play in our seasonal outdoor pool. Be sure to also take advantage of the guest laundry, free parking and exercise facilities during your stay.飞猪上还可以查看更多有关于BEST WESTERN PADUCAH INN的介绍和玩法还有周边的景点

one in a million中文翻译是hannah montana的那首



fa ni--汉语拼音重音在fa

LOADRUNNER,duration 这里面设置运行时长时,用户是场景是怎么样的呢?

如果一次迭代耗时不足 1 分钟 就循环迭代直至撑满 1 分钟如果一次迭代耗时大于 1 分钟 就执行完一次迭代跟用户数量无关 仅仅是脚本执行时间与场景持续时间之间的关系



Open season中I wanna lose control这首歌的歌词

你要的这个没有 给你一个其他的 也是这个专辑里的Wild Wild Life (Talking Heads)Soundtrack: Open SeasonTitle: Wild Wild Life (Talking Heads)I"m wearin Fur pyjamas I ride a Hot potata Its tickling my fancy Speak up, I cant hear you Here on this mountaintop Woahoho I got some wild, wild life I got some news to tell ya Woahoho About some wild, wild life Here comes the doctor in charge Woahoho Shes got some wild, wild life Aint that the way you like it? Ho, ha! Living wild, wild life. I wrestle, with your conscience You wrestle, with your partner Sittin on a window sill, but he Spends time behind closed doors Check out mr. businessman Oh, ho ho He bought some wild, wild life On the way to the stock exchange Oh, ho ho He got some wild, wild life Break it up when he opens the door Whoahoho Hes doin wild, wild life I know thats the way you like it Wo ho Living wild, wild life Peace of mind? Piece of cake! Thought control! You get on board anytime you like Like sittin on pins and needles Things fall apart, its scientific Sleeping on the interstate Woah ho ah Getting wild, wild life Checkin in, a checkin out! Uh, huh! I got a wild, wild life Spending all of my money and time Oh, ho ho Done too much wild, wild We wanna go, where we go, where we go Oh, ho ho! I doing wild, wild I know it, thats how we start Uh, huh Got some wild, wild life Take a picture, here in the daylight Oh, ho! And its a wild, wild life Youve grown so tall, youve grown so fast Oh, ho ho Wild, wild I know thats the way you like it Oh, ho! Living wild wild wild wild, life.

teddy bear(泰迪熊)和winnie bear(小熊维尼)的区别

泰迪熊(英文:Teddy Bear),中文翻译为泰迪熊,按照美国当地的说法应该称为罗斯福熊。是用于儿童玩耍的填充玩具熊。它是一种历史悠久的毛绒玩具,常常被用来安慰孩子们的难过情绪的。近年来一些泰迪熊变成了昂贵的收藏品。产品区分  Steiff的注册商标则是左耳上的纽扣,Steiff最早的Logo是一个由象鼻「变形」而来的S,之后,由于有竞争对手模仿,玛格丽特突发奇想的以一颗纽扣作为Logo,原本只是一颗空白的纽扣,到了1904年,加上精雕细琢的花纹,同时,这纽扣也象征着这只熊通过了品质管制,有趣的是,当初Steiff在德国申请专利时,并不是以这颗纽扣直接申请,而是以文字「Button in ear」注册,仔细看耳扣的侧标上也有这行文字。话说回来,同样是金耳扣,但也可根据标签分为三种:   白底红字、白底黑字及黄标标明各不同的意义。   黄色标签:─非限量生产:正面标明产品流水编号,背面标明制作材料成份。   白底红字标签:─限量生产(针对某种目的,主题、节庆、国家、典故,企业所推出纪念熊限量品)正面标明产品流水编号,背面则标有限量生产年份、发行限量数量、该款熊名称。



Sarah conner的thank you的歌词

hongqishi发的这首THANK YOU 是英国女歌手DIDO唱的。 她的名字应该是Sarah Connor。 歌词: "Thank You" [Verse 1] There"s no greater love There"s no greater joy Then when I felt your life growing inside of me God has given me a gift so precious He must have made you from a cloud and angel"s wings [Bridge] Now that you"ve come into my life Without you I know I can"t survive No... "cause you"re the reason that I live each day [Chorus] And I wanna thank you for all that your are Thank you for being my light when it"s dark Thank you for bringing me joy each day I"m loving you more than words can say Thank you for givin" my life a new song Givin" me reason to wanna stay strong Thank you for everything that you"ve done You are my life, my soul, my son [Verse 2] You"ve come and changed my life "Cause what I feel inside Is a joy I know I"ve never had before And though I"ll make mistakes There"s something you should know I dedicate my love and life to you [Bridge] Now that you"ve come into my life Without you I know I can"t survive "Cause you"re the reason that I live each day [Chorus] And I wanna thank you for all that your are Thank you for being my light when it"s dark Thank you for bringing me joy each day I"m loving you more than words can say Thank you for givin" my life a new song Givin" me reason to wanna stay strong Thank you for everything that you"ve done You are my life, my soul, my son

java.数据库问题:ENGINE=InnoDB ,这个表示什么意思?


mysql中 的 ENGINE = innodb;是什么意思

mysql 数据库存储引擎概念知道吧?可设置的引擎有6、7种,有能力甚至可以自己开发一个出来。设置表或库的数据库引擎为 InnoDB


mysql中engine=innodb和engine=myisam的区别总结如下:1.InnoDB不支持FULLTEXT类型的索引。2.InnoDB 中不保存表的具体行数,也就是说,执行select count(*) from table时,InnoDB要扫描一遍整个表来计算有多少行,但是MyISAM只要简单的读出保存好的行数即可。注意的是,当count(*)语句包含 where条件时,两种表的操作是一样的。3.对于AUTO_INCREMENT类型的字段,InnoDB中必须包含只有该字段的索引,但是在MyISAM表中,可以和其他字段一起建立联合索引。4.DELETE FROM table时,InnoDB不会重新建立表,而是一行一行的删除。5.LOAD TABLE FROM MASTER操作对InnoDB是不起作用的,解决方法是首先把InnoDB表改成MyISAM表,导入数据后再改成InnoDB表,但是对于使用的额外的InnoDB特性(例如外键)的表不适用。另外,InnoDB表的行锁也不是绝对的,如果在执行一个SQL语句时MySQL不能确定要扫描的范围,InnoDB表同样会锁全表,例如update table set num=1 where name like “%aaa%”

mysql中 的 ENGINE = innodb; 是什么意思




In the United States,Moday is the beginning of the workweek.It is the day most

2009-2-3 11:30满意回答In the United States Monday is the beginning of the workweek;it is the day most Americans like least. It is not surprising that day they like most is Saturday. Saturday is the end of the workweek;it is the beginning of the weekend. Life is different on the weekend. Most Americans take care of their house,car,or garden. They get up late in the morning. They enjoy the feeling that the time seems to move more slowly. The week is for things you have to do,the weekend is for things you want to do. Some people may get in a car driving in the country. They like to take part in a sports activity outdoors. And on Saturday night they might go to a public eating place or movie.The idea of the weekend is a recent invention. In 1870 wealthy people began to speak of spending weekends in the country visiting friends. For most people,however,the workday was six-day long. It ended on Saturday. Automobile maker Henry Ford was the first major employer in the United States to establish a workweek of five days. He did that in 1926. Henry Ford thought that if the working people had more free time they would spend more money and it was something good for the economy. By 1940 it had become common for most Americans to work 8 hours a day a week. Today the lives of most Americans are organized that way: 5 days of work or school followed by 2 days of rest. For many people Saturday night is the highpoint of the weekend and the week. It is the night for going out or having fun.Anything and everything can happen on Saturday night. People go dancing,visiting friends and having parties. They drunk too much alcohol. They get killed or kill other people. They sleep,watch television,and sometimes fall in love. People do these things on other nights of the week too,but they do them more often and with more emotion and purpose on Saturday night. On Saturday night movie theatres sell more tickets. It is also the biggest night for places that sell alcoholic drinks. That is one reason why Saturday night witnesses most murders,fights and deadly car accidents. In a town in Indiana there is a Saturday night custom called“cruising”. Cruising means to spend the evening driving your car slowly up and down the townue698s main street. People who are cruising talk from car to car. They exchange greetings,jokes and friendly insults. Cruising is most popular in small towns where there is not much else to do.Many people spend the Saturday night at home with friends. They have dinner together. Perhaps they watch a movie on a video cassette recorder. Other people go on a date. People on a date might go to a public concert,yet they only talk to each other. Is there anything people do not like about the weekend? A study of 1000 Americans found that half would gladly trade a paid workday for an extra day of free time. The only thing wrong with the weekend,they think,is that it does not last longer.

In the United States,Moday is the beginning of the workweek.

In the United States Monday is the beginning of the workweek;it is the day most Americans like least.It is not surprising that day they like most is Saturday.Saturday is the end of the workweek;it is the beginning of the weekend.Life is different on the weekend.Most Americans take care of their house,car,or garden.They get up late in the morning.They enjoy the feeling that the time seems to move more slowly.The week is for things you have to do,the weekend is for things you want to do.Some people may get in a car driving in the country.They like to take part in a sports activity outdoors.And on Saturday night they might go to a public eating place or movie. The idea of the weekend is a recent invention.In 1870 wealthy people began to speak of spending weekends in the country visiting friends.For most people,however,the workday was six-day long.It ended on Saturday.Automobile maker Henry Ford was the first major employer in the United States to establish a workweek of five days.He did that in 1926.Henry Ford thought that if the working people had more free time they would spend more money and it was something good for the economy.By 1940 it had bee mon for most Americans to work 8 hours a day a week.Today the lives of most Americans are organized that way:5 days of work or school followed by 2 days of rest.For many people Saturday night is the highpoint of the weekend and the week.It is the night for going out or having fun. Anything and everything can happen on Saturday night.People go dancing,visiting friends and having parties.They drunk too much alcohol.They get killed or kill other people.They sleep,watch television,and sometimes fall in love.People do these things on other nights of the week too,but they do them more often and with more emotion and purpose on Saturday night.On Saturday night movie theatres sell more tickets.It is also the biggest night for places that sell alcoholic drinks.That is one reason why Saturday night witnesses most murders,fights and deadly car accidents.In a town in Indiana there is a Saturday night custom called“cruising”.Cruising means to spend the evening driving your car slowly up and down the townue6afs main street.People who are cruising talk from car to car.They exchange greetings,jokes and friendly insults.Cruising is most popular in *** all towns where there is not much else to do. Many people spend the Saturday night at home with friends.They have dinner together.Perhaps they watch a movie on a video cassette recorder.Other people go on a date.People on a date might go to a public concert,yet they only talk to each other.Is there anything people do not like about the weekend?A study of 1000 Americans found that half would gladly trade a paid workday for an extra day of free time.The only thing wrong with the weekend,they think,is that it does not last longer.

Tony Bennett的《Moonglow》 歌词

歌曲名:Moonglow歌手:Tony Bennett专辑:Mtv UnpluggedIt must have been that moonglowWay up in the blueIt must have been moonglowThat led me straight to youI still hear you saying"Dear one, hold me fast"And I start in prayingOh lord, please let this lastWe seemed to float right thru the airHeavenly songs seemed to come from ev"ry whereAnd now when there"s moonglowWay up in the blueI always remember that moonglow gave me youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8767667

请根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 Bad Manners in Public (在公共场所的恶习

Bad Manners in Public Although we consider ourselves as highly advanced beings living in a civilized society, bad manners can still be found here and there. For example, some cyclists run the red traffic lights, many passengers litter waste papers and plastic bags in public places, and some tourists scrabble in tourist attractions, let alone spit on the street .In the cinema, some audience talk loudly on cell phones in front of others. Iu2019m strongly against talking loudly in the cinema, for this behaviour shows no respect at all to others; whatu2019s worse, it upsets the audience who are in the mood of having fun.

4pcs inner polybag of each style

包装方法:12件一包,12件入一箱.单件一包.每箱上都要标注订单号,款号,洗水方法,并且编上箱号. 挂牌:INDIGO REIN

风にのって-janne da arc 中文歌词

悄悄地风骑白色的花和祈祷想要传达一定的星星下天空的彼方又是新生命诞生... ...灰暗的大海中漂浮的少年波浪呗了街道让他沉睡的摇篮曲从南方的岛安魂曲轻轻流淌梦也回忆也愿いさえ也.....被吞没悄悄地风骑白色的花和祈祷想要传达头晕的程度青太....的那片天空色彩哀伤的流动的云溶化的时间是过ぎてゆく你看砂般不知何时在街上又有孩子达的笑颜回到了那孩子已经...还等。晚上一个人悄悄地等待。父亲静静哭泣波涛声只是悲伤....泪水散落母亲向大海追寻着那个孩子暗红色的天空流了....一直梦沉睡梦生存的几平时的灯火谁也不在海闭眼睛感受....安宁有缘呗鸟在开时代流逝12月的天空是不会忘记....请更风强风。那个孩子的灵魂高高升起一样向天空还的那样....风骑白色的花和祈祷想要传达头晕的程度青太....的那片天空世界中的....这祈祷....收到您....。

Janne Da Arc的《Lady》 歌词

歌曲名:Lady歌手:Janne Da Arc专辑:10th Anniversary INDIES COMPLETE BOXJanne Da Arc - Lady作词:yasu作曲:yasu编曲:yasu/Janne Da Arc『いつもすました颜しやがって!』何も言えない仆は心の中でそう叫ぶだけど『その态度にもあきれちまって!』だけども甘いklssに胜てないよ今宵もあなたとsatisfaction love『能书きはしつこくたれやがって!』伪りの姿で爱を确かめようとしているけど『そのセリフにも、もう饱きちまって』まあいい骗されるのも悪くない今宵もあなたとsatisfaction loveああ 时折り见せるその笑颜がLadyそれだけでも自分の物にしたくなる仆が怖くなる『さあ、今すぐここへひざまずきなよ』ほらもう无駄な抵抗はやめて今すぐ恋に落ちてくれああ お愿い よそ见しないでよLadyもうわかるだろう“百戦錬磨”面倒な事はやめないか?『さあ 今すぐここへKissしておくれよ』ほらもう邪魔な物はすべて舍て今すぐ頬を染めてくれ『ほらまた爱想ふりまきやがって!』别にすねてるわけでもないジェラシーなんて感じるわけない『闻こえてないのか浮かれやがって!』とにかくKissの続きがしたいだけ『八方美人 笑わせやがって!』周りの奴らにチヤホヤされるのもまあ今のうちだから『もういいだろう? イラつかせやがって!』仆の视界でイチャつかないでくれ今宵は谁とsatisfaction love?ああ 时折り见せるその笑颜がLadyそれだけでも自分の物にしたくなる仆が怖くなる『さあ、今すぐここへひざまずきなよ』ほらもう无駄な抵抗はやめて今すぐ恋に落ちてくれああ お愿い よそ见しないでよLadyもうわかるだろう“百戦錬磨”面倒な事はやめないか?『さあ 今すぐここへKissしておくれよ』ほらもう邪魔な物はすべて舍て今すぐ頬を染めてくれああ 时折り见せるその笑颜がLadyそれだけでも自分の物にしたくなる仆が怖くなる『さあ、今すぐここへひざまずきなよ』ほらもう无駄な抵抗はやめて今すぐ恋に落ちてくれああ お愿い よそ见しないでよLadyもうわかるだろう“百戦錬磨”面倒な事はやめないか?『さあ 今すぐここへKissしておくれよ』ほらもう邪魔な物はすべて舍て今すぐ頬を染めてくれおわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/53138894

Janne Da Arc的《Labyrinth》 歌词

歌曲名:Labyrinth歌手:Janne Da Arc专辑:10th Anniversary INDIES COMPLETE BOXJanne Da Arc - Labyrinth作词:yasu作曲:yasu编曲:yasu/Janne Da Arc仮面の下の野獣の瞳怪しく光る獣の目淡い灯が部屋をつつむあざけ笑う ピサロの絵乱れたシーツの中で君はkissをせがむ仆はその淫らな诱惑に狩られながら乱れたシーツの中で仆はなすがままにオモチャにされて君の体に溺れてゆく月明りさえ邪魔のできない热すぎる部屋は别世界镜に映る别世界には二人の姿 それはまさに...危険な夜の中で君はkissをせがむ华丽に君は何もかもを脱ぎ舍てながら危険な夜の中で仆はなすがままに踊らされてる仆はもう嘘をつけない君は仆の体をまたぎ乱れる姿はまさに君は言う「もっと激しくかきまわしてよ狂いそう」だと甘いみつを饮まされた仆はウォッカと君によってしまい君は言う「とめないでよもうやめないで狂いそう」だともう梦から出られない仮面の下の野獣の瞳怪しく光る獣の目淡い灯が部屋をつつむあざけ笑う ピサロの絵からみ合う君と仆は取り凭かれた様に「はやくイカせて...」上か下か?わけがわからないからみ合う仆と君は伤をなめ合いながら赤いつぼみは糸を引きまだ夜は终わらない君は仆の体をまたぎ乱れる姿はまさに君は言う「もっと激しくかきまわしてよ狂いそう」だと甘いみつを饮まされた仆はウォッカと君によってしまい君は言う「とめないでよもうやめないで狂いそう」だと仆の背中につめを立てて乱れる姿はまさに君は言う「もっと激しく激しく狂いそう」だともう梦から出られない......おわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/53138682


选择[工具]--->[选项]-->默认进入启动目录的***.pro编辑状态,进入后,参照右边的说明选择要设置的项目,在[值]项目下选择所要设置的选项:比如:template_solidpart -->mmns_part_solid 缺省模板就变成公制了!下面是比较符合中国标准的设置! ! These options control text not subject to other options !drawing_text_height 3.500000text_thickness 0text_width_factor 0.850000! ! These options control views and their annotations !broken_view_offset 5.000000create_area_unfold_segmented YESdef_view_text_height 3.5def_view_text_thickness 0.000000detail_circle_line_style PHANTOMFONTdetail_view_circle ON half_view_line SYMMETRYprojection_type FIRST_ANGLEshow_total_unfold_seam YESview_note std_din view_scale_denominator 1view_scale_format ratio_colon


1 Jogging means running slowly2 We can see many running people along the streets3 The more you exercise , the healthier you will be4 Your sister does work quickly and carefully

该跑步了。英语怎么说It is time for running。对吗


Relient K的《Savannah》 歌词

歌曲名:Savannah歌手:Relient K专辑:Forget And Not Slow DownRelient K - SavannahSavannahI hope to be there by the morningand see this pining all transforminginto the arms of the Georgia sunSavannahI"d love to feel the heat the sunriseBrushing rays across my windshield as if one driesthe streams from off my faceYet I know you"ll be therecause you"ll know I"ll want you to be thereAnd we"ll say hello as you"re smiling in loveAnd we"ll sigh so relievedI believe because we will both know bytonight we"ll feel normal againBut until thenSavannahOur backs supported by a hammockwe sum up perfection like a handbookand God knows it all too wellSavannahWe"ll take a walk to find a gift shopWho would"ve thought the book that you boughtwould never come off the shelfBabyI spent my life wonderingWondering when I"d find youI searched for all these years and now you"re right hereI need you to know thatEverything makes sense when you"re with meSavannahWalk out into the sultry eveningCotton breathing when the sea windsbrush the hair down around your neckSavannahYou hold my hand like it"s the first timeand all the feelings that our hearts findwill be just what we expecthttp://music.baidu.com/song/373663



Running to You 歌词

歌曲名:Running to You歌手:Shane & Shane专辑:The One You NeedShane & Shane - Running to YouQQ : 349777127It"s a cold night in DecemberAnd I can barely standLord help me to rememberWho I am, oh, who I amTo YouI"m a dead man raisedA liberated slaveAnd I"m runnin",To YouMy hands are raisedI"m giving everythingAnd I"m runnin"My heart just started beatingAnd Your breath filled up my lungsMy eyes are finally seeingWhat You"ve doneAnd who I amTo YouI"m a dead man raisedA liberated slaveAnd I"m runnin"To YouMy hands are raisedI"m giving everythingAnd I" runnin"I"m runnin"I"m runnin"I"m runnin"Runnin" to YouI"m runnin"I"m runnin"I"m runnin"Runnin" to YouI"m runnin"I"m runnin"I" runnin"Runnin"to YouI"m runnin"I"m runnin"I"m runnin"Runnin" to YouI"m a dead man raisedA liberated slaveAnd I"m runnin"To YouMy hands are raisedI"m giving everythingAnd I"m runnin"To youI"m a dead man raisedA liberated slaveAnd I"m runnin"To YouMy hands are raisedI"m giving everythingAnd I"m runnin"I"m runnin"Shane & Shane - Running to YouQQ : 349777127http://music.baidu.com/song/17666755


multichannel:多通话线路的,多波段的;多道;多通路;多通道。多用来形容线路,讯息传导方式等。stereo:立体声的;有立体感的 。多用于音响,电视等可视可听等设备。

找一首英文歌 女歌星 歌词是i give my love to...just wanna....是什么?

you are my love

Dannii Minogue的《Push》 歌词

歌曲名:Push歌手:Dannii Minogue专辑:Neon Nightsshe said I don"t know if I"ve ever been good enoughI"m a little bit rusty, and I think my head is caving inand I don"t know if I"ve ever been really lovedby a hand that"s touched me, and I feel like something"s gonna giveand I"m a little bit angry, wellthis ain"t over, no not here, not while I still need you aroundyou don"t owe me, we might change ityeah we just might feel goodI wanna push you around, will I will, will I willI wanna push you down, will I will, will I willI wanna take you for granted, I wanna take you for grantedI will, I willshe said I don"t know why you ever would lie to melike I"m a little untrusting when I think that the truth is gonna hurt yaand I don"t know why you couldn"t just stay with meyou couldn"t stand to be near mewhen my face don"t seem to want to shinecuz it"s a little bit dirty, welldon"t just stand there, say nice things to mecause I"ve been cheated, I"ve been wronged, and youyou don"t know me, well I can"t changeWell, I won"t do anything at allI wanna push you around, will I will, will I willI wanna push you down, will I will, will I willI wanna take you for granted, I wanna take you for grantedI will, I willoh but don"t bowl me overjust wait a minute well it kinda fell apart, things get so crazy, crazydon"t rush this baby, don"t rush this babyI wanna push you around, will I will, will I willI wanna push you down, will I will, will I willI wanna take you for granted, I wanna take you for grantedI will, I willhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7866745

to the beginning 和to begin with和to start with 有什么区别,急急急!

你确定是to the beginning?一般只会出现in the beginning ,at the beginning,from the beginning。in the beginning “开始时”,直接用作时间状语,不接ofat the beginning (of) “在……开始时”,后面必须接of,如at the begining of the class from the beginning “从一开始就……”强调持续to begin with 只能用在一句话的开头,表示首先要讲什么。to start with1.以…开始;从…着手;有…作为开头; start是从哪儿开始(不一定是起点,半截也行) A thousand li journey starts with the first step. 千里之行,始于足下。 2.首先;第一;起初;最初 To start with,we have the correct leadership of the Party. 首先,我们有党的正确领导。 to begin with 以…为起点;开始(做)… begin只能是从头 Knowledge begins with practice. 认识从实践开始。




讲一个故事,一个关于我和WINNER的故事。 2014年,也就是自己大二的时候,记得还是上学期,记不清是无意间还是朋友推荐看了一档韩国娱乐公司YG为选拔新男团成员而进行放送的节目《WIN:WHO IS NEXT》,这是一档音乐选秀真人秀节目,WINNER就是因为该节目的胜出而出道的。还记得当时看这个节目,被韩国造星工厂背后的残酷淘汰制度深深地刺痛了,也对韩国练习生们的热爱和敬畏之心隐隐生敬。节目的残酷在于有赛制就会有淘汰,这一次若是不能成功便意味着多则上十年的艰苦的练习生涯不值一提,失败即意味着从头再来,谁都无法体会长久的练习若是不能出道,便什么都不是。节目中一次又一次的对抗,为了将自己所有的才华能在节目中尽可能的完美展现,每一个练习生都用尽全力,有时节目放送甚至会为了作曲和编舞而不眠不休好几天,只为了给观众们展现最好的舞台效果。节目播出时,很多粉丝说,希望YG可以让两队都出道,但是最后没有,有竞争就会有淘汰,愿赌就要服输大概就是这样,规则必须在。WINNER作为胜出队得到了出道的机会,也因此有了团队的名字,《WIN:WHO IS NEXT》节目名称的缩写而来的WINNER,后来粉丝们都习惯叫“温拿“。 当时第一支专辑里面有一首歌《GO UP》,这首歌曾被我单曲循环了很久,久到现在在不开心或者迷茫不安时,也时不时的拿出来听一听。这首歌是WINNER在《WIN:WHO IS NEXT》比赛时的最后一场唱的,唱的是他们想“永无止境的行走,一路寻找着光芒”的向上的心,当时他们还是五个人,这首歌唱完他们哭了,也唱哭了其他人。之后在他们的出道演唱会上,这首歌也一直作为必唱曲,歌词里都是积极向上,丝毫没有对往日辛苦的重提,他们所展现的也永远都是最初的不忘初心模样。每次听这首歌,都会想象姜胜允在深夜一个人抓着头发反复斟酌写这首歌的样子。我想我们很多人追星,从来都不是他人口中的无知无脑,而是对偶像身上散发着的自信和积极的光环的一种欣赏和学习。 去年在winner身上发生了一件大事,南太铉退团,准确的来说应该是被退团,YG官方公开南太铉精神方面的问题,到底什么原因我们不得而知,从此五人变四人,很多粉丝表示接受不了,团内其它成员也都无法接受,期间WINNER很长一段时间没有回归,一直到今年四月份。虽然最终没有办法改变这个现实,我们都要记住曾经五个人在一起努力的为大家带来最好的表演的日子,许愿希望有一天五人合体从此不分离。若能如愿过上自己想要的生活,少年还是那个少年,再见如初再一起歌唱。 终于等到时隔这么久的WINNER回归,新专里的一首主打《FOOL》,姜胜允说创作这首歌的初衷,是出于对南太铉的思念。经历了南太铉退团之后,WINNER以四人形式重新出发不忘初心。有粉丝在听过《FOOL》之后说:“没有抓耳的beat,也没有轻快的flow,就这样浅吟低唱着,低沉入耳揉进丝丝缕缕的深情,听到飙泪。”歌词最打动我的地方在于“你曾是我耀眼的光,如今却已远去,寻找着破散的记忆,想念着你,没日没夜,是的,我明白一切都太迟,若无其事般,回到我身边吧!”你若跟着他们一路走来,就会明白些许其中的情谊,曾经奋战在一起的兄弟,有一天莫名离开,就像是上天开了一场玩笑,只有他们不想当真。希望用心做的音乐能让更多的人听到,听他们浅浅的深情的给你讲一个故事,一个关于怀梦少年的追梦故事,他们的感情带给你一点启发。 时间教会给我们的 不要做感情的傻瓜 不沉浸在回忆的痛里 还记得那个少年那些少年 活在我们的生活中 和我们一起说笑一起玩耍一起努力 甚至一起失败一起成功 当我们已经习惯了有他在身边 他却悄无声息的离开了 我们不明原因 从此当我们的世界里再也没有那个他 我们的节奏 规律 方式全部被打乱 一时适应不来 后来 清楚生活还是要继续 便将那段岁月深埋于心 轻易不提及 最后的最后 我们将这说给别人听借助很多种方式 以此来怀念那少年 就让一切随风 真希望你还在一切都没有变 好吗 少年 ┌ ┘
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