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8704和8707是对应符号的UNICODE十进制表示值,该值明显大于十进制数256,所以绝对不是ASCII中原有字符(实际上是unicode字符)。& #8704 ; & #8707;指的是网页表现形式,意思是说如果制作网页的时候 写& #8704;打开后就显示∀。你的那个工具可以转换 估计可能是因为你直接输入了一个unicode字符所以原封不动给你打出来了。


因为计算机只能处理数字,如果要处理文本,就必须先把文本转换为数字才能处理。最早的计算机在设计时采用8个比特(bit)作为一个字节(byte),所以,一个字节能表示的最大的整数就是255(二进制11111111=十进制255),0 - 255被用来表示大小写英文字母、数字和一些符号,这个编码表被称为ASCII编码,比如大写字母A的编码是65,小写字母z的编码是122。 如果要表示中文,显然一个字节是不够的,至少需要两个字节,而且还不能和ASCII编码冲突,所以,中国制定了GB2312编码,用来把中文编进去。类似的,日文和韩文等其他语言也有这个问题。 为了统一所有文字的编码,Unicode应运而生。Unicode把所有语言都统一到一套编码里,这样就不会再有乱码问题了。2)定义Unicode(统一码,万国码、单一码)是计算机科学领域里的一项业界标准,包括字符集、编码方案等。Unicode 是为了解决传统的字符编码方案的局限而产生的,它为每种语言中的每个字符设定了统一并且唯一的二进制编码,以满足跨语言、跨平台进行文本转换、处理的要求。1990年开始研发,1994年正式公布。 3)注意 在文字处理方面,统一码为每一个字符而非字形定义唯一的代码(即一个整数)。换句话说,统一码以一种抽象的方式(即数字)来处理字符,并将视觉上的演绎工作(例如字体大小、外观形状、字体形态、文体等)留给其他软件来处理,例如网页浏览器或是文字处理器。 4)作用能够使计算机实现跨语言、跨平台的文本转换及处理。 5)分布Unicode 到目前为止所定义的十七个平面中,第0平面(BMP)最为重要,其编码分布如下:注:中文范围 4E00-9FA5:CJK 统一表意符号 (CJK Unified Ideographs)0000-007F:C0控制符及基本拉丁文 (C0 Control and Basic Latin)0080-00FF:C1控制符及拉丁文补充-1 (C1 Control and Latin 1 Supplement)0100-017F:拉丁文扩展-A (Latin Extended-A)0180-024F:拉丁文扩展-B (Latin Extended-B)0250-02AF:国际音标扩展 (IPA Extensions)02B0-02FF:空白修饰字母 (Spacing Modifiers)0300-036F:结合用读音符号 (Combining Diacritics Marks)0370-03FF:希腊文及科普特文 (Greek and Coptic)Microsoft Word0400-04FF:西里尔字母(Cyrillic)0500-052F:西里尔字母补充 (Cyrillic Supplement)0530-058F:亚美尼亚语 (Armenian)0590-05FF:希伯来文 (Hebrew)0600-06FF:阿拉伯文 (Arabic)0700-074F:叙利亚文 (Syriac)0750-077F:阿拉伯文补充 (Arabic Supplement)0780-07BF:马尔代夫语 (Thaana)07C0-07FF:西非书面语言 (N"Ko)0800-085F:阿维斯塔语及巴列维语(Avestan and Pahlavi)0860-087F:Mandaic0880-08AF:撒马利亚语 (Samaritan)0900-097F:天城文书 (Devanagari)0980-09FF:孟加拉语 (Bengali)0A00-0A7F:锡克教文 (Gurmukhi)0A80-0AFF:古吉拉特文 (Gujarati)0B00-0B7F:奥里亚文 (Oriya)0B80-0BFF:泰米尔文 (Tamil)0C00-0C7F:泰卢固文 (Telugu)0C80-0CFF:卡纳达文 (Kannada)0D00-0D7F:德拉维族语 (Malayalam)0D80-0DFF:僧伽罗语 (Sinhala)0E00-0E7F:泰文 (Thai)0E80-0EFF:老挝文 (Lao)0F00-0FFF:藏文 (Tibetan)1000-109F:缅甸语 (Myanmar)10A0-10FF:格鲁吉亚语(Georgian)1100-11FF:朝鲜文 (Hangul Jamo)1200-137F:埃塞俄比亚语 (Ethiopic)1380-139F:埃塞俄比亚语补充 (Ethiopic Supplement)13A0-13FF:切罗基语 (Cherokee)1400-167F:统一加拿大土著语音节 (Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics)1680-169F:欧甘字母 (Ogham)16A0-16FF:如尼文(Runic)1700-171F:塔加拉语 (Tagalog)1720-173F:Hanunóo1740-175F:Buhid1760-177F:塔格班瓦文(Tagbanwa)1780-17FF:高棉语 (Khmer)1800-18AF:蒙古文 (Mongolian)18B0-18FF:Cham1900-194F:Limbu1950-197F:德宏泰语 (Tai Le)1980-19DF:新傣仂语 (New Tai Lue)19E0-19FF:高棉语记号 (Kmer Symbols)1A00-1A1F:Buginese1A20-1A5F:Batak1A80-1AEF:Lanna1B00-1B7F:巴厘语 (Balinese)1B80-1BB0:巽他语 (Sundanese)1BC0-1BFF:Pahawh Hmong1C00-1C4F:雷布查语(Lepcha)1C50-1C7F:桑塔利文(Ol Chiki)1C80-1CDF:曼尼普尔语(Meithei/Manipuri)1D00-1D7F:语音学扩展 (Phonetic Extensions)1D80-1DBF:语音学扩展补充 (Phonetic Extensions Supplemunicodeent)1DC0-1DFF:结合用读音符号补充 (Combining Diacritics Marks Supplement)1E00-1EFF:拉丁文扩充附加 (Latin Extended Additional)1F00-1FFF:希腊语扩充 (Greek Extended)2000-206F:常用标点(General Punctuation)2070-209F:上标及下标 (Superscripts and Subscripts)20A0-20CF:货币符号 (Currency Symbols)20D0-20FF:组合用记号 (Combining Diacritics Marks for Symbols)2100-214F:字母式符号 (Letterlike Symbols)2150-218F:数字形式 (Number Form)2190-21FF:箭头 (Arrows)2200-22FF:数学运算符 (Mathematical Operator)2300-23FF:杂项工业符号 (Miscellaneous Technical)2400-243F:控制图片 (Control Pictures)2440-245F:光学识别符 (Optical Character Recognition)2460-24FF:封闭式字母数字 (Enclosed Alphanumerics)2500-257F:制表符 (Box Drawing)2580-259F:方块元素 (Block Element)25A0-25FF:几何图形 (Geometric Shapes)2600-26FF:杂项符号 (Miscellaneous Symbols)2700-27BF:印刷符号 (Dingbats)27C0-27EF:杂项数学符号-A (Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A)27F0-27FF:追加箭头-A (Supplemental Arrows-A)2800-28FF:盲文点字模型 (Braille Patterns)2900-297F:追加箭头-B (Supplemental Arrows-B)2980-29FF:杂项数学符号-B (Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B)2A00-2AFF:追加数学运算符 (Supplemental Mathematical Operator)2B00-2BFF:杂项符号和箭头 (Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows)2C00-2C5F:格拉哥里字母(Glagolitic)2C60-2C7F:拉丁文扩展-C (Latin Extended-C)2C80-2CFF:古埃及语 (Coptic)2D00-2D2F:格鲁吉亚语补充 (Georgian Supplement)2D30-2D7F:提非纳文 (Tifinagh)2D80-2DDF:埃塞俄比亚语扩展 (Ethiopic Extended)2E00-2E7F:追加标点 (Supplemental Punctuation)2E80-2EFF:CJK 部首补充 (CJK Radicals Supplement)2F00-2FDF:康熙字典部首 (Kangxi Radicals)2FF0-2FFF:表意文字描述符 (Ideographic Description Characters)3000-303F:CJK 符号和标点 (CJK Symbols and Punctuation)3040-309F:日文平假名 (Hiragana)30A0-30FF:日文片假名 (Katakana)3100-312F:注音字母 (Bopomofo)3130-318F:朝鲜文兼容字母 (Hangul Compatibility Jamo)3190-319F:象形字注释标志 (Kanbun)31A0-31BF:注音字母扩展 (Bopomofo Extended)31C0-31EF:CJK 笔画 (CJK Strokes)31F0-31FF:日文片假名语音扩展 (Katakana Phonetic Extensions)3200-32FF:封闭式 CJK 文字和月份 (Enclosed CJK Letters and Months)3300-33FF:CJK 兼容 (CJK Compatibility)3400-4DBF:CJK 统一表意符号扩展 A (CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A)4DC0-4DFF:易经六十四卦符号 (Yijing Hexagrams Symbols)4E00-9FBF:CJK 统一表意符号 (CJK Unified Ideographs)A000-A48F:彝文音节 (Yi Syllables)A490-A4CF:彝文字根 (Yi Radicals)A500-A61F:VaiA660-A6FF:统一加拿大土著语音节补充 (Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Supplement)A700-A71F:声调修饰字母 (Modifier Tone Letters)A720-A7FF:拉丁文扩展-D (Latin Extended-D)A800-A82F:Syloti NagriA840-A87F:八思巴字 (Phags-pa)A880-A8DF:SaurashtraA900-A97F:爪哇语 (Javanese)A980-A9DF:ChakmaAA00-AA3F:Varang KshitiAA40-AA6F:Sorang SompengAA80-AADF:NewariAB00-AB5F:越南傣语 (Vi?t Thái)AB80-ABA0:Kayah LiAC00-D7AF:朝鲜文音节 (Hangul Syllables)D800-DBFF:High-half zone of UTF-16DC00-DFFF:Low-half zone of UTF-16E000-F8FF:自行使用区域 (Private Use Zone)F900-FAFF:CJK 兼容象形文字 (CJK Compatibility Ideographs)FB00-FB4F:字母表达形式 (Alphabetic Presentation Form)FB50-FDFF:阿拉伯表达形式A (Arabic Presentation Form-A)FE00-FE0F:变量选择符 (Variation Selector)FE10-FE1F:竖排形式 (Vertical Forms)FE20-FE2F:组合用半符号 (Combining Half Marks)FE30-FE4F:CJK 兼容形式 (CJK Compatibility Forms)FE50-FE6F:小型变体形式 (Small Form Variants)FE70-FEFF:阿拉伯表达形式B (Arabic Presentation Form-B)FF00-FFEF:半型及全型形式 (Halfwidth and Fullwidth Form)FFF0-FFFF:特殊 (Specials)什么是Unicode的更多相关文章Python标准模块--Unicode1 模块简介 Python 3中最大的变化之一就是删除了Unicode类型.在Python 2中,有str类型和unicode类型,例如, Python 2.7.6 (default, Oct 26 ...Unicode 和 UTF-8 有何区别?Unicode符号范围 (一个字符两个字节) | UTF-8编码方式 (十六进制) | (二进制) —————————————————————– 这儿有四个字节从-----00 00 ...[转]Python中的str与unicode处理方法早上被python的编码搞得抓耳挠腮,在搜资料的时候感觉这篇博文很不错,所以收藏在此. python2.x中处理中文,是一件头疼的事情.网上写这方面的文章,测次不齐,而且都会有点错误,所以在这里打算自 ...Unicode和UTF-8的关系Unicode和UTF-8都是表示编码,这个我一直都知道,但是这两个实际上是干什么用的,到底是怎么编码的,为什么有了Unicode还要UTF-8,它们之间有什么联系又有什么区别呢?这个问题一直困扰着我 ...python2.7 内置ConfigParser支持Unicode读写1 python编码基础 对应 C/C++ 的 char 和 wchar_t, Python 也有两种字符串类型,str 与 unicode: str与unicode # -*- coding: ut ...python中的str,unicode和gb2312实例1: v1=u "好神奇的问题!?" type(v1)->unicode v1.decode("utf-8")# not work,because v1 is unico ...Unicode转义(uXXXX)的编码和解码在涉及Web前端开发时, 有时会遇到uXXXX格式表示的字符, 其中XXXX是16进制数字的字符串表示形式, 在js中这个叫Unicode转义字符, 和 同属于转义字符. 在其他语言中也有类 ...SQL Server 中怎么查看一个字母的ascii编码或者Unicode编码参考文章:微信公众号文章 在sql中怎么查看一个字符的ascii编码,so easy !! select ASCII("a") SELECT CHAR(97) charNum SELECT UNICO ...从Java String实例来理解ANSI、Unicode、BMP、UTF等编码概念转( ...Unicode简介计算机只能处理二进制,因此需要把文字表示为二进制才能被计算机理解和识别. 一般的做法是为每一个字母或汉字分配一个id,然后用二进制表示这个id,存在内存或磁盘中.计算机可以根据二进制数据知道这个id是 ...随机推荐JVM java垃圾回收机制一.jvm简介 1.JVM内存运行时数据区的三个重要的地方 1.1.堆(heap):它是最大的一块区域,用于存放对象实例数组,是全局共享的. 1.2.栈(stack):全称为虚拟机栈,主要存储基本数据 ...动态赋id前端 HTML body标签相关内容 常用标签 表单标签 form表单标签 form 表单是一个包含表单元素的区域表单元素是允许用户在表单中输入内容,比如:文本域(textarea).输入框(input).单选框() 表单的作用 form标签作用是把用户输入数据信息 ...HIVE简单操作1.hive命令登录HIVE数据库后,执行show databases;命令可以看到hive数据库中有一个默认的default数据库. [root@hadoop hive]# hive Logging ...sublime的lua插件1.语法检测插件~ sublimelinter sublimelinter-lua sublimelinter-luacheck 以上插件装好以后,在环境变量里面有加上lua.exe就ok了! 这个就 ...python requests http请求导入模块 import requests import json header = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} data = {"} data ...CMB面试准备-基础1.简述 private. protected. public. internal 修饰符的访问权限 private : 在类的内部才可以访问. protected : 保护成员,该类内部和继承类中可 ...maven设置每次构建获取最新版本号build.gradle中的依赖是通过设置maven依赖实现.我们知道,maven可以说是通过一个坐标定位来确定唯一一个包的,所说的坐标定位分别是groupId,artifactId和version三 ...[LeetCode] 492. Construct the Rectangle_Easy tag: MathFor a web developer, it is very important to know how to design a web page"s size. So, given a speci ...js监听页面放大缩小<!DOCTYPE html><html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>d ...


chinaunico→china unico→独一无二的中国此处依据的是拉丁语族语言的语法 拉丁语族语言的形容词一般置于名词后China(名词)→中国unico(部分拉丁语族语言 形容词)→唯一的/独一无二的




西班牙语 唯一的意思。

Panasonic 3DO的破产大事记

2003年的5月28日,3DO公司向美国依照美国破产保护法第11条的规定向加利福尼亚北区联邦法院申请破产保护,并表示出售资产;2003年6月6日,法院宣布3DO必须拍卖资产以抵偿负债;2003年6月9日,3DO在纳斯达克的股票THDOQ被停权;2003年7月6日,法院关於3DO拍卖的截止日期上,仅仅有7家公司发来了文件参加定於8月14日的拍卖;2003年8月14日,拍卖进行。育碧以130万美元,买下3DO的英雄无敌及魔法门系列版权,南梦宫家庭(Namco Hometek Inc)以150万美元买下了3DO英国的Eutechnyx工作室处於研发阶段的Street Racing。微软同时也买下了High Heat Baseball。Army Man被Cyle公司以75万美元购得。肆虐全球的非典渐渐平息的同时,游戏界的一棵大树也随之倒下了。其实3DO的危机早在几年前已经显现了,也就在之前的5月13日,3DO公开表示7月份要裁员1/3以上,同时以收购一家公司作为积聚资本的战略举措。当天,3DO公司在纳斯达克的股票下降了50美分,跌幅为27%。尽管如此,当时谁也不会想到,仅仅半个多月之後,3DO公司就要用申请破产来挽救自己的公司了。8月14的拍卖之後,所有关於3DO的一切烟消云散,从此,3DO这个词也只存在於人们的记忆之中了。 3DO公司倒下了,但是3DO在游戏发展史上有过的浓墨重彩的一笔,却不容人们忘却。日出在7月6日拍卖的截止日期之前,3DO的创始人和CEO 特里普·霍金斯(Trip Hawkins)把自己列入了公司internet接入设备资产的竞价人名单。这一举动遭到了信贷管理委员会的反对,并向破产法庭提起抗议。不过在拍卖当天,特里普·霍金斯还是如愿以偿地得到了他想要的东西。特里普·霍金斯,这个曾经缔造过EA和3DO神话的人,如今亲自看到了他一手创立的公司倒在自己面前。特里普·霍金斯,1954年生於美国加利福尼亚州,在哈佛大学主修社会科学和计算机,在斯坦福德大学获得MBA学位後进入大名鼎鼎的苹果(APPLE)电脑市场营销部任主管。1982年5月,霍金斯离开苹果公司,和大学时代的同学宾·戈登(Bing Gordon)等人创立了一家游戏公司,便是後来赫赫有名的EA(Electronic Arts,电子艺界)。创立之初他们计划只为计算机生产游戏软件,不过由於当时游戏产业远不如如今这般红火,因此他们也为制作一些控制台软件。在特里普·霍金斯担任EA的CEO之後,EA於1990年面向公众公开发售股票,发行时股价为8美圆,仅仅一年之後便已经涨到了35美圆。在特里普·霍金斯离开EA之前,EA已经成为一家全球著名的游戏公司。在这个过程中,特里普·霍金斯的功劳绝不低於拉里-普罗斯特(Larry Probst,现EA首席执行官)和宾·戈登(创始人之一,现EA游戏开发部主任)。不过在当时,尽管PC游戏已经逐步快速发展,而当时的电子娱乐产业中,家用游戏机系统占据了世界游戏2/3以上的市场。而在家用游戏主机的市场上,自20世纪80年代以来,曾爆发过两场大战,一是8位机上,世嘉的Master System系列机型与任天堂Family Computer的争夺战,这场战争任天堂以微弱优势胜出。1988年世嘉推出第一台16位家用游戏机MD(Mega Driver),直到1990年任天堂推出SFC(ER FAMICOM)重新夺回了霸主的位置。面对家用游戏机的巨大市场,特里普·霍金斯开始了一个新的计划。1992年,在特里普·霍金斯发起下,松下电器的母公司(Matsushita)、美国电报电话公司(AT&T)、时代华纳(Time Warner)、美国环球影业公司(MCA)、EA等共同出资成立了3DO公司。特里普·霍金斯担任CEO。公司成立之後,霍金斯请来了两位曾参与开发Amgia[注1]的工程师Dave Needle和R.J. Mical来开发他计划中的家用游戏机新系统,也就是後来的3DO。1993年1日,松下公司与3DO合作,推出了REAL-3DO(全称REAL 3DO INTERACTION MULTIPLAYEY,真实3DO交互式复合游戏机),这是这是次世代家用游戏机的先驱:首台32位元主机。10月7日正式在美国销售,并於1994年3月20日登陆日本。3DO采用摩托罗拉公司生产的64bit RISC POWER PC 602作为CPU,频率66MHz,分辨率高达640×480,CG和电影的播放效果绚丽逼真。一时间,游戏界掀起了一股3DO飓风,除了松下外,AT&T、日本的三洋公司(SANYO)也获得了3DO公司开发3DO主机的授权,另有数百家软件公司取得了3DO的授权。然而,来势汹汹的3DO在市场上却遇到了失败:一般来讲,游戏主机是不赢利的,而是主要通过软件产品获得利润的。但是由於松下电器没有经营游戏主机的经验,REAL 3DO定价过高,在美国每台699美圆,在日本则是78000日圆。同时,也没有足够的游戏软件支持,而「没有游戏,主机只是一个盒子而已」。而且家用游戏机市场的对手们也没有闲著:当年的11月21日,世嘉的次世代32位游戏主机土星(SATURN)在日本发售(定价44800日圆),第一天销售量即达20万台。12月3日,SONY推出了新型32位游戏机PlayStation(定价39800日圆)。所有的这些,使得在家电产业风光无限的松下电器尝到了失败的滋味,与之紧密相连的3DO公司也尝到了苦果。[注1]Amgia是1985年出现的多媒体计算机,有先进的视频捕捉和图像转换功能,并拥有当时技术领先的多任务管理系统。斯皮尔伯格在电影《侏罗纪公园》中使用了40台Amigas来模拟特殊效果 。於1998年被Gateway收购。日中1993年,霍金斯为了获得足够的研发资金,将3DO公司改组为3DO特拉华公司(3DO Delaware),并在纳斯达克挂牌上市。那一年,它的股票达到最高点——每股47美元。一直到1995年,3DO主机的销售仍然没有一丝起色。3DO主机在市场上的失败使得霍金斯不得不把目光放到游戏软件市场上。1995年,公司收购了一家游戏公司Cyclone Studio;1996年,3DO公司痛下决心,裁员150人并终止了硬件的开发,并在一年多的时间内卖掉了几乎所有的硬件部门;同年,3DO公司更名为3DO Studios,并斥资1300万美元收购了以开发魔法门系列而名声大躁的NWC公司(New World Computing)。在此之前,NWC已经发行了魔法门1-5代的作品,并於1995年发行了开创时代的回合策略游戏——《英雄无敌》。被3DO收购之後,NWC得以全力开发《英雄无敌2》,并於1996年底发行了《英雄无敌2:王位之争》,在获得巨大的成功之後3DO又不失时机地发行了其资料片《忠诚的代价》,也取得了成功。在1994年以後的国外游戏市场上,欧美RPG游戏沉寂多年,而1998年3DO推出的《魔法门6:天堂之令》则让人们看到了RPG游戏的希望,RPG游戏重新焕发青春。庞大的剑与魔法的世界, 高度自由的剧情以及众多的分支任务使魔法门6成为1998年最出色的RPG之一。《英雄无敌3:埃拉西亚的光复》则是英雄无敌经典的延续,1999年3月发行之後,当年11月发行的资料片《末日之刃》和次年发行的《死亡阴影》都受到了玩家的好评。同年3DO发行的射击游戏《安魂曲:堕落天使》也是当年较为成功的射击类游戏之一。日落1998年,3DO发行了一款题材十分新颖的游戏《玩具军人》(Army Man,也译作《玩具兵大战》),并在GBA等机种上发行、但是由於游戏的操作不便等问题使得这款游戏没有取得成功,而之後3DO连续制作了几部续作,都没有什麼大的亮点,使得这个创意十分新颖的作品系列成了3DO的败笔之作。1999年,3DO又推出了魔法门的续作:《魔法门7:血统与荣耀》和《魔法门8:毁灭者之日》。不过这两部作品尤其是後者实在是让玩家失望。和堪称经典的6代相比,7、8两代并没有什麼创新。而同时一年之内发行两部续作的做法也让玩家感觉3DO的不负责任。也许这也从一个侧面反映出了当时3DO内部就开始出现困难,不得不通过发行新游戏来缓解危机。而2000年,3DO更是开始吃起英雄无敌的老本,发行了5部称为《英雄无敌历代记》的作品。而根据3DO公司的财务报告显示,公司2000年上半年的收入为790万美元,净亏损为2630万美元,平均每股亏损71美分。然而在如此惊人的亏损面前,3DO却通过开发更多新的作品以求弥补亏损,制作了一批PS2主机上的游戏,不过这些作品并没有给3DO带来转机。2002年的3月29日,魔法门和英雄无敌系列玩家期盼的《魔法门9:命运之书》和《英雄无敌4》终於出现在玩家面前,获得了普遍的好评。《魔法门9》全新的系统和庞大的场景为魔法门系列游戏开辟了一个新的篇章,而《英雄无敌4》虽然被一些人批评,但也不失为一部好的作品。但是这种成功并没有为3DO带来多大的转机,尤其是「9·11」事件後,随著整个投资市场的萎缩和纳斯达克狂跌,3DO的资金链显得格外脆弱。在这期间,它的股票一度跌破0.71美元。游戏软件市场的激烈竞争也让3DO喘不过气来。为了帮助3DO摆脱困境,从2002年10月开始,霍金斯向公司提供了总计约为1200万美元的援助性贷款,但这并没能缓解公司财政情况的进一步恶化。在《极速风暴》发行之後,财政状况不佳的3DO公司就开始考虑把出售公司了,在私下的交易失败之後,5月28日,也就是在《疾风战场》发行不久,3DO无奈向法院申请破产。6月6日,法庭宣布,它必须拍卖资产抵债。3DO倒下了,业界的历史,又翻过了一页。3do游戏英文列表:Asian 3DO Games:Firewall (aK)European 3DO Games:3DO Magazine Vol. 93DO Magazine Vol. 103DO Magazine Vol. 113DO Magazine Vol. 12Captain QuazarFIFA International SoccerKilling TimePanasonic Sampler CDPataankPo"edSoccer KidStar FighterStriker - World Cup SpecialJapanese 3DO Games:Aesop"s Fables - CinderellaARPMAuto Bahn TokyoAV Girl MahjongBishojou Senshi Sailor Moon SBook Of Life And DeathConfrontation Wax WaterCrayon-Chan Puzzle Daimaou No NazoDoctor HauzerDoraemon Yuujou DensetsuDragon Tycoon EijiDriving SchoolEmit Vol. 1 - Toki No MaigoF1 GPFlopon The Space MutantGhost Hunter Series - The Mask Of Black DeathHello Kitty Toy BoxHirata Shogo Interactive Ehon - Shirayuki HimeIdol Janshi Suchie - Pai SpecialJ.League Virtual StadiumLetter That Came Over TimeMacaroni Houren Shou InteractiveMahjong Enlightenment Sky Heaven SentMahjong Kuru Jidai - AV Gal SeifukuhenMarine Tour - Diving Spot GuideMontana JonesN.O.B. Neo Organic BiofarmNew How"s - Front How"sNice Body All-Star Suiei TaikaiOneesan To Issho! - Janken ParadiseOut Of This WorldOver Drivin"PataankPenthouse Interactive Volume 1Policenauts (disc 1)Policenauts (disc 2)Policenauts - Pilot DiskPowers KingdomPsychic Detective (disc 1)Psychic Detective (disc 2)Psychic Detective (disc 3)Puzzle BobbleRoyal Pro WrestlingSamurai ShodownSan Diego Zoo Presents - The Animals!Sangokushi IVShanghai - Triple ThreatShanghai Banri No ChoujouSleepless NightSotsugyou FinalStrahlSuper Mahjong 4 + Aishou ShindanSuper Street Fighter 2X - Grand Master ChallengeSword & SorceryTakeruTanjou - Debut PureTerasawa Takeichi No TakeruTestujinTestujin - The ReturnTowerTwinkle KnightsUltraman PoweredVirtual Cameraman Part 1 - Sawada Naomi And Juri AnnaVirtual Cameraman Part 2 - Kawai Natsumi And Tachihara KimiVirtual Cameraman Part 3 - Sugimoto YumikaVirtual Cameraman Part 4 - Toya ShioriVirtual Cameraman Part 5 - Anzo AriWacky Races - Lost In SpaceWinners Take AllWinning PostYakyuuken SpecialYamada Kamachi Bijutsukan - Kamachi"s MuseumYu Yu HakushoUSA 3DO Games:20th Century Video Almanac3D Atlas3DO Buffet3DO Game Guru3DO Magazine Issue 1 - The 3DO Interactive Sampler3DO Magazine Issue 2 - Street Fighter II Turbo3DO Magazine Issue 3 - Theme Park3DO Magazine Issue 4 - Syndicate3DO Magazine Issue 5 - Space Ace, Brain Dead 13 & Dragons Lair3DO Magazine Issue 6 - Captain Quasar & Battlesport3DO Magazine Issue 7 - Star Fighter3DO Magazine Issue 13 - Olympic Games3DO Multi Game Sampler Number 3Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - SlayerAdvanced Dungeons & Dragons - DeathkeepAlfred HitchcockAlone In The Dark 1Alone In The Dark 2Animals!Auto Bahn TokyoBallz - The Director"s CutBaseball Interactive HittingBattle ChessBattlesportBC RacersBelzerionBlade ForceBlonde JusticeBraindead 13 Starring Fritz (disc 1)Braindead 13 Starring Fritz (disc 2)Burning SoldierBust-A-MoveCannon FodderCaptain QuaserCarrier - Fortress At SeaCasperCinderellaClub 3DO - Station InvasionCorpse KillerCovenCowboy CasinoCrash "N" BurnCreature Shock (disc 1)Creature Shock (disc 1)Crime PatrolCyberdilloCyberiaD (disc 1)D (disc 2)Daedalus Encounter (disc 1)Daedalus Encounter (disc 2)Daedalus Encounter (disc 3)Daedalus Encounter (disc 4)Deep Blue FleetDefcon 5Demolition ManDennis Miller - That"s News To MeDigital DreamwareDino Park TycoonDoomDragon Lore (disc 1)Dragon Lore (disc 2)Dragon Lore (disc 3)Dragon"s LairDrug WarsEndlesslyEscape From Monster ManorESPN Interactive HittingESPN Let"s Go SkiingFamily FeudFatty BearFatty Bear"s Birthday SurpriseFatty Bear"s Fun PackFIFA SoccerFlashback - The Quest For IdentityFlying NightmaresFoes Of AliFun "N GamesGexGhost HunterGuardian WarHell - A Cyberpunk ThrillerHordeIce BreakerImmercenary Combat In A Digital WorldImmortal DesiresIncredible MachineInsecter WarIron Angel Of The ApocalypseIron Angel Of The Apocalypse - The ReturnJammitJohn Madden FootballJohnny BazookatoneJurassic Park InteractiveKilling TimeKingdom - The Far ReachesLast Bounty HunterLemmingsLife Stage Virtual HouseLost EdenLost Files Of Sherlock HolmesLove BitesLucienne"s QuestMad Dog McCreeMag Dog II - The Lost GoldMazerMega RaceMicrocosmMind TeazzerMystNeed For SpeedNeuroDancer - Journey Into The NeuronetNight Trap (disc 1)Night Trap (disc 2)NovastormOff-World InterceptorOlympic SoccerOlympic Summer GamesOut Of This WorldPanzer GeneralPataankPerfect GeneralPGA Tour "96Phoenix 3Photo CD By Idea FactoryPlumbers Don"t Wear TiesPo"edPrimal RagePutt-Putt Goes To The MoonPutt-Putt Joins The ParadePutt-Putt"s Fun PackQuarantineReal PinballReturn FireReturn Fire - Maps O" DeathRise Of The RobotsRoad RashRobinson"s RequiemSample This!Sampler CDSamurai ShodownScramble CobraSeal of the PharohSeason Of The Demon (disc 1)Season Of The Demon (disc 2)Sesame Street - NumbersSewer SharkShadow War Of SuccessionShadow WarriorsShanghai Triple ThreatShelley Duvall"s It"s A Bird"s LifeShock Wave - Operation JumpgateShock Wave 1 - Invasion Earth 2019Shock Wave 2 - Beyond The GateSid Meier"s C.P.U. BachSlam "N Jam "95Snow Job (disc 1)Snow Job (disc 2)Soccer KidSpace AceSpace HulkSpace PiratesSpace ShuttleStar Control IIStar FighterStar Wars - Rebel AssaultStarbladeStellar 7 - Draxon"s RevengeStrahlSuper Street Fighter II TurboSuper Wing CommanderSupermodels Go WildSupreme Warrior (disc 1)Supreme Warrior (disc 2)SyndicateTheme ParkTotal EclipseTrip"dTrue Golf Classics - Pebble Beach Golf LinksTrue Golf Classics - Waialae Country ClubTrue Golf Classics - Wicked 18Twisted The Game ShowVirtual Vivid SamplerVirtuosoVR StalkerWay Of The WarriorWho Shot Johnny RockWing Commander III - Heart Of The Tiger (disc 1)Wing Commander III - Heart Of The Tiger (disc 2)Wing Commander III - Heart Of The Tiger (disc 3)Wing Commander III - Heart Of The Tiger (disc 4)Wolfenstein 3DWoody Woodpecker Vol. 1Woody Woodpecker Vol. 2Woody Woodpecker Vol. 3World Cup GolfZhadnost - The Peoples Party

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be nice on和be nice of的区别




我想学习英语自然发音,请问Hooked on phonics适合大人吗?


So Nice (Samba De Verao) (Digitally Remastered 96) 歌词

歌曲名:So Nice (Samba De Verao) (Digitally Remastered 96)歌手:Wanda De Sah With Sergio Mendes专辑:Ultra-Lounge / Bossa Novaville Volume FourteenSo Nice (Samba de Verao)Eliane EliasDreamerEliane Elias - so nice (Samba de Verao)Album:DreamerLyric by LeonnaSomeone to hold me tightThat would be very niceSomeone to love me rightThat would be very niceSomeone to understandEach little dream in meSomeone to take my handAnd be a team with meSo nice, life would be so niceIf one day I"d findSomeone who would take my handAnd samba through life with meSomeone to cling to meStay with me right or wrongSomeone to sing to meSome little samba songSomeone to take my heartAnd give his heart to meSomeone who"s ready toGive love a start with meOh yeah, that would be so niceShoulde be you and meI would see that would be niceVoce viu só que amorNunca vi coisa assimE passou, nem parouMas olhou só pra mimSe voltar vou atrasVou pedir, vou falarVou dizer que o amorFoi feitinho pra darOlha...é como o veraoQuente o coracaoSalta de repentePara ver a menina que vemEla vem, sempre temEsse jeito no olharE vai ver, tem que terNunca tem quem amarHoje sim, diz que simJa cansei de esperarNem parei, nem dormiSó pensando em te darPeco...Mas voce nao vem, bemDeixo entao, falo sóDigo ao céu, mas voce vemSomeone to hold me tightThat would be very niceSomeone to love me rightThat would be very niceSomeone to understandEach little dream in meSomeone to take my handTo be a team with meSo nice, life would be so niceIf one day I"d findSomeone who would take my handAnd samba through life with meSomeone to cling to meStay with me right or wrongSomeone to sing to meSome little samba songSomeone to take my heartAnd give his heart to meSomeone who"s ready toGive love a start with meOh yeah, that would be so niceShoulde be you and meI would see that would be nice

にご怎么读 nigo?nico?

ni go (こ=co(ko),ご=go。有两个点的是浊音,念go)

proficiency; variety; ethnic 这三个英语怎么读?

proficiency(破了飞顺喜); variety(沃来儿体); ethnic(额斯尼克)

求Not ready to make nice这首歌的中文翻译。最佳答案追高分

Forgive, sounds good.原谅,听起来很好Forget, I"m not sure I could.原谅,我不确定我能做到They say time heals everything,他们说时间治愈一切But I"m still waiting.但我依旧在等待I"m through, with doubt,我已经过,毫无怀疑There"s nothing left for me to figure out,没有什么留给我去思考I"ve paid a price, and i"ll keep paying.我已付出,还将付出I"m not ready to make nice,没有准备好去讨好I"m not ready to back down,没有准备好放弃我所坚持I"m still mad as hell我依旧如地狱般疯狂And I don"t have time我已没有什么时光To go round and round and round彷徨,彷徨,彷徨It"s too late to make it right想要纠正,为时太晚I probably wouldn"t if I could即便我能做到我也可能不会去做Cause I"m mad as hell只因我如地狱般疯狂Can"t bring myself to do what it is无法控制自己去做You think I should你认为我该做的I know you said我知道你说过Why can"t you just get over it,为什么你不能就此原谅It turned my whole world around它让我的世界转向and I kind of like it我似乎有点喜欢这样I made by bed, and I sleep like a baby,我上了床,如婴儿般熟睡With no regrets and I don"t mind saying,没有遗憾,我不介意说It"s a sad sad story这是个悲伤的故事That a mother will teach her daughter一个母亲将会教导她的女儿that she ought to hate a perfect stranger.她该区仇恨一个完全的陌生人And how in the world如何才能在这个世界Can the words that I said用我说过的话Send somebody so over the edge让某些人歇斯底里That they"d write me a letter他们给我一封信Saying that I better shut up and sing说我最好闭嘴然后歌唱Or my life will be over否则我的生命就此戛然I"m not ready to make nice,没有准备好去讨好I"m not ready to back down,没有准备好放弃我所坚持I"m still mad as hell我依旧如地狱般疯狂And I don"t have time我已没有什么时光To go round and round and round彷徨,彷徨,彷徨It"s too late to make it right想要纠正,为时太晚I probably wouldn"t if I could即便我能做到我也可能不会去做Cause I"m mad as hell只因我如地狱般疯狂Can"t bring myself to do what it is无法控制自己去做You think I should你认为我该做的I"m not ready to make nice,没有准备好去讨好I"m not ready to back down,没有准备好放弃我所坚持I"m still mad as hell我依旧如地狱般疯狂And I don"t have time我已没有什么时光To go round and round and round彷徨,彷徨,彷徨It"s too late to make it right想要纠正,为时太晚I probably wouldn"t if I could即便我能做到我也可能不会去做Cause I"m mad as hell只因我如地狱般疯狂Can"t bring myself to do what it is无法控制自己去做You think I should你认为我该做的what it is you think I should.你认为我该做的Forgive, sounds good.原谅,听起来很好Forget, I"m not sure I could.原谅,我不确定我能做到They say time heals everything,他们说时间治愈一切But I"m still waiting.但我依旧在等待

Not Ready To Make Nice 歌词

歌曲名:Not Ready To Make Nice歌手:Dixie Chicks专辑:2007 Grammy NomineesForgive, sounds goodForget, I"m not sure I couldThey say time heals everythingBut I"m still waitingI"m through with doubtThere"s nothing left for me to figure outI"ve paid a priceAnd I"ll keep payingI"m not ready to make niceI"m not ready to back downI"m still mad as hell andI don"t have time to go round and round and roundIt"s too late to make it rightI probably wouldn"t if I could"Cause I"m mad as hellCan"t bring myself to do what it is you think I shouldI know you saidCan"t you just get over itIt turned my whole world aroundAnd I kind of like itI made my bed and I sleep like a babyWith no regrets and I don"t mind sayin"It"s a sad sad story when a mother will teach herDaughter that she ought to hate a perfect strangerAnd how in the world can the words that I saidSend somebody so over the edgeThat they"d write me a letterSayin" that I better shut up and singOr my life will be overI"m not ready to make niceI"m not ready to back downI"m still mad as hell andI don"t have time to go round and round and roundIt"s too late to make it rightI probably wouldn"t if I could"Cause I"m mad as hellCan"t bring myself to do what it is you think I shouldI"m not ready to make niceI"m not ready to back downI"m still mad as hell andI don"t have time to go round and round and roundIt"s too late to make it rightI probably wouldn"t if I could"Cause I"m mad as hellCan"t bring myself to do what it is you think I shouldForgive, sounds goodForget, I"m not sure I couldThey say time heals everythingBut I"m still waiting

求nichkhun和珉豪一起参加的综艺节目,除了偶像军团 还有100613期dream team 高清视频 多谢啦

starking 吧,11年的偶像帝国,明星很多


百度百科上都有的:  20070713 无法阻挡的highkick《搞笑一家人》EP167 6:30   <越看越可爱>(5张)  20090801 SBS新周末剧《Style》EP6(2PM客串)   20100728 MBC日日剧《越看越可爱》EP76  20101212 MBC日日剧《全部我的爱》EP16   20110103 KBS《Dream High》 EP8   20110316 SBS情景剧《 Welcome to the Show》   20110526 富士电视台 《BOSS2》CASE6(2PM客串)MNET 《热血男儿》EP01-EP10(培养新人残酷记录, 包括2PM全体成员,2AM三名成员,Beast的尹斗俊,中国成员李诗琦和林代宪,最后选出了现2AM和2PM成员)   (080126)EP01—— 残酷史前奏曲(缺朴宰范)   (080201)EP02—— 最后的晚餐   (080208)EP03—— 寒风凛洌的小岛   (080215)EP04—— 地狱般的拳击场   (080222)EP05—— 说唱传授   (080229)EP06—— 地狱训练   (080307)EP07—— 体验死亡   (080315)EP08—— 热血男儿,站在大众面前吧!   (080322)EP09—— 热血男儿的隐秘私生活   (080329)EP10—— 热.血.男.儿   ◆《Happy Sunday SchoolOympic》   (080914、080921、081012)   ◆《校园突袭》   (081126)   ◆《少女反击》   (090108、090115)佑荣.Nichkhun.灿成   ◆《Wide News》   (090501、090518、090525、090608、090615、090622)2PM   (090826)Nichkhun   ◆《一周的恋人》   (090520、090527)   ◆《JP Star VJ Show》   (090523、090530)   ◆《崔阳乐的飞镖赛》   (090615)   《Mnet JAPAN 韩风WIDE Tok Tok Star》   (090623)2PM   《It"s Time 2PM》   (090624)Nichkhun    《Wild bunny》EP01~EP08 (2PM的第二个团体综艺,在节目里没有偶像的架子,展现坦率自由的模样,收视率逐渐上升,并诞生无数话题)   (090721)EP01——半夜出逃(上)   (090728)EP02——半夜出逃(下)&丢掉对偶像的成见(上)   (090804)EP03——丢掉对偶像的成见(下)& 玉泽演的100个隐藏摄像机(上)   (090811)EP04——玉泽演的100个隐藏摄像机(下)&《搓澡歌》(上)    (090818)EP05——《搓澡歌》(中)   (090825)EP06——《搓澡歌》(下)&干物男(上)    (090901)EP07——干物男(下)    (090908)EP08——竞选班长(未播出)    《you can fly》   (090812)2PM   《S-body》   (100226、100304、100311) SBS  《夜心万万》EP01~EP15 (Nichkhun为固定嘉宾主持)   (080728、080804、080811、080818、080825、080901、080908、080915、080922、080929、081006、081013、081020、081027、081103)(090629)   《Star King》   (081004、081018、081129、081213、081220、081227、090103、090110、090117、090131、090214、090314、090328、090404、090411、090418、090425、090502、090509、090516、090530、090606、090613、090620、090627、090704、090718、090801、090815、090822、090829、090905、090919、090926、091003、091010、091024、091030、100529、100619、100724、101106、101113、110212、110709、11108)   《明星金钟》   (081004)khun、泽演   (081018)khun、佑荣、俊昊   (100605)khun、佑荣、俊昊、灿成   《恋爱时代》   (090108)泽演、灿成、Nichkhun、佑荣   《寻笑人》   (090625)宰范、Nichkhun、灿成   《金正恩的巧克力》   (090627、091219、100529、101114)   《六感对决》   (090705)   《美好的早晨》   (091221)   《Running Man》    (100801、100808、101128、110703、110710)   (110424)泽演、Nichkhun (120722)Nichkhun   《哈哈梦show》   (100815)2PM   《最强幻想情侣》   (100922)Nichkhun、俊昊   《偶像的帝王》   (110202)2PM Nichkhun、灿成   《Welcome to the show》   (110316)Nichkhun、Sulli、瑟雍   《强心脏》   (100601、100608、101026、101102)   《2pm show》EP01~EP12(2PM第三个团体综艺,请观众做PD,首度自导自演)   (110709)EP01——2pm的好胜心上 MC: Nichkhun — 玉泽演(代班)   (110716)EP02——2pm的好胜心下 家务王甄选 上   (110723)EP03——家务王甄选 下 成为cool的男人吧   (110730)EP04——承受酷暑 2PM对2PM性感男人audition   (110806)EP05——2PM对2PM爸爸选拔 MC:Nichkhun   (110813)EP06——回到学生时代   (110820)EP07——2PM之X-MAN(with 2AM瑟雍、赵权)    (110827)EP08——2PM之TEAM WORK   (110903)EP09——未公开X-File(缺Nichkhun)   (110910)EP10——中秋特辑-BEST AWARDS   (110917)EP11——大气男人选拔赛    (110924)EP12——最终回 最终盘点 KBS  《Battle!唱歌真好!》   (090108、090604)   《美女的唠叨》   (090427、101204)   《World Star Chat Radio》   (090531)   《我有叔叔了》   (090815)宰范、灿成   《想象PLUS》   (090901)宰范、nichkhun、泽演   《香槟酒》   (090905、090912)泽演、Nichkhun   《男人的资格》   (090726、090802)   《Happy Together》   (100520)Nichkhun、俊昊   (101104、110804)2PM (120719) Nichkhun 朴振英 闵孝琳   《乘风破浪》   (100216、100223)2PM   《Entertainment Weekly》   (110709)2PM   《1vs100》   (110726)Nichkhun、灿成、佑荣、俊昊   《Dream Team》   (100530、100613、101128、101212、110731)2PM   (120722)Nichkhun、灿成、峻秀、俊昊[3] MBC  《邻里之爱 特别直播-送煤炭》   (081216)2PM   《今晚让我们借宿吧》   (081226)2PM   《明星拳击赛》   (090126)Nichkhun、灿成   《偶像军团红了!她2》第二季   (081030、081108)2PM   《偶像军团红了!她3》EP01~EP17(2PM首个团体综艺,和嘉宾配对并完成游戏)   (081204)EP01 —— 2PM成员出场介绍   (081211)EP02 —— Kara   (081218)EP03 —— 网络美女+女高中生   (081225)EP04 —— 圣诞节特辑 2AM   (090101)EP05 —— Brown Eyed Girls    (090108)EP06 —— 外国美女篇   (090115)EP07 —— 2PM认知度特辑   (090122)EP08 —— 少女时代上(少Yuri,泰妍,秀英)   (090129)EP09 —— 少女时代 下(少Yuri,泰妍,秀英)   (090205)EP10 —— MT特辑 上   (090212)EP11 —— MT特辑 中   (090219)EP12 —— MT特辑 下 & 女大学生滑雪联谊   (090226)EP13 —— 明星金钟篇 嘉宾:金正敏、郑珠丽 刘彩英blackpear1   (090305)EP14 —— SHINee 上   (090312)EP15 —— SHINee 下   (090319)EP16 ——After School   (090326)EP17 —— 评选最佳Idol+颁奖仪式(完结)   《幻想的同桌》   (090607)   《介绍明星的朋友》   (090627、 090704)Nichkhun、灿成   《现在是花美男时代》   (090602、090609)2PM   《无限挑战》   (090516、091024)2PM   《改变世界的问答》   (090509) NichKhun   (090808)佑荣、灿成   (100612)Nichkhun、俊昊   (101120)Nichkhun、佑荣、俊昊   (110402)Nichkhun、俊昊、灿成   《Sunday Night Body》   (090726、090802)Nichkhun、玉泽演   《甘霖》   (100307、100314、100321)   《生平第一次Gag Show》   (101120)Nichkhun、峻秀、灿盛、俊昊   《花束》   (110102)2PM   《黄金渔场》   (120711)Nichkhun Victoria Robert Holley 外国人特辑   《Idol Star 田径大会》   (110205、110206 春节特辑)Nichkhun、峻秀、灿盛、俊昊   (120725、120726伦敦奥运会特辑)Nichkhun、灿盛[4]   《我们结婚了II+III》EP01~EP64)   一档明星假想结婚节目。几对明星假扮成新婚夫妇,用摄象机记录假想新婚生活。与F(x)中国成员宋茜组成假想国际夫妇参加了MBC综艺节目《我们结婚了》第二季和第三季。 日本  《2PM韩语讲座》(2PM在日本的首个固定综艺节目,是韩语实用口语教学的电视节目,轻松幽默,寓教于乐。在NHK电视台播出)   (120403)EP01——见到你很高兴   (120409)EP02——没关系   (120416)EP03——请给我这个   (120423)EP04——请和我握个手吧   (120507)EP05——有日语的小册子吗   (120514)EP06——头痛   (120521)EP07——麻烦去新村   (120528)EP08——真帅气   (120604)EP09——这个多少钱   (120611)EP10——请问地铁站在哪里   《Wander Trip》(2PM和2AM首次联合固定出演,邀请嘉宾在日本街头发现日本全新魅力的综合节目。每周二在tokyo mix台播出)   (120403)EP01——东京塔   (120410)EP02——炸猪排店&麻布十番   (120417)EP03——台球对决   (120424)EP04——购物&咖啡店(无Khun)   (120501)EP05——咖啡店&乒乓球对决(无Khun)   (120508)EP06——日用品商店&惠比寿(无Khun)   (120515)EP07——武藏小山圆顶商店街   (120522)EP08——武藏小山道馆    (090523)MENT JAPAN STAR VJ SHOW   (101125)日本报道(Mezamashi TV)   (101209)(中字) 日本节目访问   (101215)2PM Made in BS Japan   (101218)Situation Humandocu-2PM登陆日本 特辑   (110302)MezamashiTV.2PM in Okinawa   (110323)KURABERU KURABERAR (JapanTBS)   (110323)魁!ONGAKUBANDUKE Eight   (110331)(2PM)Super Morning TV Asahi   (110513)(中字)PON TV(Japan News)   (110516) 2PM Oha!4 NEWS LIVE   (110516)(中字)Oha!4(Japan News)   (110516 / 17/ 18) 2PM On Ontama TV   (110519)(中字)Future Tracks   (110520、110718) Waratte IItomo   (110611) 2PM k-pop channel interview   (110613)2PM.Han Love   (110626) KBS K-Pop Special 2pm   (110627) 2PM ON HAN CHU   …… 中国  《2012成人礼》湖南电视台(120506)2PM 电台  《d Star Chat Radio》(090531)2PM   《崔华晶的Power Time》(100517)峻秀、Nichkhun、祐荣   《Sweet & Sorrow Club》(100518)峻秀、Nichkhun、祐荣、俊昊、灿盛   《Mister Radio》(100518)峻秀、Nichkhun、祐荣、俊昊、灿盛   《KBS-R 李秀英的Music Show》(100523)峻秀、Nichkhun、祐荣   《朴小贤Radio》(100523)峻秀、Nichkhun、 灿盛   《Dream Radio》(100525)Nichkhun、祐荣、俊昊   《金范秀adio》(100525)Nichkhun、祐荣、俊昊   《Ten ten radio》   (100518)Nichkhun、佑荣、埈秀   《深深打破》   (100526)Nichkhun、祐荣、俊昊   (101104)2pm   (110628)2PM(缺峻秀)   《NarSha的提高音量》   (100531)NICHKHUN、祐荣、俊昊、灿盛    《Kiss The Radio》   (090427)Nichkhun、宰范   (100504)峻秀、Nichkhun、祐荣、俊昊、 灿盛   (101129 )峻秀、Nichkhun   (110627 )2pm   《星光灿烂的夜晚》   (090517)   (090717)   (100510)2PM(缺泽演)   (110629)2PM(缺峻秀) 其他  《Real 2PM》由2PM官方Youtube频道不定期推出的小视频,以2PM一些活动的幕后故事为主。   01、2PM With Cocacola   02、2PM With Cass Part 1   03、2PM With Cass Part 2   04、2PM With Cass Part 3   05、First Concert Backstage Part 1   06、First Concert Backstage Part 2   07、First Concert Backstage Part 3   08、Happy 2 Year Anniversary   09、2PM In Taiwan Part 1   10、2PM In Taiwan Part 2   11、2PM In Taiwan Part 3   12、CK CF拍摄现场   13、2PM Comeback Stage   14、2PM MV Behind the Scene Part 1   15、2PM MV Behind the Scene Part 2   16、灿成 With Jeong-Gam (中文译音正感咪,黄灿成的宠物猫咪)   17、Cass Beer Fall CF 2010 Behind the Scene Part 1   18、Cass Beer Fall CF 2010 Behind the Scene Part 2   19、I‘ll Be Back Dance Time   20、JYP Nation MV Behind the Scene Part 1   21、JYP Nation MV Behind the Scene Part 2   22、JYP Nation MV Behind the Scene Part 3   23、Surprise~!! Happy birthday Taec!!   24、画报拍摄现场   25、Dream High Behind the Scene   26、Real Real 2PM by NichKhun   27、Pink Nichkhun   28、2PM with Cass (Winter Ver.) Part 1   29、‘不要走" Vocal Directing By Junsu   30、2PM with Cass (Winter Ver.) Part 2   31、2PM Cat   32、Happy Winter Child Junho^^   33、Fan Meeting for HOTTEST 2nd Part 1   34、Fan Meeting for HOTTEST 2nd Part 2   35、Junho - Magazine Photo Shoot  36、Backstage~!   37、In the Studio Shooting for Lotte Duty Free   38、Photo Shoot   39、2PM CARD Photo Shoot   40、MV Making Video(Woo Young"s Birthday)   41、The First Broadcast Episode   42、Hands Up MV Making Video In Singapore Part 1   43、Hands Up MV Making Video In Singapore Part 2   44、Signing Event for Hottest   45、峻秀不朽的名曲未公开花絮part1   46、峻秀不朽的名曲未公开花絮part2   47、Coca-cola CF shooting site   48、star cards photoshot part2   49、Look Optical Shooting site   50、Caribbean Bay CF making film part1   51、Caribbean Bay CF making film part2   52、Lotte Duty Free Shop CF making film part1   53、Lotte Duty Free Shop CF making film part2   54、A man living together with 2PM,the story of great Warmth   55、Coca-cola zero CF making film   56、JUNHO Photo Shoot~!!   57、nepa CF making film   58、2PM HANDS UP ASIA TOUR in SEOUL   59、JUN.K"s ALIVE photoshooting   60、NEPA CF making film part1   61、NEPA CF making film part2   62、Evisu Photoshoot(Taecyeon&Wooyoung)   63、Korea Tourist Service publicity video making film   64、Mr.Pizza CF making film part1   65、2012 Calender Photoshot   66、Hands Up Aisa Tour Episode   67、Mr.Pizza CF making film part2   68、Taecyeon"s Photoshoot for Men"s Health Magazine   69、Mr.Pizza CF making film part3   70、Eversense making film part1   71、Fan Meeting making film   72、Eversense making film part2   73、NEPA CF Making Film part1   74、NEPA CF Making Film part2   75、Cosmopolitan Photoshoot Making Film   76、Member"s Selection Making Film Part1   77、Member"s Selection Making Film Part2

they are all nice that we all like them什么意思


she is so nice that we all like her.l

答案:D提示: 此题考查词义辨析。句意为:她是一个如此可爱的女孩以至于我们都喜欢她。

改病句!!!Mr Wu is a nice teacher.We all like she.急急急!!!

前面的一句没有错,后面一句错了,应该改为:Wealllikeher. she是主语,而这句话已经有了主语We,所谓主谓宾,alllike是谓语,正缺一个宾语,she的宾格是her。 希望能帮到你~~

6 Unica是什么意思?详细介绍一下

6在意大利语中写作sei,也有“(你)是”的意思,而unico是英语里的unique,罗马队的球迷喜欢用这句话来他们的这位王子---托蒂,意思就是:你是独一无二的!而托蒂也用这句话做出了回应:一次他的未婚妻布拉茜来到罗马奥林匹克体育场看球,进球后的托蒂脱下了球衣,而在他的T恤上露出了“6 Unica!”的字样,unica是unico的阴性形式,我更愿意把这句话翻译成:你是我的唯一!“6 Unica!”这句简单的话成了球迷对托蒂的喜爱和托蒂对妻子忠贞不二的见证!

6 Unica是什么意思?详细介绍一下

1 楼解释的不错啊... 6 Unica 也有西班牙语翻译, 不过意思也一样, 就是 你是唯一的, 或你是独一无二的 6 就是 seis; 西班牙语的 sois (阿根廷人说 sos) 是说 "你是"; unica 是 unico 的阴性形式, 意思就是"唯一"或"独一无二" 这句话是对女孩子说的,而且用这种说法的应该是南美洲人 

6 unica意大利语怎么读

sei semple unika 照着拼音读


Milano Unica。意甲国际米兰足球俱乐部将IM品牌向着自己所期待的方向发展,推出名为“Made In Milano”的限量服装系列,从而展示米兰城的威严。


一个是职业型大学,一个是学术型大学。职业技术学院 (Vocational Technical and Career College)顾名思义,这些学院是为了培养某些具有特殊职业技能的人才而建立的。比如烹饪、消防、牙医助理、医疗档案管理等等。这些学校可以授予证书和副学士学位。课程设置实用性非常强,以就业为导向。很多美国人选择就读这类院校。在中国学生都在拼命追求排名名校的同时,美国人在职业技术学院里更多体现的是一种接地气的生存状态。综合性研究型大学(University)综合型研究型大学顾名思义,最大、最多、最综合。他们一般提供更多的专业选择和学位阶段,包括本科、硕士和博士。专业设置一般都会划分为不同的学员,比如工、商、文理、艺术、管理学院等等。他们的主要目的是引领全美各个学科的研究方向,完成普通本科生高等教育教学工作并给与职业指导,培养各学科领域的硕博研究生高级人才,为未来学术研究作人才智力储备。


真正的 可靠的 可信的






ethnicity:种族地位;种族特点;种族渊源 race:名词 n. 1. 人种;种族;民族[C][U] The British are a sea-going race. 英国人是个航海的民族。 2. (动植物的)属,种,类[C] 3. 血统,宗族,门第[U] He was a man of noble race. 他是个出身高贵的男士。

女生英文名Karen、Janice、Rachel 哪一个更好?


女生英文名Karen、Janice、Rachel 哪一个更好?

Rachel 或者Jessica 也不错啊



Be sure to be nice.什么意思?


帮我把这连成句子 city, we, a ,picnic, have, in, often , one, large ,of the parks谢谢了

We often have a picnic in 后面就不会了,是不是题目出错了?

GetFontUnicodeRanges 不支持BMP以外的字符 怎么办 GetFontUnicodeRanges 返回的结果不包括BMP以外的字符,


Nicole Pollard身高多高

英文名: Nicole Pollard HOMETOWN : Brisbane, Australia眼睛: 蓝色 头发: 深金色 身高: 179(也有说183的)cm 三围: 32/25/35SS14 HIGHLIGHTS: Rodarte, Alexander Wang, Helmut Lang, Dries van Noten, Dior-----------------------------希望采纳,你的支持我们的动力!

寻找独角兽FINDING UNICORN在深圳文和友亮相了哪些大娃和盲盒?

文和友这个地方之前经常去,属于深圳很热的打卡街区了,最近寻找独角兽的盲盒在这里亮相,和朋友周末也有去逛展,说说我的感受吧:现场一共有5个打卡点,在0℃ SPACE中还是能找到惊喜的。打卡点1:FARMER BOB盲盒,外观是白色的,戴着一个橙色的眼镜,场景让人感觉到有点寒意又有纯洁的心灵。打卡点2:波塞冬BOB盲盒,蓝白相间,举起三叉戟,俯视众生,哈哈,很容易让我联想到斗罗大陆里面的波赛西。只不过波塞冬是男的,会比较受女孩子喜欢。打卡点3:科学家BOB盲盒,一身白色的大褂,带着眼镜一脸的认真,哈哈,是科学之路上寻找真理的精神吧。打卡点4:Agan阿感创作空间,黑、蓝、橙色交织在一起,颜色比较丰富、是我喜欢的画。打卡点5:包含了寻找独角兽5大IP:FARMER BOB、RiCO、卓大王、ShinWoo、Agan阿感,不过都是以冰雪的主题,和往日看到的形象不一样,这次展出让人眼前一亮,感觉有点新鲜感。

Shinwoo Electronics中文是什么意思


electronic arrangements

When electrons are filled into electronic shells the maximum number of electrons for the 1st shell is 2 for the 2nd shell 8 for the 3nd shell 18 for the 4th shell 32 ...... e However there is one more criterion that is the maximum number of electrons in the outermost shell is 8 (If the 1st shell is the outermost shell the maximum number of electrons is 2). When atomic number is 18 (Ar) the electronic arrangement is 2 8 8. Such electronic arrangement fits the above criteria. When atomic number is 19 (K) the electronic arrangement SHOULD NOT be 2 8 9 because the number of electrons in the outermost SHOULD NOT exceed 8. Therefore the last electrons to be filled in must be put into an outer shell -- the 4th shell. The electronic arrangement of K is then 2 8 8 1. When electrons are filled into shells it prefers to put electrons in pairs. When atomic number is 20 (Ca) the last electron should put into the 4th shell to pair up the electrons in the outermost shell. The electronic arrangement of Ca is then 2 8 8 2. When atomic number is 21 (Sc) the last electron is put into the 3rd shell. This is because the 3rd shell now is NOT the outermost shell and it can have more than 8 electrons (but not exceed 18 electrons). The electronic arrangement of Sc is then 2 8 9 2. ...... and so on ...... When atomic number of 30 (Zn) the electronic arrangement is 2 8 18 2. When atomic number of 31 (Ga) the last electron is put into the 4th shell as all the inner shells are fully filled. The electronic arrangement of Ga is 2 8 18 3. ....... In higher forms you will learn that there are s p d and f subshells in electronic shell. The electronic arrangement (electronic configuration) can be explained in a much clearer way. 参考: micatkie 认为这阶段你不应看以上网页,因为它涉及 s p d f 等亚层,在基础未稳的情况下,只会引起更多疑问。 你可以参考以下网址 ingzoo pf23 我自己都去开 希望可以帮到你~ ^T^ 比我20分!

you look nice in green green suits you

选C,如果B换成suits也可以 ,意思是绿色很适合你.

DIET PLAN – Ketogenic Strict – Recommended foods and meals – Lifesum guide

Lose weight and feel fresh and alert throughout the day. The Ketogenic Diet is high in fat and low in carbs. When you get rid of the carbs your body will use its fat stores for energy – this is called entering into ‘ketosis". According to what your goal is, you can choose different levels of the diet. The more carbs you get rid of the better effect the diet has (that is, the faster the weight loss goes). There are three different levels of the diets in our app, easy – medium – strict.On the strict plan you aim to eat 20 grams of carbs per day. As long as you are below 50 grams of carbs per day you shall have an easy path into ketosis. Throw out everything that"s carb-heavy and full of sugar e.g. sweets & pastries, fruit, root vegetables, rice & pasta.If you follow the ratings in the app you will see that all food items that contain <4 gram of carb/100 gram item get a high score. The more carbs the lower score. At the same time you"ll focus on getting enough dietary fiber, micronutrients and minerals to keep up the good health. It is therefore important to eat vegetables like tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, mushrooms and radishes for example. The fat quality is also important so build up your meals with fatty fish, oils, nuts and avocado.Most importantly, make sure to keep track of the carbs you eat; the diet will work fine as long as you are in ketosis and don"t eat too many calories. Find your favourite foods rich in high-quality fats. In the app you"ll find heaps of recipes to help you out. Don"t cut down on the fat. Don"t give in to your sugar cravings, they will pass in a few days. Prepare for some side effects, you will get more information about them inside the app along the journey.Following a ketogenic strict lifestyle with only 5-10E% carbs per day can be difficult in the long run, if this is something you experience we recommend you to try any of the other ketogenic plans in our app. Recommended foods: Fatty fish (i.e. salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel) Tofu Poultry (i.e. chicken, turkey) Eggs (i.e. boiled, scrambled) Oils (i.e. olive, rapeseed, sesame) Vegetables (i.e. kale, spinach, broccoli, avocado, mushrooms, tomatoes, cauliflower, radishes, zucchini, lettuce, asparagus, aubergine, celery) Berries (i.e. raspberries) Recommended in moderation: Full-fat dairy products (i.e. full fat yoghurt, cream, crème fraiche, full fat cottage cheese) Cheese Meat (i.e. pork, bison, beef) Coconut milk Nuts & seeds (depending on the content of carbs – read the label!) Tips! Read the food labels to avoid foods with sugar, unhealthy fats and artificial additives. Drizzle some extra virgin olive oil on top of your salad or vegetables to enrich your meal with some healthy fat! Prepare your food from scratch! By doing this you know the exact ingredients of your meal and you can avoid sugar, artificial additives and unhealthy fats. Check out the Keto recipes in the app for meal suggestions and inspiration! It"s important to note that some foods and meals can end up with higher or lower score due to different nutritional information. If you"re ever unsure, double check that all nutrition values are correct and if you find any errors you can always either edit the item yourself or report it. We do our absolute best to verify the accuracy of the nutrition information. Although, we cannot guarantee its accuracy.If you are having any medical conditions or suffers from conditions like eating disorders you may not use Lifesum. In that case, always consult a doctor first.To read more about the health benefits from ketogenic lifestyle and see what we base the plan on, please see

you looks nice in green(接答语

you looks nice in green 答语是Thank you.



syntax error:(unicode error)

syntax error是语法错误的意思“语法错误”是在输入代码过程中输入错误的语句,是程序发生了语法上的错误。

Nick Lachey的《Carry On》 歌词

歌曲名:Carry On歌手:Nick Lachey专辑:SouloHopeless, wondering if anybody noticed,Feeling like you"re drifting out of focusCause you"re hopelessYou"re just a hollow soul.Crying, feeling like a part of you is dyin,Reachin for the strenth to keep you tryinStill you"re cryinYou"re livin in the cold.Say goodbye to the peopleYou don"t need in your lifeSay goodbye to the heartacheAnd darkness of the nightSay hello to the risin of the sunThere will always be a brighter dayYou got to carry onFire, burning with the passion it desires,Suddenly you"re hands are reachin higherYou"re on fireYour love has made you wholeSay goodbye to the peopleAnd poison in your lifeSay goodbye to the heartacheAnd trouble and strifeSay hello to the love thats just begunThere will always be a brighter dayYou have to carry onAnd no man is an islandYou can"t go on aloneWhen you"re heart starts breakinYou need to come back homeWe"re all lookin for somethinThe search for the oneOn and on and on and onHopeless, wondering if anybody noticed,Feeling like you"re drifting out of focusCause you"re hopelessYou"re just a hollow soul.Say goodbye to the peopleYou don"t need in your lifeSay goodbye to the heartacheAnd darkness of the nightSay hello to the risin of the sunThere will always be a brighter dayYou got to carry on I saySay goodbye to the peopleAnd poison in your lifeSay goodbye to the heartacheAnd trouble and strifeSay hello to the love thats just begunThere will always be a brighter dayYou have to carry onYou have to carry onOn and on and on and on

Nick Cave的《Let It Be》 歌词

歌曲名:Let It Be歌手:Nick Cave专辑:I Am Sam (Music From and Inspired by the Motion Picture)When I find myself in times of trouble  Mother Mary comes to me  Speaking words of wisdom,let it be  And in my hour of darkness  She is standing right in front of me  Speaking words of wisdom, let it be  Let it be, let it be  Let it be, let it be  Whisper words of wisdom,let it be  And when the broken hearted people  Living in the world agree  There will be an answer, let it be  For though they may be parted  There is still a chance that they will see  There will be an answer, let it be  Let it be, let it be  Let it be, let it be  There will be an answer, let it be  Let it be, let it be  Let it be, let it be  Whisper words of wisdom,let it be  And when the night is cloudy  There is still a light that shines on me  Shine until tomorrow,let it be  I wake up to the sound of the music  Mother Mary comes to me  Speaking words of wisdom, let it be  Let it be, let it be  Let it be, let it be  There will be an answer, let it be  Let it be, let it be  Let it be, let it be  Whisper words of wisdom let it be

just in the nick of rhyme 歌词

歌曲名:just in the nick of rhyme歌手:Common专辑:can i borrow a dollarThe rhyme I pick up, trick up, and like hiccup(Hiccup!) This is a good place for a stickupSo throw your hands in the air and say hell yeahI Can Beat Mike Tyson, plus I"m Fresh-er than the Prince of Bel AirAnd I Blossom, In Colour is how I"m Living seesome pretend to be afraid of me but they"re my Public Ene-maPicture this, like a cinema; I"m winnin a contestI knew you was a loser when you bought your girl"s prom dressI"m just, another one of the nigs, take a swigI can sing, brothers"ll work it out without a gigThe gold mud in my blood, I"m a stud smokin bluntsNot a fuddy dud if rhymes were pecks, I"d be Woody WoodCommonThey"re after pestly hoes and that"s the hoes I sex and don"t collectsRockin a Rolex, prefer Wrist Ex instead of Solar Flexbut I pump skill, to build what I can build and still feel goodThe baddest hoes be sayin, "Oooh you"re real good"Fella a city dweller, it"s poison salmonellaAuntie"s name is Stella, style as def/deaf as Helen KellerNail a flammer with the Hammer for comin incorrectnot with his grammar or bad mamma jama similar, to Bruce BannerSo don"t get me angry, or maybe you won"t like meKid just in the nick I kick more ass than Bruce Lee"s Nike"s didJust in the nick I kick on the geek stick, flick a BicDick a chick, Slick-er than Rick around the clock I tock to thetic tac toe, rip up my rhyme my mic"s my lassoShit, I got rhymes comin out my assholeI"m in a pole position sole position you"re in no positionto be dissin it"s a, Rainbow Coalitionlike Georgie Puddin Pie but baby baby don"t, cryFeed em I heat em and eat em if I don"t need em then I leave emas leftovers, packin the weak MC"s into ?septober?Til I was older, I couldn"t hold a rhyme folderNow I dare ya to try and knock this mic off my shoulderIf I"m sober I won"t hold a skunk, but when I"m drunkI might let her bunk in my bed, heads be sayin I"m a hunkLike a duck I"m slammin ham MC"s MC"s I"m servinMakin the people jump like my man... Julius Erving!!!Those deserving props are gonna get theirsGrip, there"s something on your lip, oh that"s my dick hairsI"m the biggedy biggedy Bear ya scrub Cub with a demo tapeTryin to catch me catch your breath before you hyperventilatefor air you gots it, your best bet is to take an aspirinI bash it, crash it now you know so stop askinCause when you ash I"ll make an ass of you and only you seeJust in the nick I kick the funky shitthat"s why they call me Bootsy

preparing for a picnic50字作文


Who I Am Nick Jonas 中英文歌词


Who I Am Nick Jonas 中英文歌词这个帖子有《WHO I AM》所有中文歌词。包括WHO I AM决不是什么翻译器的,那个翻译起来怪。。

nick jonas身高


求智妍 一分一秒 和 孝敏 Nice BOD y 音译歌词。

希望采纳·~~~~~~~~~一分一秒 huhu huuuuhuhu huuhuhu huuuuNever ever ever neverhuhu huuuuhuhu huuhuhu huuuuNever ever ever neverbiga odaga tto haega tteundaoneul nalssido cham nae mamgwa gatnabwaul-eossda usda geoddaga ttwidakkumcheoleom salajyeogagobiga odaga tto haega tteundaoneul nalssido cham nae mamgwa gatnabwaheulyeossda malgda nunmul-i nassdaamuleohji anh-eun cheoghaenan gom gat-eun yeoja beolsseo ne haengbog-eul bil-eoI wanna be with youbut I will pray for you babynever ever pogi moshaeyonever ever na ileohgehan ja han ja jeog-eonaejanh-a ne ileum-eul ttonever ever sum-eumyeon andwaenever ever tteonaji mayosumdo swiji moshae neo eobs-in 1bun 1choladohuhu huuuuhuhu huuhuhu huuuuNever ever ever nevernun-eul gam-assdaga tteobomyeon kkum iyeossgileulbilgo bildaga jichyeoseo dasi jamdeul-eojakku jakku ttog gat-eun agmongheeonaojileul moshaenun-eul gam-assdaga tteobomyeon kkum iyeossgileulbilgo bildaga jichyeoseo jam-i deuldadasi tto ttoggat-i banbogdwaejebal nal naebeolyeodwonan gom gat-eun yeoja beolsseo ne haengbog-eul bil-eoI wanna be with youbut I will pray for you babynever ever pogi moshaeyonever ever na ileohgehan ja han ja jeog-eonaejanh-a ne ileum-eul ttonever ever sum-eumyeon andwaenever ever tteonaji mayosumdo swiji moshae neo eobs-in 1bun 1choladomilyeonhajiman geuleon yeojangeol nega aljanh-ageuleoni jebal majimag butag igeosman deul-eohogsi tto majuchindamyeon neol ij-ji moshaneun naegebolandeus-i nal hyanghae us-eojugessninever ever pogi moshaeyonever ever na ileohgehan ja han ja jeog-eonaejanh-a ne ileum-eul ttonever ever sum-eumyeon andwaenever ever tteonaji mayosumdo swiji moshae neo eobs-in 1bun 1choladohuhu huuuuhuhu huuuu=============================================================Nice BODy Ah yeahYou know Brave soundHyomin, LocoLet"s do thatLet me see your body moveI love thatyeojaramyeon nuguna nochureul wonhaeyoyeojaramyeon han beonjjeum daieoteureul haneyoyeojaramyeon bunmyeonghi sarang batgil wonhaeyokkumsogui wangjanimeun bunmyeonghi natanal geoyeyo(meokgo sipeun geotdo chamgo)dokhage saraga(apeun geotdo modu chamgo)nan yeppeojil geoyasaranghal geoya deo boyeojul geoyanan dallajil geoyayou do deserve itnae mommaen nice nice bodyjalppajin dari ssaekkeunhan heori(give me love, give me love, give me love)nae mommaen nice nice bodymodu da nollae hanagachi banhaeije nareul musi motaeyoneodo algoisseo ne dari ippeungeo?nado algoisseo chyeodabomyeon jineungeoigigo sipji anha jeogeodo i najeneunsikgonjeung ttaemune nareunhaetdeon nareul ireukineun neomachi undonghaneun seoyang nunadeulneo ppaegon da mitmitagiman han tongnamubeolsseobuteo uyeoneul gajanghan mannameulsangsanghago inneun nan da jaran kkumnamunamjaramyeon nuguna ireon yeojal wonhaeyonamjaramyeon hanagachi yeppeun geol johahaeyonamjaramyeon han beonjjeum yahan saenggageul haeyogeuge nayeosseumyeon jokesseo geuraesseumyeon jokesseo (meokgo sipeun geotdo chamgo)dokhage saraga(apeun geotdo modu chamgo)nan yeppeojil geoyasaranghal geoya deo boyeojul geoyanan dallajil geoyayou do deserve itnae mommaen nice nice bodyjalppajin dari ssaekkeunhan heori(give me love, give me love, give me love)nae mommaen nice nice bodymodu da nollae hanagachi banhaeije nareul musi motae Babyna jeongmal himdeureosseoyo oogeudae ttaeme eolmana noryeokhanji mollayo omaepsi naneun seutail gibun joha seumaildangdanghaejyeosseo ijen nadonae mommaen nice nice bodyjalppajin dari ssaekkeunhan heori(neon nal andallage hae du nuneul tteji motae)nae mommaen nice nice bodymodu da nollae hanagachi banhaeije nareul musi motaeyo

求孝敏《NICE BODY》里的中文歌词


求 孝敏的Nice body 音译歌词 中文音译歌词的那种 谢谢 脑残慎入


求孝敏nice body的罗马音歌词~

Ah yeahYou know Brave soundHyomin, LocoLet"s do thatLet me see your body moveI love thatyeojaramyeon nuguna nochureul wonhaeyoyeojaramyeon han beonjjeum daieoteureul haneyoyeojaramyeon bunmyeonghi sarang batgil wonhaeyokkumsogui wangjanimeun bunmyeonghi natanal geoyeyo(meokgo sipeun geotdo chamgo)dokhage saraga(apeun geotdo modu chamgo)nan yeppeojil geoyasaranghal geoya deo boyeojul geoyanan dallajil geoyayou do deserve itnae mommaen nice nice bodyjalppajin dari ssaekkeunhan heori(give me love, give me love, give me love)nae mommaen nice nice bodymodu da nollae hanagachi banhaeije nareul musi motaeyoneodo algoisseo ne dari ippeungeo?nado algoisseo chyeodabomyeon jineungeoigigo sipji anha jeogeodo i najeneunsikgonjeung ttaemune nareunhaetdeon nareul ireukineun neomachi undonghaneun seoyang nunadeulneo ppaegon da mitmitagiman han tongnamubeolsseobuteo uyeoneul gajanghan mannameulsangsanghago inneun nan da jaran kkumnamunamjaramyeon nuguna ireon yeojal wonhaeyonamjaramyeon hanagachi yeppeun geol johahaeyonamjaramyeon han beonjjeum yahan saenggageul haeyogeuge nayeosseumyeon jokesseo geuraesseumyeon jokesseo (meokgo sipeun geotdo chamgo)dokhage saraga(apeun geotdo modu chamgo)nan yeppeojil geoyasaranghal geoya deo boyeojul geoyanan dallajil geoyayou do deserve itnae mommaen nice nice bodyjalppajin dari ssaekkeunhan heori(give me love, give me love, give me love)nae mommaen nice nice bodymodu da nollae hanagachi banhaeije nareul musi motae Babyna jeongmal himdeureosseoyo oogeudae ttaeme eolmana noryeokhanji mollayo omaepsi naneun seutail gibun joha seumaildangdanghaejyeosseo ijen nadonae mommaen nice nice bodyjalppajin dari ssaekkeunhan heori(neon nal andallage hae du nuneul tteji motae)nae mommaen nice nice bodymodu da nollae hanagachi banhaeije nareul musi motaeyo

孝敏的nice body歌词中文意思

Ah yeahYou know Brave soundHyomin, LocoLet"s do thatLet me see your body moveI love that是女人的话 都会想在任何人面前展露是女人的话 都会试过一次的节食减肥是女人的话 分明会想要去得到爱情梦中的王子分明会出现(忍着想吃的东西)狠毒地过活(痛苦的事也都忍了)我会变得漂亮的你会爱上我的 会给你展现更多我会变得不同的you do deserve it我的身材 nice nice body会令你爱上的腿 火热的腰(give me love, give me love, give me love)我的身材 nice nice body全都惊讶了 都迷上了现在不能无视我了你也知道你的腿很美?我也知道我会盯着不放不能轻易抑制 尤其在白天时因为饭后犯困 你看起来没啥力像是在运动的西洋姐姐们除了你 其他都是普通的木柴已经装着是偶然碰见想象着的话 成长着的梦是男人的话 是谁都会想要这样的女人是男人的话 一样都只喜欢漂亮的女人是男人的话 就会想象过那些低级的事她是我的话就好了 这样的话就好了(忍着想吃的东西)狠毒地过活(痛苦的事也都忍了)我会变得漂亮的你会爱上我的 会给你展现更多我会变得不同的you do deserve it我的身材 nice nice body会令你爱上的腿 火热的腰(give me love, give me love, give me love)我的身材 nice nice body一切都是作为一个惊喜现在不能无视我了 baby我真的很辛苦 Oh Oh你不知道我是多么努力 Oh我俏丽的风格 心情好的微笑现在我也能理直气壮我的身材 nice nice body会令你爱上的腿 火热的腰(我的耍俏令你双眼无法离开)我的身材 nice nice body一切都是作为一个惊喜现在不能无视我了

Panic! At The Disco的《Hurricane》 歌词

歌曲名:Hurricane歌手:Panic! At The Disco专辑:Vices & VirtuesAre you worth your weight in gold,Cause you"re behind my eyelids when I"m all alone.Hey! Stranger, I want ya to catch me like a cold,You and God both got the guns.When you shoot I think I "d duck.I led the revolution in my bedroomAnd I set all the zippers free.We said "no more war! no more clothes! give me peace!Oh kiss me!"Hey! Hey! we are a hurricaneDrop our anchors in a storm.HEY! they will never be the sameA fire in a flask to keep us warm.Cause they know, I knowthat they don"t look like me.Oh, they know I knowthat they don"t sound like me.You"ll dance to anything.You"ll dance to anything.Oh I"d confess, I"d confess in a room where I"m blessedBut he didn"t come and speak to meOr put my heart at easeAnd I believe that, half the timeI am a wolf among the sheepGnawing at the wool over my eyes.I led the revolution in my bedroomAnd I set all the zippers free,We said "no more war! no more clothes! give me peace!Oh kiss me!"Hey! Hey! we are a hurricaneDrop our anchors in a storm.HEY! they will never be the sameA fire in a flask to keep us warm.Cause they know, I knowthat they don"t look like me.Oh, they know I knowthat they don"t sound like me.You"ll dance to anything,You"ll dance to anything.You"ll dance to anything,You"ll dance to anything.Fix me, or conflict meI"ll take anythingFix me, or just conflict meCause I"ll take anythingHey! Hey! we are a hurricaneDrop our anchors in a storm.HEY! they will never be the sameA fire in a flask to keep us warm.Cause they know, I knowthat they don"t look like me.Oh, they know I knowthat they don"t sound like me.You"ll dance to anything,You"ll dance to anything.

dominican republic是哪个国家

Dominican Republic英[du0259u02c8miniku0259n ru026au02c8pu028cblu026ak]美[du0259u02c8mu026anu026aku0259n ru026au02c8pu028cblu026ak]n. 多米尼加共和国;[释义] [地名] [北美洲] 多米尼加共和国;[网络] 多明尼加共和国; 多米尼加; 多明尼加冬季棒球联盟;[例句]FAO Country Profiles and Mapping Information System-Dominican Republic粮农组织国家概况和绘图信息系统-多米尼加共和国

dominican republic是哪个国家?


dominican republic是哪个国家?

dominican republic是多米尼加共和国。多米尼加共和国(The Dominican Republic),通称多米尼加,位于加勒比海大安的列斯群岛中的伊斯帕尼奥拉岛东部。东隔莫纳海峡与波多黎各相望,西接海地,南临加勒比海,北濒大西洋。陆地面积48,670平方公里,首都与最大都市为圣多明各。历史沿革原为印第安人居住地。1496年西班牙人在岛上建立圣多明各城,成为欧洲殖民者在美洲的第一个永久性居民点。1795年归属法国。1809年复归西班牙。1844年2月27日独立,成立多米尼加共和国。1930年特鲁希略发动军事政变上台,实行长达30年的独裁统治。1965年被美国出兵占领。1966年恢复民主政体。此后,革命党、基督教社会改革党、解放党、现代革命党分别执政。以上内容参考 百度百科--多米尼加共和国


Communocation是传播,Journalism是新闻。一般来说 ,传播专业学的东西比较宽泛,内容可以包括文化、广告、公关等方面的理论性知识。新闻专业除了一些理论知识外,更包括大量的实践:如新闻写作、新闻报道、出镜等。有时还需要学生学习语言及文学、信息传递及社会组织机构,以及人与人之间的或人与组织之间的行为科学方面的专业知识,也有学校设置电影电视等相关专业。

communication,media,public relations,journalism这几个专业的关系?各自的特点和区别?谁从属于谁?

communication一般翻译为传播;journalism, 新闻, media是媒体,但也翻译为传媒,这个可能是和communication搞在一起了,PR 公共关系有时候会放在社会学院下面。我个人建议还是看具体的课程设置,和学习内容,就比较好理解,有时候名字不一样,但学的东西差不多。



xtronic cvt是什么车?

xtronic cvt不是车,是东风日产自主生产的无级变速器。xtronic cvt技术即无级变速技术,它采用传动带和工作直径可变的主、从动轮相配合来传递动力,可以实现传动比的连续改变,从而得到传动系与发动机工况的最佳匹配。常见的无级变速器有液力机械式无级变速器和金属带式无级变速器(VDT-CVT),目前国内市场上采用CVT的车型已经越来越多。为实现无级变速,按传动方式可采用液体传动、电力传动和机械传动三种方式。工作原理:没有明确具体的档位,操作上类似自动变速箱,但是速比的变化却不同于自动变速箱的跳挡过程,而是连续的,因此动力传输持续而顺畅。

xtronic cvt是什么车

xtronic cvt不是车,是东风日产自主生产的无级变速器。xtronic cvt技术即无级变速技术,它采用传动带和工作直径可变的主、从动轮相配合来传递动力,可以实现传动比的连续改变,从而得到传动系与发动机工况的最佳匹配。常见的无级变速器有液力机械式无级变速器和金属带式无级变速器(VDT-CVT),目前国内市场上采用CVT的车型已经越来越多。为实现无级变速,按传动方式可采用液体传动、电力传动和机械传动三种方式。工作原理:没有明确具体的档位,操作上类似自动变速箱,但是速比的变化却不同于自动变速箱的跳挡过程,而是连续的,因此动力传输持续而顺畅。

Panasonic Lumix GH5 V-Log 购买与启用教学分享 (GH4/FZ2500)

什么是 V-Log?简单来说如果相机/录影机有提供 V-Log 模式,可以提供最大的动态范围来方便做后制调色调光有最大的调整弹性,不是很恰当的比喻可以说是类似录影档案的 RAW 档可以让后制比较有空间。 不过过去通常在专业录影机才可能会有,近年来则是在部份强调录影功能的单眼或是微单眼上也有些机种会提供这个功能,不过有些是机种限定,例如 Sony A7S 系列(Sony 叫 S-Log),有些像是阿辉用的 Panasonic Lumix GH5 则是要付费加购。 老实说阿辉还是建议不一定要购买 V-Log 功能,毕竟不后制的话看起来 V-Log 就只是颜色灰灰丑丑的样子,而且以大约 USD99 这样的加购费用来说也不是说多便宜;再来就是不好购买,阿辉这里要和大家分享的就是购买经验和怎么安装 V-Log 的教学。 网路一些 V-Log 的参考影片 [embedded content] [embedded content] [embedded content] V-Log 哪里买? V-Log 功能对于 Panasonic 来说是一组序号,可以线上启动绑定加入机器当中,不过其实实际来说 Panasonic V-Log 功能是一个实体产品,型号是『DMW-SFU1』,购买也没有所谓的电子虚拟线上序号,就是要买一个盒装回家,里面有一张纸写着一次启动使用的 V-Log 启动序号;目前适用于 GH4, GH5, FZ2500 这几款机器(日后有新机器有这功能的话应该也会一样支援)。 阿辉就直接讲购买的困难跟问题好了: 台湾松下没有卖 对!就是这个简单直接但是要命的问题: 台湾松下没有卖 阿辉的话建议台湾买的话就是两个途径: 真的就是如此,日本有卖、中国有卖,还都是公司货,就是台湾松下不卖,可能真的是这个产品太冷门吧…. 直接讲结论好了,阿辉最后是在淘宝购买的,注意要选择中文站不然可能大多会有限制区域购买的问题,再来就是不一定卖家愿意寄送海外,阿辉另外的处理方式是直接询问是否卖家可以帮忙拆开包装,直接拍摄序号卡给阿辉就好,这样也可以多少节省一些运费、速度也比较快,而且其实卖家相对也比较方便。 除了可以先私讯沟通之外,另外淘宝上阿辉最后也买到不错的价格也是一个选择原因,大多可以找到 rmb650 的价格就和美国/日本版本价格差不多(官方定价大约都是在 usd 99 左右),而阿辉稍微找了一下,最后买到的成交价格含手续大约是 rmb 515,不过老规矩这仅供参考,自己搜寻自己联络自凭本事,阿辉也不会帮忙代购。 另外实际上发现买到的是中国公司货,不过不论日本买的美国买的中国买的,V-Log 序号除了包装印刷可能有些差异之外,实际使用都没有差别,都是一样到日本官方网站线上登录启动, 机器是那一国的也都没有差别,不用担心有限制不能使用。 唯一的限制就是… 台湾松下没卖,非得大家都到国外买… @#%#^#$%^&$%& V-Log 怎么启用和安装? 这里阿辉都以 GH5 例子,其他像是 GH4 / FZ2500 请自行参悟,大同小异,你来问阿辉阿辉也没办法回答只能说缘份不够 我们先要从相机汇出资讯用于线上登录绑定 V-Log 序号,请准备要升级的相机和一张记忆卡 相机建议都更新到最新版本 SD 卡插入相机,在『工具』页面中寻找『启动』项目点选执行 点选『汇出序列码』』,然后点选『是』继续处理 把记忆卡拿出来插到电脑读卡机上或是用传输线连结相机到电脑都可以,总之想办法让电脑读取到记忆卡就是了 刚刚汇出的序列码档案会在记忆卡的 PRIVATEPANA_GRPPAVCLUMIXACTV 路径下,档案名称为『SERIAL.LST』 用电脑浏览器打开 然后点选画面中的 DMW-SFU1/AG-SFU41 这个连结 接着页面是刚刚我们做过得序列档案取得方法,这就不用管了,点选下面的『选择档案』 然后选择刚刚记忆卡上的『SERIAL.LST』 然后点选 Upload 上传按钮 接下来在画面的 KEY 栏位输入购买的 V-Log 序号,这里阿辉稍微卡关,请注意英文全部大写,最重要就是不需要输入『-』,只要输入英文和数字部份的序号 25 码就好,输入完成点选『Register』注册 如果序号没有问题的话,下一个页面点选『Save to SD card』把绑定序号完成的启动档案『ACTIVE.LST』储存到刚刚记忆卡上 SERIAL.LST 的同一个资料夹位置中(PRIVATEPANA_GRPPAVCLUMIXACTV 路径下) 把记忆卡从电脑移除装回相机中 重新在『工具』页面中寻找『启动』项目点选执行 点选点选『汇入序列码』,然后点选『是』继续处理 然后关闭 GH5 电源,重新开启即可 然后到录影设定中的『照片样式』按右翻一翻看到新增的『V-Log L』 就是成功了


分类: 生活 问题描述: 松下的英文名为什么叫Panasonic,具我所知松下应该是取自松下幸之助的姓氏吧,但翻译成英文不可能是Panasonic啊!Panasonic到底是怎么来的? 解析: sonic英文:音响 PANA PAN-ASIA:泛亚(全亚洲)



hi,nice to meet you and best regards!这句英语什么意思

就是见到你很高兴的意思等于nice to meet you

nita has a nice watch.要改成否定句

Nita does not have a nice watch

Come To Me (Featuring Nicole Scherzinger) (Clean Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Come To Me (Featuring Nicole Scherzinger) (Clean Version)歌手:P. Diddy专辑:Come To Me林依晨 - Come To Me作词:深白色 作曲:深白色当你有无法抗拒的忧郁虽然天气晴 心里在下雨眼看着来来往往的人群世界很拥挤该怎么呼吸只能够躲在自己的空间没有人了解没有人关心转过头看看外面的风景有我在阳光下等着你快来到我这里 看到蓝天就忘掉了忧郁就来到我这里 微笑让心情变得很干净快来到我这里 跟着风吹的方向去旅行就来到我这里 看世界用有快乐的眼睛come to me当你有无法抗拒的忧郁虽然天气晴 心里在下雨眼看着来来往往的人群世界很拥挤该怎么呼吸只能够躲在自己的空间没有人了解没有人关心转过头看看外面的风景有我在阳光下等着你快来到我这里 看到蓝天就忘掉了忧郁就来到我这里 微笑让心情变得很干净快来到我这里 跟着风吹的方向去旅行就来到我这里 看世界用有快乐的眼睛come to me快来到我这里 看到蓝天就忘掉了忧郁就来到我这里 微笑让心情变得很干净快来到我这里 跟着风吹的方向去旅行就来到我这里 看世界用有快乐的眼睛come to me

Python 怎么写 retry 才够 pythonic

直接捕获 Exception 对后期排障有隐患,而且我更倾向于能明确告知调用者 retry 失败的原因。 def retry(attempt, raise_on_fail=False): def decorator(func): def wrapper(*args, **kw): att = 0 last_except = None while att < attempt: try: return func(*args, **kw) except Exception as e: att += 1 last_except = e else: if raise_on_fail: raise Exception("Hit retry threshold, failed for {0}" % str(last_except)) return None return wrapper return decorator

nice to meet you 翻译中文怎么回答

中文意思是:很高兴见到你。 回答: Nice to meet you,too.我也很高兴见到你。 Me,too.我也是。 Same here.彼此彼此。 扩展资料   Nice to meet you here. I also worked in an college.   我是一名高校教师,希望能在这里认识共同度过一生的"人。   Hope you enjoy your time here and nice to meet you online.   很高兴在这里和你相遇,希望你在我家玩的愉快。   Hello, my good friend, nice to meet you!   妞妞你好,很高兴遇见你。   It"s really nice to meet you here!   能在此结识您真高兴!   How do you do? Nice to meet you!   您好!见到您很高兴。

nicky romero 的歌曲中歌词有fuck you 是什么歌

Fuck You{answering machine girl}Hi babyI know your under a lot of pressure at your work and allAnd I do understandYou have no idea how much I understandBut you also don"t have any idea how much I love youI love you so muchI think about you I feel you in my armsI miss you.. I miss you terriblyI"ve just always wanted someone like you in my lifeI love you so much; that I"d do anythingI"d do anythingI"ll be your perfect woman for you{Dr. Dre}I just wanna fuck bad bitchesAll them nights I never had bitchesNow I"m all up in that ass bitchesMad at "cha boyfriend, aint "cha?You"se a bad girl, gotta spank yaGotta thank ya for that head clinicExplicit, hella photogenicAnd tell your friends where the dick"s atWhere they can get hit and won"t get back to they soulmateBefore you kiss "em use Colgate"She Swallowed It!" Yeah the bitch took the whole eightand ran with it, then let Mel-Man hit itand Hit the Man hit it; damn bitchesMan, this is what I"m talkin aboutChicken-head, chicken-fed, with a dick in your mouthOut and about with your nigga like it never took place(Airtouched) Next time you need a tasteChorus:I just wanna fuuuuuck youNo touchin and rubbin gul, you got a husband wholoves.. you..Don"t need you all in mineI just wanna fuuuuuck youWe can"t be kissin and huggin gul, you got a husband wholoves.. you..You need to give him your quality time{Devin the Dude}You got the number, it"s on you to make the callYou know I cum quick; help you re-decorate your wallsCut your backyard, don"t have to act hard to get the cockAnd if I"m goin too far, I take it out and wipe it offand put it back up, and keep goingYou tryin to hide it from your husband but I know he be knowinthat your pussy"s been tampered withThen you show him the new trick of how you can lick it, smoke a cancer stickYou be workin it like a dancer bitch, it"s hard on meNot to give you all of my time, that you wantedYou can give me some head, but keep the breakfast in bedI"d rather spend my mornin diggin through some records insteadBut, tonight, I guess it"d be aight if we can touch basesHookup somewhere and exchange some "Fuck Faces"I know your man"s lookin for ya, he"s always tryin to run yaDon"t worry bout me handcuffin gul cause I just wanna fuck witchu{Snoop Dogg}.. fuck witchuOn the sneak tip, on some creep shitSo whatcha gon" do, ya freak bitch?You, actin, like you, don"t, do, dicksThat"s the kinda bitch I hate fuckin witBaby was a virgin, that"s what she saidSo I gave her some Hennesey, she gave me some headI fucked her on the flo", so I wouldn"t mess up my bedThen Lil" 1/2 Dead put his dick on her headTake that bitch home, and give her a boneAnd give her the number to my cellular phoneMan, she blowin up my pager, the shit"s gettin majorA favor for a favor, this dick is what I gave herSomethin to go by, and bitches know whyStuff dick in they mouth, and then I"m out (see-ya!)Twenty-fo" seven, Dre, Snoop, and DevinWe servin" these hoes, and never lovin these hoes, beotch!Chorus:I just wanna fuuuuuck youNo touchin and rubbin gul, you got a husband wholoves.. you..Don"t need you all in mineI just wanna fuuuuuck youWe can"t be kissin and huggin gul, you got a husband wholoves.. you..You need to give him your quality time

ANSYS里面的mechanical APDL和workbench有什么区别

1、mechanical APDL是ANSYS的经典界面,通常所说的ANSYS指的就是这个经典界面,大多数教材介绍ANSYS时也是指这个经典界面。2、workbench是ANSYS推出的一个CAE软件(比如三维建模软件、流体力学计算软件)整合平台,从字面意思上讲,workbench就是工作台的意思,当特指ANSYS Workbench时指的就是这个软件平台。3、为什么要推出workbench?因为mechanical APDL与CAE软件的相互交流比较困难,workbench在一定程度上弥补了这样的缺点。4、在界面布局上相比,mechanical APDL继承的是它的传统风格,与一般的CAE软件(比如AutoCAD、CATIA)不同;workbench的界面则与CAE软件比较像,界面相对更加友好。5、从功能上来说,两者都能独立的完成有限元分析,但由于软件定位不同,mechanical APDL更像是一个求解器,功能强大;workbench则更注重于不同软件之间的相互沟通,在有限元分析这一块的功能不及前者。

door in the face technic是什么意思?好像是个心理学术语




请问歌曲[鸟的迁徙] To Be By Your Side (Nick Cave)的歌词中文大意

横跨海洋横跨海, 变黑的树结束森林。通过谷我们那么仍然不敢呼吸, 是由您的边。在转移的沙漠平原, 横跨山全部在火焰里。通过嗥叫风和驾驶雨, 是由您的边。每英哩和每年为每一个一点泪花。我无法解释这, 亲爱, 我甚而不会尝试。入夜作为星碰撞,横跨划分石头森林站立石化的疆界,是由您的边。每英哩和每年, 为每一个一滴唯一泪花。我无法解释这, 亲爱, 我甚而不会尝试。为我知道一件事, 爱来在翼。为今晚我是将由您的边。 但我明天将飞行。从深海对高山,通过您的睡眠边境。入我们不敢讲话的谷, 是由您的边。横跨所有野兽低下下来他们的头的不尽的原野。亲爱的I 从未将休息我是由您的边。每英哩和每年, 时间和距离消失我无法解释这。亲爱的没有, 我甚而不会尝试。并且我知道一件事, 爱来在翼并且我今晚是将由您的边。但我明天将飞行, 爱上升以天和我也许今晚是由您的边。但我明天将飞行, 明天我将飞行, 明天我将飞行。: Orion



nick carter 有多高?

全名: Nickolas Gene Carter 中文译为:尼克·卡特绰号:较喜欢Nick,但也被称为Nicky,Chaos(因为他很顽皮,爱开玩笑),KAOS(因为他精力旺盛,生活上的事情总是乱糟糟的)Mr. Hyper Man,Messy Marvin身份:流行歌手(后街男孩的成员)出生日期: 1980年1月28日 星座:水瓶座出生地点: Jamestown NY Current , U.S.A 现居地:Tampa Florida U.S.A(4岁时全家搬迁到Florida)Apollo Beach,Florida,near Tampa , U.S.A (Nick非常非常地热爱海洋,所以幸运的是他不会远离那里)身高:185cm体重:63.5kg头发: 纯金色眼睛:蓝色家庭:父:Bob Carter 母:Jane Carter 三个妹妹:Bobbie Jean(B.J.),Leslie 和Angel. 弟弟Aaron. Angel和Aaron是双胞胎.Aaron Carter也是一位有名的歌手饰物:在一些Video中他戴有金项链.左手中指戴有戒指。他曾带耳钉 他说他佩带的饰物基本是fans送给他的擅长的乐器:爵士鼓&吉他宠物:Boo Boo等六只狗(其中四只狮子狗),Pinky等三只猫和一些鱼
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