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Have A Nice Day 歌词

歌曲名:Have A Nice Day歌手:Bon Jovi专辑:Have A Nice Day 得意的一天Bon Jovi - Have A Nice DayAlbum: Have A Nice DayWhy, you wanna tell me how to live my life?Who, are you to tell me if it"s black or white?Mama, can you help me try to understandIs innocence the difference between a boy and a manMy daddy lived a lieIts just the price that he paidSacrificed his life, just slaving awayOhhh, if there"s one thing I hang ontoThat gets me through the nightI ain"t gonna do what I don"t want toI"m gonna live my lifeShining like a diamondRolling with the diceStanding on the ledgeJust show the wind how to flyWhen the world gets in my faceI say, have a nice dayHave a nice dayTake a look around you, nothings what it seemsWe"re living in a broken home of hopes and dreamsLet me be the first to shake your helping handEverybody, brave enough to take a standI knocked on every door, on every dead end streetLooking for forgivenessWhat"s left to believe?Ohhh~Now when this world keeps trying, to drag me downI"ve gotta raise my handsGonna stand my groundI say, hey, have a nice day

哈比和夏露露唱的have a nice day的歌词

why, you wanna tell me how to live my life?who, are you to tell me if it"s black or white?mama, can you help me try to understandis innocence the difference between a boy and a manmy daddy lived a lieits just the price that he paidsacrificed his life, just slaving awayohhh, if there"s one thing i hang ontothat gets me through the nighti ain"t gonna do what i don"t want toi"m gonna live my lifeshining like a diamondrolling with the dicestanding on the ledgejust show the wind how to flywhen the world gets in my facei say, have a nice dayhave a nice daytake a look around you, nothings what it seemswe"re living in a broken home of hopes and dreamslet me be the first to shake your helping handeverybody, brave enough to take a standi knocked on every door, on every dead end streetlooking for forgivenesswhat"s left to believe?ohhh~now when this world keeps trying, to drag me downi"ve gotta raise my handsgonna stand my groundi say, hey, have a nice day

谁有Bon Jovi 的have a nice day 中文歌词 急!!!



ultrasonic horn是什么意思

ultrasonic horn 超声变幅杆网络释义专业释义英英释义能源科学技术 | 材料科学变幅杆 - 引用次数:9With the improvement of finite element method and the development of correlated application software,it is possible to design ultrasonic horn through computer.随着有限元理论的完善和相关应用软件的发展,通过计算机直接进行变幅杆的设计成为可能。参考来源 - 旋转超声加工装置的设计与新型变幅杆的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于 NoteExpress

HND Ultrasonic 全电子管电吉他箱头怎么样?


二手佳能ULTRASONIC 70-200 1:2.8L 镜头价格


Ultrasonic sounds produce pulsed signals, ______ various defects in metal can be detected. A)by mea

这个句子是非限定性定语定语从句By which 定语从句修饰前面的Ultrasonic sounds:利用通过by means of+ 名词 依靠 主从关系颠倒from which 在语义上不通风 译作:超声波能产生脉冲频率,利用超声波能探测出金属中含有瑕疵的部分。




ultrasonic probe是什么意思

ultrasonic probe生词本英 [u02ccu028cltru0259u02c8su0254nu026ak pru0259ub] 美 [u02ccu028cltru0259u02c8sɑnu026ak prob]超声波探头,超声探针网 络超声波探头;超声波探针1. Ultrasonic probe, multi - directional object sensing and alarming. 超声波探头, 多方位物体探测报警.2. In the roller ultrasonic probe is a ultrasonic focusing probe which can strengthen the signal.轮式探头内部使用了用来加强信号强度的聚焦探头

ultrasonic radiation中文翻译

Ultrasonic radiation improved the dispersibipty of powders and the uniformity of coating 利用超声波可使粉体很好的分散,提高粉体镀覆均匀性。 The solution was alkapne , and formaldehyde ( hcho ) was used as a reducing agent . plating was carried out at middle temperature / low temperature and ultrasonic radiation 化学镀铜溶液为堿性的甲醛为还原剂的镀液,镀覆在室温、超声波的条件下进行。 The formaldehyde ( hcho ) was used as the reducing agent and plating was carried out at normal temperature and ultrasonic radiation . the ingredients of solution were determined by chemical *** ysis 平均粒径为10 20mn的al _ 2o _ 3粉体经过预处理使表面具有催化活性后,用甲醛作为还原剂在室温及超声波条件下镀银。 Ultrasonic radiation made the reaction happen at room temperature , furthermore , the reaction was accelerated , and more importantly , the powders were dispersed evenly so that makes as more particles as possible coated 超声波的加入可使镀覆在室温下进行,并加快镀覆过程,更重要的是提高了粉体镀覆的均匀性。 High - resolution tran *** ission electron microscopy ( hrtem ) and x - ray diffraction ( xrd ) were used in the investigation . the feasibipty of electroless silver plating of nano - al2o3 powder with ultrasonic radiation was studied 测定镀液成分和ph值,用高分辨率透射电镜( hrtem )观察复合粉体的形貌, x -射线衍射分析复合粉体物相组成。 The observation by hrtem indicated that the size of particles coated with ultrasonic radiation at room temperature in alkapne formaldehyde bath was about 50 ~ 60nm . the originally granular form of the nano - al2o3 particles has changed into spheral - pke shape . the x - ray *** ysis showed that the plate was the alloy of co - p 对镀覆后镀液成分的分析表明,反应自发停止的原因是主要由于镀液ph值过低,不能提供反应所需要的足够oh ~ - ,同时也使甲醛还原能力下降所致。 The optimum conditions of preparation were as fellows : the concentration of zinc sulfate solution of 1 . 8 - 2 . omol / l , the concentration of ammonium bicarbonate solution of 1 . 4 ~ 1 . 6mol / l , the time of ultrasonic radiation of 25 ~ 30min . iv . preparation of active zinc oxide by means of microwave radiation to calcine precursor of basic zinc carbonate firstly , and a mechani *** on preparation of ultra - fine active zinc oxide by means of microwave radiation has been investigated emphatically as well as the effects on quapty of ultra - fine active zinc oxide have been *** yzed and discussed in detail , the time of microwave radiation was 7 ~ 16 min ; paring microwave radiation calcining with conventional calcining , the calcining time of microwave radiation was one thirty to one enty , the calcining time shortened hugely , energy consumption saved hugely , the quapty of product improved 首次引入超声波辐射制备超细活性氧化锌前驱体堿式碳酸锌新技术,研究了超声波辐射制备前驱体堿式碳酸锌的机理,并分析和讨论了影响前驱体质量的各种因素,确定了最佳的前驱体制备条件为:硫酸锌浓度为1 . 8 2 . 0mol / l ,碳酸氢铵的浓度为1 . 4 1 . 6mol / l ,超声波辐射25 30min ; 4 、首次采用微波加热煅烧前驱体堿式碳酸锌制备超细活性氧化锌的新技术,研究了微波辐射加热煅烧前驱体制备超细活性氧化锌的机理,并分析和讨论了影响活性氧化锌质量的各种因素,确定了最佳的超细活性氧化锌制备条件为:微波加热煅烧时间为7 16min ,与传统煅烧方法相比,煅烧时间仅为传统的1 30 1 20 ,大大缩短煅烧时间,节省能耗,提高了煅烧产品的质量; 5 、完成了从锌浮渣中制备超细活性氧化锌的小试试验和扩大试验。 The morphology of powders was observed using high - resolution tran *** ission electron microscopy ( hrtem ) ; x - ray diffraction ( xrd ) pattern was used to *** yze the phases of the powders ; at first , the feasibipty of electroless copper plating of nano - al2o3 powder with ultrasonic radiation was studied 用phippsem430型高分辨率透射电镜( hrtem )观察复合粉体的形貌; d / 3ax3b型x -射线衍射仪分析复合粉体的物相组成。在本实验室以前的研究表明,超声波条件下的纳米材料的化学镀是可行的。

supersonic 和 ultrasonic 怎么区别?

通常是用supersonic表示超音速ultrasonic 表示超声波,也可以表示超音速

ultrasound ultrasonic有什么不同

超声检测UltrasonicTesting(缩写UT);  射线检测RadiographicTesting(缩写RT);  磁粉检测MagneticparticleTesting(缩写MT);  渗透检测PenetrantTesting(缩写PT);  涡流检测EddyCurrentTesting(缩写ET);射线照相法(RT)  是指用X射线或g射线穿透试件,以胶片作为记录信息的器材的无损检测方法,该方法是最基本的,应用最广泛的一种非破坏性检验方法。  1、射线照相检验法的原理:射线能穿透肉眼无法穿透的物质使胶片感光,当X射线或r射线照射胶片时,与普通光线一样,能使胶片乳剂层中的卤化银产生潜影,由于不同密度的物质对射线的吸收系数不同,照射到胶片各处的射线能量也就会产生差异,便可根据暗室处理后的底片各处黑度差来判别缺陷。  2、射线照相法的特点:射线照相法的优点和局限性总结如下:  a.可以获得缺陷的直观图像,定性准确,对长度、宽度尺寸的定量也比较准确;  b.检测结果有直接记录,可长期保存;  c.对体积型缺陷(气孔、夹渣、夹钨、烧穿、咬边、焊瘤、凹坑等)检出率很高,对面积型缺陷(未焊透、未熔合、裂纹等),如果照相角度不适当,容易漏检;  d.适宜检验厚度较薄的工件而不宜较厚的工件,因为检验厚工件需要高能量的射线设备,而且随着厚度的增加,其检验灵敏度也会下降;  e.适宜检验对接焊缝,不适宜检验角焊缝以及板材、棒材、锻件等;  f.对缺陷在工件中厚度方向的位置、尺寸(高度)的确定比较困难;  g.检测成本高、速度慢;  h.具有辐射生物效应,无损检测超声波探伤仪能够杀伤生物细胞,损害生物组织,危及生物器官的正常功能。  总的来说,RT的特性是——定性更准确,有可供长期保存的直观图像,总体成本相对较高,而且射线对人体有害,检验速度会较慢。  无损检测X光机  用于工业部门的工业检测X光机通常为工业无损检测X光机(无损耗检测),此类便携式X光机可以检测各类工业元器件、电子元件、电路内部。例如插座插头橡胶内部线路连接,二极管内部焊接等的检测。BJI-XZ、BJI-UC等工业检测X光机是可连接电脑进行图像处理的X光机,此类工业检测便携式X光机为工厂家电维修领域提供了出色的解决方案。3、超声波检测(UT)  1、超声波检测的定义:通过超声波与试件相互作用,就反射、透  无损检测设备射和散射的波进行研究,对试件进行宏观缺陷检测、几何特性测量、组织结构和力学性能变化的检测和表征,并进而对其特定应用性进行评价的技术。  2、超声波工作的原理:主要是基于超声波在试件中的传播特性。  a.声源产生超声波,采用一定的方式使超声波进入试件;  b.超声波在试件中传播并与试件材料以及其中的缺陷相互作用,使其传播方向或特征被改变;  c.改变后的超声波通过检测设备被接收,并可对其进行处理和分析;  d.根据接收的超声波的特征,评估试件本身及其内部是否存在缺陷及缺陷的特性。  3、超声波检测的优点:  a.适用于金属、非金属和复合材料等多种制件的无损检测;  b.穿透能力强,可对较大厚度范围内的试件内部缺陷进行检测。如对金属材料,可检测厚度为1~2mm的薄壁管材和板材,也可检测几米长的钢锻件;  c.缺陷定位较准确;  d.对面积型缺陷的检出率较高;  e.灵敏度高,可检测试件内部尺寸很小的缺陷;  f.检测成本低、速度快,设备轻便,对人体及环境无害,现场使用较方便。  4、超声波检测的局限性:  a.对试件中的缺陷进行精确的定性、定量仍须作深入研究;  b.对具有复杂形状或不规则外形的试件进行超声检测有困难;  c.缺陷的位置、取向和形状对检测结果有一定影响;  d.材质、晶粒度等对检测有较大影响;  e.以常用的手工A型脉冲反射法检测时结果显示不直观,且检测结果无直接见证记录。  5、超声检测的适用范围:  a.从检测对象的材料来说,可用于金属、非金属和复合材料;  b.从检测对象的制造工艺来说,可用于锻件、铸件、焊接件、胶结件等;  c.从检测对象的形状来说,可用于板材、棒材、管材等;  d.从检测对象的尺寸来说,厚度可小至1mm,也可大至几米;  e.从缺陷部位来说,既可以是表面缺陷,也可以是内部缺陷。4、磁粉检测(MT)  1.磁粉检测的原理:铁磁性材料和工件被磁化后,由于不连续性的存在,使工件表面和近表面的磁力线发生局部畸变而产生漏磁场,吸附施加在工件表面的磁粉,形成在合适光照下目视可见的磁痕,从而显示出磁粉检测不连续性的位置、形状和大小。  2.磁粉检测的适用性和局限性:  a.磁粉探伤适用于检测铁磁性材料表面和近表面尺寸很小、间隙极窄(如可检测出长0.1mm、宽为微米级的裂纹),目视难以看出的不连续性。  b.磁粉检测可对原材料、半成品、成品工件和在役的零部件检测,还可对板材、型材、管材、棒材、焊接件、铸钢件及锻钢件进行检测。  c.可发现裂纹、夹杂、发纹、白点、折叠、冷隔和疏松等缺陷。  d.磁粉检测不能检测奥氏体不锈钢材料和用奥氏体不锈钢焊条焊接的焊缝,也不能检测铜、铝、镁、钛等非磁性材料。对于表面浅的划伤、埋藏较深的孔洞和与工件表面夹角小于20°的分层和折叠难以发现。5、渗透检测(PT)  1.液体渗透检测的基本原理:零件表面被施涂含有荧光染料或着色染料的渗透剂后,在毛细管作用下,经过一段时间,渗透液可以渗透进表面开口缺陷中;经去除零件表面多余的渗透液后,再在零件表面施涂显像剂,同样,在毛细管的作用下,显像剂将吸引缺陷中保留的渗透液,渗透液回渗到显像剂中,在一定的光源下(紫外线光或白光),缺陷处的渗透液痕迹被现实,(黄绿色荧光或鲜艳红色),从而探测出缺陷的形貌及分布状态。  2.渗透检测的优点:  a.可检测各种材料,金属、非金属材料;磁性、非磁性材料;焊接、锻造、轧制等加工方式;  b.具有较高的灵敏度(可发现0.1μm宽缺陷)  c.显示直观、操作方便、检测费用低。  3.渗透检测的缺点及局限性:  a.它只能检出表面开口的缺陷;  b.不适于检查多孔性疏松材料制成的工件和表面粗糙的工件;  c.渗透检测只能检出缺陷的表面分布,难以确定缺陷的实际深度,因而很难对缺陷做出定量评价。检出结果受操作者的影响也较大。6、涡流检测(ET)  1.涡流检测的基本原理:将通有交流电的线圈置于待测的金属板上或套在待测的金属管外(见图)。这时线圈内及其附近将产生交变磁场,使试件中产生呈旋涡状的感应交变电流,称为涡流。涡流的分布和大小,除与线圈的形状和尺寸、交流电流的大小和频率等有关外,还取决于试件的电导率、磁导率、形状和尺寸、与线圈的距离以及表面有无裂纹缺陷等。因而,在保持其他因素相对不变的条件下,用一探测线圈测量涡流所引起的磁场变化,可推知试件中涡流的大小和相位变化,进而获得有关电导率、缺陷、材质状况和其他物理量(如形状、尺寸等)的变化或缺陷存在等信息。但由于涡流是交变电流,具有集肤效应,所检测到的信息仅能反映试件表面或近表面处的情况。  2.应用:按试件的形状和检测目的的不同,可采用不同形式的线圈,通常有穿过式、探头式和插入式线圈3种。穿过式线圈用来检测管材、棒材和线材,它的内径略大于被检物件,使用时使被检物体以一定的速度在线圈内通过,可发现裂纹、夹杂、凹坑等缺陷。探头式线圈适用于对试件进行局部探测。应用时线圈置于金属板、管或其他零件上,可检查飞机起落撑杆内筒上和涡轮发动机叶片上的疲劳裂纹等。插入式线圈也称内部探头,放在管子或零件的孔内用来作内壁检测,可用于检查各种管道内壁的腐蚀程度等。为了提高检测灵敏度,探头式和插入式线圈大多装有磁芯。涡流法主要用于生产线上的金属管、棒、线的快速检测以及大批量零件如轴承钢球、汽门等的探伤(这时除涡流仪器外尚须配备自动装卸和传送的机械装置)、材质分选和硬度测量,也可用来测量镀层和涂膜的厚度。  3.优缺点:涡流检测时线圈不需与被测物直接接触,可进行高速检测,易于实现自动化,但不适用于形状复杂的零件,而且只能检测导电材料的表面和近表面缺陷,检测结果也易于受到材料本身及其他因素的干扰。



supersonic ultrosonic区别是什么?不都是超音速吗?

在这组词缀对比中:super- 是对速度的描述,所以 supersonic 指的是超过介质中当地音速的速度,故一般词义为“adj. 超音速的”;ultra- 是对声音频率的描述,所以 ultrasonic 指的是频率高于人耳听觉频率上限的声波,故一般词义为“n. 超声波/ adj, 超声波的”,类似的还有紫外光线 ultraviolet,也就是频率高于人眼所能见的紫光频率的光。不过像 superspeed 和 ultraspeed,尽管都是用于描述速度特别快的,一般还是认为 ultraspeed 更快。

supersonic 和 ultrasonic 怎么区别?

分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: 都有“超音速”和“超声波”的意思,如何细分? 解析: 通常是用supersonic表示超音速 ultrasonic 表示超声波,也可以表示超音速

machnic plumber repairperson的区别

mechanic (尤指修理汽车的)技工,机修工,修理工 A mechanic is someone whose job is to repair and maintain machines and engines, especially car engines.plumber 管子工;水暖工A plumber is a person whose job is to connect and repair things such as water and drainage pipes, baths, and toilets.repairman 修理工A repairman is a man who mends broken machines such as televisions and telephones.

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adobe premiere pro was unable to communicate with the process “ImporterProcessServer." 关于Pr cs4



妈妈如果有母乳的情况下,坚持母乳喂养肯定是最好的选择呢。这两款奶粉相比 前者知名度更高,其实选择奶粉首先就是安全,其次是宝宝是否喜欢,吸收效果如何。价格其实都是次要的。并没有越贵的奶粉就越好。只要宝宝不排斥,吸收效果好,便便正常,没有便秘腹泻的情况,就是很不错的选择呢~适合自己的才是最好的哦~




还可以 。 其实牛栏 也可以的,也可以作为一个参考。其实选择奶粉首先就是安全,其次是宝宝是否喜欢,吸收效果如何。价格其实都是次要的。并没有越贵的奶粉就越好。只要宝宝不排斥,吸收效果好,便便正常,没有便秘腹泻的情况,就是很不错的选择呢~适合自己的才是最好的哦~

Find me a little niche是什么意思?

niche的本意为凹处,壁龛等,但用得更多的是它的比喻义,即适合的舒适的位置、地方、职业等(suitable or comfortable position,place,job,etc)这样这句话就不难理解了吧


该怎么去形容你最贴切拿什么跟你作比较才算特别对你的感觉 强烈却又不太了解 只凭直觉你像我在被子里的舒服却又像风 琢磨不住


可以在网上找解密goto 的,不过需要付一点费用




harmonic: (adj)和声的,谐和的 (n)和声,谐波overtone:(n)弦外之音,寓意,暗示partial: (adj) 局部的,偏爱的

Global Communication的《4:14》 歌词

歌曲名:4:14歌手:Global Communication专辑:76:14Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted发现 forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously.However, as the evidence(证据) began to accumulate(积累),experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.The hunt for(搜寻) the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw "a large cat" only five yards away from her.It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed(确认) that a puma will not attack(攻击) a human being人类 unless it is cornered(adj.被困得走投无路的).The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed(看到) at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening.Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits. Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to bushes. Several people complained of(抱怨) "cat-like noises" at night and a businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree.The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, but where had it come from ?As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country, this one must have been in the possession of在某人手中(为......所有) a private collector and somehow managed to escape.The hunt went on for several weeks, but the puma was not caught. It is disturbing to think想起来真讨厌 that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside.L2:Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another, but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired.The big clock which used to strike the hours day and night was damaged many years ago and has been silent ever since. One night, however, our vicar woke up with a start: the clock was striking the hours!Looking at his watch, he saw that it was one o"clock, but the bell struck thirteen times before it stopped. Armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on. In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer. "Whatever are you doing up here Bill ?" asked the vicar in surprise." I"m trying to repair the bell," answered Bill." I"ve been coming up here night after night for weeks now. You see, I was hoping to give you a surprise.""You certainly did give me a surprise!" said the vicar. "You"ve probably woken up everyone in the village as well. Still, I"m glad the bell is working again.""That"s the trouble, vicar," answered Bill. "It"s working all right, but I"m afraid that at one o"clock it will strike thirteen times and there"s nothing I can do about it.""We"ll get used to that Bill," said the vicar. "Thirteen is not as good as one but it"s better than nothing. Now let"s go downstairs and have a cup of tea."The city was even equipped with a drainage system,for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets.The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century B.C. until Roman times. In the most sacred room of the temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found. Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted.The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century B.C. Its missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B.C.This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved. It was very old and precious even then. When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman.She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hip. She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground.Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed, but, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity.L4:These days, people who do manual work often receive far more money than clerks who work in offices.People who work in offices are frequently referred to as" white collar workers" for the simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to work.Such is human nature, that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.This can give rise to curious situations, as it did in the case of Alfred Bloggs who worked as a dustman for the Ellesmere Corporation.When he got married, Alf was too embarrassed to say anything to his wife about his job. He simply told her that he worked for the Corporation.Every morning, he left home dressed in a smart black suit. He then changed into overalls(n.工作服) and spent the next eight hours as a dustman.Before returning home at night, he took a shower and changed back into his suit. Alf did this for over two years and his fellow dustmen kept his secret.Alf"s wife has never discovered that she married a dustman and she never will, for Alf has just found another job. He will soon be working in an office as a junior clerk.He will be earning only half as much as he used to, but he feels that his rise in status is well worth the loss of money. From now on, he will wear a suit all day and others will call him "Mr. Bloggs", not "Alf".L5:Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their readers with unimportant facts and statistics. Last year a journalist had been instructed by a well-known magazine to write an article on the president"s palace in a new African republic. When the article arrived, the editor read the first sentence and then refused to publish it. The article began: "Hundreds of steps lead to the high wall which surrounds the president"s palace." The editor at once sent the journalist a fax instructing him to find out the exact number of steps and the height of the wall.The journalist immediately set out to obtain these important facts, but he took a long time to send them.Meanwhile, the editor was getting impatient, for the magazine would soon go to press. He sent the journalist two urgent faxes, but received no reply.He sent yet another fax informing the journalist that if he did not reply soon he would be fired.When the journalist again failed to reply, the editor reluctantly published the article as it had originally been written.A week later, the editor at last received a fax from the journalist. Not only had the poor man been arrested, but he had been sent to prison as well.However, he had at last been allowed to send a cable in which he informed the editor that he had been arrested while counting the 1084 steps leading to the 15-foot wall which surrounded the president"s palace.L6:The expensive shops in a famous arcade near Piccadilly were just opening. At this time of the morning, the arcade was almost empty.Mr Taylor, the owner of a jewellery shop was admiring a new window display. Two of his assistants had been working busily since 8 o"clock and had only just finished.Diamond necklaces and rings had been beautifully arranged on a background of black velvet. After gazing at the display for several minutes, Mr Taylor went back into his shop.The silence was suddenly broken when a large car, with its headlights on and its horn blaring, roared down the arcade. It came to a stop outside the jeweler"s. One man stayed at the wheel while two others with black stockings over their faces jumped out and smashed the window of the shop with iron bars.While this was going on, Mr Taylor was upstairs. He and his staff began throwing furniture out of the window. Chairs and tables went flying into the arcade. One of the thieves was struck by a heavy statue, but he was too busy helping himself to diamonds to notice any pain.The raid was all over in three minutes, for the men scrambled back into the car and it moved off at a fantastic speed.Just as it was leaving, Mr Taylor rushed out and ran after it throwing ashtrays and vases, but it was impossible to stop the thieves. They had got away with thousands of pounds worth of diamonds.L7:Has it ever happened to you? Have you ever put your trousers in the washing maching and then remembered there was a large bank note in your back pocket?When you rescued your trousers, did you find the note was whiter than white? People who live in Britain needn"t despair when they make mistakes like this(and a lot of people do)! Fortunately for them, the Bank of England has a team called Mutilated Ladies which deals with claims from people who fed their money to a machine or to their dog.Dogs, it seems, love to chew up money!A recent case concerns Jane Butlin whose fiance, John, runs a successful furniture business.John had a very good day and put his wallet containing £3000 into the microwave oven for safekeeping. Then he and Jane went horse-riding. When they got home, Jane cooked their dinner in the microwave oven and without realizing it, cooked her fiance"s wallet as well. Imagine their dismay when they found a beautifully-cooked wallet and notes turned to ash!John went to see his bank manager who sent the remains of wallet and the money to the special department of the Bank of England in Newcastle: the Mutilated Ladies!They examined the remains and John got all his money back. "So long as there"s something to identify, we will give people their money back," said a spokeswoman for the Bank."Last year, we paid £1.5m on 21000 claims."L8:The Great St Bernard Pass connects Switzerland to Italy. At 2470 metres, it is the highest mountain pass in Europe.The famous monastery of St Bernard, which was founded in the eleventh century, lies about a mile away. For hundreds of years, St Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travellers crossing the dangerous Pass.These friendly dogs, which were first brought from Asia, were used as watch-dogs even in Roman times.Now that a tunnel has been bu





Nicki Minaj的Out Of My Mind歌词翻译



It is actually spelled Hanukkah and it is a Jewish Holiday.Around 200 BC Jews lived as an autonomous people in the Land of Israel, also referred to as Judea, which at that time was controlled by the Seleucid king of Syria. The Jewish people paid taxes to Syria and accepted its legal authority, and they were free to follow their own faith, maintain their own jobs, and engage in trade.By 175 BC Antiochus IV Epiphanes ascended to the Seleucid throne. At first little changed, but under his reign, the Temple in Jerusalem was looted, Jews were massacred, and Judaism was effectively outlawed. In 167 BCE Antiochus ordered an altar to Zeus erected in the Temple.Many modern scholars argue that the king may have been intervening in an internal civil war between the traditionalist Jews in the country and the Hellenized elite Jews in Jerusalem. These competed violently over who would be the High Priest, with traditionalists with Hebrew/Aramaic names like Onias overthrown by Hellenizers with Greek names like Jason and Menelaus. As the conflict escalated, Antiochus took the side of the Hellenizers by prohibiting the religious practices the traditionalists had rallied around. This may explain why the king, in a total departure from Seleucid practice in all other places and times, banned the traditional religion of a whole people.[8]Antiochus" actions proved to be a major miscalculation as they provoked a large-scale revolt. Mattathias, a Jewish priest, and his five sons Jochanan, Simeon, Eleazar, Jonathan, and Judah led a rebellion against Antiochus. Judah became known as Yehuda HaMakabi ("Judah the Hammer"). By 166 BCE Mattathias had died, and Judah took his place as leader. By 165 BCE the Jewish revolt against the Seleucid monarchy was successful. The Temple was liberated and rededicated. The festival of Hanukkah was instituted by Judah Maccabee and his brothers to celebrate this event.[9] After recovering Jerusalem and the Temple, Judah ordered the Temple to be cleansed, a new altar to be built in place of the polluted one and new holy vessels to be made. According to the Talmud, olive oil was needed for the menorah in the Temple, which was required to burn throughout the night every night. But there was only enough oil to burn for one day, yet miraculously, it burned for eight days, the time needed to prepare a fresh supply of oil for the menorah. An eight day festival was declared by the Jewish sages to commemorate this miracle.Hanukkah lamp unearthed near Jerusalem, c. 1900.The version of the story in 1 Maccabees, on the other hand, states that an eight day celebration of songs and sacrifices was proclaimed upon rededication of the altar, and makes no mention of the miracle of the oil.[10] A number of historians believe that the reason for the eight day celebration was that the first Hanukkah was in effect a belated celebration of the festivals of Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret.[11] During the war the Jews were not able to celebrate Sukkot/Shemini Atzeret properly; the combined festivals also last eight days, and the Sukkot festivities featured the lighting of lamps in the Temple (Suk.v. 2-4). The historian Josephus[12] mentions the eight-day festival and its customs, but does not tell us the origin of the eight day lighting custom. Given that his audience was Hellenized Romans, perhaps his silence on the origin of the eight-day custom is due to its miraculous nature. In any event, he does report that lights were kindled in the household and the popular name of the festival was, therefore the "Festival of Lights" ("And from that time to this we celebrate this festival, and call it Lights").It has also been noted that the number eight has special significance in Jewish theology, as representing transcendence and the Jewish People"s special role in human history. Seven is the number of days of creation, that is, of completion of the material cosmos, and also of the classical planets. Eight, being one step beyond seven, represents the Infinite. Hence, the Eighth Day of the Assembly festival, mentioned above, is according to Jewish Law a festival for Jews only (unlike Sukkot, when all peoples were welcome in Jerusalem). Similarly, the rite of brit milah (circumcision), which brings a Jewish male into God"s Covenant, is performed on the eighth day. Hence, Hanukkah"s eight days (in celebration of monotheistic morality"s victory over Hellenistic humanism) have great symbolic importance for practicing Jews.累死我了~~~

Nickles & Dimes 歌词

歌曲名:Nickles & Dimes歌手:Jay-Z专辑:Magna Carta Holy GrailNickles & DimesJay-ZNickels and dimesSticks to my mindI"ll never winYou have my friendsGot a thing for nickel plated nines and pretty dimesMac-11 I squeeze like lemon limesSquirt obey your thirst, fashion linesBetween beauty and beast, I walk the lineJohnny Cash, I"m a real GI cut my self today to see if I still bleedSuccess is so sublimeGotta do that time to time so I don"t lose my mindSomething "bout the struggle so divineThis sort of love is hard to defineWhen you scratching for every nickel and dimeGot me itching to do this shit for my momDo this shit for my townLeave the door open hoping they kick it downThe purist form of giving is anonymous to anonymousWe gonna make it there, I promise thisNickels and dimesSticks to my mindI"ll never winYou have my friendsSometimes I feel survivor"s guiltI gave some money to this guy, he got high as hellNow I"m part of the problem far as I could tellDid I do it for him or do it for myselfCan"t lie to myselfI love my niggas more than my own bloodI die for my niggas and I love my cub, hope that"s not fucked upI got a problem with the handouts, I took the man routeI"ll give an opportunity though, that"s the plan nowNo guilt in giving clear a nigga conscience outNo guilt in receiving, every thing within reasonCan"t see it taking food out my little monster"s mouthThat will drive me gagaRun up in your momma"s house, two nickels, one dimeManslaughter charges, the lawyer, knocked it downI"m just trying to find common ground"fore Mr. Belafonte come and chop a nigga downMr. Day O, major failRespect these youngins boy, it"s my time nowHublot homie, two door homieYou don"t know all the shit I do for the homiesNickels and dimesSticks to my mindI"ll never winYou have my friendsPardon my hubris, Stanley KubrickWith eyes wide shut, I could cook up two bricksTurn nickels to dime, turn dimes to quartersTurn wives from daughters, oh, I"m clear as waterAnd just for clarity, my presence is charityMy flow is a gift, philanthropistEverybody around me rich, or will beBaby boy I promise you this, or kill meAnd when a nigga go as the old adage goYou die rich or you die a disgrace, so just let me growWatch me cook, throw no looksLike Magic in his prime when Kareem sky hookedY"all not worthy, sometimes I feel likeY"all don"t deserve me, my flow unearthlyThe greatest form of giving is anonymous to anonymousSo here y"all go, I promise thisNickels and dimesSticks to my mindI"ll never winYou have my friendsNickels and dimesSticks to my mindI"ll never winYou have my friends

Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites 歌词

歌曲名:Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites歌手:Skrillex专辑:2012 Grammy NomineesSkrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice SpritesI am just like you... You don"t need... I am just like you... (REVERSED)YES OH MY GOSH!I am just like you... You don"t need... I am just like you... (REVERSED)YES OH MY GOSH!I am just like you... You don"t need me I"m a count... I am just like you... (REVERSED)Open your eyes...I"m a coward, tooYou don"t need to hide, my friendFor I am just like you.EndSkrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites

Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites (Zedd remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites (Zedd remix)歌手:Skrillex专辑:Scary Monsters and Nice SpritesSkrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice SpritesI am just like you... You don"t need... I am just like you... (REVERSED)YES OH MY GOSH!I am just like you... You don"t need... I am just like you... (REVERSED)YES OH MY GOSH!I am just like you... You don"t need me I"m a count... I am just like you... (REVERSED)Open your eyes...I"m a coward, tooYou don"t need to hide, my friendFor I am just like you.EndSkrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites

Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites 歌词

歌曲名:Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites歌手:Skrillex专辑:Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites EpScary Monsters and Nice SpritesSkrillexI am just like you... You don"t need... I am just like you... (REVERSED)YES OH MY GOSH!I am just like you... You don"t need... I am just like you... (REVERSED)YES OH MY GOSH!I am just like you... You don"t need me I"m a count... I am just like you... (REVERSED)Open your eyes...I"m a coward, tooYou don"t need to hide, my friendFor I am just like you.

clinical depression是什么意思

clinical depression临床上的抑郁症请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

be nice = 友善待人 be cool=保持冷静 这样翻译对吗 语法上有错误吗


Be nice be sweet be cool 中文意思 nice的中文意思是:变好。 sweet的中文意思是:变甜蜜。 cool的中文意思是:变酷。当然在具体语境中要具体分析。根据具体问题类型,进行步骤拆解/原因原理分析/内容拓展等。具体步骤如下:/导致这种情况的原因主要是……

Be nice be sweet be cool 中文意思






A group of frogs were travelling through the woods. Two of them, Nick and Jack, fell into a dee...

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:A小题4:B小题5:B 试题分析:本文叙述了一群青蛙在树林里旅行时,有两只青蛙掉进了一个坑里。其他青蛙认为坑太深了,他们死定了,于是告诉他们别跳了。其中有一只青蛙Nick听了他们的话,没有跳出来,因此最后死去了。而另一只青蛙Jack没有听其他青蛙的话,他跳的更努力了,最后跳出了那个坑。小题1:细节理解题。根据第一段的A group of frogs were travelling through the woods.可知他们在树林里旅行时掉进了一个坑里。故选C。小题2:细节理解题。根据第一段的When they saw how deep the pit was, they told Nick and Jack that they were as good as dead.可知其他青蛙认为坑太深了,他们死定了,于是告诉他们别跳了。故选D。小题3:细节理解题。根据第二段的Nick listened to them and gave up. Finally, he fell down and died.可知Nick没有坚持跳出来,因此最后死去了。故选A。小题4:细节理解题。根据第三段的Jack jumped even harder and finally got out.可知Jack没有听其他青蛙的话,他跳的更努力了,最后跳出了那个坑。故选D。小题5:细节理解题。根据第三段的He thought they were encouraging him all the time.可知他一位其他的青蛙一直在鼓励他。故选B。

Jeremy Shu -How Lin is an NBA player on the New York Knicks. He is an Asian-American NBA ...

小题1:C小题2:C小题3:B小题4:A小题5:D 试题分析:小题1:.通过Jeremy Shu -How Lin is an NBA player on the New York Knicks中的on the New York Knicks可知,本题应该选C。小题2:通过He was born on August 23rd, 1988可知,林书豪出生于1988年,而现在是2012年,所以他24岁。所以本题选C。小题3:通过He is also a graduate of Harvard University. 中的Harvard University可知,本题应该选B。小题4:通过He said Lin breaks lots of wrong ideas.和上下文中林书豪的表现可知,一个人可以同时既是一名好运动员又是一名好学生。所以本题选A。小题5:.通过What makes Lin stand out from other players is his hard work and never-give-up spirit.中的his hard work and never-give-up spirit可知,本题应该选D。点评:本文介绍了著名篮球明星林书豪的基本情况,以及他是怎样做到同时既是一名好运动员又是一名好学生的。阅读时注意对林书豪细节的描述,体会其成功的原因。将问题带到文章中,去找相同或相似的句型加以比较,从而得出正确的答案。

请问初次见面时用"How do you do"还是"nice to meet you"还是"How are you"谢了


海底通信(submarine communication)

海底电缆(undersea cable)是用绝缘材料包裹的导线,铺设在海底,用于电信传输。海底电缆分海底通信电缆和海底电力电缆。现代的海底电缆都是使用光纤作为材料,传输电话和互联网信号。全世界第一条海底电缆是1850年在英国和法国之间铺设。中国的第一条海底电缆是在1888年完成。简介 海底电缆(undersea cable)是用绝缘材料包裹的导线,敷设在海底及河流水下,用于电信传输。现代的海底电缆都是使用光纤作为材料,传输电话和互联网信号。全世界第一条海底电缆是1850年在英国和法国之间铺设的。中国的第一条海底电缆是在1888年完成,共有两条,一是福州川石岛与台湾沪尾(淡水)之间,长177海里 另一条由台南安平通往澎湖,长53海里。分类 海底电缆分海底通信电缆和海底电力电缆。海底通信电缆主要用于通讯业务,费用海底电缆的铺设昂贵,但保密程度高。海底电力电缆主要用于水下传输大功率电能,与地下电力电缆的作用等同,只不过应用的场合和敷设的方式不同。由于海底电缆工程被世界各国公认为复杂困难的大型工程,从环境探测、海洋物理调查,以及电缆的设计、制造和安装,都应用复杂技术,因而海底电缆的制造厂家在世界上为数不多,主要有挪威、丹麦、日本、加拿大、美、英、法、意等国,这些国家除制造外还提供敷设技术。我国现在能生产海底电力电缆的厂家有沈阳电缆厂、上海电缆厂等。目前我国应用的海底电力电缆仍然需要进口。用途 海底通信电缆主要用于长距离通讯网、通常用于远距离岛屿之间、跨海军事设施等较重要的场合。海底电力电缆敷设距离较通信电缆相比要短得多,主要用于陆岛之间、横越江河或港湾、从陆上连接钻井平台或钻井平台间的互相连接等。在一般情况下,应用海底电缆传输电能无疑要比同样长度的架空电缆昂贵,但用它往往比用小而孤立的发电站作地区性发电更经济,在近海地区应用好处更多。在岛屿和河流较多的国家,此种电缆应用较广泛。历史发展 1858年,人们在北美和欧洲之间铺设了世界上第一条海底电缆,1866年,英国在大西洋铺设海底电缆的铺设了一条连接英美两国的海底电缆。 同陆地电缆相比,海底电缆有很多优越性:一是铺设不需要挖坑道或用支架支撑,因而投资少,建设速度快;二是除了登陆地段以外,电缆大多在一定测试的海底,不受风浪等自然环境的破坏和人类生产活动的干扰,所以,电缆安全稳定,抗干扰能力强,保密性能好。 1876年,贝尔发明电话后,海底电缆加入了新的内容,各国大规模铺设海底电缆的步伐加快了。1902年环球海底通信电缆建成。 1906年,世界上第一台激光器问世,人们开始利用激光能在光导纤维中传输的特性来传递信息。 世界上有32个国家与地区通过海底光缆建立了最现代化的全球通信网络,可同时进行30万路电话通话或数据传输。 海底光缆在中国也得到迅猛发展。1993年建成的中日海底光缆系统,可开通7560条电话电路。1997年在上海南汇又建设了一条天下无难事光缆(FLAG),连接全球20个国家,可开通12万条电话电路。现在我国开始建设中美、亚欧两条光缆,总通信能力将猛增到132万路。种类和应用范围 浸渍纸包电缆-适用于不大于45kV交流电及不大于400kV直流电的线路,目海底电缆前只限安装于水深500m以内的水域;自容式充油电缆-适用于高达750kV的直流电或交流电线路。由于电缆为充油式,故可以毫无困难地敷设于水深达500m的海域;挤压式绝缘(交联聚乙烯绝缘、乙丙橡胶绝缘)电缆-适用于高达200kV交流电压。乙丙橡胶较聚乙烯更能防止树枝现象及局部泄电,使海底电缆更有效地发挥功能;“油压”管电缆-只适用于数公里长的电缆系统,因为要把极长的电缆拉进管道内,受到很大的机械性限制;充气式(压力辅助)电缆-使用浸渍纸包的充气式电缆比充油式电缆更适合于较长的海底电缆网,但由于须在深水下使用高气压操作,故此增加了设计电缆及其配件的困难,一般限于水深为300m以内。制造过程 海底电力电缆的整个制造过程同一般电力电缆基本相同,但在电缆机械强度和防腐要求上有所特殊,并要求电缆长度尽量延长。下面简述浸渍纸电缆和挤压式绝缘电缆的制造过程。浸渍纸电缆首先用绝缘纸绕包线芯,而后真空干燥、浸油,完成导体线芯后,再包铅套,此时须经连续挤压的过程。挤压极长的电缆芯,属于极为重要的步骤,须夜以继日进行。充油式电缆的导线芯从储缸到压铅机之间,经过一条虹吸输送管,管内注有除气油,以反方向流向导线芯,以便隔绝线芯与空气的接触。导线芯包上铅套后,需在旋转式平台上进行盘线(倘若电缆属于充油式或充气式,则可以另行添加适量的金属补强料),再予电缆包上聚乙烯护套(挤压聚乙烯护套也属于连续性的作业),最后裹以二层镀锌钢线的铠装,外复油麻浸渍物。在最后生产的过程中,须在适当阶段透过聚乙烯护套把铅套和金属带接地。交联聚乙烯电缆和乙丙橡胶绝缘海底电缆的大部分生产过程,除了挤压及合成橡胶绝缘层的硫化过程外,大体上和纸绝缘铅套电缆的制造过程相近,但不使用铅护套。结构发展 1988年,在美国与英国、法国之间敷设了越洋的海底光缆(TAT-8)系统,全长6700公里。 这条光缆含有3对光纤,每对的传输速率为280Mb/s,中继站距离为67公里。这是第一条跨越大西洋的通信海底光缆,标志着海底光缆时代的到来。1989年,跨越太平洋的海底光缆(全长13200公里)也建设成功,从此,海底光缆就在跨越海洋的洲际海缆领域取代了同轴电缆,远洋洲际间不再敷设海底电缆。 光纤的传输容量大,中继站间的距离长,适用于海底长距离的通信。用于海底光缆的光纤比陆地光缆所用的光纤有更高的要求;要求低损耗、高强度、制造长度长,光缆的中继距离长,一般都在50公里以上,在光纤的传输性能方面要求在25年以内不会变化。在海底光缆的结构方面:要求能经受强大的压力和拉力,特别是深海光缆(敷设在水深1000米以上海底的光缆),在敷设和维修作业中除了光缆本身的重量外,还要加上海浪加到光缆上的动态应力,在如此大的负荷条件下,光缆的应变要限制在0.7~0.8%之内;海底光缆的结构要求坚固、材料轻,但不能用轻金属铝,因为铝和海水会发生电化学及应而产生氢气,氢分子会扩散到光纤的玻璃材料中,使光纤的损耗变大。因此海底光缆既要防止内部产生氢气,同时还要防止氢气从外部渗入光缆。为此,在90年代初期,研制开发出一种涂碳或涂钛层的光纤,能阻止氢的渗透和防止化学腐蚀。光纤接头也要求是高强度的,要求接续保持原有光纤的强度和原有光纤的表面不受损伤。 按照上述要求和特点,海底光缆的基本结构是将经过一次或两次涂层处理后的光纤螺旋地绕包在中心,加强构件(用钢丝制成)的周围。几种典型的深海光缆的结构:深海光缆,光纤设在螺旋形的U形槽塑料骨架中,槽内填满油膏或弹性塑料体形成纤芯。纤芯周围用高强度的钢丝绕包,在绕包过程中要把所有缝隙都用防水材料填满,再在钢丝周围绕包一层铜带并焊接搭缝,使钢丝和铜管形成一个抗压和抗拉的联合体,这个铜管还是传送远供电流的导体。在钢丝和铜管的外面还要再加一层聚乙烯护套。这样严密多层的结构是为了保护光纤、防止断裂以及防止海水的侵入,同时也是为了在敷设和回收修理时可以承受巨大的张力和压力。 即使是如此严密的防护,在80年代末还是发现过深海光缆的聚乙烯绝缘体被鲨鱼咬坏造成供电故障的实例。海缆系统的远程供电十分重要,海底电缆沿线的中继器,要靠登陆局远程供电工作。海底光缆用的数字中继器功能多,比海底电缆的模拟中继器的用电量要大好几倍,供电要求有很高的可靠性,不能中断。因此在有鲨鱼出没的地区,在海底光缆的外面还要加上钢带绕包两层和再加一层聚乙烯外护套。 进入90年代,海底光缆已经和卫星通信成为当代洲际通信的主要手段。我国自1989年开始到1998年底已经先后参与了18条国际海底光缆的建设与投资。其中第一个在中国登陆的国际海底光缆系统是1993年12月建成的中国——日本(C-J)海底光缆系统。1996年2月中韩海底光缆建成开通,分别在中国青岛和韩国泰安登陆、全长549公里;1997年11月,中国参与建设的球海底光缆系统(FLAG)建成并投入运营,这是第一条在我国登陆的洲际光缆系统,分别在英国、埃及、印度、泰国、日本等12个国家和地区登陆,全长27000多公里,其中中国段为622公里;由中国电信和新加坡等地的电信公司共同发起的亚欧海底光缆系统,延伸段正在建设,该系统连接亚洲、欧洲和大洋洲,在33个国家和地区登陆,全长达38000公里,是世界上最长的海底光缆,采用先进的8波长波分复用技术,主干路由的设计容量高达40Gb/s,在中国上海、汕头两地登陆,1999年底建成开通。 海底光缆承担的洲际通信业务量逐年上升,已经超过了卫星通信的业务量,成为现代洲际通信的主力。性能指标和检验方法 主要是电性能指标和机械物理性能指标。这些指标和检验方法与地下海底电缆结构电力电缆相同。 电性能指标:导体的直流电阻和交流阻抗;绝缘层的绝缘电阻;介质损耗;载流量;电缆的电容、电感;金属护层的感应电压和电流。 机械物理性能指标:电缆的机械强度;导体抗拉强度、伸长率;绝缘层材料的机械物理性能等。 检验方法:我国主要采用国际电工委员会推荐标准,有IEC60502、IEC540和IEC60141-1~IEC60141-4等,世界各国生产电缆的厂家大都有自己的标准,主要有日本JIS,英国BS,加拿大CSA等。 由于海底电缆希望制造的较长些,以减少接头,所以能在沿海生产为最好。其包装应不同于其它电缆。一般是将电缆盘绕于一个储缆盘或回转台上,以备装运到敷缆船,由敷缆船将电缆运到敷设地区。敷缆船是专门为敷设电缆而设计和建造的,船上也必须备有龙门吊、绞缆轴、充油系统等设施,但也可用其它有专门为敷设电缆而附加机械设备的船只。

有谁知道“恐慌之神 潘(Panic)”的故事?



it is nice and ciean

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兄弟 这个问题我也也到了 网上找了好久 用了很多方案 都无法解决。我的版本是1.8.3后来我下了个1.8.1的版本 就正常了。

clinical setting是什么意思

Clinical setting临床环境 临床应用双语例句 1."If the effect really does exist, it would appear to me that it would not be difficult to use it in a clinical setting," he says. 他还说:“若是该效应真正存在,那么对于我而言,这将不难将其应用在临床环境之中。”2.Prosecutors say Dr Murray gave him a lethal dose of propofol - a powerful anaesthetic typically used in a clinical setting - and then failed to provide proper care. 公诉人表示穆雷给杰克逊开了过量的异丙酚-- 一种药性强烈的临床性麻醉剂,并且未对杰克逊进行适当的照顾。

求Nickhun唱的i am in love 完整版歌词!罗马拼音或者中文音译都行!

其实我第一眼看到你就喜欢上你了不过一直不敢说出口但又怕不先跟你联络的话,会错过你文章写写看看,又不停的修改虽然说越来越深的感情,我也害怕会只剩下伤痕但我相信,我虔诚的祈祷着盼来的人,就是你* I"m in love, I"m fall in love我一点也不害怕,只要和你在一起,世界是如此美丽I thought I never gonna fall in loveBut I"m in loveCuz I wanna love you baby其实我从第一眼看到你,就打从心底你就像是海浪般的推进,让我一整天都只想着你I can be a good lover, wanna be your 幸运草 clover让我好像变成了世界上最幸福的女人你啊 gotta believe me, make you never gonna leave me我不会怀疑你,就这样相信着你* I"m in love, I"m fall in love我一点也不害怕,只要和你在一起,世界是如此美丽 (x2)你是这么的美丽

Cross-cultural Communication是什么意思

cross-cultural communication n. 跨文化交际;

一个以“cross-cultural communication”为话题的三人对话,出现的词汇尽量简单,对话稍微长点

A:Nice to meet you. My name is Cherry from China.B:Nice to meet you. My name is Christan from England.c:I am Michael from US. Nice to meet you.A:Christan, What is your hometown like?B:It is very beautiful, there are the best beautiful villages there.C:Really?B:Yes, if you have chance for there, you will know.

请问 intercultural communication 和 cross-cultural communicaiton 的区别


cross-cultural communicator是什么意思

cross-cultural communicator跨文化交际者双语例句1The key to the problem of speech errors in cross-culturalcommunication lies in the development of the communicator " s cross-cultural communicative competence and construction of systematiccompetence system.解决跨文化交际语用失误的核心问题在于提高交际者的跨文化交际能力,构建科学的跨文化交际能力系统,这是减少或预防语用失误、形成有效跨文化交际模式的基本条件。

Cross-cultural Communication是什么意思

cross-cultural communication n. 跨文化交际; [例句]With diversified expression and information flow, we can mend the broken bridge of cross-cultural communication and build an information link to the future.有了多元化的表达和信息流动,我们就可以修补破损的跨文化交流桥梁,修建一条通向未来的信息之路。

cross-cultural communication 和 inter-cultural communication的区别

唔,举个例子,区别主体对象来理解吧。cross-cultural communication=混血的孩子inter-cultural communication=两个来自不同国家的人



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nicolaus:尼古拉斯copernicus: [ ku0259u"pu0259:niku0259s ]哥白尼

STMicroelectronics 什么软件

纽伦堡,德国,2006年2月14日 —— IAR Systems于今日发布了其ARM系列调试工具中的下一代产品:硬件调试设备IAR J-Trace?。它支持所有带ETM (Embedded Trace Macrocell) 的ARM7和ARM9处理器,通过全速USB 2.0接口与主机连接,并提供2M字节的Trace缓存。IAR Systems带有C/C++编译器和调试工具的集成开发环境——IAR Embedded Workbench? for ARM,能够完全支持IAR J-Trace。通过独立的JTAG接口,IAR J-Trace同样也能够作为一台标准的JTAG仿真器使用;零售价仅为1195美元或995欧元。全球的ARM开发者如今能够以可接受的价格获得完整的ARM开发套件(包含先进的Trace功能)。 为所有ARM开发者带来益处 IAR Systems为所有使用ARM MCU的开发者提供业界领先的集成开发环境:IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM;它带有高度优化的C/C++编译器和先进的C-SPY?调试器。此外,JTAG硬件调试工具IAR J-Link也帮助成千上万的开发者解决了在使用ARM MCU进行开发过程中的许多问题,使得用户能够在IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM软件中进行全面的开发和调试。通过IAR J-Trace的发布,IAR Systems如今以极具吸引力的价格,为所有使用带ETM的ARM MCU的开发者提供更先进的高端调试设备。IAR J-Trace在Windows中完全即插即用,并且使得C-SPY调试器通过利用IAR J-Trace中2M字节的Trace缓存,具备了专门的Trace调试功能。由于也带有标准JTAG接口,IAR J-Trace对于绝大多数开发者而言都可以是唯一需要的ARM硬件调试设备。 良好的业界评价 IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM为数百种ARM处理器提供详细的芯片级支持(包括Analog Devices,Atmel,Freescale,Micronas,Oki Semiconductor,Philips,STMicroelectronics以及许多其它厂商的ARM处理器);此外也为大多数常用的RTOS提供内核调试插件。通过IAR J-Trace的加入,IAR Systems无疑将为ARM处理器提供最为灵活、全面和紧凑的集成开发解决方案。 “IAR J-Trace使得IAR Systems为ARM开发者提供的工具链更为完整”, STMicroelectronics的微控制器开发工具经理Dominique Jugnon说,“IAR Systems 如今能够为我们所有不同种类的STR ARM微控制器用户提供完美的服务。” “IAR J-Trace对于我们的汽车客户来说将会极有价值。在这一价位提供的功能允许大多数开发者方便地使用先进的Trace调试方案,提高开发质量”,Micronas的汽车产品应用经理Gualtiero Bagnuoli认为。 Mike Skrtic,IAR Systems的开发套件经理补充道:“毫无疑问,该产品的发布将给ARM硬件调试工具市场带来改变”。他总结道:“内嵌一定容量Flash Memory的ARM处理器的使用者现在有了一个完整的高端开发工具解决方案:IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM BaseLine版本,一块开发板以及IAR J-Trace调试工具,总价低于4000美元!” 技术细节 ? USB驱动的JTAG和Trace (38-pin Mictor) 接口; ? 支持所有ARM7和ARM9处理器; ? 无需电源,通过USB接口供电;也带有外接电源插口; ? 集成在IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM中,易于设置和使用。 Trace规格 ? Trace支持最高200 MHz全速时钟和100 MHz半速时钟 ? Trace功能基于ARM ETM (Embedded Trace Macrocell) ? Trace支持带有内置Trace端口的设备 ? 2M字节Trace缓存 ? 体积紧凑,易于放置在桌面 ? 安静,无风扇设计 ? 支持cycle accurate和compressed tracing ? 支持4位 / 8位 / 16位的Trace端口,每种端口均支持全速时钟和半速时钟 ?集成在IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM中,易于设置和使用 ? Trace窗口与Source和Disassembly窗口同步 ? Function Trace能够分层次地显示被调用的函数 常规特点 ? JTAG速率12 MHz ? 自动速率识别 ? USB 2.0全速(12Mbit/sec) ? 基于RTCK JTAG信号的自适应时钟 ? 所有信号均可监控;目标电压可测量 ? 20-pin标准JTAG接口,38-pin标准Trace Mictor接口 ? 含USB电缆,20-pin扁平电缆和38-pin Trace电缆 ? 支持的主机操作系统:Windows 2000和Windows XP ? 与C-SPY调试器全面集成;进阶的调试功能都可以在C-SPY中使用

microelectronics journal 杂志的 under review一般多久

期刊名 microelectronics journal 出版周期: 月刊 微电子方向,这期刊不错了,under review看你审稿人快否,一般1~3个月都有可能。 出版社或管理机构 杂志由 ELSEVIER SCI LTD 出版或管理。 ISSN号:0026-2692 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 Published since 1969, Microelectronics Journal is an international forum for the dissemination of research into, and applications of, microelectronics. Papers published in Microelectronics Journal have undergone peer review to ensure originality, relevance and timeliness. The journal thus provides a worldwide, regular and comprehensive update on semiconductor technology. Coverage of the journal falls into the two main categories of Circuits and Systems and Physics and Devices. The journal invites research and application papers in all the areas listed below. Papers featuring novel system designs or devices are especially welcomed. The journal also considers comprehensive review/survey papers covering recent developments. The journal"s coverage includes, but is not limited to: Circuits and Systems Analogue, digital and RF circuit design methodologies Logic, architectural and system level synthesis Testing, design for testability, built in self-test Area, power and thermal evaluation Co-design, including hardware-software and chip-package Mixed-domain simulation and design Formal verification Application aspects such as signal and image processing, sensor and actuator design, reliability and quality issues, and economic models, are also welcome. Physics and Devices Materials growth science: technology and techniques Physics, properties and characterisation of materials systems Devices and microsystems technology: production and manufacturing Advanced lithography for submicron devices and VLSI microlithography Nanoelectronics and nanoprecision instrumentation Technology and applications of magnetic materials Molecular engineering: molecular materials and self-assembly processes Devices covered include semiconductor devices, optoelectronic devices, micromachined devices, nanodevices and hybrid devices. Papers covering the associated materials, physics, properties, fabrication and manufacturing of these devices are also welcomed. Journal homepages:



autonomous region 和 municipality 的区别

有啊,前面的是指自制区.象中国的广西自治区,而后着是指大城市.像广州啊 但你不能说广州是自治区!

什么是“Synthetic Communications”




Pan Sonic的《Rutina》 歌词

歌曲名:Rutina歌手:Pan Sonic专辑:KulmaRuti"n - DJMAX O.S.T BlackSquare O.S.TCompose & Arrange By BexterLyrcis By JCVocal By So FlyRap By JCGuitar By planetBoomNo sleep no time no mercy i gotta hit emlow low ground i"m low key when i spit itless carb more protein my body fittedone step to two step the routineno sign of morphine my body need iytake a trip to oc to cop live itjust sip the caffeine i gotta get it one step to step the routinegot it now it"s going down nowno time dont mess boylet"s show you how just to move itlet me show you just to groone nowcome inside let me show you howno time dont mess around boylet show you how just to move itwork it out lets dogirl so flwxible, accessibleso hot like the sunshine mexicojust feel the beat mr.bexter flowso hot so hot hot check the routinework it out just work it outmr.bexter jc turm it outsing it so fly show you what i"m aboutso hot so hot hot check the routinegot it now it"s going down nowno time dont mess boyno time baby dont mess aroundcheck the routine now lets get downcome inside let me show you howno time dont mess around boyno time baby dont mess aroundcheck the routine now lets get down


hispanic的中文意思是西班牙的。Hispanic immigration has brought more Catholics.西班牙移民带来了更多的天主教徒。Sala is not familiar with the Hispanic music of 18th century.萨拉对18世纪的西班牙音乐并不熟悉。Hispanic senators have been few and far between, as have Hispanic governors.西语裔的参议员和州长更是凤毛麟角。My identity has evolved as being Hispanic,although I"m only half-and-half.我的血统虽然一半一半,可身份最后还是被确定为拉美裔。Not a single black or Hispanic is to be found among the nation"s sitting governors.在美国的现任州长中,没有一位是黑人或西班牙后裔。

article 和 technical report 有区别吗

article和technical report 有区别article 有三个词性,名词主要表示文章,不特指是什么文章,具体如下:n. 文章;物品;条款;[语] 冠词vt. 订约将…收为学徒或见习生;使…受协议条款的约束vi. 签订协议;进行控告举例:He can finish writing this article in an hour.他可以在一个小时内完成这篇文章。techinical report 技术报告,主要词性为名词这里指比较专业的报告,特指技术类的举例:Do the test first and finish the Technical Report.先做测验,并完成技术报告。综上,一个泛指文章,一个特指一个专业领域的技术报告,两者有区别。


这个提问有问题。communication是article的一个类别。同一个括号内,是同一概念的不同英文表述。某一SCI期刊中的论文(article/paper),分为很多类别:(Regular paper/Regular article/Full paper/Full article)(Express paper/ Express article/Express letter/Letter/Report/Communicate)(Review paper/Review article/Review)


it"s nice of you to have...意思:1.你能有......真好。2.你能有......真是太感谢了。

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cd "/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Library/Extensions/" ; mkdir Unsupported ; mv Due* Unsupported ; mv t* Unsupported ; mv L* Unsupported ; cd "/Volumes/Macintosh HD/System/Library/Extensions/" ; mkdir Unsupported ; mv AV* Unsupported ; mv Boom* Unsupported ; mv Eltima* Unsupported ; mv Heim* Unsupported ; mv Hua* Unsupported ; mv Rox* Unsupported ; mv Smart* Unsupported ; mv Sou* Unsupported ; mv tcp* Unsupported ; mv Teles* Unsupported ; mv USBE* Unsupported ; rm -Rf /Volumes/Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Virtual* ; rm -Rf /Volumes/Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Eltima* ; rm -Rf /Volumes/Macintosh HD/var/folders/*这个可以解决

pretty beautiful 和 nice的区别??


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waterproof electronic led driver是什么意思

waterproof electronic led driver的中文翻译waterproof electronic led driver 防水电子主导驱动

打印机Cannot communicate with printer.





WideCharToMultiByte 实现宽字节转换到窄字节MultiByteToWideChar 实现窄字节转换到宽字节WideCharToMultiByte 的代码页用来标记与新转换的字符串相关的代码页;MultiByteToWideChar 的代码页用来标记与一个多字节字符串相关的代码页,[1]、常用的代码页有 CP_ACP 和 CP_UTF8 两个:使用 CP_ACP 代码页就实现了 ANSI 与 Unicode 之间的转换;--- 我们所用的!使用 CP_UTF8 代码页就实现了 UTF-8 与 Unicode 之间的转换。[2]、dwFlags 参数允许我们进行额外的控制,但是,一般情况下都不使用这个标志,直接传递 0 就行了。[3]、lpDefaultChar和pfUsedDefaultChar:只有当WideCharToMultiByte函数遇到一个宽字节字符,而该字符在uCodePage参数标识的代码页中并没有它的表示法时,WideCharToMultiByte函数才使用这两个参数。如果宽字节字符不能被转换,该函数便使用lpDefaultChar参数指向的字符。如果该参数是NULL(这是大多数情况下的参数值),那么该函数使用系统的默认字符。该默认字符通常是个问号。这对于文件名来说是危险的,因为问号是个通配符。pfUsedDefaultChar参数指向一个布尔变量,如果Unicode字符串中至少有一个字符不能转换成等价多字节字符,那么函数就将该变量置为TRUE。如果所有字符均被成功地转换,那么该函数就将该变量置为FALSE。当函数返回以便检查宽字节字符串是否被成功地转换后,可以测试该变量。● 两个转换函数的使用举例:char *cctryWideCharToAnsi(wchar_t *pWideChar){if (!pWideChar) return NULL;char *pszBuf = NULL;int needBytes = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pWideChar, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);if (needBytes > 0){pszBuf = new char[needBytes+1];ZeroMemory(pszBuf, (needBytes+1)*sizeof(char));WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pWideChar, -1, pszBuf, needBytes, NULL, NULL);}return pszBuf;}wchar_t* p = L"这个是宽字节转窄字节";char* buf = cctryWideCharToAnsi(p);wchar_t *cctryAnsiCharToWide(char *pChar){if (!pChar) return NULL;wchar_t *pszBuf = NULL;int needWChar = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pChar, -1, NULL, 0);if (needWChar > 0){pszBuf = new wchar_t[needWChar+1];ZeroMemory(pszBuf, (needWChar+1)*sizeof(wchar_t));MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pChar, -1, pszBuf, needWChar);}return pszBuf;}char* p = "窄字节转宽字节";wchar_t* result;result = cctryAnsiCharToWide(p);最后记得delete[] ..〓※※※〓 使用过后千万别忘记释放空间…… delete[]...也可以使用 ● A2W、W2A、T2A、T2W 宏的使用以及注意事项A2W,就是ANSI转unicodeW2A,就是UNICODE转ANSIUSES_CONVERSION; //记得加上这句wchar_t* pw = L"你好,这个是宽字节转窄字节 ";char* p = W2A(pw);


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