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Altium DesignerRel 为什么那么多mechanical 层,有什么用???

Mechanical Layer顾名思义就是机械层,之所以强调“机械”就是说它不带有电气属性,因此可以放心地用于勾画外形、勾画机械尺寸、放置文本等等工作,而不必担心对板子的电气特性造成任何改变。机械层的功能是可以根据自己的需求来定义的,以下是个人较习惯用的机械层定义:Mech1:机械一层多用来勾画线路板的边框,以及内部较大的镂空或者异型镗孔。Mech2:机械二层多用来绘制V型槽。Mech3:机械三、四层多用来放置辅助定义边界,以及特殊的分隔线。Mech5:机械五、六层多用来放置线路板的尺寸标注。Mech7:机械七、八层多用来放置各种描述文本,如板号名称、版本号、加工说明、设计者、设计日期等等。Mech13:AD默认用于描述器件的物理外形,也用于绘制三维实体。Mech14:同上。Mech15:AD默认用于勾绘器件的占位尺寸。Mech16:同上。


mechanical造句如下:1、The modern practice of flailing hedges every year with mechanical cutters。每年用机械切割机修剪绿篱的现代做法。2、An assortment of electronic equipment and mechanical contrivances。各式各样的电子设备和机械装置。3、The first mechanical clocks were large and unwieldy。最初的机械钟大而笨重。4、She stopped the mechanical brushing of her hair。她停止机械地梳理头发。5、A curriculum which is mean, meagre, and mechanical。低劣、不完整和呆板的课程。6、The smoothness was the result of mechanical abrasion。这种光滑是机械摩擦的结果。




adj. 机械的,机械学的;呆板的;体力的;手工操作的

autocad mechanical是什么意思?




Mechanical Engineering和Mechanics有什么区别?

Mechanical Engineering是机械工程学(从工程角度分析,属于工科) Mechanics是力学,机械学(主要从力学角度分析,属于理科)

Altium Designer的pcb封装中,层Mechanical 13和Mechanical 15有什么用的?



工业或者行业都用industry 这个词,日用品是daily necessities 。商务英语中也把commodity叫做日用品(是从商业角度说的)



PCB制作封装时,mechanical和keep-Out layer哪个层是用画螺丝孔的







mechanized和mechanical不能混用。【mechanized】equipped with machinery;"a mechanized factory"using vehicles;"motorized warfare"【mechanical】using (or as if using) mechanisms or tools or devices;"a mechanical process""his smile was very mechanical""a mechanical toy"relating to or concerned with machinery or tools;"mechanical arts""mechanical design""mechanical skills"relating to or governed by or in accordance with mechanics;"a belief that the universe is a mechanical contrivance""the mechanical pressure of a strong wind"

mechanic 与mechanical区别

mechanic 是名词意思是 机工;机修工mechanical 是形容词意思是 机械的;机械制造的










字面意思是:机械的,机械学的; 呆板的; 体力的; 手工操作的; 通常用来形容思想比较呆笨的人,有时也用来代表做体力劳动的工作者。





Body Language和Nonverbal Communication名词解释

Body language is a broad term for forms of communication using body movements or gestures instead of, or in addition to, sounds, verbal language, or other forms of communication. It forms part of the category of paralanguage, which describes all forms of human communication that are not verbal language. The relation of body language to animal communication has often been discussed. Human paralanguage may represent a continuation of forms of communication that our non-linguistic ancestors already used, or it may be that it has been changed by co-existing with language. Some species of animals are especially adept at detecting human body language, both voluntary and involuntary: this is the basis of the Clever Hans effect (a source of artifact in comparative psychology), and was also the reason for trying to teach the chimpanzee Washoe American Sign Language rather than speech — and perhaps the reason why the Washoe project was more successful than some previous efforts to teach apes how to dance. Nonverbal communication (NVC) is usually understood as the process of sending and receiving wordless messages. Such messages can be communicated through gesture; body language or posture; facial expression and eye gaze; object communication such as clothing, hairstyles or even architecture; symbols and infographics; prosodic features of speech such as intonation and stress and other paralinguistic features of speech such as voice quality, emotion and speaking style. The first scientific study of nonverbal communication was Charles Darwin"s book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872). He argued that all mammals show emotion reliably in their faces. Studies now range across a number of fields, including kinesics, linguistics, semiotics and social psychology. Proxemics refers to how people use and interpret space. While much nonverbal communication is based on arbitrary symbols which differ from culture to culture, a large proportion is also to some extent iconic and may be universally understood. Paul Ekman"s influential 1960s studies of facial expression determined that expressions of anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness and surprise are universal. 好长…………


polytechnical 英[pu0252lu026a"teknu026aku0259l] 美[pu0252lu026a"teknu026aku0259l] adj. 工艺的; n. 工艺学校; [网络] 多工艺的; 多种工艺的; [例句]Northwestern Polytechnical University in charge of the entire design, manufacture and test.西北工业大学负责全机设计、制造和试验。[其他] 形近词: electrotechnical untechnical geotechnicalindustrial 英[u026anu02c8du028cstriu0259l] 美[u026anu02c8du028cstriu0259l] adj. 工业的,产业的; 从事工业的; 供工业用的; 来自勤劳的; n. 工业股票; 工业工人; [例句]Industrial research is the province of the Department of Trade and Industry.工业研究属贸易和工业部的职责范围。[其他] 形近词: industries


你的翻译也可以。牛津高阶的解释:industrial-就是connected with industry与工业/产业有关的technical-的第一个词条的解释是connected with practical use of machinery and method,especially in science and industry。两者的区别在于industrial是广义上工业的technical强调用于科学和工业领域的实际利用当然,technical还有其他的意思,例如,技术,专业等

急球鼠来宝3之Nice Looking Kite的台词,有意者发

Alvin: Oh, really? Well, care to make it interesting that I can make this interesting? (哦 真的?嗯 想变得有趣一点?我能不能让它有趣一点?)Simon: Alvin, what are you up to? Need I remind you Dave is watching us? (艾尔文,你想干什么?用我提醒你戴夫在盯着我们吗?)Alvin: Simon, the poor guy hasn"t had a moment"s peace since he met us. He"s exhausted. Check this out. In three, two, one. Lights out. Nap time!Time to turn punishment into funishment. You get it? I took the “pun” in punishment, and turned it into “fun,” it"s great!(西蒙,这小可怜自从碰见我们还没有过一刻安宁。他累坏了。看这个,三二一,熄灯,午睡时间!时候让惩罚变得有趣点了。你们懂了么?“文字游戏”,很棒吧!)Uh-huh. Wow! (赞叹~~~)Alvin: hey kid! Wanna make a trade? That"s a nice-looking kite.Yeah!I can see Russia from here!(嘿,小子!想做个交易吗?那风筝不错。耶!我能从这看到俄罗斯!)Theodore: Come on, Simon, grab on. (来啊 西蒙 抓住)Simon:forget it. All I ever do is try to save him and it only gets me in trouble!(做梦 每次都是让我去救他,然后给我自己惹上麻烦)Alvin: this won"t end well. (这可不太好)Eleanor: Simon do something! (西蒙 帮我们)Siomn: oh, seriously? (哦 不是吧)Jeannette:Simon help!(西蒙 救命)Simon:Alvin"s gotten himself in a band. Looks like it"s simon saving him again! (艾尔文又去找乐子 看来西蒙又救了他一次)Alvin: thanks, bro. (谢啦,老弟)Simon: no! (不!)Theodore:Huh? Thank you! (嗯?谢了啊)Alvin: If you awake, you"ll pull out your hair. (清风吹拂你的头发)Simon: Dave! Dave! Ow! (戴夫!戴夫!喔!)六只:Dave! Help us! (戴夫!救救我们!)Dave: Guys! Guys! (老弟!老弟!)No!No!No,no,no!No! No! (不!不!不 不 不!不!)六只:Dave! Help us! (戴夫 救救我们)Dave: oh, yeah! (哦 耶)Ian: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. you want to go hang gliding,sign up at the Excursion Desk like everyone else.哦 不不不不不 你想玩滑翔翼?先得签名排队 和其他人一样Dave: Ian, you don"t understand!(伊恩 你不知道)Ian: Oh, I think I do. Dave Seville is so special that the rules don"t apply to him.(我想我知道 戴夫以为自己那么特殊 可以无视规定)Dave: Let go!(放手!)Ian: No, you let go.(不 你放手)AaaaaaaaaaIan: I need my pelican head!(我忘了我的头套……) help!Dave: Ian You idiot!(伊恩 你真蠢!)Ian: Oh, no. No, no.(哦 不 不不!)Great. Way to go, Seville. 太好了 干得不错 塞维尔Dave: Me?(我?)Ian: Yeah, you!(是你)Dave: Hey!(嘿!)Ian: Save your breath, dave. They"ll come back for me.(省点劲吧 戴夫 他们会发现我丢了)Alvin: In retrospect, this was a bad idea. (看来 这真是个坏主意)Simon:We"re losing altitude! (我们在下降)Theodore: I don"t think I can make it much longer. I"m so hungry. Just one bite. (我觉得我撑不住了 我太恶了 就吃一口)Simon: No!(不行!)Theodore: A nibble? 一小口?Simon: No nibbles. 也不行。Theodore: May be I can just lick the glaze?(或许我可以添了糖圈)Simon: The glaze is what" keeping you alive, Theodore! It"s high fat content is creating a waterproof barrier.(因为有糖圈你才活着 那是油性物质 能形成一层防水层)Theodore: I"m gonna starve todeath! (我要饿死了)Eleanor: Actually, there are many other things that will kill you before starvation. Dehydration, sunstroke… (其实 有很都东西能在你饿死之前把你弄死 像脱水 暴晒……)Jeannette: An island!(一座岛屿)Brittany: No, an island would probably be helpful. So if you see one, you should definitely say something. (不 有岛屿那是好事 如果你看到一个最好快点说出来) Uh, Jeannette.Eleanor: Oh!Alvin: We"re alive! We"re alive!(我们还活着 我们还活着)

nice和 wonderful的区别

niceadj.美好的, 和蔼的, 正派的, 细微的, 挑剔的, 精密的, 拘泥的wonderfuladj.令人惊奇的, 奇妙的, 极好的, 令人愉快的



“好好先生” 英文到底应该怎么说? 1、Mr.Nice Guy 2、Mr.Good

Mr. Nice Guy 吧,Mr. Good 是古德先生.要注意的是:并不是所有的中文词(成语)都有完全相对的英文词,大多都需要说一大段话来解释.反过来也是一样.

求生之路2 【GOOD GUY NICK】 成就怎么拿?

【GOOD GUY NICK】购买过正版的用户带周末免费试玩的用户完成一次战役,或者是周末免费试玩的用户让已购买过正版的用户带过一次战役,就可以解锁。


指甲fingernail 指甲拔出器 nail remover 指甲白色修正笔nail whitening pencil 指甲保养nail maintenance; nail care 指甲保养品 nail care products 指甲边缘 nail fringe 指甲表面 nail surface 指甲长度nail lengh 指甲锉刀nail file 指甲分割剪刀nail-splitting scissors 指甲根部表皮 cuticle 指甲光亮剂nail lightener 指甲光泽剂 nail polish 指甲红 nail pink 修甲师 美甲师 nail cultivator 指甲加长 nail extension 指甲剪 nail scissors 指甲胶 tip glue 指甲亮光油 luminescent nail polish 指甲流行时尚 nail fashion 指甲美容 美甲nail cosmetology 指甲面不平 uneven nail surface 指甲模型 nail matrix 指甲磨光器 nail polisher 指甲漂白剂 nail bleaching agent 指甲钳 nail edge cutter; Nail pliers 指甲强化剂 nail hardener; Nail strengthener 指甲去除 nail excision 指甲柔软器 cuticle softener 指甲护理乳液 nail lotion 指甲样式设计 nail design 指甲刷 nail brush 指甲霜 nail cream 指甲套 nail wrap 指甲脱落 nail separation 指甲脱水剂 nail dehydrator 指甲香油 nail balsam 指甲修复 nail repair 指甲修剪工具 cuticle clippers; Cuticle remover; nail clippers 指甲颜色 nail color 指甲艺术 nail art 指甲油 nail varnish 指甲油底色 nail primer 指甲油去除剂 nail polish remover 指甲粘合剂 nail cement 指尖 nail fingertip 指节 knuckle 指距 span 水晶粉 Rock-crystal powder

he is a good guy 和he is a nice gay 的区别 请教


Mike And The Mechanics的《Why Me?》 歌词

歌曲名:Why Me?歌手:Mike And The Mechanics专辑:Living YearsIce Cube - Why Me? (featuring Musiq Soulchild)Why the fuck you wanna murder me?Your punk ass never heard of meI never did nothin" to your familyStill you wanna kill a young niucer randomlyYou wanna take the life God handed to meSend it back to him coz you ain"t a fan to meScary bitch with a gun that ain"t a man to meThat"s an animal,A fucking cannibalI"m Duranimo(?) and HannibalWe international Gangsta bullI"m bull and Barcelona, with a karonaYou a fake ass niucer, where"s ya owner?I"m real live man, you a personaNow I"m a goner, call ma momma, in the cornerMister gun man, your plan is workingCoz niucers is dieing and mommas is hurtingWhy you wanna murder me?You never ever heard of meYou don"t know who I amI could be part of your family treeNowSent by G.O.DTo save the word you and meYou never know who you facin"Who ya chasin"The life you wastin"To take my life to the T.O.PNow here comes a motherfuckin" D.O.GWho ain"t happy til a niucer is R.I.PTryin" to be som"in" you saw on BETEither T.I.P or B.I.GI don"t give a fuck what you saw on TVBut a 187 don"t make a O.G.I"m a O.GNever had to fake itGod gave me this, how you goin" take itWhat you goin" tell "em, when you get to heavenwhen he asks you why did you send back his present.Who the fuck are you, you motherfucking peasantEven got the nerve to ask the man for a blessing.Send his ass to Hades with his big MercedesNiucer, hell on earth is being stuck in the 80"sWhy you wanna murder me?You never ever heard of meYou don"t know who I amI could be part of your family treeNowSent by G.O.DTo save the word you and meYou never know who you facin"Who ya chasin"The life you wastin"Before you shoot me man think about itlets go have a drink about itBefore you make a stink about itman lets talk about itmaybe we can walk about it.But just don"t be a cowardand take my life "cause you got the powerof the white mans gun powdercoz you might face a gun tower.And time never run out,They take the fun out, til your life run out.So don"t pull your gun out,If you ever want a house, just like Run"s house.It"s better than a big house,Less four-five some woman we can dig out,Find a place we can dig out,Party all night til the owner say "get out"Why you wanna murder me?You never ever heard of meYou don"t know who I amI could be part of your family treeNowSent by G.O.DTo save the word you and meYou never know who you facin"Who ya chasin"The life you wastin"Dedicated to all the niucers,thats dead and don"t know why.Who wanna look at the niucer who shot "emAnd ask these questions.Why me homie? Why me?


cinema英 ["su026anu026amu0259; -mɑu02d0]美 ["su026anu0259mu0259]picnic英 ["pu026aknu026ak]美 ["pu026aknu026ak]

The Power Of Orange Knickers 歌词

歌曲名:The Power Of Orange Knickers歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Paramount Theatre, Denver, Co 4/19/05Tori Amos - The Power of Orange KnickersFeaturing Damien RiceThe power of orange knickersThe power of orange knickersThe power of orange knickersUnder my petty coatThe power of listening to whatYou don"t want me to knowCan somebody tell me now who is this terroristThose girls that smile kindly then rip your life to pieces?Can somebody tell me nwo am I alone with thisThis little pill in my hand and with this secret kissAm I alone in this...A matter of complicationWhen you become a twistFor their latest drinkAs they"re transitioningCan somebody tell me now who is this terroristThis little pill in my hand that keeps the pain laughin"Can somebody tell me now a way out of this -That sacred pipe of red stone could blow me out of this kissAm I alone in this...The power of orange knickersUnder my petty coatThe power of listening to whatYou don"t want me to knowShame shame time to leave me nowShame shame you"ve had your funShame shame for letting me think that I would be the oneCan somebody tell me now who is this terroristThis little pill in my hand or this secret kissAm I alone in this kissAm I alone in this kiss



"Janice "、 "Janie" 这两个英文名怎么样?有什么具体含义?


janice 叫的人多吗?有没有不好的意思?


"Janice "、 "Janie" 这两个英文名怎么样?有什么具体含义?

读起来是:jia nie s 这个音。后一个念起来是:jia ni~

Panic (Live In London, 1986) 歌词

歌曲名:Panic (Live In London, 1986)歌手:The Smiths专辑:RankPanicVenke KnutsonPanic starts too hard now once againI have gone too farI don"t know whenit ever happened this timeEverything is dark and full of hateHow can you be jealous of my faithIt"s not my decisionand can you even hear me..Your attack has gone too farand I know just who you arehaven"t had a chance to state my caseAnd it"d be better if youhit mekick methan not to even look me in the eyesYou areyou areyou"re just a fallen staryou areyou are...Words like this go spread throughout the crowdwe tell each other secrets, not to loudyou couldn"t keep your mouth shu againYou don"t think I"m near me like you didafraid that some one might see you it is not your decisionbut do you wanna hear me..Your attack has gone to farand I know just who you arehaven"t had a chance to state my caseand it"d be better if youhit mekick methan not to even look me in the eyesYou areyou areyou"re just a fallen staryou areyou areyou"re just a fallen star..Panic starts too hard and once againI have gone too farI don"t know whenit ever happenedBut do you wanna hear me..Your attack has gone too farand I know just who you arehaven"t had a chance to state my caseand it"d be better if youHit meKick meThan not to even look me..Hit meKick meThan not to even look me in the eyes..Look me in the eyes..Your attack has gone too farand I know just who you areYou areyou areyou"re just a fallen staryou areyou are just a fallen star

phobic disorder & panic disorder有何分别?

(1) 其实phobic disorder 和panic disorder 同属anxiety disorder,所以一般人对这些概念一知半解并不出奇。不过,那堆--phobia呢,一眼就见到关phobic disorder 事多d啦 =.=” 可能佢o地根本就唔知有个phobic disorder…… (2) 你概念都几清淅u359e~~你说得无错,phobic disorder 系会对特定人事物有持久且不合理的恐惧 (persistant and irrational fear of an object or situation),而这些人事物又无潜在/实在的危险性 (no realistic danger);至于panic disorder,患者会有突如其来的“attack”,并无任何外在因素诱发这个“attack”可能会觉得,所以你话无特定事物系对的。 参考: AL Psy notes~~

The Smiths的《Panic》 歌词

歌曲名:Panic歌手:The Smiths专辑:The Sound Of The Smiths [Deluxe Edition]PanicVenke KnutsonPanic starts too hard now once againI have gone too farI don"t know whenit ever happened this timeEverything is dark and full of hateHow can you be jealous of my faithIt"s not my decisionand can you even hear me..Your attack has gone too farand I know just who you arehaven"t had a chance to state my caseAnd it"d be better if youhit mekick methan not to even look me in the eyesYou areyou areyou"re just a fallen staryou areyou are...Words like this go spread throughout the crowdwe tell each other secrets, not to loudyou couldn"t keep your mouth shu againYou don"t think I"m near me like you didafraid that some one might see you it is not your decisionbut do you wanna hear me..Your attack has gone to farand I know just who you arehaven"t had a chance to state my caseand it"d be better if youhit mekick methan not to even look me in the eyesYou areyou areyou"re just a fallen staryou areyou areyou"re just a fallen star..Panic starts too hard and once againI have gone too farI don"t know whenit ever happenedBut do you wanna hear me..Your attack has gone too farand I know just who you arehaven"t had a chance to state my caseand it"d be better if youHit meKick meThan not to even look me..Hit meKick meThan not to even look me in the eyes..Look me in the eyes..Your attack has gone too farand I know just who you areYou areyou areyou"re just a fallen staryou areyou are just a fallen star

Panic (2011 Remastered Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Panic (2011 Remastered Version)歌手:The Smiths专辑:CompletePanicVenke KnutsonPanic starts too hard now once againI have gone too farI don"t know whenit ever happened this timeEverything is dark and full of hateHow can you be jealous of my faithIt"s not my decisionand can you even hear me..Your attack has gone too farand I know just who you arehaven"t had a chance to state my caseAnd it"d be better if youhit mekick methan not to even look me in the eyesYou areyou areyou"re just a fallen staryou areyou are...Words like this go spread throughout the crowdwe tell each other secrets, not to loudyou couldn"t keep your mouth shu againYou don"t think I"m near me like you didafraid that some one might see you it is not your decisionbut do you wanna hear me..Your attack has gone to farand I know just who you arehaven"t had a chance to state my caseand it"d be better if youhit mekick methan not to even look me in the eyesYou areyou areyou"re just a fallen staryou areyou areyou"re just a fallen star..Panic starts too hard and once againI have gone too farI don"t know whenit ever happenedBut do you wanna hear me..Your attack has gone too farand I know just who you arehaven"t had a chance to state my caseand it"d be better if youHit meKick meThan not to even look me..Hit meKick meThan not to even look me in the eyes..Look me in the eyes..Your attack has gone too farand I know just who you areYou areyou areyou"re just a fallen staryou areyou are just a fallen star

Panic Attack 歌词

歌曲名:Panic Attack歌手:Rin

Panic Attack 歌词

歌曲名:Panic Attack歌手:Dream Theater专辑:International Fan Clubs CD - RomavariumPanic AttackDream TheaterOctavariumMusic: Dream TheaterAll wound upOn the edgeTerrifiedSleep disturbedRestless mindPetrifiedBouts of fearPermeateAll I seeHeighteningNervousnessThreatens meI am paralyzedSo afraid to dieCaught off guardWarning signsNever showTension strikesChoking meWorries growWhy do I feel so numbIs it something to do with where I come fromShould this be fight or flightI don"t know why I"m constantly so uptightRapid heartbeat pounding through my chestAgitated body in distressI feel like I"m in dangerDaily life is strangled by my stressA stifling surgeShooting through all my veinsExtreme apprehensionSuddenly I"m insaneLost all hope for redemptionA grave situation desperate at bestWhy do I feel so numbIs it something to do with where I come fromShould this be fight or flightI don"t know why I"m constantly reelingHelpless hysteriaA false sense of urgencyTrapped in my phobiaPossessed by anxietyRunTry to hideOverwhelmed by this complex deliriumHelpless hysteriaA false sense of urgencyTrapped in my phobiaPossessed by anxietyRunTry to hideOverwhelmed by this complex delirium

Panic Attack 歌词

歌曲名:Panic Attack歌手:The Paddingtons专辑:First Comes FirstPanic AttackDream TheaterOctavariumMusic: Dream TheaterAll wound upOn the edgeTerrifiedSleep disturbedRestless mindPetrifiedBouts of fearPermeateAll I seeHeighteningNervousnessThreatens meI am paralyzedSo afraid to dieCaught off guardWarning signsNever showTension strikesChoking meWorries growWhy do I feel so numbIs it something to do with where I come fromShould this be fight or flightI don"t know why I"m constantly so uptightRapid heartbeat pounding through my chestAgitated body in distressI feel like I"m in dangerDaily life is strangled by my stressA stifling surgeShooting through all my veinsExtreme apprehensionSuddenly I"m insaneLost all hope for redemptionA grave situation desperate at bestWhy do I feel so numbIs it something to do with where I come fromShould this be fight or flightI don"t know why I"m constantly reelingHelpless hysteriaA false sense of urgencyTrapped in my phobiaPossessed by anxietyRunTry to hideOverwhelmed by this complex deliriumHelpless hysteriaA false sense of urgencyTrapped in my phobiaPossessed by anxietyRunTry to hideOverwhelmed by this complex delirium

Panic Attack 歌词

歌曲名:Panic Attack歌手:Turin Brakes专辑:Ether SongYou"ve been needy of a place to stay,But watch yourself don"t hide away,In a panic you caught yesterday.Ohohoh~~While your memory"s been letting you down,You"re lost for what to do in this town,Like you never saw it coming,But Oh my God.Well all these governments take places,That you can never understand,Why all these things that you believed in,They never got the upper hand.Well you may find friends in higher places,But you"ll get swallowed by the town,The kids who are hanging around for ages,So still make sure you keep your head down.Ohohoh~~~You"ve been needy of a holiday,To stop yourself from hiding away,In a panic you caught yesterday.OHOHOHWhile your memory"s been letting you down,You"re lost for what to do in this town,Like you never saw it coming,But Oh my God.Well all these governments take places,That you can never understand,And all these things that you believed in,They never got the upper hand.Well you may find friends in higher places,But you"ll get swallowed by the town,The kids who are hanging around for ages,Just you make sure you keep your head down.yeah~~~~~ah~But Oh my God.Well all these governments take places,That you can never understand,And all these things that you believed in,They never got the upper hand.Well you may find friends in higher places,But you"ll get swallowed by the town,The kids who are hanging around for ages,Just you make sure you keep your head down.yeah~~~~~ah~

Panic Attack 歌词

歌曲名:Panic Attack歌手:Dream Theater专辑:Chaos In MotionPanic AttackDream TheaterOctavariumMusic: Dream TheaterAll wound upOn the edgeTerrifiedSleep disturbedRestless mindPetrifiedBouts of fearPermeateAll I seeHeighteningNervousnessThreatens meI am paralyzedSo afraid to dieCaught off guardWarning signsNever showTension strikesChoking meWorries growWhy do I feel so numbIs it something to do with where I come fromShould this be fight or flightI don"t know why I"m constantly so uptightRapid heartbeat pounding through my chestAgitated body in distressI feel like I"m in dangerDaily life is strangled by my stressA stifling surgeShooting through all my veinsExtreme apprehensionSuddenly I"m insaneLost all hope for redemptionA grave situation desperate at bestWhy do I feel so numbIs it something to do with where I come fromShould this be fight or flightI don"t know why I"m constantly reelingHelpless hysteriaA false sense of urgencyTrapped in my phobiaPossessed by anxietyRunTry to hideOverwhelmed by this complex deliriumHelpless hysteriaA false sense of urgencyTrapped in my phobiaPossessed by anxietyRunTry to hideOverwhelmed by this complex delirium

Panic attack(恐慌症)是一种怎样的症状?

顾名思意就是恐惧慌张。当无法面对处理身边的人和事的时候有些心理承受力比较弱的人会产生焦虑,紧张的心理,大部分出现在比较自卑的人群身上,伴随着在一段特定时间内,有强烈害怕或不适感受,突然发生下列症状中四项以上: 心跳加速或心悸 出汗 发抖或颤栗 感觉呼吸困难或窒息感 梗塞感似会呛到 胸痛不适 恶心或腹部不适反胃 害怕失去控制或即将发狂 感觉异常,麻木或刺痛的感觉 冷颤或脸潮红 头痛、不稳感、头昏沉、或快晕倒的感觉 失去现实感、感觉事物不真实,失去自我感、感觉与自己疏离 就可以确定为恐慌症。 ======治疗方法:首先是锻炼心态,让身心放松;然后明白自己为什么恐慌,原因在哪来,分析这个原因是不是对的;逐步提高自信,暗示自己错误的是不需要的,给自己一个更好的选择;最后给自己一个定位,有了定位就不会恐慌了;当然自己操作起来可能太难,还可能强化恐慌,如果条件允许我建议你参加心理咨询,这样才能更彻底的消除恐慌症。



Journal of Clinical Nursing 是哪个国家的杂志

美国In 1807, Charles Wiley, then 25 years old, opened a small printing shop at 6 Reade Street in lower Manhattan, New York City. During the next four years, he worked with other printers, primarily Isaac Riley, printing and publishing law books. In 1812, "C. Wiley, Printer" appeared for the first time on the title pages of several legal works.

Panasonic 的DC好多都有iA智能模式,请问”iA智能模式”系乜?

即系超级傻瓜模式. 第一代所谓傻瓜机只有全自动模式.够光就求其揾个中中地既光圈快门 唔够光就开尽光圈 开埋闪光灯就算数.但系咁搞有时有啲环境都系唔掂的 就好似影夜景咁就个个都影到黑麻麻 影人跑紧又影到蒙晒. 于是后来又加入所谓场景模式 即系其实要你讲多啲俾相机听你究竟想影乜.例如夜景模式 相机就唔会用闪光灯 用翻长时间曝光去影.例如运动模式 相机就识得用比较快既快门速度去涷结动作.仲越搞越多 甚至烟花 雪景模式都有. 但系消费者既要求系冇尽头既 你要我决定咁多嘢咪好烦 拣咗错点算.于是又翻翻转头要全自动.就即系AI人工智能模式 系比较聪明既全自动模式 相机帮你拣埋场景模式.见你有人就当你影人 人面对焦 开大光圈.见啲嘢郁紧就开运动模式.加快快门 提升iso等等. 不过全自动同拣错好多时挂勾 人谂嘢其实好复杂 例如曝布模式要收光圈减慢快门影到啲水好似布咁 但系又想加个人埋去做纪念 咁AI一见到个人就会当咗你影人 你要既效果就冇咗喇. 2008-12-08 17:25:02 补充: IA智能模式确是很方便 但小心佢同普通全自动都有一个缺点.就系好容易就会用高iso.因为可以加快快门 好有效防止手震或者目标物郁咗而引起模糊 但系副作用就系会增加杂讯.所以好多时见到DC在低光时影既相都好花就系咁原因. 「iA智能模式」即你不用自己选择「场景」 相机会根据你影的对象和环境作出判断 选择合适的场景. 个人用后感是PANASONIC的iA做得不错 几准 几实用 值得推介! 2008-12-08 12:49:23 补充: 当然如果你是摄影高手 又完全摸熟部机 用手动就一定更有艺术性和个人化啦 ... 不过一般情况 iA就方便实用罗 ... 参考: 我是LX3和FZ28用家





Clinical Operations是什么意思

Clinical Operations的中文翻译Clinical Operations 临床操作clinical 英[u02c8klu026anu026akl] 美[u02c8klu026anu026aku0259l] adj. 临床的; 诊所的; 冷静的; 简陋的; [网络] 临床; 临床心理学; 临床; [例句]The first clinical trials were expected to begin next year.第一批临床实验有望明年开始。[其他] 形近词: clinicar

monica vinader是什么牌子?monica vinader是什么档次?

monica vinader这个品牌也是鹿晗手链的同款品牌哦!这个牌子虽然小众,可是也是很多明星非常喜爱的首饰品牌,它们家的产品别具一格,设计独特,下面一起来看看吧! monica vinader是什么牌子 Monica Vinader是一个起源于英国的珠宝品牌,以其独到的品位在时尚和高端珠宝两大领域之间打开了一扇大门,其独具一格的品牌基因为其赢得了广泛的青睐,其中也不乏凯特·温丝莱特(Kate Winslet) 、卡拉·迪瓦伊(Cara Delevingne) 、凯莉·米洛(Kylie Minogue) 、艾尔·麦克珀森 (ElleMacPherson) 等社会名媛。作为一个土生土长的英国品牌,Monica Vinader的初次亮相便大获成功,荣膺2009年全英珠宝设计大奖,初战告捷为MV赢得了相当可观的曝光度,包括哈罗德百货、颇特莱斯在内的奢侈品零售的巨头的商场内也开始出现了Monica Vinader的身影。Monica Vinader专注于打造高品位珠宝适合于所有时尚人士的日常生活和特殊场合的佩戴,在彰显品位的同时,也宣扬个性化的身份。其标志性的友谊手链、高品位的宝石、精湛的切割工艺使Monica Vinader的设计理念深深融入每一颗钻石,释放出最耀眼的光芒。monica vinader是什么档次 是英国的一个轻奢珠宝品牌那么到底为什么Monica Vinader这么受大家的欢迎?尤其是对我们普通人来说,他们家的产品是不是这么高不可攀呢?下面委媛就来跟大家详细介绍一下。 Monica Vinader品牌是由珠宝设计师Moncia Vinader女士与妹妹Gabriela女士于2002年共同开创的珠宝品牌,她们在时尚和精美饰品之间,即时穿戴性以及极具当代艺术感的设计上、个性十足的镌刻上寻找到了适合自己的别具一格的特色。像我们看到的很多字母项链,金属手链就是他们家风格的体现。Monica Vinader和妹妹从小生长在一个艺术和古玩世家,这样独特的环境也培养了她们对珠宝、古玩的热情。从伦敦艺术学校毕业后Monica Vinader就决心要着手自己的珠宝事业,就这样,从一间很小的集展示厅,办公室,工作室于一体的小房间开始奋斗着。(现在这家位于Norfolk的办公室也在不断发展壮大,前不久还被Telegraph报道称为“全英国最酷的办公室”) Monica Vinader坚持着对每一块原材料的严格审核,与供应商的紧密联系,与设计师的缜密讨论,终于在2008年的珠宝界首次亮相中大获全胜!不仅在UK Jewellery Awards中一举赢得了全年优秀珠宝品牌还受邀入驻了很多全球知名的百货公司,如Harrods, Selfridges, Liberty, Net-A-Porter和Boutique 1。Monica Vinader之后的发展也是十分夺目。 如今他们更愿意把自己定位成一款精致的轻奢珠宝品牌,注意是轻奢珠宝品牌哟,并不是那种让大家买不起只有眼红到仇富的饰品,话说他们家的立场还是很鲜明的,他们认为珠宝并不只是男人送给女人的物件,而是咱们每一个女人都可以买给自己的一份礼物。 总的来说Monica Vinader的产品可以分成三个价位,分别是入门系列,其中主要包括友谊手链;中档价位的产品以石头系列为代表;高档奢侈款,主要是他们家的钻石和宝石系列了 monica vinader怎么样 作为亚洲第一个登上“维密”的模特,大表姐刘雯的时尚度一直爆表。 无论是私下随性的穿搭还是活动中的造型,都获得了一致好评,是公认的“品味佳”。细心的小仙女可能早已发现,大表姐似乎对一个首饰品牌情有独钟!在活动上,一袭黑色长裙,手上戴一条金色的手链,隐约闪着金属的光芒,十分抢眼,既性感又帅气!同样吸引眼球的还有她脖子上佩戴的刘雯专属定制字母W吊坠,也是时尚感爆棚!在圈粉无数的真人秀节目上,她用简单的黑色连身裤搭配了绿色的宝石耳钉,休闲中不失精致。是不是很想知道这个俘获大表姐芳心的配饰品牌究竟是何方神圣?它就是来自英国本土的轻奢首饰品牌—Monica Vinader!不仅大表姐为它折腰,鹿晗、杨洋、古力娜扎、大幂幂等明星也都是Monica Vinader的粉丝,频频佩戴!鹿晗对Monica Vinader爱不释手,演唱会彩排、电影宣传都戴着它家的手链!既然Monica Vinader是来自英国的首饰,那在欧美的热度自然不用说!从凯特王妃到名媛Olivia Palermo也都很爱这个品牌,在公开场合露面时选择佩戴它家的首饰,大气又端庄!Olivia Palermo出席Jimmy Choo派对时佩戴了NAIDA系列的鸡尾酒戒指(Naida Cocktail Ring),纯银质地,再加上18k的镀金和小钻石,造型感十足,不论是材质还是设计都相当优秀!“赫敏”Emma Watson也多次佩戴,从手镯到戒指, Monica Vinader的简约精致和她的气质十分契合,摩登而优雅。另外还有美国女艺人Issa Rae、女演员Claire Danes、超模Clara Paget、韩国明星林允儿等,都曾佩戴Monica Vinader的首饰出席各种活动或时尚拍摄。这个火遍全球时尚圈的牌子到底具有什么魔力让明星、名媛甚至王妃纷纷为它打call呢?小姐姐来给你们揭开它神秘的面纱!Monica Vinader由同名创始人Monica Vinader与妹妹Gabriela共同创立, Vinader以前从事装饰艺术工作,无比热爱宝石和珍珠;而Gabriela热爱时尚,有丰富的电商经验,两姐妹一拍即合,决定自己成立一个时髦的配饰品牌!凭借着对原材料的严格审核和对款式的苛刻把关,初次亮相便大获成功,荣膺2009年全英珠宝设计大奖,在UK Jewellery Awards中赢得了全年优秀珠宝品牌,也受邀入驻了很多全球知名百货公司。高端珠宝往往价值不菲,平价的饰品质量难以保证,而Monica Vinader找到了价格与精致上的平衡点,采用镀金纯银底托以降低成本,再配以特别切割的半宝石,真正做到了亲民价格与精致设计的结合。Monica Vinader的首饰,装饰性很强,适合多种搭配方式。 从休闲的衬衫牛仔裤,到长裙正装和晚礼服,都能用它们搭配,一件首饰撑起所有场合,也可以多件叠戴,时尚感立刻爆棚哦!另外,手链搭配成情侣款,甜蜜满分;搭配成闺蜜款,体现纯纯的友谊!Monica Vinader的FIJI(斐济)是整个品牌中最受欢迎的系列,有两款可选,一款是纯银镀18K玫瑰金,一款是纯银镀18K黄金。这个系列也是刘雯经常戴的款式,她用它搭配过黑色的晚礼服长裙,也搭配过休闲简约的毛衣。在Instagram上晒的也是这款手链哦!除了可以单独佩戴,你也可以和其它手链和它叠戴,创造出自己的风格~衣着、妆容,配饰,每一处都是如此精致自然,不刻意而为之的美,反而是让人望尘莫及的了!可能也就是因为这样,凯特王妃钟爱的那些品牌,也总会引起人们的关注,让姑娘们纷纷效仿,若能学得其中一二分奥妙,那必然也能成为令人心动的女子了。 要说凯特王妃最喜欢的品牌,那么珠宝品牌Monica Vinader肯定是榜上有名的一个。祖母绿的耳环,点缀的恰到好处,跟凯特王妃的笑脸相映成彰。或许有点灵动,只需这样一个小配饰吧! 作为英国的本土品牌,Monica Vinader把英国人特有的那种精细和工艺苛求,都体现的淋漓尽致!以手工珠宝起家的Monica 始终秉承着“不易磨损、高品质、摩登风格和个性化雕刻”的品牌格言。其珠宝风格介于Fashion Jewellery和Fine Jewellery之间,不会过于夸张,也不会太过质朴低调,早在2008年的时候就获得了英国的珠宝首饰大奖。 Monica Vinader非常受欧洲的明星喜爱,当前欧洲名媛的新宠!Emma Watson、Olivia Palermo和凯特王妃都是Monica的粉丝。凯特王妃曾佩戴Monica Vinader钻石耳环出席2014年英国野生生物摄影年赛的颁奖典礼。大表姐刘雯也对它宠爱有加!如果你喜欢玫瑰金的柔和色泽,那么你一定会爱上这款Havana! 刘雯同款FIJI斐济系列镀金链手链 大表姐几乎是一种时尚标杆,她的好品味成了很多姑娘的参考书。当她戴着Monica Vinader出现在镜头前,就足以说明Monica的魅力到底 Linear 灵石系列镀玫瑰金手链 气质金属,稳重灵石,它们的结合就是对唯美的另一种诠释。把大自然的灵动,佩戴在手腕上,这将是一种怎样的体会与沉淀!是不是非常美丽呢!

求Nicole Atkins的The way it is的歌词

歌词:Don"t tell meMy love"s not the one that I wantThat he"s not the one that I needI"d ratherfind out for myselfYou"re the oneWho shakes at the touch of my handbut can"t decide where he should standIf I was smartI"d never call you, call youever againOh, in my earsmy blood is just roaringwhen he"s the only one I"ve ever wantedI suppose that"s just the way it isJust think this could beThe last time I hold you, hold youever againOh, I don"t think I"ll ever sleep tillmorningCoz he"s the only one I"ve ever wantedOh, and in my earsmy blood is just roaringCoz he"s the only one I"ve ever wantedI suppose that"s just the way it is"The Way It

瑞昱 Semiconductor RTL8101/2/3 Family Fast Ethernet NIC是无线网卡吗?


药物研发pivotal clinical trials什么意思

药物研发pivotal clinical trials是关键的临床试验的意思


词源Gloria 荣耀Danica 丹麦人 都是很普通的名字

A study of travelers conducted by Nick.

A study of travelers conducted by Nick 由尼克主持的一项关于旅行者的研究这里的conducted前面不用加is是因为这是介词“of”组成的短语。与它是不及物动词没有关系。

technical specifications是什么意思




之前看到逸仙电商收购了Galenic法国科兰黎和EVE LOM,有人了解这两个品牌吗?

(知消2021年11月7日讯)11月5日,第四届中国国际进口博览会(以下简称“进博会”)在上海隆重开幕。在共建“开放型世界经济”号角之下,今年逸仙电商以“世界逸彩·耀中国”为主题首次参展,现场展示了逸仙整合全球资源创立的Open Lab开放型研发体系的全新发展布局与创新应用成果,并为中国消费者带来旗下高端科技护肤品牌Galenic法国科兰黎、源自英国的高端天然SPA级品牌EVE LOM。本届进博会,在着力推动经济全球化朝着更加开放、包容、普惠、平衡、共赢方向发展的大背景之下,共建“开放型世界经济”成为举国关注的焦点。 在积极响应国家政策、助力建设“开放型世界经济”方面,逸仙电商秉持着“为中国乃至全球消费者创造探索美的全新旅程”的使命,一直在努力探索如何为全球消费者提供立体化的变美方案。除了向海外输出优秀的中国品牌,逸仙电商还不遗余力地引入海外高端品牌和领先的科研技术,以提升中国“智造”的科技含量。 自2020年至2021年法国科兰黎和EVE LOM先后加入,目前逸仙电商已经形成了覆盖护肤、个护、彩妆、卸妆多个品类的品牌矩阵。除了积极打造全球化的多品牌矩阵,逸仙电商在研发方本届进博会逸仙展区内,除了两大新品牌,逸仙电商整合全球领先的科研资源所开创的Open Lab开放型研发体系及其成果展示,成为现场最大的亮点。 该体系以逸仙电商为主导,将原料端、研发端、生产端等全球顶尖合作伙伴纳入其中。凭借逸仙电商规模庞大且深度的消费者调研,多方合力研发创新,突破技术难点,以远超行业水平的严苛标准,匠心打造优质美妆产品待。 在Open Lab开放型研发体系的推动下,近年来,逸仙电商已和海内外多家知名机构建立深度合作,比如:中科院化学研究所、华中科大国家纳米药物工程技术研究中心、森馨科技集团、法国里昂大学医学院3D皮肤研究所、法国植物干细胞培养机构Naolys等。在多方合力之下,多个技术创新应用成果得以成功落地:例如舒胺修H、舒胺修L、377共输送纳米载体pro等原料,已在逸仙电商旗下多个品牌的产品中得到应用。截至2021年6月底,逸仙电商在全球范围内拥有84项专利,其中包括37项发明专利(部分正在转让过程中)。为了进一步夯实逸仙Open lab开放型研发体系,在6日的进博会现场,逸仙电商还与上海瑞金医院、科丝美诗、莹特丽三家国内外顶尖科研机构及上下游合作方正式签署战略合作,未来将在破解美妆科研难题方面持续开展深度合作。 面持续加码:今年第二季度研发投入费用约3520万元,相较于2020年同期(约1430万元)增长146.2%;该季度公司研发投入占营收总额已达2.3%,研发投入跻身国货品牌第一梯队,并向国际一线美妆集团看齐。

super hair dryer与super sonic有什么区别?

super hair dryer,是超级吹风机的意思。super sonic,是超音波的意思。两者的词义是不同的,这是两者区别。英语学习的方法。  1 学习英语的首要理念:要努力去了解“是什么”,而尽量少去了解“为什么”。  因为英语是语言,很多语汇和句型的用法没有道理可讲,没有“为什么”可言,人们就是这样用的,就是这样说的,记住就好。当然了,仔细分析起来或许可以找到语法上的解释。婴儿时期,我们学说话的时候,从来没有问过“为什么会这么说” 吧,但是为什么后来会说的这么好?因为我们听的多,说的多,自然就记在脑子里了。  2 学习英语的最好方法:背诵课文。  因为英语是我们的后天语言,所以必须将人家现成的东西反复在脑海里形成神经反射,不用关心为什么这样说(同第一点)。  推荐《新概念英语3,4册》。可以说,几乎没有任何一种教材的经典程度超过《新概念英语》。它的语法是最规范的,结构是最严谨的,流传了好几代人,依然保持最为持久的生命力。  3 学习英语需要多种形式的神经刺激。  真正学好英语,不经历背诵大量文章,写大量东西,听大量文章,是根本不可能达到目的的,比如一个新单词,我们在书上看到,默写,背诵,还不能说真正认识了。在听力中听到了这个单词,能反应过来是它吗?在想表达这种意思的时候,能反应过来应该用它吗?……我们当初学说话的时候,都是无形中进行了听,说,读,写等不经意的“练习”才全面掌握了这门语言。  4 学习英语要善于利用零碎时间。  英语学习不是靠突击可以学好的,一下子花上好几个小时拼命学英语,是无济于事的。它的特点在于“细水常流”。每天花上十几分钟的零碎时间听,背一段课文,记几个单词,长期坚持,逐渐会得到提高的。  5 要着意“卖弄”。  新学会的词汇和用法,应该在可能的场合多多练习使用。不要老是用自己喜欢或者熟悉的单词或者句型,这样的话,新学的东西永远得不到强化,慢慢的又会变的陌生,人将会永远停留原有的水平。不断地将新东西变为旧东西,又不断接触新东西,再将其变为旧东西,如此往复,才能不断提高。




投稿时间投稿名2010年01月30日 00:30【clear】カンタレラを歌ってみた【nero】2010年03月19日 09:36Just Be Friends-piano.ver-を歌ってみた【nero】2010年04月15日 03:18Bye-Bye Lover歌ってみた【nero】2010年05月13日 06:35君の体温を歌ってみた【nero】2010年06月28日 20:50Just a gameを歌ってみた【nero】2010年07月17日 22:51rain stops,good-byeを歌ってみた【nero】 2010年08月30日 21:14Fire◎Flowerを歌ってみた【nero】2010年09月19日 10:07心拍数u266f0822を 歌ってみた【nero】2011年01月28日 10:28ポラリスを歌ってみた【nero】2011年02月26日 01:56【clear】『星屑ユートピア』歌ってみた【nero】2011年04月01日 23:07リスキーゲームを歌ってみた【nero】2011年08月09日 17:22【ぽこたu30fbnero】え?あぁ、そう。歌ってみた【おまけつき】2011年12月30日 17:10【ぽこたu30fbnero】magnet【歌ってみた】2012年02月17日 18:20百年夜行を歌ってみた【nero】2012年03月25日 17:58virgin suicidesを歌ってみた【nero】2012年06月02日 13:20恋爱フィロソフィアを歌ってみた【nero】2012年06月06日 02:14初恋学园u30fb纯爱科歌ってみた【puruto×clear×nero】2012年06月20日 21:03からくりピエロ-piano.ver-を歌ってみた【nero】2012年07月31日 19:45【nero】地球最後の告白を-Acoustic Ver.-を歌ってみた【おさむらいさん】2012年08月08日 20:59【clear】『Mobile Girl』歌ってみた【nero】 2012年08月18日 18:33Love Your Lifeを歌ってみた【nero】2012年09月23日 15:37心臓デモクラシーを歌ってみた【nero】 2012年10月15日 20:21イカサマライフゲイムを歌ってみた【nero】2012年10月31日 21:00『Bad ∞ End ∞ Night』を歌ってみた u273dHalloween Editionu273d 2013年03月17日 18:00【そらろんくりねろりぶ伊东の6人で】MUGIC【歌ってみた】 2013年05月05日 21:20アヤノの幸福理论を歌ってみた【nero】2013年05月10日 21:00リスキーゲームを歌ってみた ver nero+96猫×ヤマイ2013年05月30日 19:50【nero project】恋爱フィロソフィア【オリジナルMV】2013年07月30日 18:31想像フォレスト -arrange ver.-を歌ってみた nero feat.adstlaxy2013年08月03日 16:53【clear】cleanero ~LIVE TOUR 2013~ Change of Color DVDクロスフェード【nero】2013年10月06日 18:31夕立のりぼんを歌ってみた 【nero】2013年11月02日 19:00テレカクシ思春期を歌ってみた 【nero】2013年12月25日 19:00『Twilight ∞ nighT』を歌ってみた u273dX"mas Editionu273d2013年12月26日 17:22  glow-Piano&Strings Acoustic .Ver を歌ってみた 【nero】2013年12月30日 19:00恋想ルーモアを歌ってみた【nero】2014年01月05日 18:32晴れの树の上を歌ってみた【nero】2014年01月25日 20:12【clear】『ZERO』クロスフェード【nero】2014年01月28日 19:00ヨンジュウナナを歌ってみた【nero】2014年02月12日 20:13【りぶclearコニー】 Just Be Friends Jazz-funk Arrange 【neroゆう十】2014年04月10日 19:00cleanero LIVE TOUR 2014 u301cReady to Go!u301c2014年04月14日 18:00【ニコニコラボ】Blessing【SINGERS ver.A】2014年05月18日 02:41【Da-little】Libra feat.くりむぞん, nero & EVO+ をコラボしてみた【Eon】

Suisonic的《Skin》 歌词

歌曲名:Skin歌手:Suisonic专辑:Carnival Amongst The MachinesSkinMachinae SupremacyoverworldMachinae Supremacy - Skinin the corner of your eyeI can see into your mindA shadow beneath your smilesomething hidden deep insideSilently you wait for someone to see youclaw your flesh from off your bonesFace that fire on your ownEmbrace the life you thoughtthat you could never knowCan"t erase the pain insidewithout a storm withinThey left their lies like scars underneath your skinthe one you"re hiding inThe one you"re s"posed to live inand you gaze up at the sky as the clouds are passing byand you wonder for a while what it would be like to diesilently you wish for someone to save youclaw your flesh from off your bonesFace that fire on your ownEmbrace the life you thoughtthat you could never knowCan"t erase the pain insidewithout a storm withinThey left their lies like scars underneath your skinthe one you"re hiding inThe one you"re s"posed to live inbut you want to be alive. as the self-loathing subsidesand you will not be denied,as you push their lie asideviolently you burn for someone to feel youclaw your flesh from off your bonesFace that fire on your ownEmbrace the life you thoughtthat you could never knowCan"t erase the pain insidewithout a storm withinThey left their lies like scars underneath your skinthe one you"re hiding inThe one you"re s"posed to live inby 炫战熊猫


《Pinocchio in Venice》(Robert Coover)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:8sl9书名:Pinocchio in Venice作者:Robert Coover出版社:Simon & Schuster出版年份:1991-1页数:330内容简介:Internationally renowned author Robert Coover returns with a major new novel set in Venice and featuring one of its most famous citizens, Pinocchio. The result is a brilliant philosophical discourse on what it means to be human; a hilarious, bawdy adventure; and a fitting tribute to the history, grandeur, and decay of Venice itself.

《Pinocchioin Venice》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Pinocchio in Venice》(Robert Coover)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: u83a书名:Pinocchio in Venice作者:Robert Coover出版社:Grove Press出版年份:1997-1-10页数:330内容简介:在长篇小说〈威尼斯的皮诺乔〉里,Coover用他的戏仿和语言天赋改写了意大利作家科洛迪写于1883年、被译成二百多种语言的经典童话,把原先木偶变男孩的故事改写成老翁变木偶的故事。在库的故事里,由木偶变成的男孩皮诺乔已是一位百岁老人,获得过诺贝尔奖。在美国大学里教了一辈子哲学之后,他决定重访故乡威尼斯。在威尼斯,他遇到了蓝发仙女等从前的伙伴,重温了当年的冒险经历,逐渐地又从人变回木偶,原想在还乡旅行期间完成他最大作品的计划也成了泡影。弥留之际,皮诺乔认识到,他和蓝法仙女的关系只是两个“怪物”之间的关系,都没有体验过真正的人的生活。他自己在本质上只是一块由人加工和摆布的木头:“我一直不过是一个木偶!” 教他做人之道的蓝发仙女也没有多少自我可言,而是如同历史上的其他女性典型,无意识地实施和延续了一系列将人偶化的“教化原则”。

Monica的《Inside》 歌词

歌曲名:Inside歌手:Monica专辑:The Boy Is MineInsideMonicaInside...Inside...Inside...Inside...Last night when I saw youWith somebody newYou asked how I"ve beenAnd I, I told you I was fineAnd as you held each other closeI smiled and said it"s good to see youAnd you didn"t knowInsideI"m cryin" babyInsideI"m dyin" babyI don"t wanna let you seeBaby what you"ve done to meSo I keep it all inside (inside)Inside (inside)Sometimes when you call meI don"t know what to sayYou say I"ve been on your mindAnd we"ll talk again sometimeYou say you"re glad we can be friendsI say I"m over all the heartacheBut it"s all pretendInsideI"m cryin" babyInsideI"m dyin" babyI don"t wanna let you seeBaby what you"ve done to meSo I keep it all insideOutside I"m smilin" babyOutside these tears just can"t be foundBut I"m just breaking downInsideDon"t you know that I am dyin" baby (dyin" baby)I don"t wanna let you seeBaby what you"ve done to meSo I"ll keep it all InsideYeah, I"m cryin" babyInsideI"m dyin" babyI don"t wanna let you seeBaby what you"ve done to meSo I"ll keep it all insideI"ll just keep it all insideInsideInside

如何评价Nature Communications?

1、NC是综合性期刊,大家需要分领域分专业具体去评价。2、版面费确实贵,也确实自带热点,适合时下比较热门的、或者有争议的研究去投。3、不是顶刊,但也绝对不是水刊。截至目前,Nature出版集团旗下一共有50多本子刊(太多了就不一一列举了)。而Nature communications就是子刊之一,致力于在生物,物理,化学和地球科学的所有领域发表高质量的研究。有网友评价说:主刊就是清华北大,子刊就是北邮/农大/林大/矿大/西工大等,Nature communications就是郑州大学, ScientificReports就是普通本科。Nature Communications影响因子NC 2011年获得第一个影响因子为7.396,2012年影响因子上涨到10分档,后续一直在10分以上。 Nature Communications是一本开放获取期刊,论文接收后,版面费为5380美元,较往年上涨了180美元。Nature Communications (以下简写为NC)是首个冠名“Nature”品牌的纯开放获取刊物。2010年创刊时为混合型期刊,出版开放获取及订阅形式的论文。从2016年1月起,该刊转为全部开放获取。

communications network是什么意思

communications network[英][ku0259mju:niu02c8keiu0283(u0259)nz u02c8netwu0259:k][美][ku0259u02ccmjunu026au02c8keu0283u0259nz u02c8nu025btu02ccwu025ak]通信网络例:The government also hopes to build a nation-wide emergency communications network capable of handling both voice and data.政府也希望在全国范围内建立能同时处理语音和数据的应急通讯网络。

交通银行的英文为什么是Bank Of Communications?


corporate communication 是什么意思啊


如何评价Nature Communications?

先看看Nature Communication是个怎样的期刊—— 2019年影响因子12.121: 近几年稳居多学科科学的前五名: 近三年中国学者在其上发表了3639篇论文,仅次于美国的8112篇,德国以2840篇排第三。在作者所在单位排名中,中国科学院排第二位,仅次于加州大学系统: 不过作为nature旗下相对好发的子刊,所以总是被认为比较“水”,该杂志也被低估。那不是这个杂志的问题,那是因为nature旗下子刊都太强了。但是,就这影响因子,那也绝对不是你我想发就能发的。看不起这个杂志的人,我倒是想知道得有多NB?在北航,发一篇NC也是要登校网站首页的。我要是能发一篇估计半夜做梦都会笑醒。 总结,NC是个很好的,一般人“高攀不起”的杂志。你要是发一篇,我得恭喜你。不要带着有色眼镜看待这个期刊,也不要因为一个著名科学家的评论就下结论。我也曾经发过一篇文章在这个期刊,审稿还是很严格的。我们的文章第一次投给了Nature,被拒然后被推荐到这个期刊上,经过修改最后发表了。现在这篇文章,每年引用次数都在40次以上。 国外的出版社,基本都是以盈利为目的,所以,这是一个商业行为。如果定位的不好,肯定会被市场淘汰。 现在看来,这个期刊发展的很好,大家也是以能在这个期刊上发表一篇论文感到荣耀的。根据ijournal上的信息,影响因子已经攀升到了12分,而且也很稳。2019年的发文量也在5400篇,其中中国作者贡献了1/5。这个期刊的APC费用是$5700,真的是挺高的。所以,这个期刊,仅靠APC,每年就可以收到3000万美元,但其实运营一个期刊,不需要几个固定人员,可以感觉到办好一个期刊,利润率有多高了吧。 无论你喜欢还是讨厌它,它都在那里,不悲不喜。天坑专业,自己开体系发过几篇比NC好一点点的文章,应该勉强有那么一点点资格说一说这个期刊,望各位发过NC的大神勿喷。 首先,根据对身边人情况的了解,NC从来不是第一选择。例如材料领域,觉得水平还不错,都是先去试一下AM,被拒了才可能会去尝试NC;化学领域,第一反应可能是JACS,被拒了会去尝试Angew,或者再是NC。 其次,审稿周期偏长,这一点见仁见智,不同水平的工作时间肯定不一样,但是普遍周期长。 第三,版面费,这一点就不说太多了,毕竟是OA期刊 当然了,NC还是我们日常会跟踪的期刊,总体水平还是很高的,里面也有不少NCS被拒,但是送审的高水平工作,毕竟能送审就已经赢了大部分人了。 nature communications是英国nature集团旗下的子刊,Nature Communications 是一个仅在网上出版的综合类杂志,专门发表生物学、物理学和化学等各领域的高质量研究论文。 nature communication和其他著名杂志宣称凡是没有弄虚作假的文章都可以在上面发表,所以收到大量参差不齐的投稿,国内某些机构、部委也将发表在这样刊物上的论文计算在有关统计中。当然,投稿量是投稿量,发表是发表,能够在nature communication发表论文,绝对是相当牛叉的,估计怎么着也是教授级的吧。 专门收割中国人科研经费的机器

communications technology是什么意思

高导通性的意思 是物理学
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