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  1. electric为“发电的,导电的,用电的,带电的,由电产生的”,指任何电动的或发电的装置,被修饰的物体本身可带电。如:  electric light, electric stove, electric piano, electric motor, electric bell。又如:  Please connect the two electric wires. 请将这两根电线接起来。  With this electric blanket, the grandpa won"t feel cold in winter. 有了电热毯,到了冬天爷  爷就不觉得冷了。electric power-电源  elcetric还有惊人的;令人兴奋的意思  an electric eloquence 惊人的口才  "The president"s speech had an electric effect on the crowd, and the students all cheered him."  "校长的演说震撼人心,大学生们都向他欢呼。"  The room became electric with amazement.满屋子的人震惊得目瞪口呆.  2. electrical为“电的,与电有关的,电气科学的”,指与电有关的事物,被修饰的词本身并不能带电。  如:electrical engineer, electrical energy, electrical engineering。又如:  All the electrical work was done by my younger brother. 所有的电工活都由弟弟来干。  He buried himself in an electrical book. 他埋头读一本电学方面的书。  Electrical跟Electric是同义词,但更带科学性,通常用于形容带电的实物(电器)。  如:electrical appliances- 家用电器  3. electronic是电子的,和电子有关的。  如:electronic equipment- 电子设备  为什么是electrical appliance而不是electric appliance?  electric和electrical 虽然意思相同,但是前者是指直接用电的,后者是指与电有关的,家用电器是与电有关的,所以用electrical。像kettle(电水壶)什么的就用electric,因为是直接用电的。


electronic的副词形式是: electronically,意思是: 用电子方法;用电子装置。 electronic的名词形式是: electricity,意思是电力、电流、强烈的紧张情绪。 electronic的动词形式是: electrify,意思是使充电、使触电、使激动。 electronic的意思是: 电子的;电子器件的;电子设备的。



zinc-nickel plate是做什么电镀

zinc-nickel plate锌镍板


electronic (词根是electron [i"lektru0254n] n. 电子)(尤指设备)使用电子器件的,电子的例如:electronic components/devices 电子组件/设备而electrical (词根是electric [i"lektrik] adj. 与电有关的;电的)指电的;与电有关的例如:electrical equipment/goods/devices 电气设备/电器产品/电气装置希望对你有帮助


electric electrical和electronic的区别 1. electric为“电的,用电的,带电的”,指任何电动的或发电的装置,被修饰的物体本身可带电,通常用于形容带电的能量。 如: 发电的:an electric generator 发电机 由电产生的:electric current电流electric power-电源 电器electric stove, electric piano, electric motor, electric bell, an electric cooker, iron, light 电炉、电熨斗、电灯 With this electric blanket, the grandpa won"t feel cold in winter. 有了电热毯,到了冬天爷爷就不觉得冷了。 2.electrical为“电的,与电有关的,电气科学的”,指与电有关的事物,被修饰的词本身并不能带电。跟electric是同义词,但更带科学性,通常用于形容带电的实物(电器)。如: electrical appliances- 家用电器 electrical engineer, electrical energy, electrical engineering电机工程 又如:All the electrical work was done by my younger brother. 所有的电工活都由弟弟来干。 He buried himself in an electrical book. 他埋头读一本电学方面的书。 The machine has an electrical fault. 这台机器有电器故障。 3. electronic是电子的;电子器件的;电子设备的;和电子有关的,用于形容通过电的electronic equipment- 电子设备 an electronic calculator 电子计算器




electric : 强调与电有直接的关系。一般而言,凡表示产生电的或由电开动、操纵的机器或装置要用electric,如electric motor(电动机),electric batteries(电池)、electric fan(电扇)等;或表示"本身带电的","由电产生的"要用electric,如electric current(电流)、electric wave(电波)、electric arc(电弧)等。electrical : 强调与电的关系是间接的。凡指电气性质,同电有关的或涉及电气科学技术研究的多用electrical,如electrical test(电气试验)、electrical engineering(电气工程)、electrical fault(电气故障)、electrical noise(电噪声)、electrical engineer(电气工程师)等。electronic是electronics(电子学)的形容词,指与电子装置有关的或使用电子装置的。




electric和electrical 虽然意思相同,但是前者是指直接用电的,后者是指与电有关的,家用电器是与电有关的,所以用electrical。而electronic是电子的,和电子有关的意思。1、electric为“发电的,导电的,用电的,带电的,由电产生的”,指任何电动的或发电的装置,被修饰的物体本身可带电。如:Please connect the two electric wires. 请将这两根电线接起来。2、 electrical为“电的,与电有关的,电气科学的”,指与电有关的事物,被修饰的词本身并不能带电。如:He buried himself in an electrical book. 他埋头读一本电学方面的书。3、electronic是电子的,和电子有关的。如:electronic equipment- 电子设备


动词 【electrify 使充电;使触电;使激动】 名词【electricity 电力;电流;强烈的紧张情绪】

zinc-nickel plate是做什么电镀

锌镍合金电镀? 还是镀锌镀镍?


electric [e·lec·tric || u026a"lektru026ak]adj. 导电的, 电动的, 电的 这个就是平时用的电electronic [e·lec·tron·ic || u201au026alek"tru0252nu026ak]adj. 电子的电子设备那种电


electronic的词根是electron。英语单词构成有其规律,很好的掌握了构词规律,才可以很好、很快的、准确的记忆单词。英语单词构词法的核心部分,在于词根,词的意义主要是由组成单词的词根体现出来的。 扩展资料 词根可以单独构成词,也可以彼此组合成词,通过前缀后缀来改变单词的词性和意义。(词根和词缀叫构词语素)也就是说,单词一般由三部分组成:词根、前缀和后缀。词根决定单词意思,前缀改变单词词义,后缀决定单词词性。



electronic是什么意思 电子的含义解析?




CSGO选手电子哥多少岁 电子哥electronic年龄介绍

CSGO职业选手电子哥1998年9月2日出生于俄罗斯。今年24岁,已经征战赛场7年有余,他来自俄罗斯,是独联体的顶级枪男,现效力于navi。现年23岁的他征战职业赛场6年有余,如果算起草根赛,那电子哥早在2010年就已在家乡打CS1.6的小比赛了,只是没什么成绩。直到2015年他引起了hooch的注意(昨天YEKINDAR的文章里也有他),随后他加入了Rebels战队并首次出现在HLTV。 然而他没多久就又在2016年辗转于Empire战队和NokSuKao,很快在独联体地区小有名气,而他的实力也得到了B1ad3的认可。2017年电子哥加入“印花守门员”F3战队,与B1ad3一同征战。 电子哥在2017年克拉科夫Major表现尤为突出,尽管队伍实力明显不足,但电子哥成为队伍中的大大大腿,一个人扛着队伍在瑞士轮拿到2胜3负,最终位列9-11名。这样优秀的人才自然吸引了缺兵少将的NaVi,2017年底NaVi签下电子哥,替换下前“世界顶级自由人”Seized,从此电子哥与s1mple开始并肩作战。 2018年两人率领NaVi在A队王朝中抢下4座冠军,并且确立了他晋身世界巨星之列。当年他首次进入TOP20榜单,就排在第4位。2019年由于Zeus状态下滑且即将退役,他们仅仅拿到1座冠军,这一年他凭借优秀的数据位列TOP20第6名。2020年受疫情影响,NaVi在拿下卡托维兹冠军后上升势头被迫停下,这一年NaVi几度沉浮,但电子哥发挥稳定依然排在TOP榜第5。2021年初NaVi尝试6人阵容,新人b1t和火男轮换参赛。结果他们迎来了开门红拿下BLAST全球总决赛2020冠军。不过之后NaVi陷入了小低谷,红星趁势崛起。NaVi于是确定保留b1t作为5人阵容之一,火男换为替补。在DH春季大师赛中尽管小组赛阶段不敌红星,但决赛成功复仇拿下第2冠。BO5决赛电子哥打出了1.47rating、102.8的ADR成为队伍的关键先生。 之后EPIC RMR他们不敌Akuma和forZe,最终赢了Entropiq获得第5名。在BLAST春季决赛中他们又一次输给了红星,不过在StarLadder RMR成功复仇以让2追3的方式拿下冠军。上半年的重头戏IEM科隆,NaVi连斩小蜜蜂、A队、FaZe、G2夺冠,排在状态逆天s1mple之后的就是数据表现第二好的电子哥,NaVi开始全面崛起。 休赛期回来,EPL S14除了意外输给了BIG外,他们还是稳稳晋级淘汰赛,并连败ENCE、Heroic、小蜜蜂夺冠,同时完成大满贯成就。IEM秋季赛RMR中他们早早锁定了传奇组名额,决赛不敌红星获得亚军。随后便是NaVi多年以来的梦想——Major,在斯德哥尔摩Major上NaVi全队打出统治级表现,未失1图,把世界前7赢了个遍,最终拿下冠军。电子哥是队内重要的火力点,凭借大腿般的表现获得EVP。Major后的BLAST秋季决赛和世界总决赛,NaVi最终都问鼎冠军,以一年八冠的梦幻战绩结束了2021。他们在去年圆梦瑞典,建立王朝,电子哥就是队伍最可靠的保证之一。 他在2021年帮助NaVi拿下8座冠军,同时也获得9个EVP。他的ADR和回合首杀数均排名17看似不高,但当他面对TOP10战队时,则打出1.13rating排名第7,在大赛中也打出了1.13rating排名第8。更重要的是在去年5场重大赛事中他打出了平均1.21rating,而且拿到了其中4项赛事的EVP。他的个人实力和越是硬仗越能打的特性已成为当今最优秀步枪手之一,不过赛场发挥慢热导致小组赛数据没有那么好,所以综合起来排名第7。2022年,希望电子哥可以更上一层楼,争夺下天下第一步枪手的宝座。

electric / electronic / electrical 的区别

electric a. 电的, 导电的, 电动的, 电气也作 electrical缩写 elec.电流:电的,与电有关的或由电驱动工作的:electric current; an electrical appliance.electrical a. 电的, 有关电的electronic Of or relating to electrons.电子的:电子的或关于电子的Of, relating to, based on, operated by, or otherwise involving the controlled conduction of electrons or other charge carriers, especially in a vacuum, gas, or semiconducting material.电传导的:电子或其它载流子的受控传导的,关于这种传导的,建立于此种传导之上的,以这种传导操作的或涉及这种传导的,尤指在空间,气体或半导体材料中的Of or relating to electronics.电子学的:电子学的或关于电子学的



electric electrical和electronic的区别?

electric electrical和electronic的区别 x0dx0ax0dx0a1. electric为“电的,用电的,带电的”,指任何电动的或发电的装置,被修饰的物体本身可带电,通常用于形容带电的能量。 如: 发电的:an electric generator 发电机 由电产生的:electric current电流electric power-电源 用于导电的:an electric socket, plug, flex 电源插头、插座、皮线 Please connect the two electric wires. 请将这两根电线接起来。 使用电力的:electric appliance电器electric stove, electric piano, electric motor, electric bell, an electric cooker, iron, light 电炉、电熨斗、电灯 x0dx0aWith this electric blanket, the grandpa won"t feel cold in winter. x0dx0a有了电热毯,到了冬天爷爷就不觉得冷了。 the electric chair (美国)电椅(以电刑来处死罪犯的椅子) electric eye (infml 口)=photoelectric cell 光电管;电眼=photocell=electric eye electric field 电场 electric razor= (electronic) shaver 电动剃刀 x0dx0ax0dx0a2.electrical为“电的,与电有关的,电气科学的”,指与电有关的事物,被修饰的词本身并不能带电。跟electric是同义词,但更带科学性,通常用于形容带电的实物(电器)。如: electrical appliances- 家用电器 electrical engineer, electrical energy, electrical engineering电机工程 又如:All the electrical work was done by my younger brother. 所有的电工活都由弟弟来干。 He buried himself in an electrical book. 他埋头读一本电学方面的书。 The machine has an electrical fault. 这台机器有电器故障。 x0dx0ax0dx0a3. electronic是电子的;电子器件的;电子设备的;和电子有关的,用于形容通过电的electronic equipment- 电子设备 an electronic calculator 电子计算器 x0dx0aThis dictionary is available in electronic edition. x0dx0a这部词典有电子版本。 electronic music 电子音乐 electronic engineer 电子工程师 electronic mailbox(email,e-mail) 电子邮递(用计算机网络发送电文、图像等) electronic mailbox 接受、储存电子邮递的装置 这个区别有的字典说得不是很清楚。 另外,金山词霸采用的字典的解释有时是不准确的。 比如combustible是可燃,inflammable是易燃,两个不同的概念,但词霸把它们意思对调了。


electric [e·lec·tric || u026a"lektru026ak]adj. 导电的, 电动的, 电的electrical [e"lec·tri·cal || -kl]adj. 与电有关的, 电气科学的; 用电的; 电的electronic [e·lec·tron·ic || u201au026alek"tru0252nu026ak]adj. 电子的




动词 【electrify 使充电;使触电;使激动】名词【electricity 电力;电流;强烈的紧张情绪】






electronic名词是electricity。名词的英文是Noun,是词类的一种,属于实词。它表示人、事、物、地点或抽象概念的统一名称。它分为专有名词和普通名词。 扩展资料 在英语中,名词的"格有3种:主格、宾格、所有格。其中个体名词表示某类人或东西中的个体,如girl(女孩)等;集体名词表示若干个个体组成的集合体,如audience(观众,听众)等;物质名词表示无法分为个体的实物,如water水等;抽象名词表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念,如work(工作),happiness幸福等。对于普通名词来说,可分为可数名词和不可数名词。


"Electronic" 和 "electric" 都可以用来描述电子学或电气工程中的事物,但它们有着不同的含义。"Electronic" 通常指电子学或电气工程中的电子器件、电路、系统和设备,例如晶体管、集成电路、电容器、电阻器等等。这些电子器件是通过电子元器件来产生、传输和处理信息的,被广泛应用于计算机、通信、控制、仪器和设备中。"Electric" 通常指 electric power 或电力,指的是通过电势差或电流流动来产生动力或能源的物理过程。在电学中,电力是一种通过电荷的转移或电场的作用来产生动力的能源,可以用于驱动机械设备、照明、加热、通信等等。在电力系统中,电力通常指 electric power,而 electric power 也可以分为多种类型,包括 power、照明 power、加热 power、通信 power 等等。因此,"Electronic" 和 "electric" 之间的区别主要在于它们所描述的电子学或电气工程领域不同,"Electronic" 更侧重于电子器件和系统,"electric" 则更侧重于电力和电力领域。


electronic的读音是:英[??lek"tr?n?k]。electronic的读音是:英[??lek"tr?n?k]。electronic的详尽释义是adj.(形容词)电子的电子操纵的电子器件的电子设备的用电子设备生产的用电子设备完成的电子学的。electronic【近义词】electric电的。一、详尽释义点此查看electronic的详细内容adj.(形容词)电子的电子操纵的电子器件的电子设备的用电子设备生产的用电子设备完成的电子学的n.(名词)电子电路或设备二、双解释义adj.(形容词)[A]电子的; 电子器件的 things like computers, calculators and radios are electronic三、网络解释1. electronic的近义词1. 电子乐:张亚东的MIDI制作,使倾向于电子舞曲般的节奏鼓声贯穿整张专辑的有声部分,而电子乐器的声音袅绕其间,吉它却极少或根本不用,用到的也只是散乱的构筑出几分迂迥曲折而已,但整张专辑涉及到了许多的音乐领域,如摇滚(ROCK),民乐(FOLK),电子乐(ELECTRONIC),新浪潮(NEW WAVE),2. 电子化:面对经济不景气,台湾必须更加创新才能成长,因此政府积极发展创新的资通讯工具与基础环境,持续推动了电子化(Electronic)、行动化(Mobile)甚至於优质 化(Ubiquitous)与智慧台湾等计画,希望藉资通讯科技(以下简称ICT)促进台湾产业成长与升级,四、例句This dictionary is available in electronic version.这部词典有电子版。I like to read books on electronic music.我喜欢读一些关于电子音乐的书。Helen became an electronic engineer.海伦成了一名电子工程师。五、常见句型用作形容词(adj.)用作定语~+ n.This factory makes electronic components.这家工厂生产电子元件。The first electronic computer was called ENICA.第一台电子计算机叫做ENICA。Father needs a new electronic shaver.爸爸需要一个新的电子剃须刀。六、经典引文The electronic structure of the specific atoms.出自:C. P. SnowElectronic transitions, when electrons are shifted from one region of an atom or molecule to another.出自:P. W. Atkinselectronic的相关临近词electronics、electron、electronica、electronical、electronician、electronicize、electronic tag、electronic eye、electronic fax、electronically、electronic pay、electronic log点此查看更多关于electronic的详细信息


词根:electronadv.electronically 电子地n.electronics 电子学;电子工业electron 电子求采纳。


electronic 英[ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪk] 美[ɪˌlekˈtrɑ:nɪk] adj. 电子的; 电子操纵的; 用电子设备生产的; 用电子设备完成的; [例句]It was a seamless procession of wonderful electronic music.这是一曲优美流畅的电子乐曲。-------------如有帮助请采纳, 如需帮助可追问,谢谢。

Znic Zn 区别 请问谁知道XRD图谱中 PDF卡片中的Znic 何Zn 有什么区别

在XRD谱的PDF卡片中,第4区:晶体学参数区——晶系(Sys.),空间群(S. G. ,前面是国际符号,后面是熊夫利符号),晶胞数据(a0,b0,c0),轴率(A= a0/b0,C= c0/b0),轴角α、β、γ。单位晶胞内分子数(Z),单位晶胞体积(V),Ref (该区数据参考文献)。其中,Zn,代表单位晶胞内分子数是n。如CaTiO3,它的晶体结构是CaO·TiO2;PDF卡片中,写着Z64,代表单位晶胞内分子数是64。如果是高聚物,Z后面跟着的是单体单元数。不知是不是Znic。你说的“Znic Zn ”要看出现在什么地方?上面说的Zn是出现在卡片中的“晶胞数据(a0,b0,c0),轴率(A= a0/b0,C= c0/b0),轴角α、β、γ。单位晶胞内分子数(Z),单位晶胞体积(V)”中。如果是出现在介绍化合物的语句中,就有可能是把“Zinc”混为“Znic”(铝)。Zinc就是Zn,是铝的原子符号或缩写。用Google搜索“Znic Zn”,能够找到许多“Zinc”与“Znic”相混淆的词语的实例!中国合格评定国家认可委员会- 机械,电子文档资料GB/T5009.14-2003《 Determination of zinc in foods》 ...... GB8820-1988 《Food itives-Znic gluconate》 306 deoxidize matter ...... GB16355-1996 《Radiological protection standard for X-ray diffraction and fluorescence analysis equipment》 .... 球形喷口 · TF超耐力空压机油pdf · KL递进分配器 · 扩展新技术的梅特勒-托利多 ...Mg掺杂ZnO纳米晶的低温共沉淀法制备及光学性质_百度文库2010年12月6日 ... 1 图1 ( a) 纯ZnO, 掺杂ZnO 纳米晶的XRD 谱图; ( b) Mg Mg 石蜡, 纯氧化锌, .... Yellowishwhite luminescence in codoped znic oxide [ . ...掺杂ZnO光学性质及染料敏化太阳能电池研究_百度文库2010年12月10日... 兰州大学博上论文Abstract Znic oxide(ZnO),a ...沉积电流对ZnO薄膜的结构和光学性质的影响Influence of Deposition ...XRD分析表明ZnO薄膜为纤锌矿结构,晶粒尺寸随电流的增大而增大,择优取向随电流的变化发生了转变. ... 下载PDF阅读器. 摘要:: 采用阴极电沉积的方法在导电玻璃上制备了ZnO薄膜. ... films prepared by the oxidation of the metallic Zn [外文期刊] 1999(18) ... chemical-vapor deposition using znic acelacetonate and ozone [外文期刊] ...[PDF] 150化学文件格式: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - 快速查看Znic(II) Complex Containing. Benzimidazolyl f刊,中】/朱 ...... characterization dinuclear of zn(II)一 ...... 采用XRD,BET,H2一TPR,TEM{41XPS ... [PDF] 国立成功大学电机工程研究所硕士论文研究生:张志谦指导教授:朱圣缘 ... - [ 转为简体网页 ]文件格式: PDF/Adobe Acrobat作者:ZQ Zhang - 2004 - 相关文章合成硫化锌掺杂锰之萤光粉,藉由不同之烧结温度,使用XRD及Raman ... Zinc sulfide ( ZnS ), as a II-VI semiconductor with a band gap energy of ...... 究,400 nm 的光是由锌空位(znic vacancies)所造成,425 nm 的光是由 ...比较例句翻译_句库_爱词霸英语... surfactants in Zincate Znic-plating solution of different concentrations, ie DE, .... By comparisons of the sample through XRD and transmittance spectra, .... 用TG- DTG技术对二氰基二硫纶- 1,10 -邻菲罗啉的Ni ,Cu ,Zn 配合物的热分解过程和 ... of recognizing 3 D object was derived by the use of angle pdf, finally, ...Znic Oxide (99.7%) - China Zno, Zinc Oxide, Zn in Oxide - [ 翻译此页 ]China Znic Oxide (99.7%) and China Zno, Zinc Oxide, Zn,provided by Mingbo Chemistry Co., Limited.Znic Sulphate - China Znic Sulphate, zinc sulphate monohydrate ... - [ 翻译此页 ]China Znic Sulphate and China Znic Sulphate, zinc sulphate monohydrate, Zinc ...显示更多来自·的搜索结果Zn(znic) Adhesive Wheel Weights Die Casting Promotion, Sales ... - [ 翻译此页 ]Zn(znic) Adhesive Wheel Weights Die Casting Promotion, Sales Promotion on Zn(znic) Adhesive Wheel ... Zinc(zn) stick-on/adhesive wheel weights die casting ...Znic Sulphate Hepta Zn 22%max-Znic Sulphate Hepta Zn 22%max ... - [ 翻译此页 ]RelatedKeywords: Zinc Sulfate Granular 22% | Znic Sulphate Hepta Zn 22%max | Zinc Sulfate Monohydrate Powder. Supplier: Yueyang Juyuan Petrochemical Co., ...Sell Zinc Powder - Suppliers Of Znic Powder, Zn Powder From China - [ 翻译此页 ]Find Sell Zinc powder, zn powder, Coatings Selling Leads offered by Qinhuangdao Taiji Ring Nano-Products Co.,Ltd from China at kinds of metal pipekinds of Zn-coating、zinc-aluminium alloy、Znic-nickel alloy tube. Zn-coating+white passivation( white Znic coating) ...Zinc Oxide - - [ 翻译此页 ]zinc oxide zn 45% to 65%pb<8mn<o.8 fe<10 price and payment we can negotiation... China (Mainland). u2022znic ash [ 2010-08-17 ] znic ash zn 45% to 55%pb<8mn<0.8 - 网页快照 - 类似结果znic oxide,znic oxide生产厂家,znic oxide加工制造销售edta chelated znic 制造商名录☆ 全球三百万进口商和出口商☆ edta chelated znic 供应商, ... [ 关联关键词: edta zn 15, Edta Zinc Disodium, edta chelated znic, ...provide Znic Oxide,copper sulfate,manganese sulfate,zinc sulfate ... - [ 翻译此页 ]High quality provide Znic Oxide,copper sulfate,manganese sulfate,zinc sulfate,sodium sulfite from ... a),feed-grade zinc oxide ZnO>95% Zn>76.3% Pb<50ppm ...


"Electronic"在英语中的发音为 /u026alu025bku02c8tru0252nu026ak/,其中重音在第二个音节上。这个单词的意思是“电子的”,通常用于描述与电子技术、电子设备或电子通信相关的事物。拓展:除了作为形容词使用外,"electronic"还可以作为名词使用,表示电子设备或电子产品。例如,我们可以说“这家公司生产的电子产品质量很好”。此外,"electronic"还可以用于构成一些复合词,如"electronic music"(电子音乐)、"electronic commerce"(电子商务)和"electronic signature"(电子签名)等。这些词汇都与电子技术或电子设备相关。"Electronic"还可以用于表示某些行为或过程是通过电子方式进行的。例如,我们可以说“我通过电子邮件向他发送了一封信”,或者“我使用电子支付方式购买了这件商品”。总的来说,"electronic"是一个非常常用的词汇,它与电子技术、电子设备和电子通信等领域密切相关。在现代社会中,电子技术已经成为了人们生活和工作中不可或缺的一部分,因此,"electronic"这个词汇也变得越来越重要。


electronic音标为[u026aleku02c8tru0252nu026ak],根据发音可以谐音记忆为“一来克戳尼克”。也可以用词根记忆方法:electronic分为词根electr,后缀on、ic。词根electr是电的意思,后缀on和ic是“…的”的意思,词根词缀组合起来就是“电子的”。所以他的中文意思就是电子的、电子学的。词语辨析:electrical,electric,electronic这三词都与电有关,区别是:electrical多指本身不产生电,但是与电有关的。如:electrical engineering(电机工程)。electric着重于发电的,电动的或导电的。如:electric generator(发电机);electric light(电灯)。electronic电子的,电子操作的。如:electronic engineering(电子工程学)。



electronic怎么读 electronic的意思

1、electronic单词发音:英[u026au02ccleku02c8tru0252nu026ak]美[u026au02cclu025bku02c8trɑnu026ak]。 2、electronic,英语单词,形容词、名词,作形容词时意为“电子的”,作名词时意为“电子电路;电子器件”。

electronic什么意思 electronic翻译

1、electronic,英语单词,形容词、名词,作形容词时意为“电子的”,作名词时意为“电子电路;电子器件”。 2、Electronic Engineering [电子] 电子工程 ; [电子] 电子工程学 ; 电子工程专业 ; 电气工程; 3、Electronic Commerce 电子商务 ; 电子商业上的事务 ; 电子交易 ; 源于英文; 4、electronic circuit [电子] 电子电路 ; 电子线路 ; 电路设计 ; 电子电路; 5、electronic paper 电子纸 ; 电子纸张 ; 电子报纸 ; 电纸书; 6、Electronic Business 电子商业 ; 电子商务 ; 电子业务 ; 电子导报; 7、electronic dictionary [图情] 电子词典 ; 快译通 ; 电子字典 ; 电子辞典; 8、Electronic waste 电子垃圾 ; 电子废物 ; 电子废弃物; 9、electronic publishing [印刷] 电子出版 ; 电子出版技术 ; 电子出版业 ; 电子媒体; 10、electronic money 电子货币 ; 电子化的付款制 ; 电子钱币 ; 电子钱。




区别:  a.中间杠杆上偏心轴由一个滚子轴承代替了滑动轴承,由此降低了气门机构中的摩擦力。  b.中间杠杆的导向更加精确,只需要一个弹簧来导向并固定中间杠杆。  c.气门机构活动部件的质量(重量)降低了13%。  d.进气门的升程范围得到了改善。最大升程增加到9.9mm,特别是最小升程进一步减少到0.18mm。(N42气门升程为0.3~9.7mm)  e.进气门相位。进气门相位是指,在气门的下部升程范围内可以通过所谓的提前进行调校。说白一些,就是通过一些手段,使得两个进气门在升程为0.2mm~6mm之间时并不是完全同步动作,气门1 开始提前打开(气门1打开的程度比气门2大),气门2 稍微延迟滞后打开,在升程约为6mm时重新赶上气门1;在升程低于0.2mm之前,两气门同步打开;在升程大于6mm时,两气门同步打开。从此之后,它们继续同步打开。这个气门开关性能有利于混合气体进入气缸。优点:进气门保持小的开启截面使得在吸入相同容量时流速显著提高。此流速有助于更好的混合吸入的混合气。


VANOS_百度百科 宝马的VANOS系统是一个由车辆发动机管理系统操纵的液压和机械相结合的凸轮轴控制设备 Valvetronic_百度百科 Valvetronic:电子气门技术第二代Valvetronic电子气门 BMW的6缸动力单元不仅比所有竞争对手的产品更轻,而且还提供出色的输出功率和性能。这在很大程度上归功于BMW特有的全可变Valvetronic电子气门控制,此系统可根据油门踏板位置...

“What a nice gift it is!”“How nice the gift is!”有什么区别


请问这个单词是什么意思 horizonically ? 万分感谢!

是horizontally?adv. 水平地;地平地;水平置中;卧式的

horizontal communication中文是什么意思

horizontal communication 英[u02cchu0254riu02c8zu0254ntu0259l ku0259u02ccmju:niu02c8keiu0283u0259n] 美[u02cchu0254ru026au02c8zɑntl ku0259u02ccmjunu026au02c8keu0283u0259n] [词典] 平行沟通; [例句]To this end I propose the following measures: improve the organization, strengthening horizontal communication and cooperation between departments;因此提出了以下措施:完善组织机构,加强横向部门之间的沟通与合作;

Mom’s in a bad _____,so be nice to her.

这题选择D。具体的解析如下:be in a bad mood是一个固定的词组,表示某人的心情不好。

Unbreakable ethnic bonds,中文意思是?

Unbreakable ethnic bonds=牢不可破的种族的关系.unbreakable英 [u028cn"breu026aku0259bl] 美 [unu02c8breku0259bu0259l] adj. 打不破的,不易碎的;钢铁 adj .打不碎的;牢不可破的adj.(规则、限制等)不能违反的,必须服从的ethnic英 [u02c8eθnu026ak] 美 [u02c8u025bθnu026ak] adj. 种族的,部落的;某文化群体的 种族的;民族的少数民族的;少数种族的(服饰、音乐、食物等)具有民族特色的,民族风味的n. 少数民族的成员 bonds[bu0254ndz] n. 镣铐,监禁;[常作复数]结合(力)( bond的名词复数 );结合物;联系;连接 (情感的)纽带,契合,关系(个人或团体之间的)密切联系 与…紧密联系;(使)相互联结;(使)建立亲密关系

have a nice dream是什么意思


A bag,a doll,I can see.Soft and nice,____you and me。 A.OF B.with c.for

选 c

Symphonic Rhapsody 歌词

歌曲:Bohemian Rhapsody作词:freddie mercury作曲:freddie mercury王菲个人资料:王菲(十五岁前随母亲姓,叫夏林Faye Wong (Shirley已弃用)艺名:王靖雯(已弃用)出生日期:1969年8月8日出生地点:北京身高:57及(172cm)近:400 度左右家庭状况:父亲王佑林 母亲夏桂影(去世)哥哥,王弋 女儿童童教育程度:中学毕业就读小学:北京地坛小学就读中学:北京市东直门中学宗教信仰:佛教(密宗)mama,just killed a man ,put a gun a against hishead.pulled my trigger, now hes dead.mama, life had just begun,but now ive goneand throw it all away .mama,ooo,didnt mean to make you cry,if im not back againthis time tomorrow.carry on carry on,as if nothong really matters.too late my time has came,sends shivers down my sprine.bodys aching all the time .goodbye,everbody.ive got to gogotta leave you all behindand face the truth.mama,ooo, i dont want to die ,i sometimes wish id neveer beenborn at all.....继续歌手介绍:王菲,1987年底由北京到港定居经父亲朋友介绍拜戴思聪为师学唱歌89年加入宝丽金旗下的新艺宝唱片公司并成功的推出来首张个人同名专辑《王靖雯》91年年初王菲决定暂停歌曲事业远赴美国修读音乐92年陈家瑛成为王菲经理人陈家瑛当时还对周围的友人感叹道:我打到了一个嗓子好得不得了的女孩子94年改用原名王菲并举办了首个个人演唱会创下新人开演唱会18场的最高纪录96年,王菲与窦唯结婚留京安养并孕下了可爱的女儿--窦靖童同年,王菲越洋与英国的骚灵组合Cocteau twins合作推出另类专辑《浮躁》受到外界一致好评同年并登上了美国《TIME》时代杂志封面是继巩利后第二个登上《TIME》杂志的华人女艺人97年,向乐坛告别一年多的她她复出歌坛,并以6000万的天价加盟EMI科艺百代唱片公司推出了加盟EMI的首张同名大碟《王菲》一曲《你快乐(所我快乐)》更是唱到街知巷闻98年底,王菲展开她的个人巡回演唱会首站是广州,但广州演唱会刚过便传来了不幸的消息王菲的母亲因癌症而去逝了之后,王菲重新振作起来在香港连开了38场的唱游大世界王菲演唱会之后与窦唯的感情亮起红灯翌年,两人离婚收场窦靖童抚养权归王菲99年,王菲凭《Eyes on me》夺得日本金唱版大赏....nothing really matters,anyone can see.nothing really matters,nothing really matters to me.王菲个人部份资料就介绍到这有事Q我一下哦~32791311

宛若极黑星空般的星夜女神, Light Harmonic Stella 入耳式耳机动手玩

对于 Light Harmonic 这个由 Larry Ho 贺元所创立的发烧音响品牌,不少人第一印象应该是那款造型独特的发烧级 DAC " Davinci DAC ",然而 Ligh Harmonic 横空出世推出一款中高单价的入耳式耳机 Stella ,以梵谷名画 Starry Night 发想,意欲创造低背景噪音、三频延伸感佳且细节丰富的高阶入耳式耳机,这次也取得这款以星夜女神为名的 Stella 的进行试听。 在去年日本秋季耳机祭,发烧音响品牌 Light Harmonic 在当时携手 ALO Audio 旗下 Campfire 展示一款名为 Asteria A1 、基于 Dorado 入耳式耳机,不过最终 Asteria A1 无疾而终,取而代之的是推出这款 Stella 的全新设计入耳式耳机,乍看下与先前 Asteria A1 似乎有些相似,不过 Stella 实质上与 Asteria A1 除了颜色以外无关,尤其是仔细看过设计与结构就会知道。 Stella 的包装是个硕大的黑纸盒,打开后由一张 NASA 太空望远镜拍摄的银河照片搭配 Stella 构成的保固卡底纸,蓝色的耳机本体、耳塞与软皮革收纳包、分别为 3.5mm 单端与 2.5mm 四极平衡的两组线材就躺在纸盒内,Stella 的蓝色也是 Larry Ho 与团队精挑细选的蓝色,这是与某款德系高级房车的蓝色相同的深色金属蓝,也呼应 Stella 星夜女神的星空形象, 双方合作的 Asteria A1 最终破局的原因有相当复杂的原因,不过 Stella 的出现是原本就在 Light Harmonic 的规画之中,甚至早于与 Campfire 接触之前,而结构设计虽为绕耳方式与圈铁混合结构,但在设计理念是截然不同的,独特的外型更是 Stella 的精华之一。 Stella 外观有着独特的六角型,这并非只是为了造型设计,而是由于专利的 HBCC 腔体结构设计使然, HBCC 以自然界最具弹性与稳定的六角型结构,搭配美国加州生产的铝铜镁混合材料进行 CNC 加工的腔体,使动圈单体在其中自然的反射,较传统圆形可大幅减少多余的腔体共振,号称可使动圈单体的声音更自然细腻。 此外,为了使动圈与平衡电枢两种特性不同的单体可自然融合, Light Harmonic 选择采用厚度 3.5um 的 9mm 铍振膜动圈单体,结合双平衡电枢构成,搭配 Light Harmonic 所开发的两项关键技术:零相位误差分频器, ESSD 半透双音腔技术,再辅以铜合金金属阻尼的 CAAD 前音嘴(也就是闪亮亮的导管)。 分频技术对于多单体耳机而言一直是相当大的学问,因为入耳式耳机不像扬声器有那么大的空间可配置,如何做出合理的分频线路是影响声音的关键,尤其调性截然不同的圈铁混合耳机更容易因为分频产生不同声音之间的不协调感, Light Harmonic 借由美国 Vishay MMCU 高精密电阻、日本精密电容料件等,构成超低相位误差构成分频线路。 此外不同于常见的圈铁混合耳机通常将平衡电枢与动圈单体使用独立的声音导管, Stella 借由专利的 ESDD 半混合双腔体扩散结构,将平衡电枢与动圈所发出的声音自然的融合,同时搭配其特殊的分频方式,让 Stella 的声音不会有传统圈铁混合耳机的不协调感;同时再借由具备 CAAD 铜合金技术的导管消弭平衡电枢高频的特定频率穿刺感,使声音协调而自然。 由于笔者的播放机为 Sony 系统,故此次在 4.4mm 平衡方面使用的是一条基于 Oyaide 102SSC 线体的手工线,仅单端部分搭配 Stella 的原厂线材; Stella 的原厂线材为古河电公的无氧铜线体,在端子与分线器有着与 Stella 颜色与 HBCC 技术的蓝色六角形处理。端子部分虽为 MMCX ,不过采用订制组件,较一般端子连接后的摩擦力更强、更不易转动。 另外要注意的是, Stella 虽然附属了一套海绵与一套矽胶耳塞,并以红、灰区分左右,不过由于 Stella 为了 ESDD 与 CAAD 技术,使用较一般入耳式耳机更大的导管口径,当前还未有更合适的矽胶耳塞,根据原厂的说法,此次搭配的矽胶耳塞原为 SpinFit 为运动耳机开发,前端开口较小,并非 Light Harmonic 所要呈现的声音样貌,建议搭配海绵耳塞使用。 Stella 的佩带是标准的绕耳式设计,但因为导管比起一般常规入耳式耳机更大,故若耳孔较小的使用者可能不太容易配戴,若是在使用一般入耳式耳机连搭配 S 号耳塞都略为吃力,建议先询问是否有能试配戴的地方;其次是线材端子的角度略为特殊,初次配戴需要多尝试几次,端子约呈现斜上 45 度角时就不会有干涉感。 搭配原厂标配的古河 OFC 单端线聆听时,整体声音较为温润、饱满,人声位置略退,整体的声音不会有咄咄逼人的感觉,低频的包围感相当好,丰沛而不至于压迫,高频表现略被低频盖过,但仍可感受不错的延伸感,不过最重要的是 Stella 的圈与铁几乎听不出干涉感,圈与铁的声音自然的融合是 Stella 的重点特性。 改换基于 Oyaide 102SSC 的 4 芯平衡线,可感受线材特性对 Stella 相当明显,中频的温润感变成较为直白的声音,也不若原本带有些许的丰厚,成为较为中性的特质,而低频风格则也因此变得更强烈,变成略带攻击性的声音,不过高频则因此变的更凸显,音场也变的辽阔,但由于 ZX300 单端与平衡并未共用架构,不能保证单纯是线材影响或平衡线路的影响。 不过不得不称赞 Stella 的高工作效率与抗底噪能力,过往这两种特质会有一定程度的拉锯,灵敏度高、容易驱动的耳机往往很容易被底噪干扰,而不易反映底噪的耳机则不容易被随身设备驱动,至少使用手机或是 ZX300 的单端部分,都能轻易的达到合宜的聆听音量, ZX300 的单端输出大约在 20 附近, Stella 的音量就相当大。 但隔音性会是笔者较诟病 Stella 的地方,即便已经使用海绵耳塞, Stella 在笔者的工作环境中仍容易被附近同事的聊天声干扰,大概只有 Sony MDR-EX1000 搭配原厂耳塞左右的隔音效果,对于聆听环境较吵杂的使用者会有些尴尬。 另外,虽然原厂配线表现不恶,不过对想一探耳机本身潜力的玩家,亦可多方搭配不同的线材尝试变化与解放细节表现,原厂线偏向温润的特性会使低频量感偏多、高频表达力不佳,细节表达力也容易被较厚底的声音给盖过,但毕竟这是原本的调音风格,亦可将原厂线的声音走向做为基准找寻细节资讯更丰富的线材。 Stella 的整体表现确实是达到近期旗舰入耳耳机应有的水准,不过定价部分还是偏高单价的精品取向,以中国开出的价格约台币 4 万 5 左右,但一方面也是由于 Stella 定位在 Light Harmonic 的发烧品牌,加上配件与包装也质感十足,可理解这样开价的原因。 不过原本音响类产品就无法量化,笔者也是有听过单价超出 Stella 不少、但声音表现甚至不及 Westone UM50 的耳机,然而因为调音特性还是有许多死忠支持者,毕竟高单价耳机或是音响原本就无法以理性看待,一切还是端看消费者是否愿意为了 Stella 的声音付出如此的代价。 根据 Light Harmonic 的说法, Stella 只是它们耳机计画中的开端,对于 Larry Ho 而言 Stella 还未达到他心中的极致,在未来产品部份将出现比 Stella 更全面的超旗舰级入耳式耳机,此外也会有新款的随身型 DAC 产品诞生,以世代来说会是 Geek Out 的第三代产品,但由于品牌重整计画,会有全新的名称。

Nick Lachey 的《100days 100nights》歌词。

100 days, 100 nights to know a man"s heart100 days, 100 nights to know a man"s heartAnd a little more before he knows his ownYou know a man can tell apartof the same, just so longfor a day come, when his true,his true self and all, yes it doeshe may be mellow, he may be kindtreat you good all the timebut there"s something just beyondwhat he"s told100 days, 100 nights to know a man"s heart100 days, 100 nights to know a man"s heartand a little more before he knows his ownWait a minutemaybe I need it to slow it down,take my time...Hmmm, I had a man (100 days)tell me things (100 nights)oh made me feel (100 days)just like a queen (100 nights)and I thought (100 days)he was the one (100 nights)I would hope, oh yes I did (100 days)but one day, I looked around (100 nights)that old man was nowhere to be found (100 days)100 days for his heart (100 nights)to unfold, (100 days)100 days (100 nights)100 nights (100 days)to know a man"s heart (100 nights)100 days, 100 nights to know a man"s heart (100 days)and a little more before he knows his own(100 days 100 nights 100 days 100 days 100 nights)

日语 为什么6月29日 6月30日中的日都是发nichi的音 7月1日的日确发tachi的音?



nicholas[英]u02c8niku0259lu0259s[美]u02c8nu026aku0259lu0259sn. 尼古拉斯(m.)[例句]u2022 A shift by apple to other manufacturers ( business insider "s nicholas carlson)u2022苹果将代工订单转移到其它厂商【商业内幕(BusinessInsider)尼古拉斯u2022卡尔森】

英语里,nice jacket和fuck off


It is not uncommon for there___problems of communication between the old and the young.


Santa Monica 歌词

歌曲名:Santa Monica歌手:Véronique Sanson专辑:Laisse-La VivreShe fills my bed with gasolineYou think I wouldn"t noticeHer mind"s made upHer love is goneI think someone"s trying to show us a signThat even if we thought it would lastThe moment would passMy bones will break and my heart would giveAnd I remember the day when you left for Santa MonicaYou left me to remain with all your excuses for everythingAnd I remember the time when you left for Santa MonicaAnd I remember the day you told me it"s overIt hurts to breatheWell every time that you"re not next to meHer mind"s made upThe girl is goneAnd now I"m forced to seeI think I"m on my wayOh, it hurts to live todayOh and she says "Don"t you wish you were dead like me?"And I remember the day when you left for Santa MonicaYou left me to remain with all your excuses for everythingAnd I remember the time when you left for Santa MonicaAnd I remember the day you told me it"s overI wanted more than thisI needed more than thisI could use of more than thisBut it just won"t stopIt just won"t go awayI needed more than thisI wanted more than thisI asked for more than thisBut it just won"t stopIt just won"t go awayAnd I remember the day when you left for Santa MonicaYou left me to remain with all your excuses for everythingAnd I remember the time when you left it all behindAnd I remember the day you told me it"s overAnd I remember the day when you left for Santa MonicaYou left me to remain with all your excuses for everythingAnd I remember the time when you left for Santa MonicaYeah, I remember the day you told me it"s over

Santa Monica 歌词

歌曲名:Santa Monica歌手:Kotvald A Hlozek专辑:Holky Z Nasi Skolky Po 20 LetechShe fills my bed with gasolineYou think I wouldn"t noticeHer mind"s made upHer love is goneI think someone"s trying to show us a signThat even if we thought it would lastThe moment would passMy bones will break and my heart would giveAnd I remember the day when you left for Santa MonicaYou left me to remain with all your excuses for everythingAnd I remember the time when you left for Santa MonicaAnd I remember the day you told me it"s overIt hurts to breatheWell every time that you"re not next to meHer mind"s made upThe girl is goneAnd now I"m forced to seeI think I"m on my wayOh, it hurts to live todayOh and she says "Don"t you wish you were dead like me?"And I remember the day when you left for Santa MonicaYou left me to remain with all your excuses for everythingAnd I remember the time when you left for Santa MonicaAnd I remember the day you told me it"s overI wanted more than thisI needed more than thisI could use of more than thisBut it just won"t stopIt just won"t go awayI needed more than thisI wanted more than thisI asked for more than thisBut it just won"t stopIt just won"t go awayAnd I remember the day when you left for Santa MonicaYou left me to remain with all your excuses for everythingAnd I remember the time when you left it all behindAnd I remember the day you told me it"s overAnd I remember the day when you left for Santa MonicaYou left me to remain with all your excuses for everythingAnd I remember the time when you left for Santa MonicaYeah, I remember the day you told me it"s over

求帮写一篇英文作文 题目:the inportance of interpersonal communication 120字左右

Currently,many people come to realise that interpersonal communication plays an indispensible role in our society.It is a well known fact that everyone need to communicate with each other,including students,teachers as well as business men.In the course of communication,scientist will find a good way to solve a problem which we are faced with.And it is the communicating that helps peoples" ideas be shared.In conlusion,it always benificial for people to have interpersonal communictaion,which is of great importance.

网络对人际交往的影响 The Impact of Internet on Interpersonal Communication

WhenI first set my eyes on a father and his daughter I heard the father ask abouthis daughter"s school life. To my surprise the girl told his father to readher blog so that he can get what he wants. 在我第一次看到一对父女的时候,我听到父亲在问女儿的学校生活。令我吃惊的是,女儿告诉父亲去看她的博客就可以知道他想了解的东西。 Now the Inter has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day has influenced us a lot especially on our interpersonal munication. 现在互联网在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的作用。它对我们的影响很大,特别是在我们的人际交往中。 Forone thing the Inter makes the interpersonal munication more can contact with each other no matter when and where. The Inter makesfull use of time and space. What"s more we can also share our daily life andknowledge through QQ MSN and blog with others. For another thing theInter speeds up our interpersonal munication. We can save time to do ourwork. However the Inter also brings about many problems such as safety problems cheating and so on. Many people spend too much time on the Inter and theydon"t have time to interact with person in real life which result in theabsence of ability in munication in reality. 一方面,互联网使人与人之间的交流更方便。不管何时何地我们都可以互相联系。互联网都是充分利用时间和空间的。更重要的是,我们也可以通过QQ,MSN和博客分享我们的生活。另一方面,互联网有助于我们的人际沟通。我们可以节省时间来工作。然而,互联网也带来了很多问题,如安全问题,作弊等等。很多人花太多时间在互联网上,他们没有时间和现实生活中的人交流,这导致在现实生活中交际能力的缺失。 Ithas both advantages and disadvantages to interact through the Inter. We canget to the problem in our work and study. Last but not lest we have to talkwith people and develop our ability to municate in reality. 通过互联网交流既有优点也有缺点。我们可以在我们的工作和研究的问题。最后但并非最不重要的,我们必须在现实生活中与别人交流并培养我们的沟通能力。


In ancient times when there were no spoken language, human still had to try their best to communicate in sign language, this proves that communication is really the essence of life. However, with the advance technologies, we are beginging to go in the reversed circle in communication. Through the telephone, now we can only hear each other"s voice without seeing our faces, now with messaging and the internet, we don"t even hear each other voice. So, what next, are we soon going to fall into the situation when we don"t even communicate with each other ?

传播学intrapersonal communication和interpersonal communication有什么区别?

Intrapersonal communication┈┈┈内向传播 自我传播 interpersonal communication人际沟通;人际传播;人际交流传播的对象,范围不一样

the impact of mobile phone on interpersonal communication什么意思

the impact of mobile phone on interpersonal communication手机对人际交流的影响

interpersonal communication是什么意思



What a nice apple pie!多好吃的苹果派!精锐八佰伴英语老师

求nickelback最新单曲《When We Stand Together》英文歌词,最好有中文的翻译

One more depending on a prayer And we all look away People pretending everywhere It"s just another day There"s bullets flying through the air And they still carry on We watch it happen over there And then just turn it off (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) We must stand together (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) There"s no giving in (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) Hand in hand forever (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) That"s when we all win (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) That"s, that"s, that"s when we all win That"s, that"s, that"s when we all win They tell us everything"s alright And we just go along How can we fall asleep at night? When something"s clearly wrong When we could feed a starving world With what we throw away But all we serve are empty words That always taste the same [ Lyrics from: ] (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) We must stand together (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) There"s no giving in (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) Hand in hand forever (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) That"s when we all win (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) That"s, that"s, that"s when we all win That"s, that"s, that"s when we all win The right thing to guide us Is right here, inside us No one can divide us When the light is leading on But just like a heartbeat The drumbeat carries on And the drumbeat carries on (Just like a heartbeat) (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) We must stand together (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) There"s no giving in (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) Hand in hand forever (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) That"s when we all win (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) That"s, that"s, that"s when we all win That"s, that"s, that"s when we all win

electrical engineering 和 electronic engineering 有什么区别呀?

electrical engineering 电器工程 ( 偏向强电)electronic engineering 电子工程 (偏向弱点)

Hellenic Greek区别

Hellenic adj.希腊的,希腊人的,希腊语的Greek n.希腊人;希腊语;难懂的事 adj.希腊的,希腊人的;希腊语的

美国technical institution什么意思?

—— 英文:技术机构。

be to always nice friende your 连词成句

Be always nice to your friends. Always be nice to your friends. Be nice to your friends always.

英语翻译My father is a nice man.He likes to play computer games.?

我的父亲为人很好,他喜欢玩电脑游戏,他是一家制造工厂的老板,在擅长设计的同时,工作也十分的努力.我非常爱我的父亲.所以有的时候,我也会想帮助他在工厂的事情.他大部分时间都在忙着他的商务旅行,因为他的业务遍布各地.因此,他和我很少在一起玩耍,但是我并不怪他,我也经常花时间玩电脑,因此我也有很多的事情做,我母亲经常和我父亲通话,并叮嘱他早些回来,但是父亲不怎么听她的,所以,我妈妈和我有的时候也会烦躁不安,但是我确实不喜欢他经常很晚才回家. 我爱我的父亲但是我讨厌他的工作.,3,我父亲是个好人。他喜欢玩电脑游戏。他是一个工厂生产的很多东西的主人。他是在设计好的。他工作很努力。我很爱他,因为,有时候,我可以帮助他做他的工厂的东西。他是出差,因为他总是到处有他的生意也因此它占用了大量时间。因此, 他没有时间跟我玩,但我不会责怪他。我常常花了我很多时间在计算机上,所以我有些事情要处理。我妈妈通常在电话,并告诉我的父亲早点回家,但我的父亲不听她的。所以,我母亲和我有时心情...,3,我的父亲是个好个,喜欢玩电脑游戏。他拥有一个生产工厂,他擅长设计,工作也很努力,我非常爱他。有时候我会在他厂里给他帮帮忙。到处都有我父亲的生意,出差占用了他大部分的时间,但我并不怪他没有时间陪我,所以我常常花很多时间来摆弄电脑。我妈经常在电话里跟我父亲说,让他早点回来,但他从来都没有听过,所以有时候我和我妈心情都很不好,我并不喜欢那个很晚才回家的父亲。 我爱我的父亲,但是我不喜欢他的工作。...,3,我父亲是个好人。他喜欢玩电脑游戏。他是一个工厂生产的很多东西的主人。他是在设计好的。他工作很努力。我很爱他,因为,有时候,我可以帮助他做他的工厂的东西。他是出差,因为他总是到处有他的生意也因此它占用了大量时间。因此,他没有时间跟我玩,但我不会责怪他。我常常花了我很多时间在计算机上,所以我有些事情要处理。我妈妈通常在电话,并告诉我的父亲早点回家,但我的父亲不听她的。所以,我母亲和我有时心情不好,我不...,1,我父亲是个很不错的人,他喜欢玩电脑游戏。他拥有一家工厂,生产很多东西。他擅长设计,工作很努力,有时侯我也在工厂帮忙,我很爱他。他总是出差,这要占用很多时间,所以,他没有时间陪我玩,但我不怪他。因为我有事情做,我大部分时间都在花费在电脑上。母亲经常打电话给他,让他早点儿回家,但作用不大。所以,我和母亲经常会以为父亲的晚归而失望,我不喜欢他总是回家那么晚... 我爱的是父亲,而不是他的...,1,英语翻译 My father is a nice man.He likes to play puter games.He is an owner of a factory which produces many things .He is good at designing.He works very hard.I love him very much because,sometimes,I can help him to do something in his factory .He is always on business trips because he has his business everywhere so it takes up too much of his time .Therefore,he doesn"t have any time to play with me but I don"t blame him for that.I often spend a lot of my time on the puter,so I have something to do.My mother is usually on the phone and tells my father to get home early but my father doesn"t listen to her.So my mother and I sometimes are upset and I don"t like my father in a sense that he always gets home late. I love my father but not his job!




现在,“panasonic”商标已经遍及松下公司的几乎所有的产品,成为该公司的一个国际化品牌。关于“panasonic”的由来,是以PAN=「日语:すべて、全部 的意思」为接头语,加上SONIC=「音」,组成的新词,可以说是松下公司独自创造的新词了。


synchronicity 作词:梶浦由记 作/编曲:梶浦由记 歌:牧野由依 この温もりは何処へ行くの 明日になれば消えてしまうの 胸の鼓动を合わせたならば 同じ深みへ降りて行けるの いつもいつも侧にいるよ どんな远く君の心が迷っても 暗暗の中に二人で漂いながら 无邪気な小鸟のように翼を寄せていた 寂しい时には笑颜に隠れる君は 溶けない氷の刃 この胸を晒して 抱きしめる ずっと… 君は一人で何処へ行くの 振り返るのが怖いだけなの 胸の形も哀しい色も 本当はきっとよく似てるのに いつかきっと还る场所を 二人同じ儚さで见つめている この暗の中でどんなに离れていても 心は何より强い绊で呼び合って 寂しい时には笑っていても分かるよ 冷たい指を涙で 暖めてあげたい 侧にいる… 暗暗の中に二人で漂いながら 无邪気な小鸟のように翼を寄せていた 寂しい时には笑颜に隠れる君は 溶けない氷の刃 この胸を晒して 抱きしめる 侧にいる ずっと… 中文 这片温暖将往何处 待至明日销声匿迹 若能配合心中跳动 便能来到同样深度 永远 永远 在旁边 即使你的心 迷乱飘远 黑暗之中 二人一同漂浮 俨如无邪幼雏 引着双翼 寂寥之时刻 以笑容隐藏自己的你 是被不溶的冰包着的刀刃 曝晒着的心胸 一直 被拥抱着 你一个人将往何处 如果要回头尽是恐怖 心胸的形状哀伤的颜色 竟然真的如此相似 不知 不觉 返回之地 两人同在 刹那间凝视 这黑暗之中 无论怎麼样的远离 心比任何东西都更坚强 同被羁绊呼唤 寂寥之时刻 即使装笑也能看得见 在泪水中的那只冰冷手指 盼望被热暖 在旁 黑暗之中 二人一同漂浮 俨如无邪幼雏 引着双翼 寂寥之时刻 以笑容隐藏自己的你 是被不溶的冰包着的刀刃 曝晒着的心胸 一直 在旁 被拥抱着 罗马注音 konorukomoniwa dokoeyukuno hashidanirareba kiedeshimaono murerokodowo awasedararaba orajihukamie onideyukeruno itsumo itsumo sobaniiroyo donna dooku kimiro kodonokamayuodemo kunayaminorakani hudamidedadayoirakara rujakirakodoninoyuoni tsubasawoyusedeida samishiidokiniwa ekawonikakurenukimiwa hukemaikooninoyaiba konomunenosarashide dakishimeru zutto kimiwahidonide dokoeyukuno hunikaenunoka kowaidakerano murenokadajimo karashiiinoro hondowakitto rokunideruroni itsuka kitto kaerubashoo fudani oraji hakarasade mitsumedeiru konoyaminorakade donnaniharanedeyidemo kokonowaraniyunitsuyui kitsumadeyubiagade samishiidokiniwa waraadeidemowakaruyo tsumedaiyubiroramidade adadamedeakedai sobaniiru kunayaminorakani hudamidedadayoirakara rujakirakodoninoyuoni tsubasawoyusedeida samishiidokiniwa ekawonikagurenukimiwa hukemaikowoninoyaiba konomunenosarashide dakishimemu sobaniiru zutto さいごの果実 作词:坂本真绫 作曲:铃木祥子 编曲:斎藤ネコ さがしてばかりの仆たちは sagasite bakarino bokutachiwa 镜のようによく似てるから kagaminoyouni yokoniterukara 向き合うだけでつながるのに mukiau dagete cunagarunoni 触れ合うことはできないまま hureaukotowa tekinaimama 目をこらした 手をのばした me o korasita te o nobasita 化石みたいに眠っている kasemitaini ne tteiru 开かれるのを待ち続ける hirakareruno o machicuzukeru 雨が降って 时は満ちて amega futte tokiwamichite ねえ仆は仆は知りたい nee bokuwa bokuwa siritai 爱するってどんなこと Aisurutte don nakoto 君が微笑むと世界は Kimiga hohoemu tosekaiwa 少し震えて辉いた Sukosifuruete kagayaita まるで呼吸するように动き出した Marude kokyuusuru youni ugokidasita 谁もまもれない仆たちは Daremo mamoremai bokutachiwa 寝静まる街を駆けだして Nesizumaru machio kakedasite 水になって 风になって Mizuninatte kazeni natte 手に入れるために争い Teni ireru tameni arasoi 向かい合えばむなしくて Mukai ae bamunasikute 仆が叫んでも世界は Bukuga sakendemo sekaiwa 何も言わずに背を向けた Nanimoiwazuni seomuketa まるで仆を试すように Marude boku o tameizuyouni 突き放した Cuki hanasite 一瞬を 永远を 始まりを 最果てを I syun o eien o hajimari o saihate o ねえ仆は仆は知りたい Nee bokuwa bokuwa siritai 生きてくってどんなこと Ikiteku tte don nakoto 少し震えて辉いた Sukoksi furuete kagayaita 仆が讯ねると世界は Bukuga tazuneruto sekaiwa 仆に眠る真実を Bokuni nemru sinjicu o 今静かに 解き放つ Ima sizukani tokihanacu 一直在寻找著的我们 相似如镜中影子 明明只是对望,便可相连 却始终无法互相碰触 凝视著你,向你伸出了手 像化石一样地沉睡 一直等待著,被谁发现 kase 雨水零落,时辰已到 呐,我想知道 爱是什么 当我这么追问时世界便 微微振动,天地明亮 好像在呼吸一样生动起来了 谁也保护不了的我们 在静静沉睡的街上奔跑 变成水,成为风 为夺取而战争 对视之时感觉到虚幻无常 即使我呐喊,世界也 什么也不肯说,背对著我 好像在试炼我一样 绝然离去 一瞬,永远,开始,最后 呐,我想知道 活下去的意义 当我这么追问时世界便 微微振动,天地明亮 在我内心中沉睡的真实 现在静静地,得到自由

Instrumental的《Panic》 歌词

歌曲名:Panic歌手:Instrumental专辑:2Title:PanicArtist:Backstreet BoysAlbum:Unbreakable猪鼻插葱 制作Nick: go Stop and goI just hit staticI used to read youLoud and clear not like thisIt"s so erraticBrian: And I"m not rationalWhen I see you aroundYou"re inconsistencyAnd ya know it"s dragging me downYou"re so conflicted babyAll: You"re always walking awayOne step and everything"s overSo you"re running back to meYou say I let you downBaby take me in or just take me outI"m already deadI already said I"m sorryI"ve made mistakesI"ve been an addictA blind fanaticDon"t you know?You"re not immune to the panicWith somebodyBrian: When the snow hits your skinThe cold don"t last foreverBut you"ll live it againIf you don"t let the seasons changeI already said (I already said)I"m sorryAJ: How many times Do I have to say itBefore you believe meAll: Stop and goStop and goPanicAll: You"re always walking away (You"re always walking away)Baby take me in or just take me out (I"m already deadI already already said)I"m already dead(I"m already dead)I already said (I already said) I"m sorry



nice shoot和nice shot的区别?

"Nice shoot"和"nice shot"是两个常见的表达,它们的区别在于用途和意义。"Nice shoot"通常用于描述拍照或摄影时的表现或照片本身,表示拍得漂亮、出色。它可以是对摄影师或拍照者技术、构图或创意的赞美。例如:- "Wow, that"s a nice shoot! You captured the perfect moment."(哇,这张照片拍得好!你捕捉到了完美的时刻。)"Nice shot"则通常用于形容体育运动或其他需要技巧的活动中的出色动作或击球。它可以表示对参与者的技术、准确度或成功的肯定。例如:- "He made a nice shot and scored a goal!"(他打了一记漂亮的球,得分了!)总的来说,"nice shoot"用于夸奖照片的拍摄和质量,而"nice shot"用于赞美体育或技术活动中的出色表现。记住这些常用表达可以让你在适当的时候给出恰当的赞美和鼓励。



the use of body language on cross-cultural communication

Body Language in Cross-Cultural CommunicationPeople can communicate with one another not only through verbal communication but also through nonverbal communication; moreover, the latter plays an essential role. Body language is an important part of nonverbal communication, and thus this article intends to present its meaning and talk it briefly so that we can improve our communication skills and abilities by understanding it well.Usually body language occurs unconsciously. Yet the body language we use decides to a large extent the quality of our communication. It follows that therefore it would be good to become conscious of our own and others" body language. We can learn to use our body language for a purpose. It is important to note that body language has different meanings in different cultures. How we can interpret body language depends on the situation, the culture, the relationship we have with the person as well as the gender of the other. This means that there is not one signal that has the same meaning all over the world. Body language is also interlinked with spoken language and a whole pattern of behaviour from a person. As well as that, various body language signs can complement each other to make a particular meaning crystal clear or strengthen the meaning of what we communicate.Nonverbal communication, composed of pictures, dresses, eye contact, spatial signals, gestures and so on, is as important as verbal communication.There are five parts of this paper. The first part is introduction, mainly introduce the importance of body language. The second part talk about the term—body language briefly, including its concept and classification, general characteristics and the importance of knowing how we communicate. The third part is the most vital one, in this chapter, this paper talk about several sorts of body language with lots of cases which embody the conflict in cross cultural communication in detail including gestures, eye behavior, facial expressions and posture. The fourth part talk about different meanings of body language in various countries and personal space, if we know the knowledge of this two aspects, we can avoid the embracement in cross cultural communication. The fifth part is the conclusion of the whole paper. Body language is known as non-verbal behavior which transmits information through gestures, actions and facial expressions. People communicate with each other by their body language in the ways of nodding, waving, eye contacting, shrugging and so on. According to the research results of psychologists, these ways can express what the verbal language cannot directly. Body language can be divided into sight language, body touches language, posture and gesture, manner, facial expression, flavor language, proxemics and clothes language. Some body languages are not only innate but also unconscious and subconscious. Take excited people for example, their pupil will dilate automatically; eyebrows move when greeting; frown when discontented; yawn when fatigued; bite teeth when anger and usually people smile when happy, cry when sad and blush when shame. However, other body languages are postnatal. Various peoples form unique body languages due to the language backgrounds of their living. The gesture of Britain and American man is totally different when they sit with their legs crossed. American likes shrugging, and they often do a forward body gesture when they speak in future tense. Cupped-hand salute is peculiar only in China, we use it in such cases: congratulate when happy get-together; extend one"s heartfelt respects when spend festivals; express heartfelt thanks and entrust in some special situations. How we come across to someone is decided only for a small part by the words we speak. To leave a good impression behind, say at a job interview, it is important that we know, and to a certain extent can control, our body language. The person on the receiving end of our body language will have a feeling or impression that is often difficult to describe, difficult to put into words or difficult to prove what actually was communicated. Haven"t we all said at times: ‘I have a feeling heshe likes me", or something like: ‘I doubt if what heshe is saying is really the truth". This type of feeling is called intuition. Body language plays a big role in intuition as it gives us messages about the other person that we can interpret at an intuitive level. It is therefore necessary to get to know our own body language first. We should learn about it so that we can recognize it in others as well as in ourselves. For this purpose, we will describe all the different aspects of body language in the following parts. We can learn something from the different aspects of body language. Without gestures, our world would be static and colorless. The movements of our arms, hands, eyes, and feet constitute another important way in which we broadcast, interpersonal data. So we will talk about this subject more. In a very general sense, we all use gestures to reinforce an idea or to help describe something. When we say, “That"s an English book”, at the same time we are pointing to the book. If someone asks us the way to the library, we point to the right, adding a little information about it, which will be more clear and concrete. We may literally roll up our sleeves when talking about cleaning up the room, run to meet the person we are eager to see, stand up when saying “We will go now.” We like to use our hands to indicate the dimensions when someone asks us to describe the size or shape of something. It seems natural to clench our first or perhaps even proud the lectern to let everyone realize the importance of our message when trying to communicate a strong feeling, which emphasizes our words. In classroom, it is unnecessarily stand in front of the blackboard for the teacher at the whole time. The teacher may move from behind the lectern when they wait to be informed; move to the right or left when making a major point so that they can communicate with students very well and enhance his or her teaching quality. However, exaggerated body movement, we should say, can cause harm, too, just as a saying goes, “Going too far is as bad as not going far enough.” This teacher must avoid overdone movement because it can be so distracting, to the students that it loses track of what the teacher is saying. Some of us have such feeling, that is, in a class or speech, we become more interested in the speaker"s motion than we do in the speaker"s message when we see the speaker pace and forth in front of us. At last we just remember the movement of the speaker, but get nothing about the information. The same is true in any context. “If a body movement distracts from the idea, it is damaging.” Of course, there are also many other gestures, for instance, head movement; shaking the head or nodding. Perhaps we learn those gestures and movements at an early age, and probably use and interpret them almost without thinking.Gestures and body language communicate as effectively as words- maybe even more effectively. We use gestures daily, almost instinctively, from beckoning to a waiter, or punctuating a business presentation with visual signals to airport ground attendants guiding an airline pilot into the jet way or a parent using a whole dictionary of gestures to teach (or preach to) a child.Gestures are woven inextricably into our social lives, but also that the "vocabulary" of gestures, can be at once informative and entertaining... but also dangerous. Gestures can be menacing (two drivers on a freeway), warm (an open-armed welcome), instructive (a police man giving road directions), or even sensuous (the liquid movement of a Hawaiian hula dancer). Bear in mind that the following gestures are in general use, but there may always be exceptions. In recent years, Western and contemporary values and ideas have become more popular and has either influenced, altered, and even replaced, some of the more traditional gestures, understanding human behavior is tricky stuff. No two people behave in precisely the same way. Nor do people from the same culture all perform exactly the same gestures and body language uniformly. For almost any gestures there will probably be a minority within a given nationality who might say, "Well, some might attach that meaning t...

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Nicolai Dunger的《The Nest》 歌词

歌曲名:The Nest歌手:Nicolai Dunger专辑:Soul RushChambers - The NestLike crow on carrionI"m coming for youI"ve eaten your soulYou stay in this haze and you"ll never be wholeNeglected caged animalSick, improperly groomedHaphazardly fedSymbolizing life needing new breathTake your lifeYou are mineGot you fooledYou are doomedYou are so blindShred you up like I"m a saw-toothed knifeYou"d better run from meBefore I infest you like a plague of fleasAnd I know you"re snapping backAnd when you"re in my bed your life is back on trackBut there"s holes in you and ICuz I"m a killer when you look beyond my eyesI am inhumanI want your painI want to drainThe blood from your pretty veinsI am immortalI"ve killed you twiceI lived to hurt youAnd my chambers are your fucking viceI am the monsterThat lurks in your brainNo more lounging in the sunI don"t find it any funI am built to killAnd I"ll always winCan"t carry the weight of our historyWhen I"ve already been kissed by death

6. What is interracial communication?

Interracial communication occurs when the sender and the receiver exchanging messages are from different races.===
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