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Neither nor的用法小结及例句

  以下是我为大家整理的neither nor的用法 总结 ,希望能帮助大家更好地认识neither nor这个词组,提高英语水平。   Neither nor 意思:   既不u2026也不u2026;   Neither ,nor 用法小结:   a.当主语不是同一个人或物时,nor和neither可互换,当主语是同一个人或物时,只能用nor.   例如:I don"t know,nor do I care.我不知道,也不关心.   b.当并列分句有两个以上时,只能用nor.   例如:You can"t sing ,nor can I ,nor can she.你不会 唱歌 ,我不会,她也不会.   neither...nor...表示"既不u2026u2026也不u2026u2026"。其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。例如:   She likes neither butter nor cheese. 她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪。此句中neither...nor...连接两个宾语。当neither...nor...连接两个主语时,也应遵循"就近原则"。例如:   Neither dad nor mum is at home today. 今天父母都不在家。   若将neither...nor...句型变为肯定句,只需把neither...nor...改为both...and...即可,同时谓语动词必须用复数形式。例如:   Both dad and mum are at home today. 今天父母都在家。   还可以单独使用neither作主语,表示"两者中没有一个"。例如:   Neither of them likes football. 他们俩都不喜欢 足球 。   neither或nor还有另外一种用法,就是当表达一个人没有做某事,另一个人也没做同一类事时,可用neither或nor进行简略回答,其结构为:Neither / Nor+助动词 / 情态动词 / be动词+主语。例如:   They didn"t go to the park yesterday. Neither / Nor did we. 昨天他们没去公园,我们也没去。   He doesn"t go to school by bike. Neither / Nor do I. 他不是骑自行车上学,我也不是。-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Neither nor的用法小结相关 文章 推荐: 1. Neither...nor的用法小结 2. 高二英语语法学习要点 3. both的用法总结归纳 4. as的倒装句的用法

neither nor就近原则还是就远原则?

neither nor就近原则:以靠近谓语动词的、作主语的名词作为人称和数的参考标准,即谓语动词单复数要参考nor后的主语人称。例如:Neither he nor they are wholly right.他和他们,谁都不是完全对的。就近原则就近原则也称“邻近原则”“就近一致原则”,即:谓语与靠近的名词、代词(有时不一定是主语)在“人称、数”上一致。与其相对的还有“就远原则”。一、由下列词语连接的并列主语:there be+句型;or;either …or;nor;neither…nor;whether…or;not…but;not only…but also等。二、在倒装句中:谓语可与后面第一个主语一致。

either or和neither nor的区别是什么?

either...or...不是……就是……neither...nor...既不……也不……连接两个并列成分作主语时谓语动词遵循就近原则如Either you or he is a student.Neither he nor you are a student.



Neither……nor的用法 想要几个典型的例句

neither...nor...表示"既不……也不……".其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份.例如: She likes neither butter nor cheese.她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪.此句中neither...nor...连接两个宾语.当neither...nor...连接两个主语时,也应遵循"就近原则".例如: Neither dad nor mum is at home today.今天父母都不在家. 若将neither...nor...句型变为肯定句,只需把neither...nor...改为both...and...即可,同时谓语动词必须用复数形式.例如: Both dad and mum are at home today.今天父母都在家. 还可以单独使用neither作主语,表示"两者中没有一个".例如: Neither of them likes football.他们俩都不喜欢足球. neither或nor还有另外一种用法,就是当表达一个人没有做某事,另一个人也没做同一类事时,可用neither或nor进行简略回答,其结构为:Neither / Nor+助动词 / 情态动词 / be动词+主语.例如: He doesn"t go to school by bike.Neither / Nor do I.他不是骑自行车上学,我也不是. They didn"t go to the park yesterday.Neither / Nor did we.昨天他们没去公园,我们也没去.

neither 和 nor 在用法上有什么区别呢?

neither或nor用法:主要是当表达一个人没有做某事,另一个人也没做同一类事时,可用neither或nor进行简略回答,其结构为:Neither / Nor+助动词 / 情态动词 / be动词+主语 基本没有什么区别,可以互换,但是neither比较正式点.如; He doesn"t go to school by bike.Neither / Nor do I.他不是骑自行车上学,我也不是. They didn"t go to the park yesterday.Neither / Nor did we.昨天他们没去公园,我们也没去. 两者之后加的动词,都必须遵守就近原则,如:Either my father or my mother is a teacher. Neither my father nor my mother is a teacher.either or是两者中的任意一者,可表示肯定,也可表示否定,neither nor是两者都不,表示否定 . 另外neither...nor..表示"既不……也不……".其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份.例如: She likes neither butter nor cheese.她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪.此句中neither...nor...连接两个宾语.当neither...nor...连接两个主语时,也应遵循"就近原则".例如: Neither dad nor mum is at home today.今天父母都不在家. 若将neither...nor...句型变为肯定句,只需把neither...nor...改为both...and...即可,同时谓语动词必须用复数形式.例如: Both dad and mum are at home today.今天父母都在家. 还可以单独使用neither作主语,表示"两者中没有一个".例如: Neither of them likes football.他们俩都不喜欢足球.

neither nor 可以倒装吗

上句话提到的情况同样适合下文的人或物, 为了避免和上文的内容重复,英语习惯用so, neither/nor引导的倒装句。so引导的倒装句表示肯定,neither/nor引导的倒装句表示否定,其时态与前一句时态保持一致,上下文陈述的不是同一人或事物。—Sam can"t see the paintings clearly from here. Sam从这儿看不清那些画。—Neither can I.=Me, neither.=I can"t see the paintings clearly from here, either. 我从这儿也看不清那些画。上句话提到的否定情况同样适合下句话的人或物,为了避免重复,neither/nor+动词+主语,表示也不这样,上下句用同类系动词、情态动词或助动词且时态必须一致,上下句涉及不同的人或事物。1. —My parents never stop going on about how I should study hard. 我的父母从没停止唠叨我应该怎样努力学习。Neither do my parents. =My parents never stop going on about how I should study hard, eithe. 我的父母也从没停止唠叨我该怎样努力学习。2. —Everybody shouldn"t spit anywhere in public. I won"t do such a thing. 每个人都不应该随地吐痰。我可不做这样的事。—Neither will we. =We won"t do such a thing, either. 我们也不会做这样的事。


  neither nor的用法在英语学习中是比较重要的一个知识点,也是广大学生比较容易混淆的知识点之一,它的用法很多。接下来我在这里给大家带来 neither nor的用法在英语学习中是比较重要的一个知识点,也是广大学生比较容易混淆的知识点之一,我们一起来看看吧!   neithernor的用法   neither...nor...表示"既不u2026u2026也不u2026u2026".其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份.   例如:u2028   She likes neither butter nor cheese.(连接名词)   她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪.u2028   She is neither clever nor hardworking.(连接形容词)她既不聪明,又不勤奋.u2028此句中neither...nor...连接两个宾语.   当neither...nor...连接两个主语时,也应遵循"就近原则".   例如:u2028Neither he nor she is at home today.(连接代词)今天他和她都不在家.u2028若将neither...nor...句型变为肯定句,只需把neither...nor...改为both...and...即可,同时谓语动词必须用复数形式.   a.当主语不是同一个人或物时,nor和neither可互换,当主语是同一个人或物时,只能用nor.u2028   例如:I don"t know,nor do I care.我不知道,也不关心.u2028b.当并列分句有两个以上时,只能用nor.u2028例如:You can"t sing ,nor can I ,nor can she.你不会唱歌,我不会,她也不会.   either or 与 neither nor 用法区别   either与neither可用作形容词、代词、副词和连词等,它们的用法如下:   一、用作形容词.起定语作用,常放在单数名词前.either 表示“这个或者那个”; neither 表示“既非这个、也非那个,两者皆非的”.如:   You may use either book .两本书你可以随便用一本.   Neither answer is right . 两个答案都不对.   二、用作代词.范围多限定于两者之间,常用作主语.作主语时后面跟单数动词.either 表示 “ 二者之一 ” ; neither 表示 “ 两者都不 ” ,其反义词是 both .如:   Either of the knives is useful . 两把刀都有用.   Neither of them was in good health,but both worked very hard . 他们两人身体都不好,但都努力地工作.   三、用作副词.either 只用于否定句中,表示 “ 也(不) ” ; neither 通常用在句子(或简略答语)的开头,表示 “ 也不 ” ,其后要用倒装语序(即:将主语放在助动词、情态动词、连系动词 be 之后).如:   I donu2019t speak French.She doesnu2019t,either .   ( = Neither I nor she speaks French . ) 我不会讲法语,她也不会讲法语.   If she wonu2019t go,neither shall I .   ( = If she wonu2019t go,I wonu2019t,either . ) 要是她不去,我也不去.   四、用作连词.构成短语 eitheru2026oru2026 与 neitheru2026noru2026 ,分别表示“要么 u2026u2026 要么 u2026u2026 ,或者 u2026u2026 或者 u2026u2026 ”和“既不 u2026u2026 也不 u2026u2026 ,既非 u2026u2026 也非 u2026u2026 ”.常用来连接两个并列成分,如并列主语、并列谓语等.但应注意以下几点:   1、无论 eitheru2026oru2026 还是 neitheru2026noru2026 ,在连接两个并列的单数名词作主语时,后面动词用单数.   2、若连接两个复数名词作主语,后面动词用复数.   3、如果一个单数名词和一个复数名词一起作主语时,动词的单复数形式必须和最靠近的一个主语保持一致.人称代词作主语也一样.   如:   Either Mary or Rose is coming . 不是玛丽来,就是罗斯来.   (连接两个并列的单数主语)   Neither boy students nor girl students are right . 男生和女生都不对.   (连接两个并列的复数主语)   Neither the teacher nor the students are going to Huashan.老师和同学们都不打算去华山.   (动词与最靠近的主语相一致)   You can either ride a bike or take a bus to go there .你可以骑车或坐公共汽车去那里.   (连接并列谓语)   I have neither time nor money for skiing . 我没有时间,也没有钱去滑雪.   (连接并列宾语)   The green shirt is either yours or hers . 这件绿色的衬衣不是你的就是她的.   (连接并列表语)   He will come neither today nor tomorrow . 他今天不会来,明天也不会来.   (连接两个状语)   neithernor的相关解释   释义 既不u2026也不u2026;   neithernor的例句   1. He spared neither nor.   他既不辞辛劳也不惜费用.   2. But at the same time, neither nor, can ignore the culture exchange and spread.   但同时, 又不能忽视文化的交流与传播.   3. I know a young man who is neither, nor a scholar , but a Taoist priest.   小弟曾遇见一个少年, 不是梨园,也不是我辈, 是一个黄冠.   4. The report concludes that I acted neither fraudulently nor improperly.   报告最后认为我的行为既没有欺骗性也没有任何不妥。   5. They can neither read nor write, nor can they comprehend such concepts.   他们不会读,不会写,也理解不了这样的概念。   6. That, if you"ll pardon my saying so, is neither here nor there.   恕我直言,那根本就不重要。

neither和nor是不是都是两者都不的意思 那要表示3者或以上都不用什么词呢?

neither A nor B 就是表示两者都不,既不是A也不是B,没有nor of的用法.要表示3者或以上都不用,就用none.存在none of 的用法,否定三者或以上,加油!


如果neither和nor分别位于分句句首,则两个分句都要进行部分倒装;如果neither不位于句首,而nor位于分句句首时,则nor引导的分句进行部分倒装。neither ..., nor ... 含义(既不……, 也不……)。neither.., nor...连接并列分句且置于句首时前后都倒装,但连接并列主语时不倒装。一、neither1、含义:pron. 两者都不。adj. 两者都不的。adv. 也不。conj. 也不;既不。2、用法:neither常用在不带冠词的单数名词之前,谓语动词要用单数形式。neither用作代词时表示“两者都不”,可单独使用,用于没有冠词、物主代词、指示代词等限定词修饰的单数名词前,用作主语时,谓语动词用作单数形式,也可以和介词of连用,后接复数名词或人称代词,名词前面一定要有限定词修饰。Neither chair is comfortable.两把椅子坐起来都不舒服。二、nor1、含义:conj. 也不;也没有。adv. 也不;也没有。2、用法:nor作连词常与neither或not连用,有时也与no,never等表示否定的词连用,表示“也不”。nor与助动词或情态动词连用时,句子采用倒装句型。It is neither hot nor cold in winter here.这里冬天既不热也不冷。neither近义词:either一、含义:adj. 任一的;两方的。pron. 任一。adv. 也(用于否定句中)。conj. 或者(常用于either...or...的结构中)。二、用法:either作代词时,意为“(二者之中)任何一个”,在句中作主语或宾语,表示单数概念; 作主语时谓语动词一般用单数形式,但在否定句中常用复数形式。either可单独用,也可和of连用,of后跟复数名词或复数代词,但意义明确时可省略of短语。either用作副词时须放在否定的动词或形容词之后,表示“也(不)”,加强语气。You may take either of the roads.两条路你随便走哪一条。



neither 和nor有什么区别?

首先要明确的是,neither 通常是作为代词(pron)和副词(adv)用的,而nor是作为副词(adv) 和连词(conj)来用的。我们这里主要区别neither的副词用法和nor的副词及连词用法。通俗来说,副词主要是用来修饰动词的,这和汉语中的副词的作用基本一致;而连词主要用来联系同类的句子成分,比如列举的名词。 下列几点应该注意:? Neither…nor…这是习惯用法,意为“既不……也不”。其中neither是副词,而nor 则是连词。e.g. He neither knows nor cares what happened.? Neither 用于否定句后表示承接前边的否定。通常涉及到省略,同时注意语序倒装。这里neither 仍然是副词。e.g. I haven"t been to New Work before and neither has my sister.“Did you see that?” “No” “Neither did I”.? Nor 用于否定句中连接相同的句子成分。第一点中的用法就是一个例子。 Nor 用于否定句中,承接前面的语气进行进一步否定。但是注意,这里的否定的事情一般和前边的并不一致,这一点和第二点中neither 的用法是不同的。e.g. He cannot see, nor could he hear until one month ago.She isn"t rich, nor do I imagine that she ever will be.I won"t arrive today. Nor tomorrow.


先要明确的是,neither 通常是作为代词(pron)和副词(adv)用的,而nor是作为副词(adv) 和连词(conj)来用的.我们这里主要区别neither的副词用法和nor的副词及连词用法.通俗来说,副词主要是用来修饰动词的,这和汉语中的副词的作用基本一致;而连词主要用来联系同类的句子成分,比如列举的名词.下列几点应该注意: Neither…nor… 这是习惯用法,意为“既不……也不”.其中neither是副词,而nor 则是连词. e.g.He neither knows nor cares what happened. Neither 用于否定句后表示承接前边的否定.通常涉及到省略,同时注意语序倒装.这里neither 仍然是副词. e.g.I haven"t been to New Work before and neither has my sister. “Did you see that?” “No” “Neither did I”. Nor 用于否定句中连接相同的句子成分.第一点中的用法就是一个例子. Nor 用于否定句中,承接前面的语气进行进一步否定.但是注意,这里的否定的事情一般和前边的并不一致,这一点和第二点中neither 的用法是不同的. e.g.He cannot see,nor could he hear until one month ago. She isn"t rich,nor do I imagine that she ever will be. 另外对这位提问的朋友的建议:其实英语关键的是语感,真正的辨析词语的细微差别的是语法专家们.如果你遇到类似的问题,建议你翻翻词典,或者查查在线的词典,关键是读一读其中的例句自己进行比较和揣摩,这样很多的语言问题就可以攻破,你本人也增长可对语言的悟性.其实这个悟性才是最重要的.

有那些英语词组是就近原则的?比如 neither....nor最好全列举出来 谢谢~~

“邻近原则”“就近一致原则”(Proximity),即:谓语与靠近的名词、代词(有时不一定是主语)在“人称、数”上一致。在正式文体中:1.由下列词语连接的并列主语:"there be+句型; or ; either …or;nor; neither…nor;whether…or;not…but; not only…but also" ; 等。e.g. ①What he does or what he says does not concern me. 他的行为或言谈都与我无关。 ②Neither you nor I am wrong . 你和我都没错。 ③Not you but your father is to blame. 不是你,而是你的父亲该受责备。 ④Not only you but(also) he is wrong. 不仅你错了,他也错了。2. 在倒装句中:谓语可与后面第一个主语一致。①In the distance was heard the clapping of hands and the shouts of the people . 在远处,能听见鼓掌声和人们的呼喊声。 ②There is a pen and some books on the desk .桌上有一支钢笔和几本书。 ③There are some books and a pen on the desk.桌子上有几本书和一支钢笔。非正式文体中:有时依“就近一致原则”,但也可依“意义一致原则”或严格地依“语法一致原则”。e.g. Neither she nor I were there (意义一致) 我和她当时都不在那儿。(非正式) Neither she nor I was there .(就近一致)(译文同上句)(正式) 但是,如果依“就近一致原则”而与其他两项原则相矛盾时,则常常认为是不太合符规范的。e.g. No one except his own supporters agree with him .仅他自己的支持者同意他的意见。(依“就近”和“意义”一致的原则;但语法上,“No one ”才是主语,谓语要改成“agrees”。“写作中”一般要依“语法一致”原则。eg. Either they or Jim is going to Shanghai next Saturday.= Either Jim or they are going to Shanghai next Saturday.希望帮到你


如果neither和nor分别位于分句句首,则两个分句都要进行部分倒装;如果neither不位于句首,而nor位于分句句首时,则nor引导的分句进行部分倒装。neither ..., nor ... 含义(既不……, 也不……)。neither.., nor...连接并列分句且置于句首时前后都倒装,但连接并列主语时不倒装。一、neither1、含义:pron. 两者都不。adj. 两者都不的。adv. 也不。conj. 也不;既不。2、用法:neither常用在不带冠词的单数名词之前,谓语动词要用单数形式。neither用作代词时表示“两者都不”,可单独使用,用于没有冠词、物主代词、指示代词等限定词修饰的单数名词前,用作主语时,谓语动词用作单数形式,也可以和介词of连用,后接复数名词或人称代词,名词前面一定要有限定词修饰。Neither chair is comfortable.两把椅子坐起来都不舒服。二、nor1、含义:conj. 也不;也没有。adv. 也不;也没有。2、用法:nor作连词常与neither或not连用,有时也与no,never等表示否定的词连用,表示“也不”。nor与助动词或情态动词连用时,句子采用倒装句型。It is neither hot nor cold in winter here.这里冬天既不热也不冷。neither近义词:either一、含义:adj. 任一的;两方的。pron. 任一。adv. 也(用于否定句中)。conj. 或者(常用于either...or...的结构中)。二、用法:either作代词时,意为“(二者之中)任何一个”,在句中作主语或宾语,表示单数概念; 作主语时谓语动词一般用单数形式,但在否定句中常用复数形式。either可单独用,也可和of连用,of后跟复数名词或复数代词,但意义明确时可省略of短语。either用作副词时须放在否定的动词或形容词之后,表示“也(不)”,加强语气。You may take either of the roads.两条路你随便走哪一条。



either or和neither nor的区别


倒装句中,以nor 和neither开头表否定,用法一样吗?



neither...nor...表示"既不……也不……"。其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。例如: She likes neither butter nor cheese. 她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪。此句中neither...nor...连接两个宾语。当neither...nor...连接两个主语时,也应遵循"就近原则"。例如: Neither dad nor mum is at home today. 今天父母都不在家。

neither nor倒装句

上句话提到的情况同样适合下文的人或物, 为了避免和上文的内容重复,英语习惯用so, neither/nor引导的倒装句。so引导的倒装句表示肯定,neither/nor引导的倒装句表示否定,其时态与前一句时态保持一致,上下文陈述的不是同一人或事物。—Sam can"t see the paintings clearly from here. Sam从这儿看不清那些画。—Neither can I.=Me, neither.=I can"t see the paintings clearly from here, either. 我从这儿也看不清那些画。上句话提到的否定情况同样适合下句话的人或物,为了避免重复,neither/nor+动词+主语,表示也不这样,上下句用同类系动词、情态动词或助动词且时态必须一致,上下句涉及不同的人或事物。1. —My parents never stop going on about how I should study hard. 我的父母从没停止唠叨我应该怎样努力学习。Neither do my parents. =My parents never stop going on about how I should study hard, eithe. 我的父母也从没停止唠叨我该怎样努力学习。2. —Everybody shouldn"t spit anywhere in public. I won"t do such a thing. 每个人都不应该随地吐痰。我可不做这样的事。 —Neither will we. =We won"t do such a thing, either. 我们也不会做这样的事。

neither nor用法?

1、neither…nor…表示"既不……也不……",可连接任意两个并列的成分。2、当neither…nor…连接两个主语时,应遵循"Neither nor就近原则"。3、还可以单独使用neither作主语,表示"两者中没有一个"。

neither. nor.与nor...有什么区别?

如果neither和nor分别位于分句句首,则两个分句都要进行部分倒装;如果neither不位于句首,而nor位于分句句首时,则nor引导的分句进行部分倒装。neither ..., nor ... 含义(既不……, 也不……)。neither.., nor...连接并列分句且置于句首时前后都倒装,但连接并列主语时不倒装。一、neither1、含义:pron. 两者都不。adj. 两者都不的。adv. 也不。conj. 也不;既不。2、用法:neither常用在不带冠词的单数名词之前,谓语动词要用单数形式。neither用作代词时表示“两者都不”,可单独使用,用于没有冠词、物主代词、指示代词等限定词修饰的单数名词前,用作主语时,谓语动词用作单数形式,也可以和介词of连用,后接复数名词或人称代词,名词前面一定要有限定词修饰。Neither chair is comfortable.两把椅子坐起来都不舒服。二、nor1、含义:conj. 也不;也没有。adv. 也不;也没有。2、用法:nor作连词常与neither或not连用,有时也与no,never等表示否定的词连用,表示“也不”。nor与助动词或情态动词连用时,句子采用倒装句型。It is neither hot nor cold in winter here.这里冬天既不热也不冷。neither近义词:either一、含义:adj. 任一的;两方的。pron. 任一。adv. 也(用于否定句中)。conj. 或者(常用于either...or...的结构中)。二、用法:either作代词时,意为“(二者之中)任何一个”,在句中作主语或宾语,表示单数概念; 作主语时谓语动词一般用单数形式,但在否定句中常用复数形式。either可单独用,也可和of连用,of后跟复数名词或复数代词,但意义明确时可省略of短语。either用作副词时须放在否定的动词或形容词之后,表示“也(不)”,加强语气。You may take either of the roads.两条路你随便走哪一条。


既不。。。也不。。。的意思,连接主语有个就近原则。如:Neither Mary nor her parents like watching TV.这里的like 不用三单形式。因为离谓语动词近的是her parents。又如:Neither her parents nor Mary likes watching TV. 这里的谓语动词like用了三单形式。因为Mary 离like更近。希望对你有帮助 ----精锐教育巨峰校区 陶老师

neither nor就近原则

neither nor就近原则:以靠近谓语动词的、作主语的名词作为人称和数的参考标准,即谓语动词单复数要参考nor后的主语人称。例如,Neither he nor they are wholly right。 Neither nor的就近原则 Neither nor就近原则的知识点称为主谓一致 主谓一致分为两大类:就近一致原则和意义一致原则. 就近一致原则指的是,以靠近谓语动词的,作主语的名词作为人称和数的参考标准. 不仅仅是Nether nor遵循就近原则,其他连词比如:not only…but also/ or/ either…or/ not…but都遵循就近原则。 例如: Neither he nor they are wholly right. 他和他们,谁都不是完全对的 Either he or I am right. 什么是就近原则 就近原则也称“邻近原则”“就近一致原则”,即:谓语与靠近的名词、代词(有时不一定是主语)在“人称、数”上一致。与其相对的还有“就远原则”。 一、由下列词语连接的并列主语:there be+句型;or;either …or;nor;neither…nor;whether…or;not…but;not only…but also等。 二、在倒装句中:谓语可与后面第一个主语一致。


Neither nor的用法:1、neither…nor…表示"既不……也不……"。其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。例:She likes neither butter nor cheese.她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪。(此句中neither…nor…连接两个宾语)。2、当neither…nor…连接两个主语时,也应遵循"Neither nor就近原则"。例:Neither dad nor mum is at home today.今天父母都不在家。3、若将neither…nor…句型变为肯定句,只需把neither…nor…改为both…and…即可,同时谓语动词必须用复数形式。例:Both dad and mum are at home today.今天父母都在家。4、还可以单独使用neither作主语,表示"两者中没有一个"。例:Neither of them likes football.他们俩都不喜欢足球。5、neither或nor还有另外一种用法,就是当表达一个人没有做某事,另一个人也没做同一类事时,可用neither或nor进行简略回答,其结构为:Neither / Nor+助动词 / 情态动词 / be动词+主语。例:He doesn"t go to school by bike. Neither / Nor do I.他不是骑自行车上学,我也不是。They didn"t go to the park yesterday. Neither / Nor did we.昨天他们没去公园,我们也没去。


Neither ,nor 用法小结a. 当主语不是同一个人或物时,nor 和neither 可互换, 当主语是同一个人或物时, 只能用nor. 例如:I don"t know,nor do I care.我不知道, 也不关心.b. 当并列分句有两个以上时, 只能用nor.例如:You can"t sing ,nor can I ,nor can she.你不会唱歌, 我不会, 她也不会.neither...nor... 表示" 既不……也不……"。其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。例如:She likes neither butter nor cheese. 她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪。此句中neither...nor... 连接两个宾语。当neither...nor... 连接两个主语时,也应遵循" 就近原则" 。例如:Neither dad nor mum is at home today. 今天父母都不在家。若将neither...nor... 句型变为肯定句,只需把neither...nor... 改为both...and... 即可,同时谓语动词必须用复数形式。例如:Both dad and mum are at home today. 今天父母都在家。还可以单独使用neither 作主语,表示" 两者中没有一个" 。例如:Neither of them likes football. 他们俩都不喜欢足球。neither 或nor 还有另外一种用法,就是当表达一个人没有做某事,另一个人也没做同一类事时,可用neither 或nor 进行简略回答,其结构为:Neither / Nor+助动词 / 情态动词 / be动词+主语。例如:He doesn"t go to school by bike. Neither / Nor do I. 他不是骑自行车上学,我也不是。They didn"t go to the park yesterday. Neither / Nor did we. 昨天他们没去公园,我们也没去。66

neither nor的用法

1、neither…nor…表示"既不……也不……",可连接任意两个并列的成分。2、当neither…nor…连接两个主语时,应遵循"Neither nor就近原则"。3、还可以单独使用neither作主语,表示"两者中没有一个"。neither和nor区别 1、词性不同:neither 可以作为连词、副词、代词,但是nor只能作为连词和副词,不能作为代词。 2、用法不同:neither后可接be动词,且通常可以作为连词使用,而nor不能,通常要搭配neither…nor使用。 Neither nor就近原则 Neither nor的就近原则是主谓一致,主谓一致分为两大类:就近一致原则和意义一致原则。 就近一致原则指的是,以靠近谓语动词的,作主语的名词作为人称和数的参考标准。 不仅仅是Nether nor遵循就近原则,其他连词比如:not only…but also/ or/ either…or/ not…but都遵循就近原则。either与neither可用作形容词、代词、副词和连词等,它们的区别是: 一、用作形容词,起定语作用,常放在单数名词前。either表示“这个或者那个”; neither表示“既非这个、也非那个,两者皆非的”。 二、用作代词。范围多限定于两者之间,常用作主语。作主语时后面跟单数动词。either 表示 “ 二者之一 ” ; neither表示 “ 两者都不 ”,其反义词是 both。 三、用作副词。either只用于否定句中,表示 “ 也(不) ”;neither通常用在句子(或简略答语)的开头,表示 “ 也不 ”,其后要用倒装语序(即:将主语放在助动词、情态动词、连系动词be之后)。 四、用作连词。构成短语 either…or… 与 neither…nor… ,分别表示“要么 …… 要么 …… ,或者 …… 或者 …… ”和“既不 …… 也不 …… ,既非 …… 也非 …… ”。常用来连接两个并列成分,如并列主语、并列谓语等。



如果neither...nor 连接两个句子的时候 哪个句子需要用倒装

neither ..., nor ... (既不……, 也不……)中,如果neither和nor分别位于分句句首,则两个分句都要进行部分倒装;如果neither不位于句首,而nor位于分句句首时,则nor引导的分句进行部分倒装。 如: Neither has he called on her, nor will he do so. Sam neither has long hair, nor does he wear jeans.

either ...or 和neither...nor的用法

在正式文体中:   1.由下列词语连接的并列主语:"there be+句型; or ; either …or;nor; neither…nor;whether…or;not…but; not only…but also" ; 等。   e.g. ①What he does or what he says does not concern me.   他的行为或言谈都与我无关。   ②Neither you nor I am wrong .   你和我都没错。    ③Not you but your father is to blame.   不是你,而是你父亲该受责备。    ④Not only you but(also) he is wrong.   不仅你错了,他也错了。   2. 在倒装句中:谓语可与后面第一个主语一致。e.g.   ①In the distance was heard the clapping of hands and the shouts of the people . 在远处,能听见鼓掌声和人们的呼喊声。   ②There is (are) a pen and some books on the desk .桌上有一支钢笔和几本书。非正式文体中:   有时依“就近一致原则”,但也可依“意义一致原则”或严格地依“语法一致原则”。e.g.   Neither she nor I were there (意义一致) 我和她当时都不在那儿。(非正式)   Neither she nor I was there .(就近一致)(译文同上句)(正式)   但是,如果依“就近一致原则”而与其他两项原则相矛盾时,则常常认为是不太合符规范的。e.g.   No one except his own supporters agree with him .仅他自己的支持者同意他的意见。(依“就近”和“意义”一致的原则;但语法上,“No one ”才是主语,谓语要改成“agrees”。“写作中”一般要依“语法一致”原则。



all,none,either…or,neither…nor,not only…but also 区别

neither nor与either or的区别与用法,not only but also的区别与用法答:either…or…,neither…nor…,notonly…butalso…?either…or…用于肯定句,表示两者之中“…或…”,选其中之一。例如:IwanttovisiteitherParisorLondon.我想去巴黎或伦敦游览一下。EitheryouorIamwrong.不是你错就是我错。Youmaystayeitherinahotelorinaprivatehouse.你可以住在饭店或私人的家里。neither…nor…既不…也不…。例如:Ihaveneithertimenormoney.我既没时间也没钱。NeitherhenorIamwell-educated.他和我都没有受到良好教育。Thecatwasneitherintheroomnorontheroof.猫不在房间里,也不在屋顶上。notonly…butalso…不但…而且…Thenursewasnotonlybeautifulbutalsokind.那个护士不但漂亮而且亲切。HecanspeaknotonlyEnglishbutalsoFrench.他不但会说英语还会说法语。Notonlyyoubutalsoshehastoattendthemeeting.不只是你,她也必须参加会议。使用这三个连词时要注意:(1)词类的一致性。即:either后面与or后面的词类要保持一致。neither后面与nor后面的词类要保持一致。notonly后面与butalso后面的词类要保持一致。(2)就近原则。即:动词用什么形式要看离动词近的主语而定。肯定句中看or,nor,butalso后面的主语。all和nonenone(无人或无物):none的含义和all相反,和noone,notany同义,但其用法相当于名词。指不可数名词时,它后面用动词单数;指可数名词时,它后面可用动词复数,也可用动词单数。如:

neither nor 用法

Neither he nor am going to do it (就近原则)Neither he or my parents are(就近原则)连接两个代词作主语时,一定记住就近原则,亲,希望能帮上你,祝你学习愉快,可以追问!!

either or和neither nor的区别

either or表示“要么……要么”连接两个并列成分,是两者择一;neither nor 表示“两者都不……”,表示否定。

Neither与Neither nor的区别 该怎么用?有例句最好!

Neither 用在否定句句末,表示“也”. 在肯定句中,“也”是too. Neither nor 是“既不……也不……” 在肯定句中 是“both……and……” 意思是“既……也……”

neither nor分别放在句子的那里

为您解答:neither ..., nor ... (既不……, 也不……)中,如果neither和nor分别位于分句句首,则两个分句都要进行部分倒装;如果neither不位于句首,而nor位于分句句首时,则nor引导的分句进行部分倒装。 如: Neither has he called on her, nor will he do so. Sam neither has long hair, nor does he wear jeans.******************************************************************百度帮助团为您解答!祝天天开心,学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮;手机提问者请在客户端上评价点“满意” , 谢谢!*******************************************************************

neither nor的用法

双重否定,翻译成中文为既不…也不…与either or 要区分开,either or 译为:或者…或者…Neithet him nor me like drinking coffee. 我和他都不喜欢喝咖啡。


都为半倒装,助动词或Be动词置于主语前 但Neither不可单独倒装后者可以I can not swim, neither can he.我不会游泳,他也不会。Nor has the crisis been entirely bad news.这场危机也并不是完全的坏事。

我想问一下 1.neither nor的用法就近原则就哪个(neither A nor B)a还是


neither nor的倒装怎么用

这个句型是“既不...也不...”的意思,neither就正常放在句子里面用就好了,但是nor在从句里打头的时候要部分倒装,不作句头就不用倒装。举例说一下,我不喜欢唱歌,也不喜欢游泳。I neither like singing, nor do I like swimming.或者I like niether singing nor swimming.

Neither. nor是不是就近原则?

是。neither nor就近原则:以靠近谓语动词的、作主语的名词作为人称和数的参考标准,即谓语动词单复数要参考nor后的主语人称。例如,Neither he nor they are wholly right。Neither nor的就近原则:Neither nor就近原则的知识点称为主谓一致。主谓一致分为两大类:就近一致原则和意义一致原则。就近一致原则指的是,以靠近谓语动词的,作主语的名词作为人称和数的参考标准。不仅仅是Nether nor遵循就近原则,其他连词比如:not only…but also/ or/ either…or/ not…but都遵循就近原则。例如:Neither he nor they are wholly right.他和他们,谁都不是完全对的。

neither和 nor 怎么用?


neither nor和 neither or的区别?

首先要明确的是,neither 通常是作为代词(pron)和副词(adv)用的,而nor是作为副词(adv) 和连词(conj)来用的。我们这里主要区别neither的副词用法和nor的副词及连词用法。通俗来说,副词主要是用来修饰动词的,这和汉语中的副词的作用基本一致;而连词主要用来联系同类的句子成分,比如列举的名词。 下列几点应该注意:? Neither…nor…这是习惯用法,意为“既不……也不”。其中neither是副词,而nor 则是连词。e.g. He neither knows nor cares what happened.? Neither 用于否定句后表示承接前边的否定。通常涉及到省略,同时注意语序倒装。这里neither 仍然是副词。e.g. I haven"t been to New Work before and neither has my sister.“Did you see that?” “No” “Neither did I”.? Nor 用于否定句中连接相同的句子成分。第一点中的用法就是一个例子。 Nor 用于否定句中,承接前面的语气进行进一步否定。但是注意,这里的否定的事情一般和前边的并不一致,这一点和第二点中neither 的用法是不同的。e.g. He cannot see, nor could he hear until one month ago.She isn"t rich, nor do I imagine that she ever will be.I won"t arrive today. Nor tomorrow.

neither nor什么意思

neither nor意思是两者都不。 neither nor:既不……也不;两者都不;均不。 扩展资料   Unfortunately, on Friday night he showed neither decency nor dignity   不幸的是,周五晚上他表现得既不得体,也不庄重。   They can neither read nor write, nor can they comprehend such concepts.   他们不会读,不会写,也理解不了这样的"概念。   Notices in the waiting room requested that you neither smoke nor spit   候车室的公告牌要求人们不要吸烟和随地吐痰。   I"m sixty-two. I feel sixty-two, neither more nor less.   我现在62岁了,感觉自己也确实到这把年纪了。   He has devised a process for making gold wires which neither corrode nor oxidise   他设计了一种能够避免腐蚀或氧化的金丝制作流程。

neither nor什么意思?

“既不……也不……”的意思,通常用于同时否定两件事物。neither .. nor ..; not .. or既不..也不..-- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 学习He spared neither nor.他既不辞辛劳也不惜费用。-- 英汉 - 翻译样例He can not operate the machine. Neither ( nor ) can I .他不能操作这台机器。我也不能。-- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语They can not speak French. Neither ( nor ) can I .他们不能讲法语。我也讲不了。-- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语Those students can not speak German. Neither ( nor ) can I.那些学生不能讲德语。我也不能讲。-- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语He does not work there. Neither ( nor ) do i .他不在那里工作。我也不在那里工作。-- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语He does not like that doll. Neither ( nor ) do you .他不喜欢那洋娃娃。你也不喜欢。-- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语They do not speak German. Neither ( nor ) does he .他们不讲德语。他也不讲。-- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语He can not swim two years ago. Neither ( nor ) can Mary .他两年前不能游泳。玛丽也不能。-- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语They are not going to learn Russian . Neither ( nor ) are we .他们不打算学俄语。 我们也不打算学。

neither nor用法是什么?

neither nor用法:双重否定,翻译成中文为既不…也不…。它在句子中起连词作用,连接并列的两个成分。如果连接两个主语,谓语应随共邻近的词,“neither……nor”表示“既不……也不”即否定两部分,例如:The ground must be just right neither too wet nor too dry.土壤要正合适:既不太湿也不太干。例句:Neither Anna nor I are interested in high finance.安娜和我对巨额融资都不感兴趣。Whether or not he realised the fact was neither here nor there.他是否认识到事实真相无关紧要。The aloof composer neither worried nor cared about public opinion.这位超然的作曲家对舆论既不担心,也不在意。They can neither read nor write, nor can they comprehend such concepts.他们不会读,不会写,也理解不了这样的概念。

neither nor是什么意思


为什么naked 后缀要读kid 根据规则 不是应该读 neikt 吗


Heartbeat-Suzie McNeil lrc歌词

Anticipation, it"s killin" me And you get here I will never let you leaveThis situation is criticalAnd the symptoms I"ve enfumed from your love are physicalThe push, the pullThe pase, the pulse, the pressureKeepin" the time, I hear my heartbeatJust like a drum under my skinAnd my temperature rise when you touch meIt"s such a rush when you come inCan you feel it pound pound, pound pound?Listen to the sound sound, sound soundCan you feel it pound pound, pound pound?Listen to the..A little gift, a little takeA little rough around my heart that gonna breakI"m on fire, it"s gasolineAnd the closer that you get to me the more you feel the heatThe push, the pullThe pase, the pulse, the pressureKeepin" the time, I hear my heartbeatJust like a drum under my skinAnd my temperature rise when you touch meIt"s such a rush when you come inCan you feel it pound pound, pound pound?Listen to the sound sound, sound soundCan you feel it pound pound, pound pound?Listen to the..This love – so muchIt"s nothing like I"ve ever felt beforeYour touch, I want more and more and more and moreCan you feel it pound pound, pound pound?Listen to the sound..Keepin" the time, I keep my heartbeatJust like a drum under my skinAnd my temperature rise when you touch meIt"s such a rush when you come inKeepin" the time, I hear my heartbeatJust like a drum under my skinAnd my temperature rise when you touch meIt"s such a rush when you come inCan you feel it pound pound, pound pound?Listen to the sound sound, sound soundCan you feel it pound pound, pound pound?Listen to the..Anticipation, it"s killin" meAnd you get here I will never let you leave

关于neil young(尼尔扬)的powder finger翻译

Look out, Mama, there"s a white boat comin" up the river快看,妈妈,河上驶来一个白色的小船 With a big red beacon, and a flag, and a man on the rail 船上能看见红色的指明灯,一个旗子,和一个站在扶栏后面的人I think you"d better call John,我认为你最好通知约翰 "Cause it don"t look like they"re here to deliver the mail 因为他们看起来不像是送信的And it"s less than a mile away(船离我们)已经不到一英里了 I hope they didn"t come to stay 我希望他们不打算在这作停留It"s got numbers on the side and a gun但他们还是在岸边堆积起来,越来越多,都手拿一把枪 And it"s makin" big waves.这使得河水也贱起了巨大的波浪 Daddy"s gone, my brother"s out hunting in the mountains爸爸走了,哥哥在山里打猎Big John"s been drinking since the river took Emmy-Lou 自从河被艾米接管过后约翰也开始酗酒So the Powers That Be left me here to do the thinkin" 所以我被赋予的权利与职责让我陷入思考And I just turned twenty-two 我马上就要满22了I was wonderin" what to do我很想知道我该怎么做 And the closer they got, 他们离得越近The more those feelings grew. 感觉人就越多Daddy"s rifle in my hand felt reassurin"把爸爸的来复枪握在手中使我感到安心 He told me, Red means run, son, numbers add up to nothin" 他告诉我:红色意味着应该逃跑,儿子,(敌人的)数量并不会增加But when the first shot hit the docks I saw it comin" 但当第一枪击打到船坞的时候,我看见他们向我过来Raised my rifle to my eye 把来复枪放在眼前开始瞄准Never stopped to wonder why. 不曾停下去想这是为什么Then I saw black, 然后眼前一黑And my face splashed in the sky.我的脸在天空下飞贱开来 Shelter me from the powder and the finger 让那火药粉末与手指庇护着我Cover me with the thought that pulled the trigger让那扣动扳机的念头覆盖着我 Think of me as one you"d never figured想象一下我的样子,作为一个你永远也无法描叙的人 Would fade away so young我将会在这么年轻的时候死去吗 With so much left undone 我还有那么多的事没有做完Remember me to my love, 希望我爱的人能记得我I know I"ll miss her.我知道我一定会想念她

neighborhood的裤型BASIC.NARROW有什么区别 还有什么裤型

建议穿BASIC 肥一点 不过没EVISU肥 NARROW腿细点穿着好看 M差不多32 L34 最好买LEVEL-4的 升值空间大



Neil French的资料

AdAge.com10月19日报导,广告创意界的大老人物Neil French据说已离开WPP全球创意总监的职务。这位向来不惧发表异端言论的争议性人物,是因为公开发表蔑视女性创意总监的谈话,引起争议而离职。AdAge.com报导,不清楚Neil French是被迫或自愿辞职。而且目前无法联络到French本人或WPP的发言人对此发表谈话。Neil French是不久之前在加拿大一场晚餐会的演说中公开诋毁女性创意总监,说她们比较重视回家带小孩,而不是为客户加班工作。说女性创意总监少能担任最高职务,是因为她们不够资格。此言一出,创意社群议论纷纷。并因此导致Neil French的去职。 Neil French是由2002年开始担任WPP全球创意总监的职务。之前他担任过奥美5年的全球创意总监。不过这位曾经叱吒风云的创意人近年来少有创作。在奥美和WPP全球创意总监任上也主要是从事训练与创意评量。但他近年来与印度创意人往来密切,在印度奥美的创意飞跃的关键时刻曾扮演重要的扶助角色。

“all of”,“both of”和“neither of”的用法有什么区别?

all of 是不少于的意思both of 是两者都neither of 是两者都不


这首歌的歌词:Bodies Without Organs - Sunshine In The RainWritten byeter Gambleony Scottichard Collettan GaultWhen I"m in Berlin you"re off to LondonWhen I"m in New York you"re doing RomeAll those crazy nights we spend togetherAs voices on the phoneWishing we could be more telepathicTired of the nights I sleep aloneWishing we could redirect the trafficAnd find ourselves a homeCan you feel the raindrops in the desertHave you seen the sunrays in the darkDo you feel my love when I"m not presentStanding by your side while miles apartSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainEven if we call the highest powerWe can only do one town a timeWords are not enough action speaks louderSecond time aroundCan you feel the raindrops in the desertHave you seen the sunrays in the darkDo you feel my love when I"m not presentStanding by your side while miles apartSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainWhen I"m in Berlin you"re off to LondonWhen I"m in New York you"re doing RomeAll those crazy nights we spend togetherAs voices on the phoneCan you feel the raindrops in the desertHave you seen the sunrays in the darkDo you feel my love when I"m not presentStanding by your side while miles apartSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainCan you feel the raindrops in the desertHave you seen the sunrays in the darkDo you feel my love when I"m not presentStanding by your side while miles apartSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rain?


- 百度知道11个回答回答时间:2009年11月8日最佳回答:风雨中的阳光 Sunshine in the rain 风雨中的阳光 Love is still the same 爱依然如故 Sunshine in t...百度知道


SUNSHINE IN THE RAINWhen I"m in Berlin you"re off to LondonWhen I"m in New York you"re doing RomeAll those crazy nights we spend togetherAs voices on the phoneWishing we could be more telepathicTired of the nights I sleep aloneWishing we could redirect the trafficAnd we find ourselves a homeCan you feel the raindrops in the desertHave you seen the sunrays in the darkDo you feel my love when I"m not presentStanding by your side while miles apartSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainEven if we call the highest powerWe can only do one town a timeWords are not enough action speaks louderSecond time aroundCan you feel the raindrops in the desertHave you seen the sunrays in the darkDo you feel my love when I"m not presentStanding by your side while miles apartSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainOh oh la la laOh oh la la laWhen I"m in Berlin you"re off to LondonWhen I"m in New York you"re doing RomeAll those crazy nights we spend togetherAs voices on the phoneCan you feel the raindrops in the desertHave you seen the sunrays in the darkDo you feel my love when I"m not presentStanding by your side while miles apartSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainCan you feel the raindrops in the desertHave you seen the sunrays in the darkDo you feel my love when I"m not presentStanding by your side while miles apartSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rain

There is neither another you nor another me. We b

你好!There is neither another you nor another me. We b没有另一个你,也没有另一个我。b我们





我总喜欢说日语“soga ” 我想知道是什么意思,还有“sodisinei"


i am live i am short i am 后面还有 Neil die go 英文歌曲

是这个吗?I Am Shades Of LifeBilly GilmanI am black I am whiteI am all skins in betweenI am young I am oldI am each age that has beenI am scrawny I am well fedI am starving for attentionI am famous I am crypticI am hardly worth the mentionI am short I am heightI am any frame or statureI am smart I am challengedI am striving for a futureThe color of sky is blues and graysThe color of earth is greens and brownsThe color of hope is rainbows and purpleAnd the color of peace is people togetherShades of lifePeople togetherShades of lifeI amI am able I am weakI am some strength I am noneI am being I am thoughtI am all things said and doneI am born I am diedI am dust of humble rootsI am grace I am painI am labor of willed fruitsI am slave I am freeI am bonded to my lifeI am rich I am poorI am wealth amid strifeThe color of sky is blues and graysThe color of earth is greens and brownsThe color of hope is rainbows and purpleAnd the color of peace is people togetherShades of lifePeople togetherShades of lifeI am shadow I am gloryI am hiding from my shameI am hero I am loserI am yearning for a nameI am empty I am proudI am seeking my tomorrowI am growing I am fadingI am hope amid the sorrowI am certain I am doubtfulI am desperate for solutionsI am leader I am studentI am fate and evolutionsI am spirit I am voiceI am memory not recalledI am chance I am causeI am effort blocked and walledI am hymn I am heardI am reasoned without rhymesI am past I am nearingI am present in all timesI am many I am no oneI am seasoned by each beingI am me I am youI am all-souls now decreeingThe color of sky is blues and graysThe color of earth is greens and brownsThe color of hope is rainbows and purpleAnd the color of peace is people togetherShades of lifePeople togetherShades of lifePeople togetherShades of lifePeople togetherShades of lifePeople togetherShades of lifeI amENDEND

Neil Sedaka的《Bad Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:Bad Girl歌手:Neil Sedaka专辑:CollectionsRihanna (feat. Chris Brown) - Bad GirlI guess you know I"m Bad (bad)(I got a problem)Shopaholic is what they call "emmy addiction, my prescriptionGimme shoes and give me bagshow much you want I need "em badAll them girls be checking my bagswhile they be jockin"my swagI guess you know I"m Bad (Bad)What a bad little girl I am (I got a problem) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I am (I need you to solve it) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I amBad bad bad bad badWhat a bad little girl I am (I got a problem) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I am (I need you to solve it) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I amBad bad bad bad badNeed no bargain, need no saleI want the best, I dress me wellLove Cavalli dipped in VersaceChick ain"t cheap and everybody knowsAll them girls be checking my bagswhile they be jockin"my swagI guess you know I"m Bad (Bad)What a bad little girl I am (I got a problem) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I am (I need you to solve it) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I ambad bad bad bad badWhat a bad little girl I am (I got a problem) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I am (I need you to solve it) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I ambad bad bad bad badShe a bad girl, a real shopaholic,She buying everything up man I can"t call it,And she a walking store, I"m talking bout her clothes,I just pause, I"m in awe, cuz she a fashion show,Real Louis bags and breathe gucci,Got a wardrobe like she"s staring in a movie,And she ain"t even famous but she got her own groupies,She got her own groupies,She got her own groupies,What a bad little girl I am (I got a problem) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I am (I need you to solve it) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I ambad bad bad bad badWhat a bad little girl I am (I got a problem) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I am (I need you to solve it) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I ambad bad bad bad bad

either or和neither nor的用法和意思?


either or neither nor 等于什么 急




neither nor和either or的区别

neither nor和either or的区别:一、意思不同1、either…or…意为"或者……或者……;不是……就是……"之意。表示两者之一,连接句子中两个并列的成分。I want to visit either Tianjing or Shangha。我想参观天津或者上海。2、neither…nor…表示"既不……也不……",其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。I like neither English nor Chinese。中文和英文我全不喜欢。二、用法不同1、either…or…构成的词组作为主语时,谓语动词随其邻近的词,即or后面的词而定。either…or…连接两个成分作主语时,谓语动词通常与其靠近的主语保持一致。但在非正式文体中,有时也会一律用复数谓语。either…or…除可连接两个词或短语外,有时也可连接两个句子。If either David or Janet come, they will want a drink。大卫或珍妮特来的话,是会要喝酒的。2、neither nor句型本身是全否定,因此不能再用否定式,即不能再加not。I like either coffee or tea。咖啡和茶,我喜欢一样儿。三、句型不同1、either…or注意:如果把上句变成一般疑问句,助动词形式与主语you保持一致,所以要用are提问,而不是am。若要对either…or…句型进行否定时,只需把either…or…换成neither…nor…即可。我们还可以单独使用either,其意为"两者中的任何一个"。either用在否定句的句末,表示"也"的意思。2、neither…nor…若将neither…nor……句型变为肯定句,只需把neither…nor…改为both…and…即可,同时谓语动词必须用复数形式。还可以单独使用neither作主语,表示"两者中没有一个"。

either or和neither nor有何区别?

either or和neither nor的区别在于:1、either or表示“两者中其中一个(怎样)……”意思是"或者……或者……“表示从两者中选择其一。You can either sings or dances. 你或者唱歌或者跳舞都可以。2、neither nor表示“两者都不(怎样)……”意思是"既不……也不……"表示两者中哪一个都不选。I will choose neither you nor him. 我既不会选你也不会选他。延伸:1、两者的相同点在于either or和neither nor都是在两者中比较。2、either or和neither nor都保持就近一致原则。

neither nor和either or的区别 neither nor和either or的不同

neither nor和either or第一个区别是意思不同。neither nor表示“既不...也不...”,其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成分。either or意为“或者...或者...;不是...就是...”,表示两者之一,连接句子中两个并列的成分。其次是动词谓语就近原则用法不同。neither nor和either or连接两个主语时,其谓语动词应与最近的一个主语,在人称和数上保持一致。neither...nor表示两者都不。例如,Neither you nor I am good students.你和我都不是好学生。either...or表示两者中有一个,要么...要么。例如,Either you or I am good students.要么你是好学生,要么我的好学生。这两个词组的根本区别,其实就是“二者中都不”,和“二者中的任意一者”的区别,不能混淆使用。

either or和neither nor的区别

either or和neither nor的区别either or两者之间其中之一neither nor两者都不举例:Either Lily or Lisa will go with Joe. 莉莉或者丽萨将和乔伊一起去。Neither Lily nor Lisa will go with Joe. 莉莉和丽萨都不会和乔伊一起去。


eitheror和neithernor的区别:一、意思不同1、either…or…意为"或者……或者……;不是……就是……"之意。表示两者之一,连接句子中两个并列的成分。I want to visit either Tianjing or Shanghai.我想参观天津或者上海。2、neither…nor…表示"既不……也不……",其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。I like neither English nor Chinese.中文和英文我全不喜欢。二、用法不同1、either…or…构成的词组作为主语时,谓语动词随其邻近的词,即or后面的词而定。either…or…连接两个成分作主语时,谓语动词通常与其靠近的主语保持一致。但在非正式文体中,有时也会一律用复数谓语。either…or…除可连接两个词或短语外,有时也可连接两个句子。If either David or Janet come, they will want a drink.大卫或珍妮特来的话,是会要喝酒的。2、neither nor句型本身是全否定,因此不能再用否定式,即不能再加not。I like either coffee or tea .咖啡和茶,我喜欢一样儿。wWW.OJy021.cN三、句型不同1、either…or注意:如果把上句变成一般疑问句,助动词形式与主语you保持一致,所以要用are提问,而不是am。若要对either…or…句型进行否定时,只需把either…or…换成neither…nor…即可。我们还可以单独使用either,其意为"两者中的任何一个"。either用在否定句的句末,表示"也"的意思。2、neither…nor…若将neither…nor……句型变为肯定句,只需把neither…nor…改为both…and…即可,同时谓语动词必须用复数形式。还可以单独使用neither作主语,表示"两者中没有一个"。

either or和neither nor的区别



《Parker Pyne Investigates》([英] 阿加莎·克里斯蒂)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 密码:i8qc书名:Parker Pyne Investigates作者:[英] 阿加莎·克里斯蒂出版社:Minotaur Books出版年份:2002-07-14页数:288内容简介:Agatha Christie is more than the most popular mystery writer of all time. In a career that spans over half a century, her name is synonymous with brilliant deception, ingenious puzzles, and the surprise denouement. By virtually inventing the modern mystery novel she has earned her title as the Queen of Crime. Curious? Then you"re invited to read...PARKER PYNE INVESTIGATESThe personal ad posed a simple question: Are you happy? If not, consult Mr. Parker Pyne. The answer is a resounding no for a jealous wife who suspects her husband of infidelity...for a lonely widow driven to assume a new identity...for a distraught mother whose son has been kidnapped...and for the fianc of a strangely reclusive bride-to-be. But what sort of detective would solicit in the personals? The sort who has a knack for investigating affairs of the heart. For therein lie the darkest motives for murder. And they are proving most lucrative for the hopelessly romantic-and highly suspicious Inspector Parker Pyne.AUTHORBIO: AGATHA CHRISTIE is the world"s best known mystery writer. Her books have sold over a billion copies in the English language and another billion in 44 foreign languages. She is the most widely published author of all time in any language, outsold only by the Bible and Shakespeare. Her writing career spanned more than half a century, during which she wrote 80 novels and short story collections, as well as 14 plays, one of which, The Mousetrap, is the longest-running play in history. Two of the characters she created, the brilliant little Belgian Hercule Poirot and the irrepressible and relentless Miss Marple, went on to become world-famous detectives. Both have been widely dramatized in feature films and made-for-TV movies.Agatha Christie also wrote under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott. As well, she wrote four non-fiction books including an autobiography and an entertaining account of the many expeditions she shared with her archaeologist husband, Sir Max Mallowan. Agatha Christie died in 1976.作者简介:无可争议的侦探小说女王,侦探文学史上最伟大的作家之一。阿加莎u2022克里斯蒂原名为阿加莎u2022玛丽u2022克拉丽莎u2022米勒,一八九○年九月十五日生于英国德文郡托基的阿什菲尔德宅邸。她几乎没有接受过正规的教育,但酷爱阅读,尤其痴迷于歇洛克u2022福尔摩斯的故事。第一次世界大战期间,阿加莎u2022克 里斯蒂成了一名志愿者。战争结束后,她创作了自己的第一部侦探小说《斯泰尔斯庄园奇案》。几经周折,作品于一九二○年正式出版,由此开启了克里斯蒂辉煌的创作生涯。一九二六年,《罗杰疑案》由哈珀柯林斯出版公司出版。这部作品一举奠定了阿加莎u2022克里斯蒂在侦探文学领域不可撼动的地位。之后,她又陆续出版了《东方快车谋杀案》、《ABC 谋杀案》、《尼罗河上的惨案》、《无人生还》、《阳光下的罪恶》等脍炙人口的作品。时至今日,这些作品依然是世界侦探文学宝库里最宝贵的财富。根据她的小说改编而成的舞台剧《捕鼠器》,已经成为世界上公演场次最多的剧目;而在影视改编方面,《东方快车谋杀案》为英格丽u2022褒曼斩获奥斯卡大奖,《尼罗河上的惨案》更是成为了几代人心目中的经典。阿加莎u2022克里斯蒂的创作生涯持续了五十余年,总共创作了八十部侦探小说。她的作品畅销全世界一百多个国家和地区,累计销量已经突破二十亿册。她创造的小胡子侦探波洛和老处女侦探马普尔小姐为读者津津乐道。阿加莎u2022克里斯蒂是柯南u2022道尔之后最伟大的侦探小说作家,是侦探文学黄金时代的开创者和集大成者。一九七一年,英国女王授予克里斯蒂爵士称号,以表彰其不朽的贡献。一九七六年一月十二日,阿加莎u2022克里斯蒂逝世于英国牛津郡沃灵福德家中,被安葬于牛津郡的圣玛丽教堂墓园,享年八十五岁。

用neither,nor,nor改写句子:He could not drive it.He could not sell it.He could noteven give it away

He could not drive it nor sell it nor even give it away

neither do i, either do i, so do i的区别

neither do I 我也不例如: I don"t speak French, Neither do I.So do I 我也是例如: I speak French. So do I Either do I 没有见过这个表达很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!^_^

me neither 和me either一样吗

me neither: 用于对对方观点的赞同或者同感。(非正式,正式是neither do I)比如:我从来没去过德国。我也是。I have never been to Germany. Me either: 和 me neither意思一样,但比me neither还不正式。一般通行于美国。比如:I don"t like spicy food. Me either/neither.或者这样情况:These pictures don"t seem very clear. They don"t seem clear to me either/neither.

me neither和me too的区别是什么

me too和me neither都表示“我也是”。前者跟在肯定的意思后。后者跟在否定的意思后。 me too 和me neither的区别 1、me too用在肯定句中表示"我也....." 例句: —I like football. Me too. 2、me neither用在否定句中表示“我也不” 例如: —I don"t like volleyball. —Me neither/Me either. 注:Me neither = Neither do I. 都表示“我也不,我也没有”。 总结 (1) Me too. 用于肯定,表示“也”(=so do I )。 (2) Me neither / either. 用于否定,表示“也不”(= neither / nor do I)。 me too 和me neither的用法 1、Me, too. = so + 助动词 / 情态动词 / 系动词 + I(表示肯定) She likes music. —Me, too. (=So do I.) Tom can swim. —Me, too. (= So can I.) He is a teacher. —Me, too.(=So am I.) 2、Me, neither. = neither / nor +助动词 / 情态动词 / 系动词+I(表示否定) She doesn"t like maths. —Me, neither. (= neither do I.) She doesn"t like math —Me, neither. (=I don"t like maths ,either.)

Love your neighbour, yet pull not down your fence


KOGANEI SSD SMICO 基恩士这个四个品牌的除静电器的比较


《典范英语6》Noisy Neighbours的原文是什么?

原文,请挺我,花了很长时间的!!!5555555555555555555Noisy Neighbours1 Mr Flinch In a grim, grey house in a grim, grey town lived an unhappy man. It was not his grey house that made Mr Flinch unhappy. It was not that he was poor, because he was not. Mr Flinch was a miser. He never gave away a penny. ( He never gave away a smile either. ) He was a mean and miserable man. Mr Flinch was miserable because of his neighbours. On one side of Mr Flinch"s grim, grey house stood a jolly red one. It belonged to Carl Clutch who mended cars. Carl loved cars – and motorbikes and vans and lorries. Every morning, Mr Flinch woke up to hear hammers banging, spanners clanging and engines revving. The whole street shook with the noise. On the other side, in a bright blue house, lived a music teacher called Poppy Plink. Each morning, Poppy sat down and played grand tunes on her grand piano. After breakfast, her students started to arrive. Violins screeched, drums thundered and bassoons bellowed. Mr Flinch shut his window, but the noise still came through the wall. Brum – brum, tootle – toot, bang! His whole house shook and shivered. He put his fingers in his ears. He rapped on the wall … but his neighbours did not hear. They were far too happy. They were mending cars and making music, and they loved their work. Brum – brum, tootle – toot, bang! Mr Flinch rap rapped until he made holes in his wallpaper. It did no good. Mr Flinch locked himself in a cupboard. He wound old towels round his head. He wrote angry letters, but tore them all up. ‘ Stamps cost far too much money!" he said. Even in bed, he wore a hat to keep out the noise. But the cars still revved and the music still jangled. Mr Flinch was the grey filling in a noise sandwich. ‘This can"t go on," Flinch thought to himself. He even shouted it out loud:2 Nasty Tricks Mr Flinch went next door to Carl"s house. Carl was mending cars. It was easy to sneak into his kitchen and put a dead rat in the fridge. ‘That will get rid of him!" said Flinch, and smiled a nasty smile. ‘Nobody wants to live in a house with rats!"At midnight, Mr Flinch climbed on to his roof and – carefully, carefully – crawled across the tiles. He put his head down Poppy"s chimney and gave a long, loud, ‘Hooowooowoooo!"‘That will get ride of her," he said with a grim grin. ‘Nobody wants to live in a house with ghosts!"Then he climbed back into bed.Next morning, Mr Flinch woke to a HUGE noise. Cars and lorries were stopping outside. He looked out of his window.Carl was sitting outside in the rood, with a table, a kettle, a loaf of bread and a bottle of tomato sauce.Carl called to Mr Flinch, ‘Can"t use my kitchen today! Rays, urgh! My mum is cleaning up. She told me to eat my breakfast outside. That"s how I got this great idea! Take – away breakfast! Drivers can stop here and buy breakfast."Just then, Poppy Plink came running out of her blue front door. ‘Oh, Mr Flinch! Oh, Carl! Guess what happened last night!"‘I give up," said Mr Flinch, with a sumg smirk. ‘Do tell."Poppy beamed with joy. ‘Last night, angles sang down my chimney! They did, I promise!" She frowned. ‘But the music wasn"t very good! I think they want some new songs to sing! I"m sure they want me to write them, and I shall! Oh I shall!"She did.Poppy still had to teach music all day.But at night she wrote angle music. She made it nice and loud, with lots of cymbals and trumpets.It was all too much for Mr Flinch. 3 Mr Flinch has a PlanMr Flinch went next door to Carl"s house.He showed Carl a fistful of money. ‘The day you move house, all this is yours!" he said.‘Anything you say, chief," said Carl, wiping his dirty hands on a rag.‘As long as I can mend cars, I"ll be happy anywhere." Carl went on, ‘I"ll move out as soon as I can sell the house!"Next, Mr Flinch went to Poppy"s house and offered her a hatful of money. ‘The day you move house, all this is yours!" he said.‘Of course! If that is what you want, dear heart! Cried Poppy.She had never seen so much money in her life. ‘As long as I have my music, I can be happy anywhere! I will move out just as soon as I can sell my little house!"Mr Flinch went home a happy man – well, as happy as a man like Mr Flinch can ever be.He felt in his empty pockets and gulped. ‘All that money gone! Ah, but soon those noisy neighbours will be gone, too!"In a few days, Mr Flinch"s neighbours had sold up their houses.Now, at last, he would have peace and quiet – nothing but the noise of mice scratching in the empty cellar.4 Moving DayMr Flinch watched as Poppy Plink moved out. Bo-jangle went the piano as she pushed and bumped it down the steps.‘Going already are you, you pest?" he mutted. ‘I pity the person who has to live next door to you!"Seeing him, Poppy waved up at the window.‘Such luck, Mr Flinch!" she called. ‘Fancy! A few days ago, I met someone who wants to move house too! We agreed to swap houses!"Just then, Carl came out of his front door carrying two heavy tool boxes. He saw Poppy struggling with a harp and went to help her. ‘All set, Poppy? he said.‘All set, Carl! Isn"t this fun!" She replied.Then Carl moved into Poppy"s bright house and Poppy moved into Carl"s jolly red one.They helped each other to carry the big things, like tables and sofas.Then Carl had a house-warming party. He and Poppy sang, because they were so happy: ‘There"s no place like home!"Mr Flinch heard it right through the wall of his house … even inside his cupboard, even with a towel round his head.
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